OakCraft - Diamond Kitchen and Bath
OakCraft - Diamond Kitchen and Bath
ni t y vahas it ’s advantages There are a lot of cabinets makers out there. And indeed, we respect each and every one. But there’s a difference between “making” a cabinet, and “creating” a cabinet. exquisite. exceptional. enticing. For almost a half a century, the artisans at OakCraft have been creating inspired works of art that have in turn, inspired the people that have them throughout their homes. Combining superior craftsmanship with cost-saving production processes, OakCraft delivers a full range of quality products that cater to all your needs from cabinets to built-ins, interior wood accessories to match cabinet color and much more. We tailor make product sizes to fit specific requirements, improve aesthetics, and provide an innovative sense of design. Flexible, scalable, and competitively priced, OakCraft has a specialized team of experts and all the innovative solutions that you can utilize to create the very best for your customer. —3— there’s a lot of ways vanity can go to your head. Imagine having an oasis where you can slip away from the day’s stress and simply, relax. Your OakCraft custom cabinets will blend seamlessly into your world. They will add elegance and style. Before you settle, why not look to us to help you create your sanctuary. —4— alex andria alexandria standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —7— aries —8— aries standard dr awer five piece dr awer front brockton brockton standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —11— cape cod cape cod standard dr awer —12— five piece dr awer front delaware delaware standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —15— hampton hampton standard dr awer —16— five piece dr awer front joshua joshua standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —19— lisbon —20— lisbon standard dr awer five piece dr awer front malibu malibu standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —23— nantucket nantucket standard dr awer —24— five piece dr awer front pr airie prairie standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —27— sedgewick sedgewick standard dr awer —28— five piece dr awer front sheridan sheridan standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —31— silverton silverton standard dr awer —32— five piece dr awer front spirit spirit standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —35— wexford wexford standard dr awer —36— five piece dr awer front wilmington wilmington standard dr awer five piece dr awer front —39— craftsmanship beyond extr aordinatory Very soon you’ll find yourself in a happy place. With our wide ranges of products available in 6 wood types, 27 standard color finishes and unlimited custom finish possibilities, and a core of expert craftsmen, OakCraft can give you an amazing amount of creative room to design and add an extra element of customized warmth to any bathroom. So, by all means, find your happy place. http://oakcr a ftinc.com/