February - Meridian Garden Club
February - Meridian Garden Club
The Meridian Gardener Newsletter of the Meridian Garden Club, Inc. Editor: Susan Kropschot Member of Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc., Central Region Garden Clubs and National Garden Clubs, Inc. February 2016 Volume Two Website - meridiangardenclub.weebly.com Facebook - www.facebook.com/meridiangardenclub February 15, 2016 Monthly Meeting “Get All the Dirt on Your Soil” President's Column Agenda 8:30-9:00 9:00 10:15 Refreshments/Social time (BYO cup) Business Meeting Program: Jon Dahl, Manager, MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory From growing up on a farm to his studies at MSU in soil fertility and his long tenure as Manager of the MSU Soil and Plant Nutrient Laboratory, John Dahl has had a deep interest in soils and fertilizers. He's a frequent presenter on the subjects of soil, fertilizer application, and related topics to Master Gardener and Master Composter groups. He's also a member of the DeWitt Garden Club. Hostesses: Flower Power (8:00am): Horticulture Moment: Plant Road Show: Debbie Angell - Tressa McAllister Anne Davich - Brigitta Bruning Debbie Angell Susan Kropschot New Member's Coffee in January Greetings from sunny Florida where I have retreated for a couple of weeks, all the while keeping in close touch by indispensable e-mail. And, there has been so much going on, as usual, as this newsletter demonstrates. You are a very active club, involved in many worthwhile projects, and are to be congratulated for that! I'd like to call your attention to the ongoing exhibit of our pressed flower designs in the Bookend Gallery at the Haslett Public Library. The cards and framed art will be there until the end of February and are for sale, making this exhibit a fund-raiser as well. Bring a friend or neighbor. The hours are: MTWF -12-4pm, TH 12-6pm SA 122pm. If you have ideas for where else we could sell our lovely artwork, please let Tressa or Kris know. Last month I attended the Township Park Commission monthly meeting because "Master Plan Priorities " was on their agenda. Our new Plant it Pink Garden (to raise breast cancer awareness) is part of that plan. During the public comment, I discussed our goals for this garden. It appears that the Master Plan for Central Park will not be initiated in the Historical Village for another couple of years. However, we were told we could start our plans ahead of that, working with the Township on its placement. See you on February 15, when we can 'get down in the dirt' in preparation for spring gardening. Madeline Left to right: Kathy Denisi, Madeline Masterson, Dottie Thomas, Georgia Styka, Rosemary Buscetta, Polly Murray, Veneta Stoyanova, Cindy Chalou and Char Sulin New members and club officers getting better acquainted. The new members had an opportunity to ask questions and officers shared information about the garden club. 1 Information promised about our Annual May Plant sale is attached to this mailing please access all of the attachments. New Member Bloomin' on the Grand (from NGC, Inc. Website) Join us May 2-6, 2016 for National Garden Club's 87th Annual Convention! The theme of our meeting is "Bloomin' on the Grand" and our meeting location is Grand Rapids, Michigan. Links to more information, details and registration forms (online or printed) are found below. National Garden Clubs 2016 Convention Resources - Links and Information Click here Click here to register online Dottie Thomas xxxxx) xxx xxx xxxx xxxxxxx Meridian Garden Club Sponsors Poster Contest Madeline Masterson Click here to download and print registration form A Message From MGC, Inc Co-Chairperson: Carol Brodbeck Registration ends April 1 (and this date is no April Fool's Day joke)! Please recall that this is a royal opportunity to experience our organization (the largest organization of its kind in the world) in action and being surrounded with likeminded gardeners from every state in the Union, Mexico, and Central and South America. Not to be missed...and to experience the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel either...to visit the vendors...the WOW centerpieces and invitational floral designs...to sign up for one of the tours. Thanks to all of you who so generously donated "seed" money to help to defray expenses (and they are many) to launch this incredible international event at the awesome Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in the grand state of Michigan...and of course, the grand city of Grand Rapids; along the Grand River. Is it no wonder why the theme is "Bloomin' on the Grand?". Contact Sue Kropschot documents on line. Back Row - Teacher, Iris F, Smokey Bear, Simar P, Jean Goetz In January, Simar Pawar, Iris Freridge, and Jean Goetz represented our club at Whitehills Elementary School in East Lansing where a class of third graders participated in the Smokey Bear/Woodsy Owl Poster Contest sponsored by NGC, Inc. A winner was selected by a panel of E. L. artist city officials to be forwarded to the state level where a winner will be sent on to NGC, Inc. The children enjoyed refreshments and a Smokey Bear personal appearance. Prize ribbons, certificates of participation, and goodie bags were distributed. Next Fall, the Youth Education Committee hopes to expand this project and welcomes new committee members to help. 2 if you can't access these LOST! Mary Lou Hatfield Large Banner, at least 8' long, with the words PLANT SALE FRIDAY which will hang on the hill at the NW corner of Marsh Road and Central Park Drive. If you have it or know where it is hiding please call xxxxxxxxx or email me at xxxxxxxx Thank you! PLANT IT PINK! Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. Invites You to Register for the Sue Nieland 85th Annual Convention, June 7-8 2016 Bavarian Inn Lodge, 1 Covered Bridge Lane, Frankenmuth, MI As you know, Frankenmuth is the "German floral eye candy" in the State where visitors come from all over the world to see this quaint and beautiful town. Downtown shopping, Bronner's Christmas Store, and the streetscape of flowers mimics the towns in Germany and visitors take away ideas for growing gardens at home. Adding the pretzel and strudel making at the Bavarian Inn was a perfect way for our attendees to enjoy another taste of Germany in Michigan. The members of the Plant It Pink committee are pleased to announce that we will partner with Mid-Michigan Girl Scouts to distribute packets of pink zinnias to the 425 Girl Scouts in East Lansing, Okemos and Haslett as part of the Meridian Garden Club’s Plant It Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness project that kicks off in the spring. Here is the zinnia variety Lilliput Rose that will packaged by us for distribution to an enthusiastic group of Girl Scouts. In addition, the Blue Star Memorial Marker dedication will take place at the Michigan Military & Space Heroes Museum on June 6th at 2:00 p.m.. We continue our MGC dedication to honor those who proudly protect and serve our country. Click here for the registration form and more information about speakers, etc February and March Birthdays Cluberatie equals MGC logo wear Kris BeLonge Kris and Tress modeling the fleece vests Spring IS going to arrive and we will begin our work in the community gardens. A nice hooded sweatshirt, fleece vest or T shirt with the club logo on it would look great. Sue Leahy Simar Kaur Pawar Joyce Wang Peggy Fankhauser Kathleen Murphy-Keedy Merry Warner Dottie Thomas Susan Kropschot Colleen Hyslop DeShaun Snead February March 1 5 8 16 23 23 8 11 26 29 Mighty Medicine Band to Perform DeShaun Snead Currently we have orders for 4 fleece vests pending as we need 6 to place the order. Two more! $36.00 True Red, True Royal, Forest Green, Winter White and Iron Gray Hooded sweatshirts (8 more are need to place that order) $36.00 X Small to X Large, 2X $38.00. Turquoise, Hot Pink, Purple, Tangerine, Lime, Aqua, Chocolate, Pink Raspberry and Heather T shirts come in V neck short sleeve, long sleeve round neck, and short sleeve round neck. Long Sleeve $17.50 and all others $15.00. Many colors available. Questions can be directed to Kris BeLonge xxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxx 3 Thought Meridian GC members might like to know that our member DeShaun Snead's band "Mighty Medicine" is performing as part of the line up for Ten Pound Fiddle's Friday, February 12th 8pm show: "The Roaring 20s" at the Community Music School - 4930 S. Hagadorn Rd, East Lansing. $15. The link for details is below. Click here. Black Swallowtail Butterfly IIB District Flower Arrangers Guild Meeting Wednesday, February 24 2016 If you have not had a chance to attend a guild meeting, please think about participating in this February 24th gathering. The workshop is from 10:00am till 12 noon, at the Dewitt Fire Station, 911 W Main Street, DeWitt. Meridian GC to provide snack/ DeWitt Millennium - coffee. Did you know that 30 of the 50 States have a designated State Butterfly? Alas, Michigan, is not one of them! Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. (MGC) would like Michigan to join those states that celebrate the presence and value of butterflies with an official State Butterfly. To achieve our goal, MGC has initiated legislative action to identify partners willing to sponsor legislation that will establish a State Butterfly for Michigan. We are delighted to announce that Senator Curtis Hertel (an avid gardener) has agreed to introduce legislation that will establish a State Butterfly for Michigan. Our target date for the legislation is late May or early June. Any garden club member can attend and participate. Don't just observe; it's just more fun when everyone creates. This is the only meeting prior to the March 17th 20th flower show. Project topic: Lois will lead overview on Leaf Manipulation – Prior to attending, you may wish to purchase the book from NGC, written by Gail Emmons, “Leaf Manipulation,” There may be a small cost for plant materials. 12:00 noon, Final Staging Meeting for 2016 District IIB Flower Show – Bring lunch to share. RSVP Contact Kathi Dominguez, with questions or to sign up. Her phone number is xxxxxxxxxxxx and e-mail is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Leaf Manipulation After much research, MGC’s Birds, Bees, and Butterfly Committee has recommended the Black Swallowtail (Papilio polyxenes) as the official State Butterfly for Michigan. This selection is supported by Robert Grese, Director of Matthaei Botanical Garden and Nichols Arboretum, University of Michigan; as well as, Brenda Dziedzic, author of Learn About Butterflies in the Garden, and co-founder and past President of Southeast Michigan Butterfly Association. With your help, we hope to add many more letters of support. The Black Swallowtail was chosen for the following reasons: It is found throughout the State of Michigan It is 3-4 inches in diameter, making it fairly easy to be seen Some butterflies reside in very tall trees, but the Black Swallowtail prefers flowering areas and natural areas filled with red clover, common milkweed, butterfly weed etc. This will also make it much easier to be seen and appreciated statewide. Each Black Swallowtail lives 2+ weeks, with 2-3 generations per year. Further, the Black Swallowtail overwinters as a pupa in Michigan. Of the 30 States with an identified State Butterfly, only one, Oklahoma, has selected the Black Swallowtail. Your help is needed to make the Black Swallowtail the official State of Michigan Butterfly. Are you a current or retired teacher willing to partner with a local elementary school on educating students about the Black Swallowtail? The Birds, Bees and Butterfly Committee has developed a lovely handout to be used with schools. If you would like to partner in this initiative, please contact me at: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Susan Leahy, Legislation Chairperson MGC 4 2016 Newsletter Deadlines Month Articles Due Print Date March March 9 March 12 April April 7 April 10 May May 5 May 8 June June 8 June 11 July July 6 July 9 August August 3 August 6 September September 7 September 10 October October 5 October 8 November November 9 November 12 December December 7 December 10 Christian's Greenhouse gift certificates will go on sale at our March Meeting!! IIB Flower Show - Club Competition Committee Meeting is on February 18, 2016 at 1:00. It will be held at Peggy Bryson's home - xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, Michigan. Bring ideas or articles for assembling a scene or vignette like a crystal ball, top hat, magic wand, genie lamp or flying carpet ... using the theme of "Abracadabra".... There will be a short meeting after our February club meeting of the committee members. Calling All Gardeners St. Luke Lutheran Church in Haslett will host a presentation by John A. Biernbaum, an expert in gardening, organic methods, composting and growing for health, on SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2016. The distinguished presenter is a nationally renowned Michigan State University Professor in the Department of Horticulture http://www.hrt.msu.edu/john-biernbaum “Community Gardens for Health: Nature and Planning for Success” Gardening with Will begin at 9:30 AM and conclude at noon. Coffee will be available beginning at 9AM. Information about St. Luke’s Community Garden will also be available. To sign up for this informative seminar, please register with Carolyn Fabro: cfabro@stlukehas.com This event is free to the public and all are welcome. St. Luke is located at 5589 Van Atta Road in Haslett. This is on the corner of Haslett Road and Van Atta Road. Example of a Vignette Be a Part of the District IIB Standard Flower Show Contact Bev Johnson xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or xxxxxxxxx with questions. March 17-20, 2016 Orchid Tales Floral Designs Using Orchids February 27 - February 28, 2016 District IIB Standard Flower Show – held March 17-20, 2016, it is titled “Magic, Mystery and Illusions” and is presented by the District IIB Garden Clubs – in the MSU Pavilion. Horticulture enthusiasts, get your houseplants groomed, bulbs forced, and branches chosen. For those who enjoy floral design, there might be some design or artistic crafts categories yet to be filled. Check with Sue Wittick. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Want to be a host/hostess - call Cristy Bennett - xxxxxxxxxxxxx. Clerks - call Lynda Foster xxxxxxxx Check our Meridian Garden Club website (Click here) to find a copy of the flower show schedule. If you need orchids for your designs or have questions, you may call or email Marilyn Lee at xxxxxxxxx; or xxxxxxxxxxxx - Pre-registering for design classes is encouraged. Garden Vine The Garden Vine is a chance for Meridian GC members and friends to socialize outside our monthly meetings. We meet on the second Wednesday of the month at the Coral Gables Restaurant in East Lansing. For any questions, call Larry Aronson at xxxxxxxx. 5 Swag Design by Martha Shortlidge-White Wildflower Association of Michigan Spring Conference - March 6 - 7 MGC president - Marilyn McIntosh Michigan Garden Clubs, Inc. has been a supporter of the Wildflower Association of Michigan for the past 28 years. Their mission is “encouraging the preservation and restoration of Michigan native plants and native plant communities.” We are recognized by them and receive the member rate when registering for the annual WAM Convention each year in March. Click here for the newsletter and registration form. A Puzzle By Sue Wittick This is one of two quilts currently adorning the back wall of the school house. I was told that they were created by members of the Meridian Garden Club some time ago. Perhaps some of the names listed below as those who created that section will be familiar to some of our longtime members. These quilts show that the work we are doing now may still be appreciated long into the future! will hold its 37th annual conference "Horticultural Therapy: Connecting People & Plants” on Friday, March 11, 2016 from 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. at Michigan State University. The conference will be held at the Plant & Soil Sciences Building in conjunction with Agriculture and Natural Resources Week. The MHTA conference is beneficial to anyone interested in learning how the people-plant interaction brings therapeutic change and improves well-being. This event features informative breakout sessions, book/product sales, hands-on workshops, displays, refreshments, door prizes and optional visit to the MSU Indoor/Outdoor Children’s Garden. Join us to learn aspects of horticultural therapy that can enhance adult day services, seniors, children’s programs, recreational therapy programs, school gardens, community and healing gardens, corrections, hospice, medical care/mental health, rehabilitation programs and more. Dr. Candice Shoemaker will present the keynote address, “New Horizons: Evidence Based Practice and the Future of Horticultural Therapy”. We are honored to welcome this Michigan native and MSU Alumni. Dr. Shoemaker is a professor of Horticulture and Human Health; and Department Head in the Department of Horticulture, Forestry, and Recreation Resources at Kansas State University. She also directs the graduate program in horticultural therapy and is widely published and internationally connected. You will not want to miss the opportunity to hear her share her research information, knowledge of evidence based practice and thoughts on the future of horticultural therapy. Early Registration fee is $60 for MHTA members/$80 for non-members (postmarked by March 4). Regular registration is $70 for MHTA members/$90 for nonmembers and $30 for full time students. Annual MHTA membership is $20. Registration fee includes lunch (vegetarian option available). A block of hotel rooms are reserved for Thursday and Friday night. More information at www.michiganhta.org or contact Cathy Flinton, HTR at 517-332-1616 x16238 or Cathy@michiganhta.org or MC Haering at 248-982-6266. Visit the MHTA Facebook page at Michigan Horticultural Therapy Association (MHTA) 6 Greetings to Garden Club Friends from the not so warm/sunny south - News from the Lydia District IIB Spring Meeting Thursday, April 14, 2016 “Leap into Spring” Jackie Hughes Just to make you all feel a bit better about your horrible weather, I can tell you that no matter how far south we travel in Florida we are still hitting some highly unpleasant weather. Cold, wind and rain near Sarasota, tornado warnings near Cape Coral, high wind and waves near Ft. Myers and now torrential rain and 40 degree mornings in the Everglades. Whine, whine, whine…….ok I’m done now! From Sarasota, we followed the dolphins to Anna Maria Island where we enjoyed some sunshine and a couple of trips to the Anna Maria Island Moose Lodge, located right on the beach, for drinks and dinner. The morning we left, after a stormy night, we got up to see the huge old 1890’s wooden sailboat, tied up right in front of us, with water coming out of the hatches….below deck was totally submerged and fuel was leaking out of its tank. Yikes!!! What a disaster for someone! On the other hand, we are bobbing along like a cork as we continue south. We spend a few days in Ft. Myers, and had the opportunity to visit Sanibel Island the day after a ferocious storm. We visited the Baily and Matthews national shell Museum, where we learned about all sorts of bivalves, mollusks and snails, then headed out to the beach to do some shelling. What we found, to our surprise, was that the beach was littered with Florida Fighting Conch and huge (12-16 inch)horse conch, all of whom were washed up with the very high tide. Rescue of them was impossible as there were thousands on the beach, but the day was cool and cloudy and I’m sure the next high tide saved most of them. Their shells were beautiful, by the way, but you are not allowed, under penalty of law, to collect anything living off the beach. Now we are sitting in Everglade City, waiting, again for the weather to clear and the Gulf to calm down so we can continue to Marathon Key. We had planned to stay at the old Rod and Gun Club location but by chance discovered that there was another option, with many more amenities just down river. Wow, what a place we are in….it’s actually a very swank RV park (class A units only) with a club house, pool and spa, free laundry and ice, activities like wine tasting and meet and greet events, towels and fancy soaps in the beautifully tiled restrooms, onsite bar with happy hour, pool table, big tvs…..in other words, we found paradise!!!! So we are planning to enjoy our stay for a few days and take advantage of all it offers….treats we have not seen anywhere else we have stayed so far on this trip. Next stop for us is anchoring in the Little Shark River, (luckily not the Big Shark River!!!) then on to Marathon Key. The old Rod and Gun Club, on the other hand, is in a time warp to die for. The building was constructed around 1864, and purchased in 1922 by Barron Collier, after whom the county was named, to be used as a private club for his well- heeled friends. By 1972 it had declined to the point it could have been condemned, but the Bowen family purchased it and started restoring it to its former glory. Filled with Victorian antiques, stuffed trophies, crystal chandeliers, Tiffany lamps, old maps and nautical antiques, old rifles, even a 5 ft. tall carving of a captain’s face and wooden Indian head sculptures, the place is now a restaurant with a great room, sitting rooms, and cabins for overnight guests. 5 presidents, John Wayne, Sally Fields, Burt Reynolds, Sean Connery, Burt Ives, Mick Jagger and Ernst Hemingway have all stayed here to name just a few. Accommodations for boaters may not be all that hot, but it’s a place worth a visit, and we plan to take advantage of the restaurant and enjoy its history and the ambience. Till next month Jackie 7 Hosted by Mason Sycamore Creek and Williamston Red Cedar Garden Clubs Eagle Eye Banquet Center 15101 Chandler Road Bath, MI, MI 48808 Please bring your money or checkbook to the February or March meeting The cost to attend will be $30. New Hosta Arbor Plaque Installed in the MSU Horticulture Gardens. Sue Kropschot Reading this in the latest MSU Horticulture Garden Newsletter brings back lovely memories to those members who remember our dear friend, Betty Hagaman who was a tireless worker in our gardens and in others in the community. She often recruited her husband Ron for the heavy lifting. They had a world class hosta collection and would donate fifty to a hundred each year for our plant sale. The article reads as follows: "A plaque has been installed to commemorate Betty and Ronald Hagaman, whose generous gift made our new Hosta Arbor possible. The new Hosta Garden was designed by our Perennial Manager Renata Reibitz and, though fully dormant now, should look fabulous this spring". The plaque reads: Betty and Ronald Hagaman worked many hours in the MSU Horticulture Gardens. Betty contributed several hostas to the Gardens and loved them dearly. Ronald dedicates this Hosta Shade Arbor to Betty. ENJOY. Meridian Garden Club in the News East Lansing Parks and Recreation e-news for February Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest The Meridian Garden Club and East Lansing Environmental Stewardship Program recently co-sponsored and co-hosted the Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest at Whitehills Elementary School. This contest, open to students in first through fourth grade, is sponsored nationally by the USDA Forest Service and National Garden Clubs, Inc. The Meridian Garden Club is a member of the National Garden Clubs, Inc. Students in Ms. Stephanie Krumbach’s third-grade class designed and colored sixteen posters to be entered into the contest. Of these sixteen posters, four winners were selected. The winners were honored at a special classroom ceremony on Jan. 14. The 1st Place winner will have her poster sent to the state level to compete against other third-grade entries in Michigan. From there, posters have the opportunity to be sent on to the national competition. Special thanks to the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) and East Lansing Fire Department for making the Jan. 14 classroom ceremony special. The MDNR provided the Smokey Bear costume and both entities provided giveaways for the students. Pictured Above (from left to right): 1st place winner - Sarah Hampton, 3rd place winner – Ember McPherson, Smokey Bear, Honorable Mention – Austin Scott and 2nd place winner – Tyler Keefe. 8