Selling Australian Truffles - Australian Truffle Growers Association
Selling Australian Truffles - Australian Truffle Growers Association
Selling Australian Truffles Marketing Issue prepared for Australian Truffle Grower’s Association August 2011 AGM zBy: Simon McCall “ Truffes or consequences” - lessons from other industries - don’t shoot the messenger - don’t kid yourselves! Important questions to address z - why are you here? z - what are your truffle growing expectations? z - are they being met? z - where will you (and the truffle industry) be in 5/7 years time? Growing or selling? z Why are you growing truffles? z - retirement/hobby - to use land I own z - cool/trendy thing to do z - I like them! z - enjoy doing it z -OR……to make (serious) money What are you selling? z - Australian truffles z …or Tasmanian, Western Australian, Victorian, NSW or…truffles z - specific species (black,black perigord, French,black diamond,etc.) z - locally branded Product Attributes z - Australian z - Environmentally pure/pristine z - Great taste/flavour z - unique taste/flavour z - fresh/ not imported z - counter seasonal z - contemporary/ novel food ( gift) Routes to market z - Farm gate z - Farmers market z - local delis/specialist food retailer z - restaurants z - local/state co-operative z - national co-operative z - wholesalers/ brokers (food service/ international buyers) The Evolving Roles Of Food 1960s 2000s Tailored Good Fun Fast Fuel Food-a-ceutical Fashion Accessory Social Occasion Family Feed Is The Spatula Mightier Than The Trowel? Favourite TV Shows % Home Improvement Cooking A Perennial Need Interested in finding New ... % 60 Foods to Eat At Home 50 40 30 20 FF Restaurants 10 0 1992 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 Leisure More Home & Food Based Leisure, Perceived More time/Less time than a year ago More % Nett Meals At Home Cooking Watch TV Less Out To Eat Popular Opinions Dominate Sources of information for Food & Nutrition % Main Meal preparers (2011) Rely on Most 43 41 Recipe Books Friends 14 Magazines Internet 13 13 Parents Newspapers 22 9 17 16 16 6 Doctor 3 5 Prof. Organisations Dietician Naturopaths etc 29 27 6 Partner Advertising 32 32 32 9 8 TV/ Radio 14 6 3 11 Ever 60 Making The Time For Food Fun Main Meal Preparers % Clearly Agree 55 50 I Really Enjoy Cooking 45 40 35 30 Not Enough Time to Cook 25 20 15 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 Men Are Slowly Getting More Involved Main Meal Preparers % Male Female Shopping Channels For Fresh Food Where usually buy fresh food % Total Population (2011) Supermarket Specialist store / Market Somewhere else 71 21 5 Bread 53 56 34 38 6 4 9 Meat Fruit & Vegetables Fish 25 42 Quantum Market Research (Aust) Pty Ltd Level 10 Como Tower, 644 Chapel Street, South Yarra Vic 3141 Australia t 61 3 9289 9599 / f 61 3 9289 9595 / e / w Key marketing challenges z - building customer awareness z - customer education z - maximising propensity to trial z - buying/tasting opportunities Promotion: what to say/ how to say it z - need to determine selling proposition: z Australian z pure/ clean environment z product quality (taste/texture etc.) z - channels of communication z - message tone Promoting customer awareness z - specialist magazines (cooking, in-flight, etc.) z - celebrity chefs z - (TV) cooking shows z - internet forum z - local community press z - in-store promotions/ fine food fairs z - restaurant menus (truffle focus) Customer eduation z - what is a truffle? (not a chocolate!) z - how can I use truffles? (recipes) z - are they easy to use? z - what truffle products are there? z - quality of Australian truffles? z - where can I buy truffles? z - how do I know it’s the genuine article? Importance of packaging z z Role of packaging is: - to protect the product z - to catch and hold attention z - to inform about the product z - to generate the desired product/brand image z - examples: Maggie Beer pate,King Island cheese,wine labels The issue of “truffle oil” z -awareness of real vs. artificial z - response to the information z -how to handle this z - who represents authority? Madame Truffles-case study z - Pop-up shop in South Melbourne z - Local press coverage z - Enthusiastic operators z - On-line blog,recipes,product information z - Customer relationships z - “telling a great truffle story” Madame Truffles shop front Success of Madame Truffles - Approx. 15kgs. product sold - truffles from W.A.,Tas,Vic.,W.a. - about 5,000 web hits - 50% first time triallists - men and women ,young and old - great enthusiasm and curiosity from customers - telling a truffle “story” - good media coverage