Walk-A-Way - Forrest Keeling Nursery


Walk-A-Way - Forrest Keeling Nursery
Forrest Keeling Nursery
Top Sellers
Forrest Keeling Nursery
Hard Mast Producing Species
Wetland Sites
Upland Sites
Swamp White Oak, Quercus bicolor
Bur Oak, Quercus macrocarpa
Pin Oak, Quercus palustris
Native Pecan, Carya illinoensis
Nuttall Oak, Quercus texana
Overcup Oak, Quercus lyrata
Swamp Chestnut Oak,
Quercus michauxii
Kimberley Oak, Quercus X schuettei
Willow Oak, Quercus phellos
Red Oak, Quercus rubra
White Oak, Quercus alba
Shumard Oak, Quercus shumardii
Black Oak, Quercus velutina
Cherrybark Oak, Quercus pagodifolia
Shingle Oak, Quercus imbricaria
88 Forrest Keeling Lane
Elsberry, MO 63343
(573) 898-5571 phone
(800) 356-2401 toll free
(573) 898-5803 fax
info@fknursery.com e-mail
More than two decades of field research and countless
years of experience culminated in Forrest Keeling’s
RPM Root Production Method®, a technique so
unique, it’s patented! We use superior seed stock,
air-root pruning, special nutrition and soil, and proper
timing to produce the best plant stock on the market
today. The steps on the following pages will help insure
long-term success for your planting.
Learn more
Take a virtual tour of our
facilities and learn more about
RPM technology with our
15-minute DVD. Our website has
detailed information on our plants,
their application and has up-to-the-minute
availability tracking.
Typical Container
Tree Planting Plan
RPM® tree:
•Container should be
10" in diameter by 7 1/2" deep
•Root mass must hold maximum
of 90% of media and remain
intact when removed from
•Minimum caliper at base—
1/2"; Minimum height— 3'-5'
4'x4' weed mat with
staples at each corner.
Backfill with soil
and fertilize as
Tree wrap
Top of root ball, level with surface
of berm in pit, 10" diameter x 7 1/2"
depth minimum. Remove container
before planting.
RPM® stock for superior
root mass, unsurpassed
survivability and rapid
plant growth.
www.forrestkeeling.com 800•FKN•2401
Forrest Keeling uses provenance
to help insure your success.
We collect and propagate seed
from our nursery’s extensive seed
orchards. All of our propagated
plant material is then tagged with
tracking information that identifies
its seed source. This allows us to
match suitable plant selections to
your project’s geographic area so
that the trees you purchase from
Forrest Keeling will flourish for
you, whether you’re planting
for aesthetics, crop production,
or conservation.
FKN’s patented RPM-production creates world-class plants
for any application. Excellent fibrous roots transplant perfectly
and grow out rapidly…through the life of the plant!
Seed Source for Container Trees,
1. Appropriate
or Provenance (the original geographic source of seed) is of
Spacing Detail for a
Typical Planting
Berm between
trees seeded
to grass
Tree Placement
paramount importance. Provenance dictates characteristics such as
dormancy periods, fruiting, flowering and leafing out, and hardiness.
Seed source for container trees should be within a 150-250 mile
radius of the planting site to insure plant is adapted to site climate and
flooding frequency. For wetland projects, seed source shall be from
the floodplain of the present planting site. Upland seed source is not
Planting—Planting in fall is preferred,
5. Tree
or in early spring.
Pits—Plant pits are only to be placed on
6. Planting
tops of berms and shall be approximately the same size as
the plant container, or slightly larger with vertical sides and
a flat bottom.
Wrap—White, reclaimed rigid PVC with white
7. Tree
master batch, low-density polyethylene, 24-30 inches in
Site Preparation—Trees perform best when
2. Planting
planted in raised planting beds, or berms. Berms shall be constructed
of existing, indigenous soil materials, eight to 10 inches in height
after compaction. Compaction requirements shall be obtained by
two passes with a two-gang roller, which has a minimum combined
weight of 200 pounds per foot of ground contact length. The base of
the berm shall have a minimum width of seven feet with a flat crown
approximately three feet in width. All depressions created during berm
construction shall be refilled to meet the stated berm specification.
Crop—A companion crop is recommended on
3. Companion
berms and between trees to reduce competition from woody and
• Plant trees on flat-crowned berms,
7' width minimum
• Plant companion grass over entire area
(on and between berms)
Forrest Keeling
for a free,
training DVD.
herbaceous vegetation. The companion crop seed mix shall be a
mixture of Red Top (Agrostis alba) – 4 lbs/acre; and Kentucky Bluegrass
(Poa pratensis) – 4 lbs/acre, OR, a solid planting of Red Top (Agrostis
alba) – 6 lbs/acre. Seed shall be planted either,
To ensure good first year growth, a slow-release
4. Fertilizer—
fertilizer with analysis of 27-3-6 and including IBDU (isobutylidene
Tree Plantings X-Section
diurea) should be applied after trees are completely dormant during
late fall or winter. Fertilizer shall be Scotts Field Fertilizer 27-3-6 with
IBDU, or approved equal.
Minimum application rates should be in relation to the circumference
of the subject tree drip zone. Increased rates with slow-release
fertilizer, as approved by fertilizer manufacturer or Forrest Keeling
representative, may improve growth and performance without adverse
effect on trees. Minimum slow-release fertilizer application rates are:
Weed barrier
Companion grass
1st–4th year
length, 6 mm. in thickness, and 2.3-gm./inch weight, is
placed on each tree stem to reduce harm from rabbits,
rodents, deer and light mechanical damage.
Stock—Vigorous plants produced by air root 8. Plant
pruned method with well-branched root system and
minimum size of 1/2 inch in caliper and 3–5' in average
height. Plant containers specify a minimum size of
10 inches in diameter and 7.5 inches in depth containing a
media with a minimum of 30% air space.
Barrier—For certain sites, the best choice is
9. Weed
a photodegradable polypropylene mat, 4' x 4' x 16 mils,
with water permeability of 10 gallons per minute and
weight of three ounces per square yard shall be installed
around each tree and secured with nine, 1-gauge flat top
staples, six inches in length. Mats should be installed in
early spring, no later than May, after danger of ground
frost has passed and potential pin heaving is eliminated.
For other sites, hardwood mulch is an easier, more
economical and better environmental choice.
a. as a fall planting between August 10 and September 20
b. as a dormant winter seeding during January–February, or
c. as a spring planting during April–May
Mowing the cover crop in July following establishment to a
height of 8–10 inches may be required to reduce weed competition.
3 ft. circumference application
45 grams*
*A 50-lb. bag of fertilizer is adequate to meet the above prescription
for 500 trees in the first growing season.
Forrest Keeling’ RPM trees
are the best plant stock on
the market today...perfect
for any application.
Plant RPM® trees in raised berms, then
place 4' x 4' weed mat around base of
tree, and affix a 24" tree guard around
the tree to prevent rodent damage.
Weed Barrier Mat
Typical Installation
4' (typical)
Tree Spacing—To reduce competition between
individual trees, planting intervals shall be 20–30' apart
with adjacent rows staggered. Hard mast producing trees
should be planted 30' apart (approximately 49 trees per
acre) to create a full canopy in approximately 20 years.
For current
pricing on
4' (typical)
Forrest Keeling Nursery Walk-A-Way
Weed Barrier Mat
Tree Wrap
or visit
To download specifications, visit us at www.forrestkeeling.com 800•FKN•2401
Tie Down
Staple (9)
Overlap slit
1/2" to 3/4"