Mar-Apr 2013 - Falcon Creek Middle School


Mar-Apr 2013 - Falcon Creek Middle School
Volume 14, Issue 5
March/April 2013
Snow Delay & Closure Line:
School Status/
Falcon Creek Flyer
Dr. John G. Kennedy, Principal
Ms. Lisa Ruiz, Assistant Principal
Mr. Mike Hanson, Assistant Principal
Falcon Creek Middle School
Dear Parents/Guardians:
TCAP Testing
March 12-19, 2013
Inside this issue:
Library Minute/Spelling Bee/
8th Grade Picture
Nurse News/Coffee with the
Principal/CCSD Board Mtgs.
Counseling Office Update 4-5
TCAP/Summer Math Boot Camp
DeBell Volunteer Award
Reception/Volunteer Breakfast
Student Council/AVID Corner/
Take Your Child to Work
Deans/Registrar Messages
The Performing Arts/Yearbook
3rd Quarter Honor Roll
PIN Network Information/PASS
FMS Accountability Committee
PTO/Math Counts/Summer
Cafetorium News/CCCLN—
Day at the Capitol
2013-2014 School Calendar
Family Wellness Summit
Parent Council/CCSD
Foundation Luncheon
6th Grade Transition Session
Calendar of Events
We have successfully completed our first
semester of school for the current school year.
Our young Falcons (6th graders) are strengthening their wings, while our veteran students (7th
and 8th graders) are learning to SOAR! Our
sixth-grade students have completed Final
Exams for the first time and have experienced
the rigor of academically-challenging course
work. We hope, as parents, you are observing
their growth both socially and academically.
Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to
excellence, and at Falcon Creek Middle School,
that is our commitment.
To the parents and students of the class of
2020, we trust that the Parent Information
Nights were informative and left you with
a sense of pride in,
and in awe of, Falcon
Creek Middle School.
Currently, the staff is
busy registering your
students and building the master schedule for
the 2013-2014 school year.
Since this newsletter is for both the months of
March and April, during this time, we will be
administering mandatory state testing for all
students, the Transitional Colorado Assessment
Program (TCAP) for the current school year.
These state exams are scheduled to be administered at Falcon Creek on March 12 (8th grade
Science only) and 13, 14, 15, 18, and 19, with
make-ups from March 20 through 22. All of us
at Falcon Creek want to thank you in advance,
and want to highly encourage you, to not schedule appointments or take your student out of
school on these days. Your student’s results will
be mailed home in early September, after scores
are returned from the Colorado Department of
Education to the Cherry Creek School District.
The state will provide individual student results
and a report showing what percentage of Falcon
Creek students scored “Advanced, Proficient,
Partially Proficient, or Unsatisfactory,” at each
grade level, in math, reading, science (8th grade
only), and writing.
Parents, I want to encourage you to remind
your student of the importance in obeying ALL
school rules and behavioral expectations. In the
past few weeks, several of our students made
poor choices by bullying, fighting, or threatening
their fellow students. Parents, I need your
assistance in reiterating to your child to report
incidences involving any of the aforementioned
behaviors. During this time of national and local
awareness on school safety, the need for your
partnership has never been higher.
The Falcon Creek staff is committed to
ensuring that your students experience an
academically rigorous and psychologically safe
three years. We will not compromise the strong
reputation that our school has deservedly
earned. Bullying, threats, fighting, intimidation,
and any unsafe acts that threaten the
emotional, psychological, or physical safety of
the school will be taken seriously and acted
upon to the full extent of the law.
If you or your child have any concerns
regarding safety, please access the Cherry Creek
School District CARE line. That number is
720-554-CARE, or visit the website at: Truly, “it takes
a village to raise a child.” Until we talk again, be
John G. Kennedy, Ph.D.
Page 2
Falcon Creek Flyer
Meet your chaperone and group: March 18, 2013 at 3:00 p.m.
Final Meeting before this year’s Washington D.C. trip: April 18, 2013 from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. - Cafetorium:
All 8th grade participants in the Spring 2013,Washington, D.C., trip — and their parents — are required to attend
the FINAL meeting to get ready for our trip. The meeting will be held in the Library, and your attendance is required. Please put this remaining meeting date on your calendar.
Please email Carol Summers if you have questions:
Future 8th grade students and parents,
We are excited to once again offer a trip to Washington D.C. in the Spring of 2014. This wonderful experience will provide an opportunity for
your child to witness firsthand the topics they will be learning in 8th grade Social Studies. The trip will take place March 29—April 3, 2014.
There will be an informational meeting on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Library. The usual registration fee of $99 has been
dropped to $49 if you register this spring. In addition, spring registration allows for a longer payment period, a discount on the total trip
price, and early access to a scholarship program offered by the company with whom we travel, if you qualify.
If you have questions, contact Carol Summers at 720.886.7628 or email
“We have had a good start to 2013. Book circulation is up (students are reading!), and there many
new books hitting the Falcon Creek Library shelves. Eighth graders make good use of the Library
preparing for their mock trials. Science students also
helped with the previewing of a science database, which
– 2:55 pm on Wednesdays
the library has purchased for the remainder of the school
7:45am – 3:45 pm on Mondays,
year. Something new and exciting is also on the horizon Tuesdays, Thursdays & Fridays
downloadable books.!
More information on this is to come. Keep reading and researching.”
Lisa Ehrle, Teacher Librarian
Falcons Soar at District Spelling Bee
The CCSD Spelling Bee was held at
SARC on Friday, February 8th. Five
students from Falcon Creek represented our
school in the bee. Isabelle Aboaf (8th), Ramshankar Balasubramaniyan (7th), Grant Miller (7th), Charlotte Visser (8th),
and In Ji Chung (7th) attended as the alternate. The contestants were provided with a continental breakfast before
the 50-word written test began around 10:00 a.m. We all enjoyed a pizza lunch, while the graders checked their
papers. All five Falcon Creek students did their best, and as a result, all four advanced to the oral bee. In order to
qualify for the oral round, spellers could only miss 10 words or less, and so out of around 250 students who came
that day, 30 advanced to the oral bee.
The oral bee took place in the afternoon. Both Grant Miller, who placed third in the competition, and Ramshankar
Balasubramaniyan qualified for the State District Bee to be held on Saturday, March 16th.
Math, Organiza-
Diane Altman, FMS Writing Teacher
Class picture for our 8th
graders is scheduled for
April 24th at 2:30 - Be Ready!
Your Media Center Staff:
Teacher Librarian—Lisa Ehrle
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 3
When to Stay Home
As winter continues, we know there will be more and more incidents of viral and bacterial illnesses within our community and
school population. There are some practical ways to help limit the spread of those germs. First, teach your children the value
of washing hands frequently and thoroughly. Next, teach the “elbow cough” (cough into the inside of your elbow instead of
your hands). We touch a lot of things with our hands, which spreads germs, but we don’t touch many things with our elbows!
Also, teach children not to share water bottles or eating utensils.
Should your child become ill, please follow these simple guidelines:
Keep your child home until vomiting, diarrhea, and fever have resolved. If a child has a temperature greater than100.0,
and has symptoms of illness, then they should stay home until the fever has been gone for 24 hours—without the use of
Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
If placed on a antibiotic, keep your child home until the antibiotic has been given for 24 hours, and the child has improved.
If your child needs to take a prescription medication during school, please ask your school nurse for the necessary form to
be signed both by you and the prescribing healthcare provider. All medicine must come to school in the correct, original
container. Pharmacies will gladly make two bottles for one prescription (one for home and one for school).
If your child seems too sick to concentrate or learn (very tired, coughing constantly, etc.) then it may be best to keep him/
her home.
This information is intended to be used as a guide. Please feel free to call the school nurse, Glenda Kauffman, (720-886-7766)
with any questions regarding your child’s health. In addition, the clinic is requesting clothing donations to use for students
who are in need of a change of clothes at school. We thank you for your help.
Parents and community members are invited for
“Coffee with the Principal” one Thursday of the month
(except December) in the Library Conference Room.
During our time together, we will discuss Falcon Creek,
and you will have an opportunity to ask questions and
provide input.
March: None (TCAP Testing)
April 19, 2013: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
May 17, 2013: 9:30 - 10:30 a.m.
All meetings begin at 7:00 p.m. and conclude at 9:00 p.m.
Monday, March 11: Cherry Hills Village Elementary School
Monday, April 15: Polton Elementary School
Monday, May 13: Meadow Point Elementary
Monday, June 17: Fox Ridge Middle School
Page 4
Falcon Creek Flyer
The Transitional Colorado Assessment Program (TCAP) will be given at each grade level. Testing Schedule:
6th Grade
Reading, Writing , & Math
March 13-19
7th Grade
Reading, Writing , & Math
March 13-19
8th Grade
Science, Reading, Writing , & Math
March 12-19
It is very important that each student attends school during this time. Students perform better on tests when they are in the scheduled test
setting, rather than in a make-up session. Teachers may assign light homework (10 minutes) on the nights of testing. If you have any
questions concerning this state-mandated testing program, please call Mike Hanson, Assistant Principal, at 720-886-7710.
Information about the TCAP assessment:
Each year, we learn more about the TCAP exams. As we become accustomed to what the testing process entails, we approach the test dates with
more confidence and effective preparation.
The educators at Falcon Creek want to share how we help prepare students for the Colorado State exams:
 We identify appropriate goals for students based upon the student’s prior test scores.
 We discuss the importance of good test-taking skills. TCAP preparation and testing are excellent ways for
students to develop skills related to taking college entrance tests such as the new SAT and the ACT.
 We continue to remind students that the areas being tested reflect the concepts and skills that are taught.
As parents, you can also help prepare students for the TCAP exams:
 Encourage them to get enough sleep, to eat healthy, fiber-rich breakfast each morning, and to drink plenty of water.
 PTO will no longer provide snacks. Please send a healthy snack with your child each day of TCAP testing.
 8th grade parents: Please note that your 8th grade student will have a late lunch during testing dates, March 12-19.
We encourage you to send an extra, healthy snack with your student on these days.
Students may not bring electronic devices into the test room (cell phones, I-pads, kindles, any other type of technology, etc.)
Registration Deadline:
May 24, 2013
Falcon Creek F
June 17—July 25 (Monday-Thursday)
8:30—11:00 AM
(no classes the week of July 1-5)
Designed for current FMS students and in-coming FMS 6th graders
Detailed information will be forthcoming.
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 5
Corbin Woodward: 720-886-7722; 8th Grade and AIM students
Stephany Garbett: 720-886-7723, 6th and 7th Grades
As we make our way to the end of the third quarter and count the final
months of this school year, there are a few areas that we need to continue to address. Even though the initial transition to middle school is difficult for some incoming sixth graders, transition is truly an ongoing process throughout the entire middle school experience. There are issues
that consistently surface, challenging middle school students.
Many teens experience a time when keeping up with schoolwork is
challenging for them. Some adolescents are able to get through this
time with minimal assistance from their parents or teachers. However,
when the difficulties last longer than a single grading period or are linked
to a long-term pattern of poor school performance, parents and teachers
probably need to intervene. To do so effectively, parents and teachers
should be aware of the common indicators of an adolescent at risk for
school failure. These include attention problems as a young child, poor
grades, absenteeism, lack of connection with the school, behavior
problems, lack of confidence, and limited goals for the future.
Parenting style may also have an impact. When an authoritative style is
used, where parents offer warmth and support in addition to limitsetting and supervision, the adolescent may be more likely to experience
Exceptional Volunteer of the Year...
academic success. When an adolescent is having difficulty, parents and
teachers can assist by listening and trying to understand the teen’s
fears or concerns, by setting appropriate boundaries that are consistently enforced for behaviors, by encouraging the teen to participate in
school activities, by attending school functions, and by meeting with
teachers, counselors, deans and/or administrators.
The goals at meetings should be to identify how everyone can support
the teen’s learning environment and to share expectations for the child’s
future. Parents and teachers can also help by arranging tutoring or
study-group support for the teen and by providing a supportive home
and school environment. Other factors that may be of assistance
include helping the child think about career options, encouraging the
teen to volunteer in the community, providing out-of-school support
systems, and emphasizing the importance of study skills, hard work,
and follow-through. Research supports that the level of academic
success attained by eighth grade is one of the largest indicators of
college and career readiness.
Page 6
Falcon Creek Flyer
Student Council News Flash:
We were very successful with the Pennies for Patients drive. The winning SOARR class
was Amanda Wahlborg’s class, collecting $103.91, and Diane Altman’s class collected
$92.67 for a second place win! We are proud to send nearly $400 to the Leukemia &
Lymphoma Society. Thank you to all of you who participated.
Upcoming events:
- Student Talent Show: Wednesday, April 17 at 6:30 p.m.
- 8th Grade Dance (semi-formal): Friday, May 31 at 6:30 p.m.
Student Council is open to all students. Come join the fun! Meetings are held every
Tuesday after school in room E101.
AVID in Action… AVID recruitment and interview process for next year began in January and continues through
March. Letters will go out in late April or early May. The goal is to reach interested students who meet AVID
criteria. Students meeting the criteria were invited to an informal meeting during lunch to learn more about the
program. Parents were also invited to an AVID coffee where they learned about the program and how it could
benefit their student. Further, the AVID coordinator and counselors visited Trails West, Rolling Hills, and
Meadow Point to interview prospective students. While the Falcon Creek site team members conducted
interviews in February, of current 6th and 7th grade students, the Grandview AVID committee held interviews for
incoming freshman in January.
Recent happenings:
January 10: 8th graders toured Grandview High School and participated in a questions and answer session with Grandview AVID
February 12: 6th grader visited Arapahoe Community
Upcoming Events:
March 27: 7th graders will experience International Towne
May (TBD) - High School/College/Career Fair: high schools
from across the country, national colleges, both
national and international universities, and careers
will go on display when AVID students research and
assemble various media to represent the topic of their
grade level curriculum. AVID students will answer
questions about their area when the student body
visits their displays throughout the day.
AVID 6th grade students enjoy lunch at Arapahoe Community College
If you plan to participate in “Take your child to work” day, mark your calendar for Thursday, April 25th.
Please call the Attendance Office at: 720-886-7717, in advance, if you know you will be taking your child
to work on April 25th. Thank you for notifying us in advance advance.
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 7
As warmer weather approaches, we remind students that Falcon
Creek endorses a Dress Code, which supports a positively-focused
learning environment for all students. Students will be asked to modify or change their apparel if their appearance causes a disruption to
the learning environment. This includes clothing, head wear, chains,
hair styles, and hair colors. Hats may not be fastened to student’s
pants during the school day. They must be kept in lockers until the
end of the day. Earphones/ear buds are not to be worn during the
school day. They too are to be placed in a safe location until the end
of the school day. If you have questions, please refer to the Student
Agenda or contact the Deans Office at 720-886-7740.
Please remember that all students must have an I.D. card to ride a
District school bus. Students who fail to show an I.D. card for a total of
three times, will receive a referral and may not be permitted to ride
the bus until he/she obtains a school I.D.
For specific bus routing information, please go to:
www/ Click on the State of Colorado, Cherry Creek
Schools #5, then enter your address and zip code. The program will
list, down the left-hand column of the page, all bus routes associated
with the address provided, or “walk” if the address falls within the
walk zone.
Please see or call Tami Gastineau, Falcon Creek’s Registrar, at 720-886-7813, if any of the following apply:
On-line Application Availability:
If you are moving within the Falcon Creek attendance area.
Intra-District Transfer: March 5th
If you are moving within the Cherry Creek School District attendance area.
Non-Resident Application: April 1st
If you are withdrawing from Falcon Creek within the school year.
If you have changed any of your contact phone numbers. You may also go to your parent check-in
account to change a phone number.
Paper copies no longer available.
Visit District Website:
Report cards will be mailed home at the end of the 2nd semester, June, 2013.
If mail is returned, you will receive either a letter or a phone call asking you to correct your address. If this is not done in a timely manner, your child may be held out of school until a
verified change of address is completed.
March 28:
April 11:
May 8:
May 15:
May 22:
FMS Concerts and Performances
Falconaires Cabaret Concert @ FMS, 7:00 p.m.
Joint Jazz Concert @ GHS, 7:00 p.m.
Band I Concert @ FMS, 7:00 p.m.
Spring Concert for all choirs @ FMS, 7:00 p.m.
Orchestra Concert @ FMS, 7:00 p.m.
Falcon Creek Middle School Presents:
Jitterbug Juliet
Friday, April 12th @ 3:00 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
Saturday, April 13th @ 2:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.
book by Mark Dissette
Music/lyrics by Bill Francoeur
 The last day to pre-order Yearbooks is May 1st. Yearbooks can still be purchased for $35.00.
Some copies will be available for purchase at distribution in June, but there is a limited supply
and not guaranteed. Please see the bookkeeper to purchase one. Don’t miss out!
 Contact the yearbook adviser if you have any editorial questions or need additional information about ad content:
Mrs. Lisa Ehrle at
 Contact the Yearbook Order Center if you have further questions or need additional assistance with Online Ad Creation:
Falcon Creek Flyer
Page 8
6th Grade
Honorable Mention
Mckenna Wagner
Nolan Westerfield
Lucinda Austine
Camilah Bailey
Drake Booth
Ethan Boudreaux
Robert Caviness
Jared Chartrand
Aliyah Cook
Kimberlee Courtney
Coleton Curtin
Addisen Dewett
Luke Dosen
Nicholas Eisenbarth
Faith Fritschler
Madison Fyler
Adam Giniewski
Trevor Greenlee
Muhannad Ibrahim
Evan Jamison
Nydia Johnson
Layney Lamb
Brodie Lavene
Phoebe Lester
Kaleb Lone
Luis Luna
Spencer Marshall
Maya Matheny
August Michels
Kailani Moore
Aaron Morris
Claire Nguyen
Maha Noorzai
Loren Palmer
Olivia Perez
Mikhala Perry
Mckenna Peterson
Raevyn Pitts
Jyoshni Prakash
Ahmad Rashid
Quentin Reese
Marissa Sanchez
Isis Scott
Lauren Snyder
Alexander Splatt
Gernene Tan
Danielle Tauriello
Brice Tekansik
Samuel Tufts
Ammar Vaseemuddin
Cameron Vermeer
6th Grade Honor Roll
Ali Abrowshan
Savanah Absetz
Roman Anderson
Rachael Bacheller
Joshua Baumgartner
Brandon Bender
Nicole Blais
Katelyn Bradford
Aaron Call
Cole Campbell
Tatum Campbell
Haley Caster
Alexander Chae
Chelsea Chairez
Jonah Crandall
Jaden Daher
Julian Dawkins
Madaline Dreiling
Averi Eisaman
Ann Ejuwa
Juniel Figures
Kenneth Foster
Stephanie Garcia Gonzalez
Madeline Gillet
Rithika Ginjupalli
Jenna Goldsmith
Chase Gordanier
Conor Gunning
Ransom Hall
Matthew Hamilton
Alicia Hay
Sarah Hessing
Lauren Holleran
Preston Holzhauer
Mackenzie Inzana
Kade Johnson
Mackenzie Johnson
Kacy Johnston
Carson Kellar
Juliette King
Shane Kolbu
Thanh Le
Molly Levine
Sabrina Lin
Madison Livingston
Dominic Lonardo
Kelly Malm
Thomas Mannix
Jeffrey Matney
Alyssa Mckenna
Katie Mlcoch
Nicholas Moss
Destiny Nelson
David Nguyen
Phuong-Anh Nguyen
Kylie Osgood
Tristan Pachorek
Alexander Pham
Christopher Pham
Margarita Piskunova
Julia Ramos
Dylan Ranieri
Hannah Reintjes
Olivia Richard
Nolan Richards
Daniel Rivkin
Max Rizzi
Mckenzie Roberts
Jonah Rockwell
James Ryan
Hee Rin Seo
Samuel Shimmick
Hana Shin
Samuel Shulsinger
Amandamarie Smith
Tessa Spencer
Trenton Sweet
Sydney Szarka
Noor Tahir
Sean Trotter
Logan Umling
Karen Vazquez
Amanda Wayne
Olivia Wayne
Kinsley Welsh
Anna Wikowsky
Timothy Wilson
Cobi Wood
6th Grade
Principal’s Honor Roll
Ryan Adams
Jarod Beights
Trinity Brigham
Catherine Callahan
Samuel Camper
Sarah Camper
Amy Chitkoksoong
Danika Chytilova
Jenna Cochran
Jadyn Coleman
Anisha Das
Ashley Do
Armin Fallahi
Camila Garcia Ferreyra
Sienna Gonzalez
Ga-Ae Heo
Sydney Holtman
Austin Johnson
Jenna Jordan
Asal Karami
Jerrico Keppner
Abigail Klopfer
Peyton Le
Katelyn Lyn-Kew
Bailey Miller
Raaisa Moktader
Amber Mouton
Jordan Noone
Sophie Norton
Kurt Parker
Mira Peacock
Jessica Perez
Kayleah Petree
Elena Reiffin
Nicole Reiser
Jack Rogers
Eric Salwa
Molly Shimmick
Taylor Simon
Hannah Sisneros
Connor Skov
Emma Timm
Davon Walker
Jevon Wallin
Vince Watkins
Joseph Werking
Cassie Wong
7th Grade
Honorable Mention
Lucas Ansel
Tess Bargas
Katelyn Bieker
Joshua Caleb
Graycee Carlton
Sarah Costello Murray
Mikaela Dailey
Madison Depakakibo
Samantha Dilenschneider
Hanna Dotson
Caroline Edge
Brian Gorishek
Alexander Hammock
Carter Harrington
Ariel Kennedy
Jackson Kibbee
Reece Kim
Luka Labudovic
Kathryn Laforte
Noah Lewis
Soultana Liberatore
Jackson Liming
Alexisa Markwirth
Olivia Neddermeyer
Ivy Nickles
Kitana Piansiaksone
Ashley Raymond
Dillon Saari
William Schneider
Sahil Shah
Emily Shonka
Caitlin Smith
Tanner Smith
Kathleen Stewart
Sumanth Talanki
Leland Taylor
Sydney Taylor
Luke Terwilliger Lafla
Justin Thomas
Darius Tucker
Saugat Upadhaya
Kristofer Vitry
Alexander Watters
Michele Webster
William Wikowsky
Chaitanya Yammanur
Sarah Yohannes
7th Grade
Honor Roll
Adam Axinn
Hannah Brooks
In Ji Chung
Preston Ederhoff
Cristian Gomez
Alexander Herbert
Dan Thanh Nguyen
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 9
7th Grade
Principal’s Honor Roll
Alan Abila
Taylor Allison
Ramshankar Balasubramaniyan
Charisma Bartlett
Natalie Beckman
Ethan Bullard
Emily Crist
Bethel Gashaw
Angel Grant
Ryan Hostetter
Reid Houck
Alicia Jones
Ava Jones
Jordan Knapke
Kaileen Lempp
Dominic Mata
Megan Matthews
Grant Miller
Reychel Morris
Namita Pasupuleti
Morgan Quimby
Beau Ranieri
Caroline Robbins
Morgan Rutkowski
John Salame
Jordan Smaha
Hunter Specht
Morgan Szarka
Angelica Vance
Jaelyn Visintin
Niah Wilson
Alene Winslow
8th Grade
Honorable Mention
Amanda Anderson
Sohan Aryal
Mulu Baye
Christine Brackett
Kennedy Brown
Stacy Burger
Richard Charles JR
Christina Eidt
Jack Eldred
Jack Hellier
Kaylee Hudson
Leyla Islamova
Jennica Johnson
Enrique Jordan
Hyrum Keppner
Carly Kissel
Shelby Lee
Michael Maddock JR
Carson Mandrell
Guy Marshall
Sydney Mc Clellon
Max Mccoy
Julie Monington
Angelica Nadykto
Wegahta Okbamicael
Leah Phillips
Byron Pritchard
Kara Renick
Savannah Reyes
Brooke Robertson
Kaleigh Southern
Ryan Stabler
Sonya Tran
Alexandra Velazquez
Anastasiya Velychko
De Janae Wade
Linda Yang
8th Grade Honor Roll
Justin Adams
Hunter Allen
Eloisa Altamira
Ethan Andrew
Noah Brown
Ashton Caringer
Rebecca Carroll
Litos Castro
Erin Cieraszynski
Alexander Do
Daniel Do
Rachel Edwards
Breanne Estrada
Kayla Grant
Raegan Haefele
Breeahna Hayes
Dereck Helms
Joan Herting
Lenzi Hudson
Abigail Inzana
Crystal Jackson
Braedon James
Bridget Jensen
Julia Johnson
Sylvia Johnson
Tristan Kim
Hannah Klopfer
Girija Kulkarni
Jacob Lambdin
Jacqueline Leindecker
Josephine Lubbers
Alicia Mach
Patrick Malm
Kelsey Masters
Jason Matney
Garrett Maus
Trevor Maus
Noah Mckenna
Ali Mian
Evan Miller
Micah Mindoro
Savannah Morris
Robert Moss
Gabrielle Nguyen
Nikki Nguyen
Thuy Nguyen
Tu Khuyen Nguyen
Tyler Nguyen
Lindsey Nieves Rivera
Kiara Ocampo
Adam Pack
Gregery Paproski
Jamie Payne
Elyssa Perez
Skyler Pradhan
Emma Rarden
Calvin Reid
William Ritter
April Roe
Ethan Spears
Andrew Starr
Alaura Stepina
Shachar Stern
Jin Ah Sung
Yuske Tamura
Daniel Tingley
Tyler Tokumoto
Alexa Werking
Susan Wilson
Shannelle Yick
Layba Zahid
8th Grade
Principal’s Honor Roll
Madeline Amonick
Justin Figueredo
Tyson Hays
Ryan Herringshaw
Austin Kim
Immanuel Kyun
Alexandra Lee
Colette Martinez
Jay Matheson
Samuel Mauck
Setayesh Omidian
Ryan Pratt
Kailey Rabel
Brandon Stein
Charlotte Visser
Miracle Williams
Kennede Brown
Sarah Woronoff
Kayleigh Cornell
Alexander Deyanov
Bryanna Oakley
Courtney Schmidt
Sara Spacek
Sophia Ulmer
Sarah Kim
Isabelle Aboaf
Samantha Stewart
Orlie Suverza Baek
Tamatane Tuitele
Kinanah Alquatli
Amos Ejuwa
Malia Kim
Anders Lamphere
Kierston Margetts Regan
Zain Mian
Hayden Nickles
Maria Salome Pareja
Christina Pham
Payton Wolf
Victoria Beaver
Peyton Carlin
Cole Crader
Nicolette Everett
Tess Inhelder
Carol Johnson
Nicholas Johnstone
Laura Kennedy
Ye Chan Kim
Matthew Laforte
Skylar Le
Miranda Markham
Caitlin O'Donnell
Aaron Redman
Carly Schwulst
Kyle Schwulst
Kyle Towstik
Katherine Wright
Page 10
Falcon Creek Flyer
Chair-Vickie Sulmeisters 303-913-1512
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The Cherry Creek School District Parent Information Network (PIN) has helped to connect, inform and empower parents for over twenty years!
Through monthly programs, PIN provides captivating and informative speakers discussing parenting issues that are relevant now.
All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Attendees include PIN Reps*, parents, school administrators, and members of the Cherry Creek
School District community.
*PIN Reps are the key to the success of PIN, representing every school in the Cherry Creek School District and acting as the liaison between
PIN and their school.
First Tuesday of each month 9:15 am—11:15 am (arrive at 9:00am for coffee)
Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC) 14188 Briarwood Avenue, Centennial, CO
(South of Arapahoe Road, between Potomac and Jordan Roads)
March 5:
April 9:
May 7:
When Loving Your Child isn’t Enough to Save Him - Les Franklin, Founder, Shaka Foundation
Eyes Wide Open: A Brave New Look at Bullying - Dr. Marla Bonds
Annual PIN Brunch: Loving, Limiting & Leading Your Child with Laughter & Joy - Mary Ronan, National Speaker
Held at CC Presbyterian Community Life Center
“Partnership for Academically Successful Students”
FCMS PASS Community Meetings @ Falcon
Creek Middle School
Regular meeting times are 6:30—8:00 p.m.
Tuesday, March 19
Tuesday, April 16
Tuesday, May 14—Diversity Symposium
As a district Accountability Committee (DAC), parents, community, and staff come together to ensure the District’s long tradition
of academic success and fiscal responsibility. Come help us
investigate the “What, Why, and How Much” at the remaining
meeting dates of this school year:
March 13, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
April 10, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
May 8, 2013 - 7:00 p.m.
Located at ISF: 5416 S. Riviera Way
Centennial, CO 80015
720-554-5002/www.cherrycreekschools.or/Assessment Evaluation/Pages/DAC.aspx
The Falcon Creek Accountability Committee meets on a
Thursday evening of every month, in the Library, from 6:00 to
7:30 p.m., during the school year. The Committee is
comprised of parents, administrators, teachers, and
community members who are interested in the continued
success of students at Falcon Creek.
Come join us to hear and have input into what is happening at
Falcon Creek. We look forward to having you join us.
Meeting Dates:
March 21, 2013
April 18, 2013
May 16, 2013
New Meeting Time:
6:00-7:30 p.m.
Volume 11, Issue 5
Page 11
Thank you to all of the volunteers who have contributed to our success thus far. However, we are always looking for more help! We
need nominations for next year’s executive board. If you want to help make a difference at our school, please contact one of the PTO
Board members listed below! For detailed information, visit the PTO website at:
Co-Vice President
Co-Vice President
Co-Second Vice President
Co-Second Vice President
Co-Vice Secretary
Co-Vice Secretary
Aurora Stein
Tim Weber
De De Fox Birdwell
Casey Levine
Dr. John G. Kennedy
Ms. Lisa Ruiz
Barb Schwulst
Maria Matney
April 11, 6:30-8:00 p.m.
May 9, 9:30-11:00 a.m.
All meetings are held in the
Library Conference Room
The PTO would like to give a huge thanks to all those who participate and donate food for the evening Parent/Teacher Conferences.
With your help, we can do so much more for our students and staff at FMS.
This is a call for PTO Board Member nominations for Falcon Creek. Additionally, we have a number of committee chairs open. Your
children and your school need parent participation to make many things happen. The PTO raises money in support of Falcon
Creek as well as a number of educational initiatives. The purpose is to bring our community together around the needs of our
school and our children. If you would like to be a board member or head up one of the committees, please sign up.
Falcon Creek raises much-needed funds with the program sponsored by General Mills. The PTO and Student Council would like to thank all the students who joined
in for this year’s SOAR class contests. With your support, we were able to distribute over $2,500 to the classrooms and to Student Council.
Congratulations to the following winners from this year’s contests:
8th grade:
7th grade:
6th grade:
1st place: Ms. Taylor
2nd place: Ms. Davidson
3rd place: Ms. Dayton
1st place: Ms. Myer
2nd place: Ms. Woods
3rd place: Ms. Lee
1st place: Ms. Schmidt
2nd place: Ms. Black
3rd place: Ms. Arbuthnot
Watch for more details regarding the Box Tops contests in future issues of the Falcon Creek Flyer newsletters. We will continue to collect Box Tops throughout the
year. The collection mailbox is located by the front office. If you have any questions regarding the Box Tops program at Falcon Creek, please contact Aurora Stein
at 303-627-4872 or email her at Thank you for making a positive difference for our school.
Congratulations FMS Students!
On Saturday, February 9th, eight Falcon Creek students competed at
the regional MATHCOUNTS Metro Denver Chapter Competition.
Sophia Ulmer, Andy Starr, and Raaisa Moktader were high scorers for
Falcon Creek. Jarod Beights, Katelyn Lyn-Kew, Grant Miller, Jonah
Rockwell, and Sumanth Talanki also represented Falcon Creek Middle
School. Congratulations to all of our mathletes!
*CCSD Summer Sports Camps brochure will be available mid-April
*CCSD Drivers’ Education classes are offered during the school
year and the summer. School year schedule:
(summer schedule will be available mid-April)
Page 12
Falcon Creek Flyer
Celebrate National School Breakfast Week March 4-8, 2013!
Why breakfast? The question truly is why not? Breakfast is available at each of our schools each day. Students who quality for free and reducedprice meals can receive breakfast each day at no cost. The benefits of a healthy breakfast are virtually endless and can make significant impact in
classrooms each day. Students who eat a healthy breakfast at home or at school:
Are better able to concentrate in the classroom
Score higher on standardized tests
Visit the nurse’s office less often
Are better able to maintain their weight
If there’s no time at home, students can eat breakfast at school each day! A few of the menu items available include bagels, fruit and yogurt
parfaits, fruit and yogurt chillers, breakfast burritos and omelets.
Each March, we celebrate breakfast with National School Breakfast Week. This year’s theme is ‘Be a Star with School Breakfast’. Eating a wholesome breakfast each morning will help students shine. Join us in each of our school cafeterias during this special week to learn a little more about
school breakfast.
School Breakfast FAQ’s
Is breakfast available at all schools?
Yes, all schools who provide lunch service also serve breakfast. Check with your student’s school for breakfast serving times.
What is the cost of breakfast?
Breakfast costs $1.30 at elementary and $1.40 at secondary. Students who qualify for free or reduced-price lunch can also receive breakfast at no
Remember school breakfast is available each day. There’s no excuse for no breakfast.
Members of the Cherry Creek Community Legislative Network
Invite parents, teachers, administrators, and community members
to participate in our annual Day At The Capitol.
8:30 a.m.
9:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
Bus leaves ESC parking lot (SE corner of Yosemite St. & Union Ave.) for the capitol
building. Riding the bus is optional, but strongly encouraged as parking is limited.
Meet in old Supreme Court Chamber, 2nd floor of the Capitol, for a guest speaker.
Legislators will join us for lunch to answer questions . Lunch will be served at the
First Baptist Church of Denver,1373 Grant St. (across street from Capitol)
Bus departs FBC for the return trip to ESC parking lot.
$10.00 person. For more information, call Mariellen Guerra at (303)549-5627
Volume 14, Issue 5
2013-14 School Calendar...
Page 13
Page 14
Falcon Creek Flyer
Page 15
Volume 14, Issue 5
Cherry Creek Schools: Parents’ Council...
Parent Council
Meetings and Workshops
For General Meetings, refreshments/networking begin at 8:45 AM
The meeting starts at 9:15 AM and ends by 10:30 AM
All meetings/workshops are at the Student Achievement Resource Center (SARC)
at 14188 E. Briarwood Ave., Englewood, CO 80112 (Off Arapahoe and Jordan Rd)
See our website for more detailed directions.
March 6
9:00 am – 1:00 pm
Fundraising Vendors’ Fair
March 11
8:45 am - 10:30 am
General Meeting
April 15
8:45 am - 10:30 am
General Meeting
19th Annual Cherry Creek Schools
Foundation Luncheon
A Formula for the Future
Friday, March 15th, 2013
11:00am -1:30pm
Program begins at 11:30am
Featuring Steve Spangler, Channel 9’s The Science Guy and frequent guest on
The Ellen DeGeneres Show
Steve will give an engaging presentation on the art of making learning fun.
The luncheon will also feature a tribute to retiring Superintendent Mary Chesley
Hyatt Regency Denver Tech Center
7800 East Tufts Avenue, Denver
Tickets may be purchased online: Enter event code: CCSF31513
or contact Ashley Sommers, or 720-554-4429.
Individual ticket price: $100 Corporate Tables: $3000
Page 16
Falcon Creek Flyer
5th to 6th GRADE TRANSITION...
Falcon Creek is pleased to announce that we will again offer a special “Transition Session” to assist your student in
feeling comfortable with his/her entrance into middle school. The fee for the Transition Session is $55.00 per student.
This class, designed to assist in the transition from elementary to middle school, will address the following topics:
Behavioral Expectations
Group Cooperation
Locker Usage
Listening Skills
School Pride/Participation
Thursday and Friday, August 1-2, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Bring a sack lunch each day.
Falcon Creek Middle School
6100 South Genoa Street
Aurora, Colorado 80016
On Thursday, August 1st, your student will me meet a homeroom teacher at 9:30 a.m.
To register your student, please complete the registration form and attach a check
payable to Falcon Creek Middle School in the amount of $55.00. Mail the
registration form and check to:
Falcon Creek Middle School
6100 South Genoa Street
Aurora, Colorado 80016
Attn: Amy Kozlowski
Students need to bring the following items with them each day:
¨ Brown Bag Lunch
¨ Spiral Notebook (1)
¨ Coloring Materials
¨ Pen
¨ Folder (1)
Transportation to and from school is the responsibility of each family. District
transportation is not provided.
For safety purposes, we will follow normal school procedures for attendance. Once
your child is registered, we will expect him/her at school every day, unless special
arrangements have been made in advance. If an emergency or illness occurs, we
request that you call Falcon Creek at 720-886-7700, and let us know. If your
student is not in attendance and we have not received notification from you
concerning an absence, you will be contacted.
This “jump-start” opportunity will help students in their transition to middle school. We look forward to meeting your
student at Falcon Creek on August 1, 2013. Please contact Amy Kozlowski, Transition Class Coordinator,
at 720-886-7680, if you need further information.
Volume 14, Issue 5
Page 17
Registration Form
August 1 and 2, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Deadline For Registration: June 3, 2013
(Please Print)
Student's Name:
Street Address
Home Phone:
Mother's Name:
Father's Name:
Work Phone (Mother):
Work Phone (Father):
Elementary School:
5th Grade Teacher:
In Case of Emergency, please notify: ________________________________________________________
(Name and Relationship)
**I give permission for my child to attend the Transition Session at Falcon Creek Middle School, Thursday and
Friday, August 1 and 2, 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily.
Parent signature__________________________________________ Date_______________________
**Please attach your check for $55.00, made payable to FALCON CREEK MIDDLE SCHOOL and mail the
application and check to Falcon Creek Middle School, 6100 S. Genoa Street., Aurora, CO 80016,
Attn: Amy Kozlowski. If financial assistance is needed, please contact Amy Kozlowski at 720-886-7680.
March 5
March 6
March 11
March 11
March 12-19
March 13
March 13
March 15
March 15
March 16
March 18
March 19
March 21
March 27
March 28
March 29
April 1-5
April 8
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 11
April 12
April 13
April 15
April 15
April 16
April 17
April 18
April 18
April 19
April 20
April 24
April 25
April 25
April 25
April 25
May 1
May 7
May 8
May 8
May 9
May 13
May 14
May 15
May 16
May 17
May 22
PIN: “When Loving Your Child isn’t Enough…”
Fundraising Vendors’ Fair
Parent Council General Meeting
CCSD Board Meeting
TCAP Testing
District Accountability Committee
CCCLN Day at the Capitol
Cherry Creek Schools Foundation Luncheon
Coffee with the Principal
Colorado State Spelling Bee
Washington D.C. Trip - Meet Chaperone and Group
PASS Meeting
Falcon Creek Accountability Committee Meeting
AVID—International Town
Falconaires “Cabaret” Concert
Quarter 3 Ends
Spring Break — No School
Quarter 4 Begins
PIN “Eyes Wide Open: Brave New Look at Bullying”
District Accountability Advisory Committee
PTO Meeting
Joint Jazz Concert at GHS
FMS School Play: “Jitterbug Juliet” Performances
FMS School Play: “Jitterbug Juliet” Performances
Parent Council General Meeting
CCSD Board Meeting
PASS Meeting
Student Talent Show
Washington, D.C. Trip - Required Final Meeting
Falcon Creek Accountability Committee
Coffee with the Principal
Family Wellness Summit/9 News Health Fair
8th Grade group picture
Parent Volunteer Breakfast
Wendy DeBell Exceptional Volunteer Awards
Washington D.C. Information Meeting - 7 graders
“Take your Child to Work” Day
Last day to pre-order Yearbooks
Annual PIN Brunch “Loving, Limiting, Leading…”
Band I Concert
District Accountability Advisory Committee
PTO Meeting
CCSD Board Meeting
PASS - Diversity Symposium
Spring Concert for all Choirs
Falcon Creek Accountability Committee Meeting
Coffee with the Principal
Orchestra Concert
9:15 - 11:15 am
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
8:45 - 10:30 am
7:00 pm
Cherry Village Elem.
7:00 - 9:00 pm
8:30 - 2:00 pm
11:00 - 1:30 pm
State Capitol
Hyatt DTC
3:00 - 3:50 pm
6:30 - 8:00 pm
6:00 - 7:30 pm
Library Conference Rm
7:00 pm
9:15 - 11:15am
7:00 - 8:30 pm
6:30 pm
7:00 pm
3:00 pm and 6:30 pm
2:30 pm and 6:30 pm
8:45 - 10:30 am
7:00 pm
6:30 - 8:00 pm
6:30 - 8:30 pm
6:30 - 8:00 pm
6:00 - 7:30 pm
9:30 - 10:30 am
7:00 - 1:00 pm
Grandview HS
Polton Elementary
Library Conference Rm
Library Conference Rm
Smoky Hill HS
7:30 am
5:30 pm
6:30 - 8:00 pm
Hyatt Regency DTC
9:15 - 11:15 am
7:00 pm
7:00 - 8:30 pm
9:30 am
7:00 pm
6:30 - 8:30 pm
7:00 pm
6:30 - 8:00 pm
9:30 - 10:30 am
7:00 pm
Library Conference Rm
Meadow Point Elem.
Library Conference Rm
For detailed FMS Athletic Schedule, visit our website at
For detailed District meetings and events, visit the District website at
6100 S. Genoa Street
Aurora, CO 80016
Phone: 720-886-7700
Fax: 720-886-7788
Web: http://