Poo-tling along on a world record speed bid


Poo-tling along on a world record speed bid
May 2015
 On the grid at Brooklands Museum — home of British land
speed records: Reading Buses CEO aka mad scientist
Martijn Gilbert checks out the bus while Engineering
Administrator Kerry Davey practises her flag-waving skills.
Poo-tling along on a world record speed bid
runs on Biomethane Compressed Natural
“Once the day is over, the tweaks will
Gas (CNG) generated from cow poo and be put back and it will go back into
has the appropriate cow livery to go with
For the company has launched a new
The company and its sponsors are
speed record challenge for a ‘cow poo
The unique record bid will take place on using this wacky attempt to promote a
powered bus’.
a banked circular track at Millbrook, just
serious message as well.
At the same time it plans to issue the
outside Bedford, on May 19.
“We want to increase awareness of
fastest ever on board ticket using their
Reading Buses Marketing and
CNG buses and biomethane as a viable
smart Ticketer system, which uses the
Communications Manager Jake Osman
fuel. We have invested heavily in this
ITSO specification.
said: “We are looking forward to being
greener technology and foresee
The gauntlet was laid down at
the bus company with the fastest bus in
biomethane and CNG becoming the fuel
Brooklands Museum, home of British land the world.
of choice for many more operators.
speed records as well as the London Bus
“We will take a hand-picked driver with
Museum, on April 17.
the right experience in buses and
The company unveiled the low emission motorsport, and we will be looking to push
“We have two compressors at our depot
Scania CNG bus which will be used. It
and are able to fill other gas vehicles such
the bus to its limits.
as taxis; trucks and our own gas-powered
“On the day of the attempt, we are
engineering van.
Inside this issue
aiming for a speed of at least 80 miles per
“The biomethane we buy is sourced
hour which is around 50% faster than the
 Nexus is making season
through the Gas Vehicle Alliance and is
normal 55 mph that the bus is limited to.
ticketing easier p2
carbon neutral certified. It is produced
“Our driver will also issue a ticket whilst from cow manure and waste food –
 New Board members p5
going round the track – giving our supplier something that in itself is unusual.
Ticketer the fastest bus ticket ever issued.
 New ITSO members and
“The fuel is very clean and produces
suppliers p5
“The bus, which is normally driven in
very low levels of pollutants such as
service, has no major body or engine
 New ITSO staff member p5
particulates and nitrous oxides as well as
modifications other than slight tweaks and being from a carbon neutral source. It’s
 Get on yer bike pp7/8
some high speed tyres.
the ultimate in recycling.”
POO POWER is the name of the
game for Reading Buses.
May 2015
Pop-ping season tickets onto cards just got easier
weeks. If customers lose their Pop
card with the season ticket
loaded, they can report their card
as lost via this web support or by
going into a Nexus TravelShop
and the card will be hotlisted to
prevent someone else using it
The zonal MetroSaver, which
illegally, and their product
was introduced on January 2 and replaced.
had previously only been available
Corporate Manager for
over the counter from Nexus
Customer Services and
travel shops, is now available to
Communications at Nexus, Huw
buy at all 60 Metro stations.
Lewis, said: “Passengers wanted
Pop card holders simply need to greater flexibility in the Metro
hold their card to the orange card travel products that are available
reader to allow them to select the to them and we are delivering
ticket, make payment of up to
nearly £500, and then hold the
Pop card on to the reader again in
order to upload the product.
Nexus is extending where
A video showing them how to do people can renew their season
tickets and buy Pop Pay As You
this can be found at https://
Go to more than 200 Payzone
retail outlets in Tyne and Wear.
Another change will allow
Although a big spend up front,
customers paying for their Metro
the zonal season tickets offer
travel by credit card or debit card
savings with unlimited travel
costing between £8.60 and £9.60 from a Metro ticket machine to
have the option of whether or not
a week.
Web support for Pop cards is in to print out a receipt, allowing for
more flexibility and encouraging
final test and is due to be
less paper ticket printing.
launched within a matter of
REGULAR travellers on
Tyne and Wear Metro can
now download their high
value season tickets onto
their Pop cards at smart
ticket machines.
PLEASE NOTE: News articles for the June 3rd edition of ITSOnews need to be sent by 27th May due to annual leave
New tutorials show how to load up your key card
Railway now
has a
set of video
tutorials online
to help people
buy tickets,
including one
for their ITSO
smartcard ‘the
Click on the
picture to the
right or go to
May 2015
can take days, weeks, or even months
to restore.
We have therefore sourced a backI WRITE to you with my leg
line which mirrors the primary line
propped up while recovering from
and means there will be no loss of
a knee operation, so I was unable
throughput or service if this
to attend the Board meeting last
secondary circuit is needed.
week, however I can report on its
I must commend Service Manager
Joseph Nelson who has looked into
Your Board was happy to welcome
this aspect of ITSO’s work and refor the first time Martin Dean,
negotiated a contract which not only
Managing Director, Bus Development,
saves the company more than £3,000
Go-Ahead. Martin is the new bus
a year, but provides a new failsafe
sector representative, replacing
back-up line for the internet to ensure
Richard Rampton who has moved on
we can offer continued services (such
to pastures new with TfL. Martin
as the test and pre-prod ISMS), and
brings a wealth of experience with bus
communicate with our members.
in the UK and we look forward to his
Finally, I’d also like to commend the
insights. (see more page 5)
Team for the sterling work
scheme operators must ensure they
Becky Wood has also now been
are using the correct files well before they are doing on TKR (Transaction
confirmed as a Board Director by the
Keyring Roll) coordination and
the deadline date next February.
DfT. Becky, as mentioned last month,
This is not as big an issue as the
replaces John Dowie (see more page
I would urge those who have not
TKR project but can still have a
done so already to take a look at that
detrimental effect on ITSO-based
On the project front, we have
smart ticketing systems if appropriate particular area of the ITSO website –
notified members and suppliers that
actions are not taken in time. February easily available from the members’
we have moved the DTD files to a new 29th next year is the absolute deadline home page.
location. We have been asking
for this change but you should really
It gives comprehensive information
scheme operators to take the
be planning changes and actions now. regarding progress throughout the
necessary action on these.
ITSO community, including roll-out
See page 4 of this newsletter for
status, risks and issues.
In simple language, the Specification further information.
currently calls for people to access
The Board was reassured by a
If you still have any outstanding
these message template files from
questions on these files I urge you to positive update given by Project Lead
ITSO’s server and download them,
contact your suppliers to ensure they Rob Place at our April meeting, one of
after which they should use cached
the highlights of which was that one
have an action plan. You can also
rather than live versions on a day-tolarge licensed operator has already
contact ITSO Limited’s Relationship
day basis.
Manager Kim Clarke if you still require successfully rolled 46% of its ISAMs
over to the new keyring.
These DTD files enable messaging
further clarification.
between the ISMS, HOPS and POSTs
It seems the membership is now
On another subject, as part of
(including PersoPOSTs). They allow
engaging very proactively and
reviewing our overall network
your ticketing system to translate the infrastructure, our internet access
ensuring this work is carried out in a
content of ITSO messages.
timely and effective manner.
was identified as a vital service that
supports business operations.
This work has led to a much closer
Not downloading the new versions
working relationship between ITSO
will be like dialling only part of a
The current set-up does not offer
telephone number and expecting to
protection against issues beyond our Limited and its membership which
get through.
supplier’s reasonable control. Events can only bode well for our future
such as third party cable cutting,
We are currently offering two
Mike Fuhr
alternative web addresses for these
files but this will eventually cease and can potentially lead to an outage that
Board Chairman, ITSO Limited
From the Chair
Up-to-date statistics on products registered in the ITSO Environment
New Commercial
Products Registered
in April 2015
Products Registered
in April 2015
ISMS Maintenance
THE Service Management Team has
been carrying out server upgrade
May 2015
New Customer
Media Devices
Registered in
April 2015
New Operator IDs
Registered in
April 2015
maintenance on the ISMS yesterday
and today (5/6 May). This planned
maintenance, which has been
communicated to the HOPS suppliers
Total Operational
ISAMs connected to the
ISMS as at end
April 2015
and Licensed Members, forms part of
a series of improvement projects to
stabilise the ISMS and give even better
New Test Lists now available on ITSO website
ITSO has updated the lists of tests
required to ensure equipment is
compatible with the latest version of
the ITSO Specification (v2.1.4),
including Corrigendum 6 updates.
And the changes are listed on:
These are:
We have already written to members
and suppliers explaining that these are
now available to download from the ITSO
ITSO_Perso_POST_Test_List_v2_1_4_ website at the links below.
For Members: https://www.itso.org.uk/
For Registered Suppliers: https://
 If you have any enquiries regarding the
lists you should email test@itso.org.uk
and ITSO will contact them as soon as
Make sure you are using the correct DTD files
He has also spoken to main suppliers
to impress on them the need to
implement these changes for their
ITSO Licensed Operators and
suppliers need to take action now
to ensure they are using the
correct DTD files.
We would advise people to initially
contact their IT Department and smart
ticketing suppliers to ensure that they
are aware of the required changes
and that they are putting the
necessary processes in hand to
implement them.
The DTD files are message template
files used as part of the ITSO
Specification to enable messaging
between the ISMS, HOPS and POSTs
(including PersoPOSTs).
They allow the ticketing system to
translate the content of ITSO messages.
If, after doing this, you require further
information, please contact ITSO
Relationship Manager Kim Clarke via
E: kim.clarke@itso.org.uk T: 01908
255 485 M: 07515 923 767.
ITSO is in the process of permanently
moving the hosting of DTD files from the
current website www.itso.org.uk to http://
It is essential that the files are moved
to a purpose-built, resilient server which
is dedicated to hosting only these files in
order to improve security and quality of
If you are involved in an ITSO-based
smart ticketing system – be it for
concessionary or commercial transactions
– you need to take the following actions:
Change your back office software
to access the new text addresses (URLs)
for the DTD files, then use locally stored
(cached) versions of these files in future.
If your ticketing system refers to a
numerical (IP) address to access DTD
files rather than a text address (URL), e.g rather than http://
www.itso.org.uk/schemas/POSTHOPS-10.dtd , you must now change it over to the
new text (URL) addresses. We are aware
that some systems may have been set up
in this way in the past because of their
firewalls but these will need to be
changed because a static numerical (IP)
address will no longer be available.
Not making these changes is the
equivalent of dialling a phone number but
May 2015
missing out some of the digits – the
messages will not get through.
 Members have also been notified of
the publication of Corrigendum 9 to v2.1.4
of the ITSO Specification.
The files are currently available in both
locations but will no longer be available
at www.itso.org.uk after 29th February
These changes do not alter the intent of
the Specification or its implementation in
devices and therefore have no
operational impact.
These files are changed rarely and the
Specification therefore now mandates
that a locally held copy of the current DTD
files be used and only refreshed if the
local copy is lost or when changes are
This Corrigendum applies the following
changes to the Specification:
i. The editorial changes made in 49
Technical Notes published since v2.1.3;
ii. A number of other editorial corrections
and clarifications that were also suitable
for incorporation into this Corrigendum as
ratified by the ITSO Technical Committee;
iii. The DFT's Crown Copyright notice in
all Parts of the Specification has been
We also advise you that you should
start the process NOW. This will allow
you to plan enough time and resource for
implementing and testing any required
changes well before the expiry date.
Please be aware that your suppliers
may have a long testing period for any
ITSO Technical Manager Michael
Cuthbertson sent an approved
Corrigendum to the ITSO Specification,
outlining the necessary changes, to all
ITSO members and suppliers on 25th
March 2015.
As a result of this Corrigendum, it
should be noted that some Technical
Notes have been withdrawn, reducing the
number which need to be taken into
consideration from 68 to 19.
Corrigenda can be found on ITSO’s
website at this link.
Two new members for ITSO Limited’s Board
ITSO Limited has welcomed two
new members to its Board.
Martin Dean joins as a bus sector
Martin joined Go-Ahead in 2008 and
leads on all bus development and
acquisition activity in the Group.
He began his career with London
Transport and has since held senior
management roles in rail and bus with
First Group and National Express.
Martin was instrumental in setting up a
number of PlusBus schemes around the
country and has expertise in the legal
framework for multi-operator ticketing
He replaces Richard Rampton who
resigned recently after moving to a new
position with TfL (Transport for London).
Becky Wood joined the DfT
(Department for Transport) in 2004.
 Martin Dean from Go-Ahead
 Becky Wood from the DfT
Addition to ITSO’s
service team
She moved to the public sector from
Deloitte and is a Chartered Accountant by
profession, but has taken roles on a
range of Government funded or led Major ITSO Limited welcomed Service
Projects since joining the DfT, including
Analyst Abigail Dennaford to the
HS2, and the Olympics.
She is currently the SRO (Senior
Responsible Officer) for Government for
Thameslink, Crossrail and IEP (Intercity
Express Programme).
Becky had involvement in initial work on
ITSO on Prestige in 2004/5 and is
currently a member of the Rail Executive
and RDG (Rail Delivery Group) Ticketing
Strategy Boards.
PLEASE NOTE: News articles for
the June 3rd edition of ITSOnews
need to be sent by 27th May due
to annual leave
New suppliers
team on April 20 .
Abigail comes to us from telematics
and vehicle tracking company Isotrak,
where she was employed as a technical
analyst using remote software to repair
GPS tracking systems in delivery
vehicles for major supermarkets.
Abigail is now part of the Service
Management Team, replacing Sara
Longley who is off to college later this
Abigail will be dealing with ISMS
requests and general support for
licensed members and HOPS suppliers.
 Service Analyst Abigail Dennaford
ITSO has two new members and one
new registered supplier.
Secure mobile application developer
Penrillian Limited has become a supplier
member http://www.penrillian.com/, as
have POST Suppliers PDMS
(Professional Data Management
Services) UK Ltd http://www/pdms.com/
Smartcard company Oomph Limited
has become a registered supplier.
Oomph is planning to have smart cards
tested and certified by ITSO, the first of
which is a CMD7 card http://
May 2015
Joint Tech Spec exciting news for ITSO on NFC
OVER THE past months ITSO, in
conjunction with its fellow members of
the Smart Ticketing Alliance, has been
working with the European Standards
body (CEN) to prepare a joint
Technical Specification on how public
transport uses the contactless
interface ISO 14443.
Operators), NFC Forum (representing the
handset and chip manufacturers), the
Smart Ticketing Alliance, and CEN have
initiated an alliance to bring about
harmonization of the different
specifications with regard to NFC
technology for the public transport
This Technical Specification, CEN TS
16794, will be published shortly. ITSO’s
Chief Technology Advisor Mike Eastham
has been actively involved in its
preparation and ensuring it encompasses
the way ITSO itself uses ISO 14443.
ITSO Chief Advisor Standards John
Verity said: “This accord recognises that
the public transport industry has an
existing and up-to-date infrastructure of
ticket machines, gates and validators built
around ISO 14443.These devices all have
many more years of service before they
need replacing.
In parallel, ITSO has been working with
our German colleagues in VdV eTicketing Service to identify the gaps
between what we use in ISO 14443 and
how the NFC Forum Specification is
“The mobile handsets, built around NFC
technology, are still evolving and we hope
they can in future be built and certified to
meet our industry’s specific needs.
As a result of these initiatives the GSMA
“This accord opens a very exciting new
(representing the Mobile Network
phase in smart ticketing.”
 On the case: ITSO’s Chief Standards
Advisor John Verity
Developing use cases with GlobalPlatform
WITH THE increasing use of CMD2 in the ITSO
environment, and with the move from discrete freestanding smartcards towards devices such as NFCenabled phones that can be connected to the internet,
ITSO is becoming ever more reliant on GlobalPlatform
www.globalplatform.org/ .
GlobalPlatform, like ITSO, is a membership organisation that
works across industries to identify, develop and publish
specifications which facilitate multi-application environments on
chips. Their specifications enable secure, interoperable and
trusted end-to-end communications between multiple actors and
different business models.
For ITSO, this means we can safely deliver an ITSO Shell or
IPEs from a Licensed Member’s HOPS over the air or over the
internet to the customer’s media using Trusted Service Managers
such as Mobile Network Operators.
To better understand this environment and to develop the
specific use cases for smart ticketing in public transport ITSO,
through the Smart Ticketing Alliance, has signed a Memorandum
of Understanding with GlobalPlatform. ITSO is also discussing
GlobalPlatform membership.
It is hoped this will ultimately bring material benefits to both
licensed members and customers in how Customer Media are
managed and accessed.
PLEASE NOTE: News articles for the June 3rd edition
of ITSOnews need to be sent by 27th May due to
annual leave
May 2015
 Not so leisurely in Liege: Steve Wakeland and son Tom recently cycled 100km around Belgium … and they want more
ITSO GM wants you to go the extra mile with him
WHEN HE’S not moving the ITSO
Specification towards newer and
more exciting technology, ITSO
General Manager Steve Wakeland
is still talking transport.
It’s either full steam ahead on his cycle
or full steam ahead with another love of
his life – the Duke of Gloucester steam
engine which he is helping restore.
Keen Cyclist Steve wants to invite
members of the ITSO community to join
him and his son Tom in the Three-Day
All three of these rides have raised a
Celtic Challenge cycle ride from the
huge amount of money for Transaid,
Brecon Beacons to Dublin, cycling 350km including £120,000 from London to Paris.
in three days.
Said Steve: “I know there are a lot of
The event takes place between 18 and keen cyclists among ITSO’s members
21 September 2015 and will raise funds
and suppliers. It looks like an exciting
for Transaid - an international charity
challenge to do the ride anyway, and if we
which helps develop local transport
can raise money for a worthwhile cause
solutions to improve access to basic
so much the better.
services and economic opportunity for
people in Africa and in developing
“I thought it might be good to get up a
It offers ’a long-weekend ride of
‘Team ITSO’ where we could all get away
fantastic cycling, starting beside the
from the ISAMs and OIDs for a while and
Brecon Beacons and finishing in Dublin’. focus on hamstrings and quadriceps (as
well as the odd beer …) ”
Riders will tackle the undulating Welsh
countryside and the hills of County
Wicklow, before cycling into Dublin's
Trinity College to celebrate their
achievement with a glass of bubbly.
The Three Day Celtic Challenge is
Transaid's fourth European Cycle Ride,
following London to Paris, London to
Amsterdam and London to Brussels.
May 2015
If people are interested, they need to be
prepared to raise £1,600 a piece.
If you want to join Team ITSO, you
should contact Steve via
steve.wakeland@itso.org.uk as soon as
possible. He will even provide you with a
free Team ITSO cycling shirt.
 Continued on page 8
 Continued from
page 7
You can find out
more about the
challenge at http://
up a full
head of
the many rail
enthusiasts among
you, on April 11th
Steve got to fulfil a
lifetime’s ambition
when he drove a
steam engine.
Steve helps out with
accountancy and
media for the Duke of
Gloucester Trust which
is restoring a 1953 BR
Class 8 Steam
Locomotive to even
better than its former
glory (see more at
www.theduke.uk.com/ )
In a bid to learn more
about the workings of a
steam engine he took a
one-day course and is
pictured here on the
footplate of The
Empress, which he
drove several times on
the Lavender Line at
Isfield in East Sussex.
We know you’re all
trainspotters really so
thought you would like
this one ...
 All aboard: Steve Wakeland fulfils a lifetime’s ambition by driving a steam locomotive
Contribute to your newsletter: If you wish to contribute to ITSOnews please contact Sheila
MacDonald, Communications Advisor, on 01908 255487, email sheila.macdonald@itso.org.uk.
Your news should be relevant to an existing or planned ITSO-compliant scheme.
May 2015
ITSO Limited, Luminar House, Deltic Avenue, Milton Keynes MK13 8LW T: 01908 255455 E: info@itso.org.uk