Application for Amazon Outreach Leadership
Application for Amazon Outreach Leadership
AMAZON OUTREACH TRIP LEADER’S HANDBOOK P. O. BOX 794763 DALLAS, TEXAS 75379-4763 972-931-5565 Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 CONTENTS AMAZON OUTREACH CONTACT NUMBERS……………………………i TRIP LEADER APPLICATION………………………………………………ii GENERAL LEADERSHIP Short Term Leadership Characteristics of a Team Leader Responsibilities of a Team Leader Expectations Children on the Trip Departure Information for Team Leaders MEETINGS Suggested Schedule & Agendas Team Recruitment Team Training Ministry Captains Creative Ideas Portuguese Words and Phrases SUPPORT RAISING ADMINISTRATIVE On Your Mark – Positioning for Success Trip Administration Get Set – Communicate, Coach, Collect, Conquer Airline Regulations & Policies Paperwork Passports & Visas Vaccinations Go – Preparing Trip Members Preparing Yourself Leader Timeline Forms & Examples EVANGELISM/PRAYER TEAM PACKING BOAT LIFE YOUTH DEBRIEF MINISTRY IDEAS Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 AMAZON OUTREACH CONTACT NUMBERS Amazon Outreach P.O. Box 794763 Dallas, TX 75379-4763 972-931-5565 Jed Thompson (Executive Director) 972-754-1958 (cell) Phyllis Woodward (Assistant Director) 214-274-0594 (cell) Brenda Bailey (Administrative Assistant) 214-725-5907 (cell) Pam Perkins (Accountant/Bookkeeper) 214-934-3073 Marco Rego (Executive Director – Brazil) Av. Rio Mar 62, Vieiralves 69053-180 - Manaus – AM Cell Phone: US to Brazil: 0 11 55 92 8414-2015 Brazil to Brazil: 0 21 92 8414-2015 Office: US to Brazil: 0 11 55 92 3584-1971 Brazil to Brazil: 0 21 92 3584-1971 House: US to Brazil: 0 11 55 92 3234 7229 Brazil to Brazil: 0 21 92 3234 7229 Email: APPLICATION FOR AMAZON OUTREACH LEADERSHIP Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 i General Information Name:_________________________________________________________________ Home Address:__________________________________________________________ City:______________________State:_______________________Zip:______________ Phone:(H)____________________(W)____________________(Cell)_______________ Email:_________________________________________________________________ Male:________Female:________Single_________Married_________ Occupation:__________________________________________ DOB__________________ Home Church:___________________________________________________________ Ministry Information Have you been involved in your church‘s ministry? If yes, give a brief description. Are you currently involved in a ministry? If yes, give a brief description. Leadership Information Have you been a leader of a group? If yes, give a brief description. What do you think your greatest leadership quality is? What area of leadership do you need to work on? Testimony Briefly explain how you became a Christian and describe your current spiritual walk with the Lord. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 ii References List two references below. One needs to be a pastor or religious leader. One needs to be someone who you have been a leader with or a leader to. Name:_______________________________Name:_____________________________ Relation:_____________________________Relation:___________________________ Phone:_______________________________Phone:____________________________ Email:________________________________Email:____________________________ Commitment I understand that an Amazon Outreach trip leader needs to be above reproach. I commit to the guidelines Amazon Outreach has set before me. Signed:________________________________________________________________ Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 iii GENERAL LEADERSHIP SHORT TERM LEADERSHIP The job of a short term mission trip leader is one that involves logistics coordination, development of people, and building relationships between two cultures. None of these jobs is easy and you will find that this role is far more than collecting money and making travel arrangements. It is a calling from God and we have to be committed to that call. Leading a short term mission trip is very rewarding but at the same time, a huge responsibility. You are the point person for a group of Christians sent by God to share the Gospel of His Son, Jesus Christ. Leadership in a cross-cultural setting, with a combination of several different personalities, all stretched beyond their emotional, spiritual, and physical limits can be very challenging. Remember that you are to be servants to your team and to the nationals as well as a shepherd and a good listener. Team members need to take on responsibilities too. Make sure you weave themes such as serving, learning and obeying into your team training. If you train your team well they will function as one unit and make your job much easier as you delegate the different responsibilities to each team member. Developing people is crucial to a successful trip. We are to ―Send them in a manner worthy of God‖ (III John 6). Make sure that you are emphasizing relationships over projects. We strongly encourage you to take time during your day to give the team a moment to reflect on the way God is working in the villager‘s lives as well as their own. Be an encourager and a guide but let the team feel the Holy Spirit move as well. Characteristics of a Team Leader 1. Submission to God‘s will is his number one priority. 2. He is a spiritual leader and a prayer warrior. He motivates people to grow spiritually. 3. He demands cooperation. When he asks the team to obey specific rules he leads from the front and is a role model for them. 4. He is compassionate and encouraging to each person he is leading. 5. He is pro-active, well prepared, and informative. 6. He has the ability to develop team unity and camaraderie. 7. A trip leader must take on the role of a servant, as Jesus did. Be more of a shepherd than a director. 8. Creates interdependence within the team with an appropriate division of labor. 9. His words bring glory to God. ―Let no unwholesome word proceed from your mouth.‖ Eph. 4:29 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 General Leadership 1 Responsibilities of a Team Leader 1. Read over each member‘s application and testimony thoroughly. Look for signs of strengths and weaknesses. If you have questions, ask them! When a problem arises later on the boat, it is much harder to handle. 2. If a team member has been through any kind of crisis or trauma (divorce, death in the family, recovering from drugs or alcohol, mental breakdown) within the last 6 months we strongly suggest that they wait for a future time to go on a trip. 3. If you are a new leader, be sure to spend time talking with other experienced leaders that can guide you in the right direction. 4. If possible, get to know each member on your team before the trip. Planning meetings and small group lunches are good ways to accomplish this. 5. Go over all rules and important items with your team prior to the trip. Make sure that each one is completely understood before the trip. 6. If a disagreement arises between two or more people while on the trip it is very important to handle it immediately. Take all concerned and go to a private area of the boat and talk through the problem. Usually this sort of thing is short lived if addressed before it grows. Don‘t assume it will go away. You can‘t afford to let this affect the mission of the trip. 7. A trip leader should see the big picture of what God is accomplishing through Amazon Outreach as a whole and not just on their trip. Ask the pastor and/or missionary working with you how your trip fits into their church vision. 8. You should plan for meaningful devotional and worship times. Know ahead of time who would agree to share their testimony and who would lead a short devotional. 9. As you first board the boat introduce team to Brazilian translators and staff, have the team take a quick tour, and find a hammock for themselves. 10. Keep the boat clean and in good order, watching inventory. It is critical to notify A.O. in Dallas if there are any inventory needs i.e., medicine, tracts, Bibles, etc. Keep in mind that another trip is coming right behind yours and it is the responsibility of you and your team to have everything ready. 11. Inventory is a must on every trip. a. VBS – There are 2 closets on the first floor of the boat. The one on the left is for VBS and Women‘s ministry supplies. You will need to clean out the closet of anything that doesn‘t belong in that closet and put it back in the appropriate place. If you have an ample amount of crafts at the end of the trip, take these back to Dallas to be put in the Dallas warehouse for future trips. If you have only a few crafts leftover they will need to be put in a box in the VBS closet in zip-lock bags labeled with the number of crafts in each bag or given to a village school teacher. b. Pharmacy – The medical team can help our Pharmacy Tech get the right amount of med‘s back on the shelves and appropriately arranged for the next trip. c. Glasses – The glasses are stored in the closet on the right side on the first floor. d. Bibles and Tracts – Evangelical and Men‘s Ministry supplies are kept in the closet on the right side of the first floor and need to be put back in their storage place and counted at the end of every trip. Make sure to announce to the team to return any Bibles or tracts they didn‘t hand out. Many times the Bibles and tracts are scattered all over the boat and they are very difficult to inventory. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 General Leadership 2 EXPECTATIONS Who Are We? How Do We Fit In? Amazon Outreach has partnered with churches on the Amazon River that are currently involved in evangelizing the people living in the Amazon River basin. The pastors and missionaries proceed us, follow us, and have a good knowledge of the people and the culture. We are dealing with three cultures in our ministry; the American culture, the Brazilian culture and the village culture. It is not our desire to change any of our cultures but to work in harmony together. The Brazilian churches we partner with have developed their own mission strategies to reach the remote villages of the Amazon and our most important job is to help build relationships with these villagers and break down barriers so we will open doors for the gospel. We need to remember first and foremost that we are in Brazil to serve God and serve the Brazilian leaders. Things to Remember: 1) If you have never been on a mission trip before, but you have seen videos and pictures, your trip will be different than you expect. 2) If you have been on a trip before, your next trip will be different than the last one. 3) The different ministries that occur during our trips are the key to opening doors for the gospel message. 4) Most of the time when you plan to be involved in a certain ministry (even if you are in the medical ministry) it could change when you arrive at the village. Many times doctors and dentists are busy with patients, but sometimes they find themselves with no patients and in a VBS skit instead. These are many times considered the highlights of the trip by those who are involved in ministries that they never expected to be part of. 5) Our job is to follow the lead of the Brazilian leaders and not to go with our planned agenda. 6) No two villages are the same. Some are larger with streets, electricity, running water and even satellite dishes! Others are very remote with four to five families living there with no modern conveniences at all. 7) Sometimes, even when we know the names of the villages the Brazilians intend for us to visit, there will be a change of plans. The level of the river can go up or down considerably in a short amount of time and our planned route and destinations have to change also. There are times when a plantation owner will come by a village and hire many of the adults for harvesting crops just before we arrive; therefore changing the time needed to be in that particular village. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 General Leadership 3 8) The Brazilians are extremely relational people and would much prefer a casual conversation than a ―planned program.‖ Remember this when you are planning any of your men‘s or women‘s ministries. Talk to these people and let them respond! Getting to know them is one of the best parts of this ministry. 9) The Brazilians very rarely consider time important. Remember we are not there to change their culture but to serve them in their ministry. Americans might consider taking off their watches upon arrival. 10) Americans tend to have a checklist and an agenda for each day and sometimes forget the most important component……………the Holy Spirit. 11) Please have your teams prepare to be flexible with the schedule that is planned, and when the plan changes, look for where God is working and go there. 12) Tell your teams to, ―Expect the unexpected!‖ CHILDREN ON THE TRIP We strongly suggest a child is at least 12 years of age to go on a trip, but there may be exceptions. Parents should be asked about the maturity of their child and if the child has any specific behavioral or health problems (i.e., ADHD, diabetes). The parents need to be made aware of their responsibility to their child for the duration of the trip. The leader should meet with the child and parents and have the approval of Amazon Outreach staff member to sign off on each individual circumstance. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 General Leadership 4 DEPARTURE INFORMATION FOR TEAM LEADERS 1. Make sure to meet your team at the airport at least 2½ hours before your departure time. 2. Check your luggage all the way through to Manaus. 3. Give your team members and their families either Jed Thompson's number (972754-1958) or Phyllis Woodward‘s number (214-274-0594) for an emergency contact person in the U.S. 4. Have a list of all the team members‘ cell phone numbers and give this list to each person traveling. 5. Have family and support team sign up for our Boat Blogs at and 6. Remind team members that there is a satellite phone on the boat for emergencies only that can be used to call the US for $3 a minute. They can pay the team leader on the boat and the leader will give the cash to Marco Rego upon your return to Manaus. Team members may also buy hammocks for approximately $35. 7. Keep a low profile while arriving in Brazil. Do not wear team t-shirts or name tags!! Pack them in suitcases or duffle bags. Pair off in 2‘s or 3‘s as you go through customs. 8. Take your trip logs and trip surveys with you. Fill out the logs daily and have each team member fill out the survey on the boat ride back to Manaus. Collect them before they get off the boat. 9. Upon your return send your trip logs and surveys to Phyllis Woodward, P.O. Box 794763, Dallas, TX 75379-4763. Take with you: 1. Record of team members with their emergency contact numbers and individual medical needs. 2. Make sure any minors (17 or under) have their minor forms in their passports. 3. Passports 4. E-tickets and itinerary 5. Name Tags 6. Supply of pens and sharpies 7. Logs and Surveys Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 General Leadership 5 MEETINGS Amazon Outreach strongly recommends that each trip leader plan and conduct several trip meetings prior to the trip and after the trip. Whether you are leading a trip made up of all first-timers, all veterans or a combination of both, trip meetings are essential to the unity, preparedness and effectiveness of the entire team, including you, and of the trip. The purpose of trip meetings is 3-fold: To Enlighten To Equip To Encourage The manner in which we cooperate and interact with one another as a team is an important way, and the most obvious to those we will be ministering to, that we reflect Christ on this mission trip. Jesus said ―By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you love one another (John 13:35). One proven way to build a loving-eachother, Christ-centered mission team is to have them meet together regularly. Hebrews 10:25 tells us ―Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another–and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Of course, the writer of Hebrews was talking about THE Day, but the same principle is applicable to the mission trip departure date. The following information is designed to help you plan and execute your trip meetings in the most effective way. During these meetings, you will have opportunities to allow the Lord to begin bonding the trip members together, offer insight gleaned from experience, and to foresee and head off potential problems or areas of attack from the enemy. The 3-fold purpose of mission trip meetings, to enlighten, equip and encourage, can be accomplished in a wide range of ways including motivational and inspirational speakers and stories, devotionals, team building games and activities, icebreakers, etc. These methods will help in developing trip members‘ awareness, preparedness, servant‘s attitude and excitement. It is often difficult to get all of the trip members to attend the meetings. Work, family, and other commitments all combine to produce very busy lives for your trip members. However, given enough advance notification (giving them the trip meeting dates at the Information Meeting), most people can plan accordingly and arrange or rearrange their schedules to allow them to attend the meetings. In addition, if you have trip members who have previously been on a trip, they may feel there is no need for them to attend the meetings since they‘ve ―been there, done that‖. It‘s easy to see why a first-timer would need to attend trip meetings, but ―veterans‖ often don‘t see any benefit to themselves in attending them. The operative phrase here is ―benefit to themselves‖. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 1 First of all, every meeting should benefit EVERYONE in attendance in some way. At the very least, the opportunity to pray together with the other members of the team should be important enough to ―make the drive‖ to the meeting. Second, veterans are crucial to first-timers; since they have experienced the trip, they can offer a wealth of information, comfort, and guidance to the first-timers. Any veteran of these mission trips would be blessed to realize that their next trip BEGINS with ministering to those who will be joining them on the trip who have not been before. If you think you may have issues in the area of meeting attendance, if you set the expectation up-front (at the Informational Meeting) that attendance at the trip meetings is part of the trip itself, you will at least decrease the attitude of the trip members that feel they don‘t ―need to attend‖. There is nothing wrong or mean about simply saying ―Attendance at all meetings is a requirement of participating in the mission trip‖. Below are some other suggestions for expressing the importance of meeting attendance: ―Unless providentially hindered, all trip members are required to attend all trip meetings.‖ ―If you commit to go on the trip, you are committing to attend all trip meetings that are scheduled.‖ ―Please understand that you can not go into this experience unprepared. Your attendance is extremely important for planning purposes and reflects your commitment to the trip and to rest of the team.‖ ―You are required to attend 80% (pick a percentage) of the trip meetings.‖ Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 2 SUGGESTED SCHEDULE & AGENDAS OF TRIP MEETINGS ALL MEETINGS BEGIN AND END WITH PRAYER 6 Months Prior to Departure – Informational Meeting o Hand out ―Information Sheets‖ o Hand out Trip Calendar (meetings, support due dates, shots, etc.) o Hand out sample support letters to be reviewed prior to next meeting o Tell why we go, what we do, and show map of where trip is going o Explain how to apply online o Show video o Personal Testimonials by previous trip members o Q&A Session o Fill out Interest Sign Up Sheet 5 Months Prior to Departure – Getting Started Meeting o Hand out Short Term Missionary Handbook to those who don‘t have it o Make sure all team members have applied for trip online o Introduction of trip members o Raising Support Training o Choose Ministry Team Leaders o Trip members decide which ministry team they will serve on o Collect trip deposits and paperwork o Q&A Session 2 – 4 Months Prior to Departure – Various Meetings o Potential meeting topics could include collecting supplies, preparing for spiritual warfare, evangelism training, Brazilian culture training, etc. o Each of these meetings should include updates from team leaders of each ministry team. o At the month 4 meeting, make prayer partner assignments. o Q&A session 1 Month Prior to Departure – “Go” Meeting o Practice Portuguese words & phrases o Personal packing example 1-2 Weeks Prior to Departure – Packing Party 1 Week Prior to Departure – Send Off Party o Invite families and supporters o Pray together 1-2 Weeks Following Trip – Debrief Meeting o Ask team members how they are feeling o Ask team what they have learned spiritually from the trip o Ask team how other people have responded to them since they returned o Ask how they could have been better prepared for the trip 4-6 Weeks Following Trip – Picture Party Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 3 TEAM RECRUITMENT (Note: The trip team includes more than just those who will go on the trip. It also includes all those who will participate in the trip through support – prayer & financial. Do not limit your recruiting to only those who may be interested in going.) Begin recruiting at least six months before the trip departs. Plan your first meeting, which will be an informational meeting. You will need to know the focus of the trip if possible so you can gather the ideal people for the needs of the trip. The best methods to recruit/inform people are: 1. Church bulletins – Place an informative explanation of the specifics of the mission trip (dates, focus, needs) and the place and time of the meeting in your church bulletin. 2. Business – Place flyers on bulletin boards with the specifics of the trip. Speak at meetings or informal gatherings in your place of business or other businesses. 3. Email or Phone – Contact friends, family and other interested groups by email or phone and let them know about your first informational meeting. 4. Medical Professionals – Contact your own personal doctors and any other medical person you know and have them help you inform other professionals about the trip. Make sure they know the medical needs of the people in the Amazon. Remember, the more excited you are about your trip the more excited people will be to step out in faith and see what God has in store for them! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 4 AMAZON MISSION TRIP INFORMATION SHEET TRIP DATES: October 9th – October 18th, 2007 TRIP LEADER: Evan Geliser Where are we going? The Amazon River Basin of Brazil 972.214.1234 (home) 214.972.1234 (work) 972.972.1234 (cell) What are the different ways I can participate? 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) You can go, You can pray, You can give, You can gather supplies You can do all of the above! TRIP MEETING DATES: April 2nd – 6:25 p.m. May 4th – 1:00 p.m. June 2nd – 6:25 p.m. July 1st – 1:00 p.m. August 5th – 1:00 p.m. September 5th – 6:25 p.m. September 28th – 6:00 p.m. All trip members are required to attend all trip meetings unless providentially hindered by illness, family emergency or work related travel. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 How can I get more information? Contact the trip leader or Visit the Amazon Outreach Website: Meetings 5 AMAZON MISSION TRIP INTEREST SIGN UP SHEET NAME HOME PHONE Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 OFFICE PHONE CELL PHONE Meetings 6 EMAIL HOME CHURCH TEAM TRAINING A. Raising Support 1. Read over the Raising Support section of the Missions Guidebook. 2. Show different support letters to get ideas for traveler‘s individual letter. 3. Encourage each traveler to send out support letters four months before departure date. 4. Discuss beneficial ways to contact others about the trip & how they can give their support. B. Children‘s Ministry 1. Read over VBS booklet and discuss possible lessons to teach. 2. Sing some of the songs taught to the children and learn at least one. 3. Teach a skit performed at VBS. 4. Show some examples of crafts made and how to make them. 5. Discuss how many of each craft needs to be made and materials needed. 6. Divide up craft making jobs between team members C. Women‘s Ministry 1. Discuss some of the needed topics for the women in the village where you will be going. (marriage, health, hygiene, child rearing) 2. Review some ideas to teach and who will teach each one. D. Medical/Dental Ministry 1. Gather needed medicines and medical supplies 2. Check all expiration dates on every medicine, condense into containers and pack 3. Discuss common problems and diagnosis‘ with veteran doctors E. Construction 1. Discuss needs of village and supplies needed 2. Collect and/or purchase supplies 3. Experts train others on techniques before trip departs F. Men‘s Ministry 1. Discuss some of the needed topics for the men in the village where you will be going. (marriage, alcoholism, parenting, discipleship) 2. Review some ideas to teach and who will teach each one. G. Cultural (use Cultural Guide in packet) 1. Religion, Language, Expectations H. Rules 1. Read through the travel rules and boat rules and discuss. I. Packing 1. Pack in suitcases or duffle bags instead of boxes or plastic tubs. 2. Read through the packing list and show examples of the right size bag, how to pack in ziplock bags and best ways to pack gathered supplies. a. Use gallon size bags to pack each day‘s clothes. b. Pack as much as you can in ziplock bags because of the high humidity 3. Discuss how to unpack on the boat and store supplies. a. Unpack VBS, women‘s, men‘s, evangelistic supplies and place in appropriate closets. b. Unpack all medicines in the pharmacy in the designated areas and label new medicines clearly. c. Ask the boat captains where the best place for storage of construction equipment would be. It needs to be placed out of the flow of trafficked areas. d. Clothes and other donated items should be sorted through on the first travel day and put family packs. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 7 MINISTRY CAPTAINS Medical Captain, ___________________________ Upon arrival at boat, do a quick inventory of pharmacy and make sure we have stock of most common needs. The outgoing team should have taken care of this for you, but it doesn‘t hurt to double check. No one is allowed in pharmacy without medical captain. Have a discussion with the medical team regarding common problems and diagnosis. This can be done on the boat before we reach our first village. Teach worm prevention to our team the first morning on the boat. (Optional) Take pharmacy inventory at the end of our trip and restock the pharmacy for the next team. Coordinate the medical and pharmaceutical team (supplies, shifts, setting up on site) and work with translator leader to make sure you have translators you need. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report # of patients treated and any special needs. Dental Captain, . Coordinate the dental team (shifts, setting up on site). Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report # of patients treated and any special needs. Eye Glasses Captain, ______________________________ Upon arrival at boat, do a quick inventory of glasses and make sure we have stock of all strengths. No experience necessary. Set up on site, see patients, give eye test for reading and give out glasses if needed. Give out sunglasses to fishermen. Take inventory at end of trip and restock boat. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report how many glasses and sunglasses were dispensed. Children’s Ministry Captain, _____________________________. Get VBS booklet from Amazon Outreach and discuss with team possible lessons to teach. Learn songs to teach to the kids. Plan a skit to perform for the kids. Decide on crafts to make and who will make them. Prepare crafts in advance as much as possible (cutting, sorting, hole punching, etc). Put in ziplock bags in packs of 25 and label ―25‖ on the bag. Laminate the stories and lessons that you bring. Make sure they are packed w/ the team‘s bags. Complete an inventory of VBS supplies at the end of the trip. Take leftover crafts back to Dallas to give to the next team. Make sure the VBS supplies are left organized and neat. Coordinate team and schedules for each day of ministry. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report # of children, lesson name, crafts created, games played, and which tracts were passed out (if any) Construction Captain, ___________________________. Assess ability of team and help choose project based on needs of village Determine supplies needed. Collect and/or purchase and bring to Packing Party. Make sure team is trained on techniques prior to departure. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 8 Act as main contact with national worker. Make sure we have the supplies needed to give each village a swing (18‘ of 5/8‖ rope/swing) Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report on day‘s work. Evangelism/Devotional Captain, . Coordinate evangelism training for team before we leave Lead prayer time at meetings and Send-Off Party Recruit people to lead daily devotionals on boat MC evening share time on boat (to process day‘s events) Coordinate testimonies shared at village services Arrange evangelical opportunities on trip, i.e. have the Jesus Film shown to village, have the Gospel presented to people waiting in line for medical services (puppets telling Gospel, Evangecube presentation, testimonies told) Act as contact for team members wanting to give away Bibles, Evangecubes, and tracts. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report: # of Bibles distributed Name of any tracts passed out # of people in attendance at church service Name of pastor Sermon subject Name of person who shared testimony and any significant highlights from story Response/number saved Was Jesus film shown? Any discipling done? Inventory evangelical supplies at end of trip and restock for next team. Men’s Ministry Captain, Women’s Ministry Captain, . Discuss needed topics for village men (marriage, alcoholism, parenting, discipleship) with your team. Review ideas on how/what to teach and coordinate who will teach them. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report on day‘s ministry (what was taught, how many attended). . Discuss needed topics for village women (marriage, health, hygiene, parenting) with your team. Review ideas on how/what to teach and coordinate who will teach them. Discuss the craft the women will do and what materials will be needed. Make sure materials are gathered and brought to Packing Party. Attend leaders‘ meeting every evening to report on day‘s ministry (what was taught, how many attended). Hair Cutting Captain,_______________________________. Gather hair cutting supplies (scissors, spray bottles, capes, battery powered clippers) Train team members the basics of cutting hair Gather donated items for hair styling (headbands, clips, barrettes) Worship Captain, ________________________________________ Teach the team a song in Portuguese to sing to the villagers. Lead singing for devotionals on boat. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 9 Historian, _______________________. Keep daily log of cool stories shared at end of each day. Type up and turn in to AO after trip is over. Fundraising Captain . Coordinate fundraising projects for team. Work with team to gain ideas to increase public interest. Act as main communicator and contact person during fundraiser. Responsible for collecting money and getting it to the leader. Packing Captain, _________________________________ Bring airline luggage name tags (about 50) to the Packing Party. Tags can be picked up at the airport. Entire team will help get our donations packed into ziplock bags (for example, several travel size bottles of shampoo in one gallon size baggy). All team members should bring baggies. Make sure we don‘t pack boxes and wrappers. Remove items from their packaging if possible. Condense medicines and remove boxes, waste, etc. Make sure the instruction sheet is kept w/ the medicine and that it is properly labeled w/ name and expiration date. Remember: no expired medicines are allowed. Coordinate distribution of filled ziplock bags into various suitcases, dividing up similar items like medicines into different bags so they won‘t look suspicious to Customs. Distribute clothing as well. Make sure the craft supplies for women‘s and VBS ministries get packed (work with those leaders). Have each bag weighed so that it is close to 50 lbs. (Scale in Amazon Outreach warehouse). Make sure every person gets 2 bags to take home and that they add their name and address to the airline tag. Assign someone at the airport (preferably a man or two) to get a cart and watch for each of our team members to arrive. Meet them at their vehicles to help unload their bags onto the cart and bring them inside. At the departure airport, make sure ALL bags are checked all the way through to Manaus. On the boat, oversee the unloading of bags: Unpack each bag and begin to organize items into different categories (medical, dental, toys, clothing, toiletries, hats, etc.) and label each bag. Have each team member take a small trash bag/container and put one or two of each item into the ―family pack‖. Store family packs in large duffels until the leader tells the team when to pass them out to the families of each village. This should be done in an organized manner relying on the local leaders. Ask the captain for a good place to load the construction supplies where they will be out of the way. Meet with the outbound team if possible to see if there are any inventory issues for the boat (over or under supplied of various items) and make sure this is taken care of. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 10 CREATIVE IDEAS For Meetings: 1. Guest speakers – evangelist, ministry specialist (puppet, praise/worship, VBS, construction), Brazilian 2. Ice breaker games 3. Dinners at Brazilian restaurant or pitch in dinner at a home with Brazilian food. 4. Special prizes for achievements, i.e., first person to turn in forms or money *bug spray *journal *travel pillow *flashlight 5. Teach Portuguese phrases and songs 6. Assign prayer partners 7. Have a retreat for a day 8. Scavenger hunt For on the Trip: 1. Veteran/Rookie – Pair up a veteran member with a first timer for questions, guidance, boat tour and introductions. It will save you loads of time! 2. Trip email updates while on trips – Have a person at home that has a list of one email address per person on the trip. The leader will call this person and give them an update of the trip as it progresses. The delegated ―email person‖ will then write a letter and email it to everyone on their list. The recipients of the email can then forward it to each team member‘s list of contacts. Make sure the email is encouraging and not alarming to the folks on the receiving end. 3. Make swings in the villages – Simple swings can be made by buying 18 ft. of 5/8‖ rope for each swing you want to make. When you arrive in the village you can take a piece of wood and have one of the boat crew cut a board for a seat and drill a hole through the middle of it for the rope. Tie the rope on a high tree and run the other end of the rope through the hole of the seat and tie it on the bottom. The kids love it! 4. Have a team member act as a journalist to record what your team experienced and any ―God stories‖ that happen on the trip. You can have the journalist copy these stories and give them to you to send into Amazon Outreach at the end of the trip. Many of the stories will be posted on our website or displayed in our newsletter. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 11 Games and Questions for Team Building Up and Down Game Each team member will be allowed to say one of three things when it is their turn…….‖One up, one down, or one up and one down.‖ They will be told if they are right or not until they figure out what the rules of the game are. (The rule is that the placement of their hands have to be the same as what they say) Questions: *How did you feel when you had to play a game without knowing the rules? *Did you feel defeated when someone else ―got it‖ and you didn‘t? *Did your teammates encourage or discourage you? Rope Drawing Each team member will be blindfolded and stand in a line holding onto a rope. They will be instructed to pretend the floor is a piece of paper or canvas for a drawing. The rope should be used to draw an outlined picture of a church on the floor with the team placing it where they think it should be laid to make a picture of a church. Questions: *Did your team involve everyone in solving the challenge? *Who in your group seems to step up as a natural leader? *What helped your team be successful? *Did you communicate clearly with each other? Close Quarters Lay a hoola hoop on the floor and ask the team to all get inside without touching any part of their body outside the hoop. The team will need to hold that position long enough to sing, ―Row, row, row your boat.‖ (You might need 2 hoola hoops if you have a large team. Usually about 10 per hoola hoop) Questions: *Did you feel comfortable in this close proximity with people you don‘t know well? *How will sleeping in hammocks feel? *Did you team have a plan or strategy before you began? *What were some problems that happened in your group? *What were some of the praise phrases used? Walk the Line Every team member lines up on a long rope. Afterwards, you will ask them to get into a certain order without speaking. (age, height, how many mission trips, etc.) Questions: *What helped your group be successful? *How did it feel to not be able to speak? *When a handicap was given, how did that affect your group? Did the handicapped person feel less a part of the group? Did others try to keep them involved? Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 12 Here are some general processing questions to ask at the end of any team building initiative: What was the task of the activity? Did your team involve everyone in solving the challenge? Who in your group seems to step up as a natural leader? What can you do to make sure everyone is involved? Is it necessary to get everyone‘s input about a task? Whose responsibility is it to make sure all are heard? What role do you tend to play in this group? Is that a good role for you? If not, how can that be changed? Did your group use negative pressure or put downs during the challenge? What were some of the praise phrases used? What were some problems that happened in your group? What helped your group be successful? How well did your group communicate? Did you develop a plan or strategy before you began? Did you feel it was more important to work as a group or an individual? Which is easier? With each successive task, ask how the group is gaining skills/improving/applying what they‘ve learned. When handicaps were assigned to your team members, how did that affect your group? Did anyone feel angry or annoyed at that person? If it was a leader that was affected, did you feel hopeless in accomplishing the task now? Did someone step up to fill his/her shoes? If you had a handicap assigned to you, how did that limit you? Did you feel like less a part of the group? Did others try to keep you involved? How did the experience make you feel? How could your team have made it better/easier for you? If the task required lifting, like Spider Web, how did it feel to have to trust someone? Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 13 RETREATS When our church told me there would be a requirement to have a retreat with my mission‘s team I thought they were CRAZY!! I was positive we would have little or no turn out and I didn‘t know how we would be able to fill the day with activities that were advantageous to the group. I hate to admit it but I was wrong! We have had almost a 100% turn-out and had so much to do we couldn‘t finish it all. In addition to this, we actually had a great time getting to know each other and learning so much more about the task God had set before us. Here is a schedule of one retreat and some activities you can plan. Schedule: 9:45am – Team Picture 10:00am – Team Competitions 11:00am – Devotional, Prayer and Praise 11:30am – Fill out visa applications and answer any last minute questions 12:00pm – Lunch (pitch in) 1:30pm – Practice EvangeCubes and Team Breakouts 2:00pm – Make VBS eternity bracelets 2:30pm – Puppet demonstration 3:00pm – Meet with prayer partners and pray Team competitions: We had a race to see which team could get through all the stations the fastest. Each team started at a different station with directions at each station to instruct them how they should proceed. Station #1 (Bubble Blowout) 1. Every member of your team takes a piece of bubble gum out of the basket. 2. Chew the gum and when every member has blown a bubble you may continue to the next station. Station #2 (Hoola Smiles) 1. Every member except one picks up a hoola hoop and begins to hoola. 2. The team member without the hoola hoop will pick up the Polaroid camera and take a picture of their ENTIRE TEAM hoola hooping AT THE SAME TIME. Station #3 (Birthday Line-up) 1. Each team member lines up on the line (long rope) first without talking and in random order. 2. Leaving one foot on the line AT ALL TIMES the team will line up oldest to youngest according to birthdays WITHOUT TALKING…………….EVER!! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 14 Station #4 (Wheel Barrel Race) 1. Each team member will find a partner and go the distance marked, as a human wheel barrel, one partner at a time. 2. The first set of partners will go the whole distance and return to the starting position before the next set of partners begins. 3. If there is an uneven number on you team, you will need to form one 3 partner wheel barrel instead of a 2 partner wheel barrel. Station #5 (Donut Eating Contest) 1. Each team will pick 3 team members to eat a donut hanging on the string (3 donuts total). 2. The 3 donut eating team members are to hold their hands behind their backs and not use them at any time. Station #6 (Humdinger) 1. Each team member draws a piece of paper out of the basket. 2. One at a time, each person hums the song on their paper until another team member guesses the correct song. As soon as all the songs are guessed the team can continue to the next station. Ideas for songs are Flinstone‘s theme song, Beverly Hillbillies theme song, I‘m Dreaming of a White Christmas, It‘s Been a Hard Day‘s Night, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, BINGO, God Bless America Station #7 (Egg Race) 1. Each person places an egg on a spoon and races, one person at a time, the distance marked. 2. The next person in line cannot begin until the previous person returns to the starting position. 3. If an egg drops while the race is in progress, the team member has to return to the starting position and begin again. There are extra eggs if one would happen to break. Other Games and Ice Breakers: 1. Have each person tell 2 truths and 1 lie about themselves and have the group guess which one is the lie. 2. Play a ―Survivor‖ game with 2 teams and ask questions about Amazon Outreach. Ideas for questions are ―Who is the Executive Director of A.O.?, What is the name and correct spelling of the mission‘s boat?, What year did the maiden voyage of the Linda Esperanca take place?‖ 3. Divide in teams and build the tallest structure in one minute using a stack of index cards. 4. Give each person 5 beans. Have each person tell something they have not done in their life and if anyone else has done it then they have to put in a bean. The one with the most beans at the end wins. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 15 Jeopardy Skit During one of your initial meetings you can do a skit of a Jeopardy Game so that people can get to know a little about Brazil and their culture. You will need: 1. Game Show Host 2. Three contestants that have never been on a trip 3. Three noise makers (shakers, buzzers, rattles) 4. Poster board with three categories listed at the top (School, Brazil, Missionaries) and underneath each category are dollar amounts from $100 to $900 in each column. 5. ―Vanna White‖ volunteer to mark off the dollar amounts as people choose. Once your volunteers are selected you will need to remind them that their answers need to be in the form of a question. When the first person chooses a category, no matter what category they choose, the host says, ―Brazil for $____!‖ The contestants will begin to understand that the only category they are allowed to choose is Brazil. Make it fun and let the audience participate if the contestants get stumped. Jeopardy Questions: $100 - The largest river in the world Answer: What is the Amazon? That is correct. The fresh water discharged into the sea by the Amazon could fill Lake Ontario in 3 hours. It is 16x's larger than the Nile, and 12x's larger than the Mississippi, expanding up to 200 miles wide. $200 - The official religion of Brazil Answer: What is Catholicism? That is correct. The Roman Catholic church reigns as a political authority over much of the Amazon, controlling people by confiscating Bibles and withholding financial means. However, although Catholicism is the official religion, paganism still thrives. $300 - The language spoken in Brazil Answer: What is Portuguese That is correct. The language of Brazil was strongly influenced by Europeans, but also Africans and Native Indians as well. $400 - "Oi. Como vai?" translates into this English greeting. Answer: What is "Hi. How are you?" That is correct. A Spanish-speaking person has little difficulty communicating in the Portuguese language because the two are so similar. $500 - This insect, commonly feared by missionaries to the Amazon, is sometimes referred to as the National Bird of Brazil. Answer: What is the mosquito? That is correct. The Texas mosquito is bigger than the Brazilian mosquito, but of course everything is bigger in Texas. $600 - Being a jungle, there are not 9-5 jobs to support the economy. Instead, men participate in these activities to feed their families. Answer: What is fishing? Hunting and farming manioc are also means of survival. That is correct. Unfortunately during certain times of the year when the river is high, the fishing is no good and food becomes scarce, causing people to live in a state of semi-starvation. $700 - The Amazon jungle is home to many varieties of this reptile, which has become a powerful mythological creature. Answer: What is the snake? That is correct. Some villagers believe in the legend of the Cobra-Grande, which lives in the water and can take different shapes to frighten away fisherman. $800 - Manioc, a primary source of food in the Amazon, is similar to this worldwide popular vegetable. Answer: What is the potato? That is correct. Though manioc is a primary source of food in the jungle, it holds no nutritional value, and in fact is poisonous if not prepared properly. $900 - A popular fish of both the US and the Amazon, it is said to grow so large it can swallow children. Answer: What is the catfish? That is correct. The Amazon is home to the most exotic animal life on the planet -- the longest snakes, the largest parrots, the largest rodents, that largest ants, the most species of bats & monkeys, and spiders large enough to catch birds. There are more species of fish in the Amazon than in the Atlantic Ocean. There are electric eels, sharks, dolphins, sting rays, anacondas, and turtles -- and the most celebrated inhabitant of all, the piranha! Final Jeopardy The greatest obstacle in reaching the Amazon people with the Gospel. Answer: What is a lack of willing people? That is correct. Amazon Outreach as a mission has targeted 300 villages for ministry; however, only 50 of these villages have an evangelical witness for Christ. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 16 Bridge Skit In the beginning was God. God decided to make the heavens and the earth and it was very good! (Before skit begins set up two stools or chairs apart from each other marking one as heaven (ceu) and one earth (terra). Then God made man so that man could fellowship with God. God and man talked together and walked together. God loved man and man loved God. Then a sad thing happened that changed the world forever. God told man he could eat any food in the garden he wanted. But God told man not to eat of one special fruit (Have a banana wrapped in aluminum foil hung from a stick). The man listened to the devil and he ate the fruit God told him not to. Then God appeared and told man he was sinful and disobedient and he must leave the garden God had made for him. When that happened God left man alone on the earth. He said to man that two bad things must take place. A. Man‘s nature changed from clean to sinful (Man takes off white shirt and has a black one underneath). Man could no longer be in God‘s presence because he was sinful and God was holy. B. Man‘s future home was changed from heaven to hell. Man thought he would be happy without God but he was not. He missed God, but he could not fellowship with God because of his sin. He tried to please God by doing good deeds but nothing was good enough to get to heaven. He read his Bible, he shared his fish, he helped his neighbor, and he gave money to the church. (deeds are written on heart shaped paper and held up by man and as each is read the man drops the heart on the floor), Read his Bible= Leia a Biblia He shared his fish = Ele compartilhou seu peixe He helped his neighbor = Ele ajudou seu proximo He gave money- Ele deu Dinheiro God told man his good deeds were like filthy rags and they would never change his sinful nature. God was sad and man was sad but man could do absolutely nothing to save himself (Have the man reach out to God but God just shakes his head). So God gave His son, Jesus, to go to earth to be born of a virgin. He lived a perfect life and God was well pleased. Jesus obeyed his father and allowed man to crucify Him on a cross. (Someone not in the skit helps raise a wide board to Jesus‘ back and then Jesus and the helper lay the board across the two stools.) He died but then God raised Jesus from the dead and He went up to heaven. (Go and stand by God and have God point to man and Jesus goes and hold out his hand by man and the bridge cross.) Now man must decide. Will he step out on the cross? Jesus will help him but the man must be willing. As soon as man trusts Jesus as his Savior and takes His hand, Jesus forgives his sin and sees his sin no more (Man, who is standing on the stool marked Earth, reaches out for Jesus‘ hand and when he does, Jesus gives him the white shirt to put back on over the black one). Along the way man sometimes slips and makes mistakes but Jesus will help him back up (Man pretends to slip while walking across board and Jesus walks beside him and helps steady him). Through Jesus we have eternal life and after you accept Jesus Christ as your Savior you will always be in Jesus‘ hands. We may slip but He will never let go. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 17 PORTUGUESE WORDS AND PHRASES Sim (seen) – yes Nao (now) – no como vai? (como vi) – how‘s it going? Tudo bem (too-doo bane) – all is well (can be a question & answer) Muito bem (mooey-too bane) – very well Por favor (poor fah-vor) – please Obrigado/a (o-bree-gah-doo/dah) – thank you (guys say ―o‖ and girls say ―a‖) Desculpe (des-cul-pay) – excuse me Nao falo Portuguese (now fah-loo Poor-too-gase) – I don‘t speak Portuguese Voce fala Engles? (vo-say fah-lah In-glace) – Do you speak English? Onde (own-gee) – where Quando (quan-doo) – when O que?(OK) – what Bom dia (bone gee-ah) – good day or good morning Boa tarde (bo-ah tar-gee) – good afternoon Boa noite (bo-ah noy-chee) – good evening or good night Qual e sua nome? (qual eh su-ah no-may) What is your name? Meu nome e ______.(may-oo no-may eh) My name is____. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Meetings 18 SUPPORT RAISING There are 2 types of support needed for this trip, both absolutely vital. One is financial support and the other is prayer support. The focus of this section is on financial support. FORGET everything you ―feel‖ about receiving financial needs for this trip. YOU ARE ―NOT FUND-RAISING‖! You are people-raising, friend-raising, ministering to and blessing others. Whether or not God has already given you the resources for the trip, He may desire you to do some ―faith building‖ in your life by having you play an active role in the receiving of the financial support for this trip. Support raising is a wonderful blessing. It is a special opportunity that God has given you to meet and/or bless some of His precious saints, to share your excitement about the trip, to open their eyes, and to share a vision. As you do it, the Holy Spirit will use you to change lives. As you tell them of your dreams, your vision, and your calling, you give them the opportunity to carry the Lord's great commission out through you. THE KEY We must understand that God is the source of our funds, not the donors, not our plans or our hard work. Jesus says ―we have not because we ask not.‖ The word ―ask‖ is used in the gospels 113 times. God wants to teach us about asking: Him and others. It is a proven fact that most people will tell you they give because they were asked! It is not unspiritual or fleshly to ask. It is biblical, spiritual, and faith-building to ask. Let‘s not hide behind our fears. Let‘s walk toward them and render them powerless! The worst thing they could say is ―No‖. SUPPORT RAISING IS BIBLICAL… III John 8 – believers urged to financially support those who were going out on behalf of the gospel because that made them ―fellow workers in the truth‖. Numbers 18:24 – The Jews gave their support to the priests. Luke 8:2,3 – Many people supported Jesus and the disciples. Mathew 10:9,10 – A Kingdom worker is worthy of his support. Acts 18:4,5 – Paul stopped tentmaking to preach full time on support. 1 Corinthians 9:1-18 – Paul had the right to be supported by the churches. In Hebrews 13, twelve Hebrew spies who went into the Promised Land to take a look before the whole nation was to enter and claim what God had given them? Only Joshua and Caleb came back ready to invade. The other ten spies were so terrified of the giants they saw in the land that they confessed, "we became like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight. Instead of trusting God and moving out with courage, they let fear paralyze them. How they viewed themselves affected how the giants viewed them. It is the same way in support raising. The confidence level that we have in our God, our vision, and ourselves can make us....or break us! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 1 All of us have different ―giants" in our own minds that will keep us from beginning and persevering in the process of assembling a full support team. These are some common "giants" we must conquer: It’s too hard It’s not fun It’s a burden It’s a “necessary evil” PROCRASTINATION Just as God had prepared the land for the Israelite people to simply go in and take it, we can believe that God has prepared the hearts of the donors and we need to walk boldly in faith to find those givers and ask them to join us in this ministry. Have a ―when I raise my support‖ attitude, not an ―if I raise my support‖. GET READY TO HEAR SOME LIES! Some lies the enemy will whisper in your ear about support raising. You can‘t ask your friends for money! You‘re NOT asking for money. You‘re asking for them to make an investment; an investment in your life and in reaching the lost, which is certainly a worthwhile investment. Philippians 4:17 says, ―Not that I seek the gift itself, but I seek for the profit which increases to your account‖. There is an account in heaven that each of us will be able to enjoy for eternity. And, while it is true that we ―can‘t take it with us,‖ Scripture teaches that we CAN make deposits to our heavenly account before we die. These trips bear an incredible amount of fruit for God‘s kingdom. You don‘t need to raise support because you can afford to pay for the trip yourself. The enemy‘s hidden agenda in this lie is to make you prideful. If he whispers this one in your ear, the best way to counteract this attack is to pay for another trip member and raise support for your own trip costs. If God has blessed you financially, GREAT! But, don‘t deprive someone of receiving the blessing of giving just because you are blessed. ―Remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He Himself said, ‗It is more blessed to give than to receive.‘‖ Acts 20:35. Also, God may want to use YOU to assist someone else! Times are hard, people are out of work, the economy is terrible…people can‘t afford to give. Don‘t believe this one and STEAL a faith-building experience in THEIR lives. God may be using YOU to draw THEM closer to Him. 1 Kings 17:7-16 tells of God commanding Elijah to go to Zarephath and ask a widow for her last meal. What blessing of seeing God‘s mighty power she would have missed if Elijah had been too embarrassed to ask! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 2 You don‘t know that many people/Christians. It may take some serious thought on your part, but YES YOU DO! Church, Sunday School class, bible study, work, clubs, etc. Also, don‘t miss an opportunity to witness to a non-believer by assuming they would never give. A lady that worked with one of our team members for years would frequently tell her how ridiculous she was to believe that God existed. The lady laughed and ridiculed the team member for her faith in Jesus Christ. She wanted nothing to do with the Lord. After working with the lady for 2 years, God prompted the team member to ask her if she would like to contribute to her upcoming Amazon mission trip. Imagine her complete shock when the lady said, "Yes!" That was 3 years ago. She donated $50 that year, $250 the following year and last year SHE WENT ON THE TRIP! God's wooing of her included making her a part of these trips and He allowed the team member the privilege of being part of that wooing. You can have an incredible ministry in the lives of others, and you might be their ONLY connection to Jesus Christ or His Great Commission. Don‘t sell God‘s power short. He can prompt the heart of anyone. His ways are not our ways. You don‘t need to send out support letters. God knows your needs; If God wants you to go, the money will come in. While your trust in God (by making this statement) is certainly admirable, anyone who has successfully raised funds will agree that it never ―just comes‖ without effort. It is true that God does provide. But, He requires some effort out of His servants. Faith without works is dead. You don‘t have time to do this! Or, You can do it later (closer to the trip). Ask God to GIVE you the time (expand your time, help you prioritize, etc.). Don‘t be selfish by not giving people enough time to pray about how much they should give and time to budget-in a donation. Give GOD enough time to speak to them. Too much time (more than 6 months) and they‘ll forget. Too little time and they may give but it might only be a ―token‖ gift instead of a prayerful gift. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 3 Support Raising - A Blessing Plan Although this is not something to be taken lightly, you can have a lot of fun mixed in with all the hard work. Here are some suggestions to help you get started. STEP 1 PRAY. Express your total dependence on our Lord. Pray that God will purify your motives and direct you to people who will join your ―support team‖. We need to bathe ourselves and our donors in prayer before, during, and after this process. God will go before you. He will also build a love for your donors as you pray for them individually. Recommit yourself to God right now. Ask Him to help you to be willing – willing for ANYTHING, ANY TIME, ANY PLACE, ANYWAY. That‘s total surrender. God doesn‘t just want you to be willing to be a short-term missionary. He wants you to be willing for anything. Commit yourself to pray daily for yourself and your support partners from now until one month after you return home. STEP 2 BEGIN WITH YOUR HOME CHURCH. Talk to your pastor or missions committee about how your church can help. Explain the ministry, your plans for involvement, what you will be doing and why you want to be a part of this ministry. STEP 3 MAKE A LIST OF PROSPECTS. Pray for ideas and list everyone who comes to mind. Include church friends, relatives, neighbors, school mates, club and civic contacts, foundations, corporations, Christmas card list. How about your doctor, lawyer, dentist, mechanic? Don‘t automatically rule anyone out! You WILL be surprised. STEP 4 CALL EVERYONE ON YOUR LIST. This is EXTREMELY important. A direct call is critical. If you can meet with some of them in person, that‘s even better. If you have a list of 50 people, call five people a night for 10 nights and tell them 1) What you are doing, 2) Why you are doing it, 3) What you‘d like them to do for you (which is to pray about joining your support team). STEP 5 MAIL SUPPORT LETTER. This should be mailed within 2 days of your first call. See attached sample support letters for examples and tips. (Note: NO emails! It‘s too impersonal) STEP 6 MAKE FOLLOW-UP CONTACTS. Again, in person is best, by phone is next best (no emails). 10 nights after your first call, call them back and ask them 1) Did you receive my letter? 2) Do you have any questions? 3) Have you had a chance to pray about support me? How has God directed you? STEP 7 THANK BEFORE YOU BANK. You‘ve worked hard and you are now beginning to receive money. It seems to be coming in faster that you can handle. You are busy and it seems that you are falling behind in correspondence. It would be easy to forget about it all together. But, supporters need to be thanked and more than that, need to feel that they are a part of your ministry. STEP 8 KEEP TRACK. As you receive gifts, have a simple way to keep track. It is very important that YOU be accountable for the gifts you‘re receiving. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 4 TIPS FOR PREPARING AND SENDING SUPPORT LETTERS 1. PRAY! Before you even begin drafting your letter, ask God to give you the words. 2. The sooner you get the letters out, the sooner you will see God‘s power to provide for your needs. Support letters should be sent out NO LATER than 4 months prior to your trip. 3. Send letters (NOT e-mail) to EVERYONE you know…believers and nonbelievers. You might be surprised to see whom God chooses to partner with you in this ministry. 4. Personalize the letter. The more personalized the letter is, the more the recipients will feel/want to be involved. 5. Be sure to include the trip dates. 6. Be sure to specify the date you will need to receive donations by. Generally, all donations should be received no later than 6-8 weeks prior to your trip. 7. Be sure to specify that all checks should be made payable to Amazon Outreach (or to your sponsoring church). DO NOT have supporters make checks out to you. 8. All financial donations are tax deductible and each person who gives toward your support will receive a receipt from Amazon Outreach to be used for tax purposes. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 5 SUPPORT RAISING WORKSHEET This is simply a tool to help you begin your support letter. You don‘t have to answer every question nor do you have to put all of this in your letter. This will simply assist you in gathering your thoughts and give you some ideas of what to include. Some of the answers are provided. 1) Where are you going? To remote villages along The Amazon River Basin in Brazil. 2) Why are you going? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 3) Why do you feel called to go? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 4) How has the Lord revealed to you that He wants you to be a part of this? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 5) Is there a particular scripture the Lord has used/is using to lead you? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 6) What are you going to be doing? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 7) Who is Amazon Outreach? AMAZON OUTREACH is a non-denominational, non-profit mission organization formed to unite North & South Americans in spreading the Gospel message of Jesus Christ to the Amazon Basin in Brazil. Their goal is to see people healed physically and spiritually, while at the same time strengthening and planting new churches along the Amazon River (for more information, visit 8) What ministries does the trip include? Medical, Dental, Vacation Bible School, Women‘s and Men‘s ministries, Optometry, Evangelism, Hair Cutting Ministry and Construction, just to name a few. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 6 9) What do you want/need from them? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 10) Why are you asking them to be a part? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 11) What’s in it for them? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 12) What can they expect from you? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 13) How much do you need? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 14) When do you need it by? ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ 15) Who should they make checks payable to? Are donations tax deductible? HINT: All checks must be made payable to Amazon Outreach (or your sponsoring church) and yes, they are completely tax deductible. Donors will receive a receipt from Amazon Outreach. 16) Where should they send donations? HINT: All check should be mailed TO YOU so you can track all gifts. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 7 SAMPLE SUPPORT LETTERS Dear Friends and Family, This summer, I have an opportunity to take part in a mission trip to the Amazon Region of Brazil. We will be taking teams to participate in various types of ministry, including Evangelism/Discipleship, Medical and Dental Ministry, Vacation Bible School, Women‘s and Men‘s Ministries and Construction. I hope to participate on the________________ Ministry team, and am very excited for the opportunity to be a part of God‘s work in this area. I am looking forward to the lessons that I will learn, and the people that I can touch through this work. To make this possible I will need both financial and prayer support. My portion of the total trip cost that I will need to raise is $____________. Any financial support would be greatly appreciated! The deadline for this amount to be received is ____________. If you feel God calling you to be one of my financial supporters I would also love to talk with you before or after the trip and let you know our plans before leaving or the blessings we received while in the Amazon. I look forward to hearing from you soon. I truly believe that God will change many lives because of your willingness to serve Him. Thank you for being a part of this Amazon missions trip. In Him, Dear ___________, _____You can count on me to support you prayerfully. _____I would like to make a one time donation of $_________for your trip. _____I would like to contribute $_______monthly to Amazon Outreach. Please remember that all donations are tax deductible and should be made out to Amazon Outreach. Name______________________________________Phone______________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ Email address___________________________________________________________ Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 8 Dear Friends and Family, This summer, I have an opportunity to take part in a summer mission trip to the Amazon Region of Brazil. I will be going to remote villages to provide health care for the natives and share the gospel. I will be taking part in the ophthalmology ministry and in the pharmaceutical ministry. I am very excited for the opportunity to be a part of God’s work and am looking forward to the lessons I will learn and meeting the people that will be touched through this work. To make this possible I will need both financial and prayer support. The portion of the total team amount that I need to raise is $3,000. Our mission trip leaves on _______________ and I will need the support by_____________. Would you consider partnering in the work in the Amazon Region by joining the team as a financial and/or prayer supporter? If you choose to help financially you can return a check in the enclosed envelope. I have also enclosed a prayer card to help remind you to pray for us during our ministry. Checks should be made payable to: AMAZON OUTREACH. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me at______________. I look forward to updating you on all that the Lord does in me and through me on this mission trip. In Him, Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 9 ADVENTURE: Amazon! Come with me on a tropical adventure to the hot, muggy, balmy missionary spot of Brazil. They have world-renowned floors (wood and dirt), spacious living quarters (open grass-lands), river front property (all towns along the Amazon are river-front), cool refreshing river waters (sediment filled and murky) and central A/C (provided when a cool wind comes along). Well friends and family, you can go to the Amazon through me. I’ve been given the opportunity to participate in a short term Mission Trip. Our goal is to spread the gospel to the little towns and villages along the river, while at the same time ministering to their health and spiritual needs. Our team, organized thru Amazon Outreach, has doctors, dentists, construction workers and worship teams. I plan to participate on the construction team, but will be available to do whatever the Lord needs of me. We plan to leave September 4th, on a 7-day journey. First flying into Miami, then into Manaus, which is at the entrance to the Amazon. From there we will take a one-day boat journey up the Amazon to the city of Parintins. We will make this boat our “base” stringing hammocks across the deck at night to sleep. Our group has been told that we will carry two suitcases with supplies, and one carry on bag for us. Some of the supplies needed are: new baby-clothes, hats (baseball), soccer balls, and pre-natal vitamins. I’m sure this will be a real eye-opening experience for me and I’m hoping that God will really enrich my faith. I tend to try to rely on myself and believe that I am self-sufficient forgetting that I can never be either of these. I feel this will take me out of my comfort zone and force me rely heavily on God. I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time and wondering what God has in store for me. I cannot do this on my own, so I’m really praying for God’s assistance as he has given this opportunity to me. I’m asking you to please be a part of my support team. I will need major prayer support and I must raise $3,000 for plane fare, food and lodging. Please pray how you can be a part of my support team. I need a strong prayer team along with financial resources. As you pray about these things please keep in mind a verse that really makes me think as I prepare for this journey. Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many”. All financial support is tax deductible. Make checks to: Amazon Outreach, and send them to my address: ____________________. (Please write my name in the MEMO section) I sincerely hope you will be able to support me in the fashion that God leads you. In our Savior’s Holy Name, 0 Please return bottom portion. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Name_________________________________ Would you like a mid trip update? Y / N Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 10 - Type of support (please check all that apply) Prayer Team ___________ Financial _______________ Supplies________________ Or would you just like an end of trip update? Y / N E-mail Address__________________________________________________ SUPPORT RAISING IDEAS Sonic Restaurant There have been a variety of the regular support raisers like garage sales, car washes, auctions, etc. but the best one that I know of is a day at the Sonic. Choose a Sonic that has a great location and they will allow your team to be the car hops for a day and keep all the tips. Normally, you will collect anywhere from $800-1900 for the day with minimal preparation or labor. Here's what you do: 1. Contact the Sonic with the best location and arrange a date to work. They will let you work different shifts from 10:30am-5:00pm or 10:30am-10:00pm. We usually quit at 5:00 and have made $1200-1500 each time. 2. They will give you rules like how many people they need/shift, wear black pants, closed toe shoes and matching T-shirts. 3. We print up small 4X6 flyers saying something like, "All tips today go towards supporting a medical mission's trip to villages on the Amazon River" We print up 4 to a page with a colorful jungle border. Sonic allows you to tape these flyers on each of the menu/speaker areas so everyone that orders knows what you're doing and where their tip is going. 4. We always wear team shirts and sometimes have posters and balloons out by the street to draw people in. 5. We also advertise in our church bulletin. "Power lunch: All tips received at the Sonic Hamburgers (Park and Midway) today between 10:00 am and 5:00 pm will go towards supporting our June mission trip to the Amazon. Please drop by after church, grab a burger, and leave a tip to help impact lives for eternity." The only prep work is to advertise, print off some flyers and set up the schedule. At the end of the day you take the flyers off the speakers and go home with cash in hand! Easy!! Car Wash There are a variety of places, fast food restaurants, Walmart and gas stations, that allow your group to set up a car wash in their parking lots. You bring the hose and they will let you use their water for the car wash. 1. Set up large signs 2. Wear team shirts 3. Have handouts about the trip for people to read as you wash their car. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 11 Church ideas Other people have had their church allow them to take a few minutes to talk about the trip or show the video during the service or Sunday School class. You can have donation envelopes laying on chairs or hand them out for people to donate a check right then or send it to you later. Getting a group behind each individual team member is really exciting and offers huge support for finances and prayer. Another group had a special evening event with live music and Brazilian food. You could have a special evening centered around a sporting event like the Super Bowl or the Basketball playoff games. Before the game or during half time you can show the video or have someone give a testimony of the trip. One group sold raffle tickets before their party/event for a gift certificate to the mall (like Galleria Gold) to make a few extra bucks. You can definitely set up a fund for the "team" and split it evenly between members. Some teams do all their fundraising like this and everyone works for the whole team price. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Support Raising 12 ADMINISTRATIVE FIRST THINGS FIRST: All administrative activities for the trip are the responsibility of the trip leader. It is the trip leader‘s responsibility to ensure that all administrative activities for the trip are completed in a timely manner. As a trip leader, one of your top prayer requests should be for God to raise up someone with the spiritual gift of administration to assist you with this. If God does send someone to help you with this important piece of the trip, remember it is still your responsibility. You can delegate the work but you cannot delegate the responsibility. If God raises up someone to assist you with trip administration, be sure to pray diligently for that person. If they have not administered a trip before, they have NO idea what they have just agreed/offered to do. Also, encourage them to come to you if they have questions or problems. Remember, you ARE the trip leader. The administrative piece of a trip is the most time-consuming part of leading the trip. It can be joyful, fun, exciting, humbling, frustrating, nerve-racking, pull-your-hair-out irritating and one of the most incredible privileges you‘ve every experienced. It can also be a powerful tool in the hand of the Master to draw YOU closer to Him and make YOU (trip leader/administrator) more dependant on Him – exponentially dependant! There are many aspects of administering a trip. There‘s lots of paperwork, requirements, deadlines, etc. It‘s all way too much for any one person to remember. Keep this in mind as you administer your trip. People have very busy lives, they have a lot of ―balls in the air‖ and even though YOU know how important it is for them to remember the things you tell them regarding the trip, they WILL forget things. It is critical that you remember that you are not only leading/administering this trip but you are also TRAINING POTENTIAL FUTURE TRIP LEADERS. As you lead/administer, you are DISCIPLING. ADMINISTRATIVE ACTIVITIES AT A GLANCE Coordinate all trip preparation activities (supply collecting, ministry team leader preparation, trip member preparation, etc.) Ensure all team members apply for trip online and assist if needed. Help each team member apply online for Brazilian visas Collect all money. Receive all monies associated with the trip. Copy, record/accrue incoming checks before forwarding to Amazon Outreach bookkeeper. Contact all participants with trip updates as they occur. Complete all required administrative duties while on trip. Complete all required post-trip administrative duties following trip. Assist the trip leader in any and every way possible before, during and after the trip. ON YOUR MARK – Positioning for Successful Trip Administration Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 1 It‘s a good idea to get a large (3‖) binder to keep all trip paperwork in. Make tabs for your copies of 1) Trip paperwork, 2) Trip Funds Transmittals, 3) Team information (names, addresses, emails, phone #‘s). This will help you keep all trip paperwork together and easily accessible. In every email/contact with trip members, remind them of key points regarding the trip. Remind, Remind, Remind. It‘s a good idea to email/contact all trip participants at least every other week beginning with the information meeting and then every week the month prior to the trip. This will not only help YOU in reminding them of important information but it will also help THEM keep the trip in the forefront of their minds and more importantly, in the forefront of their prayers. TRIP CALENDAR BEFORE THE FIRST MEETING, use the MEETINGS section of the Leader‘s Handbook to prayerfully decide how many meetings to schedule and what will be discussed at each meeting. Remember, it‘s not the quantity of trip meetings you conduct but the quality of the trip meetings that matters. Before the first meeting, use your own personal calendar (and that of the trip leader if that‘s not you) to schedule any and all trip meetings including your packing party. Put all the meetings on a calendar (or in list format) and hand out to all interested participants AT THE FIRST MEETING. As people join the trip (after the first meeting has been held) be sure to provide them with the trip calendar. TRIP MEETINGS Note to Administrator: Be prepared – the day(s) preceding each trip meeting will most likely be full of attacks. Our enemy realizes how important these meetings are (specifically to the unity and preparedness of the trip members) and he will do EVERYTHING he can to get you and/or the trip leader flustered, weary, irritated and distracted from the issue at hand. Preparing for the trip meetings well in advance can help alleviate some of these attacks. Before the very first meeting, prayerfully put together draft agendas for every/all meetings and include topics to be discussed at each meeting. This will help you as you prepare for each individual meeting by remembering what was discussed at previous meetings and what still needs to be covered. These draft agendas are not ―engraved in stone‖ and you can change them at any time. However, having them laid out in draft form will help you. Be sure to stress to all interested trip participants that trip meetings are not optional, for rookies or veterans. You might remind them that if they are being lead to go on the trip, it is God who is leading/calling them; trip meetings are PART of the trip therefore they are PART of the call. Also, if YOU make the meetings a priority in your own schedule, those you are leading will follow suit. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 2 Veterans are needed at all meetings to encourage not only the rookies but also to encourage the trip leader and the trip administrator. The trip STARTS the minute they agree to God to go on the trip, not when they get to the airport, or when they step foot on the boat, or when they get to the first village. Before each meeting, take your draft agenda and prayerfully create a full (final) agenda. Regardless of how ―good‖ or experienced you are at conducting meetings, have a printed agenda with all pertinent items that are to be covered. This will help keep the meeting from going off on rabbit trails and it will help you remember what NEEDS to be covered. Start & end every meeting on time. This shows respect for people‘s time. Stick to your agenda. You have prayerfully put it together so stay the course. It‘s easy to get distracted and off on a rabbit trail and then before you know it, it‘s time for the meeting to end and you still have five more things to cover. At the same time, be considerate of questions or topics raised by trip members. Prepare all materials in advance. At every meeting, give trip participants something to ―carry away‖ (Missionary Handbook, trip calendar, magnets with prayer requests, book marks with trip members‘ names, prayer calendar, etc.). Again, all materials and handouts should be prepared before the meeting. If you are not leading the meeting (if you are not the trip leader), BE SURE that the trip leader has a good understanding of what will be covered at the meeting. After each meeting, send out an email to all trip members to remind them of the things that were discussed at the meeting. This will help those who were at the meeting remember them, and it will inform those unable to attend the meeting of what was discussed. (Yes, there will be people who will miss meetings even though you have told them that meetings are not optional. Keeping these trip members well informed is called GRACE.) SHORT-TERM MISSIONARY HANDBOOK All 1st-timers will have lots of questions. Many of the answers to these questions can be found in the Amazon Outreach Short-Term Missionary Handbook. Encourage ALL interested participants to download the handbook from and read through it. This will help YOU as trip administrator not to have to answer questions like ―where do we sleep‖ 30 times. You might also want to have several printed out copies of the handbook at the first few meetings for trip members to pick up. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 3 GET SET – Communicate, Coach, Collect & Conquer PRAYER & FLEXIBILITY In EVERY contact you have with trip members (meetings, emails, telephone calls, etc.), remind them that the 2 KEY components of a trip are prayer and flexibility. This means providing them with SPECIFIC things to pray for (different aspects of the trip). Don‘t just hand out a ―laundry list‖ of things to be lifted up; utilize one of the prayer calendars provided in the Trip Leader‘s Handbook. You can tailor it to fit your particular trip so that all trip members are praying together DAILY for the trip, for each other, for YOU, etc. The 40-Day prayer guide is a wonderful way to spend the time leading right up to the day of departure. If you don‘t keep FLEXIBILITY in the forefront of your trip members‘ minds for the months leading up to the trip, you will be sorry. The flexibility required for these mission trips is one of the hardest areas for many Americans. As Americans, we are accustomed to and geared toward schedules and deadlines and being on time and agendas. The Brazilian culture is the EXACT OPPOSITE of our American culture. Make no mistake, the enemy is WELL aware of this fact and he will USE this to weaken your team. You can disempower him in this area by continuously talking to your trip members about flexibility. Topics of discussions regarding flexibility might include: o ―Brazilian time‖ - encourage them to leave their watches at home; o Airport delays – God‘s timing for this trip might include a 10 hour delay in airports, or a rerouting of the plane, etc.; o Which ministry team they will serve on - remind them that this is GOD‘s trip and He may want to use them on a ministry team that they don‘t feel ―comfortable‖ on; o Lost luggage – God knows what every trip member needs and He will provide it even if their luggage and/or carry on bags don‘t make it to Manaus when they do. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 4 TRIP APPLICATION AND PAPERWORK Online Application: Every team member is required to sign up for the trip online so it would make your life much easier to encourage everyone to sign up before the first official meeting. Have team members hand in their liability waivers, minor-traveling forms AND their trip deposit at the trip first meeting. If possible, have a notary at the first trip meeting to notarize the liability waivers and minor-traveling forms. The trip members will LOVE you for doing this! Having them apply for the trip previous to the meeting and turn in all paperwork & deposits at the first meeting will allow them time for questions. You might consider reviewing each team member‘s application and testimony online before the meeting to make sure everyone has filled out their application properly. This will also give you an idea of the background of each member of your team. If you have a trip member that is not yet trusting Christ and Christ alone for salvation, obviously they will not have a ―testimony‖. DO NOT make a big deal about this. Just tell them not to worry about filling out that form and leave it at that. After each team member has applied online you can login at and find information on your team as well as finding needed reports. Reports can be easily emailed to the person requesting the information by clicking on trip/participants information, then click on reports, then pull down the date of the trip on the right hand side of the screen. Then you can click on generate report. Travel Documents – Passports: You can pick up your Passport Application at a local post office or online. It can take 6-8 weeks to get your passport back, so it is vital that you begin working on your passport immediately. Your passport must be valid for 6 months from the date of the intended arrival. The applicant must appear before a local, designated passport acceptor (usually postmaster or clerk of court) for the signing and witnessing of the application. The applicant must submit the following: 2 passport pictures (2"x2") - These can be taken and processed at most Kinko‘s locations. Passport offices WILL NOT accept other kinds of pictures. Check with your local passport office for current prices for the passport fee and the local agency fee to purchase a passport, which is valid for 10 years (for adults). State birth certificate - Must be a State certificate with a raised, embossed seal. A copy or hospital record of birth WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED BY THE PASSPORT DEPARTMENT. Photo identification is required such as a valid driver‘s license, state or county photo ID card, or Military ID Card. If you run out of time, call a local private passport expediting service company (you can find them in the Yellow Pages) or you can use one of the following: Washington Passport Service Company, 1-800-272-7776 or in Dallas call Universal Passport and Visa at 214-739-3400. Check for current expediting prices with the local passport office. These companies will walk your passport through the system and get it back to you in 3 to 5 business days. Call for exact details and procedures. Travel Documents – Visa (General requirements): You will apply online for visas as a group 3-4 months before travel. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 5 ONLINE VISA APPLICATION GUIDELINES 1. Go to 2. Click on VISA REQUEST (in bottom left hand box) 3. BE EXTREMELY CAUTIOUS WITH FILLING EVERYTHING OUT CORRECTLY. THE MOST IMPORTANT ANSWER IS THE FIRST ONE. “WHAT IS THE REASON FOR YOUR TRIP?” THE ANSWER IS………………….TOURISM!!! 4. After you state the reason for your trip there will be a new window with 5 tabs. Click on the first tab that says ―General Data‖ to get started. 5. GENERAL DATA: although many items are not marked as ―required fields‖, they must be properly completed anyway. All names should be the same as they appear in your passport. 6. All DATES need to be filled in DAY FIRST, MONTH SECOND, YEAR THIRD. 7. DOCUMENTS: all five fields are required 8. OCCUPATION: although not shown as required, if profession is left in blank, application will not be valid. You may put ―STUDENT‖ and your school address. 9. ADDRESSES: please indicate current address and make sure it MATCHES the address on your driver‘s license. 10. CONTACT WHERE YOU WILL STAY IN BRAZIL: NAME: Marco Rego ADDRESS: Av Rio Mar 62, Vieiralves CITY: Manaus COUNTRY POLITICAL DEPT: AM ZIP CODE: 69053-180 TELEPHONE NUMBER: 0-21-92-8414-2015 EMAIL: 11. ESTIMATED TIME OF ARRIVAL: the day after you leave the U.S. 12. LENGTH OF STAY: 10 days 13. At the bottom of this page, there is a field to fill out with the code shown on the left box. If you cannot discern the letters, click on the link underneath the yellow box, and you will get a new set of letters/numbers. 14. When you have completed filling out your application click SUBMIT 15. You will receive a confirmation page/receipt to PRINT and SIGN (same as PASSPORT NAME). 16. One 2‖ x 2‖ passport photograph (Place in with other materials. They will glue on for you at Passports and Visas. 17. Check your passport to make sure it is SIGNED. Passport needs a minimum remaining validity of 6 months with at least 2 blank Visa pages (not Endorsement pages) available for the visa stamp. 18. SEND TO YOUR LEADER or Take yourself to Passports & Visas: Signed Confirmation/Receipt Form with Passport Photo Attached (Brazilian Visa pictures can be done at Walgreens) Signed Passport Copy of Drivers License Check current cost with local passport office. In Dallas make check out to Passports and Visas. (approximately $211) They also accept Credit Cards. Passports and Visas (2938 Valley View Lane, Farmers Branch, TX 75234;, would prefer visa applications brought in a few at Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 6 a time instead of in one or two large groups. Individuals may bring in just one if they prefer and let Cindy at Passports and Visas know the name of your specific Amazon Outreach team (church, school, group). Each person is responsible for the cost of their visa. At this point and time, the visas are good for 10 years. VISA REQUIREMENTS FOR MINORS – Please check with Passports and Visas for current requirements for Minors as they change frequently. *NOTE: Leaders! Brenda will send an itinerary with all applicant‘s names listed to accompany your visa application documents. For Dallas area team members: Universal Passports and Visas, Inc. ( 7515 Greenville Ave., Suite 910, Dallas, TX 75231 214-739-3400 (office) or 800-831-2098 214-739-3414 (fax) (Cathy Stroud) Call for current prices. AO gets a price break for 10 or more visa applications processed together. Checklist for items needed from each trip member for Visa: ____Passport (signed)(must be valid for 6 months from date of entry, and contain at least two blank visa pages.) ____Visa Application (signed and checked Tourism only) ALL minors, 17 yrs or younger, need to have BOTH PARENTS SIGN THEIR APPLICATION ____Copy of Driver‘s License ____2X2 Passport Picture to attach to Visa Application (front view only, profiles not accepted). Attach passport photo to application with one staple. Only if going thru Universal Passport & Visa for expediting: ____Check for payment of visa to Universal Passport and Visa . NOTE: If a minor 17 years old or under is traveling with only one parent or no parent you will need to check with your local consulate or expediting office to see if there are any additional forms, costs or notarized signatures required for them to travel. TRIP COSTS $2000 plus airfare per team member. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 7 Tell all interested trip participants ALL of the estimated trip costs upfront. This should be done at the Information Meeting. Put this information on the Trip Information Sheet that is handed out at the Information Meeting to all interested participants. Also, don‘t forget to make this information available to all trip members who join the trip AFTER the Information Meeting. Make sure they KNOW about the ADDITIONAL COSTS that might incur. Shots & immunizations = $500 Travel meals = $25 Gifts/souvenirs = $50-$150 Passport = $110 Visa = $200* (adult) $200* (minor) Translator/Crew tip $50 (optional) All above costs are approximate. MONEY (SUPPORT) ALL TRIP DEPOSITS AND ANY OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED IN PREPARING FOR THE TRIP (I.E. SHOTS, PASSPORTS, ETC.) ARE NON-REFUNDABLE. Ensure that each trip member knows the following. As their support money comes in, they should: Ensure that all the checks have their name and their trip date in the memo section of the check. This is VERY IMPORTANT. They can include this instruction in their support letter if they want, but as the checks come in, they should verify this and do it themselves if necessary. Figure out a simple way to keep track of the checks as they come in. It is THEIR responsibility to keep track of the monies they receive. (Note: It is also the responsibility of the trip leader/trip administrator to track monies but also making the trip members responsible for tracking their own monies will help prevent them from frequently calling you (trip leader/administrator) to ―find out how much money they‘ve raised‖. Write a ―Thank You‖ note immediately upon receipt of any and all support (prayer and financial). Mail or give their support checks to you (trip leader/administrator) as soon as the checks come in. Ask trip members to please not hold onto their checks. Also ask them NOT to send their checks directly to Amazon Outreach. NOT give you cash. If a trip member receives cash, they should write a check themselves for the amount of the cash and give the check to you OR they can simply use the cash to pay for other trip expenses (shots, travel meals, etc.). You (trip leader/trip administrator) are responsible for keeping records of the funds each trip member collects (This is not a function handled by Amazon Outreach bookkeeping.). Recording/Accruing money: The means by which you record/accrue trip members‘ donations is up to you. There is a simple spreadsheet in the Amazon Outreach Trip Spreadsheet you can use for this or, if you prefer more detailed tracking, you can design your own spreadsheet and use it. This is not a spreadsheet you will send to Amazon Outreach; it is for your benefit only. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 8 A more detailed spreadsheet might include the date you received the check, the date on the check, the check number, the name on the check and the amount of the check. You might consider setting this up for each trip member so that you have an individual spreadsheet for each member. If you are familiar with Microsoft EXCEL, you can create a spreadsheet to include any items you want and you can have EXCEL do all the calculations (totals). This will give you a ―running total‖ for each trip member and will be available ―at a glace‖. Example: Trip Member Name Molly Member Check Received 11/11/2005 4/26/2006 5/15/2006 Check Date 11/4/2005 4/15/2006 4/18/2006 4/26/2006 5/1/2006 4/20/2006 4/26/2006 Check No. 11819 1099 1417 12136 3817 1306 1581 Check Name Amount Molly O'Reilly Smith Jones Trenton Thomas Landerfield $100.00 $100.00 $1,000.00 $600.00 $50.00 $50.00 $100.00 TOTAL COLLECTED TOTAL DUE BALANCE DUE $2,000.00 $2,900.00 $900.00 It is highly recommended that you keep a copy of each check that comes in. Once you have copied the checks and entered them into your chosen tracking system, you will need to complete an Amazon Outreach Trip Transmittal Form. An Amazon Outreach Trip Transmittal Form MUST accompany any check or group of checks mailed to AO for deposit. There must be one of these transmittal forms that totals the checks enclosed in your envelope to AO. (See Admin Appendix for form) By way of instruction, for example, if you have three checks for the same traveler that totals $300, the transmittal would have one line for that traveler showing a total amount of $300 – NOT three lines totaling $300, repeating the name of the traveler three times. Complete all information requested at the top of the transmittal so that communication with you, if necessary, is expedited. If your group is making checks payable to your church, then you only need to submit one check to Amazon Outreach at each of the deadline times. Attached copies of checks to a copy of the corresponding completed Amazon Outreach Trip Funds Transmittal. Keep these in your trip binder. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 9 Attach all checks to the Transmittal Form and mail to Amazon Outreach. Mail the original to AO and keep a copy for your records. Mail all checks to the Amazon Outreach, P. O. Box 794763, Dallas TX 75379-4763 Money Timing and Deadlines: These deadlines are very important. Please plan ahead and schedule trip meetings one to two weeks before these deadlines so you won‘t be scrambling a day or two before the deadline. The dates shown are when the funds should be in the Amazon Outreach office. Please send the checks in often. Do not wait until a deadline comes up to send in checks. FINANCIAL DEADLINES: o o o 4-6 months before the trip: Airfare + $500 deposit due 95 days before the trip: $1,000 due 65 days before the trip: $500 due NOTE: ALL TRIP DEPOSITS AND ANY OTHER EXPENSES INCURRED IN PERPARING FOR THE TRIP (I.E. SHOTS, PASSPORTS, ETC.) ARE NONREFUNDABLE. Please inform all of your team members of this policy at the first and second meetings (before they start sending in checks). Please also inform them that if they decide not to go on the trip, the applicant must submit a letter in writing to Amazon Outreach stating they will not be participating in the trip. Applicant must also send a letter to supporters informing them of his/her not going on the trip and that their support will go towards supporting others on the trip. SPECIAL INCENTIVE FOR LEADERS – When your team has raised the support for 24 fully paid team members YOU will receive a FREE trip. Excess Funds: If your team or individual team members have collected excess funds for your trip, please notify them that those funds can be used in these ways: 1. Pay for their Brazilian Visa 2. Any remainder of individual team members (after visa charges are paid) will be used first for the team to meet their support. 3. If there are excess funds after team support is covered, the individual can hold their funds over for a trip the following year. If this option is chosen, then the individual must notify Amazon Outreach in writing, within 30 days of returning from the trip. The funds must be used for the next trip year (not in 2 or 3 years). 4. If the team has excess funds they can purchase extra bibles, tracts, reading glasses, vitamins, supplies to take to the villagers, etc. Excess trip funds can not be used for immunizations, or for reimbursement of support raising costs. “PRE-TRIP” MINISTRY TEAMS At the first or second meeting, ask trip members to commit to serve on a ―Pre-Trip‖ Ministry Team. This may or may not be the ministry team they are planning to serve on while on the trip. This will not include all of the actual trip ministries but are teams that require prep-work (i.e., VBS, Men‘s Ministry, Women‘s Ministry, Medical, Dental) and everyone should share in the prep-work blessings. This will be the ministries that have crafts that need to be collected/put together, bible studies to prepare, etc. Make sure Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 10 the trip members know that this WILL NOT ―lock‖ them into this particular ministry. It is simply ―sharing the load‖ of preparing for the trip. Each ministry team should have a Team Captain. See the MINISTRY CAPTAINS section of the Trip Leader‘s Handbook. Print copies of this and handout to trip members. This will let them see what each team does and may help them decide which ministry team they want to serve on (before and during the trip). As trip members ―step up‖ to lead a particular ministry, make this known to the rest of the trip members, so that 1) everyone can be praying specifically for ministry team leaders, and 2) this may encourage others to ―step up‖ to lead a ministry team. CHILDREN’S MINISTRY BE SURE to get the Amazon Outreach Children‘s Ministry Handbook and give it to the Children‘s team captain AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE, preferably 4-5 months before the trip. Of all the ministry teams, this one requires the MOST prep time so the sooner you get the handbook into the hands of the Children‘s team captain, the better. COLLECTING SUPPLIES Encourage trip members to start collecting supplies/donations as soon as possible, preferably right after the first trip meeting. ―Supply Collecting‖ should be a topic of discussion at the first meeting. See the Team Packing section of the Trip Leaders Handbook for a list of supplies to collect. New & lightly used clothing is acceptable. We do not take clothing with stains, tears, etc. Inform the trip members what the supplies/donations are for. They are to be put together (on the boat) in ―Family Packs‖ and given out in the villages. These supplies will be packed in CHECKED luggage. Each trip member will need 2 LARGE suitcases or duffle bags to pack the supplies in. Personal items – clothes, toiletries, etc. – will be packed in a carry-on bag. Each trip member will need to collect enough supplies to FILL both of their suitcases/duffle bags. You might get a letter from your sponsoring church, signed by the pastor and on church letterhead, which trip members can take with them while collecting supplies in case a store asks for something in writing. (See an example in the Admin Appendix) VACCINATIONS There are certain vaccinations that are required and/or recommended for travel into the Amazon region. These can be given through your doctor, with the exception of the Yellow Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 11 Fever vaccination, which must be given through the county health department or a clinic that specializes in travel medicine. The recommended and/or required vaccinations are as follows: Hepatitis A: 2 doses given 1 month apart. A booster is required 3-6 months after the first dose. Good for life. Hepatitis B: (recommended if working with blood) 3 doses. Good for life. Tetanus: Required every 10 years. Malaria: Weekly tablets should be taken once a week starting 1 week prior to travel, and continuing weekly during travel, and then for 4 weeks after travel. There is a daily tablet available too that is taken during the duration of the trip. Ask your doctor for more specific directions. Yellow Fever: 1 dose valid for 10 years. NOTE: Once you receive the yellow fever vaccination, you will be given a yellow vaccination record that should be taken with you when you travel. Local Health Department Dallas County Health Department 2377 N. Stemmons Freeway (214) 819-2162 Other Sources for vaccinations (in the DFW area): Passport Health - This clinic will come to your meeting to give shots. (for locations and forms) 817-756-6562 Agape International Travel Ministries 810 East Border Street, Suite C, Arlington, TX 76010 (817) 226-2699 Las Colinas Medical (Dallas area) - This clinic will come to your meeting to give shots. 349 Las Colinas Blvd., Suite B, Las Colinas, TX. 972-556-1616 Keystone Medical Center 8702 B Spring Valley Road, Richardson, TX 75080 972-437-9090 Please contact each clinic for current prices. Each trip member is responsible for paying for their immunizations. TRAVEL INSURANCE As part of the trip cost, the following short-term missionary insurance is provided. Below is the general coverage amounts of the insurance. Accidental Death & Dismemberment...... $100,000.00/Person Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 12 Disability Income Benefit for Permanent Total Disability For Accident 100 Month Benefit $1,000/Month For Sickness 50 Month Benefit 3 Month Waiting Period$250.00/Month Medical Expense $100.00 Deductible .................... $2,500.00 *OPTION to INCREASE LIMIT to ......................... $10,000.00 This additional $7,500.00 applies to Non-USA & Canada Medical Expenses ONLY Emergency Medical Transportation ...................... $50,000.00 Repatriation of Mortal Remains .............................. $7,500.00 Medical Assistance (24 Hour Tel Svc) For Assistance with Worldwide Medical Emergencies - Included Property (Baggage) Insurance $100.00 Deductible $2,500.00 Aggregate Limit ................................................$2,000,000.00 Note: This is not a major medical policy. Major Medical Coverage is available for individuals and groups on Short-Term and Long-Term Volunteer missionary assignments. If this is a need specific to your group, please contact Amazon Outreach for details. SPIRITUAL WARFARE You might be thinking, ―What does spiritual warfare have to do with trip administration?‖ Actually, it can have a lot to do with it. The administrative piece of the trip is an area that the enemy frequently attacks in. Those who have been on these trips before are well aware and attuned to the spiritual warfare that takes place during the trip as well as before the trip. For many trip members, the warfare will begin the moment they decide to go on the trip and will continue throughout the trip preparation time. This can include attacks in the areas of: Procrastination: about getting their paperwork/trip deposit in to you, getting their support letters written and in the mail, applying for a passport, getting their shots, etc. Prayer: Being that prayer is the single most essential aspect of each trip, it is a big target for the enemy and he will plan and scheme to ensure that trip members do not/are not praying for the trip and for each other. Trip Meetings: This is ESPECIALLY an area of attack for veterans (those who have been on previous trips). The enemy will whisper to them ―You don‘t need to go to trip meetings; you‘ve been on the trip before and you already know everything.‖ Remember: Trip meetings are essential to the unity, preparedness and effectiveness of the entire team – this INCLUDES veterans. So, you might consider making ―Spiritual Warfare‖ a topic of discussion at an early trip meeting. You‘re not trying to scare the trip members, but simply making them aware of some of the enemy‘s ―proven‖ antics will help them to recognize these attacks when they occur. Note to Trip Administrator: Don‘t think for a second that you are not susceptible to the enemy‘s attacks. Essentially, you ARE part of the trip leadership and what better way to get to the team than to attack it‘s leadership? Watch out for the enemy to frustrate you when trip members don‘t attend trip meetings, or don‘t turn in their paperwork on Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 13 time, or when a trip member gives you 50 support checks that they‘ve been ―holding onto‖ for 3 months, etc. Watch out for irritation when trip members call you with questions of which the answers to are clearly spelled out in the Short-term Missionary Handbook (that they have obviously not read), or when trip members ask what seems to you to be ―stupid‖ questions (they are obviously not stupid to the trip member or they wouldn‘t have asked them). Watch out for getting so wrapped up in administering the trip that you forget the most important aspect of the trip – PRAYER. PACKING PARTY Give out Amazon Outreach t-shirts at the packing party. Ensure that there are no medicines in the same luggage with any toiletry items (i.e., soap, shampoo). If there are, these should be separated. We want to give the least possibility to any delays in any airport. Ensure that there are no medicines in the same luggage with any toiletry items (i.e., soap, shampoo). If there are, these should be separated. We want to give the least possibility to any delays in any airport. Each person needs to know what is in their bags so that they can answer accurately and truthfully to questions by Customs in Manaus if asked. MALARIA PILLS Mark your calendar to send an email reminder the week before departure to remind everyone to take their first Malaria Pill (For those who have the WEEKLY prescription). You‘ll also want to send out email reminders for the 4 weeks following the trip, the day before each pill should be taken, to remind trip members to take their pills. EMERGENCY CONTACTS Email emergency contacts (below) to all trip members. Instruct trip members to give these to their family in the event their family needs to get in touch with them while they‘re on the trip. If there is an emergency, their family would call Jed or Phyllis and they will get a message to the boat. Brenda Bailey, Amazon Outreach Administrator 972-931-5565 Jed Thompson, Amazon Outreach Executive Director 972-754-1958 Phyllis Woodward, Amazon Outreach Assistant Director 214-274-0594 GO – Preparing Trip Members for the Trip It‘s a good idea to make available to all trip members copies of the following pages from the Trip Leader‘s Handbook and hand them out/cover them at trip meetings: Expectations Interpreter Relations “I WISH I HAD KNOWN . . .” Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 14 If you have veterans on your trip, ask them to give you at least one ―On my 1st trip, I wish I had known . . .‖ item. Make a list of these and hand them out or email them to all your trip members. Examples: I wish I had known: Eating a lot of sweets will make you more ―attractive‖ to mosquitoes. Putting on baby powder makes getting dressed A LOT easier. To bring a journal for the trip even though I don‘t ever journal at home. Not to bring my favorite soccer shorts. They blew off the boat! (You‘ll be surprised at the things people come up with) Reminders to trip members (below are items that can be included as topics of discussion at trip meetings or simply included in emails you send out to trip members.) Remember, repetition is an excellent way to help trip members remember get key points and important information about the trip. Don‘t be afraid to repeat reminders over and over. AIRLINE SEATS: When airline tickets are purchased, it‘s a good time to remind trip members that our wonderful travel agent has requested that families be seated together and he will do everything he can to try and make that happen. Ask them to keep in mind that God is in control of EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of this trip. That control INCLUDES the seat everyone gets on the planes. Ask trip members to pray that airline reservations will be protected, that families will be seated together, and that EVERYONE will find joy in the seat GOD selects for them. JEWELRY: All jewelry, with the exception of inexpensive watches, wedding rings, and small earrings need to be left at home. We don‘t want to stereotype the image of rich Americans. PERSONAL PACKING TIPS: Write you name in your clothes with a permanent marker Pack your clothes in Ziploc bags (1 day‘s outfit fits into a gallon-size bag) Put your Bible, journal, camera, film, batteries into Ziplocs. Leave all personal medication in their original packaging. Don‘t take/pack anything that you would mind coming back without. If you wear glasses, take a cheap pair instead of any ―good‖ glasses. MONEY FOR TRAVELING: You will not need Brazilian money. American money is accepted. Below is a list of items you will need travel monies for: Hammocks – $35 (approx. each) if you want to purchase one from the boat. Boat Crew/Translator Gift – An average gift would be $50 per American (Example: A family of 4 on the boat = $200). This is JUST AN AVERAGE. Give as the Lord leads you. PLEASE DO NOT BRING LARGE BILLS for this (i.e., DO NOT bring $50 bills, $100 bills). The gift will be split up amongst approximately 18 Brazilians and it‘s a lot easier if no one puts in bills larger than $20s. Gifts/Souvenirs – There may be an opportunity to buy gifts & souvenirs when the boat returns to Manaus. The ―recommended‖ amount of money to take for souvenirs ranges from $25-$125. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 15 Travel Meals – 4 to 6 meals while traveling. There are electrical plugs on boat (for camera charging, electric razors, etc.) PREPARING YOURSELF (LEADER/ADMINISTRATOR) FOR THE TRIP You‘ve facilitated all the trip meetings, all the financial support needed has been recorded, accrued and sent to Amazon Outreach, and the trip members are all prepared. Now what? Below are administrative activities that take place during and after the trip. TAKE ON THE TRIP Below are items that you will prepare and take with you on the trip. It is highly recommended that you keep all paperwork listed below IN YOUR CARRY ON bag. Airline Tickets – Take a copy of each team member‘s e-ticket and itinerary. Trip Logs, Trip Surveys (See Admin Appendix) – Make sure you take plenty of copies of each. The number of Trip Surveys you will take should be the number of trip members PLUS 5 (some will blow off the boat, etc.). Nametags – You will receive these from Amazon Outreach 2-3 weeks before you depart. Give them to trip members at the packing party or at the airport BEFORE you travel. Important information and emergency phone numbers possibly needed during travel are located on the back side. Record of team member‘s emergency contact with telephone numbers and medical records. This information comes from the Trip Application that each trip member filled out. Create a spreadsheet with this information. Make a copy of this for the trip leader (if that is not you) and for the trip doctor (so that he/she will have the medical information for each trip member). Put ALL paperwork you‘re taking with you in large Ziploc bags. Pens and Sharpies A large envelope for collecting the translators/boat crew love gift (collected at the end of the trip). You might print out a list of all trip members‘ names and staple this to the envelope. You will pass this envelope around to the trip members on the boat ride back to Manaus. Have trip members mark off their name once they contribute and then pass the envelope to someone else on the list. You should include a note at the bottom of the list to return the envelope to YOU when all the names have been marked off. You will then give it to the trip leader to present to the translators/boat crew. A large (2-3 gallon) Ziploc bag or large folder of some type to keep passports and airline tickets when you collect them on the bus (see below). DURING THE TRIP Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 16 When you arrive at the airport to depart, give each trip member a copy of the Customs form instructions. As you are traveling to Manaus, remind trip members to hold onto the receipt from customs (put it in the back of their passport). They will receive this receipt on the plane to Manaus. AS SOON as you get on the bus or boat in Manaus, begin collecting passports, airline tickets and receipt from customs FROM EACH TRIP MEMBER. This is NOT optional. They MUST give you these items. Put them in the bag or folder you have brought with you specifically for them. When you get to the boat, give the bag/folder containing these items to the captain. He will put them in the boat safe for safe (and DRY) keeping. It is HIGHLY recommended that you gather village information EACH EVENING of the trip from the ministry team captains. Complete a Village Log for every day you are on the trip. Even if you are at the same village for several days, you will complete a Village Log for each day of ministering. Trip Surveys: Each trip member is asked to fill out a trip survey at the end of the trip. It is best to have the trip members fill out the surveys on the boat ride back to Manaus. AFTER THE TRIP TRIP STATS: From the Village Logs, you can get all the trip ―statistics‖. Email this to all the trip members so that if they choose to, they can include them in their report letters to their supporters. Example: 197 Children attended VBS 225 Medical patients were helped 77 Eye Care patients were helped 500 Polaroid pictures were taken 106 Men attended Men‘s Bible study 58 Women attended Women‘s Bible study 280 Villagers attended church services 266 Family Packs given out 141 PEOPLE TRUSTED CHRIST Mail/Turn in all Trip Surveys and Village Logs to Phyllis Woodward at P.O. Box 794763, Dallas, TX 75379-4763. Complete a ―close-out‖ of your financial record/accrual. It is likely that even after the trip you will receive checks from trip members (checks that their supporters sent in late). Add these into the final calculations. Keep a file/record of this ―close-out‖ in case questions come up later. God has BLESSED YOU with the incredible privilege of allowing Him to work THROUGH you to: UNIFY the team – Jesus said ―By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.‖ (John 13:35), Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 17 PREPARE the team – be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction. (2 Timothy 4:2), ENCOURAGE the team – Therefore encourage one another and build up one another. (1 Thessalonians 5:11) Lastly, but certainly not least, as you administer this mission trip, remember that you doing Kingdom work. Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. Colossians 3:23-24 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative 18 Amazon Outreach Trip Funds Transmittal Transmittal Date Trip Name Preparer's Name Trip Date Preparer's Phone # of checks Preparer's email Name of Traveler** Total $$$ per traveler 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) 21) $0.00 TOTAL $$$ Enclosed for Travelers Other Funds Enclosed (ie Construction, Supplies, etc.) Total $$$ per Purpose 22) 23) 24) 25) ** TOTAL $$$ Enclosed - Other Funds $0.00 TOTAL ENCLOSED $0.00 Be sure traveler's name and trip date is on each check in the memo section Mail to Amazon Outreach **P O Box 794763 ** Dallas TX 75379-4763 ** Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 1 TRIP LOG 1. Local River: Date: Distance in hours from Manaus: Social and Environmental characteristics: 2. Team Nº of Americans: Team leader: Interpreters: Crew: Missionaries: Local Partnership: Activities: VBS, Clinic, Pharmacy, Eye Care, Dental Clinic, Evangelism, Women ministry, Hair ministry, Men ministry, Construction. 3.1. Villages Name: River: Date: Population: Local characteristics: What kind of churches are there?: Gospel Access: Nº of patients (Clinic): Nº of patients (Dental Clinic): Nº of kids (VBS): Nº of women (Women ministry): Nº of patients (Eye care): Nº of people (Hair ministry): Nº of family bags distributed: Nº of decisions for Christ: Village Leader: GPS Coordinates: 3.2. Villages Name: River: Date: Population: Local characteristics: What kind of churches are there?: Gospel Access: Nº of patients (Clinic): Nº of patients (Dental Clinic): Nº of kids (VBS): Nº of women (Women ministry): Nº of patients (Eye care): Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Village Leader: GPS Coordinates Administrative Appendix 2 Nº of people (Hair ministry): Nº of family bags distributed: Nº of decisions for Christ: 3.3. Villages Name: Village Leader: River: GPS Coordinates: Date: Population: Local characteristics: What kind of churches are there?: Gospel Access: Nº of patients (Clinic): Nº of patients (Dental Clinic): Nº of kids (VBS): Nº of women (Women ministry): Nº of patients (Eye care): Nº of people (Hair ministry): Nº of family bags distributed: Nº of decisions for Christ: 3.4. Villages Name: Village Leader: River: GPS Coordinates: Date: Population: Local characteristics: What kind of churches are there?: Gospel Access: Nº of patients (Clinic): Nº of patients (Dental Clinic): Nº of kids (VBS): Nº of women (Women ministry): Nº of patients (Eye care): Nº of people (Hair ministry): Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 3 Nº of family bags distributed: Nº of decisions for Christ: 3.5. Villages Name: Village Leader: River: GPS Coordinates: Date: Population: Local characteristics: What kind of churches are there?: Gospel Access: Nº of patients (Clinic): Nº of patients (Dental Clinic): Nº of kids (VBS): Nº of women (Women ministry): Nº of patients (Eye care): Nº of people (Hair ministry): Nº of family bags distributed: Nº of decisions for Christ: Suggestions for next trip: Trip Survey NAME:________________________________TRIP DATE:________________ On a scale from 1-10 (1-low and 10-high) please rate the following: TEAM PREPARATION/PLANNING 1. Information and study materials presented before the trip were helpful. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Team building exercises were adequate to strengthen the trip. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Cultural issues were adequately communicated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Travel and packing instructions were adequately explained. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. Spiritual development and prayer were given necessary emphasis. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 4 6. Questions or concerns were adequately communicated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 7. Additional costs were accurately communicated. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments/Suggestions regarding Team Preparation/Planning LEADERSHIP 1. The leadership team was well trained and prepared. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. The leaders created a unity within the team. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. The leaders responded well to team disputes, adversity or crisis situations if any. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. The leaders demonstrated good pastoral and individual development skills. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments/Suggestions regarding Leadership: LOCAL PASTORS and MISSIONARIES 1. The local pastor/missionary appeared to have an effective ministry. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. The local pastor/missionary worked well with the Amazon Outreach team and the leaders. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comments/Suggestions regarding local pastor/missionary: TRANSLATORS 1. The number of translators was adequate for the team size. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. The translators were readily available when needed. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. The translators were trained and prepared. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. The translators were friendly and blended well into the team. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comment/Suggestions regarding translators: ACCOMMODATIONS 1. The showers and bathroom facilities were clean and adequate. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. The boat food was tasteful and varied. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. The hammocks and general sleeping arrangements were comfortable. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. The boat crew was helpful and supportive to the team. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5. The laundry was adequately cleaned and returned in a timely fashion. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 5 Comments/Suggestions regarding accommodations: OVERALL MISSION EXPERIENCE 1. Your level of involvement met your expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2. Team Leadership met your expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 3. Team unity and harmony met your expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 4. Your personal/spiritual growth met your expectations. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FAVORITE MEMORIES: Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 6 AIRPORT & TRAVEL GUIDELINES HANDOUT You may take your Amazon Outreach t-shirt with you on the trip but DO NOT wear it while traveling to Brazil. Please arrive at the airport on time (2 1/2 hours before departure time). When you check in, MAKE SURE to tell the ticket agent to check your luggage all the way through to Manaus. At ALL airports, STAY TOGETHER! Don‘t go wondering off without telling the trip leader where you are going. Keep up with your own personal belongings. Be sure to gather your carry-on bag and all of your belongings when you get off of the plane in every disembarkment. On the flight to Manaus, you will receive a Brazilian Customs Claim Form to fill out. You must fill this out on the plane before we land in Manaus. Fill in the information required (name, etc.) and answer NO to every question. When we arrive in Manaus, we will go through Customs in small groups of 2, 3 or by family. We do not want to look like a group. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 7 On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the legal representative. legal representative. legal representative. 2. Personal data – 2. Personal data – 2. Personal data – a. Full name, Passport number, DOB a. Full name, Passport number, DOB a. Full name, Passport number, DOB b. Country of origin – USA b. Country of origin – USA b. Country of origin – USA c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines d. Flight number – # d. Flight number – #0903 d. Flight number – #0903 e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO b. Foods/drugs subject to inspection? NO b. Foods/drugs subject to inspection? NO b. Foods/drugs subject to inspection? NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the purposes of application of temporary purposes of application of temporary purposes of application of temporary importation procedure? NO importation procedure? NO importation procedure? NO e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 (air or sea travel) for consumption (air or sea travel) for consumption (air or sea travel) for consumption purposes in Brazil? NO purposes in Brazil? NO purposes in Brazil? NO 4. Carried currency – 4. Carried currency – 4. Carried currency – a. Are you carrying money, checks or a. Are you carrying money, checks or a. Are you carrying money, checks or travelers checks over US$5,000? NO travelers checks over US$5,000? NO travelers checks over US$5,000? NO Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. On the flight into Brazil, the flight attendant will pass out a Customs declaration form. Make sure you get one and fill it out before we land. If your travel partner is sleeping, please take one for him/her. To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: To fill out the form, you need to know the following information: 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one 1. Who has to declare - all travelers must present one declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under declaration at the moment of arrival. For those under 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the 16 years old, the declaration shall be filled in by the legal representative. legal representative. legal representative. 2. Personal data – 2. Personal data – 2. Personal data – a. Full name, Passport number, DOB a. Full name, Passport number, DOB a. Full name, Passport number, DOB b. Country of origin – USA b. Country of origin – USA b. Country of origin – USA c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines c. Means of transportation – Delta Airlines d. Flight number – #0903 d. Flight number – #0903 d. Flight number – #0903 e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca e. Address in Brazil – Linda Esperanca 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: 3. Baggage contents - Are you bringing in: a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO a. Animals, seeds or plants? NO b. Foods or drugs subject to inspection? b. Foods or drugs subject to inspection? b. Foods or drugs subject to inspection? NO NO NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO c. Arms or ammunitions? NO d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the d. Effects valued over US$3,000 for the purposes of application of temporary purposes of application of temporary purposes of application of temporary importation procedure? NO importation procedure? NO importation procedure? NO e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 e. Goods purchased abroad over US$500 (air or sea travel) for consumption (air or sea travel) for consumption (air or sea travel) for consumption purposes in Brazil? NO purposes in Brazil? NO purposes in Brazil? NO 4. Carried currency – 4. Carried currency – 4. Carried currency – a. Are you carrying money, checks or a. Are you carrying money, checks or a. Are you carrying money, checks or travelers checks over US$5,000? NO travelers checks over US$5,000? NO travelers checks over US$5,000? NO Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. Upon entering Brazil, take the completed form and go to the "Nothing to Declare" queue. Remember not to have your nametag or Amazon Outreach t-shirt on, and don’t look like one big group – break off into 2s and 3s. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. After you go through Customs, you will be given a receipt. You must hold onto this receipt and present it upon departure from Brazil. Please keep it with your passport. Tickets and passports will be collected on the boat and placed in a protected area. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 8 EXAMPLE OF SPONSORING CHURCH SUPPLIES LETTER TO MERCHANTS March 14, 2006 To Whom It May Concern: Our church, Coppell Bible Fellowship, is sponsoring a medical mission trip to The Amazon River basin of Brazil, June 30th-July 9th, 2009. On this mission of mercy, we will be ministering to the physical as well as the spiritual needs of Indian people along The Amazon River. Our volunteers raise their own financial support to participate on this trip and also collect supplies that will be given to the people along The Amazon. We appreciate your donation to this mission of mercy. Thank You, Dr. Barkef Osigian III Senior Pastor Coppell Bible Fellowship is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Neither goods nor services were received in consideration of these gifts or any part thereof. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 9 ARE YOU READY TO “GO”? Be Flexible Flexibility is key. The needs of the ministry or the villages we are working with may change, and we all need to be prepared to change directions in order to serve effectively. If it's not what you prepared to do, then it may not be what God wants you to do. Confucius say, "He or she that is flexible will not be bent out of shape." Go as a servant. The primary motivation for a mission team has to be to go and serve God. If you want an adventure, go to Disneyland. Serving may mean that you will have to make a lot of adjustments. There may no be all the kinds of food you want, the best place to sleep, all the comforts you‘re use to—we know for sure you won‘t even have a hot shower. But, it's a wonderful opportunity to experience being used by God in incredible ways—ways that will glorify HIM not you. Leave your agenda behind. Leave your goals and your own need to accomplish things at home. Remember, this is GOD‘s trip not yours. Be a team. Prayerfully commit yourself to be a member of a group of individuals who are united as one, striving to accomplish the same goal: Glorifying Christ and increasing His church. The worst kind of witness to the people we go to serve and minister to is a team that can't get along among themselves. We are going on this trip to model the life of Christ and you can't do that if you can't be a team and get along. Commit yourselves to resolve all inter-team conflicts according to Biblical principles. In all issues of conflict, we should commit ourselves to maintain a humble spirit of confidentiality, while seeking to obey Ephesians 4:29, ―Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.‖ And Hebrews 12:15, ―See to it that no one misses the grace of God and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many.‖ Persevere. I Corinthians 9:24 – 27, ―Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore, I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air. No, I beat my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.‖ Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 10 Share the Gospel; and if necessary use words. Seek to be a witness of the love of Jesus Christ to the people we meet throughout the trip. This includes Christ-like behavior. John 4:35 says ―Do you not say, ‗Four months more and then the harvest?‘ I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields? They are ripe for harvest.‖ Recognize that we must all commit ourselves to work to the best of our God given ability every day of the trip. I Corinthians 10:31: ―So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.‖ Open yourself to the world. Going on a mission trip can change your life. Be open to learning what other people, including those people you already know, and cultures can teach you. Prayerfully commit yourself to getting out of your own ―comfort zone‖ while on this trip and see what God can do with and through you. Just between you and God. Cellphones, email, PCAs, television, radio, telephones. While on this trip, you will have access to none of these things. Without these and other distractions and stresses of ―life‖, you will find that you are much more open to hearing God speak to you personally. LISTEN FOR HIM TO SPEAK TO YOU. The morning devotional & worship times with our Brazilian brothers and sisters and the evening church services with the villagers are mountain top experiences. The corporate worship and fellowship with God during these times is something to look forward to with great anticipation. It is often difficult to find a private place on the boat but IT IS POSSIBLE. Find time each day to spend personal quiet time with God…just you and Him. You might be surprised at what He has to tell you! In everything you do and everywhere you go, remember that you are the Gospel and a witness of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 11 LEADER CHECKLIST TO TAKE ON TRIP Take on Day of Departure ___ Record of team member‘s emergency contact #‘s and medical records ___ Passports ___ E- tickets ___ Name Tags ___ Pens and Sharpies ___ Logs and Surveys Arrival In Manaus ___ Tell team to hold onto the receipt from customs (put it in the back of their passport) ___ Collect passports and tickets while on the bus or upon arrival to boat and give them to the captain ___ Introduce team to crew and translators ___ Review boat rules and safety procedures First Day ___ Make family packs, hygiene packs, goodie bags ___ Separate vitamins into 30 day bags and label with instructions Daily On Trip ___ Have a morning devotional ___ Have an evening sharing time ___ Record daily log Last Day Of Trip ___ Sharing time where each team member tells what they have learned or tells their most memorable moment or something God taught them ___ Fill out Trip Surveys as a group and collect them before the team gets off the boat ___ Talk about the possibility of each person filling out a pledge card ___ Clean up the boat and take and inventory of remaining items ___ Sort out suitcases that will go back to individuals and ones that will be donated back to Amazon Outreach and pack them up One Week Following Trip ___ Turn in Trip Surveys and Logs to Brenda Bailey at P. O. Box 794763, Dallas, TX 75379-4763 One to Two Weeks Following Trip ___ Team Debrief Two to Six Weeks Following Trip ___ Team Picture Party ___ Set dates for next year‘s trip! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 12 Amazon Outreach Leader Checklist Time of Booking Dates of Airlines __If you‘re a first-time leader, sign up on and notify Brenda (972-931-5565 or after you have signed up so she can give you leader status in the database. Check your team often as they sign up and start interacting with them by going to __Return leaders need their Trip Code (email Brenda) to give all return trip members to sign up online and to check on their team‘s progress of signing up online as they sign up. __We will begin giving you airline rates and your team can begin raising support to purchase tickets Six Months Prior to Trip __Plan introductory meeting __Contact all interested people __Sign up online for trip at – click on ―Sign up for a trip today‖ __Begin collecting $500 deposits and payments for airfare __Team members apply for passports __Team members apply online for trip Four Months Prior to Trip __Begin regularly scheduled meetings __Travelers begin writing support letters __Continue collecting $500 deposits and payments for airfare __Collect passport, check of approximately $210 to passport agency, copy of driver‘s license, and online Visa Application receipt page, and 2 X 2 Passport picture for all team members. Brenda will send you complete Visa Instructions by email. __For MINORS – contact passport agency for the most current procedure __Apply for visas __Team members apply online for trip __Begin collecting supplies 95 Days Prior to Trip __Collect $1000 additional support ($1,500 deposits plus airfare) __Make sure team members have applied for passports __Take vaccinations (Yellow Fever, Typhoid, Hepatitis A and B) __Make sure Brenda has all legal names, birthdates, and airport departures for team members 65 Days Prior to Trip __Collect $500 additional support ($2,000 total collected plus airfare) __Take vaccinations __Collect supplies 50 Days Prior to Trip __Remainder of any balance for support due 30 Days Prior to Trip __Purchase malaria tablets and take as doctor advises 7 Days Prior to Trip __Packing Party Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 13 AMAZON OUTREACH MISSION VOLUNTEERS - Trip Dates: Example PASSPORT NAME Church: COMMON NAME (for name tags) First Name Middle Name Last Name First Name Last Name Elijah Mark Matthews Eli Matthews OCCUPATION Doctor Trip Leader: TRIP ROLE / TEAM Medical EMAIL ADDRESS ADDRESS 1234 Main Street CITY Dallas ST TX 75019 DEPARTURE AIRPORT TELEPHONE ZIP Home Work Cell 972-555-1234 214-555-5555 214-555-0000 DFW, TX AA Frequent Flier # Date of Birth A123456 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Administrative Appendix 14 3/18/1952 Beneficiary Nationality T-Shirt Size # of AO Trips Marsha Matthews USA L 1st trip EVANGELISM/PRAYER ONE VERSE EVANGELISM Romans 6:23 ―For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.‖ Believe Receive Admit MAN GOD Jesus Christ Wages Sin Death o u r L o r d Gift Of God Eternal Life BUT ***The key to the ―Bridge Diagram‖ is to draw the cliff first, with MAN and GOD, and then fill in the rest with the words, then the cross, and then the arrow as you go along. 1. Wages ―How would you define wages?‖ ―How would you feel if your boss didn‘t pay you what you deserved?‖ ***Point out that we have earned wages from God for how we live our lives. 2. Sin ―How would you define sin?‖ ―How would a person have to live in order to get to heaven?‖ ―Have you always lived a life as you just described?‖ ***Point out that sin is an attitude of independence and ignoring God. Explain how sin has separated us from God. (Explain using the ―cliff‖ in the picture). Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 1 3. Death ―What thoughts come to mind when you think about death?‖ ***Point out that the sin that separates us from God will extend even into eternity if unaltered. This is eternal death or what the Bible describes as Hell. 4. BUT ***Point: This is a very important word because it indicates that there is hope for us. Up until this point the message is bad news. Now we turn our attention to the good news! 5. Gift ***Point: From now on, be sure and point out the contrast between the words opposite each other in the diagram (i.e., wages and gift, sin and God, etc.). ***Point out that while some people try to earn God‘s favor with religious deeds, good morals, ethics, etc., it is impossible to earn the gift that God has already purchased for us. 6. Of God ***Point: Explain that all of us have sinned, but God alone is perfect. It is this sin, which makes a relationship with God impossible on our own. The good news is this: God wants to give you a gift! 7. Eternal Life ***Point: In contrast to the wages of death, which we deserve, the free gift of God is eternal life. It can only come from God…we cannot earn it. 8. Jesus Christ ***Point: At this stage, draw a cross between the two cliffs. This is the ―bridge to life.‖ Jesus is the means by which we obtain eternal life. By dying on the cross he bore the penalty for the sins, which we should have received. Thus, He has purchased eternal life for us. 9. Our Lord ***Point: Jesus is not only our Savior who dies for our sins, but the Lord and Master of our life whom we obey when we: ADMIT our sin. We confess that we have ignored God and offended Him in thought, word, and deed. BELIEVE that Jesus Christ died to forgive us completely of our sins so that God treats us as if we were perfect, just like Christ. *RECEIVE Jesus Christ personally into our lives. Just as a gift is not truly yours until you receive it, so Christ must be received by us to have a relationship with Him. *Another word that can be used in place of RECEIVE, is COMMIT. Same meaning, but it goes well with the ―ABC‖ effect of becoming a Christian. (Based on ―One Verse Evangelism‖ by Randy Raysbrook, Discipleship Journal). Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 2 EVANGECUBE™ INSTRUCTION SHEET Man in Sin is separated from God The figure on the left represents every person – like you and me. The darkness represents our sin. Sin is anything that God tells us not to do. The Bible says, ―all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.‖ (Romans 3:23) Our sins separate us from God. The heavenly radiance on the right represents God. God is perfect and without sin. God loves us. God does not want us to perish, but to have everlasting life. But, our sins must be removed in order to have eternal life with God. Christ on the Cross God loved us so much that He sent His only Son Jesus Christ to earth as a man. God made Jesus die on a cross to pay for our sins with His blood. He took our sins into His body on the cross so that we could come to God. (I Peter 2:24, 3:18) The Bible says, ―God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.‖ (Romans 5:8) The Bible also says that, ―God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus), that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life.‖ (John 3:16) The Tomb Men buried Jesus in a tomb. They rolled a huge stone in front of it. The soldiers guarded the tomb. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 3 Christ is Risen! God sent an angel to roll away the huge stone and to scare away the soldiers. God raised Jesus from the dead! Soon afterward, God took Jesus back to heaven Jesus has paid the price for our sins, and Jesus has conquered death. The Cross is the Bridge to God Jesus is the only way we can come to God. Jesus says in the Bible, ―I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father (God) except through Me.‖ (John 14:6) Through Jesus, we can be forgiven of all our sins and be with God forever. But just knowing about these things is not enough! We must choose to put our faith in Jesus - to trust in Him to save us from sin. If you do not take the step of trusting in Jesus, then your sins are not removed! (Hebrews 4:2) Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 4 The Choices: Heaven & Hell The Bible says that whoever believes in Jesus has eternal life and is not judged. But whoever does not believe in Jesus has been judged already and the wrath of God remains upon him! (John 3:16, 18, 36) The penalty for sin is death, but eternal life through Jesus is a free gift from God. What choice will you make? Trust in Jesus Christ to be forgiven and have eternal life? (In Heaven – top panel) Or reject Jesus Christ and suffer eternal punishment in fire? (In Hell – bottom panel) OPTIONAL STEP – Show Man Crossing the Bridge to God Jesus also said, ―whoever hears my Word and believes God who sent Me has eternal life and will not be condemned; he has crossed over from death to life!‖ (Move your finger up the ‗cross bridge‘ into the light, to indicate ―crossing over from death to life.‖) Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 5 Steps for the Followers of Christ Love God and all people ―You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. And a second is like it: you shall love your neighbor as yourself.‖ (Matthew 22:36-40) Pray to God constantly In prayer you can thank and worship God, ask for His help, confess your sins, and pray for others. ―Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.‖ Study the Bible (God's Word) Daily Start with the Gospel of John; read 1 chapter each day. ―Like newborn babes, long for the pure milk of the word, that by it you may grow in respect to salvation...‖ (I Peter 2:2) ―If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word‖ Jesus in (John 14:23) Meet regularly with other Christians God commands that Christians meet regularly for worship, prayer, Bible Study, and helping each other. ―...not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another...‖ (Hebrews 10:25) Tell others the good news about Jesus God wants us to tell other people How to Have Eternal Life with God by trusting in Jesus to save them from sin. You can use the EvangeCube and the information from this website to talk to others about Jesus! ―And He (Jesus) said to them. Go into the world, and preach the gospel to all creation.‖ (Mark 16:15) Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 6 THE WORDLESS BOOK STORY Have you ever seen a book without words or pictures? This book of colored pages tells a wonderful story from the Bible. The story is about the true and living God who made the world and everything in it. Each color reminds me of a part of that story. Sometimes I like to peek at the end of a book first to see if it has a sad or happy ending. Let‘s look at the last page first! It tells us that in Heaven the streets (paths) are made of gold. God tells us that no one is ever sick there, and no one dies. Heaven is a real place. The most wonderful thing about Heaven is that God and Jesus are there. God loves us so much He wants us to be a part of His family and be with Him in Heaven someday! What a special place heaven is! It is perfect because God is perfect, but there is one thing that can never be in Heaven. That one thing is sin. The black page reminds us of our sin. Anything that does not please God is sin. Sin is disobeying the rules God has given in the Bible. Sin causes sadness in the world. (Name some sins they relate to.) We have all sinned. ―All‖ means every one of us – you and me. Sin separates us from God. God cannot allow sin where He is. God said sin must be punished. God knew there was nothing we could do to get rid of our sins, but God loved us so much He made a way for us to be forgiven. The red page shows us the way. God loved us so much He sent His own Son, Jesus, to earth from heaven. He was born as a tiny baby. He grew up and became a man. Jesus was different from any other person who ever lived on earth. He was perfect. He never did even one wrong thing. But one day men put a crown of thorns on His head and nailed Jesus to a cross. While He hung there on the cross, all our sins were put on Him. Nailed to the cross by His hands and His feet, blood poured out. Jesus took our punishment and died on that cross for our sins. He was put in a tomb. After three days a most wonderful thing happened. God gave Jesus life again! He raised Jesus from the dead. Jesus is our living Savior. He wants to save you from your sins. The white page reminds me that you can be made dean from your sins. (John 3 16) God loves you! You do not have to be separated from God. If you believe in Jesus, He will give you everlasting life. That's the thing you need to live in Heaven. Jesus will forgive your sins and always be with you. Just tell Him you have sinned and that you trust Him to forgive you. You will then have eternal life. God promises, ―I will never leave you.‖ God loves us and wants us to go to Heaven when we die. The green page reminds me of growing. We need to read the Bible and pray. We need to love others and tell them about God‘s love. What a great message in a book without words! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 7 EVANGELISM OUTLINE USING THE EVANGECUBE By Robert Rea The Brazilians in the villages are very interested in listening to the Americans. I call it ―Easy Evangelism.‖ Of course it is easy because God has already prepared the way…and it‘s not about us, it‘s about letting the Holy Spirit use us for the ―Divine Appointments‖ that HE has set up. I pray that God uses you as you make yourself available to Him to reach the many, many lost souls in the world. Below is the general conversation that I use when using the EvangeCube to tell the most beautiful story in the Bible. Remember: ―God can use your witness, but He cannot use your silence‖. ―Salvation is the work of the Holy Spirit. Sharing His work is the work of every Christian.‖ Success in witnessing is: 1. Living out my Christian life 2. Sharing the Gospel 3. Trusting God for the results Success is NOT bringing someone to Christ! Success is making yourself available so God can use you. He may just have you plant a seed. Statistically it‘s not until the 7th time that a person hears the Gospel before they accept Christ, at least in America. In the Third World it doesn‘t take as many times. Many folks come to Jesus the first time they hear the Gospel. This is how I share the Gospel using the EvangeCube and other illustrations. It goes something like this: Ask the question, ―If you died today do you know where you would go?‖ If I died today I have no doubt where I would go. I know for certain where I would go because of what the Bible says. ―Would you mind if I shared with you a beautiful story in the Bible that may help you know where you would go when you die?‖ The Bible says that God loves us and longs for us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven. The Bible also says that we are separated from God because of the sin in our lives. The light here (point to the EvangeCube) represents God. The man represents all of us. The blackness around the man represents the sin in all of us. Are you without sin? Are you perfect? Of course not, we all have sin in our lives. (You have to take them to their SIN first). So, we have a problem, God loves us and wants us to spend eternity with Him in Heaven, but our sin prevents us from getting into Heaven because Heaven is a perfect place without sin. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 8 But the God who created the Heavens, the Earth, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and the Amazon River is very smart and He has an answer for our problem. God knows that if He came to us in His form or the form of a light similar to what is illustrated here on this cube we would probably run away and be afraid. I know I would! Think of it this way………..imagine a flock of birds here on the ground. If I walk up to them what would they do? Well because I‘m so big they would fly away. BUT if another bird (this is where I raise my fingers above my head and bend down as if my fingers were a bird flying down to meet the other birds) flew down to them would they fly away? No! Because He was one of them, they would stay. THAT IS WHAT GOD DID! He sent His son, Jesus, in the form of a man to come to Earth with God‘s message of eternal life. (I do the exact same thing with my fingers above my head and bringing them down to the ground…same path as the birds). When Jesus walked the Earth, He did many things. The Bible says He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, and raised the dead. He did many miracles, but Jesus also did something that NO man had ever done before. He said ―I‖ can forgive you of your sins! NO man had ever said that before. The religious men were angry with Jesus. They said, ―How can you forgive men of their sins? Only God can forgive men of their sins.‖ Jesus said to the religious men, ―My Father in Heaven has sent me and He and I are one. He has given me the power to forgive men of their sins. He who believes in me will be forgiven for their sins and have eternal life in Heaven.‖ (Then I go to the scene on the EvangeCube showing Jesus hanging on the cross) The religious men schemed and had Jesus hung on a cross and crucified. The Bible says that when Jesus hung on that cross ALL THE SINS OF THE WORLD CAME UPON HIM……….your sins, my sins………..ALL the sins of the world. It was so much sin that the Bible says that even God turned away. Then Jesus died. (Next scene………the tomb) The Bible says that after Jesus died they buried him in a tomb and had Roman soldiers guard the tomb. Those that followed Jesus, his disciples, were sad and confused. ―If Jesus was the Son of God then how could He have died? Why didn‘t He save Himself?‖ Perhaps He wasn‘t who He said He was. Perhaps it was all a lie. Then on the third day…… a miracle happened……to prove He WAS the Son of God and to prove that what HE said was TRUE……….JESUS ROSE FROM THE DEAD! (Next scene……..Jesus rises from the dead. Open the cube very slowly to this scene for effect.) And He now sits at the right hand of God in Heaven! (Next scene…..Jesus is the Bridge to Heaven) The Bible says that Jesus is the road to Heaven. Jesus spoke these words in John 14:6, ―I am the way, the truth, and the life, no one comes to the Father except through Me.‖ Jesus is the ONLY way to Heaven. (Next scene…….Jesus‘ hand reaching down from Heaven) Jesus CAN forgive you of your sins. The Bible says that if you put your FAITH and TRUST in Jesus you will spend eternity in Heaven. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 9 Right now I believe that this is a ―Divine Appointment‖. It is absolutely no coincidence that God is using me to share this true story with you. God is talking to you right now and asking you if you will accept His free gift of eternal life. Right now Jesus is reaching down from Heaven and asking you to take His hand and accept God‘s free gift of eternal life. (You can also reach out your hand towards the person or persons you are sharing with. This is great symbolism). Each person must make their own decision. God doesn‘t force people to accept His free gift. Unfortunately, the Bible says that those that refuse His gift spend eternity in Hell with ―Fire and gnashing teeth.‖ It is simple to accept God‘s free gift of eternal life if you can say yes to these five things. Don‘t answer verbally to these questions? It‘s between you and God. Talk to God in your mind and answer him. (Five finger evangelism) 1. (baby finger) Do you believe you are a sinner? Yes or No? 2. (ring finger) Do you believe in God? Yes or No? 3. (middle finger) Do you believe God sent His son Jesus down to earth to die on a cross for YOUR very own sins and that Jesus rose from the dead and is alive and sits at the right hand of God in Heaven? Yes or NO? 4. (fore finger) Do you want forgiveness of your sins and put your FAITH and TRUST in Jesus right now? Yes or No? 5. (thumb) Do you accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Yes or No? It really comes down to one simple question. Do you want to repent of your sins, put your faith and trust in Jesus Christ, and accept Jesus as Lord in your life? Yes or No? (pause…be silent…let the Holy Spirit work) If they say yes, then do the five finger evangelism again and have them answer verbally. If they say yes to each question then you say, ―Let‘s say a prayer of thanks!‖ (They have just been saved!!!) ―Dear God, I know that I am a sinner, I believe in you God, I believe that you sent your son Jesus from Heaven to Earth to die on a cross for MY sins. I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and now sits at your right hand in Heaven. God, I ask you to forgive me of my sins and RIGHT NOW I put my FAITH AND TRUST in Jesus. Right now God I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Thank you for your free gift of eternal life. Amen. Then I tell them that they are in the hand of God. (Fold one hand over the fist of the other) The Bible says that nothing, nothing can take them OUT of the hand of God…NOTHING! (John 10:28-29) ALL of their sins are forgiven…past, present, and future sins. I tell them, ―Isn‘t that beautiful?‖ I also tell them that the Bible says that Angels in Heaven are singing right now just for them, rejoicing that they will spend eternity in Heaven. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 10 (Turn to the back of the EvangeCube) Then I talk about walking as straight a line with Jesus as they can. If Jesus‘ walk was perfectly straight (use your arm and make it straight in front of you) then my walk at first was very wavy (sway your arm back and forth to show how you strayed from the straight path). This is how to have our path closer to the way Christ walked. As you practice these things then your path will not stray as far from Jesus‘ as it did when you first believed. Pray every day, read the Bible, go to church to fellowship with other believers, and most importantly tell others about God‘s free gift of eternal life. Then I give them a big HUG! That‘s most of it. I‘m sure I left out some parts but it gives you a good feel for it. You know the beautiful story of Jesus. Use the EvangeCube to tell the story about Jesus as you know it. Tell it from you heart…just like the first century apostles did after Jesus ascended into Heaven. Remember let the Holy Spirit speak through you. It‘s all about Jesus! All for Jesus, Matthew 28:19-20 Robert <>< Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 11 BIBLE VERSES FOR EVANGELISM (If you copy these verses and tape them in the back cover of your Bible you will always have a quick reference to verses to use as you present the Gospel) John 1:12- But as many as received… John 3:16- For God so loved… John 5:24- Hears, believes…has passed from. John 6:29- 35- Jesus is the bread of life John 6:40- For this is the will of God… Romans 5:8- But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still… Romans 5:19- through one man‘s disobedience… Romans 3:28- justified by faith… Romans 6:23- For the wages of sin… Romans 3:23- For all have sinned… Eph. 2:8-9- For by faith you have been saved… I John 5:13- These things have been written…will know I John 3:17-18- Deeds Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 12 BIBLE VERSES FOR EVANGELISM ENGLISH AND PORTUGUESE Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, Romanos 3:23 pois todos pecaram e estão destituídos da glória de Deus, Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romanos 6:23 Pois o salário do pecado é a morte, mas o dom gratuito de Deus é a vida eterna em Cristo Jesus nosso Senhor. Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Romanos 5:8 Mas Deus demonstra seu amor por nós pelo fato de Cristo ter morrido em nosso favor quando ainda éramos pecadores. Ephesians 2:8 For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 9not of works, lest anyone should boast. Efésios 2:8 Pois vocês são salvos pela graça, por meio da fé, e isto não vem de vocês, é dom de Deus; 9não por obras, para que ninguém se glorie. John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: João 1:12 Contudo, aos que a receberam, aos que creram em seu nome, deu-lhes o direito de se tornarem filhos de Deus, Romans 10:9 That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. 10For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. Romanos 10:9 Se você confessar com a sua boca que Jesus é Senhor e crer em seu coração que Deus o ressuscitou dentre os mortos, será salvo. 10 Pois com o coração se crê para justiça, e com a boca se confessa para salvação. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. João 3:16 "Pois Deus tanto amou o mundo que deu o seu Filho Unigênito para que todo o que nele crer não pereça, mas tenha a vida eterna. John 6:40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day." João 6:40 Porque a vontade de meu Pai é que todo o que olhar para o Filho e nele crer tenha a vida eterna, e eu o ressuscitarei no último dia". John 6:47 Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me has everlasting life. João 6:47 Asseguro-lhes que aquele que crê tem a vida eterna. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 13 John 6:29-35 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." 30Therefore they said to Him, "What sign will You perform then, that we may see it and believe You? What work will You do? 31Our fathers ate the manna in the desert; as it is written, "He gave them bread from heaven to eat."‘ 32 Then Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, Moses did not give you the bread from heaven, but My Father gives you the true bread from heaven. 33For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." 34Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." 35And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst. João 6:29-35 Jesus respondeu: "A obra de Deus é esta: crer naquele que ele enviou". 30 Então lhe perguntaram: "Que sinal miraculoso mostrarás para que o vejamos e creiamos em ti? Que farás? 31Os nossos antepassados comeram o maná no deserto; como está escrito: 'Ele lhes deu a comer pão do céu' ". 32Jesus lhes disse: "Digo-lhes a verdade: Não foi Moisés quem lhes deu pão do céu, mas é meu Pai quem lhes dá o verdadeiro pão do céu. 33Pois o pão de Deus é aquele que desceu do céu e dá vida ao mundo". 34Disseram eles: "Senhor, dá-nos sempre desse pão!" 35Então Jesus declarou: "Eu sou o pão da vida. Aquele que vem a mim nunca terá fome; aquele que crê em mim nunca terá sede. John 6:28-29 28Then they said to Him, "What shall we do, that we may work the works of God?" 29 Jesus answered and said to them, "This is the work of God, that you believe in Him whom He sent." João 6:28-29 28Então lhe perguntaram: "O que precisamos fazer para realizar as obras que Deus requer?" 29Jesus respondeu: "A obra de Deus é esta: crer naquele que ele enviou". Luke 23:39-43 39Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, "If You are the Christ, save Yourself and us." 40But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, "Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation? 41 And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong." 42Then he said to Jesus, "Lord, remember me when You come into Your kingdom." 43And Jesus said to him, "Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise." Lucas 23:39-43 39Um dos criminosos que ali estava dependurado lançava-lhe insultos: "Você não é o Cristo? Salve-se a si mesmo e a nós!" 40Mas o outro criminoso o repreendeu, dizendo: "Você não teme a Deus, nem estando sob a mesma sentença? 41 Nós estamos sendo punidos com justiça, porque estamos recebendo o que os nossos atos merecem. Mas este homem não cometeu nenhum mal". 42Então ele disse: "Jesus, lembra-te de mim quando entrares no teu Reino".* 43Jesus lhe respondeu: "Eu lhe garanto: Hoje você estará comigo no paraíso". Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 14 John 10:28-30 28And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. 29My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father's hand. 30I and My Father are one." João 10:28-30 28Eu lhes dou a vida eterna, e elas jamais perecerão; ninguém as poderá arrancar da minha mão. 29Meu Pai, que as deu para mim, é maior do que todos; ninguém as pode arrancar da mão de meu Pai. 30 Eu e o Pai somos um". John 5:24 Life and Judgment Are Through the Son 24 "Most assuredly, I say to you, he who hears My word and believes in Him who sent Me has everlasting life, and shall not come into judgment, but has passed from death into life. João 5:24 24"Eu lhes asseguro: Quem ouve a minha palavra e crê naquele que me enviou, tem a vida eterna e não será condenado, mas já passou da morte para a vida. 1 John 5:13 13These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God. 1 João 5:13 13Escrevi-lhes estas coisas, a vocês que crêem no nome do Filho de Deus, para que vocês saibam que têm a vida eterna. 1 John 3:17 17But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him? 18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 1 João 3:17 17Se alguém tiver recursos materiais e, vendo seu irmão em necessidade não se compadecer dele, como pode permanecer nele o amor de Deus? 18 Filhinhos, não amemos de palavra nem de boca, mas em ação e em verdade. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 15 Por favor, complete as seguintes informaçãoes com letra legível Por favor, complete as seguintes informaçãoes com letra legível Marque com um ‘X’ suas decisões: Data:________________________________________________ Marque com um ‘X’ suas decisões: ( ) Eu aceitei a Jesus Cristo hoje como meu salvador. Data:________________________________________________ ( ) Eu aceitei a Jesus Cristo hoje como meu salvador. ( ) Eu quero receber a vista de alguém que me ensine mais sobre Jesus. Melhor dia:____________ Melhor horário:____________ Nome:_______________________________________________ ( ) Eu quero receber a vista de alguém que me ensine mais sobre Jesus. Melhor dia:____________ Melhor horário:____________ ( ) Eu desejo participar de um estudo biblico na minha vizinhança para aprender mais sobre Jesus. Nome:_______________________________________________ ( ) Eu desejo participar de um estudo biblico na minha vizinhança para aprender mais sobre Jesus. Nome das pessoas que me visitaram: Endereço:____________________________________________ Nome das pessoas que me visitaram: Nome do ponto missionário ou igreja: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Optional section to use for prayer) Endereço:____________________________________________ Nome do ponto missionário ou igreja: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(Optional section to use for prayer) Name of person (see top line): ________________________________ Bairro:________________Cidade:_________________________ Name of person (see top line): ________________________________ City ______________ Country ____________ Age: ______________ Bairro:________________Cidade:_________________________ City ______________ Country ____________ Age: ______________ AMAZON OUTREACH Idade:_________________Telefone:_______________________ AMAZON OUTREACH Idade:_________________Telefone:_______________________ 16 Evangelism/Prayer Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 PRAYER We all know how important prayer is for maturing in our Christian walk as well as growing closer to God and each other. From the very first meeting leaders need to incorporate prayer into every meeting and make it a priority in the preparation for your trip. 1. Open with prayer at every meeting. 2. A good idea is to close your meetings by dividing up into groups of 3 or 4 people and pray for specific requests for your trip and/or individual team members. 3. Team leader should select prayer partners within the group. It is advisable to choose same gender partners and select different partners for husbands and wives. This is a great way to get to know someone else on the trip and pray at the same time. 4. Print out prayer requests and prayer calendars for team members so they can send them to their supporters. 5. You can also have a 24 hour prayer vigil and have team members sign up for specific hours to pray for the trip. You may want to do this during the trip too. PRAYER REQUESTS FOR AMAZON TRIP Before and During the Trip 1. Pray for faith, trust and encouragement for everyone involved. 2. We know that God did not give us the spirit of fear, so pray that we would have courage and boldness to step out in faith. 3. Pray for health and safe travel for the team 4. Pray for safe arrival of luggage, medicines and equipment. 5. Pray for unity, oneness, and love among the team members 6. Pray for open hearts, minds, eyes, and ears to the Gospel message 7. Pray for wisdom and stamina for the ministry teams and translators 8. Pray for divine appointments, wisdom, and discernment in ministry 9. Pray for all other areas of ministry that God be glorified in all that we do (Dental, Medical, Eye, Children‘s, Women, Men, Construction) 10. Pray for all the families and loved ones at home supporting all the team members After the Trip It has been our experience that the months following a mission trip are full of spiritual battles. We would appreciate it if you would continue to pray for each team member and the people in Brazil that God would guard each of us and continue with the opportunities for continued growth and leadership. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 17 Prayer Calendar Example June 5th - Last team meeting and Packing Party. For wellness for the team as they begin taking their malaria pills. For wisdom as we pack our supplies. For our visas to be granted without any delay. For our families to have peace as we prepare to travel. June 12th – Team travels to Atlanta and then on to Manaus, Brazil That there won‘t be any problems with getting the minors on the plane that are traveling without their parents. For safe travel. For unity and oneness and love among the team members. June 13th - Team and supplies arrive in Manaus For ease through customs. That our medicines and supplies will make it through customs. That our bibles and tracks will make it through customs. As the team makes the 18 hour trip down the Amazon to the villages, that they would detach from their worries in Dallas and become totally focused on the plans and ministry God has for them in the villages. That God will prepare the hearts of the people and make divine appointments for those He wishes to hear the Good News. For Wisdom and discernment as we prepare ourselves. Travel on the boat to Macombo and the other villages are safe. June 14th - Arrive in Macombo and set up mission’s stations For the villagers to have open hearts, minds, eyes, and ears to the Gospel message. For Gods protection from the enemy and his schemes and plans. For wisdom and stamina for the team and translators. For Wisdom and stamina for the medical and Dental teams. June 15th - First day of Youth Rally For youth rally impact! We have 12 youth traveling with us and our prayer is that our kids as well as theirs will be impacted for Christ. For future leaders/disciples to arise in the villages. For the youth to claim the Lord Jesus as their Savior and lead their elders as well as their own families to His saving grace. For our youth from the USA to be changed forever into his likeness as they take this journey. For future leaders to arise from our own youth traveling on this trip. June 16th - We begin to build the first Evangelical church in Macombo! Pray that by building a church that the spiritual growth of the Christians in the village will be strengthened and many more will be led to Christ. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 18 by Ken McEachern Based on The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2002. What on Earth Am I Here For? W H A T M AT T E R S ? DAY 40 Aug 29 This trip is not about you. It is about God. God‘s purpose is what matters most, not yours or mine. It may seem like this would be easy to remember on a mission trip. Not necessarily. Actually, emotions, good and bad, may be amplified on this trip. Begin praying right now that all of us will remember that what matters most is fulfilling God‘s purposes. ―…Everything got started in him and finds its purpose in him. Colossians 1:16 Msg W H A T M AK E S Y O U , Y O U ? DAY 39 Aug 30 You are not on this team by accident. You have felt God‘s call to go to the Amazon at this time and with this team. That happened because the Sovereign God chose you before you heard His call. In addition, He formed you before you were born. And when He did, He had this occasion in mind along with all the others He planned for you. That‘s what makes you, you. God‘s creation, call, and commission. You may not be Jeremiah, but you will be God‘s ―spokesman to the world.‖ Pray that you will carry out His call in Brazil. ―I knew you before I formed you in your mother's womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world.‖ Jeremiah 1:5 NLT WHAT MOTIVATES YOU? DAY 38 Aug 31 What is your motivation for going to The Amazon? It is unlikely that you are going for personal glory, but that is possible. Don‘t you like it when you tell people where you are going and they praise you for it? It is also unlikely that you are going just for the fun of it. If you are, be ready for some surprises. The best times on this trip will be those times that you feel closest to God. You will feel closest to God when you know He is smiling with you. Pray that you will make it your goal to please God in every situation. ―…We make it our goal to please him….‖ 2 Corinthians 5:9a NIV WHAT DAY 37 Sep 1 IS THE MEANING OF THIS TRIP? God has an eternal meaning for this trip. I don‘t know what all of it is, yet. I may not know until I get to Heaven. I know this—God is always working to complete His Kingdom purpose. You are part of that every day. While you are on this trip, you may experience an overwhelming sensation of being part of His eternal purpose. You may not know all that that means, but you will know that you are where God wants you. Pray that you will keep your eyes on His eternal purpose. ―We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.‖ 2 Corinthians 4:18 NIV W H A T K I ND OF M A NA G E R ARE YOU? God has blessed us with more than we can use just for ourselves. Instead of ―building DAY bigger barns,‖ He wants us to use our talents, gifts, money, and time to honor Him 36 Sep 2 through ministry to others. In fact, everything we have is His—we are managers of God‘s gifts. What does God require of managers? –Faithfulness. Pray that on this trip you will be a faithful manager of all with which God has blessed you. ―A person who is put in charge as a manager must be faithful.‖ 1 Corinthians 4:2 NLT Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 19 W H A T M ES S A G E D O Y O U T A K E ? DAY 35 Sep 3 When we get to Heaven, we will realize that most of what we thought of as important has ceased to exist. We can tell people they need to live in a free nation, belong to a particular political party, and attend a church of our choosing. We can say all those things with great conviction. If someone heeds our advice, they might be better off…at least for now. But when they get to Heaven (if they do), they will wonder why we thought those things were so important compared to the message of the Gospel. Pray that you will not be ―ashamed of the gospel.‖ ―Whoever believes in Him will have eternal life.‖ John 3:15 NASU W H A T M AT T E R S M O S T ? DAY It‘s all for God‘s glory. That‘s the bottom line. Pray that you will bring glory to God 34 Sep 4 through all that you think, say, and do on this trip... that He will be glorified because of you being in Brazil. ―Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.‖ 1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV You Were Planned for God’s Pleasure G O D ‘ S D EL I G H T ―Jesus loves me, this I know…‖ Do you know? Do you know that God delights in you? DAY You are leaving some family and friends behind while you are on this trip. They love you. They will miss you. No matter how much they love you, God loves you more. You are His delight, His pleasure. Thank God now and every day you are in Brazil that He Sep takes pleasure in you as His child. 5 The LORD takes delight in his people; he crowns the humble with salvation. Psalms 33 149:4 NIV MY DELIGHT I delight in many things: my favorite dessert, a new car, a great day with my family. DAY You can name more delights of your own. When I enjoy something so much that I can say it brings me delight, I am making a statement about real pleasure. Real pleasure comes from making God smile. How do I do that? By honoring Him with my life. Pray Sep that you will honor God on this trip. Pray that your greatest delight will be His smile. He takes pleasure in those who honor him, in those who trust in his constant love. 6 32 Psalms 147:11 GNT G O D ‘ S D EL I G H T , M Y D E L I G H T DAY 31 Sep 7 I have a problem with the hymn I Surrender All. My problem is not with the music or the theology—it‘s with my lack of ability to sing it and not feel guilty. I have tried total surrender, but I can‘t seem to get the hang of it. Do you know what I mean? But I think the secret of surrender is doing it daily. Won‘t it be great if God uses you to advance His Kingdom while you are in Brazil? Willingly offer yourself to God right now and every day for Him to use according to His pleasure. Offer yourselves to God, and all the parts of yourselves to God as weapons for righteousness. Romans 6:13 HCSB DELIGHT DAY 30 Sep 8 IN F R I E N DS H I P Here is a thought that should make you smile: God wants to be your friend—your best friend. It‘s true that the almighty Ruler of the Universe is awesome and holy…that He will judge us on Judgment Day. But it‘s also true that He wants to be your friend. That‘s why Jesus died—to restore the relationship that sin had severed. You will deepen friendships with your team on this trip, but begin praying now that you will develop a deeper bond with your best friend, Jesus. I do not call you servants (slaves) any longer…. But I have called you My friends, because I have made known to you everything that I have heard from My Father. John 15:15 AMP Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 20 DELIGHT DAY 29 Sep 9 IN Even among friends, there are degrees of trust, openness, and sharing. The deepest level of relationship is intimacy. Intimacy happens when you allow God to remove anything in your life that is hindering you from allowing Him full access to the deepest part of you. There may be times on this trip that those hindrances will be so apparent that you will plead with God to remove them so you can have full access to His presence. Pray that the Holy Spirit will prepare you to choose intimacy when your weaknesses come face to face with God‘s holiness. Come near to God and he will come near to you. James 4:8 NIV THE PLEASURE DAY 28 Sep 10 CLOSENESS OF G O D ‘ S D EL I G H T When Jesus told the woman at the well that true worshipers worship in spirit and truth, He told her that, ―the Father wants such people to worship Him.‖ (Jn 4:23 HCSB) God Loves you completely. He takes delight in your love for Him. The most important preparation for this trip is to reaffirm your love for Him—to take pleasure in loving Him with all you are. Tell Him that now. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength. Mark 12:30 HCSB DISTANT DELIGHT DAY 27 Sep 11 There may be times on this trip when God seems distant. You know in your heart that you love Him and that He loves you, but you cannot feel His presence. Be sure that God is working even when you cannot see or feel Him…that He is advancing His Kingdom…that He is working all things together for your good because you love Him. When God seems distant, delight in His promise to be with you always. Ask Him now to prepare you for those times. Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Matthew 28:20 NLT You Were Formed for God’s Family EMBRACING DAY 26 Sep 12 LOVING DAY 25 Sep 13 THE F AM I L Y OF GOD Of the various names of God‘s Kingdom on earth, ―family‖ is the most personal. His church is comprised of His children. In your local church, you experience fellowship and ministry together in relationship. On this trip, you will meet other Family members who look, live, and speak differently than you. Like you, they are part of the Family of God—you have the same Father. Begin to pray daily for the Brazilian believers the Father will bring into your life. His love is so great that we are called God's children. 1 John 3:1 GNT THE FAMILY OF GOD How well do you love? You are about to find out. You will be in close quarters and stressful situations for ten days with people you hardly know and others that you thought you knew. Pray that God will help you to love each team member as you love yourself in every situation… that you will express that love to the missionaries in Brazil and to other believers you may meet. The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14 NIV SERVING DAY 24 Sep 14 IN THE F AM I L Y OF GOD When God saved you, He also gifted you. He placed you in a local body of believers, where you fill a unique role. No one can be you, but you. Similarly, God has placed you on this team. He will use your gifts, talents, and personality to complete the makeup of this team—perhaps in ways you cannot imagine. Pray that you will humbly serve the Lord in the role He will show you. God has carefully placed each part of the body right where he wanted it. 1 Corinthians 12:18 Msg Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 21 SUPPORTING DAY 23 Sep 15 DAY 22 Sep 16 21 Sep 17 20 Sep 18 OF GOD MAKING THE FAMILY OF GOD WORK Here are four good words from Rick Warren: honesty, humility, courtesy, and confidentiality. Those four things can make our team successful. Pray now that you will not deceive, be proud, be rude, or violate a confidence. Forgetting these things may affect more than our team. It may put others at risk in this secure country. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. John 15:12 NIV THE FAMILY OF GOD It‘s bound to happen. Travel weariness…strange places, food, and people…being out of your comfort zone. Words will be exchanged and attitudes developed. It usually happens about halfway through the trip, but it can happen at any time. What do we do? Keep short accounts, taking care of disagreements quickly and in love. Forgive…Restore…make sure healing occurs… then move on with the mission. Pray for each other—starting now! Make this your common practice: Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you can live together whole and healed. James 5:16 Msg PROTECTING DAY F AM I L Y There is a lot of give and take in a family. It is imperative that every team member work with the missionary, the team leader, and with each other. We are a TEAM. Cooperation on this trip is not just doing what you are told, but sensing what others need. Sometimes you will need encouraging and sometimes you will do the encouraging. Don‘t interfere, but don‘t ignore, either. Pray that you will ―be there‖ when others need you and that you will allow others to ―be there‖ for you. Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Galatians 6:2 ESV HEALING DAY THE THE F AM I L Y OF GOD You will have a wonderful experience on The Amazon. You will see new places, buy some gifts to take home, and make new friends. Besides this, you go to serve Christ. Enjoy every minute of it! But while you do, remember this: nothing you do or want is as important as protecting the work of God‘s Kingdom. Do nothing, say nothing that will hurt the work of the missionary or local believers. Pray for the team (and yourself) to respect the Brazilian church by observing all rules of safety and security. Pray that we will be a blessing, not an embarrassment. But what things were gain to me, these I have counted loss for Christ. Philippians 3:7 NKJV You Were Created to Become Like Christ DEVELOPING DAY 19 Sep 19 THE CHARACTER OF C H RI S T Everything God does in your life is meant to make you more like Jesus. God will use every event on this trip to develop the character of Christ in you. Since you have a servant‘s heart, you are going to The Amazon for the Brazilian people—you want them to know Jesus‘ love. And you know that this trip is not about you, but about God. Do you also know that God wants to use this trip to transform you into the image of His Son? Pray that you will be more like Jesus when you return. As the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him and reflect his glory even more. 2 Corinthians 3:18 NLT Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 22 DEVELOPING DAY 18 Sep 20 THE MIND OF C HR I S T Mental preparation is crucial to our success. What you think about and how you think about it will determine how prepared you will be for the experience you are about to have. Don‘t let Satan fill your mind with negative, fearful thoughts. Instead, let God transform your mind so that you see everything that happens through His perspective. Pray that you will have the mind of Christ. Do not conform yourselves to the standards of this world, but let God transform you inwardly by a complete change of your mind. Romans 12:2 GNT DEVOTED DAY 17 Sep 21 D I S C I P L I NE D DAY 16 Sep 22 15 Sep 23 14 Sep 24 GOD OF BY THE PURPOSE OF GOD THE HOPES OF S AT A N Satan will do whatever it takes to ruin this trip for you and for the Kingdom. He will tempt you with worry, discouragement, a critical spirit, a selfish focus, and anything it takes to keep you from obeying God. He hopes you will fail. The Bible says, Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7 NIV) Commit now to dash the hopes of Satan—Resist temptation—Trust God. Ask God to equip you with discernment, discipline, and devotion. Do not give the devil a foothold. Ephesians 4:27 NIV D E F E A T I NG DAY WORD Romans 8:29 tells us that God uses every experience, good or bad, to conform us to the image of His Son. On this trip, your emotions will run the gamut because of the variety of things you will see. Some things will be hard to do. Remember, God uses all these experiences to change you. Pray that you will be open to the discipline of God, even in difficult times. God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them. Romans 8:28 NLT DASHING DAY TO THE Some governments limit access to the Bible for its people. They know it is a potent agent for change. We have unlimited access to God‘s Word. Believers in countries that limit access to the Bible treasure God‘s Word. Do you? The verses you read in this preparation guide can transform you if you take them to heart and live them out. It‘s not so much how much Scripture you read, as how much it changes you. Pray that you will be devoted to God‘s Word, reading and obeying it from your heart. If you continue in My word, then you are truly disciples of Mine. John 8:31 NASB T H E AT T A C K S O F SATAN When Satan attacked Jesus in the desert, Jesus defeated him with Scripture. Doubtless, Satan was there in the Garden of Gethsemane, when Jesus won the victory through prayer. Though Satan wants to defeat you, you have a spiritual arsenal available. Use God's mighty weapons…to knock down the Devil's strongholds. (2 Cor. 10:4 NLT) Find the list of spiritual armor in Ephesians 6 and pray through it, ―putting on‖ each piece of the armor for this trip. Put on God's armor now! Then when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist the enemy's attacks. Ephesians 6:13 GNT DEDICATED DAY 13 Sep 25 TO THE PROCESS OF G R O WT H This trip will change you. God will use this time to mold you even more into Christ‘s likeness. You may never be the same, but you will not be completed. God will continue the work in you until the day you see Jesus. The Bible says, When he appears, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is. (1 John 3:2 NIV) In the meantime, dedicate yourself to the process of spiritual growth. In your prayer today, commit yourself to the lifelong process toward maturity. He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus. Phil. 1:6 NASB Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 23 You Were Shaped for Serving God A SERVANT‘S HEART DAY 12 Sep 26 One of the most helpful qualities of a team member is to have a servant‘s heart. Instead of finding ways to criticize, find ways to serve each other. Jesus said that Kingdom greatness is in serving one another. A servant‘s heart allows you to see others‘ needs as just as important as your own. It helps you look past your needs so that you can help others. Pray that God would give you a servant‘s heart…a heart of compassion for other team members…of love for the Brazilians. Serve one another in love. Galatians 5:13 NIV A SERVANT‘S ASSIGNMENT DAY 11 Sep 27 The gospels record 20 times that Jesus told people to follow Him. You don‘t always know where you will end up when you follow Jesus, but you know this one thing: Jesus will be there. Your primary assignment is to follow Jesus. Along the way, you will learn the unique ways Jesus wants to use you, but you will not find them without following Him. When Peter questioned Jesus about John, Jesus answered with today‘s verse. Pray that you will follow Jesus every day in Brazil. What is that to you? You follow Me. John 21:22 NKJV A SERVANT‘S SHAPE DAY 10 Sep 28 Rick Warren tells us that each of is a unique combination of Spiritual gifts, Heart (passion), Abilities, Personality, and Experience. God designed you to fulfill a unique role, based on your SHAPE. Bring it all (SHAPE) with you to Brazil and put it at the disposal of Jesus. Expect to be stretched in any or all of those areas. Allow other team members to use their SHAPE to serve. Pray that, like a maestro, Jesus will put it all together into one team for His purpose and glory. For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalms 139:13 NIV A SERVANT‘S SERVICE DAY 9 Sep 29 Knowing your SHAPE is important, but diligence is more important. Even if you don‘t know your spiritual gifts, for instance, God can use you if you want to serve. If you ―show up‖ each day ready to serve, God will bring success. Jesus doesn‘t need prima donnas; He needs people of personal diligence. Pray that you would be a worker. Pray that our team would succeed like the people who rebuilt the Temple. Pray that people would report of us… This work is being done diligently and succeeding through the people's efforts. Ezra 5:8 HCSB A SERVANT‘S ATTITUDE DAY 8 Sep 30 Just as important as diligence is humility. Jesus demonstrated this quality repeatedly. When He washed His disciples‘ feet…when He healed the woman with the disease that caused her to bleed…when He chose to go to the cross. Jesus was a humble servant. Pray that you will be a humble servant, too, to team members, to the missionary, to the Brazilian people. Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. Mark 10:43 NIV A S E R V A N T ‘ S T H O UG H T L I F E DAY 7 Oct 1 Just as God transforms us through our minds, Satan defeats us through our thoughts. The point is not to think only positive thoughts, as some have said. The point is that every thought we have be subjected to the authority of the Lord Jesus. It is an easy jump from humility to haughtiness. One ―success‖ can change your attitude from servanthood to sarcasm. Pray that you would submit every thought (good or bad, positive or negative) to the Lordship of Jesus. We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 24 A S E R V A N T ‘ S S T R E NG T H DAY 6 Oct 2 The world promotes strength differently than the Bible. The world talks about the power of personality and the confidence from having ―six-pack abs.‖ Products to enhance performance, energy, appearance all claim to make you more confident, more in charge. God has a different message—weakness is our strength. Actually, not the weakness, but God‘s grace. Pray that you will depend on God‘s grace for your wisdom, confidence, and strength. "My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak." 2 Corinthians 12:9 GNT You Were Made for a Mission C OMMISSION —O BEYING THE C OMMAND DAY 5 Oct 3 You know the Great Commission. It is probably one reason you are going on this trip. You know that the Great Commission to make disciples of all nations is for all Christians. As part of that command, Jesus has a great commission for you. Have you accepted the personal mission God has for you? Like Paul, pray that you may complete the mission and work He has for you to do. I only want to complete my mission and finish the work that the Lord Jesus gave me to do. Acts 20:24 GNT CONFESSION—TELLING DAY 4 Oct 4 YOUR STORY Along the Amazon, you will witness openly. If someone asks you about your life, it may open a door to share. The hope in you is from Jesus. Be ready to give your testimony— to tell your story. Maybe God will give you a chance to ―confess with your mouth, ―Jesus is Lord.‖ (Ro. 10:9 NIV) Ask God to open doors to give testimony about His Son. Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks why you're living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy. 1 Peter 3:15 Msg C O M P L E T I O N —B E I NG P A R T OF GOD‘S STRATEGY Every person is created in God‘s image. Since that image is marred by sin, most people DAY do not know God. In His mysterious wisdom, God chose to use people like us to tell those who don‘t know Him how they can. His strategy was in place when Adam sinned. It will culminate when He decides, in Heaven. Pray that He will use you as part of His Oct eternal, global strategy. 5 Before me was a great multitude that no one could count, from every nation, tribe, people, and language, standing before the throne and in front of the Lamb. Revelation 7:9 3 NIV C O N T E M PL A T I O N —J O U R N A L I NG DAY 2 Oct 6 Mary, the mother of Jesus, has always impressed me. She not only listened to God, but she also meditated on any message she received. Such as, after the shepherds left, she treasured all these things, pondering them in her heart. (Luke 2:19 NASB) Contemplation is a lost art in our day. Journaling can help. Recording the events of the trip through God‘s eyes will help you see His hand and understand His heart. At the LORD's direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. Numbers 33:2 NLT Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 25 C O M M E N CE M E N T —L E T ‘ S G O ! DAY 1 Oct 7 Tomorrow we leave for The Amazon! This will be a great trip. Put all fears and concerns in God‘s hands, trusting Him for the unknown. Check one more time to be sure you have all you need, then submit all your plans, preparation, and hopes to God. This trip is not about you, anyway. It is about accomplishing God‘s purpose. Dear Father, Help me to go with You, because I know You go with me. Many plans are in a man's mind, but it is the Lord's purpose for him that will stand. Proverbs 19:21 AMP We constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith. 2 Thess. 1:11 NIV Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 26 31 WAYS TO PRAY FOR OUR MISSIONARIES 1. Protection—Psalm 34:7 The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them. 1. Protection—Psalm 32:7 You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance. Selah 2. Wisdom—James 1:5 But if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all generously and without reproach, and it will be given to him. 3. Peace—John 14:27 3. Peace—Philippians 4:7 4. Presence of God—Psalm 46:1 5. Inner Strength—Ephesians 3:16 Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 6. Clear Mind—2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 7. Security—Psalm 17:8 8. Health for Physical Body— Philippians 4:13 Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of your wings, 9. Courage—Joshua 1:9 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." 3 10. To Help Others— Philippians 2:3-4 11. To be aware of God's Love--Psalm 42:8 12. Family concerns—1 Peter 5:7 Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. 4Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. 8 The LORD will command His lovingkindness in the daytime, And in the night His son shall be with me-- A prayer to the God of my life. casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. 28 13. Rest—Matthew 11:28-29 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 14. Adjust to time change, sleep—Psalm 4:8 I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; For You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. 15. Unity in purpose—1 Peter 3:8 Finally, all of you be of one mind, having compassion for one another; love as brothers, be tenderhearted, be courteous. 15. Unity - Romans 15:5-6 16. Loneliness— Deuteronomy 31:6 Now may the God of patience and comfort grant you to be like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus, that you may with one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the LORD your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you. 17. Children—Isaiah 54:13 All your children shall be taught by the LORD, And great shall be the peace of your children. 17. Children—Psalm 68:5 A father of the fatherless, a defender of widows, Is God in His holy habitation. 18. Spouses—Isaiah 40:11 19. Patience while waiting— Psalm 33:20 20. God directing their steps—Psalm 32:8 He will feed His flock like a shepherd; He will gather the lambs with His arm, And carry them in His bosom, And gently lead those who are with young. Our soul waits for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 27 21. Diligent in their work— Colossians 3:23 22. Resist Temptation—1 Corinthians 10:13 23. Discernment—Phillipians 1:9 And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, No temptation has overtaken you except such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able, but with the temptation will also make the way of escape, that you may be able to bear it. And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in knowledge and all discernment, 24. Traveling safety—Psalm 121:7-8 7 25. Fighting Depression— Psalm 42:5 26. Protection from Evil—2 Thessalonians 3:3 27. Encourage those around them—Proverbs 11:25 28. Personal prayer life— Jeremiah 33:3 5 29. Deliverance from the enemy—Psalm 31:15 30. Angels to guard them— Psalm 34:7 My times are in Your hand; Deliver me from the hand of my enemies, And from those who persecute me. 31. Persistence for the task— Galatians 6:9 And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart. The LORD shall preserve you from all evil; He shall preserve your soul. The LORD shall preserve your going out and your coming in From this time forth, and even forevermore. Why are you cast down, O my soul? And why are you disquieted within me? Hope in God, for I shall yet praise Him For the help of His countenance. But the Lord is faithful, who will establish you and guard you from the evil one The generous soul will be made rich, And he who waters will also be watered himself. "Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know.' The angel of the LORD encamps all around those who fear Him, And delivers them. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 28 21-Day Prayer Calendar Amazon Outreach July 24-August 2, 2004 Monday Tuesday July 19 July 20 Satan begins his attacks long before the trip. Wednesday July 21 Pray all week that God will open many doors for the gospel and draw many to Jesus! Pray for campaign preparation, both for us and Brazilians. Col. 2:13-15 Col. 4:3 Eph. 3:16-19 CLAIM GOD‘S VICTORY PRAY FOR LOST Start praying against him now! Thursday July 22 Pray for final preparations and logistics. Pray for focus and passion. Friday Saturday July 23 July 24 July 25 Pray for unity among the team members Depart For Brazil. Pray for God‘s protection and blessing. SAFE TRAVEL Arrive Brazil. Boat trip down the Amazon Pray that all luggage would safely make it thru customs Pray for God‘s vision to be strongly given to each person. Psalm 27 COMMITTED CHRISTIANS August 1 I Cor. 15:58 Pray that all luggage would safely make it thru customs FOCUS AND PASSION Romans 15:5-6 PREPARATION Eph. 1:15-20 UNITY July 26 July 27 Morning & afternoon: Parintins Youth Rally & Vacation Bible School Evening: Worship with local church Morning & afternoon: Parintins Youth Rally & Vacation Bible School Evening: Worship with local church Eph 4:1-6 Eph. 6-19 HOLY SPIRIT TO MOVE BOLDNESS July 28 Morning & afternoon: Village Medical, Dental, Eyeglasses & Vacation Bible School July 30 July 31 Morning & afternoon: Village Medical, Dental, Eyeglasses & Vacation Bible School Morning & afternoon: Village Medical, Dental, Eyeglasses & Vacation Bible School Rom. 12:12 Travel Back on the Boat to Manaus Reflect on all God has done on the trip. GOD TO PREPARE HEARTS SAFE TRAVEL Rom. 15:5-6 PERSISTANCE FOR THE TASK ENDURANCE AND UNITY August 5 August 3 August 4 Travel Back to Dallas WOULD GOD HAVE YOU TO GO? www.amazonou Pray for strength for new believers and strong leaders to emerge Pray for us to process all that God has done. July 29 Galatians 6:9 August 2 Pray for strength for new believers and strong leaders to emerge Eph. 6:10-20 Psalm 32:8 PERSEVERE IN WARFARE Eph. 3:16 INNER STRENGTH Psalm 121:7-8 Sunday GOD DIRECTING THEIR STEPS Day of Rest in Manaus I Tim. 2:8 REJOICE AND GIVE THANKS 1 Thess. 5:16 Psalm 91 GOD‘S GUIDANCE August 6 August 7 August 8 Please keep praying for protection from the enemy – as he will continue to attack this team. Please keep praying for protection from the enemy – as he will continue to attack this team. Please keep praying for protection from the enemy – as he will continue to attack this team. Psalm 32:7 Psalm 17:8 PROTECTION SECURITY Psalm 34:7 PROTECTI ON SAFE TRAVEL Daily Prayer Requests: God to be glorified Many people to be saved and discipled Clear guidance from the Holy Spirit New churches to be firmly established Spiritual warfare against the enemy Unity, good attitudes, humility Many open doors for the gospel Good health, safety, and protection Boldness and clarity in preaching Christ Communication (especially across cultures) Development of their leaders and vision Protection and care for family left at home THANK YOU FOR STANDING BESIDE US IN PRAYER! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 29 Amazon Team Prayer Calendar Saturday Sunday June 19, 2004 June 20, 2004 Leave DFW-travel Board Mission boat to Manaus depart for Santo Antonio Safe travel Team unity, & & good flight sw eet fellow ship connections Com e alongside and encourage believers Friday June 25, 2004 Evangelism,VBS, Medical/Dental- in Nazare Pray for new believers Sunday June 27, 2004 Day for dow ntime and to process trip. Enjoying each other Gain new insight, w isdom Saturday June 26, 2004 Begin trip back to Manaus Reflection and celebration Monday June 21, 2004 Work in Santo Antonio Tuesday Wednesday June 22, 2004 June 23, 2004 Continue w ork and Work in Adventista. travel to Youth rally Adventista Servants hearts Show love of Christ and strong through service. bodies Pray forgood health. Thursday June 24, 2004 Evangelism,VBS, Medical/Dental-outreach in Adventista They w ill know w e are Christians by our love. Pray for stam ina! Monday June 28, 2004 Home to Dallas Safe travel Amazon Team Members: Amy Anderson, Diana Coan, Morgan Coan, Dan Madsen, Tracy Madsen, Mandy Maxwell, Duane Maxwell, Rod Morris, Fred Pietsch, Neil Pietsch, Kristen Norton, Bob Roden, Vickie Roden, Whitney Sanders, Laurie Steenis, Melissa Wilburn, Phyllis Woodward Please bein to pray 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 - That God would bless us indeed; He would enlarge the territory of His church in Brazil. His hand would be with us; He would keep us from the evil one. Also pray that the team would have a servant's heart, effective communication, Christ-like concern for others, and for spiritual, emotional and physical health. Please pray for protection for those at home. Amazon Team Prayer Calendar Saturday Sunday June 28, 2003 June 29, 2003 Leave DFW-travel Board Mission boat to Manaus depart for Parintins Monday June 30,2003 Work w ith Pastors & church in Parintins Safe travel & good flight connections Team unity, & sw eet fellow ship Com e alongside and encourage believers Friday July 4, 2003 Evangelism,VBS, Medical/Dentaloutreach in new Reliance on Holy Spirit Saturday July 5, 2003 Begin trip back to Manaus Sunday July 6, 2003 Travel back to Dallas Reflection and celebration Travel m ercies Tuesday July 1, 2003 Construction of w orship facility in village Servants hearts and strong bodies Wednesday July 2, 2003 More construction Show love of Christ through service Thursday July 3, 2003 Evangelism,VBS, Medical/Dental-outreach in new village They w ill know w e are Christians by our love Amazon team members: Connie Allen, Chris Bradley, Nelson Caperton, Kandal Chittum, Dianna Eubanks, Janis Garrett, Kinnie, Sheri, Lacey, and Westly Gibson, Cristina Hart, Susan Hill, Sondra Hurt, Brian Johnson, Alinne Marques, Fred McCarty, Eric Pechacek, Fred and Neil Pietsch, Cheryl, Brian and Bethany Reinhart, Laurie Steenis, Lee Waddel, Julie White, Carole Widmann, Phyllis Woodward Please bein to pray 1 Chronicles 4:9-10 - That God would bless us indeed; He would enlarge the territory of His church in Brazil. His hand would be with us; He would keep us from the evil one. Also pray that the team would have a servant's heart, effective communication, Christ-like concern for others, and for spiritual, emotional and physical health. Please pray for protection for those at home. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Evangelism/Prayer 30 EXAMPLE: Labor Day Amazon Outreach Trip 40 Days of Prayer Schedule July 26 July 27 July 28 July 29 July 30 July 31 August 1 August 2 August 3 August 4 August 5 August 6 August 7 August 8 August 9 August 10 August 11 August 12 August 13 August 14 August 15 August 16 August 17 August 18 August 19 August 20 August 21 August 22 August 23 August 24 August 25 August 26 August 27 August 28 August 29 August 30 August 31 September 1 September 2 September 3 Family Health while away Support for those serving in the Amazon First Baptist Church of Parintins Open Hearts for those we will meet Elmer and His Family Support/Protection for our Team Men‘s Ministry Brazilian Government Leaders Safe and Smooth Travel Time of Growth/Worship with our Creator Dental Ministry Construction Ministry Dental Ministry Family Health while away God‘s Control of Brazil First Baptist Church of Parintins Team Members Health God‘s Control of Brazil Construction Ministry Vacation Bible School Ministry Men‘s Ministry Weather Presbyterian Church of Manuas Women‘s Ministry Team Members Health Women‘s Ministry Support/Protection for our Team Safe and Smooth Travel Brazilian Government Leaders Presbyterian Church of Manuas Medical Ministry Support for those serving in the Amazon Team Unity Open Hearts for those we will meet Vacation Bible School Ministry Elmer and His Family Medical Ministry Team Unity Weather Time of Growth / Worship with our Creator Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Cindy Hunt Amazon Outreach Directional Team John Draper Robert Mendonsa Robbin Harville Crew on the Linda Esperenza Kim Bender Chad (From BTBF – Lives in Amazon Region) Karen Bennett David Turechek Owen Menchhofer Translators All Team Members – Party Day Gretchen Burgin Translators Brian Johnson Juli Mendonsa Elmer (First Baptist Church – Parintins) Linda Biggs Lucia (Cook on Linda Esperenza) Tracy Madsen Translators Phyllis Woodward Translators Della Menchhofer Todd Wein Nelson Caperton Keundra Kirkendoll David Mendonsa Chad (From BTBF – Lives in Amazon Region) Steve Corbin Stacye Scott Amazon Outreach Directional Team Linda Draper All Team Members – Packing Party Greg Mink Crew on the Linda Esperenza Chris Bradley Your support team The Amazon Trip Evangelism/Prayer 31 TEAM PACKING Packing for a mission trip can be complicated or simple. Here are suggestions from seasoned travelers as to how and what to pack as a team. Appoint a Packing Leader to oversee the collecting and packing of donated items. Most of the items on the Team Packing Items list are essential everywhere but you can check with the Amazon Staff to see if there are any specific needs. Let others know what items need to be donated or collected with flyers or letters and the date of your departure. All items need to be in good condition and appropriate for a warm, casual climate!! Packing Party 1. Approximately one week prior to your trip you should have a ―Packing Party.‖ 2. Each team member will need to bring two of the largest suitcases or duffel bags for 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. checked luggage they can find to pack the donated items in. *Maximum dimensions for a checked bags are 62 in/157 cm each (this is calculated by the total outside dimensions of each bag, that is, length + width + height.) *Maximum weight for a checked bag is 50 lbs/23 kgs each Each team member will need to bring all the donated items they have collected from churches, friends and pharmacies, etc. Pack each bag with an assortment of items instead of grouping like items together. We have found packing in this manner easier to get through customs. When you pack like items together the customs officers often think you are going to resell the items. Have each person take their two bags home after the ―Packing Party‖ and bring them to the airport on the day of departure. They will take responsibility for their two bags during travel from the US to Manaus. While packing the team bags, try to consolidate medicine into larger containers if you have many samples, etc. Make sure each container has a label on the outside and the instruction sheet from the original container inside. Bring a supply of various sizes of ziplock baggies to your packing party to consolidate items such as crayons, toothpaste, and combs. (Take individual items out of boxes or containers and put into ziplocks.) Always pack shampoo, lotions and soap into ziplocks to avoid spills. Other travel, packing, and unpacking tips: 1. Each team member is allowed to carry on a bag and another small backpack or purse. Maximum dimensions for a carry on bag are 45in/114 cm and no more than 40 lbs/18 kgs. 2. When checking in at the airport make sure check on bags are sent to Manaus. 3. If in the unusual case that someone were to question you about what is in your bag you can simply say that they are items you brought to donate to a church. 4. Make sure VBS leaders have a VBS handbook and know which crafts to pack for your trip. 5. VBS crafts should have all pre-assembling (cutting, sorting, hole punching, etc.) finished ahead of time. All crafts should be counted into packets of 25 and stored in large ziplock baggies and marked with the number 25. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Team Packing 1 6. Once on the boat, while traveling your first day down the river, you will need to unpack, organize and make family, hygiene and children‘s goodies bags. a. Unpack all the donated items in your large suitcases and sort by type of items such as women‘s, men‘s, children‘s clothes, toiletries, shoes, etc. Repack the like items back into the large suitcases and label on the outside. b. Stack each bag of like items together and have a team member stationed at each area to pass out the items. c. Have the remainder of your team members take small trash bags or grocery sacks and walk by each station gathering each of the various items and tying up the sack. d. You can put all the family packs back into the large duffels and store in the hold until you need them. e. Repeat this same process to make hygiene bags and goodie bags for the kids. Use large ziplock bags instead of grocery bags for packing items. Luggage Limitations The size limitation of your luggage is calculated by adding the total outside dimensions of each bag, that is, length + width + height. Two checked bags at 62 in/157 cm each One carry-on bag at 45 in/114 cm The maximum weight per checked bag is 50 lbs/23 kgs. The maximum weight per carry-on bag is 40 lbs/18 kgs. TEAM PACKING ITEMS Lightweight summer clothing Baby clothes Cloth Diapers Baby Blankets Pacifiers Sandals or Flip Flops Baseball Hats or Visors Sunglasses Canvas Tote Bags Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Team Packing 2 Toothbrushes Dish Towels and Hot Pads Fishing Line, Lures and Hooks Small Toys (very small) Soap Toiletries (samples are good) Antiseptic Creams Cortisone Creams Adult and Children‘s Vitamins with Iron Antibiotics Tylenol IB Profen (adult) Flashlights Batteries of all sizes Small Pocket Knives (for checked luggage only) Small Non Electrical Tools (Hammers, Screwdrivers, Chisels, Short Levels) VBS materials (refer to VBS Manual) Candy (the best is individually wrapped chewables, lollipops, Tootsie Rolls, Sweet Tarts) Soccer Balls Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Team Packing 3 BOAT LIFE Put 25 short term missionaries, 10 interpreters, 5 pastors and local church members, plus 10 crew members on an 85 foot long boat in the middle of the Amazon, and you‘d better all get along. For this to happen, there should be a real need and love for each other that is apparent by the way everyone respects each other. Below are a few notes and ideas that might help. Always keep the area around your hammock organized and clean. If you are on the Third Deck you need to roll up your hammock each morning and stow it under the buffet table. Please help set up the tables and chairs before each meal. Always put your dirty dishes in the proper containers and clean off the table where you were sitting. Remember to respect others by keeping the noise level down early in the morning and at bedtime. Don‘t forget, your bedtime may not be the same as others. In the mornings many travelers are reading their Bibles and having devotionals. Please respect this quiet time. Please wear proper attire. Low cut, sleeveless or tight fitting tops are prohibited. Tops or tee shirts must cover entire midriff area. Shorts must be at least mid-thigh for men and women. All bathing suits must be one piece and appropriate for a Christian mission trip. Bathing suits must be worn when showering on the back shower porch. Please do not use inappropriate language. Off-color jokes or insinuations are prohibited. Flirting or ―romance‖ between short term missionaries and interpreters or other short term missionaries should be avoided at all costs. This always distracts from the goal of the mission. Only one person will be allowed in a shower room or toilet room at any one time. Only one person will be allowed in a hammock at any one time. Smoking, drinking alcohol, chewing tobacco or taking drugs (other than prescribed by a physician) will not be allowed at any time on any part of a mission trip including the plane trip to and from the Amazon. Doing any of these will greatly damage your witness since Brazilian Christians do not believe you can be a Christian and smoke, drink or do drugs. Complainers and controllers should be talked to in private and given positive direction to change this behavior. If this is not handled quickly by the leader it can be very distracting to the mission. Pitch in and help at all times. Don‘t be a sitter, get involved! Remember who your FATHER is and act like it. We are here to represent HIM and be an example of HIS love and compassion. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Boat Life 1 SAFETY RULES FOR THE BOAT The first thing to remember is that the Captain is always in charge. Not the trip leader, the Amazon Outreach employee or a volunteer. The Captain is the final word on the boat. Never swim, dive or go out in a speed boat or canoe without the permission of the Captain. Never remove tables, chairs or any other boat equipment without the permission of the Captain. There is absolutely no running on the boat decks. These decks can be extremely slick. Do not make a game out of jumping in or over hammocks. Please be very careful not to get water on the decks and please clean up any spills. Be extremely careful with bug repellent, sun block and other sprays. They make the deck very slick. If someone is hurt or sick to a point where the Captain or a medical doctor says that they need to be evacuated the Captain will call ―Wings of Help‖ for a plane. Never sit on the railing while the boat is underway. Never shower on the back ―Shower Porch‖ alone while the boat is underway. Never go out on a speed boat without a life jacket, water and a GPS unit. Please keep all gear stowed out of the walk ways. Never go on top of the third deck roof. Not even if you are the leader. The following areas are completely off limits to everyone except those listed. Engine Room and any area in the Hold – Crew only Pharmacy and Surgery Room – Approved medical personnel only Supply Room on Second Deck (Computer Room) – Crew and Trip Leader Only Pilot House – Please do not enter this room and do not block the vision of the Pilot. Kitchen – Kitchen Crew only. If you need something out of the Kitchen, please ask. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Boat Life 2 INTERPRETER RELATIONS As we all know, the interpreters on the boat are much like family to us. Because of this relationship we have with them we find that, just like family, they are the easiest to hurt. We need to protect and guard this relationship because the interpreters are our ―life line‖ to spreading the Gospel and doing any mission work in the Amazon. We want each team to respect, love and cherish each of these incredibly, hard working, spiritual, young people. Here are some things you and your team need to remember in regard to our relationship with them. 1. Interpreters are valuable to us, and there are never quite enough of them to go around. 2. Do not cling to one and expect or insist to have the same one work with you every day. Please let the interpreters get to know the other team members even though you might have a close friendship with them. This is a team effort! 3. If you are near another ministry station and there is a shortage of interpreters, please share. 4. Please speak clearly and ask the interpreter if they can understand you easily. Never, under any circumstances, criticize their efforts in speaking English. Translating is extremely difficult. Showing patience and respect will help them relax and improve in the job they are doing. 5. Remember that evangelism is very important and usually takes precedence over other things. 6. Please do not pursue any romantic relationships with an interpreter. We are on a mission trip, and this is very distracting to the mission at hand. Always remember the purpose of the trip. 7. Almost every interpreter, crew member, pastor, or missionary will do anything an American asks them to do, even though they know it should not be done or it could be done in a better way. Be careful not to demand, but ask them for their ideas and input as you plan your day. 8. Never give an interpreter a gift or money directly. They are all paid for their work with us, and you will have the opportunity to tip them as a group at the end of the trip. 9. In the past, we have had team members invite an interpreter to the U.S., discuss educational funding or do special favors for them. These generous and thoughtful ideas can quickly get out of hand. The biggest difficulty is that it creates a wedge between the team of interpreters. If there is one interpreter getting special ―perks‖ from one or more of the Americans this will bring negative feelings and a competitive spirit within the entire group. How do you think this makes the other interpreters feel when one of them gets treated like they are more important or special than the others? For this reason Amazon Outreach will not be involved in any transactions relating to individual translators. 10. Although it is not recommended (for the reason stated above), trip members may send (mail) individual gifts to the translators at their own expense after the trip is completed. Under no circumstances are gifts for translators, boat crew, etc. be allowed to be taken on trips packed in donation luggage. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Boat Life 3 “WELCOME TO THE BOAT” QUIZ Welcome aboard! The Linda Esperança will be your home and the home of your fellow trippers for the next week. Below are questions that will help you and everyone on the boat have a much more enjoyable time whether you are an Amazon Outreach veteran or this is your first trip. 1. What should you do if you use the last of the toilet paper in a bathroom? Nothing…someone else will take care of it. Find your trip leader immediately and tell him about it. Get a new 4-pack of toilet paper from the sink area or a member of the boat crew. 2. What will happen if you DON‘T replace the last of the toilet paper? You will be flogged by the person who next uses that bathroom! You will be thrown overboard by the person who next uses that bathroom! God will smite you! All of the above! 3. What is the last thing you should do upon exiting a bathroom or shower room? Notify everyone on the boat that there is a bathroom or shower room available. Put perfume on. Gather all of your ―stuff‖ (including any trash) and turn out the light. 4. What should you do in the mornings before going to breakfast? Put perfume on. Take a dip in the river. Remove all of your belongings from the floor and tie up your hammock. 5. What is the maximum number of towels you should use in one day? 50 100 1 (MAX). You can reuse it if you shower more than once in a day. 6. Where are the dirty clothes hampers? In the kitchen. In the engine room. Outside the bathroom on the 2nd level. 7. When should you sit on the railing of the boat? During morning devotional time. While you‘re putting perfume on. NEVER! (or God will smite you!) 8. What should you do when you finish eating a meal? Leave your plate on the table…someone else will pick it up. Put perfume on. Take your plate & cup to the appropriate, labeled plastic tubs provided and scrape any extra food off into the TRASH tub before putting plates into the DISH tub. 9. What should you be careful of while spraying yourself with bug spray? Bug spray can attract bugs onto the deck. Bug spray can attract Anacondas up onto the deck. Bug spray can make the deck (wood floors) VERY slippery. 10. When can you swim in the river? Whenever you want to. Only at night when the piranhas and alligators are out. Only when the boat captain says it‘s okay. 11. At night, what should you remember to do? It‘s party time! Be as loud and boisterous as possible for as long/late as possible. Leave as many lights on as possible to attract all flying insects within a 20 mile radius. Be considerate of others while they are trying to sleep and remember that the top level of the boat is several peoples‘ bedroom and they just might want to go to bed. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Boat Life 4 12. When should you throw trash over the side of the boat? When the trash can is full. When you have perfume on. NEVER 13. Who is allowed to operate the speed boats? Anyone. Anyone under the age of 13. Only a boat crew member. 14. When is it okay to block the view of the captain while he is piloting the boat? During the day. During the night. NEVER 15. When the boat is moving, where should people be dispersed? In the engine room. In the bathrooms. As evenly as possible on the 2nd & 3rd decks. 16. What is the only paper product that can be flushed in the toilet? Pages of books. Pages of the boat songbook. Toilet paper ONLY. 17. When should you be ready to leave the boat with your team? By 5:00am By 10:00pm When your individual team leader tells you…Time is very precious – Please be ready on time. 18. What is it called when you keep your luggage consolidated to a small area? Rude Prissy Considerate of others. 19. In the showers, there will be a bucket and a bottle of Lysol. What should you do with ½ capful of the Lysol to get rid of CHIGGERS? Throw it over your left shoulder for good luck. Throw it over your right shoulder for good luck. Pour it in 1 bucket of water. Place one foot at a time inside the bucket and splash water up to your knees. If you wish, you can pour the rest of the bucket of water over your body for a total chigger body wash!...think of it as a chigger-ridding baptism 20. What areas of the boat are off limits to passengers (that would be YOU)? None, as long as you have perfume on. The bathrooms, showers and stairs The engine room, the kitchen (Lucia WILL smite you!), the computer room and the roof of the 3rd deck. 21. What should you be aware of & watch out for on the 1st deck? Anacondas, piranhas and alligators climbing onboard People putting perfume on VERY low ceilings and bulkheads…they HURT! 22. When the boat is moving, are you allowed to shower on the back of the boat BY YOURSELF? Yes, as long as you promise to fall overboard…we won‘t miss you for hours! Yes, as long as you are showering with perfume only NO! NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANSES are you allowed to shower back there alone! 23. What are the 2 most important things to remember on the trip? Be as selfish and rude and prissy as possible. It‘s every man for him self and wear as much perfume as possible. God is in complete control and the key word is FLEXIBILITY. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Boat Life 5 YOUTH Youth Rally 2001 “The Call, the Cost, the Challenge” Games: Ankle Balloon Pop 1. Tie a balloon onto each player‘s ankle with a string 2. Mark off an area as a boundary for players 3. Each player tries to pop other player‘s balloon without getting their balloon popped Object of Game: the last player to have a balloon is the winner and wins points for his team Points: 60 points Items Needed: 100 balloons String cut into 12 inch lengths 4 cones Scripture Reference: Romans 9:15 – I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion. Bucket Brigade (Two or four teams play together) 1. 2. 3. 4. Teams line up in single file lines front to back At the back of lines place a bucket ½ full of water and a small cup At the front of lines place an empty bucket The last person in line fills up the cup with water and passes it down the line one person at a time (each team member must touch the balloon. No skipping!) 5. The first person in line dumps the water from the cup into the empty bucket until all the water from the back bucket is gone Object of Game: winner is the team that empties the bucket in the back to fill the bucket at the front Points: 30 points Items Needed: 8 buckets 4 cups water Scripture Reference: Luke 6:38: Give, and it will be given to you; good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, they will pour into your lap. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 1 Clothes Race (Two to four teams play – in pool or on field) 1. Teams line up in single file lines behind cone or at end of pool 2. One at a time each team member goes to another cone about 50 feet away or at the other end of pool and puts on clothes that are placed there 3. That team member runs back or swims back to original line and takes off clothes and hands them to next player to put on 4. Next player puts on clothes and runs or swims to cone or end of pool back to original line until all teammates have played Object of Game: winner is the first team to finish Points: 30 Items Needed: 4 T-shirts 4 Shorts or pants 4 Pair of shoes 4 Hats 8 cones (if on field) Scripture Reference: Ephesians 6:13-18: (13)Therefore, take up the full armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having done everything, to stand firm. (14)Stand firm therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace; (16)in addition to all, taking up the shield of faith with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the evil one. (17)And take the helmet of salvation, and sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. (18)With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints. Concentration (One to two teams play – time filler) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. American lays out 16 cards 4 across and 4 down The American closes his eyes while someone from audience points to one card Another American helper is in audience and sees which card is picked When first American opens eyes he will announce that he knows which card was chosen The American helper will begin pointing to various cards and asking first American, ―Is this it?‖ until he says, ―Yes, this is the one.‖ 6. Clue: The very first card the American helper points to will be the indicator as to which card was chosen by the audience member. He will point to either the top left, top middle, top right and so on depending on which card was choosen. Object of Game: audience tries to figure out how the American knows which card was chosen Points: none Items Needed: 16 cards Scripture Reference: John 15:16 – You did not choose Me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask of the Father in My name, He may give to you. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 2 Game of Trust (One to two teams play) 1. One player stands blindfolded on a taller object (chair or wood stump) 2. Player falls backwards into the arms of teammates Object of Game: to trust team and ultimately relate to trusting God. Points: none Items Needed: 2 chairs or wood stumps 2 blindfolds Scripture Reference: Prov. 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your path Human Fusion (Two to four teams play) 1. Everyone stands alone in a large crowd of people not touching any other player 2. Caller calls out any number lower than the amount of people playing (preferably between 2 and 15) 3. When the number is called out each player tries to get in a group with that exact number in it 4. Players that aren‘t in the right number of group sit out Object of Game: winners are the last two remaining Points: none (ice breaker) Items Needed: None Scripture Reference: Matthew 18:20: For where two or three have gathered together in My name, there I am in their midst. Leap Frog (All 4 teams play at same time) 1. Teams line up in single file lines 2. The second person in line jumps over the back of the first person in line and stoops over 3. The third person in line jumps over the backs of the second then the first person in line and stoops over 4. This process continues until every person has had a turn to jump Object of Game: The team that jumps over everyone first is the winner Points: 30 Items Needed: nothing Scripture Reference: Matthew 19:30 – But many who are first will be last; and the last, first. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 3 Over/Under (Two to four teams play) 1. Teams line up in single file lines front to back 2. The first person in each line has a ball and passes it over his head to the person behind him 3. The next person has to pass the ball under his legs to the person behind him until the last person in line has the ball 4. The last person in line runs to the front and passes the ball over his head to the person behind him and so on until every person has played Object of Game: winner is the first team to finish Points: 30 Items Needed: 4 balls Scripture Reference: Ephesians 3:17-19 – so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; and that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the breadth and length and height and depth, and to know the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled up to all the fullness of God. Polaroid Pictures (All teams – No competition) Take polaroid pictures of each competitor and glue the picture to a pre-cut card stock picture frame. Decorate the frame with stickers and markers. Items Needed: Polaroid Camera Polaroid Film Pre-cut Picture Frame Stickers Markers Glue Sticks Scripture Reference: James 1:23-24: (23) For if anyone is a hearer of the work and not a doer, he is like a man who looks at his natural face in a mirror; (24) for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he has immediately forgotten what kind of person he was. Scavenger Hunt (All 4 teams play at same time) 1. One American will call out an item to find and all 4 teams will set out to search for it 2. Each time an item is found the person who found it has to take it to their captain and then the captain has to take it to the American caller Object of Game: the winner is the team finding the most objects Points: 30 points per object found Items Needed: Anything Scripture Reference: Jeremiah 29:13 – And you will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 4 Water Balloon Toss (Two to four teams play) 1. Teams line up side by side directly across from another teammate with about 15 feet between their partner 2. One teammate has a water balloon and tosses it to his partner 3. After successfully throwing and catching the balloon the partners have to step apart from each other about 5 feet 4. If teammates break their balloon they are out of game and sit down Object of Game: winners are the partners that successfully throw and catch their water balloon without it breaking with the furthest distance Points: 30 Items Needed: 50 water balloons water Scripture Reference: James 1:6: But let him ask in faith without any doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. Basketball Drills (One to two teams play) 1. Dribbling 2. Passing 3. Figure 8 4. Horse 5. Free throw Points: none Items Needed: 4 –8 Basketballs Chaos (All 4 teams play at same time) 1. Mark off an area for boundaries for teams (large square) 2. Each team gathers at each of the 4 corners of the boundary markers 3. When whistle blows each team has to cross directly across the middle straight to the other side 4. Ways to cross: Walk Skip Walk backwards Arms linked (whole team) Piggy back (2 people paired) Wheel barrel (2 people paired) Back to back arms linked (2 people paired) Object of Game: ice breaker Points: none Items Needed: 4 cones Scripture Reference: 1 Corinthians: 14:33 – For God is not a God of confusion but of peace Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 5 Clothespin Race (One to two teams play for time filler) 1. 2. 3. 4. Every player gets 6 clothespins Mark off an area for boundaries for the team Each player has to clip his 6 clothespins to 6 different people When all the clothespins are pinned to another player the game is over Object of Game: winner is the player with the least amount of clothespins pinned on him Points: none Items Needed: 500 clip clothespins 4 cones Scripture Reference: 1 Tim 6:11: But flee from these things, you man of God; and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance and gentleness. Diving for Treasure (One to two teams play in swimming pool) 1. Players stand on side of pool and when whistle blows they jump in and gather treasure at the bottom Object of Game: to gather the most treasure Points: none Items Needed: Metal coins with numbers on them to signify a prize on shore Pencils Keychains Bookmarkers Candy T-shirts Hats Bibles Frisbees Scripture Reference: Mattthew 6:19-21: (19) Do not lay up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. (20) But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; (21) for where your treasure is, there will your heart be also. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 6 Glob Obstacle (All 4 teams play) 1. Each team is tied together with a piece of rope 2. Four cones are lined up in front of each group spaced several feet apart 3. The teams walk together and weave in between the cones down and back Object of Game: winner is the team to finish first Points: 30 Items Needed: 12 cones 4 ropes Scripture Reference: Ecclesiastes 4:12: And if one can overpower him who is alone, two can resist him. A cord of three strands is not quickly torn apart. Obstacle Course (Two to four teams play) 1. Teams line up single file behind cone 2. First person in line runs the obstacle course and returns back to next person in line 3. Next person in line runs course and returns until every teammate has played Object of Game: winner is the team that finishes first Points: 30 Items Needed: 4 balls (to hold between knees) 4 chairs 4 long pieces of wood (beam walking 4 jump ropes Scripture Reference: Romans 5:3: And not only this, but we also exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance. Potato Sack Race (Two to four teams play) 1. Teams line up in single file line behind a cone 2. While in a potato sack first person in line hops to another cone about 50 feet away and returns back to the original line and passes the potato sack to next person in line 3. Each person gets a turn Object of Game: the team who finishes first is the winner Points: 30 Items Needed: 4 potato sacks 8 cones Hebrews 12:1-2: Therefore, since we have so great a cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us also lay aside every encumbrance, and the sin which so easily entangles us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, (2) fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 7 Survivor Memory (All 4 teams play at same time) 1. Hide pairs of 10 items individually under a pot 2. Have 4 members of each team represent their team by volunteering to play the game. Everyone else gets to cheer them on but cannot shout out answers or give hints. 3. Each person tries to guess which pot has a match to the item they first uncover. Object of Game: the team to guess the most matches wins (like Concentration) Points: 30 points per match Items Needed: 20 pots 2 Bibles – Psalm 119:11 2 black squares (representing sin) – Romans 3:23 2 flashlights (You are the light of the world!) – Matthew 5:14-16 2 glasses of water (Jesus says you will never thirst again) – John 4:13 2 butterflies (You will become a new creature) – 2 Corinthians 5:17 2 crosses – 1 Peter 3:18 2 maps – John 14:6 2 vines/branches – John 15:5 2 bridges – John 5:24 2 lips – Romans 10:9-10 Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 8 YOUTH RALLY 2003 “May the favor of the Lord our God rest upon us, establish the work of your hands for us” Psalm 91:17 Game 1: KNOTS/ TWIZZLERS ―Let us throw off everything that hinders us and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.‖ Hebrews 12:1 (Devo: SIN that entangles us) Game: Have the two separate teams get into two different circles. Have them stand fairly close. Have each of them put their two hands in the middle and grab another teammates hand as to create a big tangled knot. Each team then attempts to unwind without letting go of the hand they grabbed. They should work together as a team. Encourage them use teamwork and use integrity to not cheat and let go. Each team‘s goal is to end up unwound in a connecting circle. First team done wins! Extra Ideas: Hand out twizzlers Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 9 Game 2: Body Parts Game ―The body is a unit, though it is made of many parts; and though all parts are many, they form one body.‖ 1 Corinthians 12:12 (Devo: Body of Christ) Game: Have the teams separate and compete within themselves, then have the winner of team A and the winner of team B competes against each other. Have each youth find a partner within their group and assign one #1 and the other #2, The #1 players form a circle on the outside walking in a clockwise direction, while the #2 player‘s form a circle on the inside walking counter-clockwise. When the leader calls out two body parts, then the partners, #1 and #2 must find each other and connect two body parts, i.e. ―elbow to knee‖. The last two in the group to connect, are eliminated. Once there is a winner pair from team A and a winner pair from team B, then they compete against each other in the middle for the best 3 out of 5. Extra Ideas: sticky hand things or other body part toy. Game 3: Tug of War ―Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down his friend can help him up. But pity a man who falls alone‖ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (Devo: teamwork against Devil) Game: The two teams are divided and grab onto big rope with bandana tied in the middle. Each team stands on each end pulling for the bandana to be on their side. First team to pull bandana across line wins!!! Extra: Bracelet Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 10 Game 4: Team Relays #1 Noodle, Locomotion and Toilet paper weave ―Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and encourage one another.‖ Colossians 3:15 (Devo: Encouragement) Game: Have the two teams compete in a series of three separate relays. Noodle pair= Have the team form a single file line and have the first two teammates step out on each team and face each other. Have them place the noodle in between them, placed on their stomachs, and walk to a set point about 30 feet away. Have each team continue until they have all gone through. If they go too fast they will loose control and drop the noodle and start that pair over. Locomotion= Have each group stand in a single file line. The last person in the line crawls through all the legs of the teammates before him. Once they are through the next person goes, like a conveyor belt. The first team to advance to the goal point wins. Toilet Paper Weave= Each group in a single file line passes the toilet paper roll through the line as it unrolls, rotating over your head, then in between the legs. The first group to send the TP through the entire line and back to the front without breaking the toilet paper wins. Extra Idea: Each team makes paper chain with team colors, each person writes their name on a ―link‖ Game 5: Ultimate Team Relay ―I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.‖ Phil 3:14 (Devo: Goals, dreams) Game: Divide the two teams into two single file lines for a large relay game. The first task of the person going is to put on weird clothes; next they run to a bat and put the bat on the ground while other end of bat is on their forehead. They spin around 5 times and then hop back with a balloon between their legs. (Other obstacles may be added) Extra Idea: award ribbon with verse on it. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 11 Game 6: Minefield ― I am the Lord who guides you, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.‖ Isaiah 48:17 (Devo: God‘s direction, Prayer) Game: Have the teams separated in a square area. Place objects that will act as ―mines‖ in the minefield. Vary the objects in position and size so as to make the game more or less challenging. Have the teams pick one person, and spin them around until they are disoriented and line them up at one end of the minefield. The teams are allowed to surround perimeter of the minefield but not go inside. Each team must guide the person across the field by shouting commands of where to step. They may not touch their person or step within the minefield. The team that gets their person across the quickest wins. Stress the application of ―Hearing God‘s Voice‖ above all your peers etc. Extra Idea: compass or map Game 7: Capture the Flag ― In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.‖ Romans 8:37 (Devo: Victory in Jesus/ Romans 8) Game: The teams are given a designated area that is their ½ of the field, while the other team is given their ½. Place a cone with the Flag sticking out at the top in the middle of their side. The teams may have one person guarding the cone within the designated circle. The two teams all line up at the middle boundary line, and at the sound of the whistle, they run to ―capture‖ the other team‘s flag from the cone. Once they have captured it, they must carry it across the middle boundary line without being tagged on the way back. If you get tagged within the other team‘s boundaries, you have to go to jail (the back of the opposing team‘s field) and wait for someone to run and save you to walk you out. The teammate coming to get you cannot be tagged running into the jail or else they will be put in jail too, however, once they make it safely to jail, you both can walk out to your side and rejoin the game. As you are walking out, you cannot grab the flag. First team to capture the flag wins!! Extra Idea: Christian Flag. Game 8: POOL Volleyball ―Choose today whom you will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.‖ Joshua 24:15 (Devo: who do you serve, Mathew 6:24) Game: Play a game of volleyball in the POOL! Hopefully some sort of net available. Extra Idea: volleyball novelty * Pool Relays could also be done at this station. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 12 GAME 9: Water Balloon games Jesus answered, ―Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.‖ John 4:13 Games: Water Balloon Toss with sheets: Divide each team into half and give each half a sheet. Each team will use the two sheets as a sling to catch and throw the water balloon back in forth. Each team will continue, taking steps back each time. The team that can pass the balloon the farthest distance between the two groups without the balloon breaking wins! Balloon Toss with hands: Each team divides in half and stands facing each other in two lines, tossing the balloon back and forth. The players rotate through their individual lines. As the team drops the balloon, they are eliminated. The team that can pass the balloon the farthest, wins. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 13 Extra Games: “Stand Off” Verse: ―Resist the Devil, stand Firm in the Faith, because you know that your brothers throughout the world are undergoing the same kind of suffering‖ 1 Peter 5:14 Game: Have entire group get into pairs. Then have them stand face to face with their hands out in front of them and feet shoulder width apart. They push on each other‘s hands trying to knock the other person over. They can move their hands to cause the other person to loose their balance. Begin with entire group and eliminate down to one winner. “Mosquito Tag” Verse: ―Wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I will be also.‖ Game: Pick one or two people to be ―it‖ They have to put the noodle on their forehead and tag people with the ―Stinger‖ (noodle). Once a person is tagged then they have to stand still and ―itch‖. In order to be untagged, then three people have to surround the ―itching person‖ holding hands and say ―God loves you‖ 3 times. The mosquito cannot tag the group while connected. They need to work together. Make a connection of when trying to survive by themselves - they fail. But when they work together as a team (selfless) they can win against ―Satan‖ (mosquito). (Prayer and Unity) “Letter Game” Verse: ―Do not let anyone look down upon you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, and in purity. Until I come, devote yourself to public reading of scripture, to preaching and to teaching. ‖1 Timothy 4:12-13 Game: A leader calls out a letter and each group has to form the letter with their bodies, lying down on the ground. The first group to form the letter wins. “ Dodge Ball” Verse: ―Take up a shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.‖ Ephesians 6:16 (Eph 6:10-18) Game: Each team divides and has the same number of balls. They each have a set area. When signaled they begin to throw the balls at the opposing team. When hit by a ball, you are out and sit on the boundaries. Last team with the last player still in, wins! * Games such as soccer, softball and basketball can always be used as well! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 14 YOUTH RALLY 2004 “ May the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever” Hebrews 13:20-1 *Below you will find game descriptions and devotional themes for 10 games. Hopefully this will help us be prepared, but we are always flexible for whatever happens! Game 1: Tug of war Devotional: ―Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work; If one falls down his friend can help him up. But pity a man who falls alone‖ Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (teamwork against Devil) Game: The two teams are divided and grab onto big rope with bandana tied in the middle. Each team stands on each end pulling for the bandana to be on their side. First team to pull bandana across line wins!!! * possibly play 007 as well. Game 2: Team Relays Devotional: ―Let the Peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and encourage one another.‖ Colossians 3:15 (Encouragement) Game: Have the two teams compete in a series relays. Noodle pair= Have the team form a single file line and have the first two teammates step out on each team and face each other. Have them place the noodle in between them, placed on their stomachs, and walk to a set point about 30 feet away. Have each team continue until they have all gone through. If they go too fast they will loose control and drop the noodle and start that pair over. Locomotion= Have each group stand in a single file line. The last person in the line crawls through all the legs of the teammates before him. Once they are through the next person goes, like a conveyor belt. The first team to advance to the goal point wins. Burlap sack races/wheel barrel races Game 3: Soccer Devotional: ―I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.‖ Phil 3:14 (Goals, dreams) Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 15 Game 4: Kickball Devotional: ―I am the Lord who guides you, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.‖ Isaiah 48:17 (God‘s direction, Prayer) Game 5: “Capture the Flag” Devotional: ―In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.‖ Romans 8:37 (Victory in Jesus/ Romans 8) Game: The teams are given a designated area that is their ½ of the field, while the other team is given their ½. Place a cone with the Flag sticking out at the top in the middle of their side. The teams may have one person guarding the cone within the designated circle. The two teams all line up at the middle boundary line, and at the sound of the whistle, they run to ―capture‖ the other team‘s flag from the cone. Once they have captured it, they must carry it across the middle boundary line without being tagged on the way back. If you get tagged within the other team‘s boundaries, you have to go to jail (the back of the opposing team‘s field) and wait for someone to run and save you to walk you out. The teammate coming to get you cannot be tagged running into the jail or else they will be put in jail too, however, once they make it safely to jail, you both can walk out to your side and rejoin the game. As you are walking out, you cannot grab the flag. First team to capture the flag wins!! Game 6: POOL Volleyball Devotional: ―Choose today whom you will serve… but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.‖ Joshua 24:15 (who do you serve, Mathew 6:24) Game: Play a game of volleyball in the POOL! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 16 GAME 7: Water Balloon games Devotional: Jesus answered, ―Everyone who drinks of this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks of the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life.‖ John 4:13 Games: Water Balloon Toss with sheets: Divide each team into half and give each half a sheet. Each team will use the two sheets as a sling to catch and throw the water balloon back in forth. Each team will continue, taking steps back each time. The team that can pass the balloon the farthest distance between the two groups without the balloon breaking wins! Balloon Toss with hands: Each team divides in half and stands facing each other in two lines, tossing the balloon back and forth. The players rotate through their individual lines. As the team drops the balloon, they are eliminated. The team that can pass the balloon the farthest, wins. Game 8: “Dodge Ball” Devotional: ―Take up a shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.‖ Ephesians 6:16 (Eph 6:10-18) Game: Each team divides and has the same number of balls. They each have a set area. When signaled they begin to throw the balls at the opposing team. When hit by a ball, you are out and sit on the boundaries. Last team with the last player still in, wins! Game 9: Ultimate Frisbie Devotional: ―Consider it pure joy, my brothers whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith develops perseverance‖. James 1:2-3 (Growth in temptation and challenge) Game 10: “Minefield” Devotional: ―I am the Lord who guides you, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.‖ Isaiah 48:17 (God‘s direction, Prayer) Game: Have the teams separated in a square area. Place objects that will act as ―mines‖ in the minefield. Vary the objects in position and size so as to make the game more or less challenging. Have the teams pick one person, and spin them around until they are disoriented and line them up at one end of the minefield. The teams are allowed to surround perimeter of the minefield but not go inside. Each team must guide the person across the field by shouting commands of where to step. They may not touch their person or step within the minefield. The team that gets their person across the quickest wins. Stress the application of ―Hearing God‘s Voice‖ above all your peers etc. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 17 Direction for Amazon Teens Ask girls if they have any questions for us. (This took 30 minutes or so. They‘re very curious about us) Tell them why we came from so far away to see them. Help them to understand that no one paid us to come here. We‘re here because even before we saw their faces, we loved them and prayed for them because of our relationship with Christ. Share what we were like at their age & what Christ has done in our lives since then. Present the gospel (you can use the Roman Road/or the Evangecube) Ask if they would like to accept Christ as their Savior. Pray with them to accept Christ. Teach them about the new hope they now have in Christ & how to pray using Romans 8:24-26. Remind them that the reason they have such a good relationship with their best friends is that they love spending time with each other & talking & listening to each other. Our relationship with Christ should be even more like that. We‘ll never get to know and love Him the way we should unless we spend time talking & listening to Him. Show them in scripture why they should wait until marriage for sex. Explain what we mean by ―sex‖. (be specific) Read I Corinthians 3:16-17 & I Corinthians 6:13-20 (Body is God‘s temple) Read with them Ephesians 2 which explains how now they are a new Creature in Christ. Go through Galations 5:16-26. Ask if any of Galations 5:16-26 sound like their community? John 1:1 explaining who Christ is. Teach them forgiveness and how to live with each other from Ephesians 4:31-32. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Youth 18 DEBRIEF SHORT TERM MISSIONS TRIP RE-ENTRY STRESS A. Definition Re-entry stress is like culture stress in many ways - only in reverse. While culture stress is associated with a sense of disorientation brought on by a new and unfamiliar environment, re-entry stress is precipitated by returning to a setting you presume to be familiar, but which in reality is no longer the same. It is the unexpected nature and subtlety of such change that will cause stress for returning missionaries. Your once familiar and comfortable environment no longer appears the same. Something definitely has changed. But you don't easily recognize just what has been altered. Suddenly you find yourself out of phase with your own culture. Your reaction may come in the form of bewilderment, dismay, disillusionment and perhaps even irritation or anger. Somehow, "things are just not the way they used to be...‖ "nobody seems to care....", ―nobody really understands...". There are several contributing factors to re-entry stress. One is that you are being caught by surprise - you do not anticipate change and consequently are unprepared to cope. Another factor is value conflict. Your values, once taken for granted and even highly cherished, now seem of lesser significance or of little importance at all. Your way of thinking, your manner and your responses to many situations have been changing. Often these changes are not apparent until you are back in your own culture. B. Common Symptoms and Effects of Re-entry Stress 1. Disorientation - feeling out of place, not fitting in. 2. Feelings of loneliness, isolation, or being lost in the crowd. 3. Restlessness - a desire to "get away" from those who don't seem to understand or care. 4. Feeling that nobody understands your experience or that nobody cares. 5. Feeling tired, listless. 6. Critical attitude toward home country - its waste, extravagance, wrong way of doing things, etc. 7. Loss of identity - just "another cog in a big wheel". 8. Inability to communicate new ideas, concepts freely. 9. Feeling of superiority - standing aloof from others because of your overseas experience. 10. Feeling of dissatisfaction. 11. Defensive in responses. 12. Retreat, withdrawal, lack of concern. 13. Unnatural, uncomfortable responses to "ordinary" situations. 14. Confusion over conflicting attitudes and responses. 15. Rejection of overseas experiences or a desire to forget and not talk about them. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Debrief 1 Typical Responses When Returning 1. ISOLATE and Be Alienated A person who responds this way to re-entry stress... Pulls away from being in a stressful situation by being alone or with like-minded people (e.g. former short termers) Continues to identify with the home culture, for the most part, but has strong negative reactions to it May express a strong judgmental posture towards the values and lifestyle of the home culture (church, family, friends, politics) May feel deep guilt over home culture's materialism and affluence May tend to day dream a lot about the short-term experience, holding on to memories Unaware of other alternatives to impact the home culture (church or campus group) NEEDS - someone who has been through re-entry stress to help in understanding the transition process and exploring options 2. IMITATE and Be Re-socialized A person who responds this way to re-entry stress... "Goes native" in USA culture by reverting immediately back to conventional norms Resumes life as if nothing happened Unable to translate the impact of short-term experience to the rest of life May have a very high need for acceptance by the home culture May be afraid of the repercussions of being different or standing on one's convictions NEEDS - to be with compassionate mission-minded people who can assist in sorting out the short-term experience 3. INTEGRATE and be proactive A person who responds this way to re-entry stress ... Accepts the reality of transitions between two cultures Relates back with the home culture in a way that does not compromise or negate new values or lessons learned from short-term experience Recognizes that changes have occurred through the short-term experience 1 Continues to learn lifestyle incorporating the old and new NEEDS: seeks support from like-minded people Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Debrief 2 SOME PRACTICAL SUGGESTIONS: 1. Find other returnees with whom you can share and have fellowship. 2. Give yourself time to readjust, be patient with yourself and with others. 3. Recognize and accept which transition stage you are going through, and remember that ―reverse culture shock" or ―re-entry shock" is a normal part of the process of returning home. 4. Have a good sense of humor. 5. Let your re-entry work for you: use it as a growing process to continue learning about yourself as a bicultural or multi-cultural person. 6. Appreciate the opportunity you had to go abroad and the commitment to return home. 7. Review the most significant changes you have undergone while on the short-term trip and the implications of those changes. 8. Review your great expectations in returning home ... how relevant and realistic are they? 9. Keep a clear perspective and remember that God is with you! DEBRIEFING SHORT TERM TRIP TEAM MEMBERS What Is Debriefing? Debriefing is more than giving a report. It is telling our story, complete with experiences and feelings, from our point of view. It is a verbal processing of past events. It differs from a report, which is a factual sharing of details as objectively, accurately and free from emotion as possible. Debriefing, on the other hand, includes both the facts and emotional responses, and invites feedback, including appraisal. Debriefing is an opportunity to share in-depth recent experiences with someone who is willing to listen and care, without judgment or criticism. Why Debrief Every short-term missionary returning from a trip is carrying a very heavy "backpack" filled with experiences, feelings, hopes, grief, uncertainties and questions. It is very important that their backpack be "unloaded" early after their arrival. Debriefing communicates care to the team member and assists them in processing their experience. Debriefing has the following beneficial outcomes: It promotes processing of events plus feelings. It informs interested persons. It permits evaluation and other feedback. It ends isolation. It enhances cohesion, connectedness and team spirit. It encourages accountability. It facilitates change. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Debrief 3 It provides opportunity for growth through reporting and being heard. It stimulates renewed commitment. It brings rejoicing and glory to God through shared victories. It communicates a powerful message of love, respect, and value. It is usually a valuable learning experience for the listeners also. Dangers of Not Debriefing What happens when we don‘t debrief with short-term members? 1. They brush the experience aside as unimportant. 2. They suspect that they, not just the experience, are unimportant. 3. They lose an opportunity to process. 4. They don‘t receive validation or correction. 5. They may not make necessary changes or grow as a result of the event. 6. They may lose the opportunity to bring God into the event. 7. They may not ask His wisdom to process the event or to give Him praise. 8. They lose the opportunity to pass their learning along to someone else. POSSIBLE DEBRIEF QUESTIONS FOR SHORT-TERM TEAM MEMBERS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. What one event epitomized your short-term project? How do you feel most misunderstood now that you are back home? Did you feel any guilt over there? If so, what was the cause? With what did you struggle in your spiritual walk while on your trip? How did your view of God change? What major thing did you learn about yourself during this trip? What was the most frustrating experience of your trip? When you returned, how did you feel your family/friends responded to you? In the week following your return, what was the most overwhelming emotion you experienced? 10. Do you feel like ____________ is a different place because you were there? 11. Were your goals and objectives realized during this trip? 12. What were the most significant factors contributing to the success/failure of your goals and objectives? 13. Do you feel you could have been better prepared? How? 14. Overall, was the experience what you expected? 15. Describe any personal growth in the any of the following areas Self-image Interpersonal relationships Spiritual life Concept of missions Knowledge of God‘s overall plan for your life Your spiritual gifts Other areas Servanthood Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Debrief 4 Stewardship 16. What were the major problems you faced? Language Loneliness Boredom/lack of work Lack of prayer time Interpersonal relationships Lack of talent/training/giftedness Exhaustion Culture shock Sickness Other 17. What are your future goals in missions? Did the short-term experience contribute positively to your future ministry goals? Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Debrief 5 MINISTRY IDEAS PEGADAS NA AREIA Uma noite um homem teve um sonho. Ele sonhou que estava andando na praia com o Senhor. Pelo céu passaram cenas de sua vida. Para cada cena, ele notou dois pares de pegadas na areia, um pertencendo a ele e outro pertencendo ao Senhor. Quando a última cena da sua vida passou por ele, ele 0lhou para as marcas de pegadas na areia. Ele notou que muitas vezes ao longo do caminho de sua vida existia somente um par de pegadas. Ele também notou que isso aconteceu nos momentos mais tristes e difíceis de sua vida. Isso realmente o incomodou e ele perguntou ao Senhor sobre isso. “Senhor, tu me dissestes que uma vez eu decidisse te seguir, tu andarias comigo por todo o caminho.” Mas eu notei que através dos momentos mais difíceis da minha vida existe apenas um par de pegadas. Eu não entendo por que nos momentos que eu mais precisei de ti, tu me abandonastes. O Senhor respondeu, “Minha criança preciosa, Eu te amo e nunca te abandonaria. Durante os momentos de provação e sofrimento, quando você vê apenas um par de pegadas na areia, foram os momentos em que eu te carreguei. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 1 WHAT ARE GERMS? O QUE SÃO GERMES? Do you remember the last time you were sick? Did you throw up, have a fever, and go to the bathroom frequently? Chances are very high that GERMS were involved. Lembras da última vez que ficastes doente? Vomitastes, tivestes febre, e usastes o banheiro frequentemente? Grande chances de germes estarem envolvidos. GERMS are everywhere in the world: on us, in us, and around us. Some of them can make us sick by causing infections. GERMES estão em todo o lugar do mundo: sobre nós, em nós, ao nosso redor. Alguns deles podem nos deixar doentes causando infecções. GERM is a common word to describe a living microscopic creature (so tiny that we cannot see them unless we have a microscope) which takes in food and gives off waste, grows, reproduces, and dies. GERME é uma palavra comum que descreve uma criatura microscópica vivente (tão pequena que não podemos ver com nossos olhos só se tivermos microscópio) que come alimento e libera o resto não consumido, cresce, reproduz, e morre. GERMS can enter our body in four ways: GERMES podem entrar no corpo de quarto maneiras: 1. Ingestion…….swallowing them into the stomach. 1. Ingestão …...engolidos para dentro do estômago. 2. Inhalation…..breathing them into our lungs. 2. Inalados …....respirados para dentro dos pulmões. 3. Blood stream…..through a wound in the skin or from an insect bite. 3. Corrente Sanguinea ….através de uma ferida na pele ou picada de inseto. 4. Absorption……through the skin pores. 4. Absorvidos …..através dos poros da pele. Ingestion (swallowing) germs in our water or food is one of the most common methods of GERMS entering our bodies and making us sick. Ingestão (engolidos) germes na água ou comida é o método mas comum de entrada de germes para o corpo causando doenças. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 2 One of the ways we can prevent this is by making sure that the GERMS in our water and food have been destroyed or removed. The easiest method of doing this is to boil (heat to a high temperature) all water that is consumed and thoroughly cook all meats before eating. Fruits and vegetables should be washed in clean water before eating or cooking. Uma das maneiras de prevenir isso é ter a certeza de que os germes foram destruídos ou removidos da comida ou da água. O método mais fácil de fazer isso é através da fervura (esquentar em alta temperatura) toda a água que será consumida e cozinhando bem a carne antes de comer. Frutas e vegetais devem ser lavados em água limpa antes de comer ou serem consumidos. We must make certain that once this water is purified by boiling, it does not become contaminated again by leaving it open to the air…….remember GERMS are in the air too. So keeping the purified water in a clean, closed container may reduce the spread of GERMS in our bodies and keep us healthier. Nós temos que ter a certeza que uma vez que a água é purificada pela fervura, não se tornará contaminada novamente por deixar em lugar aberto .... lembrar que Germes também estão no ar. Então devemos manter a água purificada em uma vasilha limpa e fechada reduzirá os germes em nossos corpos e mantendo saudáveis. WHERE DO GERMS LIVE? ONDE OS GERMES MORAM? GERMS thrive where it is: GERMES vivem onde tem: -WARM (where body temperature is ideal) -CALOR (a temperatura do corpo é ideal) -WET (where there is moisture; in dry places they cannot survive well) -MOLHADO (onde existe umidade, em lugares secos eles não podem sobreviver bem) -DARK (where it is dark; most germs much prefer darkness over light) -ESCURO (a maioria dos germes preferem o escuro do que a luz) -RICH IN NUTRIENTS (where there is food to grow and reproduce) -RICO EM NUTRIENTES (onde há comida para crescer e se reproduzir) In other words, GERMS can thrive inside you !!!!!!!! Em outras palavras, GERMES podem viver dentro de voçê!!!!!!!! So, you can see how important it is that we prepare the water we drink and the food that we eat properly in order to destroy the GERMS BEFORE they enter our bodies. Então, voçê pode ver como é importante nós prepararmos a água de beber e a comida propriamente em ordem para destruição dos GERMES ANTES deles entrarem no nosso corpo. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 3 ALSO, hand-washing makes a BIG difference……this can reduce the spread of GERMS to your food and water as well as transferring germs to others. Always wash your hands before handling your food and water. Use soap and rub your hands together and rinse thoroughly, then dry with a clean cloth. Também, mãos lavadas fazem a diferença …. isto reduz a contaminação dos GERMES da sua comida e água como também a transferência de germes para outros. Sempre lave as mãos antes de pegar no alimento e água. Use sabão e esfregue as mãos juntas e enxague, depois seca com a toalha. WHEN TO WASH YOUR HANDS? BEFORE eating or touching food or drinking water; after using the toilet, after playing with animals. Remember, even sneezing or coughing can spread germs to others. If you sneeze or cough, always remember to cover your mouth with your hands and then immediately wash your hands with soap and clean water to remove the GERMS. Quando lavar as mãos? ANTES de comer ou tocar na comida ou berber água, depois de usar o banheiro, depois de brincar com animais. Lembrar, mesmo espirrando ou tossindo pode espalhar germes para outros. Se voçê espirra ou tosse, sempre cubra sua boca com suas mãos e então imediatamente lave suas mãos com sabão e água limpa para remover os GERMES. It is important to remember that if you do become sick, you should stay away from others so that you do not spread the bad GERMS to other people. O importante é lembrar que se voçê ficar doente, deve ficar longe dos outros para que não espalhe o germe mal para as outras pessoas. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 4 GENERAL CURRICULUM FOR WORM PREVENTION EDUCATION: SMALL RIVER VILLAGES Introduction: The Brazilian government estimates that 90% of rural children and 40% of urban children suffer from parasitic worm infections. The rates for adults will mirror those of children. These infections take many forms and have a very wide range of symptoms. In most cases infections are asymptomatic, so the sufferer may not realize they are affected. In more severe cases malnutrition, anemia, abdominal complaints, and other serious conditions are present. In all cases the worm takes nutrients from the host, either directly feeding from his blood or tissue or by ―stealing‖ the host‘s food from within. Although adults suffer from lost nutrition and energy, children may face lifelong consequences. Chronic malnutrition can lead to many serious developmental conditions, including mental retardation and serious disease. The pathways for infection depend on the organism involved. Most worms depend on being swallowed by the host either as a cyst, larvae, or an egg; some, such as hookworms penetrate the skin of bare feet and migrate through the body. Others such as organisms responsible for filariasis are introduced through biting flies and mosquitoes. The good news is that it is fairly easy to rid a person of worms, and to keep them free from reinfection in the future. Freely available and widely used medication will wipe out worm infections when used properly. Followed by simple sanitation practices and the use of purified drinking water, we can prevent reinfestation by nearly all parasitic worms. Sources of Infection: There are some easy fixes for the great bulk of worm infections. We will not address those introduced by mosquitoes and flies because it is impractical to expect very poor people living in equatorial areas to have access to vector control. There are three main sources for parasitic worms being introduced into people in rural Brazil: Untreated water; Unwashed hands; and Unshod feet Untreated water—Most drinking water in small villages is taken directly from the nearest source (lake or river) and consumed with no treatment. Water from these sources can be assumed to be contaminated in all cases. Aside from the many large animals which live (and excrete) directly in the water runoff from human and livestock waste flows directly into the water. Parasitic, bacterial, viral, and amoebic contamination is imparted into the drinking water in this way. Well water is usually ok when available, but can be contaminated easily through the sources above, through birds nesting inside well covers, and through lack of sanitation. The only clean drinking water in a village is that which has been disinfected! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 5 Unwashed hands—Many parasites lay their eggs in the body of the host, which are then excreted. The worm‘s strategy is to get those eggs back into a host, either the same one or a different one. When the excrement dries, very tiny eggs are left in the dirt and dust. Grazing animals such as cattle bring the eggs into their mouths directly. People must handle their food before it is put into the mouth. Unwashed hands transmit tiny worm eggs onto food, then back into the body. Children are especially vulnerable since they tend to play in the dirt and often put their fingers in their mouths. Other worms lay their eggs around the anus of the host, and depend on the host contaminating his fingers by scratching the itch that results. Hands must be washed before preparing food or eating; children’s hands should be washed throughout the day! Unshod feet—Tiny hookworms lay in wait on the ground or on floors. They penetrate the skin of bare feet and migrate through the body (through the circulatory system to the lungs, then to the small intestine) where they attach and feed. They cannot penetrate shoes or sandals. Footwear must be worn to prevent hookworm infection! Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 6 A Teaching Curriculum for Presentation: Note that this is a guideline; the idea is to impart the information in such a way that renders it practical for understanding and daily use. A. Gather a moderate size group of people; usually it is best to approach those waiting to see the medical staff. It is especially important for those with children to understand this information. B. It is useful to have some type of giveaway; soap, washcloths, large water bottles, etc. Hand these out after the presentation to participants; it is easy to keep track of who has heard your presentation in crowds by looking for those holding the giveaway items. C. Presentation: ―Hello. My name is _______________ and I have some valuable information to share with you today.‖ ―As you see the doctors today they will give you medicine to free you from worms which may live inside your bodies.‖ ―This medicine does a good job of killing the worms which are in you today, but can not prevent more worms from moving in later on.‖ ―What I will share with you is how to avoid worms in the future, so that you can enjoy many years of health and strength, rather than a few months.‖ ―How many of you get your drinking water from the rivers and lakes?‖ (show of hands) ―How many treat your water or use filters before you drink it?‖ (show of hands) ―The main source for worms to come into our bodies is through the water we drink.‖ ―River water contains tiny worm eggs and baby worms, much too small to see.‖ ―As you drink it you bring these tiny eggs and worms into your body, to grow much larger.‖ ―Drinking water must be boiled for ten minutes, or filtered with a special filter, to kill or remove the tiny eggs and worms.‖ ―Worms also pass their eggs into the dirt around us through animals and human waste.‖ ―All day as we work and play these tiny eggs get on our hands.‖ ―If you handle food or eat with unwashed hands, these eggs will be swallowed, to grow a new worm inside you.‖ ―As they live inside you, these worms steal the precious fruits of your hard work.‖ Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 7 ―Worms steal the food you work hard to cultivate and catch; they steal the strength and health of your children; they rob you of your energy and vitality.‖ ―You must be diligent to not allow the worms inside your body, or the bodies of your children.‖ ―There are three things that must be done to rid yourselves and your children of worms forever.‖ ―One—take the medicine the doctors give you today, and you kill the worms that are within you already.‖ ―Two—boil all the drinking water for ten minutes, and you will destroy the worm eggs and larvae.‖ ―Three—wash your hands and the hands of your children throughout the day, but always before preparing food or eating.‖ D. Answer questions and give practical tips. Some helpful pointers are: acquire a large storage vessel, preferably capped, to store disinfected water in (it is not practical to boil water all day long); boil enough water for the family‘s needs as the morning meal is cooked; those who will be away from the home during the day should have a source of pure water or carry it with them; there are many methods for disinfecting water, none work as well as boiling. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 8 Water Disinfection Introduction: There are several ways to disinfect water, and none are very complicated. In general, however, the ―gold standard‖ of disinfection is to boil water at a rolling boil for at least 10 minutes. Some cysts are able to endure up to 30 minutes of boiling; however this is not common and somewhat impractical. Filters, chemicals, and sunlight all require some level of equipment or expense and not all are guaranteed to work for every organism. Fire is free and universal, and easily understood by all villagers you will encounter. Other methods can be suggested, but boiling should be encouraged. Well water is often ok for consumption, but is easily contaminated and should be boiled as well. Disinfection: The ability to disinfect water is affected by several factors. Along the Amazon in Brazil, the primary one is turbidity—otherwise known as cloudiness. When possible water should be filtered for suspended particles prior to treatment. If it is not, any treatment option requires ―extra oomph‖—more chemical, longer exposure, longer time at boil. Cloudy water is harder to disinfect. Common agents and methods of disinfection follow (ranked in order of preference): (1) Boiling; Rolling boil at least 1 minute; up to 30 minutes to kill all cysts; 10 minutes a good suggestion. At high altitude (> 2 km) increase boil time to 3-30 minutes. (2) Iodine (in solution or crystalline); Iodine crystals are widely available and cheap; they should be placed in a small container (about 2 ounce) of water; a solution is reached after 30 minutes. Iodine concentration is dependant on water temperature; the warmer the water is the greater the concentration (hence the more ―power‖ to disinfect). At normal equatorial temperatures about ½ tsp. per liter of water is sufficient. Double the amount for cloudy water. Allow to stand for 30 minutes prior to consumption. Take care that iodine crystals are not consumed. Tincture of iodine is common in first aid and medical supplies; at 2% solution add 5-10 drops per liter (5 for clear warm water, 10 for cloudy, cold water) Note—iodine is for short-term use only (weeks); not for long-term, primary disinfection of water supplies. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 9 (3) Chlorine or chlorine bleach; Available Chlorine (%) unknown % chlorine 1% chlorine 4-6% chlorine 7-10% chlorine drops of bleach/liter clear water cloudy water 10 10 2 1 20 20 4 2 Let stand for 30 minutes following chlorination prior to consumption. Note—the use of chlorine bleach is for short-term disinfection only. A family should not consume bleach treated water as a matter of habit. Most appropriate for use while travelling, fishing, working etc. where large quantities of boiled water are not available. (4) Sunlight and Filters Some work has been done to show that sun exposure (where the action of the sunlight is concentrated by the use of water in clear containers sitting in direct, midday sun) reduces pathogens. This is not generally recommended, but it seems better than nothing if it is the only alternative (e.g. where fuel is very sparse for fires). The idea is that water is placed in a closed, clear container and exposed to direct midday sun for a period of hours, killing pathogens through heat and the direct action of the UV rays. Filters are more proven technology, but are not widely available and are not as reliable as boiling etc. against some viruses. Most filters are effective against parasites, however, and use should be encouraged if available. Amazon Outreach Trip Leader‘s Handbook v.11.11.2006 Ministry Ideas 10