2011 RMIT Research Publications
2011 RMIT Research Publications
Research Integrity, Governance & Systems/Research and Innovation 2011 RMIT Research Publications HERDC Bibliographic Report November, 2012 Table of Contents Business College ...................................................................................................................................... 7 Accounting .......................................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................... 7 Article in Refereed Journal .............................................................................................................. 7 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .................................................................................. 8 BUS College Office............................................................................................................................. 10 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 10 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 10 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 11 Business - Academic Development ................................................................................................... 11 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 11 Business - Research Development Unit ........................................................................................ 11 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 11 Business IT and Logistics ................................................................................................................... 11 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 11 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 12 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 15 Economics, Finance and Marketing .................................................................................................. 20 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 20 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 21 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 23 Graduate School of Business and Law .............................................................................................. 24 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 24 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 24 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 24 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 25 Management..................................................................................................................................... 26 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 26 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 26 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 26 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 28 Design and Social Context ..................................................................................................................... 31 Architecture and Design ................................................................................................................... 31 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 2 of 173 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 31 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 31 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 33 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 35 Art ..................................................................................................................................................... 37 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 37 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 38 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 38 Centre for Design .............................................................................................................................. 39 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 39 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 39 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 40 DSC College Office............................................................................................................................. 40 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 40 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 40 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 41 Education .......................................................................................................................................... 41 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 41 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 41 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 42 Fashion and Textiles.......................................................................................................................... 43 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 43 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 43 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 45 Global, Urban and Social Studies ...................................................................................................... 45 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 45 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 46 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 49 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 53 Media and Communication .............................................................................................................. 55 Research Book............................................................................................................................... 55 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 56 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 56 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 59 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 3 of 173 Northern Partnership Unit ................................................................................................................ 60 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 60 Property, Construction and Project Management ........................................................................... 60 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 60 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 61 General.................................................................................................................................................. 66 Health Innovations Research Institute.............................................................................................. 66 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 66 Community Services.......................................................................................................................... 67 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 67 e-Research ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 67 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 67 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 67 Global Cities Research Institute ........................................................................................................ 68 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 68 Libraries............................................................................................................................................. 68 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 68 PVC Office - Research and Innovation .............................................................................................. 68 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 68 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 68 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 69 PVC Office - SEH ................................................................................................................................ 69 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 69 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 69 Research Investment Funds .............................................................................................................. 69 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 69 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 71 Research Support .............................................................................................................................. 73 RMIT / Nautilus ................................................................................................................................. 73 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 73 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 73 RMIT Vietnam ................................................................................................................................... 74 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 74 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 4 of 173 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 74 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 74 School of Graduate Research ............................................................................................................ 76 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 76 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 76 Student Affairs - Director's Office ..................................................................................................... 77 Science, Engineering and Health........................................................................................................... 77 Aerospace, Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering ................................................................. 77 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 77 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 78 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings ................................................................................ 85 Applied Sciences ............................................................................................................................... 94 Chapter in Research Book ............................................................................................................. 94 Article in Refereed Journal ............................................................................................................ 95 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 107 Civil, Environmental and Chemical Engineering ............................................................................. 110 Research Book............................................................................................................................. 110 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 110 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 110 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 114 Computer Science and Information Technology ............................................................................ 120 Research Book............................................................................................................................. 120 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 120 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 121 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 124 Electrical and Computer Engineering ............................................................................................. 130 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 130 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 130 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 138 Health Sciences ............................................................................................................................... 149 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 149 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 149 Life and Physical Sciences ............................................................................................................... 155 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 155 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 5 of 173 Mathematics and Geospatial Sciences ........................................................................................... 155 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 155 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 158 Medical Sciences ............................................................................................................................. 164 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 164 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 164 Applied Sciences ............................................................................................................................. 169 Chapter in Research Book ........................................................................................................... 169 Article in Refereed Journal .......................................................................................................... 169 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings .............................................................................. 172 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 6 of 173 Business College Accounting Chapter in Research Book Halabi, A. & De Lange, P. (2011). 'The usefulness and interactions of WebCT from the accounting student's perspective', in Advances in Accounting Education: Teaching and Curriculum Innovations. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, United Kingdom, 77 – 95 ISBN: 9781780522227 Volume 12. Article in Refereed Journal Azam, M. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Standard business reporting in Australia: Voluntary takeup issues facing users, preparers and regulators of company financial and business reports', in Accountancy Business and the Public Interest, 10 (1), 16 - 41 Carnegie, G. & West, B. (2011). 'A commentary on 'contextualising the intermediate financial accounting courses in the global financial crisis'', in Accounting Education: An International Journal, 20 (5), 499 - 503 Carnegie, G., Gomes, D., Napier, C., Parker, L. & West, B. (2011). 'Does accounting history matter?', in Accounting History, 16 (4), 389 - 402 Carnegie, G., Tuck, J. & West, B. (2011). 'Price setting practices in Australian local government', in Australian Accounting Review, 21 (2), 193 - 201 Cowan, S. & Deegan, C. (2011). 'Corporate disclosure reactions to Australia's first national emission reporting scheme', in Accounting and Finance, 51 (2), 409 - 436 De Lange, P. & Watty, K. (2011). 'Accounting Education at a Crossroad in 2010 and Challenges Facing Accounting Education in Australia', in Accounting Education, 20 (6), 625 - 630 Houghton, K., Jubb, C. & Kend, M. (2011). 'Materiality in the context of audit: The real expectations gap', in Managerial Auditing Journal, 26 (6), 482 - 500 Inglis, R., Shelly, M., Morley, C. & De Lange, P. (2011). 'A collective, undifferentiated accounting profession: an Australian study', in Accounting and Finance, 51 (3), 711 731 Ji, H. & Deegan, C. (2011). 'Accounting for contaminated sites: How transparent are Australian companies?', in Australian Accounting Review, 21 (2), 131 - 153 Joshi, M., Sigh Ubha, D. & Sidhu, J. (2011). 'Intellectual capital disclosures in India: A case study of information technology sector', in Global Business Review, 12 (1), 37 - 49 Khan, T. (2011). 'Sustainability accounting education: Scale, scope and a global need', in Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, 7 (4), 323 - 328 Kim, S. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Labour cost disclosures: Have IFRSs made a difference?', in Journal of Human Resource Costing & Accounting, 15 (2), 127 - 146 O'Sullivan, M., Percy, M. & Stevenson-Clarke, P. (2011). 'Post-2001 corporate collapses: Is earnings quality more closely associated with various dimensions of corporate governance?', in Corporate Ownership & Control, 9 (1), 455 - 476 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 7 of 173 Pandey, R., Taylor, D. & Joshi, M. (2011). 'Family presence and financial performance in large listed companies in India', in Corporate Board: Role, Duties and Composition, 7 (2), 40 - 53 Pandey, R., Taylor, D. & Joshi, M. (2011). 'Governance of large family companies in traditional and new economy industries in India: Effects on financial performance', in Corporate Ownership & Control, 8 (3), 108 - 123 Tareq, M., Bellamy, S. & Morley, C. (2011). 'Reform of minority shareholder rights: An international perspective', in Corporate Ownership and Control, 9 (1), 60 - 71 Vafaei, A., Taylor, D. & Ahmed, K. (2011). 'The value relevance of intellectual capital disclosures', in Journal of Intellectual Capital, 12 (3), 407 - 429 Volkov, A., Volkov, M. & Tedford, P. (2011). 'Plagiarism: Proactive prevention instead of reactive punishment', in e-Journal of Business Education & Scholarship of Teaching, 5 (2), 22 - 35 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings Azam, M. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Adopting Standard Business Reporting (SBR) in Australia: Are CFOs Persuaded by Technology Attributes?', Proceedings of Critical Perspectives on Accounting, Marcia Annisette (ed.), Critical Perspectives on Accounting Bui, T., Yapa, P. & Cooper, B. (2011). 'Accounting development in a French colony and the role of the state: The Case of Vietnam', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Sue Wright (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Bui, T., Yapa, P. & Cooper, B. (2011). 'Accounting development in Vietnam: The state and the accounting regulation', Proceedings of the European Accounting Association 34th Annual Congress, Angelo Riccaboni, Giovanni Fiori, Riccardo Tiscini, Francesca di Donato, Elena Giovannoni (ed.), EAA 34th Annual Congress De Lange, P., Jackling, B. & Suwardy, T. (2011). 'Maintaining professional competency of accountants through CPD: A global requirement with regional difference', Engage to Make a Difference: American Accounting Association 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting Haque, S., Deegan, C. & Inglis, R. (2011). 'Climate change-related corporate governance information: An explanation of the difference between the supply of and demand for such information', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Kamal, Y. & Deegan, C. (2011). 'The disclosure of corporate social and environmentalrelated governance practices: Evidence from the textile and garments industry of Bangladesh', Proceedings of 2011 AFAANZ Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Khan, T. (2011). 'Investors' and consumers' understandings of business sustainability and implications', Intellectbase Academic Conference, David King, Karina Dyer (ed.), Intellectbase Academic Conference Kim, S. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'The effects of accounting regime change on labour cost disclosures by Australian companies', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 8 of 173 Lary, A. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Governance characteristics and role effectiveness of audit committees', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Loh, C., Deegan, C. & Inglis, R. (2011). 'The changing trends of corporate social and environmental disclosure within the Australian gambling industry', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Myers, P., Magdziarz, S., Cahill, D., Tharapos, M. & Pagonis, J. (2011). 'Improving the student experience by using accounting students as teaching assistants in tutorials', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand O'Connell, B., Ciccotosto, S. & De Lange, P. (2011). 'Actor-network Theory: A critical appraisal', European Accounting Association 34th Annual Congress, Angelo Riccaboni, Giovanni Fiori, Riccardo Tiscini, Francesca di Donato, Elena Giovannoni (ed.), European Accounting Association 34th Annual Congress O'Neill, S. & Deegan, C. (2011). 'The GRI's sustainability reporting guidelines: Promoting accountability to stakeholders or institutionalising corporate social PR?', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Sidaway, S. & De Lange, P. (2011). 'Voluntary environmental disclosures in the annual report: The impact of the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act', Proceedings of 2011 AFAANZ Conference, Brad Potter, Paul de Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Sidhu, J. & West, B. (2011). 'The interplay between caste and the emergent accounting profession in India', Proceedings of 2011 AFAANZ Conference, Keryn Chalmers, David Hay (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Taylor, D., Tharapos, M., Khan, T. & Sidaway, S. (2011). 'Downward accountability for Victoria's 'Black Saturday' bushfire recovery: Evidence from reports of government and NGOs', 2011 AFAANZ Conference Ukwatte Jalathge, S., Yapa, P. & Bellamy, S. (2011). 'Closure, exclusion and controls in British colonies: The incomplete accounting professionalization process in Sri Lanka, 1941-1972', Proceedings of the 23rd Asian-Pacific conference on international accounting issues, Zhihua Xie, Cynthia Matson, Youhong Yang, Robert Harper (ed.), 23rd AsianPacific conference on international accounting issues Ukwatte Jalathge, S., Yapa, P. & Bellamy, S. (2011). 'Imperialism and the practising monopoly: Professionalization anomalies on accreditation of accountants in Sri Lanka, 1941-1980', Proceedings of the 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Sue Wright (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Volkov, A., Volkov, M. & Ringer, A. (2011). 'Student perception of learning approach and teamwork benefits in accounting: A qualitative study', Proceedings of the Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Sue Wright (ed.), 2011 Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 9 of 173 Wang, Y. & Young, A. (2011). 'Audit committee and going concern reporting decisions: Australian Evidence', Procceedings of the Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Sue Wright (ed.), Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Watty, K., Carr, R., De Lange, P., O'Connell, B. & Howieson, B. (2011). 'Student perceptions of feedback in Australian University accounting education', Proceedings of 2011 AFAANZ Conference, Brad Potter and Paul De Lange (ed.), 2011 Accounting and Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand Williams, M. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Corporate propping through related party sales: The effects of regulations on the market for ownership control in China', Proceedings of the 11th Asian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Yapa, P. & Guah, M. (2011). 'Development of accounting in ASEAN: An institutional perspective', Proceedings of the 2011 American Accounting Association Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting: Engage to Make a Difference, Kevin Stocks, Lynn Rees (ed.), Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting Yapa, P., Ethuglage, A. & Ukwatte Jalathge, S. (2011). 'The oversight committees in developing countries- public financial control and the expectations gap - some empirical evidence from Sri Lanka', American Accounting Association 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting: Engage to Make a Difference, Kevin Stocks, Lynn Rees (ed.), American Accounting Association 2011 Annual Meeting and Conference on Teaching and Learning in Accounting Zhang, J. & Taylor, D. (2011). 'Corporate risk disclosures: The influence of institutional shareholders and the audit committee', Proceedings of the Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand (AFAANZ) Conference, Sue Wright (ed.), Accounting & Finance Association of Australia and New Zealand BUS College Office Research Book Smith, A. & Graetz, F. (2011). 'Philosophies of Organizational Change'. Edward Elgar Publishing Inc, London, UK, ISBN: 9781848446380 Article in Refereed Journal Smith, A. & Stewart, B. (2011). 'Becoming Believers: Studying the Conversion Process from Within', in Zygon: Journal of Religion & Science, 46 (4), 806 - 834 Smith, A. & Stewart, B. (2011). 'Organizational Rituals: Features Functions and Mechanisms', in International Journal of Management Reviews, 13 (2), 113 - 133 Stewart, B., Adair, D. & Smith, A. (2011). 'Drivers of illicit drug use regulation in Australian sport', in Sport Management Review, 14 (3), 237 - 245 Sutherland, F. & Smith, A. (2011). 'Duality Theory and the Management of the ChangeStability Paradox', in Journal of Management & Organization, 17 (4), 534 – 547 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 10 of 173 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings Moghimi, F., Wickramasinghe, N. & Seif Zadeh, H. (2011). 'An intelligence risk detection framework to improve decision efficiency in Healthcare Contexts: The Example of Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease', Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference in System Sciences (HICSS), Ralph H. Sprague Jr (ed.), Hawaii International Conference in System Sciences Business - Academic Development Article in Refereed Journal Chester, A., Buntine, A., Hammond, K. & Atkinson, L. (2011). 'Podcasting in Education: Student Attitudes, Behaviour and Self-Efficacy', in Educational Technology and Society, 14 (2), 236 - 247 Business - Research Development Unit Pita, Z., Cheong, F. & Corbitt, B. (2011). 'A maturity model of strategic information systems planning (SISP): An empirical evaluation using the analytical network process', in International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 7 (3), 30 - 57 Sridharan, B., Deng, H. & Corbitt, B. (2011). 'An ontology-based learning resources management framework for exploratory e-learning', in Asian Pacific Management Review, 16 (2), 119 - 132 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings Brdesee, H., Corbitt, B. & Pittayachawan, S. (2011). 'Technology for business: Supporting industries as a main driving force for e-commerce adoption in Saudi Arabia' , Proceedings of the ICE-B International Conference on e-Business, David A. Marca, Boris Shishkov and Marten van Sinderen (ed.),ICE-B International Conference on e-Business Duan, X., Deng, H. & Corbitt, B. (2011). 'Determining the efficiency-oriented critical drivers for e-market using data envelopment analysis', Proceedings of the 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011), (ed.), 15th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS 2011) Business IT and Logistics Chapter in Research Book Ali, A. & Richardson, J. (2011). 'Web interactive multimedia technology: state of the art', in Software Engineering and Computer Systems. Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, 41 – 53 ISBN: 9783642222030 Alwi, A. & McKay, E. (2011). 'Investigating an online museums information system', in Multiple Perspectives on Problem Solving and Learning in the Digital Age. Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, New York, 11 – 22 ISBN: 9781441976116 Cooper, V., Lichtenstein, S. & Smith, R. (2011). 'Key challenges for delivering web-based IT support services: The provider perspective', in Developing Technologies in E-Services, Self-Services, and Mobile Communication: New Concepts. IGI Publishing, Denmark, 30 – 50 ISBN: 9781609606077 Davey, W. & Tatnall, A. (2011). 'Managing the online student experience: An ecological model', in Information Technology and Managing Quality Education. Springer, Boston, United States, 43 – 51 ISBN: 9783642197154 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 11 of 173 Kam, B. & Rimmer, P. (2011). 'China's logistics enterprise structure: Institutional impediment to multimodalism', in Current Issues in Shipping, Ports and Logistics. ASP Academic & Scientific Publishers, Antwerp, Brussels, 447 – 463 ISBN: 9789054878582 Lawry, R., Waddell, D. & Singh, M. (2011). 'The characteristics, responsibilities and future of chief information officers in the public sector', in Cases on Adoption, Diffusion and Evaluation of Global E-Governance Systems: Impact at the Grass Roots. IGI, Hershey, PA, USA, 258 – 272 ISBN: 9781616928148 McKay, E. (2011). 'The convergence model implements accessible information: Creating effective ICT tools for our forgotten ones', in Information and Communication Technologies, Society and Human Beings: Theory and Framework. IGI, United States, 313 – 327 ISBN: 9781609600594 Tan, C., Deng, H. & Liu, J. (2011). 'Multicriteria group decision making in a linguistic environment', in Artificial Intelligence and Computational Intelligence. Springer, United States, 508 – 516 ISBN: 9783642052521 Teoh, S., Singh, M. & Chong, J. (2011). 'An overview of E-health development in Australia', in Handbook of Research on E-Services in the Public Sector: E-Government Strategies and Advancements. IGI, Hershey, USA, 288 – 303 ISBN: 9781615207893 Troshani, I., Wickramasinghe, N. & Goldberg, S. (2011). 'A transaction cost economics assessment of a diabetes self-management solution', in Healthcare Delivery Reform and New Technologies: Organizational Initiatives. IGI, Hershey, United States, 276 – 293 ISBN: 9781609601836 Wickramasinghe, N. (2011). 'Critical factors for the creation of learning healthcare organisations', in Human Resources in Healthcare, Health Informatics and Health Systems. IGI, Hershey, United States, 47 – 62 ISBN: 9781615208852 Wickramasinghe, N. & Bali, R. (2011). 'The need for rich theory to realise the vision of healthcare network centric operations: The case for combining ANT and social network analysis', in Actor-Network Theory and Technology Innovation: Advancements and New Concepts. IGI Global, Hershey, United States, 41 – 51 ISBN: 9781609601973 Wickramasinghe, N., Bali, R. & Goldberg, S. (2011). 'Using S'ANT for facilitating superior understanding of key factors in the design of a chronic disease self-management model', in Actor-Network Theory and Technology Innovation: Advancements and New Concepts. IGI, Hershey, United States, 223 – 233 ISBN: 9781609601973 Wilkins, L., Laragy, C. & Seif Zadeh, H. (2011). 'Succeeding through service innovation: Consumer directed care in the aged care sector', in Service Systems Implementation. Springer, Philadelphia, USA, 223 – 236 ISBN: 9781441979032 Article in Refereed Journal Abareshi, A. (2011). 'The antecedents of IT-business alignment in manufacturing firms', in International Journal of Business Information Systems, 8 (3), 322 - 337 Abareshi, A., Martin, W. & Molla, A. (2011). 'ICTs - new organizational form linkage: theoretical model and research instrument', in Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management, 8 (3), 515 - 538 Azizan, N., Smith, R. & Cooper, V. (2011). 'Critical success factors for knowledge transfer via government websites', in Journal of e-Government Studies and Best Practices, 2011 (2011), 1 - 12 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 12 of 173 Bali, R., Mann, R., Baskaran, V., Immonen, A., Naguib, R., Richards, A., Puentes, J., Lehaney, B., Marshall, I. & Wickramasinghe, N. (2011). 'Knowledge-based issues for aid agencies in crisis scenarios: evolving from impediments to trust', in International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, 3 (3), 16 - 35 Chan, C. & Bhakoo, V. (2011). 'Collaborative implementation of e-business processes within the health-care supply chain: the Monash Pharmacy Project', in Supply Chain Management-An International Journal, 16 (3), 184 - 193 Chib, S. & Cheong, F. (2011). 'Demonstration web-portal for tourism enterprises', in Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology, 2 (3), 176 - 187 Combes, B., Hanisch, J., Carroll, M. & Hughes, H. (2011). 'Student voices: Reconceptualising and re-positioning Australian library and information science education for the twenty-first century', in The International Information and Library Review, 43 (3), 137 - 143 Dalton, T., Chhetri, P., Corcoran, J., Groenhart, L. & Horne, R. (2011). 'Understanding the patterns, characteristics and trends in the housing sector labour force in Australia ', in Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Positioning Paper Series, 1 - 88 Davis, H. & Macauley, P. (2011). 'Taking library leadership personally', in Australian Library Journal, 60 (1), 41 - 53 Dwivedi, Y., Singh, M. & Williams, M. (2011). 'Developing a demographic profile of scholarly community contributing to the Electronic Government, an international journal', in Electronic Government: An international journal, 8 (2/3), 259 - 270 Evans, T., Brailsford, I. & Macauley, P. (2011). 'History researcher development and research capacity in Australia and New Zealand', in International Journal for Researcher Development, 2 (2), 117 - 132 Gekara, V., Bloor, M. & Sampson, H. (2011). 'Computer-based assessment in competence-based training: The case of maritime education and training license examinations for seafarers', in Journal of Vocational Education and Training, 63 (1), 87 100 He, X. & Deng, H. (2011). 'An area-based approach to ranking fuzzy numbers in fuzzy decision making', in Journal of Computational Information Systems, 7 (9), 3333 - 3342 Ifinedo, P. & Singh, M. (2011). 'Determinants of eGovernment maturity in the transition economies of central and eastern Europe', in Electronic Journal of e-Government, 9 (2), 166 - 182 Jones, B. (2011). 'Hierarchies of action: a concept for library and information science', in Journal of Documentation, 67 (4), 695 - 709 Kam, B., Chen, L. & Wilding, R. (2011). 'Managing production outsourcing risks in China's apparel industry: a case study of two apparel retailers', in Supply Chain Management-An International Journal, 16 (6), 428 - 445 Kapoor, K., Dwivedi, Y., Williams, M., Singh, M. & Hughes, M. (2011). 'What drives a successful technology implementation? Exploring drivers and challenges of RFID systems implementation in a public sector organisation', in International Journal of Electronic Government Research, 7 (4), 46 - 63 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 13 of 173 Keller, S., Parker, C. & Chan, C. (2011). 'Employability skills: Student perceptions of an is final year capstone subject', in Innovation in Teaching And Learning in Information and Computer Sciences, 10 (2), 1 - 12 Lutfman, J. & Seif Zadeh, H. (2011). 'Key Information Technology and Management Issues 2010-11: An International Study', in Journal of Information Technology (JIT), 26 (1), 193 - 204 Mayasandra, R., Pan, S. & Leidner, D. (2011). 'Examining the Strategic Alignment and Implementation Success of a KMS: A Subculture-Based Multilevel Analysis', in Information Systems Research, 22 (1), 39 - 59 McKay, E. & Vilela - Malabanan, C. (2011). 'Corporate sector practice informs online workforce training for Australian government agencies: Towards effective educationallearning systems design', in Australian Journal of Adult Learning, 51 (2), 302 - 328 Molla, A., Cooper, V. & Pittayachawan, S. (2011). 'The green IT readiness (g-readiness) of organisations: An exploratory analysis of a construct and instrument', in Communications of the Association for Information Systems, 29 (1), 67 - 96 Nguyen, Q., Naguib, R., Wickramasinghe, N. & Shaker, M. (2011). 'Does ambient air particulate matter have a direct impact on cardiovascular disease incidence in the Philippines', in International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, 5 (1), 44 - 60 Nguyen, T., Guo, H., Naguib, R. & Wickramasinghe, N. (2011). 'A view of 21st century healthcare industry and software quality improvement practices', in International Journal of Networking and Virtual Organisations, 9 (2), 155 - 168 Pantuvo, J., Naguib, R. & Wickramasinghe, N. (2011). 'Towards implementing a nationwide electronic health record system in Nigeria', in International Journal of Healthcare Delivery Reform Initiative, 3 (1), 39 - 55 Pearson, M., Cumming, J., Evans, T., Macauley, P. & Ryland, K. (2011). 'How shall we know them? Capturing the diversity of difference in Australian doctoral candidates and their experiences', in Studies in Higher Education, 36 (5), 527 - 542 Pita, Z., Cheong, F. & Corbitt, B. (2011). 'A maturity model of strategic information systems planning (SISP): An empirical evaluation using the analytical network process', in International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems, 7 (3), 30 - 57 Rahman, S. & Wu, Y. (2011). 'Logistics outsourcing in China: the manufacturer-cumsupplier perspective ', in Supply Chain Management-An International Journal , 16 (6), 462 - 473 Sampson, H., Gekara, V. & Bloor, M. (2011). 'Water-tight or sinking? A consideration of the standards of the contemporary assessment practices underpinning seafarer licence examinations and their implications for employers', in Maritime Policy and Management, 38 (1), 81 - 92 Sridharan, B., Deng, H. & Corbitt, B. (2011). 'An ontology-based learning resources management framework for exploratory e-learning', in Asian Pacific Management Review, 16 (2), 119 - 132 Terrell, J., Richardson, J. & Hamilton, M. (2011). 'Using Web 2.0 to teach Web 2.0: A case study in aligning teaching, learning and assessment with professional practice', in Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 27 (5), 846 - 862 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 14 of 173 Thanthri Waththage, K., Deng, H. & Singh, M. (2011). 'Measuring the public value of Egovernment: A case study in Sri Lanka', in Transforming Government: People, Process and Policy, 5 (1), 81 - 99 Thongrattana, P., Jie, F. & Parton, K. (2011). 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'Toward a theory of union environmental politics: Unions and climate action in Australia', in Labor Studies Journal, 36 (1), 83 - 103 Stanton, P. & Nankervis, A. (2011). 'Linking strategic HRM performance management and organizational effectiveness: perceptions of managers in Singapore', in Asia Pacific Business Review, 17 (1), 67 - 84 Staples, W. & Dalrymple, J. (2011). 'Exploring infrastructure procurement by Australian state governments', in International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 4 (3), 512 - 523 Stroud, D. & Fairbrother, P. (2011). 'The limits and prospects of union power: Addressing mass redundancy in the steel industry', in Economic and Industrial Democracy, online, 1 – 20 Toh, K., Heslop, L. & Burton, T. (2011). 'Supporting nursing services through a research framework and reference model', in Journal of Health Informatics, 6 (3), 1 - 9 Tsahuridu, E. (2011). 'An exploration of factors affecting work anomia', in Journal of Business Ethics, online, 1 - 9 Wood, M. & Brown, S. (2011). 'Lines of flight: Everyday resistance along England's backbone', in Organization, 18 (4), 517 - 540 Article in Refereed Conference Proceedings Abdul Khalid, F., Gilbert, D. & Huq, A. (2011). 'Business incubation process' impact on Malaysian ICT incubatee performance using multinomial logistic regression', Proceedings of The Second Asian Business and Management Conference 2011, Dr William Baber, Professor Marjo Hannele Mitsutomi (ed.), The Second Asian Business and Management Conference 2011 Abdul Khalid, F., Gilbert, D. & Huq, A. (2011). 'ICT Incubation in Malaysia: Selection Performance Practice', Proceedings of 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Alex Maritz (ed.), 8th AGSE International Entrepreneurship Research Exchange Abdul Kohar, U., McMurray, A. & Peszynski, K. (2011). 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'Need to know: lessons from Sino-Australian business negotiators on the importance of guanxi, emotions and generational differences in Chinese negotiation behaviour', International Research QIK 2011: Conference Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management : Aligning Innovation in Developed and Emerging Economies, Kath Cooper (ed.), The 10th International Conference on Quality, Innovation and Knowledge Management: Aligning Innovation in Developed and Emerging Economies 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 29 of 173 Mandinyenya, I. & Douglas, H. (2011). 'Starting new social enterprises: preliminary findings of a study in Cambodia', Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Conference: Extending Theory, Integrating Practice, Anne de Bruin, Loren M. Stangl (ed.), Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Research Conference: Extending Theory, Integrating Practice Mansi, M. & McMurray, A. (2011). 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'Modern leaders in Singapore and Thailand: Questions of culture and style', Proceedings of the ANZIBA Annual Conference 2011, Cherrie Jiuhua Zhu (ed.), Challenges for International Business in a Turbulent Global Environment Tan, C. & Smyrnios, K. (2011). 'The role of leadership, human resource practices, organizational culture and climate as antecedents of market, learning and entrepreneurial orientation in fast-growth small-to-medium enterprises', Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface: Proceedings of the UIC Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship, Gerald E. Hills, Claes Hultman, Fabian Eggers (ed.), Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface 2011 RSME Tan, C., Bi, R. & Smyrnios, K. (2011). 'The role of market orientation in building supply chain capabilities for fast-growth family enterprises', Intelligence and Courage for the Development of Family Business, Salvatore Tomaselli, Daniela Montemerlo (ed.), 11th Annual World Family Business Research Conference 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 30 of 173 Design and Social Context Architecture and Design Research Book Burry, M. (2011). 'Scripting cultures: Architectural design and programming'. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, United Kingdom, ISBN: 9780470746424 Edquist, H. (2011). 'Michael O'Connell: The Lost Modernist'. Melbourne Books, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 9781877096389 Harrison, S. (2011). 'Forty-six square metres doesn't normally become a house: Maximising living space, Australia and New Zealand'. Thames and Hudson, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 9780500500293 Murray, P. (2011). 'The NGV story: A celebration of 150 years'. The National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia, ISBN: 9780724103393 Ware, S. & Raxworthy, J. (2011). 'Sunburnt: Landscape Architecture in Australia'. SUN Architecture, Amsterdam, Netherlands, ISBN: 9789461052001 Chapter in Research Book Allpress, B. (2011). 'Pedagogical frameworks for emergent digital practices in architecture', in Distributed Intelligence In Design. Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 51 – 70 ISBN: 9781444333381 Attiwill, S. (2011). 'Between representation and the mirror - tactics of interiorization', in Interior Tools, Interior tactics: Debates in Interiors Theory and Practice. Libri Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, 159 – 169 ISBN: 9781907471148 Attiwill, S. (2011). 'Urban and Interior: techniques for an urban interiorist', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 11 – 24 ISBN: 9783887783518 Burry, M. (2011). 'Architecture and practical design computation', in Computational Design Thinking. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 102 – 119 ISBN: 9780470665701 Burry, M. (2011). 'Geometry working beyond effect', in Mathematics of Space. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 80 – 89 ISBN: 978-0470-689806 Church, K. (2011). 'Making visible: registering the asynchronous city', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 27 – 42 ISBN: 9783887783518 Dodd, M. (2011). 'Urban Design and a Sustainable City: Overview', in The EcoEdge: Urgent Design Challenges in Building Sustainable Cities. Routledge, London & New York, 7 – 11 ISBN: 9780415572477 Douglas, M. (2011). 'Situating social contingency: mobility and socially-engaged public art', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 45 – 60 ISBN: 9783887783518 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 31 of 173 Douglas, M. (2011). 'Tracing Tramjatra: Towards a participatory aesthetic politics', in Landscape, Place and Culture: Linkages between Australia and India. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 176 – 197 ISBN: 9781443826327 Healy, R. (2011). 'Loving the Alien', in Walter Van Beirendonck: Dream the World Awake. Lanoo Publishers, Tielt, Belgium, 47 – 57 ISBN: 9789020961126 Hinkel, R. (2011). 'Private encounters and public occupations: a methodology for the exploration of public space', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 79 – 96 ISBN: 9783887783518 Johnson, A. (2011). '222', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 80 – 89 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Atlas', in Stanisic Live/ Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 42 – 47 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Coda', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 90 – 105 ISBN: 9871877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Datum', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 72 – 79 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Domain', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 30 – 35 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Dunning', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 162 – 167 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Edo', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 130 – 141 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Elsie', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 108 – 113 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Era', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 146 – 161 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Hyperform', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 192 – 197 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Live/work: Anna Johnson', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 6 – 27 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Mission', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 176 – 183 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Mondrian', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 48 – 59 ISBN: 978-1877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Presidio', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 36 – 41 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Prince Henry', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 168 – 171 ISBN: 9781877015311 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 32 of 173 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Quay', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 172 – 175 ISBN: 978-1877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Roseville', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 184 – 191 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Spectrum', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 64 – 71 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Waterside/(form) matrix', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 114 – 121 ISBN: 9781877015311 Johnson, A. (2011). 'Zone', in Stanisic Live/Work. Pesaro Publishing, Singapore, 122 – 129 ISBN: 9781877015311 Jonas, M. (2011). 'Oku: the notion of interior in Tokyo's urban landscape', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 99 – 110 ISBN: 9783887783518 Knueppel, G. (2011). 'Interspace: Spatial and temporary formation of sensory communities within interior environments', in Interior Tools, Interior Tactics: Debates in Interiors Theory and Practice. Libri Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, 81 – 92 ISBN: 9781907471148 Lacey, J. & Harvey, L. (2011). 'Sound cartography approaches to urban soundcape research: CitySounds and sites-of-respite in the CBD of Melbourne', in Mapping Environmental Issues in the City: Arts and Cartography Cross Perspectives. Springer, Berlin, Germany, 246 – 265 ISBN: 9783642224409 Mina, A. & Downton, P. (2011). 'Manual modelling: A pedagogical tool', in Interior Tools, Interior Tactics: Debates in Interiors Theory and Practice. Libri Publishing, Oxfordshire, UK, 193 – 204 ISBN: 9781907471148 Pallett, J. (2011). 'Philosophy of mathematics for computational design: spatial intuition versus logic', in Computational Design Thinking. John Wiley & Sons, West Sussex, United Kingdom, 168 – 178 ISBN: 9780470665701 Shepherd, J. (2011). 'The self-reliant country: Sustainable agricultural policy for Australia', in Global Food Insecurity: Rethinking agricultural and rural development paradigm and policy. Springer, Dordrecht, Netherlands, 149 – 160 ISBN: 9789400708907 Van Schaik, L. (2011). 'Architecture and a Sustainable City: Overview', in The EcoEdge: Urgent Design Challenges in Building Sustainable Cities. Routledge, London & New York, 116 – 120 ISBN: 9780415572477 Wagenfeld, M. (2011). 'The porous-city: atmospheric conversations of the Urban Interior', in Urban Interior: Informal Explorations, Interventions and Occupations. Spurbuchverlag, Baunach, Germany, 147 – 160 ISBN: 9783887783518 Article in Refereed Journal Carlin, D., Ritchard, P., Rogers, C., Kemp, R. & Fryatt, A. (2011). 'The Motel project: reflections on a film production/interior design collaboration', in Text, 15 (Special Issue 11), 1 - 15 Cramer, J. (2011). 'Made to keep: Product longevity through participatory design in fashion', in Design Principles and Practices: An International Journal, 5 (5), 437 - 446 2011 RMIT Research Publications Bibliographic Report Page 33 of 173 Davis, D., Pallett, J. & Burry, M. (2011). 'Understanding Visual Scripts: Improving Collaboration through Modular Programming', in The International Journal of Architectural Computing, 9 (4), 361 - 375 De La Harpe, B., Mason, T. & Peterson, F. (2011). 'Reflections on establishing a network to strengthen leadership of learning and teaching in the creative arts', in Text: Special Issue Website Series, (12), 1 - 22 Douglas, M. & Hinkel, R. (2011). 'Atmospheres and Occasions of Informal Urban Practice', in Architectural Theory Review, 16 (3), 259 - 277 Edquist, H. (2011). 'Michael O'Connell's pots: Rethinking craft, architecture and modernism', in Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand, 20 (1), 54 - 75 Fien, J., Charlesworth, E., Lee, G., Baker, D., Grice, T. & Morris, D. (2011). 'Life on the edge: Housing experiences in three remote Australian indigenous settlements', in Habitat International, 35, 343 - 349 Frichot, H. (2011). 'Drawing, Thinking, Doing: From Diagram Work to the Superfold', in ACCESS: Critical Perspectives on Communication, Cultural and Policy Studies, 30 (1), 1 10 Howard, M. (2011). 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