Structural Design of Stainless Steel
Structural Design of Stainless Steel
P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... SCI PUBLICATION P291 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Structural Design of Stainless Steel N R BADDOO MA CEng MICE B A BURGAN BSc MSc DIC PhD CEng MIStructE Published by: The Steel Construction Institute Silwood Park Ascot Berkshire SL5 7QN Tel: 01344 623345 Fax: 01344 622944 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Discuss me ... 2001 The Steel Construction Institute Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Designs and Patents Act, 1988, this publication may not be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of the publishers, or in the case of reprographic reproduction only in accordance with the terms of the licences issued by the UK Copyright Licensing Agency, or in accordance with the terms of licences issued by the appropriate Reproduction Rights Organisation outside the UK. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the terms stated here should be sent to the publishers, The Steel Construction Institute, at the address given on the title page. Although care has been taken to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, that all data and information contained herein are accurate to the extent that they relate to either matters of fact or accepted practice or matters of opinion at the time of publication, The Steel Construction Institute, the authors and the reviewers assume no responsibility for any errors in or misinterpretations of such data and/or information or any loss or damage arising from or related to their use. Publications supplied to the Members of the Institute at a discount are not for resale by them. Publication Number: SCI P291 ISBN 1 85942 116 4 British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library. ii P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... FOREWORD This document is a design guide for stainless steel written for engineers experienced in the design of carbon steel structural steelwork but not necessarily in the design of stainless steel structures. The purpose of this guide is to promote the safe and efficient use of stainless steel in structures. Since there is no British Standard for designing structural stainless steel, this guide is based on the new version of BS 5950-1, Code of Practice for design in simple and continuous construction, published by BSI in 2000. The guidance provided is an extension of the code as appropriate to the design of stainless steel structures. Where the detailed code rules are unsuitable for the design of stainless steel elements, the guide draws on the recommendations given in the trial Eurocode for stainless steel, ENV 1993-1-4 and other sources, with suitable modification to bring the recommendations into the format of BS 5950-1:2000. Design examples are included to demonstrate the use of the recommendations. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement This guide combines, updates and replaces three former SCI publications concerned with the structural design of stainless steel: • Concise guide to the structural design of stainless steel (P123) • Stainless steel fixings and ancillary components (P119) • Section property and member capacity tables for cold formed stainless steel (P152) The preparation of these earlier publications was sponsored by the following organisation: Allott & Lomax (now, Babtie Group Allott & Lomax) Fox Wire Limited Ancon Stainless Steel Fixings Ltd. (now, Ancon Building Products) Health & Safety Executive Halfen Limited Hilti (Great Britain) Limited Arup Research and Development International Chromium Development Association Avesta Sheffield Ltd. (now, AvestaPolarit Ltd.) Nickel Development Institute Chevron (UK) Limited Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (now, Department of Transport, Local Government and the Regions) Shell UK Exploration & Production. The work leading up to this publication was sponsored by AvestaPolarit Ltd. This publication was prepared by Nancy Baddoo and Dr Bassam Burgan, both of The Steel Construction Institute. Valuable comments were received from Dr Allan Mann (Babtie Group Allott & Lomax), Roger Crookes (BSSA - Stainless Steel Advisory Service) and Abdul Malik (SCI). New design information on circular hollow sections and fire resistance has also been added, based on recommendations from a recently completed ECSC-funded project Development of the use of stainless steel in construction. Further technical information on stainless steel is available online via the electronic advisory service on the British Stainless Steel Association web site This web site also hosts a stainless steel products and services locator. iii Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... iv P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Contents Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Page No. FOREWORD iii SUMMARY vii NOTATION xi 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is stainless steel? 1.2 Scope of this publication 1.3 General design principles 1 1 3 3 2 PROPERTIES AND SELECTION OF MATERIALS 2.1 Basic stress-strain behaviour 2.2 Properties 2.3 Selection of materials 6 6 7 19 3 DESIGN OF CROSS-SECTIONS 3.1 General 3.2 Gross cross-section 3.3 Net area 3.4 Effective net area 3.5 Influence of rounded corners 3.6 Shear lag 3.7 Flange curling 3.8 Classification of cross-sections 22 22 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 4 DESIGN OF MEMBERS 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Tension members 4.3 Compression members 4.4 Members in bending 4.5 Members subject to combined loading 32 32 32 33 37 49 5 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS 5.1 Design considerations and assumptions 5.2 Bolted connections 5.3 Pin connections 5.4 Preloaded bolts 5.5 Securing nuts against vibration 5.6 Welded connections 52 52 52 57 57 57 57 6 FIRE RESISTANT DESIGN 6.1 General 6.2 Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures 6.3 Thermal properties at elevated temperatures 6.4 Determination of structural fire resistance 6.5 Calculation of temperature rise in stainless steel 59 59 60 62 62 69 v P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 7 FABRICATION ASPECTS 7.1 General 7.2 Storage and handling 7.3 Shaping operations 7.4 Welding 7.5 Finishing 7.6 Galling and seizure 70 70 70 71 72 74 74 8 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN TABLES 8.1 General 8.2 Gross section properties 8.3 Effective section properties 8.4 Members in compression 8.5 Members in tension 8.6 Members in bending 76 76 80 83 85 88 89 9 REFERENCES 91 10 SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION 10.1 Web sites 10.2 Advisory services 94 94 95 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement APPENDIX A APPENDIX B APPENDIX C Specifications covering stainless steel fixings and ancillary components Limits on cross-sections Sections with large internal corner radii DESIGN EXAMPLES Design example Design example Design example Design example 96 97 98 101 102 106 110 121 1 2 3 4 DESIGN TABLES Index to design tables 127 128 vi P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... SUMMARY This document is a guide to the design of stainless steel structures for engineers. The guide gives design recommendations, design examples, section properties and member capacities for commonly used stainless steel sections. This guide applies to the design of the grades of stainless steel that are widely used in structural applications, including the austenitic grades 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) and their low carbon variants. Duplex grades 1.4362 (SAF 2304) and 1.4462 (2205) are also covered. The recommendations on structural design given in the guide have, as far as is practicable, been harmonized with BS 5950-1: 2000. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The guide gives recommendations on how to select the most appropriate grade of stainless steel for a given application. It provides information on the mechanical properties, physical properties and design strength of stainless steel. The guide covers aspects of material behaviour, cross-section design, member design, connections, fabrication and fire resistant design. Design examples are included to illustrate the use of the design recommendations. Based on these design recommendations, a comprehensive set of design tables is presented, giving gross and effective section properties, section classification and member capacities for a wide range of cold formed stainless steel sections. The structural forms covered by the design tables are circular, rectangular and square hollow sections, channels, double channels back to back, equal angles and equal angles back to back. The grades of stainless steel covered in the tables are austenitic stainless steel grades 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L) and the duplex grades 1.4362 (SAF 2304) and 1.4462 (2205). Dimensionnement structural de l'acier inoxydable Résumé Ce document constitue un guide de dimensionnement des structures réalisées en acier inoxydable et est destiné aux ingénieurs. Il s'applique aux types d'aciers inoxydables les plus utilisés dans les structures, y compris les aciers austénitiques 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) et leurs variantes à bas taux de carbone. Les types Duplex 1.4362 (SAF 2304) et 1.4462 (2205) sont aussi pris en considération. Les recommandations données dans ce guide ont été, autant que possible, harmonisées avec celles de la BS 5950-1 : 2000. Le guide montre comment choisir le type d'acier inoxydable le plus approprié pour une application donnée. Des informations concernant les propriétés mécaniques et physiques, ainsi que sur la résistance de dimensionnement des aciers inoxydables sont fournies dans le guide. Il couvre également les aspects relatifs au comportement du matériau et au dimensionnement des sections droites, des éléments de structures et des assemblages. La résistance à l'incendie est également prise en compte. Des exemples illustrent l'utilisation des recommandations. Sur base des recommandations du guide, un ensemble de tables de dimensionnement donnent les propriétés des sections, les propriétés effectives des éléments à parois minces, la classification des sections et les capacités portantes. Ces tables sont établies pour une grande série de sections. Les tables couvrent les formes structurales suivantes : les profils creux circulaires, rectangulaires et carrés, les profils en U et C, les cornières ainsi que vii P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... les U, C et cornières accolées. Les types d'acier inoxydables repris dans les tables sont les aciers austénitiques de nuances 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316 L) et les duplex de nuances 1.4362 (SAF 2304) et 1.4462 (2205). Berechnung von Tragwerken aus Rostfreiem Stahl Zusammenfassung Dieses Dokument ist eine Anleitung für Ingenieure zur Berechnung von Tragwerken aus rostfreiem Stahl. Es gilt für die Berechnung von rostfreien Stahlgüten die häufig für Tragwerke eingesetzt werden, einschließlich der austenitischen Güten 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) und deren Varianten mit niedrigem Kohlenstoffgehalt. Die Duplexgüten 1.4362 (SAF 2304) und 1.4462 (2205) werden auch erfaßt. Die Empfehlungen zur Berechnung sind, sofern praktikabel, abgestimmt mit BS 5950-1:2000. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Die Anleitung gibt Empfehlungen zur Auswahl der am besten passenden rostfreien Stahlgüten für eine gegebene Anwendung. Sie liefert Informationen über die mechanischen und physikalischen Eigenschaften sowie Festigkeiten des rostfreien Stahls. Die Anleitung behandelt Aspekte des Materialverhaltens, der Querschnitts- und Bauteilberechnung, der Verbindungen und Fertigung und der Brandsicherheit. Berechnungsbeispiele illustrieren den Gebrauch der Berechnungsempfehlungen. Auf der Grundlage dieser Berechnungsempfehlungen wird ein umfassendes Tafelwerk vorgestellt, das für eine breite Palette von kaltgeformten Querschnitten aus rostfreiem Stahl, Querschnittsgrößen des Brutto- und des wirksamen Querschnitts, Querschnittsklasse und Tragfähigkeiten angibt. Folgende Querschnitte sind im Tafelwerk vorhanden: kreisförmige, rechteckige und quadratische Hohlquerschnitte, U- und DoppelU-Querschnitte, gleichschenklige Winkel- und Doppelwinkel-Querschnitte. Die erfaßten rostfreien Stahlgüten sind die austenitischen Güten 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L) und die Duplexgüten 1.4362 (SAF 2304) und 1.4462 (2205). Proyecto de estructuras en acero inoxidable Resumen Este documento es una guía para ingenieros que proyectan estructuras de acero inoxidable. Se aplica al proyecto de calidades de acero inoxidable ampliamente usados en la práctica incluyendo las calidades austeníticas 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) y sus variantes de bajo contenido de carbono. También se tratan las calidades dobles 1.4362 (SAF 2304) y 1.4462 (2205). Las recomendaciones dadas en la guía se han armonizado, según costumbre, con la BS 5950-1: 2000 La guía recomienda procedimientos de selección de la calidad de acero inoxidable más apropiada para cada aplicación y contiene información sobre las propiedades mecánicas, físicas y de resistencia de los aceros inoxidables. También abarca aspectos relacionados con el comportamiento del material, diseño de la sección transversal, diseño de barras, uniones, fabricación y proyecto de resistencia al fuego. Se incluyen ejemplos para ilustrar el uso de las recomendaciones. viii P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Basados en ellas se presenta una colección de tablas muy completas que proporcionan las propiedades brutas y netas de las secciones conformadas en frío. La tipología estructural está formada por secciones circulares, rectangulares y cuadradas huecas, en forma de U, doble U, alma contra alma, angulares de lados iguales y angulares iguales opuestos. Las calidades de acero inoxidable tabuladas son auteríticas 1.4301 (304); 1.4401 (316); 1.4404 (316L) y las calidades dobles 1.4362 (SAF 2304) y 1.4462 (2205) Progettazione strutturale di costruzioni in acciaio inossidabile Sommario Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Questa pubblicazione costituisce una guida per gli ingegneri alla progettazione di strutture in acciaio inossidabile e si applica a quei tipi di acciaio inossidabile comunemente utilizzati in applicazioni strutturali, includendo anche l’acciaio austenitico 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) e le loro varianti a basso tenore di carbonio. Sono anche considerati i tipi duplex 1.4362 (SAF 2304) e 1.4462 (2205). Le raccomandazioni sulla progettazione strutturale riportate nella guida sono state armonizzate, nei limiti del possibile, con la norma BS 5950-1: 2000. La guida fornisce raccomandazioni su come selezionare il tipo di acciaio inossidabile più appropriato per una determinata applicazione. Sono riportate informazioni sulle proprietà meccaniche e fisiche e sulla resistenza di progetto dell’acciaio inossidabile. La guida copre argomenti legati al comportamento dei materiali, alla progettazione della sezione trasversale e dell’elemento, ai collegamenti, alla fabbricazione e alla progettazione al fuoco. Sono proposti nella pubblicazione esempi di calcolo finalizzati ad illustrare le raccomandazioni di calcolo. Sulla base delle regole di calcolo illustrate viene riportato un insieme esaustivo di tabelle progettuali in cui, per un numero sufficientemente ampio di elementi in acciaio inossidabile sagomati a freddo, sono trattate le proprietà nominali ed efficaci delle sezioni trasversali, la classificazione delle sezioni e la capacità portante degli elementi. Le sezioni strutturali considerate in queste tabelle progettuali sono quelle tubolari circolari, tubolari rettangolari, tubolari quadrate, a C, composte a doppio C, con angolari uguali e composte con angolari uguali. I tipi di acciaio inossidabile considerati sono quelli austenitici 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L) e i tipi duplex 1.4362 (SAF 2304) e 1.4462 (2205). Byggkonstruktion i rostfritt stål Sammanfattning Detta dokument är en guide för konstruktion i rostfritt stål avsedd för ingenjörer. Den behandlar konstruktion i de vanligaste förekommande rostfria stålen som används i byggsektorn, inklusive de austenitiska stålen 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) och dess varianter med lågt kolinnehåll. Duplexstålen 1.4362 (SAF 2304) och 1.4462 (2205) behandlas också. Rekommendationerna har så långt som möjligt harmoniserats med den Brittiska standarden BS 5950-1: 2000. Guiden innehåller rekommendationer för val av det bäst lämpade rostfria stålsorten för en given tillämpning. Den innehåller information om mekaniska och fysiska egenskaper, samt data om materialens hållfasthet. Guiden behandlar även hur materialet beter sig, ix P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... tvärsnittsdata, detaljutformning, sammanfogning, tillverkning och beaktande av brand. Olika exempel är också inkluderade för att illustrera användandet av denna guide. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Ett antal innehållsrika tabeller, baserade på dessa rekommendationer, är inkluderade. De innehåller bl.a. bruttotvärsnitt, effektiva tvärsnitt, klassificering av olika sektioner, och egenskaper för ett stort antal kallformade rostfria detaljer. De olika tvärsnittsformerna som behandlas är cirkulära, rektangulära och kvadratiska rör, C-profiler, dubbla Cprofiler, L-profiler och dubbla L-profiler. De rostfria stål som behandlas är 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4404 (316L) och de duplexa stålen 1.4362 (SAF 2304) och 1.4462 (2205). x P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement NOTATION Ae effective cross-section area of a member at a connection with fastener holes Aeff effective area of slender cross-section under compression loading Ag gross cross-section area At tensile stress area of a bolt Av shear area of a cross-section As shear area of a bolt a web panel length between transverse stiffeners b outstand length or flat width of internal flange of rectangular hollow section or width of panel between webs B external width of section beff effective width of a slender compression element c depth of an edge stiffener, or distance from neutral axis to back of section d external depth of equal angle, flat depth of web of rectangular or square hollow section, or nominal bolt diameter D external section depth of channel, or rectangular or square hollow section, or diameter of hole E Young’s Modulus Es secant modulus e shift of neutral axis of a class 4 slender cross-section under compression e1 end distance e2 edge distance F axial force in member Fq compression force in a transverse web stiffener Fs shear force in a bolt Fx local compressive force applied through a flange by a load or reaction Ft tension force Fv shear force in a member G shear modulus H warping constant J torsion constant K1, K2 correction factor for sections with large internal corner radii L length of member measured between supports LE effective length of member relevant to the axis of buckling LEz effective length of member unsupported against twisting M bending moment xi P291: Structural design of stainless steel Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Discuss me ... Mb moment resistance to lateral torsional buckling Mc moment capacity of section in the absence of axial load Pbb bearing capacity of a bolt Pbs bearing capacity of a connected ply Pc buckling resistance of a compression member PE critical elastic flexural buckling load of a member in compression Pnom nominal tension capacity of a bolt Psb shear capacity of a bolt Psq local capacity of cross-section under uniform compressive stress Pt local capacity of cross-section under uniform tensile stress Pv shear capacity of a cross-section pbb bearing strength of a bolt pbs bearing strength of a connected ply psb shear strength of a bolt pt tension strength of a bolt py design strength pw design strength of a fillet weld r radius of gyration of the gross cross-section re external corner radius ri internal corner radius rm average corner radius (mid-line dimension) ro polar radius of gyration of cross-section about shear centre = S rx2 + ry2 + x 02 + y 02 plastic section modulus of gross cross-section t or T thickness or thickness of a connected ply at a bolted connection u buckling parameter uo distance from shear centre to centroid of gross cross-section along u-axis Us specified minimum ultimate tensile strength Usb specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of bolt material x torsional index xo distance from shear centre to centroid of gross cross-section along x-axis yo distance from shear centre to centroid of gross cross-section along y-axis Y0.2 specified minimum 0.2% proof stress Y0.2b specified minimum stress in a bolt material at 0.2% permanent strain Z elastic section modulus of gross cross-section Zeff elastic section modulus of effective section xii P291: Structural design of stainless steel Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Discuss me ... α imperfection factor βc resistance factor under compression $W resistance factor under bending χ reduction factor to account for buckling in compression members χLT reduction factor to account for lateral torsional buckling in bending members ε constant = δ correction factor due to rounded corners γF load factor λ slenderness under flexural buckling (= LE/r ) λLT slenderness under lateral torsional buckling λ0 limiting slenderness σ0.2 average value of the actual 0.2% proof stress of the material measured in tests σm0.2 average value of the 0.2% proof stress of the material given on the mill certificate or release certificate σmax maximum stress in section based on design (factored) loads ν Poisson's ratio (= 0.3) 275 E p y 205000 The following convention has been adopted in this publication: x-x axis major principal axis for single and double channels, rectangular and square hollow sections, rectangular axis for single angles but axis of symmetry for double angles y-y axis minor principal axis for single and double channels, rectangular and square hollow sections, rectangular axis for single angles axis normal to the axis of symmetry for double angles u-u axis major principal axis for single angles v-v axis minor principal axis for single angles z-z axis longitudinal axis along member length. xiii Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... xiv P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 What is stainless steel? Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Stainless steel is the name given to a family of corrosion and heat resistant steels containing a minimum of 10.5% chromium. Just as there is a range of structural and engineering carbon steels meeting different requirements of strength, weldability and toughness, so there is a wide range of stainless steels with progressively higher levels of corrosion resistance and strength. This variety of grades results from the controlled addition of alloying elements, each offering specific attributes in respect of strength and ability to resist different environments. To achieve the optimum economic benefit from using stainless steel, it is important to select a grade of steel which is adequate for the application without being unnecessarily highly alloyed and costly. With chromium content above 10.5% and in the presence of air or any other oxidising environment, a transparent and tightly adherent layer of chromium-rich oxide forms spontaneously on the surface of the steel. If the film is damaged by scratching or cutting, it will reform immediately in the presence of oxygen. Although the film is very thin (about 5 × 10!6 mm), it is both stable and non porous, thus preventing the steel from reacting further with the atmosphere. For this reason, it is called a passive layer. The stability of this passive layer depends on the composition of the steel, its surface treatment and the corrosive nature of its environment. Its stability increases as the chromium content increases and is further enhanced by alloy additions of nickel and molybdenum. The grades of stainless steel can be classified into the following five basic groups (further information on the various groups and types of stainless steels may be found in standard texts[1,2,3]). Austenitic stainless steels The most widely used types of stainless steel are based on 17-18% chromium and 8-11% nickel additions. In comparison to standard structural carbon steels, these steels have a modified atomic (crystal) structure. As a result, austenitic stainless steels, in addition to their corrosion resistance, have high ductility, are amenable to cold forming and are readily weldable. They also have significantly better toughness over a wide range of temperatures, compared with standard structural grades. They can usually be strengthened by cold working, but cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. The corrosion performance can be further enhanced by additions of molybdenum. Ferritic stainless steels The chromium content of the most popular ferritic stainless steels is between 10.5 and 18%. Ferritic stainless steels contain less nickel than austenitic grades and the atomic structure is the same as structural carbon steels. As a result, they are generally less ductile, less formable, less weldable and less corrosion resistant than austenitic stainless steels. They can be strengthened by cold working, but to a more limited degree than the austenitic grades. Like the austenitic grades, they cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. They are not as corrosion resistant as austenitic stainless steels and so applications are normally limited to indoor components such as handrails and shop-fittings. 1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Duplex stainless steels Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Duplex stainless steels have a mixed microstructure of austenite and ferrite, and so are sometimes called austenitic-ferritic steels. They typically contain 21 26% chromium, 4 - 8% nickel and 0.1 - 4.5% molybdenum additions. Compared to the austenitic and ferritic steels, they offer the combination of relatively high strength and good corrosion performance. These grades have very good resistance to the form of corrosion known as stress corrosion cracking (see Section 2.2.5), compared with the austenitic grades typically used in construction. Although duplex stainless steels have good ductility, their higher strength results in more restricted formability, compared to the austenitic grades. They can also be strengthened by cold working, but, like the austenitic and ferritics on which they are based, they cannot be strengthened by heat treatment. The modern compositions of duplex stainless steels have good weldability and, provided that welding speed and heat input are controlled, maintain their excellent corrosion resistance after welding. Welding distortion should be lower in duplex stainless steels than in the austenitic grades, due to the lower thermal expansion rate of the duplex grades. Duplex steels should generally be used when a material has to withstand high mechanical stresses under severe corrosion conditions. They have good resistance to stress corrosion cracking and high fatigue strength. They are currently used in the chemical and offshore industries for tubing, shafts and valves as well as for components in desalination plants. Duplex steels have been used for tension bars and pins in the construction industry. Martensitic stainless steels Martensitic stainless steels have a similar microstructure to ferritic and structural carbon steels but, due to their higher carbon content, can be strengthened by heat treatment. The corrosion resistance of martensitic stainless steels is similar to that of ferritic grades. Their ductility is more limited than the ferritic, austenitic and duplex grades. Although most martensitic stainless steels can be welded, this may require pre-heat and post weld heat treatments, which can limit their use in welded components. Although they are cheaper than austenitic steels, their low corrosion resistance limits the range of suitable applications to components such as valves, dies and knife blades. Precipitation hardened steels Precipitation hardened steels can be strengthened by heat treatment to very high strengths. The strengthening mechanism is different from that in the martensitic grades; due to the lower carbon levels, the strength after heat treatment of precipitation hardened steels is generally not as high as in the martensitic grades, but the tensile strength and toughness can be expected to be better. These steels are not normally used in welded fabrication. The corrosion resistance of these steels is generally better than the martensitic or ferritic grades and is similar to the 18% chromium, 8% nickel austenitic grades. Although they are mostly used in the aerospace industry, proprietary grades such as FV.520B have been used for certain heavy duty connections in buildings as well as for tie-bolts and reinforcing bars. 2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 1.2 Scope of this publication The recommendations given in this guide apply to the grades of stainless steel that are typically used in structural applications. The most widely used grades1, commonly referred to as the standard austenitic grades, are 1.4301 (304) and 1.4401 (316). Grades 1.4307 (304L) and 1.4404 (316L) are lower carbon versions of the near-identical standard specifications and are also commonly used. The recommendations in this publication also apply to duplex grades such as 1.4462 (2205). Section 2.2 gives further information on material grades. The guide is intended for the design of primary and secondary structural components. It covers aspects of material behaviour and selection, cross-section design, member design, connections, fire resistant design and fabrication. The guide is also not applicable to special structures such as those in nuclear installations or pressure vessels for which specific standards for stainless steel application already exist. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Specific guidance on the use of stainless steel in the water industry is available[4]. Production, fabrication and surface finishes are covered in more detail in the Architects’ guide to stainless steel[5] (also available online at Design guidance concerning stainless steel handrails and balustrades has also been published[6]. Design guidance and recommendations concerning good practice on the installation of stainless steel masonry support angles are given by a series of information sheets produced by the Masonry Support Information Group[7,8,9]. The information is also published on the Group’s web site ( The recommendations in this publication should be used in conjunction with BS 5950-1:2000[10]. These are concerned with the design of elements and members and not the behaviour and design of frameworks, for which the carbon steel rules are applicable. Plastic analysis is not yet appropriate to stainless steel. However, cross-sections that satisfy the requirements for class 2 can be designed to their full plastic moment capacity, pyS (Section 3.8.2). No limitations on thickness are given in relation to brittle fracture; the limitations for carbon steel do not apply due to the superior toughness of stainless steel and the insensitivity of austenitic versions (see Section 2) to a temperature-controlled ductile-brittle transition. However, there will be practical limits on thickness for cold forming of members (approximately 20 mm for the austenitic grades and 15 mm for the duplex grades). 1.3 General design principles The aims in designing a stainless steel structure are no different from those in carbon steel structures; a structure should be designed and fabricated so that: • it remains fit for use during its intended life • it can sustain the loads which may occur during construction, installation and usage 1 In this publication, reference is made to both the European grade designation (e.g. 1.4301) and to the more familiar American (AISI) grade designation systems (e.g. 304). 3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... • damage due to accidental loads will be localised • it has adequate durability in relation to maintenance costs • it retains its original appearance. In addition to these considerations the design of a structure should take account of the following: • safe transport and handling • safe means of interconnection • stability during erection. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The above requirements can be satisfied by using suitable materials, appropriate design and detailing and by specifying quality control procedures for construction. If necessary, a maintenance programme may also be specified. The engineer responsible for the overall stability of the structure should have an overview of stainless steel design considerations. Structures should be designed by considering all relevant limit states. Four classes of limit states are recognised: ultimate limit states, serviceability limit states, accidental limit states and durability limit states. Ultimate limit states are those that, if exceeded, can lead to collapse of part or the whole of the structure, endangering the safety of people. Serviceability limit states correspond to states beyond which specified service criteria are no longer met. Accidental limit states relate to extreme events that the structure is required to survive but without the need for further reserve of strength. Durability limit states can be regarded as subsets of the ultimate and serviceability limit states, depending on whether the corrosion affects the strength of the structure or its aesthetic appearance. Examples of the key factors for these limit states are given below: Ultimate Limit State • Strength (including general yielding, rupture, buckling and transformation into a mechanism). • Stability against over-turning and sway. • Fracture due to fatigue. Serviceability Limit State • Deflection. • Vibration (e.g. wind induced oscillation). • Repairable damage due to fatigue. • Creep. Accidental Limit State • Fire. • Explosion. • Seismic loading. 4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Durability Limit State • Corrosion. • Metallurgical stability. Load factors in accordance with BS 5950-1 may be used for the serviceability and ultimate limit state design of stainless steel. In this guide, member forces arising from factored loads are referred to as design forces (e.g. design shear force). Load factors in accordance with BS 5950-8[11] may be used for fire loading (see Section 6.1). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For stainless steel, durability limit states are as important as the ultimate and serviceability limit states. Durability can be considered by appropriate material selection and detailing of members and joints. It is not only an important consideration throughout the design phase but also during fabrication and erection. 5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 2 PROPERTIES AND SELECTION OF MATERIALS 2.1 Basic stress-strain behaviour Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The stress-strain behaviour of stainless steel differs from that of carbon steels in a number of respects. The most important difference is in the shape of the stress-strain curve. Whereas carbon steel typically exhibits linear elastic behaviour up to the yield stress and a plateau before strain hardening, stainless steel has a more rounded response with no well-defined yield stress (see Figure 2.1). Stainless steel ‘yield’ strengths are generally quoted in terms of a proof strength defined for a particular offset permanent strain (conventionally the 0.2% strain), as indicated in Figure 2.1, which shows typical experimental stress-strain curves. The curves shown are representative of the range of material likely to be supplied and should not be used for design. For 1.4301 (304) and 1.4401 (316) steels, the two curves shown indicate the extreme values from a series of tests and thus they represent a scatter band. Stainless steels can absorb considerable impact without fracturing due to their excellent ductility (especially the austenitic grades) and their strain hardening characteristics. The work required to fracture the material is proportional to the area under the stress-strain curve. σ N/mm² 600 Duplex stainless steel [1.4462 (2205)] E σ 0.2 Austenitic stainless steel [1.4301/1.4401 (304/316)] 400 σ 0.2 Carbon steel (grade S355) (p 200 E 0 0 Figure 2.1 0.002 0.005 0.010 0.015 ε Typical stress-strain curves for stainless steel and carbon steel (σ0.2 is the 0.2% proof strength, E is Young’s modulus) Note: These values should not be used in design 6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 2.2 Properties 2.2.1 Relevant standards and grades Design values of the mechanical properties are discussed in Section 2.2.2. Flat products Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The European material standard for stainless steel is BS EN 10088, Stainless Steels[12]. The Parts are: • Part 1, List of stainless steels, gives the chemical compositions and reference data on some physical properties such as modulus of elasticity, E. • Part 2, Technical delivery conditions for sheet, plate and strip for general purposes, gives the technical properties and chemical compositions for the materials used either as flat products or for the cold forming of structural sections. • Part 3, Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars, rods and sections for general purposes, gives the technical properties and chemical compositions for the materials used in long products. BS EN 10088-2 covers the grades used in most construction applications. (It partly replaces BS 1449-2[13], which also covered heat-resisting steels.) The applicable standards for dimensional tolerances are specified in BS EN 10088-2. Different minimum mechanical properties are given for cold rolled strip (up to 6 mm thick), hot rolled strip (up to 12 mm thick) and hot rolled plate (up to 75 mm thick). The designation systems adopted in BS EN 10088 are the European steel number and a steel name. For example, grade 304L has a steel number 1.4307, where: 1. 43 07 Denotes steel Denotes one group of stainless steels Individual grade identification The steel name system provides some understanding of the steel composition. The name of the steel number 1.4307 is X2CrNi18-9, where: X 2 CrNi 18-9 Denotes high alloy steel 100 x % of carbon Chemical symbols of main alloying elements % of main alloying elements Each stainless steel name has a unique corresponding steel number. Note that whilst the German DIN Werkstoff numbers are similar, not all are identical to those in BS EN 10088. Table 2.1 gives European designations for the grades covered in this publication, along with the more familiar corresponding British and American designations. Note that there are several grades in BS EN 10088 that have approximately equivalent compositions to the AISI grades 304, 304L, 316 and 316L. 7 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2.1 European, British and American designations for corresponding stainless steel grades European (BS EN 10088) Basic chromiumnickel austenitic steels Molybdenumchromiumnickel austenitic steels Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Stabilised austenitic steels Duplex steels British American (AISI) Number Name 1.4301 X5CrNi18-10 304S15 304S16 304S31 304 1.4307 X2CrNi18-9 304S11 304L 1.4401 X5CrNiMo 17-12-2 316S31 316 1.4404 X2CrNiMo17-12-2 316S11 316L 1.4541 X6CrNiTi18-10 321S31 321 1.4571 X6CrNiMoTi17-12-2 320S31 316 Ti 1.4362 X2CrNiN23-4 SAF 2304 - 1.4462 X2CrNiMoN22-5-3 2205 - The most commonly used grade in structural applications is 1.4301 (304), which is a basic chromium-nickel austenitic grade. Grade 1.4401 (316) is also widely used; it contains molybdenum in addition to chromium and nickel, which enhances its resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion. The low carbon versions of these grades are 1.4307 (304L) and 1.4404 (316L). In the past, grades 1.4301 and 1.4401 had significantly higher carbon levels, with implications for corrosion behaviour2. Either the ‘L’ grade, or a stabilised steel such as 1.4541 (321) had to be used where there was concern about corrosion performance in the as-welded condition. However, using modern steelmaking methods, the standard carbon austenitic grades now have carbon contents of 0.05% or below, so the grade distinction is less important. The presence of weld heat tint is more likely to be a cause of corrosion attack in the welded condition than any effect of the carbon content slightly exceeding that of the ‘L’ grades. However, the ‘L’ grades remain the preferred choice for optimum corrosion performance after welding. Stabilised grades can be considered as alternatives to the ‘L’ grades and can be useful where elevated temperature strength is of concern. Where necessary, guidance 2 Carbon present in the steel reacts with chromium and precipitates chromium carbides on grain boundaries under certain thermal cycles, e.g. in the weld heat affected zones (HAZ). The local loss of chromium from the boundary region into the carbide particles allows preferential intercrystalline corrosion attack and the steel is said to be sensitized, or suffer from weld decay (see Section 2.2.5). 8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... on the need for a stabilised or ‘L’ grade steel for a particular fabrication should be sought from the steel supplier or fabricator. Table 2.2 presents the values of the mechanical properties of the stainless steel grades covered in this publication. The values of the 0.2% proof stress specified in BS EN 10088 are generally about 15 N/mm2 higher than those for the corresponding grades in the superseded standard BS 1449-2[13]. Due to their higher carbon content, the standard carbon grades 1.4301 (304) and 1.4401 (316) tend to have slightly higher proof strength values than the corresponding low carbon grades. Table 2.2 Specified properties to BS EN 10088-2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Grade Minimum 0.2% proof strength(1) (N/mm2) Y0.2 Ultimate tensile strength (N/mm2) Minimum elongation after fracture % Us Basic chromiumnickel austenitic steels 1.4301 (304) 210 520 – 720 45(2) 1.4307 (304L) 200 500 – 650 45 Molybdenumchromiumnickel austenitic steels 1.4401 (316) 220 520 – 670 40 1.4404 (316L) 220 520 – 670 40 1.4541 (321) 200 500 – 700 40 1.4571 (320) 220 520 – 670 40 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 400 600 – 850 20 1.4462 (2205) 460 640 – 840 20 Stabilised austenitic steels Duplex steels Notes: The properties apply to material up to 75 mm thick. (1) Transverse properties (2) For stretcher levelled material, the minimum values is 5% lower Fasteners These are addressed in BS EN ISO 3506, Corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners[14]. The specification gives chemical compositions and mechanical properties for fasteners in the austenitic, martensitic and ferritic groups. Alternative materials not specifically covered in the specification are permitted if they meet the physical and mechanical property requirements and have equivalent corrosion resistance. In BS EN ISO 3506, bolt and nut materials are classified by a letter: ‘A’ for austenitic, ‘F’ for ferritic and ‘C’ for martensitic. To obtain the best corrosion resistance, it is recommended that austenitic fasteners are used. The letter is 9 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... followed by a number (1, 2, 3, 4 or 5) that reflects the corrosion resistance, ‘1’ representing the least durable and ‘4’ and ‘5’ the most durable. Steel grade A1 is specially designed for machining. Due to high sulphur content, the steels within this grade have lower resistance to corrosion than corresponding steels with normal sulphur content. Care should be exercised if Grade A1 fasteners are being considered, see Section 2.3.1. Steels of grade A2 have equivalent corrosion resistance to grade 1.4301 (304). Steels of grade A3 are stabilised stainless steels with equivalent corrosion resistance to grade 1.4541 (321). (A stabilised steel is one that contains an addition of a strong carbide-forming agent such as titanium, which reacts preferentially with carbon and prevents formation of chromium carbides – see Section 2.2.1.) Steels of grade A4 contain molybdenum and have equivalent corrosion resistance to grade 1.4401 (316). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Steels of grade A5 are stabilised molybdenum-bearing stainless steels with properties of grade 1.4571 (320) steel. Austenitic fasteners can be obtained in three ultimate strength levels (known as property classes), see Table 2.3. Note that the mechanical properties must be agreed between the user and manufacturer for fasteners larger than M24 for property classes 70 and 80 as the values depend on the alloy and manufacturing method. The condition of the alloy in property class 50 fasteners is soft, resulting in the highest corrosion resistance. Fasteners in this property class are likely to be non-magnetic. Property classes 70 and 80 are formed by cold working (drawing). In this condition, the steel is likely to be magnetic and the corrosion resistance may be slightly lower than class 50. Property class 50 fasteners having machined threads may be more prone to thread galling, see Section 7.6. Appendix A lists some British specifications covering stainless steel fixings and ancillary components. 10 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2.3 Minimum specified mechanical properties of austenitic grade fasteners to BS EN ISO 3506 Bolts Grade(1) A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5 Property class 50 Nuts Thread diameter range Ultimate tensile strength(2) (N/mm2) Usb Stress at 0.2% permanent strain (N/mm2) Y0.2b Proof load stress ≤ M39 (N/mm2) 500 210 500 70 (3) ≤ M24 700 450 700 80 ≤ M24(3) 800 600 800 Notes: (1) In addition to the various steel grades covered in BS EN ISO 3506 under property class 50, 70 and 80, other steel types to BS EN 10088-3 may also be used. (2) The tensile stress is calculated on the stress area. (3) For fasteners with nominal diameters d>24 mm, the mechanical properties are to be agreed between user and manufacturer and marked with grade and property class according to this table. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Castings Cast stainless steels generally have a different chemical composition and structure; this results in more varied mechanical properties than their wrought counterparts. Cast forms usually have similar corrosion resistance to the wrought forms. BS 3100[15] and BS EN 10283[16] give specifications for stainless steel castings for general engineering purposes. Cast stainless steels have been used for a variety of fixings such as pin connections, hinges for dock gates and specific architectural features in exposed structures such as atrium roofs. They may also be used for load-bearing components where tight tolerances are required and when welding distortion would be too great. For large numbers of small and intricate fixings, castings are likely to be an attractive alternative to wrought fixings. The guidance in this publication is confined to wrought stainless steels. For castings, it is usually necessary to carry out tests to verify the strength and durability characteristics. Guidance on the use of castings in construction is available[17]. 2.2.2 Design values of properties Flat Products The value of the modulus of elasticity, E is given by BS EN 10088-1 as 200,000 N/mm2 for all the grades of stainless steel commonly used in construction. This value may be used in any buckling analysis. For estimating deflections, the secant modulus, Es is more appropriate; see Section 4.4.8. The value of Poisson’s ratio, ν can be taken as 0.3. The value of the shear modulus, G for these grades can be taken as 76,900 N/mm2. For design strength, three options may be considered: minimum specified values, verified material test data and mill certificate data. 11 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... (i) Design using minimum specified values Take the design strength, py, as the minimum specified 0.2% proof strength in BS EN 10088-2 and take the ultimate strength as the minimum specified ultimate tensile strength in BS EN 10088-2. (ii) Design using test data This should only be considered as an option where tensile testing has been carried out on coupons cut from the plate or sheet from which the members are to be formed or fabricated. It is recommended that the average result of at least three test coupons, orientated in the direction of the member axis, should be used. The designer should also be satisfied that the tests have been carried out to a recognised standard, e.g. BS EN 10002-1[18], and that the procedures adopted by the fabricator are such that the member will be actually made from the tested material and positioned correctly within the structure. Given appropriate QA procedures to satisfy the above requirements, it should then be permissible to take the design value of the 0.2% proof stress as: py = σ0.2 / 1.1 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where σ0.2 is the average test value of the 0.2% proof stress. It is suggested that the ultimate tensile strength should still be based on the minimum specified ultimate tensile strength given in BS EN 10088-2. (iii) Design using mill certificate data Measured values of the 0.2% proof stress are given on the mill (or release) certificate. The design value of the 0.2% proof stress can be taken as: py = σm0.2 / 1.2 where σm0.2 is the average value of the 0.2% proof stress as given on the mill certificate. It is suggested that the ultimate tensile strength should still be based on the minimum specified ultimate tensile strength given in BS EN 10088-2. Fasteners For calculating the capacity of fasteners under tension, shear or their combination, the design strength should be based on the minimum specified stress at 0.2% permanent strain or on the ultimate tensile strength, as explained in Section 5.2.2. 2.2.3 Fatigue Carbon steel rules for determining fatigue behaviour can safely be applied to stainless steel. 12 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 2.2.4 Physical properties Physical properties at room temperature of the selected grades in the annealed condition (i.e. fully softened by a controlled heating and cooling cycle) are shown in Table 2.4. Physical properties may vary slightly with product form and size but such variations are usually not of critical importance to the application. From a structural point of view, the most important physical property is the coefficient of thermal expansion; for the austenitic grades, it differs considerably from that for carbon steel (which is approximately 12 x 10−6/EC). The effects of differential thermal expansion should be considered in design. Annealed austenitic stainless steels which have not been cold worked are not magnetic whilst duplex grades are magnetic. Where the non-magnetic properties of the austenitic grades are important to the application, care must be exercised in selecting appropriate welding consumables to minimise the ferrite content in the weldment. Heavy cold working, particularly of the lean alloyed austenitic steel, can also increase magnetic permeability. Subsequent annealing will restore the low magnetic permeability properties. It is recommended that further advice be sought for non-magnetic applications from the stainless steel producer. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table 2.4 Physical properties at room temperature to BS EN 10088-1 (annealed condition) Grade Density (kg/m3) Thermal expansion 20 – 100°°C (10−6/°°C) 1.4301 (304) 7900 16 1.4307 (304L) 7900 16 1.4401 (316) 8000 16 1.4404 (316L) 8000 16 1.4541 (321) 7900 15 1.4571 (320) 8000 16.5 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 7800 13 1.4462 (2205) 7800 13 For these grades: thermal conductivity heat capacity Young’s modulus = 15 W/m°°C = 500 J/kg°°C = 200 000 N/mm2 2.2.5 Durability Stainless steels are generally very corrosion resistant and will perform satisfactorily in most environments. The limit of corrosion resistance of a given stainless steel depends on its constituent elements, which means that each grade has a slightly different response when exposed to a corrosive environment. Care is therefore needed to select the most appropriate grade of stainless steel for a given application. Generally, the higher the level of corrosion resistance required, the greater the cost of the material. For example, grade 1.4401 (316) steel costs more than grade 1.4301 (304) because this grade contains molybdenum and more nickel. 13 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... The most common reasons for a metal to fail to live up to expectations regarding corrosion resistance are: (a) incorrect assessment of the environment or exposure to unexpected conditions, e.g. unsuspected contamination by chloride ions (b) the way in which the stainless steel has been worked or treated may introduce a state not envisaged in the initial assessment. Although stainless steel may be subject to discolouration and staining (often due to carbon steel contamination), it is extremely durable in buildings. In aggressive industrial and marine environments, tests have shown no indication of reduction in component capacity, even where a small amount of weight loss occurred. However, unsightly rust staining on external surfaces may still be regarded as a failure by the user. As well as careful material grade selection, good detailing and workmanship can significantly reduce the likelihood of staining and corrosion; practical guidance is given in Section 7. Experience indicates that any serious corrosion problem is most likely to show up in the first two or three years of service. In certain aggressive environments, some grades of stainless steel will be susceptible to localised attack. Six mechanisms are described below, although the last three are very rarely encountered in building structures. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Pitting Pitting is a localised form of corrosion which can occur as a result of exposure to specific environments, most notably those containing chlorides. In most structural applications, the extent of pitting is likely to be superficial and the reduction in section of a component is negligible. However, corrosion products can stain architectural features. A less tolerant view of pitting should be adopted for services such as ducts, piping and containment structures. If there is a known pitting hazard, then molybdenum-bearing stainless steels, e.g. 1.4401 (316), should be selected. Crevice corrosion Crevice corrosion is a localised form of attack which is initiated by the extremely low availability of oxygen in a crevice. It is only likely to be a problem in stagnant solutions where a build-up of chlorides can occur. The severity of crevice corrosion is very dependent on the geometry of the crevice; the narrower (< 25 µm) and deeper the crevice, the easier is crevice attack initiated. Crevices typically occur between nuts and washers or around the thread of a screw or the shank of a bolt. Crevices can also occur in welds which fail to penetrate and under deposits on the steel surface. Bimetallic corrosion Bimetallic (galvanic) corrosion may occur when dissimilar metals are in contact in a common electrolyte (e.g. rain, condensation etc.), forming a galvanic corrosion cell. If current flows between the two, the less noble metal (the anode) corrodes at a faster rate than would have occurred if the metals were not in contact. The rate of corrosion also depends on the relative areas of the metals in contact, the temperature and the composition of the electrolyte. In particular, the larger the area of the ‘noble’ cathode in relation to that of the anode, the greater the rate of attack. Adverse area ratios are likely to occur with fasteners and at 14 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... joints. Bolts made from carbon steel (which is less noble than stainless steel) in stainless steel members should be avoided because the ratio of the area of the stainless steel to the carbon steel is large and the bolts will be subject to aggressive attack. Conversely, the rate of attack of a carbon steel member by a stainless steel bolt is much slower. It is usually helpful to draw on previous experience in similar sites, because dissimilar metals can often be safely coupled with no adverse effects under conditions of occasional condensation or dampness, as the conductivity of the electrolyte is usually low. The prediction of bimetallic corrosion is difficult because the corrosion rate is determined by a number of interrelated issues. The use of corrosion potential tables ignores the presence of surface oxide films and the effects of area ratios and different solution (electrolyte) chemistry. Therefore, uninformed use of these tables may produce erroneous results. They should be used with care and only for initial assessment. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Austenitic stainless steels usually form the cathode in a bimetallic couple and therefore do not suffer corrosion. An exception is the couple with copper, which should generally be avoided except under benign conditions. Contact between austenitic stainless steels and zinc or aluminium may result in some additional corrosion of the latter two metals. This is unlikely to be significant structurally, but the resulting white/grey powder may be deemed unsightly. Bimetallic corrosion may be prevented by excluding water from the detail (e.g. by painting or taping over the assembled joint) or isolating the metals from each other (e.g. by painting the contact surfaces of the dissimilar metals). Isolation around bolted connections can be achieved by non-conductive plastic or rubber gaskets and nylon or teflon washers and bushes. These systems may be time consuming to install in large structures and may necessitate expensive postinstallation QA checks. The general behaviour of metals in bimetallic contact in rural, urban, industrial and coastal environments is documented in PD 6484 Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic contacts and its alleviation[19]. Stress corrosion cracking The development of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) requires the simultaneous presence of tensile stresses and specific environmental factors unlikely to be encountered in normal building atmospheres. The stresses do not need to be very high in relation to the proof stress of the material and may be due to loading or residual effects from manufacturing processes such as welding or bending. Caution should be exercised when stainless steel members containing high residual stresses (e.g. due to cold working) are used in chloride rich environments (e.g. swimming pools, marine, offshore). Guidance on the selection of the most appropriate grade of stainless steel in swimming pool environments is available[20]. Duplex stainless steels have greater resistance to stress corrosion cracking than the austenitic stainless steels covered in this guide. Higher alloy austenitic stainless steels (not covered in this guide) have been developed for applications where SCC is a corrosion hazard. General (uniform) corrosion General corrosion is much less severe in stainless steel than in other steels. It only occurs when the stainless steel is at a pH value of less than or equal to 1.0. 15 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... This form of corrosion is not a problem for the grades selected in this guide when used in structural applications. Reference should be made to tables in manufacturers' literature, or the advice of a corrosion engineer should be sought, if the stainless steel is to come into contact with chemicals. Intergranular attack and weld decay When austenitic stainless steels are subject to prolonged heating in the range 450°C to 850°C, the carbon in the steel diffuses to the grain boundaries and precipitates chromium carbide. This removes chromium from the solid solution and leaves a lower chromium content adjacent to the grain boundaries. Steel in this condition is termed sensitized. The grain boundaries become prone to preferential attack on subsequent exposure to a corrosive environment. This phenomenon is known as weld decay when it occurs in the heat affected zone of a weldment. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement There are three ways to avoid intergranular corrosion: • using steel having a low carbon content (i.e. 0.03% maximum), • using steel stabilised with titanium or niobium (these elements combine preferentially to chromium with carbon to form stable particles, thereby reducing the risk of forming chromium carbide), • heat treating (solution annealing) the steel. (This method is rarely used in practice.) Grades of stainless steel with a low carbon content (0.03% maximum) up to about 20 mm thick should not suffer from intergranular corrosion after arc welding. 2.2.6 Detailing to improve durability The most important step in preventing corrosion problems is selecting an appropriate grade of stainless steel with suitable fabrication procedures for the given environment. However, after specifying a particular steel, much can be achieved in realising the full potential of the steel's resistance by careful attention to detailing. Anti-corrosion actions should ideally be considered at the planning stage and at the latest on the drawing board. Table 2.5 gives a check list for consideration. Not all points would give the best detail from a structural strength point of view and neither are the points intended to be applicable to all environments. In particular, in environments of low corrosivity or where regular maintenance is carried out, many would not be required. Figure 2.2 illustrates poor and good design features for durability. 16 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2.5 Design for corrosion control Avoid dirt entrapment • orientate angle and channel profiles to minimise the likelihood of dirt retention • provide drainage holes, ensuring they are of sufficient size to prevent blockage • avoid horizontal surfaces • specify a small slope on gusset stiffeners which nominally lie in a horizontal plane • use tubular and bar sections (sealing tubes with dry gas or air where there is a risk of harmful condensates forming) • specify smooth finishes. Avoid crevices • use welded rather than bolted connections • use closing welds or mastic fillers • preferably dress/profile welds • prevent biofouling. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Reduce the likelihood of stress corrosion cracking in those specific environments where it may occur (see Section 2.2.5): • minimise fabrication stresses by careful choice of welding sequence • shot peen (but avoid the use of iron/steel shot). Reduce likelihood of pitting (see Section 7) • remove weld splatter • pickle stainless steel to remove unwanted welding products. Strongly oxidising chloride-containing reagents such as ferric chloride should be avoided; rather a pickling bath or a pickling paste, both containing a mixture of nitric acid and hydrofluoric acid, should be used. Welds should always be cleaned up to restore corrosion resistance. • avoid pick-up of carbon steel particles (e.g. use a workshop area and tools that are dedicated to stainless steel) • follow a suitable maintenance programme. Reduce likelihood of bimetallic corrosion (see Section 2.2.5) • electrical insulation • use paints appropriately • minimise periods of wetness • use metals that are close to each other in electrical potential. 17 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement W U Sharp corners Rounded corners, weld line off bottom Spot weld Fill crevice Figure 2.2 Poor and good design features for durability 18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 2.3 Selection of materials 2.3.1 Grades The selection of the environment of the maintenance of the requirements, where engineering needs to correct grade of stainless steel must take into account the application, the fabrication route, surface finish and the structure. Although the material has low maintenance it is selected for use in a corrosive environment, corrosion be appropriately considered. The first step is to characterise the service environment. The corrosiveness of an environment is governed by a number of variables such as humidity, air temperature, presence of chemicals and their concentration, oxygen content, etc. Moisture must be present for corrosion to occur. For example, heated and ventilated buildings can be classified as dry and corrosion is unlikely to occur in such environments. The risk of condensation is higher in areas such as kitchens and laundries. Coastal areas can be very corrosive, due to the presence of high concentrations of chloride ions in the air, and structures exposed to sea spray are particularly at risk to corrosive attack. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Having characterised the general environment, it is then necessary to consider the effect of the direct surroundings on the stainless steel (e.g. elements and substances which the material is likely to come into contact with). The surface condition, the temperature of the steel and the anticipated stress could also be important parameters. Consideration should then be given to mechanical properties. The different types of loading should be defined (e.g. service loads, cyclic loads, vibrations, seismic loads). The effect of heating/cooling cycles may also need to be quantified. Ease of fabrication, availability of product forms, surface finish and cost also need to be considered. Assessing the suitability of grades is best approached by referring to experience of stainless steels in similar applications and environments. Table 2.6, which is based on Figure 1 from Advantages for Architects[21], gives guidance for selecting suitable grades for atmospheric environments. It is based on long term exposure of stainless steel sheet samples at a variety of locations. Expert advice should always be sought for more specialist applications (e.g. stainless steel immersed or in contact with chemicals). Caution should be exercised when considering the use of ‘free-machining’ stainless steels for fasteners. The addition of sulphur in the composition of these steels (commonly designated 1.4305 (303) in the austenitic class) renders them more liable to corrosion than their non-treated counterparts (1.4301 (304) in this case), especially in industrial and marine environments. This applies to fasteners in BS EN ISO 3506 grade A1 materials. If there is any doubt as to which grade should be used for a particular application, advice should be sought. Further technical information on stainless steel can be obtained from the electronic advisory service on the British Stainless Steel Association web site ( Topics covered include corrosion resistance, material selection, mechanical and physical properties, welding and specifications. 19 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2.6 Suggested grades for atmospheric applications Location Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Steel grade Rural Urban Industrial L M H L M H L Basic chromium-nickel austenitic steels (e.g. 1.4301) T T T T T Molybdenum-chromium-nickel austenitic steels (e.g. 1.4401) 0 0 0 0 T T T Duplex grade 1.4462 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Marine M H L M H (T) (T) (T) X T (T) X T (T) T T (T) 0 T 0 0 T L Least corrosive conditions within that category, e.g. tempered by low humidity, low temperatures. M Fairly typical of that category. H Corrosion likely to be higher than typical for that category, e.g. increased by persistent high humidity, high ambient temperatures, and particularly aggressive air pollutants. O Potentially over-specified from a corrosion point of view. T Probably the best choice for corrosion resistance and cost. X Likely to suffer excessive corrosion. (T) Worthy of consideration if precautions are taken (i.e. specifying a relatively smooth surface and if regular washing is carried out). 2.3.2 Availability of product forms General types of product form Sheet, plate and bar products are all widely available in the grades of stainless steel considered in this guide. Tubular products are available in austenitic grades and also the duplex grade 1.4462 (2205). Tubular products in the duplex grade 1.4362 (SAF 2304) are not widely available as this is a relatively new grade to the construction industry, although it has been used for some years for offshore blast walls. There is a limited range and availability of rolled sections (angles, channels, tees, rectangular hollow sections and I-sections) in standard austenitic grades such as 1.4301 (304) and 1.4401 (316) but none for duplex grades. (Note that a wider range of rolled sections is available for the normal carbon content grades 1.4301 and 1.4401 than for the low carbon content grades, 1.4307 (304L) and 1.4404 (316L).) Sections may also be produced by cold forming (rolling or bending), or fabricated by welding. Cold forming It is important that early discussion with potential fabricators takes place to ascertain cold forming limits, as stainless steels require higher forming loads than carbon steels. The length of brake-pressed cold formed sections is necessarily limited by the size of machine, or by power capability in the case of thicker or stronger materials. Duplex grades require approximately twice the forming loads used for the austenitic materials and consequently the possible range of duplex sections is more limited. Furthermore, because of the lower ductility in the duplex material, more generous bending radii may need to be used. Further information may be found in Section 7.3.2. 20 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Surface finish Surface finish can have an important effect on the corrosion resistance and aesthetic appeal of a structure. There is a wide variety of finishes available that are suitable for structural and architectural applications. These range from standard ex-steel mill finishes to special polished (mechanically or electropolished), textured and coloured finishes. It should be noted that although the various finishes are standardised, variability in processing introduces differences in appearance between manufacturers and even from a single producer. Bright finishes are frequently used in architectural applications, however, they can exaggerate any out-of-flatness of the material, particularly on panel surfaces. Rigidised, embossed, textured, patterned or profiled sheets with a rigid supporting frame will alleviate this tendency. Surface finishes are specified in BS EN 10088-2. Further information on surfaces finishes is given in the Architects’ guide to stainless steel[5]. Fasteners Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Fasteners to BS EN ISO 3506 property class 70 are the most widely available. Certain size restrictions apply to fasteners in property classes 70 and 80, see Table 2.3. It is possible to have ‘specials’ made to order and indeed, this sometimes produces an economical solution. Fasteners can be produced by a number of techniques, e.g. machining, cold forming and forging. Machined threads should be used with caution in very aggressive environments (e.g. marine), due to potential problems with crevice corrosion. Rolled threads are to be preferred because they are also generally stronger than machined threads and provide greater resistance to thread galling. Stainless steel washers, nuts, studs, rivets and self-tapping screws are widely available. Austenitic grade 1.4567 (394) stainless steel contains copper, which reduces the level of work hardening and permits easier cold heading; it is used for rivets, bolts, screws and nuts. Ferritic grade 1.4016 (430) steel is also used for rivets. Stainless steel self-tapping screws are mostly used in aluminium, plastic or wood, although they may be used in any material in which a hole is drilled first. Stainless steel screws with carbon steel drill heads have been developed for roofing and cladding applications. Care is required when stainless steel selftapping screws are used in a stainless steel base material, in order to avoid seizure of the screw or stripping its thread due to the strain-hardening properties of the stainless steel base material. It is recommended that procedure trials are carried out to determine pull-out strengths of such connections. Stainless steel is particularly useful for fine threads, e.g. fasteners less than 5 mm in diameter, because it is difficult to apply protective coating on such small scale components. Stainless steel HSFG (high strength friction grip) bolts are not generally available (see Section 5.4). 21 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 3 DESIGN OF CROSS-SECTIONS 3.1 General This Section is concerned with the local behaviour of members. The local capacity of a member is dependent on the capacity of the constituent elements of the cross-section. Elements, and hence the cross-section, may be affected by local buckling, which reduces their effectiveness to carry load. The width-to-thickness ratio of elements that are partly or wholly in compression determine whether they are subject to local buckling, with a consequential reduction in the capacity of the cross-section. Elements and cross-sections are classified as class 1, 2, 3 or 4, depending on their susceptibility to local buckling (see Section 3.8). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement As in the case of carbon steel rules, a reduced capacity of ‘class 4 slender’ cross-sections may be allowed for in design by applying the effective width/effective section concept. The effective section should be used throughout the design of the member except where specifically noted otherwise. This reduction need not be made in the design of connections to that element. It is important to note that flat outstand elements without an edge lip or stiffener (see Appendix B) with b/t ratios greater than approximately 30 and flat elements supported otherwise with b/t ratios greater than approximately 75 are likely to develop visual distortion at the serviceability limit state. Therefore, care should be taken not to exceed these limits where the exposed surfaces of stainless steel are important for architectural purposes. The recommendations in Section 3 and 4 apply to cross-sections with elements complying with the dimensional limits given in Appendix B. 3.2 Gross cross-section When calculating gross geometrical section properties, the specified size and profile of the member or elements should be used. Holes for fasteners need not be deducted but allowance should be made for larger openings. 3.3 Net area The net area of a section or element of a section should be taken as its gross area less appropriate deductions for all openings, including holes for fasteners. In the deductions for fasteners, the sectional area of the hole in the plane of its own axis should be deducted, not that of the fastener. Whether holes are staggered or not, the area to be deducted may be calculated in accordance with BS 5950-1, clause 3.4.4[10]. 22 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 3.4 Effective net area The effective net area, ae, of each element of a cross-section at a connection with fastener holes may be taken as Ke times its net area but not more than its gross area, ag where: Ke = 1.2 for austenitic grades, including 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316), 1.4307 (304L) and 1.4404 (316L) Ke = 1.0 for duplex grades 1.4362 (SAF 2304), 1.4462 (2205) 3.5 Influence of rounded corners In cross-sections with rounded corners, the influence of rounded corners on section properties should be allowed for. This may be done with sufficient accuracy by reducing the properties calculated for an otherwise similar cross-section with sharp corners using the following approximations: Ag = Ag,sh (1 − δ) (3.1) I = Ish (1 − 2δ) (3.2) H = Hsh (1 − 4δ) (3.3) with Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement n δ = 0.43 ∑ r m , j j =1 q ∑bi (3.4) i =1 where: Ag is the area of the gross cross-section is the value of Ag for a cross-section with sharp corners I is the second moment of area of the gross cross-section Ish is the value of I for a cross-section with sharp corners H is the warping constant of the gross cross-section Hsh is the value of H for a cross-section with sharp corners q is the number of plane elements n is the number of curved elements bi is the width of plane element i for a cross-section with sharp corners (mid-line dimension), see Figure 3.1 rm, j is the average corner radius (mid-line dimension) of curved element j, see Figure 3.1. The reductions given above may also be applied in calculating the effective section properties Aeff, Ix eff, Iy eff and Heff, provided that the widths of the plane elements are measured to the points of intersection of their midlines. 23 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... b1 Factor to be used in determining section properties: rm b 2rm δ = 0.43 2b1 + b2 2 rm Actual section Figure 3.1 3.6 Idealized section Influence of rounded corners on channel section properties Shear lag Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For all classes of cross-sections, the effect of shear lag on flange behaviour (whether the flange is in tension or compression) may be neglected, provided that: • for internal elements b # L/10 • for outstand elements b # L/20 where: L is the length between points of zero moment b is the breadth or outstand distance (see Figure 3.2). For situations where these limits are exceeded, guidance on accounting for shear lag effects can be found in BS 5400-3[22]. 3.7 Flange curling For unusually wide thin flanges in a profile subjected to flexure, flange curling (or movement of the flange towards the neutral axis) may occur. The magnitude of curling, u, for initially straight members, may be estimated from the following formula, which applies to both compression and tension flanges, with or without stiffeners. u = 2.3 pa 2 bs 4 E 2 T 2 (3.5) y where: bs is b/2 for multiweb members (e.g. box and hat sections) or b for outstands pa is the average longitudinal stress in flange (= force in flange, determined for the effective section, divided by gross area of flange) at the ultimate limit state y is the distance from neutral axis to the middle of the flange under consideration. 24 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... The effect of flange curling on the capacity of the section should be considered where u exceeds 5% of the depth of the section. The visual and practical implications of any degree of flange curling must also be considered. The effect of flange curling is allowed for by calculating the design resistance with reference to the deformed cross-section (idealized, for instance, by assuming that part of the flange is situated nearer the centroid). Conservatively, the depth of the entire cross-section can be reduced by the amount of flange curling. 3.8 Classification of cross-sections 3.8.1 General Cross-sections should be classified to determine whether local buckling influences their capacity. It is necessary to classify each element in a crosssection that is subject to compression (due to a bending moment or an axial force). Classification thus depends on the proportion of moment or axial load present in an element and thus can vary along the length of a member and with the axis of bending under consideration. Classification of an element of a cross-section is based on its width-to-thickness ratio. The dimensions of these compression elements should be taken as shown in Figure 3.2. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement A distinction should be made between the following types of element: • outstand elements attached to an adjacent element at one edge only, the other edge being free. • internal elements attached on both longitudinal edges to other elements or to longitudinal stiffeners which effectively support the element, including: webs (internal elements perpendicular to the axis of bending) and flanges (internal elements parallel to the axis of bending). All compression elements should be classified in accordance with Section 3.8.2. The classification of a cross-section depends on the highest (least favourable) class of its constituent compression elements. Circular hollow sections should be classified separately for axial compression and for bending. 3.8.2 Classification In principle, stainless steel cross-sections may be classified in the same way as those of carbon steel. Classifications are defined as follows: Class 1 plastic: cross-sections that can develop their plastic moment capacity (py times the plastic modulus) with the rotation capacity required for plastic analysis. (Note: only elastic analysis is recommended for stainless steel.) Elements subject to bending with or without axial compression that meet the limits for class 1 given in Table 3.1 should be classified as class 1 plastic. Class 2 compact: cross-sections that can develop their plastic moment capacity but with limited rotation capacity. Elements subject to bending with or without axial compression that meet the limits for class 2 given in Table 3.1 should be classified as class 2 compact. Class 3 semi-compact: cross-sections that can reach the yield moment (py times the elastic modulus) but local buckling prevents the development of the plastic moment capacity. Elements subject to compression that meet the limits for class 3 given in Table 3.1 should be classified as class 3 semi-compact. 25 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Class 4 slender: cross-sections are those in which local buckling is liable to prevent the development of the yield moment. Elements subject to compression that do not meet the limits for class 3 given in Table 3.1 should be classified as class 4 slender (see Section 3.8.4). As the yield point on the stress-strain curve of non-linear materials is an arbitrary choice, so are the yield and plastic moments. The obvious definitions to apply are the elastic and plastic section moduli times a proof stress, conventionally the 0.2% proof stress (see Section 2.2.2). This proof strength is designated the design strength, py. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table 3.1 replaces Tables 11 and 12 in BS 5950-1, which apply only to carbon steel. 26 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... b t t D d D D d t B b t t b b d t d b d t Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement T D d T D d d t t b b b b T T D d D d t t b Figure 3.2 Dimensions of compression elements Note that for rectangular hollow sections, d and b are the flat widths, whereas for channels, d is the flat width but b is the total outstand width. For angles, d and b are the leg lengths. Where d and b relate to the flat width: d = D – 2(ri + t) and b = B – 2(ri + t) where ri is the internal radius A typical value of ri is 2t which gives d = D – 6t 27 and b = B – 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Limiting width-to-thickness ratios for section classification Table 3.1 (Elements which exceed these limits are to be taken as class 4 (slender) cross-sections) Compression element Ratio Class 2 compact Class 3 Semi-compact b/t 8.5 g 9.5 g 11 g b/t 7.5 g 8.5 g 10.2 g Compression due to bending b/t 23 g 25 g Axial compression b/t Neutral axis at mid-depth d/t 52 g 54 g 572ε 594ε d/t 13r1 + 11 If r1 is negative Generally Web (4)(5) If r1 is positive d/t (4) d/t ≥ 28 g 13r1 + 11 but ≥ 28 g 52ε 54ε r1 + 1 r1 + 1 but Angle, compression due to bending (both criteria should be satisfied) 28 g Not applicable but Axial compression Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement (2)(3) Class 1 plastic Outstand element of Cold formed compression flange Welded Internal element of compression flange Limiting value (1) ≥ 28 g but ≥ 28 g Not applicable 69 g 14.1ε kσ but ≥ 28 g For axial compression only, kσ =4 b/t 8.5 g 9.5 g 11 g d/t 8.5 g 9.5 g 11 g b/t Single angle, or double angles with the components separated, axial compression (all three criteria should be satisfied) 11 g d/t 16.8 g t Outstand leg of an angle in contact back-to-back in a double angle member Outstand leg of an angle with its back in continuous contact with another component Compression due to Circular hollow bending sections Axial compression Grade g 11 g Not applicable b+ d b/t 8.5 g 9.5 g 11.0 g D/t 41 g2 58 g2 234 g2 D/t Not applicable 74 g2 1.4307 1.4301 1.4401/1.4404 1.4362 1.4462 (304L) (304) (316/316L) (SAF 2304) (2205) 1.16 1.13 1.10 0.819 0.764 Notes (1) Dimensions b, d, D and t are as defined in Figure 3.2. For a rectangular hollow section b is the flange dimension and d the web depth, where the distinction between webs and flanges depends upon whether the section is bent about its major axis or its minor axis, see Section 3.8.2. (2) Check webs for shear buckling when d / t ≥ 39.5ε (Section 4.4.5) 275 E (3) ε = py 205000 (4) k σ = [ (1+ ψ ) 0.5 where py is the design strength and E is 200,000 N/mm2 (see Section 2.2.2) 16 2 + 0.112 (1 − ψ ) 2 ] 0.5 + (1 + ψ kσ = 5.98 (1 − ψ)2 ) for -1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 for -2 ≤ ψ ≤ -1 (5) The stress ratio r1 is defined in Section 3.8.3. 28 and ψ is defined in Figure 3.3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... σ1 C T ψ= Figure 3.3 σ2 σ1 σ2 Definition of ratio ψ Note: In this figure F2 is negative, hence R is negative. When F1 and F2 are compressive, R will be positive. 3.8.3 Stress ratio for classification The stress ratio r1 used in Table 3.1 should be determined from the following: (a) for I or H–sections with equal flanges: r1 = Fc dtp yw but − 1 < r1 ≤ 1 (3.6) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement (b) for I or H-sections with unequal flanges: r1 = ( B t T t − B c T c ) p yf Fc + dtp yw dtp yw but − 1 < r1 ≤ 1 (3.7) (c) for RHS or welded box sections with equal flanges: r1 = Fc 2 dtp yw but − 1 < r1 ≤ 1 (3.8) where: Ag is the gross cross-sectional area Bc is the width of the tension flange Bt is the width of the tension flange d is the web depth Fc is the axial compression (negative for tension) pyf is the design strength of the flange, (py is as defined in Section 2.2.2) pyw is the design strength of the web (but pyw ≤ pyf) (py is as defined in Section 2.2.2) Tc is the thickness of the compression flange Tt is the thickness of tension flange t is the web thickness. 29 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 3.8.4 Slender cross-sections The local buckling resistance of class 4 slender cross-sections may be allowed for in design by adopting effective section properties. The effective area of a slender cross-section in compression and/or bending, Aeff, is the gross area of the cross-section minus the sum of the ineffective areas of each slender element making up the cross-section. The effective area of each slender element is the effective breadth beff calculated from Table 3.2 multiplied by the element thickness. When the cross-section is subject to bending, an effective moment of inertia Ieff and effective section modulus Zeff also need to be calculated. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For singly symmetric and unsymmetric cross-sections, due allowance should be made for the additional moments induced in the member due to the shift of the centroid of the effective cross-section compared to the gross cross-section (see also Section 8.3.3). These additional moments are obtained by assuming that the axial compressive force Fc acts at the centroid of the gross cross-section, but is resisted by an equal and opposite force acting at the centroid of the effective cross-section that corresponds to the case of a uniform stress equal to the design strength py acting throughout its effective cross-sectional area. The additional moments should be taken into account in the checks on cross-section capacity and member buckling resistance given in Section 4, except where a more onerous condition occurs if they are omitted. 30 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 3.2 Effective width of slender elements Type of element Type of section Outstand element of compression flange Welded ρ= All sections ρ= ρ = Effective width 19 b tε Cold formed Internal element of compression flange Effective width factor(1) + 8.8 b eff 19 b +8 tε b b eff = ρ b 44 b + 16 tε 0.5b eff b 0.5b eff b eff = ρ b Web with neutral axis at mid-depth(2)(3) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Webs generally(2)(3) All sections All sections Web where whole All sections section is subject to compression ρ = ρ= ρ = 106 d + 37 tε C 0.4beff 0.6b eff 21.8 kσ d + 7.7 kσ tε 44 d tε dc d b eff = ρ d c = ρd/(1 - ψ) 0.5b eff + 16 T d 0.5b eff b eff = ρ d Legs of single angles under uniform compression Outstand legs of double angles connected back-to-back All sections ρ =the lesser of 19 28.8 or b b+d +8 +12 tε tε Cold formed ρ= 19 b +8 tε b eff b or d b eff = ρ b or ρ d b eff b b eff = ρ b Notes 1) Dimensions b, d, t are as defined in Figure 3.2. g is defined in Table 3.1. 2) kσ and R are as defined in Table 3.1 and Figure 3.3. 3) When calculating the effective width of flange elements, the value of ψ should be determined for the gross section. The effective width of a web element should be based on the stress ratio, ψ, determined for a cross-section comprising the effective area of the compression flange and the gross area of the web and tension flange. 31 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 4 4.1 DESIGN OF MEMBERS Introduction The design checks required for stainless steel members are similar to those carried out for carbon steel members. It is recommended that the forces and moments in the members are derived from an elastic global analysis. In verifying the adequacy of the structure to carry the forces, consideration should be given to overall buckling of members, in addition to the cross-sectional capacity. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement A possible design approach for checking against buckling in stainless steel members is to use the tangent modulus (corresponding to the buckling stress) instead of the initial modulus (as used in carbon steel rules). Assuming similar levels of geometric and residual stress imperfections in carbon steel and stainless steel members, this generally leads to satisfactory results when it is based on validated carbon steel rules. This approach is therefore available to the designer but it requires iterative solution techniques and therefore has been avoided in this guide, for simplicity. In some cases it has been used to derive effective design curves for use with the initial modulus, thereby removing the need for the designer to perform the iterations. The design strength, py, should be obtained by one of the methods outlined in Section 2.2.2. The Sections below which deal with buckling strength are intended for use with single, double or point-symmetric uniform sections. The buckling resistance of members not possessing any longitudinal plane or axis of symmetry should be verified by tests. Further information on testing stainless steel structural elements is given in the Euro Inox Design Manual for Structural Stainless Steel[23]. 4.2 Tension members Members subject to tension only do not suffer any instability due to buckling. The design of such members needs therefore to be based only on the cross-section capacity, usually at the connections (see Section 5). The capacity, Pt, of a cross-section subject to uniform tensile stresses is given by: Pt= py Ae (4.1) where Ae is the sum of the effective net areas of all the elements of the cross-section, as determined from Section 3.4. When members are connected eccentrically to the axis of the member, the resulting moment should be allowed for (see Section 4.5). However, angles, channels and T-sections with eccentric end connections may be treated simply as axially loaded by using a reduced tension capacity. For a simple tie consisting of a single angle connected through one leg only, a single channel connected only through the web or a T-section connected only through the flange, the tension capacity is given by: For bolted connections: Pt= py (Ae – 0.5a2) 32 (4.2) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... For welded connections: Pt= py (Ag – 0.3a2) (4.3) where: Ag is the gross cross-sectional area a2 = Ag − a1 a1 is the gross area of the connected element, taken as the product of its thickness and the overall leg width for an angle, the overall depth for a channel or the flange width for a T-section py is as defined in Section 2.2.2. For a simple tie consisting of two angles connected through one leg only, two channels connected only through the web, or two T-sections connected only through the flange, the tension capacity is given as follows: Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement a) b) If the tie is connected to both sides of a gusset or section and the components are interconnected by bolts or welds and held apart and longitudinally parallel by battens or sold packing pieces in at least two locations within their length, the tension capacity per component should be obtained from: For bolted connections: Pt= py (Ae – 0.25a2) (4.4) For welded connections: Pt= py (Ag – 0.15a2) (4.5) If the components are both connected to the same side of a gusset or member, or not interconnected as given in a), the tension capacity per component should be taken as given in expressions (4.2) and 4.3). 4.3 Compression members 4.3.1 Introduction In general, members in compression are susceptible to three possible overall buckling modes: • flexural buckling, about either the major or the minor principal axis • torsional buckling about the longitudinal axis • torsional-flexural buckling. The critical failure mode depends on the symmetry and dimensions of the cross-section, and also on the effective lengths of the member about the various axes. In conventional design of carbon steel hot rolled sections, only flexural buckling is critical for compression members because of the geometry and thickness of the section elements. In cold formed sections, however, the members may be weak in torsion owing to the thinness of the material. Thus, it is generally necessary to consider the effect of torsion in establishing the critical failure mode for members in compression. Doubly symmetric cross-sections (CHS, RHS, I sections, etc.) Doubly symmetric cross-sections need not be checked for torsional-flexural buckling since the shear centre coincides with the centroid of the cross-section. Circular and square hollow sections will not fail by torsional-flexural or torsional buckling. 33 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... For the range of rectangular hollow section sizes typically used in construction, torsional buckling will not be critical. (Torsional buckling in rectangular hollow sections need only be considered for sections with unusually high D/B ratios.) Singly symmetric cross-sections (angles, channels, etc.) It is necessary to check sections such as single channels and angles for torsional-flexural buckling, as the shear centre does not coincide with the centroid of the cross-section. Point symmetric cross-sections (Z-sections, cruciform sections, etc.) Torsional buckling will be the critical buckling mode for these sections. Note that slender sections which are not doubly symmetric should be checked for the additional bending moment caused by the shift in the neutral axis of the effective section (see Section 4.5.2). 4.3.2 Local capacity of the cross-section Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The capacity of a cross-section subject to compression with a resultant acting through the centroid of the gross section (class 1, 2 or 3) or the effective section (class 4), Psq, may be taken as: Psq = Ag py for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections (4.6) Psq = Aeff py for class 4 cross-sections (4.7) where: Ag is the gross cross-sectional area Aeff is as defined in Section 3.8.4 py is as defined in Section 2.2.2. 4.3.3 Buckling of axially compressed members The compression resistance of a member, Pc, may be taken as: Pc = χ β c A g p y (4.8) where: βc χ = 1 for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections = Aeff /Ag for class 4 slender cross-sections is a reduction factor, which may be determined from either Figure 4.1 or Table 4.1. In general, the reduction factor, χ, depends on: • the non-dimensional slenderness of the gross section, λ • whether the section is welded or cold formed • the mode of buckling. It can be seen from Table 4.1 and Figure 4.2 that different curves are applicable to the different modes of buckling. It is therefore necessary to calculate values for χ for each buckling mode in order to determine which mode is critical. 34 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... The non-dimensional slenderness, λ is given by: λ Psq = β c Ag p y = PE (4.9) PE where: PE is the elastic buckling load of the member in compression. For buckling about the x- or y-axis (i.e. major or minor axis), PE is given by Px or Py. For torsional buckling (about the longitudinal, z-axis) PE is given by Pz and for torsional-flexural buckling it is given by Pxz. Expressions for the elastic buckling load are: 2 Px = π EIx (4.10) 2 L Ex 2 Py = Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Pz = π EIy (4.11) 2 L Ey 2 1 π E H + G J 2 2 r 0 L Ez (4.12) but for hollow sections, the warping constant H is small, so P z ≈ P xz = ( ) 1 P + Pz − 2 β x ( Px + Pz )2 GJ 2 r0 − 4 β P x P z (4.13) and x β = 1 − 0 r0 2 (4.14) r0 = rx2 + ry2 + x02 (4.15) where: Px, Py are the elastic flexural buckling loads of the member in compression about the x- and y- axes Pz is the elastic torsional buckling load of the member in compression about the z-axis Pxz is the elastic torsional flexural buckling load of the member in compression rx, ry are the radii of gyration of cross-section about the x and y axes respectively xo is the distance of shear centre from centroid of cross-section along the x-axis. LEx,Ey are the effective lengths corresponding to buckling about the x- or yaxis 35 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... LEz is the effective length corresponding to longitudinal twisting (for struts with concentric connections, LEz can conservatively be taken as the larger of Lx and Ly) G is the shear modulus which can be taken as 76,900 N/mm2 H is the warping constant (which can be obtained from published tables or see below for flanged sections) J is the torsional constant (which can be obtained from published tables or see below for flanged sections). The effective length LE of a compression member with both ends effectively held in position laterally at the centroid may conservatively be taken as equal to its actual length. Alternatively, the effective length may be determined by reference to carbon steel rules in accordance with Table 22, BS 5950-1[10]. Note that, for a flanged section, the warping constant, H and torsional constant J can be obtained from the expressions given in Figure 4.2. Torsional and torsional-flexural buckling 1.0 Reduction factor χ Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For angles, the x and y axes should be taken as the u and v axes respectively. For mono-symmetric sections, the x-axis should be taken as the axis of symmetry (this will not always be the principal major axis) and the y-axis is the axis normal to the axis of symmetry (this will not always be the principal minor axis). For point-symmetric sections, the x-axis should be taken as the major principal axis. Flexural buckling - welded open sections 0.9 Flexural buckling - cold formed open sections and hollow sections 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Non-dimensional slenderness λ Figure 4.1 Buckling curves for flexural, torsional and torsional-flexural buckling of compression members 36 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 4.1 Reduction factor χ for buckling of compression members Buckling reduction factor P Flexural buckling Hollow sections and cold formed open Welded open sections sections 1.000 1.000 0.924 1.000 0.850 1.000 0.774 0.940 0.710 0.875 0.643 0.805 0.580 0.731 0.521 0.657 0.467 0.585 0.419 0.520 0.376 0.461 0.339 0.410 0.306 0.366 0.277 0.328 0.251 0.295 0.229 0.266 0.209 0.241 0.192 0.220 0.177 0.201 0.163 0.184 0.151 0.169 0.140 0.156 0.130 0.145 0.121 0.134 0.113 0.125 0.106 0.117 0.100 0.109 0.094 0.102 0.088 0.096 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement λ Torsional and torsional-flexural buckling 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 Note: The buckling curves are derived from the following expressions: 1 ϕ = 0.5 1 + α λ − λ0 + λ χ = ≤ 1 0 .5 2 ϕ + ϕ −λ2 [ ( ] ( ) 1.000 0.964 0.926 0.884 0.837 0.784 0.725 0.661 0.597 0.535 0.478 0.427 0.382 0.342 0.308 0.278 0.252 0.229 0.210 0.192 0.177 0.163 0.151 0.140 0.130 0.121 0.113 0.106 0.099 2 ) α is the imperfection factor and λ 0 is the limiting slenderness For hollow sections and cold formed open sections α=0.49 and λ0 =0.40 For welded open sections α=0.76 and λ0 =0.20 For torsional and torsional-flexural buckling (cold formed and welded sections) α=0.34 and λ0 =0.20 b1 T1 H = d ds tw J = d s 2 T1 T 2 b 1 3 b 2 3 ( 3 12 T 1 b 1 + T 2 b 2 3 ) 1 3 (T1 b1 + T2 3 b2 + t w 3 d ) 3 (4.16) (4.17) T b2 Figure 4.2 Warping and torsional constants for asymmetrical plate girders 2 37 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 4.4 Members in bending A member is in simple bending under loads acting normal to the longitudinal axis if it is connected in such a way that there is no tensile or compressive end loading and that the loads and reactions act through the shear centre (i.e. there is no twisting). The following criteria should be considered when designing a beam in simple bending: • Yielding of the cross-section • Local buckling (slender section only) • Lateral-torsional buckling • Shear capacity and shear buckling • Local strength at points of loading or reaction • Deflection at the Serviceability Limit State. The effects of shear lag and flange curling may also have to be considered in design depending on the member geometry, see Sections 3.6 and 3.7. For design of members subject to combined loading, see Section 4.5. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 4.4.1 Cross-sections subject to shear The shear capacity, Pv, of a cross-section may generally be taken as: Pv = 0.6 py Av (4.18) where: Av Ag is the shear area, which may be calculated in accordance with BS 5950-1, clause 4.2.3 as: a) channel sections, load parallel to web tD b) welded I sections, load parallel to web td c) rectangular hollow sections, load parallel to webs AgD/(D+B) d) welded box sections, load parallel to webs 2td e) circular hollow sections 0.6Ag f) solid bars and plates 0.9Ag is the gross cross-sectional area B, D, d and t are defined in Figure 3.2 py is as defined in Section 2.2.2. In circular, square and rectangular hollow sections, the shear area should be assumed to be located adjacent to the neutral axis. The resistance to shear buckling should be checked when d / t ≥ 39.5ε (see Section 4.4.5). 38 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 4.4.2 Cross-sections subject to bending moment and low shear Where the applied design shear force Fv ≤ 0.6 Pv, the moment capacity, Mc, of a cross-section should be taken as: class 1 or class 2 cross-sections: Mc = py S (4.19) class 3 cross-sections: Mc = py Z (4.20) class 4 cross-sections: Mc = py Zeff (4.21) where: S is the plastic section modulus of the cross-section Z is the elastic section modulus of the cross-section Zeff is the effective section modulus of a class 4 slender cross-section (see Section 3.8.4). To avoid irreversible deformation at serviceability, the value of Mc for plastic and compact cross-sections should be limited to 1.2pyZ for simply supported beams and cantilevers. For other cases, a general limit of 1.5pyZ should be applied; a full explanation is given in the Advisory Desk Note, AD195[24]. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 4.4.3 Cross-sections subject to bending moment and high shear Where Fv > 0.6 Pv, the design moment capacity, Mc, of a cross-section should be taken as: class 1 or class 2 cross-sections: M c = p y (S − ρ S v class 3 cross-sections: M c = p y ( Z − ρ S v 1.5 ) class 4 cross-sections: M c = p y ( Z eff − ρ S v 1.5 ) (4.24) where ) ρ = [ 2 ( F v Pv ) − 1 ] 2 (4.22) (4.23) (4.25) For sections with equal flanges, Sv is the plastic modulus of the shear area Av. For sections with unequal flanges, Sv should be taken as the plastic modulus of the gross section less the plastic modulus of that part of the section remaining after deduction of the shear area. 4.4.4 Lateral-torsional buckling The possibility of lateral-torsional buckling may be discounted in the following instances: • where bending takes place about the minor axis only • for circular and square hollow sections, and circular and square solid bars • for beams laterally restrained throughout their length by adequate means • where the lateral slenderness parameter λ LT < 0.4 (see below). 39 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... In all other cases (i.e. in unrestrained beams subject to major axis moment Mx) every segment length between lateral restraints must satisfy the following conditions: M x ≤ M b m LT M x ≤ M cx and (4.26) where: Mcx is the moment capacity of the section from Section 4.4.2 Mb is the buckling resistance moment mLT is the equivalent uniform moment factor for lateral-torsional buckling. This takes account of the fact that the theory from which Mb is obtained assumes a uniform moment throughout the segment. Values of mLT are given in Table 18 of BS 5950-1. The buckling resistance moment, Mb is given by: Mb = χLT β W Sx py ≤ M cx (4.27) where: βW = 1 for plastic or compact cross-sections Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement = Zx /Sx for semi-compact cross-sections = Zx eff /Sx for slender cross-sections. χLT is a reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling, which may be determined from either Figure 4.3 or Table 4.2. The reduction factor χLT depends on the non-dimensional slenderness of the beam, λ LT and the type of section. The non-dimensionless slenderness λ LT is defined as λ LT = λ LT py π E (4.28) and λLT is the equivalent slenderness, as defined in BS 5950-1, clause The value of λLT is given by: λ LT = uvλ βW (4.29) = L E / ry (4.30) where: λ LE is the effective length for lateral torsional buckling, as defined in BS 5950-1, clause 4.3.5 ry is the radius of gyration about the minor axis u is the buckling parameter v is the slenderness factor, as defined in BS 5950-1, clause Table 4.2 and Figure 4.3 show the buckling curves (χLT versus λ LT ) for lateral torsional buckling. The imperfection factor α may be taken as 0.34 for cold formed sections and as 0.76 for welded sections. λ0 should be taken as 0.4. 40 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Note that for single angles, the applied moments should be resolved into moments about the principal u-and v-axes. Guidance on calculating λLT for single angles can be obtained from BS 5950-1, clause B.2.9. The angle will also need to be checked for the effects of biaxial bending in accordance with Section 4.5. Table 4.2 Reduction factor χLT for buckling of bending members Buckling reduction factor PLT Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement λ LT Cold formed sections Welded sections 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.957 0.908 0.851 0.785 0.713 0.639 0.568 0.503 0.446 0.396 0.354 0.317 0.285 0.258 0.234 0.213 0.195 0.179 0.165 0.152 0.141 0.131 0.122 0.114 0.107 0.100 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.910 0.822 0.737 0.656 0.582 0.515 0.457 0.406 0.362 0.324 0.292 0.263 0.239 0.217 0.199 0.182 0.168 0.155 0.143 0.133 0.124 0.116 0.108 0.101 0.095 0.090 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 Note: The buckling curves are derived from the following expressions: χLT = [ 1 2 ϕ LT + ϕLT − λLT ] 2 0.5 ≤ 1 ( ( ) ϕ LT = 0.5 1 + α λLT − λ 0 + λLT 2 α is the imperfection factor and λ0 is the limiting slenderness For cold formed sections α=0.34 and λ0 =0.40 For welded sections α=0.76 and λ0 =0.40 41 ) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Reduction factor χ LT Discuss me ... 1.0 0.9 Lateral torsional buckling - welded sections 0.8 0.7 Lateral torsional buckling - cold formed sections 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 Non-dimensional slenderness λ LT Figure 4.3 Buckling curves for lateral-torsional buckling Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 4.4.5 Shear buckling resistance of webs Where the ratio d / t ≥ 17.1 ε kτ for transversely stiffened webs, or d / t ≥ 39.5 ε for unstiffened webs, the shear capacity may be limited by the shear buckling resistance. The parameter kτ is defined in expressions (4.37) and (4.38) below. The following approach for determining the shear buckling resistance is based on the guidance in Eurocode 3 Part 1.5[25]. The shear buckling resistance Vb of a web may be obtained from: V b = (V w + V f ) , but Vb ≤ Pv (4.31) where: Vw is the simple shear buckling resistance Vf is the flange-dependent shear buckling resistance (for simplicity, Vf can be neglected) The simple shear buckling resistance, Vw, can be obtained from: Vw = d t q w (4.32) in which q w = χ w p yw / 3 where: qw is the shear buckling strength of the web χw is a reduction factor for simple shear buckling resistance d is the clear web depth between flanges (refer to the plate girder in Figure 3.2) t is the thickness of the web 42 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... is the design strength of the web (py is as defined in Section 2.2.2). pyw For webs with transverse stiffeners at the supports, with or without intermediate transverse stiffeners, χw is related to the slenderness parameter λ w as follows: λw ≤ 0.5 , χw = 1.0 λw > 0.5 , χw = 0.11 + (4.33) 0.64 λw − 0.05 λw 2 (4.34) For webs with transverse stiffeners only at the supports, the slenderness parameter λ w may be taken as: λw = d 78.9 t ε (4.35) For webs with transverse stiffeners at the supports and intermediate transverse stiffeners, the slenderness parameter λ w may be taken as: Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement λw = d 34.2 t ε kτ (4.36) For webs with transverse stiffeners at the supports and at intermediate spacing a, such that the panel aspect ratio a/d < 1: kτ = 4 + 5.34 (4.37) (a / d ) 2 For webs with transverse stiffeners at the supports and at intermediate spacing a, such that the panel aspect ratio a/d > 1: k τ = 5.34 + 4 (4.38) (a / d ) 2 If the flange resistance is not completely utilized in withstanding the bending moment (M < Mf, where M is the applied moment and Mf is the moment capacity of the flanges alone), then a contribution Vf from the flanges may be included in the shear buckling resistance. For symmetric plate girders (without lipped flanges) this is obtained from: = Vf ( 2b + t ) T 2 p yf M 1 − c M f 2 (4.39) where: c pyf = 3.5 ( 2b + t )T 2 p yf 0.17 + td 2 p yw a is the design strength of flange b and T are defined in Figure 3.2. 43 c / a ≤ 0.65 (4.40) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... If an axial force F is also applied, the value of Mf, should be reduced by a factor: 1 − F [ Af 1 + A f 2 ] p yf (4.41) where Af1 and Af2 are the areas of the flanges 4.4.6 Web bearing, crippling and buckling Provided that the flanges are laterally restrained, the resistance of an unstiffened web to forces from concentrated loads or support reactions will be governed by one of three possible failure modes: • bearing of the web close to the flange, accompanied by plastic deformation of the flange, • crippling of the web, in the form of localised buckling and crushing of the web close to the flange, accompanied by plastic deformation of the flange, • buckling of the web over most of the depth of the member. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For cold formed structural sections, the guidance in BS 5950-5, clause 5.3 for carbon steel can be adopted[26]. For welded structural sections, the following approach should be adopted, based on the guidance in Eurocode 3 Part 1.5[25]. The design transverse force, Fx should not exceed the resistance of the web to transverse forces, i.e.: Fx ≤ p yw L eff t (4.42) where Leff is the effective length for resistance to transverse forces, and is a function of the stiff bearing length, b1 and effective loaded length, ly. Leff is determined from the following rules that are applicable for welded girders provided that the flanges are held in position in the lateral direction either by their own stiffness or by bracings. In addition the effect of the transverse force on the moment resistance of the member should be considered. To determine Leff, a distinction should be made between three types of force application, as follows: • Forces applied through one flange and resisted by shear forces in the web (Figure 4.4, Type a). • Forces applied to one flange and transferred through the web directly to the other flange (Figure 4.4, Type b). • Forces applied through one flange close to an unstiffened end (Figure 4.4, Type c). 44 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Type a Type b Fx Fx b1 F V1 d kF = 6 + 2 a Figure 4.4 Type c Fx b1 F V2 2 d kF = 3.5 + 2 a be 2 b1 F b + be kF = 2 + 6 1 ≤6 d Buckling coefficients for different types of force application Length of stiff bearing The length of stiff bearing, b1, on the flange is the distance over which the applied force is effectively distributed and it may be determined by dispersion of load through solid steel material at a slope of 1:1, see Figure 4.5. However, b1 should not be taken as larger than d. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement If several concentrated loads are closely spaced, the resistance should be checked for each individual load as well as for the total load with b1 as the centre-to-centre distance between outer loads. 45° 45° Fx Fx Fx Fx Fx tf b1 Figure 4.5 b1 b1 b1 b1=0 Length of stiff bearing, b1 Effective loaded length The effective loaded length ly should be calculated using two dimensionless parameters m1 and m2 obtained from: p yf ( 2 b + t ) = m1 (4.43) p yw t λ F > 0.5 , m2 = d 0.02 T λ F ≤ 0.5 , m2 = 0 2 (4.44) For types a) and b) in Figure 4.4, ly should be obtained using ly = [ b1 + 2T 1 + m1 + m 2 ] (4.45) For type c) ly should be obtained as the smaller of the expressions (4.45), (4.46) and (4.47). However, b1 in expression (4.45) should be taken as zero if the 45 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... structure that introduces the force does not follow the slope of the girder, see Figure 4.5. ly = le +T ly = le +T le + 2 T m1 2 + m2 m1 + m 2 (4.46) (4.47) where le is given by k F Et 2 = le ≤ 2 pyw d b1 + be (4.48) Effective length of resistance The effective length of resistance should be obtained from: = L eff χ F ly (4.49) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where: χF = λF = F cr = 0.5 λF ≤ 1.0 l y t p yw (4.51) F cr 0.9 k F E (4.50) t 3 (4.52) d where: kF is the buckling coefficient for different types of force application (Figure 4.4) ly is the effective loaded length. 4.4.7 Transverse stiffeners Transverse stiffeners at supports and at positions where significant external forces are applied should preferably be double-sided and symmetric about the centreline of the web. These stiffeners should be checked for cross-section crushing and buckling. Intermediate stiffeners not subject to external forces need only be checked for buckling. The effective cross-section to be used in the buckling check should include a width of web plate either side of the stiffener equal to 11 εt but not greater than the actual width of web available (e.g. at the end of a member) nor greater than 0.5 a where a is the spacing of transverse stiffeners. The buckling resistance of symmetric stiffeners may be determined from Section 4.3.3 using α= 0.76, λ0 = 0.2 and an effective length of not less than 0.75 d, or more if appropriate for the conditions of restraint (e.g. for intermediate stiffeners not joined to both flanges). For single-sided or other asymmetric stiffeners the resulting eccentricity should be allowed for using Section 4.5.2. 46 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... At supports or at intermediate positions where significant loads are applied, the buckling resistance should at least be equal to the reaction or applied load. At other intermediate positions, the compression force Fq in the stiffener may be calculated from: = Fq Fv − Vw (4.53) where: Fv is the shear force in the member Vw is defined in Section 4.4.5. The above expression should be evaluated ignoring the presence of the stiffener. The second moment of area of an intermediate stiffener cross-section, ITS should satisfy the following: For a/d < 2, I TS ≥ 1.5 d 3 t 3 / a 2 (4.54) For a/d ≥ 2, I TS ≥ 0.75 d t 3 (4.55) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 4.4.8 Deflection calculations The deflection of elastic beams (i.e. those not containing a plastic hinge) may be estimated by standard structural theory, except that the secant modulus of elasticity appropriate to the stress level in the beam should be used instead of Young’s modulus. The non-linear material stress-strain curve (Figure 2.1) implies that the stiffness of a stainless steel component varies with the stress level, the stiffness decreasing as the stress increases. Consequently, deflections are greater than those for carbon steels and it is necessary to use a reduced modulus to predict the behaviour of members in which high stresses occur. Using standard structural theory but with the secant modulus corresponding to the highest level of stress is a conservative method of estimating deflections. For slender cross-sections and/or members subject to shear lag, an effective section should be used in the calculations. A first estimate would be to use the effective section based on the effective widths established in Section 3.8.4. This can be refined by using an effective section based on the actual stress in the elements by taking ε in Table 3.1 as: ε 275 E f 205,000 = 0.5 (4.56) where f is the actual stress in the element based on the effective cross-section. The secant modulus, Es, to be used in deflection calculations should be ascertained for the member with respect to the rolling direction. If the orientation is not known, or cannot be ensured, then the lesser value of Es should be assumed. The value of the secant modulus may be obtained as follows: Es = E st + E sc (4.57) 2 47 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... where Est and Esc are the secant moduli corresponding to the stress in the tension flange and compression flange respectively. Values of Est and Esc for a given stress ratio may be read from Table 4.4 using linear interpolation as necessary. Alternatively, values of the secant moduli Est and Esc for the appropriate orientation and stress ratio can be estimated from the following equation using the constants given in Table 4.3. Est = E f 1 + k t p y Esc n −1 = E f 1 + k c p y (4.58) n −1 where: Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement ft and fc are the actual values of stress, f, in the tension and compression flange respectively E = 200,000 N/mm2 k = 0.002 Table 4.3 E py (4.59) Values of constants to be used for determining secant moduli Grade n py N/mm2 k 1.4301 (304) 210 1.90 1.4307 (304L) 200 2.00 1.4541 (321) 200 2.00 1.4401 (316) 220 1.82 1.4404 (316L) 220 1.82 1.4571 (320) 220 1.82 1.4462 (2205) 460 0.87 Longitudinal direction Transverse direction 6.5 8.5 7.0 9.0 5.0 5.0 Note: It is conservative to use the values for n corresponding to the longitudinal direction. 48 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 4.4 Secant modulus Es for deflection calculations Secant modulus Es (kN/mm2) Stress ratio (f/py) Grade 1.4301 (304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Longitudinal direction Grade 1.4401 (316) Transverse Longitudinal Transverse direction direction direction Grade 1.4462 (duplex 2205) Either direction 0.00 200 200 200 200 200 0.20 200 200 200 200 200 0.25 200 200 200 200 199 0.30 199 200 200 200 199 0.35 199 200 199 200 197 0.40 198 200 199 200 196 0.42 197 199 198 200 195 0.44 196 199 197 199 194 0.46 195 199 197 199 193 0.48 193 198 196 199 191 0.50 192 198 194 199 190 0.52 190 197 193 198 188 0.54 188 196 191 197 186 0.56 185 195 189 197 184 0.58 183 194 187 195 182 0.60 179 192 184 194 180 0.62 176 190 181 192 177 0.64 172 187 178 190 175 0.66 168 184 174 188 172 0.68 163 181 170 185 169 0.70 158 177 165 181 165 0.72 152 172 160 177 162 0.74 147 167 154 172 159 0.76 141 161 148 166 155 Note: f is the (unfactored) SLS stress 4.5 Members subject to combined loading 4.5.1 Axial tension and bending Tension members with moments should be checked for resistance to lateral torsional buckling in accordance with Section 4.4.4 under the moment alone. They should also be checked for capacity under the combined effects of axial load and moment at the points of maximum bending moment and axial load. The following relationship should be satisfied (this check is in accordance with BS 5950-1, clause Ft Ae p y + Mx M cx + My M cy ≤ 1 where: Ft is the axial tensile load in the member at the critical location Ae is the effective net area (see Section 3.4) 49 (4.60) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Mx is the moment about the major axis at the critical section Mcx is the moment capacity about the major axis in the absence of axial load (Sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3) My is the moment about the minor axis at the critical section Mcy is the moment capacity about the minor axis in the absence of axial load (Sections 4.4.2 and 4.4.3). Alternatively, the more exact method in BS 5950-1, clause can be applied for class 1 and class 2 cross-sections. 4.5.2 Axial compression and bending Compression members with moments should be checked for local capacity at the points of greatest bending moment and axial load. The member should also be checked for overall buckling. The following relationship should be satisfied (local capacity check): For plastic, compact and semi-compact sections: Fc Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Ag p y + Mx M cx + My M cy ≤ 1 (4.61) For slender sections: Fc M + Fc ex M y + Fc e y + x + Aeff p y M cx M cy ≤ 1 (4.62) where: ex and ey are the shifts in the neutral axis of the effective cross-section when the cross-section is subject to uniform compression (Figure 8.2). For doubly symmetric slender cross-sections, both ex and ey are zero. Aeff is the effective cross-sectional area from 3.8.4 Ag is the gross cross-sectional area Fc is the axial compressive load in the member at the critical location Mx, My, Mcx and Mcy are as defined in Section 4.5.1 (see Section 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 for determination of Mcx and Mcy). In addition, the combined effects of compressive loads and bending moments should be checked in accordance with the following equations to prevent major and minor axis buckling and lateral torsional buckling: (a) Fc Pc Fc Pc1 For plastic, compact or semi-compact sections + + mx Mx py Z x + mLT MLT Mb my My py Z y + my My py Z y ≤ 1 ≤ 50 (4.63) 1 (4.64) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... (b) For slender sections Fc mx M x + Fc ex m y M y + Fc e y + + Pc p y Z x eff p y Z y eff ≤ Fc mLT M LT + Fc ex m y M y + Fc e y + + Pc1 Mb p y Z y eff 1 ≤ (4.65) 1 (4.66) where: Mb is the buckling resistance from 4.4.4 MLT is the maximum major axis moment in the segment length L governing Mb Mx is the maximum major axis moment in the segment length Lx governing Pcx My is the maximum minor axis moment in the segment length Ly governing Pcy Pc is the smallest of Pcx, Pcy, Pcz and Pcxz (see Section 4.3.3) Pc1 is the smallest of Pcy, Pcz and Pcxz Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement mx, my and mLT are equivalent uniform moment factors which should be based upon the pattern of moments over the relevant segment length mLT is the equivalent uniform moment factor relating to the pattern of major axis moment over the segment length LLT governing Mb and is obtained from Table 18 in BS 5950-1 mx is the equivalent uniform moment factor relating to the pattern of major axis moment over the segment length Lx governing Pcx and obtained from Table 26 in BS 5950-1 my is the equivalent uniform moment factor relating to the pattern of minor axis moment over the segment length Ly governing Pcy and obtained from Table 26 in BS 5950-1 LLT is the segment length between restraints against lateral-torsional buckling Lx is the segment length between restraints against flexural buckling about the major axis Ly is the segment length between restraints against flexural buckling about the minor axis ex and ey are as defined above. Alternatively, the more exact methods in BS 5950-1, clauses and can be applied. 4.5.3 Biaxial bending Members subject to moments about both axes in the absence of tensile or compressive axial force should be designed in accordance with 4.5.2 taking values of Fc as zero. 51 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 5 DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS 5.1 Design considerations and assumptions The design of stainless steel connections requires particular attention to maintain optimum corrosion resistance for connections that may become wet. The use of carbon steel bolts with stainless steel structural elements should always be avoided. In situations where the connection is likely to be exposed to moisture, provision should be made to isolate carbon steel and stainless steel elements to prevent bimetallic corrosion. In welded connections involving carbon and stainless steels, it is generally recommended that any paint system applied to the carbon steel should extend over the weldment and onto the stainless steel by a few centimetres. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The general principles of good detailing practice applicable to carbon steels also apply to stainless steels and connections should be designed for ease of fabrication, erection and requirements for subsequent inspection and maintenance. Where a connection is subject to impact, vibration, or frequent reversal of significant stress, welding is the preferred method of joining. These connections should also be checked for the effects of fatigue. 5.2 Bolted connections 5.2.1 General The recommendations of Section 5.2 apply to connections with bolts in clearance holes where shear, tension or a combination of shear and tension is to be carried. It is good practice to provide washers under both the bolt head and the nut. Shear forces are transferred by bearing between the bolts and the connected parts. Reliance on shear resistance by frictional forces, as in the case of friction grip bolted joints used in carbon steel structures, should be avoided in stainless steel (see Section 5.4). The strength of a connection is to be taken as the lesser of the strength of the connected parts and that of the fasteners. Holes can be formed by drilling or punching. However, punching may introduce crevices that can increase the susceptibility to localised corrosion in corrosive environments. The maximum clearances in standard holes are: • 1 mm for M12 and M14 bolts (M14 is non standard) • 2 mm for M16 to M24 bolts • 3 mm for M27 and larger bolts The following limitations on edge distance, end distance and bolt spacing should be observed (Figure 5.1 defines the notation): 52 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 1.4D ≤ e1 kD ≤ e2 p1 ≥ 2.5d p2 ≥ 3.0d ≤ the lesser of 11εt and 150 mm ≤ the lesser of 11εt and 150 mm where: t is the thickness of the thinner outside ply d is the nominal diameter of the bolt D is the diameter of the hole k = 1.4 for a sheared or hand flame cut edge k = 1.25 for a rolled, machine flame cut, sawn or planed edge. p1 Direction of Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement e2 p2 load transfer Figure 5.1 e1 Edge distance, end distance and bolt spacing These minimum distances are specified to prevent plate tearout and to allow sufficient clearance for tools to install the bolts. The limits are broadly consistent with BS 5950-1[10]. The maximum spacing of bolts in any direction should be such that local compressive buckling of the plies is prevented. The guidance in BS 5950-1, clause may be followed. Block shear failure through a group of bolt holes at a free edge should be prevented by following the guidance in BS 5950-1, clause 6.2.4. This mode of failure consists of failure in shear at the row of bolt holes along the shear face of the hole group, accompanied by tensile rupture along the line of bolt holes on the tension face of the hole group. It is rarely critical for standard types of details. 5.2.2 Design strength (a) Shear capacity The shear capacity of a bolt, Psb, should be taken as: Psb = psb As (5.1) where: psb is the shear strength of bolt = 0.48 Usb ≤ 0.69 Y0.2b for property class 50, 70 and 80 bolts and other stainless steel bolts where Usb ≤ 800N/mm2 = 0.4 Usb for stainless steel bolts where 800 < Usb ≤ 1000 N/mm2 Usb is the specified minimum tensile strength of the bolt 53 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Y0.2b is the specified minimum stress at 0.2% permanent strain of the bolt As is the shear area, usually taken as the tensile stress area, unless it can be guaranteed that the threaded portion will be excluded from the shear plane, in which case it can be taken as the unthreaded shank area. Values for Usb and Y0.2b are given in Table 2.3. (b) Bearing capacity The effective capacity of a bolt in bearing should be taken as the lesser of the bearing capacity of the bolt, Pbb, and the bearing capacity of the connected ply, Pbs, given by: Pbb = d tp pbb (5.2) Pbs = d tp pbs ≤ 0.5 e1 tp pbs (5.3) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where: tp is the thickness of the connected ply pbb is the bearing strength of the bolt = 0.72 (Usb + Y0.2b) pbs is the bearing strength of connected parts = 0.65 (Us + py) Us is the specified minimum tensile strength of the connected ply, given in Table 2.2 py is the design strength of the connected ply, defined in Section 2.2.2 d and e1 are defined in Section 5.2.1. (c) Tension capacity The tensile force per bolt Ft transmitted by the connection should not exceed the nominal tension capacity Pnom of the bolt. Pnom can be determined from the following ‘simple’ method, where the prying force need not be calculated: Pnom = 0.8 ptb At (5.4) where: pt is the tension strength of the bolt = 0.7 Usb ≤ Y0.2b At is the tensile stress area as specified in the appropriate bolt standard. For bolts where the tensile stress area is not defined, At should be taken as the area at the bottom of the threads. Note that this method may only be used if the connection satisfies both of the following: • the cross-centre spacing of the bolt-lines, s should not exceed 55% of the flange width or end-plate width (Figure 5.2) • if a connected part is designed assuming double curvature bending, its moment capacity per unit width should be taken as py tp2/6, where tp is the thickness of the connected part. 54 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... s ≤ 0.55B s B Figure 5.2 Maximum cross-centres of bolt lines for the simple method of calculating Pnom (no explicit determination of prying forces) Alternatively, a more exact method given in BS 5950-1, clause may be followed, which involves a calculation of the prying force. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The tensile capacity for tie bars and long stud bolts not subject to prying forces may be increased by removing the 0.8 factor in expression (5.4) (i.e. Pnom = pt At). The thread on the stud bolts or tie bars should comply with BS ISO 68-1[27], BS ISO 261[28] and BS ISO 262[29]. (d) Combined shear and tension When bolts are subject to both shear and tension, the following relationship should be satisfied in addition to (a), (b) and (c) above: Fs Psb + Ft P nom ≤ 1.4 (5.5) where: (e) Fs is the shear force Ft is the tension force Design strengths for commonly used bolts Table 5.1 gives the shear, bearing and tension strengths of stainless steel bolts. Table 5.2 gives the bearing strength of connected parts for common austenitic grades for bolts in clearance holes. Table 5.3 gives shear and tension capacities of M12 to M24 bolts in clearance holes (values for tension are calculated by the simple method and thus include a 20% allowance for prying forces). 55 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 5.1 Strengths of bolts in clearance holes Bolt grade (BS EN ISO 3506) Property class (BS EN ISO 3506) Shear strength psb Bearing strength pbb Tension strength pt (N/mm2) (N/mm2) (N/mm2) 50 145 511 210 70 311 828 450 80 384 1008 560 A1, A2 and A4 Table 5.2 Bearing strength of connected parts Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Grade of connected part Bearing strength of connected parts for ordinary bolts in clearance holes, pbs , (N/mm2) 1.4307 (304L) 468 1.4301 (304) 475 1.4401 and 1.4404 (316 and 316L) 488 Table 5.3 Bolt size M12 M16 M20 M24 Shear and tension capacities of bolts in clearance holes Property class (BS EN 3506) Shear capacity Psb (kN) 12.2 26.2 32.4 22.7 48.7 60.3 35.5 76.1 94.1 51.1 109.6 135.6 50 70 80 50 70 80 50 70 80 50 70 80 (1) Tension capacity Pnom (kN) 14.2 30.3 37.8 26.4 56.5 70.3 41.2 88.2 109.8 59.3 127.1 158.1 (2) Notes: (1) The shear area, As has been taken as the tensile stress area of the bolt, At. (2) The tension capacity is as given by expression (5.4) and thus includes a 20% allowance for prying. 5.2.3 Long joints, large grip lengths and thick packing For splices of unusual length (say 500 mm upwards), or when the grip length (i.e. the total thickness of the connected plies) exceeds 5 bolt diameters, or the thickness of packing exceeds d/3, the shear capacity might be reduced. In the absence of data for stainless steel, it is recommended to use the carbon steel rules for these situations (e.g. BS 5950-1, clauses and and 56 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 5.3 Pin connections The guidance given in BS 5950-1, clause 6.5 is applicable. 5.4 Preloaded bolts HSFG stainless steel bolts are not generally available. If stainless steel bolts are highly torqued, galling can be a problem (see Section 7.6). Stainless steel connections should not be designed as slip resistant unless acceptability in the particular application can be demonstrated by test. 5.5 Securing nuts against vibration To prevent bolt assemblies from becoming loose when subject to continued vibration, lock nuts are effective solutions. Several proprietary locking devices for nuts are available. 5.6 Welded connections 5.6.1 General Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The following recommendations apply to full and partial penetration butt welds and to fillet welds made by an arc welding process. Intermittent fillet welds and intermittent partial penetration butt welds should only be used where crevice corrosion is unlikely to occur. Furthermore, continuous partial penetration butt welds should be used with care in marine or very heavily polluted onshore environments, particularly where capillary action might occur. 5.6.2 Fillet welds The angle of intersection of members connected by fillet welds should be such that the angle between the fusion faces of a weld is not less than 60° and not more than 120°. Outside these limits, the adequacy of the connection should be determined on the basis of tests. As for carbon steel (see BS 5950-1, clause, a single fillet weld should not be used in situations that produce a bending moment about the longitudinal axis of the weld if this causes tension at the root of the weld. The effective length of a fillet weld may be taken as the overall length of the full-size fillet less one leg length, s, for each end which does not continue round a corner. However, a fillet weld with an effective length less than 4s or less than 40 mm should not be used to carry load. The effective throat size, a, of a fillet weld should be taken as the perpendicular distance from the root of the weld to a straight line joining the fusion faces that lies within the cross-section of the weld. The force per unit length transmitted by a fillet weld at a given point in its length should be determined from the applied forces and moments, using the elastic section properties of the weld or weld group, based on effective throat sizes. The design stress in a fillet weld should be calculated as the force per unit length transmitted by the weld, divided by the effective throat size a. 57 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... The capacity should be taken as sufficient if, throughout the length of the weld, the vector sum of the design stresses due to all forces and moments transmitted by the weld does not exceed its design strength pw. The design strength of the weld pw should be taken as: pw = 0.5 Ue but not more than the lesser of 0.46 Us and py (5.6) where: Us is the specified minimum ultimate tensile strength of the weaker part joined Ue is the minimum tensile strength of the electrode, as specified in the relevant product standard Note that the above value of 0.46 is slightly different from the value in BS 5950-1 and is based on the Euro Inox Design Manual for Structural Stainless Steel[23]. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For austenitic stainless steel electrodes, typical values of Ue lie between 510 and 550 N/mm2, so the weld strength will be governed by the lesser of 0.46 Us and py . As an alternative, the directional method given in BS 5950-1, clause can be used. In this method the forces per unit length transmitted by the weld are resolved into a longitudinal shear parallel to the axis of the weld and a resultant transverse force perpendicular to this axis. This method permits an enhancement in the transverse weld capacity of up to 25%. 5.6.3 Butt welds The design strength of a full penetration butt weld may be taken as equal to the design strength of the weaker of the parts joined, provided that the weld satisfies the recommendations of Section 5.6.1. Guidance on throat size of partial penetration butt welds in BS 5950-1, clause 6.9.2 is applicable. 58 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 6 FIRE RESISTANT DESIGN 6.1 General This Section deals with the design of stainless steel structures that, for reasons of general fire safety, are required to fulfil certain functions, in terms of avoiding premature collapse of the structure (load bearing function), when exposed to fire. The recommendations are only concerned with passive methods of fire protection and are applicable to stainless steel grades and structures that are generally designed within the rules of Sections 1 to 5 of this document. The method is based on the current draft of the Eurocode for structural steel fire design, prEN 1993-1-2[30]. Austenitic stainless steels generally retain a higher proportion of their room temperature strength than carbon steels above temperatures of about 550°C, and a higher proportion of their stiffness at all temperatures. Table 6.1 gives the load factors for the fire limit state, which are taken from BS 5950-8[11]. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table 6.1 Load factors for the fire limit state according to BS 5950-8 Load Dead load Load factor 1.00 Imposed loads: Permanent: • those specifically allowed for in design, e.g. plant, machinery and fixed partitions • in storage buildings or areas used for storage in other buildings (including libraries and designated filing areas) Non-permanent: • in escape stairs and lobbies • all other areas (imposed snow loads on roofs may be ignored) Wind loads 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.80 0.33 The performance requirements of a stainless steel structure that may be subjected to accidental fire loading are no different from those of carbon steel, namely: • Where mechanical resistance is required at the fire limit state, the structure should be designed and constructed in such a way that it maintains its load bearing function during the relevant fire exposure. • Deformation criteria should be applied where the means of fire protection, or the design criteria for separating elements, require the deformation of the load bearing structure to be considered. However, it is not necessary to consider the deformation of the load bearing structure if the fire resistance of both the separating and load bearing elements is based on the standard fire curve. 59 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 6.2 Mechanical properties at elevated temperatures Table 6.2 gives strength and stiffness retention factors relative to the values at 20°C for the stress-strain relationship and the parameter g2,θ for four grades of stainless steel at elevated temperatures. The factors are defined below: kp0.2proof,θ 0.2% proof strength at temperature θ relative to design strength at 20 °C, i.e. p 0.2 proof,θ p y g2,θ a parameter used to calculate p2,θ , the strength at 2% total strain at temperature θ, using the following expression: p 2,θ = p 0.2 proof,θ + g 2 ,θ ( U s,θ − p 0.2 proof,θ ) (6.1) kU,θ ultimate strength at temperature θ relative to ultimate strength at 20 °C, i.e. U s,θ U s kE,θ slope of linear elastic range at temperature θ relative to slope at 20°C, i.e E θ E Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where: E is Young’s modulus at 20°C (= 200,000 N/mm2) py is the design strength at 20°C, as defined in Section 2.2.2 Us is the specified minimum tensile strength at 20°C, as given in Table 2.2. In determining the structural fire resistance of stainless steel members of classes 1, 2 and 3, the strength at 2% total strain, p2,θ , is used in place of the design strength at ambient temperature, py. However, in situations which require consideration of the deformation criteria, the strength at a total strain of 1.0%, p1,θ is recommended as a basis for the calculations instead of p2,θ. The value of p1,θ should be calculated using the following relationship: p 1,θ = p 0.2proof,θ + 0.5 g 2,θ ( U s,θ − p 0.2proof,θ ) (6.2) For class 4 slender stainless steel sections, the elevated temperature 0.2% proof strength values, p0.2proof,θ should be used. Values for p0.2proof,θ are given relative to the yield strength at 20 °C by the factor kp0.2proof,θ in Table 6.2. 60 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 6.2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Temperature θ (°C) Retention factors for strength and stiffness and parameter g2,θ at elevated temperature Retention factor kp 0.2proof,2 Parameter g2,θ Retention factor kU,θ Retention factor kE,θ Grade 1.4301 (304) 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1.00 0.82 0.68 0.64 0.60 0.54 0.49 0.40 0.27 0.14 0.06 0.03 0.00 0.26 0.24 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.26 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.00 0.87 0.77 0.73 0.72 0.67 0.58 0.43 0.27 0.15 0.07 0.03 0.00 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.63 0.45 0.20 0.17 0.00 Grade 1.4401 (316) 20 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1.00 0.88 0.76 0.71 0.66 0.63 0.61 0.51 0.40 0.19 0.10 0.06 0.00 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.24 0.21 0.20 0.19 0.24 0.35 0.38 0.40 0.40 0.40 1.00 0.93 0.87 0.84 0.83 0.79 0.72 0.55 0.34 0.18 0.09 0.06 0.00 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.63 0.45 0.20 0.17 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.47 0.47 0.47 1.00 0.87 0.78 0.78 0.74 0.68 0.44 0.32 0.16 0.10 0.05 0.03 0.00 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.63 0.45 0.20 0.17 0.00 0.35 0.35 0.32 0.30 0.28 0.30 0.33 0.40 0.41 0.45 0.47 0.47 0.47 1.00 0.93 0.85 0.83 0.82 0.71 0.57 0.38 0.29 0.12 0.04 0.02 0.00 1.00 0.96 0.92 0.88 0.84 0.80 0.76 0.71 0.63 0.45 0.20 0.17 0.00 Grade 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 20 1.00 100 0.82 200 0.68 300 0.63 400 0.61 500 0.61 600 0.36 700 0.25 800 0.15 900 0.07 1000 0.02 1100 0.01 1200 0.00 Grade 1.4462 (2205) 20 1.00 100 0.91 200 0.80 300 0.75 400 0.72 500 0.65 600 0.56 700 0.37 800 0.26 900 0.10 1000 0.03 1100 0.02 1200 0.00 61 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 6.3 Thermal properties at elevated temperatures 6.3.1 Thermal elongation The thermal elongation of austenitic stainless steel ∆l / l may be determined from the following: ∆l / l = (16 + 4.79 × 10-3 θ 1.243 × 10-6 θ 2 ) × (θ 20) × 10-6 (6.3) where: l is the length at 20 °C ∆l is the temperature induced expansion θ is the steel temperature [°C]. 6.3.2 Specific heat The specific heat of stainless steel cs may be determined from the following: cs = 450 + 0.280θ - 2.91 × 10-4 θ 2 + 1.34 × 10-7 θ 3 J/kg°C (6.4) where: θ is as defined in Section 6.3.1 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 6.3.3 Thermal conductivity The thermal conductivity of stainless steel λ may be determined from the following: λ = 14.6 + 1.27 × 10-2 θ W/m°C (6.5) where: θ 6.4 is as defined in Section 6.3.1. Determination of structural fire resistance Structural fire resistance may be determined either by testing or by the following calculation method. 6.4.1 Cross-section classification In fire design, the method of classification of cross-sections described in Section 3 of this publication should be adopted, using ambient temperature design properties. 6.4.2 Tension members The design capacity Pt,θ of a tension member at a uniform temperature θ is given by: Pt,θ = kp2,θ Pt (6.6) where: kp2,θ = p2,2/py i.e. the retention factor for the strength at 2% total strain at temperature θ (see Section 6.2) Pt is the tension capacity of the cross-section at ambient temperature according to Section 4.2. 62 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Where the temperature in the member is non-uniform, the capacity is given by: P t,θ ,n = n ∑ Ai i =1 k p2,θ ,i p y (6.7) where: Ai is the area of the ith element of the cross-section, which is at temperature θ i kp2,θ,i is the retention factor for the strength at 2% total strain at temperature θ i (see Section 6.2). 6.4.3 Compression members The following recommendations apply to cross-sections that are: • cold formed, open cross-sections (not welded), e.g. channels or angles, or • cold formed hollow cross-sections (seam welded or seamless), e.g. circular or rectangular hollow sections. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The compression resistance Pc,θ of a compression member at a uniform temperature θ is given by: Pc,θ = χθ Ag kp2,θ py for class 1, 2 or 3 cross sections (6.8) Pc,θ = χθ Aeff kp0.2proof,θ py for class 4 cross-sections (6.9) where: χθ is the reduction factor for flexural buckling in fire, determined from Table 6.3 kp2,θ and kp0.2proof,θ are retention factors at temperature. θ The non-dimensional slenderness λθ at temperature θ is given by: λ θ = λ [ kp2,θ / kE,θ ]0.5 for class 1, 2 or 3 cross sections (6.10) λ θ = λ [ kp0.2proof,θ / kE,θ ]0.5 for class 4 cross-sections (6.11) where: kE,θ is the retention factor for the slope of the linear elastic range at temperature θ (see Section 6.2) In the absence of any guidance on the behaviour of members failing by torsional or torsional-flexural buckling in fire, it is recommended that the reduction factor for flexural buckling is also used for torsional and torsional-flexural buckling. 63 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 6.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement λ θ or λ LT,θ Buckling reduction factors for compression and bending members of cold formed sections in fire Buckling reduction factor Pθ or PLT,θθ Grade 1.4301 Grade 1.4401 Grade 1.4362 Grade 1.4462 1.000 0.973 0.948 0.923 0.899 0.875 0.818 0.762 0.706 0.650 0.595 0.543 0.493 0.446 0.404 0.365 0.331 0.300 0.273 0.249 0.227 0.208 0.191 0.176 0.163 0.151 0.140 0.131 0.122 0.114 0.107 0.100 0.094 0.089 1.000 0.974 0.949 0.925 0.901 0.878 0.821 0.766 0.710 0.655 0.600 0.547 0.497 0.450 0.407 0.368 0.333 0.302 0.275 0.250 0.229 0.210 0.193 0.178 0.164 0.152 0.141 0.131 0.123 0.115 0.107 0.101 0.095 0.089 1.000 0.980 0.961 0.943 0.925 0.906 0.861 0.814 0.765 0.713 0.660 0.606 0.552 0.501 0.452 0.408 0.368 0.333 0.301 0.273 0.249 0.227 0.208 0.191 0.176 0.163 0.151 0.140 0.130 0.121 0.114 0.106 0.100 0.094 1.000 0.982 0.964 0.947 0.929 0.912 0.869 0.824 0.776 0.726 0.673 0.619 0.565 0.512 0.463 0.417 0.376 0.340 0.307 0.279 0.253 0.231 0.211 0.194 0.179 0.165 0.153 0.142 0.132 0.123 0.115 0.108 0.101 0.095 0.0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 3.0 Note The buckling curves are derived from the following expressions: χè = 1 2 ϕè + ϕè − λ è2 235 ϕ è = 0.51 + 0.65λ è + λ è2 py Where the temperature of the member is non-uniform, the compression resistance may conservatively be estimated by assuming a uniform temperature that is equal to the maximum temperature in the member. The buckling length LEfi of a column for fire design should generally be determined as for ambient temperature design. However, in a braced frame, LEfi may be determined by considering the column as fixed in direction at continuous or semi-continuous connections to the column lengths in the fire compartments above and below. This assumption can only be made if the fire resistance of the building components that separate these fire compartments is not less than the fire resistance of the column. 64 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... In the case of a braced frame in which each storey comprises a separate fire compartment with sufficient fire resistance, the buckling length of a column in an intermediate storey is given by LEfi = 0.5L and in the top storey the buckling length is given by LEfi = 0.7L , where L is the system length in the relevant storey, as shown in Figure 6.1. Shear wall or other bracing system Separate fire compartments in each storey Column length exposed to fire Deformation mode in fire L Efi,4 = 0.7L4 L4 Column length exposed to fire L3 L Efi,2 = 0.5L L2 2 L1 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Figure 6.1 Buckling lengths LEfi of columns in braced frames 6.4.4 Laterally restrained beams The moment capacity Mc,θ of a cross-section at a uniform temperature θ may be determined from: Mc,θ = kp2,θ Mc for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections (6.12) Mc,θ = kp0.2proof,θ Mc for class 4 cross-sections (6.13) where: Mc is the plastic moment resistance of the gross cross-section (class 1 or 2 cross-sections), the elastic moment resistance of the gross cross-section (class 3 cross-sections) or the effective moment resistance of the effective cross section (class 4 cross-sections) for design at ambient temperatures in accordance with Section 4.4.2. kp2,θ and kp0.2proof,θ are as defined in Section 6.4.3. Where it is necessary to allow for the effects of shear, the reduced moment resistance at ambient temperature according to Section 4.4.3 should be used. The moment capacity Mc,θ,n of a cross-section in a member with a non-uniform temperature distribution may conservatively be determined from: Mc,θ,n = Mc,θ / κ1 κ2 (6.14) where: Mc,θ is the design moment resistance of the cross-section (or effective cross section for slender cross-sections) at a uniform temperature θ equal to the maximum temperature in the cross-section κ1 is an adaptation factor for non-uniform temperature across the cross-section, which should be taken as 0.7 for a beam exposed to fire 65 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... on three sides with a composite or concrete slab on its fourth side, and as 1.0 for a beam exposed to fire on all four sides κ2 is an adaptation factor for non-uniform temperature along the beam, which should be taken as 0.85 at the supports of a statically indeterminate beam and as 1.0 for all other cases. The shear capacity Pv,θ of a cross-section with a non-uniform temperature distribution may be determined from: Pv,θ = kp2,θ,web Pv for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections (6.15) Pv,θ = kp0.2proof,θ,web Pv for class 4 cross-sections (6.16) where: Pv is the shear capacity of the gross cross-section at ambient temperature according to Section 4.4.1. θweb is the temperature in the web of the section. 6.4.5 Laterally unrestrained beams Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The buckling resistance moment Mb,θ of a laterally unrestrained beam should be determined from: Mb,θ = χLT,θ kp2,θ βW Sx py for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections (6.17) Mb,θ = χLT,θ kp0.2proof,θ βW Sx py for class 4 cross-sections (6.18) where: χLT,θ is the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling in fire, determined from Table 6.3 βW is as defined in Section 4.4.4 kp2,θ and kp0.2proof,θ are the retention factors defined in Section 6.4.3 at the maximum temperature θ reached anywhere in the section The non-dimensional slenderness λLT,θ at temperature θ is given by: λ LT,θ = λ LT [ kp2,θ / kE,θ ]0.5 for class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections (6.19) λ LT,θ = λ LT [ kp0.2proof,θ / kE,θ ]0.5 for class 4 cross-sections (6.20) where: kE,θ is the retention factor defined in Section 6.4.3 at temperature θ. 6.4.6 Members subject to axial compression and bending The combined effects of compressive loads and bending moments should be checked in accordance with the following expressions to prevent major and minor axis buckling and lateral torsional buckling: (a) For class 1, 2 or 3 cross-sections: F c ,fi χ min, θ A g k p2,θ p y + k x M x,fi k p2,θ M cx,θ 66 + k y M y,fi k p2, θ M cy,θ ≤ 1 (6.21) P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... F c,fi χ min ,θ A g k p 2,θ p y + k LT M x, fi χ LT,θ k p2, θ β W S x p y + k y M y,fi k p2,θ M cy,θ ≤ 1 (6.22) where: Fc,fi, Mx,fi and My,fi are the axial load and bending moments at the fire limit state Mcx,θ and Mcy,θ are as defined in Section 6.4.4 kp2,θ is the retention factor at temperature θ, as defined in Section 6.4.3 χmin,θ is the smallest reduction factor for flexural, torsional and torsionalflexural buckling at temperature θ, as defined in Section 6.4.3 χLT,θ is the reduction factor for lateral torsional buckling at temperature θ, as defined in Section 6.4.5 kx = 1− µ x F c,fi χ x,θ A g k p2, θ p y ≤3 with µ x = (1.2 β M,x − 3 ) λ x, θ + 0.44 β M,x − 0.29 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement ky = 1− µ y F c,fi χ y,θ A g k p2,θ p y ( ≤3 ) with µ y = 2 β M,y − 5 λ y,θ + 0.44 β M,y − 0.29 kLT = 1− µ LT F c,fi χ y,θ A g k p2,θ p y ≤ 0.8 and λ y,θ ≤ 1 ≤1 with µ LT = 0.15 λ y,θ β M,LT − 0.15 βM ≤ 0.8 ≤ 0.9 is an equivalent uniform moment factor, given in Table 6.4 (b) For class 4 cross-sections: F c,fi χ min, θ A eff k p 0.2proof, θ p y + k x M x, fi + F c,fi e x k p 0.2proof, θ M cx,è + k y M y,fi + F c,fi e y k p 0.2proof, θ M cy,θ ≤1 (6.23) F c,fi χ y,θ A eff k p0.2proof, θ p y + k LT M x, fi + F c,fi e x χ LT,θ k p0.2proof, θ β W S x p y + k y M y,fi + F c,fi e y k p0.2proof, θ M cy,θ ≤1 (6.24) where the terms are defined in (a) above except that in the calculation of kx, ky, and kLT, Ag should be replaced by Aeff and kp2,θ should be replaced by kp 0.2proof,θ , where kp 0.2proof,θ is defined in Section 6.2. 67 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Equivalent uniform moment factors, βM Table 6.4 Moment diagram Equivalent uniform moment factor βM End moments βM,ψ = 1.8 – 0.7ψ M1 ψ M1 -1 ≤ ψ ≤ 1 Moments due to in-plane lateral loads βM,Q = 1.3 MQ βM,Q = 1.4 MQ Moments due to in-plane lateral loads plus end moments M1 ( MQ β M ,Q − β M ,ψ ∆M ) ∆M β M = β M ,ψ + ∆M MQ = max M due to lateral load only ∆M For moment diagram without change of sign: ∆M =max M ∆M For moment diagram with change of sign: ∆M = max M+ min M MQ Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement M1 MQ M1 MQ M1 MQ 68 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 6.5 Calculation of temperature rise in stainless steel The method for calculating the temperature rise in carbon steel can also be applied to stainless steel. The incremental rise in temperature of a uniformly heated bare stainless steel section in time interval t is given by: ∆θ s = αc +αr Hp cs ρ s Ag (θ f − θ s ) ∆t (6.25) where: cs is the specific heat of stainless steel (J/kg°C), as given in Section 6.3.2 ρs is the density of stainless steel (kg/m3), as given in Table 2.4 (usually considered as temperature independent) θf is the temperature (°C) of the fire at a particular time t (secs) θs is the temperature of the stainless steel section (°C) which is assumed to be uniform, at time t Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Hp/Ag is the section factor (m-1), i.e. the ratio of the heated perimeter Hp to the gross cross-sectional area, Ag αc is the coefficient of heat transfer by convection (usually taken as 25W/m2 °C) αr is the coefficient of heat transfer by radiation, given by: αr = 5.67 ε θf −θs [(θ f ] + 273 ) 4 − (θ s + 273 ) 4 × 10 −8 (6.26) The parameter ε is the resultant emissivity and represents the radiation transmitted between the fire and the metal surface and its magnitude depends on the degree of direct exposure of the element to the fire. Elements which are partially shielded from the radiant effects of the heat of the fire would have a lower value of ε. Conservatively ε may be taken as 0.5. The above equation for the incremental temperature rise may be used to determine steel temperatures by incremental integration, if the variation of the fire temperature with time is known. The standard temperature–time curve for a cellulosic fire is given in DD ENV 1991-2-2[31]: θ f = 20 + 345 log10 (8t + 1) (6.27) where: t is the elapsed time (minutes). 69 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 7 FABRICATION ASPECTS 7.1 General Stainless steel is not a difficult material to fabricate; it can be readily cut, formed and welded. Many fabrication and joining processes are similar to those used for carbon steel, but the different characteristics of stainless steel require special attention. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement An overriding objective is to maintain the steel's corrosion resistance. It is essential to ensure at all stages of storing, handling, forming and welding that mechanical or other damage to the surface (i.e. the oxide layer) is minimized and the good surface appearance is preserved. This is particularly important because stainless steel is usually specified for its corrosion resistance, aesthetic appeal or both. Care is required in storing and handling stainless steel where the material has been selected for its surface finish (especially bright annealed or polished finishes). It is important to avoid contamination of the surface of stainless steel components by carbon steel and iron at all stages of fabrication, handling, storage, transportation and erection. This is to prevent carbon steel pick-up, which may subsequently rust and stain the surface. Measures should be taken by the fabricator to prevent such contamination; these may include the use of quarantined work areas, the use of tools which are dedicated only to stainless steel, the use of stainless steel wire brushes or wool, avoiding the use of carbon steel lifting tackle and protecting the forks of fork lift trucks. Contact with organic contaminants such as oils, greases, dyes, glues, adhesive tape and other similar deposits should be avoided. When they are used, their suitability should be checked with their manufacturer. Achieving specified dimensions in stainless steel structures can be more difficult than in carbon steel structures because of stainless steel’s tendency to spring back after bending (Section 7.3.2) and its higher coefficient of thermal expansion and lower thermal conductivity (see also Section 7.4.2 for specific guidance on controlling distortion arising from welding). Consequently, higher tolerances may have to be accepted than those for carbon steel. In detailing joints, consideration should be given to these higher tolerances and to clearances for bolts near corners. In the absence of a national specification, fabrication and erection of stainless steel structures should be carried out in accordance with the European specification DD ENV 1090 Execution of steel, Part 6 Supplementary rules for stainless steels[32]. 7.2 Storage and handling Generally, greater care is required in storing and handling stainless steel than carbon steel, to avoid damaging the surface finish (especially for bright annealed or polished finishes) and to avoid contamination by carbon steel and iron. Storage and handling procedures should be agreed between the relevant parties to the contract in advance of any fabrication and in sufficient detail to 70 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement accommodate any special requirements. instance, the following items: The procedures should cover, for • The steel should be inspected immediately after delivery for any surface damage. • The steel may have a protective plastic or other coating. This should be left on as long as possible, removing it just before final fabrication. The protective covering should be called for in the procurement document if it is required (e.g. for bright annealed finishes). • Storage in salt-laden humid atmospheres should be avoided. Storage racks should not have carbon steel rubbing surfaces and should, therefore, be protected by wooden, rubber or plastic battens or sheaths. Sheets and plates should preferably be stacked vertically; horizontally stacked sheets may get walked upon, with a risk of iron contamination and surface damage. • Carbon steel lifting tackle, e.g. chains, hooks, and cleats, should be avoided. The use of isolating materials, or the use of suction cups, will prevent iron pick-up. The forks of fork lift trucks should also be so protected. • Contact with chemicals, including undue amounts of oils and greases (which may stain some finishes), should be avoided. • Ideally, segregated fabrication areas for carbon steel and stainless steel should be used. Only tools dedicated to stainless steel should be employed (this particularly applies to grinding wheels and wire brushes). Note that wire brushes and wire wool should be of stainless steel and generally in a grade that is equivalent in terms of corrosion resistance (e.g. do not use ferritic stainless steel brushes on austenitic stainless steel). • As a precaution during fabrication and erection, it is advisable to ensure that any sharp burrs formed during shearing operations are removed. • Consideration should be given to any requirements needed in protecting the finished fabrication during transportation. 7.3 Shaping operations 7.3.1 Cutting Stainless steel may be cut using standard mechanical cutting methods, including shearing and sawing. Cutting machine power requirements will be greater than those used for similar thicknesses of carbon steel, due to the work hardening of the steel. If possible, cutting (and machining in general), should be carried out when the metal is in the annealed (softened) state to limit tool wear. For cutting straight lines, guillotine shearing is widely used. By using open ended guillotines, a continuous cut greater in length than the shear blades can be achieved, although at the risk of introducing small steps in the cut edge. Thermal cutting techniques, such as plasma arc, are also used, particularly for cutting thick plates and profiles and where the cut edges are to be machined, e.g. for weld preparation. Where the thickness of material allows, laser cutting is a useful technique. Specialist water-jet cutting can also be used on stainless 71 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... steel. These low or zero heat input cutting methods are useful in reducing or eliminating the risk of distortion during cutting complex shapes. Oxyacetylene cutting is not satisfactory for cutting stainless steel unless a powder fluxing technique is used. 7.3.2 Cold forming Stainless steel is readily shaped by commonly used cold forming techniques such as roll-bending, spinning, pressing and deep drawing. For structural applications, press brake bending is the most relevant technique, though roll forming may be more economic for high volume thin gauge products. The power requirement for bending stainless steel will be higher than for bending carbon steel, due to work hardening. Furthermore, stainless steel has to be overbent (to counteract the effects of springback) to a slightly higher degree than carbon steel. Stainless steel's high ductility allows small radii to be formed. It is generally recommended that the minimum inside bend radii should be 2.0t for austenitic grades and 2.5t for duplex grades, where t is the thickness of the material. However, smaller radii are achievable, depending on the forming technique and configuration of the forming equipment. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement When bending hollow sections the following guidance may be given: • the outer tube diameter to wall thickness ratio should not exceed 15 (to avoid costly tooling). • the bend radius (to centreline of tube) should not be less than 2.5D, where D is the outer diameter • any welding bead should be positioned close to the neutral axis, to reduce the bending stresses at the weld. 7.3.3 Holes Holes may be drilled or punched. In drilling, positive cutting must be maintained to avoid work hardening and this requires sharp bits with correct angles of rake and correct cutting speeds. The use of a round tipped centre punch is not recommended, as this work hardens the surface. Either a centre drill should be used or, if a centre punch has to be used, it should be of the triangular pointed type. Punched holes can be made in austenitic stainless steel up to about 20 mm in thickness. The minimum diameter of hole that can be punched is 2 mm greater than the sheet thickness. Punched holes should be avoided in corrosive environments because of crevicing that may possibly lead to local corrosion. Hardened washers may be necessary under bolt heads to prevent any tendency to dig into the surface because of the soft surface on some grades of stainless steel. 7.4 Welding 7.4.1 Specifications and processes The welding of all the grades covered by this design guide is widely and successfully carried out using normal processes. General cleanliness and the absence of contamination are important for attaining good weld quality. Weld 72 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... contamination from zinc, including that arising from galvanised products, and from copper and its alloys should be avoided. The “as welded” profile of stainless steel is usually more important than with carbon steel and should be specified. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement It is essential that welds are made using correct procedures to ensure the strength of the weld, achieve a defined weld profile and maintain corrosion resistance of the weld and surrounding material. The relevant specification for welding stainless steels is BS EN 1011 Requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials, Part 3: Stainless steels[33]. Welding should be carried out to an approved welding procedure according to a standard such as BS EN 288-2[34]. Welders should be approved in accordance with BS EN 287-1[35]. Manual metal arc (MMA), metal inert gas (MIG), tungsten inert gas (TIG) and resistance welding are all suitable methods for welding stainless steel. The shielding gas used in MIG and TIG processes should not contain carbon dioxide, to avoid the possibility of decomposition leading to carbon pick-up. Pre-heat is not necessary or desirable when welding austenitic, ferritic and duplex stainless steels. In the case of duplex grades, nitrogen shielding gas should be avoided. It is possible to weld stainless steel to other materials, including carbon steel, provided that the appropriate filler is used. The accepted procedure is to use an over-alloyed austenitic electrode to ensure adequate mechanical properties and corrosion resistance. (Generally a filler of grade 23 12 L (309) to BS EN 12072[36] is suitable for welding grade 1.4301 (304) to carbon steel.) Compatible consumables should be used, such that the weld yield and ultimate strengths exceed those of the parent material and the risk of solidification cracking is minimised. The weld should be at least as corrosion resistant as the parent material. All welding consumables should conform with the requirements specified in DD ENV 1090-6[32]. Welding deficiencies such as undercut, lack of penetration, weld spatter, slag and stray arc strikes are all potential sites for crevice corrosion and must be avoided. Stray arc strikes or arcing at loose earth connections can also damage the passive layer and possibly give rise to corrosion; they must be avoided also. Surface weld inspection for stainless steel is usually carried out using dye penetration inspection (DPI). 7.4.2 Welding distortion The distortion of stainless steel, particularly of austenitic grades, can be a problem because of their higher coefficients of thermal expansion and lower thermal conductivities. The following guidelines will help control welding distortions: • Minimise the extent of welding. • Minimise the amount of deposited weld metal (e.g. use double V preparations in preference to single V). • Use symmetrical joints. • Design to accommodate dimensional tolerances. • Use efficient clamping jigs. • Use closely spaced tack welds laid in a balanced sequence. 73 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... • Ensure that good fit up and alignment is obtained prior to welding. • Use the lowest heat input commensurate with the selected weld process. • Use balanced welding and appropriate sequences. 7.5 Finishing Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The surface finish of stainless steel is often an important design consideration and should be clearly specified according to architectural or functional requirements. As a general rule, for a given grade in a given environment, the finer the finish, the greater the cost and the better the corrosion resistance. This is where precautions taken earlier in handling and welding will pay off. Initial planning is important in reducing costs. For instance, if the tube to tube weld in a handrail or balustrade is hidden inside an upright, there will be a reduced finishing cost and a significant improvement in the final appearance of the handrail. After fabrication, the surface of the steel must be restored to its optimum corrosion resisting condition. Spray or immersion pickling after fabrication will remove weld scale, heat tint and surface iron contamination. Scale and heat tint can be removed from welds with pickling paste by brush or using electrochemical weld cleaning equipment. Loosened scale can be removed by brush, but water jet is preferable as there is less risk of the spread of contamination. Abrasive treatments, such as grinding, polishing and buffing, produce unidirectional finishes and thus the blending of welds may not be easy on plates/sheets. A degree of experimentation may be required to determine detailed procedures to obtain a suitable finish. Electrolytic polishing removes a thin surface layer; a range of finishes from dull to a bright lustre can be produced, depending largely on the initial surface of the material. There are other finishing processes but these would only rarely be used for structural stainless steel. See Reference 5 for more information. It is worth noting again that the surface should be free of contaminants in the assembled structure. Particular consideration should be given to the possibility of contamination arising from work on adjacent carbon steelwork, especially from grinding dust. Either the stainless steel should be protected by removable plastic film, or final cleaning after completion of the structure should be specified in the contract documents. 7.6 Galling and seizure Bolting materials in the softened condition are prone to seizure or galling, which occurs when the protective films on two surfaces are in rubbing contact and the underlying surfaces weld together. This results in the inability to remove nuts from bolts and invariably leads to considerable time wastage in maintenance work when chiselling and flame cutting is necessary to remove bolts. However, galling is a problem in limited circumstances only; it is only likely if the initial assembly contains partly damaged threads, in fine threads or tight fitting thread forms. Because of the absence of corrosion products, stainless steel nuts and bolts are more prone to working loose under vibrating loads, rather than to seizing. 74 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Stainless steel self-tapping screws used in a stainless steel base material can be prone to seizure, particularly where the screws and base material are different grades (see Section 2.3.2, Fasteners). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The following methods may be used to avoid galling problems: • Dissimilar standard grades of stainless steel may be used - which vary in composition, work hardening rate and hardness (e.g. Grade A2-C2, A4-C4 or A2-A4 bolt-nut combinations from BS EN ISO 3506), • In severe cases, a proprietary high work-hardening stainless steel alloy may be used for one component or hard surface coatings can be applied, • Anti-galling agents such as PTFE dry film spray. 75 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8 INTRODUCTION TO DESIGN TABLES 8.1 General 8.1.1 Scope This publication includes design tables for gross section properties, section classification and effective section properties and member capacities for a wide range of cold formed stainless steel sections. The grades of stainless steel covered are austenitic stainless steel grades 1.4301 (304), 1.4401/1.4404 (316/316L), and duplex grades 1.4362 (SAF 2304) and 1.4462 (2205). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The design tables cover seven structural forms of cold formed stainless steel sections that are used in construction: • Circular hollow sections (CHS). • Rectangular hollow sections (RHS). • Square hollow sections (SHS). • Channels. • Double channels back to back • Equal angles. • Double equal angles back to back. 8.1.2 Double sections For double sections, the section properties have been calculated on the basis that the sections are back to back with no gap between them. For double sections with a spacing between the two components, the properties given are thus conservative, except for the buckling parameter, see Section 8.2.6. 8.1.3 Internal corner radius In the design tables, it is assumed that the internal corner radius, ri , is twice the section thickness, t, for all sections. This provides conservative design information for sections with smaller internal corner radii, but see also Section 7.3.2. For rectangular hollow sections and channels: d = D - 2(ri + t) and with ri = 2 t, this gives d = D - 6 t For rectangular hollow sections: b = B - 2(ri + t) and with ri = 2 t, this gives b = B - 6 t For sections with larger internal radii, see Appendix C. All the section properties have been calculated allowing for rounded corners, except torsion and warping constants, where approximate formulae are used instead. 76 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.1.4 Organisation of design tables For each structural form, three sets of design tables are given wherever appropriate: Section A - Dimensions and Gross Section Property Tables These tables give the dimensions and the section properties of the gross sections. The gross section properties are applicable to cold formed sections of any grade of steel. The gross section properties have been calculated from the nominal geometry of the cross-sections. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Section B - Section Classification and Effective Section Property Tables These classify the sections according to Table 3.1 under different loading conditions and give design data on the effective cross-sections for slender sections. The effective section properties are related to the design strength of the materials and thus four sets of properties are given for the different stainless steel grades, i.e. grades 1.4301 (304), 1.4401/1.4404 (316/316L), 1.4362 (SAF 2304) and 1.4462 (2205). There are four classes of sections, namely: class 1 plastic, class 2 compact, class 3 semi-compact and class 4 slender. The section classification depends on the width-to-thickness ratios of the elements of the cross-sections. The effective section properties have been calculated from the effective cross-sections of the structural form for slender sections. Properties are presented for cross-sections under compression, and for bending about the x and y axes. Sections C, D, E, F - Member Capacity Tables These give the capacities and resistances of cold formed stainless steel sections as three typical structural members: • members in compression, or struts • members in tension, or ties • members in bending, or beams. The capacities are determined in accordance with the design recommendations given in Section 4. For each structural form, the compression resistance tables present data for a wide range of member effective lengths, from 1 m to 14 m for hollow sections and from 1 m to 10 m for channels and angles (it is advisable for designers to check the availability of members longer than 10 m). The moment capacity tables give buckling resistance moments for single and double channels from 1 m to 10 m in length. Linear interpolation between the tabulated values is permitted. The calculated values in the tables have been rounded to three significant figures. A summary of the member capacity tables is given in Table 8.1. Note that it is not necessary to give any table for members subject to combined loading because the main parameters required in these checks may be found in the strut and the beam tables. Furthermore, an interaction formula using mx, my, and mLT permits a less conservative approach than design with tabulated data would allow. No web bearing and buckling resistances are given. 77 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Summary of member capacity tables Table 8.1 Structural form of cold formed stainless steel section Type Hollow sections Channels Circular Rectangular Square Equal angles Single Double Single Double Struts T T T T T T T Ties - - - - - T T Beams T T T T T - - 8.1.5 Ranges of section sizes Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement At present, there is no specification on section sizes of cold formed stainless steel sections for structural applications. Consequently, a wide variety of sizes and shapes is used in practice. In order to provide practical design information, a large number of stockholders, fabricators and manufacturers in the U.K. and Europe were contacted during the preparation of this publication in order to establish the most commonly used sizes for various section shapes. Based on the collected information, ranges of section sizes for the cold formed stainless steel sections presented in this publication were established according to the following considerations: (a) limitations in the process of cold forming (b) practical sizes in typical use (c) structural economy and effective use of material. 8.1.6 Axis convention The convention adopted throughout this publication is shown in Figure 8.1. x-x axis major principal axis for single and double channels, rectangular and square hollow sections, rectangular axis for single angles but axis of symmetry for double angles y-y axis minor principal axis for single and double channels, rectangular and square hollow sections, rectangular axis for single angles axis normal to the axis of symmetry for double angles u-u axis major principal axis for single angles v-v axis minor principal axis for single angles z-z axis longitudinal axis along member length. 78 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... B D b y y y t D d x x t D x D x d x x t y y d = D - 6t y b b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y y u v uo x cx x cy u Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement xo Centroid d Centroid cy D t x d x Shear centre v y d Shear centre t y d y y b xo x D x x x d Centroid d Shear centre y y t Centroid and shear centre cy Figure 8.1 t Axis convention and dimensions of sections 79 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.1.7 Material Table 8.2 gives the material properties used in the design tables. Material properties used in design tables Table 8.2 py (N/mm2) Grade 1.4301 (304) 210 1.4401/1.4404 (316/316L) 220 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 400 1.4462 (2205) 460 Other properties E = 200,000 N/mm2 G = 76,900 N/mm2 Density = 7900 kg/m3 8.1.8 Section sizes For each section shape, a range of section sizes together with up to five section thicknesses is given. External dimensions of the sections are used in the section designation. 8.1.9 Units The dimensions of sections are given in millimetres (mm). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The centimetre unit (cm) is used for the calculated properties, except for ex and ey in Design Tables 11, 13 and 14, which are given in millimetres. The mass and force units used are the kilogramme (kg), the newton (N) and the metre per second per second (m/s2) so that 1 N = 1 kg × 1 m/s2. For convenience a standard value of the acceleration due to gravity has been generally accepted as 9.81 m/s2. Thus the force exerted by 1 kg under the action of gravity is 9.81 N and the force exerted by 1 tonne (1000 kg) is 9.80665 kilonewtons (kN). 8.2 Gross section properties 8.2.1 Unit mass A density of 7900 kg/m3 was used to calculate the unit mass of the sections. In all cases, including double sections, the tabulated masses are for the steel sections alone and no allowance has been made for connecting materials or fittings. 8.2.2 Area, second moment of area and radius of gyration The area, Ag, and the second moment of area (or ‘moment of inertia’), I, of the gross cross-section have been calculated taking account of the rounded corners of the sections. A useful design parameter for buckling calculations is the radius of gyration, which is evaluated as follows: r= I Ag For a CHS, I = π 64 (D 4 − [D − 2t ] 80 4 ) and r = 0.25 D 2 + [D − 2t ] 2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.2.3 Elastic and plastic section modulus The elastic section modulus of a section is used to calculate its elastic moment capacity, based on its design strength. The elastic section modulus, Z, is evaluated as follows: Z = I y where: y is the distance from the elastic neutral axis to the extreme fibre of the section. The elastic section modulus can be used to determine the stress at the extreme fibre of the section. For channels under bending about the y-axis, only the minimum section modulus, which relates to the toe of the cross-section, is given. The plastic section modulus, S, is the sum of the first moments of area of all the elements in the cross-section about the equal area axis of the cross-section. The plastic section modulus for CHS is given by: ( Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement S = 0.167 D − [ D − 2 t ] 3 3 ) 8.2.4 Torsion constants For rectangular and square hollow sections, the torsion constants, J and C are evaluated as follows: J = ht 3 3 + 2 KA h J C= t+ K t where: Ah = (B – t) (D – t) – rm2 (4 − π ) h = 2 ( B − t + D – t ) - 2rm (4 − π ) K = rm is the average corner radius = 0.5 ( re + ri ). 2 Ah t h For single angles and single channels, the torsion constant, J, is evaluated conservatively as follows: J = Ag t 2 3 For double channels and double angles, the individual sections are conservatively assumed to act separately from one another under torsion. Thus 81 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... the torsional constants of the double sections are taken as double that of the individual sections. 8.2.5 Warping constant No warping constant is given for hollow sections, as it is not required for design (see Section 4.3.3). For channels and equal angles, the distance of the shear centre from the centroid of the cross-section, xo , is illustrated in Figure 8.1. In both double channels and double angles, the individual sections are conservatively assumed to act separately from one another under warping. The warping constant, H, is evaluated as follows: a) Single channels 2 3 D m b m t 2 Dm + 3b m = [1 − 4 δ ] 12 D m + 6 b m H Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where: b) H Dm = D−t bm = b − 0.5 t δ is the correction factor due to rounded corners (given in 3.5). Double channels back to back = [1 − 4 δ ] 2 3 Dm bm t 3 This expression is based on the warping constant of an equivalent I-shape section and modified for the presence of rounded corners. Dm, bm and δ are defined above. c) H Single equal angles = (1 − 4 δ ) t 3 t d − 2 3 18 δ is defined above. d) Double equal angles The warping constant for double equal angles is double that of a single equal angle of the same size. 82 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.2.6 Buckling parameter and torsional index The lateral torsional buckling check for unrestrained beams involves the buckling parameter, u, and the torsional index, x. For single channels and double channels, they are evaluated as follows: u I y Sx 2γ = A g2 H where γ =1− 0.25 x = 1.132 Ag H IyJ Iy Ix The section properties of double channels have been calculated on the basis that the sections are back to back with no gap between them. When calculating the lateral torsional buckling resistance of double channels with a gap between the components, the buckling parameter, u, should be set to 1.0. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 8.3 Effective section properties In general, slender elements of the cross-section of cold formed sections will buckle under compression, while corners remain fully effective. An element is slender if its width-to-thickness ratio exceeds the semi-compact limits given in Table 3.1. Based on the effective width concept, effective cross-sections may be established according to Table 3.2 for cross-sections under different loading conditions. Since the effective section properties are related to the design strength of the material, so the tables give effective section properties for each of the four design strengths covered (210, 220, 400, and 460 N/mm2). Circular hollow sections with a class 4 cross-section have been excluded from the member capacity tables since no rules are given for calculating the effective area of class 4 circular hollow sections. 8.3.1 Section classification The section classification of a cross-section depends on the highest (least favourable) class of its constituent elements that are partially or wholly in compression. For each section, section classifications are given in the design tables for cross-sections under axial compression and bending about the x and y axes. It has been conservatively assumed that the class of a double section follows that of the single section, except for the flanges of double channels, which have been classified according to the rules for welded elements. 8.3.2 Resistance factor under compression The resistance factor under compression, βc, given in the design tables is required in the calculation of the compression capacity of a cross-section. It is defined in Section 4.3.3. 8.3.3 Shift in neutral axes In the cross-section of single channels, single angles and double angles, there is only one axis of symmetry and the neutral axis of the effective cross-section 83 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... under compression does not coincide with that of the gross cross-section if the section is slender. This shift of the neutral axis is denoted as ex and ey and the sense is indicated in Figure 8.2. Centroidal axis of effective cross-section y Centroidal axis of gross cross-section Non-effective zones x e y +ve x NB e y is positive towards the web ey y Toe 1 y Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement x ex Non-effective zones e x +ve e y +ve x NB e x is positive away from toe 1 e y is positive away from toe 2 Toe 2 Centroid of effective cross-section ey Centroid of gross cross-section y ey Non-effective zones e y +ve x x Toe 3 y NB e y is positive away from toe 3 Centroidal axis of gross cross-section Centroidal axis of effective cross-section Figure 8.2 Shift in neutral axes of slender sections under compression For slender sections, the shift of neutral axis, e, is required in the calculation of the resistance of a member in compression because of the additional bending moment induced in the cross-section due to the ‘P-δ ’ effect. Reference should be made to Section 8.4.2 for the evaluation of compression resistances of members with slender sections in compression. 84 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.3.4 Effective second moment of area and effective section modulus Both the effective second moment of area, Ieff, and the effective section modulus, Zeff, are given in the design tables, as they are required for the calculation of deflection and moment capacity respectively. 8.3.5 Resistance factor under bending The resistance factor under bending, βW, given in the design tables is required in the calculation of the buckling resistance moment and is defined in Section 4.4.4. 8.4 Members in compression Sections which are classified as slender under axial compression are marked using the symbol ‘*’ adjacent to the thickness in the design tables. 8.4.1 Compression resistance Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The compression resistance of a member, Pc, is given by expression (4.8). Values of Pc over a range of effective length are given in the design tables. Table 8.3 gives the relevant elastic buckling loads and corresponding effective lengths for flexural buckling and torsional-flexural buckling for the various section shapes. For double channels and double angles, the buckling curve for welded open sections was used to calculate the reduction factor for buckling, χ. The value of the effective length LEz for torsional-flexural buckling depends on the degree of torsional and warping restraint. For struts with concentric connections, LEz can conservatively be taken as the larger of Lx and Ly. Guidance on the calculation of LEz for struts with eccentric connections is given in Section 8.4.2. 85 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 8.3 Critical elastic buckling loads with corresponding effective lengths in the design tables Flexural buckling Major axis Minor axis Torsional-flexural buckling Elastic Effective Elastic Effective Elastic Effective buckling length LE buckling length LE buckling length LE load PE load, PE load, PE Circular/square hollow sections Px LEx Py LEy - - Double channels back to back Px LEx Py LEy Pz LEz 3) Rectangular hollow sections Px LEx Py LEy Single channels/double angles back to back Px LEx Py LEy Pxz LEz3) Px=Py 2) LEx =LEy Pv LEv Puz LEz4) Single equal angles1) Notes 1) For single angles, Lx = Ly = Lu = Lv 2) The x and y axes of single equal angles are not the principal axes but the rectangular axes. 3) LEz = max (Lx , Ly) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 4) LEz = max (Lx , Lv) 8.4.2 Compression members with eccentric connections (single channels, single angles and double angles back to back) When loaded axially, these sections are subject to an additional moment due to the eccentricity of the point of load application from the centroid of the cross-section. Table 25 of BS 5950-1[10] gives slenderness ratios for single channels, single angles and double angles back to back of carbon steel sections for various end conditions. These were based on test results and take into account both the effects of end fixity and end moments due to eccentricity of connection on the buckling resistance. However, no equivalent tests have been carried out on stainless steel sections, which means it is not possible to give any comparable guidance. Until such guidance has been developed, the following approach may be adopted. • The design rules for carbon steel given in Table 25 of BS 5950-1 may be used to calculate an effective slenderness λ about each axis that takes into account the effects of end fixity and eccentric connection. • For each axis, an effective length, LE to be used in the tables in this publication can be calculated from LE = λr, where r is the appropriate radius of gyration. Note that the rules in BS 5950-1 apply only to flexural buckling. For torsionalflexural buckling, a conservative approach for making adequate allowance for the effect of eccentric connection is to calculate LEz from the following: For single channels: LEz = max [Lx , Ly , 0.7 Ly + 30 ry ] 86 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... For single angles: LEz = max [ Lx , 0.7 Lx + 30rx , 0.7 Lv + 15rv ] For double angles: [ L Ez = max L y , 0.7 L y + 30 r ym , (L x 2 + ( λ c r xm )2 ) 0.5 , 1.4 λ c r xm ] where: rxm and rym are the radii of gyration of the double angle back to back about the x and y axes λc = Lc ≤ 50 rv in which Lc is measured between interconnecting bolts for back to back struts, or between end welds or end bolts of adjacent battens for battened angle struts. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement It should be noted that for monosymmetric sections such as double angles, the x axis is the axis of symmetry, which is not the convention adopted in Table 25 of BS 5950-1. This approach can be used for sections connected by one, two or more fasteners at each end. In accordance with Table 25 of BS 5950-1, for single or double angles connected by one bolt only, the compression resistance should be reduced to 80% of the values given in the design tables. If the section is slender, it must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift in neutral axis and so the following condition must be satisfied: F Fex Fe y + + Pc M cx M cy ≤1 where: F is the design axial compressive force Pc is the smallest of Pcx, Pcy, Pcz and Pcxz (see Section 4.3.3) Mc is the moment capacity= py Zeff ex, ey is the shift of x or y neutral axis for slender sections under compression (the values are given in the Effective Section Property Tables). 8.4.3 Interconnections for double sections For double channel and double angle sections, the compression resistances have been calculated on the assumption that the double section acts as a single integral member, i.e. the slenderness is based on the radius of gyration for the double section. To achieve this, the members must be continuously connected. If the sections are not continuously connected, then the compression resistance about the axis parallel to the connected surfaces should be based on a higher slenderness. In the absence of rules for stainless steel, the guidance for carbon steel in clauses 4.7.9 to 4.7.13 of BS 5950-1[10] can be used, where the 87 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... slenderness of the double section, λb is given by: [ λb = λm 2 + λc 2 ] 0.5 ≥ 1.4 λ c where: λm is the slenderness of the double member about the axis parallel to the connected surfaces λc is the slenderness of a single angle or channel (based on its minimum radius of gyration) between interconnections and λc ≤ 50 An effective length LE to be used in the tables in this publication can be calculated from this modified slenderness by setting LE = λbr. The guidance in clause 4.7.13 of BS 5950-1 regarding the strength and maximum pitch of interconnections is applicable. For double angles with eccentric connections, the effect of the distance between interconnection on the slenderness is taken into account in the method described in Section 8.4.2. for making allowance for the additional moment due to the eccentricity of the point of load application. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 8.5 Members in tension Tables are given for single and double angles in tension. For single angles connected through one leg only or double angles connected to the same side of a gusset or member, the equivalent tension area is given by: For bolted connections: Equivalent tension area = (Ae – 0.5a2) For welded connections: Equivalent tension area = (Ag – 0.3a2) For double angles connected through one leg only when the gusset is between the angles, the equivalent tension area is given by: For bolted connections: Equivalent tension area = (Ae – 0.25a2) For welded connections: Equivalent tension area = (Ag – 0.15a2) where the terms are defined in Section 4.2. The effective net area of a bolted equal angle section Ae is given by: Ae = ae1 + ae2 but ≤ 1.2 (an1 + an2) where: ae1 = Ke an1 but ≤ a1 ae2 = Ke an2 but ≤ a2 an1 = a1 – area of bolt holes in connected leg an2 = a2 Ke is as defined in Section 3.4 a1 = gross area of connected leg = dt a2 = Ag – a1. 88 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.6 Members in bending 8.6.1 Moment capacity The moment capacities Mc of the sections for bending about the x and y axes are given by expressions (4.19), (4.20) and (4.21). Values governed by Mc = 1.2 py Z are printed in italic type because higher values may be used in some circumstances (see Section 4.4.2). For single channels subject to bending about the y-axis, the following conservative assumptions were made: • section classification and effective section properties for slender class 4 cross-sections were based on the channel toes being in compression and the web in tension. • moment capacities were calculated using the minimum elastic section modulus; this corresponds to maximum stress at the toes of the channel. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Where the shear load is high, the values given in the design tables should be reduced in accordance with the design rules given in Section 4.4.3. The effects of shear lag may also have to be considered, depending on the ratio of the flange width to member length, see Section 3.6. Flange curling need not be considered for the sections in the tables. 8.6.2 Shear capacity The shear capacity of the cross-section, Pv, given in the design tables is evaluated according to: • for circular hollow sections: Pv = 0.36 py Ag • • for channels with the load acting parallel to the y-axis (i.e. the web): Pv = 0.6 py t D for single channels Pv = 1.2 py t D for double channels for hollow sections with the load acting parallel to the y-axis (i.e. the longer sides): D Pv = 0.6 p y Ag D + B • for hollow sections with the load acting parallel to the x-axis (i.e. shorter sides): Pv B = 0.6 p y Ag D + B For channels and rectangular hollow sections, only the values of Pv corresponding to the loads acting parallel to the y-axis are given in the design tables. 89 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 8.6.3 Buckling resistance moment Rectangular hollow sections bending about the x-axis, with high D/B ratios, may be susceptible to lateral torsional buckling. However, this mode of failure is only critical for sections with long unrestrained spans; such spans are often outside the practical range of application. The design tables for rectangular hollow sections, therefore, only give a limiting length below which lateral torsional buckling need not be checked. For circular and square hollow sections, lateral torsional buckling does not happen and thus no check is required. The limiting length Lc has been calculated according to clause B.2.6.1 in Appendix B of BS 5950-1. The maximum value for the slenderness parameter, λLT, at which lateral torsional buckling can be discounted is taken to be 0.4. The expression for Lc is given as follows: 2 Lc 2 0.4 π r y E = 2.25 p y β W β 2 S 2 W x A g J 1 I 1 − y Ix J 1 − 2 (1 + v ) I x 0.5 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement where βW is defined in Section 4.4.4. For laterally unrestrained single and double channels bending about the x-axis, it is necessary to check for lateral torsional buckling. The buckling resistance moment, Mb, is evaluated using expression (4.27). For a range of effective lengths LE, values of Mb are given in the design tables. 8.6.4 Interconnections for double channels As for struts, the buckling resistance moment of double channels has been calculated on the assumption that the double section acts as a single integral member, i.e. the radius of gyration used to calculate the member slenderness and thus the buckling resistance moment is related to the double sections in all cases (see also Section 8.4.3). If the sections are not continuously connected, then, in the absence of rules for stainless steel, the lateral torsional buckling resistance should be based on the increased slenderness, λb, as given in Section 8.4.3. The guidance in clause 4.7.13 of BS 5950-1 regarding the strength and maximum pitch of interconnections is applicable. 90 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 9 REFERENCES 1. HONEYCOMBE, R.W.K. Steels – Microstructure and properties Edward Arnold Ltd, 1987 2. COLOMBIER, L. and HOCHMANN, J. Stainless and heat resisting steels Edward Arnold Ltd, 1967 3. SEDRIKS, A.J. Corrosion of stainless steels (2nd Edition) John Wiley and Sons, 1996 4. Applications for stainless steel in the water industry Water Industry Information and Guidance Note No. 4-25-02 The Steel Construction Institute, 1999 (Available from the Water Research Council, Swindon and the Nickel Development Institute, Alvechurch) 5. BADDOO, N.R., BURGAN, R. and OGDEN, R.G. Architects’ guide to stainless steel (P179) The Steel Construction Institute, 1997 6. Stainless steel tubular handrails and balustrades (P274) The Steel Construction Institute, 1999 7. MASONRY SUPPORT INFORMATION GROUP Stainless steel angles for masonry support (P157) The Steel Construction Institute, 1995 8. MASONRY SUPPORT INFORMATION GROUP Stainless steel masonry support systems – Best practice information sheet for contractors (P297) The Steel Construction Institute, 2000 9. MASONRY SUPPORT INFORMATION GROUP Stainless steel masonry support systems – Best practice information sheet for specifiers (P298) The Steel Construction Institute, 2000 10. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 5950: The structural use of steelwork in building BS 5950-1:2000: Code of practice for design – rolled and welded sections 11. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 5950: The structural use of steelwork in building BS 5950-8:1990: Code of practice for fire resistant design 12. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 10088: Stainless steels BS EN 10088-1:1995: List of stainless steels BS EN 10088-2:1995: Technical delivery conditions for sheet/plate and strip for general purposes BS EN 10088-3:1995: Technical delivery conditions for semi-finished products, bars, rods and sections for general purposes 91 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 13. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 1449: Steel plate, sheet and strip BS 1449-2:1983: Specification for stainless and heat-resisting steel plate, sheet and strip (Withdrawn, Superseded) 14. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN ISO 3506:1998: Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners - Specifications 15. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 3100:1991 Specification for steel castings for general engineering purposes 16. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 10283:1999 Corrosion resistant steel castings 17. BADDOO, N.R. Castings in construction (P172) The Steel Construction Institute, 1996 18. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 10002: Tensile testing of metallic materials. BS EN 10002-1:1990: Method of test at ambient temperature Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 19. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION PD 6484:1979: Commentary on corrosion at bimetallic contacts and its alleviation 20. NICKEL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Stainless steel in swimming pool buildings Publication Number 12010 NiDI, 1995 21. NICKEL DEVELOPMENT INSTITUTE Advantages for Architects NiDI, 1990 22. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 5400: Steel, concrete and composite bridges. BS 5400-3:2000: Code of practice for design of steel bridges 23. EURO INOX Design Manual for structural stainless steel Euro Inox, 1993 (Available from the Nickel Development Institute) 24. THE STEEL CONSTRUCTION INSTITUTE Advisory Desk Note No 195 New Steel Construction – Vol.5 (3) June/July 1997 25. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION ENV 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures ENV 1993-1-5:1997: General rules – Supplementary rules for plated planar structures without transverse loading 26. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS 5950: The structural use of steelwork in building BS 5950-5:1998: Code of practice for design of cold formed thin gauge sections 92 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 27. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS ISO 68 ISO general purpose screw threads. Basic profile. BS ISO 68-1:1998: Metric screw threads 28. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS ISO 261:1998: ISO general purpose metric screw threads. General plan 29. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS ISO 262:1998: ISO general purpose metric screw threads. Selected sizes for screws, bolts and nuts 30. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION EN 1993 Eurocode 3: Design of steel structures Draft prEN 1993-1-2: 2001 General rules - Structural fire design 4th Preliminary draft, September 2001 31. EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR STANDARDIZATION DD ENV 1991 Eurocode 1: Basis of design and actions on structures DD ENV 1991-2-2: 1996: Actions on structures exposed to fire 32. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION DD ENV 1090: Execution of steel structures DD ENV 1090-6:2001: Supplementary rules for stainless steel Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 33. BSI BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 1011: Welding. Recommendations for welding of metallic materials BS EN 1011-3:2000: Arc welding of stainless steels 34. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 288 Specification and approval of welding procedures for metallic materials, BS EN 288-2:1992: Welding procedure specification for arc welding 35. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 287 Approval testing of welders – Fusion welding, BS EN 287-1:1992: Steels 36. BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION BS EN 12072:2000 Welding consumables. Wire electrodes, wires and rods for arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels. Classification 93 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 10 SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION 10.1 Web sites The web site of AvestaPolarit, the world’s second largest producer of stainless steel, gives extensive information on grades and product forms. The British Stainless Steel Association web site provides an electronic advisory service for technical enquiries about stainless steel and a stainless steel products and services locator. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Euro Inox is the European Market Development Association for stainless steel. Its web site contains technical information and case studies on the use of stainless steel in architecture, building and construction, as well as other market sectors. The web site of the International Stainless Steel Forum (ISSF), a specialist group of the International Iron and Steel Institute (IISI), gives general information about stainless steel as a material and its applications. The web site of the Masonry Support Information Group contains design guidance and recommendations concerning good practice on the installation of stainless steel masonry support angles. The web site of the Nickel Development Institute, an international non-profit organisation, contains metallurgical, corrosion and performance data on many grades of stainless steel. This web site provides information on the design, specification, manufacture and maintenance of stainless steel architectural components. More than 20 case studies are also given. 94 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 10.2 Advisory services Stainless Steel Advisory Service The British Stainless Steel Association’s Stainless Steel Advisory Service (SSAS) is available to answer technical and source of supply enquiries. Tel: +44 (0)114 224 2240 (Weekdays, 09:00-12:00 and 14:00-15:00) Fax: +44 (0)114 273 0444 Email: Nickel Development Institute The Nickel Development Institute operates an advisory service run by metallurgical engineering consultants for technical questions about the use of nickel alloys or nickel-containing stainless steels. Tel: +44 (0)1527 584 777 Fax: +44 (0)1527 585 562 Email: The Steel Construction Institute Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement The Steel Construction Institute operates a technical advisory service on issues relating to steel in construction that is free of charge to Corporate members. Details of consultancy rates for non-members are available on request. Tel: +44 (0) 1344 876766 (Weekdays, 09:00-17:00) Fax: +44 (0) 1344 622944 E-mail: 95 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... APPENDIX A Specifications covering stainless steel fixings and ancillary components BS 1243:1978 Specification for metal ties for cavity wall construction BS BS BS BS 5628 Code of practice for use of masonry 5628-1:1992. Structural use of unreinforced masonry 5628-2:2000 Structural use of reinforced and prestressed masonry 5628-3:1985 Materials and components, design and workmanship BS 5977: Lintels BS 5977-1:1981 Method for assessment of load BS 5977-2:1983 Specification for prefabricated lintels BS 6178-1:1990 Joist hangers. Specification for joist hangers for building into masonry walls of domestic dwellings Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement BS 6744:1986 Specification for austenitic stainless steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete BS 8297: 2000 Code of practice for design and installation of non-loadbearing precast concrete cladding BS 8298:1994 Code of practice for design and installation of natural stone cladding and lining prEN 845 Specification for ancillary components for masonry prEN 845-1: 2000 Ties, tension straps, hangers and brackets BS EN 846: Methods of test for ancillary components for masonry BS EN 846-10: 2000 Determination of load capacity and load deflection characteristics of brackets BS EN ISO 3506: 1998 Mechanical properties of corrosion-resistant stainless steel fasteners DD 140: Wall ties DD 140-1:1986 Methods of test for mortar joint and timber frame connections DD 140-2:1987 Recommendations for design of wall ties (Note: This publication is a draft for development and should not be regarded as a British Standard) Manual of Contract Documents for Highway Works, Volume 1, Specification for Highway Works, Series 1700: Structural concrete The Stationery Office, 2001 96 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... APPENDIX B Limits on cross-sections The design provisions in Sections 3 and 4 should only be applied to cross-sections within the range of width-to-thickness ratios given in Table B.1 These limits define the range of width-to-thickness ratios for which sufficient experience and verification by testing is available. These limits are higher than would normally be used in practice and are therefore not in any way onerous. For structural efficiency, lower limits are generally used. Furthermore, in cases where stainless steel is used for aesthetic purposes, smaller limits need to be set in order to eliminate visual distortions (see Section 3.1). Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table B.1 Maximum width-to-thickness ratios a) Flat element connected to a web along one edge with the other edge unsupported b/t ≤ 50 b b) Flat element connected along both edges to webs or flanges: B/t ≤ 400 B D/t ≤ 400 D Note: Flat elements supported as in (a) above with b/t ratios greater than approximately 30 and flat elements supported otherwise with b/t ratios greater than approximately 75 are likely to develop visual distortion at serviceability design loads. 97 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... APPENDIX C Sections with large internal corner radii In the design tables, all the gross and effective section properties were calculated with internal corner radii, ri, taken as two times the section thickness, i.e. ri = 2 t; this provides conservative design data for sections with smaller internal corner radii. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement However, for sections with internal corner radii larger than two times the section thickness, the section properties and the member capacities in the tables need to be modified. The values may be reduced conservatively as follows: A g = K 1 A g,D P t = K 1 P t, D M c = K 2 M c,D P c = K 1 P c,D M b = K 2 M b,D I = K2 ID Z = K2 ZD where Ag, I, Z, Pt, Mc, Pc and Mb are the required section properties and member capacities of sections with ri > 2 t , i.e. rm > 2.5 t, where rm is the average corner radius (mid-line). Ag,D, ID, ZD, Pt,D, Mc,D, Pc,D and Mb,D are section properties and member capacities of the same section given in the design tables (i.e. with ri = 2 t , and rm = 2.5 t). The factors K1 and K2 are given by: K1 = 1−δ 1−δD K2 = 1 − 2δ 1 − 2δ D n n and δ = 0.43 ∑ rm , j j =1 q ∑ 2.5 t δ D = 0.43 ∑bi i =1 j =1 q ∑ bi i =1 It should be noted that K1 is the correction factor for design data in relation to area and it is also applicable to both the compression resistance and the tension capacity of a member. K2 is the correction factor for design data in relation to second moment of area and it is also applicable to the moment capacity and the buckling resistance moment of a member. The definition of δ is taken from Section 3.5. For example, for a Grade 1.4301 (304) stainless steel single channel 400×150×15 mm with internal corner radius ri = 2.5 t and rm = 3 t, i.e. rm = 45 mm, the section properties and the member capacities of the sections may be evaluated as shown in Table C.1. 98 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Example of reduction in section properties and member capacities for sections with larger internal corner radii Table C.1 Properties and capacities Data from design tables (ri = 2t) Relevant correction factor Corrected values (ri = 2.5t) 95.7 K1 94.7 21100 K2 20651 (cm2) Ag 4) Ix (cm Zx (cm3) 1055 K2 1033 Pcy (LE =2.0m) (kN) 1940.0 K1 1920.4 Mb (LE =2.0 m) (kNm) 269.0 K2 263.3 where: K 1 = 0.9899 K2 = 0.9787 δD = 0.04813 δ = 0.05776 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Similarly, for the same cross-section with ri = 3 t , K1 = 0.9797 and K2 = 0.9574. Thus, the compression and bending resistances of the member given in the design tables should be reduced by about 2% and 4% respectively in the above example. 99 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 100 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... DESIGN EXAMPLES This Section gives four design examples that illustrate the application of the design rules. The examples are: Design example 1 A cold formed angle with a Class 4 slender cross-section subject to axial compression. Design example 2 A cold formed channel subject to bending with intermediate lateral restraints to the compression flange. Lateral torsional buckling between intermediate lateral restraints is critical. Design example 3 A fabricated I beam subject to combined axial compression and bending. Design example 4 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement A rectangular hollow section subject to combined axial compression and bending with 30 minutes fire resistance. The I beam and angle are grade 1.4301 (304) and the channel and rectangular hollow section are grade 1.4401 (316). The references in the margin of the design examples are to text sections and expressions/equations in this publication, unless specifically noted otherwise. 101 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... "4 Jp a1I Job No. OSM459 I ' fl Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 1 Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 1 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 DESIGN EXAMPLE 1: STRUT (EQUAL ANGLE) Design a cold formed angle subject to axial compression in grade 1.4301 (304) stainless steel. The angle is welded around its profile at each end. The length of the strut is 1.5 m Factored compressive force = 230 kN = 210 N/mm2 Use grade 1.4301 (304), 0.2% proof stress = 210 N/mm2 Take py as the 0.2% proof stress, i.e. py E = 200,000 N/mm2 G = 76,900 N/mm2 and Section 2.2.2 Try a cold formed angle 100 H 100 H 10 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table 2.2 Design Table 6 y u v Section properties 100 Ag = 17.9 cm2 ru = 3.99 cm rv = 1.78 cm Iu = 285.8 cm4 Iv = 57 cm4 x u0 = 3.29 cm x u 4 J = 5.976 cm y 6 H = 36.85 cm 100 10 v Classification of cross-section Section 3.8 ε = 1.13 Table 3.1 b = d = 100 b t = 10 , b+d t = 20 The limits for semi-compact sections are, and b+d t ≤ 16.8 ε = 18.98 b t and d t ≤ 11 ε = 12.43 Table 3.1 ˆ Section is Class 4 slender Effective width of slender elements For legs of single angles under uniform compression D = the lesser of 19 b tε +8 and 28.8 b+d + 12 tε 102 Table 3.2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 19 tε = +8 19 10 +8 1.13 28.8 = b+d + 12 tε ˆD OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 1 Client CALCULATION SHEET b Job No. SCI 2 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 = 1.13 28.8 20 + 12 1.13 = 0.97 = 0.97 ˆ beff = 0.97 H d = 97 mm ˆ Aeff =1790 – (2H 3 H 10) = 1730 mm2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Sheet b eff b eff Section 4.3.2 Local capacity of the cross-section = 1730 H 210 H 10-3 = 363.3 kN For Class 4 cross-sections, Psq = Aeff py Design compressive force = 230 kN, Eq. 4.7 ˆ cross section resistance is OK Section 4.3.3 Member buckling due to compression The member can fail by flexural buckling about the minor axis, or by torsionalflexural buckling. Buckling resistance, Pc = P $c Ag py $c = A eff Ag Eq. 4.8 ˆ $c for Class 4 cross-sections, Non dimensional slenderness, λ = = 0.966 Eq. 4.9 Psq PE Where PE is the value of Pv and Puz that gives the lowest reduction factor, P. It is assumed that LEu = LEv = LEz = L 103 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 = = Pv = Pz 2 1 π EH = 2 + GJ r 0 L Ez 2 r0 = Pz = Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2 P uz β Puz π EI v = L Ev 2 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 1 1500 2 × 1000 π 2 × 200 , 000 × 57.0 × 10 3 of Rev SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Eq. 4.10 = 2507 kN Eq. 4.11 = 500 kN 2 4 Made by 4 1500 × 1000 ru 2 + rv 2 + u 0 2 Sheet SCI π 2 × 200,000 × 285.8 × 10 4 Pu LEu 2 OSM459 Client CALCULATION SHEET π 2 EI u Job No. Eq. 4.12 = 3.99 2 2 + 1.78 + 3.29 2 =5.47cm = 54.7 mm Eq. 4.15 1 π 2 × 200,000 × 36.85 × 10 6 + 76,900 × 5.976 × 10 4 = 1547 kN 2 2 54.7 1500 = 1 ( Pu + Pz ) − 2 β u0 =1− r 0 2 ( Pu + Pz 32.9 = 1 − 54.7 (2507 + 1547 ) − = )2 − 4 β P u P z Eq. 4.13 Eq. 4.14 2 = 0.638 − 4 × 0.638 × 2507 × 1547 =1173 kN 2 × 0.638 (2507 + 1547 )2 For flexural buckling, PE = Pv = 500 kN 363.3 λ = 500 Eq. 4.9 = 0.852 For flexural buckling of a cold formed open section subject to axial compression, by linear interpolation of the values in Table 4.1, χ =0.691. Table 4.1 For torsional-flexural buckling, PE = Puz = 1173 kN λ = 363.3 1173.3 Eq. 4.9 = 0.556 For torsional-flexural buckling of a cold formed open section subject to axial compression, by linear interpolation of the values in Table 4.1, χ = 0.858 Table 4.1 0.858 > 0.691, ∴ member will fail in the flexural buckling mode. Pc = 0.691 × 0.966 × 1790 × 210 = 251 kN Design compressive force = 230 kN, ∴ Section is OK for member buckling 104 Eq. 4.8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 1 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 4 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Interaction of axial compression and bending due to shift in neutral axis of the slender cross-section An interaction check is required to take account of the additional moments induced in the member due to the shift of the centroid of the effective cross-section compared to the gross cross-section Local Capacity Check Fc A eff p y + Fc e x M cx + Fc e y M cy Section 3.8.4 and Figure 8.2 Eq. 4.62 ≤1 Design Table 13 ex = ey = 0.743 mm Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement It is necessary to calculate the section modulus of the effective cross-section, i.e. an equal leg angle with d = 97 mm Zeffx = Zeffy = 22.096 cm3 (calculation not shown here) 230 × 10 3 1730 × 210 + 230 × 10 3 × 0.743 210 × 22096 + 230 × 10 3 × 0.743 ≤ 1.00 210 × 22096 0.633 + 0.037 + 0.037 = 0.707 ≤ 1.00 The local capacity of the section is OK Check overall buckling capacity Eq. 4.65 Fc e y Fc Fc e x + + ≤1 Pc py Z x eff py Z y eff 230 × 10 3 251 × 10 3 + 230 × 10 3 × 0.743 230 × 10 3 × 0.743 + 210 × 22096 210 × 22096 ≤ 1.00 0.916 + 0.037 + 0.037 = 0.990 ≤ 1.00 ∴ The overall buckling resistance of the section is OK 105 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 2 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 1 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 DESIGN EXAMPLE 2 – UNRESTRAINED BEAM (CHANNEL) Design a cold formed channel subject to bending in grade 1.4401 (316) stainless steel. Lateral restraints to the compression flange 4 kN/m 6m Loads Dead loads: UDL 0.196 kN/m (self weight) Imposed loads: UDL 4 kN/m Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Factored (design) loads Dead load factor = 1.4 BS 5950-1 Table 2 Imposed load factor = 1.6 Factored dead load = 1.4 H 0.196 = 0.274 kN/m Factored vertical imposed load = 1.6 H 4 = 6.4 kN/m Maximum bending moment due to vertical loads = (0.274 + 6.4 ) × 6 2 8 = 30.0 kNm Maximum shear due to vertical loads (0.274 + 6.4 ) × 6 = 20.0 kN = 2 Use grade 1.4401 (316), 0.2% proof stress = 220 N/mm2 Table 2.2 Take py as the 0.2% proof stress, i.e. py = 220 N/mm2 E = 200,000 N/mm2 Table 2.4 Try a 200 × 75 × 8 cold formed channel section Section properties Ix = 1385 cm4 Iy = 126.5 cm4 Zx = 138.6 cm3 Sx = 169.2 cm3 rx = 7.39 cm ry = 2.23 cm Ag = 25.3 cm2 106 Design Table 4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 2 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 2 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 3.8 Classification of cross-section d = 200 – 6t = 152 mm (Assuming internal radius of 2t) b = 75 mm Table 3.1 ε = 1.10 Compression flange b t 75 = 9.38 8 = b ≤ 9.5ε t For Class 2 compact sections, = 10.45 ˆ Flange is at least compact. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Web subject to bending d t = 152 8 = 19.0 Neutral axis at mid depth – for Class 2 compact sections d ≤ 54 ε t = 59.4 ˆ Web is at least compact Classification of cross-section: at least compact Section 4.4.1 Shear capacity Maximum shear at beam end = 20.0 kN Eq. 4.18 Shear capacity Pv = 0.6 × py × Av For a channel, load parallel to the web, Av = t × D Pv = 0.6 × 220 × 8 × 200 = 211 kN Design shear force = 20.0 kN, shear capacity of cross-section is OK Section 4.4.2 Moment capacity Fv Pv = 20 = 0.09 211 < 0.6 ˆ Moment capacity does not need to be reduced for the effects of high shear. ∴ Mc = py S pyS Eq. 4.19 but not more than 1.2 Z py = 220 × 169.2 × 10-3 kNm = 37.2 kNm 1.2 Z py = 1.2 × 13.86 × 10 4 × 220 = 36.6 kNm ∴ Mcx = 36.6 kNm Design moment = 30.0 kNm, ∴ Moment capacity of cross-section is OK 107 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 2 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 3 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 4.4.4 Lateral torsional buckling resistance For satisfactory resistance to lateral torsional buckling, ≤ Mx PLT $W Sx py Mb = $W Eq. 4.27 = 1 for compact cross-sections λ LT = Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Eq. 4.26 Mb/mLT λLT py π E = λLT 220 π 200,000 = 8LT H 1.055 H 10-2 Eq. 4.28 8LT = uvλ β W Eq. 4.29 8 = LE/ry Eq. 4.30 Cross members provide lateral restraints at 2 m centres ˆ LE = 2000 mm 8 = 2000/22.3 = 89.7 From section property table, Design Table 4: u = 0.934 Y 89.7 λ = x 17.9 v λLT = x = 17.9 Design Table 4 = 5.01 1 2 λ 1 + 0.05 x 0.25 = 1 2 89.7 1 + 0.05 17.9 = 0.934 × 0.816 × 89.7 × 1.00 λ LT = 68.4 × 1.055 × 10-2 0.25 = 0.816 BS 5950-1 cl = 68.4 = 0.721 > 0.4 ∴ Lateral torsional buckling should be considered. For cold formed section, with λ LT = 0.721, by linear interpolation of values in Table 4.2, χLT = 0.837 Mb = 0.837 × 1.00 × 220 × 169.2 × 103 = 31.2 kN 108 Table 4.2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 2 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 4 of 4 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Calculate mLT 2m 2m M1 2m M4 M2 M 3 M5 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Lateral restraints divide the beam into three sections. By inspection the middle section is critical. Divide mid section into 4 No. equal segments and calculate moments at segment intersections. M1 M2 M3 = M5 = 26.7 kNm = M4 = 29.2 kNm = Mmax = 30.0 kNm mLT = 0.2 + mLT = 0.2 + 0.15 M 2 + 0.5 M 3 + 0.15 M 4 BS 5950-1 Table 18 M max 0.15 × 29.2 + 0.5 × 30.0 + 0.15 × 29.2 30.0 = 0.99 Mb/mLT = 31.2/0.99 = 31.5 kNm Mx = 30.0 kNm, ∴ Mx < Mb/mLT ∴Lateral torsional buckling resistance of member is OK 109 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 1 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 DESIGN EXAMPLE 3: BEAM-COLUMN (FABRICATED I BEAM) Design a fabricated I beam subject to axial compression and bending in grade 1.4301 (304) stainless steel. 20 kN 6 kN/m Lateral restraints 10 kN 3m H Cross member provide restraint against lateral torsional buckling and flexural buckling at 1 m centres. The member is torsionally and laterally restrained at each end. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Loads Dead load: UDL 0.47 kN/m (self weight) Imposed load: UDL 6 kN/m Point load 20 kN Axial load 10 kN Dead load factor = 1.4 BS 5950-1 Table 2 Imposed load factor = 1.6 Factored dead load = 1.4 H 0.47 = 0.66 kN/m Factored vertical imposed load = 1.6 H 6 = 9.6 kN/m and 1.6 H 20 Factored axial imposed load = 1.6 H 10 = 16 kN Maximum bending moment = 32 × 3 (0.66 + 9.6 ) × 3 2 + 4 8 = 35.5 kNm Maximum shear = 32 (0.66 + 9.6 ) × 3 + 2 2 = 31.4 kN Use grade 1.4301 (304), 0.2% proof stress Take py as the 0.2% proof stress, i.e. py E = 200,000 N/mm2 and G = 210 N/mm2 = 32 kN Table 2.2 = 210 N/mm2 = 76,900 N/mm2 110 Section 2.2.2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 2 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Try a fabricated I beam: Section properties Ix = 20.5 H 106 mm4 Iy = 1.67 H 106 mm4 Zx = 20.5 H 104 mm3 Sx = 23.05 H 104 mm3 Ag = 2900 mm2 rx = 84.08 mm Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement ry 10 y 200 x x 5 y 100 = 23.98 mm Section 3.8 Classification of cross-section d = 200 – 20 = 180 mm b = 50 – 2.5 = 47.5 mm ε = 1.13 Table 3.1 Outstand of compression flange b = T b For Class 2 compact sections, 47.5 = 4.75 10 ≤ 8.5 ε T = 9.605 ˆ Flange is at least Class 2 compact Web subject to bending and axial compression d t = 180 5 = 36 Section 3.8.3 Calculate r1, r1 = Fc dtpy = 16000 180 × 5 × 210 = 0.085 Fc is compressive, ∴ r1 is positive For Class 2 compact sections, d t ≤ 54ε r1 + 1 = 56.2 ˆ Web is at least class 2 compact. Classification of overall section: at least compact. 111 Table 3.1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 3 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 3.6 Shear lag Effect of shear lag may be neglected provided that: For outstand elements b # L/20 L = length between points of zero moment = 3m outstand elements b = 47.5 mm , = 150 mm L/20 ˆb < L/20 ˆ shear lag can be neglected Section 3.7 Flange curling Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2 4 2.3 p a b s u = pa = average longitudinal stress in flange = 210 N/mm2 (max possible value) bs = 47.5 mm y = 95 mm ˆu = E 2 T 2 Eq. 3.5 y 2.3 × 210 2 × 47.5 4 200,000 2 × 10 2 × 95 = 1.4 H 10-3 mm Effect of flange curling should be considered where u exceeds 5% of the depth of the section, i.e. 0.05 H 200 = 10 mm ˆ flange curling is negligible Shear capacity Section 4.4.1 Pv = 0.6 py Av Eq. 4.18 Av =td = 5 H 180 = 900 mm2 ˆ Pv = 0.6 H 210 H 900 = 113.4 kN Design shear force, Fv = 31.4 kN, ˆ section is OK in shear Section 4.4.5 Shear buckling Shear buckling of webs should be considered when d/t $ 39.5ε d/t = 36 < 39.5ε, ˆ shear buckling can be neglected. 112 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 4 Pv 31.4 113.4 = 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 4.4.2 Moment capacity Fv of = 0.277 < 0.6 ˆ Moment capacity does not need to be reduced for the effects of high shear. Mcx = py Sx but not more than 1.2 py Zx for Class 1 or Class 2 cross-sections py Sx = 210 H 23.05 H 104 H 10-6 = 48.4 kNm 1.2 py Zx = 1.2 H 210 H 20.5 H 104 H 10-6 = 51.7 kNm ˆ Mcx = 48.4 kNm Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Maximum design bending moment, Mx = 35.5 kNm, ˆ Section is OK Section 4.4.4 Lateral torsional buckling resistance Mb Eq. 4.26 & 4.27 Mx ≤ $w = 1 for Class 1 or Class 2 cross-sections λ LT m LT = where λLT π 8LT = uvλ 8 = LE/ry py Mb = PLT $w Sx py = E λLT π Eq. 4.28 210 = 8LT H 1.03 H 10-2 200,000 Eq. 4.29 βw Eq. 4.30 Cross members provide lateral restraints at 1 m centres ˆ LE = 1000 mm 8 = 1000/23.98 = 41.7 u 4 S2 γ = 2x 2 A d g s ds = distance between shear centres of flanges = 200 – 10 Sx = 23.05 H 104 mm3 ( = (1 - Iy/Ix) Ag = 2900 mm2 Hence u BS 5950-1 cl B.2.3 0.25 = (1 – (1.67 H 106)/(20.5 H 106)) 4 × ( 23.05 × 10 4 ) 2 × 0.92 = 2 2 2900 × 190 = 0.92 0.25 = 0.896 113 = 190 mm P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 x J = x = ( 1 3 T1 b1 + T2 3b2 + t w 3 d 3 41.7 21.26 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 SCI Sheet 5 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 0.5 BS 5950-1 cl B.2.3 ) = 2900 ∴ x = 0.566×190× 74.2 × 10 3 λ OSM459 Client CALCULATION SHEET Ag = 0.566ds J Job No. ( ) 1 2 × 10 3 × 100 + 53 × 180 = 74.2 H 103 mm4 Eq. 4.17 3 0.5 = 21.26 BS 5950-1 Table 19 = 1.96, Y v = 0.96 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Lateral restraints divide the beam into three sections, the middle section is critical: ˆ8LT = uvλ βw = 0.896 H 0.96 H 41.7 = 35.87 ˆ λ LT = 35.87 H 1.03 H 10-2 = 0.369 As λ LT < 0.4, lateral torsional buckling can be discounted. Table 4.2 i.e. Mb = Mcx = 48.4kNm Compression resistance of the cross-section Local capacity of cross-section For a non-slender cross-section: Psq Section 4.3.2 Psq Eq 4.6 = Ag py = 2900 H 210 H 10-3 = 609 kN Design compressive force, Fc = 16 kN ˆ cross section is OK for compression Member buckling due to compression Section 4.3.3 Compression resistance, Pc = P $c Ag py Eq. 4.8 $c = 1 for non-slender sections Non dimensional slenderness, λ = Eq. 4.9 Psq PE where PE is the value of Px, Py and Pz that gives the lowest reduction factor, P. The section will not fail in torsional flexural buckling because the shear centre coincides with the centroid of the section. 114 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 6 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Cross members provide lateral restraint at 1 m centres ˆ Ly = 1000 mm, take LEy Lx = 3000 mm, take LEx Conservatively, take Lez = Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Px = Py = Pz = H = r0 = Pz = π 2 EI x LEx 2 π 2 EI y LEy 2 = 1000 mm = 3000 mm Lx = 3000 mm = π 2 × 200,000 × 20.5 × 106 × 10 −3 3000 2 = 4496 kN = π 2 × 200,000 × 1.67 × 106 × 10 −3 1000 2 = 3296 kN Eq. 4.10 Eq. 4.11 Eq. 4.12 1 π 2 EH + GJ 2 2 r0 LEz d s2 T1 T2 b13 b23 2 ) = rx 2 + ry 2 + x 0 2 = 12 ( t1 b13 + t 2 b23 2 190 × 10 × 100 6 3 12 ( 10 × 100 ) × 2 84.08 2 2 + 23.98 + 0 2 = 1.50 H 1010 mm6 Eq. 4.16 = 87.43 mm Eq. 4.15 π 2 × 200,000 × 1.5 × 1010 + 76,900 × 74.2 × 10 3 3000 2 87.43 2 1 = 1177 kN For failure by flexural buckling, PE is the lower of Px and Py, thus PE = 3296 kN λ = 609 3296 Eq. 4.9 = 0.430 For flexural buckling of a welded open section subject to compression, α = 0.76, λ 0 Table 4.1 = 0.2 Calculate reduction factor χ φ ( ) ( )2 = 0.51 + α λ − λ0 + λ ( = 0.5 1 + 0.76(0.430 − 0.2 ) + 0.430 2 ) Table 4.1 Notes = 0.680 χ = 1 2 0.5 φ + φ 2 − λ = ( 1 0.68 + 0.68 2 − 0.43 ) 2 0 .5 For failure by torsional buckling: PE = Pz = 1177 kN 115 = 0.829 Table 4.1 Notes P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 609 = OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET λ Job No. Sheet SCI 7 of Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Eq. 4.9 = 0.719 1177 11 For torsional buckling of a welded open section subject to compression, α = 0.34, λ 0 Table 4.1 = 0.2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Calculate reduction factor χ ( ) () φ 2 = 0.51 + α λ − λ 0 + λ χ = 1 = 2 0.5 φ + φ 2 − λ ( = 0.5 1 + 0.34(0.719 − 0.2 ) + 0.719 2 ( 1 0.847 + 0.847 2 − 0.719 2 )0.5 ) =0.847 = 0.772 Since 0.772 < 0.829, failure mode is torsional buckling and failure load is: = 0.772 × 2900 × 210 Pc Eq. 4.8 = 470 kN Design compressive force Fc = 16 kN, thus buckling resistance of the member is OK . Section 4.5.2 Axial compression and bending resistance Local capacity interaction check: Fc Ag p y + Mx M cx + My M cy Fc = 16 kN Mx = 35.5 kNm Mcx ˆ Eq. 4.61 ≤1 My = 0 = 48.4 kNm 16 609 + 35.5 48.4 = 0.026 + 0.733 = 0.759 ≤ 1.00 Local capacity of cross-section is OK Buckling resistance interaction check: For Class 1,2 or 3 sections Fc Pc + mx Mx py Z x + my My py Z y Eq. 4.63 ≤1 mx = 0.95 116 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 1m Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Sheet SCI = 0.817 8 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 ≤ 1.00 ∴ OK BS 5950-1 Table 26 Eq. 4.64 ≤1 1m M1 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Job Title = 0.034 + 0.783 my M y Fc m M + LT LT + Pc1 Mb py Z y Calculate mLT OSM459 Client CALCULATION SHEET 16 0.95 × 35.5 × 10 6 + 470 210 × 20.5 × 10 4 Job No. 1m M2 M M4 3 M5 The centre segment will be critical for lateral torsional buckling. From bending moment diagram, M1 = M5 = 26.27 kNm M2 = M4 = 31.23 kNm M3 = Mmax = 35.50 kNm mLT = 0.2 + mLT = 0.2 + mLT = 0.964 Mb = Mcx 0.15 M 2 + 0.5 M 3 + 0.15 M 4 BS 5950-1 Table 18 M max 0.15 × 31.23 + 0.5 × 35.5 + 0.15 × 31.23 35.5 = 48.4 kNm 16 0.964 × 35.5 + 470 48.4 = 0.034 + 0.707 = 0.741 < 1.00 ∴ Member is OK for combined axial compression and bending 117 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 9 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 4.4.6 Web bearing, crippling and buckling at the end support Although this check is unlikely to be critical, it is included here to demonstrate the application of the guidance. The force is applied through one flange close to an unstiffened end. b + be Thus k F = 2 + 6 1 ≤6 d Figure 4.4 Type c Assume that the stiff bearing length b1 = 40 mm and the distance to the nearer end of the member from the end of the stiff bearing be = 50mm 40 + 50 k F = 2 + 6 =5 180 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Fx ≤ pyw Leff t Eq. 4.42 Calculate effective loaded length, ly Fcr = 0.9 k F E m1 = t3 = 0.9 × 5 × 200,000 × d p yf ( 2 b + t ) p yw t = 53 180 210 ( 2 × 47.5 + 5 ) 210 × 5 = 625 kN Eq. 4.52 = 20 Eq. 4.43 2 2 d 180 Assume λF >0.5 and so m 2 = 0.02 = 0.02 = 6.48 T 10 le k F Et 2 = k F Et 2 2 pyw d b1 + ≤ 2 pyw d be = Eq. 4.44 b1 + be Eq. 4.48 5 × 200,000 × 5 2 = 331 mm 2 × 210 × 180 = 40 + 50 = 90 mm ˆ le = 90 mm At the end support (type c), ly is given by the smallest of the following expressions: ly [ = b1 + 2 T 1 + m1 + m 2 ] = 40 + 20 [1 + 20 + 6.48 118 ] = 162 .9 mm Eq. 4.45 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET ly = m1 l e le +T + 2 T ly = le +T Sheet SCI 10 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 2 2 20 90 + m 2 = 90 + 10 + 6.48 + 2 10 = 188.7 mm Eq. 4.46 m 1 + m 2 = 90 + 10 20 + 6.48 = 141.5 mm Eq. 4.47 If ly=141.5 mm, check λF > 0.5, λF l y t p yw = Fcr 141.5 × 5 × 210 = 0.487 625000 = Eq. 4.51 Since λF < 0.5, recalculate ly , this time assuming m2=0 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement ly [ ] = b1 + 2 T 1 + [ m 1 + 0 = 40 + 20 1 + ly = m1 l e le +T + 2 T ly = le +T 2 + m 2 = 20 + 0 ] = 149.4 mm 2 20 90 + 0 = 185.4 mm 90 + 10 + 2 10 m 1 + m 2 = 90 + 10 20 + 0 = 134.7 mm If ly=134.7 mm, check value of λF , λF l y t p yw = F cr 134.7 × 5 × 210 = 625000 = 0.475 ˆ ly=134.7 mm Calculate effective length of resistance, Leff χF Eq. 4.49 = χFly Leff = 0.5 λF ≤ 0.5 0.475 1. 0 χF = Leff = 134.7 × 1.00 pywLefft = 134.7 × 5 × 210 Eq. 4.50 > 1.00 ˆ Limit to 1.00 = 134.7 mm Eq. 4.42 = 141.4kN Shear force at the end support, Fx = 31.6kN, therefore resistance of web to the transverse forces is adequate. 119 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 3 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 11 of 11 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 4.4.8 Deflection To calculate deflections, the secant modulus Es must be determined. 20 × 3 Moment due to unfactored imposed loads = 4 + 6×3 8 2 = 21.8 kNm Zx = 20.5 H 104 mm2 Hence f = 21.8 H 106/20.5 H 104 = 106.3 N/mm2 Stress in section due to axial force = F A = 10 × 10 2900 3 = 3.4 N/mm2 ˆ Stress in tension flange . stress in compression flange . 106 N/mm2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Secant modulus, Es = Eq. 4.58 E f 1+ k p y n −1 For grade 1.4301, when the direction of rolling is not known, conservatively, use constants for longitudinal direction: k = 1.9 YEs = n = 6.5 Table 4.3 200,000 106 1 + 1.9 210 5.5 = 192,000 N/mm2 Deflection due to UDL = Deflection due to point load = ˆ Overall deflection = 5 wL 384 E s I x PL < 3 48 E s I x 5 × 6 × 3 4 × 1012 384 × 192000 × 20.5 × 10 6 = 1.61 + 2.86 4.47 span = 3000 670 4 span 180 + 20 × 10 3 × 3 3 × 10 9 48 × 192000 × 20.5 × 10 6 = 4.47 mm ˆ deflection is acceptably small 120 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 1 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 DESIGN EXAMPLE 4: AXIALLY LOADED COLUMN IN FIRE Design an unprotected rectangular hollow section in grade 1.4401 (316) stainless steel subject to axial load and bending moment for 30 minutes fire resistance. The column length is 2.7 m and is subject to axial load from the end reaction of a floor beam at an eccentricity of 90 mm from the narrow face of the column. The loads are: Dead Load: 6 kN Permanent Imposed Load: 7 kN (Note: NO temporary imposed loads) x D Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Point of application of load B y y 90 mm x Section A - A A A Floor beam 2.7 m Column The column will initially be checked at the ultimate limit state (LC1) and subsequently at the fire limit state (LC2) for a fire duration of 30 minutes. The loadcases are as follow: BS 5950-1 LC1 = 1.4 × Dead Load + 1.6 × Imposed Load Table 2 LC2 = 1.0 × Dead Load + 1.0 × Permanent Imposed Load 121 Table 6.1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 2 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 For grade 1.4401 (316), 0.2% proof stress = 220 N/mm2 and Us = 520 N/mm2 Table 2.2 Take py as the 0.2% proof stress i.e. py = 220 N/mm2 E = 200,000 N/mm2 Table 2.4 Design at the Ultimate Limit State (LC1) Axial Load Fc = 1.4 × 6 + 1.6 × 7 = 19.6 kN Try using a 100 × 50 × 6 rectangular hollow section = 19.6 × (90 +100/2) Design moment Mx = 2.74 kNm Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Section properties Sx 3 = 43.75 cm rx = 3.29 cm Zx = 32.58 cm3 ry = 1.91 cm Ag = 15 cm2 Design Table 2 Assuming an internal radius of 2t, d = 64 mm and b = 14 mm Classification of cross-section Table 3.1 ε = 1.10 Assume worst case - webs in compression d t = 64 6 = 10.67 < 28ε = 30.8 ∴Web is at least Class 3 Check for actual case of combined bending and compression: Fc r1 = for RHS 2 dtp yw r1 19.6 × 10 = 0.116 2 × 64 × 6 × 220 52ε = 51.25 > 10.67 ∴Web is Class 1 r1 + 1 Check flange in compression b t = 3 = 14 6 = 2.33 < 23ε = 25.3 ∴ Flange is Class 1 ∴ Classification of cross-section: Class 1 122 Table 3.1 Table 3.1 Eq. 3.8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 3 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 4.5.2 Axial compression and bending resistance Local capacity interaction check: Fc Ag p y + Mx M cx + My Eq. 4.61 ≤1 M cy Ag p y = 1500 × 220 My =0 Mcx = Sx py = 330 kN = 43.75 × 10 3 × 220 Sx py Section 4.4.2 but not more than 1.5Zx py = 9.625 kNm 1.5 Z x p y = 1.5×32.58×10 ×220 = 10.75 kNm 3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement ∴ Mcx Fc Ag p y = 9.625 kNm + Mx M cx = 19.6 330 + 2.74 9.625 = = 0.0594 + 0.285 = 0.344 < 1.00 Local capacity of cross-section is OK Buckling resistance interaction check: Fc Pc + mx Mx py Z x + my My py Z y ≤1 Eq. 4.63 It is assumed that the effective length of the column is equal to the actual column length. Thus LE = 2.7m From Design Table 40, Pc = 123 kN for LE Pc = 91.6 kN for LE Design Table 40 = 2.5 m = 3.0 m By linear interpolation, for LE = 2.7 m, Pc = 110.4 kN Assuming the column is pinned at the base, a triangular bending moment distribution occurs. mx BS 5950–1 Table 26 = 0.6 for a triangular bending moment distribution Fc m x M x + Pc py Z x = 0.6 × 2.74 × 10 6 19.6 + 110.4 32.58 × 10 3 × 220 =0.178 + 0.229 = 0.407 < 1.00 Thus the member is OK for combined axial compression and bending under LC1. By inspection, the check using Eq 4.65 will not be critical as mLT = mx = 0.6 123 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET Sheet SCI 4 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Design at the Fire Limit State (LC2) For LC2, the column is designed for the following axial loads and moments. Factored loads: Dead Load = 1.0 × 6 Permanent Imposed Load = 6.0kN = 1.0 × 7 = 7.0 kN Axial compressive load Fc,fi = 6.0 + 7.0 = 13.0 kN = 13.0 × (90+100/2) × 10-3 = 1.82 kNm Maximum bending moment, Mx,fi Determine temperature of steel after 30 minutes fire duration Section 6.5 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Assume that the section is unprotected and that there is a uniform temperature distribution within the steel section. Increase in temperature during time interval ∆t is found from: ∆θ s = αc +αr Hp cs ρ s Ag (θ f Eq. 6.25 − θ s ) ∆t Assume temperature-time relationship is given by the standard temperature time curve: θf Eq. 6.27 = 20+345log10(8t+1) Initial input values for determination of steel temperature are as follows: Hp = 2D+2B = 300 mm Hp/A = 200 m-1 αc = 25 W/m2 ºC Initial steel temperature θ = 20°C Resultant emissivity ε = 0.4 Density of stainless steel ρs = 8000 kg/m3 Table 2.4 The specific heat is temperature dependent and is given by the following expression: Section 6.3.2 cs = 450 + 0.280 × θ - 2.91 × 10 θ + 1.34 × 10 θ Eq. 6.4 -4 2 -7 3 J/kg°C A time interval of two seconds is used. The above formulae and initial input information were coded in an Excel spreadsheet and the following steel temperature, after a fire duration of 30 minutes, was obtained: θs = 829°C 124 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 5 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Reduction of mechanical properties at elevated temperatures Section 6.2 The following reduction factors are required for calculation of resistance at elevated temperatures. Young’s modulus retention factor kE, θ = Eθ/E 0.2% proof strength retention factor kp0.2proof,θ = p0.2proof,θ/py Ultimate tensile strength retention factor kU,θ =Us,θ/Us The value of the 2% yield strength at elevated temperature is also required for capacity calculations. This is given by the following expression: p 2,è Eq. 6.1 = p 0.2proof,è + g 2,è ( U s,è − p 0.2proof,è ) The values for the retention factor at 829°C are obtained by linear interpolation. Table 6.2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement kp0.2proof,θ = 0.339 kU,θ = 0.294 kE,θ = 0.578 g2,θ = 0.359 = 0.339 × 220 + 0.359 × (0.294 × 520 – 0.339 × 220) Hence p2,θ = 102.7 N/mm2 And thus kp2,θ = 102.7/220 = 0.467 Section 6.4.3 Member buckling due to compression Eq. 6.8 Pc,θ = χθ Ag kp2,θ py λθ = λ k p2,θ k E,θ λ = λθ = 1.729 × (0.467/0.578)0.5 = 1.554 [ Psq Pc = ] Eq. 6.10 0.5 330 110.4 = 1.729 For grade 1.4401 (316), by linear interpolation of the values in Table 6.3 for λθ =1.554, by linear interpolation, χθ = 0.262 Pc,θ = 0.262 × 1500 × 0.467 × 220 = 40.38 kN Fc,fi = 13.0 kN, therefore, section is OK 125 Table 6.3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Silwood Park, Ascot, Berks SL5 7QN Telephone: (01344) 623345 Fax: (01344) 622944 Job No. OSM459 Job Title Structural design of stainless steel Subject Design example 4 Client CALCULATION SHEET SCI Sheet 6 of 6 Rev Made by SMH Date Aug 2001 Checked by NRB Date Aug 2001 Section 6.4.6 Axial compression and bending resistance For a class 1 cross section, the following expression must be satisfied F c,fi χ min,θ A g k p2 ,θ p y k x M x,fi + k p2,θ M cx,θ µ x F c,fi + k y M y,fi k p2, θ M cy,θ kx =1− µx = (1.2 β M,x − 3 ) λ x,θ + 0.44 β M,x − 0.29 χ x,θ A g k p2, θ p y ≤ 1 ≤3 ≤ 0.8 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Assuming, as previously, a triangular moment distribution, βM = 1.8 and using previously obtained values for λ θ = 1.554 and χθ = 0.262 , µx is calculated as follows: µx = (1.2 × 1.8 − 3) × 1.554 + 0.44 × 1.8 − 0.29 kx = 1− − 0.803 × 13 × 10 3 0.262 × 1500 × 220 × 0.467 = − 0.803 = 1.259 Hence, the LHS is F c,fi χ min, θ A g k p2 ,θ p y = + k x M x,fi k p2,θ M cx,θ 13 × 10 3 1.259 × 1.82 × 10 6 + 0.262 × 1500 × 220 × 0.467 43.75 × 10 3 × 0.467 × 220 = 0.322 + 0.510 Eq. 6.21 = 0.832 < 1.00 Therefore section can support the loading after exposure in a fire for 30 minutes. 126 Table 6.4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... DESIGN TABLES This Section presents a total of 80 design tables for: • dimensions and gross section properties • section classification and effective section properties • member capacities. The tables cover cold formed stainless steel sections for use as structural members for both onshore and offshore construction. The tables are grouped in six sections, each printed on different tinted paper: Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Colour • Dimensions and gross section properties Cream • Section classification and effective section properties Blue • Member capacities – Grade 1.4301 (304) Pink • Member capacities – Grade 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Green • Member capacities – Grade 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Yellow • Member capacities – Grade 1.4462 (2205) Grey 127 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Index to design tables Tables of dimension and gross section properties Page Number Cream pages Table Number 1 Circular hollow sections A-2 2 Rectangular hollow sections A-5 3 Square hollow sections A-8 4 Channels A-10 5 Double channels back to back A-12 6 Equal angles A-14 7 Double angles back to back A-15 Tables of section classification and effective section properties Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Table Number Page Number Blue pages 8 Circular hollow sections subject to compression B-2 9 Rectangular hollow sections subject to compression B-3 10 Square hollow sections subject to compression B-6 11 Channels subject to compression B-8 12 Double channels back to back subject to compression B-10 13 Equal angles subject to compression B-12 14 Double angles back to back subject to compression B-13 15 Circular hollow sections subject to pure bending axis x-x B-14 16 Rectangular hollow sections subject to pure bending axis x-x B-15 17 Square hollow sections subject to pure bending axis x-x B-16 18 Channels subject to pure bending axis x-x B-18 19 Double channels back to back subject to pure bending axis x-x B-20 20 Equal angles subject to pure bending axis x-x B-22 21 Rectangular hollow sections subject to pure bending axis y-y B-23 22 Channels subject to pure bending axis y-y B-26 23 Double channels back to back subject to pure bending axis y-y B-29 24 Double angles subject to pure bending axis y-y B-31 128 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Member capacity tables Page Numbers Pink, Green, Yellow, Grey Table Numbers Subject to axial compression: 25,39,53,67 Circular hollow sections C,D,E,F-2 26,40,54,68 Rectangular hollow sections C,D,E,F-4 27,41,55,69 Square hollow sections C,D,E,F-8 28,42,56,70 Channels C,D,E,F-10 29,43,57,71 Double channels back to back C,D,E,F-13 30,44,58,72 Equal angles C,D,E,F-16 31,45,59,73 Double angles back to back C,D,E,F-18 Subject to axial tension: 32,46,60,74 Equal angles C,D,E,F-20 33,47,61,75 Double angles back to back C,D,E,F-22 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Subject to bending: 34,48,62,76 Circular hollow sections C,D,E,F-24 35,49,63,77 Rectangular hollow sections C,D,E,F-26 36,50,64,78 Square hollow sections C,D,E,F-28 37,51,65,79 Channels C,D,E,F-30 38,52,66,80 Double channels back to back C,D,E,F-31 129 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... 130 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... A. DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES A-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 1 CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS y t A-2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x y DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES D t mm mm 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 21.3 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 33.7 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 42.4 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 60.3 76.1 76.1 76.1 76.1 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 Area 2 cm 0.64 0.76 0.99 1.21 1.37 1.03 1.61 1.99 2.45 3.07 1.30 2.05 2.54 3.25 3.94 1.49 2.35 2.91 3.73 4.53 1.86 2.95 3.66 4.71 5.74 7.07 8.69 2.36 3.74 4.66 6.00 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass l x , ly kg/m 4 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 cm 0.3293 0.3840 0.4835 0.5707 0.6286 1.374 2.083 2.512 3.001 3.605 2.788 4.274 5.192 6.464 7.620 4.158 6.407 7.810 9.777 11.59 8.191 12.72 15.58 19.65 23.47 28.17 33.48 16.64 25.99 31.98 40.59 rx , ry cm 0.719 0.712 0.699 0.686 0.677 1.16 1.14 1.12 1.11 1.08 1.46 1.44 1.43 1.41 1.39 1.67 1.65 1.64 1.62 1.60 2.10 2.08 2.06 2.04 2.02 2.00 1.96 2.66 2.63 2.62 2.60 Zx , Zy 3 cm 0.3092 0.3606 0.4540 0.5359 0.5902 0.8157 1.236 1.491 1.781 2.139 1.315 2.016 2.449 3.049 3.594 1.722 2.653 3.234 4.048 4.797 2.717 4.218 5.168 6.519 7.784 9.344 11.10 4.372 6.831 8.404 10.67 S x , Sy 3 cm 0.4124 0.4854 0.6223 0.7476 0.8344 1.070 1.650 2.012 2.439 2.988 1.714 2.665 3.267 4.124 4.928 2.238 3.491 4.290 5.436 6.520 3.517 5.514 6.800 8.662 10.44 12.70 15.33 5.640 8.882 10.98 14.05 J C 4 cm 0.6586 0.7681 0.9671 1.141 1.257 2.749 4.167 5.024 6.002 7.209 5.576 8.548 10.38 12.93 15.24 8.315 12.81 15.62 19.55 23.17 16.38 25.44 31.16 39.31 46.94 56.35 66.95 33.27 51.99 63.96 81.18 3 cm 0.6184 0.7212 0.9081 1.072 1.180 1.631 2.473 2.981 3.562 4.279 2.630 4.032 4.898 6.099 7.189 3.443 5.306 6.468 8.097 9.595 5.434 8.436 10.34 13.04 15.57 18.69 22.21 8.744 13.66 16.81 21.34 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 1 CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS y t A-3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x y DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES D t mm mm 76.1 76.1 76.1 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 88.9 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 101.6 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 114.3 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 139.7 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 Area 2 cm 7.33 9.06 11.2 2.76 4.39 5.46 7.05 8.62 10.7 13.2 3.16 5.03 6.26 8.09 9.89 12.3 15.2 4.26 5.66 7.06 9.12 11.2 13.9 17.2 5.22 6.94 8.65 11.2 13.7 17.1 21.2 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass l x , ly kg/m 4 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 2.50 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 3.37 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 13.6 4.12 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 cm 48.78 59.06 70.92 26.67 41.82 51.57 65.68 79.21 96.34 116.4 39.98 62.85 77.63 99.14 119.9 146.3 177.5 68.18 89.96 111.3 142.4 172.5 211.1 256.9 125.2 165.5 205.1 263.2 319.8 392.9 480.5 rx , ry cm 2.58 2.55 2.52 3.11 3.09 3.07 3.05 3.03 3.00 2.97 3.56 3.54 3.52 3.50 3.48 3.45 3.42 4.00 3.98 3.97 3.95 3.93 3.90 3.87 4.90 4.88 4.87 4.85 4.83 4.80 4.77 Zx , Zy 3 cm 12.82 15.52 18.64 6.001 9.408 11.60 14.78 17.82 21.67 26.18 7.871 12.37 15.28 19.52 23.59 28.80 34.93 11.93 15.74 19.47 24.91 30.18 36.93 44.96 17.92 23.69 29.36 37.68 45.78 56.24 68.80 S x , Sy 3 cm 17.02 20.81 25.32 7.727 12.20 15.11 19.37 23.51 28.85 35.24 10.12 16.00 19.84 25.49 31.00 38.12 46.70 15.35 20.32 25.23 32.45 39.51 48.69 59.77 23.02 30.52 37.93 48.88 59.63 73.68 90.76 J C 4 cm 97.56 118.1 141.8 53.35 83.64 103.1 131.4 158.4 192.7 232.7 79.97 125.7 155.3 198.3 239.7 292.6 354.9 136.4 179.9 222.5 284.7 344.9 422.1 513.8 250.4 331.0 410.2 526.4 639.6 785.7 961.1 3 cm 25.64 31.04 37.28 12.00 18.82 23.20 29.55 35.64 43.35 52.36 15.74 24.74 30.56 39.03 47.19 57.59 69.87 23.86 31.48 38.94 49.82 60.36 73.86 89.91 35.85 47.39 58.73 75.36 91.56 112.5 137.6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 1 CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS y t A-4 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x y DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES D t mm mm 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 168.3 219.1 219.1 219.1 219.1 219.1 273 273 273 273 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 Area 2 cm 8.38 10.4 13.5 16.6 20.6 25.7 13.6 17.7 21.7 27.0 33.6 22.1 27.1 33.8 42.1 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass l x , ly kg/m 4 6.62 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 10.8 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 17.4 21.4 26.7 33.3 cm 291.1 361.3 464.6 565.7 697.1 855.8 803.7 1036 1264 1563 1928 2018 2468 3058 3780 rx , ry cm 5.89 5.88 5.86 5.84 5.81 5.78 7.68 7.65 7.63 7.61 7.57 9.56 9.54 9.51 9.48 Zx , Zy 3 cm 34.59 42.93 55.21 67.23 82.84 101.7 73.37 94.59 115.5 142.8 176.0 147.9 180.8 224.0 277.0 S x , Sy 3 cm 44.46 55.31 71.39 87.24 108.0 133.4 94.27 121.9 149.2 185.1 229.2 190.1 232.9 289.5 359.2 J C 4 cm 582.2 722.5 929.3 1131 1394 1711 1607 2072 2529 3127 3856 4037 4936 6116 7561 3 cm 69.18 85.86 110.4 134.5 165.7 203.4 146.7 189.2 230.9 285.5 352.0 295.8 361.7 448.1 554.0 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y A-5 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES y DxB t d mm mm mm 50 x 25 50 x 25 60 x 30 60 x 30 80 x 40 80 x 40 80 x 40 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 100 150 x 100 150 x 100 150 x 100 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 200 x 125 200 x 125 200 x 125 200 x 125 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 41 38 48 42 68 62 56 88 82 76 70 64 132 126 120 114 102 132 126 120 114 102 176 170 164 152 140 176 170 164 152 140 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Area 2 cm 2.06 2.67 3.27 4.65 4.47 6.45 8.27 5.67 8.25 10.7 12.9 15.0 12.8 16.7 20.4 24.0 30.7 14.3 18.7 22.9 27.0 34.7 22.7 27.9 33.0 42.7 51.7 24.7 30.4 36.0 46.7 56.7 Mass kg/m 1.63 2.11 2.58 3.68 3.53 5.10 6.54 4.48 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 24.2 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 40.8 19.5 24.0 28.5 36.9 44.8 Ix 4 cm 6.408 7.946 14.42 19.08 36.24 49.73 60.30 73.25 102.5 127.1 147.2 162.9 370.8 472.3 563.2 643.6 774.2 451.8 578.9 694.6 799.2 976.0 1171 1415 1640 2034 2355 1364 1653 1922 2403 2807 Iy 4 cm 2.192 2.699 4.919 6.441 12.44 16.92 20.36 25.24 35.07 43.19 49.70 54.72 127.8 161.9 192.2 218.6 260.9 243.7 311.6 373.0 428.4 521.3 403.8 486.0 561.1 691.0 795.2 666.0 805.7 935.1 1164 1355 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 1.76 1.73 2.10 2.02 2.85 2.78 2.70 3.59 3.52 3.45 3.37 3.29 5.39 5.32 5.25 5.18 5.02 5.63 5.57 5.50 5.44 5.30 7.19 7.12 7.05 6.90 6.75 7.44 7.37 7.31 7.17 7.04 1.03 1.01 1.23 1.18 1.67 1.62 1.57 2.11 2.06 2.01 1.96 1.91 3.17 3.12 3.07 3.02 2.92 4.13 4.08 4.03 3.98 3.88 4.22 4.17 4.12 4.02 3.92 5.20 5.15 5.10 4.99 4.89 cm 2.563 3.178 4.806 6.360 9.061 12.43 15.07 14.65 20.51 25.43 29.44 32.58 49.44 62.98 75.09 85.82 103.2 60.25 77.19 92.62 106.6 130.1 117.2 141.6 164.1 203.4 235.5 136.4 165.3 192.3 240.3 280.7 Zy 3 cm 1.753 2.159 3.280 4.294 6.220 8.460 10.18 10.09 14.03 17.27 19.88 21.89 34.07 43.18 51.24 58.30 69.57 48.74 62.31 74.61 85.67 104.3 80.76 97.19 112.2 138.2 159.0 106.6 128.9 149.6 186.3 216.9 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 3.235 4.088 6.103 8.351 11.33 15.91 19.79 18.16 25.88 32.71 38.66 43.75 61.29 78.99 95.35 110.4 136.5 72.31 93.59 113.5 132.0 164.9 145.3 177.0 207.0 261.7 309.3 164.9 201.4 236.1 300.1 356.8 cm 2.005 2.528 3.780 5.150 7.034 9.847 12.21 11.29 16.04 20.22 23.84 26.91 38.10 49.02 59.06 68.26 84.13 54.98 71.11 86.16 100.2 125.0 90.31 109.9 128.4 161.8 190.7 119.9 146.4 171.5 217.7 258.5 J b = B - 6t d = D - 6t C 4 cm 5.562 7.063 12.62 17.33 31.06 43.95 54.77 61.97 88.99 113.0 133.7 150.9 313.7 406.5 492.8 572.1 708.0 510.5 666.1 813.5 952.2 1201 991.5 1213 1423 1808 2139 1449 1781 2099 2692 3223 3 cm 3.108 3.875 5.837 7.800 10.96 15.13 18.49 17.68 24.86 31.00 36.11 40.23 59.68 76.24 91.21 104.6 126.9 81.26 104.6 126.1 145.9 180.2 141.5 171.3 198.9 248.0 288.9 179.8 218.7 255.2 321.3 378.4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y A-6 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES y DxB t d mm mm mm 250 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 150 250 x 150 250 x 150 250 x 150 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 300 x 200 300 x 200 300 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 175 350 x 175 350 x 175 350 x 175 350 x 175 350 x 200 350 x 200 350 x 200 350 x 200 350 x 200 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 214 202 190 178 160 214 202 190 178 160 264 252 240 228 210 264 252 240 228 210 314 302 290 278 260 314 302 290 278 260 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Area 2 cm 42.0 54.7 66.7 78.1 93.8 45.0 58.7 71.7 84.1 101 51.0 66.7 81.7 96.1 116 57.0 74.7 91.7 108 131 60.0 78.7 96.7 114 138 63.0 82.7 101 120 146 Mass kg/m 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 74.1 35.6 46.4 56.6 66.4 80.1 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 91.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 47.4 62.2 76.4 90.1 109 49.8 65.3 80.3 94.8 115 Ix 4 cm 3341 4211 4966 5607 6364 3787 4797 5686 6457 7400 5932 7557 9010 10300 11920 7229 9262 11110 12790 14970 9603 12320 14800 17050 20010 10490 13490 16250 18770 22110 Iy 4 cm 1147 1438 1686 1895 2137 1732 2187 2583 2925 3339 2044 2590 3074 3498 4025 3899 4985 5968 6853 8003 3315 4235 5067 5814 6783 4464 5722 6872 7915 9289 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 8.92 8.78 8.63 8.48 8.24 9.17 9.04 8.91 8.77 8.55 10.8 10.6 10.5 10.4 10.1 11.3 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 12.2 12.0 12.9 12.8 12.6 12.5 12.3 5.23 5.13 5.03 4.93 4.77 6.20 6.10 6.00 5.90 5.74 6.33 6.23 6.13 6.03 5.88 8.27 8.17 8.07 7.96 7.81 7.43 7.34 7.24 7.14 6.99 8.42 8.32 8.22 8.12 7.97 cm 267.3 336.9 397.3 448.6 509.1 303.0 383.8 454.9 516.6 592.1 395.5 503.8 600.7 686.5 795.0 482.0 617.5 741.0 852.5 998.2 548.8 704.0 845.8 974.5 1143 599.5 770.9 928.4 1072 1263 Zy 3 cm 183.6 230.2 269.9 303.3 342.0 231.1 291.6 344.5 390.0 445.3 272.5 345.4 410.0 466.4 536.8 389.9 498.5 596.9 685.4 800.3 379.0 484.1 579.2 664.6 775.3 446.4 572.3 687.2 791.6 928.9 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 333.7 426.8 511.1 586.6 683.6 370.3 475.2 571.1 658.0 771.7 490.3 631.9 762.8 883.1 1043 578.5 748.7 907.8 1055 1257 676.9 877.1 1064 1239 1479 728.5 945.5 1149 1341 1604 cm 207.2 264.5 316.0 361.9 420.5 261.6 335.3 402.5 463.3 542.5 304.8 392.1 472.5 546.1 643.8 439.8 568.9 689.3 801.2 953.4 421.1 544.8 660.3 767.7 913.9 498.0 645.7 784.3 914.0 1092 J b = B - 6t d = D - 6t C 4 cm 2856 3673 4414 5072 5894 3911 5060 6121 7088 8346 5019 6504 7884 9153 10830 8167 10660 13020 15240 18290 8062 10500 12800 14960 17900 10130 13230 16170 18960 22820 3 cm 323.2 409.0 484.3 549.5 628.5 394.5 502.3 598.9 684.4 792.4 477.4 609.9 729.6 836.9 974.9 650.1 836.8 1009 1167 1378 661.7 850.8 1024 1184 1396 763.0 984.2 1189 1379 1634 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 2 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y A-7 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES y DxB t d mm mm mm 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 250 400 x 250 400 x 250 400 x 250 400 x 250 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 364 352 340 328 310 364 352 340 328 310 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Area 2 cm 69.0 90.7 111 132 161 75.0 98.7 121 144 176 Mass kg/m 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 127 59.3 78.0 96.1 113 139 Ix 4 cm 14540 18750 22650 26250 31080 16870 21820 26460 30770 36640 Iy 4 cm 5028 6460 7775 8977 10580 8253 10660 12890 14960 17770 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 14.5 14.4 14.2 14.1 13.9 15.0 14.9 14.7 14.6 14.4 8.54 8.44 8.34 8.24 8.10 10.5 10.4 10.3 10.2 10.0 cm 727.0 937.5 1132 1312 1554 843.4 1091 1322 1538 1832 Zy 3 cm 502.9 646.0 777.5 897.7 1057 660.3 852.5 1031 1196 1421 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 893.6 1162 1416 1656 1989 1011 1318 1611 1889 2278 cm 556.2 722.5 879.3 1026 1230 736.3 959.2 1171 1371 1652 J b = B - 6t d = D - 6t C 4 cm 12140 15860 19410 22780 27470 17680 23200 28500 33600 40800 3 cm 875.9 1131 1370 1591 1891 1108 1438 1749 2041 2445 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 3 D SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS y A-8 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES DxD t d mm mm mm 40 x 40 40 x 40 50 x 50 50 x 50 50 x 50 60 x 60 60 x 60 60 x 60 60 x 60 80 x 80 80 x 80 80 x 80 80 x 80 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 125 x 125 125 x 125 125 x 125 125 x 125 125 x 125 150 x 150 150 x 150 150 x 150 150 x 150 150 x 150 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 28 22 38 32 26 48 42 36 30 68 62 56 50 82 76 70 64 52 107 101 95 89 77 132 126 120 114 102 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Area 2 cm 2.87 4.05 3.67 5.25 6.67 4.47 6.45 8.27 9.93 6.07 8.85 11.5 13.9 11.3 14.7 17.9 21.0 26.7 14.3 18.7 22.9 27.0 34.7 17.3 22.7 27.9 33.0 42.7 Mass kg/m 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 y Ix , Iy 4 cm 6.659 8.689 13.71 18.48 21.97 24.51 33.71 41.01 46.53 60.58 85.32 106.5 124.4 173.1 219.4 260.1 295.6 351.6 348.4 446.3 535.5 616.2 752.9 613.9 792.1 957.6 1110 1379 rx , ry cm 1.52 1.46 1.93 1.88 1.81 2.34 2.29 2.23 2.16 3.16 3.10 3.05 2.99 3.92 3.87 3.81 3.75 3.63 4.94 4.89 4.83 4.78 4.66 5.97 5.91 5.86 5.80 5.68 Zx , Zy 3 cm 3.330 4.344 5.484 7.391 8.789 8.171 11.24 13.67 15.51 15.15 21.33 26.64 31.10 34.62 43.87 52.03 59.13 70.31 55.74 71.41 85.68 98.59 120.5 81.86 105.6 127.7 148.1 184.0 Sx , Sy 3 cm 3.994 5.407 6.488 8.994 11.02 9.583 13.48 16.80 19.56 17.57 25.15 31.95 37.98 40.43 51.91 62.41 71.95 88.20 64.58 83.60 101.4 117.9 147.5 94.36 122.8 149.7 175.2 221.7 x t J d = D - 6t C 4 cm 11.33 15.61 22.77 32.15 39.88 40.07 57.34 72.41 85.01 96.99 140.9 181.2 217.6 280.6 364.4 442.4 514.4 638.1 556.3 727.1 889.6 1043 1321 970.5 1273 1565 1844 2364 3 cm 5.187 6.924 8.469 11.62 14.07 12.55 17.50 21.62 24.92 23.11 32.88 41.49 48.99 53.04 67.75 81.04 92.93 112.6 85.00 109.6 132.3 153.3 190.0 124.5 161.4 196.1 228.7 287.4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 3 D SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS y A-9 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES DxD t d mm mm mm 175 x 175 175 x 175 175 x 175 175 x 175 175 x 175 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 250 x 250 250 x 250 250 x 250 250 x 250 250 x 250 300 x 300 300 x 300 300 x 300 300 x 300 300 x 300 350 x 350 350 x 350 350 x 350 350 x 350 350 x 350 400 x 400 400 x 400 400 x 400 400 x 400 400 x 400 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 151 145 139 127 115 176 170 164 152 140 220 214 202 190 178 270 264 252 240 228 314 302 290 278 260 364 352 340 328 310 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Area 2 cm 26.7 32.9 39.0 50.7 61.7 30.7 37.9 45.0 58.7 71.7 47.9 57.0 74.7 91.7 108 57.9 69.0 90.7 111 132 81.0 106 131 156 191 93.0 122 151 180 221 Mass kg/m 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 y Ix , Iy 4 cm 1281 1557 1815 2281 2682 1940 2366 2769 3509 4162 4737 5574 7141 8568 9859 8319 9823 12670 15320 17770 15820 20510 24920 29050 34750 23850 31050 37870 44320 53330 rx , ry cm 6.93 6.88 6.82 6.71 6.59 7.95 7.90 7.84 7.73 7.62 9.94 9.89 9.78 9.67 9.55 12.0 11.9 11.8 11.7 11.6 14.0 13.9 13.8 13.6 13.5 16.0 15.9 15.8 15.7 15.5 Zx , Zy 3 cm 146.5 178.0 207.5 260.8 306.6 194.0 236.7 277.0 351.0 416.2 379.0 445.9 571.3 685.5 788.8 554.6 654.9 845.0 1021 1184 903.8 1171 1423 1660 1985 1192 1552 1893 2215 2666 Sx , Sy 3 cm 169.5 207.4 243.7 311.0 371.5 223.7 274.5 323.4 415.3 499.3 436.9 516.7 668.8 811.1 943.6 636.7 754.9 982.3 1197 1401 1038 1355 1659 1949 2358 1366 1789 2196 2587 3144 x t J d = D - 6t C 4 cm 2040 2515 2974 3842 4637 3067 3788 4490 5829 7078 7488 8901 11630 14230 16690 13040 15530 20380 25040 29510 24820 32660 40250 47600 58120 37230 49070 60620 71840 88050 3 cm 223.2 272.4 319.0 404.7 480.6 295.0 361.2 424.3 542.0 648.3 576.2 680.0 876.6 1058 1226 841.2 995.6 1291 1568 1829 1371 1785 2179 2552 3073 1806 2360 2889 3394 4109 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 4 b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy A-10 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES y Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 50 x 25 75 x 35 75 x 35 75 x 35 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 125 x 50 125 x 50 125 x 50 125 x 50 150 x 60 150 x 60 150 x 60 150 x 60 175 x 60 175 x 60 175 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 200 x 75 200 x 75 200 x 75 225 x 75 225 x 75 225 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 250 x 100 250 x 100 250 x 100 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Area 2 cm 1.83 2.63 3.98 5.14 6.21 5.63 7.34 8.96 6.38 8.34 10.2 12.0 10.1 12.5 14.7 18.9 13.7 16.2 20.9 25.4 16.5 19.5 25.3 30.9 21.0 27.3 33.4 39.0 25.5 33.3 40.9 48.0 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass d kg/m mm 1.45 2.08 3.14 4.06 4.91 4.45 5.80 7.08 5.04 6.59 8.07 9.49 8.01 9.85 11.6 15.0 10.8 12.8 16.5 20.0 13.0 15.4 20.0 24.4 16.6 21.6 26.3 30.8 20.2 26.3 32.3 37.9 38 32 57 51 45 82 76 70 107 101 95 89 126 120 114 102 145 139 127 115 170 164 152 140 189 177 165 153 214 202 190 178 Ix 4 cm 6.855 9.239 32.76 40.59 47.00 86.56 109.7 130.1 146.3 186.5 222.7 255.0 332.1 399.9 461.9 568.8 580.0 672.2 834.0 966.5 945.6 1102 1385 1629 1465 1849 2184 2470 2340 2984 3563 4079 Iy 4 cm 1.116 1.540 4.656 5.860 6.901 13.94 17.86 21.43 15.00 19.28 23.22 26.83 34.13 41.38 48.14 60.25 43.43 50.62 63.62 74.91 85.02 99.62 126.5 150.6 103.2 131.4 156.8 179.5 239.9 308.4 371.5 429.2 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 1.93 1.88 2.87 2.81 2.75 3.92 3.87 3.81 4.79 4.73 4.67 4.61 5.72 5.66 5.60 5.48 6.50 6.44 6.31 6.17 7.58 7.52 7.39 7.27 8.35 8.22 8.09 7.96 9.58 9.46 9.34 9.22 0.780 0.766 1.08 1.07 1.05 1.57 1.56 1.55 1.53 1.52 1.51 1.49 1.84 1.82 1.81 1.78 1.78 1.77 1.74 1.72 2.27 2.26 2.23 2.21 2.22 2.19 2.17 2.14 3.07 3.04 3.02 2.99 cm 2.742 3.695 8.735 10.83 12.53 17.31 21.94 26.01 23.40 29.85 35.64 40.79 44.28 53.32 61.58 75.83 66.29 76.82 95.31 110.5 94.56 110.3 138.6 162.9 130.3 164.4 194.2 219.6 187.2 238.8 285.1 326.3 Zy 3 cm 0.6311 0.8997 1.863 2.399 2.893 3.881 5.049 6.154 4.009 5.226 6.384 7.487 7.640 9.370 11.03 14.15 9.570 11.28 14.51 17.51 15.05 17.80 23.03 27.94 18.07 23.42 28.46 33.21 32.07 41.80 51.07 59.89 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 3.244 4.497 10.41 13.15 15.53 20.21 25.95 31.21 27.72 35.75 43.19 50.05 52.64 63.99 74.63 93.82 80.35 93.96 118.8 140.4 112.9 132.6 169.2 202.1 157.9 202.2 242.3 278.3 221.7 286.0 345.5 400.4 cm 1.145 1.633 3.371 4.351 5.254 7.033 9.159 11.17 7.143 9.360 11.49 13.54 13.64 16.80 19.86 25.66 17.05 20.22 26.32 32.08 26.76 31.78 41.46 50.66 32.13 42.09 51.65 60.81 57.14 74.88 91.94 108.3 J H 4 cm 0.02446 0.07881 0.1193 0.2740 0.5178 0.1688 0.3913 0.7470 0.1913 0.4446 0.8511 1.441 0.5406 1.039 1.765 4.042 1.143 1.945 4.469 8.451 1.372 2.341 5.407 10.28 2.521 5.834 11.12 18.73 3.061 7.114 13.62 23.05 x x0 cm cm 0.936 0.954 0.937 0.949 0.963 0.928 0.936 0.944 0.921 0.928 0.935 0.943 0.923 0.929 0.935 0.949 0.919 0.924 0.937 0.951 0.920 0.924 0.934 0.944 0.916 0.924 0.934 0.945 0.921 0.928 0.935 0.943 18.1 11.2 18.1 12.9 9.77 25.0 18.1 14.0 31.7 23.1 17.9 14.5 28.3 22.1 17.9 12.7 26.2 21.3 15.2 11.5 30.3 24.8 17.9 13.7 28.2 20.4 15.7 12.6 31.7 23.1 17.9 14.5 1.57 1.56 2.14 2.13 2.12 3.14 3.14 3.13 2.88 2.88 2.87 2.86 3.46 3.45 3.45 3.43 3.23 3.22 3.21 3.18 4.21 4.20 4.19 4.17 3.99 3.97 3.96 3.93 5.77 5.76 5.75 5.73 0.731 0.788 1.00 1.06 1.11 1.41 1.46 1.52 1.26 1.31 1.36 1.42 1.53 1.58 1.64 1.74 1.46 1.51 1.62 1.72 1.85 1.90 2.01 2.11 1.79 1.89 1.99 2.10 2.52 2.62 2.73 2.83 6 cm 3.813 4.550 35.54 40.52 42.81 203.6 244.0 272.8 353.2 428.6 485.8 526.5 1136 1311 1450 1627 1934 2153 2455 2594 5085 5742 6746 7379 7713 9139 10090 10620 22600 27430 31090 33690 t u cy P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 4 b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy A-11 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES y Dxb t mm mm 300 x 100 300 x 100 300 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 350 x 125 350 x 125 350 x 125 400 x 150 400 x 150 400 x 150 400 x 150 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Area 2 cm 37.3 45.9 54.0 65.7 45.3 55.9 66.0 80.7 53.3 65.9 78.0 95.7 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass d kg/m mm 29.5 36.2 42.7 51.9 35.8 44.1 52.2 63.7 42.1 52.0 61.6 75.6 252 240 228 210 302 290 278 260 352 340 328 310 Ix 4 cm 4631 5557 6393 7486 7914 9569 11100 13160 12450 15130 17640 21100 Iy 4 cm 326.3 394.0 456.6 541.3 642.0 780.3 910.2 1089 1114 1360 1593 1921 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.7 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.8 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 2.96 2.93 2.91 2.87 3.76 3.74 3.71 3.68 4.57 4.54 4.52 4.48 cm 308.8 370.5 426.3 499.1 452.3 546.8 634.2 752.1 622.5 756.5 882.1 1055 Zy 3 cm 42.84 52.42 61.58 74.58 67.52 82.93 97.79 119.1 97.77 120.4 142.4 174.0 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 374.4 453.9 528.0 628.8 541.1 659.8 771.9 928.0 737.9 903.2 1060 1283 cm 76.15 93.95 111.2 136.1 119.6 147.8 175.2 215.0 173.1 214.1 254.2 312.7 J H 4 cm 7.967 15.28 25.93 49.25 9.674 18.62 31.69 60.50 11.38 21.95 37.45 71.75 x x0 cm cm 0.916 0.922 0.929 0.941 0.916 0.921 0.926 0.935 0.915 0.920 0.924 0.931 28.2 22.0 17.8 13.6 33.4 26.2 21.3 16.5 38.6 30.3 24.8 19.3 5.32 5.31 5.29 5.25 6.87 6.86 6.84 6.82 8.42 8.41 8.41 8.39 2.38 2.48 2.59 2.74 2.99 3.09 3.19 3.35 3.60 3.70 3.80 3.96 6 cm 43340 49610 54340 58820 119500 139100 155200 173100 276300 325500 367500 418100 t u cy P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 5 DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK y A-12 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D b x x DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES t Centroid and shear centre y D x 2b t mm mm 50 x 50 50 x 50 75 x 70 75 x 70 75 x 70 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 125 x 100 125 x 100 125 x 100 125 x 100 150 x 120 150 x 120 150 x 120 150 x 120 175 x 120 175 x 120 175 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 200 x 150 200 x 150 200 x 150 225 x 150 225 x 150 225 x 150 225 x 150 250 x 200 250 x 200 250 x 200 250 x 200 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 Area 2 cm 3.67 5.25 7.95 10.3 12.4 11.3 14.7 17.9 12.8 16.7 20.4 24.0 20.3 24.9 29.4 37.9 27.4 32.4 41.9 50.7 32.9 39.0 50.7 61.7 42.0 54.7 66.7 78.1 51.0 66.7 81.7 96.1 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass d kg/m mm 2.90 4.15 6.28 8.12 9.82 8.89 11.6 14.2 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 16.0 19.7 23.2 29.9 21.7 25.6 33.1 40.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 38 32 57 51 45 82 76 70 107 101 95 89 126 120 114 102 145 139 127 115 170 164 152 140 189 177 165 153 214 202 190 178 Ix 4 cm 13.71 18.48 65.51 81.19 94.00 173.1 219.4 260.1 292.6 373.1 445.5 509.9 664.2 799.8 923.7 1137 1160 1344 1667 1932 1891 2205 2771 3258 2930 3699 4368 4941 4680 5969 7127 8158 Iy 4 cm 4.194 6.343 17.29 23.20 29.23 50.18 67.10 84.19 50.23 67.21 84.40 101.9 115.9 145.3 175.0 235.7 145.5 175.4 236.5 300.1 282.9 340.4 457.0 576.3 340.8 457.9 577.9 701.8 803.7 1075 1350 1629 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 1.93 1.88 2.87 2.81 2.75 3.92 3.87 3.81 4.79 4.73 4.67 4.61 5.72 5.66 5.60 5.48 6.50 6.44 6.31 6.17 7.58 7.52 7.39 7.27 8.35 8.22 8.09 7.96 9.58 9.46 9.34 9.22 1.07 1.10 1.47 1.50 1.53 2.11 2.14 2.17 1.98 2.01 2.03 2.06 2.39 2.41 2.44 2.49 2.30 2.33 2.38 2.43 2.93 2.95 3.00 3.06 2.85 2.89 2.94 3.00 3.97 4.02 4.07 4.12 cm 5.484 7.391 17.47 21.65 25.07 34.62 43.87 52.03 46.81 59.69 71.28 81.59 88.56 106.6 123.2 151.7 132.6 153.6 190.6 220.9 189.1 220.5 277.2 325.9 260.5 328.8 388.3 439.2 374.5 477.6 570.2 652.7 Zy 3 cm 1.678 2.537 4.940 6.628 8.353 10.04 13.42 16.84 10.05 13.44 16.88 20.37 19.31 24.21 29.17 39.28 24.25 29.23 39.42 50.01 37.73 45.39 60.93 76.83 45.44 61.05 77.06 93.57 80.37 107.5 135.0 163.0 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 6.488 8.994 20.82 26.30 31.06 40.43 51.91 62.41 55.43 71.50 86.38 100.1 105.3 128.0 149.3 187.6 160.7 187.9 237.5 280.8 225.8 265.2 338.5 404.3 315.9 404.3 484.5 556.6 443.5 572.0 691.1 800.8 cm 2.682 4.140 7.965 10.86 13.85 15.84 21.46 27.22 16.07 21.86 27.85 34.02 31.06 39.47 48.12 66.07 40.10 49.02 67.67 87.29 60.97 74.22 101.7 130.3 75.12 103.3 132.8 163.6 128.5 174.9 222.8 272.2 J H 4 cm 0.04891 0.1576 0.2386 0.5479 1.036 0.3376 0.7826 1.494 0.3826 0.8892 1.702 2.882 1.081 2.077 3.530 8.084 2.286 3.890 8.937 16.90 2.744 4.682 10.81 20.57 5.042 11.67 22.24 37.47 6.122 14.23 27.24 46.11 d u x 0.850 0.875 0.861 0.880 0.901 0.838 0.850 0.862 0.851 0.864 0.878 0.893 0.855 0.866 0.878 0.903 0.866 0.877 0.902 0.930 0.856 0.865 0.883 0.904 0.863 0.881 0.902 0.924 0.851 0.864 0.878 0.893 20.0 11.8 19.8 13.7 10.0 28.1 20.0 15.1 35.7 25.5 19.4 15.3 31.6 24.3 19.4 13.2 28.7 22.9 15.8 11.5 33.9 27.3 19.2 14.3 31.0 21.8 16.3 12.7 35.7 25.5 19.4 15.3 6 cm 17.43 20.80 158.7 180.9 191.1 930.7 1115 1247 1497 1816 2057 2228 4817 5559 6144 6885 7775 8649 9839 10380 21100 23810 27940 30520 30710 36330 40050 42090 95870 116300 131700 142600 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 5 DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK y A-13 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D b x x DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES t Centroid and shear centre y D x 2b t mm mm 300 x 200 300 x 200 300 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 350 x 250 350 x 250 350 x 250 400 x 300 400 x 300 400 x 300 400 x 300 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Area 2 cm 74.7 91.7 108 131 90.7 111 132 161 106 131 156 191 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass d kg/m mm 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 71.6 88.2 104 127 84.3 104 123 151 252 240 228 210 302 290 278 260 352 340 328 310 Ix 4 cm 9262 11110 12790 14970 15830 19140 22200 26320 24900 30260 35280 42210 Iy 4 cm 1077 1353 1635 2069 2095 2627 3166 3987 3613 4527 5446 6842 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 11.1 11.0 10.9 10.7 13.2 13.1 13.0 12.8 15.3 15.2 15.0 14.9 3.80 3.84 3.89 3.97 4.81 4.85 4.90 4.97 5.82 5.86 5.91 5.98 cm 617.5 741.0 852.5 998.2 904.6 1093 1268 1504 1244 1512 1764 2110 Zy 3 cm 107.7 135.4 163.5 207.0 167.6 210.2 253.3 319.0 240.9 301.8 363.1 456.1 Sx Sy 3 3 cm 748.7 907.8 1055 1257 1082 1319 1543 1855 1475 1806 2121 2566 cm 178.1 227.8 279.4 360.0 271.3 345.3 421.6 540.0 384.5 487.8 593.8 757.5 J H 4 cm 15.93 30.57 51.87 98.51 19.35 37.24 63.39 121.0 22.76 43.90 74.91 143.5 d u x 0.863 0.877 0.891 0.915 0.854 0.864 0.875 0.893 0.847 0.856 0.865 0.879 31.0 23.7 18.8 13.9 37.4 28.8 23.1 17.4 43.7 33.9 27.3 20.8 6 cm 172600 197300 215800 233200 487500 567100 632100 704300 1147000 1350000 1524000 1732000 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 6 y EQUAL ANGLES u v uo Centroid d x cx x A-14 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement cy DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES dxd t mm mm 50 x 50 50 x 50 50 x 50 50 x 50 75 x 75 75 x 75 75 x 75 75 x 75 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 100 x 100 120 x 120 120 x 120 120 x 120 120 x 120 150 x 150 150 x 150 150 x 150 150 x 150 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 200 x 200 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Area 2 cm 4.48 5.25 6.67 7.93 8.25 10.7 12.9 15.0 14.7 17.9 21.0 25.3 17.9 21.9 25.8 31.3 22.7 27.9 33.0 40.3 30.7 37.9 45.0 55.3 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass kg/m 3.54 4.15 5.27 6.26 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 11.6 14.2 16.6 20.0 14.1 17.3 20.4 24.8 17.9 22.1 26.1 31.9 24.2 30.0 35.6 43.7 Ix , ly 4 cm 10.71 12.32 15.04 17.11 45.21 57.05 67.33 76.13 142.9 171.4 197.2 230.7 253.6 306.6 355.4 421.3 508.6 619.2 723.4 867.7 1237 1516 1784 2165 Iu 4 cm 17.86 20.75 25.83 29.97 74.68 95.43 114.1 130.8 236.0 285.8 332.0 394.4 416.4 507.1 592.6 711.1 830.2 1016 1194 1446 2008 2472 2921 3568 u Iv 4 cm 3.563 3.896 4.241 4.243 15.74 18.66 20.53 21.47 49.76 57.00 62.33 67.06 90.84 106.0 118.2 131.4 187.0 221.8 251.9 288.6 465.9 561.1 647.8 762.2 rx , ry ru rv cm cm cm 1.55 1.53 1.50 1.47 2.34 2.31 2.28 2.25 3.12 3.09 3.06 3.02 3.77 3.74 3.71 3.67 4.74 4.71 4.68 4.64 6.35 6.32 6.30 6.26 2.00 1.99 1.97 1.94 3.01 2.99 2.97 2.95 4.01 3.99 3.97 3.95 4.83 4.81 4.79 4.76 6.05 6.03 6.02 5.99 8.09 8.07 8.06 8.03 0.892 0.861 0.797 0.732 1.38 1.32 1.26 1.20 1.84 1.78 1.72 1.63 2.25 2.20 2.14 2.05 2.87 2.82 2.76 2.67 3.90 3.85 3.79 3.71 Zx , Zy 3 cm 3.077 3.599 4.551 5.384 8.520 10.98 13.26 15.36 20.20 24.62 28.79 34.59 29.57 36.20 42.54 51.49 46.96 57.75 68.16 83.08 84.83 104.8 124.2 152.4 Zu 3 cm 5.052 5.868 7.307 8.477 14.08 17.99 21.52 24.66 33.38 40.42 46.95 55.77 49.07 59.77 69.84 83.81 78.27 95.85 112.7 136.4 142.0 174.8 206.6 252.3 Zv 3 cm 2.046 2.251 2.490 2.548 5.997 7.159 7.946 8.405 14.22 16.37 18.01 19.60 21.57 25.25 28.28 31.69 35.43 42.13 47.98 55.24 66.10 79.71 92.17 108.8 J v y cm 0.3735 0.6304 1.424 2.642 0.9904 2.277 4.309 7.207 3.130 5.976 10.09 19.00 3.813 7.309 12.39 23.50 4.837 9.309 15.85 30.25 6.544 12.64 21.61 41.50 d Shear centre cx , cy H 4 6 t cm 0.5758 0.9039 1.733 2.644 3.676 7.714 13.20 19.74 20.66 36.85 57.85 96.66 37.82 68.70 110.0 190.4 78.09 144.3 235.3 419.8 195.4 366.5 607.7 1113 u0 cm cm 1.52 1.58 1.70 1.82 2.19 2.31 2.42 2.54 2.92 3.04 3.15 3.33 3.42 3.53 3.64 3.82 4.17 4.28 4.39 4.56 5.42 5.52 5.63 5.79 1.65 1.59 1.46 1.29 2.54 2.45 2.33 2.19 3.38 3.29 3.19 2.99 4.12 4.04 3.95 3.79 5.21 5.15 5.08 4.94 7.00 6.96 6.90 6.81 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 7 DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK y d xo x x A-15 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Centroid DIMENSIONS & GROSS SECTION PROPERTIES d t cy Shear centre y 2d x d t mm mm 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 75 150 x 75 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 100 240 x 120 240 x 120 240 x 120 240 x 120 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 150 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 200 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Area 2 cm 8.96 10.5 13.3 15.9 16.5 21.3 25.9 30.0 29.3 35.9 42.0 50.7 35.7 43.9 51.6 62.7 45.3 55.9 66.0 80.7 61.3 75.9 90.0 110 For explanation of table see Section 8.2. Mass kg/m 7.08 8.30 10.5 12.5 13.0 16.9 20.4 23.7 23.2 28.3 33.2 40.0 28.2 34.6 40.8 49.5 35.8 44.1 52.2 63.7 48.5 59.9 71.1 87.4 Ix 4 cm 42.10 50.75 68.46 86.88 169.9 227.6 286.5 346.6 536.8 673.5 812.0 1023 925.8 1160 1396 1756 1805 2260 2717 3409 4273 5346 6423 8046 Iy 4 cm 21.43 24.64 30.07 34.21 90.42 114.1 134.7 152.3 285.8 342.8 394.3 461.4 507.3 613.1 710.8 842.6 1017 1238 1446 1735 2474 3033 3569 4330 rx ry Zx cm cm 3 2.17 2.20 2.26 2.34 3.21 3.27 3.33 3.40 4.28 4.33 4.40 4.49 5.09 5.14 5.20 5.29 6.31 6.36 6.42 6.50 8.35 8.40 8.45 8.53 1.55 1.53 1.50 1.47 2.34 2.31 2.28 2.25 3.12 3.09 3.06 3.02 3.77 3.74 3.71 3.67 4.74 4.71 4.68 4.64 6.35 6.32 6.30 6.26 cm 8.419 10.15 13.69 17.38 22.65 30.35 38.19 46.21 53.68 67.35 81.20 102.4 77.15 96.68 116.4 146.3 120.3 150.7 181.2 227.3 213.7 267.3 321.2 402.3 Zy 3 cm 6.154 7.198 9.102 10.77 17.04 21.97 26.53 30.72 40.39 49.23 57.58 69.19 59.13 72.40 85.08 103.0 93.91 115.5 136.3 166.2 169.7 209.5 248.4 304.8 J cy H 4 cm 0.7470 1.261 2.847 5.285 1.981 4.554 8.618 14.41 6.261 11.95 20.17 38.00 7.626 14.62 24.78 47.00 9.674 18.62 31.69 60.50 13.09 25.28 43.21 83.00 6 cm 1.152 1.808 3.467 5.288 7.353 15.43 26.41 39.49 41.31 73.70 115.7 193.3 75.63 137.4 220.1 380.9 156.2 288.5 470.6 839.5 390.8 733.0 1215 2226 x0 cm cm 1.52 1.58 1.70 1.82 2.19 2.31 2.42 2.54 2.92 3.04 3.15 3.33 3.42 3.53 3.64 3.82 4.17 4.28 4.39 4.56 5.42 5.52 5.63 5.79 1.16 1.13 1.03 0.912 1.79 1.73 1.65 1.55 2.39 2.33 2.25 2.11 2.91 2.86 2.80 2.68 3.68 3.64 3.59 3.49 4.95 4.92 4.88 4.81 A-16 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [ Blank Page] P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... B. SECTION CLASSIFICATION AND EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Note: Sections in duplex stainless steel grades 1.4362 (SAF 2304) and 1.4462 (2205) are less widely available on an ex-stock supply basis. Before proceeding with designs it is advisable to check availability with suppliers. B-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 8 CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS y t x y CLASSIFICATION FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D t mm mm 48.3 60.3 76.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 2.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 1.2 1.6 88.9 101.6 B-2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x 114.3 139.7 1.4301 (304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4462 (2205) 1.4404 (316L) Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. No guidance is available on the calculation of effective areas for slender stainless steel circular hollow sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. D t mm mm 139.7 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 168.3 219.1 273 1.4301 (304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4462 (2205) Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender 1.4404 (316L) Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 9 RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS B b y B-3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D d x x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 ( 304 ) Classification Gross Effective DxB t Area Area mm mm Ag Aeff 1.5 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 cm 2.06 3.27 4.47 5.67 8.25 12.8 16.7 20.4 14.3 18.7 22.9 22.7 27.9 33.0 24.7 30.4 36.0 2 50 x 25 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 W W W W W W W W cm 2.06 3.27 4.35 4.97 8.25 11.2 16.7 20.4 12.7 18.7 22.9 19.9 27.2 33.0 21.9 29.7 36.0 Area βc Aeff 1.00 1.00 0.973 0.876 1.00 0.876 1.00 1.00 0.889 1.00 1.00 0.876 0.973 1.00 0.886 0.975 1.00 cm 2.06 3.27 4.31 4.92 8.25 11.1 16.6 20.4 12.6 18.6 22.9 19.7 26.9 33.0 21.7 29.4 36.0 Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. W W W W W W W W W W 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Effective Area βc Aeff 1.00 1.00 0.964 0.868 1.00 0.868 0.993 1.00 0.882 0.994 1.00 0.868 0.964 1.00 0.879 0.967 1.00 cm 1.93 3.21 3.83 4.37 7.72 9.83 14.7 20.1 10.8 16.7 22.6 17.5 23.9 30.9 19.0 26.4 33.9 2 W indicates that the web is slender Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Classification Effective 2 Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification Area βc Aeff 0.935 0.983 0.857 0.771 0.935 0.771 0.884 0.983 0.757 0.896 0.985 0.771 0.857 0.935 0.770 0.869 0.941 cm 1.88 3.13 3.73 4.25 7.51 9.57 14.3 19.6 10.3 16.3 22.1 17.0 23.3 30.1 18.2 25.8 33.1 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender W W W W W W W W FW W W W W W FW W W Effective βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender W W W W W W W W FW W W W W W FW W W 0.910 0.958 0.834 0.750 0.910 0.750 0.860 0.958 0.725 0.875 0.962 0.750 0.834 0.910 0.737 0.847 0.918 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 9 RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS B b y B-4 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D d x x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 ( 304 ) Classification Gross Effective DxB t Area Area mm mm Ag Aeff 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 cm 42.0 54.7 45.0 58.7 51.0 66.7 81.7 57.0 74.7 91.7 60.0 78.7 96.7 114 63.0 82.7 101 120 2 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 350 x 175 350 x 200 W W W W W W W W cm 40.1 54.7 43.1 58.7 44.7 66.7 81.7 50.7 74.7 91.7 48.9 73.4 96.7 114 51.9 77.4 101 120 Area βc Aeff 0.954 1.00 0.957 1.00 0.876 1.00 1.00 0.889 1.00 1.00 0.816 0.933 1.00 1.00 0.824 0.936 1.00 1.00 cm 39.7 54.7 42.7 58.7 44.3 66.2 81.7 50.3 74.2 91.7 48.5 72.7 96.7 114 51.5 76.7 101 120 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender W indicates that the web is slender F indicates that the flange is slender Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. W W W W W W W W W W 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Effective Area βc Aeff 0.946 1.00 0.949 1.00 0.868 0.993 1.00 0.882 0.994 1.00 0.808 0.924 1.00 1.00 0.817 0.928 1.00 1.00 cm 35.3 52.7 38.3 56.7 39.3 58.9 80.3 43.2 66.9 90.3 43.0 64.6 88.3 113 43.9 68.6 93.3 119 2 βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Classification Effective 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification Area βc Aeff 0.840 0.964 0.851 0.967 0.771 0.884 0.983 0.757 0.896 0.985 0.716 0.821 0.914 0.996 0.697 0.830 0.918 0.996 cm 34.4 51.4 37.4 55.4 38.3 57.4 78.2 41.3 65.4 88.2 41.1 62.9 86.0 110 42.0 66.9 91.0 116 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender W W W W W W W FW W W FW W W W FW W W W Effective βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender W W W W W W W FW W W FW W W W FW W W W 0.818 0.939 0.830 0.943 0.750 0.860 0.958 0.725 0.875 0.962 0.685 0.799 0.889 0.971 0.666 0.809 0.895 0.972 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 9 RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS B b y B-5 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D d x x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 ( 304 ) Classification Gross 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective DxB t Area Area mm mm Ag Aeff 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 cm 69.0 90.7 111 132 75.0 98.7 121 144 2 400 x 200 400 x 250 Classification Effective Area βc Aeff 0.767 0.876 0.973 1.00 0.760 0.886 0.975 1.00 cm 52.4 78.7 107 132 56.1 86.7 117 144 2 Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender W W W FW W W cm 52.9 79.5 108 132 57.0 87.5 118 144 Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. W W W FW W W 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Effective Area βc Aeff 0.760 0.868 0.964 1.00 0.748 0.879 0.967 1.00 cm 44.5 69.9 95.7 123 46.0 76.0 105 135 2 W indicates that the web is slender Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Classification Area βc Aeff 0.645 0.771 0.857 0.935 0.613 0.770 0.869 0.941 cm 42.5 68.0 93.1 120 43.8 72.7 103 132 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW W W W FW FW W W Effective βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW W W W FW FW W W 0.616 0.750 0.834 0.910 0.584 0.737 0.847 0.918 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 10 SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS D y B-6 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D d x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION 1.4301 ( 304 ) Classification Gross Effective DxD t Area Area mm mm Ag Aeff 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 cm 4.47 6.07 11.3 14.3 18.7 17.3 22.7 27.9 26.7 32.9 39.0 30.7 37.9 45.0 47.9 57.0 74.7 2 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 Area Aeff 1.00 0.960 1.00 0.933 1.00 0.817 1.00 1.00 0.901 1.00 1.00 0.817 0.960 1.00 0.817 0.933 1.00 cm 4.47 5.74 11.3 13.1 18.7 13.9 22.4 27.9 23.7 32.9 39.0 24.7 35.9 45.0 38.6 52.4 74.7 2 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW cm 4.47 5.82 11.3 13.3 18.7 14.1 22.7 27.9 24.0 32.9 39.0 25.1 36.4 45.0 39.2 53.2 74.7 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW Effective βc Aeff 1.00 0.947 1.00 0.920 1.00 0.805 0.990 1.00 0.888 1.00 1.00 0.805 0.947 1.00 0.805 0.920 1.00 cm 4.36 4.79 10.2 10.9 17.7 11.4 18.8 27.2 19.6 28.7 38.8 20.3 29.9 40.7 31.7 43.6 70.8 FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW Effective Area βc Aeff 0.975 0.789 0.905 0.765 0.948 0.661 0.829 0.975 0.736 0.873 0.994 0.661 0.789 0.905 0.661 0.765 0.948 cm 4.19 4.58 9.77 10.4 17.0 10.9 18.0 26.2 18.8 27.6 37.3 19.3 28.6 39.1 30.2 41.7 68.0 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender d = D - 6t 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Area 2 W indicates that the web is slender. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Classification Effective βc y 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification x t βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW 0.938 0.755 0.868 0.731 0.911 0.631 0.794 0.938 0.703 0.837 0.957 0.631 0.755 0.868 0.631 0.731 0.911 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 10 SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS D y B-7 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D d x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION 1.4301 ( 304 ) Classification Gross 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective DxD t Area Area mm mm Ag Aeff 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 cm 57.9 69.0 90.7 111 81.0 106 131 156 93.0 122 151 180 2 300 x 300 350 x 350 400 x 400 Classification Area Aeff 0.711 0.817 1.00 1.00 0.727 0.901 1.00 1.00 0.654 0.817 0.960 1.00 cm 40.5 55.6 89.7 111 58.0 94.8 131 156 59.8 98.8 143 180 2 Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender FW FW FW FW FW FW FW cm 41.2 56.4 90.7 111 58.9 96.1 131 156 60.8 100 145 180 Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW Effective βc Aeff 0.700 0.805 0.990 1.00 0.715 0.888 1.00 1.00 0.643 0.805 0.947 1.00 cm 32.9 45.6 75.2 108 47.2 78.5 114 155 48.3 81.1 119 162 FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW Effective Area βc Aeff 0.568 0.661 0.829 0.975 0.582 0.736 0.873 0.994 0.520 0.661 0.789 0.905 cm 31.3 43.5 72.0 104 44.9 75.0 110 149 45.9 77.4 114 156 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender d = D - 6t 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Area 2 W indicates that the web is slender. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Effective βc y 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Classification x t βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW 0.541 0.631 0.794 0.938 0.554 0.703 0.837 0.957 0.494 0.631 0.755 0.868 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 11 CHANNELS b y xo Centroid cy B-8 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION t y 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) 1.4301 (304) Gross Dxb t Classification Area Effective Shift of Area neutral Classification Effective Shift of Area neutral axis mm mm Ag 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 cm 1.83 3.98 5.14 5.63 7.34 8.96 6.38 8.34 10.2 10.1 12.5 14.7 13.7 16.2 16.5 19.5 25.3 Aeff 2 50 x 25 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 βc 2 Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender F F F FW F F FW F cm 1.83 3.98 5.14 5.13 7.32 8.96 5.64 8.32 10.2 9.62 12.5 14.7 13.7 16.2 15.3 19.5 25.3 0.998 1.000 1.000 0.912 0.998 1.000 0.885 0.999 1.000 0.949 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.928 0.999 1.000 Aeff mm cm 1.82 3.98 5.14 5.10 7.27 8.96 5.56 8.27 10.2 9.50 12.5 14.7 13.7 16.2 15.1 19.4 25.3 Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. βc 2 W indicates that the web is slender. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. 1.4462 (2205) Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey 0.0298 0 0 3.06 0.0597 0 2.44 0.0547 0 2.21 0 0 0 0 2.35 0.0799 0 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Classification F F F FW F FW FW F 0.991 1.000 1.000 0.906 0.991 1.000 0.872 0.992 1.000 0.937 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 0.915 0.992 1.000 Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey Aeff mm cm 1.65 3.67 5.14 4.37 6.60 8.66 4.55 7.36 9.91 7.83 11.3 14.3 11.7 15.7 12.4 16.8 25.1 0.159 0 0 3.29 0.318 0 2.58 0.292 0 2.40 0 0 0 0 2.56 0.425 0 Classification βc 2 Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F FW F F FW FW F FW FW F FW FW FW FW F 0.900 0.923 1.000 0.777 0.900 0.967 0.713 0.883 0.971 0.773 0.909 0.971 0.853 0.970 0.752 0.861 0.989 axis ey Aeff mm cm 1.61 3.59 5.07 4.17 6.46 8.47 4.33 7.04 9.72 7.47 10.8 14.0 11.2 15.1 11.8 16.0 24.6 1.71 1.87 0 5.50 3.42 1.15 4.30 2.85 1.05 4.54 3.16 1.26 2.27 1.14 5.17 3.80 0.595 βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F FW F F FW FW F FW FW F FW FW FW FW F ey mm 0.880 0.903 0.987 0.741 0.880 0.945 0.679 0.844 0.951 0.737 0.870 0.951 0.815 0.930 0.717 0.822 0.970 2.04 2.34 0.312 5.90 4.08 1.90 4.67 3.27 1.73 5.01 3.67 2.08 2.75 1.65 5.74 4.42 1.61 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 11 CHANNELS b y xo Centroid cy x d x Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION t y 1.4301 (304) Gross Dxb t Classification Area 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective Shift of Area neutral Classification mm mm Ag 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 cm 21.0 27.3 25.5 33.3 40.9 37.3 45.9 45.3 55.9 66.0 53.3 65.9 78.0 95.7 Aeff 2 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 βc 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender F FW F F FW F FW FW F cm 21.0 27.3 22.6 33.3 40.9 37.3 45.9 40.1 55.8 66.0 42.3 61.1 77.9 95.7 0.999 1.000 0.885 0.999 1.000 0.999 1.000 0.885 0.999 1.000 0.793 0.928 0.999 1.000 Shift of Area neutral Aeff mm cm 20.7 27.3 22.2 33.1 40.9 36.8 45.9 39.5 55.4 66.0 41.6 60.2 77.4 95.7 Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. βc 2 βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Classification 1.4462 (2205) Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey 0.0757 0 4.88 0.109 0 0.101 0 3.91 0.130 0 8.26 4.70 0.160 0 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Effective axis B-9 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D FW FW F FW FW F FW FW F 0.987 1.000 0.872 0.992 1.000 0.987 1.000 0.872 0.993 1.000 0.780 0.915 0.992 1.000 Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey Aeff mm cm 17.2 27.1 18.2 29.4 39.7 30.5 44.0 32.3 47.1 63.3 33.7 49.5 67.1 93.0 0.310 0 5.17 0.583 0 0.413 0 4.25 0.693 0 8.65 5.12 0.851 0 Classification βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW F FW FW F FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW F 0.818 0.990 0.713 0.883 0.971 0.818 0.959 0.713 0.843 0.959 0.632 0.752 0.861 0.972 axis ey Aeff mm cm 16.4 26.3 17.3 28.2 38.9 29.2 42.1 30.8 45.0 60.7 32.0 47.2 64.2 91.2 2.94 0.563 8.59 5.70 2.11 3.92 1.65 8.46 5.74 3.37 13.4 10.3 7.60 3.07 βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW FW FW FW F FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW F ey mm 0.781 0.961 0.679 0.844 0.951 0.781 0.919 0.679 0.805 0.919 0.600 0.717 0.822 0.953 3.53 1.37 9.34 6.54 3.46 4.70 2.49 9.39 6.75 4.43 14.5 11.5 8.83 5.04 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 12 y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK B-10 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x 1.4301 ( 304 ) Gross D x 2b t mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 150 x 120 175 x 120 Effective Area Area Ag Aeff 2 cm 3.67 5.25 7.95 10.3 11.3 14.7 17.9 12.8 16.7 20.4 24.0 20.3 24.9 29.4 27.4 32.4 F F F F FW F F F F cm 3.58 5.25 7.93 10.3 10.1 14.3 17.9 11.1 16.3 20.4 24.0 18.9 24.7 29.4 27.2 32.4 βc Aeff 0.976 1.000 0.997 1.000 0.897 0.976 1.000 0.872 0.979 1.000 1.000 0.934 0.990 1.000 0.991 1.000 cm 3.56 5.25 7.87 10.3 10.0 14.2 17.9 11.0 16.2 20.4 24.0 18.7 24.5 29.4 27.0 32.4 Aeff 0.970 1.000 0.990 1.000 0.891 0.970 1.000 0.859 0.973 1.000 1.000 0.923 0.984 1.000 0.985 1.000 cm 3.25 5.25 7.22 10.1 8.63 13.0 17.0 8.99 14.5 19.5 24.0 15.5 22.3 28.0 23.1 30.9 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. Area βc F F F F FW F FW F F F F F FW F F FW FW F FW FW F FW FW t Centroid and shear centre Effective Area βc Aeff 0.885 1.000 0.907 0.986 0.767 0.885 0.947 0.705 0.870 0.953 1.000 0.763 0.895 0.953 0.841 0.954 cm 3.18 5.15 7.07 9.93 8.24 12.7 16.6 8.56 13.9 19.1 23.6 14.8 21.4 27.5 22.0 29.7 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender d 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Effective Area W indicates that the web is slender. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Classification Effective 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification x y CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Classification b βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F FW F F FW FW F F FW FW F FW FW 0.866 0.979 0.889 0.966 0.732 0.866 0.926 0.671 0.832 0.935 0.982 0.728 0.857 0.935 0.804 0.915 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 12 y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK B-11 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x 1.4301 ( 304 ) Gross D x 2b t mm mm 200 x 150 5.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective Area Area Ag Aeff 2 cm 32.9 39.0 50.7 42.0 54.7 51.0 66.7 81.7 96.1 74.7 91.7 108 90.7 111 132 161 106 131 156 191 Classification Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender FW F F FW F F FW F FW FW F βc Aeff 0.913 0.980 1.000 0.981 1.000 0.872 0.979 1.000 1.000 0.981 1.000 1.000 0.871 0.981 1.000 1.000 0.782 0.913 0.980 1.000 cm 29.6 38.0 50.7 40.7 54.7 43.8 64.9 81.7 96.1 72.4 91.7 108 77.9 108 132 161 82.1 118 152 191 Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. FW F FW FW F FW FW F FW FW F Effective βc Aeff 0.900 0.974 1.000 0.970 1.000 0.859 0.973 1.000 1.000 0.970 1.000 1.000 0.858 0.975 1.000 1.000 0.770 0.900 0.974 1.000 cm 24.4 33.1 49.2 33.9 53.2 36.0 58.0 77.9 96.1 60.2 86.5 108 63.9 92.8 124 161 66.7 97.8 132 182 FW FW F FW F FW FW F FW FW FW FW FW FW FW FW F t Centroid and shear centre Effective Area βc Aeff 0.742 0.848 0.971 0.806 0.973 0.705 0.870 0.953 1.000 0.806 0.943 1.000 0.704 0.831 0.944 1.000 0.625 0.742 0.848 0.955 cm 23.3 31.6 48.3 32.4 51.7 34.2 55.5 76.4 94.3 57.5 83.0 106 60.8 88.7 119 158 63.4 93.2 126 179 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender d 1.4462 (2205 ) Classification Area 2 βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Effective Area 2 cm 30.1 38.2 50.7 41.2 54.7 44.5 65.3 81.7 96.1 73.3 91.7 108 79.0 109 132 161 83.4 120 152 191 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Classification x y CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Classification b βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender FW FW F FW FW FW FW F F FW FW F FW FW FW F FW FW FW F 0.708 0.811 0.953 0.770 0.946 0.671 0.832 0.935 0.982 0.770 0.905 0.984 0.671 0.794 0.905 0.983 0.594 0.708 0.811 0.938 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 13 EQUAL ANGLES y u v uo Centroid d x cx x u CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION 1.4301 ( 304 ) Gross dxd t Classification Area 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective Shift of Area neutral Classification Shift of Area neutral mm mm Ag 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 cm 4.48 5.25 8.25 10.7 12.9 14.7 17.9 21.0 25.3 17.9 21.9 25.8 31.3 22.7 27.9 33.0 40.3 30.7 37.9 45.0 55.3 Aeff 2 50 x 50 75 x 75 100 x 100 120 x 120 150 x 150 200 x 200 βc 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 4.33 5.25 6.85 10.7 12.9 12.2 17.3 21.0 25.3 13.0 18.7 24.9 31.3 14.0 20.3 27.4 39.0 15.1 22.2 30.3 43.9 0.966 1.00 0.830 1.00 1.00 0.830 0.966 1.00 1.00 0.728 0.854 0.966 1.00 0.616 0.728 0.830 0.966 0.491 0.586 0.674 0.793 Aeff mm cm 4.26 5.25 6.74 10.6 12.9 12.0 17.1 21.0 25.3 12.8 18.4 24.6 31.3 13.7 20.0 26.9 38.4 14.8 21.8 29.8 43.1 Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. βc 2 Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ex , ey 0.372 0 2.90 0 0 3.86 0.743 0 0 7.53 3.96 0.892 0 13.5 9.41 5.79 1.11 24.3 19.5 15.2 9.46 Classification 0.951 1.00 0.816 0.993 1.00 0.816 0.951 1.00 1.00 0.716 0.840 0.951 1.00 0.605 0.716 0.816 0.951 0.481 0.575 0.662 0.780 d Shear centre Classification Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ex , ey Aeff mm cm 3.44 4.60 5.35 8.58 12.2 9.51 13.7 18.4 25.3 10.0 14.7 19.8 28.2 10.6 15.7 21.4 30.9 11.3 16.9 23.2 34.1 0.537 0 3.13 0.114 0 4.17 1.07 0 0 7.88 4.34 1.29 0 13.9 9.85 6.26 1.61 24.8 20.0 15.8 10.1 v y 1.4462 (2205) 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Effective axis B-12 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement cy βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender 0.767 0.875 0.648 0.804 0.942 0.648 0.767 0.875 1.00 0.562 0.669 0.767 0.900 0.469 0.562 0.648 0.767 0.368 0.445 0.516 0.616 t axis ex , ey Aeff mm cm 3.25 4.36 5.05 8.13 11.6 8.97 13.0 17.5 24.7 9.46 13.8 18.7 26.8 9.99 14.8 20.2 29.3 10.6 15.8 21.9 32.2 2.57 1.34 5.98 3.22 0.913 7.97 5.15 2.68 0 12.1 8.97 6.17 2.54 18.7 15.2 12.0 7.72 30.1 26.2 22.5 17.5 βc ex , ey 0.726 0.830 0.612 0.762 0.896 0.612 0.726 0.830 0.974 0.529 0.631 0.726 0.855 0.440 0.529 0.612 0.726 0.345 0.417 0.486 0.581 3.02 1.81 6.60 3.90 1.64 8.79 6.04 3.63 0.541 13.0 9.97 7.25 3.69 19.7 16.3 13.2 9.06 31.3 27.4 23.9 19.1 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender mm P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 14 DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK y d xo x x B-13 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Centroid d CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE AREA FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION 1.4301 ( 304 ) Gross 2d x d t Classification Area 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Effective Shift of Area neutral Classification Shift of Area neutral axis mm mm Ag 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 cm 8.96 10.5 16.5 21.3 25.9 29.3 35.9 42.0 50.7 35.7 43.9 51.6 62.7 45.3 55.9 66.0 80.7 61.3 75.9 90.0 110 Aeff 2 100 x 50 150 x 75 200 x 100 240 x 120 300 x 150 400 x 200 βc 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 8.66 10.5 13.7 21.3 25.9 24.4 34.6 42.0 50.7 26.0 37.5 49.9 62.7 27.9 40.7 54.8 78.0 30.1 44.5 60.7 87.8 0.966 1.00 0.830 1.00 1.00 0.830 0.966 1.00 1.00 0.728 0.854 0.966 1.00 0.616 0.728 0.830 0.966 0.491 0.586 0.674 0.793 Aeff mm cm 8.53 10.5 13.5 21.2 25.9 24.0 34.1 42.0 50.7 25.6 36.8 49.1 62.7 27.4 40.0 53.9 76.8 29.5 43.6 59.6 86.3 2 Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender βc is 1.0 for non slender sections and Aeff/Ag for slender sections. Only the sections which can be slender under axial compression are given in the table. Values of Aeff in bold type are less than the gross area. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. βc 0.951 1.00 0.816 0.993 1.00 0.816 0.951 1.00 1.00 0.716 0.840 0.951 1.00 0.605 0.716 0.816 0.951 0.481 0.575 0.662 0.780 1.4462 (2205) Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey 0.372 0 2.90 0 0 3.86 0.743 0 0 7.53 3.96 0.892 0 13.5 9.41 5.79 1.11 24.3 19.5 15.2 9.46 Classification Classification Effective Shift of Area neutral axis ey Aeff mm cm 6.87 9.19 10.7 17.2 24.4 19.0 27.5 36.8 50.7 20.1 29.3 39.6 56.4 21.3 31.4 42.8 61.8 22.6 33.7 46.5 68.2 0.537 0 3.13 0.114 0 4.17 1.07 0 0 7.88 4.34 1.29 0 13.9 9.85 6.26 1.61 24.8 20.0 15.8 10.1 Shear centre y 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Effective t cy βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender 0.767 0.875 0.648 0.804 0.942 0.648 0.767 0.875 1.00 0.562 0.669 0.767 0.900 0.469 0.562 0.648 0.767 0.368 0.445 0.516 0.616 axis ey Aeff mm cm 6.51 8.73 10.1 16.3 23.2 17.9 26.0 34.9 49.3 18.9 27.7 37.5 53.6 20.0 29.5 40.4 58.5 21.1 31.6 43.7 64.3 2.57 1.34 5.98 3.22 0.913 7.97 5.15 2.68 0 12.1 8.97 6.17 2.54 18.7 15.2 12.0 7.72 30.1 26.2 22.5 17.5 βc 2 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender ey mm 0.726 0.830 0.612 0.762 0.896 0.612 0.726 0.830 0.974 0.529 0.631 0.726 0.855 0.440 0.529 0.612 0.726 0.345 0.417 0.486 0.581 3.02 1.81 6.60 3.90 1.64 8.79 6.04 3.63 0.541 13.0 9.97 7.25 3.69 19.7 16.3 13.2 9.06 31.3 27.4 23.9 19.1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 15 y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS t B-14 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x y CLASSIFICATION FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X D t mm mm 42.4 48.3 60.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.6 1.0 1.6 2.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 76.1 88.9 101.6 114.3 1.4301 (304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4462 (2205) 1.4404 (316L) Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact D t mm mm 139.7 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 168.3 219.1 273 Only the sections which can be semi compact or slender under pure bending are given in the table. No guidance is available on the calculation of effective section properties for slender stainless steel circular hollow sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4301 (304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4462 (2205) Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact 1.4404 (316L) Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 16 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y B-15 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 (304) Classification Properties DxB t mm mm Ix eff 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 cm 16490 - 4 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 300 x 150 300 x 200 350 x 175 350 x 200 400 x 200 400 x 250 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Compact Compact Plastic Slender Plastic 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.805 1.00 cm 16420 - 3 cm 814.2 - 4 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Compact Semi-compact Plastic Slender Plastic 1.4362 (SAF 2304) F Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.814 1.00 0.799 1.00 cm 437.1 1340 6993 9587 10170 13920 15210 21450 3 cm 808.6 - 4 Compact Compact Slender Compact Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender F F F F F FW FW F βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205 ) Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 1.00 1.00 0.791 1.00 0.805 1.00 0.791 0.809 0.784 0.758 1.00 0.707 0.805 cm 431.3 1323 6901 9478 10040 13570 14810 21170 3 cm 57.21 132.7 457.7 547.4 571.3 676.9 715.5 1061 4 Semi-compact Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender F F F F F FW FW F Zx eff βw 3 cm 56.05 130.1 448.4 537.9 560.6 649.4 684.8 1041 0.807 0.807 0.775 0.807 0.789 0.807 0.775 0.795 0.769 0.727 0.807 0.677 0.789 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 17 D SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS y B-16 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d y CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X 1.4301 (304) Classification Properties DxD t mm mm Ix eff 2.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 cm 59.64 339.3 569.3 1232 1799 2329 4393 5428 - 4 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 Plastic Slender Plastic Compact Slender Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Plastic 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 1.00 0.840 1.00 1.00 0.827 1.00 0.768 0.860 1.00 0.811 0.858 1.00 0.768 0.840 1.00 0.768 0.827 1.00 cm 59.33 337.5 566.2 789.0 1225 1789 2317 4369 5400 - 3 cm 14.76 53.40 72.51 137.4 171.9 230.7 335.7 427.2 - 4 Plastic Slender Plastic Compact Slender Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Plastic 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Properties F F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 1.00 0.833 1.00 1.00 0.820 1.00 0.762 0.855 1.00 0.804 0.858 1.00 0.762 0.833 1.00 0.762 0.820 1.00 cm 24.28 55.45 166.7 315.2 437.3 527.7 738.2 948.4 1144 1479 1812 1667 2166 2666 4071 5043 6996 4 Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. d = D - 6t 1.4462 (2205 ) Properties 3 cm 14.64 52.95 71.89 104.9 136.3 170.4 228.8 332.8 423.6 - x t Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 0.840 0.748 0.848 0.805 0.736 0.826 0.684 0.768 0.840 0.722 0.790 0.849 0.684 0.748 0.805 0.684 0.736 0.826 cm 23.92 54.57 164.1 310.2 430.7 519.1 726.6 934.4 1125 1456 1785 1640 2131 2625 4005 4962 6891 3 cm 8.045 13.15 32.56 47.54 69.08 64.51 94.34 125.7 122.3 163.9 206.8 152.9 205.5 260.5 298.7 380.3 552.6 4 Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm 7.854 12.83 31.78 46.37 67.42 62.94 92.02 122.7 119.3 159.9 201.9 149.2 200.4 254.2 291.4 371.0 539.4 0.820 0.730 0.848 0.786 0.718 0.807 0.667 0.749 0.820 0.704 0.771 0.829 0.667 0.730 0.786 0.667 0.718 0.807 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 17 D SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS y B-17 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d y CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X 1.4301 (304) Classification Properties DxD t mm mm Ix eff 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 cm 7337 9109 14060 19720 20440 28790 37280 - 4 300 x 300 350 x 350 400 x 400 Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 0.714 0.768 0.860 1.00 0.722 0.811 0.858 1.00 0.684 0.768 0.840 1.00 1.00 cm 7296 9059 12620 13980 19610 20320 28630 37080 - 3 cm 454.4 580.1 749.4 1099 934.6 1375 1845 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Properties F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 0.708 0.762 0.855 1.00 0.716 0.804 0.858 1.00 0.678 0.762 0.833 1.00 1.00 cm 6794 8443 11810 15170 13020 18300 23670 28990 18280 26680 34660 42670 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F FW F F F βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. d = D - 6t 1.4462 (2205 ) Properties 3 cm 450.5 575.1 839.4 743.0 1090 926.7 1363 1830 - x t Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 0.636 0.684 0.768 0.840 0.643 0.722 0.790 0.849 0.575 0.684 0.748 0.805 0.848 cm 6517 8305 11630 14950 12810 18010 23310 28570 17720 26250 34110 42010 - 3 cm 404.8 516.1 754.7 1005 667.4 978.4 1310 1654 785.1 1223 1643 2084 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact FW F F F F F F F FW F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm 378.1 503.5 736.2 981.7 651.6 954.4 1279 1615 748.0 1193 1603 2033 - 0.594 0.667 0.749 0.820 0.628 0.704 0.771 0.829 0.547 0.667 0.730 0.786 0.848 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 18 b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy B-18 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x d Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X t y 1.4301 (304) Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 Classification Properties Ix eff 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 4 Slender Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Slender Slender 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm cm 6.846 80.48 109.5 136.7 186.3 318.1 906.6 1101 2.736 15.41 21.89 21.05 29.79 41.37 88.51 110.1 4 0.843 1.00 0.839 1.00 0.762 0.843 1.00 0.759 0.833 1.00 1.00 0.786 0.833 1.00 1.00 0.825 1.00 1.00 0.784 0.830 Slender Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Slender Slender 1.4362 (SAF 2304) F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm cm 6.807 80.00 108.9 136.0 185.3 316.4 901.7 1095 2.711 15.27 21.69 20.87 29.54 41.02 87.77 109.2 4 0.836 1.00 0.839 1.00 0.755 0.836 1.00 0.753 0.826 1.00 1.00 0.779 0.833 1.00 1.00 0.825 1.00 1.00 0.777 0.823 Slender Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff cm 6.299 30.69 73.80 100.8 126.6 126.3 172.5 217.3 294.0 373.4 450.5 543.8 656.6 839.8 1021 2.398 7.881 13.50 19.19 24.92 18.68 26.43 34.27 36.69 47.92 59.22 60.01 74.08 78.78 97.96 W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205 ) 4 0.739 0.822 0.757 0.823 0.668 0.739 0.799 0.674 0.739 0.794 0.815 0.697 0.749 0.794 1.00 0.747 0.788 1.00 0.698 0.739 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm cm 6.179 30.13 40.18 72.38 98.87 124.3 124.1 169.5 213.6 288.9 367.0 442.9 535.0 646.1 825.6 1004 2.329 7.659 10.65 13.11 18.63 24.21 18.20 25.73 33.37 35.74 46.66 57.67 58.55 72.27 76.82 95.48 0.718 0.822 0.736 0.810 0.649 0.718 0.776 0.657 0.720 0.773 0.815 0.679 0.729 0.773 0.808 0.729 0.769 0.803 0.680 0.720 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 18 b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy B-19 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x d Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X t y 1.4301 (304) Dxb t mm mm 200 x 75 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Classification Properties Ix eff 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 4 Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm cm 1463 2187 2981 4626 7525 9557 11340 14510 17620 - 130.0 168.4 238.3 308.2 418.0 545.8 538.8 708.1 880.4 - 4 1.00 1.00 0.823 1.00 1.00 0.759 0.833 1.00 1.00 0.823 1.00 1.00 0.772 0.827 1.00 1.00 0.730 0.784 0.830 1.00 Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact 1.4362 (SAF 2304) F F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm cm 1456 2175 2965 4603 7485 9509 11280 14430 17530 - 129.0 166.9 236.3 305.8 414.6 541.4 534.3 702.2 873.2 - 4 1.00 1.00 0.817 1.00 1.00 0.753 0.826 1.00 1.00 0.817 1.00 1.00 0.766 0.821 1.00 1.00 0.724 0.777 0.823 1.00 Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff cm 1373 1362 1833 2021 2760 3476 4306 5429 6980 8878 10740 10510 13440 16350 20600 136.6 116.5 162.2 149.4 211.4 274.2 276.1 357.4 373.2 487.1 602.3 480.6 630.3 783.7 1015 W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. Classification Properties Ix eff βw 3 cm βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205 ) 4 0.807 1.00 0.738 0.802 1.00 0.674 0.739 0.794 0.815 0.738 0.787 0.807 0.690 0.738 0.780 0.810 0.651 0.698 0.739 0.792 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm cm 1350 1340 1804 1986 2712 3417 4237 5343 6865 8731 10560 10330 13210 16070 20250 133.1 113.7 158.3 145.6 205.9 267.0 269.5 348.8 364.2 475.0 587.3 469.1 614.5 763.8 990.0 0.787 0.806 0.720 0.783 0.801 0.657 0.720 0.773 0.815 0.720 0.768 0.807 0.673 0.720 0.761 0.810 0.636 0.680 0.720 0.771 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 19 y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK B-20 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X 1.4301 (304) D x 2b t mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 Classification Properties Ix eff 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 150 x 120 175 x 120 4 Slender Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact F F F F F F F F F cm 13.46 65.34 158.8 215.3 270.0 366.7 627.4 793.0 1150 - Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 0.820 1.00 0.836 1.00 1.00 0.746 0.820 0.834 0.745 0.812 0.825 1.00 0.769 0.822 0.825 1.00 0.815 0.818 1.00 cm 13.38 65.00 157.8 214.1 268.5 364.8 624.1 789.0 1145 - 3 cm 5.322 17.40 30.16 42.58 41.28 58.08 80.97 105.2 130.9 - 4 Slender Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact F F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 0.813 1.00 0.829 1.00 1.00 0.739 0.813 0.834 0.739 0.806 0.825 1.00 0.763 0.816 0.825 1.00 0.809 0.818 1.00 cm 12.42 60.50 80.30 146.0 198.8 249.0 250.2 340.6 427.8 581.8 737.0 887.1 1074 1294 - 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F F F F F F F βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205 ) Properties 3 cm 5.276 17.25 29.89 42.20 40.94 57.62 80.31 104.4 129.9 - d t Centroid and shear centre y 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) b Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 0.724 0.822 0.740 0.809 0.807 0.657 0.724 0.778 0.664 0.725 0.775 0.815 0.686 0.734 0.775 0.808 0.733 0.771 0.803 cm 12.20 18.17 59.43 78.96 143.3 195.1 244.6 246.0 335.0 420.9 502.2 572.0 724.8 872.7 1057 1274 - 3 cm 4.695 15.41 21.28 26.57 37.56 48.54 36.83 51.83 66.91 72.21 93.93 115.6 117.8 144.9 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm 4.565 7.199 15.00 20.72 25.84 36.52 47.21 35.93 50.54 65.24 79.66 70.43 91.57 112.7 115.1 141.5 - 0.704 0.800 0.721 0.788 0.807 0.639 0.704 0.756 0.648 0.707 0.755 0.796 0.669 0.716 0.755 0.808 0.716 0.753 0.803 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 19 y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK B-21 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X 1.4301 (304) D x 2b t mm mm 200 x 150 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Classification Properties Ix eff 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 4 Slender Slender Compact Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) F F F F F F F F F F F cm 1788 2168 2883 4319 5866 9113 14860 18820 22440 28620 34690 - Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 0.768 0.810 1.00 1.00 0.804 1.00 1.00 0.745 0.812 0.825 1.00 0.804 0.816 1.00 1.00 0.757 0.807 0.822 1.00 0.718 0.768 0.810 0.822 cm 1779 2157 2870 4296 5837 9070 14780 18730 22320 28470 34520 - 3 cm 173.3 214.7 254.0 330.2 464.6 602.1 819.7 1065 1059 1386 1717 - 4 Slender Slender Compact Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff Classification βw Ix eff 0.762 0.803 1.00 1.00 0.798 1.00 1.00 0.739 0.806 0.825 1.00 0.798 0.816 1.00 1.00 0.752 0.801 0.822 1.00 0.712 0.762 0.803 0.822 cm 1662 2017 2702 2693 3611 4003 5450 6845 8511 10700 13830 17540 21170 20840 26590 32290 40570 4 Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F βw is 1.0 for plastic and compact sections, Zx/Sx for semi-compact sections and Zx eff/Sx for slender sections. W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205 ) Properties 3 cm 172.0 213.1 252.2 327.6 460.9 597.7 813.4 1057 1051 1375 1704 - d t Centroid and shear centre y 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Properties b Zx eff Classification Properties βw Ix eff 0.687 0.725 0.787 0.806 0.725 0.784 0.801 0.664 0.725 0.775 0.815 0.725 0.770 0.807 1.00 0.680 0.725 0.763 0.810 0.644 0.687 0.725 0.773 cm 1635 1985 2660 2651 3557 3936 5359 6733 8034 8380 10540 12610 13610 17260 20840 25940 20510 26160 31760 39930 3 cm 155.1 192.3 266.5 228.9 316.8 294.6 414.7 535.3 542.5 699.1 735.8 956.5 1178 949.8 1241 1538 1984 4 Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F Zx eff βw 3 cm 151.4 187.6 260.1 223.6 309.6 287.4 404.3 522.0 637.3 530.1 683.2 834.0 718.7 933.9 1150 1470 927.8 1211 1500 1936 0.671 0.707 0.768 0.806 0.708 0.766 0.801 0.648 0.707 0.755 0.796 0.708 0.753 0.790 0.794 0.664 0.708 0.745 0.792 0.629 0.671 0.707 0.754 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 20 y EQUAL ANGLES u v uo Centroid d x cx x B-22 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement cy u v y d CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS X-X 1.4301 (304) Classification dxd t mm mm 50 x 50 75 x 75 5.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Leg parallel to x-x axis in compression Ix eff 100 x 100 120 x 120 150 x 150 200 x 200 4 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 45.16 142.7 243.6 464.4 594.8 722.6 1052 1363 1674 2133 Zx eff 3 cm 8.516 20.19 29.02 45.02 56.69 68.13 78.64 99.72 120.6 151.4 1.4326 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Properties Classification Leg parallel to x-x axis in tension Ix eff 4 cm 44.82 141.7 185.0 247.7 451.6 717.1 342.4 653.6 1079 1930 Leg parallel to x-x axis in compression Zx eff Ix eff 3 cm 8.469 20.08 23.78 28.57 46.44 67.75 34.94 58.57 87.79 140.8 Properties 4 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 44.94 142.0 242.4 461.7 591.7 719.0 1046 1355 1665 2122 Zx eff 3 cm 8.497 20.14 28.95 44.89 56.55 67.97 78.39 99.44 120.3 151.0 Ix eff 4 cm 43.15 136.4 177.6 237.0 433.5 690.4 326.2 624.6 1034 1856 Leg parallel to x-x axis in compression Zx eff Ix eff 3 cm 8.250 19.56 23.11 27.71 45.15 66.00 33.79 56.77 85.25 137.0 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 10.46 41.90 56.53 132.4 167.4 224.8 286.9 347.1 425.9 548.9 670.4 847.3 959.4 1248 1540 1975 Zx eff Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 3 cm 3.043 8.222 10.94 19.49 24.34 27.94 35.10 42.07 43.17 54.57 65.78 82.16 75.06 95.52 115.9 146.0 Shear centre 1.4462 (2205) Properties Classification Leg parallel to x-x axis in tension t Classification Leg parallel to x-x axis in tension Ix eff 4 cm 8.992 25.53 53.40 80.70 143.9 101.3 186.6 298.3 129.6 247.4 408.5 728.4 169.5 337.6 578.8 1084 Zx eff Ix eff 3 cm 2.727 5.745 10.50 13.62 21.82 15.70 25.70 37.70 18.28 30.66 45.96 73.64 21.54 37.16 57.10 94.58 Properties Leg parallel to x-x axis in compression 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 10.28 41.14 55.60 130.0 164.6 220.5 281.8 341.2 417.3 538.4 658.3 833.1 939.1 1223 1510 1939 Zx eff 3 cm 3.019 8.150 10.85 19.32 24.15 27.68 34.79 41.73 42.73 54.05 65.20 81.50 74.24 94.53 114.8 144.7 Leg parallel to x-x axis in tension Ix eff 4 cm 7.961 22.37 47.42 70.71 127.4 88.08 163.8 264.1 111.6 215.0 358.0 644.9 144.3 289.8 500.7 947.3 Zx eff 3 cm 2.508 5.245 9.671 12.43 20.06 14.25 23.49 34.67 16.49 27.84 41.96 67.71 19.29 33.46 51.68 86.18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 21 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y B-23 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 (304) Classification Properties DxB t mm mm Iy eff 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 cm 12.22 23.09 116.9 224.1 369.4 477.2 611.6 791.7 1112 4 50 x 25 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 250 x 125 Compact Plastic Slender Plastic Slender Compact Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender F F F F F F F F F 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 6.028 8.685 29.31 42.41 69.48 94.19 92.48 125.1 174.2 4 Compact Plastic Slender Plastic Slender Compact Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender F F F F F F F F F F F cm 12.14 22.93 116.1 161.2 222.7 310.2 366.9 474.3 607.8 787.1 1106 Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 5.966 8.592 29.00 42.84 41.99 61.85 68.73 93.23 91.54 123.9 172.4 4 Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F cm 2.096 4.865 11.20 21.01 33.54 106.4 149.0 190.0 205.4 288.0 369.1 336.2 437.4 536.6 559.7 728.7 896.0 1018 W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205) Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 1.626 3.218 5.217 7.475 13.00 25.23 37.53 50.27 36.98 54.73 73.29 59.80 81.51 104.0 80.40 109.2 139.3 150.5 4 Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F cm 2.058 4.780 10.98 20.57 32.93 104.2 146.1 186.7 201.5 282.9 363.1 329.2 428.8 526.8 548.9 715.2 880.4 998.4 Zy eff 3 cm 1.577 3.124 5.054 7.238 12.61 24.43 36.37 48.81 35.92 53.18 71.31 57.90 78.97 100.9 78.03 106.0 135.3 145.8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 21 B RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS b y B-24 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) 1.4301 (304) Classification Properties DxB t mm mm Iy eff 8.0 6.0 8.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 cm 1682 1869 3585 2880 4045 3893 5471 - 4 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 350 x 175 350 x 200 Plastic Slender Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic F F F F F F F Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 219.7 234.5 339.3 299.8 447.5 356.1 530.3 - 4 Plastic Slender Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic 1.4362 (SAF 2304) F F F F F F F F F cm 1672 1857 2578 3563 4963 2860 4019 3867 5437 - Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 217.5 232.0 342.7 335.9 494.8 296.5 442.8 352.3 525.0 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F cm 1404 1544 2137 1701 2383 3040 3286 4608 5905 2612 3696 4769 5800 3543 5013 6478 7896 W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205) Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 220.9 191.2 280.4 201.8 300.3 402.2 295.9 437.9 586.4 257.7 386.2 522.9 661.7 308.0 460.2 622.5 788.3 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F F cm 1379 1515 2100 1666 2337 2987 3224 4526 5809 2556 3621 4681 5701 3471 4915 6361 7764 Zy eff 3 cm 214.4 185.5 272.5 195.4 291.0 390.5 287.3 425.4 570.5 249.5 374.0 506.9 642.6 298.7 446.3 604.2 766.2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 21 RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS B b y B-25 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x t CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y 1.4301 (304) Classification 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Properties DxB t mm mm Iy eff 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 cm 4171 5909 7634 6911 9786 12670 - 4 400 x 200 400 x 250 Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic F F F F F F Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 369.8 555.8 753.5 494.9 739.8 1001 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 1.4362 (SAF 2304) F F F F F F cm 4141 5870 7588 6865 9725 12590 - Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 365.7 549.9 745.8 489.8 732.4 991.4 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F cm 3774 5378 6998 8585 6299 8955 11660 14340 - W indicates that the web is slender. F indicates that the flange is slender. Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 1.4462 (2205) Classification Properties Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 317.9 478.4 652.1 832.3 430.5 643.2 873.8 1114 - 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact F F F F F F F F cm 3693 5266 6861 8428 6175 8781 11440 14090 - Zy eff 3 cm 307.9 463.2 631.7 807.3 418.1 624.2 848.2 1082 - P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 22 b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy B-26 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y y t GRADES 1.4301 (304), 1.4401 (316) & 1.4404 (316L) Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 75 x 35 100 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 6.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 125 x 50 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 1.4301 (304) Web in compression, Web in tension, toes in tension toes in compression Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Classification Classification 4 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Slender Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Semi-compact Slender Compact Semi-compact Slender Plastic Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Compact cm 14.69 84.00 235.0 623.1 1049 1344 - 3 cm 3.973 14.97 31.78 66.65 95.25 119.8 - 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 1.107 8.880 17.71 9.450 19.11 25.25 62.80 98.75 102.3 151.2 305.7 323.4 444.3 773.5 590.8 1004 1579 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Web in compression, Web in tension, toes in tension toes in compression Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Classification Classification 3 cm 0.6254 2.415 5.003 2.469 5.178 5.566 10.95 17.63 17.91 19.75 41.42 42.45 45.89 82.17 50.31 87.61 141.1 4 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Slender Plastic Slender Plastic Semi-compact Slender Compact Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Compact cm 14.63 34.03 83.66 102.9 234.0 325.3 620.5 1044 1338 - 3 cm 3.965 7.629 14.95 18.05 31.72 42.79 66.53 95.05 119.6 - 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 1.066 8.593 17.05 9.131 18.40 24.35 60.55 95.05 98.49 146.1 294.4 311.3 428.5 744.5 572.2 968.7 1520 Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 3 cm 0.6010 2.333 4.808 2.382 4.974 5.358 10.54 16.94 17.20 19.06 39.79 40.77 44.19 78.93 48.67 84.31 135.5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 22 continued b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy B-27 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y y t GRADES 1.4362 (SAF 2304) & 1.4462 (2205) Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Web in compression, Web in tension, toes in tension toes in compression Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Classification Classification 4 Compact Plastic Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender cm 13.50 13.80 18.96 32.22 41.07 41.75 50.54 79.14 96.67 3 cm 3.824 3.863 5.188 7.446 9.339 9.407 11.27 14.58 17.56 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender cm 0.675 3.098 6.041 10.81 18.09 6.235 11.51 19.56 15.98 26.23 40.57 27.33 42.59 39.46 59.25 1.4462 (2205) Web in compression, Web in tension, toes in tension toes in compression Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Classification Classification 3 cm 0.3724 1.215 1.616 2.979 5.150 1.602 3.044 5.333 3.453 5.810 9.215 5.895 9.410 6.748 10.33 4 Compact Plastic Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender cm 13.31 13.60 18.73 31.78 40.58 41.22 49.97 78.04 95.46 3 cm 3.800 3.838 5.159 7.400 9.289 9.354 11.22 14.49 17.46 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender cm 0.615 2.800 5.480 5.688 9.842 16.21 5.820 10.42 17.48 14.73 23.68 36.25 24.59 37.99 36.30 53.57 Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 3 cm 0.3378 1.093 2.235 1.519 2.703 4.589 1.491 2.745 4.740 3.174 5.222 8.190 5.280 8.350 6.188 9.300 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 22 continued b CHANNELS y xo Centroid cy B-28 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x d x Shear centre CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y y t GRADES 1.4362 (SAF 2304) & 1.4462 (2205) 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Dxb t mm mm 200 x 75 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 Web in compression, toes in tension Classification Iy eff Compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact cm 97.79 220.8 303.4 309.1 391.2 585.7 749.6 908.7 981.2 1266 1546 - 4 1.4462 (2205) Web in tension, toes in compression Zy eff Classification Iy eff Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 118.5 60.97 123.0 99.76 184.1 313.0 192.7 331.4 281.6 462.7 716.9 407.9 631.4 947.9 1618 3 cm 17.65 30.91 41.50 41.84 52.25 64.84 81.49 97.72 92.38 116.7 140.5 - 4 Web in compression, toes in tension Zy eff Classification Iy eff Compact Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact cm 96.52 130.7 217.6 299.7 305.0 386.7 577.3 740.1 898.4 966.0 1248 1527 - 3 cm 21.49 10.42 21.85 12.81 24.35 42.66 24.70 43.72 28.55 48.00 76.13 34.24 53.98 82.62 145.3 4 Web in tension, toes in compression Zy eff Classification Iy eff Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 105.6 54.96 109.5 93.12 166.8 279.7 173.7 295.5 259.7 417.9 640.7 385.1 580.8 857.1 1444 3 cm 17.55 23.37 30.70 41.27 41.60 51.99 64.42 81.02 97.23 91.71 115.9 139.7 - 4 Zy eff Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. 3 cm 19.05 9.358 19.35 11.93 21.96 37.92 22.18 38.79 26.26 43.17 67.69 32.27 49.51 74.40 129.1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 23 y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK B-29 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y 1.4301 (304) D x 2b t mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 Classification Properties Iy eff 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 150 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 4 Slender Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Compact 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) cm 3.932 17.13 37.68 62.91 37.80 63.03 94.29 140.7 140.9 230.4 319.3 - Classification Zy eff Properties Iy eff 3 cm 1.591 4.901 7.924 12.73 7.900 12.74 16.23 23.57 23.60 31.68 42.99 - 4 Slender Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Compact 1.4362 (SAF 2304) cm 3.860 16.81 37.04 61.76 37.17 61.88 92.65 138.1 138.4 226.4 313.5 - Classification Zy eff 4 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender cm 3.072 13.34 22.36 30.28 49.16 73.04 30.56 49.39 73.29 75.22 110.0 152.0 110.3 152.4 184.0 250.4 417.4 Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. Classification Zy eff Properties Iy eff 3 cm 1.300 3.987 6.432 6.616 10.40 15.00 6.599 10.37 15.00 13.41 19.16 25.92 19.14 25.93 26.16 34.98 56.46 4 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender cm 2.923 6.014 12.67 21.16 29.05 46.76 69.21 29.37 47.04 69.48 96.58 72.02 104.6 144.1 105.0 144.5 176.3 238.6 395.4 d t Centroid and shear centre y 1.4462 (2205) Properties Iy eff 3 cm 1.568 4.827 7.813 12.54 7.789 12.54 15.99 23.21 23.23 31.21 42.33 - b Zy eff 3 cm 1.247 2.430 3.822 6.149 6.393 9.979 14.35 6.380 9.954 14.34 19.49 12.92 18.37 24.79 18.35 24.79 25.22 33.57 53.95 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 23 DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK y B-30 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement D x x CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y 1.4301 (304) D x 2b t mm mm 200 x 150 225 x 150 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 Classification Properties Iy eff 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 4 Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact cm 319.6 604.8 1008 1010 1655 2464 2505 3685 5108 - 1.4362 (SAF 2304) 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Classification Zy eff Iy eff 3 cm 43.01 63.20 101.9 102.0 137.0 199.1 176.3 253.4 343.9 - Properties 4 Compact Slender Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact cm 313.8 594.8 990.1 991.9 1627 2419 2467 3622 5015 - Classification Zy eff 4 Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 251.1 418.2 489.0 790.3 1172 793.6 1176 1330 1934 2665 2064 2944 4006 5942 Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. Classification Zy eff Properties Iy eff 3 cm 34.96 56.52 52.79 82.97 120.0 82.86 120.1 113.6 161.9 218.9 149.5 209.3 279.9 405.1 4 Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender cm 239.4 396.4 469.9 752.7 1111 1545 756.5 1115 1551 1276 1843 2530 3781 1993 2820 3817 5635 d t Centroid and shear centre y 1.4462 (2205) Properties Iy eff 3 cm 42.34 62.31 100.3 100.4 135.0 196.0 174.0 249.7 338.6 - b Zy eff 3 cm 33.55 53.98 51.04 79.63 114.8 155.9 79.52 114.8 156.4 109.7 155.4 209.4 305.0 145.1 201.8 268.6 387.3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 24 DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK y d xo x x B-31 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Centroid d CLASSIFICATION & EFFECTIVE SECTION PROPERTIES FOR SECTIONS SUBJECT TO PURE BENDING AXIS Y-Y t cy Shear centre y 1.4301 (304) Classification 2d x d t mm mm 100 x 50 150 x 75 5.0 6.0 8.0 8.0 10.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 200 x 100 240 x 120 300 x 150 400 x 200 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Properties Classification 1.4462 (2205) 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Properties Properties Classification Properties Classification Leg parallel to Leg parallel to Leg parallel to Leg parallel to Leg parallel to Leg parallel to Leg parallel to y-y axis y-y axis y-y axis y-y axis y-y axis y-y axis y-y axis Leg parallel to y-y axis in compression in tension in compression in tension in compression in tension in compression in tension Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff Iy eff Zy eff cm4 90.32 285.5 487.3 928.8 1189 1445 2105 2727 3349 4267 cm3 17.03 40.37 58.05 90.04 113.4 136.3 157.3 199.4 241.2 302.8 cm4 89.64 283.3 370.0 495.4 903.3 1434 684.8 1307 2159 3860 cm3 16.94 40.15 47.55 57.14 92.88 135.5 69.88 117.1 175.6 281.6 cm4 89.88 284.1 484.7 923.5 1183 1438 2092 2711 3330 4245 cm3 16.99 40.28 57.91 89.79 113.1 135.9 156.8 198.9 240.6 302.1 cm4 86.30 272.7 355.1 473.9 867.0 1380 652.3 1249 2069 3712 cm3 16.50 39.11 46.23 55.42 90.29 132.0 67.58 113.5 170.5 274.1 cm4 20.92 83.80 113.1 264.9 334.7 449.7 573.8 694.1 851.9 1097 1340 1694 1918 2497 3081 3951 cm3 6.086 16.44 21.87 38.98 48.69 55.88 70.19 84.13 86.34 109.1 131.6 164.3 150.1 191.0 231.8 292.0 cm4 17.98 51.07 106.8 161.4 287.8 202.7 373.1 596.7 259.2 494.9 817.1 1456 339.0 675.2 1157 2168 cm3 5.455 11.49 20.99 27.23 43.64 31.40 51.40 75.41 36.56 61.33 91.92 147.3 43.08 74.31 114.2 189.2 cm4 20.57 82.28 111.2 260.1 329.1 441.1 563.5 682.4 834.6 1076 1316 1666 1878 2446 3020 3878 cm3 6.037 16.30 21.70 38.64 48.30 55.35 69.59 83.46 85.46 108.1 130.4 163.0 148.5 189.1 229.5 289.4 cm4 15.92 44.75 94.84 141.4 254.8 176.2 327.6 528.3 223.1 430.1 715.9 1289 288.5 579.7 1001 1894 cm3 5.016 10.49 19.34 24.86 40.12 28.51 46.99 69.34 32.98 55.68 83.91 135.4 38.58 66.92 103.4 172.4 Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Non Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Non Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Only the sections which can be semi-compact or slender when subject to pure bending are given in the table. Effective section properties are only applicable to slender cross-sections; gross properties should be used for plastic, compact and semi-compact cross-sections. For explanation of table see Section 8.3. Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender B-32 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [Blank Page] Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... C. MEMBER CAPACITIES GRADE 1.4301 (304) C-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 25 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 13.6 4.71 5.51 6.99 8.31 9.20 14.3 22.1 26.9 32.6 39.9 21.9 34.2 42.1 53.4 64.1 26.9 42.3 52.2 66.6 80.3 37.0 58.4 72.3 92.7 112 138 168 49.5 78.6 97.8 126 153 189 233 58.0 92.2 114 148 180 224 276 105 131 169 207 257 318 118 148 191 234 291 360 2.36 2.76 3.48 4.13 4.56 8.47 13.0 15.7 18.9 22.9 14.9 23.2 28.3 35.6 42.4 19.9 31.1 38.1 48.3 57.9 30.4 47.8 59.1 75.5 91.2 111 134 43.9 69.5 86.2 110 134 165 202 54.6 86.5 107 138 168 208 256 103 128 165 202 250 308 118 148 191 234 291 360 1.40 1.63 2.06 2.44 2.69 5.29 8.06 9.74 11.7 14.1 9.89 15.3 18.6 23.3 27.6 13.8 21.5 26.3 33.1 39.5 23.3 36.5 45.0 57.2 68.9 83.6 100 37.1 58.5 72.4 92.8 112 137 168 48.2 76.3 94.6 121 148 182 223 93.5 116 149 182 225 278 110 137 177 216 268 331 0.920 1.07 1.36 1.60 1.77 3.57 5.43 6.56 7.86 9.48 6.84 10.5 12.8 16.0 19.0 9.78 15.1 18.5 23.3 27.7 17.4 27.2 33.4 42.4 50.9 61.5 73.7 30.0 47.2 58.3 74.5 90.1 110 133 41.1 64.9 80.5 103 125 154 188 82.7 102 132 160 198 243 100 124 160 196 242 298 0.652 0.761 0.959 1.13 1.25 2.56 3.89 4.70 5.63 6.79 4.97 7.65 9.31 11.6 13.7 7.18 11.1 13.6 17.0 20.2 13.2 20.5 25.2 31.9 38.2 46.1 55.1 23.8 37.4 46.2 58.9 71.0 86.5 104 34.1 53.8 66.6 85.2 103 126 154 71.2 88.4 113 138 169 208 89.0 110 142 173 214 263 0.485 0.567 0.714 0.844 0.931 1.93 2.93 3.53 4.23 5.09 3.77 5.79 7.04 8.79 10.4 5.47 8.45 10.3 13.0 15.4 10.2 15.9 19.5 24.6 29.5 35.5 42.4 19.0 29.8 36.7 46.7 56.4 68.5 82.8 28.0 44.1 54.5 69.7 84.4 103 125 60.3 74.7 95.8 116 142 174 77.6 96.3 123 150 185 227 0.376 0.438 0.553 0.653 0.720 1.50 2.28 2.75 3.29 3.96 2.95 4.53 5.51 6.87 8.12 4.30 6.64 8.11 10.2 12.1 8.08 12.6 15.4 19.5 23.4 28.1 33.5 15.3 24.0 29.6 37.7 45.4 55.1 66.5 23.0 36.2 44.8 57.2 69.2 84.5 102 50.7 62.7 80.4 97.5 119 145 66.8 82.8 106 129 159 195 0.244 0.285 0.359 0.424 0.467 0.982 1.49 1.80 2.15 2.59 1.94 2.98 3.63 4.53 5.34 2.85 4.40 5.37 6.73 7.99 5.42 8.43 10.3 13.1 15.6 18.8 22.4 10.5 16.4 20.2 25.7 30.9 37.5 45.2 16.1 25.3 31.2 39.8 48.1 58.7 71.1 36.2 44.8 57.3 69.4 85.0 103 49.1 60.9 78.1 94.8 116 142 0.171 0.200 0.252 0.297 0.328 0.693 1.05 1.27 1.52 1.83 1.38 2.11 2.57 3.20 3.78 2.02 3.12 3.81 4.78 5.67 3.87 6.02 7.39 9.33 11.2 13.4 16.0 7.57 11.8 14.6 18.5 22.3 27.1 32.6 11.7 18.4 22.7 29.0 35.0 42.7 51.7 26.7 33.1 42.3 51.2 62.6 76.2 36.8 45.6 58.5 71.0 87.0 106 0.127 0.148 0.186 0.220 0.242 0.515 0.781 0.943 1.13 1.36 1.03 1.57 1.91 2.39 2.82 1.51 2.33 2.84 3.56 4.23 2.91 4.52 5.54 6.99 8.36 10.1 12.0 5.71 8.93 11.0 14.0 16.8 20.4 24.5 8.91 14.0 17.3 22.0 26.6 32.4 39.2 20.4 25.3 32.3 39.1 47.8 58.1 28.4 35.1 45.0 54.6 67.0 81.7 0.098 0.114 0.143 0.169 0.187 0.398 0.603 0.728 0.870 1.05 0.794 1.22 1.48 1.85 2.18 1.17 1.81 2.20 2.76 3.28 2.26 3.51 4.30 5.43 6.49 7.81 9.29 4.46 6.97 8.58 10.9 13.1 15.9 19.1 6.98 11.0 13.5 17.2 20.8 25.4 30.7 16.1 19.9 25.4 30.8 37.6 45.7 22.5 27.8 35.6 43.2 52.9 64.6 0.077 0.090 0.114 0.134 0.148 0.316 0.480 0.579 0.692 0.832 0.633 0.971 1.18 1.47 1.73 0.934 1.44 1.76 2.20 2.61 1.81 2.81 3.44 4.34 5.19 6.24 7.42 3.58 5.59 6.88 8.75 10.5 12.8 15.3 5.62 8.81 10.9 13.9 16.7 20.4 24.7 13.0 16.0 20.5 24.8 30.3 36.8 18.2 22.5 28.8 35.0 42.8 52.2 0.063 0.073 0.092 0.109 0.120 0.258 0.391 0.471 0.564 0.678 0.516 0.791 0.962 1.20 1.41 0.763 1.18 1.43 1.80 2.13 1.48 2.29 2.81 3.55 4.24 5.10 6.07 2.93 4.58 5.64 7.17 8.62 10.4 12.6 4.61 7.24 8.93 11.4 13.7 16.7 20.2 10.7 13.2 16.9 20.4 24.9 30.3 15.0 18.6 23.8 28.8 35.3 43.1 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 114.3 Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-2 y t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss Table me ... 25 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 139.7 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 21.4 26.7 33.3 145 179 231 283 351 435 219 284 348 433 538 371 455 567 706 569 709 884 145 154 199 243 302 373 202 262 320 398 494 370 454 565 702 569 709 884 143 126 162 198 245 302 176 227 278 345 427 339 416 518 643 558 695 865 134 99.1 127 155 191 235 147 190 233 288 356 305 374 465 577 520 648 806 124 77.1 99.1 120 148 182 120 155 189 234 289 269 329 409 507 479 596 741 113 60.7 78.0 94.9 116 143 97.9 126 153 190 234 232 284 352 436 434 540 671 101 48.6 62.5 76.0 93.5 114 80.0 103 125 155 190 198 242 300 371 388 483 599 79.8 39.7 51.0 62.0 76.3 93.4 66.1 85.1 103 128 157 168 206 255 315 343 427 529 62.1 32.9 42.3 51.4 63.3 77.5 55.3 71.3 86.9 107 131 144 176 218 269 302 375 465 48.9 27.8 35.6 43.3 53.3 65.3 46.9 60.4 73.6 90.8 111 124 151 187 231 266 330 409 39.2 23.7 30.4 37.0 45.5 55.7 40.2 51.8 63.1 77.8 95.7 107 131 162 200 234 290 360 32.0 20.5 26.3 31.9 39.3 48.1 34.9 44.9 54.7 67.4 82.9 93.9 114 141 175 207 256 318 26.6 17.8 22.9 27.8 34.2 41.9 30.5 39.2 47.8 58.9 72.4 82.6 100 124 154 183 228 282 168.3 219.1 273 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 26 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 1.5 1.63 2.0 2.11 2.0 2.58 3.0 3.68 * 2.0 3.53 3.0 5.10 4.0 6.54 * 2.0 4.48 3.0 6.52 4.0 8.43 5.0 10.2 6.0 11.9 * 3.0 10.1 4.0 13.2 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 8.0 24.2 * 3.0 11.3 4.0 14.8 5.0 18.1 6.0 21.3 8.0 27.4 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 38.3 25.3 49.1 31.8 64.9 48.1 91.3 65.8 91.3 79.2 135 115 173 145 104 100 173 162 224 208 271 250 315 288 234 234 350 350 428 428 504 504 644 644 266 266 392 392 481 481 567 567 728 728 29.2 14.2 36.9 17.6 53.4 29.5 74.0 39.4 83.7 58.9 122 83.5 155 103 104 85.0 169 133 217 168 262 200 302 227 234 226 350 329 428 401 504 469 644 593 266 266 392 392 481 481 567 567 728 728 20.7 8.69 26.0 10.8 41.0 18.6 55.9 24.7 72.5 41.2 104 57.3 131 70.0 95.6 67.3 153 101 196 127 235 149 270 167 234 203 350 291 428 353 504 411 640 515 266 255 392 367 481 449 567 526 728 669 14.8 5.82 18.5 7.19 30.6 12.6 41.3 16.7 60.4 29.1 86.1 40.2 107 48.9 86.1 51.4 135 75.3 172 93.9 205 109 234 122 228 178 332 248 405 300 474 348 600 430 261 235 377 334 461 408 542 477 690 604 10.9 4.16 13.6 5.14 23.2 9.08 31.1 12.0 49.1 21.4 69.2 29.5 85.5 35.7 75.8 39.4 116 56.7 147 70.5 174 81.8 197 90.9 215 151 310 206 378 248 441 286 556 350 247 213 354 299 433 363 508 424 645 533 8.34 3.12 10.4 3.85 17.9 6.83 24.0 9.00 39.7 16.3 55.6 22.4 68.3 27.1 65.4 30.7 98.6 43.8 124 54.4 146 63.0 164 69.8 201 126 287 169 349 203 406 233 509 284 232 189 329 262 402 317 471 369 596 461 6.56 2.42 8.17 2.99 14.2 5.33 19.0 7.01 32.3 12.8 45.1 17.6 55.2 21.3 55.9 24.5 82.8 34.7 103 43.0 121 49.8 136 55.2 186 105 262 139 318 167 369 191 460 231 215 166 303 226 369 274 432 318 544 395 4.36 1.58 5.42 1.95 9.53 3.50 12.7 4.60 22.3 8.51 31.0 11.6 37.8 14.1 40.7 16.5 59.1 23.3 73.9 28.8 86.3 33.3 96.3 36.8 154 74.8 212 97.5 256 116 296 132 365 160 181 126 249 168 303 202 352 234 440 288 3.10 1.11 3.85 1.38 6.82 2.47 9.07 3.24 16.2 6.05 22.4 8.27 27.3 9.98 30.4 11.8 43.6 16.6 54.4 20.5 63.4 23.7 70.6 26.2 125 55.0 168 71.2 202 84.8 233 96.8 286 116 149 96.2 201 126 243 152 281 175 349 215 2.32 0.827 2.88 1.02 5.11 1.84 6.79 2.41 12.3 4.52 16.9 6.17 20.6 7.44 23.3 8.87 33.4 12.5 41.6 15.4 48.3 17.8 53.8 19.6 101 41.9 134 54.0 161 64.3 185 73.4 226 88.2 121 74.8 161 97.6 194 117 225 135 278 165 1.80 0.638 2.23 0.787 3.97 1.42 5.28 1.86 9.60 3.50 13.2 4.78 16.1 5.77 18.4 6.90 26.3 9.69 32.7 12.0 38.0 13.8 42.2 15.2 82.8 33.0 108 42.4 130 50.4 149 57.5 181 69.0 99.4 59.5 131 77.3 157 92.9 182 106 224 130 1.43 0.507 1.78 0.626 3.18 1.13 4.22 1.48 7.71 2.79 10.6 3.81 12.9 4.60 14.9 5.52 21.2 7.74 26.4 9.56 30.6 11.0 34.0 12.2 68.3 26.6 89.2 34.1 106 40.5 122 46.2 148 55.4 82.3 48.3 107 62.7 129 75.2 149 86.6 184 105 1.17 0.413 1.45 0.509 2.60 0.919 3.45 1.21 6.33 2.28 8.72 3.11 10.6 3.75 12.3 4.52 17.4 6.33 21.7 7.81 25.2 9.01 28.0 9.94 57.1 21.9 74.3 28.0 88.9 33.3 101 38.0 123 45.5 68.9 40.0 90.0 51.8 108 62.1 125 71.5 153 87.4 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 150 x 75 150 x 100 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 26 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 200 x 100 * 4.0 17.9 * 5.0 22.1 6.0 26.1 8.0 33.7 10.0 40.8 * 4.0 19.5 * 5.0 24.0 6.0 28.5 8.0 36.9 10.0 44.8 * 6.0 33.2 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 15.0 74.1 * 6.0 35.6 8.0 46.4 10.0 56.6 12.0 66.4 15.0 80.1 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 417 417 570 570 693 693 896 896 1090 1090 459 459 622 622 756 756 980 980 1190 1190 841 841 1150 1150 1400 1400 1640 1640 1970 1970 904 904 1230 1230 1510 1510 1770 1770 2130 2130 417 417 570 570 693 693 896 896 1090 1090 459 459 622 622 756 756 980 980 1190 1190 841 841 1150 1150 1400 1400 1640 1640 1970 1970 904 904 1230 1230 1510 1510 1770 1770 2130 2130 417 403 570 540 693 651 896 835 1090 1000 459 459 622 622 756 754 980 973 1190 1180 841 841 1150 1150 1400 1390 1640 1620 1970 1930 904 904 1230 1230 1510 1510 1770 1770 2130 2130 417 372 570 495 693 594 896 759 1090 906 459 440 622 587 756 707 980 911 1190 1100 841 800 1150 1080 1400 1310 1640 1520 1970 1800 904 901 1230 1220 1510 1480 1770 1730 2130 2070 416 339 560 445 677 532 870 675 1050 802 459 413 617 547 745 657 962 844 1160 1010 841 748 1150 1000 1400 1210 1640 1400 1970 1660 904 857 1230 1150 1510 1400 1770 1630 2130 1950 399 304 536 394 646 467 829 590 996 696 443 384 591 504 713 603 919 772 1110 924 841 692 1140 920 1390 1110 1610 1280 1930 1500 904 810 1230 1090 1500 1320 1750 1530 2100 1820 382 269 509 343 613 405 785 509 941 597 425 353 564 459 679 547 874 697 1050 831 816 633 1100 835 1340 1000 1550 1150 1850 1350 883 760 1190 1010 1450 1230 1690 1420 2020 1680 344 205 453 257 541 301 690 375 822 437 385 289 505 369 605 436 775 552 929 653 756 513 1010 667 1230 795 1420 907 1690 1050 821 652 1100 859 1340 1030 1560 1190 1860 1400 303 157 392 194 466 226 590 281 699 327 341 232 441 291 526 342 670 431 799 508 690 408 919 525 1110 623 1280 707 1510 811 754 544 1010 709 1220 849 1410 974 1680 1140 261 122 333 150 394 175 496 217 585 251 296 186 378 231 448 271 569 340 675 400 621 326 819 416 985 492 1130 557 1330 636 681 449 902 580 1090 692 1260 791 1480 917 223 97.8 281 119 331 138 415 172 487 199 254 151 321 186 379 218 479 273 567 320 550 263 720 335 862 395 989 447 1150 509 607 370 797 476 959 567 1110 646 1300 746 190 79.6 237 97.1 278 112 349 139 408 161 218 124 273 153 321 178 405 223 477 261 483 216 627 274 749 323 856 365 991 415 535 308 698 394 838 469 963 534 1120 616 162 65.9 202 80.2 236 93.1 295 115 345 133 187 103 232 127 273 148 343 185 404 217 422 180 545 228 649 268 741 303 854 344 470 259 610 331 730 393 837 447 973 515 200 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 250 x 125 250 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 26 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 300 x 150 * 6.0 40.3 8.0 52.7 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 15.0 91.9 * 6.0 45.0 8.0 59.0 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 6.0 47.4 * 8.0 62.2 10.0 76.4 12.0 90.1 15.0 109 * 6.0 49.8 * 8.0 65.3 10.0 80.3 12.0 94.8 15.0 115 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 938 938 1400 1400 1720 1720 2020 2020 2440 2440 1060 1060 1570 1570 1930 1930 2270 2270 2760 2760 1030 1030 1540 1540 2030 2030 2400 2400 2920 2920 1090 1090 1630 1630 2140 2140 2520 2520 3070 3070 938 906 1400 1320 1720 1610 2020 1880 2440 2260 1060 1060 1570 1570 1930 1930 2270 2270 2760 2760 1030 1030 1540 1540 2030 2000 2400 2350 2920 2840 1090 1090 1630 1630 2140 2140 2520 2520 3070 3070 938 814 1400 1170 1720 1410 2020 1650 2430 1960 1060 1020 1570 1470 1930 1800 2270 2110 2760 2540 1030 965 1540 1410 2030 1820 2400 2130 2920 2570 1090 1060 1630 1550 2140 2000 2520 2360 3070 2850 912 712 1330 994 1620 1200 1900 1390 2280 1650 1040 940 1510 1340 1850 1630 2170 1910 2620 2300 1030 880 1540 1260 2010 1620 2360 1890 2860 2270 1090 986 1630 1420 2130 1830 2500 2140 3040 2590 860 605 1240 826 1510 993 1770 1150 2120 1340 988 852 1420 1200 1730 1450 2030 1700 2450 2030 1000 788 1470 1110 1910 1400 2240 1630 2710 1950 1070 903 1560 1280 2020 1640 2380 1910 2880 2300 804 507 1150 678 1400 813 1630 934 1940 1090 928 759 1320 1050 1610 1270 1890 1480 2270 1760 956 692 1390 955 1800 1190 2110 1380 2550 1640 1020 814 1480 1140 1910 1440 2240 1680 2710 2000 744 422 1050 558 1270 668 1480 765 1760 891 863 667 1220 907 1480 1100 1730 1270 2070 1510 906 599 1310 814 1680 1010 1970 1160 2370 1380 968 724 1390 997 1790 1240 2100 1450 2540 1720 682 354 948 464 1150 554 1330 634 1570 736 796 581 1110 780 1350 942 1570 1090 1870 1290 854 516 1220 692 1560 850 1820 982 2190 1160 914 637 1300 865 1660 1070 1950 1240 2350 1480 619 299 849 390 1030 465 1190 531 1400 616 727 505 999 672 1210 810 1410 936 1680 1100 799 445 1130 591 1430 722 1670 833 2000 981 857 558 1210 750 1540 923 1800 1070 2160 1270 559 255 758 331 912 395 1050 451 1240 522 660 439 897 581 1090 699 1260 807 1500 950 743 385 1040 508 1310 619 1520 713 1820 838 798 489 1120 651 1410 799 1640 925 1970 1090 503 220 675 284 811 339 935 387 1100 448 596 384 804 505 972 608 1130 701 1340 825 687 335 950 440 1190 535 1380 616 1640 723 739 429 1020 569 1280 695 1490 804 1780 950 452 191 602 247 723 294 832 335 974 388 538 338 720 442 869 532 1010 613 1190 721 632 293 865 384 1080 466 1250 537 1480 629 681 379 933 499 1160 609 1350 704 1610 831 406 167 538 216 645 257 742 293 868 339 485 299 645 390 779 469 901 540 1070 634 579 259 787 338 974 409 1130 471 1340 552 626 336 851 441 1060 537 1230 621 1460 732 300 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 175 350 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 26 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 400 x 200 * 6.0 54.5 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 6.0 59.3 * 8.0 78.0 * 10.0 96.1 12.0 113 15.0 139 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1110 1110 1670 1670 2280 2280 2770 2770 3390 3390 1200 1200 1840 1840 2490 2490 3030 3030 3700 3700 1110 1110 1670 1670 2280 2280 2770 2770 3390 3390 1200 1200 1840 1840 2490 2490 3030 3030 3700 3700 1110 1100 1670 1610 2280 2160 2770 2610 3390 3160 1200 1200 1840 1840 2490 2490 3030 3020 3700 3680 1110 1020 1670 1490 2280 1980 2770 2380 3390 2880 1200 1180 1840 1760 2490 2350 3030 2830 3700 3450 1110 945 1670 1360 2240 1780 2710 2130 3300 2570 1200 1110 1840 1660 2470 2190 2980 2630 3640 3200 1090 861 1600 1220 2140 1580 2590 1870 3140 2240 1180 1050 1770 1540 2370 2020 2850 2420 3480 2930 1050 773 1530 1080 2040 1370 2450 1620 2980 1940 1140 975 1700 1410 2260 1840 2720 2190 3310 2650 1000 687 1460 943 1930 1190 2310 1400 2800 1670 1090 900 1620 1290 2140 1650 2570 1960 3130 2360 955 607 1380 823 1810 1030 2170 1200 2620 1430 1050 823 1540 1160 2020 1480 2420 1750 2940 2100 906 535 1300 718 1690 892 2020 1040 2430 1240 997 748 1450 1040 1900 1310 2260 1550 2740 1860 856 472 1210 629 1570 778 1870 907 2240 1080 946 677 1370 930 1770 1170 2100 1370 2540 1640 804 418 1130 554 1450 682 1720 795 2060 942 893 611 1280 832 1640 1040 1950 1220 2350 1460 753 371 1050 490 1340 602 1580 701 1890 830 839 552 1190 746 1520 926 1800 1090 2160 1300 400 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-7 P291: Structural design of stainless steel D Discuss me ... Table 27 COMPRESSION y D SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x d t y x d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 49.5 68.2 70.8 100 125 91.6 131 167 198 122 185 240 292 236 308 376 441 560 279 392 481 567 728 296 476 586 693 896 34.6 46.6 56.3 78.6 96.9 78.2 111 140 165 116 174 225 271 236 308 375 438 551 279 392 481 567 728 296 476 586 693 896 23.2 30.8 41.6 57.3 69.7 62.9 88.7 110 128 103 154 197 237 218 283 343 400 502 278 387 473 556 710 296 476 586 693 896 16.2 21.3 30.4 41.5 50.1 48.7 68.1 84.2 97.2 89.4 131 167 200 197 255 309 359 446 261 361 442 518 659 296 465 572 675 868 11.8 15.5 22.7 30.9 37.1 37.6 52.3 64.3 73.8 75.0 109 138 164 174 225 271 314 387 243 334 407 477 604 283 440 540 636 817 8.93 11.7 17.4 23.7 28.4 29.4 40.8 50.1 57.3 62.1 89.6 113 133 151 194 234 269 330 223 304 370 433 546 269 413 506 595 762 7.00 9.18 13.8 18.7 22.4 23.5 32.5 39.9 45.6 51.4 73.8 92.9 109 130 166 199 229 278 202 273 332 387 486 253 383 469 552 704 4.62 6.06 9.19 12.5 14.9 15.9 21.9 26.8 30.6 36.1 51.4 64.6 75.9 95.3 121 145 166 200 161 215 260 302 375 220 322 393 460 583 3.27 4.29 6.56 8.87 10.6 11.4 15.7 19.2 21.9 26.4 37.5 47.1 55.2 71.3 90.7 108 123 148 127 167 202 233 289 186 263 320 374 472 2.44 3.20 4.91 6.64 7.92 8.57 11.8 14.4 16.4 20.1 28.5 35.7 41.8 54.9 69.8 83.1 94.8 113 100 131 158 183 226 154 214 260 303 380 1.89 2.47 3.81 5.15 6.15 6.67 9.21 11.2 12.8 15.8 22.3 28.0 32.8 43.4 55.1 65.6 74.8 89.5 81.3 105 127 146 180 128 175 212 247 309 1.51 1.97 3.04 4.11 4.91 5.34 7.37 8.99 10.2 12.7 18.0 22.5 26.3 35.1 44.6 53.0 60.4 72.3 66.5 86.2 103 119 147 107 144 175 204 255 1.23 1.61 2.49 3.36 4.01 4.37 6.03 7.35 8.36 10.4 14.8 18.5 21.6 29.0 36.8 43.7 49.8 59.5 55.3 71.6 86.1 99.4 122 90.7 121 146 170 213 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 125 150 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 27 D COMPRESSION y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 175 x 175 * 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 12.0 15.0 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 504 691 819 1060 1300 526 764 945 1230 1510 822 1120 1570 1930 2270 864 1180 1900 2350 2770 1240 2020 2770 3280 4020 1280 2110 3060 3780 4650 497 671 793 1030 1240 526 764 945 1230 1500 822 1120 1570 1930 2270 864 1180 1900 2350 2770 1240 2020 2770 3280 4020 1280 2110 3060 3780 4650 453 604 714 920 1110 504 712 872 1130 1380 822 1110 1550 1900 2230 864 1180 1900 2350 2770 1240 2020 2770 3280 4020 1280 2110 3060 3780 4650 403 531 625 802 964 465 647 789 1020 1240 788 1050 1450 1770 2080 864 1180 1860 2290 2700 1240 2020 2770 3280 4020 1280 2110 3060 3780 4650 350 454 533 681 814 422 577 698 900 1090 740 973 1340 1630 1910 846 1140 1760 2160 2550 1240 1990 2680 3170 3880 1280 2110 3060 3780 4650 299 381 447 569 677 376 504 606 778 936 687 894 1220 1480 1730 808 1080 1650 2030 2380 1210 1900 2560 3020 3690 1280 2090 2970 3650 4470 253 319 373 474 562 331 435 520 666 798 631 811 1090 1330 1550 767 1020 1540 1880 2210 1160 1810 2420 2860 3480 1260 2020 2850 3490 4280 214 267 313 396 469 288 373 444 568 679 574 727 973 1180 1370 724 950 1410 1730 2030 1110 1720 2280 2680 3270 1230 1940 2720 3330 4070 182 226 265 335 396 250 321 381 486 580 517 647 860 1040 1210 679 882 1290 1570 1840 1060 1620 2120 2500 3040 1180 1860 2590 3160 3860 156 193 226 285 337 218 277 328 418 499 463 574 758 916 1060 633 812 1170 1420 1660 1000 1510 1970 2320 2810 1140 1780 2450 2980 3640 135 166 195 246 290 191 241 285 362 432 414 509 669 808 935 586 745 1050 1280 1500 944 1400 1820 2130 2580 1100 1690 2310 2790 3410 117 145 169 214 252 168 211 249 317 377 370 452 592 714 826 540 680 950 1160 1350 886 1300 1670 1960 2370 1050 1600 2160 2610 3180 103 127 148 187 221 148 186 219 279 332 332 403 527 635 734 496 619 856 1040 1210 828 1200 1530 1790 2160 1000 1510 2020 2430 2950 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 350 400 x 400 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-9 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 28 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 2.0 1.45 3.0 2.08 3.0 3.14 4.0 4.06 5.0 4.91 * 3.0 4.45 * 4.0 5.80 5.0 7.08 * 3.0 5.04 * 4.0 6.59 5.0 8.07 6.0 9.49 * 4.0 8.01 5.0 9.85 6.0 11.6 8.0 15.0 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 35.3 21.6 15.4 50.1 39.2 21.4 83.5 56.4 51.6 107 81.6 65.7 130 106 78.3 107 80.3 92.4 153 116 128 188 148 155 118 93.2 101 174 136 143 214 172 175 252 208 204 202 168 183 261 217 234 308 259 276 397 344 353 28.1 17.9 7.85 39.3 32.9 10.9 76.4 48.1 29.6 97.9 74.3 37.4 117 98.3 44.3 107 63.5 67.7 153 98.0 91.0 187 132 110 118 74.8 73.6 174 114 100 214 152 121 252 192 141 202 141 144 261 188 181 308 232 213 397 323 270 20.8 14.9 4.67 28.7 25.7 6.47 66.1 42.7 18.2 84.1 66.9 23.0 100 87.8 27.2 101 52.5 46.8 141 86.3 61.6 171 121 74.2 118 61.1 50.6 171 99.2 67.3 209 139 81.4 245 181 94.4 202 118 105 261 165 130 308 212 152 397 309 193 15.2 12.1 3.09 20.8 19.6 4.27 54.9 38.1 12.2 69.5 58.4 15.5 82.1 75.1 18.2 92.2 45.7 33.0 127 78.2 43.0 154 112 51.7 110 52.4 35.6 159 89.5 46.8 194 130 56.5 227 172 65.4 197 102 76.6 253 149 94.2 297 198 109 381 298 138 11.3 9.76 2.19 15.4 15.0 3.03 44.5 33.5 8.77 56.0 49.5 11.1 65.8 62.3 13.0 82.5 41.1 24.2 112 71.5 31.4 135 102 37.7 103 46.7 26.1 146 82.8 34.1 178 123 41.1 208 163 47.6 186 92.2 57.0 238 138 69.8 280 188 81.3 357 287 102 8.72 7.88 1.63 11.8 11.7 2.26 36.0 29.1 6.58 45.1 41.5 8.29 52.8 51.2 9.78 72.4 37.6 18.4 97.3 65.4 23.8 117 92.8 28.6 94.6 42.8 19.8 132 77.5 25.9 161 115 31.2 187 153 36.1 174 84.6 43.7 222 130 53.4 260 179 62.3 331 274 78.2 6.89 6.43 1.27 9.35 9.32 1.75 29.3 25.0 5.12 36.6 34.6 6.45 42.8 42.2 7.61 62.7 34.7 14.5 83.2 59.5 18.7 99.8 82.8 22.5 85.7 39.9 15.6 118 72.9 20.3 143 108 24.4 166 141 28.3 162 79.0 34.5 205 123 42.1 240 170 49.1 304 259 61.6 4.60 4.44 0.823 6.23 6.28 1.14 20.2 18.5 3.35 25.2 24.6 4.22 29.3 29.5 4.97 46.6 29.8 9.57 60.8 48.5 12.4 72.6 64.6 14.8 68.3 35.6 10.3 92.0 64.2 13.4 110 92.0 16.1 128 115 18.7 135 70.9 23.0 169 111 28.0 198 152 32.6 249 223 40.9 3.28 3.23 0.578 4.44 4.49 0.798 14.7 14.0 2.36 18.3 18.2 2.97 21.2 21.5 3.50 35.1 25.4 6.80 45.4 39.0 8.76 54.1 50.4 10.5 53.7 32.1 7.32 71.1 55.5 9.48 85.5 75.9 11.4 98.4 93.0 13.2 111 64.5 16.4 137 99.4 19.9 159 132 23.2 199 186 29.1 2.45 2.44 0.428 3.32 3.37 0.591 11.1 10.8 1.75 13.8 13.9 2.21 16.0 16.3 2.60 27.1 21.4 5.08 34.9 31.5 6.53 41.5 39.8 7.85 42.5 28.9 5.46 55.7 47.1 7.07 66.9 62.1 8.52 76.9 74.7 9.85 90.1 58.7 12.3 110 87.5 14.9 128 113 17.4 159 154 21.8 1.91 1.90 0.329 2.58 2.62 0.455 8.68 8.55 1.35 10.8 10.9 1.70 12.5 12.8 2.01 21.5 18.1 3.93 27.6 25.7 5.06 32.8 32.0 6.08 34.2 25.7 4.23 44.6 39.7 5.47 53.4 51.0 6.60 61.4 60.6 7.63 73.6 53.0 9.51 89.9 76.0 11.6 104 95.6 13.5 129 127 16.9 1.52 1.53 0.262 2.06 2.09 0.361 6.97 6.92 1.08 8.66 8.76 1.35 10.1 10.3 1.60 17.4 15.3 3.14 22.3 21.2 4.03 26.5 26.1 4.84 28.0 22.6 3.38 36.3 33.5 4.36 43.5 42.3 5.26 50.0 49.8 6.08 60.8 47.4 7.60 74.1 65.7 9.24 85.9 81.0 10.8 106 105 13.5 1.24 1.25 0.213 1.68 1.71 0.294 5.72 5.71 0.875 7.11 7.20 1.10 8.25 8.41 1.30 14.4 13.0 2.56 18.4 17.8 3.29 21.9 21.7 3.95 23.3 19.8 2.76 30.1 28.5 3.56 36.1 35.5 4.29 41.4 41.6 4.96 50.9 42.1 6.21 61.9 56.7 7.54 71.7 69.0 8.78 88.8 89.1 11.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 50 150 x 60 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 C-10 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 28 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb mm 175 x 60 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 t mm per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 5.0 10.8 6.0 12.8 8.0 16.5 10.0 20.0 * 5.0 13.0 * 6.0 15.4 8.0 20.0 10.0 24.4 * 6.0 16.6 8.0 21.6 10.0 26.3 12.0 30.8 * 6.0 20.2 * 8.0 26.3 10.0 32.3 12.0 37.9 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 287 242 255 340 289 301 439 381 387 532 473 465 320 285 313 409 361 395 532 473 512 647 581 622 440 392 423 574 513 550 700 630 668 819 744 779 474 444 474 699 648 699 857 795 857 1010 936 1010 287 209 195 340 256 229 439 355 292 532 453 349 320 253 268 409 321 333 532 432 431 647 545 521 440 349 355 574 468 459 700 588 556 819 708 646 474 410 452 699 597 653 857 739 799 1010 879 936 287 181 139 340 232 163 439 338 206 532 441 245 320 220 216 409 284 264 532 400 340 647 520 409 440 308 279 574 430 359 700 558 433 819 685 501 474 372 404 699 545 573 857 688 700 1010 833 818 287 161 99.8 340 214 116 437 326 147 526 431 174 320 192 168 409 254 202 532 376 259 647 502 310 440 272 212 574 401 272 700 536 327 819 669 377 474 334 349 699 497 486 857 645 591 1010 797 690 274 148 73.7 323 202 86.1 416 316 108 499 421 128 320 170 129 406 231 155 526 358 198 638 488 236 440 246 162 574 379 207 700 520 248 819 656 285 474 299 294 699 456 401 857 610 486 1010 769 566 260 138 56.4 306 193 65.8 393 306 83.0 471 408 98.0 309 154 101 389 214 120 504 343 154 610 475 184 432 226 126 561 363 161 681 507 193 793 644 221 474 268 244 699 423 327 857 582 397 1010 746 461 245 131 44.4 288 185 51.8 368 296 65.3 440 391 77.1 296 142 81.3 371 201 96.4 480 331 122 580 462 146 415 211 100 539 350 128 653 496 153 760 632 176 472 244 202 684 396 269 836 559 325 980 726 377 211 120 29.5 248 172 34.4 315 270 43.3 375 348 51.1 268 126 55.0 333 183 65.0 429 309 82.7 516 431 98.7 380 191 67.6 491 329 86.2 594 472 103 689 599 118 443 209 142 637 358 187 777 523 225 909 690 261 178 112 21.0 208 157 24.5 263 237 30.8 310 298 36.4 237 115 39.5 292 170 46.6 374 286 59.3 448 391 70.7 341 178 48.4 440 311 61.8 530 443 73.8 612 554 84.6 412 186 104 585 331 136 713 493 164 832 654 190 147 103 15.7 172 141 18.3 216 203 23.0 254 250 27.2 206 107 29.7 250 158 35.0 320 260 44.5 382 347 53.1 300 167 36.4 386 292 46.4 463 406 55.4 533 499 63.5 378 171 79.4 530 310 103 644 463 124 749 612 144 122 94.1 12.2 142 124 14.2 178 172 17.9 209 209 21.1 177 100 23.1 213 146 27.2 271 233 34.6 322 302 41.3 261 158 28.3 334 270 36.1 400 365 43.1 459 440 49.4 342 159 62.3 473 291 81.0 573 433 97.7 665 564 113 102 84.4 9.71 118 108 11.3 148 146 14.3 173 175 16.8 151 94.5 18.5 181 134 21.8 230 205 27.7 272 261 33.0 226 149 22.6 288 246 28.8 344 323 34.5 393 385 39.5 307 150 50.2 418 274 65.1 505 401 78.6 585 514 90.9 86.1 75.0 7.93 100 94.0 9.25 125 124 11.6 145 148 13.7 129 88.2 15.2 154 122 17.8 195 180 22.7 232 226 27.0 195 140 18.5 248 221 23.6 295 284 28.2 337 335 32.3 273 142 41.2 368 256 53.5 443 368 64.5 512 463 74.6 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 C-11 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 28 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 100 * 8.0 29.5 10.0 36.2 12.0 42.7 15.0 51.9 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 12.0 52.2 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 42.1 * 10.0 52.0 * 12.0 61.6 15.0 75.6 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 783 733 783 962 901 962 1130 1060 1130 1380 1290 1380 842 816 842 1170 1130 1170 1390 1330 1390 1690 1620 1690 888 878 888 1280 1260 1280 1640 1600 1640 2010 1960 2010 783 679 724 962 839 888 1130 996 1040 1380 1230 1260 842 772 842 1170 1060 1160 1390 1260 1370 1690 1540 1670 888 842 888 1280 1200 1280 1640 1520 1640 2010 1870 2010 783 621 631 962 779 772 1130 939 905 1380 1180 1090 842 725 783 1170 993 1060 1390 1180 1250 1690 1470 1530 888 804 887 1280 1140 1260 1640 1450 1580 2010 1780 1940 783 565 530 962 725 646 1130 891 755 1380 1140 907 842 674 711 1170 924 951 1390 1110 1120 1690 1400 1360 888 763 833 1280 1080 1170 1640 1370 1460 2010 1700 1790 783 514 434 962 680 527 1130 854 615 1380 1120 736 842 623 632 1170 858 832 1390 1050 978 1690 1350 1190 888 719 775 1280 1010 1070 1640 1290 1340 2010 1620 1630 783 472 352 962 643 427 1130 824 498 1380 1100 594 842 572 551 1170 796 713 1390 994 838 1690 1300 1010 888 673 712 1280 946 971 1640 1210 1200 2010 1550 1460 783 437 288 962 613 349 1130 800 406 1380 1080 484 842 526 475 1170 743 606 1390 946 711 1690 1270 857 888 627 646 1280 881 866 1640 1140 1060 2010 1480 1290 754 388 199 923 569 241 1080 763 280 1310 1050 333 842 451 349 1170 659 438 1390 871 513 1690 1210 617 888 539 516 1280 768 672 1640 1020 810 2010 1380 982 708 356 145 866 538 175 1020 733 203 1230 1010 242 822 398 262 1120 601 326 1320 818 381 1610 1160 458 888 468 406 1280 681 519 1630 925 620 1990 1300 751 659 333 109 805 514 132 942 705 154 1130 970 183 784 360 202 1060 560 250 1250 778 292 1520 1120 351 877 413 322 1240 617 407 1560 858 483 1910 1240 585 607 316 86.1 739 492 104 864 674 120 1040 916 143 744 333 160 1000 529 197 1180 745 230 1430 1080 276 845 373 259 1190 569 325 1490 807 385 1820 1190 466 553 302 69.2 672 471 83.6 784 639 97.0 936 852 115 701 313 129 935 504 159 1100 716 186 1330 1040 223 811 342 212 1130 533 265 1410 767 313 1720 1150 379 499 290 56.8 606 448 68.6 705 599 79.6 839 783 94.6 656 297 107 867 483 131 1020 688 153 1230 995 184 776 318 176 1070 505 219 1330 734 259 1620 1110 313 350 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 150 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 C-12 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 29 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 2.0 2.90 3.0 4.15 * 3.0 6.28 4.0 8.12 5.0 9.82 * 3.0 8.89 * 4.0 11.6 5.0 14.2 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 * 4.0 16.0 * 5.0 19.7 6.0 23.2 8.0 29.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 57.2 37.0 58.4 82.1 55.1 94.2 146 107 140 188 140 187 226 172 234 203 170 192 286 239 271 355 299 341 233 184 212 338 265 309 421 332 387 494 392 458 397 333 370 518 431 480 617 515 573 795 668 742 44.0 22.3 52.9 62.3 33.4 91.7 125 73.8 127 160 97.6 178 192 120 228 184 137 174 256 190 250 318 238 321 215 145 192 310 206 281 386 259 359 452 307 433 378 275 342 489 354 446 581 424 536 745 553 708 33.1 14.4 50.2 46.2 21.6 90.7 105 51.0 119 134 67.8 174 159 84.3 226 165 107 158 228 147 233 282 185 307 198 112 172 283 157 257 351 197 338 411 235 416 353 222 313 454 284 413 539 341 506 690 448 686 25.0 9.91 48.6 34.6 14.9 90.2 87.0 36.6 114 110 48.7 171 130 60.8 224 147 83.5 144 201 114 220 247 143 298 181 86.6 153 257 119 237 318 150 322 372 179 405 328 177 286 420 226 386 498 271 482 636 358 671 19.2 7.22 47.7 26.4 10.9 89.9 71.5 27.2 111 90.3 36.3 170 106 45.4 224 129 65.6 133 176 89.2 211 215 111 292 165 67.4 138 232 92.5 223 286 116 312 333 139 398 303 141 262 388 180 364 458 216 464 584 286 661 15.1 5.49 47.2 20.7 8.28 89.7 59.0 21.0 108 74.3 28.0 169 87.2 35.1 223 113 52.3 124 152 70.9 205 186 88.9 288 149 53.5 127 208 73.1 212 255 91.7 304 297 110 393 279 114 243 355 145 346 420 174 451 533 231 654 12.2 4.31 46.8 16.6 6.50 89.6 49.1 16.7 107 61.6 22.3 168 72.2 27.9 223 99.4 42.5 118 132 57.4 200 160 72.0 285 134 43.3 118 185 58.9 205 227 74.0 299 263 88.8 390 256 93.7 228 324 118 333 382 142 441 484 189 650 8.33 2.86 46.3 11.3 4.31 89.4 35.0 11.2 105 43.8 15.0 167 51.2 18.8 222 76.0 29.4 110 100 39.6 194 120 49.7 281 108 29.8 107 146 40.4 194 178 50.8 292 206 61.0 385 213 65.6 207 268 82.8 315 314 99.6 428 396 133 644 6.04 2.03 46.1 8.21 3.07 89.3 26.0 8.02 104 32.5 10.7 167 37.9 13.5 222 59.0 21.5 105 76.9 28.9 190 92.4 36.2 279 87.2 21.7 100 116 29.4 188 141 36.9 287 163 44.4 383 176 48.2 194 220 60.8 304 257 73.1 420 322 97.8 640 4.57 1.52 45.9 6.21 2.29 89.3 20.0 6.03 104 25.0 8.07 167 29.1 10.1 222 46.7 16.3 102 60.5 22.0 188 72.6 27.5 278 70.8 16.5 96.3 93.9 22.3 184 113 28.0 285 130 33.7 381 146 36.8 185 181 46.4 296 211 55.8 415 264 74.8 638 3.58 1.18 45.8 4.86 1.78 89.3 15.9 4.70 103 19.8 6.29 167 23.0 7.91 222 37.7 12.8 100 48.7 17.2 187 58.3 21.6 277 58.2 12.9 93.4 76.6 17.5 182 92.4 21.9 283 106 26.4 380 122 29.0 179 150 36.5 291 175 44.0 411 218 59.0 637 2.88 0.940 45.8 3.91 1.42 89.2 12.9 3.76 103 16.0 5.04 166 18.7 6.34 222 31.0 10.3 99.0 39.9 13.9 186 47.7 17.4 276 48.5 10.4 91.4 63.5 14.1 180 76.5 17.6 282 88.0 21.2 379 103 23.5 175 126 29.5 288 147 35.5 409 183 47.6 636 2.37 0.767 45.7 3.21 1.16 89.2 10.7 3.08 103 13.3 4.13 166 15.4 5.19 222 25.9 8.51 98.0 33.3 11.4 185 39.8 14.3 276 40.9 8.58 89.9 53.4 11.6 179 64.3 14.5 281 73.9 17.5 379 87.7 19.3 172 107 24.3 285 124 29.3 407 155 39.3 635 75 x 70 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 100 150 x 120 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-13 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 29 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 175 x 120 * 5.0 21.7 6.0 25.6 8.0 33.1 10.0 40.1 * 5.0 26.0 * 6.0 30.8 8.0 40.0 10.0 48.7 * 6.0 33.2 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 570 466 528 680 557 630 879 726 818 1060 887 996 631 566 606 802 714 767 1060 948 1020 1300 1160 1240 865 762 827 1150 1010 1100 1400 1240 1340 1640 1460 1570 933 902 924 1370 1310 1350 1720 1640 1680 2020 1940 1980 554 378 488 659 453 586 848 594 774 1020 730 959 631 490 572 800 615 723 1060 818 962 1280 1000 1180 865 651 777 1150 867 1030 1400 1070 1270 1640 1260 1500 933 818 887 1370 1180 1290 1720 1480 1610 2020 1750 1900 520 299 448 618 359 547 794 474 743 956 586 937 602 417 535 758 520 678 999 693 915 1210 854 1140 835 547 726 1100 728 978 1340 900 1220 1560 1070 1460 932 737 849 1350 1060 1240 1690 1330 1550 1980 1570 1830 487 235 412 578 282 515 742 374 721 892 465 923 571 350 498 718 434 635 944 579 875 1140 716 1110 795 452 676 1050 603 929 1270 748 1180 1480 891 1430 896 658 810 1300 940 1180 1620 1180 1490 1890 1400 1780 455 185 382 539 223 489 691 297 706 828 371 915 541 292 462 678 360 596 891 480 843 1080 597 1090 757 372 628 996 497 888 1210 618 1150 1410 739 1410 861 583 769 1240 826 1130 1540 1040 1440 1810 1230 1730 423 148 358 501 178 470 641 238 695 767 299 909 512 243 429 639 298 561 838 399 817 1010 497 1070 718 307 586 944 410 855 1150 512 1130 1330 614 1390 826 513 728 1190 722 1080 1480 905 1390 1730 1080 1700 392 121 340 464 145 455 592 194 687 707 244 905 483 204 401 601 249 533 786 333 797 948 416 1060 681 255 551 893 341 828 1080 427 1110 1260 513 1380 792 450 688 1140 629 1030 1410 788 1350 1650 940 1670 334 84.2 315 394 101 436 500 135 677 594 170 900 426 147 356 527 179 490 686 239 769 825 300 1040 607 182 498 794 244 789 959 305 1090 1110 368 1370 725 346 614 1030 478 951 1270 600 1290 1490 718 1620 282 61.6 300 331 74.2 423 419 99.5 672 496 125 897 373 109 326 458 133 462 593 178 751 711 224 1030 537 135 462 699 181 765 842 227 1070 972 274 1360 660 269 555 929 370 893 1150 464 1250 1340 556 1590 237 46.9 290 278 56.5 416 351 75.9 668 413 95.8 896 325 85.0 306 395 103 443 510 138 739 609 173 1020 472 104 439 612 139 748 735 175 1060 846 212 1350 598 214 509 833 292 851 1020 366 1220 1190 440 1570 200 36.9 283 234 44.5 410 295 59.7 665 347 75.4 894 282 67.5 292 341 81.8 430 438 109 731 522 137 1020 413 82.6 422 534 110 737 640 139 1060 735 168 1350 538 173 475 743 235 820 909 295 1200 1060 355 1560 170 29.8 278 199 35.9 407 250 48.2 664 293 60.9 894 245 54.9 281 294 66.4 420 377 89.0 725 449 111 1020 362 67.0 410 466 89.9 729 557 113 1050 638 136 1350 483 142 449 661 193 796 806 243 1180 934 292 1550 146 24.5 275 170 29.6 404 213 39.7 662 250 50.2 893 213 45.4 274 255 55.0 413 326 73.7 721 388 92.6 1020 317 55.4 401 407 74.4 723 487 93.6 1050 557 113 1350 433 119 429 587 161 779 715 203 1170 827 244 1540 200 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 225 x 150 250 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-14 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 29 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 200 * 8.0 59.0 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 8.0 84.3 * 10.0 104 * 12.0 123 15.0 151 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 1540 1460 1510 1930 1820 1890 2270 2150 2220 2760 2630 2700 1660 1660 1660 2300 2280 2300 2770 2750 2770 3390 3370 3380 1750 1750 1750 2530 2530 2530 3210 3210 3210 4020 4020 4020 1540 1310 1450 1930 1630 1810 2270 1930 2130 2760 2370 2600 1660 1530 1620 2300 2100 2220 2770 2530 2680 3390 3100 3270 1750 1700 1740 2530 2420 2500 3210 3060 3160 4020 3840 3940 1540 1160 1380 1930 1450 1730 2270 1720 2050 2760 2110 2520 1660 1410 1560 2300 1920 2150 2770 2320 2590 3390 2840 3160 1750 1600 1700 2530 2270 2430 3210 2860 3070 4020 3580 3830 1500 1020 1320 1870 1280 1660 2200 1520 1980 2670 1870 2450 1660 1290 1510 2300 1750 2070 2770 2110 2500 3380 2600 3070 1750 1500 1660 2530 2110 2360 3210 2660 2980 4020 3330 3730 1450 885 1250 1810 1110 1590 2120 1320 1910 2570 1630 2400 1630 1180 1450 2240 1580 1990 2690 1910 2410 3280 2350 2990 1750 1400 1610 2530 1960 2290 3200 2460 2890 3990 3080 3630 1400 766 1180 1740 960 1520 2040 1150 1860 2470 1420 2360 1590 1070 1400 2170 1420 1910 2610 1720 2330 3170 2120 2910 1740 1310 1560 2470 1810 2220 3120 2270 2800 3880 2840 3530 1350 661 1120 1670 830 1470 1960 992 1810 2370 1230 2330 1540 960 1340 2100 1270 1840 2520 1540 2250 3070 1900 2850 1700 1210 1510 2410 1670 2140 3030 2080 2710 3780 2610 3430 1240 497 1010 1540 624 1370 1810 748 1740 2180 934 2290 1450 773 1220 1970 1010 1690 2360 1220 2120 2870 1520 2740 1620 1030 1410 2290 1400 1990 2870 1740 2540 3570 2180 3270 1150 381 928 1420 478 1310 1660 575 1690 2000 720 2260 1370 623 1110 1840 809 1570 2210 974 2010 2680 1220 2660 1540 873 1310 2170 1170 1850 2710 1440 2380 3370 1810 3130 1050 299 867 1290 376 1260 1510 452 1660 1820 567 2240 1280 505 1020 1720 652 1470 2050 786 1930 2490 982 2610 1470 736 1210 2050 973 1720 2560 1200 2250 3170 1500 3020 956 240 823 1180 302 1220 1370 363 1630 1650 457 2230 1200 415 941 1600 534 1390 1900 643 1860 2300 804 2570 1390 622 1110 1930 816 1600 2410 998 2130 2980 1250 2930 868 197 789 1070 247 1200 1240 298 1620 1480 375 2220 1120 346 881 1480 443 1330 1750 534 1810 2120 668 2540 1320 529 1030 1820 689 1510 2260 841 2040 2780 1060 2860 786 164 764 963 206 1180 1120 248 1600 1340 313 2210 1040 292 833 1360 373 1290 1620 449 1780 1950 563 2510 1250 454 958 1710 588 1430 2110 716 1960 2600 899 2800 350 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 300 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. C-15 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 30 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 5.0 3.54 6.0 4.15 8.0 5.27 10.0 6.26 * 6.0 6.52 8.0 8.43 10.0 10.2 12.0 11.9 * 8.0 11.6 * 10.0 14.2 12.0 16.6 15.0 20.0 * 8.0 14.1 * 10.0 17.3 * 12.0 20.4 15.0 24.8 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 76.1 74.8 45.2 90.9 92.7 51.0 114 120 57.9 133 143 60.2 143 119 117 218 196 167 263 246 194 304 291 215 255 215 238 363 319 325 441 401 386 532 500 453 273 221 273 393 336 385 523 463 500 658 607 616 54.2 64.1 24.1 63.8 78.5 26.7 79.1 101 29.7 91.5 120 30.3 125 115 82.2 185 185 107 222 230 121 256 270 130 247 211 193 343 312 251 413 390 290 495 482 329 273 218 241 393 331 330 520 455 417 649 595 502 36.8 50.7 14.5 42.9 61.2 16.0 52.8 78.2 17.7 60.6 92.4 17.9 104 107 55.0 148 167 68.9 177 207 77.0 203 243 81.8 223 205 146 304 299 180 363 370 204 434 455 226 262 215 203 367 324 267 476 444 325 592 576 381 25.7 38.6 9.65 29.8 46.0 10.6 36.6 58.4 11.7 41.9 68.6 11.8 83.8 96.9 38.2 114 146 47.1 136 180 52.3 155 210 55.4 195 195 107 260 280 129 308 345 145 367 422 159 242 210 164 333 314 208 427 426 246 527 549 283 18.8 29.4 6.87 21.8 34.8 7.56 26.7 44.0 8.30 30.5 51.5 8.38 66.0 84.5 27.9 88.0 123 34.0 104 151 37.7 118 176 39.8 167 182 81.1 216 256 96.2 255 313 106 302 383 116 219 203 130 297 301 161 375 403 187 459 516 213 14.3 22.9 5.14 16.5 26.9 5.65 20.2 33.9 6.19 23.1 39.6 6.24 52.3 72.2 21.1 68.8 102 25.6 81.5 124 28.4 92.6 144 29.9 140 166 62.6 178 229 73.7 208 279 81.5 246 340 88.8 196 195 103 260 284 126 322 375 145 392 477 164 11.2 18.2 3.99 12.9 21.4 4.38 15.8 26.8 4.80 18.1 31.3 4.83 42.1 61.2 16.6 54.9 84.7 20.0 65.0 103 22.2 73.8 119 23.3 117 150 49.5 147 202 58.1 171 244 64.1 202 296 69.7 172 184 83.9 224 264 101 274 344 115 331 435 130 7.40 12.2 2.60 8.54 14.3 2.85 10.4 17.9 3.12 11.9 20.8 3.14 28.7 44.1 10.9 37.0 59.4 13.2 43.8 71.9 14.6 49.7 83.0 15.3 83.3 118 33.1 102 154 38.6 119 183 42.5 140 222 46.1 130 159 57.3 166 220 68.4 199 279 77.7 239 348 87.3 5.25 8.70 1.83 6.06 10.2 2.00 7.41 12.7 2.19 8.44 14.8 2.20 20.7 32.7 7.75 26.6 43.4 9.30 31.4 52.4 10.3 35.6 60.3 10.8 61.3 92.1 23.7 75.2 117 27.5 87.0 139 30.2 102 167 32.7 99.8 133 41.4 124 179 49.2 148 222 55.6 177 274 62.4 3.92 6.52 1.35 4.52 7.60 1.49 5.52 9.49 1.62 6.29 11.0 1.63 15.6 25.1 5.78 20.0 33.0 6.92 23.6 39.7 7.65 26.8 45.6 8.02 46.8 72.6 17.7 57.1 91.5 20.6 66.0 107 22.6 77.5 129 24.4 77.6 110 31.2 96.3 144 37.0 113 176 41.7 135 217 46.7 3.03 5.06 1.04 3.50 5.89 1.14 4.27 7.36 1.25 4.87 8.55 1.26 12.2 19.7 4.47 15.6 25.8 5.35 18.4 31.0 5.91 20.8 35.7 6.20 36.8 58.2 13.8 44.8 72.7 15.9 51.7 85.4 17.5 60.7 102 18.9 61.8 91.7 24.4 76.3 118 28.8 89.8 142 32.5 107 174 36.3 2.42 4.04 0.830 2.79 4.70 0.909 3.41 5.87 0.993 3.88 6.81 0.996 9.76 15.9 3.56 12.5 20.7 4.26 14.7 24.9 4.70 16.7 28.6 4.93 29.7 47.5 11.0 36.0 59.0 12.7 41.6 69.2 14.0 48.8 82.6 15.1 50.2 76.5 19.5 61.8 97.5 23.1 72.6 117 26.0 86.4 142 29.0 1.97 3.29 0.675 2.27 3.84 0.740 2.78 4.79 0.807 3.16 5.56 0.810 7.99 13.1 2.91 10.2 17.0 3.47 12.0 20.4 3.83 13.6 23.4 4.02 24.4 39.4 9.00 29.6 48.8 10.4 34.2 57.1 11.4 40.1 68.1 12.3 41.5 64.5 16.0 51.0 81.5 18.9 59.8 97.4 21.2 71.2 118 23.7 75 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 100 x 100 120 x 120 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 C-16 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 30 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 150 x 150 * 8.0 17.9 * 10.0 22.1 * 12.0 26.1 * 15.0 31.9 * 8.0 24.2 * 10.0 30.0 * 12.0 35.6 * 15.0 43.7 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 293 222 293 427 347 427 575 489 575 818 727 818 316 214 316 466 349 466 636 507 636 921 778 921 293 220 289 427 344 409 575 485 537 818 719 733 316 210 316 466 344 466 636 501 636 921 771 921 293 218 263 427 340 366 574 479 471 800 709 623 316 208 316 466 341 464 636 497 619 921 765 868 288 215 235 410 336 318 540 471 398 745 693 509 316 207 304 466 339 434 636 494 575 921 759 794 273 212 204 384 330 268 502 461 328 684 672 406 316 206 285 466 337 403 635 490 526 899 752 712 257 209 174 357 323 223 461 447 268 619 646 325 316 204 266 456 334 369 610 485 474 858 742 627 239 204 147 328 313 185 419 430 220 552 613 263 305 203 244 438 331 333 583 479 421 814 731 545 202 192 106 269 288 131 335 387 152 428 537 180 283 199 201 400 322 264 525 464 324 718 699 406 166 177 78.7 216 257 96.1 264 338 111 331 456 130 258 194 161 358 311 207 462 443 249 617 656 306 135 159 60.3 173 224 73.2 209 288 84.5 259 380 98.7 231 188 130 315 297 163 399 416 195 521 604 237 111 140 47.5 140 193 57.5 168 244 66.2 207 316 77.1 205 180 105 273 280 131 340 385 155 438 547 188 92.2 123 38.4 115 166 46.3 137 207 53.2 169 264 61.8 179 171 86.8 235 260 107 290 352 126 368 489 152 77.3 108 31.6 96.5 143 38.1 114 176 43.7 140 223 50.7 157 161 72.5 203 240 89.5 248 319 105 312 435 126 200 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 C-17 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 31 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 75 200 x 100 240 x 120 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 5.0 7.08 6.0 8.30 8.0 10.5 10.0 12.5 * 6.0 13.0 8.0 16.9 10.0 20.4 12.0 23.7 * 8.0 23.2 * 10.0 28.3 12.0 33.2 15.0 40.0 * 8.0 28.2 * 10.0 34.6 * 12.0 40.8 15.0 49.5 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 145 153 122 176 191 145 227 250 182 273 301 213 267 239 244 408 393 366 497 497 441 580 591 510 503 427 471 708 635 656 858 800 791 1040 1000 949 546 438 532 786 665 752 1050 918 988 1320 1210 1230 116 137 86.5 141 168 101 183 220 126 222 267 146 236 234 203 357 381 297 436 477 357 511 563 410 461 423 416 644 628 571 781 790 684 947 983 819 521 434 484 739 660 678 973 911 883 1220 1200 1100 91.1 112 60.8 110 137 71.2 144 181 87.9 176 223 101 207 224 166 308 355 235 378 441 281 444 520 322 420 417 362 583 614 489 706 766 583 860 945 695 486 431 438 685 654 607 898 900 782 1130 1180 968 70.7 87.8 44.0 85.4 107 51.3 112 142 63.1 139 177 72.5 179 207 133 262 318 184 323 395 220 381 468 251 381 405 311 524 587 413 634 726 489 774 894 582 452 426 394 633 644 538 825 879 685 1040 1140 843 55.4 67.9 33.0 66.9 82.5 38.3 88.6 110 47.1 110 138 54.0 153 184 107 221 275 145 273 343 173 324 409 197 342 385 265 467 548 345 565 675 407 692 831 483 418 419 351 582 626 473 754 846 594 948 1090 728 44.1 53.1 25.5 53.3 64.4 29.6 70.8 86.4 36.4 88.4 108 41.6 130 160 87.4 186 233 116 231 291 138 275 349 157 306 359 225 413 501 289 500 615 339 614 760 401 386 407 311 532 600 413 686 800 513 862 1020 625 35.8 42.4 20.3 43.2 51.3 23.5 57.6 68.9 28.9 72.0 86.9 33.0 111 136 71.9 157 195 95.1 195 245 112 233 294 128 272 328 191 364 450 243 440 551 284 543 684 336 354 391 274 484 566 359 620 746 442 779 952 536 24.7 28.5 13.7 29.8 34.5 15.8 39.9 46.4 19.4 50.1 58.5 22.2 82.4 99.7 50.5 114 139 66.1 143 174 78.3 171 210 88.9 214 263 140 282 351 176 341 428 205 423 535 241 295 347 212 397 484 273 503 623 331 632 794 399 18.0 20.4 9.84 21.8 24.6 11.4 29.2 33.1 13.9 36.7 41.9 15.9 62.5 74.2 37.2 86.4 102 48.3 107 128 57.2 129 155 64.9 169 207 106 221 271 132 267 329 153 332 413 180 245 295 166 325 400 211 407 505 253 511 642 304 13.7 15.3 7.41 16.6 18.4 8.55 22.2 24.8 10.5 28.0 31.4 11.9 48.8 56.9 28.5 67.1 77.8 36.8 83.9 97.9 43.6 100 118 49.4 136 164 82.9 176 212 102 213 257 118 265 323 139 203 246 132 267 327 166 331 407 198 417 516 238 10.8 11.9 5.78 13.0 14.3 6.67 17.4 19.3 8.16 22.0 24.4 9.30 39.0 44.8 22.5 53.4 61.0 29.0 66.9 76.8 34.3 80.4 92.7 38.8 111 131 66.2 143 169 81.3 172 205 94.1 215 258 110 169 204 107 221 267 134 273 331 159 343 419 191 8.69 9.47 4.63 10.5 11.4 5.34 14.1 15.4 6.53 17.8 19.5 7.45 31.9 36.1 18.2 43.5 49.1 23.4 54.5 61.7 27.6 65.6 74.6 31.3 92.0 107 54.0 118 137 66.1 142 166 76.5 178 209 89.8 143 170 88.9 185 221 110 228 272 130 287 344 156 7.15 7.73 3.79 8.63 9.33 4.38 11.6 12.6 5.35 14.6 15.9 6.10 26.5 29.7 15.0 36.1 40.3 19.2 45.2 50.7 22.8 54.5 61.2 25.8 77.3 89.4 44.8 98.9 113 54.8 119 137 63.3 149 173 74.4 121 143 74.5 157 185 92.3 192 227 108 242 286 130 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. C-18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 31 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 300 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 400 x 200 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 * 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 48.5 * 10.0 59.9 * 12.0 71.1 * 15.0 87.4 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 586 439 586 854 687 854 1150 968 1150 1640 1440 1610 632 423 632 933 689 933 1270 1000 1270 1840 1540 1840 586 435 561 849 682 801 1130 962 1060 1590 1430 1480 632 415 632 933 680 933 1270 990 1270 1840 1530 1810 561 433 523 803 678 742 1070 957 977 1500 1420 1350 632 412 618 933 676 897 1270 985 1210 1820 1520 1710 532 430 487 760 674 685 1010 949 895 1400 1410 1220 624 410 591 908 673 853 1220 981 1140 1740 1510 1610 505 427 452 717 668 629 946 939 815 1310 1380 1100 603 409 564 874 670 811 1180 977 1080 1670 1510 1510 478 424 417 675 660 575 886 923 738 1220 1350 984 582 407 538 842 667 769 1130 972 1020 1600 1500 1420 451 419 383 633 648 523 828 899 665 1140 1300 876 562 405 512 810 664 728 1080 966 959 1530 1480 1320 400 404 320 554 612 428 716 830 535 969 1170 691 522 401 462 747 655 647 991 950 842 1390 1450 1140 351 380 266 479 558 349 613 738 430 820 1010 547 484 396 413 685 643 570 903 924 733 1250 1380 979 306 347 221 412 494 286 522 640 349 692 861 439 446 389 368 626 624 500 817 885 634 1120 1300 835 266 310 185 355 429 237 446 547 287 585 725 358 409 379 325 569 599 436 737 833 547 1000 1190 712 231 273 156 306 370 198 382 466 239 498 610 297 374 367 287 515 565 381 661 770 474 890 1080 610 202 239 133 265 319 168 329 398 202 427 517 249 341 350 254 465 526 333 593 703 411 791 966 525 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. C-19 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 32 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 50 x 50 5.0 3.54 0.892 cm 4.48 50 x 50 6.0 4.15 0.861 5.25 50 x 50 8.0 5.27 0.797 6.67 50 x 50 10.0 6.26 0.732 7.93 75 x 75 6.0 6.52 1.38 8.25 75 x 75 8.0 8.43 1.32 10.7 75 x 75 10.0 10.2 1.26 12.9 75 x 75 12.0 11.9 1.20 15.0 100 x 100 8.0 11.6 1.84 14.7 100 x 100 10.0 14.2 1.78 17.9 100 x 100 12.0 16.6 1.72 21.0 100 x 100 15.0 20.0 1.63 25.3 120 x 120 8.0 14.1 2.25 17.9 120 x 120 10.0 17.3 2.20 21.9 120 x 120 12.0 20.4 2.14 25.8 120 x 120 15.0 24.8 2.05 31.3 150 x 150 8.0 17.9 2.87 22.7 150 x 150 10.0 22.1 2.82 27.9 2 No. Size Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 C-20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 Diameter Area mm cm 3.89 3.21 4.58 3.79 5.87 4.89 7.05 5.90 7.13 5.98 5.69 9.27 7.81 7.42 11.3 9.55 9.07 13.2 11.2 10.6 12.7 10.8 10.4 15.5 13.3 12.8 18.3 15.7 15.2 22.2 19.2 18.5 15.4 13.5 13.2 18.9 16.7 16.2 22.4 19.8 19.2 27.3 24.3 23.6 19.5 17.3 15.5 17.2 24.0 21.5 19.2 21.3 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 2 kN 81.6 67.4 96.1 79.6 123 102 148 123 149 125 119 194 163 155 237 200 190 277 235 223 266 227 219 326 279 269 384 330 318 466 403 388 323 284 276 397 351 341 470 416 404 574 510 495 408 364 325 362 505 450 402 448 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 32 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 150 x 150 12.0 26.1 2.76 cm 33.0 150 x 150 15.0 31.9 2.67 40.3 200 x 200 8.0 24.2 3.90 30.7 200 x 200 10.0 30.0 3.85 37.9 200 x 200 12.0 35.6 3.79 45.0 200 x 200 15.0 43.7 3.71 55.3 2 No. Size Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 C-21 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 Diameter Area mm cm 28.5 25.5 22.8 25.4 35.0 31.4 28.0 31.2 26.3 20.2 23.3 21.5 32.5 25.0 29.0 26.7 38.7 29.8 34.5 31.8 47.7 36.8 42.7 39.3 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 2 kN 598 535 478 532 734 659 587 655 551 424 490 452 683 525 608 561 812 625 724 668 1000 772 896 825 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 33 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 100 x 50 5.0 7.08 2.17 1.55 cm 8.96 100 x 50 6.0 8.30 2.20 1.53 10.5 100 x 50 8.0 10.5 2.26 1.50 13.3 100 x 50 10.0 12.5 2.34 1.47 15.9 150 x 75 6.0 13.0 3.21 2.34 16.5 150 x 75 8.0 16.9 3.27 2.31 21.3 150 x 75 10.0 20.4 3.33 2.28 25.9 150 x 75 12.0 23.7 3.40 2.25 30.0 200 x 100 8.0 23.2 4.28 3.12 29.3 200 x 100 10.0 28.3 4.33 3.09 35.9 200 x 100 12.0 33.2 4.40 3.06 42.0 200 x 100 15.0 40.0 4.49 3.02 50.7 240 x 120 8.0 28.2 5.09 3.77 35.7 240 x 120 10.0 34.6 5.14 3.74 43.9 240 x 120 12.0 40.8 5.20 3.71 51.6 240 x 120 15.0 49.5 5.29 3.67 62.7 300 x 150 8.0 35.8 6.31 4.74 45.3 300 x 150 10.0 44.1 6.36 4.71 55.9 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 C-22 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 7.77 6.42 9.16 7.58 11.7 9.78 14.1 11.8 14.3 12.0 11.4 18.5 15.6 14.8 22.6 19.1 18.1 26.4 22.4 21.3 25.3 21.6 20.9 31.1 26.6 25.7 36.6 31.5 30.3 44.5 38.4 37.0 30.8 27.1 26.3 37.9 33.4 32.5 44.8 39.6 38.5 54.7 48.6 47.2 38.9 34.7 31.0 34.5 48.1 42.9 38.4 42.7 2 cm 8.37 7.41 9.83 8.71 12.5 11.1 15.0 13.3 15.4 13.8 13.3 19.9 18.0 17.2 24.2 21.8 20.9 28.2 25.4 24.3 27.3 25.0 24.2 33.5 30.6 29.7 39.3 36.0 34.8 47.6 43.6 42.1 33.3 31.2 30.5 40.9 38.4 37.5 48.2 45.3 44.2 58.7 55.3 53.8 42.1 40.0 36.4 39.8 52.0 49.4 44.8 49.2 175 155 206 182 263 233 314 278 323 290 278 418 377 360 508 458 438 592 534 510 574 524 508 702 642 622 825 755 731 998 915 885 698 655 639 858 806 786 1010 952 928 1230 1160 1130 885 840 763 836 1090 1040 941 1030 2 kN 163 134 192 159 246 205 296 247 299 251 239 389 327 311 474 401 381 554 471 446 532 454 438 653 559 539 769 661 636 933 806 776 646 568 552 795 702 682 940 832 808 1150 1020 990 817 728 651 724 1010 901 805 896 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 33 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 300 x 150 12.0 52.2 6.42 4.68 cm 66.0 300 x 150 15.0 63.7 6.50 4.64 80.7 400 x 200 8.0 48.5 8.35 6.35 61.3 400 x 200 10.0 59.9 8.40 6.32 75.9 400 x 200 12.0 71.1 8.45 6.30 90.0 400 x 200 15.0 87.4 8.53 6.26 110 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 C-23 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 57.0 51.0 45.5 50.7 70.0 62.8 56.0 62.5 52.5 40.4 46.7 43.1 65.1 50.1 57.9 53.4 77.4 59.6 69.0 63.6 95.5 73.6 85.3 78.6 2 cm 61.5 58.5 53.1 58.2 75.3 71.8 64.9 71.4 56.9 47.7 54.0 50.4 70.5 59.1 66.9 62.4 83.7 70.1 79.5 74.1 103 86.2 98.0 91.3 1290 1230 1110 1220 1580 1510 1360 1500 1200 1000 1130 1060 1480 1240 1400 1310 1760 1470 1670 1560 2160 1810 2060 1920 2 kN 1200 1070 956 1070 1470 1320 1180 1310 1100 848 980 904 1370 1050 1220 1120 1630 1250 1450 1340 2000 1550 1790 1650 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 34 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 2.50 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic 0.0779 0.0909 0.114 0.135 0.149 0.206 0.312 0.376 0.449 0.539 0.331 0.508 0.617 0.768 0.906 0.434 0.669 0.815 1.02 1.21 0.685 1.06 1.30 1.64 1.96 2.35 2.80 0.918 1.72 2.12 2.69 3.23 3.91 4.70 1.26 2.37 2.92 3.72 4.49 5.46 6.60 1.65 3.12 3.85 4.92 5.95 7.26 8.80 4 cm 0.329 0.384 0.484 0.571 0.629 1.37 2.08 2.51 3.00 3.60 2.79 4.27 5.19 6.46 7.62 4.16 6.41 7.81 9.78 11.6 8.19 12.7 15.6 19.7 23.5 28.2 33.5 16.6 26.0 32.0 40.6 48.8 59.1 70.9 26.7 41.8 51.6 65.7 79.2 96.3 116 40.0 62.8 77.6 99.1 119 146 177 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-24 t Pv kN 4.82 5.73 7.49 9.17 10.4 7.77 12.2 15.1 18.5 23.2 9.83 15.5 19.2 24.6 29.8 11.2 17.7 22.0 28.2 34.3 14.1 22.3 27.7 35.6 43.4 53.5 65.7 17.8 28.3 35.2 45.4 55.4 68.5 84.4 20.9 33.2 41.3 53.3 65.1 80.7 99.6 23.9 38.0 47.3 61.1 74.8 92.7 114 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 34 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 114.3 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 3.37 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 13.6 4.12 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 6.62 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 10.8 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 17.4 21.4 26.7 33.3 Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact 139.7 168.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 219.1 273 2.51 3.97 4.91 6.28 7.60 9.31 11.3 3.76 4.98 7.40 9.50 11.5 14.2 17.3 7.26 9.02 13.9 16.9 20.9 25.6 15.4 19.9 29.1 36.0 44.4 31.1 38.0 56.5 69.8 4 For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-25 Pv kN cm 68.2 90.0 111 142 172 211 32.2 42.8 53.3 69.0 84.4 104 256 125 165 205 263 319 392 480 291 361 464 565 697 855 803 1040 1260 1560 1930 2020 2470 3060 3780 129 39.5 52.5 65.4 84.7 103 128 159 63.3 79.0 102 125 156 193 103 133 164 204 254 166 205 255 318 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. t P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 35 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING d x x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 50 x 25 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 1.63 2.11 2.58 3.68 3.53 5.10 6.54 4.48 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 24.2 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 40.8 19.5 24.0 28.5 36.9 44.8 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 74.1 35.6 46.4 56.6 66.4 80.1 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 91.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic 0.646 0.801 1.21 1.60 2.28 3.13 3.80 3.69 5.17 6.41 7.42 8.21 12.5 15.9 18.9 21.6 26.0 15.2 19.5 23.3 26.9 32.8 29.5 35.7 41.3 51.3 59.4 34.4 41.7 48.5 60.6 70.7 67.4 84.9 100 113 128 76.4 96.7 114 130 149 99.7 126 151 173 200 121 155 186 214 251 0.421 0.531 0.794 1.08 1.27 2.07 2.56 1.82 3.37 4.25 5.01 5.52 6.16 9.07 12.4 14.3 17.5 8.91 13.1 18.1 21.0 26.2 14.6 19.8 27.0 34.0 40.1 19.4 26.3 36.0 45.7 54.3 36.6 55.5 66.4 76.0 86.2 46.1 70.4 84.5 97.3 112 49.2 72.5 99.2 114 135 71.3 104 144 168 200 4.84 4.81 5.80 5.73 7.77 7.71 7.63 9.73 9.69 9.62 9.54 9.44 14.6 14.6 14.5 14.4 14.3 28.4 28.5 28.6 28.7 28.8 19.5 19.4 19.4 19.2 19.1 32.2 32.2 32.3 32.4 32.4 24.3 24.2 24.1 23.9 23.6 36.5 36.6 36.6 36.6 36.5 29.2 29.1 29.0 28.9 28.6 56.8 57.0 57.2 57.3 57.5 cm 6.41 7.95 14.4 19.1 36.2 49.7 60.3 73.2 102 127 147 162 370 472 563 643 774 451 578 694 799 976 1170 1420 1640 2030 2360 1360 1650 1920 2400 2810 3340 4210 4970 5610 6360 3790 4800 5690 6460 7400 5930 7560 9010 10300 11900 7230 9260 11100 12800 15000 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 per Limiting DxB 60 x 30 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-26 Iy 4 4 cm 2.19 2.70 4.92 6.44 12.4 16.9 20.4 25.2 35.1 43.2 49.7 54.7 127 161 192 218 260 243 311 373 428 521 403 485 561 690 795 666 805 935 1160 1360 1150 1440 1690 1900 2140 1730 2190 2580 2930 3340 2040 2590 3070 3500 4030 3900 4990 5970 6850 8000 Pv kN 17.3 22.4 27.5 39.1 37.5 54.2 69.5 47.6 69.3 89.7 108 126 107 140 171 201 257 107 141 173 204 262 190 234 277 358 434 191 235 279 362 439 352 459 560 655 788 354 462 564 661 798 428 560 686 806 977 431 564 693 816 992 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 35 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING d x x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 350 x 175 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 47.4 62.2 76.4 90.1 109 49.8 65.3 80.3 94.8 115 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 127 59.3 78.0 96.1 113 139 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 138 177 213 245 288 151 194 233 270 318 183 236 285 330 391 170 274 333 387 461 63.0 94.0 121 161 191 74.8 111 144 191 229 77.7 116 158 215 258 103 155 210 288 347 34.1 34.0 33.9 33.8 33.6 45.6 45.6 45.7 45.6 45.6 39.0 38.9 38.8 38.7 38.6 99.2 64.4 64.5 64.6 64.7 cm 9600 12300 14800 17100 20000 10500 13500 16200 18800 22100 14500 18800 22700 26200 31100 16900 21800 26500 30800 36600 400 x 200 400 x 250 per Limiting DxB 350 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-27 Iy 4 4 cm 3320 4240 5070 5810 6780 4460 5720 6870 7920 9290 5030 6460 7780 8980 10600 8250 10700 12900 15000 17800 Pv kN 504 661 812 958 1170 505 663 815 962 1170 579 761 938 1110 1360 581 765 943 1120 1370 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 36 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 6.66 8.69 13.7 18.5 22.0 24.5 33.7 41.0 46.5 60.6 85.3 106 124 173 219 260 295 351 348 446 535 616 752 613 792 957 1110 1380 1280 1560 1820 2280 2680 1940 2370 2770 3510 4160 4740 5570 7140 8570 9860 8320 9820 12700 15300 17800 15800 20500 24900 29100 34700 t mm mm 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass DxD 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic 0.839 1.09 1.36 1.86 2.21 2.01 2.83 3.45 3.91 3.10 5.28 6.71 7.84 8.49 10.9 13.1 14.9 17.7 11.2 17.6 21.3 24.8 30.4 15.2 22.2 31.4 36.8 46.4 28.9 37.4 51.2 65.3 77.3 36.1 48.4 67.9 87.2 104 70.5 89.7 140 170 198 95.4 121 177 251 294 157 230 299 409 495 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-28 4 Pv kN 18.1 25.5 23.1 33.1 42.0 28.2 40.7 52.1 62.5 38.2 55.8 72.3 87.7 70.9 92.4 112 132 168 89.8 117 144 170 218 108 142 175 207 268 168 207 245 319 388 193 238 283 369 451 301 359 470 577 680 364 434 571 703 831 510 672 829 983 1210 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 36 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Mass Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 196 288 387 543 660 23900 31000 37900 44300 53300 DxD t mm mm 400 x 400 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 4 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-29 Pv kN 585 772 955 1130 1390 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 37 b BENDING y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO BENDING Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Moment Capacity Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 Section Classification Mcx Mcy kNm kNm Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Slender 0.575 0.131 Plastic 0.931 0.227 Semi-compact 1.83 0.391 Plastic 2.73 0.604 Plastic 3.16 0.729 Slender 3.24 0.507 Slender 4.60 1.05 Compact 6.55 1.55 Slender 4.42 0.519 Slender 6.26 1.09 Compact 8.98 1.61 Plastic 10.3 1.89 Slender 8.69 1.17 Semi-compact 11.2 1.97 Compact 15.5 2.78 Plastic 19.1 3.57 Semi-compact 13.9 2.01 Compact 19.4 2.84 Plastic 24.0 3.66 Plastic 27.8 4.41 Slender 18.6 2.30 Slender 23.1 3.70 Plastic 34.9 5.80 Plastic 41.1 7.04 Slender 27.3 3.76 Plastic 41.4 5.90 Plastic 48.9 7.17 Plastic 55.3 8.37 Slender 35.4 4.15 Slender 50.0 8.70 Compact 71.8 12.9 Plastic 82.2 15.1 Slender 64.7 8.91 Compact 93.4 13.2 Plastic 107 15.5 Plastic 125 18.8 Slender 87.8 9.64 Slender 114 17.3 Compact 159 24.6 Plastic 189 30.0 Slender 113 10.6 Slender 148 18.4 Slender 184 29.6 Compact 265 43.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.439 0.341 0.273 0.226 0.193 0.168 0.149 0.121 0.102 0.089 0.761 0.631 0.526 0.446 0.386 0.339 0.303 0.249 0.211 0.183 1.60 1.35 1.13 0.952 0.820 0.719 0.640 0.525 0.444 0.386 2.41 2.08 1.78 1.53 1.34 1.18 1.06 0.873 0.743 0.647 2.95 2.64 2.34 2.08 1.85 1.66 1.50 1.25 1.07 0.940 3.11 2.77 2.40 2.05 1.77 1.54 1.36 1.11 0.933 0.806 4.39 3.96 3.51 3.09 2.73 2.43 2.18 1.81 1.54 1.34 6.20 5.59 5.00 4.45 3.96 3.55 3.21 2.68 2.30 2.01 4.20 3.66 3.06 2.53 2.12 1.81 1.58 1.25 1.04 0.894 5.91 5.19 4.45 3.78 3.25 2.83 2.51 2.04 1.72 1.49 8.42 7.37 6.33 5.43 4.71 4.14 3.69 3.03 2.57 2.23 9.85 8.82 7.81 6.89 6.10 5.44 4.90 4.08 3.48 3.04 8.54 7.74 6.82 5.88 5.06 4.39 3.86 3.10 2.59 2.22 11.0 9.98 8.91 7.84 6.89 6.09 5.43 4.45 3.77 3.27 15.1 13.7 12.1 10.7 9.38 8.33 7.46 6.16 5.23 4.55 19.1 17.7 16.3 14.9 13.6 12.4 11.3 9.62 8.32 7.32 13.6 12.2 10.7 9.23 7.94 6.91 6.10 4.92 4.13 3.56 18.9 16.8 14.6 12.5 10.8 9.42 8.34 6.79 5.72 4.95 24.0 21.9 19.7 17.6 15.8 14.2 12.8 10.7 9.17 8.02 27.8 26.6 24.6 22.6 20.8 19.1 17.5 15.0 13.0 11.5 18.6 17.6 16.1 14.4 12.7 11.2 9.88 7.92 6.58 5.63 23.1 21.8 20.0 18.0 16.1 14.3 12.8 10.5 8.83 7.63 34.9 32.9 30.2 27.4 24.7 22.3 20.2 16.8 14.4 12.6 41.1 39.8 37.1 34.5 31.9 29.4 27.1 23.3 20.3 17.9 27.3 25.6 23.3 20.8 18.3 16.1 14.2 11.5 9.56 8.21 41.4 38.9 35.3 31.5 28.0 24.9 22.3 18.4 15.6 13.5 48.9 47.2 43.6 39.9 36.4 33.1 30.3 25.6 22.1 19.4 55.3 54.9 51.4 47.9 44.6 41.3 38.4 33.2 29.1 25.7 35.4 35.4 33.6 31.6 29.3 26.9 24.5 20.2 16.9 14.5 50.0 49.9 47.3 44.5 41.6 38.5 35.6 30.2 26.0 22.7 71.8 71.3 67.3 63.2 58.9 54.7 50.6 43.4 37.7 33.1 82.2 82.2 78.8 74.7 70.6 66.5 62.5 55.1 48.8 43.5 64.7 64.2 60.6 56.6 52.2 47.7 43.4 35.8 30.1 25.9 93.4 93.0 87.2 80.8 74.2 67.6 61.4 51.2 43.5 37.7 107 107 102 95.7 89.1 82.5 76.3 65.4 56.7 49.8 125 125 123 117 110 104 98.5 87.2 77.5 69.3 87.8 87.8 86.8 82.9 78.7 74.1 69.1 59.1 50.2 43.0 114 114 112 107 102 96.5 90.5 78.5 67.9 59.2 159 159 156 148 140 131 122 106 92.0 80.6 189 189 189 180 172 163 154 138 123 110 113 113 113 111 107 103 98.5 88.0 76.9 66.7 148 148 148 145 140 134 128 115 101 89.5 184 184 184 180 174 167 159 144 128 114 265 265 265 259 248 238 226 204 182 163 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-30 Pv 8.0 0.078 0.162 0.341 0.572 0.835 0.711 1.19 1.78 0.783 1.31 1.97 2.70 1.95 2.89 4.03 6.53 3.13 4.37 7.12 10.3 4.92 6.72 11.1 16.0 7.19 11.9 17.2 23.1 12.6 20.1 29.5 39.2 22.7 33.3 44.4 62.6 37.4 52.3 71.5 99.4 58.1 79.0 102 147 9.0 0.070 0.145 0.305 0.514 0.751 0.635 1.07 1.60 0.698 1.17 1.77 2.42 1.74 2.59 3.61 5.89 2.79 3.91 6.40 9.26 4.37 6.00 10.0 14.5 6.41 10.7 15.5 20.9 11.2 18.0 26.6 35.6 20.2 29.8 40.0 56.9 33.0 46.7 64.1 90.4 51.1 70.4 92.3 133 10.0 0.063 0.132 0.277 0.466 0.682 0.575 0.969 1.46 0.629 1.06 1.60 2.20 1.57 2.34 3.28 5.36 2.53 3.54 5.82 8.44 3.94 5.43 9.08 13.2 5.78 9.67 14.1 19.1 10.0 16.3 24.2 32.6 18.2 26.9 36.4 52.2 29.5 42.2 58.2 82.7 45.4 63.3 83.8 122 kN 12.6 18.9 28.4 37.8 47.3 37.8 50.4 63.0 47.3 63.0 78.8 94.5 75.6 94.5 113 151 110 132 176 220 126 151 201 252 170 226 283 340 189 252 315 378 302 378 453 567 352 441 529 661 403 504 604 756 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 38 y BENDING DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO BENDING D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4301 (304) Moment Capacity D x 2b t Section Mcx Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv Mcy Classification mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 kNm Slender Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 1.12 1.86 3.65 5.46 6.32 6.33 8.94 10.9 8.67 12.2 15.0 20.6 17.0 22.1 25.9 38.2 27.5 32.3 48.0 55.7 36.4 45.1 69.9 82.1 53.3 82.9 97.9 110 69.4 97.6 119 164 126 155 214 251 172 223 266 379 222 291 360 443 kNm 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.334 0.902 0.719 0.593 0.505 0.439 0.389 0.350 0.292 0.250 0.220 0.196 0.177 0.161 0.639 1.58 1.33 1.14 1.000 0.889 0.799 0.727 0.615 0.533 0.471 0.422 0.383 0.350 1.03 3.36 2.79 2.36 2.03 1.79 1.59 1.44 1.21 1.04 0.915 0.818 0.740 0.677 1.67 5.04 4.28 3.71 3.26 2.91 2.63 2.39 2.03 1.77 1.57 1.41 1.28 1.17 2.10 6.19 5.44 4.86 4.38 3.99 3.66 3.37 2.92 2.57 2.29 2.07 1.89 1.74 1.66 6.33 5.79 5.03 4.38 3.85 3.41 3.06 2.54 2.17 1.90 1.69 1.52 1.39 2.67 8.94 8.19 7.22 6.41 5.75 5.20 4.75 4.04 3.52 3.12 2.80 2.54 2.33 3.54 10.9 10.2 9.21 8.37 7.65 7.05 6.52 5.68 5.02 4.51 4.08 3.74 3.44 1.66 8.67 7.55 6.37 5.39 4.60 3.99 3.51 2.82 2.36 2.04 1.80 1.61 1.46 2.67 12.2 10.6 9.05 7.80 6.80 6.02 5.39 4.46 3.82 3.34 2.97 2.68 2.45 3.54 15.0 13.2 11.6 10.2 9.10 8.20 7.46 6.32 5.49 4.86 4.36 3.96 3.63 5.13 20.9 18.1 15.9 14.1 12.6 11.4 10.4 8.90 7.76 6.89 6.20 5.63 5.17 3.41 17.0 16.0 14.0 12.2 10.6 9.38 8.35 6.81 5.76 4.99 4.41 3.96 3.59 4.95 22.1 20.7 18.2 16.0 14.2 12.7 11.5 9.59 8.24 7.23 6.46 5.84 5.33 6.13 25.9 24.5 21.8 19.6 17.6 16.0 14.7 12.5 10.9 9.70 8.73 7.94 7.29 9.90 39.4 37.0 33.2 30.2 27.6 25.4 23.5 20.4 18.1 16.2 14.7 13.4 12.4 4.96 27.5 25.1 21.7 18.8 16.4 14.5 12.9 10.6 8.96 7.79 6.91 6.21 5.65 6.14 32.3 29.8 26.1 23.0 20.4 18.2 16.5 13.8 11.9 10.5 9.36 8.47 7.74 9.93 49.9 45.1 39.8 35.5 31.9 29.0 26.5 22.6 19.8 17.6 15.8 14.4 13.2 12.6 59.0 55.1 49.8 45.4 41.8 38.6 35.9 31.4 27.9 25.1 22.8 20.9 19.3 6.65 36.4 36.4 33.0 29.4 26.2 23.4 20.9 17.1 14.4 12.4 10.9 9.79 8.86 9.03 45.1 45.1 40.7 36.5 32.7 29.4 26.6 22.2 19.0 16.6 14.7 13.3 12.1 15.4 71.1 69.6 62.2 55.8 50.4 45.7 41.7 35.5 30.8 27.3 24.5 22.3 20.4 19.4 84.9 84.3 76.6 70.0 64.3 59.4 55.2 48.2 42.8 38.5 35.0 32.0 29.6 9.03 53.3 53.0 47.2 41.8 37.1 33.0 29.6 24.3 20.5 17.8 15.7 14.1 12.8 15.4 84.9 81.6 72.2 64.0 57.0 51.1 46.2 38.7 33.3 29.2 26.1 23.6 21.5 19.4 101 99.1 89.0 80.4 73.0 66.8 61.4 52.9 46.4 41.4 37.4 34.1 31.3 23.6 116 115 105 96.6 89.2 82.8 77.2 68.0 60.6 54.7 49.9 45.8 42.4 13.3 69.4 69.4 69.4 65.6 60.4 55.5 51.0 43.1 36.8 31.9 28.1 25.0 22.6 21.4 97.6 97.6 97.6 91.6 84.6 78.2 72.4 62.4 54.4 48.1 43.1 39.0 35.7 28.4 119 119 119 113 105 98.8 92.5 81.6 72.8 65.6 59.7 54.7 50.6 41.1 168 168 167 155 144 135 126 112 100 91.4 83.5 76.9 71.2 21.4 126 126 125 115 105 96.2 88.0 74.0 63.3 55.0 48.6 43.6 39.5 28.4 155 155 155 142 131 121 112 96.8 84.6 75.0 67.4 61.2 56.0 41.2 221 221 214 196 180 166 154 133 117 104 94.1 85.7 78.8 52.2 264 264 259 240 224 210 197 175 157 143 130 120 111 28.8 172 172 172 172 162 151 141 121 105 92.1 81.1 72.3 65.1 41.8 223 223 223 223 209 195 182 159 139 123 110 99.5 90.6 53.2 266 266 266 266 250 235 220 195 173 155 141 128 118 80.4 389 389 389 381 356 334 314 279 250 226 206 189 175 37.0 222 222 222 222 222 215 203 181 160 142 126 112 101 53.2 291 291 291 291 291 279 264 235 209 186 167 150 137 72.2 360 360 360 360 360 344 325 291 261 235 212 193 177 95.8 443 443 443 443 443 426 405 367 334 305 280 258 240 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. C-31 kN 25.2 37.8 56.7 75.6 94.5 75.6 100 126 94.5 126 157 189 151 189 226 302 220 264 352 441 252 302 403 504 340 453 567 680 378 504 630 756 604 756 907 1130 705 882 1060 1320 806 1010 1210 1510 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [Blank Page] C-32 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... D. MEMBER CAPACITIES GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) D-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 39 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 13.6 4.75 5.56 7.06 8.38 9.28 14.6 22.6 27.5 33.3 40.7 22.6 35.3 43.4 55.0 66.0 27.9 43.8 54.0 68.9 83.1 38.4 60.7 75.1 96.3 116 143 175 51.9 82.4 102 131 160 197 242 60.8 96.5 120 155 189 234 289 110 137 177 217 269 333 124 155 200 245 304 377 2.37 2.77 3.50 4.15 4.58 8.56 13.1 15.9 19.1 23.1 15.2 23.5 28.8 36.2 43.0 20.4 31.7 38.9 49.3 59.0 31.3 49.2 60.8 77.7 93.9 114 138 45.5 72.0 89.3 114 139 171 210 56.7 89.9 111 143 175 216 266 107 133 172 210 260 321 124 155 200 245 303 375 1.40 1.64 2.07 2.44 2.70 5.32 8.11 9.80 11.8 14.2 9.99 15.4 18.8 23.5 27.9 14.0 21.7 26.6 33.5 39.9 23.8 37.2 45.9 58.3 70.1 85.0 102 38.1 60.1 74.4 95.3 115 141 172 49.8 78.8 97.8 125 153 188 231 97.0 120 155 189 233 288 114 142 184 225 278 343 0.923 1.08 1.36 1.61 1.77 3.59 5.45 6.59 7.90 9.52 6.89 10.6 12.9 16.1 19.1 9.86 15.3 18.6 23.4 27.9 17.6 27.5 33.8 42.9 51.5 62.2 74.5 30.6 48.1 59.4 75.9 91.8 112 135 42.2 66.6 82.5 105 128 157 192 85.2 105 136 165 204 251 103 128 166 202 250 308 0.653 0.762 0.961 1.14 1.25 2.57 3.91 4.72 5.65 6.81 5.00 7.68 9.35 11.7 13.8 7.23 11.2 13.6 17.1 20.4 13.3 20.7 25.4 32.2 38.5 46.5 55.5 24.2 37.9 46.8 59.6 72.0 87.7 105 34.8 54.8 67.8 86.8 105 128 156 72.9 90.5 116 141 173 212 91.6 113 146 178 220 270 0.486 0.568 0.716 0.846 0.933 1.93 2.93 3.54 4.24 5.11 3.78 5.81 7.07 8.82 10.4 5.50 8.49 10.4 13.0 15.5 10.3 16.0 19.6 24.8 29.7 35.8 42.7 19.2 30.1 37.1 47.2 56.9 69.2 83.5 28.4 44.7 55.3 70.7 85.5 104 127 61.4 76.0 97.5 118 145 177 79.3 98.5 126 154 189 232 0.376 0.439 0.554 0.654 0.721 1.50 2.28 2.76 3.30 3.97 2.96 4.54 5.53 6.89 8.14 4.32 6.67 8.14 10.2 12.1 8.13 12.6 15.5 19.6 23.5 28.3 33.7 15.5 24.2 29.8 38.0 45.7 55.6 67.0 23.3 36.6 45.3 57.8 69.9 85.4 103 51.4 63.6 81.5 98.8 121 147 68.0 84.3 108 131 161 198 0.244 0.285 0.359 0.425 0.468 0.984 1.49 1.80 2.16 2.60 1.95 2.99 3.64 4.54 5.36 2.86 4.41 5.38 6.75 8.01 5.44 8.46 10.4 13.1 15.7 18.9 22.5 10.5 16.5 20.3 25.8 31.1 37.7 45.4 16.2 25.4 31.4 40.1 48.4 59.1 71.6 36.5 45.2 57.8 70.1 85.8 104 49.7 61.6 79.0 95.9 117 143 0.171 0.200 0.252 0.298 0.328 0.694 1.05 1.27 1.52 1.83 1.38 2.12 2.57 3.21 3.79 2.03 3.13 3.82 4.79 5.68 3.89 6.04 7.41 9.36 11.2 13.5 16.0 7.60 11.9 14.6 18.6 22.4 27.2 32.7 11.8 18.5 22.9 29.2 35.2 42.9 52.0 26.9 33.3 42.6 51.5 63.0 76.7 37.1 46.0 58.9 71.5 87.7 107 0.127 0.148 0.186 0.220 0.243 0.516 0.783 0.944 1.13 1.36 1.03 1.58 1.92 2.39 2.82 1.51 2.34 2.85 3.57 4.24 2.91 4.53 5.55 7.01 8.38 10.1 12.0 5.73 8.96 11.0 14.0 16.9 20.5 24.6 8.95 14.0 17.3 22.1 26.7 32.5 39.4 20.5 25.4 32.5 39.3 48.0 58.4 28.6 35.4 45.3 55.0 67.4 82.2 0.098 0.114 0.143 0.169 0.187 0.398 0.604 0.729 0.872 1.05 0.795 1.22 1.48 1.85 2.18 1.17 1.81 2.21 2.77 3.28 2.26 3.52 4.31 5.45 6.51 7.83 9.31 4.47 6.99 8.61 10.9 13.2 16.0 19.2 7.01 11.0 13.6 17.3 20.9 25.4 30.8 16.2 20.0 25.5 30.9 37.8 45.9 22.6 27.9 35.8 43.4 53.2 64.9 0.077 0.090 0.114 0.134 0.148 0.317 0.481 0.580 0.693 0.833 0.634 0.972 1.18 1.47 1.74 0.936 1.44 1.76 2.21 2.62 1.81 2.81 3.45 4.35 5.20 6.25 7.44 3.59 5.61 6.90 8.77 10.5 12.8 15.4 5.63 8.84 10.9 13.9 16.8 20.4 24.7 13.0 16.1 20.6 24.9 30.4 37.0 18.3 22.6 28.9 35.1 43.0 52.4 0.063 0.073 0.093 0.109 0.120 0.258 0.391 0.472 0.564 0.678 0.517 0.793 0.963 1.20 1.42 0.764 1.18 1.44 1.80 2.13 1.48 2.30 2.82 3.56 4.25 5.11 6.08 2.94 4.60 5.66 7.19 8.64 10.5 12.6 4.63 7.26 8.96 11.4 13.8 16.8 20.3 10.7 13.2 16.9 20.5 25.0 30.4 15.1 18.6 23.9 28.9 35.5 43.2 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 114.3 Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-2 y t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss Table me ... 39 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 139.7 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 21.4 26.7 33.3 152 186 241 295 366 453 229 297 365 454 564 389 477 594 739 596 743 926 152 159 206 252 312 386 210 272 333 413 513 385 473 588 731 596 743 926 149 129 167 203 251 310 181 235 287 356 441 352 432 537 668 581 724 901 139 100 129 158 195 239 151 195 238 295 364 316 387 481 596 540 672 836 128 78.0 100 122 150 184 122 158 193 238 294 276 338 420 520 495 616 766 116 61.2 78.6 95.7 117 144 99.2 127 155 192 237 237 290 359 445 447 556 690 104 48.9 62.9 76.5 94.1 115 80.8 104 126 156 192 201 246 305 377 398 494 614 81.2 39.9 51.3 62.3 76.7 94.0 66.6 85.8 104 129 158 170 208 258 319 350 435 540 62.8 33.1 42.5 51.7 63.6 77.9 55.7 71.7 87.4 107 132 145 178 220 272 307 381 473 49.3 27.9 35.8 43.5 53.5 65.6 47.2 60.7 74.0 91.3 112 125 152 189 233 269 334 414 39.5 23.8 30.5 37.1 45.7 55.9 40.4 52.0 63.4 78.2 96.1 108 132 163 202 236 294 364 32.2 20.5 26.4 32.0 39.4 48.2 35.0 45.1 54.9 67.7 83.2 94.5 115 142 176 209 259 321 26.7 17.9 23.0 27.9 34.3 42.0 30.6 39.4 48.0 59.2 72.7 83.1 101 125 155 185 230 284 168.3 219.1 273 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 40 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 1.5 1.63 2.0 2.11 2.0 2.58 3.0 3.68 * 2.0 3.53 3.0 5.10 4.0 6.54 * 2.0 4.48 3.0 6.52 4.0 8.43 5.0 10.2 6.0 11.9 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 8.0 24.2 * 3.0 11.3 * 4.0 14.8 5.0 18.1 6.0 21.3 8.0 27.4 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 39.7 25.8 50.9 32.4 67.5 49.3 94.8 67.4 94.7 81.5 141 119 182 149 108 104 181 169 234 217 284 260 330 299 243 243 364 364 449 449 528 528 675 675 276 276 408 408 504 504 594 594 763 763 29.8 14.3 37.8 17.8 55.0 29.8 76.2 39.8 86.3 60.0 127 85.3 160 105 107 87.2 176 137 226 173 272 206 314 234 243 234 364 340 449 417 528 488 675 616 276 276 408 408 504 504 594 594 763 759 21.0 8.73 26.3 10.8 41.8 18.7 57.0 24.8 74.3 41.6 107 58.0 135 70.8 98.5 68.5 158 103 203 129 243 151 279 170 243 209 364 299 448 365 525 425 667 531 276 263 408 379 504 466 594 547 763 695 14.9 5.84 18.6 7.22 31.0 12.7 41.8 16.7 61.5 29.3 88.0 40.6 109 49.3 88.4 52.0 139 76.2 177 95.0 211 110 241 123 235 182 343 254 421 308 493 356 623 440 270 242 390 344 480 422 563 494 718 624 11.0 4.17 13.7 5.15 23.4 9.12 31.3 12.0 49.7 21.5 70.3 29.6 86.7 35.9 77.4 39.7 119 57.2 151 71.1 178 82.5 202 91.6 221 154 320 209 392 253 457 291 576 356 255 218 366 306 449 374 527 436 669 548 8.38 3.12 10.4 3.86 18.0 6.86 24.1 9.03 40.1 16.4 56.2 22.5 69.0 27.3 66.6 30.9 100 44.1 126 54.7 148 63.4 167 70.3 206 128 295 171 360 206 419 236 525 287 238 194 339 267 416 325 487 378 616 471 6.59 2.43 8.21 3.00 14.3 5.34 19.1 7.03 32.6 12.9 45.5 17.7 55.7 21.4 56.6 24.6 84.0 34.9 105 43.3 123 50.1 138 55.4 190 106 268 141 327 168 379 193 472 234 221 169 311 230 380 279 444 323 560 401 4.37 1.59 5.44 1.96 9.57 3.50 12.7 4.61 22.4 8.53 31.1 11.7 38.0 14.1 41.1 16.5 59.7 23.4 74.5 28.9 87.0 33.4 97.1 36.9 157 75.3 216 98.1 261 117 302 133 372 161 185 127 254 169 309 204 360 236 449 291 3.11 1.12 3.86 1.38 6.84 2.47 9.10 3.25 16.3 6.06 22.5 8.29 27.5 10.0 30.6 11.8 43.9 16.7 54.8 20.6 63.8 23.8 71.1 26.3 127 55.3 170 71.5 205 85.2 237 97.3 289 117 151 96.9 203 127 246 153 285 176 354 217 2.32 0.828 2.89 1.02 5.13 1.84 6.81 2.41 12.3 4.53 17.0 6.18 20.7 7.46 23.4 8.89 33.5 12.5 41.8 15.4 48.6 17.8 54.0 19.7 102 42.1 135 54.3 163 64.6 187 73.7 228 88.5 122 75.2 163 98.2 197 118 227 136 281 166 1.80 0.639 2.24 0.788 3.98 1.42 5.29 1.86 9.62 3.51 13.3 4.79 16.2 5.78 18.5 6.92 26.4 9.71 32.8 12.0 38.2 13.8 42.4 15.3 83.4 33.1 109 42.5 131 50.6 150 57.7 183 69.2 100 59.8 132 77.7 159 93.4 184 107 226 131 1.44 0.508 1.78 0.626 3.18 1.13 4.23 1.48 7.73 2.80 10.7 3.82 13.0 4.60 15.0 5.53 21.3 7.76 26.4 9.58 30.7 11.0 34.1 12.2 68.7 26.6 89.7 34.2 107 40.7 123 46.4 149 55.6 82.8 48.5 108 62.9 130 75.6 150 87.0 185 106 1.17 0.413 1.46 0.510 2.60 0.920 3.46 1.21 6.34 2.28 8.74 3.12 10.6 3.76 12.3 4.53 17.5 6.34 21.8 7.83 25.3 9.03 28.1 9.96 57.4 21.9 74.7 28.1 89.4 33.4 102 38.1 124 45.6 69.3 40.1 90.5 51.9 109 62.4 125 71.7 154 87.7 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 150 x 75 150 x 100 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 40 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 200 x 100 * 4.0 17.9 * 5.0 22.1 6.0 26.1 8.0 33.7 10.0 40.8 * 4.0 19.5 * 5.0 24.0 6.0 28.5 8.0 36.9 10.0 44.8 * 6.0 33.2 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 15.0 74.1 * 6.0 35.6 8.0 46.4 10.0 56.6 12.0 66.4 15.0 80.1 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 433 433 592 592 726 726 939 939 1140 1140 477 477 647 647 792 792 1030 1030 1250 1250 874 874 1200 1200 1470 1470 1720 1720 2060 2060 940 940 1290 1290 1580 1580 1850 1850 2230 2230 433 433 592 592 726 726 939 939 1140 1140 477 477 647 647 792 792 1030 1030 1250 1250 874 874 1200 1200 1470 1470 1720 1720 2060 2060 940 940 1290 1290 1580 1580 1850 1850 2230 2230 433 416 592 557 726 677 939 868 1140 1040 477 477 647 645 792 785 1030 1010 1250 1220 874 874 1200 1200 1470 1450 1720 1690 2060 2010 940 940 1290 1290 1580 1580 1850 1850 2230 2230 433 383 592 509 726 615 939 785 1140 937 477 455 647 606 792 735 1030 946 1250 1140 874 826 1200 1120 1470 1360 1720 1580 2060 1870 940 932 1290 1270 1580 1540 1850 1800 2230 2150 430 348 579 456 705 548 906 695 1090 824 477 426 638 563 776 681 1000 874 1210 1050 874 770 1200 1040 1470 1250 1720 1450 2060 1720 940 885 1290 1200 1580 1460 1850 1690 2230 2020 412 311 552 402 671 478 861 603 1030 711 458 395 611 517 741 623 955 796 1150 952 872 711 1190 950 1440 1140 1680 1320 2010 1550 940 834 1280 1130 1560 1360 1830 1580 2190 1880 394 274 525 349 635 413 814 518 975 607 438 362 581 469 704 562 906 715 1090 852 842 648 1140 858 1390 1030 1620 1180 1920 1380 913 781 1240 1050 1510 1270 1760 1470 2100 1740 353 208 464 259 558 304 711 379 846 442 395 295 518 374 624 444 799 561 957 664 778 522 1050 680 1270 809 1480 923 1750 1070 847 666 1140 881 1390 1060 1620 1220 1920 1430 309 158 400 195 477 228 604 284 714 329 349 235 451 294 539 347 687 437 818 514 709 413 949 532 1140 631 1320 716 1560 820 774 553 1040 722 1260 864 1460 991 1730 1150 266 123 338 151 401 176 505 218 594 253 302 188 385 233 457 274 580 344 687 403 634 329 841 420 1010 497 1160 562 1360 642 697 454 926 588 1120 701 1290 801 1520 928 226 98.3 284 120 335 139 421 173 493 200 258 152 325 187 385 220 486 275 575 323 560 265 735 337 880 398 1010 450 1170 513 619 374 815 481 980 572 1130 653 1320 753 192 79.9 240 97.4 281 113 352 140 412 161 220 125 275 153 324 179 409 225 482 263 490 217 638 276 761 325 870 367 1010 417 544 310 711 398 852 473 979 538 1140 620 164 66.1 203 80.5 238 93.4 298 115 348 133 188 104 234 127 275 149 347 186 408 218 427 181 553 229 658 270 750 305 864 346 476 261 619 333 740 396 848 450 986 518 200 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 250 x 125 250 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 40 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 300 x 150 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 15.0 91.9 * 6.0 45.0 * 8.0 59.0 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 6.0 47.4 * 8.0 62.2 10.0 76.4 12.0 90.1 15.0 109 * 6.0 49.8 * 8.0 65.3 10.0 80.3 12.0 94.8 15.0 115 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 974 974 1460 1460 1800 1800 2110 2110 2560 2560 1110 1110 1630 1630 2020 2020 2380 2380 2890 2890 1070 1070 1600 1600 2130 2130 2510 2510 3050 3050 1130 1130 1690 1690 2240 2240 2640 2640 3220 3220 974 936 1460 1360 1800 1670 2110 1950 2560 2340 1110 1110 1630 1630 2020 2020 2380 2380 2890 2880 1070 1070 1600 1590 2130 2080 2510 2440 3050 2960 1130 1130 1690 1690 2240 2240 2640 2640 3220 3220 974 838 1460 1200 1800 1460 2100 1700 2530 2030 1110 1050 1630 1520 2020 1870 2380 2190 2890 2640 1070 995 1600 1450 2130 1890 2510 2210 3050 2660 1130 1100 1690 1600 2240 2080 2640 2450 3220 2960 942 728 1370 1020 1690 1230 1970 1430 2370 1690 1080 968 1560 1380 1920 1690 2260 1980 2730 2370 1070 905 1600 1300 2090 1670 2460 1950 2980 2330 1130 1020 1690 1460 2210 1890 2610 2220 3160 2680 886 616 1280 839 1570 1010 1830 1170 2190 1370 1020 874 1460 1230 1800 1500 2110 1750 2540 2090 1040 806 1520 1130 1980 1440 2330 1670 2820 1990 1100 927 1610 1320 2100 1680 2470 1970 2990 2360 826 513 1180 687 1440 824 1680 946 2000 1100 955 776 1360 1070 1670 1300 1950 1510 2340 1800 985 705 1430 971 1870 1210 2190 1410 2640 1670 1050 833 1520 1160 1980 1470 2330 1710 2810 2050 763 427 1070 564 1310 675 1520 773 1810 899 886 679 1250 921 1520 1120 1780 1300 2130 1530 933 608 1350 824 1740 1020 2040 1180 2450 1400 997 737 1430 1010 1850 1270 2170 1470 2620 1750 696 357 967 467 1170 558 1360 639 1610 742 814 589 1130 790 1380 955 1610 1110 1920 1310 877 522 1250 699 1610 860 1880 993 2250 1170 939 647 1340 877 1720 1090 2010 1260 2420 1500 631 301 864 392 1050 468 1210 535 1420 620 742 511 1020 679 1240 819 1440 946 1710 1120 819 449 1160 596 1470 729 1720 841 2050 989 878 565 1240 758 1580 934 1840 1080 2210 1280 567 256 768 333 927 397 1070 454 1260 525 671 444 911 586 1110 706 1280 815 1520 959 759 388 1060 512 1340 624 1560 719 1860 845 816 494 1140 657 1440 807 1680 934 2010 1110 509 221 683 286 823 340 948 389 1110 450 605 387 814 509 986 613 1140 707 1350 831 700 337 966 443 1210 538 1410 620 1670 728 754 433 1040 573 1310 701 1520 811 1820 958 457 192 608 248 731 295 841 337 984 390 545 340 728 445 880 536 1020 618 1210 726 642 295 877 386 1090 469 1270 540 1510 633 693 381 947 503 1180 613 1380 709 1640 837 410 168 543 217 652 258 749 294 876 340 491 300 652 392 788 472 911 544 1080 638 588 260 796 339 987 411 1150 474 1360 555 635 338 862 444 1070 540 1240 625 1480 737 300 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 175 350 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 40 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 400 x 200 * 6.0 54.5 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 6.0 59.3 * 8.0 78.0 * 10.0 96.1 12.0 113 15.0 139 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1150 1150 1730 1730 2370 2370 2910 2910 3550 3550 1240 1240 1910 1910 2590 2590 3170 3170 3880 3880 1150 1150 1730 1730 2370 2370 2910 2910 3550 3550 1240 1240 1910 1910 2590 2590 3170 3170 3880 3880 1150 1130 1730 1660 2370 2230 2910 2710 3550 3290 1240 1240 1910 1910 2590 2580 3170 3140 3880 3830 1150 1060 1730 1540 2370 2040 2910 2460 3550 2980 1240 1210 1910 1820 2590 2430 3170 2940 3880 3580 1150 971 1720 1390 2320 1830 2820 2190 3430 2640 1240 1140 1910 1710 2550 2260 3110 2730 3790 3310 1120 882 1650 1250 2210 1610 2690 1920 3260 2300 1220 1070 1830 1580 2440 2070 2970 2490 3620 3020 1080 789 1580 1100 2100 1400 2540 1650 3080 1970 1170 997 1750 1450 2330 1880 2820 2250 3430 2720 1030 698 1500 956 1980 1200 2390 1420 2900 1690 1120 917 1670 1310 2200 1680 2660 2010 3240 2420 982 615 1410 832 1860 1040 2230 1220 2700 1450 1070 837 1580 1180 2080 1500 2500 1780 3030 2140 930 541 1330 725 1730 900 2070 1050 2500 1250 1020 759 1490 1060 1940 1330 2330 1570 2820 1880 876 476 1240 634 1600 783 1910 915 2300 1090 966 685 1400 942 1810 1180 2160 1390 2610 1660 822 421 1150 558 1480 687 1750 801 2100 949 910 617 1300 841 1670 1050 1990 1230 2400 1470 767 374 1060 493 1360 606 1610 706 1920 835 854 557 1210 753 1540 934 1830 1100 2200 1310 400 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-7 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 41 D COMPRESSION y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D d x t y x d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 * 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 51.1 70.4 73.5 103 130 95.4 136 173 206 126 194 252 306 247 322 394 462 587 288 410 504 594 763 305 493 614 726 939 35.3 47.4 57.8 80.6 99.3 80.8 114 144 170 119 181 234 282 247 321 390 456 574 288 410 504 594 763 305 493 614 726 939 23.5 31.1 42.3 58.2 70.7 64.4 90.7 113 131 106 159 204 245 226 293 357 415 520 286 403 493 579 739 305 493 614 726 939 16.3 21.5 30.7 41.9 50.6 49.5 69.1 85.4 98.5 91.2 135 172 204 204 263 319 370 460 268 375 459 538 684 305 480 595 702 903 11.8 15.6 22.9 31.1 37.4 38.0 52.8 65.0 74.5 76.1 111 141 167 179 231 278 322 397 249 345 421 493 625 291 453 561 661 848 8.97 11.8 17.5 23.8 28.6 29.7 41.1 50.4 57.7 62.8 90.9 114 135 154 198 239 275 336 228 313 381 446 561 276 424 524 616 789 7.02 9.22 13.8 18.8 22.5 23.7 32.7 40.1 45.8 51.8 74.6 93.9 110 132 169 202 232 282 206 280 340 397 497 260 393 484 569 726 4.63 6.07 9.23 12.5 14.9 16.0 22.0 26.9 30.7 36.3 51.8 65.1 76.4 96.3 122 146 167 202 164 218 264 306 381 224 328 402 471 597 3.28 4.30 6.58 8.90 10.6 11.4 15.8 19.3 22.0 26.5 37.7 47.3 55.5 71.8 91.4 108 124 149 128 169 204 236 292 188 267 326 381 479 2.45 3.20 4.92 6.65 7.94 8.60 11.9 14.5 16.5 20.2 28.6 35.9 42.0 55.2 70.2 83.5 95.3 114 101 132 160 185 228 156 216 263 307 385 1.89 2.48 3.82 5.16 6.16 6.69 9.23 11.3 12.8 15.8 22.4 28.1 32.9 43.6 55.4 65.9 75.1 89.9 81.7 106 128 147 181 129 176 214 249 312 1.51 1.97 3.05 4.12 4.92 5.36 7.39 9.01 10.2 12.7 18.0 22.6 26.4 35.2 44.8 53.2 60.7 72.5 66.8 86.7 104 120 148 108 145 176 205 257 1.23 1.61 2.49 3.37 4.01 4.38 6.04 7.37 8.38 10.5 14.8 18.5 21.7 29.1 36.9 43.9 50.0 59.7 55.5 72.0 86.6 99.8 122 91.2 121 147 171 214 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 125 150 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 41 D COMPRESSION y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D d x t y x d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 175 x 175 * 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 12.0 15.0 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 521 724 858 1120 1360 543 789 990 1290 1580 849 1150 1640 2020 2380 891 1220 1970 2460 2910 1280 2090 2900 3430 4210 1320 2170 3160 3960 4870 511 698 825 1070 1290 543 789 988 1280 1560 849 1150 1640 2020 2380 891 1220 1970 2460 2910 1280 2090 2900 3430 4210 1320 2170 3160 3960 4870 465 626 739 953 1150 518 732 906 1180 1430 849 1150 1610 1970 2320 891 1220 1970 2460 2910 1280 2090 2900 3430 4210 1320 2170 3160 3960 4870 412 546 644 826 991 477 663 816 1060 1280 810 1080 1500 1840 2150 891 1220 1920 2380 2810 1280 2090 2900 3430 4210 1320 2170 3160 3960 4870 357 464 545 696 831 431 588 718 925 1120 758 998 1380 1690 1980 869 1170 1810 2250 2650 1280 2050 2790 3300 4030 1320 2170 3160 3950 4850 303 388 455 578 688 383 512 619 795 956 703 914 1260 1530 1780 829 1110 1700 2100 2470 1240 1960 2650 3140 3830 1320 2150 3060 3790 4650 255 323 378 480 569 335 440 529 677 811 644 826 1120 1360 1590 786 1040 1570 1940 2280 1190 1860 2510 2960 3610 1300 2070 2930 3630 4440 215 270 316 400 474 292 377 450 575 688 584 739 993 1200 1400 741 970 1440 1780 2080 1140 1760 2350 2770 3370 1260 1990 2800 3450 4220 183 228 267 337 399 253 323 385 491 586 524 656 874 1060 1230 693 899 1310 1610 1890 1080 1650 2190 2580 3130 1210 1910 2650 3260 3990 157 194 227 287 340 220 279 331 422 503 469 581 769 929 1080 644 826 1190 1450 1700 1020 1540 2020 2380 2880 1170 1820 2510 3070 3750 135 167 196 247 292 192 242 287 365 435 418 514 677 817 946 595 755 1070 1310 1520 963 1430 1860 2180 2640 1120 1730 2360 2870 3500 118 146 170 215 253 169 212 250 319 380 374 456 598 722 834 548 688 961 1170 1370 902 1320 1700 2000 2410 1070 1630 2200 2670 3250 103 128 149 188 222 149 186 220 280 334 334 406 531 640 740 502 626 864 1050 1230 842 1210 1550 1820 2200 1020 1530 2050 2480 3010 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 350 400 x 400 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-9 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 42 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 2.0 1.45 3.0 2.08 3.0 3.14 4.0 4.06 5.0 4.91 * 3.0 4.45 * 4.0 5.80 5.0 7.08 * 3.0 5.04 * 4.0 6.59 5.0 8.07 6.0 9.49 * 4.0 8.01 5.0 9.85 6.0 11.6 8.0 15.0 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 36.5 21.9 15.5 52.0 40.4 21.7 87.5 58.0 52.7 113 84.3 67.0 136 110 79.8 112 82.5 95.1 159 119 131 197 153 161 122 95.5 103 181 140 147 224 178 180 264 216 211 209 172 188 274 225 243 323 269 286 416 358 366 28.8 18.1 7.88 40.3 33.6 10.9 79.3 49.1 29.8 101 76.3 37.7 121 101 44.7 112 64.6 68.9 159 100 92.5 195 136 112 122 76.0 74.6 181 116 101 224 157 123 264 198 144 209 144 147 274 193 186 323 240 218 416 335 277 21.1 15.0 4.69 29.1 26.1 6.49 68.1 43.4 18.3 86.7 68.4 23.2 103 90.2 27.4 104 53.2 47.3 145 87.7 62.1 178 125 75.0 121 61.8 51.0 177 100 67.9 217 143 82.2 255 187 95.3 209 120 106 274 169 132 323 218 155 416 320 195 15.3 12.2 3.10 21.0 19.7 4.28 56.2 38.6 12.3 71.0 59.4 15.5 83.9 76.6 18.3 95.0 46.2 33.2 131 79.2 43.3 159 114 52.1 113 52.8 35.8 164 90.8 47.1 201 133 56.9 235 177 65.9 203 104 77.1 263 152 95.1 309 203 110 396 308 139 11.4 9.81 2.19 15.6 15.1 3.04 45.3 33.9 8.80 56.9 50.2 11.1 66.8 63.2 13.1 84.6 41.5 24.3 115 72.3 31.5 139 104 37.9 105 47.1 26.2 150 83.8 34.2 184 125 41.4 214 167 47.9 191 93.1 57.3 247 140 70.3 290 192 81.9 370 295 102 8.76 7.91 1.64 11.9 11.8 2.26 36.4 29.3 6.60 45.6 41.9 8.32 53.3 51.7 9.81 73.9 37.9 18.5 99.1 66.0 23.9 119 94.2 28.8 96.6 43.1 19.9 135 78.4 25.9 165 118 31.3 192 156 36.2 179 85.3 43.9 229 132 53.7 269 182 62.6 343 282 78.6 6.92 6.45 1.27 9.39 9.36 1.75 29.6 25.2 5.13 36.9 34.9 6.47 43.1 42.5 7.62 63.7 35.0 14.5 84.4 60.0 18.7 101 83.8 22.5 87.3 40.2 15.6 120 73.7 20.3 146 110 24.5 170 143 28.4 166 79.6 34.6 211 124 42.3 247 173 49.3 313 265 61.8 4.61 4.46 0.824 6.25 6.30 1.14 20.3 18.6 3.35 25.3 24.8 4.23 29.5 29.6 4.98 47.0 29.9 9.60 61.3 48.8 12.4 73.3 65.2 14.9 69.2 35.8 10.3 93.3 64.8 13.4 112 93.1 16.2 130 117 18.7 138 71.3 23.0 173 112 28.1 202 154 32.7 254 228 41.1 3.29 3.23 0.578 4.45 4.50 0.799 14.7 14.0 2.36 18.3 18.2 2.98 21.3 21.6 3.51 35.3 25.5 6.81 45.7 39.2 8.78 54.5 50.7 10.5 54.1 32.3 7.33 71.8 55.8 9.50 86.4 76.6 11.5 99.5 93.9 13.2 112 64.9 16.4 139 100 20.0 162 134 23.3 202 189 29.2 2.46 2.44 0.428 3.33 3.37 0.591 11.1 10.8 1.75 13.9 13.9 2.21 16.1 16.4 2.60 27.2 21.5 5.09 35.1 31.7 6.55 41.8 40.0 7.86 42.8 29.0 5.47 56.1 47.4 7.08 67.4 62.6 8.54 77.5 75.2 9.87 90.9 59.0 12.3 111 88.2 14.9 129 114 17.4 161 155 21.8 1.91 1.91 0.330 2.58 2.62 0.455 8.71 8.58 1.35 10.8 10.9 1.71 12.6 12.8 2.01 21.6 18.1 3.94 27.7 25.8 5.07 32.9 32.1 6.09 34.4 25.8 4.24 44.8 39.9 5.48 53.8 51.3 6.61 61.8 60.9 7.64 74.1 53.2 9.53 90.7 76.6 11.6 105 96.4 13.5 130 128 16.9 1.52 1.53 0.262 2.06 2.09 0.361 6.99 6.94 1.08 8.69 8.79 1.36 10.1 10.3 1.60 17.5 15.4 3.14 22.4 21.3 4.04 26.6 26.2 4.85 28.1 22.7 3.38 36.5 33.7 4.37 43.8 42.5 5.27 50.2 50.1 6.09 61.1 47.6 7.61 74.6 66.1 9.25 86.5 81.5 10.8 107 106 13.5 1.25 1.25 0.213 1.68 1.71 0.294 5.74 5.72 0.876 7.13 7.22 1.10 8.27 8.43 1.30 14.4 13.1 2.56 18.4 17.8 3.30 21.9 21.8 3.96 23.3 19.9 2.76 30.3 28.6 3.56 36.3 35.7 4.29 41.6 41.7 4.96 51.1 42.3 6.21 62.3 57.0 7.56 72.1 69.3 8.80 89.4 89.5 11.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 50 150 x 60 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 D-10 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 42 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb mm 175 x 60 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 t mm per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 5.0 10.8 6.0 12.8 8.0 16.5 10.0 20.0 * 5.0 13.0 * 6.0 15.4 8.0 20.0 10.0 24.4 * 6.0 16.6 8.0 21.6 10.0 26.3 12.0 30.8 * 6.0 20.2 * 8.0 26.3 10.0 32.3 12.0 37.9 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 301 252 265 356 300 312 460 397 401 557 492 482 331 293 322 425 374 409 557 492 533 678 605 647 455 404 436 601 534 572 733 657 695 858 776 811 489 457 489 727 672 727 898 830 898 1060 977 1060 301 215 200 356 265 235 460 368 299 557 471 357 331 259 274 425 331 343 557 448 445 678 566 537 455 358 363 601 485 474 733 611 574 858 736 666 489 421 465 727 617 675 898 769 830 1060 915 973 301 185 141 356 238 165 460 349 209 557 458 248 331 224 220 425 291 270 557 413 347 678 539 418 455 314 284 601 444 367 733 578 442 858 711 511 489 381 413 727 562 590 898 713 723 1060 864 845 300 165 100 354 220 117 455 336 148 548 447 175 331 195 169 425 259 205 557 387 263 678 519 315 455 277 214 601 412 276 733 554 331 858 694 381 489 341 356 727 510 496 898 666 606 1060 825 707 285 150 74.2 336 207 86.7 432 325 109 519 436 129 331 172 130 420 235 156 548 367 200 664 504 239 455 249 163 601 389 209 733 537 250 858 680 288 489 304 298 727 466 407 898 628 495 1060 794 576 270 140 56.7 318 197 66.2 407 315 83.4 488 421 98.5 318 155 102 403 217 121 524 352 155 634 490 185 445 229 126 584 371 162 709 523 194 825 667 223 489 272 246 727 431 331 898 598 402 1060 769 467 253 133 44.6 298 189 52.0 380 304 65.6 455 403 77.4 304 143 81.7 384 204 97.0 498 339 123 602 475 147 427 213 100 560 358 129 679 510 154 790 653 177 485 247 204 708 403 271 871 573 328 1020 748 381 217 122 29.6 255 174 34.5 324 276 43.5 384 357 51.3 274 127 55.2 342 185 65.2 443 316 83.1 533 442 99.1 390 193 67.8 509 336 86.6 615 485 103 713 618 118 455 211 143 658 363 188 807 534 227 943 710 263 182 113 21.0 212 159 24.6 268 242 30.9 316 304 36.5 242 116 39.6 298 171 46.7 383 291 59.5 459 400 70.9 349 179 48.5 453 317 62.0 545 454 74.0 630 569 84.9 422 188 104 602 335 136 737 502 165 859 670 191 150 104 15.7 175 143 18.3 219 206 23.1 258 254 27.2 209 108 29.8 255 159 35.1 326 264 44.7 389 353 53.2 306 169 36.4 395 297 46.5 474 415 55.5 545 510 63.7 386 172 79.6 543 313 103 662 472 125 770 625 144 123 94.9 12.2 144 125 14.2 180 174 17.9 211 211 21.1 179 101 23.2 216 148 27.3 275 236 34.7 327 306 41.4 265 159 28.3 341 274 36.2 407 371 43.2 467 448 49.5 349 160 62.5 483 294 81.3 587 440 98.1 681 575 113 103 85.0 9.73 120 109 11.3 150 147 14.3 175 177 16.8 153 95.0 18.6 183 135 21.8 232 208 27.8 276 264 33.1 228 150 22.7 292 249 28.9 349 328 34.5 398 390 39.6 311 151 50.3 425 276 65.3 515 406 78.8 596 522 91.2 86.8 75.5 7.94 100 94.6 9.26 125 125 11.7 146 149 13.7 130 88.6 15.2 156 123 17.9 197 182 22.7 234 228 27.1 197 141 18.5 251 223 23.6 299 287 28.2 341 338 32.4 276 143 41.3 373 259 53.6 450 372 64.7 520 470 74.8 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 D-11 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 42 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 100 * 8.0 29.5 10.0 36.2 12.0 42.7 15.0 51.9 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 12.0 52.2 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 42.1 * 10.0 52.0 * 12.0 61.6 15.0 75.6 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 810 757 810 1010 940 1010 1190 1110 1190 1440 1350 1440 869 840 869 1220 1170 1220 1450 1390 1450 1770 1700 1770 915 904 915 1330 1300 1330 1700 1660 1700 2100 2050 2100 810 699 745 1010 873 922 1190 1040 1080 1440 1280 1310 869 794 869 1220 1100 1200 1450 1310 1430 1770 1610 1740 915 866 915 1330 1240 1330 1700 1580 1700 2100 1950 2100 810 638 646 1010 808 796 1190 974 933 1440 1230 1130 869 744 804 1220 1030 1100 1450 1230 1300 1770 1530 1580 915 826 911 1330 1180 1290 1700 1500 1640 2100 1860 2020 810 578 539 1010 749 661 1190 923 773 1440 1190 928 869 691 727 1220 953 978 1450 1160 1160 1770 1460 1400 915 783 854 1330 1110 1200 1700 1410 1510 2100 1760 1860 810 524 439 1010 700 536 1190 882 625 1440 1160 748 869 636 644 1220 881 851 1450 1090 1000 1770 1400 1220 915 737 793 1330 1040 1100 1700 1330 1370 2100 1680 1680 810 479 355 1010 660 433 1190 849 504 1440 1140 601 869 583 560 1220 815 726 1450 1020 854 1770 1350 1030 915 688 727 1330 966 990 1700 1240 1230 2100 1600 1500 810 443 290 1010 628 352 1190 823 410 1440 1120 488 869 534 480 1220 758 614 1450 972 721 1770 1310 870 915 639 658 1330 898 881 1700 1160 1080 2100 1530 1320 776 392 200 960 581 243 1130 783 282 1360 1080 336 869 457 352 1220 670 442 1450 892 518 1760 1240 623 915 547 523 1330 780 679 1700 1040 820 2100 1420 996 728 359 145 899 549 176 1050 752 204 1270 1040 243 845 402 263 1160 610 328 1380 835 384 1670 1200 461 915 473 410 1330 690 523 1680 941 626 2070 1340 758 675 336 110 832 523 133 974 721 154 1170 998 184 805 363 203 1100 567 251 1300 793 294 1580 1150 352 901 417 324 1270 623 409 1610 871 487 1980 1270 589 620 319 86.3 761 500 104 889 689 121 1070 940 143 762 336 160 1030 535 198 1220 758 231 1480 1110 278 867 375 260 1220 574 326 1540 818 387 1890 1220 469 563 305 69.3 689 478 83.9 803 651 97.3 959 872 115 717 315 130 960 509 160 1130 728 187 1370 1070 224 831 344 213 1160 537 266 1460 777 315 1780 1170 381 507 292 56.9 619 454 68.8 720 609 79.8 856 798 94.8 670 299 107 888 488 131 1050 699 154 1260 1020 184 794 320 177 1100 508 220 1370 743 260 1680 1130 315 350 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 150 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 D-12 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 43 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 2.0 2.90 3.0 4.15 * 3.0 6.28 4.0 8.12 5.0 9.82 * 3.0 8.89 * 4.0 11.6 5.0 14.2 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 * 4.0 16.0 * 5.0 19.7 6.0 23.2 8.0 29.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy 58.9 37.7 60.1 85.0 56.3 97.9 151 110 144 196 144 195 235 177 244 211 176 199 296 246 281 370 310 355 240 188 218 351 273 320 440 344 404 516 407 478 411 342 382 539 445 498 647 535 598 833 694 45.0 22.5 54.3 63.9 33.9 95.2 129 75.1 131 166 99.6 185 198 123 238 190 140 180 265 195 258 330 245 333 221 148 197 321 211 290 402 266 373 470 316 450 390 282 352 507 364 461 606 437 558 776 572 33.7 14.5 51.3 47.1 21.8 94.1 107 51.6 122 137 68.7 180 163 85.5 235 170 109 162 235 150 240 292 189 318 203 114 175 293 160 264 365 201 350 427 240 432 363 226 321 470 290 426 561 349 525 717 459 25.3 9.97 49.7 35.1 15.0 93.5 88.8 36.9 116 112 49.2 178 133 61.4 233 151 84.8 147 207 115 226 255 145 308 185 87.6 156 265 121 243 329 152 333 384 182 420 337 179 292 434 229 397 517 276 499 660 365 19.4 7.26 48.7 26.7 10.9 93.2 72.7 27.4 113 92.0 36.6 176 108 45.8 233 133 66.3 135 180 90.2 217 221 113 302 169 68.0 140 238 93.5 228 295 117 321 344 140 412 311 143 267 399 182 373 474 219 480 604 291 15.3 5.51 48.1 20.9 8.32 93.0 59.8 21.1 111 75.4 28.2 175 88.5 35.4 232 116 52.8 127 155 71.6 210 190 89.9 297 152 53.9 129 213 73.7 217 262 92.6 313 305 111 407 286 115 247 365 146 354 433 176 465 550 234 12.3 4.33 47.7 16.8 6.53 92.9 49.6 16.7 109 62.4 22.4 174 73.1 28.1 232 101 42.8 120 134 57.9 205 163 72.7 294 137 43.6 120 189 59.4 208 232 74.6 307 270 89.6 403 262 94.5 231 333 119 340 393 144 454 498 192 8.37 2.87 47.2 11.4 4.33 92.7 35.3 11.2 107 44.2 15.0 173 51.6 18.9 231 77.0 29.6 112 101 39.9 198 122 50.1 290 109 30.0 108 149 40.7 198 182 51.1 300 210 61.4 398 217 66.0 209 273 83.3 321 322 100 440 405 134 6.06 2.04 47.0 8.25 3.08 92.6 26.2 8.05 106 32.7 10.8 173 38.2 13.5 231 59.6 21.6 107 77.7 29.0 194 93.4 36.4 288 88.2 21.8 101 118 29.5 191 143 37.1 295 165 44.6 396 179 48.4 196 223 61.1 309 262 73.5 432 328 98.5 4.59 1.52 46.8 6.24 2.30 92.6 20.2 6.05 106 25.1 8.10 172 29.3 10.2 231 47.1 16.4 103 61.0 22.0 192 73.2 27.7 287 71.4 16.5 97.1 94.9 22.4 187 114 28.1 292 132 33.8 394 148 37.0 187 183 46.6 301 214 56.1 426 268 75.2 3.59 1.18 46.7 4.88 1.78 92.6 16.0 4.71 105 19.9 6.31 172 23.1 7.93 231 37.9 12.9 101 49.0 17.3 190 58.7 21.7 286 58.6 13.0 94.1 77.3 17.5 185 93.4 22.0 290 107 26.5 393 123 29.1 181 152 36.7 296 177 44.2 422 221 59.2 2.89 0.941 46.6 3.92 1.42 92.5 12.9 3.77 105 16.1 5.05 172 18.7 6.35 231 31.2 10.4 100 40.2 13.9 189 48.1 17.5 285 48.8 10.5 92.1 64.0 14.1 183 77.2 17.7 289 88.8 21.3 392 103 23.5 177 127 29.6 293 148 35.7 420 185 47.8 2.37 0.768 46.6 3.22 1.16 92.5 10.7 3.09 105 13.3 4.14 172 15.5 5.20 231 26.0 8.54 99.1 33.5 11.5 188 40.0 14.4 284 41.1 8.60 90.6 53.8 11.6 181 64.8 14.5 288 74.4 17.5 391 88.3 19.4 174 108 24.4 290 125 29.4 418 156 39.4 Pcz 775 738 713 697 687 679 674 667 664 661 660 659 658 75 x 70 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 100 150 x 120 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-13 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 175 x 120 * 5.0 21.7 6.0 25.6 8.0 33.1 10.0 40.1 * 5.0 26.0 * 6.0 30.8 8.0 40.0 10.0 48.7 * 6.0 33.2 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy 594 482 548 713 578 658 921 754 853 1120 921 1040 652 582 625 836 739 797 1120 987 1060 1360 1210 1290 896 784 854 1200 1050 1140 1470 1290 1400 1720 1520 1630 963 929 953 1430 1360 1400 1800 1710 1760 2110 2020 575 389 505 687 467 610 885 613 806 1070 753 1000 652 502 588 831 634 749 1100 847 1000 1340 1040 1230 896 668 802 1200 897 1080 1470 1100 1330 1720 1300 1570 963 840 914 1430 1230 1340 1800 1540 1690 2110 1820 539 306 462 643 368 567 827 485 772 995 601 976 619 426 550 786 534 701 1040 714 951 1260 881 1190 862 559 747 1150 750 1020 1400 927 1270 1630 1100 1520 960 755 874 1410 1090 1280 1760 1380 1620 2070 1630 504 239 423 601 287 532 771 381 748 926 475 961 587 356 510 743 444 655 983 594 908 1190 735 1150 820 460 693 1090 618 963 1330 767 1220 1550 913 1480 922 673 832 1350 967 1220 1680 1220 1550 1970 1440 470 188 391 559 226 504 717 301 732 859 376 951 556 296 472 701 366 612 925 490 873 1120 609 1130 779 377 643 1040 506 918 1260 631 1190 1460 754 1460 885 595 789 1290 847 1160 1610 1070 1490 1880 1270 436 150 366 519 181 483 663 241 720 793 302 945 525 246 437 660 303 576 869 406 845 1050 505 1110 739 310 598 980 417 882 1190 520 1170 1380 624 1450 849 522 746 1230 737 1110 1530 927 1440 1800 1100 404 122 347 479 147 468 611 196 711 729 247 941 495 206 407 619 252 545 813 338 823 981 422 1100 699 257 561 926 346 853 1120 432 1150 1300 520 1430 813 457 703 1170 640 1060 1460 804 1400 1710 960 342 84.8 320 404 102 446 513 136 701 609 172 935 436 148 361 541 180 500 707 242 793 849 303 1080 622 183 505 820 246 811 990 308 1120 1150 372 1420 743 350 625 1060 485 975 1320 609 1330 1540 729 287 61.9 304 339 74.6 433 428 100 694 506 126 932 380 110 330 468 134 470 608 180 773 728 226 1070 549 136 469 719 182 785 866 229 1110 999 277 1410 676 272 563 955 373 913 1180 469 1290 1380 563 241 47.2 294 283 56.8 425 357 76.3 690 421 96.3 930 330 85.4 309 403 103 450 521 139 760 622 174 1060 481 104 444 627 140 767 753 176 1100 866 213 1400 610 215 516 853 294 868 1050 370 1250 1220 444 203 37.1 287 238 44.7 419 299 60.0 687 352 75.8 929 286 67.8 295 346 82.2 436 446 110 751 531 138 1060 420 83.0 427 545 111 755 653 140 1090 750 169 1400 548 174 480 759 237 835 931 298 1230 1080 358 172 29.9 282 202 36.0 415 253 48.4 686 297 61.2 928 248 55.1 284 299 66.7 426 383 89.5 745 456 112 1050 367 67.3 415 474 90.3 746 567 113 1080 650 137 1400 491 143 454 673 194 811 823 244 1210 954 294 147 24.6 278 172 29.7 413 216 39.9 684 253 50.4 928 215 45.6 276 259 55.2 419 331 74.0 741 393 93.0 1050 321 55.6 406 414 74.7 740 494 94.0 1080 565 113 1400 439 119 434 597 162 792 728 204 1200 842 245 Pcz 2070 1980 1910 1850 1800 1760 1730 1680 1650 1630 1610 1600 1590 200 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 225 x 150 250 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-14 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 200 * 8.0 59.0 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 8.0 84.3 * 10.0 104 * 12.0 123 15.0 151 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 1590 1500 1570 2020 1900 1980 2380 2250 2330 2890 2740 2820 1710 1710 1710 2400 2370 2390 2910 2870 2900 3550 3510 3530 1810 1810 1810 2610 2610 2610 3350 3350 3350 4210 4210 4210 1590 1340 1500 2020 1700 1890 2380 2010 2230 2890 2460 2710 1710 1580 1670 2400 2170 2310 2910 2630 2800 3550 3230 3410 1810 1750 1800 2610 2500 2570 3350 3180 3290 4210 4000 4120 1590 1190 1430 2020 1500 1800 2380 1780 2140 2890 2190 2630 1710 1450 1610 2400 1990 2230 2910 2410 2700 3550 2960 3300 1810 1640 1750 2610 2330 2500 3350 2960 3190 4210 3720 4000 1550 1040 1350 1960 1310 1720 2300 1560 2060 2780 1930 2550 1710 1320 1550 2400 1810 2150 2900 2180 2600 3530 2690 3200 1810 1540 1700 2610 2170 2430 3350 2750 3090 4210 3460 3890 1500 903 1280 1880 1140 1650 2210 1360 1990 2680 1680 2500 1680 1200 1490 2320 1630 2060 2810 1970 2510 3420 2430 3110 1810 1440 1660 2610 2010 2360 3320 2540 3000 4170 3190 3780 1440 779 1210 1810 982 1580 2130 1170 1930 2570 1460 2450 1630 1090 1430 2250 1460 1980 2720 1770 2420 3310 2180 3030 1790 1340 1610 2550 1860 2280 3230 2340 2900 4050 2940 3670 1390 671 1140 1740 846 1510 2040 1010 1880 2470 1260 2420 1590 978 1370 2180 1300 1890 2630 1580 2340 3200 1950 2960 1750 1240 1560 2480 1710 2200 3150 2140 2810 3940 2690 3570 1280 502 1030 1600 632 1410 1880 758 1800 2260 948 2370 1490 784 1240 2040 1030 1740 2460 1250 2190 2980 1550 2840 1660 1050 1450 2350 1430 2040 2970 1780 2620 3720 2230 3390 1180 384 943 1470 484 1340 1720 581 1750 2060 728 2340 1400 630 1130 1900 820 1610 2290 990 2070 2780 1230 2760 1580 886 1340 2230 1190 1890 2810 1470 2450 3500 1840 3240 1070 301 880 1340 379 1290 1560 456 1710 1870 573 2320 1310 510 1030 1770 659 1500 2120 796 1980 2570 994 2700 1500 745 1230 2100 985 1750 2640 1210 2300 3290 1520 3120 976 242 833 1210 304 1250 1410 366 1680 1690 460 2310 1230 419 954 1640 538 1420 1960 650 1910 2370 813 2650 1430 629 1130 1980 824 1630 2480 1010 2180 3080 1270 3020 885 198 799 1090 249 1220 1270 300 1670 1520 377 2300 1140 348 891 1520 446 1360 1810 539 1860 2180 674 2620 1350 534 1040 1860 695 1530 2320 850 2080 2880 1070 2940 800 165 773 985 207 1200 1150 250 1650 1370 315 2290 1060 294 842 1390 375 1310 1660 453 1820 2000 567 2590 1280 457 970 1750 592 1450 2170 722 2000 2680 908 2880 350 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 300 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. D-15 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 44 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 5.0 3.54 6.0 4.15 8.0 5.27 10.0 6.26 * 6.0 6.52 * 8.0 8.43 10.0 10.2 12.0 11.9 * 8.0 11.6 * 10.0 14.2 12.0 16.6 15.0 20.0 * 8.0 14.1 * 10.0 17.3 * 12.0 20.4 15.0 24.8 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 77.8 76.6 45.7 93.9 96.3 51.7 117 125 58.6 137 149 60.8 147 122 120 225 202 171 273 256 199 316 304 221 263 220 244 375 328 333 462 418 400 557 522 468 281 226 281 405 344 395 540 475 514 689 633 641 55.0 65.4 24.2 65.0 80.8 26.9 80.5 104 29.8 93.0 123 30.4 128 118 83.1 190 191 108 230 239 122 265 281 131 254 216 197 352 320 255 429 406 296 515 502 336 281 223 247 405 339 337 535 468 426 676 620 517 37.1 51.3 14.6 43.3 62.3 16.1 53.3 79.7 17.8 61.2 94.1 18.0 106 109 55.4 151 172 69.3 181 214 77.6 207 251 82.4 228 209 147 311 306 182 375 385 206 448 473 229 268 220 207 376 332 271 488 455 330 614 599 388 25.9 38.9 9.68 30.1 46.5 10.7 36.9 59.1 11.7 42.2 69.4 11.9 84.8 98.6 38.4 115 149 47.3 138 184 52.6 157 216 55.6 199 199 108 265 286 130 316 357 146 376 437 160 247 214 166 341 322 210 437 437 248 544 570 286 18.9 29.6 6.88 21.9 35.1 7.58 26.8 44.3 8.32 30.6 51.9 8.40 66.6 85.7 28.0 88.8 125 34.1 105 154 37.9 119 179 39.9 169 185 81.5 219 261 96.7 259 323 107 307 394 117 224 207 131 303 307 162 381 412 188 471 534 214 14.3 23.0 5.15 16.6 27.1 5.66 20.3 34.1 6.21 23.2 39.8 6.26 52.7 72.9 21.2 69.2 103 25.7 82.2 126 28.5 93.3 146 30.0 141 169 62.8 180 233 73.9 211 286 81.9 249 348 89.2 199 198 104 264 289 127 326 383 146 399 492 165 11.2 18.2 3.99 13.0 21.5 4.39 15.9 26.9 4.81 18.1 31.4 4.84 42.3 61.6 16.6 55.2 85.4 20.1 65.4 104 22.2 74.2 120 23.4 118 152 49.7 148 205 58.2 173 249 64.4 204 302 70.0 174 187 84.3 227 268 101 277 350 116 336 446 131 7.42 12.2 2.60 8.57 14.3 2.86 10.5 17.9 3.13 12.0 20.9 3.14 28.8 44.3 10.9 37.2 59.8 13.2 44.0 72.4 14.6 49.9 83.5 15.3 83.8 119 33.2 103 155 38.7 120 186 42.7 141 224 46.3 132 161 57.5 167 223 68.6 200 282 77.9 241 354 87.6 5.26 8.72 1.83 6.07 10.2 2.01 7.42 12.7 2.19 8.46 14.8 2.21 20.7 32.9 7.76 26.7 43.6 9.32 31.6 52.6 10.3 35.8 60.6 10.8 61.6 92.7 23.7 75.5 118 27.5 87.5 140 30.3 102 168 32.8 100 134 41.5 125 180 49.3 148 223 55.7 178 277 62.6 3.92 6.52 1.36 4.53 7.62 1.49 5.53 9.51 1.63 6.30 11.1 1.63 15.6 25.1 5.78 20.0 33.1 6.93 23.7 39.8 7.66 26.8 45.8 8.04 46.9 72.9 17.8 57.3 91.8 20.6 66.3 108 22.6 77.8 129 24.5 78.0 111 31.3 96.7 145 37.0 114 178 41.8 136 219 46.9 3.04 5.06 1.05 3.50 5.90 1.15 4.28 7.37 1.25 4.88 8.56 1.26 12.2 19.8 4.48 15.6 25.9 5.36 18.4 31.1 5.92 20.9 35.8 6.21 36.9 58.4 13.8 44.9 72.9 16.0 51.9 85.8 17.6 60.9 102 19.0 62.0 92.2 24.4 76.5 118 28.9 90.1 143 32.5 107 175 36.4 2.42 4.04 0.830 2.79 4.71 0.910 3.41 5.87 0.994 3.89 6.83 0.997 9.77 15.9 3.57 12.5 20.8 4.27 14.8 25.0 4.71 16.7 28.7 4.94 29.7 47.6 11.0 36.1 59.2 12.7 41.7 69.4 14.0 48.9 83.0 15.1 50.4 76.8 19.6 62.0 97.8 23.1 72.8 117 26.0 86.8 143 29.1 1.98 3.30 0.675 2.28 3.84 0.740 2.78 4.79 0.808 3.17 5.57 0.811 8.01 13.1 2.91 10.2 17.0 3.48 12.1 20.5 3.84 13.7 23.5 4.02 24.5 39.5 9.01 29.7 48.9 10.4 34.3 57.3 11.4 40.2 68.3 12.3 41.7 64.7 16.0 51.1 81.8 18.9 60.0 97.7 21.3 71.5 118 23.8 75 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 100 x 100 120 x 120 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 D-16 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 44 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 150 x 150 * 8.0 17.9 * 10.0 22.1 * 12.0 26.1 * 15.0 31.9 * 8.0 24.2 * 10.0 30.0 * 12.0 35.6 * 15.0 43.7 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 301 227 301 439 355 439 592 502 592 844 747 844 324 218 324 479 356 479 655 518 655 949 797 949 301 224 296 439 352 419 592 497 550 844 739 751 324 214 324 479 351 479 655 512 655 949 789 949 301 222 269 439 348 374 590 491 481 822 728 635 324 212 324 479 348 475 655 508 634 949 784 890 295 219 239 420 343 323 553 483 405 763 712 516 324 210 311 479 345 444 655 504 588 949 777 812 279 216 207 393 337 272 514 472 332 699 689 410 324 209 291 479 343 411 651 500 537 922 769 726 262 212 176 365 329 226 471 457 270 631 661 327 324 207 271 467 340 376 625 495 482 879 759 637 244 208 148 334 319 187 426 439 221 561 627 265 312 205 249 449 336 339 596 489 427 832 747 552 205 195 106 273 293 131 339 394 153 433 547 181 289 201 203 409 328 267 535 473 327 732 713 409 168 179 79.1 218 260 96.5 266 342 111 333 462 131 263 196 163 365 316 208 469 451 251 627 668 308 136 161 60.5 174 227 73.4 210 291 84.8 261 384 98.9 235 190 130 319 301 164 404 423 196 527 614 238 112 142 47.7 141 195 57.6 169 246 66.4 208 318 77.2 207 182 106 276 283 132 344 391 156 441 554 188 92.7 124 38.5 116 167 46.4 138 208 53.3 169 266 62.0 181 173 87.2 237 263 108 292 356 127 371 495 153 77.7 108 31.7 96.9 144 38.1 115 177 43.8 140 224 50.8 158 163 72.7 204 242 89.8 249 322 105 314 439 126 200 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 D-17 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 45 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 75 200 x 100 240 x 120 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 5.0 7.08 6.0 8.30 8.0 10.5 10.0 12.5 * 6.0 13.0 * 8.0 16.9 10.0 20.4 12.0 23.7 * 8.0 23.2 * 10.0 28.3 12.0 33.2 15.0 40.0 * 8.0 28.2 * 10.0 34.6 * 12.0 40.8 15.0 49.5 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 149 157 124 183 199 150 235 260 188 283 314 220 274 245 250 423 407 378 518 518 458 604 617 529 517 438 484 728 652 674 895 834 823 1080 1040 988 562 447 546 810 682 773 1080 942 1020 1380 1260 1290 119 140 87.7 145 174 104 188 228 129 229 276 149 242 240 208 368 394 305 452 497 368 530 586 423 473 434 426 661 645 585 812 823 709 986 1030 849 535 444 496 759 677 696 1000 935 906 1270 1250 1140 92.5 114 61.4 112 140 72.2 147 186 89.1 181 229 102 211 229 169 317 366 240 390 458 288 459 540 330 430 427 370 597 630 499 733 797 601 892 985 717 498 441 448 703 670 621 922 924 800 1170 1230 1000 71.5 88.7 44.3 86.9 108 51.8 114 144 63.8 141 180 73.2 182 211 135 268 326 187 332 408 224 392 483 256 389 414 317 535 601 420 656 754 501 801 928 596 463 435 402 648 659 549 846 902 699 1080 1190 868 55.9 68.3 33.2 67.8 83.3 38.6 89.9 111 47.5 111 139 54.4 155 187 108 225 280 147 280 352 175 332 419 200 349 394 269 476 560 350 582 697 416 713 860 493 428 428 357 595 641 481 771 866 605 980 1130 746 44.4 53.4 25.7 53.8 64.9 29.8 71.6 87.1 36.6 89.4 109 41.9 132 162 88.2 189 236 117 235 297 140 280 355 159 311 366 228 420 511 292 513 632 345 631 783 408 394 416 316 543 613 419 700 818 520 888 1060 638 36.0 42.5 20.4 43.6 51.6 23.7 58.1 69.4 29.0 72.7 87.4 33.2 112 138 72.4 159 197 95.9 198 248 113 237 298 129 276 333 193 370 457 245 450 563 288 556 701 340 361 399 278 493 577 364 631 760 447 801 981 546 24.8 28.6 13.7 30.0 34.6 15.9 40.2 46.5 19.5 50.5 58.8 22.3 83.1 100 50.8 115 140 66.5 144 176 78.9 173 212 89.5 217 266 141 285 354 177 347 434 207 430 543 244 300 352 215 403 491 276 510 632 334 645 811 404 18.1 20.4 9.87 21.9 24.7 11.4 29.3 33.2 14.0 36.9 42.0 16.0 62.9 74.5 37.4 87.1 102 48.6 108 129 57.6 130 156 65.3 171 208 107 223 273 132 271 333 154 337 418 181 248 298 168 329 404 212 411 510 255 520 652 307 13.8 15.3 7.42 16.6 18.5 8.58 22.3 24.9 10.5 28.1 31.5 12.0 49.0 57.0 28.6 67.5 78.1 37.0 84.5 98.3 43.8 101 118 49.7 137 165 83.3 177 213 102 215 259 119 268 326 140 205 248 133 269 329 167 334 410 200 422 522 240 10.8 11.9 5.79 13.1 14.3 6.69 17.5 19.3 8.18 22.1 24.4 9.33 39.2 44.9 22.5 53.7 61.2 29.1 67.3 77.0 34.4 81.0 93.0 39.0 111 132 66.4 143 170 81.6 174 206 94.7 217 259 111 171 205 108 223 269 135 275 333 160 347 422 192 8.71 9.48 4.64 10.5 11.4 5.36 14.1 15.4 6.55 17.8 19.5 7.47 32.0 36.2 18.2 43.7 49.2 23.4 54.8 61.9 27.7 66.0 74.8 31.4 92.5 108 54.2 118 138 66.3 143 167 76.9 179 210 90.3 144 171 89.3 186 222 111 229 273 131 289 346 157 7.17 7.74 3.80 8.65 9.34 4.39 11.6 12.6 5.36 14.7 15.9 6.11 26.6 29.8 15.0 36.2 40.4 19.3 45.5 50.8 22.8 54.8 61.4 25.9 77.7 89.7 45.0 99.4 114 54.9 120 138 63.6 150 174 74.7 122 144 74.8 158 186 92.7 194 228 109 244 288 130 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. D-18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 45 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 300 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 400 x 200 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 * 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 48.5 * 10.0 59.9 * 12.0 71.1 * 15.0 87.4 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 603 448 603 879 702 879 1190 992 1180 1690 1480 1660 649 430 649 959 702 959 1310 1020 1310 1900 1570 1900 603 443 575 872 697 822 1160 986 1090 1640 1470 1520 649 422 649 959 692 959 1310 1010 1310 1900 1560 1860 575 441 536 824 693 760 1100 980 1000 1540 1460 1380 649 418 634 959 688 920 1310 1010 1240 1870 1550 1760 545 438 498 779 689 701 1030 972 916 1440 1440 1250 639 416 605 931 685 874 1260 1000 1170 1790 1550 1650 517 435 461 734 683 643 969 961 832 1350 1420 1120 617 414 577 896 682 830 1210 997 1110 1710 1540 1550 489 431 425 690 674 586 907 944 752 1250 1380 1000 596 413 550 862 679 786 1160 992 1040 1640 1530 1450 461 426 390 647 662 532 846 919 676 1160 1330 890 575 411 523 829 675 743 1110 986 979 1560 1520 1350 407 411 325 564 623 434 729 846 542 987 1190 699 534 407 471 763 666 660 1010 969 858 1420 1480 1170 356 386 269 487 566 353 622 750 435 832 1030 552 494 402 421 699 653 580 921 942 745 1280 1410 994 310 352 223 418 500 289 529 648 352 700 871 443 454 394 373 637 634 507 832 901 643 1140 1320 845 269 313 186 359 433 239 451 552 289 591 731 360 416 384 330 578 607 442 749 846 554 1020 1210 720 234 275 157 309 373 200 385 470 240 502 614 298 380 371 291 522 573 385 671 780 478 902 1090 615 203 241 133 267 321 169 332 401 203 430 520 250 346 354 256 471 532 336 601 711 415 801 977 530 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. D-19 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 46 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 50 x 50 5.0 3.54 0.892 cm 4.48 50 x 50 6.0 4.15 0.861 5.25 50 x 50 8.0 5.27 0.797 6.67 50 x 50 10.0 6.26 0.732 7.93 75 x 75 6.0 6.52 1.38 8.25 75 x 75 8.0 8.43 1.32 10.7 75 x 75 10.0 10.2 1.26 12.9 75 x 75 12.0 11.9 1.20 15.0 100 x 100 8.0 11.6 1.84 14.7 100 x 100 10.0 14.2 1.78 17.9 100 x 100 12.0 16.6 1.72 21.0 100 x 100 15.0 20.0 1.63 25.3 120 x 120 8.0 14.1 2.25 17.9 120 x 120 10.0 17.3 2.20 21.9 120 x 120 12.0 20.4 2.14 25.8 120 x 120 15.0 24.8 2.05 31.3 150 x 150 8.0 17.9 2.87 22.7 150 x 150 10.0 22.1 2.82 27.9 2 No. Size Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 D-20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 Diameter Area mm cm 3.89 3.21 4.58 3.79 5.87 4.89 7.05 5.90 7.13 5.98 5.69 9.27 7.81 7.42 11.3 9.55 9.07 13.2 11.2 10.6 12.7 10.8 10.4 15.5 13.3 12.8 18.3 15.7 15.2 22.2 19.2 18.5 15.4 13.5 13.2 18.9 16.7 16.2 22.4 19.8 19.2 27.3 24.3 23.6 19.5 17.3 15.5 17.2 24.0 21.5 19.2 21.3 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 2 kN 85.5 70.6 100 83.4 129 107 155 129 156 131 125 203 171 163 248 210 199 290 246 234 278 238 229 342 293 282 402 346 333 489 422 406 338 297 289 416 367 357 492 436 423 601 534 518 428 381 341 379 529 472 422 469 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 46 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 150 x 150 12.0 26.1 2.76 cm 33.0 150 x 150 15.0 31.9 2.67 40.3 200 x 200 8.0 24.2 3.90 30.7 200 x 200 10.0 30.0 3.85 37.9 200 x 200 12.0 35.6 3.79 45.0 200 x 200 15.0 43.7 3.71 55.3 2 No. Size Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 D-21 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 Diameter Area mm cm 28.5 25.5 22.8 25.4 35.0 31.4 28.0 31.2 26.3 20.2 23.3 21.5 32.5 25.0 29.0 26.7 38.7 29.8 34.5 31.8 47.7 36.8 42.7 39.3 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 2 kN 627 561 500 557 769 691 615 687 577 444 513 473 716 550 637 587 851 655 759 700 1050 809 938 864 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 47 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 100 x 50 5.0 7.08 2.17 1.55 cm 8.96 100 x 50 6.0 8.30 2.20 1.53 10.5 100 x 50 8.0 10.5 2.26 1.50 13.3 100 x 50 10.0 12.5 2.34 1.47 15.9 150 x 75 6.0 13.0 3.21 2.34 16.5 150 x 75 8.0 16.9 3.27 2.31 21.3 150 x 75 10.0 20.4 3.33 2.28 25.9 150 x 75 12.0 23.7 3.40 2.25 30.0 200 x 100 8.0 23.2 4.28 3.12 29.3 200 x 100 10.0 28.3 4.33 3.09 35.9 200 x 100 12.0 33.2 4.40 3.06 42.0 200 x 100 15.0 40.0 4.49 3.02 50.7 240 x 120 8.0 28.2 5.09 3.77 35.7 240 x 120 10.0 34.6 5.14 3.74 43.9 240 x 120 12.0 40.8 5.20 3.71 51.6 240 x 120 15.0 49.5 5.29 3.67 62.7 300 x 150 8.0 35.8 6.31 4.74 45.3 300 x 150 10.0 44.1 6.36 4.71 55.9 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 D-22 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 7.77 6.42 9.16 7.58 11.7 9.78 14.1 11.8 14.3 12.0 11.4 18.5 15.6 14.8 22.6 19.1 18.1 26.4 22.4 21.3 25.3 21.6 20.9 31.1 26.6 25.7 36.6 31.5 30.3 44.5 38.4 37.0 30.8 27.1 26.3 37.9 33.4 32.5 44.8 39.6 38.5 54.7 48.6 47.2 38.9 34.7 31.0 34.5 48.1 42.9 38.4 42.7 2 cm 8.37 7.41 9.83 8.71 12.5 11.1 15.0 13.3 15.4 13.8 13.3 19.9 18.0 17.2 24.2 21.8 20.9 28.2 25.4 24.3 27.3 25.0 24.2 33.5 30.6 29.7 39.3 36.0 34.8 47.6 43.6 42.1 33.3 31.2 30.5 40.9 38.4 37.5 48.2 45.3 44.2 58.7 55.3 53.8 42.1 40.0 36.4 39.8 52.0 49.4 44.8 49.2 184 163 216 191 275 244 329 291 338 304 291 438 394 378 532 480 458 620 559 534 601 549 532 736 673 652 865 791 766 1050 958 927 731 686 670 899 845 823 1060 997 972 1290 1220 1180 927 880 799 875 1140 1090 986 1080 2 kN 171 141 201 166 258 215 310 259 313 263 250 407 343 326 497 420 399 581 493 468 557 476 459 684 586 565 805 692 667 978 845 813 677 595 579 833 735 714 985 872 846 1200 1070 1040 856 762 682 758 1060 944 844 939 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 47 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 300 x 150 12.0 52.2 6.42 4.68 cm 66.0 300 x 150 15.0 63.7 6.50 4.64 80.7 400 x 200 8.0 48.5 8.35 6.35 61.3 400 x 200 10.0 59.9 8.40 6.32 75.9 400 x 200 12.0 71.1 8.45 6.30 90.0 400 x 200 15.0 87.4 8.53 6.26 110 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 D-23 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 57.0 51.0 45.5 50.7 70.0 62.8 56.0 62.5 52.5 40.4 46.7 43.1 65.1 50.1 57.9 53.4 77.4 59.6 69.0 63.6 95.5 73.6 85.3 78.6 2 cm 61.5 58.5 53.1 58.2 75.3 71.8 64.9 71.4 56.9 47.7 54.0 50.4 70.5 59.1 66.9 62.4 83.7 70.1 79.5 74.1 103 86.2 98.0 91.3 1350 1290 1170 1280 1660 1580 1430 1570 1250 1050 1190 1110 1550 1300 1470 1370 1840 1540 1750 1630 2270 1900 2160 2010 2 kN 1250 1120 1000 1120 1540 1380 1230 1370 1160 888 1030 947 1430 1100 1270 1180 1700 1310 1520 1400 2100 1620 1880 1730 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 48 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 2.50 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic 0.0816 0.0952 0.120 0.141 0.156 0.215 0.326 0.394 0.470 0.565 0.347 0.532 0.646 0.805 0.949 0.454 0.700 0.854 1.07 1.27 0.717 1.11 1.36 1.72 2.05 2.47 2.93 0.962 1.80 2.22 2.82 3.38 4.10 4.92 1.32 2.48 3.06 3.90 4.70 5.72 6.91 1.73 3.27 4.03 5.15 6.23 7.60 9.22 4 cm 0.329 0.384 0.484 0.571 0.629 1.37 2.08 2.51 3.00 3.60 2.79 4.27 5.19 6.46 7.62 4.16 6.41 7.81 9.78 11.6 8.19 12.7 15.6 19.7 23.5 28.2 33.5 16.6 26.0 32.0 40.6 48.8 59.1 70.9 26.7 41.8 51.6 65.7 79.2 96.3 116 40.0 62.8 77.6 99.1 119 146 177 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-24 t Pv kN 5.05 6.00 7.84 9.60 10.9 8.14 12.8 15.8 19.4 24.3 10.3 16.2 20.1 25.7 31.2 11.8 18.6 23.0 29.6 35.9 14.8 23.4 29.0 37.3 45.5 56.0 68.8 18.7 29.7 36.9 47.5 58.0 71.8 88.5 21.9 34.8 43.2 55.8 68.2 84.5 104 25.0 39.8 49.6 64.0 78.3 97.1 120 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 48 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm kN Semi-compact 2.62 68.2 33.8 4.48 Semi-compact 3.46 90.0 44.9 2.0 5.57 Compact 5.14 111 55.9 2.6 7.21 Plastic 6.58 142 72.3 3.2 8.82 Plastic 7.97 172 88.5 4.0 10.9 Plastic 211 109 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 13.6 4.12 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 6.62 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 10.8 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 17.4 21.4 26.7 33.3 Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact 9.75 11.9 3.94 5.21 7.75 9.95 12.1 14.8 18.2 7.61 9.44 14.6 17.7 21.9 26.9 16.1 20.8 30.5 37.7 46.5 32.5 39.8 59.1 73.1 256 125 165 205 263 319 392 480 291 361 464 565 697 855 803 1040 1260 1560 1930 2020 2470 3060 3780 135 41.4 55.0 68.5 88.7 108 135 167 66.4 82.8 107 131 163 203 108 140 171 214 266 174 214 267 333 t mm mm 114.3 1.2 3.37 1.6 139.7 168.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 219.1 273 4 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-25 t Pv P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 49 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 50 x 25 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 1.63 2.11 2.58 3.68 3.53 5.10 6.54 4.48 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 24.2 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 40.8 19.5 24.0 28.5 36.9 44.8 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 74.1 35.6 46.4 56.6 66.4 80.1 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 91.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic 0.677 0.839 1.27 1.68 2.39 3.28 3.98 3.87 5.41 6.71 7.77 8.60 13.1 16.6 19.8 22.7 27.3 15.9 20.4 24.5 28.1 34.4 30.9 37.4 43.3 53.7 62.2 36.0 43.7 50.8 63.4 74.1 70.6 89.0 104 118 134 80.0 101 120 136 156 104 133 158 181 209 127 163 195 225 263 0.441 0.556 0.832 1.13 1.31 2.17 2.69 1.89 3.53 4.45 5.25 5.78 6.38 9.42 13.0 15.0 18.4 9.24 13.6 19.0 22.0 27.5 15.1 20.5 28.2 35.6 42.0 20.1 27.3 37.7 47.9 56.9 37.9 58.2 69.5 79.6 90.3 47.9 73.8 88.6 101 117 51.0 75.4 103 120 141 73.9 108 151 176 209 4.62 4.59 5.54 5.47 7.41 7.36 7.29 9.29 9.25 9.19 9.11 9.01 13.9 13.9 13.8 13.8 13.6 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 18.6 18.5 18.5 18.4 18.2 30.7 30.8 30.8 30.9 30.9 23.2 23.1 23.0 22.8 22.5 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.9 34.8 27.9 27.8 27.7 27.6 27.3 54.2 54.4 54.6 54.7 54.9 cm 6.41 7.95 14.4 19.1 36.2 49.7 60.3 73.2 102 127 147 162 370 472 563 643 774 451 578 694 799 976 1170 1420 1640 2030 2360 1360 1650 1920 2400 2810 3340 4210 4970 5610 6360 3790 4800 5690 6460 7400 5930 7560 9010 10300 11900 7230 9260 11100 12800 15000 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 per Limiting DxB 60 x 30 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-26 Iy 4 4 cm 2.19 2.70 4.92 6.44 12.4 16.9 20.4 25.2 35.1 43.2 49.7 54.7 127 161 192 218 260 243 311 373 428 521 403 485 561 690 795 666 805 935 1160 1360 1150 1440 1690 1900 2140 1730 2190 2580 2930 3340 2040 2590 3070 3500 4030 3900 4990 5970 6850 8000 Pv kN 18.2 23.5 28.8 41.0 39.3 56.8 72.8 49.9 72.6 93.9 113 132 112 146 179 211 270 112 147 181 213 274 199 245 290 375 455 200 247 292 379 460 369 481 587 686 825 371 484 591 693 836 448 586 719 845 1020 451 591 726 855 1040 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 49 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 350 x 175 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 47.4 62.2 76.4 90.1 109 49.8 65.3 80.3 94.8 115 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 127 59.3 78.0 96.1 113 139 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 144 185 223 257 301 158 203 245 283 333 159 247 299 346 410 177 288 349 406 483 65.2 97.4 127 168 201 77.5 115 151 201 240 80.5 120 164 225 270 107 161 218 301 363 32.5 32.5 32.4 32.3 32.1 43.5 43.6 43.6 43.6 43.5 56.2 37.1 37.1 37.0 36.8 96.0 61.5 61.6 61.7 61.8 cm 9600 12300 14800 17100 20000 10500 13500 16200 18800 22100 14500 18800 22700 26200 31100 16900 21800 26500 30800 36600 400 x 200 400 x 250 per Limiting DxB 350 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-27 Iy 4 4 cm 3320 4240 5070 5810 6780 4460 5720 6870 7920 9290 5030 6460 7780 8980 10600 8250 10700 12900 15000 17800 Pv kN 528 692 851 1000 1220 529 694 854 1010 1230 607 798 983 1160 1420 609 801 988 1170 1430 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 50 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 6.66 8.69 13.7 18.5 22.0 24.5 33.7 41.0 46.5 60.6 85.3 106 124 173 219 260 295 351 348 446 535 616 752 613 792 957 1110 1380 1280 1560 1820 2280 2680 1940 2370 2770 3510 4160 4740 5570 7140 8570 9860 8320 9820 12700 15300 17800 15800 20500 24900 29100 34700 t mm mm 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass DxD 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic 0.879 1.15 1.43 1.95 2.32 2.11 2.97 3.61 4.09 3.22 5.53 7.03 8.21 8.89 11.4 13.7 15.6 18.6 11.6 18.4 22.3 25.9 31.8 15.8 23.1 32.9 38.5 48.6 30.0 39.2 53.6 68.4 80.9 37.5 50.3 71.2 91.4 109 73.2 93.2 147 178 207 99.1 126 184 263 308 163 239 313 428 518 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-28 4 Pv kN 18.9 26.8 24.2 34.7 44.0 29.5 42.6 54.6 65.5 40.1 58.4 75.7 91.9 74.3 96.8 118 138 176 94.1 123 151 178 228 113 149 184 217 281 176 217 257 334 407 202 250 297 387 473 316 376 492 605 713 382 455 598 737 871 534 704 869 1030 1260 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 50 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Mass Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 203 299 402 569 691 23900 31000 37900 44300 53300 DxD t mm mm 400 x 400 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 4 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-29 Pv kN 613 809 1000 1190 1460 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 51 b BENDING y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO BENDING Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Moment Capacity Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 Section Classification Mcx Mcy kNm kNm Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Slender 0.596 0.132 Plastic 0.976 0.238 Semi-compact 1.92 0.410 Plastic 2.86 0.633 Plastic 3.31 0.764 Slender 3.36 0.513 Slender 4.77 1.06 Compact 6.87 1.62 Slender 4.59 0.524 Slender 6.50 1.09 Compact 9.41 1.69 Plastic 10.8 1.98 Slender 9.02 1.18 Semi-compact 11.7 2.06 Compact 16.3 2.91 Plastic 20.0 3.74 Semi-compact 14.6 2.11 Compact 20.3 2.98 Plastic 25.2 3.83 Plastic 29.2 4.62 Slender 19.3 2.32 Slender 24.0 3.73 Plastic 36.6 6.08 Plastic 43.0 7.38 Slender 28.4 3.78 Plastic 43.4 6.18 Plastic 51.3 7.51 Plastic 58.0 8.77 Slender 36.7 4.19 Slender 52.0 8.75 Compact 75.3 13.5 Plastic 86.2 15.8 Slender 67.3 8.97 Compact 97.8 13.8 Plastic 112 16.3 Plastic 131 19.7 Slender 91.2 9.72 Slender 119 17.4 Compact 167 25.8 Plastic 198 31.4 Slender 117 10.7 Slender 154 18.5 Slender 192 29.8 Compact 278 45.9 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 0.449 0.346 0.275 0.228 0.194 0.169 0.149 0.122 0.103 0.089 0.785 0.645 0.534 0.451 0.389 0.342 0.304 0.250 0.212 0.184 1.66 1.38 1.15 0.964 0.829 0.725 0.645 0.527 0.446 0.387 2.50 2.13 1.81 1.55 1.35 1.19 1.07 0.878 0.747 0.650 3.06 2.72 2.40 2.12 1.88 1.68 1.52 1.26 1.08 0.945 3.21 2.84 2.45 2.08 1.79 1.56 1.37 1.11 0.937 0.809 4.54 4.07 3.59 3.15 2.77 2.46 2.20 1.82 1.55 1.35 6.45 5.79 5.14 4.55 4.03 3.60 3.25 2.70 2.31 2.02 4.34 3.76 3.12 2.56 2.14 1.82 1.59 1.26 1.05 0.897 6.11 5.34 4.53 3.83 3.28 2.86 2.53 2.05 1.73 1.49 8.75 7.60 6.48 5.52 4.77 4.19 3.72 3.05 2.58 2.24 10.2 9.12 8.02 7.03 6.20 5.51 4.96 4.11 3.51 3.06 8.84 7.98 6.98 5.99 5.12 4.43 3.89 3.12 2.60 2.23 11.4 10.4 9.18 8.03 7.01 6.17 5.50 4.49 3.80 3.29 15.8 14.1 12.5 10.9 9.54 8.44 7.54 6.21 5.27 4.58 20.0 18.4 16.8 15.3 13.9 12.6 11.5 9.73 8.40 7.37 14.2 12.7 11.0 9.42 8.07 7.00 6.16 4.96 4.15 3.57 19.7 17.4 14.9 12.7 10.9 9.52 8.42 6.84 5.76 4.98 25.1 22.7 20.3 18.1 16.1 14.4 13.0 10.8 9.24 8.07 29.2 27.6 25.4 23.3 21.3 19.4 17.8 15.2 13.1 11.6 19.3 18.2 16.6 14.8 13.0 11.3 9.99 7.98 6.62 5.65 24.0 22.5 20.5 18.5 16.4 14.5 13.0 10.6 8.89 7.67 36.6 34.2 31.2 28.2 25.2 22.7 20.5 17.0 14.5 12.6 43.0 41.4 38.5 35.6 32.7 30.1 27.7 23.7 20.5 18.1 28.4 26.4 24.0 21.3 18.6 16.3 14.4 11.5 9.62 8.25 43.4 40.5 36.5 32.4 28.6 25.3 22.6 18.5 15.7 13.6 51.3 49.1 45.1 41.1 37.3 33.8 30.8 25.9 22.3 19.5 58.0 57.1 53.3 49.5 45.8 42.3 39.2 33.7 29.4 26.0 36.7 36.7 34.7 32.5 30.1 27.5 25.0 20.5 17.1 14.6 52.0 51.6 48.8 45.9 42.7 39.4 36.3 30.7 26.3 22.9 75.3 74.3 70.0 65.5 60.8 56.2 51.8 44.2 38.2 33.5 86.2 86.2 82.0 77.5 73.0 68.5 64.1 56.2 49.6 44.1 67.3 66.5 62.6 58.3 53.6 48.8 44.1 36.3 30.4 26.1 97.8 97.0 90.6 83.6 76.3 69.2 62.6 51.9 43.9 38.0 112 112 106 99.2 91.9 84.8 78.0 66.4 57.4 50.3 131 131 128 121 114 107 101 89.0 78.8 70.3 91.2 91.2 89.8 85.7 81.2 76.2 70.9 60.2 50.8 43.4 119 119 116 111 105 99.2 92.7 80.0 68.9 59.9 167 167 163 154 145 135 126 108 93.4 81.5 198 198 197 188 178 169 159 141 125 111 117 117 117 115 111 106 101 90.1 78.3 67.6 154 154 154 151 145 139 132 118 103 90.7 192 192 192 187 179 172 164 147 131 116 278 278 278 269 258 246 234 210 186 166 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-30 Pv 8.0 0.078 0.163 0.342 0.575 0.839 0.713 1.19 1.79 0.785 1.32 1.98 2.71 1.96 2.90 4.05 6.57 3.14 4.38 7.16 10.3 4.94 6.75 11.2 16.2 7.22 12.0 17.4 23.3 12.7 20.2 29.8 39.6 22.8 33.5 44.8 63.3 37.7 52.8 72.2 100 58.7 79.9 103 149 9.0 0.070 0.146 0.306 0.516 0.754 0.637 1.07 1.61 0.699 1.18 1.77 2.43 1.75 2.60 3.63 5.92 2.80 3.92 6.43 9.32 4.39 6.03 10.1 14.6 6.43 10.7 15.6 21.0 11.2 18.1 26.8 36.0 20.3 30.0 40.3 57.5 33.2 47.1 64.7 91.3 51.5 71.0 93.2 135 10.0 0.063 0.132 0.278 0.468 0.685 0.577 0.973 1.46 0.631 1.07 1.61 2.21 1.58 2.35 3.29 5.39 2.53 3.55 5.84 8.49 3.95 5.45 9.13 13.3 5.80 9.72 14.2 19.2 10.1 16.4 24.4 32.9 18.3 27.1 36.7 52.6 29.7 42.5 58.6 83.5 45.7 63.8 84.5 123 kN 13.2 19.8 29.7 39.6 49.5 39.6 52.8 66.0 49.5 66.0 82.5 99.0 79.2 99.0 118 158 115 138 184 231 132 158 211 264 178 237 297 356 198 264 330 396 316 396 475 594 369 462 554 693 422 528 633 792 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 52 y BENDING DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO BENDING D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4401 (316) and 1.4404 (316L) Moment Capacity D x 2b t Section Mcx Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv Mcy Classification mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 kNm Slender Compact Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Plastic Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 1.16 1.95 3.80 5.72 6.62 6.58 9.28 11.4 9.01 12.7 15.7 21.5 17.7 23.0 27.1 40.0 28.6 33.8 50.3 58.3 37.8 46.9 73.2 86.0 55.5 86.8 102 115 72.1 101 125 172 131 163 225 263 178 232 279 397 231 302 374 464 kNm 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.345 0.925 0.733 0.602 0.511 0.444 0.393 0.353 0.294 0.252 0.221 0.197 0.178 0.162 0.670 1.63 1.36 1.17 1.02 0.903 0.811 0.736 0.622 0.538 0.475 0.426 0.386 0.353 1.06 3.46 2.85 2.40 2.07 1.81 1.61 1.45 1.22 1.05 0.922 0.824 0.745 0.681 1.75 5.22 4.41 3.80 3.33 2.97 2.67 2.43 2.06 1.79 1.58 1.42 1.29 1.18 2.21 6.42 5.62 5.00 4.49 4.08 3.73 3.43 2.96 2.60 2.32 2.10 1.91 1.76 1.72 6.58 5.96 5.16 4.48 3.92 3.47 3.10 2.56 2.19 1.91 1.70 1.53 1.40 2.76 9.28 8.42 7.40 6.56 5.86 5.29 4.82 4.09 3.55 3.15 2.82 2.56 2.35 3.70 11.4 10.6 9.52 8.61 7.86 7.21 6.67 5.78 5.10 4.57 4.14 3.78 3.48 1.71 9.01 7.76 6.52 5.49 4.67 4.04 3.55 2.85 2.38 2.05 1.81 1.62 1.46 2.76 12.7 10.9 9.26 7.95 6.92 6.10 5.46 4.51 3.85 3.37 2.99 2.70 2.46 3.71 15.7 13.7 11.9 10.5 9.30 8.36 7.59 6.41 5.56 4.91 4.40 3.99 3.66 5.38 21.8 18.7 16.3 14.4 12.9 11.6 10.6 9.03 7.86 6.97 6.26 5.69 5.21 3.52 17.7 16.5 14.3 12.4 10.8 9.53 8.46 6.89 5.81 5.03 4.44 3.98 3.62 5.11 23.0 21.4 18.7 16.4 14.5 12.9 11.6 9.71 8.33 7.30 6.51 5.88 5.37 6.42 27.1 25.5 22.6 20.1 18.1 16.4 15.0 12.7 11.1 9.82 8.83 8.02 7.36 10.4 41.3 38.3 34.3 31.1 28.3 26.0 24.0 20.8 18.4 16.4 14.9 13.6 12.5 5.11 28.6 25.9 22.3 19.2 16.7 14.7 13.1 10.7 9.04 7.86 6.96 6.25 5.69 6.43 33.8 30.9 26.9 23.6 20.8 18.6 16.8 14.0 12.1 10.6 9.45 8.55 7.81 10.4 52.3 46.7 41.0 36.4 32.7 29.6 27.0 23.0 20.0 17.8 16.0 14.5 13.3 13.2 61.8 57.1 51.4 46.8 42.9 39.5 36.7 32.0 28.4 25.5 23.1 21.2 19.5 6.87 37.8 37.8 34.0 30.2 26.8 23.8 21.3 17.4 14.6 12.6 11.0 9.86 8.92 9.31 46.9 46.9 41.9 37.4 33.4 30.0 27.0 22.5 19.2 16.7 14.9 13.4 12.2 16.1 74.5 72.2 64.4 57.5 51.7 46.8 42.6 36.1 31.3 27.7 24.8 22.5 20.6 20.3 88.9 87.6 79.3 72.2 66.2 61.0 56.5 49.2 43.6 39.1 35.5 32.5 29.9 9.32 55.5 54.8 48.5 42.9 37.9 33.7 30.1 24.6 20.7 17.9 15.8 14.2 12.8 16.1 89.0 84.7 74.6 65.9 58.4 52.3 47.1 39.3 33.7 29.6 26.4 23.8 21.7 20.3 106 102 92.0 82.8 75.0 68.4 62.8 53.9 47.2 42.0 37.8 34.5 31.7 24.7 122 120 108 99.7 91.8 85.0 79.1 69.4 61.8 55.6 50.6 46.4 42.9 13.7 72.1 72.1 72.1 67.6 62.1 57.0 52.2 43.9 37.4 32.3 28.4 25.3 22.8 22.1 101 101 101 94.3 87.0 80.2 74.1 63.6 55.3 48.8 43.7 39.5 36.1 29.7 125 125 125 117 109 102 95.3 83.7 74.4 66.9 60.7 55.6 51.3 43.0 176 176 174 161 149 139 130 115 103 93.2 84.9 78.1 72.2 22.1 131 131 129 118 108 98.6 89.9 75.3 64.2 55.7 49.2 44.0 39.8 29.8 163 163 161 148 136 125 115 99.0 86.3 76.3 68.4 62.0 56.7 43.2 232 232 222 203 186 171 158 136 119 106 95.5 86.9 79.8 54.6 276 276 269 249 231 216 202 179 161 145 133 122 113 29.7 178 178 178 178 167 155 144 124 107 93.6 82.3 73.2 65.8 43.1 232 232 232 231 216 201 187 163 142 125 111 100 91.7 55.7 279 279 279 277 260 243 228 200 177 159 143 130 120 84.2 408 408 408 395 369 346 324 287 256 231 210 192 178 38.3 231 231 231 231 231 222 209 186 164 145 128 114 102 54.9 302 302 302 302 302 287 271 241 214 190 170 153 138 74.5 374 374 374 374 374 354 335 299 267 239 216 196 179 100 464 464 464 464 464 442 419 379 343 313 286 264 244 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. D-31 kN 26.4 39.6 59.4 79.2 99.0 79.2 105 132 99.0 132 165 198 158 198 237 316 231 277 369 462 264 316 422 528 356 475 594 712 396 528 660 792 633 792 950 1190 739 924 1110 1390 844 1060 1270 1580 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [Blank Page] D-32 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... E. MEMBER CAPACITIES GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Note: Sections in duplex stainless steel grade 1.4362 (SAF 2304) are less widely available on an ex-stock supply basis. Before proceeding with designs it is advisable to check availability with suppliers. E-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 53 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 7.21 8.82 10.9 13.6 5.21 6.09 7.70 9.12 10.1 18.3 28.0 33.9 40.9 49.6 31.4 48.8 59.7 75.3 89.7 41.2 64.3 79.1 100 120 96.2 118 152 184 224 273 136 169 218 265 327 401 210 270 330 407 502 322 393 487 601 364 446 554 686 2.49 2.91 3.68 4.35 4.80 9.49 14.5 17.5 21.0 25.3 17.8 27.5 33.5 42.0 49.7 25.1 38.9 47.6 59.9 71.4 66.8 82.2 104 125 152 183 108 134 171 208 255 310 176 226 276 340 417 280 342 423 520 333 407 504 622 1.45 1.70 2.14 2.53 2.79 5.68 8.64 10.4 12.5 15.1 11.0 16.9 20.6 25.7 30.4 15.8 24.4 29.8 37.5 44.6 44.6 54.8 69.4 83.3 100 120 79.7 98.4 125 151 184 224 139 178 216 265 323 233 283 349 428 288 351 434 534 0.950 1.11 1.40 1.65 1.82 3.77 5.72 6.91 8.27 9.96 7.36 11.3 13.8 17.2 20.3 10.7 16.5 20.2 25.3 30.1 31.0 38.0 48.1 57.6 69.4 82.8 58.0 71.5 91.0 109 133 161 105 135 164 200 243 185 225 276 338 239 291 359 440 0.669 0.781 0.985 1.16 1.28 2.68 4.06 4.91 5.87 7.07 5.27 8.09 9.84 12.3 14.5 7.69 11.9 14.5 18.2 21.6 22.5 27.7 35.0 41.8 50.4 60.1 43.2 53.2 67.7 81.6 99.1 119 80.9 103 124 152 185 145 176 216 264 193 235 290 355 0.497 0.580 0.731 0.864 0.952 2.00 3.03 3.66 4.38 5.27 3.95 6.06 7.38 9.20 10.9 5.79 8.93 10.9 13.7 16.2 17.1 21.0 26.5 31.7 38.1 45.4 33.2 40.9 52.0 62.6 76.0 91.5 63.0 80.4 97.1 118 143 115 139 171 208 156 190 233 285 0.383 0.447 0.564 0.666 0.734 1.55 2.35 2.84 3.39 4.08 3.07 4.71 5.73 7.15 8.44 4.51 6.96 8.49 10.6 12.6 13.4 16.4 20.7 24.8 29.8 35.5 26.2 32.3 41.0 49.4 59.9 72.1 50.1 64.0 77.3 94.2 114 92.8 112 137 167 127 154 189 232 0.248 0.289 0.365 0.431 0.475 1.01 1.53 1.85 2.21 2.66 2.01 3.08 3.75 4.67 5.51 2.96 4.56 5.57 6.98 8.28 8.84 10.8 13.7 16.4 19.7 23.4 17.5 21.5 27.3 32.9 39.9 48.0 33.7 43.0 51.9 63.3 76.6 63.1 76.4 93.4 113 87.9 106 130 159 0.174 0.203 0.255 0.301 0.332 0.708 1.07 1.30 1.55 1.86 1.41 2.17 2.64 3.29 3.88 2.09 3.22 3.93 4.92 5.84 6.26 7.68 9.69 11.6 13.9 16.6 12.5 15.3 19.5 23.4 28.4 34.2 24.2 30.8 37.2 45.3 54.8 45.5 55.0 67.3 81.7 63.8 77.4 94.8 115 0.128 0.150 0.188 0.223 0.245 0.525 0.796 0.961 1.15 1.38 1.05 1.61 1.96 2.44 2.88 1.55 2.39 2.92 3.66 4.34 4.67 5.72 7.22 8.63 10.4 12.3 9.32 11.5 14.6 17.5 21.2 25.6 18.2 23.1 27.9 34.0 41.1 34.3 41.5 50.7 61.6 48.3 58.5 71.7 87.4 0.099 0.115 0.145 0.171 0.188 0.404 0.613 0.740 0.885 1.06 0.811 1.24 1.51 1.88 2.22 1.20 1.85 2.26 2.83 3.35 3.61 4.43 5.59 6.68 8.03 9.55 7.23 8.91 11.3 13.6 16.5 19.8 14.1 18.0 21.7 26.5 32.0 26.7 32.3 39.5 48.0 37.7 45.8 56.1 68.3 0.078 0.091 0.115 0.136 0.149 0.321 0.487 0.588 0.702 0.844 0.645 0.989 1.20 1.50 1.77 0.954 1.47 1.79 2.25 2.67 2.88 3.53 4.46 5.32 6.40 7.61 5.78 7.11 9.03 10.9 13.2 15.8 11.3 14.4 17.4 21.2 25.6 21.4 25.9 31.7 38.5 30.3 36.7 45.0 54.9 0.063 0.074 0.093 0.110 0.121 0.261 0.396 0.478 0.571 0.687 0.525 0.805 0.978 1.22 1.44 0.777 1.20 1.46 1.83 2.17 2.35 2.88 3.63 4.34 5.22 6.20 4.72 5.81 7.38 8.87 10.8 12.9 9.25 11.8 14.2 17.3 20.9 17.6 21.2 25.9 31.5 24.9 30.2 36.9 45.0 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 114.3 Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-2 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss Table me ... 53 COMPRESSION y t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D t per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 139.7 3.2 10.8 483 366 259 184 136 104 82.0 66.1 54.4 45.6 38.7 33.3 28.9 4.0 13.5 599 452 319 227 167 128 100 81.3 66.9 56.0 47.6 40.9 35.6 5.0 4.0 5.0 5.0 16.7 16.3 20.3 26.6 741 781 968 1350 558 643 796 1210 392 494 610 1030 279 369 455 844 205 279 344 676 157 216 266 541 123 171 211 438 99.6 139 171 360 82.0 115 141 301 68.6 96.8 118 254 58.3 82.4 101 217 50.1 71.0 87.2 188 43.5 61.8 75.9 164 168.3 219.1 Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 54 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 1.5 1.63 2.0 2.11 * 2.0 2.58 3.0 3.68 * 2.0 3.53 3.0 5.10 4.0 6.54 * 2.0 4.48 * 3.0 6.52 4.0 8.43 5.0 10.2 6.0 11.9 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 * 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 8.0 24.2 * 3.0 11.3 * 4.0 14.8 * 5.0 18.1 6.0 21.3 8.0 27.4 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 57.5 30.4 76.0 38.4 106 62.9 149 84.9 147 113 240 173 305 215 174 153 308 255 423 341 510 406 589 463 393 393 589 579 803 774 960 919 1230 1160 431 431 669 669 903 903 1080 1080 1390 1390 36.8 15.4 47.1 19.3 74.5 33.3 102 44.3 123 72.0 194 103 244 126 161 116 273 180 368 232 440 272 505 305 393 346 589 497 801 652 953 767 1210 958 431 419 669 631 903 834 1080 990 1390 1260 23.7 9.19 29.9 11.4 50.1 20.1 67.7 26.6 97.7 46.1 146 64.9 181 78.7 141 82.1 229 121 304 153 361 178 410 198 378 290 552 404 735 515 872 600 1100 738 421 378 635 557 841 726 999 857 1270 1080 16.2 6.07 20.3 7.53 34.9 13.4 46.8 17.6 74.4 31.5 108 43.8 132 53.1 118 58.5 185 84.7 240 106 283 123 319 136 349 233 504 316 662 393 781 454 980 552 392 331 583 476 764 609 904 714 1150 892 11.7 4.31 14.6 5.33 25.4 9.50 34.0 12.5 56.8 22.7 81.2 31.5 99.4 38.0 97.2 43.1 147 61.8 188 77.1 220 89.2 247 98.8 317 184 450 245 583 300 684 345 851 418 359 283 525 396 680 497 801 580 1010 719 8.81 3.21 11.0 3.97 19.3 7.10 25.8 9.35 44.2 17.1 62.6 23.7 76.5 28.6 79.0 32.9 117 46.9 148 58.4 173 67.5 194 74.6 284 146 395 192 503 234 587 268 725 323 325 238 465 325 594 404 696 469 871 579 6.87 2.49 8.58 3.08 15.1 5.51 20.2 7.25 35.2 13.4 49.6 18.4 60.5 22.2 64.6 25.9 94.6 36.8 119 45.7 139 52.8 155 58.3 250 118 342 154 429 186 499 213 612 257 289 199 406 268 512 330 598 382 744 470 4.52 1.62 5.64 2.00 9.99 3.59 13.3 4.72 23.7 8.78 33.1 12.1 40.4 14.6 44.8 17.2 64.6 24.3 81.2 30.1 94.5 34.8 105 38.4 190 80.8 254 104 313 125 361 143 440 172 224 141 305 187 377 228 438 263 542 323 3.20 1.13 3.98 1.40 7.08 2.53 9.42 3.32 17.0 6.21 23.7 8.52 28.8 10.3 32.6 12.2 46.7 17.2 58.5 21.3 68.0 24.6 75.5 27.2 145 58.3 191 75.0 233 90.0 268 102 326 123 173 104 231 136 283 166 328 191 404 234 2.38 0.840 2.96 1.04 5.28 1.87 7.02 2.46 12.8 4.62 17.7 6.33 21.6 7.64 24.7 9.14 35.2 12.8 44.0 15.9 51.2 18.3 56.8 20.2 113 44.0 147 56.4 179 67.6 206 77.1 249 92.4 135 79.7 179 103 218 125 252 145 310 177 1.84 0.647 2.29 0.799 4.09 1.44 5.43 1.89 9.93 3.57 13.8 4.89 16.7 5.90 19.3 7.08 27.5 9.94 34.3 12.3 39.9 14.2 44.3 15.6 90.1 34.3 117 44.0 141 52.6 162 60.0 197 71.9 108 62.7 142 81.5 173 98.5 200 113 245 138 1.46 0.514 1.82 0.634 3.26 1.15 4.33 1.50 7.94 2.84 11.0 3.89 13.4 4.69 15.5 5.65 22.1 7.93 27.5 9.80 31.9 11.3 35.4 12.5 73.3 27.5 94.9 35.2 114 42.1 131 48.0 159 57.5 88.2 50.5 115 65.6 140 79.1 161 91.1 198 111 1.19 0.418 1.48 0.515 2.66 0.932 3.53 1.22 6.50 2.32 9.00 3.17 10.9 3.82 12.7 4.62 18.1 6.47 22.5 7.99 26.2 9.21 29.0 10.2 60.7 22.6 78.4 28.8 94.5 34.4 108 39.3 131 47.0 73.1 41.6 95.5 53.9 115 65.0 133 74.8 163 91.3 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 150 x 75 150 x 100 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 54 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 200 x 100 * 4.0 17.9 * 5.0 22.1 * 6.0 26.1 8.0 33.7 10.0 40.8 * 4.0 19.5 * 5.0 24.0 * 6.0 28.5 8.0 36.9 10.0 44.8 * 6.0 33.2 * 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 15.0 74.1 * 6.0 35.6 * 8.0 46.4 10.0 56.6 12.0 66.4 15.0 80.1 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 699 699 957 957 1230 1230 1710 1710 2070 2070 759 759 1060 1060 1350 1350 1870 1870 2270 2270 1410 1410 2110 2110 2670 2670 3120 3120 3750 3750 1530 1530 2270 2270 2870 2870 3360 3360 4050 4050 699 680 957 915 1230 1160 1710 1570 2070 1890 759 759 1060 1060 1350 1350 1870 1840 2270 2220 1410 1410 2110 2100 2670 2630 3120 3060 3750 3650 1530 1530 2270 2270 2870 2870 3360 3360 4050 4050 699 615 957 816 1230 1020 1700 1360 2040 1630 759 722 1060 983 1350 1240 1870 1670 2260 2010 1410 1330 2110 1920 2670 2390 3120 2780 3750 3290 1530 1510 2270 2190 2870 2740 3360 3200 4050 3820 684 541 921 706 1170 870 1590 1140 1910 1350 750 664 1030 892 1300 1110 1760 1490 2120 1780 1410 1210 2110 1730 2650 2130 3090 2460 3680 2900 1530 1410 2270 2030 2870 2520 3350 2930 4010 3490 647 464 865 595 1090 721 1470 929 1760 1090 712 599 966 793 1220 977 1640 1290 1970 1530 1380 1090 2010 1510 2520 1850 2930 2130 3480 2480 1510 1300 2180 1850 2730 2280 3190 2650 3810 3130 607 391 805 494 1010 591 1350 752 1610 878 670 531 903 692 1130 842 1510 1100 1810 1300 1320 954 1910 1300 2370 1580 2760 1800 3270 2090 1440 1190 2070 1650 2590 2030 3010 2350 3590 2760 564 328 742 409 919 486 1220 614 1440 714 626 464 835 596 1030 717 1370 925 1640 1090 1250 827 1790 1110 2220 1330 2580 1520 3040 1750 1370 1070 1960 1460 2430 1780 2830 2050 3360 2390 474 233 610 288 742 338 963 424 1130 492 532 349 694 439 845 521 1100 664 1310 780 1100 615 1550 805 1900 959 2190 1090 2560 1240 1220 837 1700 1120 2100 1350 2430 1540 2860 1780 388 172 491 211 589 247 753 308 883 356 440 265 562 329 676 388 871 491 1030 576 950 463 1300 599 1580 711 1810 803 2100 914 1050 651 1440 853 1760 1020 2030 1170 2370 1350 316 131 394 160 469 187 595 233 695 269 360 205 454 253 541 298 691 376 815 440 803 358 1080 460 1300 544 1480 614 1710 698 894 512 1200 665 1460 794 1670 904 1950 1040 258 103 320 126 378 147 478 182 557 211 296 163 370 200 438 235 557 296 655 346 674 284 891 363 1070 429 1220 484 1400 549 754 410 1000 530 1210 631 1380 718 1600 825 213 83.6 263 101 310 118 390 146 455 169 245 132 305 162 360 190 456 239 536 279 568 230 743 293 888 346 1010 390 1160 442 637 335 836 431 1010 513 1150 583 1330 669 179 68.8 220 83.5 258 97.1 324 120 377 139 206 109 255 134 300 157 380 197 446 230 481 190 626 242 746 285 848 321 970 364 541 278 706 356 846 424 966 482 1120 553 200 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 250 x 125 250 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 54 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 300 x 150 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 * 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 15.0 91.9 * 6.0 45.0 * 8.0 59.0 * 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 6.0 47.4 * 8.0 62.2 * 10.0 76.4 * 12.0 90.1 15.0 109 * 6.0 49.8 * 8.0 65.3 * 10.0 80.3 * 12.0 94.8 15.0 115 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1570 1570 2360 2320 3210 3100 3840 3680 4650 4420 1730 1730 2680 2680 3610 3610 4320 4320 5250 5250 1720 1720 2580 2580 3530 3530 4550 4550 5550 5530 1760 1760 2740 2740 3730 3730 4790 4790 5850 5850 1570 1380 2360 1990 3210 2610 3810 3070 4590 3660 1730 1680 2680 2530 3610 3340 4320 3960 5250 4780 1720 1630 2580 2380 3530 3180 4550 3990 5550 4820 1760 1730 2740 2630 3730 3510 4790 4420 5850 5370 1510 1160 2210 1620 2940 2060 3490 2400 4190 2830 1690 1510 2540 2230 3370 2910 4000 3430 4830 4110 1720 1450 2570 2070 3450 2710 4370 3340 5310 4000 1760 1580 2730 2360 3660 3100 4630 3850 5630 4650 1400 934 2020 1260 2650 1570 3130 1820 3730 2120 1570 1330 2330 1910 3060 2440 3620 2860 4350 3400 1640 1240 2400 1740 3210 2220 4030 2680 4890 3180 1690 1410 2570 2050 3420 2650 4290 3230 5200 3870 1270 738 1800 980 2330 1200 2740 1380 3250 1610 1440 1140 2100 1590 2720 1990 3210 2320 3840 2750 1540 1040 2230 1420 2950 1780 3670 2110 4420 2500 1590 1220 2380 1730 3140 2200 3910 2640 4730 3150 1140 587 1580 770 2010 936 2350 1070 2770 1250 1300 954 1860 1300 2380 1620 2790 1880 3320 2210 1420 857 2040 1150 2660 1420 3280 1680 3930 1970 1480 1040 2190 1440 2850 1800 3510 2140 4230 2540 1000 473 1370 616 1720 745 2000 854 2350 989 1160 798 1630 1070 2050 1320 2390 1530 2840 1800 1310 708 1840 938 2370 1150 2890 1350 3450 1590 1370 881 1980 1200 2550 1480 3110 1750 3730 2070 874 388 1180 502 1470 606 1700 693 1990 802 1020 670 1410 892 1760 1090 2050 1260 2420 1480 1180 589 1640 775 2090 948 2520 1110 3000 1300 1250 745 1770 1000 2260 1230 2730 1450 3260 1710 761 323 1020 417 1250 502 1450 574 1690 663 897 567 1220 749 1510 914 1760 1060 2070 1240 1060 495 1460 649 1840 791 2190 920 2610 1080 1130 634 1580 844 1990 1040 2380 1210 2840 1430 664 272 879 351 1080 422 1240 482 1450 557 787 484 1060 637 1300 774 1510 894 1790 1050 951 421 1290 550 1610 668 1910 777 2270 910 1010 543 1400 719 1750 879 2080 1030 2480 1210 581 233 765 299 934 359 1080 411 1250 474 692 417 924 547 1130 664 1310 766 1550 898 848 362 1140 471 1420 572 1670 664 1980 778 907 470 1240 619 1540 755 1820 881 2170 1040 511 201 670 258 815 310 938 354 1090 409 611 363 811 474 992 575 1150 663 1350 777 758 314 1010 408 1250 495 1470 573 1740 672 813 409 1100 538 1360 655 1610 763 1910 899 452 175 591 225 717 270 825 308 960 356 542 318 716 415 874 503 1010 580 1190 679 678 275 901 357 1110 432 1300 500 1540 586 729 360 980 471 1210 573 1420 667 1690 786 300 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 175 350 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 54 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 400 x 200 * 6.0 54.5 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 * 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 6.0 59.3 * 8.0 78.0 * 10.0 96.1 * 12.0 113 15.0 139 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1780 1780 2800 2800 3830 3830 4940 4940 6450 6450 1840 1840 3040 3040 4230 4230 5420 5420 7050 7050 1780 1780 2800 2720 3830 3660 4940 4640 6450 5950 1840 1840 3040 3040 4230 4230 5420 5400 7050 6950 1780 1630 2800 2460 3830 3270 4940 4090 6420 5180 1840 1810 3040 2890 4230 3930 5420 4950 7050 6330 1780 1470 2740 2170 3690 2830 4680 3480 6010 4340 1840 1690 3000 2660 4100 3570 5190 4450 6660 5630 1700 1300 2590 1860 3460 2380 4370 2880 5580 3540 1790 1560 2850 2400 3870 3170 4860 3910 6210 4890 1620 1120 2430 1570 3220 1980 4030 2370 5110 2870 1700 1420 2680 2130 3610 2770 4510 3370 5720 4160 1520 957 2260 1310 2970 1640 3680 1940 4620 2340 1620 1280 2510 1860 3340 2390 4140 2870 5210 3520 1420 816 2080 1100 2700 1370 3320 1610 4130 1940 1520 1130 2320 1610 3060 2050 3760 2440 4690 2970 1320 698 1900 935 2440 1150 2970 1360 3660 1620 1420 999 2130 1400 2780 1760 3380 2090 4190 2530 1210 600 1720 799 2190 981 2650 1150 3240 1370 1320 880 1940 1220 2500 1520 3030 1800 3730 2170 1110 520 1560 689 1970 844 2360 988 2870 1180 1220 776 1760 1060 2250 1320 2710 1560 3310 1870 1010 454 1400 600 1760 733 2100 857 2550 1020 1120 687 1590 931 2020 1150 2420 1360 2950 1630 922 400 1260 526 1580 642 1880 750 2270 892 1030 610 1440 822 1820 1020 2170 1190 2630 1430 400 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-7 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 55 COMPRESSION D y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 * 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 6.0 8.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 72.5 98.0 114 159 198 152 221 280 331 191 341 440 531 407 586 717 840 1070 436 707 917 1080 1390 456 752 1090 1320 1710 41.9 55.6 75.8 104 126 114 163 203 236 167 288 369 442 378 532 646 752 942 436 697 894 1050 1340 456 752 1090 1320 1710 26.0 34.2 49.5 67.5 81.3 80.4 112 139 160 139 228 289 344 330 456 552 639 792 408 634 809 948 1200 456 734 1040 1250 1600 17.5 22.9 34.1 46.3 55.5 57.1 79.6 97.7 111 112 174 219 259 278 376 452 522 639 372 565 713 833 1050 433 683 952 1140 1460 12.5 16.4 24.7 33.5 40.0 42.0 58.4 71.5 81.7 88.3 133 167 197 228 303 363 417 506 333 490 613 714 894 404 627 860 1030 1310 9.39 12.3 18.7 25.3 30.2 32.1 44.5 54.4 62.0 70.0 103 130 153 186 243 291 333 402 292 418 517 600 747 374 567 763 906 1150 7.30 9.57 14.6 19.7 23.6 25.2 34.9 42.7 48.6 56.4 82.7 103 121 152 198 236 270 325 253 353 434 503 623 341 506 667 789 997 4.78 6.26 9.61 13.0 15.5 16.7 23.1 28.2 32.2 38.4 55.7 69.8 81.8 105 136 162 185 221 187 254 309 357 441 276 392 502 589 740 3.37 4.41 6.80 9.19 11.0 11.9 16.4 20.0 22.8 27.7 39.9 50.0 58.6 76.8 98.7 117 133 160 141 188 228 263 324 219 302 381 445 558 2.50 3.27 5.06 6.84 8.16 8.89 12.3 15.0 17.0 20.9 30.0 37.5 43.9 58.2 74.6 88.7 101 120 109 144 174 201 247 175 237 295 345 431 1.93 2.53 3.92 5.29 6.30 6.89 9.51 11.6 13.2 16.3 23.3 29.2 34.2 45.6 58.3 69.3 79.0 94.3 86.4 113 137 158 194 141 189 234 273 341 1.54 2.01 3.12 4.21 5.02 5.50 7.58 9.24 10.5 13.1 18.7 23.4 27.3 36.7 46.8 55.6 63.4 75.7 70.0 91.7 110 127 156 115 154 190 222 277 1.25 1.64 2.54 3.43 4.09 4.49 6.19 7.54 8.57 10.7 15.3 19.1 22.4 30.1 38.4 45.6 52.0 62.0 57.9 75.5 91.2 105 128 96.6 128 157 183 228 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 125 150 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 55 D COMPRESSION y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 175 x 175 * 4.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 12.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 * 12.0 15.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 * 12.0 15.0 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 785 1150 1540 2000 2420 811 1200 1630 2350 2870 1270 1740 2830 3670 4320 1320 1830 3010 4360 5280 1890 3140 4600 6210 7650 1930 3250 4790 6520 8850 723 1020 1330 1720 2080 793 1140 1510 2130 2580 1270 1740 2790 3580 4200 1320 1830 3010 4360 5280 1890 3140 4600 6210 7650 1930 3250 4790 6520 8850 629 863 1100 1410 1690 719 1010 1320 1830 2210 1220 1640 2540 3240 3790 1320 1830 2940 4150 4990 1890 3140 4600 6150 7550 1930 3250 4790 6520 8850 526 699 865 1100 1310 636 874 1110 1510 1810 1120 1490 2260 2850 3340 1280 1730 2730 3810 4570 1890 3070 4370 5760 7060 1930 3250 4790 6400 8550 429 556 676 858 1020 548 733 914 1210 1450 1020 1330 1960 2450 2860 1210 1620 2510 3440 4110 1810 2900 4090 5330 6520 1930 3180 4560 6050 8040 348 443 533 675 798 464 607 744 975 1170 912 1170 1670 2070 2400 1130 1500 2270 3050 3630 1720 2710 3780 4870 5940 1880 3030 4320 5680 7490 284 358 427 541 639 390 502 609 792 945 803 1010 1410 1740 2010 1040 1370 2030 2670 3160 1620 2520 3450 4390 5340 1800 2880 4060 5290 6910 234 293 349 441 521 329 418 504 652 777 701 871 1200 1460 1690 956 1230 1790 2320 2730 1520 2310 3120 3910 4740 1720 2720 3780 4880 6300 196 244 290 366 432 279 352 422 544 648 610 750 1020 1240 1430 868 1110 1570 2010 2360 1410 2110 2800 3460 4190 1640 2550 3500 4460 5700 166 206 244 308 364 238 299 358 461 548 531 649 871 1060 1220 784 986 1380 1750 2050 1300 1910 2500 3060 3690 1550 2370 3210 4040 5130 142 176 209 263 310 206 257 307 394 469 465 564 752 913 1050 705 878 1210 1520 1780 1190 1720 2220 2700 3260 1460 2190 2930 3660 4600 123 152 180 227 268 179 224 266 341 406 409 494 656 795 917 633 783 1070 1340 1560 1090 1550 1980 2400 2890 1370 2020 2670 3300 4120 108 133 157 198 233 157 196 232 298 354 362 436 576 697 805 570 700 949 1180 1380 994 1390 1770 2130 2570 1270 1860 2430 2980 3700 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 350 400 x 400 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-9 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 56 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 2.0 1.45 3.0 2.08 * 3.0 3.14 4.0 4.06 5.0 4.91 * 3.0 4.45 * 4.0 5.80 * 5.0 7.08 * 3.0 5.04 * 4.0 6.59 * 5.0 8.07 6.0 9.49 * 4.0 8.01 * 5.0 9.85 * 6.0 11.6 8.0 15.0 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 53.2 25.6 17.0 80.0 54.1 24.0 140 73.2 62.8 192 118 81.2 230 165 96.2 174 107 128 264 160 180 346 219 226 181 124 135 294 191 197 396 260 251 480 330 297 313 234 256 452 326 349 571 412 427 757 573 554 36.5 20.2 8.28 52.1 41.0 11.6 116 57.9 32.4 156 100 41.3 186 142 48.8 166 75.5 81.1 244 122 108 314 180 133 181 89.7 86.4 290 143 118 384 208 145 462 281 170 313 177 178 452 251 230 571 331 275 757 504 350 24.2 16.3 4.85 33.8 29.6 6.75 90.8 49.6 19.3 118 84.8 24.6 139 116 29.0 148 59.4 51.8 212 102 68.2 270 156 82.8 170 69.2 55.4 264 117 73.9 346 180 90.4 414 253 105 306 139 119 431 206 150 536 284 177 702 462 224 16.8 13.0 3.18 23.1 21.5 4.42 68.4 43.1 12.8 87.7 70.0 16.2 102 92.0 19.1 127 50.4 35.3 178 90.2 46.1 222 138 55.8 155 57.6 37.9 235 103 49.9 304 163 60.8 360 232 70.6 285 116 83.0 396 179 103 489 255 121 637 430 152 12.2 10.3 2.25 16.7 16.1 3.12 52.0 37.1 9.09 66.0 56.8 11.5 77.0 72.1 13.6 107 44.7 25.5 146 80.9 33.1 179 122 40.0 139 50.6 27.3 204 93.7 35.8 260 150 43.6 305 212 50.5 262 102 60.4 358 161 74.7 438 235 87.5 565 401 110 9.24 8.26 1.67 12.6 12.4 2.31 40.4 31.7 6.79 50.9 46.1 8.58 59.3 57.1 10.1 88.8 40.6 19.2 118 72.8 24.9 144 107 30.1 122 46.0 20.6 174 86.7 27.0 218 138 32.7 255 192 37.9 237 92.6 45.8 318 149 56.4 385 219 66.1 492 370 83.1 7.24 6.69 1.29 9.87 9.76 1.79 32.1 26.9 5.26 40.3 37.7 6.65 46.9 45.9 7.83 73.4 37.2 15.0 97.0 65.4 19.4 117 93.7 23.4 105 42.6 16.1 147 80.8 21.0 182 126 25.4 212 171 29.5 211 85.7 35.9 278 139 44.1 333 204 51.6 423 337 64.8 4.77 4.58 0.836 6.49 6.50 1.16 21.5 19.5 3.42 27.0 26.2 4.32 31.4 31.3 5.09 51.5 31.5 9.85 67.1 52.1 12.7 80.7 70.6 15.3 78.7 37.7 10.6 106 70.0 13.8 129 103 16.7 150 133 19.3 164 76.0 23.7 209 123 29.0 247 176 33.9 311 271 42.6 3.38 3.31 0.585 4.59 4.62 0.810 15.4 14.5 2.40 19.3 19.0 3.03 22.4 22.5 3.58 37.7 26.6 6.96 48.8 41.4 8.98 58.5 53.9 10.8 59.2 33.8 7.48 78.6 59.6 9.71 95.5 83.3 11.7 110 102 13.6 126 68.7 16.8 158 109 20.5 186 149 24.0 233 215 30.1 2.52 2.49 0.433 3.42 3.45 0.599 11.6 11.2 1.78 14.4 14.4 2.25 16.8 16.9 2.65 28.7 22.3 5.18 37.0 33.0 6.68 44.2 42.0 8.04 45.8 30.2 5.57 60.2 50.0 7.22 72.9 66.8 8.72 83.9 80.7 10.1 99.4 62.1 12.5 123 94.7 15.3 144 124 17.9 179 171 22.4 1.95 1.94 0.333 2.64 2.67 0.460 9.00 8.80 1.37 11.2 11.2 1.73 13.0 13.2 2.04 22.5 18.8 4.01 28.9 26.8 5.16 34.6 33.4 6.20 36.3 26.7 4.30 47.4 41.8 5.57 57.3 54.2 6.73 65.9 64.5 7.79 79.4 55.7 9.70 98.0 81.3 11.8 114 103 13.8 142 138 17.3 1.55 1.55 0.264 2.11 2.13 0.365 7.20 7.10 1.09 8.97 9.01 1.37 10.4 10.5 1.62 18.1 15.8 3.19 23.3 22.0 4.10 27.8 27.2 4.93 29.4 23.5 3.43 38.3 35.0 4.43 46.2 44.5 5.36 53.1 52.5 6.20 64.7 49.6 7.73 79.6 69.6 9.42 92.7 86.5 11.0 115 113 13.8 1.27 1.27 0.214 1.72 1.73 0.296 5.89 5.84 0.886 7.34 7.38 1.12 8.51 8.62 1.32 14.9 13.4 2.60 19.1 18.3 3.34 22.8 22.5 4.02 24.3 20.5 2.79 31.6 29.6 3.61 38.0 37.1 4.36 43.7 43.5 5.04 53.7 43.8 6.30 65.8 59.6 7.68 76.6 73.0 8.96 94.9 94.4 11.2 75 x 35 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 50 150 x 60 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 E-10 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 56 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 175 x 60 * 5.0 10.8 * 6.0 12.8 8.0 16.5 10.0 20.0 * 5.0 13.0 * 6.0 15.4 * 8.0 20.0 10.0 24.4 * 6.0 16.6 * 8.0 21.6 10.0 26.3 12.0 30.8 * 6.0 20.2 * 8.0 26.3 * 10.0 32.3 12.0 37.9 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 468 352 363 628 462 462 837 637 601 1010 807 719 495 413 451 671 547 594 1000 801 854 1230 1000 1040 687 573 610 1080 875 912 1330 1090 1120 1560 1300 1300 727 655 727 1180 1030 1150 1590 1370 1520 1920 1660 1830 468 274 240 628 366 293 837 550 375 1010 742 445 495 341 356 671 447 452 1000 670 621 1230 881 750 687 475 465 1080 728 656 1330 950 794 1560 1180 918 727 582 642 1180 900 981 1590 1200 1280 1920 1480 1530 466 221 157 615 307 187 812 499 238 977 703 282 495 274 261 671 365 321 1000 576 427 1230 801 512 687 388 331 1080 618 448 1330 853 539 1560 1100 620 727 499 540 1180 766 790 1590 1040 1010 1920 1320 1190 438 189 107 573 272 128 753 465 162 903 671 191 493 226 190 655 309 229 955 515 300 1170 747 359 687 326 237 1060 545 314 1300 789 376 1520 1050 432 727 421 436 1180 655 612 1590 921 764 1920 1210 896 407 170 78.2 527 250 92.5 688 440 116 822 639 137 468 194 141 619 272 169 894 474 220 1090 707 263 661 285 175 1010 497 229 1230 745 275 1430 1010 315 727 358 345 1160 573 472 1540 834 583 1850 1130 680 374 156 59.1 477 234 69.7 618 417 88.0 735 600 103 443 172 108 580 247 129 828 444 167 1010 672 199 628 256 134 945 463 174 1150 711 209 1340 973 239 710 311 274 1110 513 369 1470 770 454 1760 1060 528 339 147 46.2 426 222 54.4 548 394 68.6 649 555 81.0 415 157 85.8 539 229 101 758 420 131 917 639 156 593 236 105 880 439 137 1070 682 163 1240 936 187 683 276 221 1060 470 295 1390 722 361 1660 1010 420 270 133 30.4 331 201 35.8 421 341 45.1 494 454 53.2 356 137 57.2 451 205 67.7 616 380 87.0 739 568 103 517 210 70.1 742 403 90.6 895 628 108 1030 846 124 623 230 151 941 412 199 1220 652 243 1440 928 282 212 122 21.5 256 180 25.3 323 285 31.8 378 362 37.5 297 124 40.8 368 187 48.2 491 342 61.8 586 490 73.7 438 194 49.9 609 373 64.3 731 567 76.9 837 738 88.1 557 202 109 818 374 143 1040 600 174 1220 849 202 168 111 16.0 200 158 18.8 252 234 23.7 294 289 27.9 245 115 30.5 299 173 36.0 392 303 46.1 466 414 55.0 366 181 37.3 496 343 48.0 593 500 57.3 676 626 65.7 489 184 82.5 697 346 107 873 552 130 1020 768 151 135 100 12.4 160 137 14.5 201 192 18.3 234 233 21.6 202 107 23.7 244 159 27.9 317 264 35.7 376 348 42.6 304 170 28.9 406 311 37.2 484 433 44.4 551 527 50.9 423 170 64.4 589 323 84.0 730 506 101 849 685 117 110 89.8 9.88 130 117 11.6 163 159 14.6 190 191 17.2 168 100 18.9 201 145 22.3 260 229 28.5 308 293 33.9 255 160 23.1 336 278 29.6 400 371 35.4 455 443 40.6 365 159 51.6 498 301 67.2 613 460 81.4 710 605 94.3 92.2 79.2 8.06 108 100 9.43 135 133 11.9 157 159 14.0 141 93.0 15.4 168 131 18.2 217 197 23.3 257 248 27.7 215 149 18.9 281 246 24.2 334 319 28.9 380 376 33.1 314 150 42.3 424 279 55.0 518 414 66.6 600 532 77.1 200 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 225 x 75 250 x 100 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 E-11 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 56 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 100 * 8.0 29.5 * 10.0 36.2 12.0 42.7 15.0 51.9 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 42.1 * 10.0 52.0 * 12.0 61.6 * 15.0 75.6 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 1220 1100 1200 1760 1550 1680 2160 1900 2040 2630 2310 2480 1290 1220 1290 1880 1750 1880 2530 2320 2530 3230 2940 3230 1350 1310 1350 1980 1900 1980 2690 2550 2690 3720 3490 3720 1220 976 1020 1760 1360 1400 2160 1680 1680 2630 2100 2030 1290 1130 1230 1880 1600 1740 2530 2110 2280 3230 2690 2860 1350 1240 1350 1980 1780 1970 2690 2380 2630 3720 3240 3560 1220 845 828 1760 1180 1090 2160 1490 1300 2630 1940 1550 1290 1030 1100 1880 1440 1520 2530 1890 1940 3230 2440 2420 1350 1160 1270 1980 1650 1810 2690 2190 2380 3720 2970 3190 1220 726 643 1760 1030 822 2160 1340 968 2630 1820 1160 1290 914 946 1880 1280 1270 2530 1680 1590 3230 2230 1960 1350 1070 1160 1980 1510 1620 2690 1990 2100 3720 2710 2770 1220 630 497 1760 920 624 2160 1240 732 2630 1740 872 1290 804 794 1880 1130 1040 2530 1500 1280 3230 2060 1560 1350 975 1040 1980 1360 1430 2690 1790 1810 3720 2460 2340 1220 559 389 1710 838 485 2090 1160 567 2520 1670 674 1290 708 657 1880 1000 844 2530 1360 1020 3230 1920 1240 1350 878 918 1980 1220 1230 2690 1610 1530 3720 2260 1940 1180 506 311 1650 778 385 2000 1100 450 2410 1620 535 1290 629 544 1880 906 690 2490 1250 828 3140 1820 1000 1350 786 798 1980 1100 1050 2690 1460 1290 3720 2090 1610 1090 437 210 1500 699 259 1810 1010 301 2180 1530 358 1250 515 382 1770 771 477 2320 1100 568 2910 1670 685 1350 636 594 1970 906 760 2620 1240 918 3560 1840 1140 988 394 151 1340 647 185 1600 951 215 1920 1430 256 1180 443 279 1650 686 347 2140 1000 411 2670 1570 495 1310 531 448 1880 777 566 2480 1090 678 3340 1680 833 884 366 113 1170 609 139 1390 895 161 1660 1330 192 1100 395 212 1520 629 263 1940 937 310 2410 1480 373 1250 458 347 1770 689 434 2320 989 518 3100 1560 634 779 345 88.7 1010 576 108 1200 838 125 1420 1210 149 1010 362 167 1380 588 205 1740 884 242 2140 1400 291 1190 406 275 1660 628 343 2160 917 407 2840 1470 498 681 328 71.0 871 544 86.6 1020 777 100 1210 1080 119 927 337 134 1240 557 165 1540 840 194 1880 1320 234 1120 369 223 1550 582 277 1980 863 329 2580 1400 401 593 313 58.2 750 512 70.8 877 712 82.3 1040 955 97.6 839 319 110 1100 530 135 1360 798 159 1650 1230 191 1050 341 184 1430 548 228 1810 820 270 2320 1330 329 350 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 150 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 E-12 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 57 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 2.0 2.90 3.0 4.15 * 3.0 6.28 * 4.0 8.12 5.0 9.82 * 3.0 8.89 * 4.0 11.6 * 5.0 14.2 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 * 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 * 4.0 16.0 * 5.0 19.7 * 6.0 23.2 8.0 29.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 84.2 46.2 82.7 127 71.5 154 230 147 213 315 201 311 381 251 403 314 247 293 462 359 434 595 463 567 345 254 310 544 387 485 720 509 646 880 623 800 610 473 552 865 659 781 1080 819 975 1450 1110 1320 58.1 25.4 69.9 84.4 38.9 146 184 90.0 178 246 122 282 295 153 385 274 182 250 397 259 376 507 331 507 312 186 265 484 273 413 636 353 561 773 431 715 559 366 489 786 497 687 976 613 866 1300 827 1210 40.3 15.7 64.2 57.1 24.0 143 143 58.4 159 188 79.0 268 223 99.1 376 236 132 211 336 184 330 424 235 466 280 134 222 427 191 352 555 245 498 670 298 660 510 276 424 710 367 599 877 450 774 1160 607 1140 28.9 10.6 61.2 40.4 16.2 141 110 40.4 148 143 54.6 260 169 68.5 372 201 97.8 182 280 134 300 350 170 440 249 98.9 187 372 138 309 478 176 457 573 214 625 463 209 367 636 274 530 781 334 706 1030 450 1090 21.5 7.64 59.6 29.9 11.6 140 86.7 29.5 142 111 39.8 256 130 50.0 370 169 74.1 162 232 101 279 287 128 423 219 74.8 163 321 103 280 408 131 430 485 159 603 417 161 322 566 209 479 689 254 658 897 343 1060 16.6 5.76 58.5 23.0 8.76 139 69.0 22.5 138 87.9 30.3 253 102 38.1 368 142 57.8 148 192 78.8 266 236 99.6 412 192 58.2 146 276 80.3 261 347 101 412 410 123 588 373 127 290 499 163 444 604 199 625 781 268 1040 13.2 4.50 57.9 18.2 6.83 139 55.9 17.7 135 70.9 23.8 251 82.9 29.9 367 120 46.2 138 161 62.8 256 196 79.3 405 168 46.5 134 237 63.9 247 295 80.9 399 347 97.9 578 333 102 266 439 131 418 528 159 601 678 214 1020 8.86 2.96 57.0 12.1 4.49 139 38.6 11.7 132 48.7 15.8 249 56.8 19.8 366 87.6 31.3 126 115 42.5 244 139 53.5 395 128 31.5 119 176 43.0 231 217 54.4 384 254 65.8 566 263 70.1 235 339 89.5 385 404 108 571 513 146 1000 6.35 2.09 56.6 8.69 3.17 138 28.1 8.34 130 35.4 11.2 247 41.2 14.1 365 65.9 22.6 120 86.1 30.6 238 103 38.5 390 99.7 22.7 110 134 30.9 221 165 39.0 375 191 47.2 559 208 50.9 217 265 64.7 366 313 78.3 553 395 105 989 4.78 1.56 56.3 6.52 2.36 138 21.4 6.24 129 26.9 8.39 247 31.3 10.6 365 51.1 17.1 115 66.5 23.0 234 79.9 29.0 387 78.9 17.1 105 105 23.3 216 128 29.4 370 149 35.5 555 167 38.6 206 211 49.0 354 248 59.2 542 312 79.7 983 3.72 1.20 56.2 5.07 1.82 138 16.8 4.84 128 21.1 6.50 246 24.5 8.19 365 40.7 13.3 113 52.7 18.0 231 63.3 22.6 384 63.7 13.4 101 84.6 18.1 212 102 22.9 366 118 27.6 552 136 30.2 198 171 38.3 347 200 46.3 535 251 62.3 978 2.98 0.958 56.0 4.06 1.45 138 13.5 3.86 128 16.9 5.19 246 19.7 6.54 364 33.1 10.7 111 42.8 14.4 229 51.3 18.1 383 52.4 10.7 99.1 69.2 14.5 209 83.9 18.3 364 96.9 22.1 550 113 24.3 193 140 30.8 341 165 37.2 530 206 50.1 975 2.44 0.781 55.9 3.32 1.18 138 11.1 3.15 127 13.9 4.24 246 16.2 5.34 364 27.5 8.78 109 35.4 11.8 228 42.4 14.9 382 43.8 8.81 97.3 57.6 11.9 207 69.7 15.0 362 80.5 18.1 549 95.3 20.0 189 118 25.3 337 138 30.5 527 172 41.1 973 75 x 70 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 100 150 x 120 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-13 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 57 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 175 x 120 * 5.0 21.7 * 6.0 25.6 8.0 33.1 10.0 40.1 * 5.0 26.0 * 6.0 30.8 * 8.0 40.0 10.0 48.7 * 6.0 33.2 * 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 * 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 921 675 812 1220 880 1070 1640 1190 1450 1980 1460 1780 977 818 911 1320 1080 1220 1970 1580 1790 2470 1980 2240 1350 1100 1250 2130 1680 1930 2670 2110 2410 3120 2490 2830 1440 1330 1400 2320 2090 2220 3120 2780 2960 3840 3420 3630 851 506 714 1120 646 940 1500 874 1310 1800 1080 1660 945 675 837 1260 881 1110 1840 1270 1630 2290 1590 2070 1320 895 1140 2040 1330 1750 2540 1670 2210 2960 1980 2640 1440 1170 1320 2300 1810 2090 3060 2400 2770 3750 2940 3410 783 372 618 1020 467 822 1360 631 1210 1640 787 1590 885 545 756 1170 698 998 1700 987 1480 2110 1240 1930 1250 707 1030 1900 1030 1570 2360 1290 2040 2750 1540 2490 1380 1020 1240 2180 1550 1940 2880 2040 2590 3520 2490 3200 717 277 538 929 344 733 1230 464 1140 1470 581 1540 828 434 672 1090 548 890 1570 766 1360 1940 964 1820 1170 554 911 1770 789 1420 2190 994 1910 2550 1190 2390 1320 876 1160 2060 1310 1800 2710 1700 2410 3310 2080 3020 653 211 479 838 260 670 1100 351 1090 1320 441 1510 771 346 596 1010 433 799 1440 600 1260 1770 756 1750 1090 437 811 1640 614 1300 2030 774 1810 2350 930 2320 1250 746 1060 1940 1090 1650 2550 1420 2250 3090 1720 2860 591 165 437 751 202 625 982 273 1060 1170 344 1490 716 280 533 930 347 726 1310 478 1190 1610 602 1700 1020 349 730 1510 487 1210 1870 614 1740 2160 740 2270 1190 633 973 1820 913 1520 2380 1180 2110 2890 1430 2740 533 132 406 670 162 594 870 218 1030 1030 275 1480 662 229 483 853 283 670 1190 388 1140 1460 488 1660 950 284 667 1390 394 1140 1710 497 1680 1980 599 2230 1120 538 888 1710 767 1410 2220 983 2000 2680 1190 2640 429 90.0 367 529 109 554 681 148 1000 802 187 1460 561 160 413 710 196 594 972 268 1060 1180 338 1600 814 197 582 1170 271 1050 1420 342 1610 1640 414 2190 997 395 750 1490 554 1240 1920 707 1830 2290 857 2500 345 65.0 345 420 79.2 531 536 106 985 630 135 1460 471 117 370 587 144 548 791 195 1020 953 246 1570 691 144 530 968 197 1000 1170 249 1570 1350 301 2160 879 299 652 1290 415 1120 1640 527 1720 1940 639 2410 280 49.2 331 338 59.8 517 429 80.7 975 502 101 1450 395 90.0 343 487 109 518 647 148 993 776 187 1550 585 110 496 804 150 967 970 189 1550 1110 229 2140 770 232 584 1100 321 1050 1390 407 1650 1640 493 2360 230 38.4 321 276 46.7 508 349 63.0 968 408 79.7 1450 332 70.9 324 406 86.3 498 535 117 975 639 147 1540 496 86.6 474 673 118 944 809 148 1530 924 180 2130 673 186 536 948 255 991 1180 323 1600 1390 391 2320 191 30.9 315 229 37.5 501 288 50.6 963 337 64.0 1440 282 57.3 311 342 69.7 484 447 94.3 962 533 118 1530 423 69.9 458 568 95.1 928 681 119 1520 776 145 2130 587 151 502 816 207 953 1010 262 1560 1190 317 2290 161 25.3 310 192 30.7 496 242 41.5 960 282 52.5 1440 241 47.3 301 291 57.4 474 378 77.6 953 451 97.8 1530 363 57.5 447 484 78.2 916 579 98.6 1510 659 119 2120 514 126 476 706 172 925 871 217 1540 1020 263 2270 200 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 225 x 150 250 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-14 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 57 COMPRESSION y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x b x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) D x 2b t mm 300 x 200 mm * 8.0 Mass per Metre kg 59.0 * 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 * 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 8.0 84.3 * 10.0 104 * 12.0 123 * 15.0 151 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 350 x 250 400 x 300 Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) for Effective Length LE (m) Axis Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 1.0 2410 2160 2320 3460 3040 3290 4320 3780 4080 5250 4630 4950 2550 2460 2530 3710 3520 3650 4980 4670 4860 6450 6030 6260 2670 2670 2670 3910 3880 3910 5290 5200 5270 7310 7120 7230 1.5 2410 1870 2180 3460 2600 3080 4320 3220 3820 5250 3960 4660 2550 2220 2430 3710 3150 3480 4980 4150 4620 6450 5350 5940 2670 2480 2610 3910 3570 3780 5290 4760 5070 7310 6490 6940 2.0 2350 1590 2030 3320 2180 2850 4120 2690 3560 4980 3320 4400 2550 2000 2320 3710 2800 3310 4930 3660 4370 6340 4700 5640 2670 2290 2520 3910 3270 3650 5290 4340 4870 7310 5880 6650 2.5 2250 1340 1880 3160 1800 2630 3900 2220 3310 4720 2750 4190 2500 1780 2200 3570 2460 3130 4730 3190 4120 6060 4080 5340 2670 2110 2430 3900 2980 3500 5220 3920 4670 7110 5280 6350 3.0 2150 1110 1720 3000 1480 2420 3700 1820 3100 4470 2260 4020 2410 1570 2080 3440 2150 2940 4530 2750 3860 5800 3510 5060 2620 1930 2340 3780 2700 3350 5040 3520 4450 6850 4710 6050 3.5 2050 927 1570 2840 1220 2240 3500 1490 2920 4220 1860 3880 2330 1370 1950 3300 1860 2740 4330 2360 3620 5530 3010 4810 2550 1760 2240 3660 2430 3190 4870 3150 4220 6600 4170 5750 4.0 1950 777 1440 2690 1020 2080 3300 1240 2770 3970 1550 3780 2240 1200 1820 3170 1610 2560 4140 2020 3390 5280 2570 4590 2470 1590 2140 3540 2180 3020 4700 2790 4000 6350 3680 5470 5.0 1750 560 1240 2390 724 1860 2910 881 2560 3490 1110 3640 2080 918 1570 2900 1210 2230 3770 1500 3020 4770 1910 4250 2330 1290 1910 3310 1740 2690 4370 2200 3560 5860 2860 4970 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. E-15 6.0 1570 418 1100 2110 538 1710 2550 654 2430 3050 822 3550 1920 712 1360 2650 928 1990 3400 1150 2750 4280 1450 4020 2190 1050 1690 3090 1390 2390 4040 1730 3200 5380 2240 4570 7.0 1390 323 1010 1840 414 1610 2210 503 2340 2640 633 3490 1760 564 1210 2400 729 1810 3060 897 2560 3820 1140 3860 2050 854 1500 2870 1120 2130 3720 1390 2910 4910 1790 4270 8.0 1230 257 942 1610 328 1540 1920 398 2280 2280 501 3450 1600 455 1090 2170 586 1670 2730 718 2430 3390 909 3740 1910 704 1330 2650 917 1930 3410 1130 2680 4470 1450 4050 9.0 1090 208 896 1400 266 1500 1670 322 2240 1980 406 3420 1460 374 1000 1950 480 1580 2430 587 2330 3000 743 3660 1780 588 1200 2440 761 1780 3120 937 2510 4050 1200 3880 10.0 958 173 861 1230 220 1460 1450 266 2200 1720 336 3400 1320 313 937 1750 400 1500 2170 489 2250 2660 618 3590 1650 497 1100 2250 641 1660 2840 787 2380 3660 1000 3750 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 58 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 5.0 3.54 * 6.0 4.15 8.0 5.27 10.0 6.26 * 6.0 6.52 * 8.0 8.43 * 10.0 10.2 12.0 11.9 * 8.0 11.6 * 10.0 14.2 * 12.0 16.6 15.0 20.0 * 8.0 14.1 * 10.0 17.3 * 12.0 20.4 * 15.0 24.8 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 99.8 101 50.4 124 137 57.3 165 198 65.3 192 238 66.8 202 162 151 311 279 209 424 408 254 512 514 280 380 294 326 548 452 442 720 627 552 970 895 683 401 293 384 586 463 540 791 656 701 1130 979 940 62.7 80.2 25.4 75.1 102 28.3 95.3 141 31.6 109 167 32.1 166 153 93.6 243 255 119 316 361 137 373 447 146 345 285 240 479 435 303 616 597 355 809 837 409 395 287 320 563 453 431 742 640 535 1020 949 668 40.0 58.2 15.0 47.1 71.8 16.7 58.8 94.8 18.5 67.3 111 18.7 128 137 59.3 177 218 73.3 221 297 83.0 256 360 88.2 296 272 166 399 407 201 499 548 229 633 750 256 360 281 250 504 439 320 653 615 380 877 897 452 27.2 42.1 9.92 31.8 50.8 11.0 39.5 65.8 12.1 45.1 77.1 12.2 95.9 117 40.3 128 177 49.2 157 232 55.3 180 277 58.6 244 252 117 318 367 139 388 482 156 479 643 173 320 271 189 438 418 234 555 577 272 723 824 316 19.6 31.2 7.03 22.9 37.3 7.76 28.3 47.8 8.55 32.3 55.9 8.61 72.5 98.0 29.0 95.4 141 35.2 115 180 39.4 132 213 41.6 197 227 86.2 250 320 101 300 411 113 364 534 124 278 258 143 370 390 174 459 528 200 582 736 230 14.8 23.9 5.24 17.2 28.4 5.78 21.2 36.1 6.36 24.2 42.2 6.39 56.2 80.7 21.8 73.2 112 26.4 88.3 142 29.5 100 166 31.1 158 200 65.6 198 274 76.9 235 344 85.5 283 437 93.7 237 242 111 308 357 134 375 473 153 468 642 175 11.5 18.9 4.06 13.4 22.3 4.47 16.5 28.2 4.91 18.8 32.9 4.93 44.6 66.6 17.0 57.8 91.4 20.5 69.4 113 22.9 79.1 132 24.1 128 174 51.5 159 232 60.2 188 287 66.8 225 359 73.0 200 223 88.8 256 321 106 308 416 120 380 553 137 7.58 12.5 2.64 8.78 14.7 2.90 10.8 18.5 3.18 12.3 21.6 3.19 29.9 46.6 11.2 38.5 62.5 13.4 46.0 76.7 14.9 52.3 88.9 15.7 88.7 130 34.1 108 168 39.7 127 203 43.9 151 250 47.8 144 183 59.7 180 252 71.0 215 317 80.4 261 407 90.9 5.36 8.89 1.85 6.20 10.4 2.03 7.62 13.1 2.23 8.68 15.2 2.24 21.4 34.1 7.89 27.4 45.1 9.47 32.7 55.0 10.5 37.2 63.5 11.0 64.3 98.5 24.2 78.5 124 28.1 91.5 149 31.0 108 181 33.8 106 148 42.7 132 196 50.6 156 242 57.2 189 304 64.5 3.98 6.63 1.37 4.61 7.76 1.50 5.66 9.73 1.65 6.44 11.3 1.65 16.0 25.9 5.87 20.5 34.0 7.03 24.4 41.2 7.79 27.7 47.6 8.18 48.6 76.3 18.1 59.2 95.8 21.0 68.8 113 23.1 81.4 137 25.1 81.9 119 32.1 101 155 37.9 118 188 42.7 143 234 48.1 3.08 5.13 1.05 3.56 6.00 1.16 4.37 7.52 1.27 4.97 8.73 1.27 12.5 20.3 4.53 15.9 26.5 5.42 18.9 32.0 6.01 21.5 36.9 6.31 38.0 60.6 14.0 46.2 75.4 16.2 53.6 89.2 17.9 63.3 107 19.4 64.5 97.4 24.9 79.4 124 29.4 93.2 150 33.1 112 185 37.2 2.45 4.09 0.836 2.83 4.78 0.918 3.47 5.98 1.00 3.95 6.94 1.01 9.96 16.3 3.61 12.7 21.2 4.31 15.1 25.6 4.77 17.1 29.5 5.01 30.5 49.1 11.2 37.0 60.9 12.9 42.9 71.7 14.2 50.7 86.3 15.4 52.1 80.3 20.0 63.9 101 23.5 75.0 121 26.4 90.0 149 29.7 2.00 3.33 0.680 2.31 3.89 0.746 2.83 4.87 0.815 3.22 5.65 0.817 8.15 13.4 2.94 10.4 17.3 3.51 12.3 20.9 3.88 14.0 24.1 4.07 25.0 40.6 9.13 30.3 50.1 10.5 35.1 58.9 11.6 41.4 70.7 12.6 42.9 67.2 16.3 52.6 84.6 19.2 61.6 100 21.6 73.8 123 24.2 75 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 100 x 100 120 x 120 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 E-16 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 58 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 150 x 150 * 8.0 17.9 * 10.0 22.1 * 12.0 26.1 * 15.0 31.9 * 8.0 24.2 * 10.0 30.0 * 12.0 35.6 * 15.0 43.7 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 425 282 425 627 462 627 855 672 848 1240 1030 1190 451 257 451 674 440 674 929 663 929 1360 1060 1360 425 278 397 627 455 562 855 662 735 1230 1020 996 451 251 451 674 430 674 929 651 927 1360 1050 1320 422 274 348 607 448 478 809 650 606 1130 994 783 451 248 440 674 425 636 929 644 850 1360 1030 1190 395 269 295 563 439 390 741 634 479 1020 961 594 451 245 408 674 421 582 926 637 765 1330 1020 1050 367 264 243 514 427 312 667 612 374 898 915 453 449 243 374 654 417 522 881 629 673 1250 1010 892 335 257 198 461 412 250 589 584 295 775 858 352 431 241 338 623 412 460 832 620 580 1170 986 749 303 250 163 409 394 202 513 550 237 662 792 280 411 238 300 589 406 400 781 609 495 1080 962 626 240 229 113 313 349 138 383 471 161 482 651 188 369 232 232 517 391 298 671 580 360 902 898 444 188 205 82.7 240 299 100 290 391 115 359 523 135 324 225 179 442 373 225 560 542 268 733 816 327 148 179 62.7 187 252 75.8 224 322 87.3 276 420 101 279 215 140 371 350 174 462 497 206 592 726 249 119 155 49.1 149 212 59.2 178 266 68.1 218 341 79.1 238 205 111 310 323 138 381 448 163 483 635 196 97.7 133 39.5 121 179 47.5 144 221 54.6 176 281 63.3 202 192 91.1 260 295 112 317 400 131 398 553 158 81.2 115 32.4 100 152 39.0 119 186 44.7 145 234 51.8 172 179 75.5 220 268 92.8 267 355 108 333 480 130 200 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 E-17 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 59 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 75 200 x 100 240 x 120 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 5.0 7.08 * 6.0 8.30 8.0 10.5 10.0 12.5 * 6.0 13.0 * 8.0 16.9 * 10.0 20.4 12.0 23.7 * 8.0 23.2 * 10.0 28.3 * 12.0 33.2 15.0 40.0 * 8.0 28.2 * 10.0 34.6 * 12.0 40.8 * 15.0 49.5 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 199 212 158 259 289 197 368 429 263 446 523 306 377 324 336 588 561 509 817 830 688 1010 1060 826 720 581 664 1030 895 932 1350 1250 1210 1850 1790 1620 797 576 752 1150 912 1070 1530 1300 1420 2160 1940 1970 149 177 102 189 232 123 265 332 159 325 410 183 322 314 265 493 535 386 676 771 502 829 966 593 645 573 565 910 880 777 1190 1220 992 1620 1740 1290 733 570 668 1050 902 941 1390 1280 1230 1950 1910 1680 109 133 68.2 136 168 81.3 189 236 102 234 295 117 271 294 204 405 477 286 546 666 362 668 826 422 573 559 472 799 849 633 1040 1160 791 1390 1620 1010 672 563 588 953 889 814 1260 1260 1050 1740 1860 1400 80.8 97.8 47.9 100 121 56.6 137 167 71.0 171 211 81.2 224 260 156 328 401 213 436 544 265 532 670 307 504 534 388 693 791 509 891 1060 624 1190 1440 779 612 554 512 860 867 695 1130 1210 879 1540 1760 1150 61.5 73.0 35.3 75.8 89.9 41.5 103 123 51.7 129 155 59.2 184 220 122 265 326 163 349 433 201 425 531 231 439 495 318 596 710 409 758 928 495 999 1250 609 554 539 441 770 830 588 998 1140 733 1360 1620 940 48.0 56.0 27.0 59.0 68.7 31.6 80.5 93.8 39.3 101 118 44.9 152 182 96.7 216 263 128 282 345 156 343 421 179 380 445 261 509 620 332 643 796 398 841 1050 485 499 517 378 685 777 496 880 1040 611 1180 1450 772 38.4 44.2 21.3 47.1 54.0 24.9 64.2 73.5 30.9 80.7 93.0 35.3 126 151 78.2 178 214 102 231 278 124 281 339 142 328 391 216 436 533 272 546 675 325 710 884 393 446 487 324 607 711 420 773 937 512 1030 1280 640 26.1 29.4 14.2 31.9 35.7 16.6 43.4 48.5 20.5 54.6 61.4 23.4 90.7 106 53.8 125 147 70.1 161 189 84.6 196 230 96.6 247 295 154 323 391 191 400 486 226 517 627 271 356 411 241 474 570 307 596 729 369 783 967 455 18.9 20.9 10.2 23.0 25.3 11.8 31.2 34.3 14.6 39.4 43.5 16.6 67.4 77.6 39.2 92.9 106 50.7 119 136 61.0 144 165 69.5 189 224 114 245 291 141 303 359 165 388 461 198 284 334 183 374 449 231 465 563 276 605 734 337 14.3 15.6 7.61 17.3 18.9 8.83 23.5 25.6 10.9 29.7 32.4 12.4 51.9 58.9 29.7 71.2 80.5 38.4 91.0 102 46.0 110 124 52.4 149 174 88.0 192 224 108 235 274 126 301 350 150 229 269 143 299 355 179 369 440 213 478 569 259 11.1 12.1 5.92 13.5 14.6 6.86 18.4 19.8 8.44 23.2 25.0 9.62 41.1 46.1 23.3 56.3 62.8 30.0 71.7 79.7 35.9 86.9 96.6 40.9 119 138 69.7 153 176 85.3 188 215 99.6 240 274 118 187 219 115 243 285 143 299 351 169 385 451 205 8.95 9.61 4.73 10.9 11.6 5.48 14.7 15.7 6.74 18.6 19.9 7.68 33.4 37.0 18.8 45.5 50.3 24.1 57.9 63.7 28.8 70.2 77.3 32.8 98.2 111 56.5 125 142 69.0 153 173 80.4 195 221 95.4 155 180 94.3 201 233 116 246 285 137 316 365 166 7.35 7.83 3.87 8.91 9.48 4.48 12.1 12.8 5.50 15.3 16.2 6.27 27.6 30.4 15.5 37.6 41.2 19.8 47.8 52.1 23.6 57.9 63.2 26.9 81.9 92.3 46.7 104 117 56.9 127 142 66.3 162 181 78.5 131 150 78.5 168 193 96.9 206 236 114 264 301 137 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. E-18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 59 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 300 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 400 x 200 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 * 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 48.5 * 10.0 59.9 * 12.0 71.1 * 15.0 87.4 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 850 554 846 1260 907 1230 1710 1320 1650 2470 2030 2340 903 505 903 1350 862 1350 1860 1300 1860 2730 2080 2730 829 547 780 1210 897 1120 1620 1310 1500 2310 2020 2100 903 492 900 1350 845 1320 1860 1280 1800 2730 2060 2590 779 542 716 1130 889 1020 1510 1300 1350 2130 2000 1860 898 487 852 1320 837 1250 1800 1270 1680 2600 2040 2410 731 538 654 1050 880 920 1400 1280 1200 1960 1960 1640 862 484 807 1260 832 1170 1710 1260 1570 2460 2030 2230 684 532 593 975 869 824 1290 1260 1060 1800 1910 1420 827 482 762 1210 827 1100 1630 1250 1470 2330 2010 2060 638 526 535 902 853 733 1190 1230 933 1640 1830 1230 792 479 719 1150 822 1030 1550 1240 1360 2210 1990 1890 593 517 481 831 830 649 1080 1180 817 1480 1720 1060 759 477 676 1100 816 957 1470 1230 1260 2080 1970 1730 507 491 384 698 761 507 898 1040 627 1210 1460 800 692 470 592 989 801 823 1310 1200 1060 1840 1890 1430 430 451 308 582 667 399 739 881 488 981 1200 614 628 462 514 886 779 702 1160 1150 892 1600 1770 1180 363 401 249 485 568 319 610 731 386 801 974 482 566 451 444 789 749 596 1020 1080 748 1390 1610 972 307 348 204 406 478 259 507 606 312 662 795 387 508 437 383 699 707 507 898 994 629 1210 1430 809 262 300 170 343 403 214 426 505 257 553 656 317 454 418 331 618 656 433 787 895 533 1050 1250 680 225 258 143 293 342 180 362 425 215 468 549 264 406 396 287 546 599 372 691 797 456 913 1090 577 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. E-19 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 60 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 50 x 50 5.0 3.54 0.892 cm 4.48 50 x 50 6.0 4.15 0.861 5.25 50 x 50 8.0 5.27 0.797 6.67 50 x 50 10.0 6.26 0.732 7.93 75 x 75 6.0 6.52 1.38 8.25 75 x 75 8.0 8.43 1.32 10.7 75 x 75 10.0 10.2 1.26 12.9 75 x 75 12.0 11.9 1.20 15.0 100 x 100 8.0 11.6 1.84 14.7 100 x 100 10.0 14.2 1.78 17.9 100 x 100 12.0 16.6 1.72 21.0 100 x 100 15.0 20.0 1.63 25.3 120 x 120 8.0 14.1 2.25 17.9 120 x 120 10.0 17.3 2.20 21.9 120 x 120 12.0 20.4 2.14 25.8 120 x 120 15.0 24.8 2.05 31.3 150 x 150 8.0 17.9 2.87 22.7 150 x 150 10.0 22.1 2.82 27.9 2 No. Size Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 E-20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 Diameter Area mm cm 3.89 2.84 4.58 3.35 5.87 4.30 7.05 5.16 7.13 5.30 5.06 9.27 6.90 6.58 11.3 8.41 8.01 13.2 9.85 9.37 12.7 9.58 9.26 15.5 11.8 11.4 18.3 13.9 13.4 22.2 16.9 16.3 15.4 12.0 11.7 18.9 14.8 14.4 22.4 17.5 17.0 27.3 21.4 20.8 19.5 15.6 13.8 15.3 24.0 19.3 17.1 18.9 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 2 kN 155 113 183 133 234 171 281 206 285 211 202 370 275 263 451 336 320 528 393 374 506 383 370 621 470 454 732 554 535 889 674 650 615 479 466 757 590 574 895 698 679 1090 854 830 778 623 552 610 961 770 682 754 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 60 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 150 x 150 12.0 26.1 2.76 cm 33.0 150 x 150 15.0 31.9 2.67 40.3 200 x 200 8.0 24.2 3.90 30.7 200 x 200 10.0 30.0 3.85 37.9 200 x 200 12.0 35.6 3.79 45.0 200 x 200 15.0 43.7 3.71 55.3 2 No. Size Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 E-21 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 Diameter Area mm cm 28.5 22.9 20.2 22.4 35.0 28.1 24.8 27.5 26.3 18.1 21.3 19.2 32.5 22.4 26.4 23.8 38.7 26.6 31.4 28.3 47.7 32.8 38.8 34.9 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 2 kN 1140 914 809 895 1400 1120 992 1100 1050 722 850 767 1300 894 1050 950 1550 1060 1260 1130 1910 1310 1550 1390 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 61 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 100 x 50 5.0 7.08 2.17 1.55 cm 8.96 100 x 50 6.0 8.30 2.20 1.53 10.5 100 x 50 8.0 10.5 2.26 1.50 13.3 100 x 50 10.0 12.5 2.34 1.47 15.9 150 x 75 6.0 13.0 3.21 2.34 16.5 150 x 75 8.0 16.9 3.27 2.31 21.3 150 x 75 10.0 20.4 3.33 2.28 25.9 150 x 75 12.0 23.7 3.40 2.25 30.0 200 x 100 8.0 23.2 4.28 3.12 29.3 200 x 100 10.0 28.3 4.33 3.09 35.9 200 x 100 12.0 33.2 4.40 3.06 42.0 200 x 100 15.0 40.0 4.49 3.02 50.7 240 x 120 8.0 28.2 5.09 3.77 35.7 240 x 120 10.0 34.6 5.14 3.74 43.9 240 x 120 12.0 40.8 5.20 3.71 51.6 240 x 120 15.0 49.5 5.29 3.67 62.7 300 x 150 8.0 35.8 6.31 4.74 45.3 300 x 150 10.0 44.1 6.36 4.71 55.9 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 E-22 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 7.77 5.68 9.16 6.69 11.7 8.59 14.1 10.3 14.3 10.6 10.1 18.5 13.8 13.2 22.6 16.8 16.0 26.4 19.7 18.7 25.3 19.2 18.5 31.1 23.5 22.7 36.6 27.7 26.8 44.5 33.7 32.5 30.8 24.0 23.3 37.9 29.5 28.7 44.8 34.9 34.0 54.7 42.7 41.5 38.9 31.2 27.6 30.5 48.1 38.5 34.1 37.7 2 cm 8.37 6.67 9.83 7.82 12.5 9.93 15.0 11.8 15.4 12.5 12.0 19.9 16.1 15.5 24.2 19.5 18.7 28.2 22.7 21.7 27.3 22.5 21.8 33.5 27.5 26.7 39.3 32.2 31.3 47.6 38.9 37.7 33.3 28.1 27.4 40.9 34.5 33.7 48.2 40.6 39.7 58.7 49.4 48.2 42.1 36.5 33.0 35.8 52.0 45.0 40.6 44.2 334 266 393 312 501 397 599 471 615 498 479 797 645 619 969 781 749 1130 908 869 1090 899 873 1340 1100 1070 1570 1290 1250 1900 1560 1510 1330 1120 1100 1640 1380 1350 1930 1630 1590 2350 1980 1930 1690 1460 1320 1430 2080 1800 1620 1770 2 kN 310 227 366 267 469 343 563 413 570 423 404 741 551 526 903 673 641 1060 787 749 1010 766 740 1240 941 909 1460 1110 1070 1780 1350 1300 1230 958 932 1520 1180 1150 1790 1400 1360 2190 1710 1660 1560 1250 1110 1220 1920 1540 1370 1510 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 61 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 300 x 150 12.0 52.2 6.42 4.68 cm 66.0 300 x 150 15.0 63.7 6.50 4.64 80.7 400 x 200 8.0 48.5 8.35 6.35 61.3 400 x 200 10.0 59.9 8.40 6.32 75.9 400 x 200 12.0 71.1 8.45 6.30 90.0 400 x 200 15.0 87.4 8.53 6.26 110 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 E-23 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 57.0 45.7 40.5 44.8 70.0 56.2 49.6 55.0 52.5 36.1 42.5 38.4 65.1 44.7 52.7 47.5 77.4 53.2 62.8 56.5 95.5 65.5 77.5 69.7 2 cm 61.5 53.2 48.0 52.3 75.3 65.2 58.6 64.0 56.9 43.4 49.8 45.7 70.5 53.7 61.7 56.5 83.7 63.7 73.3 67.0 103 78.2 90.2 82.4 2460 2130 1920 2090 3010 2610 2340 2560 2280 1740 1990 1830 2820 2150 2470 2260 3350 2550 2930 2680 4120 3130 3610 3300 2 kN 2280 1830 1620 1790 2800 2250 1990 2200 2100 1440 1700 1530 2600 1790 2110 1900 3100 2130 2510 2260 3820 2620 3100 2790 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 62 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 2.50 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic 0.148 0.173 0.218 0.257 0.283 0.392 0.593 0.716 0.855 1.03 0.526 0.968 1.18 1.46 1.73 0.689 1.27 1.55 1.94 2.30 1.09 2.02 2.48 3.13 3.74 4.49 5.33 1.75 2.73 4.03 5.12 6.15 7.45 8.95 2.40 3.76 4.64 7.09 8.55 10.4 12.6 3.15 4.95 6.11 7.81 11.3 13.8 16.8 4 cm 0.329 0.384 0.484 0.571 0.629 1.37 2.08 2.51 3.00 3.60 2.79 4.27 5.19 6.46 7.62 4.16 6.41 7.81 9.78 11.6 8.19 12.7 15.6 19.7 23.5 28.2 33.5 16.6 26.0 32.0 40.6 48.8 59.1 70.9 26.7 41.8 51.6 65.7 79.2 96.3 116 40.0 62.8 77.6 99.1 119 146 177 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-24 t Pv kN 9.18 10.9 14.3 17.5 19.8 14.8 23.2 28.7 35.3 44.2 18.7 29.5 36.6 46.8 56.7 21.4 33.8 41.9 53.8 65.3 26.8 42.5 52.7 67.9 82.7 101 125 34.0 53.9 67.0 86.5 105 130 160 39.8 63.2 78.6 101 124 153 189 45.5 72.4 90.1 116 142 176 218 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 62 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 114.3 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 3.37 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 13.6 4.12 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 6.62 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 10.8 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 17.4 21.4 26.7 33.3 Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact 139.7 168.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 219.1 273 4.77 6.30 7.79 9.96 14.5 17.7 21.6 7.17 9.48 11.7 15.1 18.3 27.0 33.0 13.8 17.2 22.1 26.9 33.1 48.8 29.3 37.8 46.2 57.1 70.4 59.2 72.3 89.6 110 4 For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-25 Pv kN cm 68.2 90.0 111 142 172 211 61.4 81.6 101 131 160 199 256 125 165 205 263 319 392 480 291 361 464 565 697 855 803 1040 1260 1560 1930 2020 2470 3060 3780 247 75.2 100 124 161 197 245 304 120 150 194 239 297 369 196 254 312 389 484 318 390 486 606 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. t P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 63 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 50 x 25 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 1.63 2.11 2.58 3.68 3.53 5.10 6.54 4.48 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 24.2 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 40.8 19.5 24.0 28.5 36.9 44.8 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 74.1 35.6 46.4 56.6 66.4 80.1 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 91.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Slender Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 1.23 1.53 2.31 3.05 4.35 5.97 7.24 7.03 9.84 12.2 14.1 15.6 23.7 30.2 36.0 41.2 49.5 22.9 37.1 44.5 51.2 62.5 56.3 68.0 78.7 97.6 113 53.1 79.4 92.3 115 134 128 161 190 215 244 145 184 218 247 284 189 241 288 329 381 183 296 355 409 479 0.650 1.01 1.29 2.06 2.09 3.38 4.88 2.99 5.20 8.09 9.54 10.5 10.1 15.0 20.1 27.3 33.4 14.8 21.9 29.3 40.1 50.0 23.9 32.6 41.6 64.7 76.3 32.2 43.7 55.7 87.1 103 60.2 88.4 126 144 164 76.5 112 161 185 213 80.7 120 160 218 257 118 175 234 320 381 2.54 2.53 3.05 3.01 4.08 4.05 4.01 5.11 5.09 5.05 5.01 4.95 7.66 7.64 7.61 7.58 7.49 23.8 15.0 15.0 15.1 15.1 10.2 10.2 10.2 10.1 10.0 26.1 16.9 17.0 17.0 17.0 12.7 12.7 12.6 12.5 12.4 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.2 19.1 15.3 15.3 15.2 15.2 15.0 47.6 29.9 30.0 30.1 30.2 cm 6.41 7.95 14.4 19.1 36.2 49.7 60.3 73.2 102 127 147 162 370 472 563 643 774 451 578 694 799 976 1170 1420 1640 2030 2360 1360 1650 1920 2400 2810 3340 4210 4970 5610 6360 3790 4800 5690 6460 7400 5930 7560 9010 10300 11900 7230 9260 11100 12800 15000 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 per Limiting DxB 60 x 30 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-26 Iy 4 4 cm 2.19 2.70 4.92 6.44 12.4 16.9 20.4 25.2 35.1 43.2 49.7 54.7 127 161 192 218 260 243 311 373 428 521 403 485 561 690 795 666 805 935 1160 1360 1150 1440 1690 1900 2140 1730 2190 2580 2930 3340 2040 2590 3070 3500 4030 3900 4990 5970 6850 8000 Pv kN 33.0 42.7 52.3 74.5 71.5 103 132 90.7 132 170 206 240 204 266 326 384 491 205 268 330 389 499 362 446 528 683 827 364 449 531 689 837 672 875 1070 1250 1500 675 880 1080 1260 1520 816 1070 1310 1540 1860 821 1080 1320 1560 1890 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 63 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 350 x 175 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 47.4 62.2 76.4 90.1 109 49.8 65.3 80.3 94.8 115 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 127 59.3 78.0 96.1 113 139 Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 218 337 405 467 548 228 370 445 514 606 270 450 543 629 745 286 424 634 738 879 103 154 209 264 365 123 184 248 315 436 127 191 260 332 423 172 257 349 445 568 27.4 17.9 17.8 17.8 17.6 38.9 24.0 24.0 24.0 23.9 35.7 20.4 20.4 20.3 20.2 67.4 52.1 33.9 33.9 34.0 cm 9600 12300 14800 17100 20000 10500 13500 16200 18800 22100 14500 18800 22700 26200 31100 16900 21800 26500 30800 36600 400 x 200 400 x 250 per Limiting DxB 350 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-27 Iy 4 4 cm 3320 4240 5070 5810 6780 4460 5720 6870 7920 9290 5030 6460 7780 8980 10600 8250 10700 12900 15000 17800 Pv kN 960 1260 1550 1820 2220 962 1260 1550 1830 2240 1100 1450 1790 2110 2580 1110 1460 1800 2130 2600 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 64 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 6.66 8.69 13.7 18.5 22.0 24.5 33.7 41.0 46.5 60.6 85.3 106 124 173 219 260 295 351 348 446 535 616 752 613 792 957 1110 1380 1280 1560 1820 2280 2680 1940 2370 2770 3510 4160 4740 5570 7140 8570 9860 8320 9820 12700 15300 17800 15800 20500 24900 29100 34700 t mm mm 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass DxD 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic 1.60 2.09 2.60 3.55 4.22 3.22 5.39 6.56 7.44 5.26 8.53 12.8 14.9 13.0 20.8 25.0 28.4 33.7 19.0 27.6 40.6 47.2 57.8 25.8 37.7 50.3 70.1 88.3 48.9 65.5 82.7 124 147 61.2 82.2 104 166 199 119 152 221 324 377 161 206 301 402 560 266 391 524 661 943 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-28 4 Pv kN 34.4 48.6 44.0 63.0 80.1 53.6 77.4 99.3 119 72.8 106 137 167 135 176 215 252 320 171 224 275 324 416 207 272 335 396 512 320 395 468 608 740 368 455 540 704 860 575 684 896 1100 1300 695 828 1090 1340 1580 972 1280 1580 1870 2300 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 64 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Mass Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 314 489 657 833 1070 23900 31000 37900 44300 53300 DxD t mm mm 400 x 400 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 4 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-29 Pv kN 1120 1470 1820 2160 2660 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 65 b BENDING y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO BENDING Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre y t MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Moment Capacity Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 Section Classification Slender Semi-compact Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear Capacity Mcx Mcy for Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv kNm kNm kN 0.959 1.48 3.15 4.33 6.02 5.40 7.68 9.97 7.47 10.6 13.7 16.3 14.7 19.2 23.7 36.4 24.0 29.6 45.7 53.0 31.5 39.2 54.6 78.2 46.6 64.9 93.2 105 59.8 84.6 109 130 110 142 170 239 149 194 240 300 192 252 313 406 0.149 0.360 0.486 0.959 1.39 0.647 1.19 2.06 0.641 1.22 2.13 2.99 1.38 2.32 3.69 6.79 2.36 3.76 6.96 8.40 2.70 4.13 8.60 13.4 4.17 8.74 13.7 15.9 5.13 9.74 17.1 24.0 9.88 17.5 24.6 35.8 11.4 19.2 30.5 47.6 13.7 21.6 33.0 58.1 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.563 0.393 0.300 0.243 0.205 0.177 0.156 0.126 0.106 0.091 0.080 0.072 0.065 0.985 0.743 0.588 0.485 0.413 0.360 0.318 0.259 0.219 0.189 0.167 0.149 0.135 2.32 1.70 1.31 1.07 0.897 0.776 0.683 0.553 0.465 0.401 0.353 0.316 0.285 3.31 2.58 2.06 1.71 1.46 1.27 1.13 0.918 0.775 0.671 0.592 0.530 0.480 4.70 3.72 3.01 2.51 2.15 1.88 1.67 1.36 1.15 0.999 0.881 0.789 0.714 4.79 3.86 3.01 2.41 1.99 1.70 1.48 1.18 0.982 0.843 0.739 0.659 0.595 6.76 5.56 4.50 3.71 3.14 2.72 2.40 1.94 1.64 1.41 1.25 1.11 1.01 8.79 7.42 6.18 5.22 4.49 3.93 3.50 2.86 2.42 2.10 1.86 1.66 1.51 6.50 5.02 3.74 2.89 2.33 1.95 1.68 1.32 1.09 0.928 0.811 0.720 0.648 9.09 7.12 5.49 4.38 3.63 3.10 2.71 2.16 1.81 1.55 1.36 1.22 1.10 11.7 9.42 7.49 6.13 5.17 4.47 3.94 3.18 2.68 2.31 2.04 1.82 1.65 14.1 11.7 9.60 8.03 6.87 6.00 5.32 4.34 3.67 3.18 2.81 2.51 2.27 13.5 11.3 8.94 7.09 5.79 4.88 4.21 3.31 2.73 2.33 2.03 1.81 1.63 17.5 14.7 11.9 9.64 8.04 6.88 6.01 4.81 4.01 3.45 3.03 2.70 2.44 21.6 18.3 15.1 12.5 10.6 9.17 8.09 6.54 5.50 4.75 4.19 3.74 3.38 33.3 28.1 23.4 19.8 17.0 14.9 13.2 10.8 9.14 7.93 7.00 6.27 5.68 21.8 17.9 14.0 11.1 9.09 7.69 6.66 5.26 4.36 3.73 3.26 2.90 2.62 26.7 22.1 17.6 14.3 11.9 10.2 8.92 7.14 5.97 5.14 4.51 4.02 3.63 41.3 33.7 27.2 22.4 19.0 16.5 14.5 11.8 9.93 8.58 7.56 6.76 6.12 49.7 42.4 35.8 30.5 26.4 23.2 20.6 17.0 14.4 12.5 11.0 9.90 8.97 30.6 27.1 22.9 18.8 15.4 12.9 11.1 8.59 7.02 5.94 5.16 4.57 4.10 37.8 33.5 28.4 23.5 19.7 16.7 14.5 11.5 9.48 8.10 7.08 6.30 5.67 52.3 46.4 40.1 34.2 29.3 25.5 22.5 18.3 15.4 13.3 11.7 10.4 9.45 75.7 66.4 57.0 48.7 42.1 36.9 32.8 26.9 22.7 19.7 17.4 15.6 14.1 44.8 39.3 32.8 26.8 22.0 18.5 15.9 12.4 10.2 8.67 7.55 6.69 6.02 61.8 54.3 46.0 38.5 32.6 28.0 24.6 19.7 16.5 14.2 12.4 11.1 10.0 90.0 77.7 65.1 54.6 46.5 40.4 35.7 28.9 24.3 21.0 18.5 16.6 15.0 103 91.6 79.3 68.4 59.6 52.6 46.9 38.6 32.7 28.4 25.2 22.6 20.4 59.8 56.9 52.0 46.2 40.2 34.6 29.9 23.1 18.7 15.6 13.5 11.8 10.6 84.6 79.7 72.7 64.9 57.0 49.9 43.9 35.0 29.0 24.8 21.6 19.2 17.3 109 102 94.0 84.6 75.4 67.0 59.9 49.0 41.4 35.7 31.5 28.2 25.5 130 122 112 103 93.5 84.6 76.8 64.2 55.0 48.0 42.6 38.2 34.7 110 103 93.2 81.7 70.3 60.3 52.2 40.6 33.1 27.9 24.2 21.3 19.1 142 132 119 105 92.1 80.3 70.6 56.4 46.8 40.0 35.0 31.2 28.1 170 158 143 128 114 101 90.3 73.8 62.2 53.8 47.4 42.4 38.3 239 227 204 182 162 144 129 106 90.9 79.0 69.9 62.7 56.9 149 147 138 128 116 103 91.2 71.2 57.3 47.6 40.6 35.4 31.4 194 191 179 165 150 134 119 95.4 78.3 66.2 57.3 50.5 45.2 240 235 220 203 185 167 150 122 102 87.6 76.6 68.1 61.3 300 293 275 256 236 216 197 165 141 123 109 97.9 88.8 192 192 187 178 167 154 141 114 93.1 76.8 64.8 55.9 49.0 252 252 244 231 216 200 183 150 123 103 88.7 77.5 68.8 313 313 302 286 267 247 227 188 157 133 116 102 91.7 406 406 389 368 345 321 296 251 214 185 163 145 131 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-30 24.0 36.0 54.0 72.0 90.0 72.0 96.0 120 90.0 120 150 180 144 180 216 288 210 252 336 420 240 288 384 480 324 432 540 648 360 480 600 720 576 720 864 1080 672 840 1010 1260 768 960 1150 1440 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 66 y BENDING DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO BENDING D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4362 (SAF 2304) Moment Capacity D x 2b t Section Mcx Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv Mcy Classification mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender kNm kNm 1.88 2.96 6.17 8.51 10.0 10.6 15.0 19.4 14.7 20.7 26.8 32.6 28.9 37.6 46.2 60.7 47.1 57.9 76.2 106 62.1 76.9 106 130 91.5 126 155 210 117 165 214 261 216 279 341 479 294 382 471 601 379 496 615 793 0.520 1.01 1.59 2.57 3.34 2.65 4.16 6.00 2.64 4.15 6.00 8.15 5.36 7.66 10.4 15.7 7.65 10.4 15.8 24.0 10.5 14.0 22.6 30.7 14.0 22.6 30.8 44.9 21.1 33.2 48.0 65.2 33.1 48.0 65.4 99.3 45.5 64.8 87.6 127 59.8 83.7 111 162 1.0 1.23 2.11 4.87 6.87 8.55 10.2 14.3 18.5 13.6 18.9 24.3 29.6 28.5 36.8 45.0 59.5 45.2 55.2 72.9 104 62.1 76.9 106 130 91.5 126 155 221 117 165 214 261 216 279 341 503 294 382 471 601 379 496 615 793 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.901 0.708 0.584 0.499 0.436 0.388 0.319 0.271 0.236 0.209 0.188 0.171 1.66 1.37 1.17 1.02 0.902 0.811 0.675 0.579 0.508 0.453 0.408 0.372 3.72 2.96 2.45 2.10 1.84 1.63 1.34 1.14 0.998 0.886 0.798 0.726 5.50 4.55 3.88 3.38 3.00 2.70 2.25 1.93 1.70 1.52 1.37 1.25 7.16 6.15 5.38 4.78 4.29 3.90 3.30 2.86 2.53 2.27 2.05 1.88 8.36 6.82 5.63 4.74 4.09 3.59 2.89 2.42 2.09 1.84 1.65 1.50 11.8 9.85 8.35 7.21 6.34 5.66 4.67 3.99 3.49 3.10 2.80 2.55 15.5 13.2 11.5 10.1 9.02 8.15 6.84 5.91 5.21 4.66 4.22 3.86 10.7 8.41 6.71 5.50 4.64 4.00 3.14 2.60 2.22 1.94 1.73 1.56 15.0 12.0 9.80 8.23 7.09 6.23 5.03 4.24 3.67 3.24 2.90 2.64 19.5 16.0 13.4 11.5 10.0 8.93 7.34 6.25 5.46 4.85 4.37 3.98 24.3 20.3 17.3 15.1 13.4 12.0 10.0 8.61 7.56 6.75 6.09 5.56 23.6 19.3 15.9 13.3 11.3 9.83 7.77 6.44 5.51 4.82 4.30 3.88 30.5 25.2 21.1 17.9 15.5 13.7 11.1 9.31 8.07 7.13 6.39 5.80 37.6 31.5 26.7 23.1 20.3 18.1 14.9 12.7 11.1 9.85 8.87 8.08 50.8 44.0 38.6 34.3 30.8 28.0 23.7 20.6 18.2 16.3 14.8 13.5 36.8 29.7 24.3 20.3 17.3 15.1 12.0 10.0 8.59 7.55 6.74 6.10 45.1 36.9 30.6 26.0 22.5 19.8 16.1 13.6 11.8 10.4 9.35 8.49 60.9 51.4 44.1 38.6 34.2 30.8 25.6 22.0 19.3 17.3 15.6 14.2 87.1 74.3 64.4 56.9 50.9 46.1 38.8 33.5 29.6 26.5 24.0 21.9 56.3 47.9 40.5 34.4 29.4 25.6 20.0 16.4 13.9 12.1 10.7 9.65 69.2 59.0 50.2 43.0 37.2 32.7 26.1 21.8 18.7 16.4 14.7 13.3 95.3 82.1 71.0 62.1 54.9 49.1 40.5 34.6 30.2 26.8 24.2 22.0 118 103 91.6 81.8 73.8 67.1 56.8 49.3 43.6 39.2 35.5 32.6 80.7 68.0 57.0 48.2 41.2 35.9 28.3 23.3 19.9 17.3 15.4 13.9 110 94.1 80.2 69.1 60.4 53.5 43.6 36.8 32.0 28.3 25.4 23.1 137 118 103 91.1 81.2 73.2 61.2 52.6 46.2 41.3 37.3 34.1 189 163 142 125 112 102 86.0 74.4 65.6 58.8 53.2 48.7 117 108 96.9 85.9 76.0 67.3 53.7 44.0 37.1 32.0 28.2 25.2 165 151 134 120 107 95.9 78.4 65.9 56.7 49.9 44.5 40.3 214 194 174 156 140 127 106 91.6 80.2 71.4 64.4 58.7 261 236 214 194 177 162 138 120 107 96.2 87.5 80.2 216 191 168 147 129 114 91.0 75.0 63.6 55.3 48.9 43.9 276 244 216 190 169 150 122 103 89.3 78.6 70.4 63.7 335 298 264 236 211 190 158 135 118 105 95.4 86.9 478 423 376 336 303 275 232 201 177 158 144 131 294 291 265 240 217 195 159 131 110 95.0 83.1 73.8 382 375 341 309 280 253 208 174 149 130 115 103 471 459 418 380 345 313 262 222 193 170 152 138 601 583 533 487 446 410 350 304 268 240 217 198 379 379 376 349 322 297 250 211 179 153 133 117 496 496 486 450 416 383 324 274 235 204 179 160 615 615 598 553 511 472 401 343 297 261 232 209 793 793 765 710 658 609 525 456 401 357 322 293 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. E-31 kN 48.0 72.0 108 144 180 144 192 240 180 240 300 360 288 360 432 576 420 504 672 840 480 576 768 960 648 864 1080 1300 720 960 1200 1440 1150 1440 1730 2160 1340 1680 2020 2520 1540 1920 2300 2880 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [ Blank Page] E-32 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... F. MEMBER CAPACITIES GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Note: Sections in duplex stainless steel grade 1.4462 (2205) are less widely available on an ex-stock supply basis. Before proceeding with designs it is advisable to check availability with suppliers. F-1 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 67 y COMPRESSION t D x CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 8.82 10.9 13.6 5.29 6.18 7.82 9.26 10.2 18.9 29.0 35.1 42.2 51.2 33.3 51.6 63.1 79.4 94.5 69.0 84.8 107 128 105 130 166 201 246 298 189 244 296 365 447 304 371 458 564 364 444 550 678 513 637 789 2.52 2.94 3.71 4.39 4.84 9.66 14.7 17.8 21.3 25.7 18.3 28.2 34.4 43.0 50.9 40.1 49.1 61.8 73.6 70.3 86.5 109 132 159 191 144 185 224 274 334 249 302 372 456 311 379 468 576 455 563 695 1.46 1.71 2.16 2.55 2.81 5.75 8.74 10.6 12.6 15.2 11.2 17.2 20.9 26.1 30.8 24.9 30.4 38.2 45.4 45.9 56.4 71.4 85.6 103 123 103 131 158 193 233 189 230 281 343 251 306 377 461 384 474 583 0.956 1.12 1.41 1.66 1.83 3.80 5.78 6.97 8.35 10.0 7.45 11.4 13.9 17.4 20.5 16.8 20.5 25.7 30.5 31.6 38.8 49.0 58.7 70.7 84.3 73.6 93.7 112 137 165 140 170 208 253 195 237 291 355 310 382 469 0.673 0.785 0.990 1.17 1.29 2.70 4.09 4.94 5.91 7.12 5.32 8.17 9.93 12.4 14.6 12.0 14.7 18.4 21.8 22.9 28.1 35.5 42.5 51.1 60.9 54.4 69.2 83.3 101 121 106 128 156 190 151 183 224 273 246 303 371 0.499 0.582 0.734 0.867 0.956 2.01 3.05 3.69 4.41 5.30 3.98 6.11 7.44 9.27 10.9 9.02 11.0 13.8 16.4 17.3 21.2 26.8 32.1 38.6 46.0 41.6 52.9 63.6 77.2 93.0 82.1 99.2 120 146 118 143 175 213 196 241 295 0.385 0.449 0.566 0.668 0.737 1.56 2.36 2.85 3.41 4.11 3.09 4.75 5.77 7.20 8.50 7.02 8.56 10.7 12.7 13.5 16.6 21.0 25.1 30.1 35.9 32.7 41.6 50.1 60.7 73.1 65.1 78.6 95.8 116 94.8 114 140 170 158 194 238 0.249 0.290 0.366 0.432 0.476 1.01 1.54 1.85 2.22 2.67 2.02 3.10 3.77 4.70 5.54 4.59 5.60 7.02 8.33 8.91 10.9 13.8 16.5 19.8 23.6 21.7 27.6 33.2 40.3 48.5 43.6 52.6 64.1 77.6 64.1 77.6 94.8 115 108 133 162 0.174 0.203 0.256 0.302 0.333 0.711 1.08 1.30 1.56 1.87 1.42 2.18 2.65 3.31 3.90 3.24 3.95 4.95 5.87 6.31 7.73 9.76 11.7 14.0 16.7 15.5 19.6 23.6 28.6 34.5 31.1 37.6 45.8 55.4 46.0 55.7 68.1 82.7 78.4 96.1 117 0.129 0.150 0.189 0.223 0.246 0.527 0.799 0.964 1.15 1.39 1.06 1.62 1.97 2.45 2.89 2.41 2.93 3.68 4.36 4.70 5.76 7.27 8.68 10.4 12.4 11.6 14.7 17.7 21.4 25.7 23.3 28.2 34.3 41.5 34.6 41.9 51.2 62.2 59.2 72.5 88.4 0.099 0.115 0.145 0.171 0.189 0.406 0.615 0.742 0.887 1.07 0.814 1.25 1.52 1.89 2.23 1.86 2.27 2.84 3.37 3.63 4.45 5.62 6.72 8.07 9.60 8.96 11.4 13.7 16.6 19.9 18.1 21.9 26.7 32.2 27.0 32.6 39.8 48.4 46.2 56.6 69.0 0.078 0.091 0.115 0.136 0.150 0.322 0.488 0.589 0.704 0.847 0.647 0.992 1.21 1.50 1.77 1.48 1.80 2.26 2.68 2.89 3.55 4.48 5.35 6.43 7.64 7.15 9.09 10.9 13.2 15.9 14.5 17.5 21.3 25.8 21.6 26.1 31.9 38.7 37.1 45.4 55.3 0.064 0.074 0.093 0.110 0.121 0.262 0.397 0.479 0.572 0.688 0.526 0.807 0.981 1.22 1.44 1.20 1.47 1.84 2.18 2.36 2.89 3.65 4.36 5.24 6.23 5.84 7.42 8.92 10.8 13.0 11.9 14.3 17.4 21.1 17.7 21.4 26.1 31.7 30.4 37.2 45.3 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 114.3 Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass D t per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 139.7 4.0 5.0 4.0 5.0 13.5 16.7 16.3 20.3 666 824 877 1090 484 596 702 868 332 408 523 645 233 286 383 472 171 209 286 352 130 159 220 271 102 125 174 214 82.2 100 141 173 67.6 82.7 116 143 56.5 69.2 97.8 120 48.0 58.7 83.2 102 41.2 50.5 71.6 88.0 35.8 43.8 62.3 76.5 168.3 Only the sections which are non slender under axial compression are given in the table. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-2 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [ Blank Page] F-3 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 68 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 1.5 1.63 2.0 2.11 * 2.0 2.58 3.0 3.68 * 2.0 3.53 3.0 5.10 4.0 6.54 * 2.0 4.48 * 3.0 6.52 4.0 8.43 5.0 10.2 6.0 11.9 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 * 5.0 16.1 6.0 19.0 8.0 24.2 * 3.0 11.3 * 4.0 14.8 * 5.0 18.1 6.0 21.3 8.0 27.4 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 61.4 31.2 82.0 39.5 114 65.0 163 88.1 162 120 269 185 341 229 195 167 342 276 478 373 576 444 664 504 440 435 659 638 899 852 1100 1030 1410 1310 475 475 751 751 1010 1010 1240 1240 1600 1600 38.0 15.6 48.8 19.6 77.8 33.9 107 45.1 133 74.3 211 106 264 130 177 122 297 188 407 243 487 285 558 318 440 377 659 539 885 703 1080 841 1370 1050 475 454 751 694 1010 916 1230 1110 1570 1410 24.1 9.27 30.5 11.5 51.4 20.3 69.6 26.9 102 47.0 154 66.1 190 80.2 152 84.7 245 124 327 157 388 183 439 203 416 309 606 428 805 542 974 637 1230 781 457 406 700 605 925 785 1120 939 1420 1180 16.4 6.11 20.6 7.59 35.5 13.5 47.7 17.8 76.9 31.9 111 44.4 137 53.8 125 59.7 194 86.1 253 108 297 125 334 138 381 244 547 328 716 406 858 472 1070 573 422 352 636 507 831 645 998 763 1260 950 11.8 4.33 14.8 5.37 25.8 9.57 34.5 12.6 58.1 22.9 83.1 31.8 101 38.5 101 43.8 152 62.6 195 78.2 228 90.5 255 100 342 190 483 251 621 307 737 355 914 428 384 297 566 415 729 518 869 608 1090 752 8.88 3.23 11.1 4.00 19.5 7.14 26.1 9.41 45.0 17.3 63.8 23.9 77.8 28.8 81.4 33.3 120 47.4 152 59.1 178 68.3 198 75.5 302 150 418 196 529 238 622 274 766 330 344 246 494 337 627 416 742 485 925 598 6.93 2.50 8.66 3.09 15.3 5.54 20.4 7.29 35.7 13.5 50.3 18.6 61.3 22.4 66.1 26.2 96.4 37.1 122 46.1 142 53.3 158 58.9 263 120 357 156 446 189 522 217 639 261 303 204 426 275 534 338 628 392 780 482 4.55 1.62 5.67 2.01 10.1 3.61 13.4 4.74 24.0 8.83 33.5 12.2 40.8 14.7 45.5 17.3 65.5 24.5 82.4 30.4 95.9 35.0 106 38.7 196 81.8 261 105 321 126 372 145 452 174 231 144 314 190 388 232 453 268 559 329 3.21 1.14 4.00 1.41 7.13 2.53 9.48 3.33 17.1 6.24 23.9 8.57 29.1 10.3 33.0 12.3 47.2 17.3 59.2 21.5 68.8 24.8 76.4 27.3 148 58.9 195 75.7 237 90.8 274 103 333 124 176 105 236 138 289 168 336 194 413 237 2.39 0.842 2.98 1.04 5.31 1.88 7.06 2.47 12.8 4.64 17.9 6.36 21.7 7.67 24.9 9.19 35.5 12.9 44.5 16.0 51.7 18.4 57.3 20.3 115 44.3 150 56.9 182 68.1 209 77.8 253 93.2 137 80.5 182 105 222 127 257 146 316 179 1.85 0.649 2.30 0.801 4.11 1.45 5.46 1.90 9.99 3.58 13.9 4.91 16.9 5.92 19.5 7.12 27.7 9.99 34.6 12.4 40.2 14.3 44.6 15.7 91.4 34.6 118 44.3 143 52.9 165 60.5 199 72.4 109 63.2 144 82.2 175 99.3 202 114 249 139 1.47 0.515 1.83 0.636 3.27 1.15 4.35 1.51 7.99 2.85 11.1 3.91 13.5 4.71 15.6 5.68 22.2 7.96 27.7 9.85 32.2 11.3 35.7 12.5 74.2 27.7 96.0 35.4 115 42.3 133 48.3 160 57.8 89.2 50.9 116 66.1 141 79.7 163 91.9 201 112 1.20 0.418 1.49 0.516 2.67 0.934 3.54 1.23 6.53 2.32 9.05 3.18 11.0 3.83 12.8 4.63 18.2 6.49 22.7 8.03 26.3 9.25 29.2 10.2 61.3 22.7 79.2 29.0 95.4 34.6 109 39.5 132 47.3 73.8 41.9 96.4 54.2 116 65.4 135 75.4 165 92.0 60 x 30 80 x 40 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 150 x 75 150 x 100 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-4 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 68 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t b = B - 6t d = D - 6t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 200 x 100 * 4.0 17.9 * 5.0 22.1 * 6.0 26.1 8.0 33.7 10.0 40.8 * 4.0 19.5 * 5.0 24.0 * 6.0 28.5 8.0 36.9 10.0 44.8 * 6.0 33.2 * 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 15.0 74.1 * 6.0 35.6 * 8.0 46.4 10.0 56.6 12.0 66.4 15.0 80.1 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 782 782 1070 1070 1380 1380 1960 1960 2380 2380 836 836 1190 1190 1520 1520 2150 2150 2610 2610 1580 1580 2360 2360 3070 3070 3590 3590 4320 4320 1720 1720 2550 2550 3300 3300 3870 3870 4660 4660 782 749 1070 1010 1380 1270 1960 1760 2380 2110 836 836 1190 1180 1520 1490 2150 2070 2610 2500 1580 1580 2360 2320 3070 2970 3590 3450 4320 4110 1720 1720 2550 2550 3300 3300 3870 3870 4660 4660 782 670 1070 886 1370 1110 1910 1500 2300 1780 836 783 1190 1080 1520 1360 2120 1860 2560 2240 1580 1460 2360 2100 3070 2670 3590 3090 4320 3660 1720 1670 2550 2420 3300 3080 3870 3590 4660 4290 754 581 1010 754 1280 924 1780 1220 2140 1440 816 714 1130 969 1430 1200 1980 1630 2380 1940 1580 1320 2330 1860 2990 2340 3480 2690 4150 3160 1720 1550 2530 2220 3240 2800 3790 3260 4530 3870 709 490 946 625 1190 753 1630 974 1950 1140 770 638 1060 849 1330 1040 1820 1380 2190 1640 1520 1160 2210 1610 2820 1990 3280 2280 3900 2650 1660 1420 2410 2000 3070 2500 3580 2890 4280 3410 660 408 873 512 1090 610 1470 779 1750 908 721 559 982 730 1220 885 1660 1160 1990 1370 1440 1010 2080 1370 2640 1670 3070 1900 3630 2190 1580 1280 2270 1770 2890 2190 3360 2520 4000 2960 609 338 796 421 983 498 1310 631 1550 733 669 484 900 622 1110 746 1490 964 1770 1140 1360 865 1940 1150 2450 1390 2840 1580 3340 1810 1500 1130 2130 1540 2690 1890 3120 2170 3700 2530 502 238 642 293 778 344 1010 432 1190 500 560 358 733 451 889 535 1170 682 1380 800 1190 633 1650 824 2050 986 2360 1120 2750 1270 1310 871 1820 1150 2270 1400 2620 1600 3080 1850 404 175 509 214 608 250 780 312 913 361 457 270 585 335 700 395 905 501 1070 587 1000 473 1360 609 1670 725 1910 819 2210 931 1120 669 1520 874 1870 1050 2150 1200 2510 1380 325 133 405 162 480 189 611 236 713 273 370 208 467 257 555 302 711 382 837 447 837 364 1120 466 1350 553 1540 624 1780 708 935 523 1250 677 1520 811 1740 922 2030 1060 264 104 327 127 385 148 488 184 568 213 302 165 378 203 447 238 570 300 669 351 696 287 916 367 1100 434 1260 490 1440 556 780 417 1030 537 1250 642 1430 730 1650 838 217 84.3 268 102 315 119 397 148 462 170 250 133 310 164 366 192 465 242 546 282 582 232 759 296 911 350 1040 395 1190 447 654 339 856 436 1030 520 1180 591 1360 678 181 69.3 223 84.1 262 97.8 329 121 383 140 209 110 259 135 304 158 386 199 453 232 491 192 637 244 762 288 865 324 989 368 553 281 720 360 865 429 987 488 1140 559 200 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 250 x 125 250 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-5 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 68 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 300 x 150 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 * 10.0 64.5 12.0 75.9 15.0 91.9 * 6.0 45.0 * 8.0 59.0 * 10.0 72.4 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 6.0 47.4 * 8.0 62.2 * 10.0 76.4 * 12.0 90.1 15.0 109 * 6.0 49.8 * 8.0 65.3 * 10.0 80.3 * 12.0 94.8 15.0 115 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1760 1740 2640 2550 3600 3410 4420 4140 5350 4970 1900 1900 3010 3010 4060 4060 4970 4970 6040 6040 1890 1890 2890 2890 3960 3960 5090 5030 6390 6250 1930 1930 3080 3080 4190 4190 5370 5370 6730 6730 1760 1510 2640 2160 3540 2820 4310 3360 5190 4000 1900 1820 3010 2780 4040 3670 4910 4430 5940 5340 1890 1770 2890 2610 3960 3470 5090 4340 6390 5340 1930 1880 3080 2900 4190 3860 5370 4850 6730 6000 1660 1240 2430 1720 3220 2170 3900 2550 4670 2990 1830 1630 2800 2420 3700 3140 4480 3760 5400 4500 1890 1550 2830 2230 3800 2900 4810 3560 5970 4320 1930 1700 3020 2560 4040 3360 5110 4160 6340 5090 1520 977 2190 1310 2870 1630 3440 1890 4090 2200 1690 1410 2550 2030 3320 2580 3990 3050 4800 3630 1780 1310 2630 1840 3510 2330 4400 2800 5430 3350 1840 1500 2820 2190 3740 2810 4690 3420 5790 4140 1370 762 1930 1010 2490 1230 2950 1420 3490 1650 1540 1190 2270 1660 2920 2080 3480 2430 4150 2880 1660 1080 2420 1470 3190 1840 3960 2180 4840 2590 1720 1280 2600 1820 3410 2300 4230 2750 5190 3300 1210 601 1670 785 2120 953 2490 1100 2930 1270 1380 987 1980 1350 2510 1670 2970 1940 3530 2290 1520 882 2190 1180 2850 1460 3490 1720 4240 2030 1590 1080 2360 1500 3060 1860 3750 2210 4570 2630 1050 482 1430 626 1790 756 2090 868 2450 1010 1220 819 1710 1100 2140 1350 2510 1570 2980 1850 1380 724 1960 960 2510 1180 3040 1380 3660 1620 1450 907 2110 1230 2710 1520 3280 1790 3970 2130 911 393 1220 509 1510 613 1760 703 2060 814 1060 684 1460 911 1820 1110 2130 1290 2520 1520 1240 600 1730 790 2190 963 2620 1120 3150 1320 1310 763 1870 1020 2370 1260 2850 1470 3430 1750 787 327 1050 422 1280 507 1490 581 1740 671 925 577 1260 762 1550 928 1810 1080 2140 1260 1110 503 1520 659 1910 802 2270 932 2710 1100 1180 646 1650 860 2070 1050 2470 1230 2960 1460 682 275 900 355 1100 426 1270 487 1480 563 807 491 1090 646 1340 785 1550 908 1830 1070 984 427 1330 557 1660 677 1970 785 2340 923 1050 552 1450 731 1810 892 2140 1040 2560 1230 595 235 780 302 951 363 1100 415 1280 479 707 423 944 554 1160 672 1340 777 1580 911 873 366 1170 477 1450 578 1710 670 2030 787 935 476 1280 628 1580 765 1870 891 2230 1050 522 203 682 261 828 312 956 357 1110 412 622 367 827 480 1010 582 1170 672 1380 787 777 317 1040 413 1280 500 1500 579 1780 679 834 414 1130 545 1390 663 1640 771 1950 911 460 177 600 227 728 272 838 311 976 359 551 322 728 420 888 508 1030 586 1210 687 693 278 920 360 1130 436 1330 505 1570 592 746 364 1000 477 1230 579 1450 674 1720 795 300 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 175 350 x 200 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-6 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 68 b COMPRESSION y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy (kN) Mass DxB per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 400 x 200 * 6.0 54.5 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 * 12.0 104 15.0 127 * 6.0 59.3 * 8.0 78.0 * 10.0 96.1 * 12.0 113 15.0 139 Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy Pcx Pcy 1960 1960 3130 3130 4280 4280 5530 5530 7420 7420 2020 2020 3340 3340 4740 4740 6080 6080 8110 8110 1960 1930 3130 3000 4280 4020 5530 5090 7420 6660 2020 2020 3340 3340 4740 4720 6080 5970 8110 7840 1960 1760 3130 2680 4280 3550 5490 4420 7250 5680 2020 1960 3340 3130 4740 4320 6080 5430 8000 7050 1940 1570 3020 2330 4050 3020 5140 3700 6740 4640 2020 1820 3260 2860 4530 3880 5710 4820 7470 6170 1840 1370 2840 1960 3780 2500 4760 3010 6190 3720 1940 1670 3080 2550 4240 3400 5320 4170 6900 5250 1740 1170 2640 1630 3490 2050 4360 2440 5590 2980 1840 1510 2890 2240 3930 2920 4890 3540 6280 4400 1630 988 2440 1360 3190 1680 3930 1990 4980 2410 1730 1340 2680 1940 3600 2490 4440 2980 5640 3670 1510 837 2220 1130 2870 1400 3510 1650 4400 1980 1620 1180 2460 1670 3260 2120 3990 2520 5010 3080 1390 712 2010 955 2570 1170 3110 1380 3860 1650 1510 1030 2240 1440 2930 1810 3560 2140 4430 2600 1270 611 1810 813 2290 997 2750 1170 3380 1400 1390 904 2030 1240 2620 1550 3160 1830 3900 2220 1160 528 1620 700 2040 856 2430 1000 2980 1200 1270 794 1830 1080 2340 1340 2800 1580 3440 1910 1050 460 1450 608 1810 742 2160 867 2630 1030 1160 700 1650 946 2090 1170 2490 1380 3050 1660 951 405 1300 533 1620 650 1920 758 2330 903 1060 621 1480 834 1870 1030 2220 1210 2710 1460 400 x 250 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-7 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 69 D COMPRESSION y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d t y x d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 * 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 * 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 * 3.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 6.0 8.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 77.0 103 124 174 214 164 245 310 365 208 384 495 597 449 674 824 962 1210 479 782 1050 1240 1600 500 828 1200 1520 1960 43.1 57.1 79.3 108 131 120 173 215 249 180 316 404 484 409 594 720 838 1050 479 760 1010 1180 1510 500 828 1200 1520 1960 26.4 34.8 50.8 69.2 83.1 82.6 116 143 165 147 242 308 365 353 498 601 696 859 442 686 899 1050 1340 498 798 1130 1400 1800 17.7 23.2 34.7 47.1 56.4 58.1 81.4 99.9 114 116 181 228 269 292 401 481 554 676 399 603 778 909 1140 467 738 1030 1270 1620 12.6 16.6 25.0 33.9 40.6 42.6 59.4 72.7 83.0 90.7 137 172 202 236 317 379 434 526 353 517 655 762 952 434 672 918 1120 1430 9.47 12.4 18.9 25.5 30.5 32.4 45.1 55.1 62.8 71.4 106 133 156 191 252 300 344 414 306 435 544 631 784 398 601 805 973 1230 7.36 9.64 14.7 19.9 23.8 25.5 35.3 43.2 49.2 57.3 84.2 105 123 155 203 242 276 332 262 364 451 522 646 360 531 696 834 1050 4.81 6.30 9.68 13.1 15.6 16.9 23.3 28.5 32.4 38.8 56.4 70.7 82.8 107 138 165 188 225 192 259 317 366 451 287 405 516 611 766 3.39 4.43 6.84 9.25 11.0 12.0 16.6 20.2 23.0 27.9 40.4 50.5 59.2 77.7 100 119 135 162 143 190 232 268 330 225 309 388 457 572 2.51 3.29 5.09 6.88 8.20 8.93 12.3 15.1 17.1 21.0 30.3 37.9 44.3 58.8 75.5 89.7 102 122 110 145 177 204 250 178 241 300 351 439 1.94 2.54 3.94 5.32 6.33 6.92 9.56 11.7 13.2 16.4 23.5 29.4 34.4 45.9 58.9 70.0 79.7 95.2 87.4 114 139 160 196 143 192 237 278 347 1.54 2.02 3.13 4.23 5.04 5.52 7.62 9.29 10.6 13.1 18.8 23.5 27.5 36.9 47.2 56.1 63.9 76.3 70.7 92.5 111 129 158 117 156 192 225 280 1.26 1.64 2.55 3.45 4.11 4.50 6.22 7.58 8.61 10.8 15.4 19.2 22.5 30.3 38.7 46.0 52.3 62.5 58.3 76.1 92.0 106 130 97.7 129 159 185 231 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 125 150 x 150 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-8 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 69 COMPRESSION D y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x d x t y d = D - 6t COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance Pc (kN) Mass DxD per for Metre Effective Length Le (m) mm mm kg 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 175 x 175 * 4.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 4.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 8.0 10.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 10.0 12.0 * 5.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 12.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 * 12.0 15.0 * 6.0 * 8.0 * 10.0 * 12.0 15.0 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 862 1260 1680 2260 2730 889 1320 1800 2700 3300 1390 1920 3130 4220 4970 1440 2000 3310 4820 6070 2060 3450 5070 6870 8800 2110 3560 5270 7190 10200 781 1100 1440 1910 2300 859 1240 1640 2380 2880 1390 1920 3040 4030 4730 1440 2000 3310 4820 6070 2060 3450 5070 6870 8800 2110 3560 5270 7190 10200 670 915 1160 1510 1810 772 1090 1410 1990 2410 1320 1770 2750 3600 4210 1440 1990 3190 4510 5610 2060 3450 5050 6720 8520 2110 3560 5270 7190 10200 551 728 898 1160 1380 675 923 1170 1600 1930 1210 1600 2420 3120 3640 1380 1870 2950 4110 5070 2060 3330 4740 6250 7900 2110 3560 5210 6970 9620 444 572 693 887 1050 574 764 947 1270 1520 1090 1410 2070 2620 3050 1300 1740 2690 3680 4490 1960 3130 4410 5740 7210 2110 3440 4940 6560 8980 356 452 543 692 818 481 625 764 1010 1200 960 1230 1740 2180 2530 1210 1590 2410 3220 3890 1850 2910 4040 5190 6480 2030 3270 4650 6120 8280 289 364 434 551 651 401 514 621 812 968 837 1050 1460 1810 2090 1110 1440 2130 2790 3340 1730 2680 3660 4630 5740 1940 3090 4350 5660 7540 238 297 354 449 529 336 426 512 666 793 724 897 1220 1510 1740 1010 1290 1860 2400 2850 1610 2440 3280 4090 5030 1840 2900 4030 5170 6800 199 247 293 371 438 284 357 428 554 660 626 768 1040 1270 1470 907 1150 1620 2070 2450 1490 2210 2910 3590 4400 1750 2700 3700 4690 6070 168 209 247 312 368 242 303 362 468 557 543 662 885 1080 1250 813 1020 1410 1790 2110 1360 1980 2580 3150 3850 1640 2500 3370 4220 5410 144 178 210 266 314 208 260 310 400 476 474 574 763 930 1070 727 902 1240 1550 1830 1240 1780 2290 2770 3370 1540 2300 3060 3790 4810 124 154 181 229 271 181 226 268 345 411 416 502 664 808 932 650 801 1090 1360 1600 1130 1590 2030 2450 2970 1430 2110 2770 3400 4280 109 134 158 200 236 159 198 235 301 358 367 442 583 708 817 583 714 965 1200 1410 1020 1430 1810 2170 2630 1330 1920 2500 3060 3820 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 350 x 350 400 x 400 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-9 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 70 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 25 * 2.0 1.45 3.0 2.08 * 3.0 3.14 * 4.0 4.06 5.0 4.91 * 3.0 4.45 * 4.0 5.80 * 5.0 7.08 * 3.0 5.04 * 4.0 6.59 * 5.0 8.07 6.0 9.49 * 4.0 8.01 * 5.0 9.85 * 6.0 11.6 8.0 15.0 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 57.5 26.3 17.3 87.0 56.7 24.4 154 76.0 64.7 213 125 83.5 258 178 99.1 191 111 135 296 169 191 389 232 238 199 131 142 323 201 207 446 277 265 552 358 315 343 249 272 498 347 371 643 444 459 871 630 600 38.1 20.6 8.36 54.4 42.2 11.7 125 59.5 32.8 168 104 41.9 201 150 49.5 179 77.3 83.2 268 126 111 344 187 136 199 92.3 88.6 315 147 120 426 217 149 520 298 174 343 184 184 498 261 237 643 349 285 862 544 364 24.8 16.6 4.89 34.6 30.2 6.80 95.4 50.7 19.5 124 87.3 24.8 146 121 29.3 158 60.4 52.6 230 105 69.3 290 161 84.1 184 70.5 56.3 284 120 74.9 379 186 91.7 459 265 106 331 142 121 467 211 152 592 295 180 787 492 229 17.1 13.2 3.20 23.5 21.8 4.45 70.7 43.8 12.9 90.5 71.6 16.4 106 94.6 19.3 134 51.1 35.7 189 92.1 46.7 235 142 56.4 166 58.5 38.3 250 105 50.4 327 167 61.5 392 242 71.4 306 118 84.1 426 182 104 534 263 122 703 455 155 12.4 10.4 2.26 17.0 16.3 3.13 53.2 37.7 9.15 67.4 57.8 11.6 78.8 73.6 13.7 111 45.3 25.7 152 82.4 33.4 186 125 40.4 147 51.3 27.6 215 95.2 36.1 275 153 43.9 325 220 51.0 279 103 61.1 381 164 75.4 471 241 88.5 613 421 111 9.34 8.33 1.68 12.8 12.5 2.32 41.1 32.1 6.82 51.8 46.8 8.63 60.4 58.0 10.2 91.4 41.0 19.4 122 74.0 25.1 148 109 30.3 127 46.5 20.8 181 88.0 27.1 227 141 33.0 267 198 38.2 250 93.9 46.2 334 152 56.9 408 224 66.7 525 386 83.9 7.30 6.73 1.29 9.96 9.84 1.79 32.5 27.2 5.28 40.9 38.2 6.68 47.6 46.5 7.88 75.1 37.6 15.1 99.3 66.3 19.5 119 95.2 23.6 109 43.1 16.2 151 81.9 21.1 188 129 25.6 220 175 29.7 221 86.8 36.2 289 142 44.4 349 209 52.0 445 350 65.4 4.81 4.61 0.838 6.54 6.54 1.16 21.8 19.7 3.43 27.3 26.4 4.34 31.7 31.6 5.12 52.3 31.8 9.90 68.2 52.7 12.8 81.9 71.5 15.4 80.5 38.1 10.6 108 70.8 13.8 132 105 16.7 153 135 19.4 169 76.9 23.8 215 125 29.2 255 180 34.1 321 279 42.9 3.40 3.32 0.587 4.62 4.64 0.812 15.6 14.6 2.41 19.4 19.1 3.04 22.6 22.7 3.59 38.2 26.8 6.99 49.4 41.8 9.03 59.2 54.4 10.9 60.2 34.1 7.51 79.7 60.2 9.74 97.0 84.3 11.8 112 104 13.7 129 69.4 16.9 161 110 20.6 190 151 24.1 238 219 30.3 2.53 2.50 0.434 3.44 3.46 0.600 11.7 11.2 1.79 14.6 14.5 2.25 16.9 17.0 2.66 29.0 22.5 5.20 37.4 33.3 6.70 44.7 42.3 8.07 46.3 30.5 5.58 60.9 50.4 7.24 73.8 67.5 8.76 85.1 81.7 10.1 100 62.7 12.6 125 95.7 15.4 146 126 17.9 182 174 22.5 1.96 1.95 0.333 2.66 2.68 0.461 9.06 8.85 1.37 11.3 11.3 1.73 13.1 13.2 2.04 22.7 18.9 4.02 29.2 26.9 5.18 34.9 33.7 6.23 36.6 26.9 4.32 47.9 42.1 5.59 57.9 54.7 6.76 66.7 65.1 7.82 80.5 56.2 9.73 99.2 82.0 11.9 115 104 13.9 144 140 17.4 1.56 1.56 0.264 2.12 2.13 0.366 7.24 7.13 1.09 9.02 9.05 1.38 10.5 10.6 1.62 18.3 15.9 3.20 23.4 22.1 4.12 28.0 27.3 4.95 29.6 23.6 3.43 38.6 35.2 4.44 46.6 44.9 5.37 53.7 53.0 6.22 65.4 49.9 7.75 80.4 70.1 9.45 93.8 87.3 11.0 116 114 13.8 1.27 1.27 0.215 1.72 1.74 0.297 5.92 5.87 0.887 7.37 7.41 1.12 8.55 8.66 1.32 15.0 13.5 2.60 19.2 18.4 3.35 22.9 22.6 4.03 24.5 20.6 2.80 31.8 29.7 3.62 38.3 37.4 4.37 44.1 43.8 5.06 54.2 44.1 6.32 66.4 60.0 7.70 77.4 73.6 8.99 96.0 95.3 11.3 75 x 35 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 50 150 x 60 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 F-10 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 70 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 175 x 60 * 5.0 10.8 * 6.0 12.8 8.0 16.5 10.0 20.0 * 5.0 13.0 * 6.0 15.4 * 8.0 20.0 10.0 24.4 * 6.0 16.6 * 8.0 21.6 10.0 26.3 12.0 30.8 * 6.0 20.2 * 8.0 26.3 * 10.0 32.3 12.0 37.9 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 514 376 385 693 493 489 963 701 649 1170 896 775 542 445 486 738 589 639 1130 877 932 1420 1120 1150 754 618 655 1210 952 988 1530 1220 1230 1800 1450 1430 796 710 792 1300 1120 1250 1790 1520 1690 2210 1870 2060 514 285 248 693 382 301 963 592 388 1170 812 460 542 359 375 738 471 474 1130 716 654 1420 960 795 754 502 488 1210 774 687 1530 1040 840 1800 1300 969 796 623 688 1300 962 1050 1790 1300 1390 2210 1630 1670 507 227 159 669 317 190 915 530 243 1100 762 287 542 284 269 738 378 330 1130 605 440 1400 861 529 754 403 341 1210 646 460 1530 914 556 1800 1200 639 796 526 570 1300 805 829 1790 1110 1060 2210 1430 1260 473 194 109 619 279 129 839 491 164 1010 723 194 534 232 193 711 317 233 1060 536 306 1310 795 367 752 336 241 1170 565 319 1470 838 384 1710 1130 441 796 438 452 1300 680 631 1790 969 791 2190 1290 931 437 173 79.0 565 255 93.3 757 462 118 902 683 139 506 198 143 668 278 171 981 491 223 1210 748 267 716 291 177 1100 512 232 1380 786 279 1600 1080 320 796 369 354 1260 590 482 1700 869 597 2080 1190 699 398 159 59.6 506 239 70.2 670 436 88.9 795 637 104 475 175 109 623 252 130 900 458 169 1110 708 202 677 261 135 1030 476 176 1280 747 211 1480 1040 242 768 318 280 1200 526 376 1610 798 462 1960 1120 539 357 149 46.5 447 226 54.8 585 410 69.2 691 584 81.7 443 159 86.6 574 233 102 815 432 132 994 670 158 636 240 106 948 450 138 1170 714 165 1360 995 190 736 282 225 1140 480 299 1520 746 366 1840 1060 427 280 135 30.6 342 204 35.9 439 352 45.4 515 471 53.5 375 138 57.6 473 208 68.2 649 390 87.7 782 590 104 547 213 70.6 785 412 91.3 959 654 109 1100 891 125 665 234 153 1000 420 201 1310 671 245 1570 968 285 218 123 21.6 262 183 25.4 332 292 32.0 389 372 37.8 309 125 41.0 381 190 48.5 509 349 62.2 609 505 74.2 457 196 50.2 634 380 64.7 767 587 77.4 877 768 88.7 589 205 110 860 380 144 1100 615 175 1300 880 204 171 113 16.1 204 160 18.9 258 238 23.8 301 295 28.1 252 116 30.7 306 175 36.2 403 308 46.4 480 425 55.3 378 184 37.5 511 349 48.2 614 515 57.7 700 646 66.1 511 186 83.0 724 351 108 911 565 131 1070 792 152 137 101 12.5 162 138 14.6 204 195 18.4 238 237 21.7 206 108 23.8 249 160 28.0 324 268 35.9 385 355 42.8 312 172 29.0 415 316 37.3 497 443 44.6 566 540 51.1 439 172 64.8 607 327 84.4 754 516 102 880 703 118 112 90.6 9.91 132 118 11.6 166 161 14.6 193 194 17.2 171 101 19.0 205 146 22.4 265 232 28.6 314 298 34.1 260 162 23.2 342 282 29.8 409 379 35.6 465 452 40.8 375 161 51.9 510 304 67.6 629 468 81.9 731 619 94.9 93.2 79.9 8.08 109 101 9.45 137 135 11.9 159 161 14.0 143 93.8 15.5 171 132 18.3 220 200 23.3 261 252 27.8 218 151 18.9 286 249 24.3 341 324 29.0 387 382 33.2 321 152 42.5 432 283 55.3 530 421 67.0 614 542 77.6 200 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 225 x 75 250 x 100 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 F-11 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 70 b COMPRESSION y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre t y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass Dxb per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 300 x 100 * 8.0 29.5 * 10.0 36.2 12.0 42.7 15.0 51.9 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 42.1 * 10.0 52.0 * 12.0 61.6 * 15.0 75.6 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 1340 1190 1300 1940 1690 1820 2490 2140 2300 3020 2610 2780 1420 1330 1420 2070 1910 2070 2790 2540 2790 3710 3340 3680 1470 1420 1470 2170 2070 2170 2950 2790 2950 4200 3910 4200 1340 1050 1090 1940 1460 1490 2490 1860 1840 3020 2340 2210 1420 1220 1330 2070 1730 1880 2790 2290 2460 3710 3010 3190 1470 1340 1470 2170 1930 2140 2950 2580 2850 4200 3590 3950 1340 893 868 1940 1250 1140 2490 1620 1370 3020 2130 1640 1420 1100 1170 2070 1540 1620 2790 2020 2060 3710 2690 2630 1470 1250 1370 2170 1780 1940 2950 2360 2560 4200 3260 3480 1340 756 663 1940 1080 844 2490 1440 1000 3020 1980 1200 1420 966 997 2070 1350 1330 2790 1770 1660 3710 2420 2080 1470 1140 1240 2170 1610 1730 2950 2120 2230 4200 2920 2970 1340 651 508 1940 952 636 2450 1310 751 2970 1870 894 1420 840 825 2070 1180 1080 2790 1570 1310 3710 2200 1620 1470 1030 1100 2170 1440 1500 2950 1890 1900 4200 2630 2460 1320 574 396 1860 863 492 2350 1220 578 2840 1790 688 1420 733 677 2070 1040 865 2790 1410 1050 3670 2040 1280 1470 919 960 2170 1280 1280 2950 1680 1590 4200 2380 2020 1270 518 315 1780 799 390 2240 1150 457 2700 1730 543 1420 647 556 2050 933 703 2710 1290 842 3540 1920 1030 1470 817 827 2170 1140 1080 2950 1510 1320 4190 2190 1660 1170 445 212 1610 714 261 2000 1050 305 2400 1620 362 1350 526 387 1910 789 484 2510 1130 575 3250 1750 696 1470 653 608 2140 930 775 2850 1270 935 3940 1910 1160 1050 401 152 1420 660 186 1740 986 217 2080 1510 258 1270 450 282 1770 699 350 2290 1030 415 2940 1630 501 1420 541 456 2020 793 574 2680 1110 687 3660 1730 845 932 371 114 1230 620 139 1480 925 163 1770 1390 193 1170 401 214 1620 640 265 2060 955 313 2610 1540 377 1350 465 351 1900 701 439 2490 1010 523 3370 1610 641 813 349 89.2 1050 586 108 1260 864 126 1490 1250 150 1080 366 168 1450 598 207 1830 901 244 2290 1450 294 1270 412 278 1770 637 346 2300 933 411 3060 1510 503 705 332 71.4 898 553 87.0 1060 798 101 1260 1110 120 974 342 135 1300 565 166 1600 854 195 1990 1360 236 1190 374 225 1640 590 279 2090 877 331 2740 1430 404 610 317 58.4 768 520 71.1 906 729 82.7 1070 982 98.2 876 322 111 1150 538 136 1400 811 160 1720 1270 193 1100 345 185 1500 555 230 1890 832 272 2440 1370 332 350 x 125 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 400 x 150 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 F-12 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 71 y COMPRESSION DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) Mass D x 2b per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 2.0 2.90 * 3.0 4.15 * 3.0 6.28 * 4.0 8.12 5.0 9.82 * 3.0 8.89 * 4.0 11.6 * 5.0 14.2 * 3.0 10.1 * 4.0 13.2 * 5.0 16.1 * 6.0 19.0 * 4.0 16.0 * 5.0 19.7 * 6.0 23.2 8.0 29.9 Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 90.7 48.0 87.7 136 74.2 167 253 155 230 345 213 338 423 268 449 340 264 317 511 389 478 657 502 624 375 271 335 592 413 525 801 550 712 979 673 882 664 507 599 944 707 849 1200 894 1080 1640 1220 1490 61.1 26.0 73.0 88.2 39.8 157 198 93.2 189 264 126 303 320 159 425 295 191 266 434 274 405 553 350 549 337 195 282 523 285 438 700 372 606 851 453 776 606 386 524 853 524 736 1080 653 944 1460 890 1350 41.6 16.0 66.6 58.8 24.3 153 151 59.7 166 198 80.8 286 236 101 414 252 137 220 362 192 350 456 244 499 300 138 232 458 197 367 604 254 530 728 309 708 550 287 447 766 381 633 962 470 831 1290 639 1250 29.6 10.8 63.4 41.3 16.4 151 115 41.1 154 149 55.6 277 176 69.9 409 212 100 188 298 138 315 370 175 468 265 101 193 395 141 320 514 181 481 615 219 666 496 215 382 681 281 553 848 345 749 1120 468 1190 22.0 7.72 61.6 30.4 11.7 149 89.5 29.9 147 114 40.4 271 135 50.9 406 177 75.6 166 244 103 292 300 131 448 232 76.2 167 338 105 289 434 134 450 515 163 640 444 165 333 601 213 497 741 261 693 972 353 1150 16.9 5.81 60.4 23.3 8.83 149 70.8 22.7 143 90.1 30.6 268 105 38.6 404 147 58.7 152 200 80.3 276 245 101 435 202 59.1 149 288 81.5 268 365 103 430 430 125 623 394 129 298 526 166 458 643 203 655 836 274 1120 13.4 4.53 59.7 18.4 6.88 148 57.2 17.8 140 72.4 24.0 266 84.9 30.3 402 124 46.8 141 166 63.8 266 202 80.5 426 175 47.1 136 245 64.6 254 308 82.1 416 362 99.3 611 349 104 272 460 133 430 557 162 628 718 219 1100 8.96 2.97 58.8 12.3 4.51 148 39.3 11.8 136 49.5 15.9 263 57.9 20.0 401 89.6 31.7 129 118 43.0 253 143 54.2 415 132 31.8 121 181 43.4 236 224 55.0 399 262 66.5 597 272 71.0 240 351 90.6 395 420 109 594 536 148 1080 6.41 2.10 58.3 8.76 3.19 147 28.5 8.40 134 35.9 11.3 261 41.9 14.2 400 67.0 22.8 122 87.9 30.9 246 105 38.9 409 102 22.9 112 137 31.2 226 169 39.4 389 196 47.6 589 214 51.4 221 272 65.4 375 323 79.2 575 409 106 1060 4.82 1.56 58.1 6.57 2.37 147 21.7 6.27 133 27.1 8.44 261 31.6 10.6 400 51.8 17.2 117 67.6 23.2 241 81.1 29.3 406 80.4 17.3 106 107 23.4 220 131 29.6 383 152 35.8 584 171 38.9 209 215 49.4 362 254 59.8 563 320 80.6 1060 3.75 1.21 57.9 5.10 1.83 147 17.0 4.86 132 21.3 6.54 260 24.8 8.24 399 41.2 13.4 114 53.5 18.1 238 64.1 22.8 403 64.7 13.5 102 85.8 18.2 216 104 23.0 380 120 27.8 580 139 30.4 202 174 38.6 354 205 46.7 555 257 63.0 1050 3.00 0.962 57.7 4.08 1.46 147 13.7 3.88 132 17.1 5.22 260 19.9 6.57 399 33.5 10.8 112 43.3 14.5 236 51.9 18.3 401 53.1 10.8 100 70.1 14.6 213 85.1 18.4 377 98.3 22.3 578 115 24.5 196 143 31.0 348 168 37.5 549 210 50.5 1050 2.45 0.783 57.6 3.34 1.19 147 11.2 3.17 131 14.0 4.26 259 16.3 5.37 399 27.7 8.83 111 35.8 11.9 235 42.9 15.0 400 44.3 8.86 98.5 58.2 12.0 211 70.6 15.1 375 81.5 18.2 576 96.7 20.1 192 119 25.4 344 140 30.7 545 175 41.4 1040 75 x 70 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 125 x 100 150 x 120 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-13 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 71 COMPRESSION y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x b x y d t Centroid and shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcz (kN) for Effective Length LE (m) mm * 5.0 per Metre kg 21.7 * 6.0 25.6 8.0 33.1 10.0 40.1 * 5.0 26.0 * 6.0 30.8 * 8.0 40.0 10.0 48.7 * 6.0 33.2 * 8.0 43.2 10.0 52.7 12.0 61.7 * 6.0 40.3 * 8.0 52.7 t mm 175 x 120 200 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D x 2b 225 x 150 250 x 200 * 10.0 64.5 * 12.0 75.9 Axis Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 1.0 1010 724 882 1340 943 1170 1860 1310 1630 2250 1610 2000 1070 882 991 1460 1170 1330 2220 1740 1990 2820 2210 2530 1490 1190 1360 2380 1830 2130 3070 2350 2730 3590 2780 3200 1580 1440 1520 1.5 924 533 765 1220 679 1010 1690 936 1450 2030 1160 1850 1030 719 904 1370 937 1200 2050 1370 1800 2590 1740 2310 1440 951 1240 2250 1420 1910 2870 1820 2470 3350 2160 2950 1580 1260 1440 2.0 847 386 651 1110 483 868 1520 662 1320 1830 827 1760 959 572 807 1270 733 1070 1890 1050 1610 2370 1330 2130 1350 741 1100 2090 1080 1690 2660 1380 2250 3100 1640 2770 1500 1090 1340 2.5 771 284 561 1000 352 765 1360 481 1230 1630 603 1700 893 451 710 1180 569 939 1730 800 1460 2160 1010 2000 1260 574 961 1940 820 1510 2450 1040 2080 2850 1250 2630 1420 925 1240 3.0 698 215 495 895 265 695 1210 361 1170 1440 454 1660 829 357 623 1090 446 834 1570 621 1340 1960 786 1900 1180 449 846 1790 633 1370 2250 803 1950 2610 966 2540 1350 780 1130 3.5 628 167 449 796 206 646 1060 280 1130 1260 352 1640 766 287 552 994 355 753 1420 491 1260 1760 621 1840 1100 357 756 1640 499 1270 2050 633 1870 2380 763 2480 1280 657 1020 4.0 562 134 417 705 164 612 932 223 1100 1100 281 1620 705 234 497 906 288 691 1280 397 1190 1580 502 1790 1010 290 688 1500 402 1190 1870 510 1800 2150 615 2430 1200 555 928 5.0 447 91.0 375 551 111 569 717 150 1070 844 190 1600 590 162 423 746 199 610 1030 273 1110 1260 345 1720 861 200 596 1240 276 1090 1520 349 1720 1750 422 2380 1060 404 775 6.0 356 65.6 352 433 79.9 545 559 108 1050 655 136 1590 491 119 378 611 145 560 827 198 1060 1000 250 1690 724 146 541 1020 200 1030 1240 253 1670 1420 306 2340 929 304 669 7.0 287 49.5 337 346 60.2 530 443 81.5 1030 519 103 1580 409 91.0 349 503 110 529 671 150 1030 808 190 1660 608 111 506 836 151 997 1020 192 1640 1160 232 2320 808 236 597 8.0 235 38.7 327 282 47.0 520 359 63.6 1030 419 80.4 1580 342 71.6 329 417 87.1 508 551 118 1010 661 149 1650 512 87.4 483 695 119 972 841 150 1620 959 182 2310 700 188 547 9.0 195 31.1 320 233 37.7 513 295 51.0 1020 345 64.5 1570 289 57.8 316 350 70.2 494 459 95.2 999 549 120 1640 435 70.4 466 583 95.8 955 703 121 1600 802 146 2300 608 153 510 10.0 164 25.5 315 195 30.9 508 247 41.8 1020 288 52.9 1570 246 47.6 306 297 57.8 483 387 78.3 989 462 98.8 1630 372 57.9 454 495 78.8 943 595 99.6 1590 678 120 2290 530 127 484 Pcx 2550 2510 2370 2230 2100 1960 1830 1580 1350 1150 983 842 725 Pcy 2270 1950 1650 1380 1140 946 790 566 422 325 258 209 173 Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 2430 3520 3080 3310 4340 3790 4060 2270 3410 2630 3080 4180 3230 3790 2100 3200 2200 2850 3920 2690 3530 1920 3000 1820 2620 3660 2220 3300 1750 2800 1490 2420 3400 1810 3110 1600 2610 1230 2260 3160 1490 2950 1470 2420 1020 2120 2920 1240 2830 1280 2060 725 1930 2460 879 2670 1160 1740 538 1800 2060 652 2560 1070 1460 414 1720 1720 501 2490 1020 1240 328 1670 1450 397 2450 975 1050 266 1630 1230 322 2410 945 899 220 1600 1050 266 2390 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-14 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 71 COMPRESSION y DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION D x x y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) D x 2b t mm 300 x 200 mm * 8.0 Mass per Metre kg 59.0 * 10.0 72.4 * 12.0 85.4 15.0 103 * 8.0 71.6 * 10.0 88.2 * 12.0 104 * 15.0 127 * 8.0 84.3 * 10.0 104 * 12.0 123 * 15.0 151 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 350 x 250 400 x 300 b d t Centroid and shear centre Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, P+A142 (kN) for Effective Length LE (m) Axis Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz Pcx Pcy Pcz 1.0 2650 2340 2530 3820 3310 3600 4890 4200 4580 6040 5210 5640 2800 2670 2760 4080 3830 3990 5500 5090 5330 7300 6710 7020 2920 2910 2920 4290 4220 4280 5820 5670 5780 8250 7950 8120 1.5 2650 2010 2370 3820 2800 3350 4860 3530 4250 5970 4390 5260 2800 2400 2640 4080 3410 3800 5500 4500 5050 7300 5910 6640 2920 2690 2840 4290 3870 4130 5820 5170 5550 8250 7190 7770 2.0 2560 1690 2200 3630 2320 3080 4600 2900 3920 5640 3620 4930 2800 2140 2520 4060 3010 3600 5390 3930 4760 7090 5140 6260 2920 2470 2740 4290 3530 3970 5820 4680 5310 8250 6470 7410 2.5 2440 1410 2010 3440 1890 2820 4340 2350 3610 5320 2940 4650 2720 1890 2380 3890 2620 3380 5160 3390 4450 6760 4410 5880 2920 2260 2640 4250 3200 3800 5690 4210 5070 7940 5760 7040 3.0 2320 1160 1830 3260 1540 2570 4100 1900 3340 5010 2390 4430 2620 1660 2230 3730 2260 3150 4930 2890 4150 6440 3750 5530 2840 2060 2530 4110 2880 3620 5490 3750 4810 7630 5090 6660 3.5 2210 959 1650 3080 1260 2350 3860 1550 3120 4710 1950 4260 2520 1440 2080 3580 1940 2920 4710 2460 3850 6130 3170 5220 2760 1860 2410 3970 2570 3430 5290 3320 4540 7330 4460 6290 4.0 2100 799 1510 2900 1040 2180 3620 1280 2950 4410 1610 4130 2420 1250 1920 3420 1670 2700 4490 2100 3590 5820 2690 4950 2670 1670 2280 3840 2290 3230 5100 2930 4270 7030 3900 5940 5.0 1880 571 1280 2560 739 1930 3160 903 2700 3830 1140 3950 2230 946 1640 3120 1240 2330 4050 1550 3160 5220 1970 4540 2510 1350 2020 3570 1810 2840 4710 2280 3760 6450 2990 5320 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4. F-15 6.0 1660 425 1130 2230 547 1760 2730 666 2550 3290 840 3840 2050 729 1410 2830 948 2060 3640 1170 2860 4640 1490 4260 2350 1080 1770 3320 1430 2490 4340 1790 3340 5880 2320 4850 7.0 1470 327 1030 1940 420 1660 2350 511 2450 2820 645 3760 1870 575 1240 2550 742 1860 3240 913 2650 4100 1160 4070 2190 877 1550 3070 1150 2210 3980 1420 3010 5330 1840 4500 8.0 1290 260 962 1680 332 1590 2020 403 2380 2410 509 3710 1700 463 1120 2290 595 1720 2870 729 2500 3610 926 3940 2040 720 1370 2820 936 1990 3630 1150 2770 4800 1480 4240 9.0 1130 211 913 1460 269 1530 1740 326 2330 2070 412 3680 1540 380 1020 2050 487 1610 2550 595 2390 3170 755 3840 1890 599 1230 2590 775 1820 3290 953 2580 4320 1220 4050 10.0 992 174 877 1270 222 1500 1510 269 2300 1790 340 3650 1390 317 955 1830 405 1540 2250 494 2310 2790 627 3770 1740 505 1120 2360 651 1690 2990 798 2440 3880 1020 3900 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 72 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 50 x 50 * 5.0 3.54 * 6.0 4.15 8.0 5.27 10.0 6.26 * 6.0 6.52 * 8.0 8.43 * 10.0 10.2 12.0 11.9 * 8.0 11.6 * 10.0 14.2 * 12.0 16.6 * 15.0 20.0 * 8.0 14.1 * 10.0 17.3 * 12.0 20.4 * 15.0 24.8 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 104 107 51.3 130 145 58.2 176 218 66.5 203 262 67.9 216 172 158 333 298 216 453 439 261 566 578 291 412 312 347 591 483 468 776 675 582 1070 987 723 434 309 410 636 492 577 861 702 749 1230 1060 1000 64.2 83.2 25.6 76.6 106 28.6 97.9 148 32.0 112 176 32.4 175 161 95.6 255 270 121 330 384 138 396 491 149 368 302 249 510 464 313 656 640 365 872 916 420 424 302 337 603 481 452 795 684 558 1100 1020 693 40.5 59.4 15.1 47.7 73.2 16.8 59.8 97.3 18.7 68.4 114 18.8 132 143 60.0 182 227 74.1 227 309 83.8 265 383 89.3 312 286 170 418 430 205 522 581 232 665 808 260 383 294 259 535 464 329 692 654 390 928 959 462 27.5 42.6 9.97 32.1 51.5 11.0 40.0 66.9 12.2 45.7 78.4 12.3 98.0 121 40.6 130 182 49.6 159 239 55.7 184 289 59.1 254 264 119 329 384 141 399 505 158 494 680 175 338 283 193 460 440 238 580 610 276 753 873 320 19.8 31.6 7.06 23.0 37.7 7.79 28.6 48.4 8.60 32.6 56.6 8.66 73.6 100 29.2 96.7 144 35.4 117 184 39.6 134 219 42.0 202 236 87.1 256 332 102 306 425 114 372 555 125 290 269 146 384 408 177 474 554 203 599 771 233 14.9 24.1 5.26 17.3 28.6 5.80 21.4 36.5 6.39 24.4 42.6 6.42 56.8 82.1 22.0 74.0 114 26.6 89.1 143 29.6 102 169 31.3 161 206 66.2 202 282 77.5 239 353 86.1 288 450 94.4 245 251 113 317 371 135 385 491 155 478 666 176 11.6 19.0 4.07 13.5 22.4 4.48 16.6 28.5 4.93 19.0 33.2 4.95 45.0 67.5 17.1 58.3 92.4 20.6 70.0 114 23.0 80.0 134 24.3 130 178 51.9 162 237 60.6 190 292 67.2 228 367 73.5 205 230 89.7 261 331 107 314 429 121 386 568 138 7.61 12.6 2.64 8.82 14.8 2.91 10.9 18.7 3.19 12.4 21.7 3.20 30.1 47.1 11.2 38.7 63.0 13.5 46.3 77.3 15.0 52.8 89.9 15.8 89.6 132 34.3 109 170 39.9 128 205 44.1 153 253 48.1 146 188 60.1 183 257 71.5 217 323 80.8 264 414 91.4 5.38 8.92 1.85 6.22 10.5 2.04 7.66 13.2 2.23 8.72 15.3 2.24 21.5 34.3 7.92 27.6 45.4 9.50 32.9 55.3 10.5 37.4 64.0 11.1 64.8 99.6 24.4 79.1 126 28.2 92.1 150 31.2 109 183 33.9 108 150 43.0 134 199 50.9 158 245 57.4 191 308 64.7 4.00 6.65 1.37 4.62 7.78 1.51 5.68 9.78 1.65 6.47 11.4 1.65 16.1 26.0 5.89 20.6 34.1 7.05 24.5 41.4 7.81 27.9 47.9 8.21 48.9 77.0 18.2 59.5 96.5 21.0 69.2 114 23.2 82.0 138 25.2 82.6 121 32.2 101 157 38.1 119 190 42.9 144 236 48.3 3.09 5.15 1.06 3.57 6.02 1.16 4.38 7.55 1.27 4.99 8.77 1.27 12.5 20.4 4.55 16.0 26.6 5.44 19.0 32.2 6.02 21.6 37.1 6.33 38.2 61.0 14.1 46.4 75.9 16.3 53.9 89.7 17.9 63.7 108 19.4 65.0 98.3 25.0 79.9 125 29.6 93.8 151 33.3 112 186 37.4 2.46 4.10 0.838 2.84 4.79 0.919 3.48 6.00 1.01 3.97 6.97 1.01 10.0 16.3 3.62 12.8 21.3 4.32 15.2 25.7 4.78 17.2 29.6 5.02 30.7 49.4 11.2 37.2 61.2 13.0 43.1 72.1 14.3 50.9 86.8 15.5 52.5 81.0 20.0 64.3 102 23.6 75.4 122 26.5 90.5 150 29.8 2.00 3.34 0.681 2.31 3.90 0.747 2.84 4.88 0.817 3.23 5.67 0.819 8.17 13.4 2.95 10.4 17.4 3.52 12.4 21.0 3.89 14.1 24.2 4.09 25.1 40.8 9.16 30.5 50.3 10.6 35.3 59.1 11.6 41.6 71.1 12.6 43.2 67.6 16.4 52.9 85.1 19.3 61.9 101 21.7 74.2 124 24.3 75 x 75 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t 100 x 100 120 x 120 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 F-16 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 72 y COMPRESSION u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x cy u t v y d Shear centre COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcy, Pcuz, Pcv (kN) Mass dxd per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 150 x 150 * 8.0 17.9 * 10.0 22.1 * 12.0 26.1 * 15.0 31.9 * 8.0 24.2 * 10.0 30.0 * 12.0 35.6 * 15.0 43.7 Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv Pcx, Pcy Pcuz Pcv 459 295 459 679 487 679 928 714 911 1350 1110 1280 486 265 486 727 458 727 1010 696 1010 1480 1130 1480 459 289 423 679 479 598 928 702 781 1330 1090 1050 486 258 486 727 447 727 1010 683 993 1480 1110 1420 451 285 367 650 470 502 867 689 634 1210 1060 813 486 255 468 727 442 678 1010 674 905 1480 1090 1270 421 280 307 599 460 404 788 670 494 1080 1020 609 486 252 433 727 437 616 992 666 808 1420 1080 1100 388 274 250 543 447 320 702 645 382 942 969 461 479 250 394 698 432 548 940 658 703 1340 1060 927 353 267 203 483 430 254 614 612 300 805 902 357 458 248 353 662 427 479 885 647 601 1240 1040 771 316 258 165 424 409 205 530 574 240 682 827 283 436 245 312 624 420 413 826 635 509 1140 1010 640 247 236 114 321 360 140 392 486 162 491 671 190 389 238 238 543 404 304 701 603 367 938 938 450 192 210 83.4 244 306 101 294 401 116 364 534 136 338 230 182 459 384 228 579 561 272 754 847 330 150 183 63.1 190 257 76.3 227 328 87.8 279 427 102 288 220 141 382 359 176 473 512 208 605 747 251 120 157 49.4 151 215 59.5 180 269 68.4 220 345 79.5 244 209 113 317 331 139 388 460 164 490 651 197 98.6 135 39.7 122 181 47.8 145 224 54.8 177 283 63.5 206 196 91.9 265 301 113 322 408 132 403 563 159 81.8 116 32.6 101 153 39.1 120 188 44.9 146 236 52.0 175 182 76.1 223 272 93.5 270 361 109 337 488 130 200 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement t See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2 * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. For explanation of table see Section 8.4 F-17 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 73 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 100 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 75 200 x 100 240 x 120 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 5.0 7.08 * 6.0 8.30 8.0 10.5 10.0 12.5 * 6.0 13.0 * 8.0 16.9 * 10.0 20.4 12.0 23.7 * 8.0 23.2 * 10.0 28.3 * 12.0 33.2 * 15.0 40.0 * 8.0 28.2 * 10.0 34.6 * 12.0 40.8 * 15.0 49.5 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 212 225 166 275 309 207 405 477 281 492 584 326 404 343 358 631 601 543 879 895 732 1130 1190 908 775 616 712 1110 957 1000 1460 1340 1300 2040 1980 1770 857 606 806 1240 968 1150 1660 1380 1530 2340 2090 2120 155 185 105 198 242 127 283 355 165 348 441 190 343 332 279 524 569 404 719 825 525 912 1070 633 691 606 601 975 939 824 1280 1310 1050 1760 1910 1390 785 599 713 1130 957 1000 1500 1370 1310 2100 2060 1790 112 136 69.6 140 173 82.8 197 244 105 245 307 120 285 308 212 426 502 296 574 701 373 720 895 441 609 590 496 849 903 664 1100 1240 828 1500 1760 1060 717 591 623 1020 941 862 1340 1340 1110 1860 2000 1480 82.7 99.4 48.7 102 123 57.4 142 171 72.4 178 216 82.8 234 270 161 341 416 219 453 563 272 564 707 317 532 562 404 731 835 528 939 1120 647 1260 1550 811 650 580 538 913 916 729 1190 1290 921 1640 1880 1200 62.6 73.8 35.7 77.1 90.9 41.9 106 125 52.6 133 158 60.1 191 226 124 274 335 166 359 443 204 444 550 237 459 517 328 623 742 421 792 970 509 1050 1320 629 585 563 460 812 873 612 1050 1200 761 1430 1710 973 48.8 56.5 27.3 59.8 69.2 31.9 82.3 94.9 39.9 103 120 45.5 156 186 98.5 222 268 130 289 351 158 356 432 183 395 461 268 529 642 340 666 823 407 878 1100 497 523 539 392 718 813 513 922 1090 630 1240 1520 794 38.9 44.5 21.5 47.7 54.3 25.1 65.4 74.3 31.3 82.2 94.0 35.7 129 153 79.4 182 217 104 235 281 126 289 346 145 339 403 221 450 547 278 563 692 331 736 910 401 466 505 334 632 739 432 804 973 525 1070 1330 655 26.4 29.5 14.3 32.2 35.9 16.7 44.0 48.9 20.7 55.5 61.9 23.6 92.2 107 54.5 127 149 70.9 164 191 85.4 201 233 98.0 253 301 156 330 397 194 410 493 229 531 639 276 368 422 246 489 585 313 614 747 376 806 989 463 19.0 20.9 10.2 23.2 25.4 11.9 31.6 34.5 14.7 39.9 43.8 16.7 68.3 78.2 39.5 94.1 107 51.2 120 137 61.5 147 167 70.3 193 227 115 250 295 142 308 363 167 397 467 200 291 340 187 383 457 235 476 572 280 619 745 342 14.4 15.6 7.65 17.5 18.9 8.88 23.8 25.7 11.0 30.0 32.5 12.5 52.5 59.3 30.0 72.0 80.9 38.7 91.9 102 46.3 112 125 52.9 151 175 88.9 195 226 109 239 276 127 307 354 152 234 273 145 305 359 182 377 445 216 486 575 262 11.2 12.1 5.94 13.6 14.6 6.89 18.5 19.8 8.49 23.4 25.1 9.68 41.5 46.3 23.5 56.8 63.1 30.2 72.3 80.1 36.1 88.1 97.3 41.2 121 139 70.3 155 178 86.0 190 217 100 243 277 119 191 221 116 247 288 144 304 354 171 391 455 207 9.00 9.63 4.75 10.9 11.7 5.50 14.8 15.8 6.77 18.8 20.0 7.72 33.7 37.2 18.9 45.9 50.5 24.3 58.4 64.0 29.0 71.1 77.7 33.0 99.4 112 56.9 127 143 69.5 155 174 81.0 198 222 96.2 158 182 95.3 203 235 117 250 288 139 320 368 168 7.38 7.85 3.88 8.95 9.50 4.49 12.2 12.9 5.53 15.4 16.3 6.30 27.8 30.5 15.5 37.9 41.3 19.9 48.1 52.3 23.8 58.5 63.5 27.1 82.7 92.8 47.0 105 118 57.3 128 143 66.7 164 182 79.1 133 151 79.2 170 194 97.7 209 238 115 267 303 138 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. F-18 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 73 y COMPRESSION d xo DOUBLE ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL COMPRESSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y COMPRESSION RESISTANCE FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Compression Resistance, Pcx, Pcxz, Pcy (kN) Mass 2d x d mm 300 x 150 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 400 x 200 t per for Metre Effective Length LE (m) mm kg Axis 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 * 8.0 35.8 * 10.0 44.1 * 12.0 52.2 * 15.0 63.7 * 8.0 48.5 * 10.0 59.9 * 12.0 71.1 * 15.0 87.4 Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy Pcx Pcxz Pcy 918 577 908 1360 954 1320 1860 1400 1780 2690 2170 2530 972 520 972 1460 896 1460 2010 1360 2010 2960 2200 2960 889 569 834 1290 943 1200 1740 1390 1600 2490 2150 2250 972 507 963 1460 877 1420 2010 1340 1930 2950 2170 2780 833 564 762 1210 934 1090 1620 1370 1430 2290 2130 1980 961 501 910 1420 869 1330 1930 1330 1800 2790 2160 2580 780 559 693 1120 924 974 1490 1360 1270 2100 2090 1730 920 498 860 1350 863 1250 1830 1320 1680 2640 2140 2380 727 553 626 1040 911 867 1370 1330 1120 1910 2030 1490 882 495 810 1290 857 1170 1740 1310 1560 2500 2120 2190 676 545 562 955 892 767 1250 1290 975 1730 1940 1280 843 492 762 1230 852 1090 1650 1300 1440 2350 2100 2000 625 536 501 875 867 675 1140 1240 848 1560 1810 1100 806 490 714 1170 845 1010 1560 1290 1330 2210 2070 1820 530 507 397 729 790 522 936 1080 645 1260 1520 821 732 483 621 1050 829 862 1390 1250 1110 1940 1990 1490 446 464 316 603 687 409 764 906 498 1010 1230 626 661 474 536 931 805 729 1220 1200 925 1680 1850 1220 374 410 254 499 581 325 627 747 393 822 993 490 593 463 460 824 772 615 1070 1120 770 1450 1660 999 316 355 208 416 487 263 519 615 317 676 807 393 529 447 394 726 726 520 931 1020 645 1250 1470 827 268 304 172 351 409 217 435 511 260 563 664 321 471 428 339 638 671 443 812 917 545 1080 1280 693 229 261 145 298 346 182 368 429 217 475 554 267 419 404 293 562 611 380 710 814 464 936 1110 587 See Section 8.4.2 for guidance on calculating an effective length which allows for both the effects of end fixity and nominal end moments due to eccentricity of connection. Slender sections must also be checked for the combined effects of the axial load and moment caused by the shift of neutral axis, see Section 8.4.2. * Section is slender under axial compression and allowance has been made in calculating the compression resistance. F-19 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 74 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 50 x 50 5.0 3.54 0.892 cm 4.48 50 x 50 6.0 4.15 0.861 5.25 50 x 50 8.0 5.27 0.797 6.67 50 x 50 10.0 6.26 0.732 7.93 75 x 75 6.0 6.52 1.38 8.25 75 x 75 8.0 8.43 1.32 10.7 75 x 75 10.0 10.2 1.26 12.9 75 x 75 12.0 11.9 1.20 15.0 100 x 100 8.0 11.6 1.84 14.7 100 x 100 10.0 14.2 1.78 17.9 100 x 100 12.0 16.6 1.72 21.0 100 x 100 15.0 20.0 1.63 25.3 120 x 120 8.0 14.1 2.25 17.9 120 x 120 10.0 17.3 2.20 21.9 120 x 120 12.0 20.4 2.14 25.8 120 x 120 15.0 24.8 2.05 31.3 150 x 150 8.0 17.9 2.87 22.7 150 x 150 10.0 22.1 2.82 27.9 2 No. Size Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 F-20 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 Diameter Area mm cm 3.89 2.84 4.58 3.35 5.87 4.30 7.05 5.16 7.13 5.30 5.06 9.27 6.90 6.58 11.3 8.41 8.01 13.2 9.85 9.37 12.7 9.58 9.26 15.5 11.8 11.4 18.3 13.9 13.4 22.2 16.9 16.3 15.4 12.0 11.7 18.9 14.8 14.4 22.4 17.5 17.0 27.3 21.4 20.8 19.5 15.6 13.8 15.3 24.0 19.3 17.1 18.9 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 2 kN 178 130 210 153 270 197 324 237 327 243 232 426 317 302 519 387 368 607 452 430 582 440 425 715 541 522 842 637 615 1020 775 748 707 550 536 871 679 660 1030 803 781 1260 982 955 895 716 635 701 1110 886 784 867 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... y TENSION Table 74 u v uo Centroid d x cx EQUAL ANGLES SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x cy u v y d TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement dxd t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Equivalent Tension per Gyration Area or From Angle Tension Capacity Metre v-v axis mm mm kg cm Bolt 150 x 150 12.0 26.1 2.76 cm 33.0 150 x 150 15.0 31.9 2.67 40.3 200 x 200 8.0 24.2 3.90 30.7 200 x 200 10.0 30.0 3.85 37.9 200 x 200 12.0 35.6 3.79 45.0 200 x 200 15.0 43.7 3.71 55.3 2 No. Size Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 F-21 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 Diameter Area mm cm 28.5 22.9 20.2 22.4 35.0 28.1 24.8 27.5 26.3 18.1 21.3 19.2 32.5 22.4 26.4 23.8 38.7 26.6 31.4 28.3 47.7 32.8 38.8 34.9 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 2 kN 1310 1050 930 1030 1610 1290 1140 1270 1210 830 977 882 1500 1030 1210 1090 1780 1220 1440 1300 2200 1510 1780 1600 Shear centre t P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 75 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 100 x 50 5.0 7.08 2.17 1.55 cm 8.96 100 x 50 6.0 8.30 2.20 1.53 10.5 100 x 50 8.0 10.5 2.26 1.50 13.3 100 x 50 10.0 12.5 2.34 1.47 15.9 150 x 75 6.0 13.0 3.21 2.34 16.5 150 x 75 8.0 16.9 3.27 2.31 21.3 150 x 75 10.0 20.4 3.33 2.28 25.9 150 x 75 12.0 23.7 3.40 2.25 30.0 200 x 100 8.0 23.2 4.28 3.12 29.3 200 x 100 10.0 28.3 4.33 3.09 35.9 200 x 100 12.0 33.2 4.40 3.06 42.0 200 x 100 15.0 40.0 4.49 3.02 50.7 240 x 120 8.0 28.2 5.09 3.77 35.7 240 x 120 10.0 34.6 5.14 3.74 43.9 240 x 120 12.0 40.8 5.20 3.71 51.6 240 x 120 15.0 49.5 5.29 3.67 62.7 300 x 150 8.0 35.8 6.31 4.74 45.3 300 x 150 10.0 44.1 6.36 4.71 55.9 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M12 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M16 M20 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 13 13 13 13 18 22 18 22 18 22 18 22 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 26 22 22 26 22 22 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 F-22 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 7.77 5.68 9.16 6.69 11.7 8.59 14.1 10.3 14.3 10.6 10.1 18.5 13.8 13.2 22.6 16.8 16.0 26.4 19.7 18.7 25.3 19.2 18.5 31.1 23.5 22.7 36.6 27.7 26.8 44.5 33.7 32.5 30.8 24.0 23.3 37.9 29.5 28.7 44.8 34.9 34.0 54.7 42.7 41.5 38.9 31.2 27.6 30.5 48.1 38.5 34.1 37.7 2 cm 8.37 6.67 9.83 7.82 12.5 9.93 15.0 11.8 15.4 12.5 12.0 19.9 16.1 15.5 24.2 19.5 18.7 28.2 22.7 21.7 27.3 22.5 21.8 33.5 27.5 26.7 39.3 32.2 31.3 47.6 38.9 37.7 33.3 28.1 27.4 40.9 34.5 33.7 48.2 40.6 39.7 58.7 49.4 48.2 42.1 36.5 33.0 35.8 52.0 45.0 40.6 44.2 384 306 452 359 577 456 688 542 707 573 551 917 741 712 1110 898 862 1300 1040 1000 1260 1030 1010 1540 1260 1230 1810 1480 1440 2190 1790 1730 1530 1290 1260 1880 1590 1550 2220 1870 1830 2700 2270 2220 1940 1680 1520 1650 2390 2070 1870 2030 2 kN 357 261 421 307 540 395 648 475 655 487 465 852 634 605 1040 774 737 1220 905 861 1170 881 851 1430 1080 1050 1680 1280 1230 2050 1550 1500 1420 1100 1070 1740 1360 1320 2060 1610 1560 2510 1970 1910 1790 1430 1270 1400 2210 1770 1570 1740 P291: Structural design of stainless steel y Discuss me ... TENSION Table 75 d xo TWO EQUAL ANGLES BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO AXIAL TENSION x x Centroid d t cy Shear centre y TENSION CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 2d x d t Mass Radius of Gross Weld Holes Deducted Gusset Between per Gyration Area or From Angle Angles Metre Axis Axis Bolt x-x y-y mm mm kg cm cm 300 x 150 12.0 52.2 6.42 4.68 cm 66.0 300 x 150 15.0 63.7 6.50 4.64 80.7 400 x 200 8.0 48.5 8.35 6.35 61.3 400 x 200 10.0 59.9 8.40 6.32 75.9 400 x 200 12.0 71.1 8.45 6.30 90.0 400 x 200 15.0 87.4 8.53 6.26 110 No. Diameter Size 2 mm Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M20 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 Weld M20 M24 M24 0 1 2 1 0 1 2 1 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 0 3 1 2 22 22 26 22 22 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 22 26 26 The capacity of the bolts must also be checked. For explanation of table see Section 8.5 F-23 Gusset On Back of Angles Equivalent Tension Equivalent Tension Tension Area Capacity Tension Area Capacity kN cm 57.0 45.7 40.5 44.8 70.0 56.2 49.6 55.0 52.5 36.1 42.5 38.4 65.1 44.7 52.7 47.5 77.4 53.2 62.8 56.5 95.5 65.5 77.5 69.7 2 cm 61.5 53.2 48.0 52.3 75.3 65.2 58.6 64.0 56.9 43.4 49.8 45.7 70.5 53.7 61.7 56.5 83.7 63.7 73.3 67.0 103 78.2 90.2 82.4 2830 2450 2210 2400 3460 3000 2690 2940 2620 2000 2290 2100 3240 2470 2840 2600 3850 2930 3370 3080 4740 3600 4150 3790 2 kN 2620 2100 1860 2060 3220 2590 2280 2530 2420 1660 1960 1760 2990 2060 2430 2190 3560 2450 2890 2600 4390 3010 3570 3210 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 76 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 21.3 1.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.5 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 0.50 0.60 0.78 0.96 1.08 0.81 1.27 1.57 1.94 2.42 1.03 1.62 2.01 2.57 3.11 1.17 1.85 2.30 2.95 3.58 1.47 2.33 2.89 3.72 4.53 5.59 6.86 1.86 2.96 3.68 4.74 5.79 7.16 8.82 2.18 3.47 4.31 5.57 6.81 8.43 10.4 2.50 3.97 4.94 6.39 7.81 9.69 12.0 33.7 42.4 48.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 60.3 76.1 88.9 101.6 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Compact Plastic 0.171 0.199 0.251 0.296 0.326 0.450 0.683 0.823 0.983 1.18 0.605 1.11 1.35 1.68 1.98 0.792 1.46 1.79 2.23 2.65 1.25 1.94 2.85 3.60 4.30 5.16 6.13 2.01 3.14 3.87 5.89 7.08 8.57 10.3 2.76 4.33 5.34 6.80 9.84 12.0 14.5 3.62 5.69 7.03 8.98 13.0 15.9 19.3 4 cm 0.329 0.384 0.484 0.571 0.629 1.37 2.08 2.51 3.00 3.60 2.79 4.27 5.19 6.46 7.62 4.16 6.41 7.81 9.78 11.6 8.19 12.7 15.6 19.7 23.5 28.2 33.5 16.6 26.0 32.0 40.6 48.8 59.1 70.9 26.7 41.8 51.6 65.7 79.2 96.3 116 40.0 62.8 77.6 99.1 119 146 177 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-24 t Pv kN 10.6 12.5 16.4 20.1 22.7 17.0 26.7 33.0 40.6 50.8 21.5 34.0 42.0 53.8 65.3 24.6 38.9 48.2 61.8 75.1 30.9 48.9 60.7 78.0 95.1 117 143 39.1 62.0 77.1 99.4 121 150 184 45.7 72.7 90.4 116 142 176 218 52.3 83.2 103 133 163 203 251 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 76 BENDING y CIRCULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x x y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm t mm mm 114.3 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 3.37 4.48 5.57 7.21 8.82 10.9 Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact 5.0 1.2 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 1.6 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 2.6 3.2 4.0 5.0 13.6 4.12 5.48 6.84 8.85 10.8 13.5 16.7 6.62 8.25 10.7 13.1 16.3 20.3 10.8 14.0 17.1 21.4 26.6 17.4 21.4 26.7 33.3 Plastic Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact Semi-compact 139.7 168.3 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass D 219.1 273 5.49 7.24 8.96 11.5 13.9 20.4 24.8 8.25 10.9 13.5 17.3 21.1 25.9 38.0 15.9 19.7 25.4 30.9 38.1 56.1 33.7 43.5 53.1 65.7 81.0 68.0 83.2 103 127 4 For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-25 Pv kN cm 68.2 90.0 111 142 172 211 70.6 93.8 116 151 184 229 256 125 165 205 263 319 392 480 291 361 464 565 697 855 803 1040 1260 1560 1930 2020 2470 3060 3780 284 86.5 114 143 185 227 282 350 138 173 224 274 341 424 225 292 359 447 556 365 449 559 697 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. t P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 77 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 50 x 25 1.5 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 1.63 2.11 2.58 3.68 3.53 5.10 6.54 4.48 6.52 8.43 10.2 11.9 10.1 13.2 16.1 19.0 24.2 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 40.8 19.5 24.0 28.5 36.9 44.8 33.2 43.2 52.7 61.7 74.1 35.6 46.4 56.6 66.4 80.1 40.3 52.7 64.5 75.9 91.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 103 Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Slender Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic 1.41 1.75 2.65 3.51 5.00 6.86 8.32 6.74 11.3 14.0 16.3 18.0 22.7 34.8 41.5 47.4 57.0 25.8 42.6 51.1 58.8 71.8 53.9 78.1 90.6 112 130 59.9 91.3 106 132 154 147 185 219 247 281 167 211 251 285 326 181 278 331 378 438 206 340 409 470 551 0.725 1.16 1.44 2.37 2.32 3.89 5.62 3.33 5.80 9.30 11.0 12.1 11.2 16.7 22.5 31.4 38.4 16.5 24.5 32.8 46.1 57.5 26.6 36.3 46.4 74.4 87.7 35.9 48.8 62.3 100 118 67.1 98.6 145 166 188 85.3 125 185 213 245 89.9 133 179 251 296 132 195 262 368 438 2.21 2.20 2.65 2.61 3.55 3.52 3.48 6.82 4.42 4.39 4.36 4.31 10.2 6.64 6.62 6.59 6.51 21.6 13.0 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.6 8.87 8.84 8.79 8.71 23.6 14.7 14.7 14.8 14.8 11.1 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.8 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.6 20.5 13.3 13.2 13.2 13.1 43.2 26.0 26.1 26.2 26.3 cm 6.41 7.95 14.4 19.1 36.2 49.7 60.3 73.2 102 127 147 162 370 472 563 643 774 451 578 694 799 976 1170 1420 1640 2030 2360 1360 1650 1920 2400 2810 3340 4210 4970 5610 6360 3790 4800 5690 6460 7400 5930 7560 9010 10300 11900 7230 9260 11100 12800 15000 80 x 40 100 x 50 150 x 75 150 x 100 200 x 100 200 x 125 250 x 125 250 x 150 300 x 150 300 x 200 per Limiting DxB 60 x 30 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-26 Iy 4 4 cm 2.19 2.70 4.92 6.44 12.4 16.9 20.4 25.2 35.1 43.2 49.7 54.7 127 161 192 218 260 243 311 373 428 521 403 485 561 690 795 666 805 935 1160 1360 1150 1440 1690 1900 2140 1730 2190 2580 2930 3340 2040 2590 3070 3500 4030 3900 4990 5970 6850 8000 Pv kN 38.0 49.1 60.1 85.6 82.2 118 152 104 151 196 237 276 234 306 375 441 564 236 309 379 447 574 417 513 607 785 951 419 516 611 793 963 773 1010 1230 1440 1730 776 1010 1240 1450 1750 938 1230 1500 1770 2140 944 1240 1520 1790 2180 P291: Structural design of stainless steel B Discuss me ... Table 77 b BENDING y RECTANGULAR HOLLOW SECTIONS D SUBJECT TO BENDING x d x t y b = B - 6t d = D - 6t MOMENT CAPACITY AND LIMITING LENGTHS FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Section Classification Mass Second Moment Shear Length Of Area Capacity t Metre Bending About Bending About Mcx Mcy Lc Ix mm mm kg x-x Axis y-y Axis kNm kNm m 350 x 175 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 47.4 62.2 76.4 90.1 109 49.8 65.3 80.3 94.8 115 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 127 59.3 78.0 96.1 113 139 Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 247 388 466 537 631 257 425 512 591 697 298 431 625 724 857 315 478 730 849 1010 114 172 233 295 420 137 205 277 352 502 141 213 290 371 486 192 287 390 498 653 24.6 15.5 15.5 15.4 15.3 35.2 20.8 20.8 20.8 20.8 33.7 27.3 17.7 17.7 17.6 64.0 47.2 29.4 29.5 29.5 cm 9600 12300 14800 17100 20000 10500 13500 16200 18800 22100 14500 18800 22700 26200 31100 16900 21800 26500 30800 36600 400 x 200 400 x 250 per Limiting DxB 350 x 200 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Moment Capacity Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Lengths above the limiting length Lc should be checked for lateral torsional buckling. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-27 Iy 4 4 cm 3320 4240 5070 5810 6780 4460 5720 6870 7920 9290 5030 6460 7780 8980 10600 8250 10700 12900 15000 17800 Pv kN 1100 1450 1780 2100 2550 1110 1450 1790 2110 2570 1270 1670 2060 2430 2970 1270 1680 2070 2450 3000 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 78 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 6.66 8.69 13.7 18.5 22.0 24.5 33.7 41.0 46.5 60.6 85.3 106 124 173 219 260 295 351 348 446 535 616 752 613 792 957 1110 1380 1280 1560 1820 2280 2680 1940 2370 2770 3510 4160 4740 5570 7140 8570 9860 8320 9820 12700 15300 17800 15800 20500 24900 29100 34700 t mm mm 40 x 40 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 2.27 3.20 2.90 4.15 5.27 3.53 5.10 6.54 7.84 4.79 6.99 9.06 11.0 8.89 11.6 14.2 16.6 21.1 11.3 14.8 18.1 21.3 27.4 13.6 17.9 22.1 26.1 33.7 21.1 26.0 30.8 40.0 48.7 24.2 30.0 35.6 46.4 56.6 37.9 45.0 59.0 72.4 85.4 45.8 54.5 71.6 88.2 104 64.0 84.3 104 123 151 50 x 50 60 x 60 80 x 80 100 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement Mass DxD 125 x 125 150 x 150 175 x 175 200 x 200 250 x 250 300 x 300 350 x 350 Plastic Plastic Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Semi-compact Plastic Plastic Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Compact Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Plastic Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Plastic 1.84 2.40 2.98 4.08 4.85 3.61 6.20 7.55 8.56 5.90 9.81 14.7 17.2 14.6 23.9 28.7 32.6 38.8 21.3 31.0 46.6 54.3 66.5 29.0 42.3 56.5 80.6 101 54.9 73.5 92.9 143 169 68.6 92.2 116 191 229 134 170 248 373 434 173 231 338 451 644 299 439 588 743 1080 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-28 4 Pv kN 39.6 55.9 50.6 72.5 92.1 61.7 89.1 114 136 83.7 122 158 192 155 202 247 290 368 196 257 316 372 478 238 312 385 455 589 368 454 538 699 851 423 523 621 809 989 661 786 1030 1270 1490 799 952 1250 1540 1820 1120 1470 1820 2150 2640 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 78 D BENDING y SQUARE HOLLOW SECTIONS SUBJECT TO BENDING D x d t y MOMENT AND SHEAR CAPACITY FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Mass Section Moment Second Moment Shear per Classification Capacity Of Area Capacity Metre Mc Ix , Iy kg kNm cm 344 549 737 935 1230 23900 31000 37900 44300 53300 DxD t mm mm 400 x 400 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 73.5 96.9 119 142 174 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact 4 Mc values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-29 Pv kN 1280 1690 2090 2480 3050 x d = D - 6t P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 79 b BENDING y xo CHANNELS SUBJECT TO BENDING Centroid cy D x d x Shear centre y t MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Moment Capacity Dxb t mm mm 50 x 25 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 35 100 x 50 125 x 50 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 60 175 x 60 200 x 75 225 x 75 250 x 100 300 x 100 350 x 125 400 x 150 Section Classification Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Plastic Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear Capacity Mcx Mcy for Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv kNm kNm kN 1.07 1.70 3.52 4.90 6.92 6.03 8.57 11.1 8.37 11.8 15.4 18.8 16.4 21.5 26.5 34.9 26.9 33.2 43.8 61.0 35.3 43.9 61.2 75.0 52.3 72.8 89.3 121 67.0 94.7 122 150 123 160 196 275 167 218 270 345 215 282 351 455 0.155 0.414 0.503 1.03 1.60 0.699 1.24 2.11 0.686 1.26 2.18 3.44 1.46 2.40 3.77 6.51 2.43 3.84 6.67 9.66 2.85 4.28 8.76 12.9 4.30 8.90 13.1 18.3 5.49 10.1 17.4 27.6 10.2 17.8 28.3 41.2 12.1 19.9 31.1 54.8 14.8 22.8 34.2 59.4 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.584 0.401 0.304 0.246 0.206 0.178 0.157 0.127 0.106 0.092 0.081 0.072 0.065 1.05 0.769 0.602 0.495 0.420 0.364 0.322 0.262 0.221 0.191 0.168 0.150 0.136 2.46 1.76 1.34 1.08 0.909 0.784 0.690 0.558 0.468 0.404 0.356 0.318 0.287 3.55 2.69 2.12 1.75 1.48 1.29 1.14 0.928 0.783 0.677 0.597 0.534 0.483 5.08 3.90 3.11 2.57 2.19 1.91 1.69 1.38 1.16 1.01 0.889 0.796 0.720 5.22 4.08 3.12 2.46 2.03 1.72 1.50 1.19 0.990 0.849 0.744 0.663 0.598 7.36 5.89 4.67 3.81 3.21 2.77 2.43 1.97 1.65 1.43 1.26 1.12 1.01 9.58 7.88 6.45 5.38 4.60 4.01 3.56 2.90 2.45 2.12 1.87 1.68 1.52 7.08 5.28 3.85 2.94 2.37 1.98 1.70 1.33 1.10 0.934 0.815 0.724 0.651 9.88 7.49 5.66 4.47 3.69 3.14 2.74 2.18 1.82 1.56 1.37 1.22 1.10 12.8 9.93 7.75 6.28 5.27 4.54 3.99 3.22 2.70 2.33 2.05 1.83 1.66 15.7 12.5 10.1 8.30 7.05 6.13 5.42 4.41 3.72 3.21 2.83 2.54 2.29 14.9 12.1 9.32 7.29 5.91 4.95 4.26 3.34 2.75 2.35 2.05 1.82 1.64 19.2 15.7 12.4 9.92 8.21 7.00 6.10 4.86 4.05 3.48 3.05 2.72 2.45 23.7 19.5 15.7 12.9 10.8 9.35 8.22 6.63 5.56 4.80 4.22 3.77 3.41 31.4 26.9 22.7 19.3 16.7 14.7 13.1 10.7 9.07 7.87 6.96 6.24 5.65 23.9 19.0 14.5 11.4 9.27 7.80 6.74 5.32 4.40 3.76 3.29 2.92 2.63 29.3 23.5 18.3 14.7 12.2 10.4 9.05 7.23 6.03 5.18 4.55 4.05 3.66 38.8 32.3 26.4 22.0 18.7 16.3 14.4 11.7 9.85 8.53 7.52 6.73 6.09 55.4 45.9 37.8 31.7 27.2 23.8 21.1 17.2 14.6 12.6 11.2 10.0 9.06 33.9 29.5 24.3 19.5 15.9 13.2 11.3 8.70 7.09 6.00 5.20 4.60 4.13 41.8 36.4 30.1 24.5 20.2 17.1 14.8 11.6 9.59 8.18 7.14 6.35 5.71 57.8 50.5 42.6 35.7 30.3 26.2 23.0 18.6 15.6 13.4 11.8 10.5 9.53 70.9 62.9 54.7 47.3 41.2 36.3 32.3 26.5 22.5 19.5 17.3 15.5 14.0 49.6 42.7 34.8 27.8 22.6 18.9 16.2 12.6 10.3 8.75 7.61 6.74 6.06 68.4 58.9 48.8 40.1 33.5 28.7 25.0 20.0 16.7 14.3 12.5 11.2 10.1 83.9 73.4 62.6 53.1 45.5 39.7 35.2 28.6 24.1 20.9 18.4 16.5 14.9 116 100 85.0 72.0 62.0 54.2 48.2 39.4 33.3 28.9 25.5 22.8 20.7 67.0 62.8 56.7 49.5 42.2 35.9 30.8 23.5 18.9 15.8 13.6 11.9 10.6 94.7 87.8 79.0 69.3 59.9 51.8 45.3 35.8 29.5 25.1 21.9 19.4 17.5 122 113 102 90.5 79.4 69.9 62.0 50.2 42.1 36.3 31.9 28.5 25.7 149 137 125 112 100 89.5 80.4 66.4 56.4 49.0 43.4 38.9 35.2 123 113 101 87.1 73.6 62.4 53.6 41.4 33.6 28.3 24.4 21.5 19.3 159 146 130 112 96.6 83.2 72.6 57.5 47.6 40.6 35.4 31.5 28.3 194 177 158 139 121 106 93.8 75.8 63.5 54.7 48.1 43.0 38.8 275 254 224 196 171 150 134 109 92.9 80.5 71.0 63.6 57.6 167 164 152 139 124 109 95.1 73.2 58.4 48.3 41.1 35.8 31.7 218 212 197 179 160 141 124 98.1 79.9 67.3 58.1 51.1 45.7 270 261 242 221 198 176 156 125 104 89.1 77.7 69.0 62.0 345 332 309 283 257 232 209 172 146 126 111 99.8 90.3 215 215 208 196 182 167 150 119 95.6 78.4 65.9 56.6 49.6 282 282 270 254 236 215 194 156 126 105 90.3 78.6 69.6 351 351 334 314 291 266 240 196 161 136 118 104 93.0 455 454 430 404 375 344 314 261 220 190 166 148 133 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-30 27.6 41.4 62.1 82.8 103 82.8 110 138 103 138 172 207 165 207 248 331 241 289 386 483 276 331 441 552 372 496 621 745 414 552 690 828 662 828 993 1240 772 966 1160 1450 883 1100 1320 1660 P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... Table 80 y BENDING DOUBLE CHANNELS BACK TO BACK SUBJECT TO BENDING D b x x y d t Centroid and shear centre MOMENT CAPACITY AND BUCKLING RESISTANCE MOMENT FOR GRADE 1.4462 (2205) Moment Capacity D x 2b t Section Mcx Buckling Resistance Moment, Mb (kNm) Shear for Capacity Effective lengths, LE (m) Pv Mcy Classification mm mm 50 x 50 2.0 3.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 6.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 8.0 10.0 12.0 15.0 75 x 70 100 x 100 125 x 100 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement 150 x 120 175 x 120 200 x 150 225 x 150 250 x 200 300 x 200 350 x 250 400 x 300 Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Semi-compact Compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Semi-compact Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender Slender kNm kNm 2.10 3.31 6.90 9.53 11.5 11.9 16.8 21.7 16.5 23.2 30.0 36.6 32.4 42.1 51.9 69.8 52.9 65.1 87.7 121 69.7 86.3 119 149 102 142 178 242 132 185 240 293 243 314 383 459 330 429 529 676 426 557 690 890 0.574 1.12 1.76 2.83 3.84 2.94 4.59 6.60 2.93 4.58 6.60 8.97 5.94 8.45 11.4 18.1 8.44 11.4 18.1 27.6 11.6 15.4 24.8 35.3 15.4 24.8 35.4 51.7 23.5 36.6 52.8 71.7 36.6 52.8 71.9 95.2 50.5 71.5 96.3 140 66.7 92.8 123 178 1.0 1.30 2.25 5.23 7.40 9.42 11.2 15.6 20.2 14.8 20.6 26.4 32.3 31.3 40.3 49.3 66.5 49.5 60.4 81.3 115 69.7 86.3 119 149 102 142 178 247 132 185 240 293 243 314 383 459 330 429 529 676 426 557 690 890 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 0.937 0.729 0.599 0.510 0.445 0.395 0.324 0.275 0.239 0.212 0.191 0.173 1.75 1.43 1.21 1.05 0.925 0.829 0.689 0.590 0.516 0.459 0.414 0.377 3.92 3.08 2.53 2.16 1.88 1.67 1.37 1.16 1.01 0.899 0.808 0.735 5.81 4.76 4.03 3.49 3.09 2.77 2.30 1.97 1.73 1.54 1.39 1.27 7.75 6.56 5.68 5.01 4.48 4.05 3.41 2.94 2.59 2.32 2.10 1.92 8.98 7.20 5.88 4.92 4.21 3.68 2.95 2.47 2.13 1.87 1.68 1.52 12.7 10.4 8.74 7.50 6.56 5.84 4.79 4.08 3.56 3.16 2.84 2.59 16.7 14.0 12.1 10.5 9.36 8.43 7.04 6.06 5.32 4.75 4.30 3.92 11.5 8.84 6.97 5.68 4.76 4.10 3.20 2.64 2.25 1.97 1.75 1.58 16.0 12.6 10.2 8.51 7.29 6.39 5.14 4.31 3.73 3.29 2.95 2.67 20.9 16.8 13.9 11.9 10.3 9.17 7.51 6.38 5.56 4.93 4.44 4.04 26.0 21.4 18.1 15.7 13.8 12.4 10.3 8.81 7.72 6.87 6.20 5.65 25.5 20.5 16.7 13.8 11.7 10.1 7.95 6.56 5.61 4.90 4.36 3.94 32.9 26.8 22.1 18.6 16.0 14.1 11.3 9.51 8.22 7.25 6.50 5.89 40.6 33.5 28.1 24.1 21.0 18.7 15.3 13.0 11.3 10.0 9.03 8.21 55.9 47.6 41.3 36.3 32.5 29.3 24.6 21.3 18.7 16.7 15.2 13.9 39.6 31.4 25.3 21.0 17.8 15.5 12.3 10.2 8.74 7.67 6.84 6.19 48.5 39.0 32.0 27.0 23.2 20.4 16.5 13.9 12.0 10.6 9.50 8.61 66.6 55.3 46.9 40.6 35.8 32.0 26.5 22.7 19.9 17.7 16.0 14.5 95.0 79.7 68.4 59.9 53.2 48.0 40.1 34.5 30.4 27.1 24.5 22.4 61.4 51.5 43.0 36.0 30.6 26.4 20.6 16.8 14.2 12.3 10.9 9.80 75.4 63.4 53.2 45.1 38.7 33.8 26.9 22.3 19.1 16.7 14.9 13.5 103 88.2 75.4 65.3 57.3 51.0 41.8 35.5 30.9 27.4 24.7 22.5 130 113 99.0 87.5 78.2 70.7 59.3 51.2 45.1 40.3 36.5 33.4 87.8 72.8 60.3 50.4 42.8 37.0 29.0 23.8 20.3 17.7 15.7 14.1 120 100 84.9 72.4 62.9 55.4 44.8 37.7 32.7 28.8 25.9 23.5 151 129 111 96.8 85.6 76.7 63.6 54.4 47.6 42.4 38.3 34.9 208 176 152 133 118 106 89.4 76.9 67.6 60.4 54.6 49.9 132 118 104 91.8 80.5 70.7 55.8 45.4 38.1 32.8 28.8 25.6 185 164 145 128 113 100 81.5 68.0 58.4 51.1 45.5 41.1 237 211 187 167 149 134 111 94.9 82.7 73.4 66.0 60.1 288 258 231 208 188 171 144 125 110 99.2 89.9 82.3 237 208 181 156 136 119 94.2 77.2 65.2 56.5 49.9 44.7 303 266 232 203 178 157 127 106 91.7 80.5 71.9 65.0 368 324 285 251 223 200 165 140 122 108 97.7 88.9 444 396 355 319 289 264 224 195 173 155 141 129 330 320 289 260 232 207 166 136 114 97.6 85.1 75.4 429 411 371 334 299 268 218 181 154 133 118 106 529 503 454 409 369 333 274 231 200 175 156 141 676 639 580 526 478 436 368 317 278 248 224 204 426 426 413 381 349 320 266 221 186 158 137 121 557 557 533 491 450 412 343 288 245 211 185 164 690 690 655 603 553 507 425 360 309 270 239 214 890 890 838 772 711 654 557 479 419 371 333 302 Section classification applies to bending about both the x-x and y-y axis. Moment capacity values in italic type are governed by 1.2pyZ and a higher value may be used in some circumstances. Mb is obtained using an equivalent slenderness = uvλ(βW 0.5). In certain cases, Mb may be greater than Mcx, which implies that lateral torsional buckling is not critical. For explanation of table see Section 8.6. F-31 kN 55.2 82.8 124 165 207 165 220 276 207 276 345 414 331 414 496 662 483 579 772 966 552 662 883 1100 745 993 1240 1490 828 1100 1380 1660 1320 1660 1990 2480 1550 1930 2320 2900 1770 2210 2650 3310 Created on 01 June 2012 This material is copyright - all rights reserved. Use of this document is subject to the terms and conditions of the Steelbiz Licence Agreement P291: Structural design of stainless steel Discuss me ... [ Blank Page] F-32
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