Shaler Area Titans
Shaler Area Titans
Shaler Area Titans "FUTURE" Titan Fgotball Skillg Camp Learn the art of football the Titan wd!, from Coach LeDonne and his staff. The Future Titan Skills camp is intended to offer a unique leaming experience where teaching is emphasized, individual improvement is the goal, and fun is the outcome. Coach LeDonne and his staff will be hands on in teaching the bisic fundamentali and techniques to help players improve their football skills. Campers must be eager to learnlnd have a love for the game. The camp is a non-eontact, fundamental based camp for all skill and ability level. Agefli Grade 2 through Grade 8 Cas* $45.00 (Includes Titans Football T-Shirt and Meal) Pate: May 30,201,5 Time: 1.0:00am - 4:00pm (Registration at 9:00am) Place: Biles Turf Field Registration: Due no later than May L8. will be divided into groups according to their positions. Skills will be enhanced through both individual dritls and group work with positions coming together for a Perfect Play CpmPetition. The morning session will focus on Defensive play, while the aftemoon session will focus on Offense. Participants should wear cleats, workout shorts, and their camP issued T-Shirt during the camp. Players The following skills will be emphasized: OFFENSE: Quarterbacks: Stance, throwing mechenics, footwork a}rd balancg. ball handling, 3-Step/5-Step Running Backs: Wide Receivers: gtance and releases. gatchi{rg fundq{neBtals, routes, blocking fundame4tals Tight Ends: Stance and feleases, blocking fundamentals. catchifrg fundamentals. routes Offenslve Line; Stance and 1', step,leverage & base, zoneldrive blocking techniques, pass blocking DEFENSE: Defensive tine: Stance, explosion, extension, separation. reaction. proper tackli{rg fuldamentals Line Backers: Stance, 1st step, getting Defensive Backs: Stance, read steps, footwork drills, hFlI breaks and skilIs, proper tackling "downhill". rips & swims, pass drops, proper tackling Come spend the Day with the Titans CamP Schedule Morning Session: speed, strength and Agility Testing & Training - Coach LeDonne, staff, & Players (Broad jumpr 40 Yard Dash,20 Yard shuttle) Defensive Emphasis - Including Proper Tackling Techniques Meal & Highlight Film: L2:30pm - 1:30pm (Guest SPeakers) Afternoon Session: Offensive Individual Skills Offensive Group work Perfect Play Competition Campers of the DaY Award Detach the below Portion off and return to: Coach |on LeDonne Shaler Area Football Northbrook Drive Gibsonia, PA 15044 106 Checks payable to S.A.H.S. (with football in the memo) ENROLLMENT FORM Name Phone # Home Address City T-Shirt Size- Age- School zip Positions Name of Parent or Guardian MEDICAL WAIVER & PARENTAL CONSENT The Shaler Area School District and the Football Program are not responsible for any injuries. This is a non-contact skill related camp. Each individual participates at his or her own risk. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Coach LeDonne at724-561,-2942. A parental signature is required on the enrollment form. Parental Signature ltlor rEIO 6-e6-1 r- {> {> r 5 = :1 .> { E e/a o $tll stgtiE 1l*ll I**li fr It$ll f ii3i ;i:i I jit; g ;ilii Iiit; d t-{ EU G.., kO q9 vi N €Ur-$;-=ilil-"==ooorr i CLHifUl 6 ET ail H Tult ** v =€=E =9rf H \J rd ?E ; ="2 3 eq= 0qo o - il= r+H m(D *qig [r= flo= [18; gq$ 4A ,+U) d il:'fg r*[fr B=ii, :9t i$sil *ai i8 -?-?8 ti FF -FF-r "'* =3H* ssil+ g 'lv 8q =9. I{ : .i -::i ,ii :: !' ,i :l -*o -ri* f'+.o 9I- 9 C@ ('l :Er)$ <at_ X.+$= &i @(o r<l L'- ilesi ok -tv11 (.l3 = ont HEES - a :f. R fr16 eex= ---do) E3 $ ,{" < -r O{EE' = :r@- d 6 A5 o$(o=. == ;diE AJ g a F, =a-t +g = -P=5'q Iil Nct =o='J 6- xow {r! -r u= a-E.l 6ilFH i= rrlg o q = B P q $-Tl =(^ €-< *o f \v lr r=A- I n fct {r I o { * gI *-aJ -) $ t* -a I E d tra -+ trr It F} h{ .l lEt tr{ L v} !J =s I ruo gHi )*a H o H fi'P"* a :: s 3,.? :,:S\\ . r v i.., .-:- .. L'l ,-l t. I C rrG <rv*t ..-=s rAsntud = g irX J#J+ .:. t: -:. FF r! A ct '\' 9*e, :J. oo * i$CI b Fiila+'if i+t c€;g gE ae *fr irEI a$H a**iirfr E E#H Eisi$$1i i3B -1-l m ':] _t = =" ra- El := lifr F ryt 6Ft .: ,,i : E fn fir 5 J = al L' L: li: UI ("fr = ii L1 r:i C!\ er an :T aLt E !r o-1 * {-r B t5 fir '-t rn fl- F' !r rI & rff ri{ ftt { :l r= I .E tl u (} 11. n L-' f:' = rIJ g m fl- rS rD UT g = - ij (|l f; 6'l -:r m :. a: G -TP 3 Lt {r fii T-f, {fl Hr F rIl r:-J = Irl tfi rB = 'T, .D qn -i *E tri a iTl :--: al t: tn 6-1 :. nl *i t: ff- tJ{ il' E tI &l il] a -! H -l =. ILi ;I il = El fr. tr ul !q ffi -l ar g tD fE m fl J :r F # m ft t$ H g = fn if J{ H t I i Fl' &, Et tf = -Tl :] m OJ ,T", =' q ,:.n = frr = tTt '."11 E Il = {tl . : --l l'-J r:J Frl *4 , i' -n u: F =-rc *-lrt =' xE !J qry l::..:\-\ \ tu. !:-:- d'G r'\ t;iiE'*gfig* rfl €*H :: u I 0 f,: *l m T E TII g$ LN a = = = -n -'r'f, LJ Lrt = -ru6J ::: rD =
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