Remington Park I II Tooele UT
Remington Park I II Tooele UT
EXCLUSIVE OFFERING UNPRICED Remington Park Senior Apartments I & II • 72 Units 495 West Utah Avenue • Tooele, UT 84074 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLAIMER The information contained in this package is confidential and is intended for review solely by the person receiving it directly from LIHTC Advisors. It should not be copied, distributed, nor made available to any person without the written consent from LIHTC Advisors. The information in this package has been obtained from sources we believe reliable. However, LIHTC Advisors has not verified and will not verify, any of the information contained herein and makes no guarantee, warranty, or representation about it. It is the sole responsibility of any interested parties to independently confirm the accuracy and completeness of the information provided herein. All prospective clients must conduct their own due diligence and take appropriate measures to verify all information. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: LIHTC Advisors 12639 W. Explorer Drive, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83713 John Nicolas 800-840-3021 (phone) 208-891-8901 (direct) 888-506-2771 (fax) Jeff Irish 800-840-3021 (phone) 208-286-5013 (direct) 888-506-2771 (fax) The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. 2 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Table of Contents FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Income & Expenses- Phase I Cash Flow Summary- Phase I Unit Mix- Phase I Tax Credit Property Income & Rent Limits- Phase I Income & Expenses- Phase II Financing- Phase II Summary of Existing Debt- Phase II Cash Flow Summary- Phase II Unit Mix- Phase II Tax Credit Property Income & Rent Limits- Phase II Historical AMI and MAX Rent- Phase I & II PROPERTY OVERVIEW Area Highlights Summary Features Photos Floor Plans Area Maps COMPARABLE PROPERTIES Rent Comparables Map Rental & Occupancy Statistics Rent Comparable Details DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Demographic Report Demographic Analysis The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. 3 4 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I Income & Expenses OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS YE 2013 UNIT All Units at Market Rent $311,641 $6,493 POTENTIAL RENTAL INCOME $311,641 Cable Income PER YE 2014 PER UNIT PROFORMA UNIT $320,620 $6,680 $320,620 $6,680 $6,493 $320,620 $6,680 $320,620 $6,680 $8,054 $168 $13,215 $275 $13,479 $281 Laundry Income $2,271 $47 $4,289 $89 $4,375 $91 Misc. Other Income $9,261 $193 $5,385 $112 $5,493 $114 Total Other Rental Income $19,586 $408 $22,888 $477 $23,346 $486 GROSS POTENTIAL INCOME $331,227 $6,901 $343,508 $7,156 $343,966 $7,166 ($37,595) ($783) 7.75% ($24,848) ($518) (1) INCOME Other Rental Income Economic Loss Vacancy Loss 9.73% ($30,319) ($632) 11.73% Bad Debt 0.07% ($206) ($4) 0.00% $0 $0 0.25% ($802) ($17) Concessions 0.00% $0 $0 0.16% ($500) ($10) 0.00% $0 $0 9.80% ($30,525) ($636) 11.88% ($38,095) ($794) 8.00% ($25,650) ($534) $300,702 $6,265 $305,414 $6,363 $318,317 $6,632 Total Economic Loss EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME EXPENSES FIXED OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Real Estate Property Taxes 5% $14,725 $307 5% $16,773 $349 5% $15,433 Total Property Insurance Expense 2% $6,530 $136 2% $7,035 $147 2% $7,176 $149 Total Property Utility Expense 8% $23,971 $499 13% $38,351 $799 12% $39,118 $815 15% $45,226 $942 20% $62,160 $1,295 19% $61,727 $1,286 Total Maint. Contract Services 5% $15,678 $327 4% $13,521 $282 4% $13,791 $287 Total Repairs & Maintenance 2% $6,343 $132 4% $13,280 $277 4% $13,546 $282 Total Administrative Expenses 5% $16,004 $333 6% $16,940 $353 3% $10,505 $219 (3) Total Leasing & Marketing 1% $3,942 $82 1% $3,351 $70 1% $3,418 $71 12% $37,218 $775 12% $35,328 $736 11% $36,034 $751 4.18% $12,576 $262 5.04% $15,404 $321 5.00% $15,916 $332 TOTAL VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXP 31% $91,761 $1,912 32% $97,824 $2,038 29% $93,210 $1,942 TOTAL FIXED & VARIABLE EXPENSES 46% $136,988 $2,854 52% $159,983 $3,333 49% $154,937 $3,228 $14,400 $300 $14,400 $300 $14,400 $300 $151,388 $3,154 $174,383 $3,633 $169,337 $3,528 $149,314 $3,111 $131,030 $2,730 $148,980 $3,104 TOTAL FIXED OPERATIONAL EXP $322 (2) VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Payroll and Salary Expenses Property Management Fee Reserves & Replacements TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET OPERATING INCOME 50% 57% 53% The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PER REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I 5 Comments to Income & Expenses (2) Property Tax: Remington Park Senior Apartments I was appraised at a value of $2,179,753 and assessed at a value of $1,198,864 (55% of appraised value) in 2014. The mill rate was .012873 for an actual tax value of $15,433.06. (3) Admin Expense: Removed audit expense in the amount of $6,641. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (1) Total Economic Loss: Estimated to reflect current market conditions and historical operating performance. Year-Ending: Year #: CASH FLOW SUMMARY 5.00% $61,727 $149,579 $148,980 PROPERTY NET OPERATING INCOME $151,219 $172,396 $14,400 $157,996 $95,028 $16,181 $36,759 $3,487 $10,716 $13,818 $14,068 $62,968 $39,904 $7,320 $15,743 $323,615 $0 ($27,265) ($26,413) ($852) $350,880 $23,816 $327,064 $327,064 2017 3 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $152,875 $173,976 $14,400 $159,576 $95,978 $16,343 $37,126 $3,522 $10,823 $13,956 $14,209 $63,598 $40,303 $7,393 $15,901 $326,851 $0 ($27,538) ($26,677) ($861) $354,389 $24,054 $330,335 $330,335 2018 4 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $154,548 $175,572 $14,400 $161,172 $96,938 $16,506 $37,498 $3,557 $10,931 $14,096 $14,351 $64,234 $40,707 $7,467 $16,060 $330,120 $0 ($27,813) ($26,944) ($869) $357,933 $24,294 $333,638 $333,638 2019 5 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $156,237 $177,183 $14,400 $162,783 $97,908 $16,671 $37,873 $3,593 $11,040 $14,237 $14,494 $64,876 $41,114 $7,542 $16,220 $333,421 $0 ($28,091) ($27,213) ($878) $361,512 $24,537 $336,975 $336,975 2020 6 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $157,944 $178,811 $14,400 $164,411 $98,887 $16,838 $38,251 $3,629 $11,151 $14,379 $14,639 $65,525 $41,525 $7,617 $16,383 $336,755 $0 ($28,372) ($27,486) ($887) $365,127 $24,783 $340,345 $340,345 2021 7 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $159,667 $180,455 $14,400 $166,055 $99,876 $17,006 $38,634 $3,665 $11,262 $14,523 $14,786 $66,180 $41,940 $7,694 $16,546 $340,122 $0 ($28,656) ($27,760) ($895) $368,778 $25,030 $343,748 $343,748 2022 8 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $16,879 $7,848 $16,712 $7,771 $17,348 $101,883 $169,393 $14,400 $183,793 $163,166 $17,176 $100,874 $167,716 $14,400 $182,116 $161,408 $3,738 $39,410 $3,701 $11,489 $11,375 $39,020 $15,083 $14,815 $14,934 $14,668 $42,783 $346,959 $343,524 $67,510 $0 ($29,232) $0 ($28,942) $66,842 ($28,318) ($913) ($28,038) ($904) $42,359 $25,533 $376,191 $25,281 $350,657 $350,657 $347,186 $347,186 $372,466 2024 10 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% 2023 9 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. $170,832 $169,337 $14,400 $156,432 $94,087 $16,021 $36,395 $3,452 $10,610 $13,681 $13,929 $62,344 $39,509 $7,248 $15,587 $320,411 $0 ($26,995) ($26,152) ($844) TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $14,400 $154,937 $300/Unit TOTAL FIXED & VARIABLE EXPENSE Replacement & Reserve Deposits $93,210 $15,916 $36,034 TOTAL VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXP Property Management Fee Total Payroll and Salary Expenses $3,418 $10,505 Total Administrative Expenses Total Leasing & Marketing $13,791 $13,546 Total Maint. Contract Services Total Repairs & Maintenance VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXPENSE $39,118 Total Property Utility Expense $7,176 TOTAL FIXED OPERATIONAL EXP $15,433 Total Real Estate Property Taxes $318,317 Total Property Insurance Expense FIXED OPERATIONAL EXPENSE OPERATIONAL EXPENSES EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME 0.00% 8.00% Concessions Total Operational Loss $0 ($25,650) ($24,848) ($802) 7.75% 0.25% Economic Operational Loss Vacancy Loss Bad Debt $347,406 $23,580 $23,346 $343,966 Total Other Rental Income $323,826 $323,826 2016 2 7.75% 0.25% 0.00% $320,620 $320,620 GROSS POTENTIAL INCOME All Units at Market Rent POTENTIAL RENTAL INCOME 1 2015 Vac %: Bad Debt: Concess: FINANCIAL ANALYSIS INCOME Proforma 1.00% 1.00% Utilize YE, YTD or PROFORMA OPERATIONS Assumed Annual Income Growth Rate % Assumed Annual Expense Growth Rate % PROPERTY CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Cash Flow Summary REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I 6 7 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I Unit Mix NUMBER OF UNIT SIZE UNITS (RSF) ASKING RENT RENT PER RSF MAX RENT CURRENT UA MAX NET RENT 1 BD 1 BTH- 50% 6 633 $500 $0.79 $665 $60 $605 1 BD 1 BTH- 55% 26 633 $550 $0.87 $732 $60 $672 1 BD 1 BTH- 60% 6 633 $565 $0.89 $798 $60 $738 1 BD 1 BTH UNIT TOTAL 38 24,054 $20,690 633 $544 706 1 BD 1 BTH UNIT AVERAGE 2 BD 1 BTH- 55% 4 $27,810 $25,530 $0.86 $732 $672 $600 $0.85 $878 $80 $0.91 $958 $80 2 BD 1 BTH- 60% 6 706 $640 2 BD 1 BTH UNIT TOTAL 10 7,060 $6,240 706 $624 31,114 $26,930 648 $561 2 BD 1 BTH UNIT AVERAGE TOTAL POTENTIAL 48 AVERAGE $0.88 $0.87 $798 $878 $9,260 $8,460 $926 $846 $37,070 $33,990 $772 $708 AVERAGE ASKING RENTS VS. MAX NET RENTS 2BD 1BTH60% 6 UNITS 2BD 1BTH55% 4 UNITS 1BD 1BTH50% 6 UNITS $900 $846 $800 $672 $700 $600 1BD 1BTH- 60% 6 UNITS $624 $544 $500 1BD 1BTH55% 26 UNITS $400 $300 $200 $100 $0 1X1 2X1 Asking Rent Net Max Rent The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS UNIT TYPE (SET-ASIDE) REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I Remington Park Senior Apartments is a Section 42 LIHTC property which means that federal tax credits were given to help finance the property. There is an existing regulatory agreement in place which requires units to be rented to income qualifying residents earning no more than 50%, 55%, and 60% of Area Medium Income (AMI) limits, which are provided by Utah Housing Corporation (UHC). Tooele County Effective Year: 2014 Four Person Area Median Income: $71,000 INCOME LIMITS 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person 50% 55% 60% $24,850 $28,400 $31,950 $35,500 $38,350 $41,200 $27,335 $31,240 $35,145 $39,050 $42,185 $45,320 $29,820 $34,080 $38,340 $42,600 $46,020 $49,440 Tax Credit Maximum Allowable Rents Set Aside 50% 55% 60% Unit Type 1BD 1BD 2BD 1BD 2BD # of Units 6 26 4 6 6 Maximum $665 $732 $878 $798 $958 UA $60 $60 $80 $60 $80 Net Rent $605 $672 $798 $738 $878 The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Tax Credit Property Income and Rent Limits 8 9 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II Income & Expenses OPERATIONAL ANALYSIS PER YE 2014 PER YE 2013 UNIT UNIT PROFORMA UNIT All Units at Market Rent $57,179 $2,382 $54,444 $2,268 $55,533 $2,314 Rental Assistance $84,749 $3,531 $87,504 $3,646 $89,254 $3,719 $141,928 $5,914 $141,948 $5,914 $144,787 $6,033 $7,590 $316 $8,010 $334 $8,170 $340 $947 $39 $2,019 $84 $2,059 $86 Misc. Other Income $2,557 $107 $2,241 $93 $2,286 $95 Total Other Rental Income $11,094 $462 $12,270 $511 $12,516 $521 GROSS POTENTIAL INCOME $153,022 $6,376 $154,218 $6,426 $157,302 $6,554 INCOME POTENTIAL RENTAL INCOME Other Rental Income Cable Income Laundry Income Economic Loss Vacancy Loss 5.04% ($7,160) ($298) 1.24% ($1,761) ($73) 4.00% ($5,791) ($241) Bad Debt 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% $0 $0 Concessions 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% $0 $0 0.00% $0 $0 5.04% ($7,160) ($298) 1.24% ($1,761) ($73) 4.00% ($5,791) ($241) $145,862 $6,078 $152,457 $6,352 $151,511 $6,313 Total Economic Loss EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME EXPENSES FIXED OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Real Estate Property Taxes 4% $6,100 $254 3% $5,144 $214 3% $5,144 $214 Total Property Insurance Expense 2% $3,149 $131 3% $4,437 $185 3% $4,525 $189 12% $17,550 $731 11% $16,971 $707 11% $17,311 $721 18% $26,799 $1,117 17% $26,552 $1,106 18% $26,981 $1,124 Total Maint. Contract Services 4% $6,462 $269 3% $4,473 $186 3% $4,562 $190 Total Repairs & Maintenance 3% $5,012 $209 5% $7,119 $297 5% $7,262 $303 Total Administrative Expenses 8% $11,970 $499 8% $11,505 $479 8% $11,735 $489 Total Leasing & Marketing 1% $2,044 $85 1% $1,607 $67 1% $1,640 $68 20% $28,883 $1,203 23% $35,255 $1,469 24% $35,960 $1,498 9.08% $13,248 $552 8.47% $12,915 $538 6.00% $9,091 $379 TOTAL VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXP 46% $67,619 $2,817 48% $72,875 $3,036 46% $70,250 $2,927 TOTAL FIXED & VARIABLE EXPENSES 65% $94,418 $3,934 65% $99,427 $4,143 64% $97,230 $4,051 $0 $0 $0 $0 $94,418 $3,934 $99,427 $4,143 $51,444 $2,144 $53,030 $2,210 Total Property Utility Expense TOTAL FIXED OPERATIONAL EXP VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Payroll and Salary Expenses Property Management Fee Reserves & Replacements TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES NET OPERATING INCOME 65% 65% $0 64% $0 (1) $97,230 $4,051 $54,281 $2,262 The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS PER REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II 10 Comments to Income & Expenses The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS (1) Reserves & Replacements: In accordance with the loan agreement with RD, a reserve for replacements is to be funded annually until the account reaches a balance of $120,000. At December 31, 2013 and 2012, the reserve for replacements was funded to the required level. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II 11 Financing Original Balance $951,319 Current Balance (as of 1/1/15) $889,547 Interest Rate 6.25% Maturity Date November 1, 2050 Annual Debt Service $24,216 Proforma Debt Service Coverage 2.24 Lender USDA Ability to Prepay No *Note: Interest Subsidy Agreement with RD lowered interest rate to approximately 1% over the term of the loan. AGGREGATE MATURITIES OF LONG-TERM DEBT USDA-RD State of Utah Total 2015 $6,825 $878 $7,703 2016 $7,264 $887 $8,151 2017 $7,731 $896 $8,627 2018 $8,228 $905 $9,133 Thereafter $859,499 $36,171 $895,670 Total $889,547 $39,737 $929,284 The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS EXISTING DEBT DETAIL- USDA RD 12 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II Summary of Existing Debt ORIGINAL LOAN AMOUNT 1. The project is financed by a 50-year mortgage payable to RD in the ESTIMATED LOAN AMOUNT AS OF 1/1/2015 $951,319 $889,547 $50,000 $39,737 FINANCIAL ANALYSIS original amount of $951,319 with a stated interest rate of 6.25 percent. The Company has entered into an interest subsidy agreement with RD which effectively reduces the interest rate to approximately 1.00 percent over the term of the loan. The mortgage is payable in monthly installments of $2,018, net of the interest subsidy, through maturity on November 1, 2050. For the years ended December 31, 2013 and 2012, the interest subsidy payments of $47,514 and $35,552, respectively, were treated as reductions of interest expense. The apartment project is pledged as collateral for the mortgage. The mortgage loan is nonrecourse debt secured by a deed of trust on the related real estate. In accordance with the loan agreement with RD, a reserve for replacements is to be funded annually until the account reaches a balance of $120,000. At December 31, 2013 and 2012, the reserve replacements was funded to the required level. 2. The Company entered into an additional mortgage with the State of Utah in the original amount of $50,000 with an interest rate of 1.0 percent. The mortgage is payable in monthly installments of $106 through July 1, 2052. The mortgage is secured by a subordinated deed of trust on the relate real estate. As of December 31, 2013 and 2012, the principal balance of the mortgage was $40,606 and $41,466, respectively, and accrued interest was $34 and $35, respectively. Total Outstanding Debt $929,284 Note: Annual distributions to the members are limited by RD regulations to 8 percent of the borrower’s initial capital investment of $50,000, or $4,000. Undistributed amounts may accumulate for payment the following year. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. Year-Ending: Year #: CASH FLOW SUMMARY $54,513 $54,281 PROPERTY NET OPERATING INCOME $55,058 $99,164 $0 $99,164 $71,642 $9,253 $36,683 $1,673 $11,971 $7,408 $4,654 $27,523 $17,659 $4,616 $5,248 $154,223 $0 ($6,241) ($5,851) ($390) $160,464 $12,767 $147,697 2017 3 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $55,609 $100,156 $0 $100,156 $72,358 $9,346 $37,050 $1,689 $12,091 $7,482 $4,700 $27,798 $17,835 $4,663 $5,300 $155,765 $0 ($6,304) ($5,910) ($394) $162,069 $12,895 $149,174 2018 4 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $56,165 $101,158 $0 $101,158 $73,082 $9,439 $37,420 $1,706 $12,212 $7,557 $4,747 $28,076 $18,014 $4,709 $5,353 $157,323 $0 ($6,367) ($5,969) ($398) $163,689 $13,024 $150,666 2019 5 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $56,727 $102,169 $0 $102,169 $73,812 $9,534 $37,794 $1,723 $12,334 $7,632 $4,795 $28,357 $18,194 $4,756 $5,407 $158,896 $0 ($6,430) ($6,028) ($402) $165,326 $13,154 $152,172 2020 6 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $57,294 $103,191 $0 $103,191 $74,551 $9,629 $38,172 $1,740 $12,457 $7,708 $4,843 $28,640 $18,376 $4,804 $5,461 $160,485 $0 ($6,495) ($6,089) ($406) $166,980 $13,285 $153,694 2021 7 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $57,867 $104,223 $0 $104,223 $75,296 $9,725 $38,554 $1,758 $12,582 $7,785 $4,891 $28,927 $18,559 $4,852 $5,515 $162,090 $0 ($6,560) ($6,150) ($410) $168,649 $13,418 $155,231 2022 8 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% $76,809 $0 $106,318 $59,030 $0 $105,265 $58,445 $9,921 $9,823 $106,318 $39,329 $38,940 $76,049 $1,793 $1,775 $105,265 $7,942 $12,835 $4,940 $7,863 $4,990 $29,216 $12,708 $18,933 $29,508 $18,745 $5,626 $165,348 $163,711 $4,949 $0 ($6,691) $0 ($6,625) $5,571 ($6,273) ($418) ($6,211) ($414) $4,900 $13,688 $172,039 $13,553 $158,351 $156,783 $170,336 2024 10 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% 2023 9 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% FINANCIAL ANALYSIS The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. $98,183 $97,230 $0 $98,183 $70,932 $9,162 $36,320 $1,656 $11,853 TOTAL OPERATING EXPENSES $0 $97,230 Replacement & Reserve Deposits $70,250 TOTAL FIXED & VARIABLE EXPENSE $9,091 $35,960 TOTAL VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXP Property Management Fee Total Payroll and Salary Expenses $1,640 $7,334 $7,262 $11,735 Total Repairs & Maintenance Total Administrative Expenses Total Leasing & Marketing $4,608 $4,562 VARIABLE OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Maint. Contract Services $27,250 $26,981 $17,484 $17,311 $4,571 $5,196 $152,696 $0 ($6,179) ($5,793) ($386) Total Property Utility Expense $4,525 $5,144 $151,511 $0 ($5,791) ($5,430) ($362) $158,875 $12,641 $146,235 2016 2 3.75% 0.25% 0.00% TOTAL FIXED OPERATIONAL EXP Total Property Insurance Expense FIXED OPERATIONAL EXPENSE Total Real Estate Property Taxes OPERATIONAL EXPENSES 6.00% 0.00% 4.00% Concessions Total Operational Loss EFFECTIVE GROSS INCOME 3.75% 0.25% Economic Operational Loss Vacancy Loss Bad Debt $12,516 $157,302 GROSS POTENTIAL INCOME $144,787 1 2015 Vac %: Bad Debt: Concess: Total Other Rental Income INCOME POTENTIAL RENTAL INCOME Proforma 1.00% 1.00% Utilize YE, YTD or PROFORMA OPERATIONS Assumed Annual Income Growth Rate % Assumed Annual Expense Growth Rate % PROPERTY CASH FLOW ANALYSIS Cash Flow Summary REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II 13 14 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II Unit Mix NUMBER OF UNIT SIZE UNITS (RSF) RD CONTRACT RENT RENT PER RSF CURRENT UA GROSS RENT $0.81 $0 $515 1 BD 1 BTH- 33% 24 633 $515 1 BD 1 BTH UNIT TOTAL 24 15,192 $12,360 633 $515 15,192 $12,360 633 $515 1 BD 1 BTH UNIT AVERAGE TOTAL POTENTIAL AVERAGE 24 $12,360 $0.81 $515 $12,360 $0.81 $515 Comments: All 24 units are covered by a Rental Assistance contract. 1BD 1BTH33% 24 UNITS The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS UNIT TYPE (SET-ASIDE) REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS II Remington Park Associates II, LC, was organized as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Utah on November 17, 1999, to develop, construct, own, maintain, and operate a 24 unit rental housing project for persons of low and moderate income pursuant to Section 515. There is an existing regulatory agreement in place which requires 24 units to be rented to income qualifying residents earning no more than 33% of Area Medium Income (AMI) limits, which are provided by Utah Housing Corporation (UHC). Tooele County Effective Year: 2014 Four Person Area Median Income: $71,000 INCOME LIMITS 33% 1 Person 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person 5 Person 6 Person $16,401 $18,744 $21,087 $23,430 $25,311 $27,192 Tax Credit Maximum Allowable Rents Set Aside 33% Unit Type 1BD Maximum $439 UA Net Rent $0 $439 The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Tax Credit Property Income and Rent Limits 15 16 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Historical AMI and MAX Rent FINANCIAL ANALYSIS $72,000 AMI Growth Rate $71,000 Year AMI % Change 2009 $64,700 0.00% 2010 $65,600 1.39% $68,000 2011 $68,000 3.66% $67,000 2012 $68,900 1.32% $66,000 2013 $69,700 1.16% $65,000 2014 $71,000 1.87% $64,000 3 Yr Avg 1.45% $62,000 5 Yr Avg 1.88% $61,000 $70,000 $69,000 $63,000 2009 Max Allowable LIHTC Rent Growth- 2BD/ 60% $980 Year RENT % Change $960 2009 $873 0.00% 2010 $886 1.49% 2011 $918 3.61% 2012 $931 1.42% $900 2013 $942 1.18% $880 2014 $958 1.70% 3 Yr Avg 1.43% 5 Yr Avg 1.88% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 $940 $920 $860 $840 $820 2009 * Data provided by The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Remington Park Senior Apartments I & II are a 72-unit affordable housing community for seniors located in Tooele, UT. The property was built in and placed into service in 2000. The property is conveniently located close to area amenities. Highlights Existing Section 42 and RD Apartment Community for Seniors Remington Park I Eligible for New Debt Built and Placed into Service in 2000 Phase II- all 24 units are covered by a Rental Assistance contract Remington Park I was placed into service in 2000 under the Section 42 Low-Income Housing Tax Credit (LIHTC) program. There is an existing regulatory agreement in place which requires 48 units to be rented to income qualifying residents, age 55 and over, earning no more than 50%, 55%, and 60% of Area Medium Income (AMI) limits, which are provided by Utah Housing Corporation (UHC). The initial tax credit compliance period expires on December 31, 2015. The property is eligible for new debt. There are extended use restrictions in place for 84 years. Please see the Tax Credit Property Income and Rent Limits page in the Financial Analysis section for further details. Remington Park Associates II, LC, was organized as a limited liability company under the laws of the State of Utah on November 17, 1999, to develop, construct, own, maintain, and operate a 24 unit rental housing project for persons, age 62 and over, with low and moderate income pursuant to Section 515. The RD Loan must be assumed. There is an existing regulatory agreement in place which requires 24 units to be rented to income qualifying residents earning no more than 33% of Area Medium Income (AMI) limits, which are provided by Utah Housing Corporation (UHC). A qualified purchaser can be a non-profit or for-profit entity that agrees to maintain the affordable housing units and to fulfill all requirements of an existing regulatory agreement. Remington Park I & II is comprised of one and two bedroom apartment homes. Residents benefit from amenities such as on-site laundry facilities, a library, a patio courtyard area, community center, arts and crafts room, on-site Wellness Center, and on-site beauty salon. Apartment homes feature stunning mountain views, central air, and additional storage. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW Property Description 17 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 18 Area Highlights Tooele is home to a regional campus of Utah State University and the Tooele Applied Technology College, a campus of the Utah College of Applied Technology within city boundaries. Miller Motorsports Park is a state-of-the-art road racing facility for automobiles, motorcycles and karts located 35 minutes from downtown Salt Lake City in the Tooele Valley northwest of Tooele City. It is considered the finest facility of its type in North America. Opened in 2006, it hosts many significant racing series, including the American Le Mans Series, Grand-Am Rolex Sports Car Series, NASCAR Grand National West Series, AMA Superbike and Supersport Championship, and beginning in 2008, the FIM Superbike World Championship, one of the top three racing series in the world. It also hosts the National Auto Sport Association National Championship Races. A major private employer in the area is Kennecott Utah Copper which operates the Kennecott Bingham Copper Mine, the world’s largest open-pit excavation mine on the other side of the Oquirrh Mountains from Tooele’s location. 240 and 320-ton capacity trucks deliver copper ore to the in-pit crusher, where the material is reduced to the size of soccer balls before being loaded onto a five-mile conveyor that carries the ore to the Copperton Concentrator. Tooele offers an abundance of outdoor recreation, including, bird watching, boating, camping, fishing, and hunting. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW Tooele is a city in and the county seat of Tooele County, Utah and has a population of 32,115. Located 35 miles southwest of Salt Lake City, the city is known for Tooele Army Depot and for privately owned waste-disposal facilities in the valley west of Tooele Valley. Tooele appeared on Newsmax magazine’s 2009 list of the “Top 25 Most Uniquely American Cities and Towns,” a piece written by current CBS News travel editor Peter Greenberg. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 19 Property Summary NAME & LOCATION Property Name Remington Park Senior Apartments I & II Property Address 495 West Utah Avenue Tooele, UT 84074 REMINGTON PARK I- SECTION 42 LIHTC 2000 (Elected to wait a year before receiving credits) End of Initial Compliance Period 12/31/2015 End of Extended Use 84 Years REMINGTON PARK II- RD CONTRACT Placed in Service 2000 End of Initial Compliance Period 12/31/2015 End of Extended Use 84 Years SITE INFORMATION Assessor’s Parcel Number 12-112-0-0002 & 12-112-0-0001 Number of Units 72 Number of Buildings 7 Number of Stories 1&2 Rentable Square Feet 45,394 Year Built 2000 Lot Size 4.5 Acres Type of Ownership Fee Simple Density 16 Units / Acre Landscaping Mature Trees, Shrubs & Grass Topography Relatively Flat UTILITIES Water City of Tooele Electric City of Tooele Gas Questar Gas CONSTRUCTION Foundation Concrete Pad Framing 2x6 Construction Exterior Vinyl Siding Parking Surface Asphalt Roof Composite Shingle HVAC Central Heat and Air The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW Placed in Service REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 20 Property Features COMMUNITY AMENITIES Community Room On-Site Laundry Facilities Community Courtyard Arts & Crafts Room UNIT AMENITIES Full Equipped Kitchen Extra Storage The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW On-Site Library REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 21 Property Photos PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 22 Property Photos PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 23 Property Photos PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 24 Property Photos PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 25 Property Photos PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 26 Floor Plans 1BD 1BTH- 590 SF - 676 SF PROPERTY OVERVIEW 2BD 1BTH- 706 SF The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 27 Aerial Neighborhood Map PROPERTY OVERVIEW The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 28 Regional Map BRIGHAM CITY OGDEN SALT LAKE CITY TOOELE The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW LOGAN REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 29 Local Map Albertsons Northlake Elementary School REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Tooele High School Restaurants Walgreens Store Vine Street Market Tooele Applied Technology College The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. PROPERTY OVERVIEW Harris Sterling Elementary School REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 30 Rent Comparables Map 5 3 1 RENT COMPARABLES 4 2 Remington Park Senior Apts. I & II 3 Tooele Gateway Apts. 1 Lakeview Apts. 4 Landmark Apts. 2 Somerset Gardens Apts. 5 The Cove at Overlake Apts. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 31 Occupancy & Average Rent per SF OCCUPANCY 97% Average Remington Park Senior Apts. I & II 100% 95% 1 Lakeview Apts. 90% 2 Somerset Gardens Apts 85% 3 Tooele Gateway Apts. 80% 75% 4 Landmark Apts. 70% 1 2 4 5 3 4 5 5 The Cove at Overlake Apts. RENT COMPARABLES 3 RENT PER SF $0.78 Average $1.00 $0.80 $0.60 $0.40 $0.20 $0.00 1 2 The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. 32 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Rent Comparable Details REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II 495 West Utah Avenue Tooele, UT 84074 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 1BD 1BTH- 33% 24 $515 595 $0.87 1BD 1BTH- 50% 6 $500 633 $0.79 1BD 1BTH- 55% 26 $550 633 $0.87 1BD 1BTH- 60% 6 $565 633 $0.89 2BD 1BTH- 55% 4 $600 706 $0.85 2BD 1BTH- 60% 6 $640 706 $0.91 72 $546 630 $0.87 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 1BD 1BTH 24 $536 690 $0.78 2BD 1BTH 36 $635 780 $0.81 3BD 2BTH 16 $724 1,090 $0.66 TOTALS/AVG. 76 $622 817 $0.76 UNIT TYPE # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: 72 99% 2000 TOTALS/AVG. LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS 1 742 North 100 East Tooele, UT 84074 UNIT TYPE 76 96% 1997 1.5 miles Comments: LIHTC Property with 40% and 60% rents. SOMERSET GARDENS APARTMENTS 2 143 North 400 West Tooele, UT 84074 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 1BD 1BTH 28 $515 690 $0.75 TOTALS/AVG. 28 $515 690 $0.75 UNIT TYPE Comments: Senior LIHTC Property. # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: Distance to Subject: 28 96% 1991 0.10 miles The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. RENT COMPARABLES # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: Distance to Subject: 33 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Rent Comparable Details TOOELE GATEWAY APARTMENTS 3 232 Fenwick Lane Tooele, UT 84074 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 2BD 1BTH 74 $664 910 $0.73 3BD 2BTH 56 $775 1,150 $0.67 130 $712 1,013 $0.70 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 1BD 1BTH 13 $600 980 $0.61 2BD 1BTH 26 $695 1,100 $0.63 3BD 2BTH 13 $850 1,100 $0.77 TOTALS/AVG. 52 $710 1,070 $0.66 UNIT TYPE TOTALS/AVG. Comments: LIHTC Property. # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: Distance to Subject: 130 97% 2001 2.5 miles LANDMARK APARTMENTS 4 350 West 400 North Tooele, UT 84074 UNIT TYPE 52 100% 2004 0.5 miles Comments: LIHTC Property. THE COVE AT OVERLAKE APARTMENTS 5 1837 North Berra Boulevard Tooele, UT 84074 # OF UNITS RENT SF RENT PER SF 1BD 1BTH 24 $815 684 $1.19 2BD 2BTH 84 $970 946 $1.03 3BD 2BTH 24 $1,079 1,221 $0.88 132 $962 948 $1.01 UNIT TYPE # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: Distance to Subject: 132 96% 2013 3.4 miles TOTALS/AVG. The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. RENT COMPARABLES # OF UNITS: Occupancy: Year Built: Distance to Subject: 34 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Demographic Report POPULATION* 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles 8,545 28,651 35,825 Population Change 2010-2013 346 946 1,235 Population Change 2000-2013 1,753 6,947 11,188 2013 Total Population 4,217 14,379 17,995 4,328 14,272 17,830 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles 2,923 9,037 10,951 Household Change 2010-2013 32 60 99 Household Change 2000-2013 505 1,758 2,821 1 Mile 3 Miles 5 Miles 2013 Household Income: Median $48,043 $55,955 $59,443 2013 Household Income: Average $53,934 $61,437 $64,775 2013 Per Capita Income $18,452 $19,512 $19,936 2013 Household income: Less than $10,000 261 566 598 2013 Household income: $10,000 to $14,999 178 351 383 2013 Household income: $15,000 to $19,999 219 358 382 2013 Household income: $20,000 to $24,999 148 371 425 2013 Household income: $25,000 to $29,999 146 453 480 2013 Household income: $30,000 to $34,999 206 512 599 2013 Household income: $35,000 to $39,999 116 410 443 2013 Household income: $40,000 to $44,999 84 398 412 2013 Household income: $45,000 to $49,999 170 523 658 2013 Household income: $50,000 to $59,999 281 968 1,160 2013 Household income: $60,000 to $74,999 322 1,363 1,698 2013 Household income: $75,000 to $99,999 444 1,345 1,796 2013 Household income: $100,000 to $124,999 234 934 1,294 2013 Household income: $125,000 to $149,999 81 307 345 2013 Household income: $150,000 to $199,999 20 101 144 2013 Household income: $200,000 or more 13 77 134 HOUSEHOLDS* 2013 Total Households INCOME* * Data provided by The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS 2013 Male Population 2013 Female Population 35 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Demographic Analysis HOUSING * The median price of homes currently listed in Tooele is $174,900. The median rent price in Tooele is $1,000, which is lower than the Salt Lake City Metro median of $1,195. The national median home value is $170,100 and the median home value in Utah is $217,100. Utah home values have gone up 4.8% over the past year. EMPLOYMENT * The median household income for the Tooele area was $58,372 in 2012. Tooele median household income is $1,300 higher than the median Utah household income. The largest employment industries in Tooele are manufacturing, retail, and health care. HOUSEHOLD INCOME LEVELS * 1,800 1,600 1,400 1,200 1,000 800 600 400 200 0 $10,000$20,000 $20,000$30,000 $30,000$40,000 $40,000$50,000 $50,000$60,000 $60,000$75,000 $75,000$100,000 $100,000$125,000 $125,000$150,000 $150,000$200,000 Over $200,000 611 717 792 1,000 1,170 1,203 1,468 1,552 872 202 214 66 OWNER & RENTER OCCUPIED HOUSING* RENTAL OCCUPANCY RATES* VACANT 6% RENTER 20% OWNER 80% OCCUPIED 94% * Data provided by The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals. DEMOGRAPHIC ANALYSIS Series1 Under $10,000 REMINGTON PARK SENIOR APARTMENTS I & II Contact Information FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT: LIHTC Advisors 12639 W. Explorer Dr, Suite 200 Boise, ID 83713 John Nicolas 800-840-3021 (office) 208-891-8901 (direct) 888-506-2771 (fax) Jeff Irish 800-840-3021 (office) 208-286-5013 (direct) 888-506-2771 (fax) The information in this marketing package has been obtained from sources that we believe are reliable, and is for informational purposes only. We make no representations or warranties, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy of the information. The value of this transaction depends on tax and other factors which should be evaluated by your tax, financial, and legal advisors. You and all related parties should conduct a careful, independent investigation on the property to determine your satisfaction and whether or not it will meet your specific needs and goals.