bugle bead for holiday season
bugle bead for holiday season
CHRISTMAS BEAD DECORATION Materials and Tools: glass ball; 6 cm PRECIOSA bugle; 5“ PRECIOSA rocaille; 10/0; 6/0 polyester thread in the color of the used material a stringing needle BUGLE BEAD FOR HOLIDAY SEASON Preciosa Ornela introduces bugle with enhanced brilliance. BUGLE EXTRA SUPER TWISTED HEXAGON HOLE ART No.: 351 30 001 Sizes: 3“, 4“, 5“ Colors: 78102 3“ 17020 3“ BEAD SHOP ZÁSADA 468 25 Zásada +420 483 332 643 beadshop@preciosa.com 50°41‘49 N, 15°15‘55 E GLASS SHOP DESNÁ Krkonošská, 468 61 Desná +420 483 343 525 glassshop@preciosa.com 50°45‘41 N, 15°19‘7 E CHRISTMAS BEAD DECORATION preciosa-ornela.com facebook.com/PreciosaOrnela October 2012 © PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s. preciosa-ornela.com © PRECIOSA ORNELA, a.s. NEW BUGLE BEAD FOR HOLIDAY SEASON NEW BUGLE BEAD FOR HOLIDAY SEASON CHRISTMAS BEAD DECORATION CHRISTMAS BEAD DECORATION Procedure: 1. String the first rocaille and secure it with a simple knot 2. String 3x 10/0 rocailles and 4x 6/0 rocailles 3. String the four 6/0 rocailles once again, tighten them well and string the first 6/0 rocaille again 4. String 4x 10/0 rocailles and 4x 6/0 rocailles 5. Pass the thread through the four 6/0 rocailles once again, tighten well and then pass the thread through the first 6/0 rocaille again 6. Repeat the procedure according to points 4 and 5 another 4 times 7. Join the beginning of the thread and the end of the stringing in a circle and secure with a knot 8. Pass the thread through the nearest three 6/0 rocailles 9. The first row: string 1x 10/0 rocaille, 1x 5“ bugle, 1x 1/0 rocaille and 4x 6/0 rocailles 10. Pass the thread through the four 6/0 rocailles once again, tighten well and then pass the thread through the first 6/0 rocaille again 12. Pass the needle and thread through the top 6/0 rocaille from the nearest group of rocailles from the basic link 13. Repeat the procedure from points 9 - 12 another 5 times 14. In order to finish this row, pass the thread through the stringing with 1x 10/0 rocaille, 1x 5“ bugle, 1x 1/0 rocaille and three 6/0 rocailles according to the picture 15. The second row: string 2x 10/0, rocailles, 1x 5“ bugle and 2x 1/0 rocailles 16. Repeat the procedure according to point 10 and point 15 17. Pass the needle and thread through the top 6/0 rocaille from the nearest group of rocailles from the first row 18. Repeat the procedure from point 15 - 17 another 5 times 19. Once this row is completed, pass the thread through the stringing with 2x 10/0, rocailles, 1x 5“ bugle, 2x 1/0 rocailles and three 6/0 rocailles according to the picture and thus complete the 2nd row 20. The third row is the same as the second one: create it using the same procedure according to document name: Project-Christmas-Bead-Decoration.pdf points 15 - 19 21. The fourth row is the same as the first row: create it using the procedure according to points 9 - 14 22. Attach the finished stringing to the glass ball’s clasp with the basic link 23. String 4x 10/0 rocailles, pass the thread through the top 6/0 rocaille from the last row of the stringing 24. Repeat the procedure according to point 23 another 5 times, pull into a circle and secure with a knot. Pull the end of the thread through the nearest beads, finish off and cut. 7. 17. 12. 19. 14. 24. 1. 2. 3. 6. October 2012 © preciosa-ornela.com
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