LOT 489 LOT 443 - Baumgarten Cattle
LOT 489 LOT 443 - Baumgarten Cattle
LOT 489 LOT 443 LOT 437 LOT 422 LOT 414 LOT 402 LOT 459 LOT 407 LOT 460 LOT 402 BAUMGARTEN PRODUCTION SALE Friday, February 6, 2015 ra s fo h u c n Joi e lun e fr 1:00 p.m. MST • at the ranch, Belfield, ND Selling 58 Performance Tested Bulls • 40 Yearling Hereford Bulls • 8 Two Year Old Hereford Bulls • 10 Angus Bulls • 30 Hereford Heifer Calves Wil lf cal eed b v u un es fre ll til e A 1st pril View photos and videos of bulls on our website at www.BaumgartenCattle.com. Auctioneer - Roger Jacobs Sale Day Phones: Rollie..................................701-290-3469 Jake..................................... 701-290-3450 Robert Nord........................ 701-361-6493 Sale Representatives: Ben Brillhart, American Hereford Association.........................406-855-2021 Levi Landers, American Hereford Association.........................308-730-1396 Kris Petersen, Cattle Business Weekly......................................701-339-0305 Kirby Goettsch, Farm & Ranch Guide......................................605-380-3939 Marc & Jill Hotchkiss, Hereford America.... 605-490-1513 or 605-490-1409 Special Guests: North Dakota Hereford Queen: Elli Lemm North Dakota Hereford Assoc. President: Andy Mrnak North Dakota Hereford Assoc. Secretary: Joana Friesz So What’s Better Than All Black? How about Hereford crossed calves for a $50-$78 per head advantage based on a recent study conducted at the Harris Ranch! The most heterosis with a Baumgarten bull! Crossbreeding: The Competitive Edge Using Hereford bulls on Angus based cows will give producers advantages in profitability, cash flow, herd size and retained female fertility and longevity according to a recently completed study at Circle A Angus Ranch. In fact, when the data was further analyzed for economic emphasis, the results showed an advantage of $514 net per cow over a period of 10 years. That’s a $51 difference per cow per year. Economic models also predicted that if replacement females are retained over a period of 10 years, Hereford-sired females will generate a 20% advantage in herd size for the same relative cost versus the straight Angus commercial cows because of increased fertility and longevity. “Heterosis brings the greatest benefits in terms of reproduction, calf survival, longevity, milk production and early growth.” • 1 • Welcome — In 1914, Ben Hans started his registered Hereford herd by registering two head of cattle in North Dakota. His daughter, Gertrude Hans, would later marry Richard Baumgarten, Rolland’s grandfather. As a dowry, Ben gave Richard several registered bred cows, setting the foundation for what has become our legacy. Rolland’s dad Hilbert Baumgarten spent years in the Red River Valley carrying on that legacy. Across the state, Theodore and Rose Fischer, Tama’s parents, were also raising registered Herefords on a ranch near Belfield, the same ranch that we call home. As we hold our 12th annual production sale with Nord Angus, we also celebrate a century of breeding registered Hereford cattle. It’s hard to imagine anything lasting that long, but as anyone knows it takes years to raise quality. Western North Dakota saw a wet spring, giving us lush pastures and plenty of hay for our cattle. This year’s herd has never looked better. Our bulls and heifers exemplify functionality, thickness and maternal traits to improve your stock. On top of that, it’s a wonderful time to be in the cattle business. With record-high prices, there is no better time to invest in quality cattle that will give you the most profit for your buck. We have spent a lifetime using proven genetics to breed quality into our herd. In the last 100 years, our family has worked hard to bring you high-quality cattle, and we couldn’t be prouder of our heritage of producing cattle that will not only get the job done but also pass down genetics to give you that quality. Whether you plan to use our bulls on your registered herd or to help bring performance to commercial cows, we are confident our Herefords will make their mark. Finally, we would like to thank you all for our continued support, and we are excited to welcome you if this will be your first time stepping into our sale barn. We truly believe our customers are our friends, not just buyers. We enjoy doing business with you and want you to feel confident that the cattle you purchase from us are what you need. We invite you to stop by the ranch and see for yourself what we have to offer. If you have any questions, please call us anytime. We look forward to seeing you at the 12th annual Baumgarten Cattle Co. Production Sale with Nord Angus on February 6th at the ranch. We can’t think of any better way to celebrate a century of success than with you, our friends. Thank you and enjoy the catalog. Rollie and Tama Baumgarten • Amber, Audra, Alisha, Luke and Bob Nord. 2 • NATIONAL CATTLE EVALUATION TERMS SCROTAL EVALUATION Age in Months 12-14 15-20 21-30 30 plus Acceptable Range (cm) 30-3531-3732-3933-40 EPD — EXPECTED PROGENY DIFFERENCE: Estimate of a bull or cow’s future progeny performance compared to progeny of a breed average sire or dam. EPDs are expressed in actual pounds, plus or minus, for birth, weaning and yearling weights and maternal performance. SC — SCROTAL CIRCUMFERENCE: A measure of fertility. Testicle size indicated by scrotal circumference measured in centimeters is a highly heritable trait very much correlated to reproductive efficiency. A valuable indicator of bull fertility and puberty, and highly related to early puberty in heifers and cow fertility, increased bull scrotal circumference should improve fertility and inherent cow herd productivity. 2011 HEREFORD BREED EPD AVERAGE CED BW WW YW Milk M&G CEM 0.6 3.5 45 74 18 41 1.0 CED — Calving Ease Direct BW — Birth Weight WW — Weaning Weight YW — Yearling Weight MILK M&G — Milk & Growth CEM — Calving Ease Maternal Sale Accommodations Trapper’s Inn ............... 701-575-4261 Cowboy Inn ................. 701-575-4245 Please reserve rooms ahead of time. Due to oil activity rooms are limited. Special Announcement Check out our website for further updates, sale bull pictures and videos and sale catalog at www.baumgartencattle.com. EMBRYO TRANSFER PROGRAM: Just a short note here to advise you about some information on our ET program. Please remember that the calves that are ET calves are not raised on their natural mother, but instead a recip cow. Some of these recip cows do not have that natural ability to milk and feed a calf the way the original ET mama cow does. Therefore, sometimes the performance of an ET calf is not as good as her natural calf is, but the genetics are still there to produce that type of performance. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: Terms of the sale are cash. Every animal will be sold to the highest bidder with the auctioneer settling disputes as to bids. Announced changes in catalog information sale day take precedence over printed material in this catalog. All cattle are the buyer’s property as soon as sold. Bull calves returned to seller will be fed free until April 1st. Feeding arrangements will be made on bull calves only. We would appreciate that all bull calves we feed be insured. Neither the owners nor any person connected with this sale or catalog assumes any liability, legal or otherwise. Animals that are being cared for by seller are done so at the purchaser’s risk. INJURY OR DEATH PRIOR TO DELIVERY: Injury resulting in death or death of the bull prior to delivery will not be the responsibility of Baumgarten & Nord. This is an insurable risk with coverage offered at the time of sale at the following cost of coverage. 6 month term………………..4.0% of purchase price 1 year term……………..…...6.0% of purchase price GUARANTEE: Every animal in the sale is to the best of our knowledge, free from any disease or defect. Any known defect will be announced at sale time. All bulls are guaranteed breeders. All claims must be submitted in writing to seller within eight months of sale date, along with semen evaluation and health report, at buyer’s expenses, from veterinarian. Seller must be contacted as soon as buyer is aware of the problem and before the bull is disposed of. Seller shall have the privilege of trying bull after his return before making any adjustments. In case an adjustment is required, it will be made with a replacement animal of equal value to the animal in question if one is available, or credit on the purchase of another animal. We assume no liability, legal or otherwise, to make any further compensation to the buyer. Baumgarten will guarantee Hereford bulls for injury through the first breeding season which will end as of Sept. 1st in the year of the purchase. A replacement will be made through credit in forthcoming sales for those bulls which fail to breed as a result of injury. Injured bull must be returned to Seller. Injury resulting in death or death of bull will not be the responsibility of Seller. This is an insurable risk that the purchaser can obtain coverage for through Joana Friesz, 701-400-8744 or 701-843-8744. NEW: We offer a sight unseen guarantee. Call Rollie for details. • INSURANCE: Available on sale day for those wanting to purchase it. Baumgartens and Nords will pay for half of the insurance premium if the bull is insured for one year. DELIVERY: $50.00 will be taken off the top of the purchaser’s price if the bull is taken home with the buyer on sale day. Free delivery up to 300 miles on bulls. No delivery on heifers. ABSENTEE BIDS: Anyone wishing to bid who cannot attend the sale may place phone or mail bids by contacting Rollie or any sales representative. HEALTH: Health of the Baumgarten herd is excellent. State is Bovine Brucellosis free and Accredited Bovine Tuberculosis free. Females are officially calfhood Bangs vaccinated. Individual health papers will be furnished for shipment anywhere. REGISTRATION AND TRANSFER: Registration certificates will be transferred to buyers upon request at seller’s expense. When making settlement, buyers must give complete written name and address information for making transfers. 3 • • REFERENCE SIRES • HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 1/26/10 Reg. # 43073829 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 6052F SOD,DLF,IEC HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 731G CED -1.6 BW 2.6 WW 54 YW 67 MILK 21 HH ADVANCE 396N CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 2118M DLF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 519 HH MISS ADVANCE 454D CL 1 DOMINO 392 SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 160A DOD HH ADVANCE 5029E HH MS ADVANCE 5018E M&G 48 REA .22 MARB. .29 Very seldom do you have a bull that is this complete in his pattern, 100% pigmented, and have great numbers including carcass data plus have a dam as great as the 1028L cow. He is a no holes herd bull that covers all that today’s beef industry demands and is a bull that will really contribute to ours and your program. Owned with Perman Herefords, ND, and Jake Dixon, TX. 0184X HH ADVANCE 1173Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 1/24/11 Reg. # 43173205 L1 DOMINO 01384 CHB L1 DOMINO 03571 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF L1 DOMINETTE 00532 CL 1 DOMINO 824H SOD,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 7034T ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8016H CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CED +4.5 BW 3.1 WW 65 YW 102 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 8124H 2ET CL 1 DOMINO 500E SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 687F MILK 35 M&G 68 REA .54 MARB. -.06 1173 sires calves with extra growth and performance. We are very happy with the group of bull calves we have and even more excited to get his daughters into production. He is out of the picture perfect cow, 5139, that recently sold for $175,000 and has produced more than $500,000 in progeny sales. 1173 has 7 full sisters that are super uddered, well marked, big hipped and have an exceptional phenotype. 1173Y CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 1/18/12 Reg. # 43268077 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CED +0.1 BW 4.1 WW 55 YW 103 L1 DOMINO 03396 CHB,DLF,IEF CL1 DOMINETTE 118L CL1 DOMINO 1172L CL 1 DOMINETTE 810H CL 1 DOMINO 590R CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 507R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 824H SOD,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMMINETTE 200M DOD MILK 41 M&G 68 REA .32 MARB. .05 297 is a maternal sire with plenty of growth and performance. He ranks in the top 1 percent of the breed for YW and milk. His dam’s average ratios are 107.8 for WW and 108 for YW. His bull calves are surely the right kind. He has a very classy set of heifer calves that we are proud of. Owned with Holden Herefords and Cooper Herefords. 297Z HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 1/4/12 Reg. # 43270784 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CED -2.0 BW 3.0 WW 51 YW 69 HH ADVANCE 396N CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 2118M DLF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 519 HH MISS ADVANCE 454D CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 8124H 2ET CL 1 DOMINO 500E SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 687F MILK 26 M&G 52 REA .23 MARB. .24 2029 is deep bodied, well-marked, extra thick and clean made. On the carcass side, he ratioed 110 on REA and 133 on IMF. He is out of the legendary 5139 cow and is a maternal brother to 1173. Owned with Fawcetts Elm Creek Ranch and Harrell Herefords. • 2029Z 4 • • REFERENCE SIRES • NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 2/3/11 Reg. # P43214853 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF RRH MR FELT 3008 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF KCF MISS 459 F284 MM RSM STOCKMASTER 512 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF INTERSTATE D03 G80 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF REMITALL BOOMER 46B SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTORIA 964 8114 DLF,HYF,IEF RU 20X BOULDER 57G CHB NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW D32 CLAIRE 94J CED +2.4 BW 2.3 WW 61 YW 102 MILK 29 M&G 59 REA .54 MARB. .53 We used 10Y to expand our polled genetics and we are very impressed with the outcome. He sires calves that are deep ribbed, easy fleshing, and are marked great with lots of eye pigment. His dam, 73S, sits at the top for maternal cow power and is the dam of both the 2012 and 2013 National Champion Polled Bulls. Owned by Perks Ranch, Illinois and Ned and Jan Ward, Wyoming. 10Y LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 4/15/10 Reg. # P43144383 CS BOOMER 29F SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 DLF,HYF,IEF SHF INTERSTATE 20X D03 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF CRR 475E CASSIE 838 MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF CED +2.4 BW 1.0 WW 46 YW 65 MILK 24 PW MOHICAN NASDAQ P316 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN PET 184L MOHICAN KELSO 200K MOHICAN CARNAL 173L M&G 47 REA .43 MARB. .09 True Grit X06 sires moderate-framed, thick, easy-fleshing calves with excellent rib shape. We consider him top notch in the calving ease category. He marks his calves just right. His daughters are very promising young cows. Owned with Keith Lapp. X06 UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 3/8/03 Reg. # 42426386 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 CED +11.3 BW -1.3 WW 47 YW 77 MILK 37 CL 1 DOMINO 500E SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 251B CL 1 DOMINO 166 SOD CL 1 DOMINETTE 130 JNHR 414 DIAMND 164D SOD SH RED MISS 436 DOD C MR HIGH 96106 4ET CHB UPS MS RED FORK 5537 M&G 60 REA .40 MARB. .35 3027 is a proven calving-ease sire. He gave us light BW calves that went on to be excellent performers. He is in the top 5 percent of the breed for marbling and 1 percent for calving ease direct. His calves are marked right to work on any color of cow and has very good eye pigment. 3027 KC L1 DOMINO 12050 DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 4/4/12 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0207X DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 7066T DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF F 157K RIBSTONE 765 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF KC MISS RIBSTONE 09040 DOD KC L1 DOMETT 06100 DOD CED -1.3 BW 5.2 WW 58 YW 100 Reg. # 43330430 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G CL 1 DOMINO 320N CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5193R K 64H RIBSTONE LAD 157K CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF F MS BONANZA 246 CHURCHILL ADVANCE 363 CHB,DLF,IEF KC L1 DOMETT 02004 MILK 27 M&G 56 REA .29 MARB. .07 12050 is a thick, deep-ribbed bull that is short marked. He is in the top 5% of the breed for YW. His dam averages a 107.5 on WW ratio and a 104.7 for YW ratio on four calves. • 12050 5 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC BAKKEN MAN 402B 402 DOB: 1/19/14 Reg. # 43511191 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF GO EXCEL L18 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC BOBBI 216Z OXH CHRISTI 0028 DLF,HYC,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 560 KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 2107 BW 69 205 735 CED 7.3 BW 0.8 WW 52 YW 84 MILK 31 M&G 57 REA .49 MARB. .20 402 is a calving ease bull with good performance. He is a cherry red calf with great markings that make him a good candidate for any color heifer or cow. Weaning weight ratio 112. 90% eye pigment. 400 402A BCC MACHO MAN 400B DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 3/20/14 Reg. # P43527350 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF C MAUI JIM ET CHB,DLF,IEF C 8403 MS ACHV 96044 DOD CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF C LADY TIME 0054 C MISS MAUI 8182 ET BW 69 205 645 CED 1.6 BW 3.3 WW 57 YW 95 MILK 28 M&G 56 REA 0.49 BCC BAKKEN MAN 405B 405 DOB: 1/22/14 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 HH ADVANCE 0132X CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 DOMINETTE 225Z BCC L1 DOMINETTE 632 MARB. 0.28 BW 63 400 (polled) is another exceptional Hometown calf that has a lot of muscle through his top and quarter. He is sound on the move and should be able to cover some real estate. He is a twin with excellent carcass EPDs. Reg. # 43511189 205 703 CED 9.0 BW -0.5 WW 47 CL 1 DOMINO 7128T 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 6054S DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC MEDORA 923 YW 78 MILK 34 M&G 57 REA .23 MARB. .30 405 is a curve bending heifer bull prospect. 405 will give you calving ease without sacrificing performance. Pedigree is stacked top and bottom with calving ease. 100% eye pigment. BCC BAKKEN MAN 407B 407 DOB: 1/22/14 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 Reg. # 43511184 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 ECR L18 EXTRA DEEP 9279 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF GO EXCEL L18 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC BOBBI 254Z OXH CHRISTI 0028 DLF,HYC,IEF BCC BETSY 901W CHURCHILL YANKEE ET CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC BEA 337 BW 77 205 747 CED 7.2 BW 1.8 WW 57 YW 89 MILK 32 M&G 61 REA .55 MARB. .23 407 is the masterpiece of EPDs. He is in the top 5% of the breed for milk, 10% for weaning weight and marbling, 15% BW, YW, and top 20% REA. He combines all this with length, great markings and a classy look. Retaining 1/4 semen interest. 407B BCC BAKKEN MAN 408B 408 DOB: 1/23/14 Reg. # 43511178 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF BCC BABY CHEEKS 292Z BCC HARITTE 876U ET DOD BW 71 205 726 CED 6.5 BW 1.5 WW 54 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF CJH HARLAND 408 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC SHE DAISY 141 DOD,DLF,IEF YW 82 MILK 32 M&G 59 REA .30 MARB. .31 408 is a calving ease bull that exhibits plenty of muscle and shape. With a 726 pound weaning weight, there is no loss of performance with this light birth weight prospect. He is in the top 5% of the breed for calving ease and marbling. 90% eye pigment. • 408B 6 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC BAKKEN MAN 409B 409 DOB: 1/24/14 Reg. # 43511193 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD SH DIAMOND 881 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC MISS BELL 206Z BCC LACEY 048X BW 76 205 682 CED 7.2 BW 1.9 WW 53 KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF GO EXCEL L18 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 MEDORA 757 YW 95 MILK 30 M&G 57 REA .53 MARB. .15 409 is in the top 5% of the breed for Yearling Weight. The bottom side of his pedigree is stacked full of cows with good udders with very small teats. Marked great with red goggle eyes. 409 will work great on baldy cows. 409B BCC MACHO MAN 414B 414 DOB: 2/21/14 Reg. # 43511127 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC L1 MEDORA 734 LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC TARA 2109Z BCC MISS MAY BARRY 0116X BW 61 205 632 CED 3.2 BW 0.1 WW 50 YW 83 MILK 26 M&G 51 REA .52 MARB. .30 414 is a deep ribbed heifer bull out of 10Y and is in the top 5% of the breed for marbling as well as the top 10% for REA. He is a heifer bull prospect with great carcass EPDs. 414’s pedigree shows great maternal strength. 414B BCC DENALI 422B 422 DOB: 2/12/14 Reg. # P43511235 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC MISS MAYBARRY 064X DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 MEDORA 744 BW 88 205 745 CED 1.6 BW 2.0 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 4162P 1ET CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 560 WW 51 YW 87 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .50 MARB. .11 422 (polled) Unmatched rib shape, true and expressive through his top and quarter and still is flawless when in motion. Denali’s dam is quickly becoming one of our favorite cows that ratios 114 on WW and 116 on YW. It’s hard to find a bull that is this stout yet possesses this much length. As good as his flushmates are we feel this bull has the ability to breed on as good or better than he is. Terms to be announced sale day. 422B BCC SPOTLIGHT 434B 434 DOB: 2/15/14 Reg. # P43525882 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF SHF PHOENIX M33 P68 CHB SHF LIMELIGHT W18 Y83 DLF,HYF,IEF HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M SHF PHOENIX P68 U21 DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF MONTANA MISS 6154 DOD C PURE GOLD 1029 DLF,IEF BCC PENNY 9628 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 655 ET CHB,DLF,IEF BCC SWEET PEA 906W BCC CHAR 427 ET BW 77 205 548 CED 2.5 BW 1.8 WW 47 YW 78 MILK 17 M&G 40 • REA .28 MARB. .12 7 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC MACHO MAN 436B 436 DOB: 2/15/14 Reg. # 43511212 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC SHEDAISY 158 TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC MISS MAY BARRY 0116X BCC L1 MEDORA 734 BW 84 205 747 CED 0.9 BW 2.4 WW 60 YW 104 MILK 28 M&G 58 REA .65 MARB. .26 436 presents a great combo with moderate BW, extra growth and plenty of performance. He is in the top 1% of the breed for YW as well as the top 5% for REA and marbling. His dam averages a 99.7 BW and 109.7 WW on three calves. 436B BCC L1 DOMINO 437B 437 DOB: 2/16/14 Reg. # 43513389 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF C PURE GOLD 1029 DLF,IEF BCC L1 CHAR 535 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9802 BW 99 205 753 CED 0.1 C -S PURE GOLD 98170 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF C MS ACHIEVER 92071 HH ADVANCE 872X SR LEAH 657 BW 3.5 WW 49 YW 85 MILK 32 M&G 56 REA .34 MARB. .01 437 is a long-spine calf with extra performance. His mother is a 9-year-old cow that has never missed with 297 and 535 behind him. He is destined to produce great females, being in the top 1% of the breed for milk. 437B BCC L1 DOMINO 439B 439 DOB: 2/16/14 Reg. # 43511198 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF UPS NAVARRO CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC CANDY 175Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF BW 91 205 608 CED -0.8 BW 4.7 WW 50 UPS DOMINO 5216 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF UPS MISS DOMINO 5875 DLF,IEF DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 YW 93 MILK 29 M&G 54 REA .36 MARB. .12 439 is at the top 5% of the breed for YW and Milk. He is easy fleshing with plenty of muscle expression. His dam is a great looking cow that is a direct daughter of our no-miss 202 donor. BCC L1 DOMINO 440B 440 DOB: 2/16/14 Reg. # 43511174 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 465 BCC BOBBI 140 BW 93 205 666 CED 0.3 BW 3.8 WW 45 JA L1 DOMINO 503 2ET SOD MONTANA MISS J336 DOD OXH DOMINO 9287 DS LADY NORSTAR 3695 YW 83 MILK 29 M&G 52 REA .16 MARB. .08 440 is in the top 5% of the breed for milk. He is a deep-ribbed calf backed with great maternal strength and cows with excellent udders. • 440B 8 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 442B 442 DOB: 2/17/14 Reg. # 43511148 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF L1 DOMINO 05503 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 DOMINETTE 835U BCC L1 DOMINETTE 619 BW 86 205 598 CED 2.2 BW 2.7 L1 DOMINO 02423 L1 DOMINETTE 00479 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC RUBY 414 WW 44 YW 78 MILK 29 M&G 51 REA .19 MARB. .06 442 will mature into a big, long bull. His maternal brother sells as Lot 3135. 443 BCC MACHO MAN 443B DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 2/18/14 Reg. # 43511210 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC COMET 016 MISS GEN DUKE 263 TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC MISS MAYBARRY 0122X DLF,HYF,IEF BCC SAPHIRE 480 BW 94 205 717 CED -1.2 BW 4.6 WW 64 YW 111 MILK 26 M&G 59 REA .61 MARB. .28 443 is a powerhouse out of a great, young cow. He is deep, thick and long. His full brother was last year’s top seller to Diamond J Farms. 443B BCC L1 DOMINO 448B 448 DOB: 2/18/14 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF Reg. # 43511233 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 6052F SOD,DLF,IEC HH MISS ADVANCE 731G 205 646 CED -0.8 BW 2.5 WW 52 YW 69 MILK 20 M&G 46 REA .28 MARB. .22 BW 95 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF BW 79 205 627 CED 1.5 BW 3.5 WW 58 MILK 24 M&G 53 REA .43 MARB. .10 WW 47 YW 82 MILK 23 M&G 46 REA .26 MARB. .25 DOB: 2/22/14 Reg. # 43511153 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CL 1 DOMINO 4162P 1ET CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 MEDORA 757 CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET BCC L1 PRINCESS 455 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC SHE DAISY 025 BW 96 453 is a stout-made, easy-doing X06 son out of a productive, broody, first-calf heifer. 453 will add fleshing ability and muscle to any herd. Very maternal. • BW 4.6 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF CS BOOMER 29F SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC KOTA 502 YW 93 CED 0.2 BCC L1 DOMINO 456B 456 Reg. # 43511182 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC DARLA 267Z BCC DIXIE 821U DOD 205 579 452 (polled) is in the top 5% percent of the breed for marbling. His dam was a very good uddered, 11-year-old cow. BCC DUKE 453B DOB: 2/21/14 Reg. # P43511177 CH 82B EXPLORER 122E SOD F MS POWER 340 DOD RB L1 DOMINO 4067 RB L1 DOMINETTE 6076 BIG SKY 946 BCC BEA 337 RB L1 DOMINETTE 8044 This double bred 0184 son should work well on heifers and give you awesome daughters. 453 DOB: 2/21/14 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF LHF L1 DOMINETTE 221Z HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF BCC SWEET CHEEKS 062X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF BW 71 BCC MACHO MAN 452B 452 205 514 CED 0.2 BW 4.0 WW 43 YW 72 MILK 23 M&G 44 REA .12 MARB. .14 456 has 100% eye pigment and is a deep-ribbed calf. His dam has produced very good daughters. 9 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 459B 459 DOB: 2/23/14 Reg. # 43511139 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CJH HARLAND 408 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 9005J CHB,DLF,IEF SR HARLET 960W DOD CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 DLF,HYF,IEF SR MARY 4128 TS 166 DOMINO 1455 SR MANDY 0101 BW 74 205 660 CED 2.7 BW 1.8 WW 45 YW 84 MILK 33 M&G 56 REA .14 MARB. .17 459 is deep-bodied, square-made calf. His dam is a complete cow with an excellent udder. She has a BW ratio of 90.8 and a WW ratio of 108.8 on four calves. 459 runs in the top 1% of the breed for milk. 460 459B BCC MACHO MAN 460B DLF,HYF,IEF DOB: 2/23/14 Reg. # 43511217 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF NJW 94J DEW 72N DLF,HYF,IEF NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC SWEET CAROLINE 071X ET DLF,HYF,IEF BCC KAY 415 DLF,HYF,IEF BW 92 205 650 CED 0.4 BW 4.0 WW 55 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 026K 1ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF DS MS NORWEST 8634 YW 98 MILK 30 M&G 58 REA .58 MARB. .27 460 is a 10Y son that is very complete in his makeup. His pedigree lines up a lot of great cows in the breed. He should transmit genetics to raise milky replacements that wean off heavy calves. His dam ratios a 105 on WW. Full brother to last year’s second-high seller, Billy the Kid. 460B BCC DUKE 464B 464 DOB: 3/1/14 Reg. # P43511240 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF BCC DESPERADO 9121W CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC DAISY 134Y BCC MISS MAYBARRY 9110W BW 74 205 637 CED 0.7 BW 2.5 WW 49 BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 237 YW 78 MILK 24 M&G 49 REA .48 MARB. .07 464 (polled) is a clean-made, long-extended calf that will work well on heifers. He was mistakenly marked as a single on his BW ratio; otherwise he would read lower on his BW EPD. 464B BCC L1 DOMINO 466B 466 DOB: 3/5/14 Reg. # 43511167 L1 DOMINO 03571 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 7034T ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 1173Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 557 BCC DAWN 217 BW 88 205 711 CED 2.4 BW 3.8 WW 56 JA L1 DOMINO 503 2ET SOD MONTANA MISS J336 DOD MR BEEF 9045 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SR LEAH 657 YW 90 MILK 26 M&G 54 REA .39 MARB. .05 466 is a moderate BW calf with plenty of performance and growth. He has a WW ratio of 108. • 466B 10 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 473B ET 473 DOB: 3/6/14 Reg. # 43513399 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BW 85 205 706 CED 0.1 BW 4.1 WW 50 YW 89 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .34 MARB. .04 473 is in the top 15% of the breed for milk and YW. He is an ET calf out of 202, who has made her mark on our herd like no other cow before her. At 12 years of age, she is sound, good uddered with excellent feet. In 2014, her natural heifer calf had a 205-day weight of 651 pounds. 473’s full brothers sell as 475, 484 and 488. BCC L1 DOMINO 475B ET 475 DOB: 3/6/14 Reg. # 43513401 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF BW 85 205 682 CED 0.1 BW 4.1 WW 50 YW 89 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .34 DOB: 3/6/14 Reg. # 43511138 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 2029Z ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BCC L1 DOMINO 476B 476 CL 1 DOMINO 477P CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 221M DOD SR REFLECTION 1035 DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 275 CL 1 DOMINO 7114T 1ET BCC L1 DOMINETTE 974W BCC ADA 740 MARB. .04 BW 88 475 is in the top 15% of the breed for milk and YW. He is an ET calf out of 202, who has made her mark on our herd like no other cow before her. At 12 years of age, she is sound, good uddered with excellent feet. In 2014, her natural heifer calf had a 205-day weight of 651 pounds. 475’s full brothers sell as 473, 484 and 488. 205 642 CED 0.2 BW 2.1 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H WW 46 YW 61 MILK 26 M&G 49 REA .11 MARB. .19 476 has that extra depth of rib, just like his sire, with many cows with very good udders behind him. BCC L1 DOMINO 479B 479 DOB: 3/6/14 Reg. # 43511144 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CJH HARLAND 408 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 9005J CHB,DLF,IEF CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC HARITTE 876U ET DOD BCC SHE DAISY 141 DOD,DLF,IEF SR HARD DRIVE 8067 SOD BHA L1 DUCHESS 714 BW 71 205 654 CED 3.1 BW 0.9 WW 45 YW 85 MILK 34 M&G 57 REA .15 MARB. .16 479 is a moderate-frame, short-marked calf. He will work on any color cow. His dam is a beautiful-uddered 408 daughter. 479B BCC TARA 482B 482 DOB: 3/7/14 Reg. # P43511136 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 4162P 1ET CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF BCC MARIA KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 750 BCC MARIO 646 BCC MARIA 982W BCC L1 PRINCESS 634 BW 88 205 616 CED 1.7 BW 2.8 WW 44 YW 71 MILK 21 M&G 43 REA .22 MARB. .10 482 (polled) is a thick, long and wide-based bull with plenty of style. • 482B 11 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 484B ET 484 DOB: 3/8/14 Reg. # 43513404 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF BW 82 205 623 CED 0.1 BW 4.1 WW 50 YW 89 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .34 DOB: 3/8/14 Reg. # 43511145 L1 DOMINO 03571 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 7034T ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 1173Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H CJH HARLAND 408 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 9005J CHB,DLF,IEF BCC HARITTE 841U CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC MEDORA 911 B STARFIRE 61 SOD,CHB MISS DAKOTA 267 CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BCC L1 DOMINO 485B 485 MARB. .04 BW 82 484 is in the top 15% of the breed for milk and YW. He is an ET calf out of 202, who has made her mark on our herd like no other cow before her. At 12 years of age, she is sound, good uddered with excellent feet. In 2014, her natural heifer calf had a 205-day weight of 651 pounds. 484’s full brothers sell as 473, 475 and 488. 205 632 CED 4.0 BW 2.4 WW 52 YW 86 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .24 MARB. .12 485 is a long-spined, big-topped calf with light BW. He has a very maternal pedigree and should leave you with an excellent set of replacements. BCC L1 DOMINO 487B 487 DOB: 3/9/14 Reg. # 43511155 CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 4162P 1ET CHB,SOD,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET BCC L1 MEDORA 744 KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 560 B&B L1 DOMINETE 2107 BW 98 205 638 CED 1.6 BW 3.9 WW 49 YW 91 MILK 30 M&G 54 REA .22 MARB. .07 BCC L1 DOMINO 488B 488 DOB: 3/9/14 Reg. # 43513406 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BW 99 205 805 CED 0.1 BW 4.1 WW 50 YW 89 MILK 27 M&G 53 REA .34 MARB. .04 488 is in the top 15% of the breed for milk and YW. He is an ET calf out of 202, who has made her mark on our herd like no other cow before her. At 12 years of age, she is sound, good uddered with excellent feet. In 2014, her natural heifer calf had a 205-day weight of 651 pounds. 488’s full brothers sell as 473, 475 and 484. 488B BCC L1 DOMINO 489B 489 DOB: 3/9/14 HH ADVANCE 0207X DLF,HYF,IEF KC L1 DOMINO 12050 DLF,HYF,IEF KC MISS RIBSTONE 09040 DOD Reg. # 43511205 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 7066T DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF F 157K RIBSTONE 765 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF KC L1 DOMETT 06100 DOD UPS DOMINO 5216 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 DOMINETTE 129Y UPS MISS MOM 2756 DOD BCC L1 PRINCESS 549 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC MEDORA 043 BW 79 205 689 CED 1.8 BW 2.3 WW 48 YW 80 MILK 29 M&G 53 REA .27 MARB. .14 489 is a must-see herd bull. He is a deep-ribbed, thick, wide-topped and explosive through his hip and lower quarter. He stands down on a correct set of legs and has well-balanced EPDs with good markings. 100 percent eye pigment. Terms to be announced sale day. • 489B 12 • • YEARLING BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 494B 494 DOB: 3/17/14 Reg. # 43511208 L1 DOMINO 03571 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 7034T ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 1173Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H UPS DOMINO 5216 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 DOMINETTE 123Y BCC L1 PRINCESS 652 BW 88 205 703 CED 3.6 BW 3.7 WW 58 MILK 29 M&G 58 REA .52 MARB. .02 BW 91 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF BW 89 205 614 CED -0.1 BW 2.4 205 630 CED 0.0 BW 4.5 WW 54 DOB: 3/22/14 YW 71 MILK 26 M&G 49 REA .38 MILK 22 M&G 49 REA .44 MARB. .02 Reg. # 43511169 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CHB CL 1 DOMINO 860U CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 732T CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 297Z DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 9134W 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 475P DLF,HYF,IEF LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF C PURE GOLD 1029 DLF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 CHAR 535 DLF,HYF,IEF DHR L1 DOMINO 828D BCC MEDORA 9802 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 301 WW 46 YW 94 BCC L1 DOMINO 4100B 4100 Reg. # P43511121 TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC MISS MAYBARRY 9110W B&B L1 DOMINETE 237 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 7066T DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF F 157K RIBSTONE 765 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF KC L1 DOMETT 06100 DOD This long 12050 calf is out of a very good-uddered 710 daughter. BCC DUKE 499B DOB: 3/22/14 Reg. # 43511130 BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC LACIE 1136Y BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 494 has two big red goggle eyes. He should hit just right on baldy cows. 499 DOB: 3/20/14 HH ADVANCE 0207X DLF,HYF,IEF KC L1 DOMINO 12050 DLF,HYF,IEF KC MISS RIBSTONE 09040 DOD UPS DOMINO 3027 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF UPS MISS MOM 2756 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF YW 93 BCC L1 DOMINO 497B 497 MARB. .08 BW 90 499 (polled) is a long-extended, super clean-fronted calf with plenty of growth. He has 100% eye pigment. 205 652 CED 0.0 C -S PURE GOLD 98170 CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF C MS ACHIEVER 92071 HH ADVANCE 872X SR LEAH 657 BW 3.5 WW 51 YW 87 MILK 32 M&G 57 REA .36 MARB. .01 4100 is a dark-cherry red calf with excellent markings and lots of eye pigment. With 297 and 535 behind him, he will sire an excellent set of females. He is in the top 1% of the breed for milk. BCC DUKE 4104B 4104 DOB: 3/26/14 Reg. # 43511226 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF TFR HIGH COTTON 328 ET DLF,IEF BCC MISS MAYBARRRY 035X THR MISS THOR R5094 BW 89 205 637 CED 0.5 BW 2.5 LAGRAND RELOAD 80P ET SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 COTTON 356 DLF,HYF,IEF JA L1 DOMINO 1232L THR MISS THOR 0259 WW 49 YW 81 MILK 27 M&G 51 REA .41 MARB. .08 4104 is a moderate-frame, easy-fleshing, thick calf. This dark-red bull is short marked. BCC COMET 4105B 4105 DOB: 3/26/14 HH ADVANCE 0132X CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC L1 DOMINETTE 237Z SR HARLET 960W DOD 205 607 CED 4.8 BW 0.2 WW 42 YW 74 BCC DUKE 4107B 4107 Reg. # 43511186 KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF BW 71 4104B DOB: 3/27/14 Reg. # P43511219 HH ADVANCE 7046G DLF,IEF MONTANA MISS 011 B STARFIRE 61 SOD,CHB MISS GEN DUKE 263 THM DURANGO 4037 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR ABOUT TIME 743 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF CRR D03 CASSIE 206 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN RANGELAND 221R LSW WCC ABOUT TIME X06 DLF,HYF,IEF WBCC WCC 69P MS RANGELAND U800 DLF,HYF,IEF MOHICAN CARMEL 69P DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 7128T 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 6054S DLF,HYF,IEF CJH HARLAND 408 SOD,CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF SR MARY 4128 BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC ROSE 065X B&B L1 DOMINETE 237 MILK 24 M&G 45 REA .30 MARB. .13 BW 73 4105 has 100% eye pigment and is in the top 5% of the breed for BW. He should work well on heifers with 710 and 960 in his pedigree. He will give you females with excellent udders. His dam, 237Z, is a maternal sister to Lot 459. • 205 636 CED 3.2 BW -0.2 WW 42 KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF DHR L1 DOMINO 828D B&B MS L1 DOMINO 301 YW 62 MILK 22 M&G 43 REA .39 MARB. .06 4107 (polled) is a calving-ease specialist. He is a correct, thick, wide-based calf. This young bull has a bright future. 13 • • TWO YEAR OLD BULLS • 369 BCC L1 DOMINO 369A ET DOB: 3/7/13 Reg. # 43418765 CL 1 DOMINO 7128T 1ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0132X CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 6054S DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BW 86 205 594 YW 1090 CED 2.3 HH ADVANCE 3113N 1ET SOD,CHB CL 1 DOMINETTE 0112K 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 320N CHB,SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 4053P BW 2.6 WW 46 YW 73 MILK 22 M&G 45 REA .09 MARB. .20 369 is a calving ease, 2 year old, that is marked just right. He is in the top 10% of the breed for marbling. BCC L1 DOMINO 384A 384 DOB: 3/10/13 Reg. # 43418767 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF 205 642 YW 1154 CED -0.8 BW 3.4 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 6052F SOD,DLF,IEC HH MISS ADVANCE 731G CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BW 92 369A WW 50 YW 71 MILK 18 M&G 43 REA .29 MARB. .16 We used 384 on our commercial cows to produce replacement heifers. With 0184 and 202, his daughters will be excellent uddered and have longevity. BCC L1 DOMINO 389A 389 DOB: 3/13/13 Reg. # 43418753 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 655 ET CHB,DLF,IEF MONTANA MISS 6154 DOD HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC SWEET CHEEKS 062X ET DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF BW 86 205 621 384A YW 1134 CED 2.5 BW 3.6 WW 52 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD HH ADVANCE 311C SOD MONTANA MISS J938 HH ADVANCE 0024K SOD,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 YW 82 MILK 19 M&G 45 REA .70 MARB. -.10 389 is a big topped, powerful 2 year old with great muscle shape. He is out of a powerful 286 daughter we sold to Pete Loehr at the Mile High Sale. BCC L1 DOMINO 393A 393 DOB: 3/13/13 Reg. # 43418679 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF 205 578 YW 1117 CED 0.4 BW 2.1 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 6052F SOD,DLF,IEC HH MISS ADVANCE 731G CL 1 DOMINO 477P CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 221M DOD SR REFLECTION 1035 DLF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETE 275 CL 1 DOMINO 7114T 1ET BCC L1 DOMINETTE 974W BCC ADA 740 BW 90 389A WW 44 YW 54 MILK 24 M&G 46 REA .07 MARB. .20 393 has tons of maternal strength from top to bottom. He is backed by excellent uddered, productive cows. • 14 • • TWO YEAR OLD BULLS • BCC L1 DOMINO 399A 399 DOB: 3/16/13 Reg. # 43528209 HH ADVANCE 8203U ET CHB,DLF,IEF HH ADVANCE 0184X ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1028L DLF,HYF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 PRINCESS 634 B&B L1 DOMINETE 750 BW 90 205 624 YW 1117 CED -0.5 BW 3.0 WW 42 YW 62 HH ADVANCE 5161R CHB,DLF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 752G HH ADVANCE 6052F SOD,DLF,IEC HH MISS ADVANCE 731G JA L1 DOMINO 503 2ET SOD MONTANA MISS J336 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 441 B&B L1 DOMINETTE 512 MILK 19 M&G 40 REA .10 MARB. .23 If you like them big, long and complete don’t overlook 399. He’ll put some production into your herd. 3100 BCC L1 DOMINO 3100A DOB: 3/17/13 Reg. # 43418733 L1 DOMINO 03571 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 1088L DOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 2136M DLF,IEF HH MS ADVANCE 8037H HH ADVANCE 7034T ET CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF HH ADVANCE 1173Y ET DLF,HYF,IEF HH MISS ADVANCE 5139R ET DLF,HYF,IEF CL 1 DOMINO 501 SOD,DLF,HYF,IEF CLH MS STARLET 5074 L1 GENVIR 110 B&B MS L1 DOMINO 311 DHR L1 DOMINO 512D B&B L1 DOMINETE 202 DLF,HYF,IEF B&B L1 DOMINETTE 514 BW 90 205 612 399A YW 1252 CED 2.3 BW 4.0 WW 54 YW 89 MILK 24 M&G 51 REA .44 MARB. -.02 3100 was used on our commercial cows. He should be a top-female producer. 3114 BCC L1 DOMINO 3114A DOB: 3/28/13 Reg. # 43418712 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF KB L1 DOMINO 655 ET CHB,DLF,IEF MONTANA MISS 6154 DOD BW 67 205 574 YW 1151 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 DOD HH ADVANCE 311C SOD MONTANA MISS J938 CED 3.4 BW 3.3 WW 44 YW 73 MILK 22 M&G 44 REA .43 BCC L1 DOMINETTE 832U MARB. -.08 BW 94 3114 was a twin. His EPDs would be more accurate on him than actual weights. • DOB: 4/8/13 Reg. # 43418694 KB L1 DOMINO 218 CHB,DLF,IEF BCC L1 HOGAN 710 CHB,DLF,HYF,IEF BCC MEDORA 9815 DLF,HYF,IEF JA L1 DOMINO 9213 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF JA L1 DOMINETTE 8800 DOD KB L1 DOMINO 116 SOD,CHB,DLF,IEF BCC BOBBI 140 JA L1 DOMINO 4224P BCC DOROTHY 638 BCC L1 PRINCESS 465 BCC COMET 3135A 3135 205 684 HH ADVANCE 7046G DLF,IEF MONTANA MISS 011 B STARFIRE 61 SOD,CHB MISS GEN DUKE 263 CL 1 DOMINO 461P 1ET CHB,DLF,IEF CL1 DOMINO 1172L CL 1 DOMINETTE 952J OXH DOMINO 9287 BCC BOBBI 517 BCC L1 PRINCESS 309 YW 1251 CED 3.5 BW 1.7 WW 40 YW 78 MILK 22 M&G 42 3135 has that extra growth to put some gitty-up-and-go in your calf crop. 15 • REA .34 MARB. -.07 • ANGUS SIRES • EXAR UPSHOT 0562B DOB: 1/22/10 Reg. # 16541214 CONNEALY LEAD ON ALTUNE OF CONANGA 6104 SITZ VALUE 7097 SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 1370 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ UPWARD 307R SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M G T EXPO SUMMITCREST PRIDE 351F BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 LEACHMAN B C 4410 ISU IMAGING Q 9111 EXAR BARBARA T020 LCC MC HENRY BARBAR MG382 CED BW WW YW MILK REA MARB. +10 3.0 62 115 20 .19 .70 Incredible power and EPD package. The demand for Upshot calves continues to increase. 0562B PVF INSIGHT 0129 DOB: 4/17/10 Reg. # 16805884 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 P V F NEW HORIZON 001 PVF MISSIE 790 P V F MISS RAPTOR 024 G A R GRID MAKER S A V ABIGALE 0451 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 S A V MAY 2420 B/R NEW DESIGN 323 HYLINE ELLEN 410 DAMERON P V F RAPTOR 702 P V F MISS STOCKMAN 812 CED BW WW YW MILK REA MARB. +12 0.9 59 115 27 .89 .29 A tremendous young sire with a great set of numbers that is producing cattle with eye appeal out of one of the top donors at Alan Millers in Illinois, PVF Missie 790. Owned with Prairie View Farms, Express Ranches, Boyd Beef Cattle and Genex. 0129 OSU FIRST CLASS 1164 DOB: 2/19/11 DAMERON FIRST CLASS Reg. # 16935198 EXAR LUTTON 1831 RAFTER S BLACKCAP P909 DAMERON P V F RAPTOR 702 DAMERON MISS 550 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 EXAR SUDDEN IMPACT 1537 O S U 6807 GEM 5102 G A R PRECISION 1680 O S U EMPRESS 6188 O S U IMPACT 3182 OSU EMPRESS 7165 O S U EMPRESS 2134 CED BW WW YW MILK REA MARB. +5 2.6 49 82 28 .47 .22 1164 was the lead bull in the Reserve Champion early pen of 3 bulls for Oklahoma state at the 2012 NWSS. He has stamped his first calf crop with correctness, balance, growth in a very eye appealing package. 1164 CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT DOB: 1/23/07 CONNEALY PRODUCT 568 Reg. # 15848422 G A R PRECISION 1680 G A R EXT 4927 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 878 PRIDE FAN OF CONANGA 6456 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT PRIDE FINE OF CONANGA 566 LARKS CANYON 74D4 RONNA OF CONANGA 64452 PAPA UNIVERSE 515 EBONY ASY OF CONANGA CONNEALY DEEP CANYON 454 EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 EBONISA OF CONANGA 5469 CED BW WW YW MILK REA MARB. +2 0.8 65 117 29 .75 .35 Sire Alliance Leader for performance, feed efficiency and maternal value. • FINAL PRODUCT 16 • • YEARLING ANGUS BULLS • All bulls will have been tested free of AM, NH and CA genetic defect by pedigree or DNA test. Website: www.nordangusfarms.com • Phone: Bob 701/361-6493, Luke 701/446-6157. 400 NORDS IDEAL PRODUCT 400 DOB: 1/5/14 Reg. # 17956307 CONNEALY PRODUCT 568 EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 EXAR LUTTON 1831 CHERRY KNOLL LADY LOLA CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT CHERRY KNOLL IDEAL PRODUCT CHERRY KNOLL LADY 832 PVF PROVEN QUEEN 1196 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 LEACHMAN EXPLORER P V F PROVEN QUEEN 602 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 DAMERON PVF PROVEN QUEEN010 BW 68 205 681 CED +7 BW 2.2 WW 54 YW 95 MILK 25 This stud is flawless from a phenotypical standpoint as well as maintaining tremendous growth and fault free structure. *A high performing bull that could be used on heifers. 400 NORDS UPSHOT 402 402 DOB: 2/5/14 Reg. # 17956203 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M ISU IMAGING Q 9111 LCC MC HENRY BARBAR MG382 SITZ UPWARD 307R EXAR UPSHOT 0562B EXAR BARBARA T020 NORDS PRIMROSE 1150 CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT NORDS PRIMROSE 650 BW 89 205 864 CED +7 BW 2.1 WW 68 CONNEALY PRODUCT 568 EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 S A V 8180 TRAVELER 004 K A F MISS RITO 9FB3 OF 971 YW 118 MILK 24 This bull exemplifies the meaning of power and mass. 402 will add pounds to your weaning weights and will make exceptional replacement females. Maternal sister was top selling heifer at the 2014 Black Hills Stock Show. A definite sale highlight. 406 402 NORDS FINAL PRODUCT 406 DOB: 2/6/14 CONNEALY FINAL PRODUCT Reg. # 17971594 CONNEALY PRODUCT 568 EBONISTA OF CONANGA 471 NORDS FOXY LUCY 1200 S A V PAYROLL 5281 P V F BLACKBIRD 201 EXAR LUTTON 1831 NORDS FOXY LUCY 610 PVF ALL PAYDAY 729 NORDS FOXY LUCY 820 BW 81 205 807 CED +1 BW 2.1 G A R RETAIL PRODUCT PRIDE FINE OF CONANGA 566 CONNEALY DEEP CANYON 454 EBONISA OF CONANGA 5469 WW 66 YW 114 MILK 26 Slender necked, stout hipped bull with loads of volume and dimension. Out of a beautiful first calf heifer. 406 NORDS INSIGHT 408 408 DOB: 2/12/14 Reg. # 17955838 S A V BISMARCK 5682 S A V BLACKCAP MAY 5270 P V F NEW HORIZON 001 P V F MISS RAPTOR 024 S A V BRILLIANCE 8077 PVF INSIGHT 0129 PVF MISSIE 790 S A V PAYROLL 5281 P V F BLACKBIRD 201 G A R GRID MAKER YON HAZEL N296 PVF ALL PAYDAY 729 PVF HAZEL 2081 YON HAZEL T154 BW 84 205 704 CED +6 BW 3.0 WW 59 YW 106 MILK 22 Out of the increasingly popular PVF Insight. This Insight son is a stout featured, well balanced bull that is as sure footed as they come. Out of a popular first calf heifer. • 408 17 • • YEARLING ANGUS BULLS • 410 NORDS FINAL SOLUTION 410 DOB: 2/15/14 Reg. # 17973124 S A V FINAL ANSWER 0035 EURO REEKA OF CONANGA 3539 CONNEALY DANNY BOY ESTHERA OF CONANGA 842 CONNEALY ANSWER 71 CONNEALY FINAL SOLUTION ESTE OF CONANGA 364 BALDRIDGE KABOOM K243 KCF ELSA OF CONANGA 868 1112 ELIGENCE PLUS OF CONANGA BW 87 205 716 CED +6 BW 1.4 WW 54 JAUER 353 TRAVELER 589 27 PLEASANTA OF CONANGA 736 TC DIVIDEND 963 EURA CAP OF CONANGA YW 102 MILK 21 A solid herd bull prospect that demonstrates great performance and structure any cowmen can appreciate. Out of an impeccable cow from the Connealy herd. 410 NORDS UPSHOT 412 412 DOB: 2/23/14 EXAR UPSHOT 0562B Reg. # 17956262 CONNEALY ONWARD SITZ HENRIETTA PRIDE 81M ISU IMAGING Q 9111 LCC MC HENRY BARBAR MG382 SITZ UPWARD 307R EXAR BARBARA T020 POHLMANS ELENA 444 08 BW 88 K C F BENNETT ARCHITECT M299 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 K C F MISS BOB K310 TC TOTAL 410 POHLMANS ELENA 432 06 POHLMANS ELENA 372 04 205 692 CED +9 BW 1.9 WW 52 YW 98 MILK 19 Another masculine Upshot son that excels in terms of stoutness of hip, top shape and mass. A very striking individual that will make you extremely profitable. 412 Our 2014 NAILE Reserve Champion Angus Female shown by Luke Nord. • PVF Hazel 2081: Reserve Division Champion at the 2013 Atlantic National Show and class winner at the 2013 NJAS and dam of Lot 408. 18 • • TWO YEAR OLD ANGUS BULLS • 3025 NORDS FIRST CLASS 3025 DOB: 3/25/13 OSU FIRST CLASS 1164 Reg. # 17680364 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 O S U IMPACT 3182 O S U EMPRESS 2134 DAMERON FIRST CLASS OSU EMPRESS 7165 K C F BENNETT ARCHITECT M299 BON VIEW NEW DESIGN 1407 POHLMANS ELENA 444 08 K C F MISS BOB K310 TC TOTAL 410 POHLMANS ELENA 432 06 POHLMANS ELENA 372 04 BW 90 205 740 CED +2 BW 2.9 WW 56 YW 93 MILK 25 A high growth, good natured bull that will add performance to his calf crop. 3065 3025 NORDS FIRST CLASS 3065 DOB: 4/19/13 OSU FIRST CLASS 1164 Reg. # 17728169 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 O S U IMPACT 3182 O S U EMPRESS 2134 DAMERON FIRST CLASS OSU EMPRESS 7165 CONNEALY FOREFRONT POHLMANS BARBARA 327 346 04 POHLMANS BARBARA 249 8 BW 83 205 672 CED +4 BW 3.0 WW 51 CONNEALY FRONTLINE EILEEN HEARTLAND CONANGA6443 KRUGERRAND OF DONAMERE 490 POHLMANS BARBARA 18093C YW 85 MILK 23 Another First Class son that you can turn out to cover ground and will add dollars in your pocket. 3066 NORDS FIRST CLASS 3066 DOB: 4/15/13 OSU FIRST CLASS 1164 Reg. # 17974935 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 O S U IMPACT 3182 O S U EMPRESS 2134 DAMERON FIRST CLASS OSU EMPRESS 7165 NORTHERN IMPROVEMENT 4480 GF EXAR SARAS DREAM 9809 BIG ROK TITAN 233 BIG ROK POLLY 349 EXAR LUTTON 1831 NORDS POLLY 815 BIG ROK POLLY 672 BW 84 205 643 CED +2 BW 3.8 WW 64 YW 103 MILK 29 Rugged made coming two year old that will add growth to his offspring. 3071 3066 NORDS FIRST CLASS 3071 DOB: 5/16/13 Reg. # 17974936 EXG RS FIRST RATE S903 R3 DAMERON NORTHERN MISS 3114 O S U IMPACT 3182 O S U EMPRESS 2134 DAMERON FIRST CLASS OSU FIRST CLASS 1164 OSU EMPRESS 7165 B C LOOKOUT 7024 NORDS ROYAL LADY 1153 MARANDS ROYAL LADY 513 M-W BW 86 205 654 CED +2 BW 3.6 WW 54 O C C LEGEND 616L GIBBET HILL MIGNONNE E37 MARANDS DONAMERE 9845 OF JJM RAYL ROYAL LADY 0005 YW 86 MILK 25 A stout featured, long sided, efficient herd bull. 3071 • 19 • BAUMGARTEN PRODUCTION SALE Friday, February 6, 2015 1:00 p.m. MST • at the ranch, Belfield, ND From I-94 at Belfield, 5 miles south on Highway 85, turn left at 41st street and go 3 miles east, turn right at 127th Avenue and go 1 ½ miles south. I-94 Belfield 41st Street Hwy 85 127th Ave. Coming from the south turn right on 44th street after mile marker 67. Go 3 miles east and then turn left at 127th Avenue and go 1 1/2 miles north. Baumgarten Farm 44th Street N For Further Information Contact: Rollie & Tama Baumgarten 127th Ave. 4260 127th Avenue SW Belfield, ND 58622 701-575-8292 from Bowman Ben Hans, Hilbert’s grandfather Catalog by Hereford America Ben and Mary Hans, Hilbert’s grandparents Richard Baumgarten Hilbert Baumgarten (1st on left) showing his steer at the state 4-H show at the NDAC college barns. • Richard and Gertrude Baumgarten 1942 Valley City winter show. 20 • B&B L1 Dominete 202 Dam of Lots 473, 475, 484, 488, 369, 384 and 3100 BCC L1 Char 535 Dam of Lots 437 and 4100 HH Miss Advance 5139R ET Dam of HH Advance 1173Y 2014 Mile High Night BCC Miss Maybarry 064X Dam of Lot 422 BCC Sweet Caroline 071X Dam of Lot 460 HH Miss Advance 1028L Dam of HH Advance 0184X Jordis and Hilbert Baumgarten Baumgarten Cattle Co. 4260 127th Ave SW Belfield, ND 58622 — Address Service Requested — FIRST CLASS U.S. POSTAGE PAID Fargo, ND Permit #684
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