Local Artists Frame AIDS Day


Local Artists Frame AIDS Day
Man Arrested for
Looking at Another Man
on page 3
Teacher to Sue
for False Arrest
John Lloyd Park Breaking News
on page 3
Dynamic Singing Duo
to Perform Here
Jason and deMarco to Bring
‘Spirit of Christmas Tour’ to MCC
page 6
Volume 4, Number 49
December 8, 2003
Local Artists Frame AIDS Day
Absence of Politicians Paints Picture of Official Apathy
By Dan Aiello
Local Correspondent
Artists, health care providers and more
than 500 residents of South Florida gathered
on the plaza of Fort Lauderdale’s main public
library Dec. 1 to observe World AIDS Day,
2003. Not a single elected official from local,
state or federal government participated in
the two-part event, which included an art
exhibit and a candlelight vigil.
World AIDS Day 2003 lacked the optimism
the annual event had enjoyed over the past
few years. Absent was the hope of new AIDS
treatments and success stories in prevention
efforts, replaced by a begrudging reality that
every nation of the world now reports
increasing rates of infection. The human race,
it seems, is losing the battle to stop this virus
on every continent and in every nation of the
world—most at alarming rates.
Organizers of the local event, the
Broward County Library System and
ArtsUnited, acknowledge that each day,
8,000 people die worldwide from this
epidemic. When one compares that number
with the total number of deaths that occurred
on 9/11, it seems that terrorists have nothing
on this virus. Currently, 14 million children in
Africa are orphaned by AIDS, a number
estimated to climb to 40 million by 2010.
Michael Kemp, standing alone in the
crowded library plaza wondered, “How shall
history judge us for remaining silent while
so many millions die? Maybe we should ask
the German people that question. Are the
profits of the pharmaceutical companies
more important than the lives of Africans?”
Kemp, too, pointed out the lack of politicians
at the event. “I think their absence says a
lot,” he said.
Walter Slattery, an artist and activist, also
is angry with government officials. Speaking
to the crowd, Slattery demanded, “Jeb Bush
See AIDS DAY on page 16
Artist Jose E. Arce, Jr. somberly focuses on the AIDS Quilt at Broward library Dec. 1.
Photo by Steven Shires
Stork: Mission Accomplished Alleged Culprit Named
Popular Mayor of Wilton Manors will Not Seek Re-election
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
Mayor Jim Stork of Wilton
Manors has decided not to seek
another term in office in 2004. Elected
in March 2002, Stork, the owner of
Stork’s Bakery and Cafe in Wilton
Manors, was the city’s second
openly gay mayor.
A high-profile leader, Stork
launched several initiatives aimed at
upgrading the city’s quality of life,
including the Wilton Manors Main
Street Program and the the city’s
Historical Society. He also organized
“At Your Door in 2004,” a get-outthe-vote effort aimed at mobilizing
local Democratic voters.
With the next mayoral election
scheduled for March 2004, the man
Photo by Pompano Bill
who says “politics found me” thinks
Mayor Jim Stork of Wilton Manors
he has accomplished the goals he
set when he decided to run for mayor two the word ‘we’ because there are many
years ago.
people who are working together to make
“A few years ago, I made a number of changes happen. And we are looking
promises during my election race,” Stork forward to completing our master plan for
said. “One was to create a vision for the the city by March.”
city. Another was to give a voice to the
The master plan includes everything
community. And I also promised to create from a new city hall to bridge upgrades
a timeline for city plans as well as stimulate and a pedestrian-friendly downtown.
investment for the city.”
Stork said that some of these changes will
Almost two years later, Stork thinks happen within a year or two, but overall
that Wilton Manors is well on its way to the big picture will come together in a
accomplishing those goals. “We as a decade, with most changes taking place
community worked hard as a team to within a five- or 10-year span. But as long
accomplish these things,” Stork said. “I use
See STORK on page 4
in Pride Group Probe
Police Investigating John Chambers
for Misappropriating Funds for Personal Use
Tony Ramos, co-chair of PGFTL, thinks
the investigation will have no effect on the
John Chambers, the former treasurer of festival, which he said will take place next June
Pride of Greater Fort Lauderdale (PGFTL), is as scheduled. “I think the community will
being investigated for allegedly
understand that we saw something
happening and acted,” Ramos
organization’s funds, Wilton
said. “We didn’t try to cover it up.
Manors police confirmed last
In fact, we investigated it internally
when we realized there was
In a recent press statement,
something going on. And we plan
PGFTL, which produces the
to keep the community informed
annual Stonewall Street Festival
at every turn in the investigation.”
on Wilton Drive, announced that
By most accounts, last June’s
it had turned over the
Stonewall festival was a success,
organization’s books and financial
drawing its biggest crowd, about
records to the Wilton Manors
12,000 people, to Wilton Drive on
John Chambers,
Police Department and would hold
a sunny day. But during its fourthe former
a press conference once the
year history, the festival has been
treasurer of
Pride of Greater
investigation is complete.
hampered by bad weather and
Fort Lauderdale
personnel turnover. PGFTL has
investigated for alleged misappropriating also been criticized in the press for not
funds “for his own use,” Det. Pete Bigelsen, providing a public accounting of its funds.
public information officer for the Wilton
Ramos rejoined PGFTL as a co-chair in
Manors Police Department, told The Express. February 2003 after the organization’s two
“It’s a paper case, and we’re going through a chairs, Carol Moran and Dale Madison, had
year’s worth of bank records,” Bigelsen said. resigned. “Since there was so little time, we
“Once we do that, we’ll apply for a warrant.” had to concentrate strictly on putting the event
Reached at his job in Wilton Manors on together,” Ramos said. “There were times when
Dec. 4, Chambers declined to comment about we questioned the treasurer’s report, but we
the allegations, referring all questions to his didn’t have time investigate it. We decided
attorney, Howard Schumacher. Schumacher after the festival was over to internally
did not return two calls from The Express.
investigate it.”
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Page 13
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White Party Lights Up Vizcaya
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Evening Shines with ‘Queer Eye’s’ Fab Five
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Page Q2
Q Cover Story
On Cloud Nine with a Heavenly Film
Ben Shenkman Weighs in
on HBO’s ‘Angels in America’
‘Rolex Robbers’ Target Gay Men
Two Cases of Assault and Robbery After Encounters at Boom
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By Phil LaPadula
Miami-Dade News
December 8, 2003
Volume 4, Number 49 Issue 158
Managing Editor
In separate incidents, two gay men were beaten
and robbed after picking up a man at Boom nightclub
in Wilton Manors, police said. In both cases, the
victim was relieved of his Rolex watch.
The first reported incident occurred on the
evening of Oct. 29. The victim, whom police declined
to name, met the perpetrator at Boom, a gay club in
the Shoppes of Wilton Manors, according to Andy
Pallen, public information officer for the Fort
Lauderdale Police Department. The victim and the
perpetrator then went to Boardwalk, another gay club
on Andrews Avenue, before ending up at Fort
Lauderdale Beach.
Once at the beach, an accomplice joined the
original perpetrator, and the two proceeded to beat
and rob the victim of his Rolex. Pallen said police don’t
want to release the name of the victim because “the
case is ongoing.”
In the second incident, which The Express reported
on in its Nov. 17 edition, Daniel Pevzner, 33, was beaten
and robbed by a man he met at Boom on Oct. 31. In that
case, two accomplices joined the original perpetrator in
the parking lot of Pevzner’s home, the Manor Grove
Condominium complex in Wilton Manors. The three
allegedly beat Pevzner and stole his Rolex watch, Florida
driver’s license, a credit card and a small amount of cash.
The suspect who left the bar with Pevzner is
described as a 30-year-old white male. He is about 5 feet
11 inches tall, weighs 180 to 190 pounds and has black
hair and brown eyes. The other two suspects in the
Pevzner incident are both described as white males.
Because of the similarities in the two cases, Fort
Lauderdale and Wilton Manors police have been working
together on them.
“There are people out there who go out casing for
people wearing Rolex watches in restaurants and bars,”
said Det. Pete Bigelsen, public information officer for the
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
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Wilton Manors Police Department.
Police are asking anyone with information about the
incident that occurred on Fort Lauderdale Beach to call
the crime hotline at 954.828.5511. Anyone with
information about the Wilton Manors case is asked to
call Det. Rick Shawver at 954.390.2161 or CrimeStoppers
at 954.493.TIPS.
Norm Kent
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must follow, as the night the day, thou canst not then be false to
any man.”
• Shakespeare / Hamlet / I / III
Copyright © 2003 • Unite Media LLC.
Alleged Victim Goes Public
with John Lloyd Park Ordeal
Schoolteacher Plans to Sue State for False Arrest
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
Outraged over the way he was treated
by state park officers, a local schoolteacher
has decided to go public about his ordeal at
John Lloyd State Park in Dania and is planning
to sue the state of Florida for false arrest.
Claude Lessard was arrested for
“obstruction of justice” July 25 after he
remarked to a man who had approached him
in the park, “Be careful. They just arrested
someone over there.” The man turned out to
be an undercover officer.
Lessard spent 15 hours in jail, and his
car was towed. He had to pay $136 to get his
car back and $100 to bond out of jail. The
state later dropped the charge, but the case
has so far cost Lessard $1,000 in attorney’s
fees. Lessard was also told that he was
prohibited from entering any state park in
Florida. “They took my pass and told me if I
go to any park, it’s trespassing,” he said.
Lessard’s case was featured in the Aug. 4
edition of The Express, but, at Lessard’s
request, his name was withheld at the time
because he is a teacher in the public school
system. Lessard said he decided to go public
for two reasons: First, he thinks the incident
has jeopardized his teaching career. Secondly,
he thinks it was a totally bogus arrest
motivated by prejudice against gay people.
Lessard’s principal and the school board
already knew about the case because the
school board requires a teacher to report any
arrest within 48 hours. Even though the
charge was dropped and the school board
has closed its investigation of the incident,
Lessard thinks it could still damage his career
and keep him from being promoted.
“I am in a leadership program to become
an assistant principal,” Lessard said. “If I
have a chance to have an interview, they will
check everything. I think this could jeopardize
my career somehow. I am filing suit for false
arrest because my career could suffer and
because I think it’s discrimination against
gay people.”
Lessard is also upset because the arrest
has apparently not been expunged from his
record yet. He did an Internet search of the
Broward County Sheriff’s Office site under
“Records,” and his name came up. “My name
is still in the computer, and I’m stuck with a file,
a record,” he said. “It was very easy to access.”
Lessard’s lawyer, Russell Cormican, has
sent an “intent to sue” letter to state officials.
Lessard has also talked with Capt. Andrew
McClenahan in the state Inspector General’s
office, who is conducting an investigation
of numerous allegations of harassment and
dubious arrests of gay men at John Lloyd
State Park.
Recounting the July 25 incident, Lessard
said he was sitting on a bench in the park
when a short, chubby man with light-brown
hair, who appeared to be in his mid-30s, came
up and sat next to him. According to Lessard,
the man started to engage Lessard in a
conversation about gay life in South Florida.
“He was asking me obvious questions about
gay life, such as ‘Where are the gay bars?’”
Lessard recalls.
Lessard said he thought that the man
may have been cruising for sex. Since he
wasn’t interested in having sex in the park,
Lessard left and went back to the beach. On
his way to the beach, he saw two female
undercover officers arresting a man. As
Lessard was leaving the park and going back
to his car, he again ran into the chubby man
whom he had talked with on the bench.
Mindful of recent articles in The Express
about dubious arrests in the park, Lessard
remarked to the man, “Be careful. I saw two
undercover cops. They just arrested
someone over there.”
As Lessard was driving out of the park,
he was stopped by the park officers,
handcuffed and taken to jail. “The handcuffs
were very tight,” he said. “My wrists were all
blue.” Lessard was accused of interfering
with an undercover operation.
“I am filing suit for
false arrest because
my career could suffer
and because I think
it’s discrimination
against gay people.”
—Claude Lessard
The Express called Thomas S. Tramel,
III, director of the Department of
Environmental Protection, Division of Law
Enforcement—which is in charge of the park
officers—for a comment on Lessard’s case.
As of press time, Tramel had not returned
the call.
Meanwhile, the investigation by the
Inspector General’s Office is moving forward.
McClenahan told The Express that he heard
from four alleged victims of harassment, and
was waiting to hear from others. He contacted
The Express for copies of all the articles the
paper has run on the John Lloyd Park
In June, 11 gay men who say they were
victims of harassment, false arrest and
selective enforcement at John Lloyd Park met
at the law offices of Russell Cormican and
Norm Kent to discuss a possible class-action
suit against the state. But after conferring
with some class-action lawyers, Cormican
said Kent concluded that a class-action suit
wouldn’t be the best legal strategy. Cormican
explained that because there are so many
different allegation involved with the John
Lloyd Park cases, it would be difficult to
define a class. “There are too many defining
factors to have a class,” he said. “Everyone
has to be similarly situated.”
Cormican noted, however, that several
individuals who are alleging wrongdoing at
See FALSE ARREST on page 6
Man Arrested for Looking at Another Man
Latest John Lloyd Park Case Involves ‘Intentions’ to Commit Sex Act
By Phil LaPadula
Managing Editor
A man was arrested Nov. 28 and
charged with an “attempted lewd and
lascivious act” for looking at a naked man
in the changing room of
John Lloyd State Park in Breaking
Dania Beach. The man’s
name is being withheld at the request of
his attorney, Russell Cormican.
According to Cormican, his client was
changing into his swim trunks when he
noticed another man who had undressed.
Both men were arrested and taken to jail.
Cormican said his client, a 59-year-old man,
was taken to jail in his bathing suit with no
shoes and shirt. His car, a 1993 Cadillac
Seville, was towed.
“Now it’s apparently illegal at John
Lloyd State Park to look at other people,”
Cormican said. “There’s no allegation in the
police report that anyone was touching
anything. You have one guy standing there
in a changing room looking at another guy
who didn’t have his clothes.”
As stated in the police
report, the man “was observed
in a changing room in John Lloyd State Park
standing over a subject who was exposing
himself to be sexually gratified by [the
unnamed defendant]. [The unnamed
defendant] said he was curious about the
other subject’s body. His intentions were to
commit a sexual act.”
The arresting officer was D. Jones, the
same park officer who has been implicated
in numerous other allegations of harassment,
selective enforcement and false arrests
targeting gay men at John Lloyd State
Cormican’s client has denied that he
was doing anything in the changing room
other than changing into his bathing suit
for a day at the beach.
The Express left a message for
Thomas S. Tramel, III, director of the
Department of Environmental Protection,
Division of Law Enforcement, which is in
charge of the officers at John Lloyd State
Park. As of press time, he had not returned
the call.
The Inspector General’s Office wants to
hear from people who think they were victims
of harassment or false arrests at John Lloyd
park. Call Capt. Andrew McClenahan at
850.245.8034 or send him an e-mail at
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Pal 3
Head On Takes on
Gay Life Down Under
Stonewall Movie Night to Present Australian Film Dec. 12
From Staff Reports
Stonewall Movie Night continues on
Friday, Dec. 12, with Head On at 7 p.m. at the
Stonewall Library & Archives in Fort
The Australian film Head On is the fourth
feature in a six-part series that the library is
presenting in cooperation with ArtsUnited and
Strand Releasing. The film tells the story of a
young, physically gifted, Greek immigrant in
Australia who is a closeted gay addict. It is a
unique look at Australia’s Greek immigrants,
drug abuse, gay life, sleazy sex, transgender
issues, police brutality, internal and external
homophobia. Directed by Ana Kokkinos, the
film was produced with gay actors and writers.
As part of the presentation Fred Phillips,
chair of the Stonewall Movie Night Committee,
will lead a discussion of the film. Stonewall
Movie Night is free and open to the public,
but a $2 donation is encouraged.
Stonewall Library & Archives is located
at 1717 North Andrews Ave. in Fort
Lauderdale. For more information or
directions, call 954.763.8565.
STORK from Front Page
as the city council works together, Stork
is confident that his vision will become a
reality. He noted that the internal friction
that existed within the city council when
he began as mayor is now a thing of the
“I think the city council needed a
nudge in the right direction and needed to
be put back on track,” Stork said. “Now,
two years later, I think we are there. We
have some excellent city council members
that understand the vision, and I’m sure
there are potential great future council
members who have not even run for office
Stork said he has no plans to run for
any other office right now. But he said that
if the opportunity ever arises,
it will “come and find me.” He
insisted he will not be
disappointed if he does not
run for another office in the
Stork plans to devote
more time supporting
nonprofits and doing
accomplished what I had
promised, and we did it as a
community,” Stork said.
“When I take a look at the city
now, the needs are not for me
to be involved but for future
city councils to carry that
vision. I enjoyed being mayor, I really
loved it. But sometimes people get trapped
into something and they feel compelled to
run. I know it is not typical political form
for a popular mayor not to run again. I’ve
heard consultants say I should stay in
office because it is a platform for a higher
office. But I do not want to become
possessed by politics.”
Stork is proud of the programs that
have been started since he came into
office, such as the Main Street program
and the historical society. He described
the master plan as a kind of road map for
the city.
Stork also emphasized the need to
attract new investment to the city. He
expects to have a couple hundred million
dollars invested in Wilton Manors within
the next few years, which he believes is a
conservative estimate. He pointed out that
the upcoming Wilton Station development
is a $100 million project in itself.
“We don’t want to overgrowth,”
Stork said. “We want investment, but we
do not want it to impede the quality of
life. And our council has done a great job
balancing both. We have kept certain
land off tax rolls to keep overdevelopment
Stork also mentioned the city’s recent
acquisition of Richardson House for a
park. Richardson House is located across
from Tropics Restaurant on Wilton Drive.
When the project is finished, Stork said it
will be one of the most beautiful parks in
the county.
Stork plans to schedule a town hall
meeting at some point to discuss the past
two years and explain why he is not
“I’ve heard consultants
say I should stay in
office because it is a
platform for a higher
office. But I do not want
to become possessed
by politics.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
—Wilton Manors Mayor Jim Stork
running for re-election.
Stork sought to assure city residents
that he will still be a visible presence
around time. He is currently finalizing
permits to open a new Stork’s Coffee Shop
and Bakery on Las Olas Boulevard.
Meanwhile, he has recently taken
steps to broaden his knowledge of the
national political scene. Earlier this year,
he studied at the Brookings Institution in
Washington D.C., a prestigious national
think tank for public policy research. In
fact, he has joined the Brookings council
to keep abreast of national issues.
“I will also be active in changing the
current leadership in Washington, D.C.,”
Stork said.
Stork thanked The Express for all its
support over the past two years.
“I would not have been able to
communicate as well with my constituents
without The Express,” he said. “Your
paper has been very responsive and fair.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Dynamic Singing Duo to Perform Here
Jason and deMarco to Bring ‘Spirit of Christmas Tour’ to MCC
From Staff Reports
Jason and deMarco, the singing duo
who were a hit at last March’s pride festival
in Holiday Park, will perform Sunday, Dec. 28
at the Sunshine Cathedral in Fort Lauderdale.
The duo will sing at all three morning services
(9 a.m., 10:20 a.m. and 11:40 a.m.) at the
Sunshine Cathedral MCC. TheQuest (the
11:40 a.m. service) will be a full concert, as
Jason and deMarco wind up their “The Spirit
of Christmas Tour 2003.”
Jason, formerly of Fort Lauderdale,
toured with the professional Christian
Contemporary recording group Truth in 1996.
After leaving the group to finish college, he
toured with a group called The Sound in 1997
and 1998. In 1998, Jason felt called to Los
Angeles where he met deMarco.
DeMarco, born and raised in Canada,
had a passion for singing at an early age and
would fill the house singing songs taught to
him by Catholic nuns. He discovered a love
for music and theater and studied both at
New York University.
Both Jason and deMarco have several
solo recordings. The two met in Los Angeles
and joined together for a tour during the 2002
holiday season, which was met with such
positive response that they have launched a
duet ministry and now travel the country with
their Songs for the Spirit Tour.
It would be limiting to attempt to describe
the duo’s music as contemporary and spiritual. Jason and deMarco will perform at the
Sunshine Cathedral Dec. 28
They define their style as “Spirit Pop.”
The Sunshine Cathedral is located at more information or directions, please call
1480 SW Ninth Ave., Fort Lauderdale. For the cathedral office at 954.462.2004 or visit
out Web site at www.SunshineCathedral.Org.
For more information about Jason and
deMarco, visit their Web site at
Blind Dates for a Worthy Cause
Bachelor Auction and BBQ to Benefit Pet Project
By Dan Aiello
Local Correspondent
A worthy cause, an evening of
entertainment, great food and the chance to
win a dream date. Finally, a fundraising event
that’s really fun.
On Dec. 14, Pet Project will host its
“Bachelor/Bachelorette Auction and BBQ”
at the Windamar Beach Resort in Fort
Lauderdale. The evening will include
performances by Ron Russell (as Jane
Russell), Campagne Bordeaux and an Asianstyle barbeque courtesy of Seoul Sister BBQ.
The highlight of the evening will be the
auctioning of dates with a cadre of bachelors
and bachelorettes.
According to Pet Project Director Ariana
Testamark, the entire evening of
entertainment is all for a good cause. Pet
Project, a year-old nonprofit organization,
helps care for the pets of South Florida
residents with HIV/AIDS who are too ill to
care for their own animals. Pet Project
provides food, cat litter, temporary foster care
and, should a client request it upon their
death, adoption services.
Pet Project originally was funded by a
$100,000 grant from the Robert N. DeBenedictis
Foundation. “The grant was for us to care for
up to 50 clients, but we already have 119
clients,” Testamark said, explaining the need
for additional fundraising efforts.
Pet Project currently only helps care for
the pets of those seriously ill with HIV/AIDS,
but Testamark hopes that additional funds
can be generated so that the organization
can offer its services to anyone suffering
from serious illness who needs assistance.
“We are hoping to expand to help more people
and their pets, and we are looking for talented
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
people to join our fundraising committee,”
Testamark said. Pet Project is always looking
for caring volunteers as well.
The Wyndamar Beach Resort is located
at 543 Breakers Ave. The event runs from 5-8
p.m. Cocktails will be available. Those who
win a date with a bachelor or bachelorette
will go out to dinner with them.
“It’s a dinner date—but dessert is
optional,” Testamark quips. Donations are $20
at the door. According to Testamark, 100
percent of the proceeds from the evening will
go directly to client services. Sponsors of the
event include Chic Optique, Seoul Sister BBQ,
Wyndamar Beach Resort and The Express.
For more information about the Pet Project,
call 954-568-5678 or visit the organization’s
Web site at www.petsFL.org.
FALSE ARREST from Page 3
John Lloyd Park have strong cases
against the state, including Lessard.
The allegations of harassment and
false arrest of gay men at John Lloyd Park
range from several men who were cited
for “sitting in a restricted area,” even
though there was no sign demarcating
the area, to “indecent exposure” in the
case of one man who was wearing a white
bathing suit that a park officer said was
“less than fully opaque.”
The Inspector General’s Office
wants to hear from anyone who thinks
he or she was a victim of harassment or
false arrest at John Lloyd park. Call Capt.
Andrew McClenahan at 850.245.8034 or
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
PALS Project to Present
Benefits Seminar
Holiday Musical:
It’s A Fabulous Life
Dec. 10 — Resources for HIV-Positive
Gay Men will present a “Benefits
Information Seminar” to answer questions
related to Social Security benefits, housing
assistance from HOPWA (Housing
Assistance for People with AIDS) and
more. Bill Marx, APFL case manager, will
review the requirements and process for
HOPWA and Derek Byerly, benefits
consultant at Goodwill, to discuss SSI,
SSDI and Medicaid. The seminar takes
place at 6:30 p.m. at APFL, which is located
at 2817 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Suite 200 in
Fort Lauderdale. RSVP is a must. For more
information, call the PALS Project at
954.537.4111 ext. 143, send e-mail to
Dec. 11— Author David Sexton teams
up with Broadway director Robert
Johansen to present a new musical
production titled It’s a Fabulous Life, a
take off on the Christmas classic It’s A
Wonderful Life. It’s A Fabulous Life begins
performances at the Teatro Avante, located
at 235 Alcazar Ave. in Coral Gables, on
Thursday, Dec. 11, at 8 p.m. Performances
are scheduled for Friday, Dec. 12, at 8 p.m.,
Saturday, Dec. 13, at 8 p.m. and Sunday,
Dec. 14, at 7 p.m. The same performance
schedule will repeat the following weekend
starting Thursday, Dec. 18, and running
through Sunday, Dec. 21. Get your tickets
now at www.ItsaFabulousLife.com. For
fabulouslifeinfo@aol.com or call
Travel Divas Launch Party
Dec. 10 — Travel Divas is a new
company dedicated to providing upscale,
authentic travel experiences for gay,
lesbian and gay-friendly clientele. Be the
first to find out how this new, forwardthinking travel company is going to jump
to the forefront of hip, luxury travel. The
party will take place at the home of Travel
Divas co-Founder Annette Hogan. You’ll
have the chance to hear the Travel Divas
story first hand. The party will take place
from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at 869 West 46th St. in
Miami Beach. RSVP with Andria Mitsakos
Forever Plaid to Benefit
Tuesday’s Angels
Dec. 12 — On Friday, Dec. 12, the
Broadway Theater will present its current
production of Forever Plaid to benefit
Tuesday’s Angels. This musical is a funfilled tribute to the guy singer groups of
the ’50s and ’60s featuring popular tunes
like “Catch a Falling Star,” “Lady of Spain,”
“Crazy Bout Ya Baby,” “Three Coins in
the Fountain” and many more popular hits.
The Broadway Theater is located at 1455
SE 17th Street Causeway in Fort Lauderdale
just behind Publix. The box office number is
A Time For Christmas:
A Dramatic Musical
Prevention Program. Ticket cost is $100, and
there will be a silent auction. Club Colette is
Dec. 13 and 14 — The Sunshine located at 215 Peruvian Ave., Palm Beach.
Cathedral MCC presents A Time for Christmas, For more information, contact Scott Fox at
a musical with a book by Paul McCusker, music 561.533.9699 or scott@compassglcc.com.
and lyrics by David T. Clydesdale, Steve
Amerson and Lowell Alexander, and arranged Gay Men’s Chorus
and orchestrated by Clydesdale. The Sunshine Presents Seasons of
Cathedral is located at 1480 SW Ninth Ave. in Love
Fort Lauderdale. Showtime is at 7:30 p.m. All
Dec. 20 and 21—The Fort Lauderdale
tickets are $20 and available from chorus Gay Men’s Chorus presents its holiday
at show Seasons of Love on Dec. 20 and Dec.
www.SunshineCathedral.org, or call 21 at 7:30 p.m. Both shows will take place at
the Science of Mind Center, 1550 N.E. 26th
Street in Wilton Manors. All tickets are $20
Lecture with Author
and available from chorus members, online
at www.GaySouthFlorida.com, or call
Leslie Gold
Dec. 15 — Author Alison Gold will speak 954.832.0060. For more information, visit
on Monday, Dec. 15, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. at www.FortLauderdaleGayMensChorus.com.
the Hollywood Central Performing Arts
Center, 1770 Monroe St. Gold is the author of
The Devil’s Mistress, which was nominated PridePlays
for a “National Book Award,” and
Jan. 5 and April 19—Florida Stage
Clairvoyant. Miep Giep, who was Theatre will kick off the season on Oct. 28
responsible for hiding Anne Frank, co- with a reading of the play I Know You’re the
authored with Gold the international best- One by Mary Gallagher. There will be a
seller Anne Frank Remembered: The Story reception starting at 6 p.m. followed by the
of the Woman Who Helped to Hide the Frank reading at 7 p.m. Playwright Christi Stewart
Family. Gold’s latest work is Fiet’s Vase and Brown will read The Gene Pool on Jan. 5.
Other Stories of Survival, Europe 1933 – Jon Marans will read from his play A Strange
1945, a collection of harrowing but inspiring and Separate People on April 19.
personal accounts from World War II. The
Tickets are only $7 per play, and $30
lecture is free.
for a subscription that also includes three
readings in the theatre’s New Voices
Series. For more information about the
‘Cocktails for Compass’
Dec. 17— “Cocktails for Compass” PridePlay Series and to purchase tickets,
benefits Compass’ HIV Services and call 561.585.3433 or 800.514.3837.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Farewell to 5 Points B-B-Q
A Familiar Hang Out in Wilton Manors Closes Its Doors
make running the business easy. When the
B-B-Q opened, there were three partners, but
Godbout and Terorotua eventually bought
out the third partner.
The previous owner of the property had
not kept things up very well. New equipment
such as stoves and freezers had to be
purchased. All those purchases quickly
depleted Godbout’s and Terorotua’s
sad too.”
As far as future plans go, Terorotua
For locals Paul Rizzo and Jim Silver,
says she will help the new owners of the
weekend mornings just won’t be the same.
property with the transition. She has been a
For the past three years, the two men have
seamstress for years, a line of work she
made the 5 Points B-B-Q & Grill in Wilton
enjoys, so she looks forward to devoting
Manors their home away from home. Rizzo
more time to it again. While she also has a
and Silver would joke with waitress Alice
real estate license, she describes the real
Gilbert and owner Sheryl Terorotua while
estate business as too much work and prefers
chatting it up with other customers.
her sewing. Her son, a master chef
But the property has been sold and
who resides in Honolulu, is coming
the restaurant served its last meal
to visit her next week, so she will have
on Wednesday, Dec. 3. The B-B-Q
plenty of time to spend with him.
now becomes a fond memory for
Terorotua is especially proud of her
many gay and lesbian residents in
son, who has competed in the
the area.
Culinary Olympics and attended New
Terorotua, who co-owned 5
England Culinary School in West
Points B-B-Q along with Roger
Palm Beach.
Godbout, is a friendly woman with
For gregarious and
an infectious smile. As she offers
outgoing waitress Gilbert, saying
up a beverage and table, it is easy
goodbye to the 5 Points B-B-Q won’t
to see why she proved so popular
be easy.
Paul Rizzo, Alice Gilbert, Jim Silver and Sheryl Terorotua
with her customers. She was more
“I feel very sad,” Gilbert
spend one last day together at 5 Points B-B-Q & Grill
than willing to speak about the
says. “I will miss all my customers. I
restaurant’s closing.
know they will follow me, but it won’t
“Somebody came in and made us an resources. With Godbout being 84 years old, be the same, because this is like family.
offer, and they wanted it really badly,” the two owners decided it was time to sell. Everybody knew everybody. We had our
Terorotua says. “My partner, Roger, and his
The site of the 5 Points B-B-Q has early morning crowd, and they all got to know
wife are older, and the taxes in the area were undergone many incarnations since the each other. Then we had our next crowd, and
kind of eating us up. In the beginning they building was first constructed in the late ’60s. they all knew each other. It’s a very sad day
always say it takes two to three years to get It was originally an A&W, and at one point in in Wilton Manors.”
off the ground. Now it is starting to get off time a pizza place. It was a restaurant named
Gilbert has found a job nearby working
the ground, but we have kind of depleted Abraham’s when Terorotua and Godbout the breakfast and lunch shifts at Bob’s
our resources. If we could have hung in purchased it three years ago.
another year, we’d have been fine.”
“We love our gay customers, and all the
“That is me,” Gilbert says. “I’m breakfast
Finding cooks was never an easy task guys and gals that come in here,” Terorotua and lunch, slinging hash and having fun with
for the owners, and the one of the says. “They are sort of like family. Most of the customers. And that’s how we interacted
restaurant’s best long-time cooks recently them we had to tell that we are closing here. I was always on the floor yelling and
broke her wrist. Situations like that didn’t ourselves. They are sad about it, and we’re screaming and having fun.”
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
“It was home away from home,” Rizzo
interjects, who is sitting nearby having coffee.
“Alice is top drawer here. She is the head. And
the owner, Sheryl, is a sweetheart. They make
you feel like you are part of the family.”
“The food has always been excellent,
and the people here are excellent,” Silver
says, who is seated across from Rizzo. “It
has been three years now, and we have had a
lot of fun here. It’s a nice bunch of family
that comes in here, and we hate to see it close.
That’s the sad part about it. It’s too bad she
Rizzo and Silver describe 5 Points B-BQ as the best breakfast spot in town. They
say the place was always packed on
Placed on the table in front of Silver is a
ceramic figure of a pink pig nestling with baby
piglets. Nuzzled in between the piglets is a
black and white Dalmatian.
“Sheryl knows we have a Dalmatian, so
she gave this to us as a souvenir,” Silver
says. The gift seems to illustrate the family
atmosphere described at the B-B-Q.
As everyone sits making small talk,
Terorotua comes over with one delicious
desert after another, including gooey
pumpkin cake, double layer pumpkin pie with
cream cheese and blueberry cobbler.
“They are all homemade. She makes all
her own deserts,” Rizzo says.
Rizzo, Silver and Sheryl all give warm
and extended goodbyes.
“Roger and Sheryl are the best bosses
anyone could have hoped for, and all the
people I have worked with are simply
awesome,” Gilbert says. “I love each and every
customer that walked through that door.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Catholic Bishops: Gay Marriage a ‘National Tragedy’
Letter Urges Parishioners to Contact Legislators, Governor
By Steve LeBlanc
Associated Press Writer
BOSTON (AP) — Massachusetts’
Roman Catholic bishops are telling
parishioners that a state court decision
supporting gay marriage is a “national
tragedy” that could “erode even further the
institution of marriage.”
In a strongly worded letter to be read at
Mass, the bishops also said the Supreme
Judicial Court’s mid-May deadline for the
legislature to rewrite marriage laws to provide
benefits for gay couples is too rushed.
The bishops, among the leading
opponents of the ruling, urged parishioners
“to contact the governor and their state
legislators to urge them to find a way to give
our citizens more time to deal with this issue.”
Boston Archbishop Sean P. O’Malley
and Bishops Thomas Dupre, Daniel P. Reilly
and George Coleman also complained that
the state high-court ruling promotes
“divisions in society by villainizing as bigotry
the legitimate defense of thousands of years
of tradition.
“Marriage is a gift of God.... It is not just
Boy Punished for Talking
About Lesbian Mom
one lifestyle among many,” the bishops wrote
in the letter, which was published in the
Boston Archdiocese’s newspaper, The Pilot.
Gary Buseck, executive director of Gay
& Lesbian Advocates & Defenders, said the
letter’s language disappointed him.
“I don’t think the court villainizes
anyone. The Roman Catholic Church is being
very clever to try to cast themselves as the
victim here,” Buseck said.
David Wilson, one of the plaintiffs in
the case that led to the ruling, said the bishops
are confusing civil and religious marriage.
The court ruling will not require any religion
to perform same-sex marriage ceremonies.
State Rep. Philip Travis, who supports
amending the state constitution to define
marriage as a union between a man and a
woman, said the May deadline won’t change
unless the court re-enters the case. The
earliest such an amendment could go to
voters is November 2006.
A spokeswoman for Gov. Mitt Romney,
who also supports the proposed amendment,
declined comment on Saturday.
Former Correctional
Officer Sues State
Teacher Tells 7-Year-old ‘Gay’ Is a ‘Bad Word’ Lawsuit Alleges False Rumors Led to Firing
From Staff Reports
LAFAYETTE, La. — A 7-year-old boy was
scolded and forced to write “I will never use
the word ‘gay’ in school again” after he told a
classmate about his lesbian mother, the
American Civil Liberties Union alleged Dec. 1.
Second-grader Marcus McLaurin was
waiting for recess Nov. 11 at Ernest Gallet
Elementary School when a classmate asked
about Marcus’ mother and father, the ACLU
said in a complaint.
Marcus responded he had two mothers
because his mother is gay. When the other
child asked for explanation, Marcus told him,
“Gay is when a girl likes another girl,”
according to the complaint.
A teacher who heard the remark scolded
Marcus, telling him “gay” was a “bad word”
and sending him to the principal’s office. The
following week, Marcus had to come to
school early and repeatedly write: “I will
never use the word ‘gay’ in school again.”
A phone message left for Lafayette
Parish schools superintendent James Easton
was not immediately returned.
The ACLU is demanding the case be
removed from Marcus’ file and that the
school apologize to the boy and his mother,
Sharon Huff.
“I was concerned when the assistant
principal called and told me my son had said a
word so bad that he didn’t want to repeat it
over the phone,” Huff said. “But that was
nothing compared to the shock I felt when my
little boy came home and told me that his
teacher had told him his family is a dirty word.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
GREENEVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A former
correctional officer who alleges he was falsely
accused of being a homosexual and forced
to leave his job has filed a $9 million lawsuit
against the state of Tennessee and his former
Alfred Roberts of Mountain City filed
the lawsuit in U.S. District Court in
Greeneville last week.
Named as defendants in the lawsuit are
Howard Carlton, warden of the Northeast
Correctional Complex; officers David Black,
Eric Cunningham, Carl Hatley and Roger
Bailey; and the state of Tennessee.
Roberts started work at the prison in
1999. He claims he was harassed and
assaulted by the four officers based upon a
false belief that he’s a homosexual.
Roberts alleges that he suffered a workrelated injury in 2001, including broken
bones, which forced him to walk with a limp.
Roberts returned to work and was placed
on light duty in September 2001. Three
months later, he was transferred to the central
control desk due to his physical limitations.
In January 2002, Roberts said the four
officers began to harass him and said he was
a homosexual. He said the four men also
started a rumor that he was planning to
undergo a sex-change operation.
Jennifer Johnson, spokeswoman for the
Tennessee Department of Corrections, said
the department does not comment on
pending litigation.
White Party Lights Up Vizcaya
Evening Shines with ‘Queer Eye’s’ Fab Five and Other Glamorous Guests
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
The style standards at the
19th annual White Party met with
the requirements of Carson
Kressley, Thom Filicia and Kyan
Douglas of Queer Eye for the
Straight Guy. The three stars of
the hit Bravo show were in
attendance, as was singer and
actress Lorna Luft, the daughter
of showbiz legend Judy Garland.
But it wasn’t just celebrities
that made the Nov. 30 event at
Vizcaya estate in Miami a success.
It was the work of numerous
sponsors and volunteers that
pulled the event off, continuing to
assure that the White Party
remains the “crown jewel” of AIDS
Tony Miros of Care Resource,
the AIDS service organization that
benefits from the event, estimated
that there were about 1,500 to 1,700
people in attendance. “I thought
the evening was beautiful,” Miros
Photo by Carole Fawcett
says. “The Gatsby theme went
very well with the venue. The fact
that the Queer Eye guys came made it better array of different foods from pad Thai to
and brought in some extra oomph. And Lorna paella to roast beef and ham. But, by far, the
Luft singing in the VIP room, I mean most popular table was the CrepeMaker,
everybody just loved it.”
which prepared a selection of crepes ranging
Flappers and gangsters in the style of from strawberry and chocolate to chicken
the Roaring ’20s abounded at the historic Caesar. A long line flanked the CrepeMaker
estate, all garbed in dazzling white. Upon from the beginning of the evening to the end.
entering the estate, a contingent of beautiful
In the VIP area inside the mansion,
ladies and female impersonators stood in two guests mingled with the stars. Singer Lorna
lines on the steps leading up to the front Luft spoke to fans and graciously posed for
door. The striking display provided guests pictures before her performance. Luft sang
with an inkling of what was in store inside “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas,” a
the mansion and on the grounds.
song that was originally written for Judy
There was much to see and do for guests Garland. It was the first time Luft had attended
throughout the evening. Bars and clubs from the White Party, and she was very happy to
Miami and Fort Lauderdale set up outside have been approached to appear at the event.
stations throughout the property where
“I think it’s great,” Luft said. “I’m a virgin
guests could get drinks. Twist, Laundry Bar, to the party, so it’s appropriate for me to wear
the Copa and the Jackhammer were among white.”
the establishments that set up outside bars,
But it was the historic estate and
all draped in white.
present-day museum that was the star of the
Restaurants from all over Miami were evening for Luft. “I think homes like this are
also represented, serving their finest cuisine. always so beautiful,” Luft gushed. “I look at
Among them were the News Café of South all the detail that goes into them, and I like to
Beach, which had elaborate vegetable trays know the history. I think it is amazing that
with hummus and pita bread. Café Cordozo any place like this would allow so many
of South Beach served three different types people on its grounds and in its interior.
of flan in chocolate, coconut and cheese. That’s pretty cool—because I know if this
Rumi, on Lincoln Road in South Beach, served was my house I wouldn’t be so sure.”
duck on a crouton with raspberry
When three of the Fab Five entered the
mayonnaise. Other restaurants offered an VIP area, quite a commotion ensued. Kressly,
Party before, but for “design doctor” Filicia
and “grooming guru” Douglas, it was their
first time. All three men, however, displayed
a keen sense of humor.
“Oh my God. It’s horrible actually,”
Filicia cajoled. “I don’t know what they were
thinking. I’m only kidding. I think it is
fantastic. Amazing. Just look around. It’s
incredible. I love it. It’s the original Versace
estate I believe.”
For Filicia, it was not only his first White
Party, the weekend included his first circuit
parties. He said the threesome had been
going nonstop since Friday.
Asked about Queer Eye, Filicia said he
is still amazed by the response to it wherever
he goes. “It is building up and people are
becoming more and more aware of it
and us,” he said “And one of the
things I’m happy about is the five of
“I think it’s great. I’m a
us. Everyone is sort of taking it with
virgin to the party, so
a grain of salt and enjoying it.
it’s appropriate for me
Nobody has freaked out and become
a diva or anything, it is quite nice.”
to wear white.”
So did Douglas think anybody
—Singer Lorna Luft,
in need of a makeover? “Well
daughter of Judy Garland
you know what, it’s a fundraiser, so I
don’t feel I should go into it too
much. And we are all sort of forced
find Latin men,” Kressley said. “The usual to wear white, so I think this is a good night
Miami routine.” Asked if he was overwhelmed to give everyone a break.”
Douglas then put his hand over his
by the success of Queer Eye for the Straight
Guy, Kressley replied, “We are so busy doing mouth and whispered in jest, “However, if I
things like this and working on the show that were in my normal life, I might have to talk to
a few people.”
we don’t have time to be overwhelmed.”
Kressley may have been to the White
Douglas and Filicia had been in
Miami since Friday to appear at
the many functions that are
scheduled as part of the White
Party weekend.
Asked if the party met his
requirements, Kressley, the
“fashion savant” of the group,
kidded that “it will do.”
“No it’s fantastic,” Kessley
went on to say. “I’ve been here
before many times,” he added. “I
just had to pay to get in before.”
He noted that it had been a
busy weekend for the actors.
“We’ve been to all the parties,
doing a little shopping, trying to
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Judge: State’s Arguments ‘Utterly Ridiculous’ in Gay Sex Case
Appeals Court Hearing Case of Disabled Youth Sentenced to 17 Years
By John Hanna
Associated Press Writer
TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — An appellate
judge on Dec. 2 questioned whether the state
has any rational reason to punish some
illegal sex more harshly because it involves
homosexual acts, saying some reasons
advanced by the state were “utterly
A three-judge panel of the Kansas Court
of Appeals heard arguments in the case of
Matthew R. Limon, now serving a sentence
of 17 years and two months in prison for
criminal sodomy, a conviction stemming from
sex acts in 2000 with a 14-year-old boy. Both
were residents of a Paola group home for the
developmentally disabled; Limon was 18 at
the time.
Had Limon engaged in sex with an
underage girl, he could have been sentenced
to one year and three months in prison for
the same conduct.
“I’m just trying to come up with a reason,
other than you don’t like homosexuals,”
presiding Appeals Judge G. Joseph Pierron
Jr. told Deputy Attorney General Jared Maag,
who was representing the state.
Maag argued that the state has broad
latitude in making such distinctions when it
is attempting to protect children against sex
However, the American Civil Liberties
Union, representing Limon, argued that such
unconstitutional discrimination against gays
and lesbians.
The Kansas court initially rejected
Limon’s challenge in February 2002, but in
June of this year, the U.S. Supreme Court
struck down a Texas law criminalizing gay
sex and returned Limon’s case to the Kansas
state courts.
The appellate court is expected to rule
by February, and its decision can be
appealed to the Kansas Supreme Court.
Pierron peppered attorneys for both
sides with questions, challenging their
arguments, suggesting at one point that the
ACLU could be reading the Texas decision
too broadly.
But Pierron repeatedly challenged Maag
to come up with valid reasons for the different
treatment of similar sex acts. The reasons the
state had advanced were promoting marriage
and encouraging procreation, as well as
“I’m just trying to come up
with a reason, other than you
don’t like homosexuals.”
—Presiding Appeals Judge G.
Joseph Pierron
protecting public health.
“The first two seem utterly ridiculous,”
Pierron said.
The judge added that the public health
argument also seemed dubious, given that it
would allow lesser punishment for a female
defendant who transmitted venereal diseases
to an underage male.
Unitarian Ministers say, ‘I don’t’
Clergy Refuse to Sign Marriage Licenses to Protest Same-Sex Ban
ministers at All Souls Unitarian
Church say they will no longer sign
marriage licenses until the government
makes same-sex marriage legal.
The Rev. Ellen Johnson-Fay and the
Rev. Jude LaFollette received permission
for their pledge from All Souls’ board of
trustees Nov. 19, a day after the
Massachusetts Supreme Court voted to
overturn a law forbidding gay marriage.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
The two still will perform marriage
ceremonies, but couples would have to get
licenses signed by county officials.
“All I’m doing is creating an
inconvenience for heterosexual couples,”
Johnson-Fay said. “It’s really a consciousraiser.” A growing number of Unitarian
Universalist ministers nationwide have taken
similar pledges. The national Unitarian
Universalist Association’s general assembly
passed a resolution to end gay and lesbianbased bias in 1970.
Johnson-Fay and LaFollette perform
about 20 marriages annually, mostly for
straight couples.
In Congress, Rep. Marilyn Musgrave
and Sen. Wayne Allard, both Colorado
constitutional amendments to state that
marriage can be only between a man and
a woman.
In Colorado, Rep. Kevin Lundberg,
R-Berthoud, plans to introduce a marriage
definition bill in January.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
AIDS DAY from Front Page
and the other insensitive lawmakers need
to hear our voices. If we can find $87 billion
to fight a war in Iraq, then surely we can
find $87 billion to fight AIDS.”
Kristina Hope Turner was there,
observing the day with her aunt and legal
guardian, Albertha Bryant. During the
candlelight vigil, when it came time to call
out the names of those loved ones lost to
AIDS, Kristina hesitated a moment before
her aunt encouraged her to call out her
mother’s name. “Lamay Walker,” she said.
Kristina is more than just a sweet little girl
memorializing her mother this day; she’s also
a Broward County statistic. The 10-yearold is one of Fort Lauderdale’s one in 105
residents living with HIV. Shy and clutching
her aunt’s blouse, Kristina’s smile belies the
fact that she is underweight, undersize and
appears weak. But it’s clear she is dearly
loved by her aunt, who became legal
guardian when Kristina’s mother passed
away just a few months after Kristina was
born. As with all people living with HIV,
Kristina’s future is uncertain.
Representatives from various health
care providers were present at the event,
including Children’s Diagnostic &
Treatment Center, Mental Health
Association of Broward County, Positive
Images of Broward & Palm Beach Counties
and Creating Positive Change Foundation,
Inc. APFL was represented by Norm Kent,
who called upon those gathered to “pray
for the dead and fight like hell for the
living.” The Ft. Lauderdale Gay Men’s
Chorus may have been making their own
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
statement about the current fight against
AIDS by choosing to perform their rendition
of Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge Over
Troubled Water.”
The art portion of the program was the
local observance of a national event.
Conceived in 1989 to dramatize the impact
AIDS has had on the art world and,
consequently, on society as a whole, some
800 U.S. art and AIDS groups participated in
the first “Day Without Art,” shutting down
museums and art galleries, volunteering at
AIDS service organizations and sponsoring
special exhibitions about AIDS. Since then,
a “Day Without Art” has grown to include
over 10,000 museums, galleries, AIDS
organizations, libraries and schools
throughout the world. In 1997, “Day Without
Art” became a day with art, to highlight the
proactive programs featuring art projects by
artists living with HIV/AIDS and art about
AIDS, which were taking place all over the
United States.
ArtsUnited and the Broward County
Library System joined forces to exhibit the
work of local artists living with HIV/AIDS.
Also included in the exhibit were works by
Phyllis Hebert and Peter Cocuzza, two South
Florida artists who have since died from AIDS.
Sharon Morris, one of the library’s
directors and a champion of freedom of
speech and expression for many of
ArtsUnited’s events, was pleased with the
public turnout for the exhibit. “The library
likes to use every opportunity to foster
greater understanding and to educate, and
World AIDS Day remembrance is a perfect
opportunity to create greater awareness
and understanding of AIDS.” Though the
library is the keeper of the written word,
Morris admits, “Pictures often say so much
more than what words alone can convey.”
Among the artists represented were a half
dozen poets.
Originally from Toronto, Cosimo
Zitani, an HIV-positive artist and Fort
Lauderdale resident for the past four years,
presented his work, “Faith, Strength and
Hope” at the exhibit. HIV-Positive since
1999, Zitani chooses to focus on what he
sees as the positive elements of his
diagnosis and the AIDS epidemic. “For
me, I think physical suffering brings about
spiritual strength,” Zitani explains. His
work conveys strength and power of both
the human form and the human spirit.
Zitani believes that a silver lining to the
epidemic has been “the unity and
camaraderie” that has developed among
those affected by the disease.
Chris Yoculan, vice president of
ArtsUnited and organizer of this exhibit,
presented his “shock art.” Yoculan asked
those viewing his multimedia work to
touch the wires connecting each of the
four components of the piece, including
his own HIV-positive blood and shredded
money. Connected to a battery, the wires
of the interactive art literally shocked the
viewer. The artwork itself represented
Yoculan’s interpretation of the AIDS
epidemic to date, including monetary
waste and mismanagement, fear and
Mass. Legislature May Do Nothing
House Speaker Says ‘No Action’ an Option in Marriage Case
court’s ruling left important
questions unanswered, such as
Associated Press Writer
U.S. Rep. Barney Frank said he
whether other states would be
BEDFORD, Mass. (AP) —
doubts the legislature will take any
required to recognize the
House Speaker Thomas Finneran
action because “there is no wiggle
Massachusetts marriages of
said Dec. 4 that one action
gay couples.
lawmakers could take in response
room” in the opinion, which he
“If a gay couple or lesbian
to the Supreme Judicial Court’s
said clearly legalizes gay marriage
couple gets married in
landmark gay marriage ruling is to
in Massachusetts.
Massachusetts and moves to
do nothing at all.
Kansas, I don’t know what the
The state’s highest court ruled
federal Constitution is going to
last month that it is unconstitutional
impose in terms of recognition
to deny gay couples the rights and
But Finneran told a gathering of about the validity of that relationship
benefits of marriage and gave the Legislature
180 days to “take such action as it may deem newspaper publishers that lawmakers could under Kansas law,” said Finneran, Dlet the 180-day period pass without taking Boston.
Mass. House Speaker Thomas Finneran
“It is a decision that has very
any legislative action.
“No action is always serious implications—legal, cultural,
an option,” Finneran said social implications—for 270 million is this thing that is somewhat controversial
in his first public comments Americans,” he said.
in Massachusetts, we think you should enact
Finneran’s comments came as Beacon it, but if you don’t enact it, it won’t make any
since the SJC’s Nov. 18
ruling. But he did not say Hill lawmakers weighed what kind of response difference.’” Frank said. “The likelihood that
whether he believes the they should pursue in the wake of the a legislature will voluntarily do something
ruling would automatically landmark ruling.
controversial when they’ve already been told
Several state officials—including Gov. it won’t make any difference is quite small.”
take effect if the 180 days
expires without a change in Mitt Romney—have said they will pursue a
Frank, who is gay and a supporter of
Vermont-style civil union legislation that same-sex marriage, said that if supporters of
powerful would convey all the benefits of marriage, a proposed constitutional amendment
Democratic speaker also but not the title. Romney also supports a defining marriage as a union between one
said he had no plans to constitutional ban on gay marriage.
man and one woman gather enough
Speaking later at the same event, U.S. signatures, it would be wrong to block the
withdraw his support for a
proposed amendment to Rep. Barney Frank said he doubts the question from getting on the ballot.
the state constitution that legislature will take any action because “there
He also predicted the question would fail.
would define marriage as a is no wiggle room” in the opinion, which he
“Gay marriage will mean a great deal for
union between one man said clearly legalizes gay marriage in a few thousand people who take advantage
and one woman.
of it and almost nothing to everybody else,”
“The SJC said to the Legislature: ‘Here he said.
Finneran said the high
By Steve LeBlanc
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Are Gay Men Built
for Marriage?
While It’s a Challenge, Studies Show
Health Benefits of Monogamy
Why is so much ink being spilled over
the gay marriage issue? Gay political activists
are demanding equal
marriage rights, even while
many in our community scoff
at the idea that two men
monogamously committed.
The debate is being
framed as a false dilemma:
Either you favor married
monogamy for life, or we
should all play Twister at the
local bathhouse with new sex
partners every day.
Is monogamy monotony for gay men? Or
should we try to form lasting bonds? Much is
made of gay promiscuity, but history shows
that sexual fidelity is rare even for straights.
Half of females and nearly two-thirds of male
adults surveyed recently by University of
Texas researchers admitted to trying to lure
away someone else’s spouse or partner.
Women generally tried to lure a new life mate,
while men were just seeking sexual flings.
This gender difference echoes an old joke:
Women need a reason to have sex; men just
need a place. Does something in our wiring
drive men to “spread their seed” over many
partners? In the 1940s, geneticist A.J. Bateman
found that female fruit flies with multiple sex
partners had no more offspring than those who
mated with one male. However, when male flies
had multiple partners, they increased their total
number of progeny, and the chances that their
genes would be passed. That’s because males,
unlike females, can release their seed rapidly
and often.
A bolder human study found that threequarters of male college students approached
were willing to have sex with a female stranger,
but no female students agreed to go off with
an unfamiliar male. Among 16,000 people
surveyed this year in 50 different countries,
just 4 percent of women wanted more than
one partner in the coming month, compared
with one-quarter of straight men and 29
percent of gay males. Even though gay men
rarely reproduce, we share the male drive to
mate with multiple partners.
Since men are “programmed” to hunt for
new sexual partners, you might think that
romantic love is a relic of quaint Victorian
posturing, unfit for the real world. Yet
anthropologist William Jankowiak found
nearly all people surveyed in 168 cultures
hold romantic love up as their highest ideal
for happiness.
If our genetic drive is pushing us to
multiple conquests, why do our emotions
keep voting in favor of long, emotionally
committed relationships? Because extended
intimacy improves health.
Last month, UCLA researchers proved
that when we feel socially excluded, an area
of the brain normally reserved for processing
physical pain is activated. “Hurt feelings”
are not just a metaphor. Researcher Matthew
Leiberman concluded, “This (evolutionary)
automatic alarm may be a signal for us to reestablish social bonds before harm befalls
us.” The clan protects. Humans are meant to
be in social contact with others.
Social isolation leads to negative health
impacts. An American Heart Association
study last month demonstrated that men who
had no spouse or intimate friends
had higher levels of inflammatory
chemical markers in their system (Creactive protein, interleukin-6 and
fibrinogen). These anxiety chemicals
did not directly harm the men, but
affected men frequently tried to selfmedicate their anxiety away by using
drugs, tobacco or alcohol to excess.
Sometimes the health impact is
direct. In the 1940s, Swiss hospitals
set up completely sterile isolation
wards to protect infants from germs,
only to find that the babies deprived of
extensive human contact died at
astonishingly high rates. The authors
concluded that a lack of human touch,
cuddling and affectionate talk is often fatal
to infants. Among adults, socially isolated
people are three times less likely to survive
after a first heart attack. In fact, the overall
risk of premature death is three to five times
higher for socially isolated people than for
partnered people.
Intimate emotional connectedness
improves health more than mere
acquaintances, due to an invisible biological
support system called “limbic regulation.”
Sex buddies or one-night stands don’t count
here. Psychiatrist Thomas Lewis notes that
the bond with a primary partner affects
“cardiovascular function, hormone levels and
immune processes.” People who are married
typically have longer life expectancy than
those who are single.
Even if coupling is desirable, marriage
does not have to mean monogamy. However,
parading sexual partners in front of your mate
is almost universally harmful to relationships,
according to Rutger’s anthropologist Helen
Fisher. That’s why only five to 10 percent of
males, and 0.5 percent of females worldwide
have multiple spouses.
History and science suggest that gays
can commit to extended relationships about
as well as straights do, and that doing so can
bring more than just political or economic
benefits. The relationships that most often
lead to happiness are those built on emotional
dedication and nearly exclusive sexual
loyalty. Partners may occasionally stray, but
these pressure valve episodes must be
discreet, safe and not injurious of the
emotional bond with one’s primary partner if
the relationship is to thrive.
So call it what you will: marriage, civil
union or intimate partner. History and
genetics only seem to care that you make
lasting emotional bonds with someone.
Stephen Fallon is the president of
Skills4, Inc., a healthcare and diseaseprevention consulting firm that
specializes in gay lifestyle and health
issues by providing workshops,
technical assistance and grant writing
services to community organizations
and health departments. Visit his Web
site at www.Skills4.org. If you need
sources for any medical information
cited in his columns, e-mail him at
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Letters to the editor
Reader Says ‘Search Light’
Column Was Homophobic
Mr. LaPadula,
Are you a homophobe or were you drunk when you wrote your “Search
Light” piece appearing in the Dec. 1 issue? Your two cents on the worthiness
of the gay community to finally be considered for the option to marry reads
like something straight out of the 700 Club. And distracting and misconstruing
what is a fundamental issue of civil rights with all that AIDS hysteria talk and
finger-pointing is exactly the same tactic used by the religious right too. I’m
sorry you don’t feel there is enough bad press out there about gay men, but
I disagree. I think there is plenty but you’ve certainly added to the pile this
week. With friends like you who needs Pat Robertson?
Jeff Hilton
P.S. It doesn’t matter if you’re gay, you can still be a homophobe.
LaPadula Column Spoke Honestly
about Tendency to Ignore AIDS Issue
I wanted to let you know that I appreciated Phil LaPadula’s column this
week [“Changes in Gay Community Have Facilitated Resurgence of AIDS”].
I think he spoke honestly and accurately about the tendency to ignore the
most pressing issues in our community. I have also received the angry
response from Jeff Hilton (who is this guy anyway, and why is he always
sending me e-mails?).
Keep up the good work, Phil.
Stephen J. Fallon, Ph.D.
President Skills4, Inc.
Ft. Lauderdale
Column on AIDS Was Full of Sh@t
I would like to congratulate The Express on a Publishing First. With Phil
LaPadula’s article, “Changes in Gay Community Have Facilitated AIDS
Resurgence,” you have managed the unbelievable, looking down your nose
while simultaneously talking out of your ass. I do hope that the Guinness
book of world records had been contacted because I believe this ill-informed,
opinionated and dangerous piece could have a place somewhere within its
covers. I myself have found a fitting place for it, and it too involves the body
part that Mr. LaPadula seems to be speaking from.
Hopefully I will be able to help the writer with two very simple points:
1. The gay marriage issue is not, as you suggest, an evil plot against
those gay people that are not in a committed relationship. It is simply about
our freedom and rights as citizens of this country.
2, When, oh when, oh when, will so-called journalists, stop referring or
implying to HIV and AIDS as a “gay disease.” If only they would watch TV,
read a book or even read their own copy before it is published they would
know this already.
I would like to offer Phil LaPadula a very special reward, The IMMODIUM
CUP 2003, for writing the biggest load of Sh@t I have read so far this year.
David Mison
Editor’s Note: I never said or implied that HIV is a gay disease. I was
merely trying to point out that the surging popular of certain party drugs,
“barebacking,” “bug chasers” and Internet chat room sex have facilitated
the resurgence of AIDS in the gay community.
A Major Leaguer Pitches His Support
Baseball Legend Jim Palmer Is Surprise Guest at GLFSF Dinner
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
people are not comfortable to come out and
say they are gay.”
Pye goes on to describe Palmer as a very
nonjudgmental person, without a prejudiced
bone in his body. When Palmer was playing
for the Baltimore Orioles, he knew of certain
sports figures in baseball who were gay and
he realized it was very difficult for them to
come out. Pye and Palmer have spoken in
the past about the homophobic rhetoric that
happens in the locker room and how it can
make coming out a tough thing.
Palmer has always been an openminded and forward thinking figure in the
major league sports world. Starting in 1977,
he became famous for being featured in
ads for Jockey underwear. In the ads
Palmer wore nothing but a bulging pair of
bikini briefs, while posed with one foot
lifted and placed on a chair. The ads
instantly made Palmer a well-known sex
symbol for women and some men.
Dan Pye, Peter Mangone, Jim Palmer and Norm Kent
A few weeks ago, The Westin Diplomat
in Hollywood glittered with luminaries from
the worlds of entertainment and politics
attending the Gay & Lesbian Foundation of
South Florida’s Seventh Annual Recognition
Dinner. Among the high-profile guests was
openly gay former baseball player Billy Bean,
author of Going the Other Way and a familiar
face to many in gay social circles. But
nobody expected to be mingling with another
former baseball player and notable sports
legend, former Baltimore Orioles pitcher Jim
Palmer. A three-time Cy Young award winner,
Palmer currently works as a commentator in
the broadcast booth at Orioles games.
Palmer came to the dinner as the guest
of gay businessmen Dan Pye and his partner,
Peter Magone. The couple have been close
friends with Palmer for years, ever since
meeting him at a bicycle shop in Palm Beach.
Pye says that while Palmer has
been to many parties at his home
over the years where there were
numerous gay people, the
“[Palmer] is very much a heterosexual man.
recognition dinner was the first
The reason he was there is that we invited him
gay event of a public nature for
and he wanted to show his support for the
the sports star.
Pye notes that Palmer is
“He is very much a
foundation and the community.”
aware of his sex symbol
heterosexual man,” Pye says of
status and that a lot of men
—Dan Pye, friend
Palmer. “The reason he was there
admire him from the Jockey
is that we invited him and he
ads. He also adds that Palmer
wanted to show his support for the
“The underwear thing was a big is a fanatic about staying in shape and is
foundation and the community. He realizes breakthrough,” Pye says. “It’s not only women probably one of the most fit people he knows.
that he is a high-profile sports figure, and he who were attracted to it, there were a huge Palmer bikes regularly and watches his diet.
also realizes that the sports world is one area, number of gay men at the time that were
According to Pye, Palmer thought the
if not the last area in our society, where attracted to those ads and had posters of Jim.” dinner was terrific. Pye says that he was
Photo by Pompano Bill
talking to Palmer after the event about what
a major statement and impact Palmer’s
presence had made. One of the many guests
at the dinner Palmer met was fellow former
player Billy Bean. It was the first time Palmer
had been introduced to Bean.
“A lot of people came up and introduced
themselves to Jim, including Billy Bean,” Pye
says. “He knew who Bean was because we
had spoken about him before.”
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 19
The Inevitability of Gay Marriage
In the Long Run, the Courts will ‘Constitutionalize the Consensus’
Gay marriage is as inevitable as Monday
morning. And, to many people, about as
Regardless of your
stance, all you have to do
is follow the bouncing
gavel of judicial history to
hear the banging toward
inevitability. First, it’s
important to note that
Supreme Court decisions
have always reflected
rather than directed
society. For example, the
court declared segregation
unconstitutional in 1954, just as the civilrights movement got traction.
The court recognized rights for the poor
during the war on poverty and rights for
women during the women’s liberation
movement. The court is so influenced by
prevailing public sentiments that it often
overturns its own decisions. What else
explains the court finding segregation
constitutional in Plessy v. Ferguson then
declaring it unconstitutional 60 years later in
Brown v. Board of education? The
constitution didn’t change. We did.
What else explains the court finding
sodomy laws constitutional in Bowers v.
Hardwick and 17 years later declaring it
unconstitutional in Lawrence v. Texas? The
Constitution didn’t change. We did.
The Constitution won’t change about
marriage, but we will. That’s because public
attitudes toward sexual orientation vary
wildly by age. The majority of Americans
don’t want to open marriage to gay couples,
but if you look closely the numbers are going
to flip. According to the Pew Research
Center’s latest poll, attitudes toward
gays correlate strongly with age and
socio-economic status: White, bettereducated, affluent folks are much more
tolerant of homosexuality than the
average American. Older adults
disapprove of gay marriage by a factor
of 4 to 1 while younger adults are split
right down the middle.
The demographics of reform
practically guarantee that one day
public opinion will support
opening marriage to same-sex
couples. Exhibit A: the annual survey
of 250,000 college freshmen,
conducted by the higher education
research institute at UCLA. In 1977,
the survey found that 47 percent of
freshmen thought it was important to
have “laws against homosexual
relationships.” by 2002, only 25
percent agreed. That’s a staggering 22-point
As younger adults age, they’re likely to
carry their social beliefs with them. It doesn’t
take a clairvoyant to predict the future: The
next generation of justices will come from
this gay-friendly group. And when that
happens, the Robed Ones will do what
they’ve always done: Constitutionalize the
Globalization is yet another factor
contributing to the inevitability of gay
marriage. The rest of the western world has
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
far more tolerant views of homosexuality than
America does. A number of these countries
allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in
their armed forces. And as for gay marriage,
the Netherlands allows it and as of this year,
so does Canada. As goes the world, so goes
the United States.
The U.S. Supreme Court will one day
hear the case against allowing gays to marry,
just as it one day heard the case prohibiting
any minority from accessing the rights
enjoyed by the majority.
Every landmark civil rights case has an
eerie similarity. Reformers argued equality;
The Constitution didn’t
change. We did.
resisters predicted doom. Advocates
appealed to our conscience, opponents
appealed to our fears. There are no
substantive differences between the black,
women and gay civil rights movements.
Proponents are propelled by the injustices
they want to correct; opponents are
motivated by the social order they want to
The players changed, but the roles
didn’t. The issues changed, but the dialogue
didn’t. The fights changed but the rulings
didn’t. Reformers didn’t win every battle,
but they won every war.
And so will gays and lesbians. When
the Supreme Court one day allows gays to
marry I predict these words will be used:
“The Fourteenth Amendment requires
that the freedom of choice to marry not be
restricted by invidious sexual orientation
discriminations. Under our constitution, the
freedom to marry, or not marry, a person of
the same gender resides with the individual
and cannot be infringed by the state. There
can be no doubt that restricting the freedom
to marry solely because of sexual orientation
classifications violates the central meaning
of the equal protection clause.”
Why these exact words? Because
history repeats itself. Take the sexual
orientation references out of the above
passage and you have, verbatim, chief
justice Warren Burger’s written opinion
overturning the prohibition against
inter-racial marriage (Loving v.
In time, the reformers always win.
It’s not so much because of the rightness of
their causes as the righteousness of our
country. America has change in its blood the
way other countries have permanence in
theirs. Resistance to America’s nature is
futile. Gay marriage isn’t on the horizon, but
it is in the stars. It’s as inevitable as Monday
mornings. It just won’t be a Monday morning
anytime soon.
Michael Alvear is the author of Men Are
Pigs But We Love Bacon. He can be
reached at michael@menrpigs.cc.
Goodridge: A Victory for Personal Liberty
Mass. Court Adopted a Libertarian Approach in Marriage Ruling
In an opinion issued Nov. 18,
Massachusetts’ Supreme Judicial Court struck
down the state’s denial of civil
marriage to persons of the same
sex, becoming the latest, but no
doubt not the last, state supreme
court to affirm the full civic equality
of gays and lesbians before the
institutions of the law:
“The question before us is
whether ... the Commonwealth may
deny the protections, benefits and
obligations conferred by civil
marriage to two individuals of the
same sex who wish to marry. We
conclude that it may not. ... [The state] has
failed to identify any constitutionally adequate
reason for denying civil marriage to same sex
The important point to notice at the
outset is that the court did not assume that the
seven same-sex couples who were plaintiffs
had to prove they had a specific right to civil
marriage. Instead, the court began with the
assumption that people have a right to marry
and the state had the burden of defending its
prohibition of same-sex marriage.
In doing so, the Massachusetts court
followed the lead of the U.S. Supreme Court’s
2003 Lawrence decision decriminalizing
sodomy, where the U.S. court said, “Liberty
presumes an autonomy of self that includes
freedom of thought, belief, expression and
certain intimate conduct,” and placed the
burden on Texas to justify its sodomy law.
But the Massachusetts court went
further to adopt a fundamentally libertarian
approach to government and law, affirming
that people have, or should
have, a fundamental right to do
as they wish in the absence of
some rational basis for
prohibiting them.
Constitution protects matters
of personal liberty against
government incursion.... The
individual liberty and equality
Massachusetts Constitution
protect both ‘freedom from’
unwarranted government intrusion into
protected spheres of life and ‘freedom to’
partake in benefits (such as civil marriage)
created by the state for the common good.”
Justice Greaney put it more tersely in a
concurring opinion: “The right to marry is
not a privilege conferred by the State, but a
fundamental right that is protected against
unwarranted State interference.”
The court then asked whether—absent
persuasive reasons otherwise—the freedom
to marry included freedom to marry a samesex partner and concluded that it did: “The
liberty interest in choosing whether and
whom to marry would be hollow if the
Commonwealth could, without sufficient
justification, foreclose an individual from
freely choosing the person with whom to
share an exclusive commitment in the unique
institution of civil marriage.”
Or as Justice Greaney put it, “The right to
marry ... is essentially vitiated if one is denied
the right to marry a person of one’s choice....
The equal protection infirmity at work here is
strikingly similar to ... the invidious
discrimination perpetuated by Virginia’s antimiscegenation laws,” struck down by the U.S.
Supreme Court in Loving v. Virginia.
The court then examined the state’s
arguments for prohibiting same-sex marriage
and found them either factually incorrect or
contrary to existing public policy.
The state first argued that the primary
purpose of marriage is procreation. “This is
incorrect,” the court said flatly, noting that the
state does not require opposite-sex couples to
have the ability or intention to conceive
Instead, the court patiently instructed the
state, “It is the exclusive and permanent
commitment of the marriage partners TO ONE
ANOTHER, not the begetting of children, that
is the sine qua non of civil marriage (emphasis
The state argued second that limiting
marriage to opposite-sex couples “ensures that
children are raised in the ‘optimal’ setting.”
But the court pointed out that the state already
recognized and accepted many alternative
child-rearing configurations, and the state had
already acknowledged that same-sex couples
may be “excellent” parents.
For that matter, the court added, excluding
same-sex couples from civil marriage ran
counter to the state’s vaunted concern for
children by preventing children raised by samesex couples from enjoying the assurance of a
stable and assured family structure.
The state argued third that prohibiting
gay marriage conserved state and private
financial resources since same-sex couples
were less financially dependent on each other
and so had less need of the tax advantages of
marriage or private health plans that include
But the court pointed out that was
contrary to current public policy: “Marriage
laws do not condition the receipt of public or
private financial benefits to married individuals
on a demonstration of financial dependence
on each other.”
And so, the court repeated with evident
exasperation, the state “has had more than
ample opportunity to articulate a
constitutionally adequate justification for
limiting civil marriage to opposite-sex unions.
It has failed to do so.
“It has failed to identify any relevant
characteristic that would justify shutting the
door to civil marriage to a person who wishes
to marry someone of the same sex.”
In sum, the court said, the absence of “any
reasonable relationship” between a same-sex
marriage ban and public health, safety or
general welfare, “suggests that the marriage
restriction is rooted in persistent prejudices
against persons who are ... homosexual.”
Some of Paul Varnell’s previous columns
are posted at the Independent Gay Forum
(www.indegayforum.org). His e-mail
address is Pvarnell@aol.com.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 21
Bush’s Baghdad TV Blitz
Trip Shows How President Manipulates the Media for His Benefit
All we get from Iraq is ghastly news, and
for weeks the Bush administration has said
that the media do not emphasize the positive.
The Bushies have complained
that the press reports a lot on
the bombings, the deaths and the
protests, but doesn’t report on
how happy many people are.
Attacks on Americans are
declining, the White House
claims (which belies those media
reports), and the security
situation gets steadily under
control. It’s only a few rogue
guerrillas anyway—no more
than 5,000, says Gen. John P.
Abizaid, the senior American commander in
the Middle East, as opposed to the 50,000
figure leaked in a CIA report a few weeks ago.
Whatever the number, it’s nothing much to
worry about, as we’ll be handing this
everything over to the Iraqis in a matter of
months anyway. All will then be just fine, as a
new democracy is born.
If that’s the case, why did the president
of the United States fly into Iraq under cover
of night in a cloak-and-dagger escapade that
had George W. Bush and Condoleezza Rice
actually wearing disguises at one point? And
why is Baghdad safe enough for a former first
lady, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton, to announce
her trip there two months prior and then,
accompanied by secret service, spend more
than 10 hours meeting with Iraqi leaders and
mingling with citizens, but not safe enough for
the president to make a quick tour of the city?
Iraq is either a) so totally in chaos that
the president couldn’t make his trip public the
way that, say, Lyndon Johnson
announced his trip to Vietnam during
the height of the bloody and
dangerous war there or; b) though
Baghdad is very unstable, with a
literal army of security accompanying
him, it would be safe enough for Bush
to have announced the trip or at least
venture out in the city more, but the
Bushies are using the “security”
issue as a way to once again
orchestrate a photo-op and control
media coverage.
Either way, it smells as skanky as
everything else that Karl Rove touches. The
White House denied that the trip was
politically motivated, but, according to the
Associated Press, Condoleezza Rice “stopped
short of saying that political adviser Karl Rove
did not know about the trip.”
It’s nice that Bush gave some
beleaguered troops in Iraq a much-needed
lift. It’s what we’d want any president to do.
It’s also an issue this president has been
under fire about in recent weeks, not having
gone to one memorial service or funeral of
dead soldiers or bringing any media
attention to the more than 2,000 wounded
servicemen and women. Even if Bush made
this visit to blunt that criticism—and take
some bite out of his now pathetic “Mission
Accomplished” landing on the aircraft carrier
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
back in June—it was a positive gesture.
But those who’ve claimed this was a brave
action are completely deluding themselves. If
anyone was brave it was Hillary Clinton—who
voted for the war resolution, let’s not forget—
and Sen. Jack Reed, allowing their itineraries
to be known and traveling the streets of
Baghdad. Lying to the vast majority of the
media and the public about your whereabouts,
not telling your own parents (yes, George Sr.
and Barbara were apparently in the dark) and
then flying in, with the lights out, for a twohour airport stopover just doesn’t strike me as
gutsy. Nor does it prove in any way that Iraq is
safe—as some TV pundits actually were
saying Bush’s trip would telegraph to the
American people—particularly since a U.S.
soldier was killed in Mosul within hours of
Bush’s visit.
Nobody, least of all fearful Democrats,
wants to even remotely appear as if he or she
doesn’t support the troops, but it’s certainly
not wrong to point to Bush’s political
motivations here. If this administration had a
track record of reaching out to people in need,
with the president taking political as well as
physical risks, his motivations would be less
glaring. Unlike Bush, Bill Clinton visited the
victims of just about every disaster imaginable,
from hurricanes to forest fires. Some on the
right used to claim it was all political, but
because Clinton always did it, from the
beginning of his presidency until the end—
and connected with people on a personal level
wherever he went—his defenders could claim
this was just his personality.
Bush, on the other hand, not only has
often stayed away from visiting disaster
scenes, but his aides have often claimed that,
unlike Clinton, it’s because he didn’t want to
exploit them for political purposes. Along
similar lines, when I wrote a column a few
weeks ago about Cher’s visit to the Walter
Reed Army Hospital in Bethesda—a few miles
from Bush’s home—and her anger at Bush
and Cheney for not bringing media attention
to the many limbless soldiers in the hospital,
angry Bush supporters wrote in. Some claimed
Bush had quietly met with the soldiers, giving
some of them Purple Hearts, but that, unlike
some other president, he didn’t want to bring
cameras to the event to exploit the issue for
his own political ends.
If that’s true, then why didn’t Bush
leave the reporters behind when he flew into
Baghdad last Thursday? And why were only
a select few members of the press chosen,
when many more could have been brought
along? The fact that Fox News was the only
television network invited—and that its
producers put the entire staff on full alert—
while those communists at CNN were sent
on a wild turkey chase, led to believe all the
action (or non-action) was happening down
in Crawford, certainly tells you about the
White House’s priorities and how it manages
the news.
Michelangelo Signorile hosts a daily
satellite radio show on Sirius OutQ, 149.
He can be reached at www.signorile.com
17-Year-Old Hero Confronts School Harassment
Assistant Principal Allegedly Taunted Lesbian Students
This is a story about a hero.
Her name is Asha Givens. She’s 17 and a
junior at Hyde Park Academy, a public high
school on the South Side of
For several years, Asha, a
lesbian herself, has watched as her
systematically discriminated
against and harassed by the
assistant principal of her school.
Asha and about nine other
lesbians who attend Hyde Park
stood outside with two reporters
on a bright fall day, recounting
what had happened to them.
One girl said: “He made me sit
in a room for an hour until I admitted I was gay.
My mamma doesn’t know. He said he would
make me call her. He said he needed to help me.
Yeah, right.”
The students allege that the
administrator called them dykes and baby
dykes and that when they passed him in the
hall he would say things like, “The Skittles
[rainbow-colored candies] have got to go”
and “there’s the lickety lick clique.” He’s
allegedly told the more butch students that
they should start dressing like girls, and last
year forbid them to go in the girls’ locker
room when straight girls where changing.
Asha said he told her once that she was
a very beautiful girl and shouldn’t be gay.
Last week, he suspended her for 10 days
because she was wearing a rainbow pin,
even though there’s no school or district
policy against doing so.
that she had picked up over the summer and
“I was scared, because I’m a junior and and wrong.
started making calls. Horizons Community
this is when colleges are looking at us,” she
We are the ones who need to stop it.
Services, a GLBT social services agency,
said. “What if I get kicked out of school or
And that’s exactly what Asha did.
labeled as a trouble maker? I
Hyde Park Academy perhaps has a called her back. And a social worker set up a
went home and cried.”
culture that breeds this kind of thing. The meeting with the girls, Asha’s mother and
Then there were the lesbian students hadn’t even heard of Gay the school principal.
As a result, the principal apologized. She
disturbing sexual comments. and Lesbian History Month; they knew of
The girls say that the no openly gay teachers. In fact, they had no dropped Asha’s suspension so that she
administrator told one of them idea that there were openly gay teachers at could return to school.
And she may have suspended the
that he was going to make her any school, anywhere. And they didn’t have
harassing administrator, though at press time
perform oral sex on him to turn a gay straight alliance.
her straight and she couldn’t
But they sure knew when they were that was unclear. It seems that there will be
an investigation and if he’s found to have
do anything about it. He told being wronged.
another that he had a four“After going through over two years of said the things to these girls that they allege,
he will be fired. The Chicago Public
headed dildo he would
Schools have a policy that
use on her. One girl said
that he told a group of
The girls say that the administrator discrimination and harassment based
them that “he would take us to the
told one of them that he was going on, among other things, sex, gender
and sexual orientation will not be
bathroom and see if we could stand up
to make her perform oral sex on tolerated.
and pee because he had a dick and
him to turn her straight and she
knows we ain’t got one.”
“You have to be tough,” Asha
“You can’t let people walk all over
Another girl, Amanda, said, “He told
couldn’t do anything about it.
you. I’m graduating next year, and I
us we’re going to be taken to a
didn’t want this to keep happening to
penitentiary where the real dykes are at
and women are going to stick plungers up us.” discrimination, you get kind of tired after a other girls. I just decided I won’t take it.”
Asha didn’t take it. Despite risk to
This is what harassment looks like. And while,” Asha said. “People say that words
it’s disgusting.
don’t matter, but that’s not true. I felt sorry herself, she spoke up and gathered
We tend to think that this sort of thing for the other students. I knew they were too together her friends to speak up with her.
doesn’t happen in liberal urban areas like scared to say anything. So I gathered Because of her, Hyde Park Academy is now
Chicago. We think we’re safe here, that everything up in me to say we’re going to a safer place for all gay, lesbian,
trouble only happens in rural states or tiny, stop this now. This is a place of education, transgender and bisexual students. Asha
close-minded towns. But harassment of and this shouldn’t be happening here. I was Givens is what a hero looks like.
lesbians and gay men happens in this city just fed up.”
Jennifer Vanasco is an awardand every other city in America. Not just a
Asha’s mother supported her; she told
winning, syndicated columnist based
borderline, “is it or isn’t it?” kind of her that there were probably organizations
in Chicago. Email her at
discrimination and harassment, but the kind in the city that would help her out. So Asha
of discrimination that is clear and definite pulled out a gay and lesbian phone book
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 23
Company Brings ‘Left Coast’ Ideas to Miami
Partners Say Hypnosis Can Heal ‘Unconscious Mind’
From Staff Reports
When someone mentions hypnosis,
what comes to mind? A Freudian
psychiatrist swinging a watch like a
pendulum in front of your nose while
repeating the phrase, “You are getting
sleepy?” And what self-respecting
homosexual doesn’t recall Barbra
Streisand’s other-life experiences under
hypnosis in the movie On a Clear Day?
These images have done much to
malign hypnosis as a legitimate
psychological therapy, which is why many
people are surprised to learn that the
American Medical Association (AMA)
has officially recognized hypnosis,
defined as “a state of mind characterized
by heightened suggestibility and
receptivity to positive direction,” as a
beneficial treatment for over 40 years.
Basil Papanastassiou and Burt
Borkan, co-owners of the Two Session
Solution, use hypnosis and other
advanced mind therapies, such as neurolinguistic programming and timeline
therapy, to treat everything from
depression to low self-esteem, smoking and
weight control, often in just one or two
sessions. The company will offer a seminar
on the weekend of Jan. 16-19 in Hollywood.
Those who book prior to Dec. 15, will
receive a discount.
According to Papanastassiou and
Borkan, many traditional therapies are
expensive and can take months or years
to achieve positive results. Through
seminars and one-on-one sessions with
clients, Papanastassiou claims he is able
to effect positive permanent change
through “education of the unconscious
mind,” and cites a review of literature
published in Psychotherapy magazine
(Volume 7, Number 1, Alfred Barrios, PhD),
which found the greatest success in
providing lasting change occurred with
hypnosis (93 percent recovery), followed
by behavior therapy (72 percent recovery)
and then psychotherapy (38 percent
“We work with clients to determine
what it is they want to accomplish or what
is preventing them from achieving their
goals,” Papanastassiou says. “We use our
knowledge and training to help clients
eliminate negative or unwanted habits,
institute new positive habits, facilitate the
learning process, improve memory and
concentration, develop self-confidence,
eliminate stage fright, improve athletic
abilities and for other non-medical issues.”
Papanastassiou explains that the key is to
use a combination of cognitive,
behavioral, motivational, social and sports
psychology combined with hypnosis and
other advanced mind therapies.
According to Borkan, depression,
anxiety, negative self-image, fears and
phobias, and other limiting conditions
such as bad habits are often caused by
past negative emotions and traumas. “In
most cases, the underlying issue causing
a problem is in the unconscious where all
of your memories, internal programming,
habits, emotions, self-image, attitudes and
assumptions reside,” he says. “The
majority of us don’t know how to talk to
or utilize our own unconscious mind and
resolve the issues. We do.”
Most people enter into hypnotic
trance states naturally every day, such as
when we are so focused on a TV show and
we don’t notice the phone ringing at first,
or when we’re driving and suddenly realize
we don’t remember the last few miles even
though we know we were paying attention
and doing everything right. Hypnosis
allows you to tap into the power of the
unconscious mind to create rapid,
permanent positive changes.
The Two Session Solution is
sponsoring the Dream Your Tomorrow
Weekend with Pam Garrard Jan. 16-18. The
seminar helps individuals discover the
limiting decisions and negative emotions
from their past that keep them from
achieving their goals. Attendess will
experience NLP and Time Line Therapy
techniques as part of this process so they
can begin creating the future they want to
have. Attendees can also attend a one day
Introduction to Huna seminar on Jan. 19.
Huna is the original art and science of
healing and spiritual (not religious)
development of the ancient Hawaiian
Basil Papanastassiou and Burt Borkan,
co-owners of the Two Session Solution
An advance purchase discount is available
if purchased before Dec. 15. For More
information, visit: www.TwoSession.com.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Photo by Carole Fawcett
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 25
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Crouching Gay Man, Hidden Lesbian
Martial Arts School Announces Its Grand Opening in Sunrise
By Andy Zeffer
Features Editor
1993. He is still the World Heavy Weight
Shootfighting Champion since 1992. He
has been listed as one of the top 10
toughest men in the world in Muscle and
Fitness Magazine.
The White Tiger & Dragon Martial
Arts and Bart Vale’s International
Shootfighting Association will be located
at 10162 NW 50th St. in the Sunrise Palms
Commerce Center between Commercial
Boulevard and Oakland Park, to the right
of Nob Hill Road. Those that register on
Dec. 13 will be given 20 percent discounts
For self-described “heartfelt lesbian”
Carol White, “the real deal” becomes a
reality on Saturday, Dec. 13. That is when
White opens The White Tiger & Dragon
Martial Arts and Bart Vale’s International
Shootfighting Association in Sunrise.
Bart Vale is White’s business partner
and an acclaimed martial arts master,
whose background is an endless list of
world-class accomplishments. Vale has
been a national Olympics coach, and White
is an Olympics trainer.
Now they are gearing up to
share their expertise with the gay
and lesbian community. “Because
of my connections to the gay
community, the gay community will
get for the first time expert karate
in a very comfortable and gayfriendly environment,” White
—Carol White, co-owner of The White
Tiger & Dragon Martial Arts school
The new school is historic for
many reasons. It has been
relocated from the 8th Street
School in Miami that was the
oldest karate school in South Florida. for all programs. An all women’s SelfWhite describes the new school as a state- Defense/Martial Arts Group is now
of-the-art facility that includes a live boxing forming under the instruction of White.
ring. White Tiger & Dragon will offer the
Classes are being held on Tuesday
following programs: Women’s Self- and Thursday nights from 7 p.m. till 8 p.m.
Defense/Martial Arts groups, Chinese Classes will begin on Tuesday, Jan. 6. For
Kenpo, Shootfighting (which is a more information, contact Carol White at
combination of Muay Thai boxing and 954.746.0202 or 305.505.4919. To find out
submission wrestling), Kyo Sho Kai, Kids more about shootfighting and Bart Vale
Programs, Tai Chi and Yoga. Private go to www.shootfighting.com.
classes are also available.
White stresses the importance that
martial arts plays in the lives of women
and gay men.
“Women are just targets,” White says.
“Statistically we are more victimized than
men. We are the ones that need to take
that into our own hands. Every female
should learn to defend herself. You have
to prepare for the unexpected. It could
happen at any time or any place. Of course,
gay men are potential victims of hate
crimes, so karate is absolutely beneficial
for them.”
White says Vale is thrilled to begin
instructing the gay community, and jokes
that he is a lesbian trapped in man’s body.
White was born and raised in Long
Island, N.Y. Her father’s Navy Seals friends
started training her in the martial arts at
the age of 8, out of necessity to protect
her younger sisters in the rough
neighborhood where her family lived. She
has trained ever since and become a
master at tae kwon do, Chinese kenpo and
tai chi. She also competes as a nationally
ranked shootfighter.
White attended the University of
Miami, where she began training with
Vale. She is a former bartender of the
original Cheers in South Miami, WOW bar
and 821. She is also a past co-chair of Aqua
Girl and is currently an active member and
one of the producers of Calliopefest.
Vale is known as one of the best
martial artists in the world, and he is the
highest-ranking black belt in South
Florida. A true martial artist pioneer, Vale
brought the sport of shootfighting to the
United States after defeating Japan’s best
fighters. He was inducted into the World
Martial Art’s Hall of Fame in 1993,
receiving the prestigious Pioneer Award.
In 1994, he was featured on MTV Sports.
He was the only martial artist to be featured
in Sport’s Illustrated Dec. 13 edition in
Carol White and Bart Vale
“Women are just targets.
Statistically we are more
victimized than men.”
Photo by Carole Fawcett
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 27
By Charlene Lichtenstein
For the week of 12/8/03
A pride parade of planets - Mars, Pluto, the Sun and Jupiter - square off this week and
set off a chain of events. Our will to achieve soars and the world expands to fit our
dreams. See how large you can make it compadre.
Proud Rams reach for the stars and snag a few big ones. Use this time to expand your
domain, test new waters and experience exotic stimuli. Pluto carries your dreams to the
Outer limits and things may get spicier than you expect... you lucky thing.
The T-square can cause confusion, partner swapping, groping in the dark and
waking up to an unfamiliar face. So what else is new? Your randy enthusiasm has
no bounds ... unless of course that is your thing. Are you trolling for trouble?
We’ll just see.
Your professional leap knows no bounds and you become the envy of your peers.
But keep that expanding ego in check, gay Twin. Your head may become too big
for your corner office. You are top of the heap but the question is “heap of what?”
Just when the last word has been said on a subject, gay Crabs are tempted to add one
more sentence. Rather than flap the breeze, use your mouth for more pleasurable
pastimes. Mars delivers interesting exotic tastes to your door. Voulez-vous??
Proud Lions spend lavishly to improve their appearance. But it is not what you spend
that matters. Who you are internally is much more important than how you look
externally. Pull away the layers of artifice and let’s see how you really look. Uh oh...
Jupiter and Mars push you Out into the limelight and right into the arms of a certain
someone. Prepare to be the center of attention. Trying to hide at home? Forgetaboutit
gay Virgo; the crowds find you no matter where you try and hide. Peekaboo!!
Navigate the office as if it is a tarpit, gay Libra. While you will be goaded to jump
into sticky situations, the secret of your success will be your versatility and grace.
Save all your sticky situations for activities outside the office.
Often acquisitive, proud Scorps now shower their pals with lavish gifts and expect
adoration and fealty in return. Dream on compadre; if anything, this transit provides
you with the grossly unexpected. Get better value for your money next week.
If you feel like a puppet on a string, look up and see who is hanging you up. Gay
Archers fight the machine that rules them. Revolution, anyone?? As you storm
the citadel, the T-square may swallow you whole and spit out the bones. Gee,
sounds like fun.
You have spent your life thinking in absolutes. This T-square says there are no absolutes.
In fact, life is blurring into gray. Yet pink Caps have the right answers deep inside them
and must charge through the pea fog with a fog horn. Am I sure? Absolutely!!
Friends try to upset your applecart of sexual bliss and your best moves are
scrutinized and critiqued. Aqueerians are prepared to splurge for any opportunity
to merge. Avoid costly mistakes and listen to the voices of reason. Ply your
trade next week.
The stresses of the office seem inescapable. Guppies take their work home, at least in
their minds, and this causes partnership strains. Life is too short to fret about politics.
Plan a great escape and barbeque the sharks after this transit eases in a week.
© 2003 MADAM LICHTENSTEIN, LLC., All Rights Reserved.For Entertainment Purposes Only. Check out her
site www.AccessNewAge.com/Stargayzer for egreetings, horoscopes and Pride jewelry. Her book “HerScopes; A
Guide To Astrology For Lesbians” from Simon & Schuster is available at bookstores and major booksites.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 29
Interested in making a difference
in the community? Become a
Foster Parent with Kids In
Distress. Free training & treat
benefits. Please call954.390.7654
ext 287 for more info.
What better way to broadcast
your affection and devotion than
to publish it for the world to see!
Don’t wait for Valentines, show
them they are EXTRA
SPECIAL…….. Call Ralph at the
Expressifieds 954.568.1880
New support group for same-sex
bi-national couples in South
Florida. Talk about stress
management, immigration fears
and concerns, practical problem
solving, keeping your relationship
alive under harsh conditions etc.
Not a political advocacy group.
Tel: 305 751 9759
Come and chill with other youth
ages 13 to 23 from the tri-county
area. We meet Thursdays from
7:15 pm. to 9:00 pm. at the
GLCC, 1717 N Andrews Ave. We
then go to Denny’s at 1555 North
Federal Highway for dinner. For
more information, visit
www.BrowardYouthGroup.org or
contact Michael at 954.815.3830.
For men without partners.
Monthly Dinner - Make New
Friendships Email:
sagesingles@aol.com Phone:
Wayne Morris - 305.965.8682
A group for those newly
diagnosed HIV+ A 5 wk program
lead by Richard Mayora, LCSW,
designed to meet immediate
needs in dealing with your
diagnosis. No fixed fee for
membership. Sunshine Cathedral
Series 1: Monday evenings 78:30pm, Oct. 6, 13, 20, 27, Nov.
3 Series2: Monday evenings 78:30pm, Nov. 17, 24, Dec. 1, 8,
15 Registration necessary
954.764.5557, ext 1
An 8 wk bereavement group for
gay men, lesbians, their friends
& families, led by Rev. Dr. Keith
Riddle. No fixed fee for
membership. Sunshine Cathedral
Series 1: Monday evenings 79pm, Oct. 20 thru Dec 8 Series2:
Monday evenings 7-9pm, Jan 12
thru Mar 2 Registration
necessary 954.764.5557, ext 1
Can be a powerful, life long
journey! SunServe Counseling &
Psychotherapy Located at the
Sunshine Cathedral Has a group
of specially trained peer
counselors as well as mental
health pros, that can give the
encouragement, support &
guidance you seek thru individual
mentoring 954.764.5557, ext 1
A monthly social gathering
promoting friendship & extended
family outside of the bar scene
for info 954.524.4425
a social group for ages 20 - 29.
Every Fri @ 7:30 pm. At the
PrideLines Bldg. 180 NE 19th St.
Miami, FL. with peer to peer
support every week at 6:30 pm.
Contact Kevin 305.528.5072
A monthly discussion group
promoting healthy relationships
for additional info:
www.AmUniv.org or
Meets Mon - Wed 10:15-11:15
A.M. Religious Science - NE
15th Ave @ 26th Street (Begins
9/3/03) No Dues or Fees
ACDC is a fun, activity-oriented group
for gay and gay friendly sailors and
boating enthusiasts. Visitors to the
area and new residents are welcome.
There are a variety of sailing/boating
events planned throughout the year in
Miami and Ft. Lauderdale, as well as
the Keys and beyond. For more
information visit our web site at
or email us at
3BR/2.5BA, east of I-95. 2,700 sq ft,
125 ft on ocean access. Atrium
setting w/indoor pool. Granite kit &
master bath. Skylights. New pump
and gas heater for pool. Extremely
pvt home on cul de sac across from
golf course. $385.000 Home for sale
by owner/agent 954.923.3958
Pool home, 3 BR/2 BA, incredible
location and subdivision.Like new!
List price: $274,900 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
500 Gulfstream Blvd, Delray Bch. FL
Sunday services 10:30 am
Contemporary Service 1:00 pm
Great big pool home under
total renovation! 4BR/1.5BA with
pool and huge fenced yard
and gardens. List price: $229,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
3703 Galt Ocean Drive, Ft. Lauderdale
954.568.1002 Sunday Services and
Children’s school at 10:30 am Weekly
classes Thursday 7:15 pm plus other
events.If you have an expanded
consciousness and open heart Come
share with others of like mind.
Brand new luxury 3 story townhome
downtown view, ready Dec 03. Sm
upscale gated community w/pool.
2/2.5 w/den or 3/2.5 1,720 sq ft.
Upgraded cabinets, lush
landscaping, finished garage.
Great Deal at $304,612.
Call Don Bakert 954.288.2876
Worship is at the Sheraton Hotel in
Fort Lauderdale (Cypress Creek
Rd.W. and I-95) every Sunday
morning at 10am. A "church on fire"
with a passion to worship God and lead
others into the life-changing knowledge
of Jesus Christ. Real people, real life
problems, real solutions... check us
out! 954.418.8372.
2750 McFarlane Rd Coconut Grove,
305.448.2601 Sunday Mass: 8 AM
(low) 10 AM (sung). Laying-on-ofHands, AIDS Ministry. A welcoming
and inclusive spiritual hospice with no
outcast bringing the healing of Christ
to all. Rev. Willie Allen Faiella, Rector
First United Methodist Church 4760
Pine Tree Drive, Miami Beach, Fl,
33140. 305.531.7166 Pastor: Dr. L.
Annette Jones. “Where God comes
to us in all colors of the rainbow!”
We have consultants, clergy,
chapel, hall and the rest! Sunshine
Cathedral 954.462.2004
Sunday’s 9:00 am, 10:20 am The
Sunshine Cathedral 1480 S.W.
9th Ave.Ft. Lauderdale
www.sunshinecathedral.org Grant
Lynn Ford, Pastor
3970 Northwest 21st Ave Oakland
Park FL, 33309 954.564.9232 A
spiritual home for Gay & Lesbian
Jewsin South Florida
Rev. Carlos Cruz, 305.535.2287
Sunday Services 11:00 am. 6:30
pm 21 St. Recreation Center 2100
Washington Ave Miami Beach “
The Soul of the Community”
2749 NE 10th Ave., Wilton
Manors, 954.567.1930. Mass
Sun 11AM, Mon 10AM, Sat
7:30PM. Call for locations.
Weddings and Holy Unions.
Father John Joseph Reid,
Deepwater, no fixed bridge condo,
large wide open floor plan, gar
parking, cat allowed $265K.
Rhoda Waxman, Re/Max Partners
Beautiful starter home or investor
property to rent. Immaculate 2
bedrooms, 1 bathroom with fireplace
great floor-plan! Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
List Price: $179,900
New roof, A/C, paint, landscape,
huge yard! Huge fenced yard
ready for pool, RV, etc.!
Great floor-plan, immaculate
condition. 3 Bedrooms.
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
954 309 6155 List Price: $274,900
Great property for first time buyer or
investor! 3 bedrooms, new floors,
xlnt condition, new appliances.
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
954 309 6155
List Price: $124,900
3 bedroom, 2 bath home is split
with an efficiency for rental
income. Great neighborhood, xlnt
condition. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954 309 6155
List Price: $174,000
Walk to Las Olas! 2 BR/2.5 BA,
Great living area, $100/mo.
maintenance, two balconies,
waterfront List price: $329,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
Two Duplexes on a huge corner lot in
HOT South Middle River. Seller would
like to sell together but is offering at
219,000 each. Great courtyard
between two buildings. Each building/
duplex has two, 2 BR/1 BA units, plus
separate storage. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
2BR/2BA approx 1,500 sq ft.
easy convert to 3/2. Excellent lot
& location. Best value in area. 4
Sale by owner. 954.563.8990
2BR/2.5BA Middle River
Townhome. Newly remodeled
kitchen and corner unit....Lots of
light and privacy.... Don't Miss
This One at $274,900.00
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
Beautiful 2BR/2.5BA, carport,
w/extra storage, pool, clubhouse
in lush tropical setting at Middle
River Nature Preserve. Move in
Condition. Priced to sell. Call
Waterfront Townhouse on the
Middle River. Minutes to Wilton
Drive. Just built in September
2002. Only 15 units in complex.
Covered parking/pool BR/2.5BA.
"Owners Transferred" $299,900
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
Remodeled 3BR/2.5BA,
remodeled, neutral cer tile,
enclosed fam rm, all new roof,
kitch & bths $620K.
Rhoda Waxman, Re/Max
Partners 954.401.2288
Seminole Drive of Coral Ridge.
This waterfront home is on Lake
Seminole.No fixed bridges to
ocean, a great turning basin for
boaters amidst all multi-million
dollar homes. 3BR/2BA Great
pool area! $849,000 Terry
Bush, Re/Max Partners
Totally unique townhome in sm high
quality dev. Gorgeous wood floors,
International decor 1,417 sq ft. Incl.
screen rm. Nothing like this!
$155,000 Call Fred Reissner
Re/Max Partners 954.661.5316
3 BR2 BA waterfront condo with
outrageous views in elegant building.
Corner unit has great light, dockage
available and shows beautifully! List
Price: $392,000 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
Unobstructed Ocean Views,
5-6BR/6.5BA, 5,700+ sq ft liv
area, pool, 2 car gar, soaring
2-story entry, $2,550.000,
poss owner financing, poss trade
Rhoda Waxman, Re/Max Partners
2 BR/2 BA convertible in prestigious
Allington Towers. Direct Ocean view
in this intracoastal front complex!
List price: $192,500 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
Substantially remodeled. Hard to
find 4BR, 2 story, 2600 sq ft.
Many upgrades, neutral colors
throughout $539K.
Rhoda Waxman, Re/Max Partners
Corner 2 bedroom, 2 bath unit in
complex that states 55+ community.
Nice amenities, great floor plan!
Enclosed Patio, xlnt condition! List
Price: $58,000 Joyce Cates,
Coldwell Banker 954.914.6428
Forever Ocean Views. 4BR/4BA,
4200+ sq ft liv area. Only 2 units
makes this a truly private residence
$2,500,000, poss trade.
Rhoda Waxman, Re/Max Partners
Over 2500 Sq ft. 4BR + sep. in-law
apt. All new, ceramic, windows,
highhats, crown, 2 fireplaces, carport
and much more!! Welcome to
paradise. Asking $389,000.00.
call to view. Diane or Bryan
A 1 Florida Realty 954.564.2773
Duplex excellent for owner/occupant
in Middle River Terrace!
3 BR/2 BA
with Living room, family room in
front, big single car garage, plus 1
BR/1BA Apt. Completely updated.
List price: $329,500 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
1985 construction duplex!
2 BR/2 BA each upstairs and
downstairs. Shows beautifully!
List price: $349,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
2BR/2BA Middle River Waterfront.
One of the few true waterfront homes
with ocean access on Townhouse
Isle... Right On The River.
Completely redone...From the Wiring
to the Plumbing...even the walls. This
is basically a brand new unit.
Hardwood floors with beautifully done
baths. Granite Kitchen. Private
Courtyard, Deck andCarport...Asking
$439,900.00 Terry Bush, Re/Max
Partners 954.661.4550
3BR/2.5BA Gated community, lake
front, beautiful home 2,500 sq ft, 2
car garage, new kitchen, 1,200 sq ft
patio w/pool, beautiful view. Must See!
399K 561.736.6333
Luxury 1BR/1.5BA, on intracoastal
wtwy, near Galleria & bch.
In gay friendly bldg.
Fabulous pool, move in condition.
$229,900 954.561.3792
2BR/2BA vaulted ceilings, W/D, dog
up to 40 lbs, $160 maintenance fee,
tastefully furnished. $130,000
James MacDonald, Coldwell Banker,
2/1.5, FL rm (can be used as
3rd br), laundry rm with W/D incl,
fncd yrd, cross St to beach, pets OK,
flexible lease terms. Only $1200/mo.
Call 954.630.9162 or 954.683.8130
This 2/2 is on the 3rd floor and kitchen is
brand new. Rooms have been redonefor
that special someone......$123,500.00
Terry Bush, Re/Max Partners
2 BR/2 BA convertible in prestigious
Allington Towers. Direct Ocean view in this
intracoastal front complex!
List price: $192,500
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
15th Floor, Incredible views of ocean and
Intracoastal. Extreme contemporary
renovation. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath, 2400
sq ft., 24/7 security, dockage available.
Must see! List Price: $669,000
Rick Gibson, Coldwell Banker
3 BR/2BA, Family Rm, Central
A/C, Dock, SW Fort Lauderdale,
$1,600 mo. Very Private 1 BR in
$650.mo Excellent Condition
One Bedroom- NE 40th St. Oakland
Park, 2nd Floor Condo For Rent Vail.
Sept. 1st 2003 $595/mo.2/1 - 270
Oakland Park 2nd Floor Condo For
Rent Avail NOW!!! $695/mo Both
Require one year lease complex has
pool, $50 Condo Fee Appl. Fee F/L/S
& Credit check required 954.229.0968
Lovely property east of US1 on
intercoastal & nature preserve, facing
Manalpan, 2/2 & 1/1 both units incl
garages, all appl, & W/D. Heated pool,
jacuzzi full gym, sauna, pool table and
cabana beach, F/S Available Now
Furnished 2/2, pool, home with
upscale furn, fax, computer, DVD,
VCR, etc. Close to everything. Long
term also considered 954.563.6262 or
Key West style on river, 2BR/
2BA + FL rm, Cent A/C, wd flrs,
W/D, deck & dock. $1,500 mo
HUGE 3 BR/2.5 BA
Condo on the intracoastal with
stunning views, no expense spared,
dockage, 24/7 security.
List price: $514,900 Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker954.309.6155
Incredible townhome..walk to Georgies!
2 BR/1.5BA, pets okay, LOTS of charm
in this complex! Must see! Call for a
showing today…. $750/mo. Chris
Garcia, Coldwell Banker 954.914.0845
3BR/2BA across from Tropics, Pets
Allowed....may take 6 mo lease,
$1,300 mo Terry Bush,
ReMax Partners 954.661.4550
2BR/2BA Coral Gardens area, lg open
rms, $1,495 mo, Blair Colby, Galleria
Collection of Fine Homes 954.684.9800
2 BR/2BA
Half of a two story contemporaray
duplex built in '85! Huge master BR,
walk-in closets, washer/dryer in unit.
Pets okay, Big living area!
$950/mo. Rick Gibson,
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
Walk to Georgies! 2 BR/1.5BA,
pets okay, LOTS of charm in this
complex! $800/mo. Rick Gibson
Coldwell Banker 954.309.6155
$3,750/mo Seasonal Rental New
Town-Home RE/MAX Partners,
Call Bruce Freeman 954.396.5166
Gay friendly bldg directly on the
Intracoastal. 1BR/1.5BA Magnificent
pool, walk to beach, movies,
restaurants & Galleria Mall.
Motivated Seller. $219,500
Cottage 3BR/1.5BA remodeled
baths, ceil fans, off street pking. lg
yard. pool, $1,100 F/L/S Call
$1,200/mo 2BR/1BA, Off Las
Olas RE/MAX Partners, Call Bruce
Freeman 954.396.5166
3BR/3.5BA, 3 story European
style townhouse, bamboo floors,
designer Kitchen, plasma TV,
stereo system throughout,
security system, 2 car garage,
furnished. seasonal/annual rental,
$4,300 mo. 954.327.7286
Celebrity owned guesthouse on
Intracoastal with dock and boatlift
outside your door. Furnished or
not. Private entrance and parking.
Attached to $2.5 million mansion
and landscaped grounds with use
of 60 ft. pool and prvt. courtyard.
Utilities and satellite TV included
$1800/ mo. with 6 month min.
plus 1 mo. deposit. References a
must. 917.543.8433
Avail. Jan 1st., Peaceful Royal
Park 1st. floor, canal view,
updated, screened patio. Water/
cable included. Pet ok.
$890/mo. F/L/S 954.484.6513
2BR/1BA 2nd floor Condo, east of
Andrews in Oakland Park.
Pool, laundry. $50 Condo Appl
fee. 1 yr lease $695 mo. F/L/S
1 & 2 bedroom apt, $650 & $825. New
tile, water incl. Laundry rm, pool, on site
manager. 1460 NE 18th St., 1 mile
north of Sunrise Blvd on NE 15th Ave.
F/S bryan@oldfl.com Pls call anytime
2BR/1BA duplex apt; 2 blocks NE of
GLCC. Pvt. yard, C/A, W/D, D/W,
pets considered. Many updates! $975
mo. 954.630.0535
All redone 2BR1BA unit in charming
duplex. 2 parking spaces (tandem), W/
D! Grassy front yard! Small pet OK.
Easy drive to shops, nightlife,
beach...only $850/month...call David,
owner/agent: 954.873.2035
Live in a French Villa inHollywood
Beach. Short and long terms lease
From $1,450/month 954-450-0000
www.Villa-Sinclair.com, Feel like home
under the Sun the first minute you
come in! 6 apartments on the Beach @
on Hollywood Beach Broad walk with
over 60 restaurants within walking
distance & the Ocean 150 feet away!
Featuring original Arts work of our
friends Mira & French Artist Frederic
Payet. Room service by our friends @
Cafe Metropole, All apartments
completely renovated & furnished with
a french Touch: New appliances,
Dishwasher, Microwave etc... Tiled
Kitchen & Bathroom,TV & cable, HBO,
Showtimes, DVD, CD, over 50 FREE
DVD to watch, leather sofa, European
Furniture, all included utilities, even
Housekeeping, FREE Parking, Beach
Towels & a even a complimentary Sun
cream lotion. Move in with your
toothbrush! Studio from $1,450/month,
1 bedroom $1,650/month, short or long
term lease, visit us online! www.VillaSinclair.com or call 1-954-450-0000 for
appointment- 317 Polk St. Hollywood
Beach, FL 33019
Stop being a tenant, become our Guest!
1BR/1BA near Las Olas. $650/
Month + $650 Security deposit.
Hardwoods, W/D in unit, WU/AC,
Updated Kitchen, Patio, Water
Paid. 954.557.6326
1BR/1BA, W/D, patio. $750 mo.
plus util.Call 954.568.6860
2BR/BA, freshly painted & fully
renovated, $950. mo.
Evelyn Knowles Coldwell Banker
Office: 954.568.1880•Fax: 954.568.5110•Email: Classifieds@ExpressGayNews.com
30 ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
Sunny apartment near Neumarket Square;
Cuban cigars and direct marijuana/hash are
legal; 1 sleeps 4 direct canal location and
view fully furnished and equipped central
location and near Metro; Big windows $1200
2 week minimum maid service included,
917.375.5159 or amsterdamaptrent@hotmail.com
FREE RENT - 12 mo lease gets 13 mo
FREE, W/D, CLEAN! Close to Wilton
Manors; 1273 NE 38 St. $625+sec.
1BR/1BA, 1st floor, pool, no pets, $100
Condo Appl fee.
1 yr lease, Avail Nov 2003. $650 mo.
F/L/S 954.229.0968
1BR/1BA, 2nd floor, pool, sm pets OK,
$50 Condo Appl fee. 1 yr lease, $595
mo.F/L/S 954.229.0968
1BR/1BA, 2nd floor, great pool, $50 Condo
Appl fee. 1 yr lease, $625 mo F/L/S
One Bedroom in small Quiet bldg. Great
Location/Pool/Laundry. $625/month. $50.
Condo Application Fee. 1st, Last &
Security 954.229.0968
Beautifully updated , new kitchen, cabinets
& appl, D/W, Central A/C micro, WIC,
F/L/S $725 mo. Jay 954.270.0304
Lease with option 3BR/2BA lg fenced yd.
W/D, C A/C. Near GLCC & night life. Pets
OK $1,050 mo, F/S to move
in. Call 954.630.1390
Home 2 Share. $550 Includes. util.
Bike to Beach. Walk to downtown & Park.
Cool roomie, great location & neighborhood.
Prof GWM non-smoker, to share with
same lg 3/2.5 lux furnished condo. W/D,
pool, no drugs, no pets.$500 mo + 1/2 util.
Fred 954.914.5060
Share lg house, furnished bedroom, shared
bath, full house privileges, W/D $525 mo
incl util. Call 954.547.7811
Lkng for gay or lesbian roommate to
share 2BR/2BA furnished house
with 40 y/o gwm, non-smoker, and two
friendly dogs. Walking distance to Alibi
and "the drive." Bedroom is unfurn.
Lkng for someone responsible. 500/mo
plus 1/2 utilities. Dan 954.565.6060
Pvt rm, W/D, walk to clubs, share util, no
drugs, must be employed, F/S, $395 mo.
Gay male wanted to share 2br/2ba
condo in Oakland Park. Room has
private bath. $425 per month plus
1/2 electric. Non-smoker.
Complex has 3 pools, gym.
Across the street from waterfront
park with tennis courts, jogging
trails. Call 954.735.4888
P/T medical biller needed in WPB for
medical billing company.
Will train, flexible hours.
561-471-6768 or 954-494-9045
For female owner, these qualifications
but not limited to, computer
proficiency, bartending and serving
skills, valid drivers license, no points.
Fax resume to 954.767.2121, or email
to: execasst1962@aol.com
The Broward Center for the Performing
Arts is looking for candidates for ticket
sales. The individuals must possess a
can-do attitude, be self-motivated and
resourceful, with one year call center exp a
plus. They must also be able to work a
flexible schedule in accordance with
business needs, including nights and
weekends. This is a great opportunity for
the right applicants. Email resume to
$9/hr starting salary.
Like talking on the phone?
N. Miami loc. Hours flex, personality
a must. Call Bill 800.766.3254
or fax resume 305.621.0425
Work for the Newspaper you love to
read! The Express, Florida's favorite
news and entertainment publication is
seeking self-motivated individuals
looking for a career in advertising
sales. The Express offers an
opportunity to perfect your sales
skills in cold calling & out-door sales.
If you have excellent communication
& customer service skills as well as
strong drive to earn commissions,
this is the job for you! Solid
familiarity with Florida's businesses &
neighborhoods is desired. Experience
in sales (particularly media
advertising) a real plus, but not
necessary. Unite Media now
publishes The Express. We offer a
competitive salary, excellent benefits
& a chance to work for an industry
leader. If you meet the qualifications
listed above, & want to become part
of our dynamic team, please submit
your resume, cover letter, & salary
requirement to: Kevin Hopper,
Part-time, flexible hours, work
from home561.637.8338
Experienced Retail Manager needed,
computer literate. Excellent customer
service skills, detail oriented with a
strong work ethic and ability to control &
motivate staff. Competitive salary,
annual bonus, retirement plan. Call
954.524.5050 or fax resume to
Take phone orders. Computer literate.
Customer service experience helpful.
Must have a good attitude & pleasant
personality. Also need dedicated and
experienced retail sales associates.
Competitive Salary, annual bonus,
retirement plan.Bi-lingual helpful.
Call 954.524.5050 or fax resume to
A Leading Distributor In The Advertising
Promotional Industry Is Seeking
Salespeople. Commissions Up To 50%.
Work In A Fun & ExcitingEnvironment.
Call Charlene 954.630.1700
Must have retail/men’s clothing
experience Call 954.537.6055
Brand New 400 unit apartment
community in Lake Park has an
immediate opening for a Leasing
Consultant. Ideal candidate should have
property management experience, a
“roll-up-your-sleeves” personality and a
winning smile! Competitive salary plus
bonus compensation. Excellent benefits
package and opportunity for growth.
Please email resume to
or fax to 561.841.5696
attn: Christina.
Desk Clerk Positions Available
Busy airport/ cruise port/convention
center hotel is seeking person with
outgoing personality, previous hotel
and computer experience preferred
but will train the right
person,friendly work atmosphere,
pre-employment drug test is
required. We pay top hourly wages
in Ft. Lauderdale hotel industry plus
great benefits package including
paid over time, holidays, vacations,
excellent health plan and 401K
available. Please call James
Rashotsky, Front Office Manger at
954.767.8700 or apply in person at
1800 S. Federal Hwy (3 blocks N.
of Coliseum on East side of
Federal Hwy) just South of SE 17th
St Causeway or fax resume to
Full-Time; Adult Day Care Center
in Ft. Lauderdale. Experience
working with frail elders; computer
skills required; Bachelor’s Degree
preferred. EOE - $26,500 benefits. Resumes to: Area
Agency on Aging of Broward
County, 5345 NW 35th Avenue,
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33309-6315.
Full-Time; Adult Day Care Center in Ft.
Lauderdale. Experience with frail elders
preferred; current Florida License
required; assessment/activities skills.
EOE - $28,000 - benefits. Resumes to:
Area Agency on Aging of Broward
County, 5345 NW 35th Avenue, Fort
Lauderdale, FL 33309-6315.
Adult Day Care Center; Ft. Lauderdale;
Full or Part-Time; $8.00 per hour;EOE;
Applications to: CNA, Area Agency on
Aging; 5345 NW 35th Avenue,
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309-6315.
55+; Low Income; Broward resident;
Adult Day Care Center for frail elders;
Ft. Lauderdale; Part-Time, training
position/ 20 hours a week; resumes to:
AARP Senior Community Service
Employment Program; 7537 West
Oakland Park Blvd, Lauderhill, Fl.
Advertising background, previous
catalog layout & design helpful.
Creative and can work without
supervision. Ability to adhere to
deadlines. Knowledge of Photoshop,
Quark, Illustrator, and Graphic
Animation, MP3, HTML, VML, MIVA
and Cold Fusion Web skills desired.
Competitive salary or work freelance.
Fax resume to 954.524.2288 Attn:
Human Resources or call 524.5050 ext
ASE cert required, great opportunity to
be a part of your community, helpers
needed. 954.522.4697
Busy executive seeks 18-35 attractive
& in-shape (a must). Duties include
running errands, caring for waterfront
home and workout partner. Good part
time job for student. Call Jim
Motivated/energetic/skilled 43 yo male
w/home/office exp. considering all
offers can tell friends/family about;
discreet about all others including livein help. Email details:
Residential & Commercial, 7 days
a week, Dade & Broward Free
Estimates 305.620.3954, beeper
Dogs need to be excercised to be
healthy and happy. Excellent
References with 7 year history of
dog happiness. Seeking customers
in the area of Victoria Park and
Las Olas. Stephane 954.832.0556
Top dollar for used gay magazines,
DVD’s, CD’s & videos and club
wear. Call to set up an appt. MonSun 954.524.5050 Will pay top
dollar for mannequins.
Call 954.524.5050 ext 110
***PAY 3 NIGHTS***
Beautiful Studio & One BR Apts,
full kitchens, pool, laundry. Near
Gay Dania Beach. Affordable
Daily/Weekly & Extended stay.
954.927.0090 or visit
for older gay men and their
admirers. Leaves Ft. Laud on Feb.
8, 2004 on brand new luxury cruise
ship, 7 days Western Caribbean,
visiting Key West, Progreso/
Merida, Cozumel and Grand
Cayman and a couple of fabulous
days at sea. Come find your
Valentine and join a great group of
guys for a fantastic week of fun
and friendship. Limited time only
save $100 per person for outside
cabin, exp. Sep. 30, 2003. For
more information contact Norm at:
954.735.8055 or toll free:
For ads & clothing catalogs (nonnudes) or catalog video work (nude).
No experience necessary, but must
have an excellent body. All types
needed. Call National Marketing
Experienced stylist, Aesthetician,
Massage Therapists, Nail Techs
wanted. Bonus w/ signing. Fax
résumé to 954.568.1918 or
Hands on lessons at your pace in
home, office,
or remote control tutoring or
helpdesk for small businesses.
Learn basics, start your own
computer business or website.
Contact Tim 954.448.2782 or
Go online for FREE consultation
and computer advice:
visit www.pluservices.net
Michael Quintal, LMT
Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish Massage
Lic# MA 38874
Local Hunk will sooth away your
stress and tension.
6', 205lbs-49"c, 32"w, 18"a. Blonde
buzz cut, blue eyes, smooth. Boy
Billy avail too
(954)646-8004, rcky45@aol.com
Strong & friendly; deep
tissue swedish & more with
table. 7 yr NYC exp. Quality
Hands Jack 954.557.1441
enjoy the company, of a an
experienced and hot latin guy.
Brunette & tanned. 5’9" $100 2
hours Murelo. 786.357.3880
interior/exterior custom painting, call
Steve or Butch 954.444.3950
25 years experience, local
references avail. Call Terrence
Serving our community for over 15
years. We are Painters, not Handymen.
We show up and do it right the first time.
Everything Matters marketing solutions
focuses only on helping our clients
become more profitable. Our Domestic
Partner documentation packages provide
protection for GLBT relationships,
finances, health and children. Call Jason
Rodgers at 954.763.6850
Office: 954.568.1880•Fax: 954.568.5110•Email: Classifieds@ExpressGayNews.com
Let us do all the work so you can
have all the fun! We are an
exclusive matchmaking service
for affluent gay men seeking a life
partner. Visit our website to learn
more: gaymillionairesclub.com
Free Video Chat, Free Gallery
Meet on the web or by phone
Call 24 hours, .99/min 18+
Dial 1010735.1.268.404.6418
Hot guys are waiting for you!
Local • Live • Now
ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 31
The Elysium Resort
552 N. Birch Rd.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.564.9601
Inn Leather
610 SE 19th St.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.467.1444
Liberty Apartment & Garden Suites
1501 SW 2nd Ave
Dania Beach ..........................954.927.0090
Orton Terrace
606 Orton Ave
Fort Lauderdale..................... 954.566.5068
Thomas Marshall Madison, Jr. CPA, P.A.
2701 E. Oakland Park Blvd. Ste. C
Fort Lauderdale......................954.561.8959
Nelson Sabbagh, CPA
Accounting & tax services
Miami ....................................305.632.0865
ACA Air Conditioning
4700 West Prospect Road, Ste. 109
Fort Lauderdale ….....…..….954.492.5510
Expert Air Advice, INC.
Cooling is what we do best!
Fort Lauderdale......................954.764.1990
Palmetto States Properties, Inc.
Studios – 2-Bedrooms; $600-1500
Fort Lauderdale......................954.525.0210
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street
Hollywood............................... 954.921.3274
Studio Gallery 425
David Mulvenna proprietor
The hiring of a lawyer is an important decision that should not be
based solely upon advertisement, before you decide, ask the
attorney to send you free written information about his or her
qualifications and experience.
Law Offices of Robin L. Bodiford, PA
2550 N. Federal Hwy, Suite 20
Fort Lauderdale......................954.630.2707
David L. Jacovitz, Esq.
South Trust Building - 1 East Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale......................954.630.8847
Jerome & Fischer, PA
4331 N. Federal Hwy. Ste 403
Fort Lauderdale......................954.489.1011
Bruce J. Kirsch Esquire
3800 S. Ocean Drive, Ste. 218
Elizabeth F. Schwartz, P.A.
407 Lincoln Rd. Ste 4D
Miami Beach………………….305.674.9222
Jeffery Seth Selzer, PA
2550 NE 15 Ave.
Wilton Manors………………..954.567.4444
Randy Strauss
Wilton Manors.………...…….954.566.5297
Dean Trantalis
2255 Wilton Drive
Fort Lauderdale……………..954.566.2226
Fernando J. Gutiérrez, EdD, Esq.
Member CA Bar, Am. Imm. Lwyers. Assn.
80 SW 8th St. #2000
Shari L. Moidel, Esq.
3471 N Federal Highway Suite #300
Fort Lauderdale ………......… 954 566.1610
David I.Witz, Esq.- Amer. Imm. Law Assc.
West Palm Beach...................561.655.8090
Scuderi Automotive
801 W. Broward Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.522.4697
For Brakes and More
160 E. Prospect Road
Fort Lauderdale.................…. 954.563.7254
Ford of Pompano
Collision Center......................954.818.9720
Parts Dept...............................954.781.9800
Service Dep............................954.868.5833
Personal Automotive Service
5095 NE 12th Ave
Fort Lauderdale……......……954.772.7780
Rosen’s Prestige Automotive
600 W Broward Blvd. (1-mile E of I-95)
Stork’s Bakery
Bakery & Coffee House
2505 NE 15th Ave................ 954.567.3220
Morgan Stanley
Stephanie Small - Financial Advisor
Fort Lauderdale......................954.267.5672
Smith Barney - David Starkey, Sr. VP.
350 E LasOlas Blvd, Suite 1200
Fort Lauderdale......................954.762.3012
ATCO Autos
Fort Lauderdale…….............954.462.7514
Jay Estis - Braman BMW
2901 Okeechobee Blvd.
West Palm Beach...................561.436.1261
Joe Faust - King Auto Mall
700 E Sunrise Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.240.6373
Airboat Tours
Fort Lauderdale.……...............954.389.0202
Florida Gay Cruise
Fort Lauderdale .......................954.524.1234
LAMBDA Passages Bookstore
Brandy Bail Bonds
Fort Lauderdale………….........954.463.4333
House Carpet Cleaning
Tim House, Owner
Fort Lauderdale........................954.360.0069
Lauderdale Memorial Ceneteries
Fort Lauderdale.…............…..954.745.2140
Cabieses Chiropractic Centers
1776 N Pine Island Rd Plantation.
456 W 51st Place Hialea.......954.559.1999
Dr. Michael Cohen, D.C
2631 E. Oakland Pk. Blvd., Ste. 104
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.537.5558
Gimbel Chiropractic Center
Dr. Bruce Gimblel/Dr. Denise Gimbel
1907 North Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors.........................954.567.1924
Monaissa Chiropractic & Wellness Center
11200 Pines Blvd. Ste 101
Pembroke Pines.....................954.880.0101
Peele Chiropractic
Dr. Kathy Ragone/Dr.Beth Cooper
3296 NW 9th Ave.
Oakland Park ……................. 954.566.7222
Affordable in Home Training /
Trouble Shooting
Broward/ Dade / West Palm...954.925.1801
Compudoc Makes Housecalls
Fort Lauderdale.954.584.6053 or 881.7013
K-Laser Information Technologies, Inc
1256 5th St.West
Palm Beach............................800.785.9399
Joe Gallo Construction, Inc.
840 NW 7th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ……........… 954.766.9850
Second Presbyterian Church
Worship Sun 10:30 /
1400 N. Federal Hwy.Ft. Laud..954.564.7600
Church of the Holy Spiritsong
Deerfield Beach 33442 .......... 954.418.8372
Congregation ETZ Chaim
3970 NW 21st Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ..................... 954.564.9232
Holy Angels National Catholic Church
2330 Wilton Drive
Sun. 11 am, Wkdys incl. Sat. 5:30 pm
Wilton Manors....954.565.4642 or 954.731.8173
Divine Mercy American Catholic Church
2749 Northeast 10th Ave.
Wilton Manors......................... 954.561.4545
Sunshine Cathedral, MCC
1480 SW 9th Ave.
Fort Lauderdale ...................... 954.462.2004
Boat Blossums Wholesale Florist
3001 Griffin Rd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.961.9141
Bar & Stool Emporium
2201 N. Dixie Hwy.
2301 NE 26th St.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.568.5944
Financial Asset Management Corp.
Sean R. Cherry, Certified Financial Planner(R)
Fee-only financial planning
West Palm Beach ............... 800.435.2463
Old Cutler Dental Associates, P.A.
Cosmetic and General Dentistry
20335 Old Cutler Road Suite 200
21ST Century Dental
Don Nadel, D.D.S, M.P.H
3038 N Federal Highway Build H
Fort Lauderdale......................954.568.9788
Andrews Dental
2654 N. Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors……............…954.567.3311
Bal Harbour Dental Center
2026 NE 19th St.
Fort Lauderdale.…............….954.566.5428
Oakland Park Dental
Howard R. Cunningham, D.D.S.
2020 E Oakland Park Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.……........…..954.566.9812
Printing Xcetera
145 SE 11th Street
Deerfield Beach…….……..….954.420.0084
Hair Industry
2000 Harrison St.
Hollywood, Fl……….................954.920.8220
Heclynn’s Barber, Beauty & Nail Studio
3801 N Andrews Ave
Styling & Profiling Hair Emporium
Hollywood.…....954.923.1818 •
Peter Babinski, M.D., PH.D.
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.463.5406
A Dog’s Best Friend
The LaserWorks
2480 E. Commercial Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.202.5870
William Borawski
hlth nutr trnr@aol.com
Fort Lauderdale........................954.649.2067
Auto, Home, Business
Shawn Young, Kyle
Allstate Insurance/Karl Grace
2171 Wilton Drive
Wilton Manors……….....……..954.537.5321
Correct Coverage Insurance
Jim Rakvica
Fort Lauderdale……...............954.565.1731
A1 Electric Service
Scott Conley, Master Electrician
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.764.8090
The Electrician
1536 NW 5th Ave Ft Lauderdale
Broward, Palm Beach, Dade..954.522.3357
Affordable Interiors
Window Treatment Specialist
12 Years Exp..in FL..willdoanythng@aol.com
Ft. Lauderdale.........................954.629.5829
Blue Zebra Landscaping
1017 SW 15th Ter
Fort Lauderdale........................954.764.1149
Exotic Landscaping Design
PO Box 4580
Fort Lauderdale........................954.567.4133
R.H. Ireland & Sons
3080 S. Oakland Forest Dr.
Fort Lauderdale ……...............
Pre-Paid Legal Services, Inc.
Cynthia Lyle…….............…... 954.916.2031
Curtis McCoy ..................…… 954.723.7745
Daily Details
Putting life in it’s place
Broward Co ............................954.536.0955
Maid Brigade
Solutions for a cleaner home.
Broward/Boca ...................... 954.345.5565
32 www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
A-Hinze Fence Contractors
Marty Hinze, Owner
721 NE 12th ST
Fort Lauderdale......................954.763.7658
A.G. Edwards Matt Gill, Investment
Ft. Lauderdale, Fl...................954.761.1060
Edward Jones Investments
Darcy J. Beeman
Fort Lauderdale......................954.566.4252
Luminosity Studio & Gallery
Tony Beall
981 NE 45th Street
Chauffeur Service/Custom
Broward, Dade, West Palm .....954.336.7849
Sterling Services
Broward & Dade Counties........888.239.9200
Ita Schenkel, CLTC, CSA
Long-Term Care Insurance Specialist
N. Miami Beach........................305.653.5116
Everything Matters, LLC
Marketing Solutions
Fort Lauderdale........................954.763.6850
Harper Bros. Termite & Pest Control
2122 SW 60th Terr.
Miramar ………....................…
Hugh Turner Pest Control, INC.
840 NW 33rd Street
Oakland Park...........................954.564.0037
Tom Clephane, LMT
Lic.# MA0019978.....................954.579.5044
Terry DiVincenzo, LMT
Swedish & Therapeutic Massage
Lic.# MA 022936 …............…..954.491.8180
Michael Quintal, LMT
Shiatsu, Thai, Swedish Massage
Lic# MA 38874.........................954.761.3521
Brian L. Wright MS, LMT, CR
Shiatsu, Reflexology, Swedish Massage
Lic.# MA33341.........................561.582.1177
Alliance Mortgage Funding, Inc.
Brian “Tyler” Leonard
2200 NE 26th St Fort Laud.......954.568.0108
Countrywide Home Loans
Rod Pans - Home Loan Consultant
Serving East Ft.
Mortgage Bankers
Carole Fawcett
Fort Lauderdale........................954.972.3990
Pride Mortgage Incorporated
2455 E. Sunrise Blvd., Suite 804
Fort Lauderdale........................954.565.9665
Scott Brill/GMAC Mortgage
500 W Cypress Creek Rd Suite 190
Fort Lauderdale....................... 954.771.4420
Summit Mortgage/John Iarussi
Fort Lauderdale .......................954.567.2939
Transcontinental Lending Group
Mario Petri
Fort Lauderdale........................954.240.8090
Club Bow Wow
Doggy Daycare, TLC and styling for small to
medium dogs.
Boca Raton..............................561.391.6439
Rover the Rainbow
929 North Federal Hwy., (Sears Town)
Fort Lauderdale........................954.525.6988
Yuppy Puppy & Co. Show & Pet
Catering to those who want the Very Best!
Coral Springs...........................954.753.7647
Commcare Pharmacy
2817 E. Oakland Park Blvd., Ste# 303
Fort Lauderdale........................954.568.6212
ProScript Pharmacy Services, Inc.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.797.5041
StatScript Pharmacy
2605 N. Dixie Hwy.
Always Moving (licensed/insured)
Know what your paying before you move.
NationStorage, Inc.
812 NW 1st Street
Fort Lauderdale…….........……954.525.4767
Art and Culture Center of Hollywood
1650 Harrison Street
Museum of Art Fort Lauderdale
1 E Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale….............…...954.525.5500
Michael G. Mele, LCSW, P.A.
Fort Lauderdale.…..................954.564.8997
Patrick Mulhall, L.C.S.W., C.ST, C.HT, PA
3475 Sheridan Street Suite 312
Lisa C. Niebling Ph.D., LMHC, CST
11388 Okeechobee Blvd.
Royal Palm Beach...................561.798.2310
Dr. Carmine Pecoraro, Psy.D. & Assocs.
Counseling, Evaluations & Psychological Testing
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.463.2723
Diana Promuto, LCSW, ACSW
218 Commercial Blvd., Ste. 208M
Lauderdale by the Sea............954.771.5040
Psychological Alliance, Pl
Carole A. Wartenberg, Ph D
Laura Hohnecker Ph D
8358 W Oakland Park Blvd #304
Mark Rutherford, LCSW
West Palm Beach...................561.835.6821
Eric Schoenfeld, PHD Psychologist
224 Datura St. Suite 402 Downtown West
M. Ross Seligson, Ph. D., PA (PY2686)
Lic. Psychologist. Indiv. & Couples
915 Middle River Drive Suite 401
Fort Lauderdale 33304............954.563.2800
Susan A. Smith, L.C.S.W.
6250 N. Andrews Ave Suite 108
Fort Lauderdale ……….......... 954.730.4902
South Fla. Center For Counseling & Therapy
Fred Schneider, LMHC & David Fawcett, LCSW
1975 E. Sunrise Blvd Ft. Laud...... 954.764.6466
Robin Traiger, LCSW
2624 NW 6th Avenue
Wilton Manors........................954.565.8650
Andy Armano
Fort Lauderdale........................954.854.5679
Dennis Dean
Fort Lauderdale…...….......….. 954.463.8299
Michael Murphy
Toll Free...................................877.564.8555
Noel de Christian
Fort Lauderdale........................954.485.6659
Miami...............…..............….. 305.553.2099
Shires Photography
Fort Lauderdale........................954.523.4527
Rick Gibson / Coldwell Banker
2495 E. Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.309.6155
Russotto Realty Inc.
Craig White
2242 Wilton Drive .................954.296.4236
Re/Max Partners/Dan O’Flaherty
2810 E OaklandBlvd
Fort Lauderdale..…….....…...954.396.5965
Terry Bush/Re/Max Partners
Fort Lauderdale…….........….954.661.4550
Treemont on the Park
3881 NE 3rd Ave., Oakland Park
Fort Lauderdale ….............…954.563.0276
1747 N. Federal Highway
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.566.8500
Cassini Tailor Shop
934 NE 20th Ave
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.764.5245
The Women’s Institute
for Incorporation Therapy
Hollywood Pavillion 1201 N 37th Ave
Hollywood ..........................… 954.962.1355
Cora Wujceak, LCSW
1909 N. Andrews Ave.
Wilton Manors………..............954.567.1008
All County Title Company
4875 N Federal Hwy 10th Floor
Fort Lauderdale.….............…954.629.5525
Rio Bravo Translations, John Chellino
Miami…..................….......… 305.576.0031
Budget Framer
263 E. Commercial Blvd.
Lauderdale by the Sea……......954.267.9202
Smith’s Picture Framing and Art Gallery
719 E. Broward Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale........................954.462.4391
Akro Plumbing
1700S Powerline Rd. Suite H-I
Deerfield Beach...................… 954.881.7013
Downtown Opticians
800 Broward Blvd
Fort Lauderdale……............… 954.764.6962
Dr. Jeffrey C. Hilton, O.D.
South Beach.............................305.534.0539
Broward Boy’s Painters/ Jerry
Fort Lauderdale....................... 954.720.9605
Do. It. Rite Wallcover + Painting
Fort Lauderdale……….............954.786.0287
Professional Interior Painting Bill Mears
Wilton Manors..........................954.309.4089
Professional Speedy Painting Gus
Painting & general repair work around the
Fort Lauderdale........................954.540.9316
Skimmer’s Pools Service and Repair
P.O. Box 70021 Oakland Park, FL 33307
Broward County........................954.938.0208
Intracoastal Detective Agency
1511 E Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale…....…............954.564.5455
HELEN, Advisor on love, career,
Helps reunite the separated.
Call for appt..............................954.771.0207
David Greco-Brooks, PH.D.
Individual and Couples Psychotherapy
Fort Lauderdale........................954.776.0406
Orlando J. Gonzalez L.M.H.C., P.A.
407 Lincoln Road Suite 2F
Miami Beach............................305.531.1400
Anita MacGregor, M.S., IMT...954.254.2972
Bob Benson/Infante & Associates
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.261.9956
Blair Colby
Galleria Collection of Fine Homes
Coldwell Banker/Andy Weiser
2495 E. Commercial Blvd
Fort Lauderdale……...............954.679.9972
Coldwell Banker
Paul Nolan
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.258.4654
Coldwell Banker/Tim Singer
Realtor & Associates
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.463.1373
John Castelli & Jason Johnson
Re/Max Partners 1507 E Las Olas Blvd
Fort Lauderdale ......................954.377.5051
Darrin Spardello Community Real Estate
Island Mountain Travel
Palm Beach/WPB/Lake
2852 E. Oakland Pk. Blvd.
Fort Lauderdale.....................800.622.4262
Eastside Properties/ Tony Naples
Broker/Owner Tony@TonyNaples.com
Capital Plaza Animal Hospital
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.562.6355
2372 N. Federal Hwy.
Howard Elfman/Distinctive Homes
Fort Lauderdale.....................954.537.3505
Dr. Vincent Guerrero, DVM
1512 E Broward Blvd., Suite 201
“House Call Veterinarian”
Fort Lauderdale………..…....954.764.4552
Fort Lauderdale……..............954.581.5334
Keyes/Todd Paulk
1520 E. Sunrise Blvd
TForce Communications, Inc.
Fort Lauderdale.......................954.523.0796
Design & Hosting, Training and Support
Keyes Company/ Al Kuntz
10101 S. Dixie Highway
South Florida.........................954.564.0782
Kim Garvy, Broker/Remax Consultants
Rev. Geri Posner, Interfaith Minister
1625 SE 17th Street Causeway
Fort Lauderdale……...….…...954.767.1166
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 33
=lkThe White Party at Vizcaya Sunday, Nov. 30
Sammy the Hairdresser with Elaine Lancaster
Steve and Kyle
Angel, Marcos, Jessi, with Mike and Lee from Manchester, England
Carson Kressley of Queer
Eye for the Straight Guy
Ricardo, Natalie, Eric and Robert
John and Michael
Maria and Anna
Edison Farrow with Charles Perez of
Channel 7 News
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003
The Hat Sisters, Tim and Mike from Boston
Mark, Rua and Gabriel
Allen, Owen and Robert in from Boston
Kyan Douglas of Queer Eye for the Straight Guy
with Express features editor Andy Zeffer
Salon stylists Dennis, Michael and Jeffrey
Slater and Joe
World AIDS Day Event at Broward County Main Library
Dec. 1
Pedro Lozada, Darrell Prado and Robert Stafford during a
moment of silence
Leslie Washington of Broward House
Brother and sister, Annie Brown and
Dan Romaniello, of APFL
Sahron Morris and Tony Beale with a piece
from deceased artist Peter Cocuzza
Mark Arsenault, Randy Krisch comfort each other while
remembering those who are missed
Tim Gibbs of the Ft. Lauderdale Gay Men's
Chorus sings an impassioned “Bridge Over
Troubled waters” as the opening number
Remembering those who are missed at a candlelight vigil on World AIDS Day
Tom Benyi, Renee Shepard, Joseph JeanCharles, Tiffany Arieagus and Michael Anthony
Giselle Pollack, candidate for county
court judge
Byron Keith Byrd
Dr. Keith Riddle of the Broward House
Bob Kasbar, a 21-year AIDS survivor,
with his friend Bob Nichols
The Ft. Lauderdale Gay Men's Chorus
Henry Callahan with his piece, titled
We’re all in This Together
The PAL’s Project team of APFL:
Mars McMillan and Manuel Rodriquez
Norm Kent, executive director of APFL,
asks for a show of hands in the name of
solidarity for World AIDS Day.
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003 35
www.ExpressGayNews.com • December 8, 2003