A secondary literacy lesson guide


A secondary literacy lesson guide
Lesson ideas using Glow
Lesson ideas
using Glow
A secondary literacy
lesson guide
Lesson ideas using Glow
Bring the Burns poem Tam O’Shanter to life
with storyboard tools available through Glow
In this lesson learners will read, listen to and watch the Burns poem Tam O’Shanter. Learners will then use a free Comic
Strip tool to storyboard and bring to life the events in the poem. The storyboard’s will be saved and combined into a
class presentation. Although it would be ideal to implement the lesson in the build up to Burns Night it is obviously
applicable at any time.
To study the Scots language and themes in the Robert Burns poem ‘Tam O’Shanter’.
Learning Outcomes
All pupils will gain an appreciation for Burns poetry and the Scots language.
Most pupils will be able to give reasons for their personal response to a text.
Most pupils will be able to make relevant contributions in a group and work on a group outcome.
Some pupils will be able to give an account of the purpose and main concerns of a text.
Learning Intentions
To read, watch and discuss ‘Tam O’Shanter’.
To work together in groups to create a storyboard of a section of the poem.
To perform the poem as a class.
Cross curricular / Interdisciplinary learning Links
Expressive Arts: creation of storyboard and performance of poem
Lesson ideas using Glow
Teaching steps
Get prepared!
Before delivering this lesson you will want to add the following resources as ‘Link Tiles’ to the ‘Shared Launch Pad’ for pupils
BBC page with recordings of Tam O’Shanter
Click on ‘App Library’ then on ‘Add Tile’ at the bottom right of your screen.
Fill in the required fields, click on ‘generate thumbnail’ then click ‘OK’.
Lesson ideas using Glow
You will be asked to confirm whose Launch Pads you would like to install the link tiles on. Click ‘SAVE’ and close the box.
To find the tiles you have saved, click on ‘App Library’ on the top left of your screen.
Search for the tiles and click ‘Add to my Launch Pad’. They will now appear on your Launch Pad (you may have to scroll
through a few pages to find it!)
You may wish to get pupils to log into Glow and access the Link Tiles you have created so that they can listen to or watch
Tam O’Shanter being read ahead of the lesson.
Now add ‘MakeBeliefsComix’ and ‘RM Books’ from the App Library to the Shared Launch Pad for pupils by searching for
them in the ‘App Library’ and installing them to the Launch Pad.
Open ‘RM Books’ – you will be taken to the bookshop. Search ‘Tam O’Shanter’ in the search box.
Once you’ve found the poem click on ‘borrow’ and allocate it as you wish.
Now that you’ve allocated Robert Burns Tam O’Shanter to pupils in RM Books, show them how to access it and ask them
to practice reading the poem in pairs.
Lesson ideas using Glow
Read Tam O’Shanter as a class
Read through and discuss the poem as a class. Make sure there is a Scots Language glossary/dictionary available to help
pupils to understand the story.
Let’s storyboard!
Split the class into groups and allocate each group a section (several verses) of the poem. Ask them to decide on the key
point/issue/event in their section and use MakeBeliefsComix to create a storyboard of this.
Each group should present their storyboard to the rest of the class, answer any questions and receive feedback from
their peers.
Groups could come together and recite/perform their sections – possibly on Burns night.
Extension activity
The class could create a Glow blog about the events in Tam O’Shanter. They could interview characters or
create an alternative ending.
Lesson ideas using Glow
Links to the Curriculum for Excellence
This idea can contribute to gathering evidence for the following Experiences and Outcomes.
Curriculum Area and
Literacy and English
Lit 3-02a; Lit 3-04a; Lit 3-13a; Lit
3-14a; Lit 3-16a; Eng 3-17a; Lit
3-18a; Eng 3-19a; Lit 3-20a
Lit 3-02a - When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to
contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion. I can respond
in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.
Lit 3-04a - As I listen or watch, I can: identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and
main concerns of the text and can make inferences from key statements; identify and discuss
similarities and differences between different types of text; use this information for different
Lit 3-13a - I can select and use the strategies and resources I find most useful before I read,
and as I read, to monitor and check my understanding.
Lit 3-14a - Using what I know about the features of different types of texts, I can find, select,
sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources.
Lit 3-16a - To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can: identify and
consider the purpose, main concerns or concepts and use supporting detail; make inferences
from key statements; identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types
of text.
Eng 3-17a - To show my understanding, I can comment, with evidence, on the content and
form of short and extended texts, respond to literal, inferential and evaluative questions and
other types of close reading tasks.
Lit 3-18a - To help me develop an informed view, I am exploring the techniques used to
influence my opinion. I can recognise persuasion and assess the reliability of information and
credibility and value of my sources.
Eng 3-19a - I can: discuss and evaluate the structure, characterisation and/or setting using
some supporting evidence; identify the main theme of the text and recognise the relevance
this has to my own and others’ experiences; identify and comment on aspects of the writer’s
style and other features appropriate to genre using some relevant evidence.
Lit 3-20a - I enjoy creating texts of my choice and I am developing my own style. I can regularly
select subject, purpose, format and resources to suit the needs of my audience.
Expressive Arts
EXA 3-01a; EXA 3-01b; EXA 3-02a;
EXA 3-01a - I have used the skills I have developed in the expressive arts to contribute to a
public presentation/performance.EXA 3-01b - I have experienced the energy and excitement
of being part of an audience for other people’s presentations/ performances.EXA 3-02a - I have
experimented with a range of media and technologies to create images and objects, using my
understanding of their properties.
Find out more
Call us on 0808 172 9525 or email rmunify@rm.com
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T: 08450 700 300
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