Auction Brochure - Thomas Industries
Auction Brochure - Thomas Industries
LIVE ONSITE & WEBCAST AUCTION CNC SWISS SCREW MACHINES • CNC TURNING & MACHINING • (30+) AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINES • MACHINE TOOLS • ASSEMBLY MACHINES • PLANT SUPPORT Surplus Equipment to the Future Requirements of: HMP Industries 4 Hershey Drive, Ansonia, CT New 2006 Sub-Spindle & Milling TSUGAMI BU-20 CNC SWISS SCREW MACHINE KIA-HYUNDAI SKT-15LMS CNC TURNING CENTER New 2005 1 of 4 NEW BRITAIN #62 MULTI-SPINDLE SCREW MACHINE CINCINNATI CENTERLESS GRINDER MODEL 200-8 Sale Date: TUES. APRIL 12th, 10:30 AM (ET) Inspection: MON. APRIL 11th, 9 AM TO 4 PM Sale under Management of: Thomas Industries, Inc. 2414 Boston Post Road, Guilford, CT 06437-2310 Phone (203) 458-0709 • Fax (203) 458-0727 email: • WELL MAINTAINED SCREW MACHINE & CNC EQUIPMENT SubSpindle & Milling New 2006 TSUGAMI BU-20 CNC SWISS SCREW MACHINE New 2005 KIA-HYUNDAI SKT-15LMS CNC TURNING CENTER MORI SEIKI SL3H CNC TURNING CENTER 1 of 2 SEIBU TWIN CHUCKER 20/30 CNC TURNING CENTER COMPUMILL 4000 CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER CNC - SWISS SCREW MACHINE Tsugami BU-20 CNC Swiss Screw Machine, S/N 159 (New 2006), Fanuc Series 16i-TB CNC Control, 8-Station Turret, Gang Tool Slide w/(3) Driven Cross Tools & Turning Stations, Sub Spindle, .01 Degree Indexing on Main & Sub Spindles, LNS Hydrabar Express 220 Bar Feed, Tri-Mist Mist Collector CNC - TURNING CENTER Kia-Hyundai SKT-15LMS CNC Turning Center, S/N SKT15LMS0114 (New 2005), Fanuc OI-TB CNC Controls, 12-Position Turret, Sub Spindle, LNS Hydra Bar Feed Mori Seiki SL3H CNC Turning Center S/N S3647145 S/N 3627, Mori Yasnac Control Seibu Twin Chucker 20/30 CNC Turning Center Model B-CNC S/N M-F87002, Dual Fanuc CNC Controls 2 MATSUURA MC-760V-PC-2S CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER MIYANO TSV-25 CNC DRILLING & TAPPING MACHINE HYUNDAI SPT-V30TD CNC VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER DAKE CNC MITER COLD SAW MODEL EUROMATIC CNC- VERTICAL MACHINING CENTER SCREW MACHINES - MULTI SPINDLE Matsuura MC-760V-PC-2S CNC Vertical Machining Center, S/N 85054935 (New 1985), 30 Station, Series 11M Matsuura Controls, Twin Pallet Changer Miyano TSV-25 CNC Drilling & Tapping Machine, S/N 250178 Fanuc OM CNC Control, 12 Station CNC Turret Drill Miyano TSV-25 CNC Drilling & Tapping Machine, S/N 250201 Fanuc OM CNC Control Hyundai SPT-V30TD CNC Drilling & Tapping Machine, Twin Pallet, Yasnac Control Compumill 4000 CNC Vertical Machining Center, S/N 30202 w/ Delta 10 CNC Controls (4) New Britain 2 1/4” Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model 62 S/N 28459, 36088, 36797, 37198 New Britain 2 1/4” Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model 61 S/N 29532 New Britain 1 5/8” Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model 61 S/N 27485 (3) New Britain 1” Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model 60 S/N 27771, 34736, 27807 New Britain 1 1/4” Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model 52 S/N 36505 (3) Acme Gridley Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model RAN 6 S/N C-23170-N, C-23375-N, C23133-N (4) Acme Gridley Multi Spindle Screw Machine Model RA6 S/N A23447, A23451, A23446 A23449 CNC - COLD MITER SAW Dake CNC Miter Cold Saw Model Euromatic w/ Extended Table Feed, 2001; Model 370pp; s/n 72001 (New 2001) SCREW MACHINES – SWISS Traub Single Spindle Model A-25 (3/4” Lipe Barfeed) S/N 46729 S A L E D AT E : T U E S D AY, A P R I L 1 2 T h , 1 0 : 3 0 A M ( ET ) LARGE ASSORTMENT OF SCREW MACHINES & TOOLING 1 of 4 1 of 2 NEW BRITAIN #62 MULTI-SPINDLE SCREW MACHINE NEW BRITAIN #61 MULTI-SPINDLE SCREW MACHINE NEW BRITAIN #52 MULTI-SPINDLE SCREW MACHINE 1 of 6 1 of 9 B&S #00 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE SCREW MACHINES - SINGLE SPINDLE Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model #2 RS 2-Speed 3/4” S/N 542-2-8380 Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model #2G 1 1/4” S/N 542-2-88 Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model #2G 1 1/2” S/N 542-2-1727 (3) Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model 2.00 S/N 542-2-1844 & 542-21877, 542-2-299 (9) Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model #00 1/2” S/N 542-00-9345, 54200-7353, 542-00-7037, 542-00-7757, 542-00-3766, 542-00-7523,542-007805,542-00-8902,542-00-120 (4) Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model #0G S/N 542-0-1067, 542-0-24, 542-0-14, 542-0-35 Brown & Sharpe Single Spindle Model 0 S/N 12519 SCREW MACHINE - TOOLING B&S R/S ULTRAMATIC AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE THREAD ROLLERS Waterbury Farrel Thread Roller Model 30, S/N 54323-525 MILLING MACHINES Bridgeport 1 HP Vertical Milling Machine S/N 81101 (4) Cincinnati Horizontal Miller Model 112 S/N 2FIP5E-11, 2FIPIP-12, 2FIPIK-530, 5FIPIU-16 (2) Sunstrand Horizontal Miller, Model Rigidmil S/N 40-1274, 40-962 (8) Nichols Horizontal Miller, Air Operated (3) Brown & Sharpe Horizontal Miller Model 000-Plain LATHES (2) Hardinge Lathes Southbend Lathe 10”, S/N 14988RKLX16 Goodway Lathe S/N 66488 BROACHES Large Assortment of Screw Machine Tooling for Acme Gridleys, New Britains and Brown & Sharpes La-Pointe Horizontal Broach Model 1000 S/N 45136 ROTARY TRANSFER MACHINES DoAll Band Saw Model V-16 S/N 401237 Johnson Horizontal Band Saw S/N 188062 Jamieson Rotary Transfer Model 4Station, S/N 3080 Jamieson Rotary Transfer Model Rotamat, S/N Q2344B SAWS B&S #2 AUTOMATIC SCREW MACHINE GRINDERS - CENTERLESS Cincinnati Centerless Grinder Model 200-8 S/N 2M8H5R-16 Cincinnati Centerless Grinder S/N 2M2H5A-179 Cincinnati Grinder S/N 2M2-H5PF-31 (2) Van Norman Centerless Grinder Model 1C S/N 5043-257 & 5325-1268 Omark-Winslow Cylindrical Grinder Model No. 2 S/N RELIO JIG BORERS Moore Jig Bore S/N DPC-160 SURFACE GRINDERS DoAll Surface Grinder S/N 138-672638 Hercules-Fauretto Surface Grinder S/N TA60 Covel Surface Grinder S/N 7A-6122 JSG Surface Grinder S/N 73375 Hammond Surface Grinder Model 363 ROTARY SURFACE GRINDER Blanchard Rotary Surface Grinder Model 11, S/N 5968 FINISHING EQUIPMENT Casalbi Globe Tumbler w/ Cover S/N 1905 LIVE WEBCAST BIDDING AVAILABLE – WWW.BIDSPOTTER.COM 3 CENTERLESS GRINDERS • THREAD ROLLERS • • TOOLROOM EQUIPMENT • INSPECTION • PLANT SUPPORT 1 of 4 ACME GRIDLEY #RA-6 MULTI SPINDLE SCREW MACHINE VIEW OF SCREW MACHINE TOOLING JAMIESON ROTARY TRANSFER MODEL ROTAMAT MACHINE 1 of 4 WATERBURY FARREL THREAD ROLLER MODEL 30 CINCINNATI # 1-12 PRODUCTION MILLER PRESSES - OBI PLANT SUPPORT Federal OBI Power Press Fly Wheel Model 3-26T S/N 3-2010 Pexto OBI Power Press Model 16 S/N 721-03, Rolling Key Clutch, Fly Wheel Farrel OBI Press Model 100 S/N 45257 Perkins OBI Press Model Junior S/N C56E502N-JR TAPPING MACHINES Snow Tapper Tapping Machine Model TA3 S/N 38873-270 WELDERS - SPOT Alphil Spot Welder Model ARG S/N 4251 w/ Equipto Metal Storage Cabinet RADIAL ASSEMBLY PRESSES Baltec Spinner Model Radial RN-281 S/N 2811496 w/ Digital Controls Baltec Spinner Model Radial RN-280 S/N 27005 4 LA-POINTE HORIZONTAL BROACH MODEL 1000 CINCINNATI CENTERLESS GRINDER MODEL 200-8 INSPECTION EQUIPMENT Mantis Bench Model Vision Scope Mitutoyo Toolmakers Microscope, Light Source, 2-Axs Digital Positioning Brown & Sharpe Micro Hite 600 24” Height Gage S/N 6F005 Mitutoyo Digital Height Gage 0-18” Etalon Micrometer Indicator S/N 225 Mitutoyo Concentricity Gauge S/N 19012-K1-10 Mitutoyo Reference Specimen Model Precision S/N 9333969 Zygo Series 1200 Laser Micrometer Miscellaneous: Micrometers, Verniers, Pin Gages, Granite Plates, Dial Indicators, Thread Gages, etc. (10+) Vidmar Cabinets; Lee Presto Die Lift Tables; Martin Roll Stamp Model No-12; Samsco Evaporator Model 534; Accu-Count 4-Bowl Counter Feeder/Counter System; (10+) Drill Presses; Stainless Steel Tote Pans; (30+) Section Heavy Duty Adjustable Pallet Racking; Black Diamond Drill Grinder S/N 17643; Aidlin Automation Welder S/N 630 w/ Baldor Tumbling Barrel; Mettler Toledo Floor Type Counting Scale; Spanmaster 1/2 Ton Crane; (2) Midbrook Parts Washer Model 5012B & 50CSS; Curtis Kelsey Wet Grinder; F.J. Littell Coil Stock Reel; Durrant Tool Coil Feeder; Dennison Hydraulic Press S/N WAU 7/21/71; Kelsey (Curtis) Sander Model 304-CW-P; Martin #12 Stamper; (2) Press-Rite Power Press Model 1; (4) Mead Air Power Press; Arbor Presses; Zeks Air Dryer Model 10HSEA; Dust Collectors, Work Benches, Storage Cabinets, Pallet Jacks, Power Tools, etc. I N S P E C T I O N : M O N D AY, A P R I L 1 1 T h ( 9 - 4 ) SALE DATE: TUESDAY, APRIL 12TH, 10:30 AM (ET) CINCINNATI CENTERLESS GRINDER BLANCHARD ROTARY SURFACE GRINDER MODEL 11 BALTEC SPINNER MODEL RADIAL RN-281 10+ Available MANTIS BENCH MODEL VISION SCOPE STANLEY VIDMAR CABINETS MITUTOYO TOOLMAKERS MICROSCOPE AUCTION INFORMATION Surplus Equipment to the Future Requirements of: HMP Industries 4 Hershey Drive, Ansonia, CT SALE DATE: TUES. APRIL 12th, 10:30 AM (ET) INSPECTION: MON. APRIL 11th, 9 AM TO 4 PM SAMSCO EVAPORATOR MODEL 534 DISCLAIMER: Auctioneer is not responsible for errors, omissions, additions or deletions. Items offered may not necessarily be sold as described and/or photographed. Buyers should verify all aspects of their potential purchases during inspection as all items offered will be sold “as is, where is” with all faults. Please check with the auctioneer’s office for additions or deletions. Complete Terms & Conditions Available at ONSITE REGISTRATION Onsite registration is on the morning of the sale. In order to obtain a bid paddle a $100.00 refundable fee is due at time of registration. LIVE WEBCAST BIDDING AVAILABLE Register and bid at: BUYER’S PREMIUM: 12.5% (onsite) & 15.5% (webcast) PAYMENT TERMS: Payment Due In Full: Friday, April 15, 2011. Payment Types: Cash, Certified Check or Wire Transfer THOMAS INDUSTRIES, INC 2414 BOSTON POST RD. GUILFORD, CT 06437 203 458 0709 GAVEL@THOMASAUCTION.COM Sale Conducted In Conjunction With REMOVAL Final Date for Removal: Friday, April 22, 2011. No Exceptions. C O M P L ET E LO T C ATA LO G & P h O T O S AT W W W. T h O M A S A U C T I O N . C O M 5 Under Management of: PRESORTED FIRST CLASS MAIL U.S. POSTAGE THOMAS INDUSTRIES 2414 Boston Post Road Guilford, CT 06437-2310 (203) 458-0709 • (203) 458-0727 Fax PAID Permit No. 80 Milford, CT LIVE ONSITE & WEBCAST AUCTION Surplus Equipment to the Future Requirements of: HMP Industries 4 Hershey Drive, Ansonia, CT FORWARDING SERVICE REQUESTED SALE DATE: TUES. APRIL 12TH, 10:30 AM (ET) INSPECTION: MON. APRIL 11TH, 9 AM TO 4 PM BUYER’S PREMIUM: 12.5% (onsite) & 15.5% (webcast) WELL MAINTAINED SCREW MACHINE & CNC EQUIPMENT Surplus Equipment to the Future Requirements of: HMP Industries 4 Hershey Drive, Ansonia, CT SALE DATE: TUES. APRIL 12TH, 10:30 AM (ET) INSPECTION: MON. APRIL 11TH, 9 AM TO 4 PM JAMIESON ROTARY TRANSFER MACHINE # ROTAMAT BALTEC SPINNER MODEL RADIAL RN-281 AUCTION INFORMATION • WWW.THOMASAUCTION.COM • 203-458-0709
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Auction Brochure - Thomas Industries
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