2016 Training Calendar Jan - Jun
2016 Training Calendar Jan - Jun
Early Childhood Connections Training Catalog January - June, 2016 Enriching the lives of children by working with the adults who affect their lives - parents, caregivers, and educators. 2218 JACKSON BLVD. SUITE #4 RAPID CITY, SD 57702 605-342-6464 1-888-999-7759 www.earlychildhoodconnections.com www.facebook.com/earlychildhoodconnections January 2016 Training Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 New Year’s Day 3 4 5 6 7 Infant, Child 8 9 15 16 22 23 28 Intro to Childcare: 29 30 & Adult CPR OST Core #1: Child Growth & Development Infant, Child & Adult CPR 10 11 12 13 14 Curriculum Design in the Preschool Classroom fitCare: Being Fit Starts with RECHARGING 17 18 Introduction to Childcare: Guidance 20 19 More Not Your Ordinary Art: Theatre 21 Director’s Series Martin Luther King Jr. Day 24 25 Let’s Get Moving & Playing Together 26 27 Problem Solving Throughout the Day 31 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting Infant, Child & Adult CPR Learning Environments More Not Your Ordinary Art: Painting January 2016 Training Calendar Location Class Title Date/Day/Time Infant, Child & Adult CPR January 6, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt Infant, Child & Adult CPR January 6, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM OST Core #1: Child Growth & Development Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 January 7, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Fostering the growth and development of children through appropriate environments, activities, and interactions. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development $5 fitCare: Being Fit Starts with RECHARGING January 11, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an FREE environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 6. Program Safety & 11. Learning Environments Introduction to Childcare: Guidance January 13, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will explore the various ways adults think about discipline and get an overview of best practices for caregivers to help children learn what the expectations are and control their own behavior. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management & Instructor Instructor Level Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 $5 FREE to New Hires January 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost Instructor Level Curriculum Design in the Preschool Classroom January 14, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Melissa Pickle 3 - 5 Years Intermediate Every child is a unique individual. The curriculum you create should be a reflection of your children’s individuality and unique needs. This workshop will explore ways in which teachers can use the interests of their children to create a curriculum full of engaging activities that will capitalize on children’s innate desire to learn. $5 More Not Your Ordinary Art: Utilizing Theatre in the Preschool Classroom January 14, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Jessica Castleberry 3 - 5 Years All Levels Theatre is an excellent educational tool for students because play-acting is part of their nature! We will discuss specific theatre games that improve language, social/emotional development, and creativity. Participants will learn basic theatrical principals, and practical and fun ways to bring them into the classroom, from fun improvisational games, to full scale plays and movies. All participants will receive learning materials and ideas for additional resources. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Director’s Series January 20, 2016 Wednesday 12:00 to 2:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages Beginner Topics are explored that are pertinent to being a director and running a quality program. Most classes involve a speaker from the community. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development FREE Let’s Get Moving and Playing Together January 20, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:00 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 3 - 5 Years Intermediate Participants will review young children’s gross and fine motor development. Then we will look at why boisterous, vigorous and very physical play is essential to children’s development and learning, and we will explore activities that encourage cooperation, teamwork and strong, healthy bodies. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Infant, Child & Adult CPR January 25, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 3 - 5 Years Intermediate This 2-part workshop provides teachers with tools and strategies to use when teaching problem solving skills to preschoolers. Teachers leave the workshop with solution kits, classroom posters, visuals and other similar materials. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Teaching Problem Solving Throughout the Day January 27 & Rapid City ECC February 17, 2016 Classroom #13 Thursdays Kim Booth 6:30 to 8:30 PM First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting January 27, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jennifer Nelson All Ages All Levels Participants will gain knowledge related to common childhood accidents and injuries in addition to receiving instruction that will enable them to perform First Aid. Pathways: Basic First Aid $5 More Not Your Ordinary Art: Painting January 28, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Autumn Gregory All Ages All Levels Teachers are encouraged to explore art as a medium to communicate theories, thoughts, ideas and emotions. Teachers will develop strategies to explore art mediums and to set the stage for artistic learning in their classrooms. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Introduction to Childcare: Learning Environments January 28, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain an awareness of how the physical environment affects how children and adults feel and act. In an attractive and well-designed environment, children are more purposefully engaged in activities. Pathways: 11. Learning Environments Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 $5 FREE to New Hires February 2016 Training Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 2 Respiratory Illnesses 7 8 3 Living Life Infant, Child & Adult CPR 10 Introduction to 15 Childcare: How Children Learn FCC: What is Family Child Care? 16 Beginning Mother Goose Part 1 17 21 President’s Day Director’s Series 24 Beginning 23 22 10 Things Every Child Needs Infant, Child & Adult CPR 28 FCC: What Do Children Need? Mother Goose Part 2 Intro to Childcare: Health & Safety Love & Logic Friday Saturday 5 6 12 13 19 20 26 27 OST Core 2: Activity Planning 11 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting 18 Teaching Problem Solving Throughout the Day Pt 2 Valentine’s Day Thursday 4 Groundhog Day 9 fitCare: FOOD for 14 Wednesday Not Your Ordinary Art: Shadow Play 25 Not Your Ordinary Art: Wire Period of Purple 29 fitCare: MOOD Management Matters February 2016 Training Calendar Location Class Title Date/Day/Time Respiratory Illnesses February 1, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Deb Kuehn Infant, Child & Adult CPR February 3, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM OST Core #2: Activity Planning Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost 0 - 12 Years Intermediate Participants will look at different respiratory illnesses they may encounter. Pathways: 5. Identification & Prevention of Communicable Diseases $5 Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 February 4, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Creating enrichment activities that promote exploration and meet the needs of school-age children. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 fitCare: FOOD for Living Life February 8, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 7. Nutrition for Children & 11. Learning Environments FREE FCC: What is Family Child Care? February 9, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Beginner Family Child Care Understand best practice in child care, program promotion and professionalism. Pathways: 13. Professionalism $5 Introduction to Childcare: How Children Learn February 10, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner & Instructor Instructor Level Participants will receive a blend of information and activities to help $5 FREE them understand how children develop and learn. Pathways: 1. to New Child Growth & Development & 12. Age Appropriate Planning February 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost 0 - 3 Years Intermediate This training was created to help adults bring the joy of looking at books and listening to stories and nursery rhymes into the lives of very young children. Research makes it clear that the sooner children are exposed to all the wonders that books have to offer, the more likely their language and literacy skills will blossom. If books are part of infants’ daily experiences, when they become toddlers, they will make time for books every day. Training includes a set of books and a canvas bag for each child care provider. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $10 Series Only All Ages All Levels Participants will gain knowledge related to common childhood accidents and injuries in addition to receiving instruction that will enable them to perform First Aid. Pathways: Basic First Aid $5 Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages Beginner Topics are explored that are pertinent to being a director and running a quality program. Most classes will involve a speaker from the community. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development FREE Not Your Ordinary Art: Shadow Play February 18, 2016 Rapid City ECC Thursday Classroom #13 6:30 to 8:30 PM Jan Tysdal All Ages All Levels Participants will explore using the art of Shadow Play with young children. We will experiment with different mediums and explore ways that you can offer this creative activity to young children. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Infant, Child & Adult CPR February 22, 2016 Rapid City ECC Monday Classroom #13 6:30 to 9:30 PM Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Instructor Level Beginning Mother Goose Series February 10 & 24, 2016 Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting February 11, 2016 Rapid City ECC Thursday Classroom #13 6:30 to 8:30 PM Janet Smith Director’s Series February 17, 2016 Wednesday 12:00 to 2:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Jan Tysdal 10 Things Every February 23, 2016 Child Needs Tuesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jennifer Nelson 0 - 8 Years Intermediate To educate caregivers on the importance of providing stimulating, developmentally appropriate environment for young children. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 FCC: What Do February 23, 2016 Children Need? Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Beginner Family Child Care Multi-age group characteristics & how to meet children at their individual development level. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Introduction to February 24, 2016 Childcare: Wednesday Health & Safety 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Love and Logic February 24; Spearfish ECC Parenting March 2, 9, 16, 23, Classroom #8 Series & 30 2016 Jennifer Nelson Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM Not Your Ordinary Art: Wire February 25, 2016 Rapid City ECC Thursday Classroom #13 6:30 to 8:30 PM Autumn Gregory Period of Purple February 25, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM fitCare: MOOD Management Matters E - Learning Jan Tysdal February 29, 2016 Rapid City ECC Monday Classroom #13 6:30 to 8:30 PM Suzy Braun $5 Participants will receive a brief overview of SD’s health and safety FREE to standards as well as a quick overview of best practices. Pathways: 6. New Program Safety & 5. Identification & Prevention of Communicable Diseases Hires 3 - 12 Years All Levels Module 1: Raising responsible kids. Module 2: The Love and Logic Formula. Module 3: “C” stands for control that’s shared. Module 4: “O” is for ownership of the problem. Module 5: “O” is also for opportunity of thinking. Module 6: “L” Stands for let empathy and consequences do the teaching, and “Let’s wrap it up and take it home!” Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $50 or $60 for a Couple 3 - 5 Years All Levels Working with wire is a study of line and form. It challenges us to attend to shape, angle, and curve; the language of art. Come join $5 us as we explore the “art” of wire. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning 0 - 3 Years All Levels Healthy babies can cry a lot in their first 5 months of life. This program is a new way to understand this crying. It explains what is normal, what you can expect, and how to keep the baby safe. It is based on over 25 years of research on infant crying by leading child development and medical experts. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development & 2. Child Abuse & Neglect $5 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management & 12. Age Appropriate Planning FREE March 2016 Training Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 Wednesday Thursday 2 Love & Logic 3 OST Core 3: Parenting Series 7 8 Medication Administration FCC: Understanding Challenging Behaviors 14 15 Good for the Body & the Brain 21 Helping Children 27 28 5 11 12 18 19 25 26 Terrific Traffic Transitions 10 Watch Me Grow: Baby Human Training Series 17 Community Action Watch Me Grow: Baby Human Training Series Love & Logic Parenting Series St. Patrick’s Day 23 22 Make Connections Infant, Child & Adult CPR Love & Logic Parenting Series 16 Director’s Series fitCare: MOVING: 20 4 & Adult CPR OST as a Family Service 13 9 Infant, Child Saturday Learning Environments Terrific Traffic Transitions 6 Friday 24 Community Action FCC: Belonging Love & Logic Parenting Series 30 29 31 Community Action Love & Logic Parenting Series Easter Babies + Books = Bright Futures Watch Me Grow: Baby Human Training Series March 2016 Training Calendar Location Child’s Age Level & Class Title Date/Day/Time & Instructor Instructor Level Class Description/Pathways Cost Terrific Traffic Transitions March 2 & 3, 2016 Rapid City ECC Wednesday & Classroom #13 Thursday Cora O’Kane 6:30 to 8:30 PM 3 - 8 Years Intermediate Participants will make and take home 6 transition activities. They will explore ways to move children from one transition (line-up, clean-up, to/from circle, to/from centers) to another, using social emotional support techniques and tools. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $10 OST Core 3: Learning Environments March 3, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Ways to create a developmentally appropriate program environment. Pathways: 11. Learning Environments $5 Medication Administration March 7, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Deb Kuehn All Ages Intermediate What is the best way to administer medications in a child care setting? This session will give you some ideas on ways to ensure medications are given safely. We will also review South Dakota rules and regulations for medication administration. Pathways: 5. Identification & Prevention of Communicable Diseases $5 OST as a Family Service March 7, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Strong, positive, cooperative relationships with parents and families are at the heart of quality OST programs. Parents in OST programs have different ideas, values, concerns, knowledge, and pressures. Staff who are successful in building positive relationships begin by recognizing the importance of accepting parents as the most important people in children’s lives, regardless of differences among them. Pathways: 14. Partnerships with Parents $5 Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 March 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost Instructor Level FCC: Understanding Challenging Behaviors Mach 8, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 Infant, Child & Adult CPR March 9, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Watch Me Grow: Baby Human Training Series March 10, 17, & 31, 2016 Thursdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 3 Years Intermediate This series will focus on the areas of cognitive, language, physical and emotional development in infants and toddlers. Caregivers will increase their abilities and understanding to effectively and efficiently care for infants and toddlers. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development. $20 Series Only fitCare: MOVING: Good for the Body & the Brain March 14, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development & 12. Age Appropriate Planning FREE Director’s Series March 16, 2016 Wednesday 12:00 to 2:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages Beginner Topics are explored that are pertinent to being a director and running a quality program. Most classes will involve a speaker from the community. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development FREE Community Action Series: Finding GOOD to do and DOING It March 16, 23, & 30, 2016 Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Shari O’Keefe 5 - 12 Years Advanced Participants will look at how to assess and address local issues that affect them - and turn creative thinking into positive action. Pathways: 9. Interpersonal Communication & Relationships & 12. Age Appropriate Planning $15 Series Only Infant, Child & Adult CPR March 21, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Helping Children Make Connections Make the Most of the Brain Gain March 21, 2016 Monday 6:30 to ?:?? PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 8 Years All Levels The brain is the part of the body that allows us to feel joy or despair, to respond to others in a loving or angry way, to use reason or to simply react. These capacities don’t just magically appear - they result from the interplay between a child’s heredity and the experiences they have during childhood. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development $5 FCC: Belonging March 22, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Beginner Family Child Care Inclusion is an important aspect of any child care program; learn how to make your program a welcoming place for all. Gain tips on easy toy adaptations to help include and welcome all children. Pathways: 15. Inclusion of All Children $5 Babies + Books = Bright Futures March 24, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Jan Tysdal 0 - 3 Years Intermediate Stories and books provide perfect opportunities for young children to develop language skills. Come and explore ways you can foster development in a creative and age appropriate manner for infants and toddlers. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development $5 0 - 12 Years Understanding challenging behaviors helps the provider Beginner understand what is behind children’s behaviors so they are able to Family Child Care better find solutions for appropriate guidance. This training will also assist providers in gaining an understanding of temperaments. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 $5 April 2016 Training Calendar Sunday 3 Monday Tuesday 4 Normal Sexual 10 5 Development Infant, Child & Adult CPR Child Abuse & Neglect FCC: Building Relationships 11 13 Mini Masters Art Reception Social Emotional Learning Strategies Biting 101 Promoting Yourself as a Professional 19 First Aid in an & Adult CPR Early Childcare Setting Child Abuse & Neglect 24 Infant, Child & Adult CPR 18 Infant, Child 25 20 Friday Saturday 1 2 8 9 14 15 16 21 22 23 OST Core #4: Communication & Relationships Social Emotional Learning Strategies FCC: Business Communication 26 Thursday 7 6 12 Supporting Children’s Creativity & Expression 17 Wednesday Director’s Series 27 Baby Doll Circle Time 28 Earth Day 29 30 April 2016 Training Calendar Location Class Title Date/Day/Time Normal Sexual Development April 4, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Deb Kuehn Child Abuse & Neglect April 4, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:00 PM Infant, Child & Adult CPR Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost All Ages Advanced Participants will learn what normal sexual development at the different ages and developmental stages of children looks like. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development $5 E - Learning Suzy Braun All Ages All Levels This training will explain how to recognize child abuse, how to report it, and understanding the role of the child care provider. Pathways: 2. Child Abuse & Neglect $5 April 5, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 FCC: Building Relationships with Families April 5, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years You know how important the relationship you have with parents Beginner can be. Learn to better support families in your program, and gain Family Child Care insight on working through challenging situations with families. Pathways: 14. Partnerships with Families $5 Infant, Child & Adult CPR April 6, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 OST Core #4: Communication & Relationships April 7, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Developing and maintaining positive relationships through the use of effective communication. Pathways: 9. Interpersonal Communication & Relationships $5 & Instructor Instructor Level April 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost Instructor Level Supporting Children’s Creativity & Expression April 11, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:00 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 3 - 5 Years Intermediate What comes to mind when you hear “creativity”? Does it include making something or doing something? Join us in defining creativity and how you can support and encourage these skills in children. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Biting 101 April 12, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jennifer Nelson 0 - 3 Years Intermediate An informational discussion will take place on biting, including prevention tips, first aid for bites and how to help parents cope during a biting phase. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Social Emotional Learning Strategies April 13 & 20, 2016 Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Kim Booth 3 - 5 Years Advanced Just as we teach literacy and math it is also important to be intentional about teaching social emotional skills. Participants will gain an understanding of the importance of providing opportunities for children to begin to understand their own, as well as others’ emotions. Activities to build “feeling vocabularies” and supporting the development of friendships skills will be shared. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Promoting Yourself as a Professional April 13, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jan Tysdal All Ages All Levels What does it take to be viewed as a professional? Learn strategies to promote yourself as a professional. We will examine how to build awareness in child care providers about behaviors to demonstrate and promote yourself as professionals. Pathways: 13. Professionalism $5 Infant, Child & Adult CPR April 18, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Child Abuse & Neglect April 18, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun All Ages All Levels This training will explain how to recognize child abuse, how to report it, and understanding the role of the child care provider. Pathways: 2. Child Abuse & Neglect $5 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting April 19, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jennifer Nelson All Ages All Levels Participants will gain knowledge related to common childhood accidents and injuries in addition to receiving instruction that will enable them to perform First Aid. Pathways: Basic First Aid $5 FCC: Tools of Business Communication: Contracts & Policies April 19, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 Director’s Series April 20, 2016 Wednesday 12:00 to 2:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Jennifer Nelson All Ages Beginner Baby Doll Circle Time* April 21, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 9:00 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Jan Tysdal 0 - 3 Years Intermediate 0 - 12 Years Gain an understanding of running a successful business, as well as Beginner an awareness of the importance of and how to utilize effective Family Child Care contracts and policies to help your business run more smoothly. Pathways: 8. Program Management & Regulation $5 Topics are explored that are pertinent to being a director and FREE running a quality program. Most classes will involve a speaker from the community. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development This workshop includes text and video from the book “Baby Doll Circle Time” by Dr. Becky Bailey who is the creator of Conscious Discipline. Participants will participate in circle time activities designed for infants and toddlers and explore the science behind it. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning *Baby Doll Circle Time “The kids and I all enjoy our daily “Baby Doll Circle Time”! We play games with our babies “peek-a-boo” and talk about using gentle touches with our babies and then talk about gentle touches with our friends. I feel the kids really connect through this time.” - Cindy Carver, Family Child Care Provider in Rapid City $5 May 2016 Training Calendar Sunday 1 Monday 2 Tuesday Wednesday 3 4 Thursday 5 OST: Behavior Friday Saturday 6 7 13 14 20 21 Management & Guidance Good Night, Sleep Tight 8 9 FCC: Sensible Record Keeping 10 Infant, Child & Adult CPR Relationship Based Care with I/T 12 11 fitCare: Being Fit Starts with RECHARGING Mother’s Day 15 16 fitCare: FOOD for Living Life 17 Relationship Based Care with I/T 19 18 Seeing the Signs of Autism Infant, Child & Adult CPR 22 23 FCC: Stay Healthy & Safe: Play More! 24 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting Relationship Based Care with I/T 26 25 Armed Forces Day 27 28 fitCare: MOOD Management Matters OST: Summer Fun, Health & Safety 29 30 31 Relationship Based Care with I/T fitCare: MOVE Searching for the Meaning of I/T Memorial Day FCC: Under One Roof May 2016 Training Calendar Location Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost 0 - 3 Years Intermediate Learn the newest recommendations to decrease the risk of SIDS. Pathways: 6. Program Safety $5 0 - 12 Years Explore keeping good records and working with income and Beginner budgets, and acquire helpful tips for basic record keeping and tax Family Child Care preparation. Pathways: 8 Program Management & Regulation $5 Class Title Date/Day/Time Good Night, Sleep Tight May 2, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Deb Kuehn FCC: Sensible Record Keeping May 3, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 Infant, Child & Adult CPR May 4, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 OST Core #5: Behavior Management & Guidance May 5, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Using positive guidance techniques and establishing a program environment that promotes positive behavior. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Relationship Based Care with Infants & Toddlers - Inspired by Reggio May 5, 12, 19, 26, & June 2, 2016 Thursdays 6:30 to 9:00 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Jan Tysdal 0 - 3 Years Intermediate In this observation and documentation series participants will explore what being “Reggio-Inspired” means. In addition, we will consider the use of open-ended and natural materials to provoke children’s wonder, exploration, discovery and learning. Pathways: 4. Observing Children & 9. Interpersonal Communication & Relationships $20 Series Only & Instructor Instructor Level Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 May 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost Instructor Level fitCare: Being Fit Starts with RECHARGING May 9, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 6. Program Safety & 11. Learning Environments FREE fitCare: FOOD for Living Life May 11, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 7. Nutrition for Children & 11. Learning Environments FREE Infant, Child & Adult CPR April 16, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 FCC: Stay Healthy & Safe: Play More! April 17, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Beginner Family Child Care Discuss toy safety, proper cleaning techniques, food and car seat safety, and your role in understanding child abuse and neglect. Keeping everyone healthy and safe means more time playing! Pathways: 6. Program Safety $5 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting May 18, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jennifer Nelson All Ages All Levels Participants will gain knowledge related to common childhood accidents and injuries in addition to receiving instruction that will enable them to perform First Aid. Pathways: Basic First Aid $5 Seeing the Signs of Autism May 19, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Suzy Braun 0 - 6 Years Beginner Participants will review developmental milestones, what does it mean to have autism and what signs to look for. Pathways: 15. Inclusion of All Children $5 OST: Summer Fun, Health, & Safety May 23, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner Learn tips, strategies and recommendations to ensure everyone has a safe and fun summer experience. Pathways: 6. Program Safety $5 fitCare: MOOD Management Matters May 25, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management & 12. Age Appropriate Planning FREE Searching for the Meaning of Infant/ Toddler Development & Behavior May 31, June 7, 14, 21, 28 & July 12, 2016 Tuesdays 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Jan Tysdal 0 - 3 Years Intermediate to Advanced Participants will learn key points about social emotional development in infants and toddlers, responsive routines, environments, and strategies to support social emotional development, and determine the meaning of infant/toddler behavior along with developing strategies to deal with Behavior Challenges. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Series Only fitCare: MOVING: Good for the Body & the Brain May 31, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 0 - 5 Years Beginner Participants will gain knowledge and tools to provide an environment that promotes a healthy lifestyle for children in their care. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development & 12. Age Appropriate Planning FREE FCC: Under One Roof May 31, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Environment, a daily schedule and learning centers can positively Beginner affect one’s program. Gain awareness and ideas of effective ways Family Child Care to set up your child care environment, both indoors and out. Pathways: 11. Learning Environments Register for classes by emailing dhilt@rushmore.com or calling 605-342-6464 $5 June 2016 Training Calendar Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 2 1 6 7 Searching for the Saturday 4 10 11 16 17 18 22 23 24 25 Power Up Story Time Power Up Story Time 29 30 Relationship Based Care Inspired by Reggio 9 8 Meaning of I/T Not Your Ordinary Art: Watercolors I/T Series: Social Emotional Milestones Baby Sign Language Immunizations 12 Friday 3 Infant, Child & Adult CPR 5 Thursday 13 14 Searching for the 15 First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting Meaning of I/T FCC: You & Your Family OST Sizzling Summer Activities 19 20 Flag Day Baby Sign Language 21 Searching for the Meaning of I/T Infant, Child & Adult CPR Father’s Day 26 27 I/T Series: Guidance & Discipline 28 Searching for the Meaning of I/T Development June 2016 Training Calendar Location Class Title Child’s Age Level & Date/Day/Time & Instructor Instructor Level Class Description/Pathways Cost Infant, Child & Adult CPR June 1, 2016 Wednesday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Greg Hilt All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Not Your Ordinary Art: Watercolors June 6, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Autumn Gregory 3 - 5 Years All Levels Teachers are encouraged to explore art as a medium to communicate theories, thoughts, ideas, and emotions. Teachers will develop strategies to explore art mediums and to set the stage for artistic learning in their classrooms. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 Immunizations June 6, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Deb Kuehn All Ages Intermediate Remember the measles outbreak in some states last year? This class will discuss why immunizations are important for the health of the children and the health of the employees. The various diseases that are prevented by vaccines will be discussed. How to determine if a child’s immunization record shows that the child meets the state regulations for immunizations will be covered as well. Pathways: 5. Identification & Prevention of Communicable Diseases $5 Infant/Toddler Series: Social Emotional Milestones/ Temperaments June 7, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 4 0 - 3 Years Beginner Participants will learn ways to support the growing sense of self in young children and will be introduced to different temperament types. Pathways: 4. Observing Children $5 Baby Sign Language June 8 & 15, 2016 Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Shari O’Keefe 0 - 3 Years All Levels Participants will be introduced to simple sign language that they can use with preverbal infants and toddlers to bridge the gap of communication. Pathways: 9. Interpersonal Communication & Relationships $10 Series Only June 2016 Training Calendar Class Title Location Date/Day/Time & Instructor Child’s Age Level & Class Description/Pathways Cost Instructor Level First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting June 9, 2016 Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels Participants will gain knowledge related to common childhood accidents and injuries in addition to receiving instruction that will enable them to perform First Aid. Pathways: Basic First Aid $5 OST Sizzling Summer Activities June 13, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:00 PM E - Learning Statewide Suzy Braun 6 - 12 Years Beginner We will look at planning and scheduling summer OST programs and look at some fun interactive activities. Pathways: 12. Age Appropriate Planning $5 FCC: You & Your Family June 14, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 3 0 - 12 Years Beginner Family Child Care Finding a way to make time for your own children while running a childcare program can be difficult. Explore various challenges such as sharing space, toys and a parent with other children, as well as other characteristics unique to this situation. Pathways: 1. Child Growth & Development $5 Infant, Child & Adult CPR June 20, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 9:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Janet Smith All Ages All Levels This introductory course includes First Responders information and hands-on experience with CPR mannequins required for Red Cross certification. Certificate is good for 2 years. Pathways: CPR $30 Infant/Toddler Series: Guidance & Discipline: Understanding Behavior June 21, 2016 Tuesday 6:30 to 8:30 PM E - Learning Statewide Region 4 0 - 3 Years Beginner Participants will learn about age appropriate strategies in guiding the behavior of young children and gain knowledge on what behavior might mean. Pathways: 3. Guidance & Behavior Management $5 Power Up Story Time June 22 & 23, 2016 Wednesday & Thursday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Rapid City ECC Classroom #13 Suzy Braun 2 - 5 Years All Levels Books play an important role in children’s lives, from infancy through school-age and beyond. We will review strategies to help support language and concept development, deepen adult/child relationships, and foster social emotional skills. Pathways: 11. Learning Environments & 12. Age Appropriate Planning $10 Not Your Ordinary Art: Wire June 27, 2016 Monday 6:30 to 8:30 PM Spearfish ECC Classroom #8 Autumn Gregory 3 - 5 Years All Levels Working with wire is a study of line and form. It challenges us to attend to shape, angle and curve; the language of art. Come join us as we explore the “art” of wire. Pathways: 12: Age Appropriate Planning $5 Registration: You may enroll by calling or e-mailing Debbie Hilt at 605-342-6464 or dhilt@rushmore.com. Payment for all classes is required at the time of registration. Participants will be able to register 3 months of classes at a time. For example, starting in February you will be able to register for classes being held in March, April, and May; in May you will be able to register for classes being held in June, July July and August, and so on. Updates, additions and corrections to the training catalog will be sent out via email and posted on Facebook. The ECC office is closed on national and local holidays, but any classes that are scheduled on holidays will be held. Cancellation Policy: Students who are registered for a class will be billed regardless of their attendance. In order to avoid being billed for a class you cannot attend, you must call and cancel your registration. Cancellations are taken up to the time of the class. Cancellations by voicemail are acceptable if you are not able to reach the administrative staff after 5 pm on the night of the class. Classes will be cancelled during inclement weather if there is a no travel advisory warning or if school is cancelled or dismissed early in the region of the class. Classes will also be cancelled if there is a power outage at the classroom facility. If you are unsure whether classes are cancelled, you can call our office and listen for a message, watch the local TV stations for closure information or check our Facebook page (www.facebook.com/earlychildhoodconnections). E - Learning Guidelines: All E - learning registrations close 48 hours prior to training. Participants are not allowed to “double-up” on a computer; each participant must log in using their own computer. E - learning classrooms will close 10 minutes after the start of the class; students not already signed in will not be allowed to enter after that time. Due to technical difficulties it is not recommended that you use smart phones or iPads to access E - learning classes. Participants must demonstrate attendance by participating in class polls and chats, as well as submitting three learning statements to receive credit for the class. We realize at times it is difficult to find child care in the evenings. However, it is not appropriate to bring children to classes at Early Childhood Connections. Our learning environment is not designed to ensure the safety of children. It is also important that we are respectful of fellow students and the instructor. Please make other arrangements for your children while attending classes at Early Childhood Connections. Again, thank you for considering Early Childhood Connections for your educational experiences. Sincerely, The Early Childhood Connections Team www.EarlyChildhoodConnections.com - www.Facebook.com/EarlyChildhoodConnections Mini Master Pieces April 2016 Dahl Fine Arts Center Early Childhood Connections is collecting children’s art for an art exhibit titled “Mini Master Pieces” at the Dahl Fine Arts Center to celebrate the Week of the Young Child. The Gallery showing will be during the entire month of April, 2016. There will be a reception at the Dahl Fine Arts Center on Tuesday, April 12th, 2016 from 5:00 – 7:00pm featuring the artists. Parents and community members are encouraged to attend. Art work must be labeled with the child’s first name, age and child care/preschool program that they attend. Art labels are available at ECC. Art is due to ECC by Thursday, March 24, 2016. Art work using mixed media such as self portraits, weaving, nature, collage, story cloth, and photography are encouraged. Classes for introducing children to these types of activities are available through ECC. 2016 Upcoming Trainings July Infant, Child & Adult CPR Interacting with Toddlers to Promote Learning Infant/Toddler Entry Level: Respectful Care/Primary Caregiving Infant/Toddler Entry Level: Environments for Group Care/More Than Just Routines When Separation Hurts August Management Series: Managing VS. Leadership Infant, Child & Adult CPR OST Core #6: Social & Cultural Awareness Baby Doll Circle Time First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting OST Exploring Developmental Needs Infant/Toddler Core: Special Needs/ Language Development OST: Exploring Developmental Needs of Different Age Groups Infant/Toddler Entry Level: Brain Development/ Discoveries of Infancy Management Series: Maintaining a Respectful Work Place September OST Core #7: Health & Safety Infant, Child & Adult CPR Temperaments Series Management Series: Policies for Staff and Parents Management Series: New Hires Management Series: Staff Retention Infant/Toddler Entry Level Series: Protective Urges/ Infant/Toddler Entry Level: Harmonizing Cultural October Management Series: Effective Staff Meetings Infant, Child & Adult CPR OST Core #8: Children With Special Needs Theories of Attachment OST Leadership Styles & Conflict Management Management Series: Developing a Training Plan ELG: Enriching the Learning Environment & Promoting Early Learning Guidelines: Intro to the Early Learning ELG: Helping Children Learn Language & Literacy ELG: Integrating Language & Literacy throughout the Day with the SD ELGs & Supporting Children Learning English as a New Language ELG: Helping Children Learn Mathematics & Science Using the ELGs November Infant, Child & Adult CPR ELG: Program Management & Professionalism OST Core #9: Program Management & Professionalism ELG: Establishing Reliability on the Early Learning Scale Management Series: Marketing your Program ELG: Using Assessment & the Early Learning Scale to Help Children Reach Standards ELG: Integrating the Creative Arts & Learning through Social Studies & Projects December OST Core #10: Families, Communities, and Schools Infant, Child & Adult CPR OST Sharing Info with Parents ELG: Promoting Health & Physical Development & Working with Families as Partners on the ELGs First Aid in an Early Childcare Setting Early Childhood Connections 2218 Jackson Blvd. Ste #4 Rapid City, SD 57702 605-342-6464 1-888-999-7759 Thank you for considering Early Childhood Connections as a place to receive quality, affordable training for your program. We feel this schedule includes many diverse opportunities to expand your knowledge in the child care field. Early Childhood Connections is located at 2218 Jackson Blvd., Rapid City, SD 57702. Our office is located at the front of the building in suites #3, #4 and #5. Our classroom is located around the back of the building in suite #13, which is the first suite on the right (From the front of the building, turn right on State St., then another right into the alley behind the building).