Single Speed Collection


Single Speed Collection
Dal 1924 costruttore di biciclette
Since 1924 made in Italy
Single Speed Collection
Da sempre è il simbolo
della qualità assoluta,
icona di chi ama la
bicicletta in tutte le sue
possibili performance, sia
agonistiche che urbane.
Eʼ Industria Carraro,
dal 1924 sullʼonda del
It has always been the
symbol of absolute
quality, an icon of those
who love cycling in all its
possible performance,
both sporting and urban
areas. Carraro, from 1924
on the wave of success
successo per aver saputo
cogliere i cambiamenti del
mercato e aver applicato
innovazione, tecnologia,
creatività a tutti i suoi
prodotti. Carraro è
sinonimo di Made in Italy
nel mondo, è evoluzione
di generazione in
generazione, è precursore
e artefice di tendenze.
have been able to capture
changes in the market and
have applied innovation,
technology, creativity in
all its products. Carraro is
synonymous with “Made
in Italy in the world”,
is changing from
generation to generation,
is a forerunner and
architect of trends.
Carraro worker
Copenhagen 31.12.2008
Le Single Speed scrivono
il futuro su un corpo
spogliato di tutto.
Diventano minimali
per sfrecciare silenziose
nel traffico metropolitano.
Stessa tecnologia
di costruzione delle bici
da pista. Telaio
da corsa. Ruota fissa.
Scatto fisso. Pignone fisso.
Giunzioni saldo brasate.
Massima attenzione nei
particolari. Componenti
The Single Speed write
the future on a body
stripped of everything.
Minimal wind to
become silent in the
metropolitan traffic.
Same technology to
build the bike trail.
Racing frame.
Fixed gear.
Welded brazing lugs.
Maximum attention
to details. Of the art
components. Minimum
chromed lugs
frame: HI-TEN Oria tubes
with cust lugs
wheelset: Miche track with high
flanges and double side threaded
saddle: Selle San Marco Regal leather
handlebar: Keirin drops
crank: Miche track 46T
kit brakes: included
weight: gr.9980
ridotta allʼosso.
Risultato: leggerezza
e agilità, senza attriti.
La parola dʼordine
dei bike messenger
americani è ora nelle
strade di tutta Europa.
Result: lightness and
agility, without friction.
The watchword
of the U.S. bike
messenger is now
in the streets
across Europe.
full painted
frame: HI-TEN Oria tubes with cust lugs
wheelset: Miche track with high flanges and
double side threaded
saddle: Road leather
handlebar: Keirin drops
crank: Miche track 46T
clips and straps included
kit brakes: optional
weight: gr.10000
full painted
frame: HI-TEN Oria tubes with cust lugs
wheelset: small flanges, only freewheel
saddle: Road leather
handlebar: straight
crank: Road 42T
kit brakes: included
weight: gr.11000
Cr Mo Set Tubing Require
Fixed Gold
chromed lugs
frame: cromolly Columbus tubes
with cust lugs
wheelset: Miche track with high
flanges and double side threaded
saddle: Selle San Marco Regal leather
handlebar: riser
crank: Miche track 46T
clips and straps included
kit brakes: optional
weight: gr.9550
Le Single Speed sono
scelte per divertimento,
estremismo o competizione.
Diventano a richiesta
pezzi unici. Incarnano
una filosofia “no frills”
condivisa da tutti i suoi
cultori: no ai fronzoli,
sì alla libertà.
Single Speed are the
choices for fun, or
competition extremism.
Become a unique request.
Embody a philosophy “no
frills” shared
by all his devotees:
the no frills,
yes to freedom.
Fixed Base
full painted
frame: HI-TEN Oria with press lugs
wheelset: small flanges, only freewheel
saddle: Road leather
handlebar: riser
crank: Road 42T
kit brakes: included
weight: gr.11500
Fixed Silver
chromed lugs
frame: HI-TEN Oria tubes with cust lugs
wheelset: custom track with
saddle: Selle San Marco Regal leather
handlebar: riser
crank: Track 46T
clips and straps included
kit brakes: optional
weight: gr.9950
Fixed Vintage
chromed lugs
frame: HI-TEN Oria tubes with cust lugs
wheelset: Miche track with high flanges
and double side threaded
saddle: Road leather DARK BROWN
tape: leather DARK BROWN
handlebar: riser
crank: Miche track 46T
clips and straps included
kit brakes: optional
weight: gr.9850
Premiata Fabbrica di Biciclette Carraro
Via Caduti del Lavoro, 14
35010 Villafranca Padovana (PD) - Italia
Telefono +39 049 9070702 - Fax +39 049 9070393 -