A GUIDE TO RESOURCES IN MEDICAL HISTORY IN NEW JERSEY Frank F. Katz The Medical History Society of New Jersey 1999 A GUIDE TO RESOURCES IN MEDICAL HISTORY IN NEW JERSEY by Frank F. Katz Professor Emeritus of Biology Seton Hall University A PUBLICATION OF THE MEDICAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NEW JERSEY PRINCETON JUNCTION, NEW JERSEY 1999 Medical History Society of New Jersey 14 Washington Road, Suite 101 Princeton Junction, New Jersey 08550 Copyright ©1999, by Medical History Society of New Jersey All rights reserved. Published 1999 J CONTENTS Preface v History Societies and Museum Collections 1 Camden County Historical Society 3 Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area 5 Egg Harbor City Historical Society 6 Friends of the Hermitage, Inc. 7 Gloucester County Historical Society 8 Grover Cleveland Birthplace Memorial Association 9 Hightstown-East Windsor Historical Society 10 Jersey City Museum 11 Jewish Historical Society of MetroWest 12 Joyce Kilmer Centennial-Commission -1-4-- Lake Hopatcong Historical Museum 15 Little Falls Township Historical Society, Inc. 16 Long Beach Island Historical Association 17 Macculloch Hall Historical Museum 18 Madison Township Historical Society/ Thomas Warne Historical Museum and Library 19 Medical History Society of New Jersey 20 Merchantville Historical Society 21 Monmouth County Archives 22 Monmouth County Historical Association 23 Museum of Early Trades and Crafts 24 New Jersey Historical Society 25 Oakeside Bloomfield Cultural Center 27 Ocean County Historical 28 Old Barracks Museum 29 Passaic County Historical Society 30 Pilesgrove-Woodstown Historical Society 31 Ramsey Historical Association 32 Ridgewood Historical Society 33 Rockingham Association/Rockingham Historic Site Rocky Hill Community Group/Community Heritage Project Salem County Historical Society Union Township Historical Society Van Harlingen Historical Society Vernon Township Historical Society Warren County Historical Society, Inc. Washington Township Historical Society Special Libraries New Jersey State Library Princeton University Library Rare Books and Special Collections Rutgers University Special Collections and Archives Seton Hall University University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Special Collections Indexes Index of Personal Names Index of Agencies, Municipalities, and Organizations Index to Medical Historical Sites Index to Artifacts/Holdings and Key Subject Words PREFACE This publication is the result of an investigation to determine what artifacts and archives and sites with relevance to medical history are in the possession of the many historical societies in the State of New Jersey. Assuming that there was a significant amount of these items and places, it was considered to be a worthwhile project for the Medical History Society of New Jersey (MHSNJ) to conduct a survey to ascertain what these "resources" are and where they are located, and then make this information public. Through the kind cooperation and encouragement of Bernard Bush, MLS, and Dorothy E. Pietrowski, then President and Membership Chair, respectively, of the League of Historical Societies of New Jersey (LHSNJ), 265 historical societies and other organizations affiliated with the LHSNJ, were canvassed for what they might have which would be applicable for the intended directory. In due course, several other organizations not affiliated with the LHSNJ but suspected of having or known to have holdings which would be of interest, were invited to participate in this project. Survey questionnaires were mailed and distributed to all member organizations of the LHSNJ. While only 18 percent werereturned, almost three-quarters had at least one item which related to medical history. The potential significance of the artifacts, archives, and other resources identified in the survey fulfills the goal of the project: the survey has identified and located resources for researchers and others interested in the medical history of the State of New Jersey. This guide may also be useful to students and tourists who can use the publication as a directory of unique science and medicine-related places of interest not normally found in travel guides. While not in the scope of this directory, collections of industrial organizations should be mentioned. The holdings of pharmaceutical companies would be excellent sources for information on antibiotics, antisepsis, birth control, hormones, patent medicines, snake venoms, steroids, surgical technology, vaccines, vitamins and other medically-related subjects. The archives of such commercial enterprises may provide insights to their attitudes about health and medicine and certainly would have data on their research, production, and marketing. In addition, the artifacts they have accumulated might, in a sense, be a material history of their accomplishments. C.R. Bard in New Providence, Bristol-Myers Squibb in Princeton, Johnson and Johnson in New Brunswick, Merck in Whitehouse Station, Schering-Plough in Kenilworth, and Warner-Lambert in Morris Plains are just a few of these companies. Also not included in this directory are hospitals. A number of hospitals in New Jersey have deposited a variety of records with members of the LHSNJ or with special libraries and are cited in the text below. However, some of them may still have retained certain files of historical interest or have themselves maintained all of their archives and artifacts. They, too are not included as distinct participants in the assemblage of this guide but the reader should be informed of their existence. The Clara Maass Medical Center in Belleville and the Helene Fuld Medical Center in Trenton are examples of such institutions. Only eight sites of medical historical interest were uncovered for this directory and are described below. There is one other place not included in the text of this guide that ought to be noted here and that is Ellis Island. The United States Supreme Court, in The State of New Jersey, Plaintiff, versus The State of New York on a Bill of Complaint, ruled on May 26, 1998 that New Jersey had sovereignty over Ellis Island land produced by fill. Such land includes buildings in which were located hospital wards for contagious diseases, mental illness, and other medical conditions as well as administration facilities. These buildings are in such a deteriorated state that, at this time, they are not open to the public! The closest would-be visitors may get to the buildings is the ferry slip from which they can be viewed. Despite the litigation involving New Jersey and New York and the division of land and buildings between those States, Ellis Island is owned and operated by the Federal Government and questions about seeing the medical buildings must be addressed to The Superintendent, Statue of Liberty National Monument, National Park Service, Liberty Island, New York, NY 10004 (telephone (212) 363-7772). Researchers may be interested to know that the National Park Service (NPS) has initiated a program to stabilize the medical buildings if money is available through Congress and that the contents of these buildings are located in the collection of the Ellis Island Immigration Museum (the main building where immigrants underwent medical examination). For further information, call the museum (telephone (212) 363-5801, fax (212) 363-6302) or the library (telephone (212) 363-6307, fax (212) 363-8347). Records remaining from the medical facilities are in the possession of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in Washington, DC. These include letters concerning shipping companies and diseased passengers; plans and blueprints for Ellis Island hospitals and documents about their construction; hospital bills; and documents concerning trachoma and ringworm. Through this office of NARA, investigators may be directed to other governmental or non-governmental agencies holding Ellis Island items of medical historical interest. The NARA web site is http://www.nara.gov and the telephone number for the office concerned with Ellis Island is (202) 501-5395, extension 329, fax (202) 2196273. There is a Regional Office of NARA in New York City but the only Ellis Island records housed there are ship passenger lists from 1820 to 1957 on microfilm. Four indexes make this directory as "user friendly" as possible: Index of Personal Names; Index of Agencies, Municipalities, and Organizations; Index to Medical Historical Sites; and Index to Artifacts/Holdings and Key Subject Words. Numbers following an index item are the page numbers of the society or library which contributed that name or subject; the item, in fact; may be on that page or a subsequent one for that organization. It should be kept in mind that the information provided by a contributor to this directory may only be a sample of what, in fact, that organization has. This is especially true for the large and special institutions for which it was impractical for them to send a list of all of their holdings, and for us to reproduce it. The book collections of these libraries are so extensive that reference can be made here only to the means of searching the institutions' catalogs, especially if there is online access, rather than listing the books themselves. Among the standard abbreviations one will find in the catalogs of such institutions and repeated below are: AD (autographed document); ADS (autographed document signed); AL (autographed letter); ALS (autographed letter signed); AIsS (autographed letters signed); DS (document signed); MSS (manuscripts signed). The writer apologizes for any errors committed in reading, interpreting, and transferring information from documents sent to him for this directory, and trusts corrections will be supplied for future editions. It should be kept in mind that the names of contact persons, telephone numbers, schedules, other related data and, of course, holdings are subject to change. Suggestions for vi improving this work are always welcomed. It is hoped that this guide will not be a static one-time publication but, rather, it will be updated with revisions and additional information from the current contributors, and new entries from organizations, such as pharmaceutical companies and hospitals, not included in this edition. It should be noted that this project began with a suggestion by Barbara Smith Irwin, MLS, then the Managing Librarian, Department of Special Collections, of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey (UMDNJ). She and Lois R. Densky-Wolff, MA, archivist for the UMDNJ Libraries, provided encouragement and major suggestions for carrying out the project from the time this venture was initiated through its completion. As professionals in their fields, they provided invaluable assistance as readers and critics of the numerous drafts produced as the project progressed. From the outset, the project had the approval and support of the MHSNJ Executive Committee and start-up funding from the UMDNJ - New Jersey Medical School's Morris H. Saffron, MD, Endowment for the History of Medicine. Francis P. Chinard, MD, arranged the financial support from this endowment. Through Roberta L. Moldow, PhD, chairperson of the Department of Biology, Seton Hall University gave support to the project in various ways. John Parascandola, PhD, National Library of Medicine, Public Health Service Historian, W. Robert Ellis, Jr., BA, Archivist, NARA, and Diana Pardue, Chief, Museum Services Division on Ellis Island provided information on Ellis Island buildings, archives, and artifacts. Karen Reeds, PhD, Visiting Scholar,-Hitory Department, Columbia University, contributed information on the pharmaceutical industry. The director of this work gratefully acknowledges the contributions of all these persons, the individual respondents to the questionnaire and the organizations they represent to bringing this project to fruition. He sincerely thanks each and every one of them for without their interest, assistance, and encouragement the data could not have been obtained and this directory produced. Publication of this directory was made possible through a grant from the New Jersey Historical Commission of the Department of State. This funding is gratefully acknowledged. FFK West Orange, New Jersey March 1999 VII HISTORY SOCIETIES AND MUSEUM COLLECTIONS NAME CAMDEN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS Park Boulevard and Euclid Avenue Camden, NJ 08103-3697 TELEPHONE (609) 964-3333 CONTACT Joanne Diogo, Librarian DESCRIPTION Founded in 1899 to collect, preserve and disseminate Camden County and South Jersey history. The Library features over 19,000 volumes and specializes in Camden County and South Jersey history and genealogy. In addition to the specific items given below, the library is the repository for deeds, wills, real estate papers, and maps. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Account books (1891-1897) of A. McAlister, MD, includes entries for Walt Whitman; financial records (1870-1874) of Dr. H. Genet Taylor,_with note from Dr. Samuel Bard; account books (1928-1929) of Dr.Alfred Cramer; manuscripts with list of officials and workers at the Emergency Hospital in Camden during the Influenza Epidemic (October 6 to November 2, 1918); manuscripts, Civil War memorabilia and letters about soldiers who died in hospital including letters from Alexander J. McKelway concerning personal effects of soldiers who died in the hospital; memoirs by Dr. H.A. Ingham, providing information about doctors in early Audubon history; newspapers (1819-1959) from Camden County; notebooks from W.W. Morgan containing remedies, recipes, etc.; nursing, including Whitman's experience as a nurse during the Civil War; pamphlets on Edward Sharp House and the Harris Family (involved in medicine in 18th and 19th C.) and Sophia Presley (first female physician, a homeopath, elected to Camden County Medical Society); patients, handwritten account of illness of Samuel Cooper, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Cooper (died in 1821 at age of 22); reports, annual, of the Cooper Hospital; reports of the Camden Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary Association; scrapbooks from J.P. Carney, historical clippings related to Camden; yearbooks of the West Jersey Homeopathic Hospital School of Nursing. VERTICAL FILES: Newspaper clippings, magazine articles, newsletters, pamphlets and other documents with items on medical personnel and organizations: Ancora Hospital; Dr. M.. Assante; Harold D. Barnshaw, MD; Wesley Barret, MD; Camden City: Free Dental Clinic, Health Department, Medical School, Veterans Hospital; Camden County: Mental Health Center, Health and Welfare Council, Health Department, Historical Society, Medical Society, Psychiatric Hospital; Clara Barton; John Blackwood, MD; Dr. Clement T. Branch; Dr. William Brewer; Richard M. Cooper, MD; Cooper Hospital School of Nursing; Dr. Louis L. Coriell; Deborah Hospital, 3 Burlington; Edgewood General Hospital, Berlin; Andrew Fleischer; Garden State Community Hospital, Marlton; Anna E. Griffith, MD; Charles F. Hadley; Dr. Samuel Harris; Dr. Joseph E. Hurff; Institute for Medical Research; Dr. Alec Introcaso; William M. Lichtman, MD; Medical Society of New Jersey; Dr. Michael E. Nardi; New Jersey College of Medicine; New Jersey Health Services; New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine; New Jersey State Health Department; Dr. Edward Osborn; Pennsylvania Medical College; Dr. Lindley B. Reagan; Dr. Henry H. Sherk; Southern Dental Society of New Jersey; Dr. Samuel Moore Shute; Dr. William Snape; Dr. James Still; Emery K. Stoner; Dr. Charles H. Sullivan; University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey; Dr. George Zinninger. The Walt Whitman Collection contains approximately 150 volumes by and on Whitman. BOOKS/TEXTS: Local history, 19th C. publications on Camden County and State of New Jersey: Camden County Medical Society,1846-1956...Camden, NJ:-Camden County Medical Society, 1957; Godfrey, Edmund Le Breton. History of the Medical Profession of Camden County, N.J...Philadelphia: F.A. Davis, 1896; Gross, S.D. A Manual of Military Surgery...Philadelphia: J.R. Lippincott, 1861; Keith, B. Handbook of Practice...Jersey City: The Evening Journal Print, 1876; Kirk, Margaret O. Cooper: The Story of Cooper Hospital. Camden, NJ: Cooper Hospital/University Medical Center, 1987; McBride, David. Integrating the City of Medicine: Blacks in Philadelphia Health Care, 1910-1965. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1989; Snape, William J. A Century of Care: A History of the Camden County Psychiatric Hospital. Camden, NJ: Camden County Cultural and Heritage Commission, 1979; Stevenson, Jno. R. The History of the Medicine and Medical Men of Camden County, New Jersey. Philadelphia: L.J. Richards, 1886; Wickes, Stephen. History of Medicine in New Jersey and of its Medical Men: From the Settlement of the Province to A.D. 1800. Newark, NJ: Martin Dennis, 1879; Early Recollections and Life of Dr. James Still, 1812-1885. ARTIFACTS Displays of the U.S. Sanitary Commission; plaques commemorating services of Drs. Joseph Wesley McCollough and Henry Ely Branin during typhoid epidemic at the Camden County Almshouse in 1881. SERVICES By appointment. 4 NAME DELAWARE WATER GAP NATIONAL RECREATION AREA ADDRESS Bushkill, PA 18324 TELEPHONE (717) 588-3840 CONTACT Susan A. Kopczynski DESCRIPTION A federally owned property under the National Park Service, U.S. Department of Interior. Its mission is to provide public recreation opportunities and to preserve natural, historical, and cultural resources. The collection is primarily 19t and early 20th C. material from the Upper Delaware Valley. h HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Announcements (1871-1872), Women's Medical College of Philadelphia; diary of a Pahaquarry farmer relating activities of Dr. Jesse Ribble of Blairstown, NJ, which includes deaths and diseases in Pahaquarry Township; records, photocopy of typed list of patients (1889-1891), many from New Jersey, of Dr. Louis B. Smith of Bushkill, PA; reports, 10th Annual Report, Women's Hospital of Philadelphia (January 1871). BOOKS/TEXTS: 19th Century medical texts. SERVICES Tuesday through Saturday, 8:00 am to 4:30 pin. The collection is accessible by appointment. 5 NAME EGG HARBOR CITY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 533 London Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 TELEPHONE (609) 965-9073 CONTACT Adele M. Baden, Secretary 505 Claudius Street, Egg Harbor City, NJ 08215 (609) 965-3575 DESCRIPTION This Corporation is organized to support and foster historical activities within the City of Egg Harbor City and its surrounding environs. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Concerning Dr. Charles Smith's sanitarium: advertisements, photographs and postcards of buildings, serpentine creek, patients, etc. ARTIFACTS: Furnishings, including bathing suit, chair. SITE NAME: Neutral Water Health Resort Sanitarium or Dr. Smith's Sanitarium Site. ADDRESS: Same as the Historical Society. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This health spa is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. Dr. Smith's Sanitarium Historic Site is significant because the complex retains distinctive features of the early twentieth century health spa. Dr. Charles Smith's Sanitarium was located on the corner of Claudius Street and London Avenue during the first quarter of the twentieth century. Dr. Smith built the sanitarium, sun house, windmill, water wheel, bath houses, and serpentine canal on the site in ca. 1905. The surviving structures - the serpentine canal and the polygonal sun house are very unique and represent an unusual facet of early twentieth century health consciousness and treatment. SERVICES For site visit and research: Wednesdays, 1:00 to 5:00 pm; Saturdays, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. The collection is available but the second floor is not handicapped accessible. Photography is permitted without limits. 6 NAME FRIENDS of the HERMITAGE, INC. ADDRESS 335 North Franklin Turnpike Ho-Ho-Kus, NJ 07423 TELEPHONE (201) 445-8311 CONTACT John Page, Director DESCRIPTION A repository for resources relating to the history of The Hermitage house and site and the persons involved with that history; support, development, and operation of the site. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Rosencrantz Family papers. Items from Dr. Elijah Rosegrant (Rosencrantz): ledger book, includes information on patients, medications (1830-1835); scrapbook articles (late 19 t C.); letters from Elijah (father)-to John (son) regarding academic studies-(1824), medical studies (1826), hospital and surgical practice (1826), medicines (1827), completion of studies (1827), etc.; letter to John Rosegrant from Garret Terhune concerning medical education and Medical Faculty of Rutgers College (1826). h SHE NAME: The Hermitage ADDRESS: Same as above. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The Hermitage Site is on the State and National Register and National Trust for its architectural significance as an excellent example of the Gothic Revival style. The original Hermitage structure was renovated by architect William Ranlett in 1847, during the occupancy of the Rosencrantz family (18071970). The site is furnished and interpreted reflecting its occupancy in the late 19th century. SERVICES Hours: Monday-Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and by special appointment. Collections accessible by special permission of the director. Photocopying of archives and artifacts: decisions made on an individual basis. Photography of site by permission of the director. 7 NAME GLOUCESTER COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY MAIL ADDRESS 17 Hunter Street Woodbury, NJ 08096-4605 LOCATION Library: At the mailing address. Museum: 58 North Broad Street, Woodbury, NJ TELEPHONE (609) 845-4771 CONTACT Mrs. Edith Hoelle DESCRIPTION A repository for historical items and information on Gloucester County. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Account books of physicians in the Gloucester region of South Jersey; diary of Charles Garrison, MD, of Swedesboro (1856-1871). AR1'11-ACTS: Some medical instruments. SERVICES For visiting and accessing the collection: library hours are Monday to Friday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm; Tuesday and Friday evening 6:00 to 9:30 pm; last Sunday of the month, 2:00 to 5:00 pm; museum hours are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Photocopying or photography is permitted for archives, artifacts, and site. 8 NAME GROVER CLEVELAND BIRTHPLACE MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION ADDRESS P.O. Box 183 Caldwell, NJ 07006-0183 TELEPHONE (973) 226-1810 CONTACT Dorothy Budd Bartle, President 80 Forest Ave., Caldwell, NJ 07006 (973) 226-0327 DESCRIPTION A volunteer organization working in cooperation with the owners and administrators of the historic site to promote and preserve the birthplace of Grover Cleveland, the 22nd and 24th President of the United States. The historic site and collection is under the Division of Parks and Forestry, State Park Service, State of New Jersey. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Letter, Grover Cleveland to Dr. Kasson C. Gibson, dentist of New York, NY, on presidential letterhead, concerning new prosthesis following surgery which took place on July 1 and 17, 1893 (October 14, 183); photograph of Joseph D. Bryant, MD, Grover Cleveland's personal friend and family physician; speech, an account as a friend and physician of President Cleveland, by Dr. Joseph D. Bryant at Cleveland Memorial Service (March 17, 1912); photograph of Cleveland family nurse or midwife. PUBLICATION: Brooks, John J., Enterline, Horatio T., and Apontet, Gonzalo E. "The Final Diagnosis of President Cleveland's Lesion. " Transactions & Studies of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 2(2), (1980). ARTIFACTS: Belonged to Grover Cleveland: medical kit with vials, beaker, bottle; a glass flask. SERVICES For research and visit: Wednesday through Friday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; Sunday, 1:00 to 6:00 pm. Items not on exhibit must be requested in writing in advance. Except for photos of the site's exterior, requests for photos, photocopying, etc. must be received in writing in advance and approved by State authorities. The source of such items is to be credited as: Grover Cleveland Birthplace, New Jersey Division of Parks and Forestry, State Park Service. For authorization for publication, write to: Paul J. Taylor, Supervisor, Office of Historic Sites, New jersey Division of Parks and Forestry, Box CN 404, Trenton, NJ 08625. 9 NAME HIGHTSTOWN-EAST WINDSOR HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 164 North Main Hightstown, NJ 08520 CONTACT Robert W. Craig, Library Committee Chairman DESCRIPTION To preserve and maintain materials dealing with the history of this area. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Daybook of Dr. Lloyd Wilbur, Hightstown physician (18571861); photograph of Dr. George E. Titus, Hightstown physician, and wife; prescriptions, 6 volumes, 7,000 items, from Gustav Friedman's drugstore, Hightstown (1935-38, 1944-45); testimonial to Dr. George A. Franklin, Hightstown physician (January 12, 1925). SERVICES By appointment. 10 NAME JERSEY CITY MUSEUM ADDRESS 472 Jersey Avenue Jersey City, NJ 07302. TELEPHONE (201) 547-4379 Fax: (201) 547-5655 CONTACT Tom Strider, Collections Manager DESCRIPTION An art and history museum with some items of relevance to medical history. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Photographs of physicians and medical personnel and Jersey City hospitals; general records on physicians who donated artworks to the museum. SERVICES Exhibitions are open Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, 10:30 am to 530 pm; Wednesday, 10:30- am to 8:00 pm. Limited accessibility to the collection; by appointment for research. Photocopying or the taking of photographs from copy photographs only. 11 NAME JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF METROWEST .7 ADDRESS 901 Route 10 East Whippany, NJ 07981 TELEPHONE (973) 884-4800, Ext 565 CONTACT Joseph A. Settanni, CRM, CA, CPC, Archivist/Project Director DESCRIPTION "...to collect, preserve, and chronicle the rich legacy of the largest Jewish community in the State of New Jersey, encompassing Essex, Morris, Sussex and Warren counties as well as parts of Hudson, Union and Somerset." (From JHSM brochure). HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Alpha Omega Dental Society Collection (1936-1954): includes charter of this Jewish social fraternity and related information; Dr. Arthur Bernstein Collection: includes a manuscript, "World War II Had Smile-Peculiar Twists", about US Public Health Service Officer Corps (PHSOC), with two PHSOC group photographs (1992-1994); oral history tapes with typed transcript; Beth Israel Cemetery Association Collection (1905-1964): includes map, burial ledger and related records; Daughters of Israel Geriatric Center Archives (1933-1978): includes minutes, correspondence and photographs; Executive Director, Agencies Files, Home for the Chronic Sick (1946-1956); Federation and Agency Audits Collection, Home for the Chronic Sick (1956); Israel Sick Benefits Society Archives (1885-1986): includes minutes, correspondence, fmancial statements, printed materials, maps and other records; Michael Liss Collection (1963-1975): includes original Anbesol patent papers; National Agencies File Collection: consists of (1) City of Hope/L. A. Sanitorium at Duarte JCRA (1936-1969), (2) Jewish Consumptive Relief Association (1935-1943), (3) National Jewish Hospital at Denver, CO (1937-1974), (4) Newark Beth Israel Medical Center Archives (1900-1990) which includes correspondence, photographs, medallion and printed materials; Director of Social Planning: Agencies Files Collection, Deborah Sanitorium and Hospital, Browns Mills, NJ (1929 to 1978); Theresa Grotta Rehabilitation Center Archives (1950-1990): includes correspondence, photographs and slides; Jack J. Waldman Collection: includes a manuscript with color photographs, "My Knees: Arthroplasty in America in the 20th Century: A Personal Experience", July 1993; Dr. Charles Richard Weinberg Collection: includes copies of group events photographs involving doctors, 1940, 1948; Dr. Victor Parsonnet Collection (1927-1990): includes newspaper clippings, photographs and other records; Biographical --Files of health professionals: Drs. Max Danzis, Lester Goldman, Eugene Parsonnet, Victor Parsonnet, Jacob Rosenkrantz; Biographical Files of lay leaders and prominent personalities involved with Newark Beth Israel Medi12 cal Center and medical community: Lester Bornstein, Abraham Lichtman, Lester Z. Lieberman, Alan Sagner. SERVICES Hours and accessibility of the collections are by appointment. 13 NAME JOYCE KILMER CENTENNIAL COMMISSION ADDRESS 17 Joyce Kilmer Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901-2507 TELEPHONE (732) 572-0524 Fax: (732) 572-0524 CONTACT Dr. Harvey J. Brudner, President DESCRIPTION To celebrate the birth and work of the New Jersey poet Joyce Kilmer and important family members. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Photographs, taken between 1886 and 1986, which may have a bearing on Frederick Barnett Kilmer, one of the founders and long-time chief scientist of the Johnson and Johnson Pharmaceutical Company and father of the poet (Alfred) Joyce Kilmer. SERVICES Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm. The collection is accessible by appointment; telephone (732) 745-5117. 14 NAME LAKE HOPATCONG HISTORICAL MUSEUM MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 668 Landing, NJ 07850 LOCATION Hopatcong State Park Landing, NJ 07850 TELEPHONE (973) 398-2616 Fax: (973) 361-8987 CONTACT Martin Kane DESCRIPTION To collect, house, and preserve artifacts and documents relating to the civil, political, social and general history of Lake Hopatcong and to encourage the education and dissemination of information about Lake Hopatcong's history. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Early commerce collection includes material on early pharmacies at Lake Hopatcong. Biography and photographic collection of Dr. Lewis Pilcher, prominent Brooklyn surgeon and bibliophile, who had a home at Lake Hopatcong from 1880 to1933. ARTIFACTS: Patent medicines of the late 19 th and early 20th C. in the G.G. Green Collection. Items dealing with the "patent medicine king" relate to: his Lake Hopatcong home (Kil Kare Castle); factory in Woodbury, NJ; hotel in Pasadena, CA; and the medicines manufactured (August Flower, Boschee's German Syrup, etc.). SERVICES Sundays 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm from March to May and September to November. The collections are accessible by appointment. A photocopier is on the premises and photographs can be ordered. 15 NAME LITTLE FALLS TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 1083 Little Falls, NJ 07424 LOCATION The Little Falls Public Library (basement) 8 Warren Street Little Falls 07424 (973) 256-2784 CONTACT Clifford Swisher 8 Douglas Drive Little Falls, NJ 07424 (973) 256-3651 DESCRIPTION To support the development and maintenance of a comprehensive registry of all aspects of the history of the Township of Little Falls; to collect and preserve items of historical value and to support historic landmarks. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Public school files (1900-1985) which include information on influenza; photographs; civilian defense records; scrapbooks; local newspapers on microfilm. SERVICES The collection is accessible by appointment. NAME LONG BEACH ISLAND HISTORICALASSOCIATION ADDRESS P.O. Box 1213 Engleside Beach Haven, NJ 08008 TELEPHONE (609) 492-0700 ONLINE E-mail: smtg@juno.com CONTACT Mary T. Gruber (609) 492-5491 DESCRIPTION A museum for Long Beach Island. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Framed photographs of Dr. Herbert Willis' office and Dr. William Early Dodd with fishhooks and shot removed from patients; photograph of Dr. Willis' examination chair. The exact dates of birth for these 19-to-2A C. physicians is not known. Dr. Willis, apparently, practiced in Beach Haven and Long Beach Island at least from 1880 through 1920. ARM-ACTS: Instruments, general: stethoscope of Dr. Willis, early 1900 MD; office desk plaque with name of Dr. Willis; laboratory supplies: slide box of Dr. George Willauer with list of slides on communicable diseases but no slides (1900); physician's bags: Dr. Willis' black leather bag. SERVICES Summer, 2:00 to 4:00 pm and 7:00 to 9:00 pm. The collection is accessible by appointment. 17 NAME MACCULLOCH HALL IIISTORICAL MUSEUM ADDRESS 45 Macculloch Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960 TELEPHONE (973) 538-2404 CONTACT Jane R. Odenweller, Archivist DESCRIPTION A 19th century historic house museum preserving the history of a family from 1809 to 1947 and serving as a repository for other collections. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: An extensive description of experimentation on a newly-hanged corpse with a battery to study nervous reaction; letters from the Civil War Western Front about disease among the troops including a death from typhoid fever; letters referring to remedies (calf's foot jelly, opium, and calomel). SERVICES Sunday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm, year round. Closed holidays. Handicapped access. The collections are accessible for research by appointment. NAME MADISON TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY/ THOMAS WARNE HISTORICAL MUSEUM AND LIBRARY MAIL ADDRESS c/o Mrs. Alvia D. Martin 150 Morristown Rd. Matawan, NJ 07747 LOCATION Route 516 Old Bridge Township, NJ 08857 TELEPHONE (732) 566-0348 CONTACT Mrs. Alvia D. Martin DESCRIPTION A society concerned with the history of Madison Township of Middlesex County from its earliest days to the present. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Miscellaneous bills (Dr. O. C. Bogardus, dentist; A.J. Jackson, MD; W.E. Johnson, MD; Monmouth Memorial Hospital; William Truex, DDS); diary concerning John Donaldson, Civil War soldier, 3rd Regiment; diary/private journal of Dr. Henry Disborough (1800); directory, Health and Welfare Resources in Middlesex County (January 1, 1971); letter informing parents of John Donaldson, Civil War soldier, 3rd Regiment, of his death (sent by a nurse, Mrs. Sampson, Hygea Hospital, Fortress Monroe, VA); minutes of the Board of Health, Madison Township (January 15, 1918); minutes of the Board of Health, Madison Township (February 11, 1921); papers (not specified) about physicians; photographs of local physicians (Nathan Ervin and son Millard); a brief on a Dr. Crandall of Old Bridge. BOOKS: Everts and Peck, History of Union and Middlesex County, 1882 (includes the physician, Stephen M. Disbrow); MacFadden, Bernarr. The Book of Health, 1926; MacFadden, Bernarr. Keeping Fit, 1927; Haselbush, Willard C. Mark Morris, Veterinarian. New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station; Scholl, Frank. Complete Guide to Prevention and Cure of Disease. SERVICES Wednesdays 9:30 to 12:00. First Sunday of each month 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Collections are accessible by appointment. Photocopying not available on the premises. Upon request, photography and photocopying can be done by the Museum staff. Materials used in a publication are to be identified as being from the Thomas Warne Historical Museum and Library. 19 NAME MEDICAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF NEW JERSEY ADDRESS c/o Academy of Medicine of New Jersey 14 Washington Road, Suite 101 Princeton Junction, NJ 08550 CONTACT • Claire Pabers, AMNJ, for inquiries about the MHSNJ Telephone: (609) 275-1911 Fax: (609) 275-1909 -orLois R. Densky-Wolff, Archivist/Librarian, for inquiries regarding the records of the MHSNJ University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Telephone: (973) 972-7830 Fax: (973) 972-7474 E-mail: densky@umdnj.edu ONLINE Home Page Uniform Resource Locator (URL): http://www.umdnj.edu/librweb/newarldib/speccoll.htm DESCRIPTION The Medical History Society of New Jersey was founded in 1980 by Morns H. Saffron, MD, for the enjoyment, discussion and study of medical history. Two meetings are held each year in Princeton where papers on medical history topics are presented. The Society does not maintain library, archival, or museum collections. Records of the Society are available in the Special Collections Department, George F. Smith Library, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, Newark, NJ. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: The Records of the Medical History Society of New Jersey (1959-1976, 1980- ) include constitution and bylaws; correspondence; financial statements; membership brochures and lists; meeting announcements; minutes; newsletters; and subject files. Some files were created by former program chairs, secretary/treasurers, and past presidents. Files include those generated by Lucy L. Aiello; William C. Campbell, PhD.; Francis P. Chinard, MD; Vincent Cirillo; David L. Cowen; Peter J. Guthorn, MD; Barbara S. Irwin, MLS; Sandra Moss, MD; Morris H. Saffron, MD; Robert Thompson, EdD; and Richard Wedeen, MD. SERVICES The records are accessible Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. It is advisable to confirm this schedule with the archivist/librarian. Photocopying machines are available. 20 NAME MERCHANTVILLE HISTORICAL SOCIETY MAIL ADDRESS 1 West Maple Avenue Merchantville, NJ 08109 LOCATION Merchantville Community Center Somerset Street Merchantville, NJ 08109 CONTACT Edith Silberstein 2 Morris Street Merchantville, NJ 08109 (609) 665-1819 DESCRIPTION To identify and preserve historic buildings; to search for, accumulate, classify and display historic materials; to encourage restoration and beautification of property. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Oral history of a retired general practitioner, Dr. John Rudolph (4 June 1986). SERVICES By appointment only. 21 NAME MONMOUTH COUNTY ARCHIVES MAIL ADDRESS 125 Symmes Drive Manalapan, NJ 07726 LOCATION Monmouth County Library Same address Lower level TELEPHONE (732) 308-3772 Fax: (732) 409-4888 ONLINE E-mail: archive@shore.co.monmouth.nj.us or Saretzky@rci.rutgers.edu CONTACT Gary Saretzky DESCRIPTION A repository for county government archives. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: From 1832-1945, include certificates, diplomas, and books in which information was recorded for 1,307 medical practitioners (chiropodists/podiatrists, chiropractors, dentists, general practitioners, nurses, midwives, osteopaths, surgeons, veterinarians), indexed by name; records: mental hospital or asylum; great variety of county records from late 17th to early 20th C. SERVICES Monday to Wednesday (except holidays), 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. The collections are accessible by appointment, call (732) 308-3771. The mental hospital or asylum records are not open to research at this time because of legal restrictions. Photocopying is available and photographs can be taken. 22 NAME MONMOUTH COUNTY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION ADDRESS 70 Court Street Freehold, NJ 07728 TELEPHONE (732) 462-1466 Fax: (732) 462-8346 CONTACT For the Museum: Bernadette Rogoff For the Library and Archives: Carla Tobias DESCRIPTION Founded in 1898 to collect, preserve and interpret the region's rich cultural heritage. Today, MCHA operates and maintains the main Museum and Library in Freehold and four historic house museums. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Manuscript collection; records concerning the hospital at Camp Meade, PA (patients' accounts ledger, treatment ledger, letters and receipts); -circ- ulars--and general and special orders from the 2nd Army Corps Chief Surgeon in Augusta, GA; collection of papers (1898-1911) of Captain Edwin Field, MD, Major Surgeon, 4th Regiment, New Jersey Volunteers, SpanishAmerican War; portraits in miniature-of 15r. John Stillwell. ARTIFACTS: An itemized inventory of approximately 150 items in the artifacts collection is available: bags (doctor's saddle bags, early 19t h C.); dental equipment (chair, electrical gum stimuli machinefrom 1870s); medical equipment (late 18th to early 20th C.); dental instruments; general medical instruments (late 18th to early 20th C.); surgical field kits from Civil War; traveling pharmacy case; uniforms: woman's World War I Red Cross uniform and First Aid Corps (World War II). SERVICES Museum: Tuesday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; Sunday 1:00 to 4:00 pm. Library: Wednesday to Saturday, 10:00 to 4:00. The collections are accessible but advance notice is necessary as some collections are stored off-site. Photocopying of archives (at 25 cents per page) is at the discretion of the librarian. No photography is allowed in the exhibition areas; however, there are photographic reproductions of most of the artifacts. 23 NAME MUSEUM OF EARLY TRADES AND CRAFTS ADDRESS Main Street at Green Village Road Madison, NJ 07940 TELEPHONE (973) 377-2982 Fax: (973) 377-7358 ONLINE E-mail: metc@MSN.COM CONTACT Jean M. Martin, Director DESCRIPTION Tools and products of pre-industrial trades and crafts. All items are inventoried. A catalog provides for each item a catalog number, classification designation, and location identification with a brief description. HOLDINGS ARTIFACTS: Bag; prescription book; bottle; medicine box; medicine case; medicine chest; leg brace; alcohol burner; cup; bleeding cup; tooth extrac tor; forceps; gimlet; reflex hammer; surgeon's field kit; blood lancet; mortar; pestle; vacuum pump; pill roller; bone saw; head saw; scalpel; scissors; pill slab; splint; spoon; bottle stopper; strap; syringe; ear syringe; tenaculum; tweezers; vaccinator. SERVICES Tuesday to Saturday: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm; Sunday: 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm; Closed Monday and major holidays. The collection is accessible by appointment during normal hours. Most objects are not on exhibit. Call for more information. Photocopying or the taking of photographs is by prior arrangement. 24 NAME NEW JERSEY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 52 Park Place Newark, NJ 07102 TELEPHONE (973) 596-8500 Fax: (973) 596-6957 CONTACT James Kaser, PhD Director for the Library DESCRIPTION The health care-related collections of this Society are significant because they document a large and very active community of health professionals (physicians, dentists, pharmacists, etc.) and social agencies in one of the country's most populous states. This library has much to offer to researchers. HOLDINGS Until recently, the medical history subjects in the NJHS possessions, which go back to pre-revolutionary days, were not listed in a specific directory. Now, with the production of the Guide to Health Care and Social Welfare Manuscript Collections at the New Jersey Historical Society (The Library. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, June, 1998) there is such an unprecedented resource for researchers. This indexed document contains detailed descriptions of the medical history collections and includes an appendix with finding aids and container lists. It was produced as part of a National Historical Publications and Records Commission grant project (19971998) to arrange, describe and catalogue the Society's health care-related collections. Tnformation about the Society's additional manuscript collections will be found in: Skemer, Don C. and Morris, Robert C. Guide to the Manuscript Collections of the New Jersey Historical Society. Newark: New Jersey Historical Society, 1979. The following is a summary of the Society's extensive holdings. ARCHIVES: Account books of 19th century doctors, includes the tracking of patients for years; casebook of Marietta Woodruff, 19th century female physician; daybooks, including pharmaceutical and vaccination experiment; various papers by physicians and diverse papers on medicine, nurses and nursing, women, drugs, patent medicine, social service agencies, organizations; prescriptions from physicians in all areas of the State; personal journals from 1768 to 1930 but mostly early-mid 19th century; records of births and deaths with coroner's inquest records; lecture notes; speeches; diaries; diplomas; scrapbooks; archived materials from Revolutionary and Civil Wars. A variety of reports, records and documents - alumni association accounts, bylaws, correspondence, financial records, minutes, photographs, etc. - for 25 a number of 19th and 20th C. orphanages, physicians, hospitals, disabled soldier homes and other organizations and institutions. These include the: Medical Society of New Jersey (est. 1766); Academy of Medicine of New Jersey; East Orange Dispensary; Essex County Pathological and Anatomical Society; New Jersey Board of Health; Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary; Newark Alms House; Orange Hospital School of Nursing. The collections include items on and from individuals and families involved in medicine such as: Jabez Campfield; James H. Clark; Lewis Condict; Congar Family; Edward P. Cooper; David Craig; J.J. Craven; George W. Cummins; Daniel Dean; De Zeng Family; Ebenezer Elmer; William Elmer; Horace Fairchild; Joseph A. Freeman; Gabriel Grant; James Hayes; Samuel Hayes; Howe Family; A.A. Howell; Sanford B. Hunt; Johnson Family; Samuel Kennedy; Kinney Family; Hannah Burnet Kinney; William Burnet Kinney; John J. H. Love; Augustus W. McDowell; Family; Isaac S. Mulford; Mary Philbrook; Edward Pierson; William Pierson; Harry E. Richards; Morton Robinson; Shippen Family; Jonathan Sweet; Terhune Family; William Turk; Lawrence Van Derveer; Felix H. Vann; H.C. Voorhees; William R. Ward; Stephen Wickes; H.S. Woodruff. In addition to those organizations and agencies noted above, the holdings include materials from: Association for Children of New Jersey; Blue Cross/ Blue Shield of New Jersey; Chatham Board of Health; New Jersey Overseers of the Poor (Chester Township, East Windsor, Livingston); Children's Aid Society; Essex County New Jersey Coroner's Office; Essex Medical Union; Female Union School Association; Middlesex County; New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners; Newark Female Charitable Society; Newark Medical Association; Newark Orphan Asylum; Physicians Club of Newark; Protestant Foster Home Society; Randolph Township of New Jersey; Stanford Pharmacy; Terril Funeral Home; Union Beneficial Society (Salem, NJ); West Jersey Homeopathic Hospital School of Nursing; Whittier House. SERVICES Library: Thursday and Friday, and the first and third Saturday of each month 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Photocopying is available and photography is permitted. There is a price list for these services. 26 NAME OAKESIDE BLOOMFIELD CULTURAL CENTER ADDRESS 240 Belleville Avenue Bloomfield, NJ 07003 TELEPHONE (973) 429-0960 Fax: (973) 429-0697 CONTACT Sylvia S. Woolworth, Building and Grounds Manager DESCRIPTION A nonprofit organization devoted to developing and presenting cultural and civic programs, the maintenance of a museum, and promoting historic preservation. The property is on the New Jersey Register of Historic Places and the National Register of Historic Site. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Letter on White House stationery from Patricia Nixon to Mrs. Oakes for volunteer service to Mountainside Hospital, Montclair (September-3A-970); photographs of Jean Doswell Oakes (1887-1980) in volunteer Red Cross uniform. ARTIFACTS: Flags of Red Cross Volunteer. SERVICES Visit to the building and use of the collection is by appointment. NAME OCEAN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 26 Hadley Avenue P.O. Box 2191 Toms River, NJ 08754-2191 TELEPHONE (732) 341-1880 CONTACT Barbara Rivolta DESCRIPTION A society concerned with the preservation of all aspects of the history of Ocean County and the education of its citizens about their history; the maintenance of a museum for exhibits and storage of documents and artifacts and a library for historical and genealogical research; the dissemination of this history. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: prescriptions written by Ocean County doctors between 1870 and 1893 and filled by Mathis Druggist and Pharmacist Store, Toms River. BOOKS/TEXTS: Smith, Cynthia H. Evolving Commitments: The Story of Health Care in Ocean County, N.J. Toms River: Ocean County Cultural and Heritage Commission, 1997. ARTIFACTS: Medicine bottles: (1) "Grenelle and Schank," Lakewood and Allenhurst, druggist (ca. 1890); (2) "Mathis' Dysentery Remedy," wrapped with original stamp; (3) Humphrey's (a) No. 17 - Piles or Hemorrhoids, (b) 27 Simple Facial Neuralgia, (c) 27 - Simple Disorders of the Urinary Tract, (d) 28 - Simple Nervous Condition; (4) D.H. Hills Co., Brown Mixture; pill boxes: "Priest's Pharmacy," Toms River, black pills still in box (ca. 1880); leather traveling case with vials of homeopathic remedies, late 19th century; general instruments: glass nasal douche, in box; tan, ceramic jars for leeches. SERVICES Office: Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 4:30 pm. Research hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm; Saturday 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Site visit: Tuesday and Thursday, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm; Saturday 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Photocopying or photography may be done with the permission of the curator. 28 NAME OLD BARRACKS MUSEUM MAIL ADDRESS Barrack Street Trenton, NJ 08608 Administrative offices: Taxation Bldg., 3rd Floor Barrack Street LOCATION TELEPHONE (609) 396-1776 Fax: (609) 777-4000 ONLINE E-mail: barracks@voicenet.com Website: http://www/voicenet.com/barracks CONTACT Douglas Winterich, Associate Director DESCRIPTION The structure of the Old Barracks Museum was built in 1758 by the Colony of-New-Jersey to house British troops. It is the only nonfortified barracksbuilt for the French and Indian War left in North America. During the American Revolution, it served different military-related uses, including the housing of Hessians and Loyalist refugees before the Battle of Trenton and as a military hospital in 1777 and, again, after the Battle of Yorktown. HOLDINGS ARTIFACTS: General instruments: reproductions of medical "tools" of the 18th century, used in the program of the site visit. SITE NAME: Old Barracks Museum LOCATION: Barrack Street, between West State and Lafayette Streets, Trenton. HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: This is the only military structure remaining from the Battle of Trenton. It served as an inoculation hospital and now interprets Revolutionary War medicine on a regular basis. For group tours, interpreters in historical costume take on the role of army doctor, orderly or nurse. For "walk-in" visitors, there is a more traditional third person interpretatioii. Both methods serve to add another dimension to 18 th century medicine. SERVICES Daily, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, major holidays excepted. Reservations required for groups of 10 or more. The collection is accessible by appointment, in writing, with the Associate Director. 29 NAME ASSAIC COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS Lambert Castle Valley Road Paterson, NJ 07503 TELEPHONE (973) 881-2761 Fax: (973) 357-1070 CONTACT Andrew Shick DESCRIPTION Collections of historical items obtained from individuals and organizations. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: From the Passaic General Hospital: records (operating room (1899-1922); emergency room (1945-1946); pharmacy (1920s); births (191820); autopsy (1940-42); minutes of the hospital finance committee (19011908) and hospital staff (1897-1919); annual reports, collected and individual-(1899-1948); minutes of allied organizations: Passaic Medical-Society (1907-1925); Passaic General Women's Auxiliary (1929-34); Passaic Practitioner's Club (1925-36); deeds (Susan and George Palmer); will (Susan Palmer); mortgage (Passaic National Bank and Trust Co.); bank book (Passaic Hospital Association); certificate of membership of the Passaic Hospital Association (1898-99); newspaper clippings; photographs; miscellaneous documents. BOOKS: A Century of Healing, A History of the General Hospital Center at Passaic, 1891/92 - 1991/92. ARTIFACTS: Nurse's cape and pin; surgeon's kit and instruments (ca.1860s); F.D. Berry Collection of electrical medical equipment (ca. 19001920s). SERVICES By appointment. 30 NAME PILESGROVE-WOODSTOWN HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 42 North Main Street Woodstown, NJ 08098 CONTACT Elizabeth Myers 190 Woodstown-Daretown Rd. Pilesgrove, NJ 08098 DESCRIPTION The purpose of this organization is to acquire and preserve documents, records, and relics of Pilesgrove Township, Woodstown Boro, Salem County; protect and preserve historical landmarks; encourage historical and genealogical research; make all information and acquisitions of the society available to the public. All items in the collection are cataloged. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Account books; oil paintings. AR17hACTS: Doctor's bag; old medicine bottles. SERVICES Every Saturday, 1:00 to 3:00 pm. Other times by appointment. The collection is in a showcase. A photocopying machine is not on the premises. 31 NAME RAMSEY HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 76 Ramsey, NJ 07446 LOCATION -Old Stone House Museum and Junior Museum 538 Island Road Ramsey, NJ 07446 TELEPHONE (201) 825-1126 CONTACT Carol Hackbarth 54 Addison Place Ramsey, NJ 07446-1102 (201) 327-2208 DESCRIPTION The Ramsey Historical Association was organized in 1956 to: (1) restore, Inarrage,-and preserve the Old-Stone House; (2) to stimulate interest in the history and traditions of the area. HOLDINGS BOOKS: Medical Directory of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut (with advertisements) published by the Medical Society of the State of New York, (ca.. 1912). ARTIFACTS: General instruments: reflex hammer made of wood with metal handle; surgical supplies: in gray chest in the Junior Museum, suture made from horsehair, from Dr. Adalbert Vajay (1900). SERVICES Hours of the building are irregular. Access to the collection is by appointment. Accommodations will be made for photocopying and photography; researcher supplies the equipment for these. 32 NAME RIDGEWOOD HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 650 E. Glen Avenue Ridgewood, NJ 07450 TELEPHONE (201) 447-3435 CONTACT Dorothy-Anne Pangburn, Curator 275 South Van Dien Avenue, Ridgewood, NJ 07450 (201) 652-4584 DESCRIPTION To preserve artifacts which reflect life in our community in the 18 th and 19th C. To encourage our school children to understand the development of our town and state during the past 200 years. HOLDINGS ARIII-ACTS: Instruments: a collection of early 20th C. instruments used by a local physician; 1 dental tool (ca. 18 th C). Si1'E NAME: Schoolhouse Museum LOCATION: Same as the Society HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: The School House Museum was a one room school house, ca. 1873, one of several schools that existed when the town was part of Franklin Township. It is a single room building, 40 x 60, with a passageway connecting the school room with boys and girls privy. SERVICES May to October, Sundays 2:30 to 4:30 pm. Other times by appointment. The collection can be made available by appointment. Photocopying and photography are permitted. 33 NAME ROCKINGHAM ASSOCIATION/ ROCKINGHAM HISTORIC SITE ADDRESS 105 CR518, RD #4 Princeton, NJ 08540 TELEPHONE (609) 921-8835 CONTACT Peggi Carlsen DESCRIPTION To promote Rockingham as a visitor center. To underwrite activities for the public which increase the public's interest in history. HOLDINGS ARTIFACTS: Surgical equipment: a "barber's bowl" which may be a surgeon's "bleeding bowl"; veterinary supplies: horse medicine blower. SERVICES Wednesday to Saturday, 10:00 to 12:00 and 1:00 to 4:00 pm; Sunday, 1:00 to 4:00 pm- The collection is accessible by appointment. 34 NAME ROCKY HILL COMMUNITY GROUP: . COMMUNITY HERITAGE PROJECT MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 5 Rocky Hill, NJ 08553-1012 LOCATION Amy Garrett House 62 Washington Street Rocky Hill, NJ 08553 TELEPHONE Not available. Mail inquiries only CONTACT Jeanette K. Muser, Librarian DESCRIPTION The Rocky Hill Community Group Heritage Project aims to identify, organize,mcatalog, and keep materials relating to Rocky Hill history and people. A computer index has been started and public programs and publications will be undertaken. HOLDINGS These are from the office of Malvern Reeve, MD (1865-1967). ARCHIVES: Diploma of Dr. Reeve, Hahnemann Medical School, Philadelphia (1899); photographs; newspapers concerning Dr. Reeve. BOOKS: Medical reference books, beginning in 1893. ARTIFACTS: General instruments; office furniture: desk and cabinet. SITE NAME: Office of Malvern Reeve, MD. LOCATION: Originally located at 10 Crescent Avenue, the office was moved to the Amy Garrett House (see above). HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Office from 1900 to 1959 of a physician, with a library and instruments. SERVICES By appointment. 35 NAME SALEM COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 79-83 Market Street Salem, New Jersey 08079 TELEPHONE (609) 935-5004 CONTACT Dr. James F. Turk, Director/Curator DESCRIPTION "The objective of the Society is to discover, procure and preserve whatever may relate to the natural, civil, literary and ecclesiastical history of Salem County and to perpetuate the historical heritage for present and future generations." (SCHS brochure). Through its collections, exhibits, educational programs and publications, it enhances the awareness and appreciation of that heritage for the benefit of future generations and for the betterment of the community. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: In the Josephine Jaquett Memorial Library. Manuscripts:-receipt books of Dr. Benjamin Archer, Salem (1813-1845); student's medical notebook, Dr. Thomas Rolfe Clement, Salem and Philadelphia, PA (1828); record books of births and deaths of Dr. Theophilus Patterson, Salem County (1884-1887); births record book, Upper Pittsgrove Township, Salem County (1848-1861); minute books of the Salem County Medical Society (18801886, 1927-1960). Subject Files, Medicine: certification of Jonathan Elmer, MD, to ability of Dr. Benj. Archer, original (1805); diplomas of Theophilus Patterson (1848) and David Sheppard of Cumberland Co. (1812); licenses of Theophilus Patterson (1848) and Benjamin Archer (1805); menu of the Quarterly Meeting, Salem County Medical Society (1899); necrology: catalog of deceased physicians, Salem County (no date); various receipts and bills (1796 (original), 1802, 1833, 1849); treatment using "Genuine British Oil" (London, 1733), purpose not specified, and treatment for "cholera morbus", signed by T.E.B., no date. Photographs: miscellaneous, uncataloged photographs of Salem Memorial Hospital and women volunteers. In the library. Wesley's Family Physician, Revised. Salem, NJ: BOOKS: S. Prior, Jr., 1839; Ware, T.E. Ware's Medical Adviser, A Book of Receipts. Salem, NJ: S. Prior, Jr., 1839; Weatherly, W.R. Notes on Practice of Medicine, Philadelphia: Jackson, 1859; constitution of the Salem County Medical Society, November 6, 1908. PAMPHLETS: A Table of Fees and Rates for charging, passed by the Salem County Medical Society at Salem, on Monday Oct. 30, 1848, Salem, NJ, 1848; Account of the Design, Origin, and Present State of the Philadelphia Dispensary. Philadelphia: Kimber, Conrad & Co., 1805. 36 ARTIFACTS: In The Museum: orthopedic appliances (moveable cast and metal splints made for Dr. L.A.B. Allen); apothecary and medicine bottles; apothecary cabinet of Dr. Theophilus Patterson, Salem (died 1894); laboratory equipment: microscope (which belonged to Dr. Jefferson Smith, Bridgeton), apothecary scales; apothecary jars; oil paintings: portrait of Dr. Benjamin Archer (1775-1845), Salem; dental specimens (artificial dentures by Dr. Edwin Chew (1832-1913), Salem; apothecary vials. SITE NO. 1 NAME: John Jones Law Office LOCATION: Garden of the Salem County Historical Society, Salem HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE: Medical office of Dr. Ebenezer Howell ca. 1783-1791). DESCRIPTION: Small, brick, octagonally-shaped building. S11'E NO. 2 NAME: Dental office of Dr. Samuel C. Harbert LOCATION: 81 Market Street, Salem. (one of the 3 buildings that comprise the historical society). HISTORICAL SIGNIFICANCE This is where Dr. John Sweat Rock (18251866), one of the first African-American physicians in the United States studied dentistry under Dr. Harbert and received his certification in 1849. Dr. Rock received his medical degree from Philadelphia in 1852. In the 1850s, this was the medical office of Dr. Henry Jackson. DESCRIPTION: The middle building of 79-83 Market Street, Salem, SERVICES Tuesday to Friday, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm; 2nd Saturday of the month, 12:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Research and site visit hours are the same. Photocopying and photography of the archives, artifacts, and sites may be done, conditions permitting; application is necessary for artifacts. NAME UNION TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY ADDRESS 909 Caldwell Avenue Union, NJ 07083 CONTACT Michael Yesenko 1056 Nicholas Avenue Union, NJ 07083 DESCRIPTION To preserve documents, artifacts, photographs, picture books, letters that deal with the people who settled and lived in Union Township. HOLDINGS ARTIFACTS: From Dr. J.B. Norton (ca. 1800): medicine bag containing 16 glass vials of chemicals and instruments (not specified). SERVICES Collection is accessible by appointment. Photography is permitted. NAME VAN HARLINGEN HISTORICAL, SOCIETY MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 23 Belle Mead, NJ 08502 LOCATION The Dirck Gulick House Route 601 Montgomery Township CONTACT Ursula Brecknell 36 Ellis Drive Belle Mead, NJ 08502 (908) 359-3498 Jessie Havens 33 Ludlow Avenue Belle Mead, NJ 08502 (908)-359-2415 DESCRIPTION To discover and identify records of local history and encourage preservation, whether by the society or by others, and to provide activities and services to interest the community in its past. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Pamphlets published by the Van Harlingen Historical Society regarding the New Jersey State Village for Epileptics: Baker, Walter C. A History of the New Jersey State Village for Epileptics. Belle Mead, NJ: 1993.; The Forgotten Village, Program for Tour, May 7, 1994. SERVICES Visits to the Society's historic sites (Dutch stone house, 1752; Bedensville School House, 1853) are by appointment. There are no facilities for making reproductions. COMMENTS Because of this society's interest in (although not connected to) the "New Jersey State Village for Epileptics", it is appropriate to include here this institution which has some historical significance. Established in Skillman, Montgomery Township, in 1898, the Village was a center for the housing of and caring for epileptics rather than placing them with the mentally ill. It eventually developed into a self-sufficient community of over 1,500 patients and a 1,000 acre campus and farm. With changes in the patient population, type of care, and direction, it was renamed in 1953 the New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute and in 1978 the North Princeton Developmental Center. A large number of the original buildings are still standing although many of those are in serious disrepair. The institution officially closed on May 17, 1998. Letters, reports, photographs, etc. concerning the Village have been deposited in the New Jersey State Archives. For information about this col39 lection, contact Karl Niederer, Director, 185 West State Street, CN 307, Trenton; (609) 633-8334. The Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey is working to establish a museum at this site. For further information, contact Eric Joice, Executive Director, 429 River View Plaza, Trenton, NJ, 08611; (609) 3924900. 40 NAME VERNON TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL SOCIETY MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 803 Vernon, NJ 07422 LOCATION Municipal Building Church Street CONTACT Linda Miller DESCRIPTION Developing collections and the preservation of the schoolhouse and local history. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Turn-of-the-century prescriptions donated by the Barrett family. SERVICES Tuesday to Thursday, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. The collection is accessible same-hours. Photocopies may be made and photographs taken. COMMENTS Carlos Allen, MD (Dartmouth College, 1837), lived in Vernon and was a prominent citizen. He is best remembered as the publisher of the Map of Sussex County, New Jersey, printed in 1860. 41 NAME WARREN COUNTY HISTORICAL SOCIETY, INC. MAIL ADDRESS Box 313 Belvidere, NJ 07823 LOCATION 313 Mansfield Street Belvidere, NJ TELEPHONE (908) 475-4246 CONTACT A. Morris Scott, President 320 Hardwick Street Belvidere, NJ 07823 Home: (908) 475-8870 Business: (908) 475-8475 Hattie M. Seiwell, Curator 6 Sthnetzer Lane Asbury, NJ 08802 (908) 689-2993 DESCRIPTION A society for discovering, collecting, and preserving historical records and artifacts of Warren County, NJ; presenting and publishing the history of the county; maintaining a museum for appropriate displays open to the public. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Minutes and general records of the Warren County Poor Farm including death certificates. Several old home medical advisors in the library. A doctor's "black bag" with a kit of medications from the 19t century. An instrument said to be a "bleeder." ARTIFACTS: SERVICES h Library and general exhibit area open to the public Sundays 2:00 to 4:00 pm and by appointment. Closed major holidays and in severe weather. 42 NAME MAIL ADDRESS WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP HISTORICAL. SOCIETY P.O. Box 189 Long Valley, NJ 07853 LOCATION 6 Fairview Avenue Long Valley, NJ 07853 TELEPHONE (908) 876-9696 CONTACT Eleanor Taormina 133 Bartley Road Long Valley, NJ 07853 (908) 876-3356 DESCRIPTION A nonprofit organization whose purpose is to bring together those people interested in history, especially in the history of Washington Township, Morris County, NJ, and promote a better appreciation of our American heritage. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Photographs of the Health Spas of Schooley's Mountain; register book of the Health Spas of Schooley's Mountain with signatures of the wealthy and famous; account books; diaries; personal letters; records and record books; scrapbooks. SERVICES Sundays, 2:00 to 4:00 pm or by appointment. The collection is accessible by appointment. 43 44 SPECIAL LIBRARIES NAME NEW JERSEY STATE LIBRARY MAIL ADDRESS P.O. Box 520 Trenton, NJ 08625-0520 ONLINE Home Page Uniform Resource Locator (URL): htLp:I/www.state.nj.us/statelibrary/njlib.htm New Jersey State Library's CyberDesk to search catalog (requires network password): http://atlantic.njsl.tesc.edu/webpac/ 1ELEPHONE (609) 292-6220 CONTACT Robert E. Lupp, Supervising Librarian NJ State Government Publications and Jerseyana CN 520 Trenton, NJ 08625-0520 Telephone: (609) 292-6294. -E-ruailblupp@nisl.tesc.edu DESCRIPTION The repository for correspondence, documents, printed matter, etc. produced from and by governmental agencies of the State of New Jersey and similar items which are relevant to the history of the State. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: The following are only samples of the key subject words that appear in this library's catalog for New Jersey Physicians: African-American; biography; confidential communications; directories; ;discipline; drug use; education; foreign; general practice; health; Hispanic-American; homeopathic; hygiene; indexes; insurance; licenses; malpractice; occupational; periodicals; physicians assistants; registers; statistics; substance use; women physicians. The catalog includes the following personal names: J.L. Bodine; William Bryant (1730-1786); William Burnet (1688-1729); John Cochran (17301807); John S. Darcy (1788-1863); Lena Frances Edwards-Madison (African American woman); Samuel Budd English (b. 1877); Patrick J. Gallagher (1848-1900); Edmund Le Breton Godfrey (1850-1913); Bowman Hendry (1733-1838); Henry Howard Kessler; Cornelius Wilson Larison (1837-1910); John MacLean; Robert Hamill Nassau; Jonathon Pitney (1797-1869); Charles Skelton; Edward Wharton Sprague; Thomas Spry (d. 1685); Edward Robinson Squibb (1819-1900); James Still, an African American man (18121885); Lambert J.M. Sythoff (d. 1845), Martha Tracy (1876-1942); Stephen Wickes. 47 The holdings include materials from the counties of Bergen, Burlington, Camden, Cumberland, Essex, Sussex, and Warren, and from the cities of Pennington, Somerset Hills, Trenton. BOOKS: Rogers, Fred B. Martha Tracy (1876-1942), Philadelphia: American Medical Association, 1964; Cook, John S. A Medical History of the County of Warren, 1765-1890, Newark: 1890; Wickes, Stephen. Living and Dying: Their Physics and Psychics, Newark: L.J. Hardham, 1884. JOURNALS: Transactions of the Medical Society of New Jersey (18591902, 1866 missing); Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey (19041985); New Jersey Medicine: The Journal of the Medical Society of New Jersey (1985-present). SERVICES The library is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays (check times with librarian). The catalog can be searched online through the world wide web URLs given above. NAME PRINCETON UNIVERSITY LIBRARY RARE BOOKS AND SPECIAL COLLECTIONS ADDRESS Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library 65 Olden Street Princeton, NJ 08544 '1hLEPHONE (609) 258-6345 ONLINE Home Page Uniform Resource Locator (URL): http:/Iwww.princeton.edu/-mudd E-mail For Information: web@library.princeton.edu CONTACT Margaret M. Sherry Reference Librarian / Archivist Rare Books and Special Collections Princeton University Library ieL (6fl9)-258-3174 Fax: (609) 258-2324 email: mmsherry @princeton.edu DESCRIPTION "Princeton Manuscripts, Archives and Special Collections (MASC) provides non-book holdings infounation for 1000 manuscript, archival, and graphic material (prints and drawings) collections and for over 20,500 individuals (and corporate bodies) distributed among the various units of the Department: the Manuscripts Division; the Theatre Collection; the divisions of Western Americana, Graphic Arts, Historic Maps, and Numismatics; and Twentieth-Century Public Affairs and University Archives (both at Mudd Library)." HOLDINGS Special Collections at Princeton owns the Rush Family Papers_ Benjamin Rush (1745 or 1746-1813), a Princeton alumnus (1760), was a well-known physician, medical pioneer, Revolutionary patriot, signer of the Declaration of Independence, and social reformer. His connections with New Jersey are through his marriage to a daughter of the distinguished Stockton family of Princeton and, possibly, having practiced in this state. MANUSCRIPTS DIVISION Alfred Goddard Kay Autograph Collection: Letter by Rush, ALS (1804). Andre De Coppet Collection: Letter by Rush, ALS (1788); letters by Rush _to:_Enoch Green, ALS (1762); Arthur Lee, ALS (1774); letters to Rush by John Adams, ALsS (1808-1812). 49 E. Stanley Atkinson Autograph Collection: Certificate for recommendation of Benjamin Stockton's surgical abilities, ADS (1777). General Manuscripts [Miscellaneous l: (1) Letters by Rush: AL (1777); ALS (1778, 1779, 1791, 1796); ALsS (1783-1798). (2) Letters by Rush to: Jasper Yeates and to Ashbel Green, photostat, ALS (1783-1809); "Mrs. Ferguson", ALS (1777); Andrew Hunter, photostat, ALS (1809); Jonathan B. Smith, ALS (1767).; to Louis Valentin, photostat, ALS (1808). (3) Letter to Rush by William Maclay, ALS (1790). (4) Documents: receipt for medical service, AD, and bill for medical service, ADS, and request for payment of fees to land office, ADS (1786-1797); deeds, DS (1793, 1794). John Witherspoon Collection: Letters to Rush by John Witherspoon, including typescripts (1767-1768); letters by Rush to John Witherspoon, typescripts, photostats (1767-1768). Moore Autograph Collection of Princetonians: petition of Miss Elizabeth Langdon for a pass to New York, DS (1780). Samuel Stanhope Smith Collection: Letters by Samuel Stanhope Smith to Rush, photostats, AlsS (1783-1812). Signers of the Declaration of Independence: Letters by Rush, A1sS (17921793). Rush Family Papers: (1) Letters by Rush, ALsS, 1 with signature cut out (1781-1790), to James Madison, ALS (1801), to Captain Capin, ALS (not dated), to Thomas Jefferson, ALsS (1803-1805); to Julia Stockton Rush, ALS (1804); to Benjamin Rush by Richard Rush, ALS (1813). Samuel Miller Papers: Letters by Rush to Samuel Miller, ALsS (1808-1812); letter about Rush by H. I. Williams to Samuel Miller, including a copy of an extract from Poulson's Daily Advertiser, ALS (1839). Blair and Lee Family Papers: Letter by Rush (1839) to Andrew Jackson enclosing an ALS by Joseph Hume to Jackson, ALS (1839). SERVICES Library hours are 9:00 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday thru Friday, with extended evening hours Wednesday until 8:00 p.m. 50 NAME RUTGERS, THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF NEW JERSEY, SPECIAL COLLECTIONS S AND UNIVERSITY ARC ADDRESS Archibald Stevens Alexander Library 169 College Avenue New Brunswick, NJ 08901-1163 TELEPHONE Office: (732) 932-7006 Reference: (732) 932-7510 ONLINE Home Page Uniform Resource Locator (URL): http:/Iwww.libraries.rutgers.edu/rulib/spcol/spcol.htm Rutgers University Libraries' Integrated System (IRIS) http:Ilwww.iris.rutgers.edu/iris.html E-mail (reference questions): Edward Skipworth at edskip @rci:rutgers.edu CONTACT Ronald Becker, Department Head DESCRIPTION "Special Collections and University Archives (SC/17A) collects preserves, and makes available primary sources of a rare, unique or specialized nature to support advanced study and research in the humanities, social sciences, history of science, New Jersey state and local history and culture, and the history of Rutgers University." (Quoted from the SCIUA Home Page, URL given above) HOLDINGS The entire repository is organized into particular collections. For example: The Sinclair New Jersey Collection (the most extensive assemblage of New Jersey materials for historical research in the State); The Manuscript Collection (over 8,000,000 items); The Rare Book Collection (about 50,000 volumes, including medical botanies from the sixteenth-century). What is presented in this Guide is, by necessity, a very brief abstract of this organization's catalog. The selected names, words, material types, and dates in the groups below provide general information about the collections and serve as leads and keys for searching the original data. MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS (1) FAMILY NAMES, LOCALES, ARCHIVES, AND PROMINENT MEMBERS: Allinson (Mid-Atlantic NJ; papers (1761-1909); includes Burlington pharmacist William J. Allinson); Baldwin (New York City and Central NJ; papers (1810-1952); includes father and son physicians Henry R. Baldwin (1829-1902) and A. Van Nest Baldwin (1858-1897) of New Brunswick); Freeman (Orange; diaries (1863-1916); includes Civil War journal of physician Joseph Addison Freeman (1833-1864); Imlay (Allentown and Philadelphia; papers (1794-1935); includes William Imlay (d. 1854?), store inventory of drugs, account books (1840-1857); Terradell (Mercer County; papers (1873-1983); includes diary of (Emma) Loretta Terradell Morris, nurse in WWI); Waldron (New Brunswick; papers (1815-1893); includes John J. Waldron (a "Thompsonian Botanic Physician"). (2) INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL NAMES, DATES, SELECTED LOCALES, AND ARCHIVES: (A) Physicians: Ward Crissman Denison (b. 1897), Ridgewood, ledger (1925-1932); John Dickinson (1758-1834), Southern NJ, ledgers (1802-1866); Charles Dunham (1830-1875), grandson of Jacob, New Brunswick, visiting list (January 1-December 31, 1872); Jacob Dunham (1767-1832), New Brunswick, ledger (1816-1847); Ebenezer Elmer (1752-1843), Cumberland County, papers (1774-1814); William Elmer (18141-889),-Bridgeton; papers (18084879); David Combs English (1842=1924), New Brunswick; papers (1867-1912); Joseph E. Fopeano, Hoboken, ledger (1900-1911); Philemon E. Hommell (1862-1935), Jersey City, papers (18571933); John Honeyman (1798-1874), Oldwick, papers, account books cite various medicines dispensed (1822-1876); William Johnson (1789-1867), father of John and Thomas, Whitehouse, papers, notebooks, account books (1808-1865); John Van Cleve Johnson, Whitehouse; Thomas Johnson, Readington Township, daybook (July 4, 1860-June 24, 1865); William Mcllvaine (1750-1806), Burlington, daybook (1789-1804); William L. Martin (d. 1903), Rancocas, daybooks (1889-1900); Samuel Taylor Miller (1826after 1899), Paulsboro, daybook (1853-1865); Joseph Milnor (1788-1845), Upper Freehold Township, ledger (1830-1847); Henry Crippen Neer (18381911), Pascack (now Park Ridge), papers (1876-1911); William Pierson (1796-1882), Orange, obstetrical register (December 5, 1827-March 23, 1861); Frederick Augustus Piper, East Windsor Township, ledger (18111814); Henry Race (1814-1901), Hunterdon County; autobiography (1897); Ferdinand Schureman Schenck (1790-1860), Franklin Park, papers (17311880); Moses Scott (1738-1821), New Brunswick, papers (1748-1804); Cornelius Shepherd (1837-1903), Trenton, record book (1864-1868); Peter I. Stryker (1766-1859), Somerset County, papers (1763-1850); James D. Vanderveer (1838-1913), father of Abram, account books; Henry Ferdinand Van Derveer (1828-1885), Somerset County, papers (1848-1885); Isaac Moreau Ward (1806-1895), mid-Atlantic region, papers (1827-1857); Samuel Woolston (d. prior to 1883 at 70+), Vincentown, ledger (1852-1863). [B) Dentists: Jeremiah Hayhurst (1819-1899), Langhorne, PA, and Lambertville, papers (1853-1890). fC) Pharmacists/druggists/medicine merchants: James U. Case (1852-1904), Somerville, prescription book (May 1876-February 52 1877); Charles Dunham Deshler (1819-1909), New Brunswick, papers (17551935); Samuel Fort (d. 1866), Jacksonville (Burlington County), account books (1824-1867); Bryan Hough (1828-1894), Frenchtown, daybook (April 1, 1856-May 18, 1861); John McGowan, Mt. Holly, ledger (1809-1821); Adolph G. Rohde (1848-ca. 1930), Hoboken, papers (1852-1932); Abram Van Nest Van der Veer (1868-1931), North Branch, account books (18371919); George Henderson White (1841-1926), Canada and Jersey City, formula books (1857-ca. 1892). (D) Other fields: Alfred H. Buck, soldier, Civil War journal (October 21, 1862-December 31, 1864); William Henry Grimes (b. 1807), father of Josiah, undertaker, Morris County, papers (1767-1863); Josiah Quincy Grimes (1844-1863), diarist; Elizabeth Sarah Kite (1864-1954), historian, Southern New Jersey, Pine Barrens, papers (1840-1962); Magdalene Kovacs, midwife, New Brunswick, birth records (1917-1920, etc.); Marian Stephenson Olden (1888-1981), eugenicist, Princeton, papers (1934-1970). (3) ARCHIVES OF ORGANIZATIONS AND AGENCIES; Jersey City Hospital (N.J.) Medical Board (was Jersey City Charity Hospital, later Jersey City_Hospital, Jersey City Medical Center, and also City Hospital), minute books (1869-1923); Lawrence Drug Company (Sussex, NJ; was O.M. Stiger, C.H. Linn, R.A. Linn & Co., Linn & Lawrence, Lawrence & Hayward), prescription books (1875-1915); Middlesex County Medical Society (NJ), records (1928-1951); Middlesex General Hospital Aid Association (was New Brunswick City Hospital Association and John Wells Aid Association), records (1889-1962); New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association, records, (18701894); New Jersey Psychiatric Association (the New Jersey District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association, was the New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Association), minutes ( May 1957-March 1993); New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association (was Veterinary Medical Association of New Jersey), records (1884-1971); Mount Holly Cemetery Company, burial records with causes of death, daybook (December 3, 1897-October 3, 1903); Philippine American Medical Society of New Jersey, records (1979-1993); Warren County Medical Society (was District Medical Society for the County of Warren, the Warren County District Medical Society), cashbook (1828-1905). (4) SUBJECTS: In addition to the kinds of holdings associated with the names in the above groups, a great number and variety of subjects appearing in this contributor's catalog have been incorporated into the "Index to Artifacts/Holdings and Key Subject Words" of this guide. BOOKS, JOURNALS. PAMPHLETS, and REPRINTS For information on the individhal items in this exceptionally large collection, it is necessary to use the library's catalog on or off campus. Persons with access to the Internet, can carry out such searches through the Rutgers 53 University Libraries' Integrated System (IRIS) using the URL given above. MUSEUM OBJECTS/ARTIFACTS Apothecary cabinet of Dr. John Grimes made by his brother William Henry Grimes, constructed from wood, contains 15 drawers; medical instruments of Dr. Henry F. Vanderveer, in one wooden box 19 items in a folding leather container and 9 loose items in a chamois sack, in a second wooden box 7 cupping glasses of various sizes; "scarifier" which belonged to Dr. William Johnson, stamped "Otto & Koehler N-York"; surgical kit of Dr. Richard Ludlow, reportedly used by him during the Civil War. RUTGERS UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES (1) Rutgers Medical College Records (1792-1860): includes correspondence, circulars, reports, petitions, etc.; primarily concerns David Hosack and John W. Francis of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York, Rutgers Medical College, and Geneva-College-Rutgers Medical Faculty; Dr. JohnWakefield Francis papers; some material on Nicholas Romayne. (2) Rutgers University College of Nursing Graduate Psychiatric Program Records (1955-1981): arranged in subseries: Accreditation (includes a brief history of the development of the College of Nursing); Administration and Faculty (includes correspondence); Curriculum and Course Material (includes course outlines, exams, and a failed proposal from 1960 to develop a doctoral program in psychiatric nursing); Students and Graduates (includes theses and follow-up surveys on early graduates). (3) New Jersey College of Pharmacy Records (1892-1942) consists of: minutes (includes information on faculty appointments, salaries, lecture fees (tuition), trustees' minutes, correspondence, finances, etc.); records relating to students (includes records of graduates (1894-1925), reports, and lists of registered pharmacists); records relating to curriculum and faculty (includes information about the courses, laboratory equipment, and school furnishings); photographs and slides; scrapbook; correspondence (includes Office of the President and Dean); general records, including Office of the Secretary (1903-1904); financial documents (1899-1942); ledgers. (4) Rutgers University College of Nursing. Dean's Office Records (19521994): arranged in series: Accreditation files; By-Laws (Rules of Procedures); Committees; Dean's Office (chronological and subject files); Departments; Faculty (members and minutes); Grants; Historical Background; Programs of Study (undergraduate and graduate); Statistical data; and Proposed UMDNJ Masters in Nursing Controversy. 54 (5) Selman Waksman Papers, a manuscript collection within the University Archives, includes correspondence between Nobel Laureate Waksman and Albert Schatz (1943-1949), co-discoverers of streptomycin, and Schatz patent litigation papers. SERVICES "Reference services are available during the hours noted below...Special Collections and University Archives materials do not circulate and must be used in the reading room. For patrons doing extensive research, an appointment is recommended for consultation. Some collections are stored in a climatecontrolled, off-site facility; advance notice may be required for their use...Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. year round; Saturday, 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. during the academic year. Closed from Christmas to New Year's, Martin Luther King Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day and Thanksgiving." (Quoted from the SC/UA Home Page, URL given above). COMMENTS The hardcopies and tapes of interviews for the "Rutgers Oral History Archives of World War II", a project of the Department of History, are stored in SC/UA. For information on this project, contact G. Kurt Piehler, Director, 16 Seminary Place, New Brunswick; (732) 932-8190. In addition to being classified in this guide as a "Special Library", Rutgers University's Special Collections and University Archives unit is a member of the LHSNJ. L 55 NAME SETON HALL UNIVERSITY ADDRESS University Library Archives South Orange, NJ 07079-2694 TELEPHONE (973) 761-9476 Fax: (973) 761-9550 CONTACT Msgr. William Noe Field, Director Jo Ann Cotz, Associate Director Special Collections University Archives DESCRIPTION The repository for documents and artifacts concerning the history of the University. HOLDINGS ARCHIVES: Records, clippings, etc. regarding the establishment and financing of the Seton Hall University College of Medicine and Dentistry, and the State of New Jersey's vivisection laws. SERVICES By appointment. COMMENTS In addition to being classified in this guide as a "Special Library", Seton Hall's University Archives unit is a member of the LHSNJ. 56 NAME UNIVERSITY OF MEDICINE AND DENTISTRY OF NEW JERSEY (UMDNJ) - SPECIAL COLLECTIONS IN THE HISTORY OF MEDICINE AND STANLEY S. BERGEN, JR., MD, UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES ADDRESS University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey George F. Smith Library 30 Twelfth Avenue Newark, NJ 07103-2754 CONTACT Lois Densky-Wolff, Archivist/Librarian Telephone: (973) 972-7830 Fax: (973) 972-7474 E-mail: densky@umdnj.edu ONLINE Home Page Uniform Resource Locator (URL): http://www.umdnj.edu/librweb/newarklib/speccoll.htm DESCRIPTION This is the major academic and research center in the State of New Jersey devoted to medical history. It is a department of the UMDNJ Smith Library and embodies the Barbara Manisty Peck History of Medicine Room and the Stanley S. Bergen, Jr., MD, University Archives. The former "...contains History of Medicine collections and primary source materials... [It concentrates] on U.S. medical history, with special emphasis on the history of the health sciences in New Jersey [and] is primarily a non-circulating collection...". The latter is particularly concerned with the history of this University. (Quotation from the Special Collections Home Page, URL given above). HOLDINGS BOOKS. JOURNALS. ARCHIVES (1) HISTORY OF MEDICINE: Rare, antiquarian, and current books and journals, and archival materials relating to the health sciences: The Morris H. Saffron, MD, Collection of Books on Historical Medicine; The Aaron E. Parsonnet, MD, Cardiology Collection; History of Osteopathy (located at the UMDNJ-Health Sciences Library at Stratford); "Classics in Medicine"; Illustration and Medical Cartoon Collections; New Jersey Medical Imprints; Pamphlet File; Phrenology Collection; and the New Jersey Biographical and Subject Files. The book collections may be accessed from the University Libraries Health Tnformation Network (ULBIN) online catalog via Special Collections Home Page. 57 (2) BERGEN UNIVERSITY ARCHIVES: Contains the official records documenting the history of UMDNJ: The UMDNJ Archives; The New Jersey History of the Health Sciences Collections (includes manuscripts, personal papers, organizational records, photographs and illustrations, postcards, trade catalogs, broadsides, ephemera, oral histories, videotapes, and artifacts); New _ Jersey AIDS Collection; Photo Archive; and Oral Histories. (2a) UMDNJ ARCHIVES: holdings include the: Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry, records (1954-1965); New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry, records (1965-1975); College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, records (1970-1981); University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, records (1981- ); Alliance for Women_s Advancement, Rights, and Equality (A.W.A.R.E.), records (1972-1981); New Jersey Medical School, records (1956- ); New Jersey Dental School, records (1956- ); Rutgers Medical School, records (1962-1986); Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, records (1986); School of Osteopathic Medicine, records (1982- ); Newark City Hospital, records (1882-1979); University Hospital, records_(1979- ); Center for-Advanced Biotechnology_and Medicine, records__ (1984- ); Coriell Institute for Medical Research, records (1953- ). (2b) FACULTY PAPERS: Edward G. Waters, MD (1919-1981); David F. Opdyke, PhD (1943-1979); Salomon Silvera Faculty Portraits (1969-1979); Benjamin Rush, MD (1961-1969); Robert R. Cadmus, MD (1955, 19661971); Geoffrey Furness, PhD (1952-1985); Harold Jeghers, MD (1968); Christine Haycock, MD (1972-1990); Allen Weisse, MD (1984); Francis P. Chinard, MD (1989-1990); Oscar Auerbach, MD (1954-1982). (2c) NEW JERSEY, MEDICAL HISTORY MANUSCRIPT COLLECTIONS: Harrison S. Martland, MD, papers (1907-1954); Samuel Berg, MD, collection on Newark City Hospital/Martland Medical Center (1882-1988); Aaron E. Parsonnet, MD, papers (1927-1943); Thomas W. Harvey, Sr., MD, collection on Medical Society of New Jersey, Welfare Committee (19191921); Harold Murray, MD, papers (1917-1920); Frances B. Tyson, MD, scrapbook on Youth Museum of Leonia (ca. 1948-1958); Morris H. Saffron, MD, papers (1927-1992); Estelle Brodman, PhD, collection on Women Physicians in New Jersey: a Demographic Study, 1886-1982; Rita S. Finkler, MD, papers (1916-1970); Philander Harris, MD, papers (1874-1918); Harold R. Harlan, DDS, papers (ca. 1936-1976); Monmouth County Medical Society, records (1901-1949); Medical Library Association of Newark, records (1905-1916); St. Mary's Hospital, Hospital Tissue Committee, Passaic (19521953); New Jersey Hospital for the Insane, scrapbook (1894-1904); New Jersey Osteopathic Society, records (1903-1985); Hudson County Medical Club, records (1921-1989); AIDS in New Jersey Collection, records (1986); William A. Saul Pharmacy, Newark, records (ca. 1900); New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecological Travel Club, records (1931-1984); Military58 Medicine Collection (1930-1957); New Jersey Foundation for Health Care Evaluation, records (1974-1984); New Jersey Statewide Professional Standard Review Council, records (1978-1981); Bergen County Professional Standards Review Organization, records (1978-1985); Medical History Society of New Jersey, records (1964- ); Felix H. Vann, MD, papers (19331992); Phrenology Collection (1883-1910); Medical Stamp Albums (19711974); Richard P. Wedeen, MD, records (1970-1992); William D. Sharpe, MD, papers (1984-1985); Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, records (1880-1982); New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research, records (1992-1993); Sigma Xi, Newark Chapter, records (1986-1993); American Association for Cancer Education, records (1947- ); Medical Alliance to the Medical Society of New Jersey, records (1927-1992); Paul H. Fluck, MD, papers (1937-1965); Henry R. Kessler, MD, papers (1916-1978); North Jersey National Medical Association, records (copies) (1939-1976); Joseph H. Kler, MD, papers (1935-1980); Burlington County Medical Society, records (1829-1980); Memorial Hospital of Burlington County, Patient Registers (1914-1932); Essex County Medical Society, records (1816-1982); United Healthcare Systems, records (ca.1874-1969). (2d)MISCELLANEOUS MANUSCRIPTS: Newark Scientific Association, minutebook (1875-78); Lewis Johnston, MD, papers (1733-1779); Henry A. Bonygne, MD, papers (1905-1944); Duncan W. Blake, MD, daybooks (1869-1870), Absecon, Atlantic County; Unidentified daybook (1841-1845) for Nottingham, West Windsor, and Hamilton Townships.; George Haines, MD, account books (1821-1823), Medford, Burlington County; Ebenezer Elmer, MD, ALS (Nov 9, 1801) to George Burgin; Moses Scott, MD, MsS (Dec 27, 1790); Moses Bloomfield, MD, MsS (Aug 10, 1776); Cornelius W. Larison, MD, AMssS (1889-1905); Joseph Cook, MD, ledger (18571865), Salem County; Pharmacy Manuscript (1866-1868), Vineland, prescriptions and formulas mostly written by Edwin Curtis Bidwell, MD; John H.D. Finke, MD, prescription book (ca. 1940), Hackensack, and accounts for examining insurance company patients for Metropolitan and Prudential Life Insurance Companies (1912-13); Henry J. Wallhauser, MD, papers (1918-1938); Warren County Medical Society, minutes book (1825-1925); Pharmacy Prescription Daybooks (1906-1909), [Red Bank area], Monmouth County; Miller Royal Whiteneck, MD, scrapbook re Newark Babies Hospital (1917-23); Seymour Halsey, MD, daybook (1824-1827), Sparta; Charles W. Harrison, medicinal recipes, Newark (1845); Simeon J. Zabriskie, MD, visiting lists (1886 and 1893-94), Westwood; (?) Young, MD, obstetrical register (1849-1880), Bordentown. (2e) ORAL HISTORY: The oral history interviews include: the C. Richard Weinberg history of radiology in New Jersey; the Arthur Bernstein history of cardiology in New Jersey; various interviews on medicine in New Jersey during the Great Depression; the New Jersey Aids Oral History Project; 59 Stanley S. Bergen, Jr.; Alison Bernstein; Robert Cadmus; Francis P. Chinard; Alfonse A. Cinotti; Benjamin Cohen; Edward Cohn; Michael J. David-Wilson; Frances Dunston; Lena Edwards; Monsignor William Noe Field; Geoffrey Furness; Father Angelo Gambatese; Francis R. Ginley on Harrison S. Maitland; Carol Harney; George J. Hill; Riki Jacobs; Harold J. Jeghers; Harold Kaminetsky; Jan Kesling; Patricia C. Moser; John H. Manhold; Aston B. Morrison, Henry Murphree, Marion Banzhaf, Michelle Badger; Vivian Tones; James M. Oleske; David F. Opdyke; LeRoy Parker; Richard C. Reynolds; Philip Rosenstein; Benjamin Rush, Jr.; Morris H. Saffron; Roberta (Robin) C. Scudder; Joseph J. Seebode; DeWitt Stetten, Jr.; Joseph P. Tassoni; Cheryl J. Tice; Daniel F. Tobin; Stephen ("Skippy") C. Weinstein, Stephen Wiley; Thomas J. White; and Terry Zealand. ARTIFACTS The Smith Library has a small but growing artifact collection, particularly of New Jersey subjects. Within the UMDNJ system,there is an extensive collection at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in Piscataway. This_ was formerly the artifacts collection of the Academy of Medicine of New Jersey and was donated in its entirety to the medical school. Selected objects are on display at the medical school in Piscataway. For information, contact Russell L. McIntyre, ThD, director of Programs in Medical Humanities, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, (732) 235-4549, or Lois DenskyWolff, New Jersey Medical School, (973) 972-7830. . SERVICES The department is open Monday through Friday, 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. It is advisable to confirm this schedule with the archivist/librarian. Photocopy ing machines are available. 60 INDEXES INDEX OF PERSONAL NAMES Burgin, George: 57 Burnet, William: 47 Cadmus, Robert R.: 57 Campbell, William C.: 20 Campfield, Jabez: 25 Case, James U. Case: 51 Chew, Edwin: 36 Chinard, Francis P.: 20, 57 Cinotti, Alfonse A.: 57 Cirillo, Vincent: 20 Clark, James H.: 25 Clement, Thomas Rolfe: 36 Cleveland, Grover: 9 Cochran, John: 47 Cohen, Benjamin: 57 Cohn, Edward: 57 Condict, Lewis: 25 Congar Family: 25 Cook, Joseph: 57 Cooper Family (Benjamin, Elizabeth, Samuel): 3 Cooper, Edward P.: 25 Cooper, Richard M.: 3 Coriell, Louis L.: 3 Cowen, David L.: 20 Craig, David: 25 Cramer, Alfred: 3 Crandall, Ira Carlton: 19 Craven, J.J.: 25 Cummins, George W.: 25 Danzis, Max: 12 Darcy, John S.: 47 David-Wilson, Michael J: 57. De Zeng Family: 25 Dean, Daniel: 25 Denison, Ward Crissman: 51 Deshler, Charles Dunham: 51 Dickinson, John: 51 Disborough, Henry: 19 Disbrow, Stephen M.: 19 Dodd, William Earl: 17 Adams, John: 49 Aiello, Lucy L.: 20 Allen, Carlos: 41 Allen, L.A.B.: 36 Allinson Family: 51 Allinson, William J.: 51 Apontet, Gonzalo E.: 9 Archer, Benjamin: 36 Assante, M.: 3 Auerbach, Oscar: 57 Badger, Michelle: 57 Baldwin Family: 51 Baldwin, A. Van Nest: 51 Baldwin, Henry R.: 51 Banzhaf, Marion 57 Bard, Samuel: 3 Barnshaw, Harold D.: 3 Barrett Family: 41 Barret, Wesley: 3 Barton, Clara: 3 Berg, Samuel: 57 Bergen, Stanley S., Jr.: 57 Bernstein, Alison: 57 Bernstein, Arthur: 12, 57 Berry, F.D.: 30 Bidwell, Edwin Curtis: 57 Blackwood, John: 3 Blake, Duncan W.: 57 Bloomfield, Moses: 57 Bodine, J.L.: 47 Bogardus, O.C.: 19 Bonygne, Henry A.: 57 Bornstein, Lester: 12 Branch, Clement T.: 3 Branin, Henry Ely: 3 Brewer, William: 3 Brodman, Estelle: 57 Brooks, John J.: 9 Bryant, Joseph D.: 9 Bryant, William: 47 Buck, Alfred H.: 51 63 Dunham, Jacob Dunham: 51 Dunham, Charles: 51 Dunston, Frances: 57 Edwards, Lena (Lena Frances Edwards-Madison): 47, 57 Elmer, Ebenezer: 25, 51, 57 Elmer, Jonathan: 36 Elmer, William: 25, 51 English, David Combs: 51 English, Samuel Budd: 47 Enterline, Horatio T.: 9 Ervin, Millard: 19 Ervin, Nathan: 19 Fairchild, Horace: 25 Field, Captain Edwin: 23 Field, Monsignor William Noe: 57 Finke, John H.D.: 57 Finkler, Rita S.: 57 Fleischer, Andrew: -3 Fluck, Paul H.: 57 Fopeano, Joseph E.: 51 Fort, Samuel: 51 Francis, John Wakefield: 51 Franklin, George A.: 10 Freeman Family: 51 Freeman, Joseph Addison: 25, 51 Friedman, Gustav: 10 Furness, Geoffrey: 57 Gallagher, Patrick J.: 47 Gambatese, Father Angelo : 57 Garrison, Charles: 8 Gibson, Kasson C.: 9 Ginley, Francis R.: 57 Godfrey, Edmund Le Breton: 3, 47 Goldman, Lester: 12 Grant, Gabriel: 25 Green, Ashbel: 49 Green, Enoch: 49 Green, G. G.: 15 Griffith, Anna E.: 3 Grimes, John: 51 Grimes, Josiah Quincy: 51 Grimes, William Henry: 51 Gross, S.D.: 3 Guthorn, Peter J.: 20 Hadley, Charles F.: 3 Haines, George: 57 Halsey, Seymour: 57 Harbert, Samuel C.: 36 Harlan, Harold R.: 57 Harney, Carol: 57 Harris Family: 3 Harris, Philander: 57 Harris, Samuel: 3 Harrison, Charles W.: 57 Harvey, Thomas W., Sr.: 57 Haycock, Christine: 57 Hayes, James: 25 Hayes, Samuel: 25 Hayhurst, Jeremiah: 51 Hendry, Bowman: 47 Hill, George J.: 57 Hommell, Philemon E.: 51 Honeyman, John: 51 Hosack, Davis: 51 Hough, Bryan: 51 Howe Family: 25 Howell, A. A.: 25 Howell, Ebenezer: 36 Hume, Joseph: 49 Hunt, Sanford B.: 25 Hunter, Andrew: 49 Hurff, Joseph E.: 3 Imlay Family: 51 Imlay, William: 51 Ingham, H.A.: 3 Introcaso, Alec: 3 Irwin, Barbara S.: 20 Jackson, A. J.: 19 Jackson, Andrew: 49 Jackson, Henry: 36 Jacobs, Riki Jacobs: 57 Jefferson, Thomas: 49 Jeghers, Harold: 57 Johnson Family: 25 Johnson, John Van Cleve: 51 Johnson, Thomas: 51 Johnson, W. E.: 19 Johnson, William: 51 Johnston, Lewis: 57 Kaminetsky, Harold: 57 Keith, B.: 3 Kennedy, Samuel: 25 Kesling, Jan: 57 Kessler, Henry Howard: 47 Kessler, Henry R.: 57 Kilmer, Alfred Joyce: 14 Kilmer, Frederick Barnett: 14 Kinney Family: 25 Kinney, Hannah Burnet: 25 Kinney, William Burnet: 25 Kirk, Margaret O.: 3 Kite, Elizabeth: 51 Kler, Joseph H.: 57 Kloser, Patricia C.: 57 Kovacs, Magdalene: 51 Langdon, Elizabeth: 49 Larison, Cornelius Wilson: 47, 57 Lee, Arthur: 49 Lichtman, Abraham: 12 Lichtman, William. M.: 3 Lieberman, Lester Z.: 12 Liss, Michael: 12 Love, John J. H.: 25 Ludlow, Richard: 51 Maclay, William: 49 MacLean, John: 47 Madison, James: 49 Manhold, John H.: 57 Martin, William L.: 51 Maitland, Harrison S.: 57 McAlister, A.: 3 McBride, David: 3 McCollough, Joseph Wesley: 3 McDowell, Augustus W.: 25 McGowan, John: 51 Mcllvaine, William: 51 McKelway, Alexander J.: 3 Miller, Samuel: 49 Miller, Samuel Taylor: 51 Milnor, Joseph: 51 Morgan, W.W.: 3 Morris, (Emma) Loretta Terradell: 51 Morrison, AstonB 57- Moss, Sandra: 20 Mulford, Isaac S.: 25 Murphree, Henry: 57 Murray, Harold: 57 Nardi, Michael E.: 3 Nassau, Robert Hamill: 47 Neer, Henry Crippen: 51 Nixon, Patricia: 27 Norton, J.B.: 38 Oakes, Jean Doswell: 27 Olden, Marian Stephenson: 51 Oleske, James M.: 57 Opdyke, David F.: 57 Osborn, Edward: 3 Palmer, George: 30 Palmer, Susan: 30 Parker, LeRoy: 57 Parsonnet, Aaron E.: 57 Parsonnet, Eugene: 12 Parsonnet, Victor: 12 Patterson, Theophilus: 36 Philbrook, Mary: 25 Pierson, Edward: 25 Pierson, William: 25, 51 Pilcher, Lewis: 15 Piper, Frederick Augustus: 51 Pitney, Jonathon: 47 Presley, Sophia: 3 Race, Henry: 51 Reagan, Lindley B.: 3 Reeve, Malvern: 36 Reynolds, Richard C.: 57 Ribble, Jessee: 5 Richards, Harry E.: 25 Robinson, Morton: 25 Rock, John Sweat: 36 Rohde, Adolf G.: 51 Romayne, Nicholas: 51 Rosegrant (see also Rosencrantz) Rosegrant, John: 7 Rosencrantz Family: 7 Rosencrantz (Rosegrant), Elijah: 7 Rosencrantz (Rosegrant), John: 7 Rosenkrantz, Jacob: 12 Rosenstein, Philip: 57 Rudolph, John: 21 65 Rush Family: 49 Rush, Benjamin: 49 Rush, Benjamin, Jr.: 57 Rush, Richard: 49 Saffron, Morris H.: 20, 57 Sagner, Alan: 12 Saul, William, A.: 57 Schatz, Albert: 51 Schenck, Ferdinand Schureman: 51 Scholl, B. Frank: 19 Scott, Moses: 51, 57 Scudder, Roberta (Robin) C.: 57 Seebode, Joseph J.: 57 Sharpe, William D.: 57 Shepherd, Cornelius: 51 Sheppard, David: 36 Sherk, Henry H.: 3 Shippen Family: 25 Shute, Samuel Moore: 3 Silvera, Salomon: 57 Skelton, Charles: 47 Smith, Charles: 6 Smith, Cynthia H.: 28 Smith, Jefferson: 36 Smith, Jonathan B.: 49 Smith, Louis B.: 5 Smith, Samuel Stanhope: 49 Snape, William: 3 Sprague, Edward Wharton: 47 Spry, Thomas: 47 Squibb, Edward Robinson: 47 Stetten, DeWitt, Jr.: 57 Stevenson, Jno. R.: 3 Still, James: 3, 47 Stillwell, John: 23 Stockton, Family: 49 Stockton, Julia: 49 Stoner, Emery K.: 3 Stryker, Peter I.: 51 Sullivan, Charles H.: 3 Sweet, Jonathan: 25 Sythoff, Lambert J.M;: 47 Tassoni, Joseph P.: 57 Taylor, H. Genet: 3 Terhune Family: 25 Terhune, Garret: 7 Terradell Family: 51 Thompson, Robert: 20 Tice, Cheryl J.: 57 Titus, George E.: 10 Tobin, Daniel F.: 57 Torres, Vivian: 57 Tracy, Martha: 47 Truex, William: 19 Turk, William: 25 Tyson, Frances B.: 57 Vajay, Adalbert: 32 Valentin, Louis: 49 Van der Veer, Abram Van Nest: 51 Van Derveer, Henry Ferdinand: 51 Van Derveer, Henry H.: 51 Van Derveer, Lawrence: 25 -Vanderveer, James D.: 51 Vann, Felix H.: 25, 57 Voorhees, H.C.: 25 Waksman, Selman: 51 Waldman, Jack F.: 12 Waldron Family: 51 Waldron, John J.: 51 Wallhauser, Henry J.: 57 Ward, Isaac Moreau: 51 Ward, William R.: 25 Ware, T. E.: 36 Waters, Edward G.: 57 Weatherly, W.R.: 36 Wedeen, Richard P.: 20, 57 Weinberg, Charles Richard: 12 Weinberg, C. Richard: 57 Weinstein, Stephen ("Skippy") C.: 57 Weisse, Allen: 57 White, George Henderson: 51 White, Thomas J.: 57 Whiteneck, Miller Royal: 57 Whitman, Walt: 3 Wickes, Stephen: 3, 25, 47 Wilbur, Lloyd: 10 Wiley, Stephen: 57 Willauer, George: 17 Williams, H.I.: 49 Willis, Herbert: 17 66 Witherspoon, John: 49 Woodruff, Marietta: 25 Woodruff, H. S.: 25 Woolston, Samuel: 51 Yeates, Jasper: 49 Young, : 57 Zabriskie, Simeon J.: 57 Zealand, Terry: 57 Zinninger, George: 3 67 INDEX OF AGENCIES, MUNICIPALITIES, AND ORGANIZATIONS Academy of Medicine of New Jersey: 25 Alpha Omega Dental Society: 12 Alliance for Women's Advancement, Rights, and Equality (A.W.A.R.E.): 57 American Association for Cancer Education: 57 Ancora Hospital: 3 Association for Children of New Jersey: 25 Bergen County: 47 Bergen County Professional Standards Review Organization: 57 Beth Israel Cemetery Association: 12 Blue Cross/Blue Shield of New Jersey: 25 Bristol-Myers Squibb Company: v Burlington County: 47 Burlington County Medical Society: 57 C.H. Linn: 51 Camden City Free Dental Clinic: 3 Camden City Health Department: 3 Camden City Medical School: 3 Camden City Veterans Hospital: 3 Camden, City of: 3 Camden County Almshouse: 3 Camden County Community Mental Health Center: 3 Camden County Health and Welfare Council: 3 Camden County Health Department: 3 Camden County Historical Society: 3 Camden County Medical Society: 3 Camden County Psychiatric Hospital: 3 Camden, County of: 3, 47 Camden Emergency Hospital: 3 Camden Homeopathic Hospital and Dispensary Association: 3 Center for Advanced Biotechnology and Medicine: 57 Chatham Board of Health: 25 Chester Township, New Jersey Overseers of the Poor of: 25 Children's Aid Society: 25 City Hospital: 51 68 City of Hope (Los Angeles Sanitorium at Duarte): 12 Clara Maass Medical Center: v College of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey: 57 College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York: 51 Cooper Hospital/Medical Center: 3 Cooper Hospital School of Nursing: 3 Coriell Institute for Medical Research: 57 C.R. Bard Incorporated: v Cumberland County: 47 Daughters of Israel Geriatric Center: 12 Deborah Hospital (Burlington): 3 Deborah Sanitorium and Hospital (Browns Mills): 12 District Medical Society for the County of Warren: 51 East Orange Dispensary: 25 East Windsor, New Jersey Overseers of the Poor of: 25 Edgewood General Hospital (Berlin): 3 Ellis Island: v Ellis Island Immigration Museum: vi Epilepsy Foundation of New Jersey: 39 Essex County: 25, 47, 57 Essex County Medical Society: 57 Essex County New Jersey Coroner's Office: 25 Essex County Pathologial and Anatomical Society: 25 Essex Medical Union: 25 Female Union School Association: 25 Garden State Community Hospital (Marlton): 3 Geneva College: 51 Helene Fuld Medical Center: v Home for the Chronic Sick: 12 Hudson County Medical Club: 57 Institute for Medical Research: 3 Israel Sick Benefits Society: 12 Jersey City Charity Hospital: 51 Jersey City Hospitals: 12, 51 Jersey City Hospital (N.J.). Medical Board: 51 Jersey City Medical Center: 51 Jewish Consumptive Relief Association: 12 John Wells Aid Association: 51 Johnson and Johnson Company: v, 14 Lawrence and Hayward: 51 Lawrence Drug Company: 51 Linn and Lawrence: 51 Livingston, New Jersey Overseers of the Poor of: 25 Madison Township: 19 Mathis Druggist and Pharmacist Store, Toms River: 28 Medical Alliance to the Medical Society of New Jersey: 57 Medical History Society of New Jersey: 57 Medical Library Association-of Newark: 57 Medical Society of New Jersey: 3, 25 Medical Society of New Jersey, Welfare Committee: 57 Memorial Hospital of Burlington County: 57 Merck and Company: v Metropolitan Life Insurance Company: 57 Middlesex County: 25, 51 Middlesex County Medical Society (NJ): 51 Middlesex General Hospital Aid Association: 51 Monmouth County Archives: 22 Monmouth County Medical Society: 57 Mount Holly Cemetery Company: 51 Mountainside Hospital (Montclair): 27 National Archives and Records Administration: vi National Jewish Hospital (Denver, CO): 12 National Park Service: vi New Brunswick City Hospital Association: 51 New Jersey Academy of Medicine: 25 New Jersey Aids Oral History Project: 57 New Jersey Association for Biomedical Research: 57 New Jersey Board of Health: 25New Jersey Board of Medical Examiners: 25 New Jersey College of Medicine, Camden: 3 New Jersey College of Medicine and Dentistry: 57 New Jersey College of Pharmacy: 51 New Jersey Dental School: 57 New Jersey District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association: 51 New Jersey Foundation for Health Care Evaluation: 57 New Jersey Health Services: 3 New Jersey Hospital for the Insane: 57 New Jersey Medical School: 57 New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Association: 51 New Jersey Neuropsychiatric Institute: 39 New Jersey Overseers of the Poor: 25 New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association: 51 New Jersey Psychiatric Association: 51 New Jersey School of Osteopathic Medicine, Camden: 3 New Jersey State Health Department: 3 New Jersey State Village for Epileptics: 39 New Jersey Statewide Professional Standard Review Council: 57 New Jersey Obstetrical and Gynecological Travel Club: 57 New Jersey Osteopathic Society: 57 New Jersey Veterinary Medical Association: 51 Newark Alms House: 25 Newark Babies Hospital: 57 Newark Beth Israel Medical Center: 12 Newark Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary: 25, 57 Newark City Hospital: 57 Newark City HospitallMartland Medical Center: 57 Newark Female Charitable Society: 25 Newark Medical Association: 25 Newark Orphan Asylum: 25 Newark Scientific Association: 57 North Jersey National Medical Association: 57 North Princeton Developmental Center: 39 69 O. M. Stiger: 51 Orange School of Nursing: 25 Pahaquarry Township: 5 Passaic General Hospital: 30 Passaic General Women's Auxiliary: 30 Passaic Hospital Association: 30 Passaic Medical Society: 30 Passaic National Bank and Tust Company: 30 Passaic Practitioner's Club: 30 Pennington, City of: 47 Pennsylvania Medical College: 3 Philadelphia Dispensary: 36 Philippine American Medical Society of New Jersey: 51 Physicians Club of Newark: 25 Protestant Foster Home Society: 25 Prudential Life Insurance Company: 57 R. A. Linn and Co.: 51 Randolph Township: 25 Robert Wood Johnson Medical School: 57 Rutgers College, Medical Faculty of: 7 Rutgers Medical College: 51 Rutgers Medical School: 57 Rutgers University College of Nursing: 51 Rutgers University College of Nursing Graduate Psychiatric Program: 51 Salem County: 36 Salem County Medical Society: 36 Salem Memorial Hospital: 36 Schering-Plough Corporation: v School of Osteopathic Medicine: 57 Seton Hall College of Medicine and Dentistry: 57 Sigma Xi, Newark Chapter: 57 Somerset Hills, City of: 47 Southern Dental Society of New Jersey: 3 Stanford Pharmacy: 25 St. Mary's Hospital, Hospital Tissue Committee, Passaic: 57 Sussex County: 47 Terril Funeral Home: 25 Theresa Grotta Rehabilitation Center: 12 Trenton, City of: 47 70 Union Beneficial Society (Salem, N.J.): 25 United Healthcare Systems: 57 University Hospital: 57 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey: 3, 57 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey George F. Smith Library: 51 University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Health Sciences Library at Stratford: 51 Upper Pittsgrove Township: 36 Veterinary Medical Association of New Jersey: 51 Warner-Lambert Company: v Warren County: 42, 47 Warren County District Medical Society: 51 Warren County Medical Society: 51, 57 Warren County Poor Farm: 42 West Jersey Homeopathic Hospital School of Nursing: 3, 25 Whittier House: 25 Women's Medical College and Hospital of Philadelphia: 5 Youth Museum of Leonia: 57 INDEX TO MEDICAL IIISTORICAL SITES Neutral Water Health Resort Sanitarium or Dr. Smith's Sanitarium (ca. 1905). The Egg Harbor City Historical Society 6 The Hermitage Home of the physicians Elijah and John Rosencrantz and the Rosencrantz Family (1807-1970) 7 Old Barracks Museum (1758) 29 School House Museum (ca. 1873) Ridgewood Historical Society 33 Office (1900-1959) of Malvern Reeve, MD (1865-1967) Rocky Hill Community Group: Community Heritage Project 35 - Medical office of Dr. Ebenezer Howell (ca. 1783-1791); currently John Jones Law Office Salem County Historical Society 36 Dental office (Dr. Samuel C. Harbert, first half 19th C.) and medical office (Dr. Henry Jackson, 1850s) Salem County Historical Society 36 New Jersey State Village for Epileptics (1898) Became the New Jersey Psychiatric Institute, and then the North Princeton Developmental Center. Now closed but Epilepsy Foundation may establish there a museum. 39 71 INDEX TO ARTIFACTS/HOLDINGS AND KEY SUBJECT WORDS 17th Century: 22 18th Century: 22, 29, 31 19th Century: 3, 5, 15, 22, 25, 28, 35, 36, 38, 39, 42 20th Century: 5, 12, 15, 22, 23, 25, 31, 41 Account books/Daybooks: 3, 8, 25, 31, 43, 47, 57 Accounts payable: 47 Advertisements: 6, 32, 47 African-Americans: 3, 36, 47, 51, 57 Agencies (see Records, agency) Agendas: 47 Agriculture: 19 Aids: 51, 57 Alcoholic beverages: 47 Alumni: 25 American Revolution: 47 Announcements: 5, 19, 47 Annual reports: 47 Antibiotics, discovery of: 51 Antiquities: 51, 57 Apothecary supplies: 36 Apothecary cabinet: 51 Appliances, orthopedic: 24, 36 Archives: v, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, 30, 31, 35, 36, 39, 41, 42, 43, 47, 49, 51, 56, 57 Army Tank Corps: 47 Arthroplasty: 12 Artifacts: 6, 8, 9, 15, 17, 23, 24, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 42, 51, 57 Artworks: 12 Asylums/Hospitals, mental: 22, 39 Autobiographies: 47 Autographs: 49 Autopsies (see Records, autopsy) Auxiliaries: 30 Awards: 51, 57 Bags: 17, 23, 24, 38 Banks: 30 Bills: vi, 19, 47, 49 72 Biographies: 12, 47, 51 Birth control: 47 Births (see Records, birth) Blueprints: vi Boards of Health: 19, 25 Books/Booklets: 3, 5, 19, 28, 30, 32, 35, 36, 47, 51, 57 Books, health: 19 Books, medical advice: 36, 42 Books, medical practice: 3, 36, 47, 51 Books, medical reference: 35 Books, rare: 51, 57 Books, veterinary medicine: 19, 51 Bottles: 9, 24, 28, 31, 36 Boxes: 17, 24, 28 Boxes, wooden: 51 Broadsides: 51, 57 Buildings: vi, 6, 36, 39 Burial plots: 51 Burials: (see Records, cemetery) Bylaws: 25, 20, 51 Cabinets: 35, 36, 51 Cadavers: 51 Cardiology: 51, 57 Cartoons: 51, 57 Casebooks: 25, 51 Cases: 23, 25, 28 Cash book: 51 Causes of death: 51 Cemeteries (see Records, cemetery) Certificates/Certification: 22, 30, 36, 41, 51, 49 Charters: 12 Chemical products: 51 Chests: 24, 32 Chiropodists (see Podiatrists) Chiropractors: 22 Circulars: 51 Civil War: 3, 18, 19, 23, 25, 51 Civilian Defense: (see Records, Civilian Defense) Classics in Medicine: -51 Constitutions: 20, 36, 51 Continental Army: 51 Coroner: 51 Correspondence (see also Letters, general): 12, 20, 25, 47, 51 Cost books: 51 Countries of origin: 51 County medical societies: 3, 25, 36, 47 Course examinations: 51 Course outlines: 51 Course materials: 51 Credit reports: 51 Cupping glasses: 51 Cups, bleeding: 24 Cups: 24 Curriculum: 51 Customs collection: 51 Daily cash sales: 51 Daybooks (see Account-Books) Deaths (see Records, death) Declaration of Independence: 49 Deeds: 3, 30, 49 Demography: 57 Dentistry (see also Equipment, dental; Instruments, dental): 9, 19, 36 Dentists: 9, 19, 22, 24, 51, 57 Diaries: 5, 8, 19, 25, 43, 51 Diarist: 51 Diplomas: 22, 25, 35, 36 Directories: 19, 32, 47, 51 Discipline: 47 Diseases: 5, 17, 18, 19, 51 Dispensaries: 3, 25, 36 Displays: 3 Doctors of Osteopathy: 22 Drawings (see illustrations) Drug formulas: 51 Drug prices: 51 Drug use by physicians: 47 Druggists: 51 Drugs: 18, 25, 36, 51 Drugstore's history: 51 Drugstores (see Pharmacies) Education (see Medical education) Ephemera: 51, 57 Epilepsy: 39 Equipment, laboratory: 24, 36 Equipment, dental: 23 Equipment, medical: 23, 30 Equipment, surgical: 34 Essays: 51 Estate: 51 Eugenicist: 51 Experimentation (see Medical experimentation) Faculty appointments: 51 Faculty papers: 51, 57 Faculty records: 51 Faculty salaries: 51 Fee structure/Fees: 36, 51 Finances/Financial records: 3, 12, 20, 25, 30, 56, 51 Flags: 27 ---Forceps deliveries: 51 Foreign: 47 Formula books/Formulas: 51, 57 Formulary, dental: 51 French and Indian War: 51 Furniture/Furnishings: 6, 36, 51 Garrison life: 51 Genealogical material: 51 General practitioners: 21, 22, 47 Genetics: 51 Governors: 51 Graduates: 51 Graves: 51 Great Depression: 57 Hardware products: 51 Health care (see also Boards of Health): 3, 19, 25 Health spas and resorts: 6, 43 Health sciences: 51, 57 Histories/History: 3, 12, 19, 21, 30, 39, 47, 51 Homeopathic/Homeopathy: 3, 25, 28, 47, 51 Hospital admission ticket: 51 Hospital pharmacists: 51 Hospital practice: 7 Hospitals (see also Records, hospital): vi,12, 25, 30, 36, 51 73 Hospitals, history of: 30, 51 Hospitals, mental (see Asylums/Hospitals) Hospitals, military: 19, 23, 30, 51 Hygiene: 47 Illustrations: 51, 57 Imprints: 51, 57 Indexes: 47 Influenza: 3, 16 Instruments, general: 8, 17, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 32, 33, 35, 38, 51 Instruments, surgical: 24, 30, 41 Instruments, dental: 23, 33 Insurance/Insurance Companies/Patients: 47, 51, 57 Inventory: 51 "Jackson Whites" (Ramapo Mountain People): 51 Jars, apothecary: 36 Jars, leeches: 28 Journals, professional: 47, 51, 57 Journals, personal (see Diaries) Judges: 51 Justice of the peace: 51 Kits, medical: 9 Kits, surgical: 30, 51 Kits, surgeon's field: 23, 24 Labels: 51 Laboratory equipment, college: 51 Leaflets: 51 Lecture fees (tuition): 51 Lecture notes: 25, 51 Lecture tickets: 51 Ledgers: 7, 23, 51, 57 Legal agreement: 51 Letterbooks: 51 Letters, confidential: 47 Letters, general (see also Correspondence): vi, 7, 38, 49 Letters, military-derived: 3, 18, 19, 23 Letters, personal: 9, 27, 43 Licenses: 36, 47, 51 Magazines: 3 Mailings: 5.1 Malpractice: 47 Manuscripts: 3, 12, 23, 25, 36, 51, 57 Maps: 3, 12 Matriculation card: 51 Mayor: 51 Medallions: 12 Medical cases: 51 Medical college for women (New York City): 51 Medical commonplace book ("Praxis Medica"): 51 Medical doctors: 3, 12, 22, 25, 28 Medical education: 3, 7, 56, 47, 51 Medical experimentation: 18, 25 Medical formulas, New Orleans (French): 51 Medical instruments: 51 Medical notes: 51 Medical Stamps: See Postage Stamps Medications/Medicines: 6, 7, 15, 42, 51 Medicinal Recipes: See Recipes Membership brochures: 20 Membership lists: 20, 51 Membership ledger: 51 Memoirs: 3 Mental degeneracy/deficiency: 47 Mental health (see also Asylums/Hospitals): 3, 39 Menus: 36 Merchants: 47 Midwives: 9, 22, 47 Military camps: 51 Military discharge: 51 Military hospitals: 51 Military medicine: 3, 23, 29, 57 Minutes/Minutes books: 12, 19, 20, 25 30, 36, 42, 51, 57 Minutes, allied organizations: 30 Minutes, hospital staff: 30 Mortgages: 30, 51 Narratives: 19 Naturalization papers: 51 Necrology (see Records, death) Negroes: 51 Nerves: 18 New Jersey physicians: 47 Newsletters: 3, 20, 51 74 Physicians assistants: 47 Pill-coating machine patent: 51 Pills: 28, 51 "Pineys": 51 Plaques: 3 Podiatrists: 22 Portraits: 23, 36, 57 Post cards: 6, 51, 57 Postage Stamps Albums: 57 Prescription books: 51, 57 Prescription daybooks: 57 Prescriptions: 10, 23, 25, 28, 41, 51 , 57 Presidential Medal of Freedom: 57 Printed materials: 12 Programs: 51 Public schools: 16, 51 Real estate papers: 3 Receipt books: 36 -Receipts: 23, 36, 51, 49 Recipes: 3, 51, 57 Record books: 22, 36, 43, 51 Records, agency: 12 Records, autopsy: 30 Records, birth: 25, 30, 36, 51 Records, cemetery: 12, 51 Records, Civilian Defense: 16 Records, death: 5, 12, 25, 30, 36, 42 Records, emergency room: 30 Records, general (see also Faculty Records): 5, 11, 12, 22, 25, 42, 43,51 Records, hospital: 3, 5, 11, 12, 19, 23, 25, 30 Records, hospital pharmacy: 30 Records, operating room: 30 Records, organizational: 51, 57 Registered pharmacists lists: 51 Registers: 43, 47, 57 Remedies: 3, 28 Reports: 3, 5, 25, 30, 39, 51 Research notes: 51 Revolutionary War: 25, 29 Ringworm: vi Sales books: 51 Sanitation: 33 Newspaper clippings: 51 Newspapers: 3, 16, 30, 35 Nobel Prizes: 51 Notebooks, student: 36, 51 Notes: 51 Nurses: 19, 22, 25, 28, 30, 51 Nursing: 3, 25, 27, 51 Obstetrics/Obstetrical Register: 51, 57 Occupational: 47 Office equipment and supplies: 17, 36 Offices: 35, 36 Ointments: 51 Oral histories: 12, 21, 51, 57 Order books: 51 Orphanages: 25 Osteopathic medicine/Osteopathy (see also Doctors of Osteopathy): 3, 51, 57 Otologist: 51 Paintings: 31, 36 Pamphlets: 3, 36, 39, 51, 57 Papers, personal and other (see also Faculty Papers): 7, 19, 23, 25, 51, 57 Passengers: vi Patent medicines: 15, 25, 51 Patent papers: 12, 51 Patients/Patient Registers: 3, 5, 6, 7, 16, 23, 25, 39, 51, 57 Periodicals: 47, 51 Petitions: 51 Pharmaceutical companies: v Pharmaceuticals: 14, 15, 25, 51 Pharmacies, hospital: 30 Pharmacies/Pharmacists: 10, 15, 25, 28, 30, 51, 57 Pharmacy equipment (see also Apothecary): 23, 24 Pharmacy manuscript: 51 Photographs: 6, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 25, 27, 30, 35, 36, 39, 43, 51, 57 Phrenology: 51, 57 Physician's bags: 17, 23, 31, 38 Physicians (general matters): 12, 19, 25, 36, 47,_51,_57__ 75 Scarifier: 51 Scrapbook items/Scrapbooks: 3, 7, 16, 25, 43, 51, 57 Sheriff: 51 Ships: vi Social organizations and services: 12, 25 Soldiers: 3, 19, 25, 51 Specimens; dental: 35 Speeches: 9, 25, 51 Stamps: See Postage Stamps Stationery: 51 Statistics: 47 Sterilization: 51 Stillbirths: 51 Streptomycin: 51 Students: 51 Substance use: 47 Supplies, general: 9 Supplies, laboratory: r7-- -Supplies, surgical: 32 Supplies, veterinary: 34 Surgeons: 15, 22, 23 Surgical practice: 7 Surveys: 51 Syllabi: 51 Testimonials: 10 Theses: 51 Tooth extraction: 51 Trachoma: vi Trade catalogs: 51, 57 Treatments: 6, 23, 36, 51 Trustees' minutes: 51 Typhoid: 3, 18 Undertaker: 51 Uniforms: 23, 27, 30 Vaccinations: 25, 51 Vegetarian: 51 Veterinarians: 19, 22, 51 Vials: 28, 36, 38 Videotapes: 51, 57 Visiting list: 51, 57 Vivisection: 56 Volunteers: 23, 27, 36 War of 1812: 51 Wills: 3, 30 Women in medicine: 3, 5, 25, 47, 57 Women: 25, 30, 36, 47 World War I: 23, 51 World War II: 12, 23, 51 Wounded: 51 Writings/articles: 51 Yearbooks: 3 Yellow fever epidemic: 51 76 Frank F. Katz has a B.S. degree in biology from the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, a Master's degree in Parasitology from Tulane University and the Doctor of Philosophy in Parasitology from the University of Pennsylvania. He has held positions in the Eaton Laboratories Division of the Norwich Pharmacal Company, Department of Microbiology of Jefferson Medical College and the Department of Biology of Seton Hall University of which he is Professor Emeritus. At Seton Hall, he also served as chairman of the department and associate dean of the College of Arts and Sciences. He is engaged in medical history studies and activities of the Medical History Society of New Jersey of which he is currently secretary-treasurer.