Rev Denese Schellink


Rev Denese Schellink
Glad Tidings
March—April 2016
In this spring season, growth is so
evident, so beautiful. Everywhere I look
I see the life of God expressing itself fully
and completely and there is nothing
blocking that life from expressing. It is a
beautiful demonstration of the spirit of life
expanding and growing. Grass breaks
through concrete despite the obstacle, because that is its true nature--to expand and
Jesus was so aligned with the sacred
Easter, like Spring, is a time of renewal, the teachings that he knew he was not to
be kept in a tomb! He knew that if
dawning of hope and promise. The dark
one lived according to spiritual prinnight is over and the light is reciple there would be a resurrection, a
stored. So it is when we experience
healing force, a Divine knowing, that
the dawning of the Christ light that
with God all things are possible. He
comes with resurrection. Resurrection is
not an isolated historical event; it is rather knew the truth that if God is for you
the remembrance of our own Christ poten- there can be nothing against you.
The Easter Story is about that transforming realization. When we realAll of us have experienced times of darkize our connection with Source, we
ness and despair when there appears to be
an absence of good. Then, by some kind of are able to move out of the tomb of
miracle, some kind of grace, some kind of darkness and gloom, and rise in
Divine energy, everything shifts and we be- Love. I pray knowing that each of
gin to recognize the grace of God. There is us can awaken to the resurrecting
light and a rising of love that was not apparI see you rising in love!
ent before our shift in perception.
That is the Easter story that has been exemplified through the teachings and through
the life of Jesus Christ. Jesus so loved the
Spirit of Life that he could truthfully say I
am at one with God , my life is the life of
Rev Denese Schellink
"Every blade of grass has its Angel that bends
over it and whispers, "grow, grow".
Glad Tidings
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wants YOU! Join us on
the last Sunday of
March and April (March
27 and April 24) at 11:30
in the Manse to listen or
participate. You don't
know what you're miss-
Matters of the Heart
2016 Theme: “One Mountain,
Many Paths”
Dynamic energetic conversation designed
to awaken, empower YOU!
Welcome! We invite you into the gracious
circle of loving kindness!
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. in the Manse
Meeting dates: Thursday, March 10th and
Rolling away the stone of limited
Meeting dates: Thursday, April 7th and 21st
Plucking weeds; Planting new seeds!
Confidentiality honored, loving support
embraced, blessings experienced! There
is a dynamic power within YOU; live it!
We gather in the Manse in heart to heart
Creative happenings facilitated by
A Course in Miracles: the Sequel
Did you know there is a sequel to the original A Course in Miracles? It’s called A
Course of Love, and although it comes from
the same source as the original, and presents the same beautiful message, many of
us find it much easier to read, understand,
and relate to. Our Course in Miracles group
has now read the entire book, and we are
starting again at the beginning.
A Course of Love is somewhat controversial, simply because there are several organizations devoted to studying and learning A Course in Miracles. But people are
talking about the new book, and many are
accepting it. It’s kind of like the New Testament, when you have a whole structure
around the Old Testament. Except that the
message is the same, the language is the
same (it really sounds like the same person
dictating), the overwhelming acceptance
and love is the same, only easier to understand.
So, if you have tried reading A Course in
Miracles, maybe even tried a study group,
but got discouraged because of the complexity of the material, you might just enjoy
A Course of Love. We meet every Thursday
morning at 10:30, and we’d love to have
you join us to try out the new book.
Glad Tidings
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The Board of Trustees appreciates each and every
one of you. Volunteers are the unsung heroes of
Unity Chapel and the lifeblood of our ministry. We
would like to thank the following people for giving
of their time and talent to our church.
Edie Sweeten, Jean and Rex Neymeyer, Glenda Allen, Anna Ludwig, Hank Kasperek, Kathleen
Hamilton, Irene Barnhouse, Pam Balys and Mark Balys, Rev. Donna Lind, Scotty Scott, Lew LaFave, Corey Laughy, Scott Davidson, Al Smith, Ken Starks, Kimirly Black, Eleanore Ruise, Kay
Cummings, Gail Daigh, Bonnie Januszewski, Betty Neal -- Spring tea team
JanMarie and Bob Gruse, Jim and Jonze Roberts, Betty Neal, Peggy McQuown, Scotty and
Cookie Scott, Diane Pearson, Nancy Hughes- golf tournament team
Carolyn and Steve Lebo, Glenda Allen, Edie Sweeten, Irene Barnhouse, JanMarie Gruse, Nancy
Austin, Betty Neal, Rev. Leora Nash, Pat McKevitt, Gloria Bruning -- Gala team
Glenda Allen, Kay Cummings, Kimirly Black, Bonnie Januszewski, -- hospitality team
Scott Davidson and Nathan McQuown -- Sunday announcements
Irene Barnhouse -- donations, decorating, office help, Powerpoint
Eleanore Ruise, Scott Davidson -- emergency sound technicians
Mitzi Carver, Cassidy Laughy, Corey Laughy, Betty Neal -- Sunday Youth program teachers
Cookie Scott, Gail Daigh, Irene Barnhouse, Rev. Leora Nash, Mitzi Carver, Rene Allison, JanMarie Gruse, Judy Bjorklund, Leslie Bootsma, Edie Sweeten, Pat McKevitt, Jessica Vasquez,
Tricia Hernandez -- Sunshine Team
Mitzi Carver, Betty Neal -- coordinating Youth program, Scout leader
Al Smith -- handyman services, gardening, and more
Jim Roberts -- handyman services, glazier, and more
Cookie Scott, Tricia Hernandez, Leslie Bootsma, Kathleen Hamilton, Pam Balys, Rev. Leora Nash,
Rene Allison, Cassidy Laughy, Irene Barnhouse, Betty Neal -- Wedding team
Jim and Jonze Roberts -- standby for police after break-ins and making report
Rev. Leora Nash -- office management, guest speaker
Jessica Vasquez and Eva Hubler -- cake decorating and cupcake makers
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Pam and Mark Balys,
Leslie and Symon
Glad Tidings
Kathleen and Bob Hamilton,
Bootsma-- cleaning, painting
Gloria Ebert, Norma Erickson -- baking zucchini breads for a fund raiser.
Peggy McQuown -sound technician, office helper, handyperson services
Nancy Hughes, Suzanne Moore, Peggy McQuown, Rev. Leora Nash, -“I of the Storm” group leaders
Kimirly Black, Kay Cummings, Lew LaFave, Rev. Leora Nash, Mary Jo Bradley, Kathleen Hamilton, Nancy
Somsen, Katy Hall, Jeff Barr, Zach Winzenburg, Bonnie Januszewski-- Soupstones
Scott Davidson, Virginia Gerber, Anna Ludwig, Peggy McQuown, Lucinda Moss, Eleanore Ruise—Teachers
at Unity Group
Jonze Roberts, Glenda Allen, Gloria Bruning, Rene Allison, Cassidy Laughy, Corey Laughy -- office helpers
Pat Schaffner -- pianist
Christine Lockmiller -- choir director, soloist
Caesar Ricci -- choir director, musician
John Schaffner, Steve Bellis, JanMarie Gruse, Anna Ludwig, Hank Kasperek, Lew LaFave, Scott Rudibaugh, Angie McQuown, Pat Stocking -- choir members
David Verdugo, Angie McQuown, Nathan McQuown -- musicians
Kay Cummings, Bonnie Januszewski, Kimirly Black, Rene Allison -- annual kitchen cleaning
Pat McKevitt- teacher of many Unity classes, A Course In Miracles group leader
Rev. Leora Nash -- Matters of the Heart group leader
Kathleen Hamilton, Mary Jo Bradley, Kimirly Black, Kay Cummings, Hank Kasperek, Nancy and Paul Cole,
Nancy Hughes, Jacqueline Stuefloten, Edie Sweeten, Pam and Mark Balys, Nancy Austin, Irene
Barnhouse, Bonnie Hancock -- Ambassadors
Al Willey, Suzanne and Jim Moore, Rev. Leora Nash -- housing for Transitional Minister
Virginia Gerber, Lucinda Moss, Eleanore Ruise -- Wednesday evening meditation
Pam Balys, Nancy Austin, Kimirly Black, Nancy Hughes, Rene Allison, Rev. Leora Nash – New Minister
Selection team
Pat McKevitt, Rev. Leora Nash, Nathan McQuown, Virginia Gerber, Pat Nihart, Lucinda Moss, Peggy
McQuown, Eleanore Ruise, Gloria Bruning -- Chaplain team
Lucy Morrow -- donated a beautiful organ to the music program
Al Smith, Nathan McQuown, Corey Laughy -- organ moving team
Pat and John Schaffner -- organized the donation of old organ and transfer of new organ
Nancy Austin, Al Smith, Cookie Scott, Glenda Allen, Rene Allison -- landscape team
Scott Davidson, Lew LaFave, Pat McKevitt, Glenda Allen -- Flames of Faith
Glenda Allen, Rene Allison, Mark Balys, Gloria Bruning, Pat McKevitt, Rev. Leora Nash, Peggy McQuown -
Glad Tidings
Teachers at Unity …
Wow! What a success Teachers at Unity
has been. We started out in January with Scott
Davidson teaching Fitness and Nutrition. There
were 15 in attendance with 4 people buying
Season tickets raising $450.00. In February Virginia Gerber Hosted Charka Meditation with 17
in attendance. We raised $240.00! Here is the
line up for the next 4 months.
March 13
Anna Ludwig
Zen Scribble and Color
April 17
Lucy Moss - How to Meditate
May 13
Eleanor Ruise - The Ego
June 12
Peggy McQuown - The Theater
Thank you for all your support in this endeavor!
Love and Many Blessings,
Glenda Allen
Sunday Offering
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Unity Yoga Program
e alive and well.
Taught here in our beautiful sanctuary, a perfect
space for yoga!
Mondays 12:30 PM-1:45 PM Yoga for The Broken
This class designed for those experiencing any
type of grief or loss but is open to all who may be interested in a slow, gentle and calming yoga experience.
This class focuses on deep relaxation through guided
meditation, breathing practices and gentle stretching.
Yoga can help lift your spirit and find a place of inner
peace, to not push away grief but use it as a partner in
the healing process.
Mondays 5:30 PM-6:45 PM Gentle, Relaxing Yoga
This is a gentle class suitable for the beginning or experienced student that includes some
strength building, flexibility and stability enhancing
postures. Classes conclude with practice of breathing
techniques (pranayama) and beginning meditation
instructions, an essential part of yoga.
Thursdays 10-11:30 AM Chair Yoga
Chair yoga adapts traditional yoga poses so
that they can be done in a chair or standing next to a
chair for support making yoga more accessible for
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Minister Search Team
The Minister Search Team members--Rene Allison, Nancy Austin, Pam Balys,
Kimirly Black, Nancy Hughes, and Reverend Leora Nash--- are in the final stages
of completing the Ministry Information
Packet. This packet is the first official
step in the search process because it
gives Unity Worldwide Ministries and
interested ministerial candidates an understanding of who we are as a congregation, where we are located, and our
vision for the next minister who will join
and work with Unity Chapel. The team
has used information from the minister
and core values session, the vision and
mission statement session, and the congregational survey data to direct our responses. We will keep you posted as
our efforts evolve.
Glad Tidings
The men of Unity have ROMEO’S
and meet at Polly’s once a month.
Let’s start gathering and planning.
Let’s meet for “brunch” at 10:30 at
Polly’s on April 1st. I would like to
start making some fun plans. You
may even bring jokes and April
Fools pranks. A sign-up sheet will
be circulated at church in March.
Help support my volunteering!
Blessings, Cookie
Sunday Talks
March 6th: "Authentic Spiritual Community"
Annual meeting follows service
March 13th: Guest Speaker, Rev Donna Gandhi
March 20th: Rev Leora Nash, Palm Sunday
March 27th: Rev Denese Schellink, "Rising in
Gal’s Day Out
We were able to send around a
sign-up sheet for Bunco. We met at
Emilio’s for lunch and then to the
church for cards! I hope you were
able to make it. The Gal’s Day Out
is a celebration of the women of
Unity. We need women to gather to
decide how we celebrate our part
in Unity. I need you.
April 3rd: Rev Leora Nash, week 1,
"Living Fully without Regrets", Introduction
April 10th: Rev Denese Schellink, week 2,
"Living Wide Open"
April 17th: Guest Speaker, week 3,
"Living on Fire"
April 24th: Rev Denese Schellink, week 4
"Living on Purpose"
Special Community Gathering: April 9th,
"Honoring Our Past, Creating Our Future"
Glad Tidings
Sunshine Ministry
Vision: We are of One Life, One Mind, One
Heart; realizing goodness as the prospering
unified principle in every life.
Our Unity Sunshine Team has strength in our
circle of connection. We miss you! Think about
joining us.
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love and sympathy to JanMarie and Bob we
know that Valaire is reunited with the love of
her life, husband Gordy.
Rex Nemeyer made his transition January 19,
2016. His wife Jean held a wonderful celebration of life at Unity. Both Rex and Jean were
people that you felt an immediate connection
to when you first met them. We so wished we
had Rex much longer at Unity. His hugs were
the best; we miss them. We send our love and
sympathy to Jean with prayers to help you
Our team consists of Irene Barnhouse, Mitzi
Carver, Gail Daigh, Edie Sweeten, JanMarie
Gruse, Judy Bjorklund, Rene Allison, Jessica
Vasquez, Tricia Hernandez, Cassidy Laughy,
Rev. Leora and Cookie Scott. You know all of There are many kinds of losses and members
us and we would welcome you with open of Unity are true animal lovers. They provide
unconditional love and companionship. We
Rene has created more Unity cards to send grieve deeply when they leave us. To anyout. We send out birthday cards, thinking of one who lost a fur baby we send our love and
you cards, sympathy cards, congratulations sympathy.
cards plus get well cards. If you know of Remember, we are family and we need you as
someone that needs a card, please let us a source. To those of you that we were unknow.
aware of a loss, we send our love and rays of
Our Chaplins plus Rev. Leora and Rev. De- sunshine to help you heal.
nese provide home visits and prayer. We
have a team member that officially makes visits to hospitals, Christmas Cottage and private
homes. Three members have volunteered to
provide food during illness. It’s important for
our Unity family to know we care about them.
Team members volunteer for a “spot” that
they are comfortable with. Telephone calls
can lift the spirits of those experiencing ill
health. Maybe that would be your forte’. Our
next meeting is March 15th at 1:30 in the
manse. Just show up, we will be so delighted
to see you!
Valaire Leta Renne made her transition January 10th, 2016. Her beloved daughter, JanMarie Gruse and son-in-law Bob Gruse held a
beautiful celebration of life at Unity Chapel.
What a joy to read about her very busy life at
her celebration of life! Though we send our
Cookie Scott
Spring Tea
April 30th
12 pm to 2 pm
We are looking for
ladies to host tables.
Please contact Edie
Sweeten for details.
Glad Tidings
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We will begin another series for
Journey of Awakening
April 3rd - May 15th.
"Living Fully without Regrets"
the book,
I Will Not Die an Unlived Life
--by Dawna Markova
I will not die an unlived life
I will not live in fear
of falling or catching fire.
I choose to inhabit my days,
to allow my living to open me,
to make me less afraid, more accessible,
toloosen my heart until it becomes a wing,
a torch, a promise.
I choose to risk my significance;
to live so that which came to me as seed
Please pick up a book after Sunday sevice.
goes to the next as blossom
You may continue meeting with your In-Home
and that which came to me as blossom,
groups to continue the Journey of Awakening.
goes on as fruit.
The poem is a way to remember what it is to live a life with passion, on purpose. There is only enough light to take the journey step by step, but that is all any of us really needs. When you have the courage to shape your life from the essence of
who you are, you ignite, becoming truly alive. This requires letting go of everything that is inauthentic. But how can you
even know your truth unless you slow down, in your own quiet company? When the inner walls to your soul are gratified
with advertisements, commercials, and the opinions of everyone who has ever known and labeled you, turning inwards
requires nothing less than a major clean-up. Traveling from the known to the unknown requires crossing an abyss of emptiness. We first experience disorientation and confusion. Then if we are willing to cross the abyss in curious and playful wonder, we enter an expansive and untamed country that has its own rhythm. Time melts and thoughts become stories, music,
poems, images, ideas. This is the intelligence of the heart. It is here that we uncover our purpose and passion.
Glad Tidings
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Birthday Bunch Dinner
January 24th found us at the
Hungry Bear restaurant celebrating Jan-Feb birthdays! Originally, I had 30
people signed up! Then the
cancellations started.
I changed our reservations
twice and had them remove a table and then
had seven extra show up. I was impressed with
both the restaurant's handling this and how
easily Unity aways adapts. A good time was
had by all and there were no complaints about
the food.
Wedding Ministry
The wedding ministry
committee is in the
process of reformulating all aspects of pricing, what is included
and how we may be of
help in providing weddings for the community. If this is something you are interested
in, please attend our meetings. At our February
20th meeting we decorated the church for a
wedding and then met in the manse.
Easter is so early this year that our next birthday bunch dinner will be held April 3rd at Hong
Kong restaurant in the Target shopping center
on Florida Ave. We went there over two years
ago and everyone loved it. It will already be
Daylight Savings time so those of us who
don't see well at night will have an easier
time of it! As usual, it will start at 6 p.m.
About ten years ago, Alice Verdugo redecorated our bridal room and did a wonderful
job. We so appreciate her loving work. The
next decade decorating team, Leslie (husband
Symon), Pam (husband Mark), and Kathleen
(husband Bob) did a fine job of repainting the
walls, buffing the wood floors, followed by waxing, and redesigning the wood table that was
We have so much fun and would love to wel- being used. Leslie's husband, Symon, is a fine
come YOU as part of our group. It has nothing carpenter and donated a bench with a heart
carved in it. ManLove,y small changes were
to do with when your birthday is...
made including a place with a dress bar to hang
Hope to see you there!
Love, Cookie Scott
wedding dresses. Mirrors have been placed
7 Bob Gruse
2 Cassidy Laughy
over the new long table with beautiful lamps
8 Diane Wunsch
3 Carolyn Lebo
and a make-up mirror. Next month we'll place a
9 Bob Bjorklund
7 Hank Kasperak
picture in the newsletter for all to enjoy the
14 Susan Allen
13 Suzanne Moore
17 Karen Belles
14 Pam Balys
changes. The curtains were beautiful so they
26 Kimirly Black
18 Jonze Roberts
were just washed and put back up. Our loving
27 Gail Daigh
26 Irene Barnhouse
thanks go out to our team including the work
28 Jackie Stufloten
30 Jennifer Kemerrer
30 Howard Sell
the husbands did.
A p r i l
B i r t h d a y s We will be back in business soon including
Birthdays the Chamber of Commerce mixers! Change is
an opportunity to grow and growth allows us to
become better at what we do.
Our next meeting is March 3 at 2 p.m. Come
see what you can do to help Unity grow.
(Important note, meetings are only one hour
Unity Chapel and Peace Garden
MINISTER: Rev. Denese Schellink
ACTING MUSIC DIRECTOR: Christine Lockmiller
PIANIST: Pat Shaffner
Pat McKevitt, LUT
Chaplains: Gloria Bruning, Virginia Gerber, Nathan
McQuown, Lucinda Moss, Patricia Nihart, Eleanore
Ruise, Bonnie Palmer, Emeritus.
Rev. Denese Schellink, Rene Allison, Glenda Allen,
Mark Balys, Gloria Bruning, Pat McKevitt, Rev. Leora
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
9 am to Noon
Thriving In
140 North Buena Vista Street
Hemet, California 92543
(951) 658-4290
Sundays at 9:30 am
Sunday Celebration
Sundays at 10 am
We are a spiritual community,
open and receptive to all, building
a consciousness of love that supports individual and world transformation.
We support the practice of living
from Love.