Newsletter - New Hope Christian Church


Newsletter - New Hope Christian Church
New Hope Christian Church
(Disciples of Christ)
1982 Old Norcross Road
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Return Service Requested
october 2016
1982 Old Norcross Rd.
Lawrenceville, GA 30044
Rev. Ja.mes Grady E. Shelton
Senior Minister
Patsy Gaffney
Director of Music
Barry Coker, Organist
Glenda Garner
Administrative Assistant
Office Hours: Mon.-Thurs.
9:00 A.M to 4:30 P.M.
Office: (770) 963-1176
Volume 14, Issue 10
The Epistle of Straw
As the calendar turns to October, I find myself turning to a wonderful
record by Dave Brubeck called Indian Summer. The music evokes the leaves as
they fall from the trees and the cooling temperatures (I hope) that signal the
approach of November and December, the “most wonderful time of the year.”
This music provides just the accompaniment necessary to transition from
summer into autumn. What music accompanies you through these changing
days? I find jazz and classical piano works very soothing. For you it may be a
good gospel album, perhaps country, maybe rock (It’s okay ya know!). As the
world around us tosses and turns, as our own hearts toss and turn within, my
prayer is that you will listen closely and hear the music all around us. The
symphony of creation, the sonata of falling leaves, the silence in the rests, it’s
all there. The rhythm of death and resurrection as our beautiful earth turns
around the sun. It’s too much to take in. We are told that we serve and worship
the “Firstborn over all creation.” He is the One “through whom ALL things were
made and without him NOTHING was made.” We are graced with these seasons
of life. May we in turn seek opportunities to spread that grace, love, and mercy to
others! Thanks Be to God!
Children’s Ministry News
Trunk or Treat – Sunday, October 30 from 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
Mary Franklin
Gayle Lopes
RED (World Communion Sunday) October 2 – “For Them and for Us” – Luke 22:14-20
GREEN October 9 – “Only One?” – Luke 17:11-19
GREEN October 16 – “Keep On Keepin’ On” – Luke 18:1-8
GREEN October 23 – “The Road to Exaltation is Paved With Humility” – Luke 18:9-14
RED (Kingdomtide Sunday 1) October 30 – “A Wee Little Man Is Saved” – Luke 19:1-10
Jim Durant
Matt Franklin
Amy Light
Linda Pate
Lynelle Bailey
Yvonne Franklin
We need your trunk! Come on out and invite your neighbors to this annual
opportunity to love on our community. Everyone is encouraged to come dressed
in character. It’s always a fun night. If it rains, we will have it in the large
fellowship hall.
Youth Ministry News
Missions Outing to the Fullerville Mission in Villa Rica, GA
Saturday, October 8 from 7:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
It’s an early start, but a great opportunity to serve those in need. We will leave
New Hope at 7:00 a.m for the road trip to Carroll County. My uncle, Wayne
Shelton, founded this mission over 20 years ago and it has faithfully served its
community ever since. He is really looking forward to our group coming down.
You’ll need to come having already had breakfast and please bring some money
for lunch. We will serve until 11:30 / Noon, enjoy lunch together, then return to
New Hope.
Youth Group Lunch & Meeting, Sunday, October 16 -- 12:15 p.m.
Edward Lopes
Stanley Bagley
Robyn Turnha.m
Chris Hussey
Annalisa Sarpong
Avis Crowe
Jan Wootton
Gordy Schilling
Lois Murphy
Melissa Linhart
Carol Carpenter
Patsy Turner
Sandra Kennedy Light
Jacob Thomann
Tim Anderson
Calvin Warlick
Sharon Cline
Sandra Thompson
Shirley Kallo
Terressa Anderson
Mason Litt
Alexis Thomann
Carole Garrison
Jenny Biddy
Mary Ellen & Terry Miller
Sandy & Michael Kennedy
Vicky & Sa.mmy Reese
Rose & Kerry Couey
Carol & Ron Butler
Gloria & Austin Lent
Jessica & Brandon Helton
The Joy of Discipleship Bible Study Group led by
Jan Wootton has been put on hold until January.
If you have any questions please contact her.
Hope's Closet
Weather is about to turn cold and we are in need of the following items: knit caps, scarves, gloves, men's
shoes (size 8-11), men's long pants, men's underwear (boxer shorts/undershirts), men's socks.
We are currently in the process of expanding our outreach to help those in need by creating “Care Bags” that can
be given to homeless in Lawrenceville and the surrounding area. We hope to direct these bags to individuals who
are on street corners and otherwise indicate a need. A list of needed items will be forthcoming for those of you
who might want to donate things to go in the bags, as well as information on how YOU can become involved in
this project
Dear New Hope Family
Christopher Hilley is trying to work his way to Germany.
There is a school-sponsored program that would allow him to go to Germany next Summer 2017 as part of his
High School Curriculum in conjunction with his German class, but it is at HIS expense. It will be a 10 -day
tour of the country including Austria, its sights, history and culture.
He is not asking for donations, he wants to “work” his way there. SO…Do you need your lawn cut?
Help cleaning out your garage? Dog sitting? Hauling things to the garage, basement or attic? Dig holes?
Transplant flowers? Rake leaves? Bake you a cake or cookies? Anything you need, let him know. If he can do
it, he will with a happy heart.
You may reach him direct at 770.670.0245, OR via: Angel Hilley 770.366.2525 or Shon Turner 770.922.2770
Military Gift Boxes - Project "We Care"
As previously announced, there is a effort going on to send Gift Boxes to Military Troops deployed outside the
USA. We are still seeking na.mes and addresses of folks who are deployed and will be away from home for
the Christmas Season. Please get this information to Shon Turner.
Now accepting donations of items such as those listed below to fill the boxes. There is a box on the table in
the small fellowship hall for items you wish to include. We are accepting items until Oct. 16 at which time the
boxes will be packed and shipped
If you are interested in donating items for the “We Care” packages for deployed soldiers, here is a listing of some
things that will be welcomed. Please pay attention to SMALL sizes and individual use items. Fast food stops are
usually happy to hand out a few condiment packs…don’t forget taco sauces.
Cards with prayers and hand-written letters
Flavor packets for beverages (these are available dry as well as liquid)
Spices and seasonings to flavor their EMRs
Beef Jerky/Slim Jims, etc.
Individually wrapped candies (NO chocolate or anything that will melt)
Sunflower seeds and nuts
Condiments...individual packets (hot sauce, bbq sauce, mustard, ketchup, mayo, pickle relish, taco sauce, etc.)
Individual, restaurant-size jams and jellies
Snack crackers like Lance peanut butter and cheese crackers, etc.
Good quality foot powder
Body Wash
Shaving cream
Lip balm (Not Chap sticks as they will melt)
Topical pain killer like Ben Gay or Icy Hot
Vicks Vaporub
Individually packed wet ones/handi-wipes or small travel-size packs
Lens cloths for glasses
Glass cleaner
Playing cards
Pocket books (NO hardbacks)
Socks, mostly black or white for regulation. Crazy patterns for fun
Zip-lock bags (all sizes: mini/snack, sandwich and up to one-gallon size
Things for them to hand out to kids… balloons, tiny toys (like in quarter vending machines)
Pre-paid phones (with long distance to call home)
Gift cards (for online shopping)
Please avoid homemade cookies as there are no preservatives and they may be subjected to long-term exposure to heat.
In Harmony with Him
Patsy Gaffney, Music Director
“Give, and it will be given
to you. Good measure,
pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your
lap. For with the measure you use it will be
measured back to you.”
Luke 6:38
October 2016
Did you ever ask for something only to get
more than you bargained for? Recently I asked my
husband to pick up some drinking straws for me at
the grocery store. I a.m used to little surprises I get if
he doesn’t see exactly what I asked for and he comes
home with a pretty fair substitute.
Hymn Reflection
In this case, he knows I like the flexible kind,
and that point is not negotiable. If he happens to get
clear straws or colored ones, I’m totally fine with
that. But this time, the straws he brought home were
a good three inches longer than the average straw. I
thought, well, it’s no big deal. I’ll just cut them off so
they are the size as the regular drinking straws.
I popped one into my water bottle as I headed out the
door. When I got into the car I stretched out the
straw to engage its flexibility, it then an
additional three inches longer! I just had to laugh as
I have never seen a straw that seemingly keeps on
I have to say that sometimes God answers our
prayers that way. He knows our needs before we
even ask! And sometimes, He answers them with
more than what we asked for.
So let’s remember when we present our
petitions to God, to be ready to receive a blessing in
abundance! Just a simple reminder that God is our
Provider and helps us to live in harmony with Him!
Showers of Blessing
There shall be showers of blessing:
This is the promise of love;
There shall be seasons refreshing,
Sent from the Savior above.
Showers of blessing,
Showers of blessing we need;
Mercy-drops round us are falling,
But for the showers we plead.
9:00 A.M
9:45 A.M
10:55 A.M
1:00 P.M.
2:00 P.M.
Morning Prayer
Sunday School for All Ages
Traditional Worship
New Covenant Church
Board Meeting (1st Sunday in Feb,
May, Aug. & Nov.)
12:15 P.M. Elders Meeting (3rd Sunday of the Month)
2:30 P.M. Extended Care (3rd Wednesdays)
12:00 P.M. New Hope Bingo (Usually 3rd Friday)
9:00 A.M
CWF (2nd Saturday of the Month)
CWF NEWS (cont’d)
God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God will help her when morning dawns.
Psalm 46:5
Lawrenceville Co-Op Ministry: The Co -Op Church Council met on September 15th for its bi-annual meeting. The topic of discussion was improved communication and connectivity between the 25 "supporting" churches and the Co-Op. To be considered a supporting church, a church must yearly donate a minimum of $1,500, conduct one food drive and support the Co-Op with volunteers. Kathy
Friton, who represents Christ the Lord Lutheran Church, has been appointed coordinator of the Church Council and will be our contact
regarding pantry needs. Kathy will notify us when there is a critical shortage of an item and will coordinate the major food drives. In
the future expect to see more specific requests for pantry items along with our monthly donation suggestions. Kathy reported that there
was a rapid response from the churches when she sent out the word that the Co-Op was completely out of toilet paper. The plans for
better coordination and connectivity are off to a good start. Thank you New Hope for your quick response, your donations of food,
personal care items and money.
Our Thanksgiving Covered Dish Meal will be held on Sunday, November 20th, immediately following our worship ser-
vice. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend. Just bring a dish large enough to share. Our meals are "pot luck" and we always
have a wide variety of casseroles, vegetables, fruits, scrumptious desserts and even some gluten free items. It's a wonderful opportunity for Christian fellowship and always good food.
Baggett Elementary School Needs You
If you enjoy encouraging and teaching youth, Baggett Elementary has a new
community project that may be just for you. Beginning October 11, 2016 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., the school will sponsor free tutoring
to a group of elementary students (grades 2-5) at Meridian Point Apartments Clubhouse, located at 1470 Boggs Road, Duluth, GA
30096. All the sessions will be prepared for you and you will have 1-3 students. The sessions will be held on the following Tuesdays;
however, if you can only be present for one or two of the sessions, they can still use your services.
October 11
October 18
October 25
November 1
November 15
November 29
December 6
December 13
December 20
Contacts are:
Linda Freund, director of the Co-Op, reported the Co-Op has served 3,631 households year to date. They have distributed $150,000 to
clients for various needs such as utility bills, prescription meds, health care bills and emergency housing. Of the $150,000 spent,
$42,000 went to emergency housing primarily to families with children and disabled individuals. A total of 199 homeless families have
been helped to date. Linda also reported that the Co-Op is sending single serving items they receive to schools for the "Friday Back
Pack Program.” The back pack program aims to relieve childhood hunger over the weekends. Children who receive free or subsidized
meals at school are eligible for the program. As you can see, our contributions to the Co-Op are used in many ways to help our Lawrenceville and Dacula neighbors in need.
Suzette Daniel, Counselor - 678-518-6663
Dana Booker, Counselor - 678-518-6663
Anjela Bowers, Parent Instructional Coordinator - 678-518-6682
Church Work Day
The Co-Op is in need of volunteers, specifically to conduct client interviews...and Spanish speaking volunteers would be a bonus. The
next volunteer orientations will be on October 20th and December 15th. The orientations are held at the Co-Op, 176 Church Street, and
they begin at 7:00 p.m. If you have questions, you can contact the Co-Op at 770-339-6161.
October 22, 9:00 a.m
We donated 174 items to the Co-Op during August.
August Noisy Sunday o ffer in g o f $52.65 w as given to the Law r en ceville Co -Op for personal care items.
CWF continues to collect hearing aids and glasses to benefit the community, box tops and Ca.mpbell soup labels to benefit education,
pop tabs to benefit the Ronald McDonald Houses and new and slightly used socks for the Lawrenceville Baptist Church clothing ministry. Collection boxes are in the church narthex and in the downstairs small fellowship hall. Box tops, soup labels, and socks can be given to Cheryl
Our Thanksgiving Food Drive will run from October 9 through November 6. Collection bags will be available beginning
Sunday the 9th. We plan to deliver the food to the Lawrenceville Co-Op prior to Thanksgiving. In addition to food, the Co-Op accepts
$10.00 gift cards from Walmart and Kroger for clients to purchase meat or other items they may need for their Thanksgiving meal or
for other necessities.
Lend a hand with some Fall cleaning as we prepare for the Holidays
Frost will soon be on the pumpkin
Goodbye September, Welcome Cool October!
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed,
do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus,
giving thanks to God the Father through him.
Colossians 3:17
Dates to Remember:
CWF Monthly Meeting and DVD Bible Study
Come join us for our Saturday, October 8th CWF meeting and journey through the book of Acts. We meet at the church beginning at
9:00 a.m. for Bible study; the meeting begins at 9:30.
(cont’d next page)
October 8
October 9
October 22
November 12
November 20
November 26
December 10
CWF Meeting - 9:00 a.m
Thanksgiving Food Drive begins
Church Work Day - 9:00 a.m
CWF Meeting 9:00 a.m
Thanksgiving Covered Dish Meal, following Worship Service
Angel Tree Set-Up
Christmas Banquet