Trusted Clean Carpet Extractor Manual
Trusted Clean Carpet Extractor Manual
GALAXY OWNER’S MANUAL & PARTS LIST This equipment is intended for commercial use only. TPL-17-200-CE-HEAT-TCP BEFORE OPERATING THE MACHINE GALAXY 2000FX-HR (BASE) PARTS LIST ITEM # Read the manual carefully and completely before attempting to operate the unit. This manual has important information for the use and safe operation of the machine. Keep this manual handy at all times. This machine will assure years of satisfactory service if operated and maintained according to recommendations in this manual. If additional information is needed, please contact your local distributor or write to: CleanFreak P.O. Box 569 Wausau, WI 54402 WARNING • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Themachinewasdesignedforuseoncarpet,floorandupholsteryextractionapplicationsasper instructions and recommendations written in this manual. Any deviation from its proper use or purpose and the consequential damage that may occur is the sole responsibility if the end user. Disconnectthepowercordfromtheoutletbeforeservicing.Donotleavemachineconnectedtoan electrical outlet when unattended. Donotimmerseorusethismachineinstandingwater.Suchusemaycauseelectricshock. Thisequipmentisnotdesignedtohandleorusecombustible/volatilesubstancessuchasgasolineor kerosene,in,on,ornearthemachine.Theuseofsuchmaterialswillcauseextremehazardous condition. Whenusinganextensioncord,useonlya3-prongconductorgroundingcord,12gaugewireorheavier. Toavoidelectricshock,donotexposetheunittorain.Storeitindoorsonly. Donotusethemachinefordryvacuuming. Usedefoameratalltimestopreventdamagetothevacuummotor(s). Donotusewaterinexcessof170ºF(76ºC). Topreventsealdamageandchemicalbuild-uptothepumpsystem,runcleanwaterthroughthe solution lines after each day’s use. Useonlycommerciallyavailablecarpetcleaningsolutionsanddefoamerintendedforusewith machines of this type. Do not use dyes, bleaches, ammonia, or other additives. The use of powdered cleaning solution if not diluted properly may result in damage to the pump. If powdered chemicals are used,premixinaseparatecontainerbeforeplacinginthesolutiontank. Donotexposemachinetofreezingtemperatures. AllrepairsmustbedonebyanauthorizedCleanFreakrepairstation. Donotusereplacementpartsotherthanthosespecifiedonthepartslist. For units with HEAT’N’RUN heater: • ReadandunderstandtheHEAT’N’RUNownersmanualbeforeusingtheHEAT’N’RUNheateronyour GALAXYExtractor. • Donotrunheaterdry. • Waterhookupsmustbeinplaceandwaterflowingthroughtheheaterpriortoturningiton.Failuretodo so may cause internal component damage and will void warranty. • Heatermustbefilledwithwaterorwaterbasedsolutionsatalltimeswheninuse.Turnofftheswitchand unplug the heater from outlet when not in use. • Donotuseheaterwith any other machine and at any pressure higher than 250PSI. • Donotimmerseheaterinwater. • Toavoidexplosionand /orfire,donotusesolventsoranyflammableliquidinheater. FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE ABOVE WARNING INSTRUCTIONS WILL VOID THE WARRANTY 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 PART # C00297 J11863 J00639 J00618 C00273 F11178-BLK C00233 F00449 C00284 B11150 G02522L J00657 J00618 C00261 C00254 D11134 C11189 C02312 C11516 J11154 J11508 G11904 A00060 A00053 G03523-1 A00052 00580-13IN-MF-A G00516-3 C11244 A00104 A00161 A00111 C00232 A00154 C11440 K10510 C02322 D010379 C11165 F11790 B11779 B00191 C00293 B00192 B11606 H03545 H00565-5 C02305 C00240 G11767 D11170 F11789 C00314-1 G03518 G13102 B00177 C03251 A00168 A90004 A00155 J11933 J00632 B00190 D13103 H02564-2 J11933 K11935 J11154 J00618 E11169 B00179-2 DESCRIPTION #8 X .25 PAN HEAD HOSE, 3 IN SCREW CLAMP, 1.63-2.43 IN VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GRAY, WIRE, 22 IN LG LOCKNUT, 1-4 X 20, NYLON, SS INTERCOOLER, GALAXY, BLACK WASHER, FLAT, .25 IN GROMMET SCREW, 10-32 X .375 GROUND GROUND WIRE, GALAXY VACUUM, 135 IN 115 V 5.7 IN HOSE CLAMP, 2 IN SLDPRT VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GRAY, WIRE, 4 IN LG NUT, .25-20 HEX LOCK WASHER, 1-4 IN SPLIT VAC PLATE SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 IN HEX LOCK WASHER, .25 IN., INTERNAL STAR SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 IN, FLAT HEAD, PHILIPS SOLUTION HOSE, .375, 100PSI, WIRE, 31 IN. LG SCREW CLAMP #6, .43 TO .875 IN POWER PRIME .25 MALE X .375 BARB, BRASS 45 ELBOW, .25MP X .25FP VALVE, REGULATOR, 200PSI 90 ELBOW, .25MP X .25FP HOSE ASSEMBLY, 13 IN X .25 HP GAUGE, 0-600 PSI WASHER, .56 X 1.5 X .05 QD, 1-4 M X 1-4 FP, BRASS TEE, .25 FP, BRASS NIPPLE, .25 IN WASHER, .5IN, FLAT 90 ELBOW, .25NPT X .25 NPT SPACER, HEATER MOUNTING PLATE PLUG, 1.25 IN, BLACK HEX BOLT, 1-4 X 20 X 1.75 IN HEATER MOUNTING PLATE SCREW, #8 X 1 IN, PAN, BLACK HEATER, TUNNEL COVER, BLUE GRANITE STAUB, 12-3 SJTW YELLOW NYLON TIE, 11 IN BLACK #8 X .5 IN PAN, BLACK SMS, PHILIPS TIE HOLDER WITH GLUE STRAIN RELIEF, PIGTAIL COVER, SERIAL # LABEL LABEL, SERIAL NUMBER CAP NUT, .5IN PUSH-ON WASHER, SHOULDER, NYLON WHEEL, 10 IN AXLE BASE HEX BOLT, 1-4 X 20 X 1 IN CASTER, 4 IN PUMP, 500 PSI, 120V TERMINAL LUG, FEMALE, QD, .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG, FULLY INSULATED WASHER, .187 ID, BACKUP BUSHING.375 M X .25 P BRASS .50 BARB X .25 MP, BRASS MALE PLUG, .25 IN, NYLON HOSE, .5 IN POLYWIRE PVC, 33 IN LG PULSE HOSE, PUMP-QD, 42 IN NYLON TIE, 4 IN PLATE, PUMP, GALAXY, FLAT LABEL, CAUTION, MOTOR HOUSING HOSE, .5 IN POLYWIRE, 30 IN STRAINER, INLINE, 5 IN SOLUTION HOSE, .375, 100 PSI, WIRE, 27 IN LG VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GRAY, WIRE, 7 IN LG GASKET, VAC MOTOR, GALAXY CLOSED END CNTR, 16-3 QTY 1 1 3 1 16 1 26 6 2 2 2 1 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 1 8 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 4 1 4 1 5 1 2 4 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 8 2 1 2 1 4 1 1 1 2 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 6 2000FX-HR Base The 120VA/Candthe220VA/Cmodelshavebeenoutfittedwiththeappropriate 12-19-07 grounded connectors. Make sure the machine is connected to a grounded outlet GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS 1 2 3 6 5 4 ITEM havingthesameconfigurationasthegroundedplug.Noadaptershouldbeusedwith PART NUMBER DESCRIPTION NO. thismachine.Anymodificationtotheconnectorswillvoidthewarranty. 1 C00297 #8 X .25 Pan Head 7 8 9 10 11 12 70 14 3 69 15 68 16 23 24 25 20 21 22 17 7 63 64 65 42 26 17 7 21 27 13 71 21 18 29 19 5 66 67 26 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 37 29 28 39 38 40 62 61 44 60 43 42 41 45 46 47 21 59 39 58 57 56 55 49 52 10 54 53 7 51 50 49 48 2000FX-HR Base 12-19-07 QTY. 1 2 J11863 Hose, 3 in 1 3 J00639 Screw Clamp, 1.63 - 2.43in. 3 PREPARING THEHose, MACHINE GALAXY EQUIPMENT) 4 J00618 Vacuum 2in Grey,(ALL Wire, 22 in lg 1 5 C00273 Locknut, 1-4 X 20, Nylon, SS 16 6 F11178-BLK Intercooler, Galaxy, Black 1 IMPORTANT:ForallGalaxyequipment,useonlythecorrecthighpressure,highheatwands&uphol7 C00233 Washer, Flat, .25 in 26 sterytools.Theyaredesignedtodeliverandmaintainthecorrectgallonsperminute(GPM),pressure(PSI) 8 E00449 Grommet 6 9 C00284 Screw, 10-32 X .375 Ground 2 andheatwhenattachedtotheGALAXYpumpsystem.Useofothermanufacturerwandscancauseover10 B11150 Ground Wire, Galaxy 2 11 G02522L Vacuum , 135 in, 115 V, 5.7 in 2 wettingofcarpet,damagetothepumpsystem(includinghose&fittings),lackofpressureandheat. 12 J00657 Hose Clamp, 2 inSLDPRT 1 1 13 J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 4 in lg 1.14Pourcleansolutionintothesolutiontank. C00261 Nut, .25-20, Hex 10 C00254 Lock Washer, 1-4in Split 1 2.15Slidevacuumhoseontotheblackhoseadapter(locatedatthebackofthemachine)andthewandor 16 D11134 Vac Plate 1 upholstery tool. 17 C11189 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Hex 5 18Connect C02312 the Lockwasher, .25 in., Internal Starhose to the wand and the female end to the machine by sliding 1 3.19 male end of the solution C11516 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Flat Head, Phillips 1 20knurledcollaronthefemalequickdisconnectfittingback.Pushthemalefittinginandreleasetheknurled J11154 Solution Hose, .375, 100PSI, Wire, 31 in lg 1 21collar J11508 Screw Clamp #6, .43 to .875 in 8 until it snaps back. 22 G11904 Power Prime 1 4.23Make sure drain valve is closed A00060 .25the Male X .375 Barb, Brass by pushing the T-handle all the way in. 1 A00053 45 Elbow, .25MP X .25 FP 1 24Previouslyshampooedcarpetsusuallyhaveaheavybuild-upofoldshampooresiduewhichcancause 5.25 G03523-1 Valve, Regulator, 200 PSI 1 vacuum system.25MP to ingest foam and result in damage to the vacuum motor. Remember to add recom26the A00052 90 Elbow, X .25FP 3 00580-13in-MF-A Hose Asm, 13 in X .25HP 1 27mendedamountofdefoamertotherecoverytankeverytimeyoufillthesolutiontank. 28 G00516-3 Gauge, 0-600PSI 1 6.29IfaPowermateistobeusedwiththemachine,connectthemaleplugonthewandtotheoptional C11244 Washer, .56 X 1.5 X .05 4 30 A00104 QD, 1-4 M X 1-4 FP, Brass 1 on.25 theFP, machine. A00161 Tee, Brass 1 31receptacle 32 A00111 Nipple, .25 in 2 33 C00232 Washer, .5 in, Flat 1 Additional Instructions for GALAXY’s with HEAT’N’RUN installed: 34 A00154 90 Elbow, .25 NPT X .25 NPT 1 35 C11440 Spacer, Heater Mounting Plate 4 K10510 Plug, 1.25 in, Black 1 1.36Besuretofillthesolutiontankwithwaterbeforeplugginginthemachine. 4 37 C02322 Hex Bolt,1-4 X 20 X 1.75 in 2.38Waterhookupsmustbeinplaceandwaterflowingthroughtheheaterpriortoturningiton.Failuretodo D010379 Heater Mounting Plate 1 Screw, #8 X 1 in, Pan, Blackdamage and will void the warranty. 5 39soC11165, may cause internal component 40 F11790 Heater, Tunnel Cover, Blue Granite 1 3.41Spraywaterthroughthetool/wandbeforeturningontheheatertoassurethatthereiswaterflow. B11779 Stub, 12-3 SJTW Yellow 2 B00191 Nylon Tie, 11in Black 4 4.42Heatermustbefilledwithwaterorwaterbasedsolutionsatalltimeswhen inuse. 43 C00293 #8 X .5in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips 2 5.44Plugheaterpowercordandmachinepowercordintoseparateoutletsonseparatecircuits. B00192 Tie Holder with Glue 1 B11606 Strain Relief, Pigtail 2 6.45Turn off the switch and unplug the heater from outlet when not in use. 46 H03545 Cover, Serial # Label 1 7.47Donotuseheaterwith any other machine than this adjustable PSI Galaxy. H00565-5 Label, Serial Number 1 48 C02305 Cap Nut, .5in Push-on 2 8.49Turn on heater switch when you are ready to clean. C00240 Washer, Shoulder, Nylon 4 50 G11767 Wheel, 10 in 2 51 D11170 Axle 1 CAUTION:Whenthegreenlightontheheaterison,theheaterisheating.Whenthegreenlightisoff,the 52 F11789 Base 1 53 C00314-1 Hex Bolt, 20to X 1in 8 water in the heater tank1-4 is Xup temperature and the thermostat switch in the heater has turned the heater 54 G03518 Caster, 4 in 2 off. will automatically turn120 onVagain when the water temperature in the heater has cooled. 55It G13102 Pump, 500 PSI, 1 56 B00177 Terminal Lug, Female, QD, .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG, Fully Insulated 2 57 C03251 Washer, .187 ID, Backup 1 DELIVER MAXIMUM HEAT by Fperforming the following SYSTEM WARM-UP PROCEDURES at the start 58 A00168 Bushing .375 M X .25 Brass 4 of each day: .50 Barb X .25 MP, Brass 59 A90004 1 60 A00155 Male Plug, .25 in, Nylon 1 J11933 .5 in Polywire 33 in lg 1 1.61Attach theHose, solution hose to PVC, the quick disconnect on the machine. 62 J00632 Pulse Hose, Pump - QD, 42 in 2 2.63Attachthewarm-upquickdisconnectwithspraytipattachedtotheotherendofthesolutionhose. B00190 Nylon Tie, 4in 13 D13103 Plate, Pump, Galaxy, Flat 1 3.64Placewarm-upquickdisconnectinthesolutiontank. 65 H02564-2 Label, Caution, Motor Housing 1 4.66 Fillsolutiontankwithcleaningsolution. J11933 Hose, .5 in Polywire, 30 in 1 5.67Turn on pump. K11935 Strainer, Inline, .5 in 1 J11154 Solution Hose, .375, 100PSI, Wire, 27 in lg 1 6.68Whenwaterisflowingoutofthewarm-upquickdisconnect,turnontheheater. 69 J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 7 in lg 1 7.70LetE11169 the pump andVac heater runGalaxy for 4 to 5 minutes. Gasket, Motor, 2 71 B00179-2 Closed End Cntr, 16-3 6 8. Remove warm-up quick disconnect. Attach the wand or upholstery tool and begin cleaning. Additional instructions: Primethepumpbyconnectingthepump priming hose,whichisthe4footlongsolutionhosewithastopper on one end, and a quick disconnect on the other end. Attach the quick disconnect to the machine, and the stopper to the vacuum hose. Make sure your solution tank is full of solution to create additional pressure. Turn on the pump, then the vacuum motors to create suction and draw water through the air locked pump. When the solution steadily flows through the solution line, your pump is primed. Thepumpshould rarelyever needtobeprimed.Ifthesolutiontankisallowedtorunlow, it will result in the pump sucking in air, then the pump will need to be primed. Erratic pressure fluctuation indicates air in the lines and means the pump needs priming as well. GALAXY 2000FX-HR (UPPER) PARTS LIST ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS- CARPET TOOL 1. Turnonthevacuumandsolutionswitches.Slowlypullthetooltowardsyouwith the solution valve trigger engaged. Then make a pass forward and backward withthevacuumonly(nospray)overthecleanedareatoremoveasmuchdirt and solution as possible. Do not overwet carpet! Make overlapping passes to prevent streaking. 2. Ifthecarpetisheavilysoiled,squeezesolutionvalveontheforwardpassas well as backwards, allowing cleaning solution a few seconds longer to work prior to vacuuming. Another method is to raise the wand 8” above the carpet and pre-spraylightlypriortocleaningpasses.Onextremelysoiledcarpets,we recommend using a pre-spray solution. 3. Whenyourunoutofsolution,turnoffthepump.Attachthedrainelbowonthe drainvalve.Placea pailunderthedownspoutandpullupthedrainvalveT-handle. Dirty solution will pour out until the tank is empty. Close the drain valve. Use a clean bucketwhenyourefillthesolutiontank. 4. Whenthejobiscompleted,turntheswitchoffanddisconnectthevacuumandsolution hoses from the carpet and the machine. Drain the recovery tank through the drain valve as before. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 PART # F11787 F11792 F11791 A00060 A00052 C11244 00580-16.5IN-PH-A E11124 12904A K11965 K00675 K00741 10989-2A F11785 C12039 C02322 B11769 C11177 H02548-2 B00185-30 B00185-40 B010314 F11786 B00177 B00185-40 C00295-1 C00293 D11168 B02211-1 D010284 E010453 B00177-1 B00185-30 C02315 C00264 C11141 K00665-1 E11128 C00313 C00233 C02312 D010283 F11804 C00261 K00710 K00711 C00254 C02294 K11185 K00672-1 E11129 A90004 D00373 A00124 C11143 S11179 DESCRIPTION SOLUTION TANK RECOVERY TANK LID, SOLUTION TANK 3-8 BARB X 1-4MP, BRASS 90 ELBOW, .25MP X .25FP WASHER, .56 X 1.5 X .05 HOSE ASSEMBLY, 16.5 IN X .25 IN GASKET, RECOVERY TANK STAND PIP ASSEMBLY ELBOW, 180º FLOAT BALL PVC PIPE, 1.5 X 12 IN, SCH 40 WHITE ADAPTER FLOAT BALL SCREEN LID RECOVERY TANK WASHER, 1-4 X 1, SS 1-4 X 20 BOLT EXTENSION CORD, 12-3 SJTW VELCRO STRAP LABEL, IMPORTANT, CORD WIRES, 73 IN WIRES, 73 IN WIRE HARNESS HANDLE TERMINAL LUG, FEMALE, QD, .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG, FULLY INSULATED WIRE, 14 GA, BLACK, UL1015, 10 IN #10 X .75 PAN, BLACK SMS, PHILIPS #8 X .5 IN PAN, BLACK, SMS, PHILIPS COVER, SWITCHPLATE SWITCH, ROCKER, GREEN LIGHT SWITCHPLATE GASKET, SWITCHPLATE TERMINAL LUG, FEMALE, QD, .25 X .032 WIRE, 14 GA, WHITE, UL1015, 10IN LOCKWASHER NUT, 10-32 SCREW, ALLEN HEAD, 10-24 X 1.25 IN HOSE ADAPTER, 1.5 ON, BLACK GASKET, DRAIN VALVE HEX BOLT, 1-4 X .5SS WASHER, FLAT, .25 IN LOCKWASHER, .25 IN., INTERNAL STAR PLATE, HEATER MOUNTING HEATER MOUNT NUT, .25-20, HEX ELBOW, DRAIN VALVE, BLACK DRAIN VALVE, BLACK LOCK WASHER, 1-4 IN SPLIT SCREW, 1-4 20 X 1.25 ELBOW, 90, 1.5 IN, MT-MS, PVC PVC PIP, 1.5 X 2.25 IN, SCH 40 WHITE GASKET, 5 FT, LONG .50 BARB X .25 MP, BRASS INLET FILTER, .25 NPT HEX NUT NPT, BRASS SCREW, 1-4 20 X 1.25 IN, SS PAN HEAD, PHILIP NON-SKID TAPE, 1 IN. ROLL QTY 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 4 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 8 1 2 6 8 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 POWERMATE 1204ACH 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 13 27 12 28 29 11 30 10 31 32 9 9A 9D 9A 8 7 4 3 5 9B 9C 6 33 2 38 1 34 39 35 40 36 41 34 42 36 43 44 45 46 47 52 51 47 4 6 48 5 50 49 2000FX-HR Upper 1-26-08 37 2000FX-HR Upper 1. Connect the cord on the power wand to the 1-26-08 optional receptacle in back of the machine. IMPORTANT: 1204ACHisforusewithall heated Galaxy extractors. Turn on the vacuum and pump switches. ITEM PART NUMBER 2. NO. Themotorforthepowerbrushisturnedonandoffbyalightedrockerswitch DESCRIPTION locatedonthetopofthebase.Solutionapplicationiscontrolledbysqueezing 1 F11787 Solution Tank 2 solution F11792 Recovery Tank the valve lever. 3 F11791 Lid, Solution Tank 3. To move the power wand forwards, push the wand handle downward, raise 4 A00060 3-8 Barb X 1-4MP, Brass the end push theXwand 5 front A00052 90 and Elbow, .25MP .25FP into position using the rear wheels. To pre6 C11244 Washer, .56 X 1.5 X .05 spray,squeezesolutionvalveleverwhilemovingwandforwardandbackwards 7 00580-16.5 in-PH-A Hose Asm, 16.5 in X .25 in over the area to beRecovery pre-sprayed. 8 E11124 Gasket, Tank 4. To liftStand the wand handle to insure the nose of the wand is against the 12904A Pipe Assembly 9 clean, carpet,thenwhilesqueezingthesolutionvalvelever,pullthewandtowards 9A K11965 Elbow, 180 Deg. Float Ball 9B K00672 Pvc Pipe, 1.5 X 12 in, Sch 40 Wht you. Adapter 9C K00741 Here’s how it works-thesolutionisjetsprayeddeepintothecarpet 9D 10989-2A Float Ball Screen 10 F11785 toloosenthedirt.Thebrushscrubsthefiberandbreaksupsurface Lid, Recovery Tank 11 C12039anddeepdirt.Itfluffsthenapwithoutdistortiontothepile.Withthe Washer, 1-4 X 1, SS 12 C02322weight 1-4 X 20ofBolt the base on the suction head, the vacuum picks up the dirt 13 B11769 and Extension Cord, 12-3 SJTW solution. Make overlapping passes to prevent streaking. 14 C11177 Velcro Strap 5. Gooverthepathyoujustcleanerwithoutsqueezingthesolutionvalveleverto 15 H02548-2 Label, Important, Cord remove as much Wires, dirt and solution as possible. 73 in 16 B00185-30 QTY. 1 1 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 17 B00185-40 Wires, 73 in 2 18 B010314 Wire Harness 1 POWERMATE 1800AC-200 19 F11786 Handle 1 4 20 B00177 Terminal Lug, Female, QD, .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG, Fully Insulated IMPORTANT:1800AC-200isforusewithall 21 B00185-40 Wire,14 GA Black, UL1015, 10 in heated Galaxy extractors. 1 C00295-1 #10 X .75in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips 2 22 23 C00293 #8 X .5in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips 2 24 D11168 1 1. Connect theCover, cord Switchplate on the power wand to the optional receptacle in the back of the machine. Turn on the 25 B02211-1 Switch, Rocker, Green Light 3 vacuum and pump switches. 1 26 D010284 Switchplate 2. Themotoroftherotatingpowerbrushisoperatedwithyourrighthandcontrollingalongtoggleswitch. 27 E010453 Gasket, Switchplate 1 Pullitupformomentaryuse,pushitdownforcontinuousbrushaction(centeroff).Solutionapplicationis 28 B00177-1 Terminal Lug, Female, QD, .25 X .032 2 controlledbydepressingtheflowswitchleverwithyourrighthandfingertips. 29 B00185-30 Wire,14 GA White, UL1015, 10 in 1 30 C02315 Lockwasher, #10 Int. Str, SS 2 3. Toadjustthehandleintooperatingposition,pullupthegriponthelockingleverlocatednearthebaseof 31 C00264 Nut, 10-32 1 the handle. Move the handle to waist level height and push down grip handle on lever to lock into place. 8 32 C11141 Screw, Allen Head, 10-24 X 1.25 in 4. To the Hose power wand forward, push handle downward to raise the front end and move the wand into 33 move K00665-1 Adapter, 1.5in, Black 1 position.Topre-spray,depresstheflowswitchlever(solutioncontrol)while 34 E11128 Gasket, Drain Valve 2 35 C00313 Hex Bolt, 1-4 X 20 X .5 SS 6 moving wand forwards or backward over the area to be cleaned with the front 36 C00233 Washer, Flat, .25 in 8 end raised. Lockwasher, .25 in., Internal Star 37 C02312 2 38 D010283 Plate, Heater Mounting 1 5. Toclean,depressthesolutionflowleverwhilepullingthepowerwandtowardsyou. 39 F11804 Here’s Heater how Mount 1 it works-thesolutionisjetsprayeddeepintothecarpet 40 C00261 Nut, .25-20, Hex 2 41 K00710toloosendirt.Therotatingbrushscrubsthefiberandbreaksupsurface Elbow, Drain Valve, Black 1 42 K00711anddeeprooteddirt.Itfluffsthenapwithoutanydistortiontothepile Drain Valve, Black 1 Lock Washer, 1-4in Split 2 43 C00254Withtheweightofthebaseonthesuctionhead,thevacuumpicksup 44 C02294the Screw, 1-4 20 X 1.25 2 dirt and solution. Make overlapping passes to prevent streaking. 45 K11185 Elbow, 90, 1.5 in, MT-MS, PVC 1 6. Makeapassoverthepathyoujustcleanedwithoutdepressingthesolutionflow 46 K00672-1 Pvc Pipe, 1.5 X 2.25 in, Sch 40 Wht 1 lever(vacuumonly)andwiththebrush 47 E11129 Gasket, 5 ft. Long 1 48 A90004 .50 Barb X .25 MP, Brass 1 still on to remove as much dirt and solution 49 D00373 Inlet Filter, .25 NPT 2 as possible. 50 A00124 Hex Nut, .25 NPT Brass 2 51 C11143 Screw, 1-4 20 X 1.5 in, SS Pan Head, Phillips 2 52 S11179 Non-Skid Tape, 1 in. Roll 1 CLEANING UPHOLSTERY Cleaning upholstery with success requires a good knowledge of the type of fabric you will work on. Look for the cleaning instructions label sewn on the underside of the furniture for the recommended method of cleaning.Ifitcallsfordrycleaning,donotattempttocleanbywetextractionotherwisedamagetothefabriccould occur.Extractionworksperfectlyonmostsyntheticfabricsincludingsyntheticvelvets. Before proceeding, test the fabric for colourfastness. Apply a small amount of cleaning solution on the fabricinaninconspicuousspot.Wait2to3minutesandrubtheareawithawhiteterryclothtowel.Ifnocolor comes off the towel, the fabric should be safe to clean. If a little color comes off, there is some risk of colors runningwhenyouclean.Itmaybepossibletostabilizecolorsbycleaningwithanacidicrinse. 1. Preparethemachineinthesamemannerasforcarpetcleaning(seePreparingtheMachine)except attachtheupholsterytooltothevacuumhose.Connectthesolutionhose.Pourhotwaterintothe solution tank. Add recommended amount of cleaning concentrate into the solution tank. Turn on the vacuum and pump switches. 2. Adjustthepump“operatingpressure”to50PSIforupholsterycleaning(SeePreparingthe Machine). 3. Clean with the upholstery tool using as little solution as possible. Make overlapping passes to prevent streaking.Goovertheareayoujustcleanedwithoutdepressingthelever(vacuumonly)andgaugethe amount ofmoistureextractedthroughtheviewwindowfordryness.Onheavilysoiledareaslike arm rests, pre-treat with a recommended pre-spray solution or hold the upholstery tool a few inches above the fabric and press lever to spray on the solution before making a pass. DAILY MAINTENANCE 1. 2. 3. 4. Always keep the machine clean inside and out. Pour2gallonsofcleanhotwaterinthesolutiontank.Turnonandflushtheentiresystemthroughthe wandnozzlesforaboutaminutetopreventbuild-up. Removedirtandlintbuild-upinsidethefilterscreenintherecovertank.Lintshouldbecleanedoffsothat airflowisnotimpeded. Check the solution tank strainer in the solution tank. If lint has accumulated in the screen, remove and rinse it in clear running water. PERIODIC MAINTENANCE All EDIC machines are engineered and built to require a minimum of maintenance. But like any machine, it does require some care to keep it in optimum working condition. Careful attention to these maintenance instructionswillgiveyoumaximumoperatingperformanceandwillincreasethelifeexpectancyofyourmachine. • • • • SolutionLinesandFittings:Flushthemachineatleastonceamonthwithasolutionof3partswaterwith 1partwhitevinegarinordertoneutralizethealkalineresidueleftbythecleaningsolution. QuickConnectCoupler:SpraywithWD-40orequivalentlubricanttopreventcouplerfromsticking. DrainValve:Applylightoilongateseals.Ifmachinehastobestored,leavethegatevalveopen. SolutionPump:Thesameaboveprocedureusedonthesolutionlineandfittingsappliestothepump. GALAXY 2000WX-HR and KX-HR (BASE) PARTS LIST ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 WX PART # KX PART # C00297 J11863 J00639 J00618 F11178-BLK C00273 C00233 E00449 C00284 B11150 G00520-1L G02517-1 J00657 J00618 C00261 C00254 D11134 C11189 C02312 C11516 A00111 A00052 A00161 A00121 C11244 A00104 A00154 C11560 00580-13IN-MF-A G13133 G00516-3 C11440 K10510 C02322 D010379 C11165 F11790 B11779 B00191 C00293 B00192 B11606 H03545 H00565-5 C02305 C00240 G11767 D11170 F11789 C00314-1 G03518 J00632-1 A13140 G13132 B00190 J11508 D13103 H02564-2 J11933 K11935 J11933 J11154 J00618 E11169 B00179-2 DESCRIPTION #8 X .25 PAN HEAD HOSE, 3 IN SCREW CLAMP, 1.63-2.43 IN VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE, 22 IN LG INTERCOOLER, GALAXY, BLACK LOCKNUT, 1-4 X 20, NYLON, SS WASHER, FLAT, .25 IN GROMMET SCREW, 10-32 X .375 GROUND GROUND WIRE, GALAXY WX: VACUUM, 135IN, 115V, 5.7; KX:VACUUM, 147IN., 115V, 5.7IN HOSE CLAMP, 2 IN SLDPRT VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE, 4 IN LG NUT, .25-20, HEX LOCK WASHER, 1-4 IN SPLIT VAC PLATE SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 IN, HEX LOCKWASHER, .25IN. INTERNAL STAR SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5IN FLAT HEAD, PHILIPS NIPPLE, .25 IN 90 ELBOW, .285MP X .25FP TEE, .25 FP, BRASS FITTING, .25MP X .25FP, BRASS WASHER, .56 X 1.5 X .05 QD, 1-4M X 1-4FP, BRASS 90 ELBOW, .25 NPT X .25 NPT WASHER, .93ID X 1.5 OD HOSE ASSY, 13 IN X .25HP VALVE, REGULATOR, 200 PSI GAUGE, 0-600PSI SPACER, HEATER MOUNTING PLATE PLUG, 1.25IN, BLACK HEX BOLT, 1-4 X 20 X 1.75IN HEATER MOUNTING PLATE SCREW, #8 X 1IN, PAN, BLACK HEATER, TUNNEL, COVER, BLUE GRANITE STUB, 12-3 SJTW YELLOW NYLON TIE, 11IN BLACK #8 X .5IN PAN, BLACK SMS, PHILLIPS TIE HOLDER WITH GLUE STRAIN RELIEF, PIGTAIL COVER, SERIAL # LABEL LABEL, SERIAL NUMBER CAP NUT, .5 IN, PUSH-ON WASHER, SHOULDER, NYLON WHEEL, 10 IN AXLE BASE HEX BOLT, 1-4 X 20 X 1 IN CASTER, 4 IN PULSE HOSE, PUMP-QD, 42 IN CAP, FPT, .375 BRASS PUMP, 200PSI, 120V NYLON TIE, 4 IN SCREW CLAMP #6, .43 TO .875 IN PLATE, PUMP, GALAXY, FLAT LABEL, CAUTION, MOTOR HOUSING HOSE, .5 IN POLYWIRE, 20 IN STRAINER, INLINE, .5 IN HOSE, .5IN POLYWIRE, 33 IN SOLUTION HOSE, .375, 100 PSI, WIRE IN LG VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE, 7 IN LG GASKET, VAC MOTOR, GALAXY CLOSED END CNTR, 16-3 QTY 1 1 3 1 1 16 26 6 2 2 2 1 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 1 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 13 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2000WX-HR & KX-HR Base 200 PSI 4-1-08 TROUBLESHOOTING 1 2 3 5 4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 64 63 13 14 3 61 62 15 28 26 16 17 27 21 22 23 24 25 7 29 21 17 18 60 30 19 38 55 56 57 58 59 31 33 34 35 32 36 53 54 51 40 26 39 38 37 41 42 43 21 52 26 45 10 51 50 49 48 7 47 46 45 44 2000WX-HR &KX-HR Base 200 PSI 4-1-08 ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 Electrical System WX PART NUMBER KX PART NUMBER PROBLEM CAUSE PROBLEM C00297 #8 X .25 Pan Head J11863 Hose, 3 in Noelectricalpower. J00639 Screw Clamp, 1.63 - 2.43in. 1.Defectivepowercord. 2.Houseorbuildingcircuitbreakertripped. J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2in Grey, Wire, 22 in lg F11178-BLK Intercooler, Galaxy, Black Switchisturnedon. C00273 Locknut, 1-4 X 20, Nylon, SS 1.Faultyelectricalcable. Powerisintermittentto 2.Defectiveswitches. C00233 Washer, Flat, .25 in E00449 Grommet allmotor(s) 3.Looseterminalordiscoloredterminalconnections. C00284 Screw, 10-32 X .375 Ground B11150 GroundSystem Wire, Galaxy Vacuum G00520-1L Vacuum , 135 in, 115 V, 5.7 in G02517-1 Vacuum, 117 in., 115 V, 5.7 in 1. Drain valve open. J00657 Hose Clamp, 2 inSLDPRT J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 4 in lg NoVacuum 2.Vacuumlidisnotsealedagainsttank. C00261 Nut, .25-20, Hex 3. Loose vacuum hose, vacuum connection. C00254 Lock Washer, 1-4in Split LowVacuum 1.Accumulateddirtonlidscreen. D11134 Vac Plate C11189 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Hex C02312 Lockwasher, .25 in., Internal2.Wornoutvacuumlidgasket. Star C11516 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Flat Head, Phillips 3.Lint&dirtbuild-uponwandhead. A00111 Nipple, .25 in 4. Defective vacuum hose. A00052 90 Elbow, .25MP X .25FP 5.Looseconnectioninone of thevacuummotors. A00161 Tee, .25 FP, Brass A00121 Fitting, .25 MP X .25 FP, Brass Solution System C11244 Washer, .56 X 1.5 X .05 Pumpmotoron,no 1.Cloggedspraytips. A00104 QD, 1-4 M X 1-4 FP, Brass A00154 90 Elbow, .25 NPT X .25 NPT 2.Cloggedsolutionintakefilterscreen. spraythruspraytips C11560 Washer, .93 ID X 1.5 OD 3.Pluggedfemalequickdisconnectcoupler. 00580-13in-MF-A Hose Asm, 13 in X .25HP G13133 Valve, Regulator, 200 PSI 4.Puncturedpumpdiaphragm. G00516-3 Gauge, 0-600PSI 5.Defectivepumpcheckvalve. C11440 Spacer, Heater Mounting Plate 6. Crack in pump housing. K10510 Plug, 1.25 in, Black C02322 Hex Bolt,1-4 X 20 X 1.75 in 7.Debrisincheckvalve. D010379 Heater Mounting Plate 8.LostPrime. C11165, Screw, #8 X 1 in, Pan, Black F11790 Heater, Tunnel Cover, Blue Granite Unevenorweakspray 1.Cloggedordirtyspraytips. B11779 Stub, 12-3 SJTW Yellow fromtips. 2.Accumulateddirtonsolutionintakefilterscreen. B00191 Nylon Tie, 11in Black C00293 #8 X .5in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips 3. Accumulation of debris inside pump and plumbing. B00192 Tie Holder with Glue 4.Wornpumpbearing(excessivenoise). B11606 Strain Relief, Pigtail 5.Puncturedpumpdiaphragm. H03545 Cover, Serial # Label H00565-5 Label, Serial Number 6.Defectiverectifierormotor. C02305 Cap Nut, .5in Push-on 7.Wornnozzles. C00240 Washer, Shoulder, Nylon 8.Pressureregulatorsetincorrectly. G11767 Wheel, 10 in D11170 Axle Vacuummotor(s) 1.Loosewiringconnection. F11789 Base C00314-1 Hex Bolt, 1-4 X 20 X 1in working,pumpmotor 2.Defectivepressureswitchinpump. G03518 Caster, 4 in failstoturnon J00632-1 Pulse Hose, Pump - QD, 423.Defectivepumpmotororrectifier. in A13140 Cap, FPT, .375 Brass ErraticPressure 1.Pumpcheckvalvesdefectiveordirty. G13132 Pump, 200 PSI, 120 V 2.Lostprime. B00190 Nylon Tie, 4in J11508 Screw Clamp #6, .43 to .875 in D13103 Plate, Pump, Galaxy, Flat OPTIONAL ACCESSORIES H02564-2 Label, Caution, Motor Housing J11933 Hose, .5 in Polywire, 20 in HEAT-N-RUN K11935 Strainer, Inline, .5 in J11933 Hose, .5 in Polywire, 33 in J11154 Solution Hose, .375, 100PSI, Wire, 27 in lg J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 7 in lg E11169 Gasket, Vac Motor, Galaxy B00179-2 Closed End Cntr, 16-3 QTY. 1 1 3 1 1 16 26 6 2 2 2 1 1 10 1 1 5 1 1 1 4 1 1 5 1 3 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 2 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 8 2 2 1 1 13 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 NOTES _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 2700MX-HR Upper 3-25-08 21 22 10 23 9 24 25 8 26 7 27 6 5 5A 5C 3 5B 28 30 5D 4 2 1 31 38 53 37 36 29 32 33 34 35 39 52 40 41 42 43 51 44 50 45 49 48 47 46 Upper 3-25-08 ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 PART NUMBER F11787-1 Solution Tank, Galaxy Pro F11788-1 Recovery Tank, Galaxy Pro F11791-1 Lid, Sol Tank, Galaxy Pro G11836 Gasket, Recovery Tank 12904A Stand Pipe Assembly K11965 Elbow, 180 Deg. Float Ball K00672 Pvc Pipe, 1.5 X 12 in, Sch 40 Wht 10989-2A Float Ball Screen K00741 Adapter F11785-1 Lid, Recovery Tank C11167 Bolt, 1-4 X 20 K02714 Plug, .500 B11769 Extension Cord, 12-3 SJTW C11177 Velcro Strap H02548-2 Label, Important, Cord B00185-30 Wires, 73 in B00185-40 Wires, 73 in B010314 Wire Harness F11786-1 Handle B00177 Terminal Lug, Female, QD, .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG, Fully Insulated B00185-40 Wire,14 GA Black, UL1015, 5 in C00295-1 #10 X .75in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips C00293 #8 X .5in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips D11168 Cover, Switchplate, Galaxy B02211-1 Switch, Rocker, Green Light D010284 Switchplate E010453 Gasket, Switch Bracket B00177-1 Terminal Lug, Female, QD, .25 X .032 B00185-30 Wire,14 GA White, UL1015, 5 in C02315 Lockwasher, #10 Int. Str, SS C00264 Nut, 10-32 C00288-1 .25-20 X 2.25 Flat Head C00288 .25-20 X 1.5 Flat Head K00666 90 Elbow, SCH D 40, 1.5 in K00665-1 Hose Adapter, 1.5in, Black C00313 Hex Bolt, .25 X 20 X .75 C02312 Lockwasher, .25 in., Internal Star C00314-1 Hex Bolt, 1-4 X 20 X 1in C00233 Washer, Flat, .25 in D010283 Plate, Heater Mounting F11804 Heater Mount C00261 Nut, .25-20, Hex K00710 Elbow, Drain Valve, Black K00711 Drain Valve, Black E11128 Gasket, Drain Valve C12110 Hex Bolt, .375-16 X 1.75 C11540 Washer, .375 ID X .875 OD K11185 Elbow, 90, 1.5 in, MT-MS, PVC K00672-1 Pvc Pipe, 1.5 X 2.25 in, Sch 40 Wht A00060 3-8 Barb X 1-4MP, Brass A00052 .25 X .375 M-F 90 deg Brass C11244 Washer, .56 X 1.5 X .05 A00124 Hex Nut, .25 NPT Brass D00373 Inlet Filter, .25 NPT C11144 Screw, .25-20 X 2, SS S11179 Non-Skid Tape, 1 in. Roll C00238 Washer, .275 in, Neosteel DESCRIPTION QTY. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 17 GALLON GALAXY 200 PSI (UPPER) PARTS LIST ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 A B C D 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 PART # F11787-BLANK F11788-1 F11791-1 G11836 12904A K11965 K00672 10989-2A K00741 F11785-1 C11167 K02714 B11769 C11177 H02548-2 B00185-30 B00185-40 B010314 F11786-1 B00177 B00185-40 C00295-1 C00293 D11168 B02211-1 D010284 E010453 B00177-1 B00185-30 C02315 C00264 C00288-1 C00288 K00666 K00665-1 C00313 C02312 C00314-1 C00233 D010283 F11804 C00261 K00710 K00711 E11128 C12110 C11540 K11185 K00672-1 A00060 A00052 C11244 A00124 D00373 C11144 S11179 C00238 DESCRIPTION SOLUTION TANK, GALAXY PRO RECOVERY TANK, GALAXY PRO LID, SOLUTION TANK, GALAXY PRO GASKET, RECOVERY TANK STAND PIPE ASSY ELBOW, 180 DEG. FLOAT BALL PVC PIPE, 1.5 X 12 IN, SCH 40 WHT FLOAT BALL SCREEN ADAPTER LID, RECOVERY TANK BOLT, 1-4 X 20 PLUG, .500 EXTENSION CORD, 12-3 SJTW VELCRO STRAP LABEL, IMPORTANT, CORD WIRES, 73 IN WIRES, 73 IN WIRE HARNESS HANDLE TERMINAL LUG, FEMALE, QD , .25 X .032, 16-14 AWG FULLY INSULATED WIRE, 14 GA BLACK, UL1015, 15IN #10 X .75INPAN, BLACK SMS, PHILLIPS #8 X .5IN PAN, BLACK SMS, PHILLIPS COVER, SWITCHPLATE, GALAXY SWITCH, ROCKER, GREEN LIGHT SWITCHPLATE GASKET, SWITCH BRACKET TERMINAL LUG, FEMALE, QD, .25 X .032 WIRE, 14 GA WHITE, UL1015, 5IN LOCKWASHER, #10 INT. STR,SS NUT, 10-31 .25-20 X 2.25 FLAT HEAD .25-20 X 1.5 FLAT HEAD 90 ELBOW, SCH D 40, 1.5 IN HOSE ADAPTER, 1.5 IN, BLACK HEX BOLT, .25 X 20 X .75 LOCKWASHER, .25 IN, INTERNAL STAR HEX BOLT, 1-4 X 20 X 1 IN WASHER, FLAT, .25 IN PLATE, HEATER MOUNTING HEATER MOUNT NUT, .25-20, HEX ELBOW, DRAIN VALVE, BLACK DRAIN VALVE, BLACK GASKET, DRAIN VALVE HEX BOLT, .375-16 X 1.75 WASHER, .375 ID X .875 OD ELBOW, 90, 1.5IN, MT-MS, PVC PVC PIPE, 1.5 X 2.25 IN, SCH 40 WHT 3-8 BARB X 1-4MP, BRASS .25 X .375 M-F DEG BRASS WASHER, .56 X 1.5 X .05 HEX NUT, .25 NPT, BRASS INLET FILTER, .25 NPT SCREW, .25-20 X 2, SS NON-SKID TAPE, 1 IN ROLL WASHER, .275 IN, NEOSTEEL QTY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 1 1 4 1 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 6 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 3 4 5 6 7 8 2000MX-HR Base 2-3-08 9 10 66 11 65 12 13 14 15 64 16 63 62 7 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 6 61 54 6 56 57 58 59 19 18 60 28 22 29 30 31 17 35 34 7 33 32 15 55 55 36 41 40 39 38 37 42 54 43 53 44 52 46 51 50 7 49 48 47 BASE 2-3-08 46 45 ITEM NO. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 PART NUMBER C00297 Screw,#8 X .25 in, Pan Head J11863 Hose, 3 in J00639 Screw Clamp, 1.63 - 2.43in. J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2in Grey, Wire, 22 in lg F11178-BLK Intercooler, Galaxy, Black C00273 Locknut, 1-4 X 20, Nylon, SS C00233 Washer, Flat, .25 in E00449 Grommet C00284 Screw, 10-32 X .375 Ground B11150 Ground Wire, Galaxy G00520-IL Vacuum, 106 in, 115 V, 5.7 in J00657 Hose Clamp, 2 inSLDPRT J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 4 in lg C00254 Lock Washer, 1-4in Split C00261 Nut, .25-20, Hex D11134 Vac Plate C11189 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Hex C11516 Screw, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5 in, Flat Head, Phillips C02312 Lockwasher, .25 in., Internal Star G11314-2 Pressure Regulator, 180 PSI A00060 3-8 Barb X 1-4MP, Brass A00052 .25 X .375 M-F 90 deg Brass A00161 Tee, .25 FP, Brass A00111 Nipple, .25 in A00121 Fitting, .25 MP X .25 FP, Brass C11244 Washer, .56 X 1.5 X .05 A00104 QD, 1-4 M X 1-4 FP, Brass A00097A Cap, Inline Filter A00094E Checkvalve, No Strainer A00094C Check Valve Body C02322 Hex Bolt,1-4 X 20 X 1.75 in D010379 Heater Mounting Plate C11440 Spacer, Heater Mounting Plate A00061 3-8 Barb X 1-4FP, Brass H02564-2 Label, Caution, Motor Housing C11165, Screw, #8 X 1 in, Pan, Black F11790 Heater, Tunnel Cover, Blue Granite B11779 Stub, 12-3 SJTW Yellow C00293 #8 X .5in Pan, Black SMS, Phillips B00192 Mount, Nylon Tie B11606 Strain Relief, Pigtail K10510 Plug, 1.25 in, Black H03545 Cover, Serial # Label H00565-5 Label, Serial Number C02305 Cap Nut, .5in Push-on C00240 Washer, Shoulder, Nylon G11767 Wheel, 10 in D11170 Axle F11789 Base C00314-1 Hex Bolt, 1-4 X 20 X 1in G03518 Caster, 4 in J00613B Solution Hose, .375 in, Black J11508 Screw Clamp #6, .43 to .875 in A00054 Elbow, 90, .375MP X .375B, Nylon B00191 Nylon Tie, 11in Black B00190 Nylon Tie, 4in G11234 Pump, 150 PSI D11194 Pump Plate J00613B Solution Hose, .375 X 26 in, Black J11154 Solution Hose, .375 X 10 in, Wire Reinforced A11243 Tee, .375B X .375B X .375B, Nylon J11154 Solution Hose, .375 X 6 in, Wire Reinforced J00618 Vacuum Hose, 2 in Grey, Wire, 7 in lg E11169 Gasket, Vac Motor, Galaxy B00179-2 Closed End Cntr, 16-3 B00179-1 Closed End Cntr, 16-3 DESCRIPTION QTY. 1 1 3 1 1 16 26 6 2 2 2 1 1 1 10 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 4 2 1 1 8 2 1 8 2 4 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 17 GALLON GALAXY 200 PSI (BASE) PARTS LIST ITEM # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 PART # C00297 J11863 J00639 J00618 F11178-BLK C00273 C00233 E00449 C00284 B11150 G00537 J00657 J00618 C00254 C00261 D11134 C11189 C11516 C02312 G11314-2 A00060 A00052 A00161 A00111 A00121 C11244 A00104 A00097A A00094E A00094C C02291 D010379 K10691 A00061 H02564-2 C11165 F11790 B11779 C00293 B00192 B11606 K10510 H03545 H00565-5 C02305 C00240 G11767 D11170 F11789 C02310 G03518 J00613B J11508 A00054 B00191 B00190 G13132 D11835M-1 J00613B J11154 A11243 J11154 J00618 E11169 B00179-2 B00179-1 DESCRIPTION SCREW, #8 X .25IN, PAN HEAD HOSE, 3IN SCREW CLAMP, 1.63-2.43IN VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE22 IN LG INTERCOOLER, GALAXY, BLACK LOCKNUT, 1-4 X 20, NYLON, SS WASHER, FLAT, .25 IN GROMMET SCREW, 10-32 X .375 GROUND GROUND WIRE, GALAXY VACUUM, 82 IN, 115 V, 5.7 IN HOSE CLAMP, 2 IN SLDPRT VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE, 4 IN LG LOCK WASHER, 1-4 IN SPLIT NUT, .25-20, HEX VAC PLATE SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5IN, HEX SCREW, 1-4 X 20 X 4.5IN, FLAT HEAD, PHILLIPS LOCKWASHER, .25 IN, INTERNAL STAR PRESSURE REGULATOR, 180 PSI 3-8 BARB X 1-4 MP, BRASS .25 X .375 M-F 90 DEG, BRASS TEE, .25 FP, BRASS NIPPLE, .25 IN FITTING, .25 MP X .25 FP, BRASS WASHER, .56 X 1.5 X .05 QD, 1-4M X 1-4FP, BRASS CAP, INLINE FILTER CHECKVALVE, NO STRAINER CHECK VALVE BODY HEATER PLATE HEX HEATER MOUNTING PLATE PVC PIPE, .25IN 3-8 BARB X 1-4RP, BRASS LABEL, CAUTION, MOTOR HOUSING SCREW, #8 X 1 IN, PAN, BLACK HEATER, TUNNEL COVER, BLUE GRANITE STUB, 12-3 SJTW, YELLOW #8 X .5 IN PAN, BLACK SMS, PHILLIPS MOUNT, NYLON TIE STRAIN RELIEF, PIGTAIL PLUG, 1.25 IN, BLACK COVER, SERIAL # LABEL LABEL, SERIAL NUMBER CAP NUT, .5 IN PUSH- ON WASHER, SHOULDER, NYLON WHEEL, 10 IN AXLE BASE HEX BOLT, 1/4 X 20 X 1 1/4" CASTER, 4 IN SOLUTION HOSE, .375 IN, BLACK SCREW CLAMP #6, .43 TO .875 IN ELBOW, 90, .375 MP X .375B, NYLON NYLON TIE, 11 IN BLACK NYLON TIE, 4 IN PUMP, ADJUSTABLE PRESSURE 50 - 200 PSI PUMP PLATE SOLUTION HOSE, .375 X 26 IN, BLACK SOLUTION HOSE, .375 X 10 IN, WIRE REINFORCED TEE, .375B X .375B X .375B, NYLON SOLUTION HOSE, .375 X 6 IN, WIRE REINFORCED VACUUM HOSE, 2 IN GREY, WIRE, 7 IN LG GASKET, VAC MOTOR, GALAXY CLOSED END CNTR, 16-3 CLOSED END CNTR, 16-3 QTY 1 1 3 1 1 16 26 6 2 2 1 1 1 1 10 1 5 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 4 1 1 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 1 8 2 1 8 2 4 13 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 3
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