PDF - Astronaut Scholarship Foundation


PDF - Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Mark your calendars for this year’s event May 13 - 14, 2016
Page 6
Astronaut Scholar Alumna
making waves in popular culture
FOX TV & Glamour Magazine
Space Rendezvous 2015
was a tremendous success!
Beginning this year, ASF’s semi-annual Astrogram will become more digitally focused.
We will print one issue of the magazine each year, along with quarterly electronic newsletters.
To receive these newsletters, visit AstronautScholarship.org and click the “Sign up now” button
at the bottom of the page to give us your preferred email address.
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Astronaut ■
Scholar ● Founder ♦
Dan Brandenstein ■
Lisa Schott ●
Michael Neukamm
Richard Covey ■
James Lovell ■
John Blaha ■
Larry Bradley ●
Curt Brown ■
Robert Crippen ■
Charles Duke ■
Senator John Glenn ■ ♦
Richard Gordon ■
Fred Gregory ■
Joseph Han ●
Rick Hauck ■
Jeff Hoffman ■
Edgar Mitchell ■
Charlie Precourt ■
Brewster Shaw ■
Kathryn Thornton ■
Laura Shepard-Churchley
Rick Armstrong
Ann Brown
Patricia Carpenter
Gene Cernan ■
Vincent Cimino
Nancy Conrad
Suzi Cooper
Walt Cunningham ■
Richard Garriott
Robert Gibson ■
Tom Hanks
Jarret Lafleur ●
Henri Landwirth ♦
James Long
James Mault, MD
Larry McGlynn
Harvey Miller
Dirk Raemdonck
Thomas Stafford ■
James Wood
Letter from the Chairman
The start of a new year is always an exciting time here at the
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation (ASF). We look forward to new
challenges as we continue to grow and expand our programs. It
also gives us an opportunity to reflect on the achievements from the
previous 12 months.
During 2015, we awarded 38 of our prestigious scholarships to
well-deserving students – our largest number of scholarships to
date – while increasing the number of partnering universities to 31.
This milestone reflects multiple years of growth for ASF’s mission.
Our newest “Scholars” are pursuing degrees in mathematics, optics,
engineering, aerospace and many other scientific fields. In spending
time with them, we know they will go on to achieve great things
for our country.
ASF also inspired and educated more than 7,000 elementary/high school students and members of the
general public about the achievements and value of space exploration. Working with our partnering
universities, ASF participated in 15 education events where Scholars had the opportunity to inspire
their peers to actively pursue their dreams. We also launched a new program that provides Astronaut
Scholars the opportunity to be mentored by Astronauts, leading industry executives and Astronaut
Scholar alumni. We believe it is important to continue to inspire and guide these young Americans as
they continue their journeys.
I would like to thank each of you for supporting ASF. We would not have achieved the many
accomplishments in 2015 without your help. Here’s to continuing our partnership and achieving more
successes in 2016.
Dan Brandenstein
Chairman, Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Note from the Executive Director
The year 2015 was truly amazing. We received financial support that
allowed us to grow and continue recognizing the tremendous dedication
put forth by our Astronaut Scholars throughout the nation. A few Astronaut
Scholars joined a panel discussion with their American heroes to share the
work they were conducting regarding the future of the space program. To
see all of this collaboration come together is very special. ASF wouldn’t be
where it is today without each and every one of you helping in some way
to support the mission.
LeVar Burton
Bill Dana
CONTENT - Rika Rowland &
Griffin Communications Group
LAYOUT & DESIGN - Griffin Communications Group
PHOTOGRAPHY John Karjanis, Steve Torres
SPECIAL THANKS to Fineline Printing
My team is already planning a fun 2016, with events throughout the year
that offer a little something for everyone. We will expand our Innovative Leader Mentor Program, which
will provide guidance to more scholars. And, we have grown the number of volunteer opportunities
As part of your New Year’s resolution, explore a way to get involved with our organization. Some easy
ways include attending an ASF event, volunteering and visiting our website. Because we have so much
going on throughout the year, we plan to share ASF news more frequently with you during 2016 via
e-newsletters. So, make sure to sign up to receive these ongoing electronic updates.
I look forward to seeing you in the coming months. Together, we will make an even larger impact this year!
Have questions, comments or story suggestions?
Please get in touch!
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Mail Code: ASF-1
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
Tammy M. Knowles-Sudler
Executive Director, Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Astrogram 2016
S P A C E ...
In summer 2015, Tranquility Lodge #2000 (TL2K), a Masonic
Lodge in Marble Falls, Texas, signed a five-year commitment
to financially support the ASF and its quest to promote STEM
education throughout the United States.
Texas Masonry has supported education since 1837, when the
Masonic Grand Lodge of Texas was formed. When Grand Master
Mirabeau Bonaparte Lamar became the second president of the
Republic of Texas, he ordered local Masonic Lodges to make
the first floor of their buildings available to their communities
for use as a school. The lodges often hired and paid the teachers’
salaries. Since those early days, Masons and Masonic Lodges
have continued to support education. During 2015, 544 Texas
Masonic Lodges provided more than $2 million in education
scholarships to students.
Beyond the educational focus, Texas Masons share an astronaut
heritage with the ASF. When Apollo 11 astronaut (and Masonic
Brother) Buzz Aldrin stepped onto the Moon’s surface in July
1969, he carried with him the special deputation of Texas Grand
Master J. Guy Smith, authorizing Aldrin to claim Masonic
Territorial Jurisdiction of the Moon for the Masonic Grand
Lodge of Texas.
Still Cool
Growing up, space meant watching Gemini missions blast off to
orbit, and Neil and Buzz landing Apollo on the moon.
Florida’s Space Coast - where rockets still soar into orbit today.
GoCocoaBeach.com |
flix& #StillCool
Thank you to everyone who supported the mission
“One of the reasons Tranquility Lodge #2000 was created was
Astrogram_ad_fina3l.indd 1
of ASF through in-kind donations or purchases
to help promote the health, welfare, education and patriotism
of children worldwide,” said Don Comedy, executive director
of store merchandise, event tickets, raffles,
of Texas Masonic Charities Foundation. “TL2K members felt
auction items and astronaut experiences. Visit
that its goals and purposes, not to mention the Buzz Aldrin
AstronautScholarship.org for exciting new
connection, were a perfect fit to launch a long-standing
opportunities throughout 2016!
partnership with ASF.”
Auction winners Jill and Steve Wirth enjoy a private tour of Napa Valley’s
Caldwell Vineyards with astronaut Dan Bursch. Left to Right: Bryan Toy,
Sharon Yencharis, Vic Luebker, Jill Wirth, Dan Bursch, and Steve Wirth.
Photo Credit: Suzanne Beck Bronx
9:45 AM
Auction winner Jerry Matulka stands behind astronaut Jerry Carr
on the TV set of “Life of the Party,” featuring a cooking and dining
experience with Perfect Wife Restaurant and Badia a Coltibuono wine.
2015 astronaut scholars
38 students awarded coveted Astronaut Scholarship
In 2015, the Astronaut Scholarship Foundation presented the prestigious
Astronaut Scholarship to 38 exceptional STEM students throughout the United
States. As part of the award ceremonies, ASF also hosted educational seminars
with guest astronaut lecturers stressing the importance of science, technology,
engineering and math (STEM) and its positive impact on our global society.
Upcoming Astronaut Scholar Award Ceremonies
Tufts University – Friday, April 1
Louisiana State University – Thursday, April 7
Details will be updated on the ASF website.
The Wreyford Family and Astronaut Charlie Duke
sponsor our Texas A&M Astronaut Scholarships
William Linz and Kirstin Maulding.
Dan Brandenstein, chairman Astronaut Scholarship
Foundation, with Jillian Yuricich Ohio State, Astronaut
Astronaut Fred Gregory awards Samuel Clarke at
Georgia Institute of Technology.
Dan Brandenstein, chairman Astronaut Scholarship
Foundation, celebrating with an ASF cookie at
Ohio State University.
Patrons Larry and Patti McGlynn at MIT with Scholar
Ceili Burdhimo, Scholarship sponsored by Jacobs.
University of Chicago Scholars, Olivia Stovicek
and Trevor Roberts with Astronaut Fred Gregory.
Our most recent round of scholarship
recipients hail from the following
educational institutions:
Brown University
Clemson University
Florida Insititute of Technology
Georgia Institute of Technology
Harvey Mudd College
Louisiana State University *
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Miami University (Ohio)
North Carolina State University
North Dakota State University
Ohio State University
Pennsylvania State University
Purdue University
Syracuse University
Texas A&M Univeristy *
Tufts University
University of Arizona
University of Central Florida *
University of Chicago *
University of Colorado
University of Kansas *
University of Kentucky
University of Michigan
University of Minnesota *
University of Oklahoma *
University of Rochester
University of Southern California
University of Texas at Austin
University of Virginia
University of Washington
University of Wisconsin
Washington University (St. Louis)
* Universities Providing Matching Scholarships
Congratulations to three of our Astronaut Scholars
for being among the fifteen individuals selected
to receive the 2016-2017 Churchill Scholarship.
If you are interested in having your university accept
this challenge, please contact Nicole Russ at
Mithi Alexa de los Reyes (North Carolina State University), MPhil, Astronomy
Travis Sawyer (University of Arizona), MPhil, Physics
Sammy Shaker (University of Minnesota), MPhil, Materials Science
scholar news
Astronaut Scholar alumna appears on
episode of FOX’s Xploration Outer Space
for their ongoing support of ASF. In 2015, the Astronaut Scholars
raised over $26,000 through their Scholars Give Back campaign.
Their commitment to give back goes beyond financial support
with their generous gifts of time, expertise, and resources for
many of our events and programs. Through the alumni’s life-long
commitment to ASF, they are ensuring that future generations of
our nation’s brightest young minds will have the same opportunities
they have been awarded. To contribute to the Scholars Give
Back campaign in honor of an Astronaut Scholar, simply note
the scholar’s name when you make your online donation at www.
AstronautScholarship.org/donate or by mailing in your donation
to ASF, Mailcode ASF-1, Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899.
Innovative Leaders Mentor Program
Astronaut Scholar Jillian Yuricich (left) with Emily Calandrelli
(right) of Xploration Outerspace.
Congratulations to Astronaut Scholar alumna Jillian Yuricich who
recently appeared on the hit FOX show Xploration Outer Space.
Yuricich, an ASF Astronaut Scholar in 2014 and 2015, won a
Facebook competition to undergo student-astronaut training in
Florida at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University. Her exciting
adventure is in episode 15, which aired on Dec. 20, 2015.
Yuricich, 22, caught the space bug at age 5. Since then, she has
dedicated her life to pursuing her dream of becoming an astronaut on
Mars. She attended space camp as a child and is currently majoring
in aerospace engineering at Ohio State University.
“Pursuing space flight pushes us in science and technology, and that
not only benefits the astronauts, but it comes back to benefit the entire
world,” Yuricich said. “And to me, that’s one of the greatest win-wins
in the history of win-wins.”
When Yuricich learned about Xploration Outer Space’s Facebook
competition, she knew she had to give it a try. Her video submission
garnered more than 10,000 views in 48 hours, and earned her a spot
as one of four finalists. She received the good news that she was the
grand prize winner during one of her classes via a video message
from the show’s host, Emily Calandrelli, who accompanied Yuricich
in the adventure.
During 2015, ASF successfully launched a pilot program that
connects incoming Astronaut Scholars with astronauts, former
scholars and industry leaders. Through the Innovative Leaders
Mentor Program, current Astronaut Scholars are coached and
advised regarding their education, career paths and transitioning
from school into industry. They also receive leads on future
jobs and networking paths to guide future life and professional
“The monetary portion of the prestigious Astronaut Scholarship
Award caps at $10,000 per student,” said Tammy KnowlesSudler, executive director for the ASF. “This program extends
the value of that gift beyond any financial measure. It keeps
our scholars engaged with their ASF family and sets the stage
for them to become mentors for future classes of incoming
Astronaut Scholars. We look forward to growing this program
for years to come.”
If you are interested in volunteering as a mentor, please contact
Nicole Russ at Nicole@astronautscholarship.org.
NASA astronaut featured in Glamour
Glamour magazine recently profiled four of NASA’s female
astronauts, including Christina Hammock Koch (far right). Koch
was an Astronaut Scholar in 2000 and 2001 from North Carolina
State University. After spending a year on a research project at
the South Pole, she became an astronaut in 2013. Today, she is
in training, vying for the chance to be named one of the elite few
who will travel to Mars in approximately 15 years.
Yuricich and Calandrelli met in Florida in October to undergo
scientist-astronaut training, which was hosted by Project PoSSUM,
a nonprofit, suborbital research program devoted to the ongoing
observation of the upper atmosphere. The women underwent G-force
training in a special aircraft, where they endured loops, turns and
30 seconds of upside-down flying to simulate weightlessness. Then,
they performed a simulated suborbital space mission to study the
mesosphere and perform cloud research. Yuricich was the pilot for
the mission.
“To have the opportunity to train like an astronaut for a handful of
days … I still can’t believe it happened,” Yuricich said. “This was
my largest step yet to reaching my goal of becoming an astronaut on
Mars. It’s a prize that leaves me speechless.”
Watch Yuricich’s appearance on episode 15 of Xploration Outer
Space by visiting Hulu at www.hulu.com/grid/xploration-outerspace?video_type=episode
Astronauts Nicole Aunapu Mann, Anne McClain, Jessica Meir, and
Christina Hammock Koch, photographed at NASA’s Johnson Space
Center in Houston.
Read her story here: www.glamour.com/inspired/2016/01/
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Induction
The beginning of a new year is an exciting time around the ASF because it is when we unveil the newest heroes
who will be inducted into the U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame (AHOF). Based on a formal review process made
by the AHOF Induction Selection Committee, we are proud to announce that this year, Brian Duffy and Scott
Parazynski, M.D. will join the ranks of 91 other accomplished astronauts from the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo,
Skylab and Space Shuttle Programs. The ASF, along with Delaware North Companies (DNC), will honor these
two individuals with a two-day celebration in May at the Kennedy Space Center Visitor Complex (KSCVC).
The festivities kick off on Friday, May 13, when ASF will host a black-tie gala featuring dozens of astronauts
and the “who’s who” from the aerospace industry. Held in the KSCVC’s award-winning Apollo/Saturn V
Center, guests will enter the event via a Hollywood-style red carpet that lies beneath the breathtaking Saturn
V rocket suspended directly above. Later, they will dine with industry titans, scholar alumni and some of the
greatest space legends of all time, as they watch Duffy and Parazynski be recognized for their achievements.
Duffy and Parazynski will be formally inducted into the AHOF on Saturday, May 14, at a ceremony that
fittingly takes place beneath the Atlantis exhibit at KSCVC.
The weekend will also include ASF’s Scholar Technical Conference, where Astronaut Scholars present their
current work, research and projects. Last year’s presentation even drew some of the space legends featured at
the gala who were fascinated by the work of these talented young minds.
Tickets and sponsorship opportunities are now available for the May 13th gala.
Like every year, it’s a guaranteed sell-out that you don’t want to miss!
For more information, please visit www.AstronautScholarship.org
U.S. Astronaut Hall of Fame Induction
Brian Duffy (Colonel, USAF, Ret.)
STS-45, STS-57, STS-72 and STS-92
Scott Parazynski, M.D.
STS-66, STS-86, STS-95, STS-100 and STS-120
Brian Duffy became an astronaut in July 1986 and later
served on four Space Shuttle flights – twice as pilot
and twice as commander. During his final mission on
STS-92 in 2000, he and his crew attached key hardware
pieces to the International Space Station, which opened
the door for future assembly missions and prepared the
station for its first resident crew. He logged a total of 40
days, 17 hours in space.
Scott Parazynski, M.D. had completed nearly two years
of his residency in emergency medicine when NASA
selected him for the astronaut corps in 1992. A veteran
of five Space Shuttle flights, he has logged more than
eight weeks in space, including 47 hours during seven
spacewalks. Mission highlights include: a global ozone
mapping mission, leading the first joint U.S.-Russian
spacewalk while docked to Mir, serving as Senator
John Glenn’s crewmate and personal physician and
conducting EVA assembly of the Canadian-built space
station arm. He is the second astronaut in history to
perform four spacewalks in a single Space Shuttle
Mission (STS-120).
His other NASA experience includes acting as
spacecraft communicator in Mission Control during
numerous other Space Shuttle missions. He also
served as Assistant Director (Technical) and Deputy
Director (Acting) of the NASA-Johnson Space Center
in Houston. Upon retiring from the U.S. Air Force and
NASA in 2001, he joined Lockheed Martin and spent
a decade managing all aspects of KSC’s networks and
communications systems that supported the Space
Shuttle, International Space Station and Expendable
Launch Vehicle programs. He later managed Lockheed
Martin’s military space division. Today, he serves as Vice
President of JSC/KSC Exploration Systems at Orbital
ATK, where he leads a coalition that is developing the
systems required for deep space exploration.
A Boston native, Duffy earned his bachelor of science in
mathematics from the United States Air Force Academy
and a master of science in systems management from
the University of Southern California. He is a member
of the USAF Academy Association of Graduates, the
Air Force Association and the Association of Space
During his NASA career, Parazynski served in numerous
senior leadership roles, including EVA Branch Chief
and the Lead Astronaut for Space Shuttle Thermal
Protection System Inspection & Repair. Since retiring
from NASA in 2009, he has served as a senior executive
in the aerospace and medical sectors: Founding
Director/Chief Medical Officer of UTMB’s Center for
Polar Medical Operations, University Explorer and
Professor of Practice at Arizona State University, and
recent co-founder of BlueDot Technologies, which
aims to leverage disruptive technologies from national
and university labs to address the planet’s greatest
needs. He is a prolific inventor and product developer.
Parazynski earned a bachelor of science in biology
from Stanford University, continuing on to graduate
with honors from Stanford Medical School. He served
his medical internship at the Brigham and Women’s
Hospital of Harvard Medical School.
Thank you to our sponsors for making Space Rendezvous 2015 a tremendous success!
Recent Events
Astronauts, collectors and space enthusiasts gathered
in November for Space Rendezvous 2015, a three-day
“spacetacular” extravaganza which raises funds for scholarships
to outstanding college STEM students. Formerly known as
the Astronaut Autograph & Memorabilia Show, the newly
revamped event featured dynamic educational and lecture
opportunities, along with the famous autograph component.
“Space Rendezvous 2015 included educational seminars,
updates on current activities in the space industry and one-onone interactions with space heroes,” said Tammy KnowlesSudler, ASF’s executive director. “More than 30 veteran
NASA astronauts joined us as we raised money to shape the
next generation of science and technology leaders.”
Legends from the Gemini, Apollo, Skylab and Space
Shuttle Programs took part in Space Rendezvous 2015.
One of the highlights was a gala held on Saturday, Nov. 7,
in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Apollo-Soyuz Test
Project. The evening, emceed by astronauts Al Worden
and Dick Gordon, relived the origins of the United States’
first international effort with Russia to the International
Space Station of today’s space program, featuring a panel
discussion by astronauts General Tom Stafford, Jack Lousma,
Norm Thagard and U.S. Program Manager Glynn Lunney.
Hundreds of guests enjoyed cocktails, dinner, a live auction
and an evening program.
The educational seminars were a huge hit among attendees.
Leaders from Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Aerojet Rocketdyne
and Orbital ATK, as well as Astronaut Scholar Tim Duquette,
gave updates on the steps being made today to prepare for
human exploration of asteroids and Mars during the OLS/
SLS Orion seminar. Astronauts Tom Akers, Steve Hawley,
Jeff Hoffman and Kathy Thornton, along with former NASA
Administrator Mike Griffin and Astronaut Scholar Larry
Bradley shared untold stories and discoveries about the Hubble
Space Telescope (HST) during a special 25th anniversary of
HST seminar. Finally, astronauts, Astronaut Scholars and space
personalities took part in breakout sessions to share ongoing
and historical activities.
On Saturday, hundreds of collectors attended the Astronaut
Autograph and Memorabilia Show at Kennedy Space Center
to take pictures, share stories and collect autographs from the
esteemed list of space legends.
“The entire event was a giant learning fest from some of the
greatest heroes in the space business,” Knowles-Sudler said.
“Everyone involved – from speakers to attendees to all of us
who planned it – had a great time and can’t wait for Space
Rendezvous 2016.”
Cimino Family hosts “Meet & Greet”
with Apollo 13’s Captain James Lovell
Left to Right: Astronaut Scholars Travis Sawyer and Ben Cromey, Todd
Hansen, Member of the ASF Visionary Circle, and Captain James Lovell.
Captain James Lovell, giving the evenings presentation.
Captain James Lovell and evening host Vinny Cimino.
ASF Visionary Circle Founders Vinny and Marianne Cimino
hosted a “Meet & Greet” at the Desert Mountain Country Club in
Arizona on Dec. 8 featuring famed Apollo 13 astronaut, Captain
James Lovell. More than 140 guests gathered for the chance to hear
the legendary hero share his personal experience of surviving the
near-fatal mission and the important role innovation and critical
thinking played in bringing the crew home safely. The evening
was also a chance for these guests to be introduced to the ASF and
its renowned Astronaut Scholarship Program, as well as meet two
current scholar recipients – Travis Sawyer and Benjamin Cromey.
The ASF’s “Meet & Greet” program is part of the ongoing effort
to raise awareness of ASF’s mission. Events are hosted by ASF’s
family of directors, trustees and supporters who graciously
open their homes, businesses or other venues to introduce ASF
to their local community. Through the personal stories and life
experiences of astronauts and Astronaut Scholars, guests gain
a better understanding of the impact the ASF has not only on
students, but on the nation’s workforce in fields such as aerospace,
energy, and defense and homeland security.
If you are interested in hosting a “Meet & Greet” event contact:
Rika Rowland
Director of Corporate and Donor Relations
rika@astronautscholarship.org or 321.449.4876.
A Sincere Thank You to Our Generous Supporters
You are an Important Part of Our Foundation’s Success
UP TO $999
John H. Abbott
Jan Akers
Rick Armstrong
Jennifer Ayala
Brian Bauer
Robert Bayley
Alan and Leslie Bean
John and Brenda Blaha
Josh and Jessica Blomberg
Larry Bradley
Vance and Bev Brand
John Briody
Alastair Browne
David Brownhill
Robert and Rita Broyles
Colin Burgess
Murrie Burk
Patricia Carpenter
Dan Cavanagh
Andrew Chaikin
Michael A. Chang
Luc Charland
Gloria Chestnut
Nicholas Chocas
Mary Cleave
Mary Cohn
Suzi Cooper
Tom and Lynne Coudron
Charles Crawford
David Crawley
Walter and Dot Cunningham
Timothy Drake
Michael Dudinyak
John Estell
John Fabian
David Fisher
Lonia Fredlander
Marie Fullerton
Richard Garriott
Marianne Clark Gaudin
Mari Lynn Glidden
Shannan and Bruce Goforth
Buddy and Karen Goodman
Duane Graveline
Richard B. Green
Fred and Annette Gregory
Bev Gresham
Michael D. Griffin
David Hamon
Hugh Harris
Gina Herlihy
Patricia Hesp
Zoe Hesp
James Hillhouse
Timothy Jackson
Margot Jacobs
Greg Johnson
Andrew Jones
Camille Juliano
Richard Jurek
Cole Kazemba
Wendel Kent
Trent Kingery
Dale Klein
Jarret Lafleur
Wendy Lawrence
Diane Lesser
Craig Lewandowski
Russ and Mary Lloyd
Jack and Gratia Lousma
Jerry Louviere
Glynn and Marilyn Lunney
Caitlin Mackey
Brian Mathason
Jon and Sharon McBride
Mike and Jane McCulley
Don and Janice McMonagle
Mike and Anne Meiers
Bruce and Kim Melnick
Todd and Nicole Michaels
Jeremy Monat
JoAnn Morgan
Charles J. Mueller
James H. Newman
Joel Odom
Cory Off
Dee O’Hara
Riley Pack
Robert Panish
Jocelyn Passty
William Patton
Benjamin Paulson
Amelia Pflaum
Brenda Phillips
Allan Proksel
Margaret Race
David Rahmani
William Remsen
Diane Renner
Jennifer Riggle
Jerry Roberts
David Robertson
Margaret and Harold Rominger
Preston and Lynn Root
Rebecca Rought
Hamp and Rika Rowland
Robert Safay
Terrence Salvi
David M. Scott
Winston and Marilyn Scott
Betty and David Shlepr
Belinda Shreckengost
Loren and Susan Shriver
Anne Buzbee Skewes
Robert Solliday
Robert and Deborah Springer
Kimberly Stanek
Tony and Tammy Sudler
Joseph Tanner
Vivian Teets
Steve and Kathy Thornton
Matt Tripi
Dick and Cody Truly
Fiona Turett
Barbara Walters
Norma Wendt
Ashley Moore-Williams
Howard Woodruff
Al Worden
Brian Yanagitani
Philip Yarbrough
Kamela Yuricich
Companies & Organizations:
Communications Concepts, Inc.
DF Eisele Memorial Scholarship Fund
Fenwick Club
Letters from Lana
Mount Evans Home Health Care & Hospice
RML Acoustics, LLC
Robroy Industries
Siemens Westinghouse Retirees Association
Space Hipsters
The NEEMO Team
University of Michigan Club of SW Florida
$1,000 - $4,999
Thomas Akers
Patrick Biltgen
Mike Black
Dan and Jane Brandenstein
Michael Briesch
Charles Brown
Gordon and Ann Brown
Gene and Jan Cernan
Kevin and Cathy Chilton
Fred and Laura Churchley
Eileen Collins
Richard and Kathleen Covey
Robert and Pandora Crippen
Bob and Gretchen Dudney
Bonnie Dunbar
Charlie and Dotty Duke
Chris Ferguson
Rick Hauck & Susan Bruce
Harry Jacobs
Thomas and Elizabeth Jones
William Kalinowski
Elizabeth Kemp-Pherson
Darlene Koenig
Gene Kranz
Andrew and Bobbie LaGravenese
Mark Larson
Stella Lillicrop
The Littlefild/Roper Family
John Meredith
Mike and Donna Mullane
Jonathan Pikalek
Barry Power
Charlie and Lynne Precourt
Dirk Raemdonck
Kent Rominger
William Salkewicz
Brewster and Kathy Shaw
Douglas Sheridan
Robert Sieck
Sheridan G. Snyder
Richard and Donna Strong
Kim Topley
John Tylko
Paul and Suzanne Weitz
Companies & Organizations:
Chubb & Son
Emerson-Griffin Toring Private Foundation
Gross Family Foundation
ISSA Raleigh Chapter - International Systems
Security Association
R & R Auction Company, LLC
Rocky Mountain Psychotherapy
Rotary National Award for Space Achievement,
In Honor of Robert Cabana
Space Coast Jet Center
Space Coast Office of Tourism
* This list consists of gifts not related to special event tickets, auctions, raffles, or merchandise.
$5,000 - $9,999
David Andrews
Curt and Mary Brown
Scott and Amy Clemens
Todd Hansen
Greg Isaacson
James and Marilyn Lovell
Mark Rein
William Stein
John and Carol Tyler
Former Astronaut Scholar’s Family
Makes Sizeable Contribution
$10,000 - $19,000
Joseph Fischer
George and Lisa Schott
David Tenenbaum
Steve and Jill Wirth
Companies & Organizations:
The Gildea Foundation
The USAA Foundation, Inc.
Jane P. Long Fund
Page, Wolfberg, & Wirth, LLC
$20,000 - $49,000
Vincent and Marianne Cimino
Daniel and Jennifer de Jong
Barry and Liz Holden
Bill and Linda J.
James Long
Companies & Organizations:
Airscan, Inc
McGlynn, Clinton, & Hall Insurance Agencies
$50,000 - $100,000
Greg, Scott and Jan Isaacson at Kennedy Space Center Rocket Garden.
One of the factors that makes Astronaut Scholars so unique is their
willingness to give their time, talent and financial resources to
help make the ASF as strong as possible. And, in some cases, that
drive extends to the Scholars’ family members. Meet the Isaacson
Family, who recently donated $5,000 to the ASF as part of the Gold
“Visionary Circle” honoring former astronaut and ASF Chairman
of the Board, Dan Brandenstein.
The ASF named Scott Isaacson an Astronaut Scholar in 2010
while he was enrolled at the University of Minnesota. Over the
past five years, Scott’s parents – Greg and Jan – have attended
the ASF Scholars/Astronaut Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony
weekend festivities with their son twice and witnessed firsthand
the incredible talent of the many fine young men and women who
have received scholarships.
Companies & Organizations:
Tranquility Masonic Lodge #2000
Wreyford Family Foundation
“A few words come to mind about these scholars: smart, talented,
insightful, driven,” said Greg Isaacson. “Seeing the unique qualities
of these individuals led us to support ASF in a meaningful way.”
Isaacson said his son, along with all of the Astronaut Scholars,
received many opportunities through the ASF that are not available
via other scholarship programs. This includes not only the “great
ASF staff,” but also the many former astronauts that generously
give of their time and talents to nurture the scholars.
Companies & Organizations:
The Boundless Frontier Foundation
Our heartfelt thanks to the following Visionary Circle
Founders, who chose to honor members of the Mercury 7
with their contribution.
Astronaut Honorees Visionaries
Scott Carpenter Steve & Jill Wirth
Gordon Cooper Daniel & Jennifer de Jong
John Glenn Barry & Liz Holden
Gus Grissom Bill & Linda J.
Wally Schirra Lawrence & Patricia McGlynn
Alan Shepard Marianne & Vincent Cimino
Deke Slayton James Long
“Supporting the ASF mission and helping fund future ASF
scholarships was a natural next step for us,” Isaacson said. “We
encourage others to do likewise. These fine young people are the
future of our nation, and there is no doubt our nation’s future is
We encourage all former Astronaut Scholars to consider giving
back in some fashion. Donations can be made online at www.
To discuss additional ways to take an even more active role,
contact Tammy Knowles-Sudler, Executive Director, at tammy@
astronautscholarship.org or Rika Rowland, Director of Corporate
and Donor Relations at rika@astronautscholarship.org.
Astronaut Scholarship Foundation
Mail Code: ASF-1
Kennedy Space Center, FL 32899
Thirty years ago, the six surviving Mercury 7 astronauts – Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, John Glenn, Walter Schirra, Alan Shepard and
Deke Slayton – came together with the goal to use their joint credibility to encourage students to pursue scientific endeavors to keep
America on the leading edge of technology. That idea led to the formation of the Mercury 7 Foundation, which later became the Astronaut
Scholarship Foundation (ASF). Together with Betty Grissom (widow of Mercury 7 Astronaut, Virgil “Gus” Grissom), William Douglas, M.D. (the
Project Mercury flight surgeon), and Henri Landwirth (Orlando businessman and friend of the astronauts) the Mercury 7 astronauts provided
scholarships for students that excelled in the area of science.
Today, more than 100 astronauts from the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo, Skylab and Space Shuttle programs have joined in the mission. Through the
garnered support of astronauts, industry leaders, educational institutions and patrons, ASF awards merit-based scholarships to the best and
brightest university students who excel in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). The prestigious Astronaut Scholarship is
known nationwide for being among the highest scholarships awarded to undergraduate STEM students. Since its inception, ASF has awarded
over $4 million in scholarships to more than 400 of the nation’s top scholars.
To aid the United States in retaining its world leadership in science and technology by providing college scholarships for the very best and
brightest students pursuing science, technology, engineering, or math degrees.
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