Since 1988 we`ve supplied over 40,000 vehicles to


Since 1988 we`ve supplied over 40,000 vehicles to
Since 1988 we’ve supplied
over 40,000 vehicles
to business fleets of all sizes
to JCT600
and Finance
Contract Hire
Contract Hire
Sale and
Grey Fleet
Part of the JCT600 Group
our roots are strong
Total vehicle leasing
solutions you can trust
JCT600 Vehicle Leasing Solutions
A name you know and can trust.With our beginnings in
1988 JCT600 Vehicle Leasing Solutions has long been
recognised as a company offering excellent customer
care for the total range of vehicle management services,
to both the corporate and personal markets.
We are based in Bradford, West Yorkshire, and operate
independently from the JCT600 Group, one of the UK’s
largest motor retailers, but benefit from their full support
and backing. Our company vision is to be the best,
rather than the biggest. Best in terms of our customer
service, our commitment to people and just about
everything else. We are a family business with strong
family values. Our roots guide our decisions and enable
us to remain flexible and nimble to change. Continuous
investment in our people and our technologies keep us
at the forefront of our industry.
Funding And Finance
Identifying your needs and
providing the right solution
We obtain competitive finance rates from some of the most respected financial institutions in the UK including Lloyds Blackhorse,
Barclays Bank, Close Finance, Macquarie and Clydesdale Bank to provide a range of leasing solutions that meet our clients’
Business Contract Hire
Contract Hire allows a vehicle to be supplied over a fixed period
for a fixed monthly rental (normally including maintenance) to
provide a full operational solution. Available to a whole range
of businesses, it is a method of funding that provides a fixed,
manageable and cost effective solution for vehicle acquisition.
Contract Purchase
Contract Purchase has many of the benefits of our contract hire
service but you also have the opportunity to own your vehicle at
the end of its contract. It is the right choice for you if you want
your assets to appear on your balance sheet or if your company
can’t recover VAT.
Personal Contract Hire
Private individuals can access the same benefits as businesses can
from contract hire. We are one of the few personal contract hire
providers in the UK. We’ll make sure we assist you in matching
the right deal to suit your lifestyle and budget.
Salary Sacrifice
The advent of low CO2 emission cars has made salary sacrifice
options far more financially attractive. Employees benefit from
reduced costs whilst it is tax neutral for employers. Our fully
compliant and transparent product will enhance your employees
range of benefits.
Sale and Leaseback
Need an injection of capital? Our sale and leaseback service helps
you save money in the long term as we buy your fleet from you
at the current market value. Then you can sit back and enjoy the
undoubted benefits of contract hire as we lease the vehicles back
to you.
Short Term Hire
Our Daily Rental service uses a state of the art system to make
booking easy, efficient and cost effective so we can deliver a high
quality, competitive rental solution to our customers.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Business Contract Hire
The provision of a vehicle for an
agreed period, usually including
maintenance cover, for a fixed
monthly rental
JCT600 VLS has been supplying Contract Hire to SMEs in the UK since the day it was formed in 1988, and through all the
economic ups and downs since, making it one of the most consistent, reliable and experienced companies in the marketplace.
You simply choose the vehicles you need (or we can help you decide the best ones for your business), then we buy and manage
them for you. All you will have to do is pay a fixed monthly rental for the use of the vehicle.
The benefits of contract hire:-
Off Balance Sheet Funding
Fixed Monthly Payments
Current Accounting regulations allow operating leases (which
includes Contract Hire) to be reported off-balance sheet. This can
improve some key financial measurements and release other forms
of lending to support core business activities.
All costs (including maintenance if required) associated with
running a business vehicle are visible to you and are fixed from
day one of the contract with the exception of fuel and insurance.
We will agree the optimum duration and mileage to meet your
requirements and calculate the monthly lease rate accordingly
including the expected future re-sale value. This will allow you
to budget accurately and forward plan your fleet costs.
No Risk
A vehicle will start to lose significant amounts of its value as soon
as it leaves the showroom. With contract hire all depreciation
risk is eliminated. You return the vehicle to us at the end of the
contract and any variance on the re-sale value to that set in the
contract is at our risk protecting you from market fluctuations.
We buy and finance contract hire cars VAT free. 50% of the
VAT on the capital element of the lease rental and 100% on the
service element of the monthly lease rental can be reclaimed by
you which is a substantial financial advantage over an outright
purchase option using your own funds.
Rental Leasing Allowances
Car lease rentals are usually an allowable expense for businesses
which can be deducted against its corporation or income tax
charge. From 1 April 2009 a percentage restriction applies to
the finance element of the lease where CO2 emissions exceed
a g/km threshold. In addition the Government has decided to cut
corporation tax to 21% in 2014/15and then to 20% in 2015/16.
From the 1 April, 2013 leased cars have been treated in one of two ways:
• Cars with emissions up to and including 130g/km face no lease rental
restriction so the cost of the lease is fully deductible against taxable profits.
• Cars with emissions of 131g/km or more face a 15% restriction
so companies can only deduct 85% of any rental payments.
The table below outlines the impact of these two scenarios
Tax Year
Co2 g/km
131 129
Release of Capital
Corporation Tax
Using contract hire involves minimal capital outlay (usually just
3 months rental as a deposit) compared to using your own funds
and tying them up in a rapidly depreciating asset. Instead you
can re-invest the cash in your core business activities.
Monthly Rental
Annual Rental
Annual Deduction
Tax Relief
Operational Benefits
With JCT600 VLS’s expert fleet team taking care of sourcing,
delivering, maintenance and the day-to-day routine administration
of your vehicles you can fully concentrate on your business.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Contract Purchase
Contract Purchase has many of the
same benefits as contract hire but
with the opportunity to buy your
vehicle at the end of its contract
Whilst only a small proportion of the UK market uses Contract Purchase it is a funding method available to those
companies who prefer to have the option the buy the vehicles. It may also be a more attractive option for companies
who cannot fully recover VAT. As with Contract Hire, Contract Purchase delivers the benefits of reduced administration
and fixed rental payments as well as releasing capital for investment elsewhere.
The benefits of Contract Purchase:-
Balance Sheet Treatment
Fixed Monthly Payments
As this is a purchase agreement the asset is shown on the balance
sheet enabling capital allowances to be claimed. The rate of allowance
is regularly reviewed by the government and, in line with its policy
on reducing carbon gases, is linked to the CO2 emissions of the car.
All the costs associated with running a business vehicle are visible
to you and are fixed from day one of the contract. We will agree
the optimum duration and mileage to meet your requirements
and calculate the monthly lease rate accordingly including the
expected future buy-back value. Capital, Interest payments and
even maintenance costs (if selected) will be fixed throughout the
period of the agreement. This allows you to accurately budget
and forward plan your fleet costs.
No Risk
A vehicle will start to lose significant amounts of its value as
soon as it leaves the showroom. With contract purchase the
depreciation risk is minimised with a guaranteed Buy Back
from JCT600 VLS. At the end of the contract you can a pay a
predetermined ‘balloon’ payment to complete your purchase
of the vehicle or you can choose just to return the vehicle to
As this is a purchase arrangement the finance element of the
rental payments is not subject to VAT which will prove beneficial
if you are unable to fully recover VAT. If you choose to include a
maintenance and services package in the monthly rental this will
attract VAT in the normal way.
Release of Capital
Using Contract Purchase involves minimal capital outlay (usually
just 3 months payment as a deposit) compared to using your
own funds and tying it up in a rapidly depreciating asset. Instead
you can re-invest the cash in your core business activities.
Currently it is as follows:Cars up to 75g/km
Cars above 75g/km to 130g/km Cars above 130g/km
100% first year allowance
18% allowance
8% allowance
The Government has announced its intention to review 130g/km
main rate threshold (18%) and the 100% first year allowance
availability in the budget of 2016.
Operational Benefits
Contract Purchase is identical to Contract Hire from an operational
point of view. The key difference of course is that Contract Purchase
gives you the option of purchasing the vehicle at the end of the
contract. With JCT600 VLS’s expert fleet team taking care of sourcing,
delivery, maintenance and the general day-to-day routine administration
of your vehicles you can fully concentrate on your business.
Flexible Services
Defining the right services for your specific fleet needs is what
sets JCT600 VLS apart in the vehicle leasing market. These could
include maintenance (fixed or pay on use), roadside assistance, fuel
management, accident management, daily rental vehicles, driver
management, telematics and fleet consultancy. Our “Fleet Controller”
web enabled management tool is also included for real time data on
your car fleet whilst our Electronic Driver Services (EDS) system can
support your drivers from journey logging for expenses to general car
policy information.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Personal Contract Hire
Private individuals can access
the same benefits as businesses
do from contract hire
No Risk
Access to
New Cars
Personal Contract Hire (PCH) which is also known as Personal Leasing operates in exactly the same way as traditional
contract hire for companies but is available to private individuals. It is cost effective and easy to manage as well as the
most efficient way to offset the high cost of depreciation on new cars.
The benefits of Personal Contract hire:-
Fixed Monthly Payments
PCH contracts can be tailored to suit your needs. At the outset
we will agree the length of the contract with you and the
mileage allowance you think you will need over that period.
If you opt to include a maintenance package all the costs for
routine servicing and tyre replacement are included in the
monthly rental offering a complete fixed motoring option and
protection from unforeseen cost increases.
All the costs associated with running a vehicle are visible to
you and are fixed from day one of the contract. We will agree
the optimum duration and mileage to meet your requirements
and calculate the monthly lease rate accordingly including the
expected future re-sale value. Capital, Interest payments and even
maintenance costs (if selected) will be fixed throughout the period
of the lease agreement. This allows you to accurately budget and
forward plan your motoring costs.
No Risk
A vehicle will start to lose significant amounts of its value as
soon as it leaves the showroom. With Personal Contract Hire all
depreciation risk is eliminated. You return the vehicle to us at
the end of the contract and any variance on the re-sale value to
that set in the contract is our risk protecting you from market
Access to New Cars
As using PCH involves minimal capital outlay (usually just 3
months rental as a deposit) and is based on the depreciated value
of the vehicle the monthly rentals are very competitive against,
for example, a personal loan which would be based on the full
repayment of the original cost of the car. This also enables you
to have access to cars with values usually in excess of those you
could normally afford.
End of the Contract
JCT600 VLS will notify you at least 3 months in advance that
your contract is due to expire and in most cases will offer you
the opportunity to consider a new contract for a new car. We
will then organise collection of the vehicle and (if you are taking
a new vehicle from us) deliver the new vehicle in a “key for key”
exchange. As long as the returned vehicle has not travelled in
excess of the agreed mileage allowance and is in a condition in
adherence to the British Vehicle Rental and Leasing Association
(BVRLA) fair wear and tear guidelines then that is the end of the
agreement for that vehicle. Simple! If you have travelled more
miles it is not a problem. We would invoice you for the excess
miles on a pence per mile basis that was agreed at the outset of
the agreement. Any damage in excess of the BVRLA guidelines
would also be charged.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Salary Sacrifice
The development of low CO2 emission
engines has made salary sacrifice for
cars far more financially appealing
on income tax and
national insurance
A properly researched and managed Salary Sacrifice car scheme will allow your employees to benefit from a new car, with all
expenses such as maintenance and tyres included (but not fuel), over a fixed period of time of usually two to four years. The full
costs of the scheme, including administration, National Insurance and any other costs, are fully paid for by the employee through
a reduction in their gross salary. The employee will save tax and National Insurance on the salary sacrificed and can benefit from
your companies purchasing leverage with suppliers but they are liable for ‘benefit in kind’ (BIK) tax on the car they choose. The
advent of significantly lower Co2 emission cars is one of the reasons Salary Sacrifice schemes are now more popular and generally
mean the tax and NI savings outweigh any BIK taxation.
How does it work?
As an employer you are able to fully recover the costs of funding
and operating the car from your employee, you can offer a very
attractive employee benefit and you can save Class 1A National
Insurance Contributions on the salary sacrificed.
There are virtually no costs to the employer in introducing a salary
sacrifice scheme as long as there are controls around any early
termination of contracts (if an employee leaves for example),
excess mileage at the end of the agreement or damage costs.
It would be managed in exactly the same way as a traditional
company car scheme. In addition it can significantly reduce the
‘grey fleet’ risk. Above all it is a way of offering an enhanced
employee benefits package which will help to attract and retain
high calibre employees.
It is highly advisable that an employer should seek professional
tax advice and confirmation from the HRMC that the proposed
scheme meets regulatory requirements before implementing any
The success of a car Salary Sacrifice scheme can be judged on the
level of adoption from the employees. Generally any scheme that
has a 10 to 15% take up would be seen a significant achievement
although realistically the average in the UK is around 3%.
The key to success is definitely effective communication and
education. It is critical employees understand the benefits and
choices available from the launch of any scheme and that this
communication is maintained with regular updates. Your selection
of a partner for your Salary Sacrifice scheme should take into
account their ability to effectively and sustainably communicate the
plans benefits and desirability as well as the simple and efficient
access to the tools they will need to calculate their options.
This is where JCT600 VLS can help you. Besides our technical
ability to deliver and administer a fully compliant car Salary
Sacrifice system, we will assist you in designing and implementing
a communication and education strategy that will deliver a high
quality experience whilst ensuring the process is simple and
efficient for both you and your employees.
Example:- Typical Salary Sacrifice Car
VW Golf 1.6 TDI S 5dr P11d Value £18,915
20% Tax 40% Tax
45% Tax
Leasing Cost deducted from Gross Salary
Less Taxed Saved
Less NI Saved (12%/2%/2%)
Net Salary Reduction
Taxable Benefit (BIK) 14% banding
Net Cost to Employee
Monthly Saving to Employee
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Sale and Leaseback
Need to invest in your business?
Our sale and leaseback service helps
to release the capital tied up in your
fleet to be re-invested in your
core business
If you own your fleet you will know that you have a lot of capital locked into quickly depreciating assets. How would you
like to release the value sealed in those assets as a cash injection back into your business? Through a Sale & Leaseback with
JCT600 VLS you can do just that.
How does it work?
Simple. We would evaluate the fair current market value and
written down value of your fleet based on the age, mileage and
condition of the vehicles. You can decide if you want us to buy
the fleet for market or written down value.
We would then agree with you, vehicle by vehicle, the lease
term for the remaining life of the asset (the age and mileage we
expect the car to reach before it is replaced) and which services
you want including in the contract (maintenance, tyres, accident
management etc.). We would also set a residual value on each
of the vehicles.
Together we would decide on the “go live” date where we
would transfer the agreed sale price for the fleet to you and
ownership of the vehicles would transfer to us. From that point
on you would pay a fixed monthly rental for the use of the
vehicles and the contracts would operate as a standard
contract hire agreement.
Release capital back into your business improving liquidity
Fixed monthly rentals allowing ease of budgeting
Removal of re-sale risk
Improved Balance Sheet ratios as off balance sheet funding
Reduce maintenance risk
Reduced Fleet Administration
Can include range of additional fleet services
“Fleet Controller” Web enabled reporting as standard
JCT600 VLS Fleet Consultancy provided
In these days where funding is difficult to come by and
where you do not want to tie up your alternative credit lines
or overdrafts the Sale & Leaseback option can provide those
much needed funds to help your business grow.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Ancillary Services
Helping you better manage
your business fleet
Fuel Card Management
Fuel is one of the most significant and variable fleet costs
accounting for 25% of the total expense of running a company
car. Control of this area is vital to any fleet operation irrespective
of its size. Fuel Cards are an important tool for companies
wanting to have greater visibility and influence over fuel spend as
well as a reduced internal expense administrative burden. JCT600
VLS can offer a variety of solutions providing detailed fuel usage
information and fuel payment options. This will allow you to
develop more strategic planning for your fleet whilst providing
your drivers with an alternative fuel payment method and
preventing out of pocket expenses.
Short Term Hire
Whether it is for a new starter, breakdown, accident or just a
business need for a short term hire vehicle JCT600VLS has the
answer. Using the innovative Epyx 1Link system our in house
Car Rental team we can offer you a quick and cost effective
answer including:•
Competitive Prices
Comprehensive Network including airports, stations and ports.
Online booking facility
Reservation confirmation
On time deliveries & collections to meet your requests
One way hire option
Inclusive of Roadside Assistance
Management reporting to control costs.
Accident Management
According to official UK statistics there were more than 138,000
reported road traffic accidents in 2013. This does not include the
tens of thousands of unreported accidents resulting in car damage
and repair costs. Running a car fleet means you will need a strategy
to deal with accidents. Moreover they often mean companies incur
substantial unplanned costs in insurance premiums, repair bills and
loss in production time. Accident Management is a way of managing
the costs of accidents, reducing the impact of having a vehicle off
the road and managing repair bills.
We are proud to work in partnership with Fleet Motor Group
(FMG), one of the most respected Accident Management providers
in the UK, and its unique “CrashMaster” service. From the time of
any accident being reported to them by one of your drivers they
will manage the whole process from relief vehicle provision or
driver mobility, claims management, repair and return to the car
to the driver, uninsured loss recovery to comprehensive cost and
incident reporting.
You can outsource this whole difficult area to a professional company
who will control your accident costs, support the driver, minimise
downtime and reduce your in house administration burden.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Fleet Management
Providing you with a range of day-to-day
solutions to minimise your operational cost
If you decide it is beneficial for your company to actually buy and own its vehicles, or you use other sources of funding from the bank
or possibly a finance lease or even a non-maintenance contract-hire option, you will still need to manage the day to day operational
demands of running your company vehicle fleet.
JCT600 VLS can provide you with a full outsourced Fleet
Management service. Your vehicles are administered in exactly
the same way as our contract hire fleet ensuring you benefit from
our industry knowledge and contacts, vehicle expertise, fleet
experience and buying power.
The services included can cover:-
Vehicle Procurement
We will order the vehicles on your behalf and manage the whole
process with the supplying dealer including delivery to the driver
and collection of the old vehicle for resale.
Maintenance Management
We can offer either a fixed price maintenance package, where
you will pay a set amount per month based on the predicted
duration and mileage of the vehicle or a “pay on use” option
where we would invoice you on a monthly basis for the actual
maintenance costs incurred. This can include tyres where we are
also able to offer a fixed price package. We will also pursue any
warranty claims on your behalf.
Vehicle Disposal
JCT600 VLS can sell vehicles on your behalf using our expertise
and market knowledge to obtain the optimum resale values for
you. We would sell your vehicles through the same channels as
we do our own contract hire vehicles giving you the comfort of
knowing we are seeking the maximum return. You would also
benefit from our low administration costs negotiated with the
auction houses and other disposal outlets.
Additional Services
Roadside Assistance, Relief Vehicle, Road Fund Licence
management, MOT & Service reminders, traffic fine management,
Accident Management, Fuel Management, Fleet Consultancy,
Telematics and our “Fleet Controller” web based management
reporting tool can all be added to the basic package to deliver a
complete outsourced Fleet Management service.
Allowing you to focus on your core business activities JCT600 VLS
Fleet Management will support your drivers, reduce your costs and
in house administration overheads whilst providing a high quality
and comprehensive fleet facility to your company.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Grey Fleet Management
YOU have a corporate responsibility
to exercise a duty of care to ensure the
legal compliance of your drivers who
use their own vehicles for business
It is estimated that nearly 50% of all business miles travelled in
the UK are the result of employee owned cars used for business
If you have drivers using their own cars for business you need
to consider:Is it the right vehicle to meet the job requirement?
• Co2 and environment
• Corporate Image
• Safety
How do you pay the employee for use of the car?
• Government Approved Mileage Allowance (AMAP)
can be expensive
• Business Journeys need to be recorded and audited
All need to be regularly audited to comply with the Corporate
Manslaughter & Corporate Homicide Act of 2007.
This is where our Electronic Driver Services portal (EDS) can help
you. Supported by:• live web enabled reporting structure
• driver supplied historic information
• supporting document images of Insurance,
maintenance/repair invoices
• driver’s licence information (including regular DVLA checks)
All of which are held on the EDS system enabling you to instantly
access and verify the vehicles and drivers are roadworthy and
legal or identify drivers where further investigation is required.
Protecting your company with a complete solution for a very
“grey” area……
Duty of Care
• The employer is responsible for the duty of care for any vehicle
used for business purposes and needs to be able to verify:
Driver Ability
Road Tax
Driving Licence
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Additional Consultancy Services
Expertise and solutions to improve
the efficiency of your fleet
Since our inception we have been developing and refining the fleet services to offer our customers a complete vehicle fleet solution. Our
experienced and highly trained consultants will review your current fleet operations and deliver a detailed and comprehensive report and
analyses of the opportunities to increase your fleet’s efficiency.
Fleet Policy
Diesel or petrol? One car brand or free choice? Benchmark
cars or monthly allowance? What are our competitors offering
their drivers? These are just a few of the questions you have to
wrestle with and ones that can have a significant impact on your
business success! JCT600 VLS is here to help. With over 26 years’
experience and our extensive knowledge of the UK company car
market we can help you formulate a policy to meet the needs
of your business and maintain that delicate balance between
costs and employee satisfaction.
Fleet Reporting
Our “Fleet Controller” online fleet management portal is one
of the most sophisticated available in the UK today giving you
instant access to live fleet data. Anything from vehicles on order,
renewal forecasting, MOT and Service due reporting, Co2 and
fleet inventory data to driver information and full invoicing
information is available via web access. In addition we can
deliver bespoke reports in a variety of formats as required.
As the name implies “Fleet Controller” allows you to manage
your fleet pro-actively to minimise costs and maximise usage.
An increasingly useful fleet option to consider from simple
accurate mileage data collection to a complete navigation,
route planning and safety tool. Telematics systems can measure
speed, harsh acceleration or deceleration, seat belt usage,
location and a multitude of other data all in real time depending
on your business needs. JCT600VLS has formed a partnership with
a market-leading, innovative telematics company to offer
our customers a viable telematics option.
Driver Risk Profiling
Often a forgotten area of managing a modern business fleet but
one which can have the highest risk. Our driver profile analyses
draws from a number of data points including driver age, location,
accident history evaluation, business miles covered, road traffic
violations history and regular driving licence validation. You can
configure your own driver risk definitions and “red flags” to
monitor your drivers and take preventive measures such as driving
Whole Life Cost Analysis
Depreciation, fuel, maintenance, insurance, interest, VAT, fees,
accident costs, end of contract costs, tax, roadside assistance, short
term rental and other expenditure besides are all areas that add
together to form the true cost of operating a company vehicle fleet.
Using the Whole Life Cost (the projected full cost of using a vehicle
for the given duration and mileage) allows you to gain a meaningful
comparison of the relative costs of different manufacturers and
models, fuel types, and leasing companies. JCT600 VLS’s consultants
can help you pinpoint the most complete cost effective solution for
your business.
“Green” Fleet Options
All UK quoted companies are required to report on their greenhouse
gas emissions. The Government strongly encourages all other
companies to do the same. Company cars can be a key contributor
to a company’s carbon footprint. High CO2 emission cars use
significantly more fuel and attract higher personal and corporate
taxation. Going green will reduce your costs!
From car policy advice on which cars are the most efficient, through
management reporting so you can continuously monitor your
fleet, to driver education & training on a more economical (and as a
consequence a safer) way to drive, JCT 600 VLS can help you meet
your environmental ambitions.
Total Leasing Solutions for your business Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
Business Contract Hire
Fleet Policy Consultancy
Short Term Hire
Salary Sacrifice
Sale and Leaseback
Fleet Management
Grey Fleet Management
Driver Risk Profiling
Accident Management
Driver Licence Checking
Fuel Card Management
Green Fleet
Personal Contract Hire
Total vehicle leasing solutions for your business -
Contact our team on 0113 250 0060 or visit
JCT600 Vehicle Leasing
Solutions Ltd
Tordoff House Apperley Bridge
West Yorkshire BD10 0PQ
T: 0113 250 0060 F: 0113 239 1866