report - Tropheus Online
report - Tropheus Online
Aqualog news I N T E R N AT I O N A L N E W S P A P E R F O R A Q U A R I S T S LUXURIES FOR THE ADVANCED AQUARIST THE GENUS IODOTROPHEUS THE EYESPOT TRICK 2 3 NO 32 HIGHER PLANTS: ADAPTION TO A LIVE IN WATER 7 8 MARINES another weeks later the male expels the tiny Hippocampus peculiarity - a brood-pouch on their seahorses into the light of day, with (= H. brevirostris) and the spotted ventral surface, formed by the fusion contractions seahorse H. ramulosus (= H. guttulatus). of the anal fin with the body. After an childbirth. Both ardent courtship dance the female Seahorses live for between one and six Mediterranean. squirts several hundred eggs into the years. A few species are maintained by Four pipefishes are found in the North special ventral pouch of her partner, experienced aquarists - for example Sea, Syngnathus acus (the greater where they are fertilised. the pipefish or horn-eel), S. rostellatus, Male Seahorses – adaptive specialists ”in decline” by Onno Groß seahorses have Several just like short-nosed those of seahorse, hippocampus species occur in the Entelurus aequoreus, and Nerophis D id you know that there is more Seahorses generally swim in an ophidion. than just one species of upright position, moving forward by Adult seahorse? At the last count 32 species means of very rapid beats of their require a constant supply of small live were known worldwide. And others dorsal and pectoral fins. But they foods, in particular small crustaceans could be discovered at any time. No rarely slowly, and/or insect larvae. They suck their wonder, given that the smallest preferring corals food in with great force through their representative of these bizarre marine fishes, which swim, and to then cling to pipefishes and seahorses andseaweeds with their curved tails - pipe-like mouths. Suitable foods are the name an adaptation to their specific lifestyle. mosquito larvae and water fleas from bargibanti bears (the For seahorses and pipefishes are freshwater, very small swimming Bargibant seahorse), is a mere half masters of camouflage, of mimicry. By shrimps, and above all mysis shrimps. centimetre long! Hippocampus By contrast the mimicry is meant, in this context, the Depending on their origin these Pacific seahorse Hippocampus ingens extraordinary ability of some fish creatures may require warm or cold attains a significant size - it can grow species to match their body colour to water, but this should always be to more than 30 cm long. their background surroundings or to crystal-clear. Pipefishes like places to The seahorses and their close relatives, imitate other objects in their body hide - in nature they live in, for the pipefishes (family Syngnathidae), shape (this latter capability is also example, beds of are one of the most remarkable known as homotypy). Thus pipefishes seahorses require objects to which groups of fishes in the ocean. Their and trumpet fishes are almost invisible they can attach themselves with their characteristic habitus is striking - the among or gorgonians. prehensile tails. greatly laterally compressed body, the Phylopteryx eques is particularly bony plates covering it, and the neck famous - it looks just like Sargasso separating it from the head, which weed, a floating seaweed that is found looks very like that of a horse, hence in vast quantities in the Sargasso Sea. the genus name Hippocampus, from What looks just like a bundle of bits of the Greek words for horse and seaweed is in fact a living animal monster. adapted to its natural surroundings. seagrass seagrass; while to be continued on page 6 Hippocampus trimaculatus photo: F. Schäfer programme has been instituted for Betta coccina (the population in the Malayan REPORT peninsula), another highly endangered fighting fish - a measure that gives rise to The clock is striking midnight Aquarists are the only chance of survival for many small fish species generally thought that the building of a some hope. Other highly endangered hydroelectric dam acoss their migration species, such as a number of livebearing route was responsible (the species toothcarps migrates in order to breed.) Because the (Goodeidae), and killifishes (various species is prized as an aquarium families) already exist only in captivity. fish,captive breeding programmes were Because these are mostly species whose (Poeciliidae), goodeids by Frank Schäfer Ecologists all over the world are of the same opinion: first recognised as distinct spcies thanks environmental destruction, and that alone, is responsible for the to detailed observations made by lamentable extinction of vast numbers of species worldwide. aquarists; collecting trips by specialist aquarists often lead to the discovery of Direct persecution by Man may, in a few exceptional cases, new taxa; and the import trade permits perhaps lead to decline or even extinction in individual species - the solving of numerous taxonomic problems which cannot be clarified on but these cases are insignificant in relation to the overall total. S Juvenile Botia sidthimunki, bred specimen from Singapore photo: F. Teigler/A.C.S. archives the basis of museum specimens. initiated, and these were so successful coloration is unassuming, there is little The chain loach, Botia sidthimunki, is a that nowadays large numbers of these demand for them, and without the mall creatures are particularly (biologists who work on the classification good example. It first became known to fishes are once again available in the enthusiasm of dedicated aquarists of seriously affected. They are of species) are in agreement that only a science in 1959 - thanks to its being hobby. Without the aquarium hobby the both sexes these creatures would generally not in a position to migrate to fraction of the species that actually exist imported as an aquarium fish. In the late species might never have been already have disappeared irrevocably safety when their living conditions are known to science. In this respect the 1980s there was a sudden collapse in the discovered, and its extinction have gone from our planet. Good intentions, a love deteriorate. They live and die along with aquarium hobby plays an important role wild population. The reasons remain unnoticed.Unfortunately all the other of their environment. The more specialised - small fishes from the tropics are often unknown to the present day, but it is animals, and dedication are highly endangered small fishes are of insufficient on their own to preserve a species,and the more limited its natural little aquarium importance. It is true that, these species. The basics of aquarium distribution, the greater its degree of for example, Betta brownorum, the rarest maintenance and fish breeding must vulnerability. and most endangered of all the fighting first Not all the creatures that share our fishes (it will be a miracle if this species involvement in conservation breeding is planet are known to us,by a long stretch. does not shortly become extinct as a feasible. But, armed with the necessary Current estimates suggest about 1.3 result of the catastrophic forest fires in skills, every newcomer to the hobby is a million species, about a million of them Borneo), was discovered by exploring potential future conservationist and insects. By contrast the fish fauna, with aquarists - but its maintenance and breeder only about 30,000 species known at the breeding are so tricky that only a few Regrettably it seems likely that a very specialists bother with it. On the other large number of such peopleare going to hand be desperately needed in the future. present time, appears almost depauperate. But all the taxonomists Betta brownorum photo: E. Schraml/Archiv A.C.S. an international breeding be mastered of before endangered any species. Aqualog news 2 NUMBER 32 REPORT ”Hidden” eyes The eyespot trick Ocelli are also very commonly found among the inhabitants of the coral by Peter Hoffmann reefs of warm tropical waters. Butterflyfishes, for example, exhibit Eyespots (ocelli) are widespread in the animal kingdom. Birds have them - think of the peacock’s tail-feathers - and so do numerous reptiles. These ”circular signals” are particularly these striking signals in all kinds of variations, including both with and without a contrasting outer ring. The true eye is often additionally camouflaged by a black bar. In such common in invertebrates - innumerable butterflies have cases the purpose of the imitation adopted them as part of their ”sign language”! eyes is evident - they suggest that the head is elsewhere than its actual position. It has even been reported that a number of species swim alternately forwards and backwards, in To birds and other small predators the gleaming threatening imitation eyes of the this butterfly look like the glaring eyes of a marten or cat. The moment of terror allows the totally defenceless butterfly to escape. order to create even greater confusion. The ocellus of the Chelmon above is clearly an imitation eye; by contrast not all spots in cichlids are meant to imitate eyes - some are simply signals. photos: Peter Hoffmann Controlled conflict Such eyespots may capture the attention not only of potential photo: P. Hoffmann enemies, but also of rival conspecifics during intraspecific battles the combatants align themselves head-to- L ikewise many freshwater and mealtime because he attacked the tail, in other words, each threatens and marine fishes possess ocelli. Are wrong end of his prey! attacks the tail of the opponent. Thus these always really imitation eyes? Or damage to vital organs is avoided is it perhaps just that a circle has been Other types of ocellus during even the fiercest battles! And chosen as being a particularly striking Among the freshwater fishes we find with good reason: and impressive signal? And if it really ocelli on almost all parts of the body: intended to assure each member of is an imitation eye, what the point pelvic and dorsal fins carry these eye- the species a specific amount of living of selective pressure is responsible for deprive itself of its food supply; on the of it? catching signals, as do tails and gill- space and adequate food. the evolution of eyespots: protection other hand, numerous examples are If an ocellus really does imitate an eye, covers. Often these have a special Competition can contribute to species against predatory enemies or damage known then function which has nothing to do with survival be limitation during intraspecific com- competition for food. A good example explanations: simulating an eye! To mention just counterproductive if the competing petition? Perhaps both factors have - albeit not from the world of fishes - is Eyes must be recognisable as such! In one, the eggspots in cichlids - these fishes incurred serious injuries in the played a part, but the stimulus created that of the dingos, the feral (domestic) the first place, the receiver of the are, of course, signals, but bear no process. by competition for food was probably dogs of Australia: they are in large part signal - whether this be a member of resemblance to an eye. Likewise it is possible to observe this the stronger, as the greatest threat is, responsible for the elimination of the ”damage there are two possible - but such duels are it would of extinction through in fact, from (closely) related species. endemic predators of the fifth predator - must ”recognise” the circle Bigger than reality! towards the opponent in squabbles No predator can afford totally to continent, but have had little effect on as an eye and in addition attribute the But cichlids do also sometimes have with closely related species, which exterminate its prey, as it would thus their prey! correct significance to it. Otherwise true imitation eyes. Some species have may be direct competitors for the food the whole exercise is pointless! eyespots on their gill-covers, and these supply on account of their similar Such cases are in fact known: many really are intended to look like eyes. requirements. predatory fishes, when attacking, When the fish thus adorned spreads its fishes of different species are generally home in on the eyes of their prey and opercula, then - thanks to the circular ignored except where predators are seize it by the head region. Not much spots - its head appears much larger concerned. fun, and maybe actually painful, for than it really is. A highly effective the predator who is deceived by a offensive and defensive mechanism Still some unanswered questions striking against rival conspecifics or predators. The question still remains, what type the same species or a heterospecific eyespot and Aqua log A misses a limitation” behaviour On the other hand The successful Lexicon-Series by Aqualog is continued! Killifishes of the world – New World Killis Aquarienbau F. Petermann Aquaria Terraria Furniture Lighting NE W (L. Seegers) The 3. Lexicon about Killifishes contains the groups from the ”New World”: Rivulus, Cynolebias, Fundulus, Pterolebias and more. Together with Old World Killis Volume 1 and 2 this is an encyclopedia that for the first time ever shows all known killifishes of the world. Freshwater Rays (about 900 colour photos) ISBN 3-931702-76-6 (R. A. Ross / F. Schäfer) This unique AQUALOG Lexicon covers all known species of freshwater stingrays in their entire variety. For the first time in the history of the aquarium literature, you now have a complete reference work in which the South American river stingrays (Potamotrygonidae) as well as the Asian, African,Australian, and North American Freshwater species are presented. The Sawfishes (Pristidae) are included completely. The Species from all over the world, visiting regularly brackish water, are introduced in addition. (192 pages, about 400 colour photos) ISBN 3-931702-93-6 AFP Friedrich Petermann Up-to-date information via internet: or directly from: Aqualog Verlag Liebigstr. 1, D-63110 Rodgau Tel.: +49 (0) 6106–690140 Fax: +49 (0) 6106–644692 Tailormade on your demand! e-Mail: Fabrikstraße 21 D–64625 Bensheim Telephone: +49(0)62 51 – 3 81 27, Fax: +49(0 )62 51 – 33 63 Aqualog news NUMBER 32 REPORT NEW: Natural substrate for the terrarium distribution.It is also the smallest species. The genus Iodotropheus 3 It has faint vertical bars, particularly in females. In I.stuartgranti the barring is far by Erwin Schraml more distinct. Many reptiles freely eat particles of sand and other substrates And now we bring you another probable in an effort to gain the calcium they require.Calci-Sand allows Iodotropheus species for the first time. this process to occur naturally in the vivarium. It is the only Not a new import, though, but rather more like an ”archaeological find”. The photo was taken more than 20 years ago substrate for reptiles designed to be not only ingestible but digestible when swallowed. and I have been waiting in vain ever since for these fishes to be imported again. They probably originate from just one locality in the lake, one which is no longer fished for the aquarium trade.The species has the usual Iodotropheustypical plain body colour, tending to Iodotropheus sprengerae photo: E. Schraml grey, overlain with a greenish tinge on the upper half of the body. A little below the mouth opening and extending back In 1972 OLIVER & LOISELLE erected the regard such differences as conferring from it there is an iridescent bluish stripe. genus Iodotropheus on the basis of specific status. In the past, and even The anal and pelvic fins have a narrow, specimens from a tank-bred strain.At the today in other branches of biology, such light blue, anterior edge, followed by a same time they described the type minor differences have been used to broader black band. A large brown oval species, I.sprengerae, as a species of define geographical races, which are spot can be seen on the anal fin, for cichlid new to science from Lake Malawi. sometimes as which reason the species should According to them the population on subspecies. Perhaps such a procedure perhaps be given the name ”Anal-spot”. whose descendants the description was would be the most sensible approach in The membranes between the black based originated from Boadzulu Island, the case of Iodotropheus. Because the dorsal rays are light brown in colour. A which was also at that time the only two populations have not normally been rather subdued stripe pattern can be known locality for the species. given separate names in the past, and seen on the sides. Not until more than 10 years later did were lumped together again as If validated, Iodotropheus ”Anal-spot” RIBBINK et al (1983) extend the known I. sprengerae following KONINGS’ remarks, would be the fifth member of the genus. later described T-Rex Calci Sand is a fine granular calciferous sand especially prepared to be the ideal reptile cage substrate for snakes, lizards, tortoises, and turtles. T-Rex Calci Sand is safe in direct contact with heating elements. It conducts heat well and is suitable for use with heat mats or cables buried under it to a shallow depth. It does not harbor mites nor the growth of molds or fungus. T-Rex Calci Sand makes spot cleaning both easy and accurate. It clumps readily to wet waste material, drying it and preventing it from being spread. amtra offers T-Rex Bone Aid Calci Sand in 3 colours: Natural white, Earth Brown und Red Rock. All colours are created with F.D.A. approved natural food colorants. TIP African Cichlids I: Malawi/Mbuna von E.Schraml On about 1.400 colour photographs this lexicon shows for the first time all species of rock inhabiting Cichlids or Mbunas discovered in the Lake Malawi so far. An absolute must for every fan of these fantstic animals! left: Iodotropheus sp.„Matema“. photo: L. Seegers right: Iodotropheus stuartgranti. range of the species to the islands of only the name I.sprengerae is to be Chinyankwazi and Chinyamwezi, which found in the aquarium literature. And at lie only a few kilometres apart but about present photos of both appear under 100 km north of Boadzulu, in the south- this name. eastern arm of Lake Malawi. STAUFFER In all probability only KONINGS has (1994), commenting on the high degree published an underwater photo of the of endemism in species from the typical I.sprengerae. My photos from the southern arm, expressed surprise that a 1970s may nevertheless likewise show species originally thought to have such a this population, which was being restricted distribution and to be found exported for the aquarium hobby at that nowhere else, should subsequently be time.All other photos I have seen instead found to have a second population at show the more thick-set form that was such a distance away. His researches described as I.declivitas. eventually led to the discovery that the The genus Iodotropheus is distinguished types fact from all other mbuna by possession of a corresponded more closely to the of I. sprengerae ”frenum”, a membrane connecting the Chinyankwazi/Chinyamwezi population, upper lip with the snout. In practice the been presence of this feature is correlated with misinformed regarding the locality for the size of the individual. On the basis of their species. The Boadzulu population I. sprengerae, KONINGS regards the genus thus represented a new species, which as relatively unspecialised and even STAUFFER described as I. declivitas. rather primitive.He bases this analysis on Meanwhile KONINGS (1990) had described the lack of territorial behaviour,as well as a species, the fact that these fishes are very I.stuartgranti, from the east coast of Lake unspecialised as regards their feeding Malawi, between the mouth of the behaviour, males and females are almost Nsinje River and the border with identically coloured, and the species is Mozambique. In his later publications he found in only a very few sites in the lake, has regarded STAUFFER’s I. declivitas as a because - in his opinion - it has been out- synonym of I.sprengerae,considering the competed by other more specialised differences between the two forms as species at other locations. insufficient to regard them as distinct The three scientifcally-described species species. are found, as already mentioned, only in Nevertheless there are morphological the southern part of the lake. The differences two undescribed speces Iodotropheus sp. populations as regards the pharyngeal ”Matema” is thus an exception - it was i.e. OLIVER further & LOISELLE in had Iodotropheus between the closer discovered by SEEGERS in 1991 in Tanzania, inspection even the body shape appears in the area around Matema and south to to differ. Lumbira, and is thus the only species of It is current ichthyological practice to the genus with a much more northerly and jaw dentition, and on ISBN 3-931702-79-0 photo: A. Konings Keep your Anoles alive with Zoo Med’s new Anole (i.e. American Chameleon) Food formula! The only soft moist formula available. (No need to add water, which causes quick spoilage.) Based on laboratory-raised insects with a special protein coating that lizards love. Can also be fed to other small lizards, toads, frogs, salamanders, and tarantulas. Based on what Bearded Dragons eat in the wild – high fiber plant matter, including dandelion greens! Madagascar Day Geckos are one of the most beautiful and easy-to-keep lizards known. Zoo Med’s new Day Gecko Food provides an easy to use, constant food source for Day Geckos as well as helping in captive breeding of this species of lizard. Also available in a higher moisture content canned formula! The first commercial food on the market for the ever-popular Leopard Gecko. Zoo Med’s new Turtle Treat is an excellent blend of laboratory-raised insects and whole krill (shrimp). Makes a great high protein supplement to Zoo Med’s Aquatic Turtle Food (pellets). Over one year of food test trials went into this formula! Extremely convenient – saves time from always running down a live food source! Check out our new packaging and new convenient smaller sizes NEW .65 oz Size NEW 1.85 oz Size amtra Aquaristik GmbH Liebigstraße 1 D-63110 Rodgau Fon 06106 - 690150 Fax 06106 - 690158 NEW 1.9 oz Micro Size Pellet NEW 2.4 oz Size IMPORT - EXPORT PETER HOCH Hauptstraße 41 D-79183 Waldkirch Telefon (0 76 81) 50 65 Fax: (0 76 81) 2 38 61 NEW Improved Formula DAS PRODUCT Grosshandezgas.M.B.H. A-8181 St Ruprecht Raab Wollsdorf 12, Austria Tel: 43 3178 3623 • Fax: 43 3178 3536 Aqualog news 4 NUMBER 32 REPORT Aqua log A The best colour photos: BOOK + CD-ROM AQUATICS UK-STYLE by John Dawes NE W Some years ago, Vivian, my wife, gave me a most unexpected, fantastic birthday present: a hot air balloon ride over the Bath and Bristol area of southwest England, the part of the country in which we used to live at thetime. The views from the balloon were unbelievable and the feeling of 'freedom' exquisite. But, being an aquarist and pondkeeper, there was a further dimension to my unforgettable experience: 'pond-spotting'. Photo Collection No. 1 Photo Collection No. 2 (U. Glaser sen.) (U. Glaser sen.) African Catfishes Tetras 1 From on high, I could look down into people's gardens and carry out my own hour-long survey of pond distribution in this beautiful corner of England. A: ISBN 3-931702-59-6 B: ISBN 3-931702-62-6 C: ISBN 3-931702-63-4 A: ISBN 3-931702-56-1 B: ISBN 3-931702-57-X C: ISBN 3-931702-58-8 Photo Collection No. 3 Photo Collection No. 4 (U. Glaser sen.) (U. Glaser sen.) Tetras 2 Tetras 3 A: ISBN 3-931702-64-2 B: ISBN 3-931702-65-0 C: ISBN 3-931702-66-9 A: ISBN 3-931702-81-2 B: ISBN 3-931702-44-8 C: ISBN 3-931702-47-2 This new series shows on many excellent colour photos the fishes of various groups Clear identification by international code-number, scientific name and common name Quick information: behaviour characteristics, Each Volume of Photo Collection is care requirements, etc. published as 3 editions with 5 languaes each . These are the groups: The photos on CD-ROM can be used many ways: A: D / CZ / H / J / PL For your website, better communication as well by e-mail, etc. B: 96 pages GB / DK / NL / S / FIN A hot air balloon ride offers a great opportunity to do an aerial pond count photo: J. Dawes I Up-to-date information via internet: Tel.: +49 (0) 6106–690140 Fax: +49 (0) 6106–644692 Aqualog Verlag or directly from: e-Mail: discovered that one in every nine the or ten homes had a pond. I was conclusions, my figures tied in very amazed, but very pleased, about this well with those obtained by a major and, although my 'survey' only professional company specialising in Goldfish - are kept by about 60% of these specialists possess is nothing livebearers, or cichlids, or characins, or short of awesome. The camaraderie rainbows, or anabantoids, or killies, or and exists catfish...or water lilies, there is, at least, also one official group or society dedicated basis for any nationwide Liebigstr. 1, D-63110 Rodgau covered a tiny area (compared with statistical surveys who had come to fishkeepers, the whole of the UK), it nevertheless the conclusion that 8-11% of all British tropicals. brought home to me just how popular homes owned a pond. At first sight, Some pondkeeping was becoming. Indeed, such a high incidence may sound a mentioned, keep both types, while a something rather special to witness to their study and upkeep. although - statistically speaking - my little surprising for a country that, let's few keep all three types, i.e. coldwater, and be part of. These groups are usually in regular spot-count couldn't be regarded as face freshwater tropical and marines. In hobbyists in-depth contact with each other, as well as particularly good year-round weather. terms fishkeeping knowledge of the more demanding their counterparts in other countries, But, take a little bit of a closer look and population, marines are kept by species and varieties of pond and always TROPICA Plant Book An indispensable accessory for your aquarium The main features of the TROPICA PLANT BOOK are a wealth of beautiful water-colours and clear, up-to-date information about 150 different tropical aquarium plants. For this reason alone, the plant book is an indispensable accessory for aquarium experts and novices alike. There is also enough room for a range of good tips and guidelines on plants, algae and aquarium layout in the 100 pages of the plant catalogue. Finally, the plant book tells the story of Tropica Aquarium Plants – the world’s leading supplier of tropical aquarium plants. – both in words and not least in many beautiful and inspiring pictures. it, is not endowed with with 40% enthusiasts, of the as total keeping already A Growing Success Tropica Aquarium Plants Box 3 · 8530 Hjortshoej · Denmark Tel.: +45 86 22 05 66 · Fax: +45 86 22 84 66 e-mail: · between rivalry these that experts and is Without these their exchanging knowledge, it all begins to make sense. Britain is a information and - to an ever greater country of garden lovers...and what extent - stocks of eggs, fry and better way is there of enhancing a breeding adults. Some are associated garden than by installing a pond? It's or twinned (as towns sometimes probably even true to say (though I are)with similar groups in other haven't got any data on which to base countries, while others are corporate this) that Britain is the country in members of one or other of the major which British federations or associations. pondkeeping gardening enjoy and their watergreatest In addition to specialist societies, there popularity. are also the more general ones (some The great thing about any growing known as 'clubs') which constitute the trend is that it soon creates its own bulk of the more than 200 or so official inertia. This has happened to such an groups that currently exist in the UK extent in the UK that the annual Hampton Court Palace International and which form a vital cornerstore of A modern, thematic British tableau depicting the inside of a hobbyists' fish house. the hobby. photo: J. Dawes Flower Show actually has a substantial section, called the Aquatic Village, around 10% (or slightly less) of aquarium fish, the challenges they Shows, etc. dedicated exclusively to ponds and aquarists. present in terms of care and captive All water gardens. Outdoor aquatics has, The TROPICA PLANT BOOK can be bought from your aquarium dealer or via the Internet friendly of these societies, whether breeding and, even, the intimate specialist or general, have their own in fact, become so popular in the UK Specialist Knowledge details behaviour, our programme of activities, which range that it is now widely believed that As in virtually any other country, the understanding and appreciation of from in-house bulletins, information Britain comes second only to Japan in majority of British aquarists keep one these fish would be minimal. We sheets or magazines, to regular talks numbers and quality of Koi kept by or predominantly should therefore all feel a deep sense and discussions, visits to places of enthusiasts. This is, when you think stocked with what we call 'bread-n- of gratitude towards these highly interest, Christmas parties and dances about it, quite staggering for such a butter' fish, i.e. Goldfish, Guppies, respected individuals. and, very importantly, competitive small country. Swordtails, Angels, etc. However, there Specialists, of course, are not restricted shows. These competitive events are Casting the net a little wider to take in is also a significant minority who not to the UK; every country has its own. as varied in size and content as the other forms of fishkeeping, it is only keep these fish, but also What probably distinguishes this societies themselves. At one extreme, estimated that around 14% of British specialise in one or more types. These aspect of the British hobby, however, is for homes own an aquarium or pond... aquarists are, typically, multi-tank the vast array of interests and competitions reserved exclusively for many own both. This amounts to owners, over specialisations that exist. Whether we members of the society in question more homes 100 aquaria, either in their homes, or in are talking of Koi or Fancy Goldfish (sometimes to a single variety or throughout the country. Yet, even specially built garden sheds or (there are even those who specialise in species of fish)...and judged by the here, the coldwater influence makes converted garages. one type of Koi, e.g. Kohaku, or one members themselves. its present felt since, overall, some The expertise, patience, dedication variety coldwater fish - particularly Koi and and encyclopaedic knowledge that Yokohama Ranchu), or darters, or than 3 million two aquaria, some having of of their Fancy Goldfish, example, there e.g. to be continued on page 8 are small Aqualog news 5 NUMBER 32 POND N evertheless the pond will almost always contain too many nutrients (for this reason never provide the pond plants with an Algae in the pond – an unending topic (2) additional liquid fertiliser without good reason!). An effective method of reducing these nutrients is to introduce a suitable filter medium; In part 1 we dealt mainly with the correct siting of a new pond. But even ponds in ideal locations need a small amount of excessive proliferation. Until a few example years ago devices of this type were still Magnum, be used, as this will be able relatively expensive and difficult to easily to cope with larger particles of install, but more recently Philips have dirt as well and does not need to be brought a new, compact, UV lamp (the cleaned as often.) Philips UV-C burner) onto the market. From the UV-C pond clarifier the water This new lamp has an up to 80% passes to the pond filter, where it is the amtra Biopond higher UV-C output than normal passed through various filter media zeolite, for example, has been used for maintenance in order to keep unwanted algae at bay. With this UV tubes. The same wattage thus which serve primarily to purify it years for this purpose. Zeolite is a regard, it is important always to bear in mind that plants and produces an appreciably improved biologically (breakdown of pollutants) ”biocidal” effect. In order to operate and enrich it with oxygen. Finally, the algae are competitors for nutrients. In other words, the more the device a pump is required, to move mechanically and biologically purified, plants in the pond, the less the amount of nutrient left over for the water past the light source. oxygen-enriched, water flows back Optimal results are obtained using a into the pond (see diagram). natural mineral which adsorbs (= binds up for a long time) certain substances dissolved in the water (for example ammonia or ammonium, phosphate, etc). algae, and hence the smaller the danger of a ”plague of algae”. combination of pump, UV-C pond Unfortunately the zeolites available in clarifier, the aquarium trade are highly variable installation: the pump is used to More on the topic of pond filters in the in quality. The highest quality types pump the dirty water out of the pond next issue of AQUALOGnews, available are the clinoptilolites (e.g. amtra into the UV-C pond clarifier. (It is free of charge at your dealers from the Clinop recommended that a special pump, for end of June. Zeolite), whose surface and an external filter structure gives them the greatest adsorptive capability as regards unwanted organic pollutants in the water. Their use is simplicity itself. The FISHDOC amtra product comes ready to use in its own practical net bag, which Phosphate in the aquarium - a problem for the fish vet? should be placed in the water such that the maximum current passes through it. The bag can be placed directly in the filter if there is sufficient by Dr Markus Biffar, fish veterinarian room. Depending on the degree of pollution, the zeolite should be renewed every 2-3 months. In its Schematic representation of a filtration system for a ”natural” garden pond. photo: amtra T ”loaded” state, ie after it has been used in the pond, the material is an ideal ime and again I am asked how fishes will commonly show signs of dangerous raised phospate levels acute poisoning accompanied by natural fertiliser for enriching the sudden algal blooms that cause The water is conducted past a UV-C are to fishes. The question is easily serious losses. garden soil. ”green water” as the intensity of the light source. The UV-C light kills any answered, for what is normally problems normally occur long after And because such sunlight increases, is offered by the unicellular organisms such as germs in considered a high phosphate level (at the battle against algae, and have no A permanent solution to the problem installation of a UV-C pond clarifier. the water, and also the spores of the least in the freshwater aquarium), apparent direct link with it, the of excess algae, in particular the This device operates as follows: nuisance algae, thus preventing their namely values of between 5 and afflicted aquarist has no idea what is 20 mg PO4/litre, are completely safe for wrong and assumes contamination of fishes and will do them no harm at all. themains water supply or something In spite of this the aquarium with a of that sort. phosphate pollution problem does have a certain potential for In the interests of your fishes endangering fish health. The reason – remedy the cause! being that high phosphate levels are For this reason my most serious advice one for as regards algae problems: look for undesirable and troublesome algal the underlying causes, as almost growth. Now, in freshwater algae have invariably a high nitrate or phosphate no direct influence on fish health and level is at the root of the trouble. are thus no cause for concern from a Hence there is no sense in combating veterinary point of view. Far more algae dangerous is the lack of patience in simultaneously alleviated, ie the some aquarists, who, instead of nitrate, and above all the phosphate, Fische fühlen sich in ihrem Aquarium immer dann so richtig wohl, getting to the bottom of the reasons are eliminated from the water. This is wenn sie Bedingungen vorfinden, wie in der freien Natur. Deshalb for the proliferation of algae, try to get quite easy, for example using amtra braucht gesundes, artgerechtes Aquariumwasser die natureigenen rid of the nuisance with a chemical phosphat reduct and amtra nitrat Mikroorganismen, die die biologische Selbstreinigung übernehmen. algae-destroyer. Such algicides, in reduct, which act by binding up the Mit amtra clean werden diese Mikroorganismen regelmäßig er- particular those based on copper, offending nitrate and phosphate gänzt und das biologische Gleichgewicht im sensiblen Lebensraum represent a genuinely serious danger without releasing any undesirable Aquarium dauerhaft stabilisiert. to fishes. chemicals into the water. Groß Reinemachen… …biologisch! of the main reasons unless its causes are Even if the phosphate and nitrate Jetzt mit Yucca-Palmen-Extrakt für noch besseren Schadstoff-Abbau! Neueste Forschungsergebnisse belegen, daß spezielle Extrakte der Yucca studigera giftiges Ammoniak binden und unschädlich machen. Deshalb ist im neuen amtra clean jetzt aufbereiteter Yucca-Palmen-Extrakt enthalten. Gefährliches Nitrit wird jetzt noch schneller beseitigt, der Nitratgehalt meßbar gesenkt, Mulm und Schlick noch effektiver abgebaut. Zum Wohle Ihrer Fische. amtra clean verlängert die Standzeiten des Filters und erspart Ihnen bis zu 50 % Wasserwechsel. amtra Aquaristik GmbH · Liebigstraße 1 · D-63110 Rodgau/Germany Fon: 0 61 06 /69 01 50 · Fax 0 61 06 /69 01 58 · Copper: levels are not routinely measured, it poisonous to algae and fishes alike makes sense to use these two amtra In fact the once-off usage of such products prophylactically once or chemicals will not cause acute ill- twice a year in order regularly to lower health in the fishes, but because these the nitrate and phosphate content of copper-based algicides are so rapidly the water, as in particular feeding with effective there is a temptation to re- dried food will constantly introduce dose at the first sign of renewed algal new phosphate into the aquarium. growth. It is these repeated doses that Should are risky, as the copper, once added, nevertheless prove necessary, it is gets into the aquarium substrate and most important to ensure that a cannot then be removed by water copper-free product is used, so that changes, nor can it be broken down eliminating the algae does not pose a biologically. risk to the health of the fishes. an algal treatment If the same tank is now subjected to In the event that the type of copper repeated copper, the poisoning outlined above does occur, concentration in the substrate will rise the only remedy is an immediate dramatically. water But the smallest shift in water maximum dose of a water conditioner chemistry may subsequently be (e.g. amtra care) of a type that binds sufficient to cause the accumulated up ichthyotoxic heavy metals and at copper to be released again at a stroke the same time greatly reduces copper into the water. At this juncture the toxicity. doses of change together with a Aqualog news NUMBER 32 from page 1: Seahorses… 6 NEWSFLASH Reproduction has been observed in of these denizens of the sea are being captivity on a number of occasions, destroyed by pollution and tourism. but rearing the fry after they are Some 20 million seahorses are used ”born” from the male is difficult. The every year in Chinese medicine, as an Aquarium Glaser has been able to impot two armoured catfish species which it has so far not been possible to match to any main problem is providing food which expensive treatment for asthma, known species. One is a member of the genus Pseudacanthicus, a group of suckermouth ”cats”specialised on a carnivorous is not only small enough to be taken, lethary, and impotence. Hundreds of diet. The other species, imported but also suitable for promoting thousands more end their days dried from Colombia, is reminiscent of growth. to provide souvenirs for tourists. By Lamontichthys filamentosus in its Dr Kirchwasser at the Karlsruhe Zoo is comparison only a few are collected body colour,but remains significant- successfully breeding seahorses, and for the aquarium trade. ly smaller (about 15 cm). During the every year 40-50 young fishes bred by The international ”Project Seahorse”, mating season the males develop him are distributed to aquarists in coordinated by zoologists at London visible spines on the pectoral fin southern Germany. Zoo, aims to counter the decline. To rays. So far it has not been possible But the bulk of seahorses offered for this end zoologists will work with to assign these peaceful algae- sale are wild-caught. And this is where Chinese doctors to find alternatives to eaters to any known genus. the problems begin. The number of the capture of wild seahorses. seahorses in a population in Indonesia A and the Philippines has halved in the conservation, Amanda VINCENT, an last five years. One South African environmental biologist at McGill species is already on the list of taxa University in Montreal, is working in threatened with extinction. close There are plenty of reasons for this fishermen in the Philippines, who are dramatic decline: the coastal habitats learning to establish conservation leading light collaboration in Two armoured catfishes new to the aquarium hobby Pseudacanthicus sp. seahorse with native Lamontichthys sp., Kolumbien photos: F. Schäfer & E. Schraml/A.C.S. archives areas, to sort their catch carefully and keep pregnant males in aquaria until their young are released. According to Amanda Vincent, this type of TOP TEN management at the point of capture is Top-Ten: Hong Kong proving very effective, and should be copied by more of the exporting countries. It is recommended that captive-bred rather than wild-caught seahorses and pipefishes should be purchased for the home aquarium, both for reasons This time our hit list of most popular fishes takes us once again to the Far East, more precisely to the metropolis of Hong Kong,where there is a long tradition of maintaining and breeding aquarium fishes. The company Ease Champion has kindly made their sales records available, and we have concentrated on one large fish family, the cichlids. of conservation and because they are hardier. Contact: Project Seahorse: It is interesting to note that as well as some classics from Lake Tanganyika a number of beautifully-coloured large cichlids from Central America are increasingly being kept. These fishes are undemanding as regards their maintenance, but need a spacious aquarium and appropriately-sized foods. But, to our list: In first place in our Top Ten we find a real classic in Cyphotilapia frontosa from Lake Tanganyika. For many years this imposing species with its striking appearance has been the darling of cichlid fans. Because these fishes prefer ”robust” foods (frozen foods, shrimps, earthworms, and mussel meat) a powerful filter is required. Unfortunately the sexes are very difficult to differentiate, and even the striking nuchal hump of the males is substrate should be fine sand with an admixture of peat. The behaviour of Apistogramma diplotaenia is unique, as unlike the other (known) members of its genus it does not use caves as hiding places but instead digs a little crater in which to shelter. Although these fishes are small (about 5 cm), they require an aquarium at least a metre long. They can then be kept without problem with small peaceful species (e.g. cardinal tetras and other small characins). Cyphotilapia frontosa„Blue Zaire“, young fish amtra Sano Filme in Druckerei war in news 31 present to a lesser degree in the females. By contrast there is no problem in sexing the fish in third place: The males of Cyathopharynx furcifer have a metallic blue body and splendid elongated pelvic fins. Females, on the other hand, are largely grey-green. Benthochromis tricoti and the sand-dwelling cichlids of the genus Xenotilapia are likewise inhabitants of Lake Tanganyika: the former species should always be kept in a group. From the large river systems of Central America come Herichthys bocourti (second place) and two Vieja species, V.regani and V. argentea (places eight and nine). These fishes all have a rather restricted natural distribution and are correspondingly rare in the trade. Anyone lucky enough to have a pair should definitely try to breed them. These species are very peaceful but need plenty of space. Equally important is a varied diet including plenty of vegetable material. As well as the cichlids from East Africa and Central America, this top ten of necessity includes some South American dwarfs: Apistogramma diplotaenia and A.elizabethae are two particularly rare and beuatiful species. As for all Apistogramma species, for the well-being of these fishes the water should have a low pH and the photo: F.Teigler/ A.C.S. archives TOP TEN 1 Cyphotilapia frontosa Blue Zaire 2 Herichthys bocourti 3 Cyathopharynx furcifer 4 Apistogramma diplotaenia 5 Apistogramma elizabethae 6 Malawi pike cichlid Exochochromis anagenys 7 Benthochromis tricoti 8 Vieja regani 9 Vieja argentea 10 Xenotilapia sp. Aqualog news NUMBER 32 7 EVERGREENS Luxuries for the advanced aquarist … (ugd) … include the dwarf cichlids of the genus Dicrossus, formerly assigned to the genus Crenicara. Four species are known, two of them scientifically described and two as yet undescribed. All are incredibly beautiful, albeit rather delicate, aquarium fishes. They require soft, acid, and - and this is very important - germ-free water. They will eat practically any food suited to their size, but high quality frozen foods should always form a significant part of the diet. These fishes are polygamous, with a single male assembling his own personal harem of several females. Because these fishes can be very aggressive among themselves when breeding, the aquarium should not be too small and should be well planted. They are open-brooders that prefer large plant leaves as spawning sites. Females that have already spawned can be easily recognised by their brightly coloured pelvic fins, an unmistakeable sign of their ”lost virginity”. Males, with a total length of about 9 cm, are significantly larger than females, which are often full-grown at 4-5 cm. Part of the substrate should always be topped with fine sand, as these fishes enjoy sifting for food. Leaving aside the occupational therapy aspect, this is also beneficial to their health - it has a similar effect to teeth-cleaning in us humans. Maintenance temperature should be between 22 and 24 °raised to 26-28 °C for breeding. left: Dicrossus filamentosus (photo: H.-J. Mayland) Dicrossus sp.„Tapajós“ photo: F. Schäfer/A.C.S. archives Dicrossus sp.„Rio Negro“ photo: F. Schäfer/A.C.S. archives right: Dicrossus maculatus (photo: F. Teigler/A.C.S. archives) Pulcher means ”beautiful” While the cichlids portrayed on this page are best suited to the advanced aquarist,the mailed catfishes are generally hardy pets. Of Wild-caught discus - a good selection currently available the large number of spceies known,at present a particularly colourful variant of the species Corydoras cf.pulcher is being imported, its appearance more than justifying its scientific name. This species should always be kept in a group of six or more. The aquarium Discus are amongst the most commonly cultivated aquarium fishes: every year substrate should be fine and unabrasive,to avoid damage to their delicate barbels. Water parameters,at least as far as hardness and a quite incredible variety of new types find their way from hatcheries all over the pH are concerned, are less important, but even beginners in our wonderful hobby should avoid high levels of nitrite and/or nirate. world to the aquaria of discus fans. But the wild forms are also often splendid These fishes require a temperature in the 22-26 °C range, and any of the usual foods available in the hobby will be suitable. creatures, as impressively demonstrated by the brood-guarding female of the variety ”Nhamunda Pink”, a form of the brown discus first imported by Aquarium Glaser. Other varieties being imported at the present time include brown discus from Santarem, the Rio Cametá, and the Rio Mauxes. Blue types, on the other hand, are now coming in from the Rio Manacapuru and the Rio Jari, and include Corydoras cf. pulcher photo: F. Schäfer/A.C.S. archives Diese und viele weitere neue Bücher erscheinen im Mai anläßlich der Interzoo! Unser Standort: Halle 7, 4-20 Bestellen sie direkt bei der H. Stallknecht: Lebendgebärende Zahnkarpfen, ISBN 3-89745-127-1 160 Seiten, ca. 200 Farbabbildungen diverse Zeichnungen 29,80 DM/216,- öS/ 27,50 sFr/15,24 EURO G. Ott: Schmerlen im Aquarium, ISBN 3-89745-128-X 192 Seiten, 134 Farbabbildungen, diverse Zeichnungen 29,80 DM/216,- öS/27,50 sFr/15,24 EURO Friedensweg 15 D-49143 Bissendorf Tel.: 0 54 02 - 88 89 Fax: 0 54 02 - 88 11 e-Mail: Brown Diskus „Nhamunda Rosé“ Dr. H.-J. Herrmann, B. Hellmann: Zookarikaturologie Aquarienfische, ISBN 3-89745-174-3 64 Seiten, 30 kuriose Artenporträts mit Karikaturen und Farbfotos 9,80 DM/72,- öS/ 9,80 sFr/5,01 EURO photo: H. Linke the so-called ”Royal Blue” and ”Gipsy” varieties, whose bodies are totally covered, and almost totally covered, with stripes, respectively. Plus the Heckel discus, which is not rich in colour variants, is currently being imported again, including a form with a large element of blue. Aqualog news 8 NUMBER 32 from page 4: Aquatics UK-Style PLANTS history of angiosperms and, in some At the other end of the spectrum, as it and the theme is either a pre-arranged cases, even before the diverging into were, there are the 'National Shows', one chosen by the federation or monocotyledons and dicotyledons. It some of which only admit fish in their association, e.g. conservation, or is is difficult to imagine that swamp main competitions if they have freely plants and other amphibious plants already won either a 'First' in their themselves. As a result, the diversity of should not evolve concurrently with class, or a 'Best in Show' at a design can be mindblowing and can terrestrial angiosperms because the competitive society show judged by be as varied as a railway engine with interphase between land and water, in specially appointed judges who apply holes cut in its side to display the many ways, offers the best from each strict standards devised by one or tanks, or a model of an auqarist's fish- environment. Indeed, in the terrestrial other of the major federations or house. environment the plant growth rate is associations. It is fair to say that some modern-day often limited by the water supply. The 'Nationals' are held in locations as aquarists would like to see the end of We can divide the modern aquatic varied as Weston-super-Mare in the tableaux; others, however, will defend compared to the terrestrial environment in which the plants into two groups: the obligate southwest of England, Doncaster in them to the bitter end. angiosperms presumably evolved. submerged Yorkshire, The adaptation of higher plants to a life submerged in water by Ole Pedersen (Tropica Aquarium Plants) This is a story of success in the plant kingdom; but it is also the story about the evolution of necessary traits in the higher plants to conquer the aquatic environment which offers very different growth conditions T photo: TROPICA and the Manchester in northwest and Motherwell or another Obligate submerged plants can not location in Scotland, and are attended grow and thrive outside the aquatic by hobbyists from all over the country. environment and common example At these events, not only can visitors from most see some of the best British fish, but Aponogeton spp. and Cabomba which they can buy both livestock and collapse and dry out very fast when products from the many commercial removed from the water. stands that grace these shows, attend the aquarium obligate are submerged plants by the societies Yet the amphibious plants. The Amphibious Ranunculus in a Danish stream plants chosen a programme of lectures and enjoy a commonly inhabit shallow lakes and whole range of other activities. streams where they often comprise At some of these shows, you can still the dominant flora. In the sea, deeper see traditional tableaux - a hallmark of lakes, and large rivers the dominance the British hobby only rarely seen of submerged plants have been outside the country. A tableau is a greatly reduced during the last constructed display incorporating 50 years due to eutrophication. aquaria which contain the fish that are Free living microscopic algae benefit being entered in the 'general' section from the high nutrient levels of of the competition (there may also be (thankfully), such is the vigour and A more traditional British tableau. photo: J. Dawes nitrogen and phosphorus and their a separate, main competition, located diversity of the UK hobby that, in true he evolution of angiosperms - many cases, has lost the visible biomass greatly reduces the light elsewhere in the exhibition hall, for British fashion, the debate, tempered plants with a seed coat around connection which is able to penetrate the water fish which are already winners of the with an in-built sense of fair-play and the seed - on land has been a fulfilled ancestors. column and reach the rooted plants afore-mentioned special competitions respect for other's opinions, is certain success. The first evident fossils of However, our view that aquatic on the bottom. Amphibious plants, on run throughout the preceding year). to take the tableaux debate, along angiosperms are at least 130 million angiosperms are an advanced group the other hand, can thrive and grow Each with many other 'hot' issues, well in years old and during the following 40 evolved directly from land living for shorter or longer periods even constructed by an individual society to their land-living tableau is designed and the next century. million years most of the current modern families within this successful group evolved. After additionally 20 million years the angiosperms became quantitatively dominant and the dominating flora, mainly consisting of ferns and Cycas-like forms were replaced by angiosperms. To day, this plant group dominates the flora all over the world with a total 300,000. We meet them every day as trees, bushes and ordinary flowering A39906-4 plants - even the grass of the lawn 247/217-1 belongs this group of plants. öJOPEVbfXI Labidochromis sp.„Albino“ Albino-Labidochromis Zuchtform aus Taiwan/Breeding form from Taiwan; B; 8 cm Photo: F. Teigler / Archiv A.C.S. A small group of angiosperms, which constitutes less than 5% of all current species, has fully or Potamogeton habitat photo: TROPICA partially conquered the aquatic environment. ancestors is probably wrong. New when they are not fully submerged. appeared some 80 million years ago science The and in the meantime they have Waterlilies and developed a variety of forms which, in forms very early in the developmental The first aquatic angiosperms actually places both eratophyllum-like amphibious plants often dominate the vegetation of stream and river banks but also the submerged vegetation of temporary streams and lakes often consists of Verlag A.C.S. GmbH Redaktion: Liebigstraße 1, D-63110 Rodgau Fax: +49 (0) 6106-644692, http.// www. aqualog. de e-mail: amphibious plants. Here the plants are found partly submerged with the lower part of the shoot cover by water and the upper part exposed to the air Aqualog news – Subscription for the German issue the English issue Iodotropheus cf. sprengerae „Analspot“; Beachte den Fleck in der 1 A38422-4 Afterflosse / remark the spot in the anal fin Lake Malawi: exact place of origin unknown; W; 10 cm 2 248/217-2 Photo: E. Schraml ö J O P E V b fXI 3 4 These Stickups supplement AQUALOG „African Cichlids I; Malawi/Mbuna” number of species of more than or totally submerged during the wet beginning with issue no. I subscribe the newspaper AQUALOGnews for the price of 46,80 DM for 12 issues (incl. postage) season and exposed to air during dry 1 periods. 2 Common name examples from the aquarium is the genera of Echinodorus and Cryptocoryne. street postal code/city Code number 1.number: continuous picture-number 2.number: page number in the book 3.number: picture number on the page (continuously numbered from 1–8 from the top left corner to the bottom right) 3 Symbol-text Aqualog-books 4 Photographer impressum country Issue no. 33 of your Payment as follows: Visa Aqualognews Eurocard/Mastercard card number valid until will be available in name of card owner (if not name of subscriber) 32 date/signature May 2000! Herausgeber: Ulrich Glaser, sen. Chefredakteur/Editor: Dipl.-Biol. Frank Schäfer Redaktionsbeirat: Dipl.Ing. agr. Gregor Beckmann Dr. med. vet. Markus Biffar Ulrich Glaser, sen. Dipl.-Biol. Uwe Krüger Translations: Mary Bailey Layout: Bettina Kirsch Gestaltung: Gaby Geiß, Büro für Grafik, Ffm Druck: Societäts-Druck, Mörfelden-Walldorf Anzeigendisposition: Verlag A.C.S. GmbH ISSN 1430-9610 Verlag: A.C.S. GmbH Rothwiesenring 5 D - 64546 Mörfelden-Walldorf Redaktionsanschrift: Verlag A.C.S. GmbH, Liebigstr.1, 63110 Rodgau Fax: +49 (0) 6106 - 644692 e-mail: All rights reserved.The publishers do not accept liability for unsolicited manuscripts or photographs. Articles written by named authors do not necessarily represent the editor’s opinion.