RECEVL D if - Comox Valley Regional District


RECEVL D if - Comox Valley Regional District
From: Suzanne Murray {zam bezi @]
Thursday, February 19, 2009 11:12 AM
James Warren
Subject: Public hearing comments, February 19, 2009
Good Morning,
Comox VrHey kon
Please include my comments on the proposed rezoning of the Kingfisher Resort in your information
package provided to the Directors and the public. Thank you.
Kind regards,
Suzanne Murray
I support the rezoning of the Kingfisher properties to a
comprehensive development zone.
The plans I have seen show an environmentally responsible
expansion, incorporating the "greenest" technology currently
a va ii a b I e.
Their plan to restore the creek on the adjacent property is a
true benefit to not only the community, but the fish and
other aquatic life the stream can support.
iTJ L1-
M'u 'n'1 t1 I! iiiiiiiiIPR:
Comox VaIIy (1iItdølI1IPt1ihIU liii 1YA
Page 1 of 1
Rada Leroux
Dennis Guelpa []
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 4:31 PM
Ralda Leroux
Subject: Comox Valley Zoning Bylaw, 2005, Amendment No. 35
200902-17 17:50
2503348156 p 1/2
IstrIct f North Vancouver
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February 18, .2008
BY FAX: 1-25O434si56
Ms. Ralda Ltoux, Senlo,r Planner
Property Services Branch
Cornox Vaftey Region1 Dtrict
tO0 Comox Road, Courtenay, C VGN 3P8
DoarMs. Leroux
Re Bylaw No. 13 Cornox VaJiey ZonIng Bylaw, 2008, Amendment No. 3
Please accept ihs submis&on as my support for Bylow No. 13- Co,no Valley Zonig
Bylaw, 2005, Arnedment No. 3 rezonirLg ppilcat.ion of Kingfisher Oceanside Resort
and Spa.
fri January of this year I, together with eight friends, had the pleasure of visiting the
Kingfisher for a weekend. We chose the Kingfisher for several reasons proximity to
the Lower Mainland, amenitIes and value. We were not disappointed and had a.
wondetful experience, Te food, spa facthties and accommodation were ecaUert I
am currently looking at an opportunity with another gioup of friends to visit: again this
During our visit, we all noticed the artist's rendition of the proposed project n the lobby
and inquired about the proposal. Although very well maintained and spotlessly dean,
there is no question that the resort needs a &gnit1cant amount of upgrade to the current
facility. The proposed expansion will definitely be an improvement. From a
environmental point of vw, a building of this age and construction is no longer
I have been a Muni.oipal Coundillor with the District of North Vancouver for the last 12
years, and am acutely aware of the challenges of rezoning applications and how they
affect a community. I 1rad an opportunIty to speak to Mr.. Mike Ol-tara, General
Manager of the. Kingfisher, where he informed .me of the green technology that will be
lntroduced for water and energy conservation, the restorat ion of the adjaàerit creek end
the traffic mitigation improvements. The current zoning would. allow this expansion to
go ahead regardless, however, I commend the applicant for wanting to look at a way of
expanding and preserving the view corridors of the surrounding neighbours., I ecu sure.
2009-02-17 17:51
2503348156 P 2/2
Re; Bylaw No. 13 Comox Valley Zoni:ng Bylw,
Amondmet No 38
February 16, 2009
that the Comox: Valley will benefit frQrn businesses such as this, and wifl generate high
employment with a relatively snia impact, compared to sfrgh3 family or rnultmily
development n municipal sn,lces.
As the most accountable level ogovernment in this cowitry, regional districla and
municipalities are continually challenged for their ability to sustain themseves with
continued downloading from senior levels of government and that of resldent pushing
back from. Inomased taxes. Corn memial properties, such as the Kingfisher, offer a
higher tax rate without the same level of service consumption that a residential
homeowner may absorb. We in the District of North Vancouver, rely on industry to
offset cur tax base, celebrate your ability to attract and keep resorts that allow people to
experlence our Province as visitors.
We had a wonderful time in the Comox Valley and will definitely come again hopefully to
a new and improved Kingsher Resort and Spa.
Lisa Muri
Councillor - District of North Vancouver
Xc: Mayor and Council, Comox Wiley Regional District
Mr Mike O'Hara, General Manager Kingtieher OceaMde Resort & Spa
Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa Rezoning Application
Fiiiic i
Your thouhts
our inputs are valuable to us We would liki to know what you think of the proposed tCZOnhIig
and /or any concerns that you think should be brought up in light of this. Please use the spac
below to write our comments. If you require more detailed information, you ma also write our
contact information SO that a regional district staff member may contact you after the meeting.
Thank ou
(Optionab Name:_______
Fore more information or to eubrnit'ommeppleasgontpct:
Ralda Leroux, senior planner
Comox Valley Regional District
S00 Comox Road Courtena , BC V9N 3P6 Telephone: (250) 334-6029 Toll Free: l80ft-33l-6007
Vv ebsite: n w .comnv al vrc.c L rnat1. rieroux(
o m ox/ a ey
Kingfisher Oceanside Resort arid Spa Rezning Appicaion
i ng'
Your thoughts
our mputs are ' ahiable to u
c would like to know what ou think of the piopsed rezoning
and /oi any concerns that you think should be brought up m light of this Please use the space
below to write your ccxnrn(nts. If you require more detailed information, yOU ma also \ritc your
contact mforrnation so that a region ti district staff member mas contact you after the meedng.
i5VT 'L7L
LL :'
e as
__ __
(Optional) Name:
____ _______
Fore more information_or to submit comments please contact:
Ralda Leroux, senior planner
Comox Valley Regional District
00 Comox Road Courtena\, BC V9N 3P6
Telephone: (250) 34-602°) Toll Free: 1-800-331-6007
Website: v wcurno'saii; rdc. F-mail rlerouxacomoxvalleyrd.c.
(2S e&/a y
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Bylaw No. I
"Comox \ alle\ /onmg B law, 2905, mcndmcnt No 35"
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Trudy Madelung
FW: Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa Expansion Support
Importance: High
Original Message----From: Wendy Sears [mailto:wendy@lewissearscom]
Sent: Sunday, February 08, 2009 8:01 PM
To: propertyservices©comoxvalleyrd ca
Subject: Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa Expansion Support
Importance: High
To Whom If May Concern:
Please see attached letter of support for the Kingfisher Oceanside Resort & Spa expansion.
We thank-you for your consideration.
Kind regards.
Wendy Sears & Susan Lewis
837 Shorewood Drive, Parksville, BC V9P 1S1
Cell: 250-228-4452
Web: vvv..:'
4, Lewis Scars
Comox Valley Regional District
600 Comox Road
Courtenay, BC V9N 3P6
Sent via email: propertyservices@comoxvalleyrd ca
To Whom It May Concern:
Re: Kin gfisher Oceanside Resort & S pa Expansion
We are writing this letter to express our support for the Kingfisher Oceanside Resort &
Spa's plan for expansion.
Being meeting and event planners whose focus is providing clients in the meetings and
incentive market with exceptional Vancouver Island experiences it would be a shame
not to allow the Kingfisher to move forward with their plans to enhance this jewel of a
The owners and management of the Resort are committed to ensuring the project has
little impact on the natural environment. Not only will this expansion create jobs during
the construction phase but it will also create more jobs for local residents wishing to work
at the Resort once the expansion is complete. It is also our understanding that during
construction they will continue to employ all their staff and keep them working.
The newly enhanced Resort will allow them to compete with other newer properties
located in the Comox Valley as well as other Island destinations such as Tofino, Parksville
& Qualicum Beach and Victoria. It will allow them to attract new guests to the Comox
Valley from such locations as Vancouver, Seattle, Calgary, Edmonton, Regina, etc.
We thank-you for your consideration!
Sincerely yours,
Wendy Sears & Susan Lewis
i of::
gibnit [gibnit©gmailcomj
Monday, December 08, 2008 4:29 AM
Ralda Leroux
Subject: Kingfisher File
Iii Ralda,
My name is Kevin Gibson,
I would be amiss if I didn't welcome you to our little hornets' nest of discord that we call "The Valley'.
It is certain that you will be kept busy for many years to come.
I have been away, but understand that you met with Maggie Hennigman and have seen the photos. I
don't know if you still want any hard copies for your file. I also thought T would send you a few links
that you might find of some interest.
The link below reviews the 209 resorts and hotels on Vancouver Island. If you are so inclined you will
find that the new Kingfisher Resort will be the largest hotel complex north of Victoria and the only one
of any size to be located in the heart of a residential neighborhood. The enclosed attachment summarizes
my findings.
I-To tels .html#AC COM_OVER VIEW
In addition I have provided two links below to the Resort Village that is planned for Union Bay. In my
mind this is true sustainability with a diverse array of tourist amenities all located within walking
distance of the hotels. It is also notable how the designers have been respectful and partitioned off the
single residential area far from the commercial zone.
http ;//w ... .
sigtcwco.... stalpoi , cp m/bc..ards/Figure%2,Q L5.,p.cif
If you truly want to learn as much as possible about the Kingfisher Resort walk the northern property
line, then review the site drawings. I will let you draw your own conclusions about how much generosity
is really being extended to the old couple that lives there.
Anyone who stands at the tennis court on the weekend would quickly realize the popularity of any
amenity planned along the western grounds would be nullified by the traffic noise that will become even
more bothersome when Union Bay develops.
The beach at the site is very unique as shown by the photographs. The wildlife that has gathered there
for, perhaps thousands of years should be considered as something more than a photo opportunity for
tourists. Do you honestly believe that people are respectful and keep their distance?
The simple truth is that as a stand alone hotel the Kingfisher Resort will be at a disadvantage when
competing with the Resort Village that is planned for Union Bay. No longer will it be the only seaside
hotel with a spa. Building above and beyond present zoning will not change this.
I do not understand why ii is the job of the residents to enforce zoning bylaws. Arent mey there to
protect individual rights?
Thank you for your time.
Sincerely yours,
Kevin Gibson
I TT1IF%1Iru
t.iiI TUrii u ii ii wiiI T1
t' i
mir thu Na&V&rIrdR NW Th NW L'L flRLI Li
- 1.'
-. J
Average price*: $128 (year-round)
TripAdvisor Traveler Rating: 3.5 of 5 stars based on 35 reviews
TripAdvisor Popularity Index: #2 of 15 hotels in Nanaimo
* Hotel class: 4 of 5
Rooms: l73
* Traveler Reviews:
o Oct 15, 2008: "Dated hotel but fine"
o Sep 12, 2008: "Just a place to sleep"
o Sep 2, 2008: "Extremely comfortable hotel"
I 70
16O00 sqft.
Submisj to the
Re: Rezoning application allowing for Kingfisher Resort
Li The owner of the Kingfisher Resort currently owns three adjacent properties in RoysEon.
Li Two of the properties are zoned Commercial/Tourist 2 (CT2) and one iszoned ResidentialRural (R-RU).
Li He is applying to the Comox Valley Regional District to rezone these three properties into
one large Comprehensive Developernent Zone (CDZ) which would allow extensive expansion
of the Kingfisher ReSort above and beyond what is allowed under the current CT2 zoning.
A. Should approval be granted to the owner of
the Kingfisher Resort to change the zoning of the
three lots from the current zoning to a new
Comprehensive Develapement Zone?
2. Do you want further Tourist Commercial development
in your neighborhood?
Address: _
L24LE'c' AirUY
e-mail and/or telephone:
3' 3
Comments and Qsjons (use back of sheet if necessary)
Comox V&ky Rekrii Ditret
ubmission to the Comox Valle y Regional District
Iwi.w IiIFi sitW 4Tirk,ii;
j SRi i i (II i.
Li The owner of the Kingfisher Resort currently owns three adjacent properties in Royslon.
Li Two of the properties are zoned Commercial/Tourist 2 (CT2) and one is.zoned ResidentialRural (R-RU).
Li He is applying to the Cornox Valley Regional District to rezone these three properties into
one large Comprehensive Developernent Zone (CDZ) which would allow extensive expansion
of the Kingfisher Resort above and beyond what is allowed under the current CT2 zoning.
A. Should approval be granted to the owner of
Yes -
the Kingfisher Resort to change the zoning of the No
three tots from the current zoning to a new
Comprehensive Developement Zone?
2. Do you want further Tourist Commercial : development
in your neighborhood?
Address '[1 —/ '7 (/7fl
e-mail and/ar telephone:
Comments and Questions (use back of sheet if necessary)
Oomox V&iey Rkr1& Detric
October 14, 2008 5:50 PM
viviandean @chislettm anson com ; zam bezi@shawca;
RE: Restoration plans for Copeman Creek-Kingfisher Expansi8rnox
Linda Maclntryre
Kingfisher Spa & Resort
VaUey Regional Distrlot
RE: Tour for BSASS members of Copeman Creek concerning Creek restoration To:
plans - October 11 w/biologist Warren Fleenor
Dear Linda:
I would like to thank you for introducing me to Warren Fleenor, Project
Biologist for the Copeman Creek restoration project which will be part of the
Kingfisher expansion.
First of all, Warren was very gracious with his time to give three of us BSASS
members a very thorough tour of Copeman Creek last Saturday. We are. very
thankful for his expert explanations which addressed our concerns regarding the
proposed changes to Copeman Creek.
We are 100% satisfied that Copeman Creek will be a showpiece of sustainability
to our community with the work that is planned as presented by Warren as
--maintenance of thc existing creek path,
--increased pooi depth in shallow areas,
-maintenance of conifers for tree cover,
--1 5-metre setbacks.
We commend the Kingfisher Spa and Resort ownership for irs plans for the
Copeman Creek restoration project.
Sincerely yours,
Janet Thomas
The Baynes Sound Area Society for Sustainability CBSASS")
#5-2401 Cliffe Avenue
PO. Box 30043
Courtenay, BC V9N 2L0
email.: .B-SASS@shawca
cc: 'arren Fleenor - Fleenor & Associates Environmental
cc: Vivian Dean Chisietr Manson
cc: Suzanne Murray - Area "A" Director
cc: Planning Department> Comox V alley Regional District
OCT 1 52008
Thomas Knght
Swift, Doug [Doug.SwiftdfO-mpO.gc.Ca]
Thursday, July 24, 2008 5:53 PM
Thomas Knight
Subject: Kingfisher
Hello Thomas,
I understand that there is some concern with the Kingfisher group regarding my response to the Kingfisher
rezoning application.
For this reason I am sending this email to confirm that DFO does not have any objection to the rezoning of this
property. In addition DFO will be in discussions with the Kingfisher group about works that they are considering
for Copeman Creek.
If you have any questions please call, thank you.
Doug Swift
Habitat Management Technologist/Technologist, gestion de habitat
Fisheries and Oceans Canada/Pêches et Oceans Canada
South Coast Area
148 Port Augusta Street
Comox BC V9M 3N6
Ph. (250)339-4905/Facsimile (250)339-4612
Please note my new email address below:
Doug .Swift©
4066 Is. Hwy. S.
Courtenay, B.C.,
V9N 9R8
July 2, 2008
Comox Valley Regional Distr,
3001 Vanier
Courtenay, P.C.
Re: Bernice Takahashi
Dear Sir,
I am writing in support of the Takahashi family's objection Lo the
Kingfisher Resort's application for a variance of a property that is now
zoned residential, to be rezoned commercial.
When the Takahashi Family purchased this property over 30 years ago there
was no commercial property near by. They would never have bought this
property, had they known that a hotel was going to be built next door.
The Kingfisher property was allowed to happen, but there was still a
buffer zone, a residence. Now the proposal is to build a 4 story
structure right beside the Takahashi residence. This is not right, and
not fair. Ask yourself, would you like a 4 story hotel next door to you.
The Takahashi Family have been outstanding citizens in the Comox Valley,
and have contributed in many ways to make this Valley a fine place to
live, and raise our children, Mr. Takahashi contributed many hours to
the Downtown Merchants Association, on their board, and as chairman to
make it the pleasant place it is today, and now you are treating this
family so disgracefully, and with no reguard.
I urge you to not allow this property to he rezoned, it was purchased
this way and that is the way it must stay.
Very sincerely,
Tom and Roberta Feely
Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa Rzothng AppU
d £
'ioui thougIits
Your inputs are valuable to us. We would like to know what ou think of the proposed reronmg
and /or any concerns that you think should be brought up in light of this. Please use the space
bcloi to write your comments. 1f on rcc1 uirc more detailed information. nu may also write youi
contact information SC) that a regional district 512ff member may contact you aftei tin meeting.
fhanlr you!
- _
(Opnonal) Named Tel/Email:
________ _________
Fore more information or to submit comrnepgp1ease contact:
Ralda Leroux, senior plannci
Comox Valley Regional District
600 Comox Road C ourtenay BC V QN 3P
Telephone: (?50)34-6029 loll Free. l00 i l_oOU7
Website rSWVC'
-mail: rleroux(weornoxa1ievidc,
0 111 ox a ey
Kingfisher Oceanside Resort and Spa Rezoiiing Application
iI Meethig
our thoughts?
OUI inputs
are valuable to us. We would Uk to know what you thiul of the propoud rezoning
and /or any conc&rns that you think should be hiought up in light of thi5. l'lcasc use th spaci
below to write your otnlTlcnts. If you require more detailcd tnformation, you may aiso wtite oui
contact information so that a regional district staff membet ma contact you after the meeting.
Thank you!
___________________________ ______________________________________
(C)ptional) Name:
Raida Lerou\. senior planner
Comox Valley Regional District
600 Cornox Road Courtenav. BC V9N 3P6
Telephonc (250 334-6029 Toll Free l-800331-6007 Website:
'-' aivro:. F-mail: rlerouxa comoailercLca
Co m ox Va I I ey