Newsletter Fall 2015 - Kawartha Lakes Snowmobile Club
Newsletter Fall 2015 - Kawartha Lakes Snowmobile Club
OFSC District 2 OCTOBER Newsletter 2015 KAWARTHA LAKES SNOWMOBILE BOX 611 FENELON FALLS ON KOM 1NO KLSC.CA 705.887.1288 KLSC.CA FRONT PAGE NEWS INSIDE THIS ISSUE 1 FRONT PAGE NEWS 1 DATES TO REMEMBER 2 MESSAGE TO KLSC MEMBERS 3 VOLUNTEER OF YEAR 4 EVENTS PAGE THIS WILL BE THE LAST “PRINTED” NEWSLETTER… YOU WILL BE ABLE TO READ OUR NEWSLETTER ON OUR WEBSITE, FACEBOOK OR EMAIL US TO GET YOUR COPY… “Don’t forget to like us on FACEBOOK!! Post your favorite pictures, add your comments, be proud to be a KLSC member” DATES TO REMEMBER FOR SEASON 2016 PERMIT SALES; SEASONAL PERMIT ~ ONLINE ONLY UNTIL NOVEMBER 1ST $180.00 SEASONAL PERMIT ~ NOV 2ND TO DECEMBER 1ST $210.00 available online and at Vendors SEASON PERMIT ~ AFTER DECEMBER 1ST $260.00 CLASSIC PERMITS (1999 or Older) ~ ONLINE BEFORE DEC 1ST $140.00 CLASSIC PERMITS ~ AFTER DECEMBER 1ST $170.00 MULTI DAY PERMIT ~ ONLINE ONLY – TO BE ANNOUNCED DRIVER TRAINING – ONE TRAINING DATE ONLY SAT. DECEMBER 5TH FAMILY FUN RUN – FEBRUARY 13TH, 2016 Page 2 OCTOBER 2015 Newsletter MESSAGE TO OUR KLSC MEMBERS BY Wayne Harpell, President Now that the turkey dinner is behind us and for many, the docks and boats have been put to rest for the winter, it’s time to start thinking about getting the sleds serviced or maybe even buying a new one. If you haven’t already done so, it’s also time to take advantage of the early bird on-line permit sales as well. On that note, rumour has it that within the next couple of years, permits will only be available on-line as well. I’m not sure how well that will go over with a portion of the population who don’t use credit cards on-line but I’m sure there will be provision made for those individuals. Only time will tell. Last year I reported that KLSC permit sales were down, in all likelihood because of some confusion regarding the on-line sales program. Well I’m happy to report that this past season saw a record number of permits purchased from the KLSC. Thank you to everyone who bought from the KLSC. And if you friends who regularly ride KLSC trails but buy elsewhere, please try and encourage them to purchase a KLSC permit where our focus is getting those dollars on the snow. I’ve heard that the weather man is predicting a warmer than average winter based on El Nino. Well don’t let that keep you from thinking we won’t get any snow. In our area we get a lot of lake effect snowfall and if the great lakes are not iced over because it’s milder then we may just be in for some heavy lake effect snowfall. We can dream can’t we! This past season we’ve been working with the City and the Kawartha ATV club (KATVA) to ensure that the multi-use trails are left in good shape following the ATV season. If we start the season with as smooth a surface as possible then we can don’t have to wait for huge amounts of snow before we start grooming and thus extend our snowmobiling season. Sections of the rail line have already been graded as well as the Pinery trail where the banks get kicked up by ATV’s and off road bikes. The KATVA and the Off Road Motorcycle Association also participated with us in funding the replacement of the decking on a bridge on trail 340. (between the Millennium and the Rail line) We had secured quotes to replace the decking in the neighbourhood of $14,000 but decided to replace it ourselves with volunteers from KLSC and KATVA. The job took us one full day to complete at a cost of about $2,700 for materials. The power of volunteers can be amazing but our base of volunteers is not getting any younger so if you do wish to contribute in a small way some time, drop us a line. On that note, let’s hope we get another banner season and whenever possible, get out there and enjoy yourselves. KAWARTHA LAKES SNOWMOBILE CLUB IS AN OFSC MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING FOR 36 YEARS! Page 3 OCTOBER 2015 NEWSLETTER KSLC ANNUAL MEETING & BBQ 36TH ANNIVERSARY By LIZ PHILLIPS Our AGM and BBQ was a great success again this year. We had moved the date to September to ensure that our final figures owing to the OFSC on permits were made available to us for our meeting. It appears that all the glitches incurred last year at our AGM has been resolved. We are going to move our BBQ and AGM back to the end of May 2016 so that we can have more of our volunteers and members attend! Greg was instrumental in negotiating the reopening a piece of trail, back onto the road allowance, dealing with the landowner issues, city roads dept and helping mark the trail. He is a Groomer operator, Driver Training instructor, District 2 representative for our club, Trail Patrol and Board Member. Club News and Trails Only authorized club board members can open gates. Gates remain closed until all the necessary signage has been completed, brushing done and the trail has been groomed. Then we must send signed official trail opening forms to the OFSC to open any trail in our club or district. Please do not open any GATES when the first snowflakes fall…. You will be violating our agreements with trail owners. It’s ongoing and tough to keep our trails on private lands opened for each season when we hear that sledders are accessing areas off the MARKED TRAIL and the same trails are accessed in the off season by ATV’s. We work hard to keep our scenic trails but it requires all our co-operation. If you see violators be a good ambassador and remind sledders to stay on trail or we will continue to lose them. THINK SNOW... Liz “FAST FACTS 2015” Groomer Operations $13,920 Trail Operations $1400 Payroll $13172 Permit Costs $150,058 IT’S LONELY IN HERE! We are Ready to Play in the Snow! OCTOBER 2015 Newsletter Page 4 KLSC DRIVER TRAINING COURSE MUST BE 12 YEARS OF AGE ON COURSE DAY OF: DECEMBER 5TH, 2015 PHONE GREG SNIDER FOR REGISTRATION INFO 705.887.6393 ANNUAL FAMILY FUN RUN SATURDAY FEB 13TH 2016 REGISTRATION AT FENELON CHAMBER on WATER STREET(to be determined) FROM 8:30 TO 10:30 COST IS STILL ONLY $15 REGISTRATIONS PROCEEDS TO HELP SUPPORT OUR COMMUNITY Over $7000 in prizes donated last year! Luncheon in Kinmount $$.. Finale at Burnt River Community Centre 3:00 LISTEN TO BOB FM 91.9 LINDSAY FOR UP TO DATE INFO & GO TO OUR WEBSITE! PERMIT OUTLETS AFTER NOVEMBER 1ST Snowmobile Show & Swap Meet Sunday November 22/ 2015 from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm. Corner of George & Lansdowne Street Peterborough, Ontario. IN LINDSAY: HB CYCLE LINDSAY CHAMBER . IN COBOCONK: BUCK & UP SOUTERS VARIETY IN FENELON FALLS: FENELON MARINE U.P.I. GAS BAR Canadian Tire~Fenelon
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