LeptiTrim Booklet - The Healthy Beaver
LeptiTrim Booklet - The Healthy Beaver
Experience what the Lepti-Trim system can do for you! ♦ Curbs appetite and cravings ♦ Shrinks fat cells ♦ Improves muscle tone ♦ Increases energy ♦ Helps to balance blood sugar ♦ Stimulates fat burning ♦ Helps to balance thyroid function If you are in search of a Total Body Recomposition, and are seeking to reduce 5 to 50 inches of fat or more, then the Lepti-Trim Fat Burning & Health Enhancing System (LTS) is your answer! The average person has poor eating habits, which tend to have a higher rate of Carbs and Fats than Protein. Because of these factors many of us are losing the battle in the War on Fat. The Lepti-Trim System can change all of this for you—it is the ticket to your ideal size. 800.916.3681 www.tbrlabs.net Your Lepti-Trim System (LTS) Kit ................... 2 You Will Not Starve ....................................... 3 LTS 8-day Quick-Start Plan ............................ 4 Where To Measure (Women) Chart .................. 5 Where To Measure (Men) Chart ....................... 6 Stage 1—Days 2 & 3....................................... 7 Stage 2—Days 4, 5, 6, & 7 ............................. 8 Stage 3—Day 8............................................... 10 Maintenance Plan ........................................... 11 Plateaued? ..................................................... 12 How Does The LTS System Work? .................. 13 The Products .................................................. 14 Fast Food Guide ............................................. 15 Foods With Zero (0) Carbohydrates ................. 16 Foods With 1 to 5 Carbohydrates .................... 17 Daily LTS Study Log ...................................... 20 My name is Linda and I am from Sacramento, CA. My experience in the last 3 weeks with the LTS inch loss study has been incredible. The first 3 days I lost 5 pounds and a total of 10.5 inches. Over the next 5 days I lost another 12.5 inches for a weekly total of 23 inches. That is incredible! Over the next week I lost another 6 inches...and I wasn’t even being very good! The one thing that I have done consistently is take my LTS product! It is an awesome road that I am walking down! You wouldn’t recognize me now from just a few months ago. People have even commented on how my cheek bones are even becoming more defined. It is wonderful to hear those kinds of things! It gives me the motivation to continue. But with such an easy program...who needs motivation!—Linda, Age 48 I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM Your “Lepti-Trim System” Contains: I. LTS NUTRITIONAL SUPPLEMENTS: • • • • Daytime Formula (30 days) ............... 90 Servings Protein Shake (2 Canisters ) ............. 30 Servings Night Formula ................................. 33 Servings Cleanse ........................................... 30 Servings II. LTS LITERATURE PROVIDED: • • LTS User Guide Product Fact Sheets III. LTS TOOLS: • • LTS Instructions LTS Measuring Tape IV. ADDITIONAL TOOLS YOU MAY WISH TO PURCHASE: • • Omron Body Fat Analyzer Hand Held Mixer NOTE: The LTS Plan will help you reduce fat, increase underlying lean muscle mass, aid the immune system, increase energy & cleanse/detoxify, and help to create vibrant health! For best results, stay with the original outline, and try not to use the alternates. If you have difficulty with the original plan we have also supplied alternative choices. 2 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S You Will Not Starve! ♣ SNACK Whenever you see the clover symbol (♣), you may have an optional snack. Snacks may consist of any of the following but are not limited to just this list: Unsalted Dry-Roasted Almonds (6-12), Soy Nuts (17-34), Apple (½ to 1), Brazil Nuts (17-34), Banana (1/2 to 1), Cashew Nuts (6-12), Celery (2 stalks), Cantaloupe (½), Cottage Cheese low fat 2% (1 cup), Cucumber, Hardboiled Eggs (2), Pink Grapefruit (½), Orange (1). You should eat something every 3-4 hours; we suggest a snack or a shake! ❤ ALTERNATE CHOICES Whenever you see the heart (❤), you can substitute an alternate choice in place of meals. If you were to skip a meal, dinner should be the one. Alternate choices may consist of any of the following: Breakfast: 1. Omelet made from 2 egg whites, ½ cup chopped broccoli, 1 oz. lowfat cheddar cheese, 1 sliced apple, 1 English muffin, toasted, spread with 1 Tbsp. light butter. 2. 1 cup dry oatmeal cooked with water & mixed with 1 scoop LTS vanilla/chocolate shake (mixed in after oatmeal is cooked), 1 packet sugar substitute (Stevia) if desired, 8 oz. orange juice. 3. Two hard-boiled eggs, 1 whole-wheat bagel spread with 1 Tbsp. creamy and natural peanut butter. Lunch/Dinner: 1. Tuna sandwich with ½-cup albacore tuna in water (drained) mixed with 1 Tbsp. light mayonnaise, 1 Tbsp. relish, ¼ cup chopped celery, on 2 slices whole-wheat bread, 1 oz. mini pretzel twist, 1 snack box raisins. 2. 3 ½ oz (raw weight) skinless chicken breast grilled & topped with 2 Tbsp. barbecue sauce, 1 medium baked sweet potato topped with 1 Tbsp. light sour cream & light butter, 2 cups of green salad with 2 Tbsp. reduce-fat Italian dressing. 3. Two Fresh Baja-style steak (6oz) tacos 2 mini soft corn tacos add onions, 5 oz. black beans, 1 oz. (about 10) plain tortilla chips (Baked dry—no oil). 3 I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM Lepti-Trim System — 8 Day Quick Start Plan Take “before” picture and measure/weigh yourself Name: Weight: Prep Day: _____/_____/_____ Body Fat %: Dress/Pant Size: Prep-day 1. Take Lepti-Trim Cleanse supplement with your shake or mix in with either apple or orange juice in the morning. 2. Make sure to stop eating 3 hours before bed. BEDTIME Take 2 Tablespoons of the Night Time Formula on an Empty Stomach with a 6-8oz. glass of cold water or straight with a chaser. before after 4 Inch-Loss Measurement Chart WOMEN 1) Match these numbers to the numbers on the chart. 2) Make sure you measure at the same time of day, preferably in the early morning. 3) Record your results in the chart as indicated— total inches and weight at the bottom of the column. 4) Watch the weight and more importantly the inches drop off. MEASUREMENTS PREP DAY DAY 3 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 15 DAY 29 1. Upper Arm (L) 2. Upper Arm (R) 3. Bust (fullest part) 4. Rib Cage 5. Waist 14 6. Abdomen (6” from Waist) 7. Buttock (9” from Waist) 8. Upper Thigh (L) 1 9. Upper Thigh (R) 3 10. Calf (L) 11. Calf (R) 4 12. Upper Knee (L) 13. Upper Knee (R) 5 14. Neck Total Inches 6 Total Inches Lost Total Body Fat % 7 Total Body Fat % Lost Total Weight Total Weight Lost 8 5 Inch-Loss Measurement Chart MEN 1) Match these numbers to the numbers on the chart. 2) Make sure you measure at the same time of day, preferably in the early morning. 3) Record your results in the chart as indicated—total inches and weight at the bottom of the column. 4) Watch the weight and more importantly the inches drop off. “I am 24 years old and in 1 week I have lost a total of 12½ Inches and 4 lbs. Yeah—I love this program. After the first week you really get use to the program and it works great for busy people. My favorite part is that you get to drink the great tasting shakes and I love having a snack with the PM formula. Thanks for the great program.”—Ashley 24 1 MEASUREMENTS PREP DAY DAY 3 DAY 7 DAY 8 DAY 15 DAY 29 1. Neck 2. Chest (at armpit) 2 3 3. Upper Arm (L) 4. Upper Arm (R) 5. Rib Cage 5 6. Waist 6 7. Abdomen (6” from Waist) 8. Upper Thigh (L) 7 9. Upper Thigh (R) 10. Buttock (9” from Waist) 10 Total Inches Total Inches Lost Total Body Fat % 8 Total Body Fat % Lost Total Weight Total Weight Lost 6 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S Stage one — Days 2 & 3 Day 2: _____/_____/_____ Day 3: _____/_____/_____ Schedule 1. Pre-breakfast: On an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, take 2 capsules of the Daytime Formula, with an 8oz glass of cold water. 2. Breakfast: 2 scoops of Shake with 8oz of cold water or ❤. 3. Mid-morning snack (9:30-10:30AM): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4oz of cold water. 4. Pre-lunch: Take two capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 5. Lunch: 2 Scoops of the LTS Shake with 8oz of cold water for lunch or ❤. 6. Mid-afternoon snack (2:30-4:30): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4 oz. cold water. 7. Pre-dinner: Take two capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 8. Dinner: 2 Scoops of the Shake with 8oz of cold water for dinner. Make sure NOT to eat 2-3 hours before bed. 9. Bedtime: Take 2 Tablespoons of the Night Time Formula on an empty stomach mix with an 8 oz. glass of cold water or take is straight and chase it with water. Your largest meals should be consumed in the morning; the size of your meals should decline throughout the day. Measure & Weigh after Day 3 Before getting dressed, weigh, measure and, if possible, check your BodyFat. Then record your results. “I have lost 19.5 Inches and 9 lbs plus .05% of my body fat in just a little over 2 weeks! The program has been easy to follow—the 1st week I had a really hard time, but then I realized that I can eat! After that I found fruits and nuts that I love to snack on and I am eating a lot healthier. Not only myself but my whole family is eating better and feeling better. I love the feeling when I come in to weigh and measure.When I don’t think I have done very good I thought I cheated too much but I would still see inch and weight loss! That right there says the products work! I believe that I can change my life, and my goal is to be the size I was before I had my son 3 yrs ago. I know the Lepti-Trim System can get me there!”—Karen, Age 25 7 I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM Stage two — Days 4, 5, 6, & 7 Day 4: _____/_____/_____ Day 5: _____/_____/_____ Day 6: _____/_____/_____ Day 7: _____/_____/_____ Schedule 1. Pre-breakfast: On an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast, take 2 capsules of the Daytime Formula, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 2. Breakfast: 2 scoops of Shake with 8 oz. of cold water. 3. Mid-morning snack (9:30-10:30AM): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4 oz. of cold water. 4. Pre-lunch: Take two capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 5. Lunch: Enjoy a normal lunch of 400 to 600 calories or ❤. 6. Mid-afternoon snack (2:30-4:30): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4 oz. cold water. 7. Pre-dinner: Take two capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 8. Dinner: 2 scoops of Shake with 8 oz. of cold water for dinner. Make sure NOT to eat 2-3 hours before bed. 9. Bedtime: Take 1 tablespoon of the Night Time Formula on an empty stomach mix with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. Your largest meals should be consumed in the morning; the size of your meals should decline throughout the day. Measure & Weigh After Day 7 Before getting dressed, weigh, measure and, if possible, check your Body-Fat. Then record your results. “I have been on the LTS Program for 2 weeks. I have lost a total of 18 ½ inches and 12 pounds. My body fat has decreased 2%. Since I have started on the LTS Program in 2 weeks I have noticed a great improvement in my sleep. I have more energy and my rings are loose fitting and they used to be tight on my fingers. The taste of the LTS Shake is very good, but I like to alternate between the flavors which makes it so you don’t get bored. There are 2 great flavors to choose from Vanilla, Chocolate. I LOVE the flavors. I would recommend anyone that is interested in losing weight and inches please try this program.”—Kaylene 51 8 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S “On my second week weigh-in I was surprised to find that I had lost 7 lbs and 14.25 inches. My body fat dropped from 34.2% to 32.5%, a total of 1.7%. This has all been without any exercise on my part. Before starting this inch/weight loss program, I had no energy, I was tired all the time and had very little drive or initiative. Most of the time I just felt lethargic. Within the first three days I experienced a lift in my mood and my energy level started to increase. I’ll have to admit since starting this program, my outlook on things has definitely improved. I believe the products I have been using are formulated to increase your body’s natural ability to suppress appetite and give you that much needed boost of energy. I feel alive again!”—Gary 57 9 I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM Stage three — Day 8 Day 8: _____/_____/_____ Schedule 1. Pre-breakfast: On an empty stomach, 30 minutes before breakfast, take 2 capsules of the Daytime Formula, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 2. Breakfast: 2 scoops of Shake with 8 oz. of cold water or ❤. 3. Mid-morning snack (9:30-10:30AM): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4 oz. of cold water. 4. Pre-lunch: Take 2 capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 5. Lunch: Enjoy a normal lunch of 400 to 600 Calories or ❤. 6. Mid-afternoon snack (2:30-4:30): ♣ or, 1 scoop with 4 oz. cold water. 7. Pre-dinner: Take 2 capsules of the Daytime Formula 30 minutes before eating, with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. 8. Dinner: 2 scoops of the Shake with 8 oz. of cold water for dinner. Make sure NOT to eat 2-3 hours before bed. 9. Bedtime: Take 1 tablespoon of the Night Time Formula on an empty stomach mix with an 8 oz. glass of cold water. Your largest meals should be consumed in the morning; the size of your meals should decline throughout the day. Measure & Weigh After Day 8 Before getting dressed, weigh, measure, AND if possible, check your Body Fat. Then record your results. If you would like to accelerate the program you may do STAGE 2 as many times in a month as you like. “I tried the Atkins diet and gained 2 pounds my first week. I then got on the LTS program and in one week I lost 10.5 inches and 4 pounds and I feel great! I love the LTS program! The instructions are simple. The product makes me feel great! The Night Time formula and the meal replacement taste great—I sometimes feel like I am cheating because they taste so great. I do not have to starve and I am losing inches and inches! Yes! LTS is the program to be on to lose the inches and pounds.” —Catherine 46 10 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S The Maintenance Plan For the next 30 days or more follow this general outline. MAINTENANCE PLAN MEALS SNACK Breakfast D DAYTIME AY T I M E P PROTEIN ROTEIN C CLEANSE L E A N S E NIGHT TIME SNACK FFORMULA O R M U L A SSHAKE HAKE FFORMULA ORMULA 2 capsules 2 scoops in 30 minutes 8oz of water before meal YES♥ YES 1 tablespoon in 8oz of water YES ♣ YES♥ YES ♥ YES ♣ Mid-Afternoon Snack Dinner 400 to 600 calories YES Mid-Morning Snack Lunch select one LUNCH YES Y ES YES YES Bedtime YES 11 Plateaued? You will plateau, this happens when your body needs to set a new baseline, just understand you will come off the plateau. If you go beyond 4 hours consistently without eating, your body will drop into a fat storing mode. If this happens we suggest you do the following: 1. Drink plenty of cold water. How much is plenty? We strongly suggest that you NOT follow the “Eight glasses a day” because every person is a different size; therefore, each person has different needs. Use this simple formula to figure your proper water intake per day. Divide your current weight in half and that is how many ounces of water you need per day. Example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you need 75 ounces of water per day. The typical glass holds eight (8) ounces of water. Tip: Many people mistake being thirsty with being hungry and a glass of water typically reduces food cravings. 2. Increase your daily diet by 200 calories. 3. Stop the program for 5 days and allow your body to “reset” itself. Once you have reached your desired body size, we recommend you continue with the LTS shake once-per-day, and the Daytime Formula onceor twice-per-day and Limu NEI once per day. 4. Return to the Maintenance Plan. “I tried the Atkins diet and gained 2 pounds my first week. I then got on the LTS program and in one week I lost 10.5 inches and 4 pounds and I feel great! I love the LTS program! The instructions are simple. The product makes me feel great! The Night Time formula and the meal replacement taste great - I sometimes feel like I am cheating because they taste so great. I do not have to starve and I am losing inches and inches! Yes! LTS is the program to be on to lose the inches and pounds.”—Catherine 46 12 How Does the LTS Work? The Lepti-Trim System, has been designed with three key factors in mind. Each factor plays a key role in your success in reducing body fat and inches, enhancing your immune system, and taking advantage of your natural energy balance. First, caloric intake has a direct effect on the size of your body. The more you consume, the more you have to burn. Caloric intake affects insulin levels. If they rise and drop dramatically throughout the day, that can cause a negative reaction in the body. By eating smaller meals, but increasing the number of meals per day you can better regulate high and low blood sugar levels. For example, if you go 4 hours or longer between meals, the body will start to store fat. Three meals a day encourages fat storage. The Lepti-Trim System is designed to work in rhythm with your body. It does so by asking you to consume 6 small nutrient rich meals a day (2 ½ to 3 hours apart). When your body is fed the correct level of Protein, Carbohydrates, and Good Fats within specific time periods during each day, your body will burn fat for energy instead of storing it! Second, we also know that by increasing the body’s proper protein intake throughout the day (58.5 to 63 grams), and decreasing carbohydrates triggers the body to burn fat for energy instead of storing it. Third, we also know that there are separate health challenges that may cause you to gain inches and weight, which may prevent you from reducing sizes and weight when you diet. The Lepti-Trim System has over 461 nutrients, to help you overcome these health problems. What are the Health Challenges that may cause you to gain inches and weight, and may prevent you from reducing sizes and weight when you diet? Stress • Fatty Liver • Yeast Build-up • Toxic Build-up • Thyroid Malfunction • I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM The Products CLEANSE This formula is based upon a blend of vitamins, minerals and enzymes. It not only helps to cleanse your system it also fortifies the one area where we are constantly bombarded by negative invaders, our bowel. It contains the building blocks we are looking for to help regenerate our system from within. D AY T I M E F O R M U L A This amazing fast acting formula with Leptin is able to activate itself within minutes after being consumed. This allows the ingredients to absorb quickly into your system. There are seven (7) nutrients that not only burn fat and produce energy, but also regulate the appetite. Additionally, there are four (4) nutrients that aid the nervous system, and three (3) amazing nutrients that boost the immune system. You should always take this formula 30 minutes before a meal, with a cold glass of water. LO W C A R B O H Y D R AT E , HIGH PROTEIN SHAKE This high protein shake (27 grams of proper protein) with Leptin is designed to fuel your body’s need to burn fat, reduce inches, and tone muscle. It contains (47) nutrients, of which, 13 are focused at energy production, (12) support your immune system, (10) assist the fat burning process, (8) promote lean muscle, and (4) aid the thyroid. Each shake offers 33% RDA of the Vitamins and Minerals listed. Chocolate or Vanilla flavors. NIGHT TIME FORMULA This Liquid Collagen Protein with Leptin works with your body’s natural sleep processes to enhance fat and inch reduction while you dream. While you are sleeping, protein will dominate your metabolism and will allow a more balanced insulin level, thereby, encouraging the body to burn fat and increase lean muscle mass throughout the night. The Night Time Formula may put your body into Ketosis (fat burning process) overnight. 14 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S Fast food guide — eating on the run FAST FOOD GUIDE RESTAURANTS SUGGESTED MEALS CALORIES GRA M S / PROTEIN GRAMS/ CARBS GRAMS/ FAT ARBY’S GRILLED/ROASTED CHICKEN 245 25 28 4 ARBY’S LIGHT GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH 260 23 32 5 SKINLESS ROTISSERIE TURKEY BREAST; STEAMED VEGETABLES 335 33 5 41 33 4 CHARBROILED BBQ CHICKEN SANDWICH 280 25 37 3 MCDONALD’S GRILLED CHICKEN DELUXE (NO MAYO) 300 27 38 5 MCDONALD’S GRILLED CHICKEN SALAD (FAT-FREE HERB VINAGREITTE DRESSING) 170 21 18 1.5 SUBWAY 6” TURKEY SUB SANDWICH 309 25 41 5 WENDY’S GRILLED CHICKEN SANDWICH (NO SAUCE) 285 27 29 6 TENDER ROAST CHICKEN SANDWICH (NO SAUCE) 270 33 23 5 BOSTON MARKET CARL’S JR. KFC Three Quick-Loss Alternatives: 1. Wish to drop a few inches and maybe 5 pounds, quickly? We suggest dropping back into just DAY 2 (24 Hours). 2. What to do when you find you have just gained back 5 to 10 Pounds? Repeat DAYS 2 and 3 (48 Hours). 3. Going to a Wedding, Party, Class Reunion or taking a Vacation and wish to drop anywhere from 5 to 15 Pounds? We suggest repeating the LTS Complete 8 DAY System. 15 I N C H - LOSS THE LEPTI-TRIM SYSTEM FOODS WITH ZERO CARBOHYDRATES Turkey Loaf, Breast Meat, W/C Turkey, Roasted, Dark Meat Turkey, Roasted, Light + Dark Turkey, Roasted, Light + Dark Turkey, Roasted, Light Meat MEATS Beef Roast, Eye O Rnd, Lean + Fat Beef Roast, Rib, Lean + Fat Beef Steak, Sirloin, Broil, Lean Beef Steak, Sirloin, Broil, Beef, Canned, Corned Beef, Ckd, Bottom Round, Lean Beef, Ckd, Chuck Blade, Lean Beef, Ckd, Chuck Blade, Lean Beef, Ground, Broiled, Regular Chicken, Canned, Boneless Chicken, Roasted, Breast Chicken, Roasted, Drumstick Lamb, Chops, Loin, Broil, Lean Lamb, Chops, Loin, Broil Lamb, Leg, Roasted, Lean Only Lamb, Leg, Roasted, Lean + Fat Pork Chop, Loin, Broil, Lean Pork Fresh Ham, Roasted, Lean Pork Fresh Rib, Roasted, Lean Pork Shoulder, Braised, Lean Pork, Cured, Bacon, Regular Pork, Link, Cooked Pork, Luncheon Meat, Chopped Ham Sausage, Brown And Serve, Browned Sausage, Vienna Turkey Loaf, Breast Meat W/O C 3o 0 3 oz 0 2.5 oz 0 3 oz 0 3 oz 0 3 oz 0 3 oz 0 2.2 oz 0 3 oz 0 5 oz 0 3.0 oz 0 1.6 oz 0 2.3 oz 0 2.8 oz 0 2.6 oz 0 3 oz 0 2.5 oz 0 2.5 oz 0 2.5 oz 0 2.4 oz 0 3 slice 0 1 link 0 2 slices 0 1 link 0 1 sausage 0 2 slices 0 2 4 1 3 2 slices pieces cup pieces pieces 0 0 0 0 0 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 oz oz oz oz oz oz oz oz oz oz oz oz 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 tbsp 1 pat 1/2 cup 1 pat 1 tbsp 1/2 cup 1 tbsp 1 pat 1 tbsp 1 pat 1 tbsp 1/2 cup 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 cup 1 tbs 1 cup 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 cup 1 cup 1 tbsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 FISH AND SEAFOODS Flounder Or Sole, Baked, Butter Flounder Or Sole, Baked, Margarine Flounder Or Sole, Baked, W/O Fat Halibut, Broiled, Butter, Lemon Juice Herring, Pickled Salmon, Baked, Red Salmon, Canned, Pink, W/Bones Salmon, Smoked Sardines, Atlantic, Canned, No Oil Trout, Broiled, W/Butter, Lemon Juice Tuna, Canned, No Oil, Ckd, Light Tuna, Canned, No Oil, White BUTTERS AND SPREADS Butter, Salted Butter, Salted Butter, Salted Butter, Unsalted Butter, Unsalted Butter, Unsalted Margarine, Imitation 40% Fat Margarine, Regular, Hard, 80% Fat Margarine, Regular, Hard, 80% Fat Margarine, Spread, Hard, 60% Fat Margarine, Spread, Hard, 60% Fat Margarine, Spread, Hard, 60% Fat OILS AND FATS Corn Oil Corn Oil Fats, Cooking/Veg. Shortening Fats, Cooking/Veg. Shortening Olive Oil Olive Oil Safflower Oil Safflower Oil 16 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S DRESSINGS & CONDIMENTS Mayonnaise, Regular Mustard, Prepared, Yellow Vinegar And Oil Salad Dressing 1 tbsp 1 tsp 1 tbsp 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Frankfurter, Cooked Jerky, Beef Pork, Cured, Bacon, Canadian Pork, Luncheon Meat, Canned Pork, Luncheon Meat, Ckd Ham Pork, Luncheon Meat, Ckd Ham Salami, Cooked Type Salami, Dry Type Sandwich Spread, Pork, Beef Turkey Roast, Frozen, Light+Dark, Ck DAIRY PRODUCTS Camembert Cheese Cheddar Cheese Cheddar Cheese Eggs, Raw, White Eggs, Raw, Yolk Muenster Cheese Parmesan Cheese, Grated Pasteurized Processed Cheese, Amr Whipped Topping, Pressurized Whipping Cream, Un-whipped, Heavy Whipping Cream, Un-whipped, Light wedge cu in oz white yolk oz tbsp oz tbsp tbsp tbsp Clams, Canned, Drained Clams, Raw Crabmeat, Canned Oysters, Breaded, Fried Seaweed, Kelp, Raw Shrimp, Canned, Drained 12 fl oz 0 12 fl oz 0 8 fl oz 0 Margarine, Imitation 40% Fat Margarine, Regular, Hard, 80% Fat Margarine, Regular, Soft, 80% Fat Peanut Butter Mayonnaise Type Salad Dressing Mayonnaise, Imitation Relish, Sweet Tartar Sauce 3 small 0 4 medium 0 1 leaf 0 SPICES AND SEASONINGS Salt Parsley, Freeze-Dried 1 tsp 1 tbsp 0 0 1 cup 0 FOODS WITH 1 TO 5 CARBOHYDRATES MEATS Bologna Braunschweiger Chicken Frankfurter Chicken Roll, Light Chicken, Fried, Flour, Breast Chicken, Fried, Flour, Drumstick 2 slices 2 slices 1 frank 2 slices 3.5 oz 1.7 oz 3 3 1 1 1 3 oz oz cup oyster oz oz 2 2 1 5 3 1 8 oz 1/2 cup 8 oz 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 tbsp 1 1 1 3 4 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 DAIRY PRODUCTS OTHER Beef Broth, Bullion 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 3 BUTTERS AND SPREADS VEGETABLES Olives, Canned, Ripe, Mission Olives, Canned, Green Lettuce, Butter head, Raw, Leaf frank oz slice slices slices slices slices slices tbsp oz FISH AND SEAFOODS BEVERAGES Club Soda Cola, Diet Tea, Brewed 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 2 2 3 1 2 1 17 Blue Cheese Cheddar Cheese, Shredded Cottage Cheese, Uncreamed Cream Cheese Eggs, Cooked, Fried Eggs, Cooked, Hard-Cooked Eggs, Cooked, Poached Eggs, Cooked, Scrambled/Omelet Eggs, Raw, Whole Feta Cheese Half And Half, Cream Imitation Creamers, Powdered Imitation Whipped Topping, Frozen Imitatn Sour Dressing Mozzarella Cheese, Whole Milk Parmesan Cheese, Grated Parmesan Cheese, Grated Pasteurized Processed Cheese, Swiss Pasteurized Processed Cheese Food, Amr oz cup cup oz egg egg egg egg egg oz tbsp tsp tbsp tbsp oz oz oz oz oz I N C H - LOSS THE LEP TI-TRIM SYS TEM Provolone Cheese Sour Cream Swiss Cheese Tofu 1 1 1 1 oz tbsp oz piece 1 1 1 3 4 4 1 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 spears 3 spears 2 cup 5 piece 2 cup 4 cup 5 cup 4 slices 1 head 4 cup 1 tbsp 1 cup 3 onions 2 pepper 4 pepper 4 pepper 3 pepper 3 pepper 4 pepper 4 pickle 1 pickle 5 radish 1 cup 3 cup 2 tomato 5 VEGETABLES Asparagus, Cooked From Frozen Asparagus, Canned, Spears, W/Salt Bean Sprouts, Cooked, Drain Broccoli, Frzn, Cooked, Drained Cabbage, Common, Raw Cauliflower, Raw Celery, Pascal Type, Raw, Piece Cucumber, W/Peel Lettuce, Butterhead, Raw, Head Lettuce, Crisphead, Raw, Pieces Lettuce, Looseleaf Mushrooms, Raw Onions, Spring, Raw Peppers, Hot Chili, Raw, Green Peppers, Hot Chili, Raw, Red Peppers, Sweet, Cooked, Green Peppers, Sweet, Cooked, Red Peppers, Sweet, Raw, Green Peppers, Sweet, Raw, Red Pickles, Cucumber, Dill Pickles, Cucumber, Sweet Gherkin Radishes, Raw Spinach Soufflé Spinach, Raw Tomatoes, Raw FRUITS Lemons, Raw Plums, Raw, 1-1/2 inch diam 1 lemon 5 1 plum 4 SPICES & SEASONINGS Baking Powder Chili Powder Cinnamon Curry Powder Garlic Powder Lemon Juice, Canned Onion Powder Oregano Paprika Pepper, Black Soy Sauce 18 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 tsp tsp tsp tsp tsp tbsp tsp tsp tsp tsp tbsp 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 2 T O TA L B O DY R E S E A R C H L A B S Vinegar, Cider Yeast, Bakers, Dry, Active 1 tbsp 1 1 packet 3 SOUPS Onion Soup, Dehydrated, Prepared 1 packet 4 Onion Soup, Dehydrated, Unprepared 1 packet 4 NUTS & SEEDS Alfalfa Seeds, Sprouted, Raw Brazil Nuts Filberts, (Hazelnuts) Chopped Macadamia Nuts, Oilroasted, Salted Macadamia Nuts, Oilroasted, Unsalt Peanuts, Oil Roasted, Salted Peanuts, Oil Roasted, Unsalted Pecans, Halves Pine Nuts Pumpkin And Squash Kernels Sesame Seeds Sunflower Seeds Walnuts, Black, Chopped Walnuts, English, Pieces 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 cup oz stick oz oz oz oz oz oz oz tbsp oz oz oz 1 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 1 5 3 5 BREADS Melba Toast, Plain 1 piece 4 CRACKERS & SNACKS Cheese Crackers, Sandwich, Peanut Pretzels, Sticks Snack Type Crackers Wheat, Thin Crackers Whole-Wheat Wafers, Crackers 1 sndwch 5 10 pretzel 2 1 cracker 2 4 cracker 5 2 cracker 5 OTHER Bouillon, Dehydrated, Unprepared Tahini 1 packet 1 1 tbsp 3 19 Lepti-Trim System Daily Log Date: _____/_____/_____ Date: _____/_____/_____ Breakfast: Breakfast: Lunch: Lunch: Dinner: Dinner: Snacks: Snacks: Supplements taken: Supplements taken: Exercise: Exercise: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: 21 Lepti-Trim System Daily Log Date: _____/_____/_____ Date: _____/_____/_____ Breakfast: Breakfast: Lunch: Lunch: Dinner: Dinner: Snacks: Snacks: Supplements taken: Supplements taken: Exercise: Exercise: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: 22 Lepti-Trim System Daily Log Date: _____/_____/_____ Date: _____/_____/_____ Breakfast: Breakfast: Lunch: Lunch: Dinner: Dinner: Snacks: Snacks: Supplements taken: Supplements taken: Exercise: Exercise: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: Feelings/Mood/Roadblock/Victories: 23 OTHER PRODUCTS BY TOTAL BODY RESEARCH LABS Colostrum Capsules ™ are Mother Nature’s own formula for health and longevity. Colostrum has been used successfully for centuries to combat immune deficiency and age-related dysfunctions. It contains all 87 natural growth factors, immunoglobulins, immune factors, vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and more. The growth factors that enable the body to regenerate bone, muscle, cartilage, and other tissues are found in abundance in our Colostrum. These special anti-aging factors help your body carry on its own natural process of cell regeneration. Strawberry Chewable Colostrum Tablets ™ were designed for the young, or the young at heart. These candy-like, naturally flavored chewables are a fun way to get your colostrum dosage. Pineapple Lozenges ™ are a delicious way to get your daily colostrum. Let them slowly dissolve in your mouth for ideal sublingual absorption. Colostrum Powder ™ is our most versatile form of colostrum; you can take it from a spoon, mix it in a smoothie, or sprinkle it over your food. Limu NEI ™ contains nature’s storehouse of anti-aging factors, immune factors, vitamins, minerals and other essential nutrients to support a healthy nervous, endocrine and immune system. The bountiful amounts of essential glyconutrients, growth factors, and polyphenols, in combination with naturally occurring fucoidan and complex polysaccharides establish this as one of the most important discoveries in nutrition and immune support. OxyQuest ™ is one of the most significant breakthroughs in the health care industry. It is stabilized, liquid oxygen, containing only negatively charged electrolytes of oxygen which benefit the body in many ways. Oxygen has been shown to increase energy, increase respiratory efficiency, improve oxygenation/circulation, enhance immune function, improve mental health and a myriad of other health benefits. Flex Complex ™ is colostrum-based, containing all 87 natural growth factors. These growth factors work together with a scientifically proven complex of natural, anabolic compounds for improved steroid free muscle growth. Flex Complex supports the processes involved in building lean muscle, improving muscle tone, and enhancing athletic performance.