President`s Letter
President`s Letter
President’s Letter By Rob Vincent It was exciting to see and hear about the prices received for meat goats at the area sale barns during the Easter market window. Demand continues to be strong for goat meat, and grain prices are more favorable for livestock production. However, according to the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), meat goat numbers have declined by 12.2% over the last six years in the United States. In Iowa, meat goat numbers have risen over the last year. With demand strong will expansion continue? It does appear that youth participation in the meat goat industry continues in Iowa. I want to thank Blake Lanphier for contacting the IMGA to let us know that a meat goat interest group is now in place through the Block and Bridle Club at Iowa State University. The presence of a meat goat group on campus is great and will only help increase the awareness of goat production in Iowa. I also want to extend a thank you to this group for agreeing to help the IMGA run the June 14 th show being held at the Iowa Sheep and Wool Festival in Colfax. Speaking of shows, the first Youth Points Chase affiliated show took place earlier this month at the Corydon Spring Fling. Thank you to the Smith and Peck families for organizing and running a great show. Twenty-one IMGA youth members participated and turned in their YPC show forms. Once we receive a copy of the overall show results, we will get the points chase results updated. The IMGA has two new junior members that joined before the Corydon Spring Fling so they could take part in the YPC program. Please visit the IMGA website for a listing of YPC affiliated shows. The next YPC shows take place on May 31st in Audubon, June 1st in Guthrie Center and another two shows the same day in Knoxville. There are fourteen additional affiliated shows scheduled throughout the summer. From a promotional perspective, the cancellation of the annual Iowa State University VEISHA celebration prevented the IMGA Meat Goat Queen, Allison Vincent, from participating in the ‘Power Up for Protein’ tent organized by the College of Agriculture. We are always looking for new ways to promote goat meat. If you have the opportunity to 'Promote the Goat' locally, please send the IMGA a quick recap of the event for highlight it on the website. Mark your calendars on November 15th for the 2014 IMGA Annual Meeting. More details to come; but I wanted to let you know of the date, because it will be here before we know it. As a reminder, we will have four board seats up for election at the annual meeting. If you have a strong candidate in mind, please send his/her name to Nomination Committee Chair, Kelly Adey. One more request, if you know of other meat goat producers, especially commercial producers, please invite them to join the IMGA. Have a great summer! Table of Contents Presidents Letter JRCN Boer Goats Page 1 Cedarcrest Page 4 IMGA Show Sponsorship Programs Regal Boer Goats Table of Contents Page 2 2014 IMGA Board of Directors Adver tising Rates for IMGA Newsletter Newsletter Disclaimer Calendar of Events Page 3 2014 IMGA Judges IMGA Fun Show Flyer Page 5 IMGA Fun Show #1 Entry Form Page 6 IMGA Fun Show #2 Entry Form Page 7 Goat Herd Identification: Tattoos Pages 8-9 IIMGA Youth Project Sale Recap Page 10 Handy Boer Goats JBboer Heartland Boer Goats Trickman Boer Goats Breeden Farms Windrush Farms Trevor Clemmons—JABGA Region 2 Wylde Green Acres Show Classes for Commercial Does Page 4 IMGA 10th Anniversary Cookbook 2014 IMGA Board of Directors Common Goat Medications Page 11 Queen’s Corner Page 12 Advertising Rates For IMGA Newsletter Newsletter Disclaimer The IMGA newsletter is “community built” and intended to compile help- Rob Vincent President Shawna Fetters Vice President Mike Harman Treasurer Janis Johnson Any business or IMGA member ful information may place ads in the newsletter. Payment must accompany ads that Submissions welcomed and encourare submitted for publication. Per Issue Pricing Full Page—$80 Half Page—$40 Quarter Page—$20 Secretary Business Card—$10 Kelly Adey Classified—$5 (up to 7 lines) Steve Logsdon Full Year Pricing Kim Erwin Business Card—$40 *Includes 4 newsletter issues and website scroll* ********************* aged Submissions must be constructive and informative to be published The IMGA Board of Directors re- serves the right to edit or not publish any and all material submitted Author viewpoints do not necessar- ily reflect those of the IMGA Authors retain all copyrights, re- sponsibilities and privileges IMGA members can also opt to place ads—free of charge— on the Please get permission before reproclassifieds page of the IMGA webducing IMGA newsletter content The Iowa Meat Goat Association (IMGA) is site. non-profit organization. Any donations made to the IMGA are tax deductible up to 50% of your income. If interested contact: Shawna Fetters For veterinary assistance, seek the advise of a licensed veterinarian IMGA Calendar of Events ABGA/JABGA National Shows | June 9-14th Fonner Park, Grand Island, NE IMGA Fun Show #1 | June 14th Iowa Sheep & Wool Festival Jasper County Fairgrounds, Colfax, IA Contact: Shawna Fetters@ 515-231-2208 *Show Coordinator NEEDED* IMGA Fun Show #2 | June 21st Davis County Fairgrounds, Bloomfield, IA Contact: Shannon Smith @ 641-664-3108 Introducing the ... 2014 IMGA Show Judges IMGA Fun Show #1 Dane Miller Columbus, NE University of NE—Lincoln Judging Team IMGA Fun Show #2 Jake Sloan Quincy, MI Black Hawk College Lvstk Judging Team Western IL University Lvstk Judging Team Family shows lambs, meat goats & hogs at state and national levels Monsanto Seed Production Mgt Intern IMGA Fall Show (Saturday) Anita Messer Francesville, IN IMGA Fall Show (Sunday) To Be Determined Introducing Trevor Clemmons as JABGA Region 2 Representative... Dear IMGA members, I am pleased to announce that I ha ve been selected to be on the JABGA Natio nal Board of Directors. Representing Region 2; Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklaho ma, South Da kota, Missouri, Minnesota, Illinois, Wisconsin, and last but not least, our home state, Iowa! I can't wait to begin my journey representing Region 2, and showing people across the United States jus t how great the meat goat industr y is here in the Midwes t. Promoting the goat across the US is the one thing that I look forward to the most! Alongside me, also representing our region, is Heather Hubler from Chelsea, Oklaho ma! Thank you for all of your support, and I look forward to the upcoming year! Sincerely, Trevor Clemens Show Classes for Commercial Does Last quarter, the IMGA Board of Directors proposed that all non-registered does exhibited at the 2014 IMGA Fall Shows be aged and split into classes by teeth development. Class winners from three classes: #1—milk teeth, #2—2 teeth and #3—4+ teeth, as illustrated in the picture, would compete for an overall and reserve champion title. Several large shows in the nation split “commercial doe” classes in this fashion. The IMGA Board of Directors did not receive any suggestion or feedback surrounding this matter. Ther efore, it is presumed that the IMGA membership is open to trying new things! The proposal will be adopted for “commercial doe” entries at the IMGA Fall Shows this September. IMGA 10th Anniversary Cookbooks NOW AVAILABLE Only $12 Request one from any IMGA B oard Me mber We At the Iowa Meat Goat Association “Promote the Goat” Visit: To view IMGA Member Classifieds and other highlights IMGA Sponsorship Programs The IMGA is now accepting sponsorships for the 2014 IMGA organized shows and YPC Program. We will gladly collect merchandise or monetary donations. All sponsors will receive recognition on the IMGA website, in the IMGA newsletter, on participant awards and on banners displayed during IMGA events. No sponsorship is too large or too small! If you are interested in becoming a 2014 IMGA Sponsor, please contact one of the following: Shows Shawna Fetters 515-231-2208 or YPC Program Mike Harman 712-441-5952 or Kim Erwin 641-223-0023 or Janis Johnson 641-919-1409 or How To Identify A Goat Herd Using Tattoos By Rob Vincent Since the incep tion of the Scrapie eradication program in the early 2000's, it has been known tha t a herd registry tattoo id can be used as a herd Scrapie id. However, information beyond that basic statement was not readily available. The following documents do a great job of explaining how to use a breed registry tattoo and/or Scrapie id tag for identifying a herd. The USDA-Aphis office in Des Moines, IA provided the documents for publishing in this newsletter. If you have questions about the Scrapie id program after reading this information, please contact the USDA at 1-866-873-2824. The Iowa Exhibition Requirements document also provides a clear explanation about health paper requirements when exhibiting livestock . Tattoos as Official ID (Memo provided by USDA) (Remember: always check with markets, sales, or shows as they may have additional requirements!!) A. Registry Tattoos 1) Breed registry tattoos may be used for official identification of sheep and goats if all the requirements of 9 CFR 79.2 are met. These include: a) Animals must be accompanied by a copy of their registration papers and/or a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) listing the registry and the registered tattoo numbers. A CVI must be used when the type of movement requires a CVI. i) Animals must be individually identified. That is, the tattoo must include a flock prefix and a unique individual animal number. ii) If a CVI is used all IDs on the animal (including tattoo) must be listed on the CVI. (a) The accredited veterinarians must ensure that the tattoos are registry tattoos by matching the tattoos to the registration certificates. (b) It is suggested that a statement by the accredited veterinarian be included stating that the veterinarian has examined the registration papers and the animals listed on the CVI represent those registration papers examined. b) Options for official identification of animals belonging to a registered herd/flock, that are tattooed with registry tattoos but are NOT registered: i) Register animals with breed association and move with registration papers and/or CVI as described above ii) Tattoo the APHIS assigned flock ID on to the animal plus the individual unique animal number. This is easiest if the owner is assigned a flock ID made up of the state postal code and the registry tattoo prefix. iii) Identify the animals with official tags Note: A CVI must be used when the type of movement requires a CVI. USDA requires CVI for most breeding sheep and goats crossing state lines see chart in 9 CFR 79.3 for exceptions. Some states require CVI for intrastate movements particularly for exhibition. B. Flock IDs used as official tattoos 1) A VS assigned flock ID can be used for official identification and for participation in the SFCP. a) Flock ID must be unique in the country b) Flock ID must begin with state postal code c) Flock ID must be entered into SNGD 2) Animals must be tattooed with both the flock ID and a unique individual animal number 3) Official eartags can be ordered with this flock ID. a) Take care not to duplicate individual animal numbers that have already been tattooed on the animals unless the tags are for application to the animal with the identical tattoo. b) Suggest using a different series of numbers for tags than used for tattoos. C. Tattooing animals without ears or that have no space in the ears— a. Tattoos should be applied to the tail fold when possible. If this is not possible the flank may be used b. If a grade goat does not have ears and requires official identification, a flock ID production number tattoo should be used. A neck strap with an official eartag attached may be used as a secondary form of ID. Aug 2013, Iowa version USDA APHIS VS 210 Walnut St Rm 891 Des Moines, IA 50309 USDA, APHIS, VS Phone: (515) 284-4140 Fax: (515) 284-4156 E-Mail: Lisa Memorandum To: From: Date: Subject: Goat Producer Lisa Roling Monday, May 12, 2014 Scrapie Official Herd ID Your official Scrapie Eradication Program ID has been registered with USDA, is in the USDA data base and is: XXXX = registered herd tattoo & IAXXXX = Official USDA Scrapie flock ID number If your goat(s) is/are registered and moves with the registration papers or a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) issued by your accredited veterinarian, and the veterinarian has verified the goat(s) is/are registered, the goat(s) is/are only required to have the breed tattoo (XXXX) and a unique animal ID tattoo (i.e. 456). Thus, the official Scrapie ID tattoo for this animal would be XXXX 456. Please place the tattoo as required by your breed registry. It MUST be legible. It is also a very good idea, and sometimes required, to travel with a copy of the breed registration for this animal. If you do not register some of your goats, and they require official ID to move, those animals must have IA tattooed in front of the breed registry tattoo (IAXXXX) and a unique animal ID tattoo (i.e. 456 ), thus the official Scrapie ID for this unregistered animal would be IAXXXX 456. If you do this, you should carry proof of your breed registration. A better option is to use official Scrapie ear tags as more people know the ear tags are official ID. If you have earless goats, a tattoo can be placed on the tail fold. If you do that, you can use XXXX 456 (if registered) or IAXXXX 456 (if not registered). Remember: Tattoos MUST be legible. Remember: Do not duplicate individual animal ID (only one animal 456 for example) Questions?? Call me at 866-USDA-TAG or 866-873-2824. IOWA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND LAND STEWARDSHIP 2014 IOWA EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS FOR IOWA-ORIGIN GOATS At the Iowa State Fair or a District Show in Iowa: 1. All animals must be individually identified on a Certificate of Veterinary Inspection (CVI) and originate from herds or areas not under quarantine. The CVI for sheep will require clinical inspection by an accredited veterinarian within 14 days (30 days for goats) prior to date of entry to exhibition grounds. 2. All sexually intact goats must be identified with an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag or by an official tattoo registered with USDA (to register, call 1-866-USDA-TAG), and the complete ear tag number or complete ear tattoo number must be listed on the CVI. The CVI must also include a statement certifying the herd’s participation in the Scrapie program. If you use tattoos instead of scrapie tags: Complete numbers from both ears (or complete tail or flank numbers) must be listed on the CVI. Herd tattoo prefix must be registered with USDA by calling 1-866-USDA-TAG A statement must be included on the CVI indicating that the herd participates in the Scrapie program, and listing the official tattoo registered to the herd. (1-866-873-2824). 3. Any evidence of club lamb fungus, ringworm, draining abscesses, foot rot, sore mouth, or any other contagious disease will eliminate the animal from the show. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ At the County/4-H/FFA Fair or Show: All sexually intact goats must be identified with an individual Scrapie Flock of Origin identification tag or by an official tattoo registered with USDA (to register, call 1-866-USDA-TAG’1-866-873-2824). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FOR CURRENT EXHIBITION REGULATIONS CHECK THE IOWA DEPT OF AGRICULTURE (IDALS) WEBSITE AT, or CALL THE STATE VETERINARIAN AT (515) 281-5547 FOR COMPLETE EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS, INCLUDING THOSE FOR OUT-OF-STATE GOATS, AND IMPORT REQUIRMENTS VIEW THE IDALS WEBSITE: FOR EXHIBITION REQUIREMENTS FOR SHEEP PLEASE VIEW THE IDALS WEBSITE, OR CONTACT THE STATE VETERINARIAN’S OFFICE IMGA Youth Project Sale & Educational Seminar Recap… The 2014 IMGA Youth Project Sale and educational seminars were held on Saturday, April, 12th at the Jasper County Fairgrounds in Colfax, IA.. All aspects of the day were a huge success—even the weather turned beautiful just in time! The seminar bleachers were filled with both experienced and novice goat producers. A lot of information was shared throughout the day. Thank you to Austin Petty and Steve Logsdon for conducting the seminars. Goat burgers were served at the concession stand. Many people went back for seconds! Eleven consigners presented 30 head of goats to interested buyers. The high selling wether went for $400 and was consigned by Greg McCormick of McCormick Boers. The IMGA welcomed Greg and his family as NEW members in 2014! The high selling Doe kid sold for $510.00 and was consigned by Kelly Adey of Adey Acres. Kelly is the reigning IMGA member of the year for 2013. Wylde Green Acres Rob, Molly, Allison, Andrew Vincent th 3077 NW 126 Ave Polk City IA 50226 515-971-7941 Show Wethers ABGA Registered Goats Iowa Meat Goat Association Shawna Fetters — Vice President 14091 85th Ave Iowa Meat Goat Association Indianola, IA 50125 February 2014 Newsletter Queen’s Corner By Allison Vincent Summer show season is upon us and with it brings the chance for those IMGA members involved in showing an opportunity to reconnect at the summer shows. I had the opportunity to participate in the Corydon Spring Fling show May 10th at the Wayne County Fairground assisting with handing out ribbons. It was fun to see so many IMGA members out in the show ring after a long and seemingly never ending winter! The Corydon Spring Fling was also the start of the IMGA Youth Points Chase! For all youth involved in the IMGA, the Youth Points Chase is a fun way to get involved in showing goats and provides a great way to get some experience in the show ring before your local county fairs. This competition is open to all youth members of the IMGA, and new youth can join any time! The IMGA is hosting two ‘Fun Shows’ in June, which provides great opportunities for youth to get experience in the show ring and have some fun! Be sure to visit the website for more information on these and other shows included in the YPC. This summer I am looking forward to participating in the Iowa State Fair parade on August 6, riding in the parade to promote the Iowa Meat Goat Association. If any members have events this summer they are interested in having the IMGA Queen participate in, please don’t hesitate to contact me. I am always interested in opportunities to get involved with events to help promote the IMGA and meat goat consumption in Iowa. I look forward to having the opportunity to meet those of you I haven’t met at a goat related event this summer! To keep up-to-date on Iowa meat goat related events follow the Iowa Meat Goat Queen on Twitter @IAMeatGoatQueen