Our solutions for the mining industry
Our solutions for the mining industry
D-109322-2013 D-114566-2013 Our solutions for the mining industry LOREM LOREMIPSUM IPSUM ® ® 2.2.ÜBERSCHRIFT ÜBERSCHRIFT 3.3.Überschrift Überschrift Lorem Loremipsum ipsum Lorem Loremipsum ipsumOO 2 2 1 1 Fußnote Fußnote dies diesististeine einelange langeBeschreibung Beschreibung über übermehrer mehrerZeilen Zeilen die dieweiteren weiterenPunkte Punktesind sindalle alledurch durch eine eineLinie Liniegetrennt getrennt der derZeilenabstand Zeilenabstandististimmer immer gleichbleibend gleichbleibend9,5 9,5ptpt esesgibt gibtkeine keineuntersch. untersch.ZeilenabZeilenabstänstände de mehr mehr Ullamcorper Ullamcorpersuscipit suscipitlobortis lobortis1010 %% Hauptüberschrift Optionale zweite Zeil Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consec nonummy nibh euismod tincidunt ut volutpat. Ut wisi enim ad minim veni LOREM ISPUM DOLOR CONSECTUER Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer ad elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tincidu laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. U enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exci tatio ullamcorper suscipit lobortis nisl ut aliuip com consequat. Duis miri Lorem ipsum dolor sit a consectetuere adipiscing lit, diam nonummy n euismod tincidunt laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat volutpat. Ut wisi eni ad minim ve quis nostrud eci tation ullamcorper suscipit la lobortis nisl ut aliquip ex ea commodo conse D-112284-2013 Lorem ipsum® dolor In vulputate velit esse molestie consequat, ve dolore feugiat nulla facilisis at vero et accum san et iusto odio dignissim qui bndit praesen tatum zzril delenit augue duis dolore te feuga nulla facilisi. Lorem ipsum dolor sit a, consec adipising elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euism tation ullamcorper suscipit loborisl ut aliquip commodo consequat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer ad elit, sed diam nonummy nibh euismod tin dunt ut laoreet dolore magna aliquam erat vo Nam liber tempor cum soluta nobis eleifend congue imperdiet doming placerat possim as 03 | 04 D-13180-2014 1 Fitness for duty 06 2 M ine exploration, planning and construction 08 10 D-13180-2014 4 U nderground mining of metal/non-metal 12 D-13180-2014 5 Underground mining of coal 14 D-13180-2014 6 P rocessing and Refining 16 D-13180-2014 7 Emergency Escape 18 D-13180-2014 8 E mergency Response and Rescue 20 D-103259-2013 3 Opencast Mining 9 C leaning, Disinfection, Maintenance 22 D-13180-2014 D-13180-2014 Introduction D-13180-2014 INDEX 10 Y our Service needs & requirements 24 04 | We keep mines running 3 8 9 10 5 D-13180-2014 2 7 6 1 4 | 05 Over 100 years of experience matters! There are few industries where safety plays such an important role as in mining. Every step must be carefully planned and every decision is critical to ensure efficient and safe mining operation. For over 100 years, no other company has committed more to miner‘s health and safety than Dräger. For generations, miners have relied on Dräger to provide quality products to protect their lives. The history of Dräger and that of mine rescue date back to 1903 when Bernhard Dräger devised the first breathing apparatus during a physiological self-test after the mine disaster in Nova Scotia, Canada. The first documented application of oxygen rebreathers, the Dräger breathing apparatus, for work and rescue in the mining industry was during the devastating mine disaster in 1906 in Courriers, France. The new possibilities offered by Dräger’s breathing apparatus paved the way for the emergence of a completely new profession “mine rescue”. In North America, mine rescuers are called “Drägerman”, even today. The further development of breathing apparatus for the mining industry was represented by the Dräger Model 1924, which dominated the market for over ten years with its long duration breathing protection for up to two hours. In 1963, the Dräger BG 174 was introduced and has been used for over 40 years in underground mine rescue. Today, mine rescue teams in different parts of the world are equipped with the new generation of close circuit breathing apparatus – the Dräger PSS BG4 plus, which has been developed and constantly improved to provide the highest breathing protection and the best possible comfort for up to four hours. Dräger is proud to have played a role in creating mine rescue history with these products. To stay abreast of the evolving requirements in today’s complex work environment, Dräger supplies a broad spectrum of safety equipment – from respiratory protection and gas detection for daily operational safety to self-contained self rescuers and refuge shelters for emergency situations. All these products can be combined and used as an integrated safety concept to improve mine and workplace safety. In addition, Dräger also offers a selection of professional service and support programs, from product maintenance and inspection to training courses, to meet individual customer‘s needs. 06 | FITNESS FOR DUTY Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-93368-2013 Fitness for duty Dräger Alcotest® 7510 The Dräger Alcotest® 7510 delivers quick and accurate measurement of breath alcohol concentrations, even at sub-freezing temperatures. It also allows passive measurement without a mouthpiece, such as measurement of alcohol inside an underground vehicle.* *For law enforcement purposes in the U.S. Dräger DrugTest 5000 With cutting-edge oral fluid drug testing technology, the Dräger DrugTest 5000 system allows a discreet and hygienic approach with reliable and precise testing results for drug management in the mines.* D-98733-2013 To enhance your road safety and traffic management on mine sites, Dräger’s breath alcohol ignition interlock device can be installed on mine vehicles to prevent mine vehicle operators from operating the vehicle under the influence of alcohol. D-54726-2012 BREATH ALCOHOL IGNITION INTERLOCK DEVICE To support you to eliminate the inherent risks associated with drug use and alcohol abuse from mining operations, Dräger offers a range of alcohol breathalyzers and saliva based drug testing equipment for non-invasive alcohol and drug testing at the workplace. ST-15093-2008 ALCOHOL AND DRUG TESTING Dräger Interlock 7000 The Interlock 7000 is a breath-alcohol measuring instrument with a vehicle immobilizer, which prohibits a driver from starting the engine after alcohol consumption. It works perfectly at -45 °C in cold winter days and at 85 °C in blazing sunlight.* ST-15152-2008 | 07 Stationary Training Gallery Designed and constructed according to the specific customer requirements, the Dräger stationary training gallery offers breathing apparatus users a perfect platform to practice their tasks under mental and physical stress situations. Dräger System 64 For firefighters, live fire training is crucial. The Dräger System 64 makes owning live fire training equipment easy and affordable – so now even fire departments with tight budgets can continually build the confidence and skills of their firefighters. ST-13294-2007 For mining operations, Dräger offers tailor-made systems to facilitate training programs for personnel involved in certain tasks in their workplace such as confined space entry. D-37061-2015 TRAINING SYSTEM For emergency response training programs, Dräger designs and supplies customized training galleries to enhance the responder’s skills in areas like orientation, communication, rescuing casualties and sharpening reactions relying on senses other than sight. ST-612-2006 TRAINING GALLERY Confined Space Entry (CSE) Trailer The Dräger CSE trailer facilitates hands-on training programs, enabling users to get to know the hazards and dangers associated with working in confined space and be familiarized with the rescue techniques. 08 | MINE EXPLORATION, PLANNING AND CONSTRUCTION Our solutions for D-8772-2009 D-13180-2014 Mine Exploration, Planning and Construction Dräger X-plore® 1700+ Hardly noticeable breathing resistance thanks to the specially developed CoolSAFE+TM filter material: The Dräger X-plore® 1700+ particle filtering face pieces provide optimum breathing comfort through minimum breathing resistance. Dräger X-am 5600 The Dräger X-am 5600, with a dual infrared Ex and CO2 sensor, offers the flexibility of tailor-made configurations to detect up to six gases including combustible gases and vapors, oxygen and various toxic gases specific to the desired application. D-98773-2013 To warn you against invisible hazardous gases and oxygen deficiency during core drilling and mine development, Dräger provides a comprehensive line of gas detection products tailored to your scope of work. D-23637-2009 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION For health and safety during mine exploration and construction, Dräger provides a wide range of respiratory protection masks and protective eyewear to protect you against fine dust and particles during exploration drilling and core sampling. D-50312-2012 RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION Dräger X-am 2500 The 1 to 4-gas detector Dräger X-am 2500 is a cost effective multi gas monitor for the measurement of combustible gases and vapors, oxygen as well as toxic gases including H2S, CO, NO2 and SO2. MT-467-2008 | 09 Combining the innovative technology and the competencies of Dräger’s gas detection system engineers, Dräger provides technical support to help customers to find the best possible systems to facilitate the ventilation planning of a mine site. Dräger Refuge Chamber Thanks to its modular design, the Dräger Refuge Chamber can be designed in accordance with the specific needs along the mine development process to offer the highest possible protection to the occupants. Dräger Polytron 7000 With the possibility to use pre-calibrated DrägerSensor, the Dräger Polytron 7000 is a virtually maintenance free and intrinsically safe transmitter that can satisfy all oxygen and toxic gas measurement applications on a single platform. MT-5527-2005 SYSTEM To support you with your planning of emergency escape strategy, Dräger offers technical support for emergency escape systems tailored to the specific needs and requirements during the mine planning and construction phase. ST-2448-2003 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR GAS DETECTION ESCAPE SYSTEM D-19733-2015 TECHNICAL SUPPORT FOR EMERGENCY Technical support In addition to a wide range of products that can be used to support the mine ventilation and mine emergency escape plan, Dräger also provides technical support to ensure the most suited solutions are selected to meet your needs. 10 | OPENCAST MINING Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-23672-2009 Opencast Mining Dräger X-plore® 1300/1700 series Equipped with the specially engineered CoolMAX™ exhalation valve, the Dräger X-plore® 1300/1700 series offer effective protection against fine dust with very low breathing resistance and allow the user to stay cool underneath the mask. Dräger X-plore® 3000 series Constructed with the Flexi-Fit harness and X-guided strap system, the Dräger X-plore® 3000 series ensures optimum weight distribution and a safe seal without pressure points, while guaranteeing a wide and unrestricted field of vision. D-118996-2013 To mitigate the health risks caused by the dust generated at opencast mining operations, Dräger’s protective eyewears provide high level protection of the most important sensory organ – the eyes. ST-950-2008 EYE PROTECTION Whether for blasthole drilling or operating dragline or other mining machines, Drägers offers a wide range of high quality respiratory protection masks, both disposable and reusable, for effective protection against dust and particulate matters. D-6416-2009 RESPIRATORY PROTECTION Dräger X-plore® 8000 Challenging workplace conditions demand reliable solutions. The Dräger X-plore® 8000 offers a new level of intuitive handling combined with intelligent electronics that provide the high degree of safety your people need to focus on the task at hand. D-115048-2013 | 11 Dräger X-am 2500 The 1 to 4-gas detector Dräger X-am 2500 is a cost effective multi gas monitor for the measurement of combustible gases and vapors, oxygen as well as toxic gases including H2S, CO, NO2 and SO2. Dräger Pac series 3500/5500/7000 The Dräger Pac series combines fast, accurate single gas detection with ease of use and peace of mind. With clear alarms and a language-free display, each instrument uses the latest sensor technology to ensure the most reliable results. D-19622-2015 For preventive maintenance and compliance with safety regulations, Dräger’s robust diesel exhaust gas tester allows emission testing under harsh mining conditions. ST-1743-2005kk DIESEL EMISSION TESTING To prevent mining accidents and improve mine safety, Dräger offers a comprehensive line of portable gas detection products to ensure timely identification of potential hazards during opencast mining operations. D-77497-2013 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION Dräger MSI EM 200-E Equipped with three electrochemical sensors, CO, NO and NO2, the Dräger MSI EM200-E diesel exhaust gas tester allows accurate measurement of CO and nitrous fumes in the undiluted diesel exhaust gas. 12 | UNDERGROUND MINING OF METAL / NON-METAL Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-23721-2009 Underground mining of metal/non-metal Dräger X-plore® 3000 series Constructed with the Flexi-Fit harness and X-guided strap system, the Dräger X-plore® 3000 series ensures optimum weight distribution and a safe seal without pressure points, while guaranteeing a wide and unrestricted field of vision. Dräger X-dock 5300/6300/6600 The Dräger X-dock series enables automated and simultaneous tests and calibration of up to ten instruments at high speed with low gas consumption and facilitates the management of relevant data for subsequent evaluation. ST-1743-2005kk For your underground mining operations, Dräger offers a comprehensive line of gas detection products to meet the needs of various applications, from personal air monitoring, fire and explosion prevention to confined space entry and post blast inspection. D-47869-2012 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION Whether for drilling, extracting or loading, Dräger’s respiratory protection masks and protective eyewear offer the wearer not only effective protection against fine dust and particulates, but also simple handling and high wearing comfort. ST-950-2008 RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION Dräger Pac 7000 The Dräger Pac 7000, with unlimited instrument lifetime and extensive data logging capabilities, can be used to measure a variety of gases including CO, CO2, Cl2, HCN, H2S, NH3, NO, NO2, O2, PH3, SO2 and organic vapors. D-114525-2013 | 13 Dräger Polytron 7000 With the possibility to use pre-calibrated DrägerSensor, the Dräger Polytron 7000 is a virtually maintenance free and intrinsically safe transmitter that can satisfy all oxygen and toxic gas measurement applications on a single platform. Dräger Polytron 8000 The microprocessor-based transmitter can be equipped with various electroche mical DrägerSensors, detecting oxygen or various toxic gases. In addition, it can be integrated into digital fieldbus systems providing additional diagnostic functions. D-19622-2015 For preventive maintenance and compliance with safety regulations, Dräger’s robust diesel exhaust gas tester allows emission testing under harsh mining conditions. D-15013-2010 DIESEL EMISSION TESTING For ventilation monitoring of toxic gases underground, Dräger provides accurate and reliable stationary gas detection systems to protect the workforce and speed up post blast clearance. ST-2448-2003 STATIONARY GAS DETECTION SYSTEM Dräger MSI EM 200-E Equipped with three electrochemical sensors, CO, NO and NO2, the Dräger MSI EM200-E diesel exhaust gas tester allows accurate measurement of CO and nitrous fumes in the undiluted diesel exhaust gas. 14 | UNDERGROUND MINING OF COAL Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-114264-2013 Underground mining of coal Dräger X-plore® 1700 series Dräger X-plore® 1700 makes breathing easy and comfortable by ideally combining low breathing resistance and high filter performance in one mask. The CoolMAX™ valve efficiently releases humid and warm exhaled air to the outside. Dräger X-plore® 1720+ V Odour The Dräger X-plore® 1720+ particle filtering face pieces provide optimum breathing comfort through minimum breathing resistance. This odour stopping versions utilises an additional activated carbon layer inside against unpleasant odours. D-13225-2010 For proactive and predictive maintenance, Dräger’s thermal imaging cameras certified by ATEX, IECEx and ETL/Intertek facilitate the control of spontaneous combustion in sealed areas and on conveyor belts, even in potentially explosive areas requiring equipment of device category M2 or 2G. ST-14189-200 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA Whether for drilling, shotcreting or loading, Dräger’s respiratory protection masks and protective eyewear offer the wearer not only effective protection against fine dust and particulates, but also simple handling and high wearing comfort. D-50311-2012 RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION Dräger UCF 7000 The Dräger UCF 7000 thermal imaging camera is intrinsically safe (ATEX category M2 and 2G) and offers the maximum level of safety and reliability when using in potentially explosive atmospheres. D-14567-2014 | 15 Dräger X-am 2500 The 1 to 4-gas detector Dräger X-am 2500 is a cost effective multi gas monitor for the measurement of combustible gases and vapors, oxygen as well as toxic gases including H2S, CO, NO2 and SO2. Dräger X-am 5600 The Dräger X-am 5600, with a dual infrared Ex and CO2 sensor, offers the flexibility of tailor-made configurations to detect up to six gases including combustible gases and vapors, oxygen and various toxic gases specific to the desired application. D-19622-2015 For preventive maintenance and compliance with safety regulations, Dräger’s robust diesel exhaust gas tester allows emission testing under harsh mining conditions. D-23637-2009 DIESEL EMISSION TESTING To warn the underground personnel against hazardous gases associated with underground coal mining, Dräger offers a wide range of portable gas detectors that are ATEX , IECEx and CSA approved for areas requiring equipment of device category M1 or 1G and deliver fast, reliable and accurate measuring performance. D-77497-2013 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION Dräger MSI EM 200-E Equipped with three electrochemical sensors, CO, NO and NO2, the Dräger MSI EM200-E diesel exhaust gas tester allows accurate measurement of CO and nitrous fumes in the undiluted diesel exhaust gas. 16 | PROCESSING AND REFINING Our solutions for D-13180-2014 ST-16371-2008 Processing and Refining Dräger X-plore® full face masks The Dräger X-plore® 5500 full face mask is the right solution for environments where increased respiratory protection and a clear vision is mandatory. The masks are designed on the basis of the proven technology of Panorama Nova. Dräger PAS Lite / PSS 3000 Thanks to the anti-static, impact resistant, lightweight space frame, the Dräger PAS Lite / PSS 3000 offers the wearer more comfort in the industrial applications and makes its cleaning and maintenance quick and easy. D-44241-2012 When chemical agents are used during mineral processing, Dräger’s chemical protection suit series can provide different levels of protection against known and unknown hazardous substances and a high comfort through freedom of movement for a large variety of applications. D-31383-2011 BODY PROTECTION Against particles, toxic gases and vapors appearing during the smelting and refining processes, Dräger offers a broad portfolio of respiratory protection masks and protective eye wear that can be combined to meet the different application needs to ensure effective protection and high wearing comfort. ST-5450-2007 RESPIRATORY AND EYE PROTECTION Dräger CPS 7800 The reusable Dräger CPS 7800 (type 1b) provides excellent protection against mechanical influences and multiple gaseous, liquid, aerosol and solid hazardous substances and offers increased flexibility and comfort in confined spaces. D-29430-2009 | 17 Dräger X-am 5000 The Dräger X-am 5000 offers the flexibility of tailor-made configuration to measure up to five gases specific to the desired applications including combustible gases and vapors, oxygen and various toxics and organic vapors. Dräger X-zone 5500 The Dräger X-zone 5500 in combination with the Dräger X-am 5000 or 5600 gas detector can be used to measure up to six gases and extends the portable gas detection technology to an unique and innovative area monitoring system. ST-2448-2003 For your mineral processing operations, Dräger’s stationary gas detection system can be used for continuous monitoring of the ambient air and detection of flames, while Dräger’s patented area monitoring system offers flexibility for short-term maintenance or turnaround tasks. D-4924-2014 STATIONARY AND AREA MONITORING Whether for personal air monitoring, workplace exposure monitoring or confined space entry, Dräger offers a comprehensive line of portable gas detection products that enable fast and reliable measurement of gas concentration levels at a relatively low cost of ownership. D-16519-2009 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION Dräger Polytron® 7000 With the possibility to use pre-calibrated DrägerSensor, the Dräger Polytron® 7000 is a virtually maintenance free and intrinsically safe transmitter that can satisfy all oxygen and toxic gas measurement applications on a single platform. 18 | EMERGENCY ESCAPE Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-82895-2013 Emergency Escape Dräger PARAT® Dräger PARAT® Escape Hoods are designed to be easily donned, protecting users from toxic industrial and fire-related gases, vapors and particles during escape. Different packaging and accessories are available to suit the specific needs. Dräger Saver CF Simple to put on and featuring practically automatic operation, the Dräger Saver CF is a hood-based, positive-pressure breathing device that can be used with minimal training as an escape set in surface operations. D-35120-2011 With different nominal duration between 25 to 60 minutes, Dräger chemical oxygen self-contained self rescuers are among the most commonly used self rescuers in the mining industry and can be incorporated into your self escape system according to the specific requirements. D-33925-2011 LONG DURATION ESCAPE In an emergency situation Dräger filter or compressed air escape sets offer immediate and effective protection against toxic gases, vapors and particles for 15 minutes, enabling the wearer to reach their point of safety. Short duration escape devices are usually used in surface operations. D-92862-2013 SHORT DURATION ESCAPE Dräger Oxy 3000/6000 Thanks to the robust and state-of-the art design, the Dräger Oxy 3000/6000 ensure not only immediate oxygen supply for 30/60 minutes upon donning, but also a ten-year service lifetime without additional testing and maintenance. D-46297-2012 | 19 Dräger Quick Fill Station The Dräger Quick Fill Station opens up a new possibility to enhance self-escape and first response capability of underground personnel. It offers good communication possibilities and allows the simultaneous charge of up to five SCBAs in minutes. Dräger BPU Designed as one compact unit, the Dräger BPU can provide the occupants in a positive-pressure refuge chamber with breathable air for up to 96 hours through the regeneration of the exhaled air with Dräger’s proven soda lime. D-19733-2015 In case of an emergency above or underground, Dräger tailor-made escape and refuge chambers or rooms provide a safe haven for mine workers until the situation has been brought under control or help has arrived. D-10684-2011 LIFE SUPPORT SYSTEM Depending on the specific emergency situation, the Dräger ChargeAir system presents a good alternative for emergency situations helping the workforce to escape from hazardous environment and also enabling trained personnel to perform immediate first response. D-5124-2014 FIRST RESPONSE AND EMERGENCY ESCAPE Dräger Refuge Chamber The Dräger Refuge Chamber can be designed as modular systems according to the specific escape and rescue plan on the mine site to offer the highest possible protection to the occupants. 20 | EMERGENCY RESPONSE AND RESCUE Our solutions for D-13180-2014 D-114772-2013 Emergency Response and Rescue Dräger HPS 7000 Thanks to its innovative and ergonomic design the Dräger HPS 7000 is one of the safest full-shell helmets. A comprehensive accessory program makes it a multifunctional system solution which provides the optimum protection during every operation. Dräger PSS 7000 The Dräger PSS 7000 is designed to withstand high level wear and tear, while enabling easy service and maintenance. A range of optional components can be selected to meet the specific needs of emergency response teams. D-23567-2009 Throughout history, Dräger’s breathing apparatus, especially the closed circuit breathing apparatus, has always been the first choice for mine rescue teams worldwide, protecting the mine rescuers during their mine rescue and recovery missions. D-35061-2011 BREATHING PROTECTION Dräger’s helmet portfolio offers a high level of wearing comfort and safety. It can be combined with Dräger masks and communication devices for a complete head protection portfolio. D-59555-2012 HEAD PROTECTION Dräger PSS BG 4 plus Equipped with a fully electronic signal and warning unit the Dräger Bodyguard II, the Dräger PSS BG 4 plus provides the user maximum comfort and flexibility for long duration operation up to four hours, even in a toxic environment. D-112943-2013 | 21 Dräger UCF 9000 The Dräger UCF 9000 is a thermal imaging and digital camera in one. With its integrated video camera the Dräger UCF 9000 can be used to record operations and training situations underground live for in-depth analysis. Dräger X-am 7000 The high performance built-in pump and the possibility of integrating different types of sensors make the Dräger X-am 7000 the perfect multi gas detector for emergency response teams to perform mine environment evaluation. D-19338-2009 Even under the toughest conditions, Dräger’s portable gas detection portfolio allows accurate gas measurement and facilitates mines rescue teams to evaluate the environment before re-entry, during rescue and recovery. ST-67-2006 PORTABLE GAS DETECTION When vision is impaired by dense smoke or darkness, Dräger’s thermal imaging cameras are invaluable tools for casualty search and situational assessment in the event of a mine fire or explosion, fire fighting and similar emergency response situation. D-13263-2010 THERMAL IMAGING CAMERA Dräger-Tubes® With a tradition of nearly 80 years, Dräger-Tubes® are a reliable source for spot measurement and precautionary warnings in various mining applications such as the testing of the effectiveness of ventilation systems. 22 | CLEANING, DISINFECTION, MAINTENANCE Our solutions for D-46330-2012 D-103259-2013 Cleaning, Disinfection, Maintenance Customized workshop system Dräger‘s customized workshop system can be equipped with service and testing devices, washing and cleaning/ disinfection systems and recharging compressors with air quality monitoring and safety filling ramps. Sekusept Cleaner Sekusept Cleaner is a concentrated liquid cleaning agent for manual cleaning of respiratory masks, breathing protection equipment, diving apparatus and chemical protective suits before disinfection. D-98838-2013 For manual and machine cleaning and disinfection of personal protective equipment, Dräger offers a range of detergents and disinfectians as well as washing machines and driers suited to different needs. D-98823-2013 CLEANING AND DISINFECTION Dräger also offers complete workshop systems – from conceptualization to individual configuration, for process optimization and efficiency improvement in both existing and planned workshops. ST-2240-2006 WORKSHOP SYSTEM Incidin Rapid Incidin Rapid is a liquid disinfectant concentrate for the disinfection of respiratory masks, breathing protection equipment, diving apparatus, chemical protective suits, drying cabinets, work surfaces and floors. D-115264-2013 | 23 Dräger Test-it 6100 The Dräger Test-it 6100 is a lightweight and easy-to-use mobile test device especially designed to test all functions of the Dräger PSS BG4 plus at an attractive price and low operating costs. Dräger X-dock 5300/6300/6600 The Dräger X-dock series enables automated and simultaneous tests and calibration of up to ten instruments at high speed with low gas consumption and facilitates the management of relevant data for subsequent evaluation. D-85350-2013 Dräger’s compressors and booster pumps allow a quick and reliable filling of breathing gases to ensure your Dräger breathing apparatus are ready for use at all times. D-47869-2012 BREATHING GAS LOGISTICS Dräger’s easy-to-use test and calibration equipment enable optimum care and maintenance of Dräger personal protective equipment and portable gas detectors and facilitate data and fleet management. D-54765-2012 TEST AND CALIBRATION SYSTEM Dräger DOB 200 ECO Fitted in a robust roller case, the Dräger DOB 200 ECO is a mobile, robust and effective booster pump, which allows the simultaneous refilling of up to four oxygen cylinders used in the Dräger PSS BG 4 plus. 24 | YOUR SERVICE NEEDS & REQUIREMENTS Our solutions for D-13180-2014 ST-16367-2008 your Service needs & requirements Customer support From general information inquiries to technical issues, a team of Dräger customer care and technical specialists are available to assist you with your inquiries online, via telephone or on site. Device service DrägerService or authorized service partners perform inspection, testing, maintenance and repair of your Dräger safety devices according to the maintenance plan or as required to ensure the device is always in the best condition for usage. D-6697-2014 As an integral part of our commitment to support the effective health and safety management of our customers, Dräger offers a wide range of flexible services to meet specific needs and requirements – from maintenance and repair of individual units to comprehensive service packages. D-53026-2012 DRÄGER SERVICES Before, during and after your purchase and use of Dräger safety equipment, our customer services around the world are always there to answer your questions and make sure your needs are addressed in a timely manner. MT-3055-2003 CUSTOMER SERVICES Customized service package Tailored to your specific needs and requirements, DrägerService offers a range of service contracts to ensure you can have the best possible service packages for the maintenance and management of your Dräger safety equipment. D-32139-2011 | 25 Service technicians training Dräger Academy provides training and certification in use, service and maintenance of Dräger safety devices in accordance with the corresponding regulations and service requirements of the devices. Safety Shop The Dräger Safety Shop is a fully equipped mobile container with safety and personal protective equipment. The specific issue of materials and their optimized servicing reduces costs and ensures that fully functional equipment is always available. D-32134-2011 Whether for temporary demand or for the management and maintenance of safety equipment in daily use, Dräger Shutdown & Rental Management provides you with the safety devices and services required to reduce your downtime and increase your flexibility without a long-term investment in additional equipment. D-33717-2009 SHUTDOWN AND RENTAL MANAGEMENT Protecting life is the top priority at Dräger – realized not only in the premium quality of our equipment but also in our practical trainings and seminars at the Dräger Academy. D-20597-2009 DRÄGER ACADEMY Rental Robot The Dräger Rental Robot provides automated material logistics for your safety equipment, allowing registered users to obtain the correct safety equipment and the required consumables – at any time and close to the location of use. Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA Moislinger Allee 53–55 23558 Lübeck, Germany www.draeger.com Manufacturer: Dräger Safety AG & Co. KGaA Revalstraße 1 23560 Lübeck, Germany AUSTRALIA BRISBANE PERTH MELBOURNE (HEAD OFFICE) Unit 7 Rocklea Place 1909 Ipswich Rd Rocklea QLD 4106 72A Irvine Drive Malaga WA 6090 Draeger Safety Pacific Pty. Ltd. 8 Acacia Place Notting Hill VIC 3168 Tel (Local Toll-free) 1800 372 437 Tel +61 3 9265 5000 Fax (Local Toll-free) 1800 647 484 Fax+61 3 9265 5095 customer.service@draeger.com SYDNEY DARWIN Unit 1, 408 Stuart Highway Winnellie NT 0820 NEW ZEALAND GLADSTONE Unit 5, 39 Toolooa St Gladstone QLD 4680 SALES AND SERVICE CENTRES KALGOORLIE ADELAIDE Locate your Regional Sales Representative at: www.draeger.com/contact 258 Grange Road Flinders Park SA 5025 Unit 15, 38-46 South Street Rydalmere NSW 2116 184 Hay Street Kalgoorlie WA 6430 AUCKLAND Unit 4, 24 Bishop Dunn Place East Tamaki, Auckland Tel 0800 372 437 Fax0800 733 133 WELLINGTON KARRATHA Unit 1, 16 Hedland Place Karratha WA 6714 Unit 3, Parkhead Court 33 Pito-One Road Korokoro, Lower Hutt 5012 90 71 926 | 15.07-2 | Communications & Sales Marketing | PP | LE | Printed in Germany | Chlorine-free – environmentally compatible | Subject to modifications | © 2015 Drägerwerk AG & Co. KGaA CORPORATE HEADQUARTERS