golden podium
golden podium
N° 03 Wednesday 17 October 2012 E H T F O P E T TS S E H G I H E H oN T M U I D O P N E D L GO For the first time, Pierre Casiraghi officially attended the Golden Podium Awards Ceremony, welcomed by renowned athletes: Lucie Decosse, Gwaldys Epangue, Kevin Rolland and Camille Lacourt P03 P04 P06 P10 P13 Bilan SPORTEL 2012 Hamilton Sabot Jury du « Prix de la Publicité Christian Blachas » Lucie Decosse Symposium International Podiums d’Or Market News INTERVIEW Already time to tally up New technologies blazing ahead! It’s already time to take stock, “SPORTEL 2012 has all indicators on green with 140 new companies present; that is an increase of 13%, and a good twenty additional exhibitors, mainly in the new technology sector”, declares with satisfaction Amparo di Fede, General Manager. In the current international economic context, it has to be said that sport on TV is playing its cards right. “The multiplication of channels as well as that of broadcasting supports, requires increasing amounts of content. As all the main players and stakeholders are present here at Sportel, our Monegasque gathering confirms once again after 23 editions, that it has become an essential step in developing this industry, adds Amparo di Fede. SPORTEL is proud of its specificities: a place for business, trade and negotiation, but also a place in which to deal with issues concerning our participants. “Our natural evolution will certainly follow that of new technologies; moreover in future we wish to dedicate the Espace Diaghilev to developing this content, also installing a technical demonstration area”, highlights the Sportel General Manager. Another long-awaited development, overseas this time: the organization next year of a second SportelRio, (March 11-13), “to meet growing demand from our clients, throughout South America but also the United States, in a country which is limbering up for the next Olympic Games. Hence the importance of being present!” C’est déjà l’heure des (bons) comptes Les nouvelles technologies sont en pointe ! Déjà à l’heure du bilan, «le SPORTEL 2012 affiche des clignotants au vert avec 140 nouvelles sociétés présentes, soit une augmentation de 13%, et une bonne vingtaine d’exposants supplémentaires, essentiellement dans le secteur des nouvelles technologies » annonce avec satisfaction Amparo Di Fede, General Manager. Dans le contexte économique international que l’on connaît, force est de constater que le sport à la télévision tire son épingle du jeu. « La multiplication des chaînes doublée de celle des supports de diffusion nécessite des demandes croissantes de contenus. Comme tous les acteurs et principaux intéressés sont réunis ici à Sportel, notre rendez-vous monégasque confirme une fois de plus, au bout de 23 éditions, qu’il est devenu un passage obligé dans le développement de cette industrie», renchérit Amparo Di Fede. SPORTEL ne renie en rien les spécificités de son Marché : être S P O RTE L M o n a c o 3T 1 0 2 17 OC 14- un lieu de business, d’échanges et de négociations mais être aussi un lieu de réflexion qui aborde des problématiques intéressantes pour nos participants. « Il est certain que notre évolution naturelle suivra celle des nouvelles technologies ; d’ailleurs, dans l’avenir, nous voudrions consacrer l’espace Diaghilev au développement de ces contenus en aménageant aussi une zone de démonstrations techniques » précise la General Manager de Sportel. Autre développement attendu, à l’international cette fois : l’organisation l’année prochaine d’un second SPORTELRio (du 11 au 13 mars 2013) « pour répondre à la demande croissante de nos clients, dans toute l’Amérique du Sud mais aussi aux Etats-Unis, dans un pays qui s’apprête à accueillir coup sur coup la prochaine Coupe de Monde de Football et les prochains JO. C’est dire l’importance stratégique d’y être ». 3 Wednesday 17 October 2012 EN VEDETTE Coup d’accélérateur sur le ralenti Hamilton Sabot Déjà présent sur Internet, le journal l’Equipe vient présenter, via le site l’ et pour la première fois à Sportel, les résultats du prix du Public du meilleur ralenti sportif. «Nous avons demandé à nos internautes de choisir, parmi cinq critères, le ralenti qui leur semblait le plus réussi en termes d’émotion, d’effort et d’exploit», confie Xavier Spender, directeur général adjoint de la S.N.C. L’Équipe en charge des filiales et du développement, Pdg de L’Équipe 24/24. Au final, le meilleur ralenti est allé à l’Ironman. «Je suis satisfait de ce choix car il consacre un sport de masse». Le second prix a été décerné à un match de NBA et le troisième à une séquence de football américain. «Nous souhaitons pérenniser ce prix du public et si l’organisation de Sportel nous invite à nouveau, c’est avec plaisir que nous serons à Monaco l’an prochain». L’occasion aussi pour Xavier Spender d’évoquer et de faire une sorte de bilan de la nouvelle chaîne L’Equipe HD qui verra le jour le 12 décembre prochain sur la TNT. «La presse, le digital et l’audiovisuel, voilà le trépied sur lequel repose l’Equipe». « L ’e s s e n t ie l , e!» c ’e s t l e m e s s a g Pour le gymnaste Hamilton Sabot, 2012 restera à jamais l’année des grandes premières : une médaille olympique de bronze aux barres parallèles à Londres… et une participation au Jury de la Pub à Sportel ! Un rôle inédit pour lequel l’étudiant kiné s’est bien préparé, lui qui aime le sport à la télé en général –il est consultant à ses heures pour le Groupe Canal + et commente sur Sport +, « certes à des horaires tardifs», les épreuves de Coupe du Monde, et qui s’intéresse à la publicité. « En fait, un de mes hobbies consiste à monter des petites vidéos pour moi. Et donc je me suis habitué à décrypter l’image, à parler de plans, à définir l’esprit du produit fini. En clair, je ne suis pas vraiment le consommateur moyen de pub, je me plais à développer des avis plus critiques. Si je respecte totalement le travail des scénaristes et autres graphistes, je m’attache avant tout au message. Pour moi, c’est bien là l’essentiel » annonce un Hamilton Sabot aussi déterminé qu’au moment de se présenter devant l’agrès. Et le natif de Cagnes-sur-Mer de se féliciter de la bonne utilisation de la valeur sport dans la pub en général. « La mise en valeur est réciproque. Et surtout l’esprit fédérateur du sport est ainsi partagé par le plus grand nombre ». “What’s crucial is the message!” For gymnast Hamilton Sabot, 2012 will ever remain the year of great firsts: a bronze medal at the London Olympics on the parallel bars and participation as member of the advertising jury at Sportel! An unprecedented role, for which the physiotherapy student is well-prepared; as someone who loves televised sport in general, (he is an amateur consultant for the CANAL + Group and commentates on Sport+, “admittedly late at night”, during World Cup clashes. He is also interested in advertising; “in fact, one of my hobbies is creating short videos just for myself. So I am used to interpreting images, speaking about projects and defining the spirit of the finished article. Basically I am not your average advertising consumer; I enjoy developing more critical opinions. Although I fully respect the work of script writers and other graphic designers, I am interested first and foremost in the message. This is what is crucial in my eyes”, declared Hamilton Sabot, just as determined as when about to perform on the apparatus. And the Cagnes sur Mer boy applauds the correct use of sports values in advertising. “The enhancement is reciprocal. And in particular the spirit of cohesion offered by sport is thus shared by the largest possible number of people”. S P O RTE L M o n a c o 4 Xavier Spender Wednesday 17 October 2012 jury du « Prix de la Publicité Christian Blachas » Le jury du « Prix de la Publicité Christian Blachas » 2012 est présidé par Alain Cayzac, Consultant chez Goetzpartners, et composé de Lucie Decosse, Championne Olympique de judo, Isabelle Ithurburu, journaliste à Canal+, David Medioni, journaliste à CB News, François Morinière, Directeur Général du Groupe L’Equipe, Valérie Nicolas, Championne du Monde de Handball, Edouard de Pouzilhac, Président de 5ème Gauche, Hamilton Sabot, gymnaste médaillé de bronze aux JO de Londres, et la volleyeuse Victoria Ravva, capitaine du Racing-Club de Cannes. A vos marques ! Notre Champi onne olympiqu e de judo aim Mieux elle en e la pub sportiv redemande… e. « En visionnan essentiellemen t tous ces spot t étrangers, s, j’ai un peu participer à le « Culture Pu sentiment de b » déclare moment d’en Lucie Decosse, tamer sa troi au sième particip Jury de Sporte ation au sein l. « Quand j’ét du ais gamine, je à ce petit je m’amusais dé u qui consistai jà t à reconnaîtr plus rapidem e les marques ent possible… le Aujourd’hui sensible aux pu je suis surtou bs qui utilise t l’humour à bo rire touche to n escient car ut le monde et le aussi celles qu certain suspen i ménagent un s à tel point qu ’on se deman derrière le m de qui se cach essage ». e Bien sûr, la triple champi onne du mon championne d’ de et quadru Europe applau ple dit quand « transmet l’ém la pub sportiv otion du beau e ge ste et les nobl d’effort et de es sentiments fraternité vé hiculés par le regrette toutef sport ». Elle ois que les pu blicitaires n’ai recours au judo ent pas souven , « comme c’es t t le cas en Co rée du Sud ». De toutes les manières, Luci e est heureuse Sportel dans ce de graviter au t univers qui m ixe sport et té me passionne. lévision. « Ce Par la suite, je la souhaiterais de de sport ». Vo venir journalis us voulez dire te consultant ? « apporte certes Non, le consul une caution te tant chnique mais faire de l’imag il est là aussi po e. J’ai envie ur d’aller plus lo vécu pour mon in, d’utiliser m trer le travail on d’un athlète de delà de la part haut niveau au ie visible de la compétition ». Lucie DEcosse est fin prête… S P O RTE L M o n a c o 5 Wednesday 17 October 2012 INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM «Olympic Impact - What is the Legacy of London 2012 for the Sport Media Industry?» LONDON 2012: MADE IN BRITAIN, CO-PRODUCED BY THE WORLD London delivered on every count — and then some. This was the unanimous verdict from yesterday’s International Symposium, which examined the legacy and lessons of “that glorious summer of sport” that was the 2012 London Olympic Games. Kicking off the two-hour session, moderator Kevin Roberts, editorial director of SportBusiness Group, joked that the UK was suffering from a new national disease — “Olympic withdrawal symptom” — after a month and a half immersed in best sporting action the world has ever seen. For Vincent Chupin, vice-president of television and audiovisual rights for the International Olympic Committee, a key reason for London’s success was its inclusive nature. It was, he said, a truly universal event, with 204 national Olympic committees sending their athletes to London. He also observed that 44% of this year’s athletes were women, “so we are moving closer to parity on that front too”. Craig Spence, director of communications and media at the International Paralympic Committee, couldn’t agree more. “The Paralympics were an unprecedented success,” he said. “The athletes put on a tremendous show. In fact, the tone of the coverage changed half way through the event, with the focus turning from disability to celebrating great athletes at their pinnacle.” Both Spence and Chupin agreed that the 2012 Olympics had been a game-changer. “For the first time, we had free-to-air coverage everywhere in the world, even in the most remote island in the Pacific,” Chupin said. “Most free-to-air broadcasters offered 10 hours a day of Olympic coverage. We also offered 250 hours of live 3D coverage — much of it from sports that are not usually seen in the 3D — and that received very positive feedback.” Chupin also noted that, for the first time at the London Olympics, there were more hours broadcast on the digital platforms than on traditional TV — and that these new platforms, far from cannibalising the linear TV coverage, served to complement it. “That was also game changer,” he added. And then there was London — along with Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Bradley Wiggans and David Rudisha, the other great star of the show. “It’s an iconic city, the venues were fantastic, everybody was smiling and the atmosphere was absolutely the best,” Chupin said. “And another positive on the list was that London did well to fill the stadiums. Even for the track-and-field morning sessions, the venues were full.” Newly appointed British Olympic Association chairman Lord Sebastian Coe, speaking at the closing ceremony of the Paralympic Games, memorably said: “In this country, we will never think of sport the same way and we will never think of disability the same way.” S P O RTE L M o n a c o Spence praised the Paralympic coverage on official broadcaster Channel 4, which achieved record figures with its mix of sporting excellence and human stories. “Channel 4’s coverage can hopefully be a blueprint for other broadcasters covering the Paralympics in the future,” he said. Spence concluded: “Beijing had made the world sit up and take notice of the Paralympics. So we went into the London Paralympics with high expectations — but we didn’t expect it to be that good. My personal highlight was Jonnie Peacock beating Oscar Pistorius the 100 meters. Nobody had heard of Peacock before the Paralympics — and there were 80,000 people chanting his name…” 6 Wednesday 17 October 2012 such as weightlifting. In fact, weightlifting really surprised us by achieving fantastic ratings.” London 2012 was also the socialmedia Olympics, Le Lay said: “It’s the first time we have seen the true potential of social media and it was astonishing.” WHAT THE BROADCASTERS SAID... Jeffrey Orridge, executive director of CBC Sports Properties, named social media has his major take-away point: “The activity on Twitter was amazing. In just one day in London, there were more tweets than there had been in the entire of the Beijing Olympics. We really saw the power of social media to curate and engage audiences as never before.” Orridge said that these new platforms had not, as feared, siphoned viewers away from the traditional TV screen, but had served to “refresh” the Olympic brand by recruiting and connecting with younger audiences. It had also been interesting, he said, to compare and contrast the Olympic coverage on CBC in Canada with that of NBC across the border in the US. “And my other big take-away point was London and what an incredible job it did as host city.” Dave Gordon, acting director of London 2012 and head of major events at BBC Sport, has been involved in 10 Summer Olympics. Were the London Olympics as much fun, wondered moderator Kevin Roberts, as Gordon’s first Olympic encounter in Moscow in 1980? “Much, much more fun,” Gordon said. “We now have more platforms and more content to play with, and more opportunities to do a great job for our audiences. Our big idea with London was never to miss a moment — to offer every session of every sport, every day. We are very proud that we achieved that.” There were several “nervous moments” along the way, however. Gordon said he was worried about audiences navigating such a vast volume of content spread across so many platforms. “But viewers found what they wanted from day one,” he said. “It was great.” Gordon observed that the 2012 Olympics had also proved that there is still a “huge appetite for that shared experience, which is why London gave us such staggering statistics — like 28.7 million people watching the opening ceremony”. As for social media, Gordon said that the BBC had looked at every aspect of its Olympic coverage “through the social-media prism”. But, he added: “We made sure that we made it work for us, rather than letting it take us over.” Laurent-Eric Le Lay, chairman and CEO of Eurosport, realised that his channel would struggle to compete with the blanket coverage provided by ‘big beasts’ of broadcasting, such as the BBC and CBC. “So our idea was not to be too exhaustive,” he said. “We promised a more international approach, and we also covered the smaller sports, S P O RTE L M o n a c o 7 LONDON BY NUMBERS • 204 Olympic committees sent athletes to London 2012 • 44% of the athletes at London 2012 were female • 2.7 million tickets were sold to the London Paralympic Games • 3,500 hours of HD Olympic content was screened by pay-TV channels, cable and satellite broadcasters and on the internet • 250 hours of live 3D coverage was made available by the IOC • 31.1 million was the average number of primetime viewers for NBC’s Olympic coverage • 100,000-plus TV hours of Olympic content were broadcast this summer • 28.7 million people watched the Olympic Opening Ceremony on NBC • 96% of UK viewers said that the BBC’s Olympic coverage had met or exceeded their expectations Wednesday 17 October 2012 SYMPOSIUM INTERNATIONAL «Impact Olympique - Londres 2012 : quel héritage pour l’industrie des médias du sport ?» Vincent Chupin Craig Spence Ciaran Quinn Jez Jowett Phil Lines Kevin Roberts Londres… et après ? Les Jeux Olympiques de Londres furent un succès planétaire. Il faut dire que tout était réuni pour faire de cette manifestation sportive la plus suivie au monde : une organisation parfaite, une cérémonie d’ouverture magique et même les dieux du ciel avaient décidé d’être des plus cléments pour permettre à leurs homologues du stade d’accomplir leurs plus beaux exploits. De tout cela, il fut question hier lors du symposium qui avait pour thème « Impact olympique – Londres 2012 : quel héritage pour l’industrie des médias du sport ? ». Il ne fallait pas moins de huit intervenants, venus du monde de la télévision, de la communication et de la stratégie commerciale, réunis autour de Kevin Roberts, directeur éditorial de SportBusiness Group et pour l’occasion modérateur des débats, pour aborder un tel sujet. «Il n’y a rien de comparable à la diffusion des Jeux Olympiques à la télévision, confiait Vincent Chupin, vice-président des droits audiovisuels et membre du comité international olympique. Il faut souligner que cette année, nous avons presque atteint la parité avec 44% d’athlètes féminines. Par ailleurs, les chaînes de télé ont respecté les valeurs olympiques en privilégiant un sport à un autre. Tout doit être montré, telle est la charte olympique avec des chiffres avoisinant les 3 500 heures ». Kevin Roberts demanda alors où en était la diffusion en 3D : « Il y eut 250 heures diffusées en haute définition, c’est une première pour le sport. Une autre expérience a été tentée, celle de Super High Vision en partenariat avec NHK et la BBC ». De son côté Dave Gordon, directeur adjoint à la BBC, a mis l’accent que l’idée directrice de la chaîne était de montrer le plus de contenu possible ». Et si Jeffrey Orridge, directeur exécutif pour CBS Sports devait déclarer que certains événements avaient été diffusés en différés sur sa chaîne, tous s’accordèrent à dire que le direct est la meilleure façon de transmettre l’émotion au téléspectateur. Réseaux sociaux : records olympiques Social Networks: Olympic records « C’est extraordinaire combien Facebook et Twitter ont donné un coup de jeune à ces Jeux Olympiques », soulignait Jeffrey Orridge. Et Dave Gordon de confirmer : « au-delà du site web de la BBC, il faut que nous réfléchissions, grâce aux médias sociaux, à atteindre un public plus jeune, plus dynamique, qui peut réagir en un instant à tel ou tel exploit de son sportif favori ». A travers ces témoignages, Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Pdg d’Eurosport a déclaré que « les sports, considérés comme mineurs, pouvaient trouver sur ces nouveaux médias un formidable tremplin et atteindre un nouveau public ». Par sa réactivité, « il est difficile de connaître exactement les chiffres des connections, précisait Ciaran Quinn, directeur du développement commercial pour Deltatre. On peut les estimer à un milliard en comptabilisant les tablettes et les i-phones. Il est certain que les J.O. ont été regardés une heure par jour sur un ordinateur de bureau ». Des records jamais atteints. « Avant son 100 mètres, Usain Bolt a reçu 80 000 tweets, précisait Jez Jowett, responsable mondial des médias numériques et sociaux. Et de rajouter : « Et parmi ces messages, il y eut celui du fameux Boris qui disait : « Une nuit étincelante au Stade Olympique à regarder l’homme le plus rapide du monde briller de mille feux. Formidables Jeux». Mais qui est ce Boris questionna quelqu’un dans la salle ? Et Jez Jowett de répondre : « Boris Johnson, le maire de Londres ! ». “It is extraordinary to what extent these Olympic Games have been reinvigorated by Facebook and Twitter”, emphasised Jeffrey Orridge. And Dave Gordon went on: “Instead of simply relying on the BBC web site, we must use social networks in order to reach a younger, livelier audience, who can react instantaneously to their favourite sports star’s exploits”. It is thanks to these accounts that Laurent-Eric Le Lay, Eurosport CEO realised that, “lesser known sports, could use new media as a tremendous springboard and reach out to a new audience”. Due to its reactivity, “it is difficult to assess exact connection figures stipulated Ciaran Quinn, business development manager for Delatre. But we can estimate them at one billion when considering tablet computers and IPhones. We know that the Olympics were watched one hour a day on office computers”. These are records which have never before been reached. “Before his 100 metres, Usain Bolt received 80,000 tweets declared Jez Jowett, digital and social media global manager. And he added, “Among these messages, there was one by a certain Boris which read: “A brilliant evening at the Olympic Stadium watching the world’s fastest man sparkle. Great games”. But just who is this Boris asked someone in the room? And Jez Jowett answered: “Boris Johnson, the Mayor of London!” S P O RTE L M o n a c o 8 Wednesday 17 October 2012 CONFERENCES Broadcast Sport: 2014 Technology Forecast TV Anywhere: 2014 Technology Forecast TV EVERYWHERE: HEADS UP ON 2014 There will be more fragmentation, more personalisation, more immersion and more disruption. This was the view of the panellists at yesterday’s TV Anywhere Technology Forecast, which attempted to second-guess how sports fans will be consuming content in 2014. Neil Berry of Ooyal predicted that the in-stadium experience would become more immersive, more engaging and more relevant. “We will see more and more fragmentation in how consumers and fans will want to engage with live sports,” he said. Sam Blackman of Elemental Technologies forecast an explosion in stadium apps offering, for example, highlights in real-time and instant replay features. He also thought declining production costs would result in a “much longer tail of live sports content”, which could be targeted at very small niche audiences. Media Audits International’s Bruce Lazarus, however, pointed out that the internet continues to be disruptive in terms of monetising content. The “tug of war” between TV and the online players was far from over, he said, especially when it comes to slicing and dicing rights across platforms. Forging contracts in a digital world in flux is also a minefield, he warned: “You really have to shine up your crystal ball in order not to give away your rights.” Golden Swim Event: a Unique Swimming Competition BROADCAST TECHNOLOGY NEEDS BIGGER PIPES The Broadcast Sport: 2014 Technology Forecast revealed some interesting facts about what sort of technology we might be seeing implemented in the next two years, including the fact that as technology becomes smaller and smaller, outside broadcast vans are paradoxically getting bigger: “There is one school of thought that we won’t need as many people at events, and it’s sure that we won’t need as many of certain sorts of people, but if you’re going to produce versions for multiple platforms, then staffing levels will probably remain roughly similar,” Peter Angell, CEO, IEC in Sport, said. The big underlying issue though, is bandwidth. “If broadcasters want to supply 3D or 4K images, they are going to need fibre cables, which are being rolled out, but this is an important conversation that needs to be had between producers and carriers,” David Neal, World Cup executive producer, Fox Sports, said. A (new) unique swimming competition Announced yesterday at Sportel, Golden Swim Organization is launching a revolutionary swimming competition in its style and philosophy. A swimming tour by some of the brightest swimming coaches in the World including Bob Bowman (Michael Phelps), Jacco Verhaeren (Peter Van Den Hoogenband), Fabrice Pellerin (Yannick Agnel, Camille Muffat) and Romain Barnier (Florent Manaudou, Camille Lacourt, Fabien Gilot). London 2012 wetted the appetite of each and every swimming enthusiast, offering a unique opportunity to create the « Golden Swim Event » with a new television experience for its global audience. Summer 2013 presents the opportunity to be part this revolutionary concept and will offer truly unique benefits to the first broadcaster. The world’s best coaches are buying into the « Golden Swim Event » and the world’s best swimmers are eager to participate. S P O RTE L M o n a c o 9 Judo crescendo Hier, on vous disait combien le judo était populaire en France. Pour preuve, la Fédération française de Judo ne compte pas 460 000 licenciés, mais bien 620 000 ! Wednesday 17 October 2012 2012 GOLDEN PODIUM AWARDS WINNERS LAUREATES Best Slow Motion Sequence / Cut-Edited Shots Munich Champions League Final 2012 SKY Deutschland Fernsehen - Germany Director: Knut Fleischmann Producer: Sky Deutschland Best slow motion Sequence / Isolated Camera Shot Grand steeple Chase de Paris 2012 Director: Christian Alba Producer: Léo Vision / France Galop International Olympic Committee Grand Prize Meet the Superhumans CHANNEL 4 – United Kingdom Director: Tom Tagholm Producer: Gwylim Gwillim, Rory Fry Best Sports Program TrailerTeaser or Opening Montage World championship Boxing W.B.O DIRECT 8 - France Director & Producer: Elias Sfaxi Prize Christian Blachas for the Best Advertising Film in collaboration with CBTV and CB News Fan Academy Company: Calsberg Country: Royaume-Uni Best Sound Design in collaboration with RMC SPORTV London 2012 GLOBOSAT – BRAZIL Director: Ronald Sidi, Juno Cactano Producer: Globosat and Hungry Man Brazil L’ Public Prize for the Best Sport Slow Motion of the year Ironman Europe 2012 HBS - France Director: Julien Bertin Producer: Dan Midownik 10 - Georges BERTELLOTTI THE SPORTEL ILLUSTRATED SPORT BOOK AWARDS Renaud de Laborderie SPORTEL Prize of the French National Olympic and Sports Committee Jours de fête La grande histoire du Tour de France Author: Françoise & Serge Laget Publisher: Editions Chronique SPORTEL Prize of the Monaco Olympic Committee The Story of Swimming Author: Susie Parr Publisher: Dewi Lewis Media 11 Sportel Round-Table Financial Fairplay: Myth or Reality? 11:00 – 12:00 Today Van Dongen Room (level -2) Is European Club Football on the Dawn of a New Era? The SPORTEL Round Table Financial Fairplay: Myth or Reality event will bring together three of Europe’s most successful football clubs to discuss the recently implemented UEFA Financial Fairplay regulations. Ad Valem Technologies The SPORTEL Round Table event will examine the effects of the new policies on Europe’s leading football clubs that regularly participate in Europe’s most prestigious club competitions, the UEFA Chamions League and the UEFA Europa League. The SPORTEL Round Table will be led by Darren Tulett, BeIN Sport France’s TV Presenter and he will no doubt bring out the best of our confirmed SPORTEL Round Table speakers noted below: L’expertise ad hoc d’un Media Broadcast Center Trace TV, NRJ TV, Al Jazeera et sa filiale sport beIN Sport, AMP VisualTV figurent parmi les sociétés qui ont opté pour le savoir-faire d’Ad Valem Technologies dès qu’il s’agit de transporter leur flux de données. « Dans ce domaine, nous maîtrisons à la fois la technologie satellite et la fibre pour laquelle nous avons développé notre propre réseau, précise Marc Kapustin, CEO de cette société implantée depuis plus de dix ans. Meilleur exemple : pour beIN Sport, nous avons équipé en fibre tous les stades de L1 et L2, ce qui relègue le satellite au rang de solution de secours ! ». Cette option technologique assure également à Ad Valem Technologies une expertise en matière de continuité d’antenne, qui permet à distance de contrôler et de récupérer un flux TV. Toujours dans cet esprit de développer la bonne fibre… • Henri Van Der Aat, Chief Operating Office, Ajax Amsterdam FC • Ian Ayer, Managing Director, Liverpool FC • Rui Gomes da Silva, Vice President, Benfica FC The event promises to examine the opinions of these leading football club representatives on the new rules, their club’s plans to ensure that they meet the new requirements, while remaining as competitive as ever on the field of play. The SPORTEL Round Table will be one of the highlights of SPORTEL’s dedicated day to world football and is sure to be an event that Delegates cannot afford to miss! ___________________________________ Ad hoc expertise of a Media Broadcast Centre 10:00-10:30 Press Conference Announcing the Golden Foot Laureates for 2012, Lobby (level 0) 11:00-12:00 Sportel Round-Table «Financial Fairplay: Myth or Reality?», 13:30 Photo Signature, Diaghilev Exhibition Hall (level -1) 15:00 Walk on the Champions Promenade, Grimaldi Forum, Sea Front 20:00 Golden Foot Gala Dinner, Salle des Etoiles Sporting Monte-Carlo Van Dongen Room (level-2) Reserve your table SPECIAL EXHIBITION The Legends of Football 15-17 october, 09:00 to 18:00 by Diaghilev Exhibition Hall (level -1) S P O RTE L M o n a c o 12 Trace TV, NRJ TV, Al Jazeera and its sports subsidiary beIN Sport, AMP Visual TV feature among the companies who have opted for Ad Valem Technologies know-how when it comes to transporting their data flow. “In this domain, we boast perfect mastery of both satellite and fibre technology, for which we have developed our own network, highlights Marc Kapustin, CEO of this company, which has been operating for over ten years. The list goes on: for beIN Sport, we have equipped all the League 1 and League 2 stadia with fibre, relegating satellite to the ranks of back-up solution!”. This technological option also guarantees Ad Valem Technologies expertise in terms of broadcasting continuity, which allows users to control and recover TV streams. With the idea of developing good fibre always in mind. Wednesday 17 October 2012 MARKET NEWS SEE TOMORROW TODAY FRENCH company BeTomorrow, which designs and develops innovative online solutions, is at Sportel to showcase its suite of digital sports services. “We have a dedicated sports division that provides digital services to broadcasters, event organisers and brands, enabling them to offer sports fans new and more engaging experiences on mobile, tablets and the second screen,” said Xavier Tessier, BeTomorrow’s associate vice-president of marketing and business development. BeTomorrow’s technology was used in the 2012 Olympic sailing events to provide richer layers of information about yacht speeds, positioning, weather conditions and tactics. “The aim was to help the TV audience to better understand the sports event, which can be very confusing to spectators, by providing them with statistics and additional detail, and by offering them insights into the races that the cameras couldn’t provide,” Tessier said. BeTomorrow — whose clients include Omega, Volvo and international fencing federation FIE — also develops apps and games around sports and sporting events. “I think it’s becoming more and more important to add good data visualisation and gamification features to your sports coverage,” Tessier added. “On the main screen, games help broadcasters to build communities. And games are also ‘sticky’ — people will come back time and again to play them, which also helps to promote sports, brands and sponsors.” BeTomorrow’s Jean-Dominique Lauwereins (left) and Xavier Tessier: “more engaging experiences on mobile, tablets and the second screen” GIRO TAKES IN NOTORIOUS GALIBIER To mark the fact that the Giro D’Italia will include the famous and extremely difficult Galibier climb next year for the first time, Mayor of Valloire Galibier Christian Grange joined Michele Acquarone, general manager of RCS, Italian rider Filippo ‘Pippo’ Pozzato, and Giacomo Catano, CEO of RCS on the Pantani For Ever stand. S P O RTE L M o n a c o 13 Wednesday 17 October 2012 MARKET NEWS ORY THE PATH TO GL Sportel regular Total Sports Asia (TSA) is here with a new sport series. After buying Golden Glory and It’s Showtime, two leading kickboxing agencies, a new company called Glory Sports has been formed. “For the first time we are a rights holder as opposed to a distributor,” Group CEO Marcus Luer, said. “We acquired those two agencies in order to be able to create a company that features 80% of the very best kickboxers, plus we have a company that is only six months old SPORTS AND CHARITY AT MP & SILVA but that has the benefit of 10 years of history.” With globally renowned fighters such as Semmy Schilt, Daniel Ghita, Gohkan Saki and Remy Bonjasky in the heavyweight Andrea Radrizzani, CEO of MP & Silva, the international media company that owns, manages and distributes television and media rights to some of the most prestigious sports events around the world, is moving into the area of corporate responsibility in a big way. The launch of the Play For Change initiative at Sportel marks a ramping up and a rationalisation of the company’s long-standing commitment to doing good and helping disadvantaged kids through sport. “Under the umbrella of Play For Change there are three separate initiatives: “Grassroot Soccer uses the power of football to educate, inspire and mobilise communities to stop the spread of HIV,” Radrizzini said. “And we intend to help the foundation to educate one million, to test 150,000 people for HIV and to train 1,000 educators in order that the work can carry on.” classification, plus Giogio Petrosian, Ky Hollenback and Albert Krause in the 70Kg category, Luer is confident that Glory will establish itself in the highly popular world of mixed fighting arts: “We have brought a lot of experts together like legendary trainer Cor Hemmers, and equally legendary kickboxer Ramon Dekker to compliment the amazing line-up of fighters we have assembled,” he said. “Plus for the events where we have 16 fighters, we have tweaked the rules in order to make the fights quicker and more explosive. So instead of three by three minute rounds they last for two minutes, and if a fighter wins the first two rounds he wins the match, the same as in tennis where if you win the first two sets you have won the game. We have two more events this year but next year we MP & Silva’s intentions for Make A Wish International are to leverage its connections with leading sports personalities to enable encounters between them and the child or children making the wish, and to film the resulting event in order to publicise the charity’s good works. The two other Play For Change projects are YKPA, which uses football to help street children in Bali and a project in Vietnam to train people in media skills through one of the country’s main universities. will really be aiming to get the series established in the US, Japan and Europe.” Semmy Schilt, Marcus Luer and Ramon Dekker Andrea Radrizzani (knealing third from right) S P O RTE L M o n a c o 14 Wednesday 17 October 2012 PRESS CONFERENCE OLYMPIC STARS BOLSTER WSB’S GLOBAL APPEAL Oleksandr Usyk, Vasyl Lomachenko and Clemente Russo Announcing the third season of the World Series of Boxing (WSB), head of communications Sebastian Gillot expressed his excitement at the fact that the new season would include several gold medallists from the London Olympics Ukrainians Vasyl Lomachenko fighting in the lightweight category, and light heavyweight Oleksandr Usyk. Italian boxing superstar Clemente Russo will be back for a third season and remains unbeaten after 14 bouts. Russo was also asked whether he would be able to maintain his unbeaten run now that Oleksandr Usyk is an opponent: “There’s no doubt that it will be much harder to remain unbeaten with Oleksandr around, but that has to be good thing for the WSB,” he added. When asked the same question Usyk replied in a typically cryptic manner: “Only the [boxing] ring can decide who the winner will be,” he said. “it’s too early to predict what will happen generally and between myself and Clemente, but you can be sure that I’ll do my best.” Vasyl Lomachenko introduced to boxing boxing dynasty by his father Anatoly, who is also his coach. “My father has been a huge influence on me both as a person and a boxer, and he also plays an important role in the development of the whole team,” he said. “I’ve been named captain of the team which is a huge honour, but in fact my father is a hugely important presence generally. The team is like a train, and he is the engine.” WSB also announced that Fighting Spirit is now its new offical TV distribution agency for season 3. “We promised our fans that we would be lining up the very best boxing talent from the Olympics and we have delivered on that,” he said. “And the really exciting news is that we will be making several more major announcements in the weeks to come concerning further participation, including the members of the British team next week.” The format of the competition has been tweaked with teams now based on countries instead of cities, and season three, which starts in November, will run for five months and features 270 boxers from 40 countries. Clearly, with talent like Lomachenko and Usyk, the Ukrainian team is one of the favorites, but head coach Dmitro Sosnovskiy is taking nothing fore granted: “It’s a massive challenge to prepare the team in the best way possible but we’re very motivated and excited,” he said. “Having two fighters of the stature of Vasyl and Oleksandr on the team has an effect on everyone else, because they are so very demanding on themselves and their coaches, that has a knock-on effect on everyone else. On the organisational side, we are getting great feedback from our sponsors and much valuable support and help from the Ukrainian government.” Clemente Russo, who alongside a highly successful career as a boxer, is a TV favourite in Italy and recently appeared in the feature film Tatanka, directed by Giuseppe Gagliardi: “I’m a showman so I’m always ready to perform, whether it’s in the ring or on the film set, but boxing comes first for me,” he admitted. S P O RTE L M o n a c o 15 Wednesday 17 October 2012 Official Visit Michel Roger, Minister of State • Mr Laurent PUONS (Monaco Mediax Vice President) • Minister of State Michel ROGER • Mrs Amparo Di FEDE (Monaco Mediax Administrative Manager and SPORTEL General Manager) S P O RTE L M o n a c o 16 Wednesday 17 October 2012 MARKET NEWS According to Jorg Polzer, associate director of sports marketing company Infront, the challenge was how to condense an event that takes as much as eight hours per leg to a mere 26 minutes — without losing the magic. With the series due to be distributed in 115 countries this year, The Road To Kona, which includes news feeds and magazine content “to tell a story about the entire event”, has clearly struck on a winning formula. Dan Miodownik, HBS’ director of production, Host Broadcast Division, observed that having a regular slot for a sports event across months — in Ironman’s case, from June to October — “is a fantastic starting point for broadcasters and sponsors. It means that audiences know when to tune in.” He added: “Ironman builds two sets of stars — the athletes who compete in this amazing challenge and the locations that host it.” Infront Sports & Media and host broadcast specialist HBS is at Sportel with the Ironman TV series, The Road To Kona. The 14 x 26 mins series captures the excitement of the world’s most challenging endurance event and presents it in a digestible, narrative-driven package that combines education and information with nail-biting sports action. DID YOU KNOW… * Ironman is the number-one user-based sports brand and the most recognised endurance series in the world * Ironman was founded 31 yeas ago and has been hosted in the US, China, Brazil, Germany, France and the UK * In total, approximately 200,000 international participants and professional triathletes compete in the Ironman and Ironmen 70.3 events every year * An estimated two million spectators across six continents watch the Ironman events live * The oldest competitor to have taken part in Ironman was 82 years old. Organised by the World Triathlon Corporation (WTC), Ironman is a global year-round series that began as a challenge between US Navy Seals in the late Seventies. The mega-endurance event consists of swimming 2.4 miles, cycling 112 miles and running a full 26.2mile marathon. Throughout the season, amateur and professional triathletes take part in 28 events around Europe, from Exmoor in the UK to Klagenfurt in Austria. The Holy Grail is to quality for the Ironman World Championships, which are held every October in Kona, Hawaii — the place where it all began back in 1977. S P O RTE L M o n a c o 17 Wednesday 17 October 2012 PRESS & MEDIA PARTNERS S P O RTE L M o n a c o 18 Wednesday 17 October 2012 PROGRAM Wednesday 17 October 9:00 – 18:00 Ravel and Diaghilev Exhibition Halls 5 legends from world football will autograph their photos Football Day 15:00 in partnership with Golden Foot Directeur de Publication Amparo Di Fede Grimaldi Forum, Sea Front Walk on The Champions Promenade The winner of the Golden Foot award will leave its footprints on the seafront of the Principality of Monaco Lobby (level 0) Press Conference Exclusive Press Conference announcing the Golden Foot laureates for 2012 11:00 – 12:00 Diaghilev Exhibition Hall (level -1) Photo Signature Int’l Sports Program Market for Television & New Media 10:00 – 10:30 13:30 Van Dongen Room (level -2) 20:00 Salle des Etoiles, Sporting Monte Carlo Golden Foot Gala Dinner Rerserve your table SPORTEL Round-table “Financial Fairplay: Myth or Reality?” 12:30 SPORTELNews Tél. : +377 99 99 26 78 Diaghilev Exhibition Hall (level -1) “Finger Food” Lunch BAR “CAFÉ LLORCA” 09:00 to 18:00 sponsored by (level +1) Offered by Rédacteurs en Chef Virginie Zeghdar Hervé Zorgniotti Secrétaire de Rédaction Vanessa Erbaggio Rédaction Gérard Clétil Gary Smith Joanna Stephens Photographe Jean-Charles Vinaj Mise en page Aurély Antzemberger © ICONOGRAPHE Caro PONS COFFEE BREAK Offered by 09:00 and 15:00 - Diaghilev Exhibition Hall (level -1) Impression Multiprint Enjoy a coffee break in the Networking Café S P O RTE L M o n a c o 19 Wednesday 17 October 2012