University of São Paulo


University of São Paulo
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Universidade de São Paulo (University of São Paulo)
Prof. Marco Antonio Zago, PhD
Prof. Vahan Agopyan, PhD
USP International Office President
Prof. Raul Machado Neto, PhD
Campus of Ribeirão Preto – SP
Campus Size
10.800 students at USP Ribeirão Preto Campus and 1.600 at FEA-RP
Campus Facilities
Sports Center, Students Restaurant and Library
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto
(School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto)
Type of School
Public School
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Prof. Dante Pinheiro Martinelli, PhD
Associate Dean
Prof. Walter Belluzzo Júnior, PhD
Type of Institution
Public (maintained by the State of São Paulo)
Activities performed
Undergraduate, Graduate, Research, Extension
FEA-RP is accredited by Ministry of Education in Brazil
Best University in Latin America according to most rankings
Times of Higher Education – World University Rankings 2015: 201-225th
Times of Higher Education – World Reputation Rankings 2015: 51-60th
Times of Higher Education – BRICS & Emerging Economies Rankings 2015: 10th
Quacquarelli Symond – QS World University Rankings 2015: 143rd
Quacquarelli Symond – QS University Rankings: BRICS 2015: 9th
Webometrics 2015: 41st
Webometrics BRICS 2015: 2nd
University website
School website
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Prof. Dr. João Luiz Passador
Director of International Relations Committee
Ms. Valeria Degani
Head of Office of Institutional Relations
Mr. Leonardo Rezende
Analyst for Administrative Affairs
Mr. Paulo Torres Jr.
Technical for Administrative Affairs
Address for post and for visitors
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto
International Office FEA-RP
Av. dos Bandeirantes, 3900, sala 42 - Bloco B2
Monte Alegre, 14040-900 Ribeirão Preto - SP – Brasil
+55 16 3315-0295 / +55 16 3315-4969
International Office website
Information for Exchange Students
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Spring Semester 2016 Fall Semester 2016
Nomination runs until 15th of October
until 30th of April
Application runs until 15th of October
until 30th of April
Official arrival date February 14th
Orientation dates February 15th and 16th
Classes start February 15th
Classes finish June 30th
July 27th
July 28th and 29th
August 1st
December 10th
Exams period Exams during semester Exams during semester
Vacation time July
From December to February
Language requirements
FEA-RP does not require TOEFL or any language proficiency test for exchange
students, but it is recommended knowledge in a basic level from Portuguese.
Language of instruction
Portuguese and some undergraduate courses taught in English.
Special language courses for exchange students
Portuguese for non-speaker course from FEA-RP
Application and Documents for exchange
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Undergraduate Bachelor Programs
Economics (nighttime classes)
Business Administration (daytime classes)
Business Administration (nighttime classes)
Accounting (nighttime classes)
Economics & Accounting (daytime classes)
Graduate Programs
Economics (Master)
Business Administration (Master and Doctorate)
Accounting (Master and Doctorate)
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
No fee
Orientation fee
No fee
Regarding the accommodation in Ribeirão Preto, FEA-RP/USP doesn't offer student
accommodation in Campus, but we have a program with our Brazilian students in which they
offer a place at their house / apartment to welcome an exchange student. The Brazilian
students usually share a house or an apartment that are called "Repúblicas" and they are
like fraternities. These accommodations are paid by the exchange student. We´ll send more
information later to all accepted ones. We have a group of students in our Campus, called
iTeam USP-RP, which works and helps USP with international matters. iTeam USP-RP
through its Housing Program helps international students find housing in Ribeirão Preto. All
incoming students will be assisted by this program. After being accepted students will be
placed in contact with the iTeam USP-RP, which will provide support.
Buddy Program – iTeam USP-RP also organizes the Buddy Program, which consists
on FEA-RP students that are previously selected to be tutors of international students. The
buddies assist students on their arrival in the city, present the school, giving all the support to
help the stay.
Meals on the campus
From R$2.00 per meal (at the University restaurant, subsidized by the State of São Paulo) up
to R$30.00 per meal (at private restaurants and cafeterias on campus)
Health Insurance
Students are required to purchase a health insurance in their home country before arriving in
Books/study material
Most of the course materials available at the university libraries for free
Personal expenses
We estimate an approximately expense of R$1000,00 per month (including housing and
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
School of Economics, Business Administration and Accounting at Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
International Office
Fact Sheet 2016
Application Form
Research Plan & Schedule of Activities – for graduates only
RNE Information
Visa/study permits procedure
USP-RP Center of Support for Foreign Visitors (CAPEE) helps international students
and professors with visa matters and registration at Federal Police.
More information at:
Student Guide
Address: Avenida Bandeirantes, 3.900 – Monte Alegre – CEP 14040-905 – Ribeirão Preto, SP
Phone 55-16-3315-4969 | E-mail| |
iofficefearp |
1 ARFUSP - Associação Ribeirãopretana de Func. USP
2 Creche Carochinha
3 DTI-RP - Departamento de Tecnologia da Informação
Câmpus da USP
4 EEFERP - Escola de Educação Física e Esporte
5 EERP - Escola de Enfermagem
6 FCFRP - Faculdade de Ciências Farmacêuticas
53 Banco do Brasil
8 FEARP - Fac. de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade
FFCLRP - Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras
54 Bradesco
A Av. dos Bandeirantes
B Av. do Café
C Hospital das Clínicas
Ribeirão Preto
7 FDRP - Faculdade de Direito
9a Bloco Didático
55 Santander
Caixas Eletrônicos
56 Santander
10 Bloco das Exatas
57 Correios
Departamento de Música
11 Bloco Didático
12 Sala de Concertos da Tulha
13 Seção de Graduação e Pós-graduação
14 Zoologia
58 Livraria Atlas
FMRP - Faculdade de Medicina
15 Administração
16 Bloco Didático
17 Bloco Multidisciplinar
18 CEMEL - Centro de Medicina Legal
19 Departamento de Genética
20 Departamento de Patologia
21 Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional
23 Hospital das Clínicas
24 Prédio Central
25 Saúde Mental
26 Seção de Pós-Graduação
27 Virologia
52 13
FORP - Faculdade de Odontologia
29 Museus
30 PUSP-RP - Prefeitura do Câmpus da USP de Ribeirão Preto
47 49
31 Áreas Verdes e Meio Ambiente
33 Biotério Geral
32 Biblioteca Central
35 Centro de Visitantes
36 CEFER - Centro de Educação Física, Esportes e Recreação
37 Ginásio de Esportes
38 COPI - Centro de Orientação Psicológica
CREU - Conjto. Residencial dos Estudantes Universitários
39 Blocos A a E
40 Bloco F
41 Bloco G a J (Vila Estudantil)
42 Divisão de Manutenção e Operação
43 Espaço Cultural
44 Guarda Universitária
45 Restaurante Universitário
46 Seção de Atividades Culturais
47 Seção de Moradias
48 Serviço de Comunicação Social
49 Serviço Social
SUPERA - Incubadora de Empresas
UBAS - Unidade Básica de Saúde
52 USP - EAD
2014 - Serviço de Comunicação Social - PUSP-RP Apoio: Pró-Reitoria de Cultura e Extensão Universitária - USP
22 Hemocentro
34 CAPEE - Apoio ao Professor e Estudante Estrangeiros
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
About our School
Established in 1992 in Ribeirao Preto, within the best ranked University of Latin America according to the
Economist, FEA-RP is focused on undergraduate and graduate teachings, research and extension in Business
Administration, Accounting, Economics, and related areas. Its campus is widely recognized for both its beautiful
park-like setting and its academic excellence. It is not only the second largest USP campus in terms of academic
specialties, but also in scientific production.
The mission of the school is to act as a Center of excellence and innovation in teaching, research and extension
in its expertise areas, graduating professionals with great competences and critic sense, for the society
development. The main focuses are the critic vision, contribution to society, employability and an institutional
environment to promote innovation and development.
FEA-RP offers Undergraduate (Bachelor) and Graduate (MSc and PhD) programs in Economics, Business and
Accounting and Research in the following fields: Financial Accounting and Finance, Accounting, Organizational
Studies, Innovation Management and Sustainability, Markets and Value Creation, Social Economics and Economic
Development. Only at FEA-RP we gather partnership with more than 30 countries worldwide with more than 90
partner institutions. It is possible for the student to choose between classes in English or in Portuguese.
Ribeirao Preto is a city in the countryside of the State of Sao Paulo with approximately 660,000 inhabitants,
known as the “Brazilian California” for its very warm weather, wealth, quality of life and technological vocation.
It provides a blend of the typical Brazilian university lifestyle, such as living at our traditional fraternities
(Repúblicas), offering wide range student events, but also having facilities found in bigger cities, just as great
shopping malls, restaurants and the Dr. Leite Lopes Airport (RAO), a national hub that connects the city with
other main important airports in Brazil.
The best way to arrive in Ribeirao Preto is by airplane or bus; flights can be booked directly from the Guarulhos
International Airport and buses from Tietê Bus Station, both in Sao Paulo, where almost all the international
flights arrive.
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
Meet our team
Prof. Dr. João Luiz Passador
Director of the International Relations Committee
Mr. Paulo Torres Jr.
International Affairs
Administrative Techn.
Mr. Leonardo Rezende
International Affairs
Ms. Valeria Degani
Head of Institutional
Support Office
Mr. Caio Gonçalves
Mr. Hebert Huber
Academic Calendar 2016/2017
Fall Term 2016 (USP´s 2nd Semester)
Spring Term 2017 (USP´s 1st Semester)
Nomination and Application: From March 15th
to April 30th
Nomination and Application: From September 1st
to October 15th
Arrival Date: Until July 27th
Arrival Date: To Be Confirmed
Orientation sessions: July 28th and 29th
Orientation sessions: Mid-February (TBC)
Classes run from: August 1st to December 10th
Classes run from: Mid-February to Early July (TBC)
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
Incoming Exchange Procedures
Students regularly enrolled in foreign institutions (partners of FEA-RP or USP) are allowed to come and
study undergraduate or graduate subjects for a period of one semester. FEA-RP´s International Office does
not accept applications by the foreign students themselves. It is strictly necessary that the person
responsible for the international relations of the foreign institution should contact us first and arranges the
Study in a bachelor program in the field of Economics, Business Administration and/or Accounting
or related areas
Recommended a basic knowledge of Portuguese (not mandatory)
For MSc/PhD exchange, candidate must have a Bachelor degree diploma
Home universities shall do the nomination online of undergraduate exchange students through the USP MUNDUS
system. To nominate, use this link to login, go to "International Students" and "Add New Student". Fill out the
form with your student's data (Full name, Gender, Home university, Major, Email, Semester of exchange, Linked
to a Network (Select no), Entry Method (Select Academic Agreement), Unit of Exchange (select FEARP –
Faculdade de Economia, Administração e Contabilidade de Ribeirão Preto) and the address to which the
acceptance letter should be sent.
You can follow the status of the application of your students by logging in and clicking on "International
Students" on the left menu.
The students will receive an email with a link explaining how to proceed with the registration for their exchange
at USP, through the USP MUNDUS system. Students must complete the requested data, upload the required
documents, choose the courses and then send the application.
Required documents
Students must upload the following documents:
 Scanned Student´s photo(JPG)
 Passport´s main page
 Current Transcript of Records from Home University
 2 letters of recommendation signed by professors or academic advisors
 Study Plan: On this field, it´s not necessary to upload a study plan. Instead, students must upload a
single PDF file with both documents below:
o Proof of financial support of at least R$6,000 (US$3,000; €2,500 or equivalent) per semester
o Copy of international health insurance valid for the entire stay at FEA-RP/USP
List of courses
The Undergraduate courses students are allowed to take at FEA-RP are
listed here
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
The International Office of home university must send an e-mail to with the following
information of the nominated students:
 Full Name
 Gender
 Field of study in the home institution
 Currently year/semester of study
 Email
Graduate Students fill the Online Application Form and must send the documents only by email to, it's not necessary to send the hard copies by post. As soon as we receive the digital
information, we are going to check it all. If there is any problem, we will inform the student by email.
Required documents
Documents required for applicants to Graduate (MSc or PhD) and Research student
 A photo size 3x4 cm scanned (JPG)
 Copy of passport´s main page
 Proof of financial support of at least R$6,000 (US$3,000; €2,500 or equivalent) per semester
 Copy of international health insurance valid for the entire stay at FEA-RP/USP
 Copy of Undergraduate program Diploma*
 Copy of Undergraduate program Transcript*
 Letter of recommendation from professor of home institution for FEA-RP´s professor responsible for
accepting students
 Letter from home institution proving the student is linked (enrollment certificate or equivalent)
 Research plan (to be held at FEA-RP), indicating the beginning and end of the project
 Schedule of activities to be performed in FEA-RP in the specified period (as the research plan)
Note: Once the student has been accepted, he/she should report to the Office of the Graduate Registrar
of FEA-RP and present the original documents (*) to enroll.
List of courses
The Graduate courses students are allowed to take at FEA-RP are listed
Deadlines and Schedule
Fall term (USP´s 2nd semester of each year)
Spring term (USP´s 1st semester of each year)
Nomination and Application: From March 15th to April 30th
Nomination and Application: From Sep. 1st to October 15th
Evaluation of applications: From May 1st to 15th
Evaluation of applications: From 1st to 30th of November
Issue of acceptance letters: From May 15th to 30th
Issue of acceptance letters: From 01st to 15th of December
Orientation week: July 28th and 29th
Orientation week: Mid-February (To Be Confirmed)
Period of exchange: From August 1st to December 10th
Period of exchange: From Mid-February to Early July (TBC)
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
Additional Information
Orientation Week
The reception of the exchange students takes place at the beginning of each semester, a few days before
classes start. It is a mandatory event, organized by the International Office that gathers all the important
and practical information about studying at FEA-RP. The schedule and further details are always sent in
advance. The event also aims to show the students around, taking everyone to a city and campus tour and
integrate the students with some fun activities, always in partnership with iTeam USP-RP.
Course Workload
Number of expected courses to achieve 30 European credits:
Bachelor level: 20 USP Credits (each course may earn 2, 4 or 6 USP Credits. Each credits is equivalent to 15
hours in class)
Master level: 20 USP Credits (each course may earn 3, 6 or 7 USP Credits. Each credits is equivalent to 15
hours in class)
English Subjects
Portuguese is Brazil´s official language and all public educational institutions must, by the force of our
Constitution, teach classes in that language. However, some subjects are offered in English, which are
disclosed in our schedule each semester.
Portuguese Course for Foreigners
Aiming to provide a better support to our exchange student, the International Office offers a Portuguese as
Foreign Language course, as an extracurricular activity. The course develops skills of speaking, listening,
reading and writing promoting fluency in the language for foreign students. Classes take place twice a week
at the school. Costs and schedules depend on the students demand and availability of the teachers, which
will all be arranged upon arrival.
The exchange student must get a special type of visa to be able to enter Brazil as a student. It’s
called TEMPORARY VISA ITEM IV and it is specifically for “students”. Please, pay carefully attention to all
the documentation needed and never ask for a TOURIST VISA or a WORK VISA. Without a Student Visa it will
not be possible to register the student in USP system and all our facilities will not be available. So, please
be very careful regarding all the procedure. In case of any doubts regarding Visa BEFORE you come to
Brazil, feel free to contact us.
Health Insurance
Students are required to purchase a health insurance in their home country before arriving in Brazil.
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
Cost of Living
Meals – inexpensive restaurant - from R$10.00
Meals on campus - R$1.90 per meal (at the University restaurant) / From 15.00 to R$30.00 per meal (at
private restaurants and cafeterias on campus)
Books/study material - At the university libraries for free or online provided by the professors.
Transportation – one-way ticket (Local Public Transport) R$3.00
Housing – From R$300.00 to R$900.00 per month depending on the type of housing
Cinema – With the student Discount R$10.00
We estimate an approximately expense of R$1200.00 per month (including housing and meals)
iTeam USP-RP
iTeam USP-RP is the student organization and International Office partner in charge of helping the school to
provide to the exchange students a great experience in Brazil, offering support, information and integration
to our incoming and outgoing students. They organize events, trips, courses and parties in a way that
foreigners can easily integrate with Brazilians and its culture. They also are responsible for the Buddy and
Housing program explained below.
Buddy and Housing Program
iTeam USP-RP matches the exchange student profile with a similar profile of a Brazilian student, in order to
build a link with these two people and that the incoming student receive a good support before coming to
Brazil and during his/her stay.
USP doesn't offer student accommodation in campus, but aiming to give our international students a very
local experience we have a program with our Brazilian students in which they offer a place at their
house/apartment to welcome an exchange student. Our Brazilian students usually share a house or an
apartment with friends. These are called "Repúblicas" and are similar to fraternities, where the exchange
student shares the costs with the other mates. iTeam USP-RP is responsible to provide a list with all the
available accommodations and its details, so the exchange student can search for its preferences and
contact the ones they most identify with. They can ask their buddies for more information about where to
stay and how the accommodation works.
Pick up Service upon Arrival
School of Economics,
Business Administration
and Accounting at
Ribeirão Preto
University of São Paulo
Exchange Program
Information 2016/2017
The school does not provide any pick up service at the arrival, but normally the buddy or house mate will
offer to pick up the student at the bus station or the airport in Ribeirao Preto, so let them know in advance
the arrival time and place so they can make themselves available. Otherwise, the student can use the taxi
service at these locations.
International Office
iTeam USP-RP
Be very welcome at FEA-RP!
We are very glad you chose our university to have new experiences in your social and academic
life. To make it a little easier, we worked on this guide to provide you with some information
about our country – history, culture, facts – as well as about our city, Ribeirão Preto. AIESEC
Ribeirão Preto decisively helped us with the guide: Thank you folks!
You are at the best Latin American University, a more than 75-year-old public institution. While
you are at USP, we would like you to do a few things. We would like you to take the most
advantages of all the courses offered in English but we do encourage you to take some courses
in Portuguese and learn one more language. To help you about that, we offer a Portuguese
language course. Still in academic field, we would like to propose you use your extra time to
establish some research activities, which can be done partially here and partially when you get
back to your country. It is a great idea to have any kind of result relating both countries! You can
also get engaged in any of the students group – you could play at Tikutuko – FEA-RP band. We
assure you it is going to be great fun!
But we don’t think you are going to enjoy only the academic opportunities. Ribeirao Preto
is a great city, where there is a good cultural life – we have some theaters, which offers
different plays and musicals every week, three different cinemas, with the latest launches,
lots of dance houses and also parks, with wonderful green areas for the practice of different
sports. You are going to find a nice sports center in the university as well. Take good care of
your body and enjoy our wonderful climate at any time of the year for outgoing!
We also have some days during the semester we won’t have classes because of holidays. We
would encourage you to travel on theses days. Try not to miss classes – this can cause troubles
at the end of the semester and this is not a good idea. Use these days to know all the beauties
Brazil offers! Straight from Ribeirão Preto, you can fly to amazing places that you must visit
while here: Rio de Janeiro, Foz do Iguaçu, Florianópolis (best known as Floripa), the Northeastern
beaches at Fortaleza, Maceió or Natal, Brasilia – the capital of the country where you should
spend 2 or 3 days. And if you like adventure, you could go to Amazonia or to the Pantanal. All of
them are lovely places to visit. You will be amazed!
Well, if you take good care of your academic life and also do some travelling to know a little bit
further our culture, we are sure this experience will change you into a different person. You will
probably want to come back soon!
If you have any doubts, please always contact anyone at the International Office or any of your
Professors. We are here to make you get the most advantage of your interchange experience.
Best regards,
International Office FEA-RP/USP
Table of Contents
1 About Brazil
1.1 Geography............................................................................................................................4
1.2 Climate...................................................................................................................................5
1.3 Environment And Historical Heritage.......................................................................5
1.4 Economy................................................................................................................................6
1.5 Ethnicity...............................................................................................................................6
1.7 Language..............................................................................................................................7
2 About Ribeirão Preto
2.1 City Facts..............................................................................................................................9
2.2 History....................................................................................................................................9
2.3 Economy.............................................................................................................................10
2.4 Tourist Attraction............................................................................................................11
2.5 Climate................................................................................................................................12
2.6 Telephone..........................................................................................................................12
2.7 Transportation.................................................................................................................13
2.8 Opening Hours.................................................................................................................13
2.9 Nightlife..............................................................................................................................14
3 Campus Information
3.1 Central Library...................................................................................................................16
3.2 Center for Physical Education, Sports and Recreation......................................16
3.3 Campus Restaurant.........................................................................................................17
3.4 Internal Public Transport: ‘Circular USP’..................................................................17
3.5 Frequency and Grades...................................................................................................18
3.6 USP ID Card.......................................................................................................................18
3.7 Medical Certificate Procedures...................................................................................18
4 General Information
4.1 Visa......................................................................................................................................19
4.2 Portuguese Lessons......................................................................................................20
4.3 Health Insurance.............................................................................................................20
4.4 Housing..............................................................................................................................20
4.5 Arrival Note......................................................................................................................21
4.6 Arriving in Ribeirão Preto............................................................................................21
4.7 Registration After Your Arrival in Brazil................................................................23
4.8 Cadastro de Pessoa Física (CPF)..............................................................................24
4.9 Banking Information......................................................................................................25
4.10 In Case of Emergency................................................................................................25
4.11 International Team.....................................................................................................26
Brazil is Federative Republic, administratively and politically divided in 27 federative
units (26 states and a federal district). The president, governors, mayors, senates,
deputies and councilors are elected directly by mandatory vote every 4 years.
Brazilian territory is still widely covered by woods, mainly in the North. Colonized by
Portugal, it is the only country of Portuguese language in America. About religion,
Brazil is the country with greatest number of Catholics in the world. Brazilian society
is one of the most multiracial in the world. Brazil has the biggest Italian population
outside Italy and the biggest Japanese population outside Japan, besides a notable
German dispersion.
1.1 Geography
Brazil is located in South America and it is the fifth greatest country in area with
8.514.876.599 km². The country is bordered by Atlantic Ocean through its entire
coast. It is also the fifth country in population, with about 200 million inhabitants.
Majority of the population is concentrated in the coast.
Brazilian topography is diverse and includes hills, mountains, plains, highlands, and
scrublands. Much of the terrain lies between 200 meters (660 ft.) and 800 meters
(2,600 ft.) in elevation. The main upland area occupies most of the southern half
of the country. The northwestern parts of the plateau consist of broad, rolling
terrain broken by low, rounded hills. The country has also one of the greatest sweet
groundwater reservoir in the planet: The Guarani Aquifer, which is partly located
under Ribeirão Preto.
1.2 Climate
Brazilian climate comprises a wide range of weather
conditions across a large area and varied topography, but
most of the country is tropical. Brazil hosts five major
climatic subtypes: equatorial, tropical, semiarid, highland
tropical, temperate, and subtropical.
The different climatic conditions produce environments
ranging from equatorial rainforests in the north and
semiarid deserts in the northeast, to temperate
coniferous forests in the south and tropical savannas in
central Brazil.
The country climate is predominantly tropical. The
exception is South Country (including parts of São Paulo
and Mato Grosso do Sul extreme south) which presents
subtropical climate, with reasonable defined seasons.
1.3 Environment and Historical Heritage
Brazil’s large territory comprises different ecosystems, such
as the Amazon Rainforest – recognized as having one of
the greatest biological diversity in the world – the Atlantic
Forest and the Cerrado (Savana), sustaining a great variety
of biodiversity. In the south, the Araucaria pine forest grows
under temperate conditions. The rich Brazilian wildlife reflects
the variety of natural habitats. Scientists estimate that the
total number of plant and animal species in Brazil could
approach four million.
Brazil has a great historical heritage spread all around
the territory, with different backgrounds. Some part of it
is concentrated in the State of Minas Gerais (Ouro Preto,
Diamantina) and in other specific areas, like in historical
centers of Recife, São Luis, Salvador, Olinda, Santos etc.
1.4 Economy
Brazilian economy is the largest in Latin America, the
world’s sixth largest economy at market exchange
rates and the seventh largest in purchasing power
parity (PPP), according to the International Monetary
Fund and the World Bank. Brazil has a mixed economy
with abundant natural resources.
The first big product of Brazilian Economy was the
sugarcane and sugar production, during colony period,
followed by the gold extraction in Minas Gerais territory.
After its independence, a new economic cycle has
emerged, and coffee became the main product. This
moment was very important for the development of
the state of São Paulo, which is now the richest one in
the country. Nowadays, Brazil is within the 20 world
greatest exporters.
1.5 Ethnicity
Brazilians are mainly descendant of native people,
Portuguese colonists, Africans and from the diverse
groups of immigrants that established in Brazil between
1820 and 1970. Most part of immigrants were Italians
and Portuguese, but there was significant presence
of Germans, Spanish, Japanese, Syrian and Lebanese.
Racism is considered an imprescriptible and no-bail
crime by Brazilian Constitution.
1.6 Culture
Due to its continental dimensions, Brazil is a country
with a rich cultural diversity that synthesizes the
diverse ethnicities from Brazilian people. Thus there
is no homogeneous Brazilian culture, but a mosaic of
different cultural sources that together form Brazilian
culture. As the Portuguese settled here, there´s a great
influence of their culture.
It’s exactly this Portuguese cultural inheritance that
composes Brazilian unit: there are different ethnicities,
however, everyone speaks the same language
(Portuguese) and almost 90% of population is Christian,
either Catholics or Protestants.
1.7 Language
Portuguese is the official spoken language for all
population. Brazil is the only country of Portuguese
language in America, giving to it a distinct cultural
identity in relation to the other countries from
the continent.
The language spoken in Brazil is
very similar to the one spoken in the other parts
of the world. Amazingly Portuguese is considered
to be the most homogeneous occidental language
spoken modernly. There are differences in some
words and in pronunciation, but all speakers can
understand themselves.
Try to learn these words and expressions commonly used
in Brazil before your arrival:
Quente (usually represented in red colour)
Frio (usually represented in blue colour)
Carne de Vaca
E ai?
What’s up?
Bom dia!
Good Morning!
Boa tarde!
Good afternoon!
Boa noite!
Good evening!/Good night!
Eu gostaria de...
I would like to....
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Quanto custa...?
How much is...?
Por favor
Onde é...?
Where is...?
Como você está?
How are you?
Obrigado (a)
Thanks/Thank You
I’m sorry
Com Licença
Hi/ hello
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Tudo bem!
Que horas são?
What time is it?
Você fala inglês?
Do you speak English?
O que siginifica?
What does it mean?
Não entendo nada
I don’t understand anything
Como digo ... em Português?
How can I say ... in Portuguese?
Socorro, ajuda
O que é isto?
What is it?
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2.1 City Facts
Ribeirão Preto (Portuguese for “black stream”) is a city in the State of Sao Paulo,
Brazil. It is nicknamed Brazilian California because of a combination of an economy
based on agribusiness plus high technology, wealth and sunny weather all over the
year. With 612,339 inhabitants, Ribeirão Preto is the eighth largest municipality in
the state. With a total area of 652,2 square kilometers, its latitude is 21o 10’ 42”
South and longitude 47o 48’ 24” West. It is 330 km far from the capital city and 708
km far from Brasília, the federal capital. The average altitude is 546,8 m. Ribeirão
Preto is in the center of a urban agglomeration with about 1,032,547 inhabitants.
2.2 History
The city was founded in June 19th, 1856, by farmers who came from the southeast
of Sao Paulo State in search for good climate and soil for coffee growing. The city
is laid by a stream called “Black Stream”, and was named after it. Eventually the
farmers’ choice revealed itself as very adequate and the fertile soil of the Ribeirão
Preto region allowed the highest crop productivity in Brazil.
2.3 Economy
After the New York Stock Exchange crash in 1929, the
economy of Ribeirão Preto, based only on exportation crops,
collapsed, and the city had to adapt to a new situation. Since
the city is relatively far from other major Brazilian urban
centers, it found a new economic vocation in the services and
commercial sector, which was developed to meet the local
and regional demands.
The second economic boom in the history of Ribeirão Preto
occurred after the oil crisis in the 1970s. The increase in the
oil price obliged Brazil to look for alternative means of fueling
and the solution found was the ethanol fuel program, or ProÁlcool as it was called. The program led to the development
of a technology which allows the use of ethanol (sugarcane
alcohol) either as automotive fuel or as a gasoline additive.
The latter improves performance and decreases polluting
emissions. Due to the Pró-Álcool program, local farmers were
encouraged by government subsidies to grow sugarcane.
The high productivity of the land around Ribeirão Preto rapidly
placed the region as the largest ethanol and sugar producer
of the world, being responsible for 30 percent of Brazil’s
sugarcane alcohol fuel.
In an opposite direction to what had happened during the
city’s first economic boom, this time Ribeirão Preto farmers
and entrepreneurs did not concentrate themselves exclusively
on a single crop and diversified their investments making the
city one of the most important agribusiness centers of Brazil.
Besides sugar and ethanol, Ribeirão Preto’s major products
are orange juice, cotton, rice, meat, dairy products, textiles,
machinery, steel, furniture, building materials, agrochemicals,
pharmaceuticals and beer.
The sugarcane boom brought a new age of prosperity for
the city, which was called the “Brazilian California” during
the 1980s and early 1990s, and this has increased the city’s
wealth and turned it into a sophisticated center of services
for Brazil and South America.
2.4 Tourist Attractions
Pinguim - The famous Brazilian beerhouse was built by
Antartica (the first beer producing factory in the city,
which today is a brand from AB InBev) and now there
are two of them in the block, one is the beerhouse, the
other is a gift shop.
Pedro II Theater - The 2nd biggest Brazilian opera
theater in public capacity (after Municipal Sao Paulo
Theater), is the main point of the block, and was first
opened in October 8th, 1930. In 1980 a big fire hit
the building and after more than a ten-year period
of abandon, the city hall decided to rebuild it and it
reopened in April, 1996.
Metropolitan Cathedral - When the cathedral at XV
November Square was put down, this new one was built,
and then founded in 1920. Stylized in romantic and
gothic lines, its main attractions are the colored glasses
in the window and the paintings inside from Benedito
Calixto, dated from 1817. It’s located downtown, in front
of Praça das Bandeiras, which presents people a craft
fair on weekends.
Pref. Dr. Luiz Roberto JábaliPark / Curupira Park - Opened
in 18th December 2000, the environment complex is the
largest leisure area from the city. There are 152 thousands
m2 with artificial lakes, waterfalls and paved trails that can be
ridden on foot or by bicycle. There is a great tropical forest in
the area with a variety of birds and little mammals. It is open
daily from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. Address: Av. Costábile Romano, 337
Dr. Luis Carlos Raya Park - Opened in 2004, this park is
great to walk, to play games, to relax with the artificial
waterfalls. It is situated in the so considered the
wealthiest area of the city, the south area. Address: Av.
Wladimir Meirelles Ferreira, s/n.
2.5 Climate
Ribeirão Preto is a very warm city during the whole year. Generally between the
months of May and September the temperature drops considerably in the mornings
and at nights, but it is still hot during the afternoons. It´s strongly important to
remember that in these months, the air humidity is considerably very low and it
rarely rains.
• Average winter temperature 19º C (68o F)
• Average summer temperature 35º C (90o F)
2.6 Telephone
How to dial:
• Local collect Call: 9090 + telephone number
• Long distance collect call (even for other cities with the area code 16): 9 + 0 + telecom
code + city code + telephone number
• International collect calls: 9 + 00 + telecom code + country code + city code +
telephone number
• Country Code 55
• City Code 16
Telecom code: If you want to call a different city or country, you need to choose a
telecom and prices vary between them. Look for different fees in the websites.
The companies and respective codes are:
12 = CTBC
15 = Vivo (Telefônica)
17 = Transit Telecom
21 = Claro (Embratel)
23 = Intelig
25 = GVT
31 = Oi
41 = TIM
2.7 Transportation
If you are downtown you can get around on foot, once the places aren’t so far. But if
you want to go anywhere else, you are strongly recommended to go by bus, by car or
by taxi.
By car: to be able to drive in Brazil, foreigners need to have either a foreign driver’s
license with an translation or an international driver’s license. They can do that only
after 180 days after entering the country. After that period, they have to take the
Brazilian exams.
By bus: check the itineraries and schedules on Transerp’s website:
By taxi: Taxi is the most expensive way to get around, but is it more comfortable
and faster. You can ask for one on the street, go to any taxi stop or call one by
phone. Ask your buddy for the number of a good taxi company.
2.8 Opening Hours
Shopping centers: Ribeirão Shopping, Novo Shopping, Shopping Santa Ursula
Shopping Open from 10 am to 10 pm from Monday to Saturday and from 12 am to 10
pm on Sundays. Stores open from 2pm to 8pm on Sundays.
Supermarkets: Usually open from 8 am to 10 pm
from Monday to Saturday. Some of them can open on
Sundays. There are two supermarkets open 24/7: “Pão
de Açúcar” and “Extra”.
Banks: From Monday to Friday, from 11 am to 4 pm. In
the campus, Banco do Brasil and Santander are open
from 10 am to 3 pm.
2.9 Nightlife
Ribeirão Preto is mainly a city for youths. With 7 big
universities in town, it attracts young students who come
from all over the country to study. For that reason and the
warm weather, Ribeirão has a great night life. Ribeirão is
known as “Terra do Chopp” which would be “The Draft
Beer Land” as we have what is known as the Best Draft
Beer in all the country.
Good music is found all over the town. There is music
for all tastes, from the traditional MPB (Música Popular
Brasileira – Brazilian Popular Music) and Samba to Heavy
Metal. For that, you can go not only to bars which play
this kind of music, but to concerts as well. There are big
halls in the city, which are frequently used for gigs and
concerts (bands, singers) and, orchestras.
You can go to a party almost the whole week (that
normally is organized by a group or university students).
These parties are held in the republicas (houses shared
by students) or at one of the local nightclubs of the city.
“Micareta” is another traditional and fun party for
youngsters. It is a kind of carnival in April, it means out of
its right time in the year, that is February. In a “Micareta”,
you will have the opportunity of experiencing all the
excitement and all the music of a carnival!
The Campus of USP-Ribeirão Preto offers undergraduate and graduate courses in the
fields of hard sciences, biological and human sciences:
• Physical Education and Sports - EEFERP
• Nursing – EERP
• Pharmacy – FCFRP
• Law – FDRP
• Economics, Business, Accountancy – FEA-RP
• Philosophy – FFCLRP
• Medicine – FMRP
• Dentistry – FORP
3.1 Central Library
The Central Library has a physical area of 4,243m² and maintains a collection of
110,000 books, 6,185 titles of national and foreign periodicals (5,118 titles for
online access and 1,067 printed titles) 17,159 theses and 75,481 scientific papers
published by professors from the campus of Ribeirão Preto. The Library serves the
programs of: Business Administration, Biology, Information and Documentation Science,
Accountancy, Economics, Enterprise Economics and Controllership, Physical Education,
Nursing, Biochemical Pharmacy, Medical Physics, Physiotherapy, Speech Therapy,
Biomedical Informatics, Mathematics Applied to Business, Medicine, Music, Nutrition
and Metabolism, Dentistry, Pedagogy, Psychology, Chemistry and Occupational Therapy.
Location: Rua da Biblioteca
Telephone: +55 (16) 3602 3533
Fax: +55 (16) 3602 4653
Opening hours: Monday to Friday
from 8am to 9:45pm and Saturdays
from 9am to 1:45pm.
3.2 Center for Physical Education, Sports and Recreation
The Center for Physical Education, Sports and Recreation (CEFER) is a multisport complex
that has a gym, sports courts (indoor and outdoor), tennis court, semi-Olympic pool, official
athletics track with a synthetic surface, soccer fields (including an official one), ecological
hiking trail and rooms for other physical activities, such as judo, weightlifting, gymnastics
and fitness. The CEFER offers semester courses and also sporting and recreational activities,
supervised by sports professionals, aiming at health promotion and interaction between the
university and the community.
Location: Zeferino Vaz Avenue.
Telephone: +55 (16) 3602 3561.
Opening hours: Monday to Friday, from 7am to 9pm.
3.3 Campus Restaurant
The campus Restaurant produces and distributes meals (lunch and dinner) prepared
with appropriate nutritional concepts to students, employees and authorized visitors.
The meals are subsidized and the sale of tickets takes place in the restaurant from
Monday to Friday, in mealtimes. The lunch is served from Monday to Friday, from 11am
to 1:30pm and dinner from 5:15pm to 7:15pm. On Saturday only lunch is served, from
11am to 1pm.
Location: Tenente Catão Roxo Street.
Telephones: +55 (16) 3602 3560 and +55 (16) 3602 4650.
3.4 Internal Public Transport: ‘Circular USP’
The Section of Transportation provides internal and free bus for users from the campus
of Ribeirão Preto. The service is offered from Monday to Friday, from 6h30 to 11pm,
with breaks in the morning, afternoon and evening, as a rest time for drivers and vehicle
maintenance. See the timetable of the ‘circular’ (including during school recess).
Telephone: +55 (16) 3602 3557.
3.5 Frequency and Grades
The students must have a minimum frequency in class of 70%. The grades are from 0
to 10. Students should have at least the final average of grade of 5,0 to be approved in
the discipline. The criteria used to calculate the final average vary within the courses
and the professors that teach the discipline.
USP system also includes a recuperation test. To be eligible to take this last opportunity,
students must have the minimum frequency and at least a grade of 3,0.
3.6 USP ID Card
After enrollment, students will receive the USP ID card. This card contains the
student’s number that will identify him/her in the campus, will be used in the
library and it will also serve as proof the student condition. In Brazil, there is
a law that provides students should pay half tickets for entry into theaters,
concerts, cinema etc.
3.7 Medical Certificate Procedures
If a student suffers an accident or should be absent from class for medical reasons, he/
she must immediately contact the International Office for procedures. To be able to
have the absence not counted, the student who misses a class needs to have a medical
certificate and take that to the graduation service. Only contagious diseases are able to
cancel absences, so pay very much attention and use them for the unforeseen events.
4.1 Visa
You must get a special type of visa to be able to enter Brazil as a student. It’s called
TEMPORARY VISA ITEM IV and it is for “students”.
Here are the most common documents
requested by the Brazilian Consulate to get that visa.
Please, follow them carefully and never ask for a TOURIST VISA or a WORK VISA. If you
don’t have a Student Visa you are not going to be able to be registered in USP system and
will not be able to use any of our facilities. So, be very careful about this. In case of any
doubts regarding Visa BEFORE you come to Brazil, get in touch with us.
Necessary documents you have to present at the Brazilian Consulate to obtain your
Temporary Visa Item IV - Student:
• Passport valid for more than 6 (six) months from the intended
date of entry in Brazil;
• 2 (two) copies of the visa application form filled in, dated and
signed by the applicant;
• Original acceptance letter confirming the vacancy reservation,
issued by Brazilian university, or a document proving that the student
is already enrolled in the educational institution (with Education
Ministry recognition), mentioning the duration of the course;
• Proof of financial capacity: for those who have scholarship: a
scholarship certificate stating the amount to be received monthly, as
well as the duration of the fellowship. Non-scholarship holders: proof
of financial capacity to cover the cost of during his stay in Brazil;
• 2 (two) recent photographs, front view and with a white
• Certificate of good report to be obtained by the foreigner at the
local authority of his/her country;
• Insurance coverage valid for Brazil, and payment of repatriation
to the country of origin, made by national insurance company,
which covers the entire duration of stay in Brazil.
• Payment of fees.
The documents requested and the amounts of fees may have sudden changes, so it
is always important to check close to your intended use of it. For further details and
guidelines, contact the Embassy or Consulate of Brazil closest to your residence:
4.2 Portuguese Lessons
FEA-RP in partnership with FUNDACE – Fundação para Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento
da Administração, Contabilidade e Economia – offers the Portuguese course to the
foreign students semiannually. The course develops skills of speaking, listening,
reading and writing promoting fluency in the environment for foreign students.
Classes take place twice in a week and they are charged monthly. Values and
schedules depend on the students demand and availability of the teachers and will
be arranged in arrival.
4.3 Health Insurance
You MUST have life/accident insurance while you are in
Brazil. Please make the proper arrangements before leaving
your country. Moreover, please, send us the insurance
statement before your arrival. In addition, be sure you know
how to get in touch with the insurance company and how to
use it in case something unexpected happens.
4.4 Housing
The Campus Coordination and the CAPEE (USP-RP Center of Support for Foreign
Visitors) settled the “Home Stay Program”, which aims to give opportunity of
cultural exchange between Brazilians and Foreigners.
Therefore we developed a
registry of people in the community USP interested in hosting foreign students.
The International Team also helps exchange students with housing (check it on
International Team topic).
4.5 Arrival Note
In order to provide you with a nice reception, you are suggested to send us,
before your arrival, an arrival note, which should include: how you will arrive
(by plane, bus or any other means of transportation), the day and time of your
arrival, so that your buddy may be there to help you out.
4.6 Arriving in Ribeirão Preto
When you arrive at the International Airport in Guarulhos, you have two options to
come to Ribeirão Preto:
• by bus – around 5 hours, after you get to the bus station;
• by plane – around 1 hour, leaving from the airport.
We stay 330 km far from Sao Paulo, the capital of the state. We highly suggest you
come by plane, because you wouldn’t have to go anywhere else, but at the airport.
At the airport, you have to find the bus to take you to the Tietê Bus Station. It is a
very nice executive bus that is going to take you around 1 hour. At the airport, look
for the bus. You can check the information at
transporte-onibus-aeroporto-guarulhos but it is in Portuguese only.
You can also take a taxi to the bus station, but it is going to be more expensive. If
you prefer to do that, be sure to take an official taxi from the airport. They are more
trustable. It is going to take you around the same time than the bus. Just be sure
that you get to the Tiete Bus Station – because there are others in the city. Once
you get to the bus station, look for the company called “Cometa”.
You can buy the tickets from the internet or only check the available schedule (it is
very frequent – around every 40 minutes) at
The price varies according to the time. You can pay using credit card. The bus is
probably going to stop once during the tour for you to have some food. It takes
normally around 15 minutes – be sure not to miss your bus!
From Guarulhos, there are several flight options to Ribeirao Preto. Prices vary a lot, but
they can be as cheap as the bus ride. Only pay attention at the time. You need to have at
least 2 hours within your arrival and the plane leaving so that you won’t have the chance
to loose the plane to Ribeirão Preto. Flight companies normally have options for English
• TAM:
If you decide to come by plane, be careful to buy the ticket from Guarulhos Airport (GRU)
to Ribeirão Preto (RAO) because there is also Congonhas Airport (CGH), which is close to
the center area of São Paulo and Viracopos (VCP), located in Campinas city.
4.7 Registration After Your Arrival in Brazil
National Registry of Foreigner (RNE)
Foreign persons will have 30 (thirty) days from the date of arrival in Brazil to register
with the Federal Police in the city where he/she will be based, in order to obtain the
RNE (Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros), which is an identity card for foreigners.
Students should inform us the arrival date in Brazil in advance, because the Federal
Police service is done with a prior appointment.
FEA-RP International Office will help you scheduling a visit to Federal Police and
someone from CAPEE (USP-RP Center of Support for Foreign Visitors) will be
there with you to get the correctly documents done, help you filling up the forms,
getting the certified copies and paying the fees. You just need to bring the original
The Federal Police will require the following documents in order to issue an RNE:
• Original valid passport;
• Certified copies of the used pages of the passport or travel document;
• Visa application form and a certified copy thereof;
• Proof of payment of R$ 64,58, concerning registration fee for foreigners;
• Proof of payment of R$ 124,23, for the foreigner ID;
• Two (02) recent photos, size 3x4 (colored, white background, front, unadorned smooth paper);
• Arrival and departure (original and certified copy);
• Proof of address in Brasil;
• Visa application form (original and certified copy);
The documents requested and the amount of
fees may have sudden changes, so it’s always
important to be aware.
4.8 Cadastro de Pessoas Físicas (CPF)
The CPF (Brazilian Social Security Number) is a document required in Brazil for
several situations, such as opening a bank account, acquisition of goods etc.
To get a CPF number, the foreigner must go to any Banco do Brasil, Caixa Econômica
Federal or Post Office branch, fill a form and pay a tax (around R$ 5,50). To accomplish
this procedure, the foreigner must have the Federal Police Protocol (the document
given to the foreigner at the Federal Police Office) and the passport. At the campus
of Ribeirão Preto, there are two Banco do Brasil branches, one near the CEFER (next
to the Post Office branch) and the other at Paineiras Street, number 12.
After 72 hours, the foreigner must
go to Receita Federal
(at Dr. Francisco Junqueira Avenue, 2625.
Telephone: +55 (16) 2111 5900,
with the following documents:
• Proof-of-payment for the fee;
• Passport;
• Proof of residence, that can be any phone bill, light bill etc, issued 90 days before the date
of requirement, or a signed declaration from the responsible for the residence testifying
that the foreigner resides at the address indicated in the document;
• Federal Police Protocol (RNE);
• Document with parents names (parentage), if this information is not in the passport.
The CPF number will be given for you then. It is important to know that there are not anymore
physical CPF cards issued.
4.9 Banking Information
Once you got the CPF, with some other documents, you are allowed to open a bank
account in Brazil. There are several branches of many national and international banks
in the city (such as CitiBank, HSBC, Safra, Santander). In our campus there are branches
of Banco do Brasil and Santander.
Remember to unlock your credit card before arriving in Brazil! Check the procedures
with your bank. In Brazil, only Real (BRL), the official currency, is accepted. You can
exchange money as soon as you arrive at the international airport in Guarulhos or in
specific offices in the city.
4.10 In Case of Emergency
In case any unexpected event happens, you should ask for your buddy’s help.
Anyway, feel free to get in touch with the International Office staff. We kindly ask
you to inform us of any happening, including any disagreement during classes or
arrangement with tests, for example.
Contact email and phone
Director of International
Luciana Romano Morilas
Office FEA-RP
............................................................... ...............................................................
Head of Technical Section
Valeria Degani
of Agreements and Projects
............................................................... ...............................................................
Analyst for Administrative
Leonardo Rezende
(55) (16) 3602 - 0212
(55 ) (16) 3602 -0295
(55 ) (16) 3602 -4969
• In case of extreme emergency, call these phones below:
190 – Police
192 – Ambulance
194 – Firemen
• The calls are free and you can call by your telephone, or by any public phone.
4.11 International Team
The International Team FEA-RP (ITeam) is a group of students from FEA-RP who are
specially interested in the international stuff. Our goal is to provide you, exchange
student, the best staying in Ribeirão Preto. In order to do this we tried to choose a nice
tutor for you to help you with the housing, showing you the city, the University and
helping you anytime.
Our team was created to bring awareness to Brazilian students about the importance
of the internationalization of FEA-RP. Students are an important part of it and welcome
foreign students is the heart of our team.
We are available to help you anytime you need, to discover and experience as much as
possible the Brazilian culture. Our staff will organize for you some activities by day and
by night to discover Ribeirão Preto and enjoy everything in Brazil.
We want to make you feel at home in Brazil and we will do our best for it. As part of the
International Team FEA-RP, I am proud to welcome you!
Please feel free to contact us at anytime:
See you all very soon!!!