S UNAMIS Disa Step 3: aster P REDU Prepare CE
S UNAMIS Disa Step 3: aster P REDU Prepare CE
Disaaster P Prepareednesss Checkklist Step 3: S REDUCE YOU UR RISK & PR REPAREE U Updated ____________________ _ EXAM MPLE Strengthen your faciility Check all rooffing for loose singles, areas that neeed repairs Check trees aaround facilitty possibly n needing rem moval/trimmiing because of weak areeas. Who is re esponsible? Jo ohn Smith, aalong with Bu uildings & Grounds will examine thee roof and trrees. They w will be re esponsible fo or schedulin ng of repairs//tree removval. Threeat: TSU UNAMISS our facilityy Streengthen yo o is respon nsible? Who pg. 1 1 – Reduce YYour Risk & P Prepare TSUN NAMIS Updaated 5/2014 4