WindSentinel™ Technical Update No.4


WindSentinel™ Technical Update No.4
WindSentinel™ Technical Update No.4
Wind Resource Assessment Buoy
WindSentinel Floating LiDAR Sensor Performance Update – November 2013
Prepared by
AXYS Technologies Inc.
2045 Mills Road
Sidney, BC
V8L 5X2, Canada
Graham Howe
International Business Development,
Renewable Energy
T: 250 655 5861
C: 250 415-2343
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confers or transfers a right to duplicate or disclose any information contained herein, except as expressly authorized in writing by AXYS Technologies Inc.
Table of Contents
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
THE VINDICATOR – A BRIEF HISTORY ............................................................................................................................................. 5
RACE ROCKS – 2009 ....................................................................................................................................................................... 6
DTU HØVSØRE - 2013 .................................................................................................................................................................... 8
FISHERMEN’S ENERGY OF NEW JERSEY – 2013 ............................................................................................................................. 10
NATIONAL CHENG KUNG UNIVERSITY - 2013................................................................................................................................ 12
VINDICATOR III SIDE BY SIDE STUDY – 2013.................................................................................................................................. 14
SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
CREDITS & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS................................................................................................................................................. 17
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Executive Summary
The WindSentinel™ is the world’s first commercially deployed floating LiDAR device, specifically developed by AXYS to support the
offshore wind resource assessment sector.
The WindSentinel offers the advantages of being considerably less expensive and easier to permit, deploy, and manage than
conventional met masts offshore.
The primary wind resource assessment sensor on the WindSentinel is the Vindicator®, the world’s only commercially available
simultaneous pulse LiDAR with built-in motion compensation, giving the system a significant offshore advantage over conventional
wind resource assessment LiDARs.
As part of the roadmap to market acceptance of the WindSentinel, there have been a number of studies focused on the Vindicator
LiDAR with regard to both its accuracy and the effectiveness of its built-in motion compensation.
These tests have been conducted by AXYS, their clients and third party wind resource assessment consultants and provide clear
evidence of the effectiveness of the WindSentinel system for the purpose of wind resource assessment offshore.
In particular, the tests have shown:
Consistent R2 levels of 0.99 and higher when comparing the Vindicator with reference stations
Accurate and precise wind direction measurements that meet industry standards
Efficient motion compensation performance of the floating LiDAR
This Technical Update will summarize these studies and provide a comprehensive overview of the Vindicator.
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The Vindicator – A Brief History
The Vindicator technology was originally developed by Optical Air Data Systems (OADS) in
the late 1990s. OADS is a high technology, award winning small business located in
Manassas, Virginia, USA. Of special note is OADS’ expertise in the design and engineering of
compact, rugged, all-fiber optic laser wind sensors. OADS has developed this sensor
technology over the past two decades and this has lead to the prototyping and
manufacturing of high accuracy low speed air speed sensor systems for helicopter
applications, commercial laser wind sensors for Utility Scale Wind Turbine control
applications, as well as handheld wind sensors for a wide array of commercial and military
applications. The Company currently holds over 27 patents in the fields of laser Doppler
velocimetry and its applications.
Figure 1 - Vindicator I
The system that evolved into the Vindicator was originally used by helicopters to assist with
landings in degraded visibility environments, which led to the development of the sensor
durability and motion compensation capabilities demonstrated by the system today.
In 2009 AXYS, seeking a suitable sensor for offshore wind resource assessment, entered
into an exclusive arrangement to market the Vindicator for this purpose and commenced
deployment of the first generation Vindicator. The core technology contained in this system
is the same used today.
In 2013, the Vindicator III was developed, leveraging OADS’ ongoing work with other
applications of the sensor to introduce a new form factor, including the air blade lens
cleaning technology.
Figure 2 - Vindicator III
As can be seen below, OADS has continued to support ongoing refinement of the Vindicator and remain committed to developing
new applications to support the continuing evolution of the offshore wind resource assessment sector.
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Race Rocks – 2009
The Race Rocks trial, which ran for a month in October/November of 2009, was the world’s first validation of a floating LiDAR
system. Intended as a proof of concept for the WindSentinel, the trial deployed a floating Vindicator compared to the same sensor
on a fixed platform onshore. The trial was a successful validation of the system and, most important, confirmed the effectiveness of
the motion compensation feature of the Vindicator.
Figure 3 - WindSentinel buoy deployed at Race Rocks
System tested
Reference system
Distance between sensors
Summary of results
Race Rocks, approximately 20 miles south west of Victoria, BC in the Juan de Fuca Strait.
Vindicator I
Vindicator I
700 metres
“the buoy mean wind speed agreed within 2% of the reference LiDAR measurements” - GLGarrad Hassan paper - EWEA March 2011
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Sample Data
Table 1 - Race Rocks Wind Speed Correlation Data
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DTU Høvsøre - 2013
A three month validation study at DTU’s Høvsøre testing facility commenced in mid-March 2013 and ended in early May. Interim
results from the study have been produced and a second phase of the study will be completed in early 2014.
Figure 4 - Vindicator III installed in WindSentinel Land Station at Høvsøre
System tested
Reference system
Distance between sensors
Summary of results
Høvsøre, Denmark
Vindicator III
Høvsøre met mast
The Vindicator demonstrated a high level of data availability, good quality wind direction data
and wind speed R2 of 0.99 and higher
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Sample Data
» 60m
Availability [%]
Gain [-]
Offset [m/s]
R2 [-]
Absolute mean deviation [m/s]
Standard deviation of deviation [m/s]
Availability [%]
Gain [-]
Offset [m/s]
R2 [-]
Absolute mean deviation [m/s]
Standard deviation of deviation [m/s]
Availability [%]
Gain [-]
Offset [m/s]
R2 [-]
Absolute mean deviation [m/s]
Standard deviation of deviation [m/s]
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Fishermen’s Energy of New Jersey – 2013
The Fishermen’s Energy WindSentinel was launched in early 2012, the second commercial deployment of the system. From midMarch to mid-May 2013, Fishermen’s ran a system validation campaign against a shore-based WindCube under the direction of GLGarrad Hassan.
Figure 5 - WindSentinel deployed off Atlantic City
System tested
Reference system
Distance between sensors
Summary of results
Off the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey
Vindicator I
WindCube v2
The WindSentinel wind speeds showed a good degree of correlation given the distance between
the two sensors and the complexity of the terrain for the study.
In their report on the study GL-Garrad Hassan stated:
- “No significant sensitivity to pitch and roll motions was observed….this result is indicative of
an efficient motion compensation performance of the floating LiDAR.”
- “The WindSentinel provided accurate and precise wind direction measurements which are
deemed to be compliant with industry standards.”
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Sample Data
Table 2 - Fishermen's Energy Wind Speed Correlation Data
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National Cheng Kung University - 2013
National Cheng Kung University took delivery of their WindSentinel in late May with the intention of using the system as part of the
Taiwanese government’s long-term plan for offshore wind power. In October 2013 the University ran a comparison study between
their WindSentinel Vindicator III docked offshore with an onshore WindCube owned by the Taiwan Ocean Research Institute.
Figure 6 - WindSentinel deployed in Tainan
System tested
Reference system
Distance between sensors
Summary of results
Figure 7 - Location of WindSentinel buoy and WindCube
Tainan, Taiwan
Vindicator III
WindCube V2
Given the distance and the complex terrain (the test location has a number of high buildings) the
systems showed good correlation with an R2 of around 0.98
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Sample Data
Table 3 - NCKU Wind Speed Correlation Data
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Vindicator III Side by Side Study – 2013
In 2013 the US Navy purchased two Vindicators and a WindSentinel as part of a project intended to establish the degree of
uncertainty between a fixed and floating LiDAR system. As an initial step in this study, the two Vindicators have been run side by side
on the roof of AXYS’ facility to establish a baseline uncertainty measurement.
Figure 8 - Vindicators on AXYS rooftop testing facility
System tested
Reference system
Distance between sensors
Summary of results
AXYS facility, Sidney BC, Canada.
Vindicator III
Vindicator III
Side by side
Both wind speed and direction show good correlation with high levels of data availability. The
wind speed R2 showed 0.99
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Sample Data
Table 4 - Side by Side Wind Speed Correlation Data
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confers or transfers a right to duplicate or disclose any information contained herein, except as expressly authorized in writing by AXYS Technologies Inc.
The WindSentinel has now completed a range of studies designed to establish the effectiveness of the system for offshore wind
resource assessment. These studies, (more than for any comparable system available in the market), have demonstrated:
Consistent R2 levels of 0.99 and higher when comparing the Vindicator with reference stations
Accurate and precise wind direction measurements that meet industry standards
Efficient motion compensation performance of the floating LiDAR
Future studies planned for the system include:
A Vindicator III unit will be sent to DTU Høvsøre in early 2014 to complete phase two of the study at that location.
The US Navy will deploy their WindSentinel early in 2014 and run a comparison between this system and a WindSentinel
LandStation deployed on an oil rig to establish the degree of uncertainty between the two systems. This study is being
undertaken under the guidance of DNV GL.
NCKU plan to deploy their WindSentinel next to an offshore mast for further validation in 2014.
Additional studies are also currently underway and their results will be published as soon as they are available.
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confers or transfers a right to duplicate or disclose any information contained herein, except as expressly authorized in writing by AXYS Technologies Inc.
Credits & Acknowledgments
AXYS would like to thank our clients for their ongoing support of the WindSentinel system.
In particular we would like to thank the following for their support of this paper:
Fishermen’s Energy of New Jersey
National Cheng Kung University
We would also like to thank the following 3rd party wind resource assessment consultants for their input and feedback:
DNV GL (including the employees of GL- Garrad Hassan)
Oldbaum Services
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confers or transfers a right to duplicate or disclose any information contained herein, except as expressly authorized in writing by AXYS Technologies Inc.