Shweta Aggarwal - Information for author visits
Shweta Aggarwal - Information for author visits
Dev and Ollie Magical adventures to festivals around the world! Author Shweta Aggarwal Information Pack for Visits to Schools ABOUT DEV AND OLLIE Modern, informative and funny, Dev and Ollie series of books take children on magical adventures to unique festivals in India and around the world. Through the series, we believe the books will develop cultural knowledge in children from a very young age thereby creating a future generation of global citizens! In addition, all stories are beautifully wrapped around the magical relationship of a child and his/her bedtime cuddly toy, making learning a pleasure. - Page !1 SOME REVIEWS • Described by Watford Observer as an “exciting new story with vivid colourful illustrations”. • “Caught the attention of my 5 year old straight away” - Mojo Mums, UK • “Beautiful and informative, can be enjoyed by both children and adults” - Asian Mums Network, UK • “Parents and teachers can use this book to help children learn how to be responsible and proactive” - Fran Lewis, Blogger, US • Proud to be listed by Indian Moms Connect (US), as their top 5 books of 2015! • “Full of colour, wonder and adventure even my 8 month old enjoyed the pictures as I read the story to her! I greatly enjoyed the imagination in the story as well as the little tidbits of kite knowledge dropped throughout the book” - My Crafty Zoo, Blogger, US • UK Amazon customer reviews can be found here • US Amazon customer reviews can be found here ABOUT SHWETA AGGARWAL Indian by origin and having grown up in Japan and India, Shweta now lives in England with her family. Shweta's upbringing has been that of a true global citizen. She's keen for her young children to be global citizens while also to be proud of their own culture and heritage. Shweta's mission is for children not just to be reading well, but to be well-read. What sparked Dev and Ollie's conception was Shweta's love for travel and hunger for cultural experiences through festivals. Shweta calls this 'Fest-travel' and believes festivals evoke the best - Page !2 of any culture. Colour, noise, excitement, family, laughter – all make perfect ingredients for children's stories with a universal appeal. During her time in India from 1995 to 1999 for her undergraduate degree in computer science, Shweta experienced an amazing array of unique festivals all around India that haven't been discovered on an international level. Shweta will be launching many more Dev and Ollie books soon, not just about festivals in India, but unique festivals around the world that children will love to read about! In fact, Shweta's bucket list now includes some of these festivals (Tomatina Festival in Spain and Snow & Ice Festival in China)! TARGET AGE GROUP: Nursery (3+) & KS1 KEY OBJECTIVES DURING SCHOOL VISITS • Introduction to the characters Dev and Ollie and their special relationship. • Importance of cultural knowledge and awareness for learning to love and respect each other which implicitly helps children become global citizens. • Encouraging gadget-free activities. • Book reading and a brief discussion on how picture books with illustrations are created. • An activity associated with the book. For example, a simple kite making activity immediately after the book reading of Kite Crazy has proven extremely popular. • Shweta also brings in Ollie (an owl soft toy) with her along with the book. She finds that children always share wonderful stories about their ‘magical’ bedtime toys after they are introduced to Ollie. FEES If you’d like to book Shweta for an author visit, please contact us on to discuss further. - Page !3
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