Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) Prins Hendrikstraat 17, Paramaribo, Suriname Tel Fax : (597) 42 09 60 / 47 48 81 : (597) 47 55 74 Email Website ATM : : Empowered lives. Resilient nations. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 | Paramaribo, Suriname Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 Paramaribo, Suriname Empowered lives. Resilient nations. Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change A Publication of the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Copyright: ©Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment 2013, All rights reserved Reproduction of this publication for educational or other non-commercial purposes is authorized without prior written permission from the copyright holder, provided that the source is fully acknowledged. Reproduction of this publication for resale or other commercial purposes is prohibited without prior written permission of the copyright holder. GEF “The GEF unites 182 countries in partnership with international institutions, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the private sector to address global environmental issues while supporting national sustainable development initiatives. Today the GEF is the largest public funder of projects to improve the global environment. An independently operating financial organization, the GEF provides grants for projects related to biodiversity, climate change, international waters, land degradation, the ozone layer, and persistent organic pollutants. Since 1991, GEF has achieved a strong track record with developing countries and countries with economies in transition, providing $9.2 billion in grants and leveraging $40 billion in co-financing for over 2,700 projects in over 168 countries.” UNDP Although the utmost care was taken to provide correct information in this Communication, the Directorate for Environment of the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment does not accept any liability for inaccuracies which might occur in it. Furthermore, the views expressed in this Communication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the Directorate for Environment of the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. ISBN: 978-99914-7-216-4 Manufactured in Suriname Design: Suritoons and Kayleigh Sontohartono Editing: UNDP Cover photo: © UNDP IV UNDP partners with people at all levels of society to help build nations that can withstand crisis, and drive and sustain the kind of growth that improves the quality of life for everyone. On the ground in 177 countries and territories, we offer global perspective and local insight to help empower lives and build resilient nations.www. The views expressed in this publication are those of the author(s) and do not necessarly represent those of the United Nations, including UNDP, or the UN Member States. The boundaries and names shown on the maps included in the present publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the UNDP concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Foreword Global climate change is one of the major environmental and developmental issues of this century, affecting all of society. Although Suriname is a minor player in terms of GHG emissions, we are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The adverse effects of climate change, in particular those affecting our water resources and agricultural sector, and the growing frequency and intensity of severe weather events affecting human lives, are evident. It is therefore paramount that the issue of climate change be integrated into our national and sectorial planning in order to increase our resilience to its effects. In 2006, in compliance with the requirements of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Suriname submitted its First National Communication, a report whose preparation by Surinamese experts provided important climatechange data. One of the main outcomes of that document was that the general public became more aware of climate change and its negative effects. The fine work undertaken for the preparation of our Second National Communication builds on the groundwork laid in that FNC. For Suriname, the preparation of this SNC is a vital step towards further implementation of the requirements of the Convention and our nation’s voluntary efforts to deal with climate change. The preparation of this document has underscored the existence of data gaps previously outlined in the FNC and brought new ones to light as well. The Government of Suriname is committed to use the information, strategies and options supplied herein to move our country forward on the path of continued and improved prediction of climate-change effects and the implementation of measures to adapt to them and mitigate them as much as possible. I wish to acknowledge and thank all those who have participated in the preparation of this document. His Excellency Michael Miskin Minister of Labour, Technological Development and Environment Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 V Acknowledgment We would like to express our appreciation to the United Nations Development Programme ( and the Global Environment Facility ( for their support and financial contributions to the preparation of this report. We also extend our thanks to all the various ministries, national partners, team leaders, teams of consultants, the Project Management Team, the National Communication Support Programme, the final editor and all other individuals who devoted their time and energy to this effort. VI Contents Forewordv Acknowledgmentvi Contentsvii List of Figures, Tables and Boxesx Resource Personsxiii Abbreviations and Acronymsxiv Glossaryxviii Executive Summary20 1 NATIONAL CIRCUMSTANCES23 1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING24 1.2 GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY24 1.3 CLIMATE26 1.3.1 Precipitation26 1.3.2 Air Temperature27 1.3.3 Wind27 1.3.4 Air Humidity27 1.3.5 El Niño28 1.4 NATURAL RESOURCES28 1.4.1 Soil and Minerals28 1.4.2 Water Resources28 1.4.3 Ecosystems29 1.5 POPULATION32 1.6 GOVERNMENT34 1.7 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT34 1.8 OTHER SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS36 1.8.1 Transport37 1.8.2 Waste37 1.8.3 Health37 1.9 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK38 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE39 1.11 REFERENCES42 2 NATIONAL GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS 200843 2.1 INTRODUCTION44 2.2 METHODOLOGY44 2.3 EMISSION INVENTORY OVERVIEW44 2.4 GHG INVENTORY BY SECTOR45 2.4.1 Emissions from the Energy Sector 45 2.4.2 Emissions from Industrial Processes 48 2.4.3 GHG Emissions from the AFOLU Sector 48 GHG emissions from agriculture48 Emissions from forestry and other land uses 49 2.4.4 Emissions from Waste54 2.5 GHG EMISSIONS BY GAS54 2.5.1 Emissions of Carbon Dioxide (CO2 )54 2.5.2 Emissions of Methane (CH4 )54 2.5.3 Emissions of Other Gases55 2.6 KEY CATEGORIES55 2.7 UNCERTAINTIES56 2.8CO2 EMISSIONS (REFERENCE APPROACH)56 2.9 INTERNATIONAL BUNKERS57 2.10 EMISSIONS FORECASTS57 2.10.1 Energy57 2.10.2 Manufacturing58 2.10.3 Emissions from Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses 59 2.10.4 Waste62 2.11 REFERENCES62 3 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT AND ADAPTATION STRATEGY64 3.1 INTRODUCTION64 3.2 BASELINE CLIMATE CONDITIONS64 3.3 EXPECTED CLIMATE-CHANGE AND SEA-LEVEL-RISE PROJECTIONS 66 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 VII 3.4 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT68 3.4.1 Water Resources68 Rivers68 Lakes and wetlands69 Groundwater aquifers70 Impacts on water resources70 3.4.2 Agriculture71 Impacts on agriculture72 3.4.3 Ecology and Geomorphology73 Impacts on ecosystems and coastal zones 76 3.4.4 Socio-Economy77 Population77 Government77 Economy78 Land-use80 Transport81 Energy supply82 Waste82 Impact on the Socio-Economy82 3.4.5 Tourism83 Impacts on the tourism sector 85 3.4.6 Human Health85 The current health care infrastructure of Suriname 87 Monitoring diseases of concern88 Impacts on human health88 3.5 ADAPTATION ASSESSMENT89 3.5.1 Description of MCA89 3.5.2 Proposed Adaptation Strategies for Water Resources 90 3.5.3 Proposed Adaptation Strategies Related to Geomorphology and Ecology90 3.5.4 Proposed Adaptation Strategies for Ecosystems 92 3.5.5 Proposed Adaptation Strategies for Agriculture 92 3.5.6 Proposed Socio-economic Adaptation Strategies 93 3.5.7 Proposed Adaptation Measures for Tourism 94 VIII 3.5.8 Proposed Adaptation Strategies for Human Health 95 3.6 REFERENCES99 4 MITIGATION MEASURES101 4.1 INTRODUCTION102 4.2 METHODOLOGY 102 4.3 STRUCTURE OF GHG EMISSIONS ACCORDING TO GHG INVENTORY 103 4.4 MACRO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF SURINAME 103 4.5 SCREENING OF MITIGATION OPTIONS106 4.6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIOS 108 4.6.1 Energy Sector109 Energy resources and technologies 109 GHG projections110 Key mitigation options for the energy sector 112 GHG Projections for the Energy Sector 116 Negative Effects of Hydro-energy 116 4.6.2 Non-Energy Sector116 GHG Projections117 GHG projections for agriculture119 Key mitigation options for agriculture 119 GHG projections for forestry120 Key mitigation options for forestry 121 GHG Projections for the Non-energy Sector 122 4.7 RESULTS122 4.8 BARRIERS AND CORRESPONDING POLICIES 123 4.9 REFERENCES125 Contents 5 OTHER INFORMATION 127 5.1 INTRODUCTION128 5.2 STEPS TAKEN TO INTEGRATE CLIMATE CHANGE 128 5.2.1 Background128 5.2.2 National Policy and Institutional Organisation 128 5.2.3 Current Situation129 5.3 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND CAPACITY BUILDING 130 5.4 SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH/STUDIES TO ADAPT TO AND MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE132 5.4.1 Systematic Observation of Climate Change 132 5.4.2 Climate-change research and studies 133 5.5 INFORMATION ON EDUCATION, TRAINING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS 135 5.5.1 Educational Programmes135 5.5.2 University Studies and Courses136 5.5.3 Public Awareness136 5.6 INFORMATION AND NETWORKING136 5.7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS137 5.8 REFERENCES138 6 6.6 PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR FINANCING146 6.6.1 Paragraph 52: Proposed Financing Projects 146 6.6.2 Paragraph 53: Adaptation Measures – Opportunities and Barriers148 6.7 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY AND CAPACITY-BUILDING NEEDS; ASSISTANCE RECEIVED148 6.7.1 Paragraph 54: Technology Transfer 148 6.7.2 Paragraph 55: Other Relevant Needs and Areas for Capacity Building149 6.8 REFERENCES150 Appendix I Ch.2: Emissions 2008 (in Gg CO2 Equivalents)152 Appendix II, Ch.2: 2008 GHG Energy Reference Approach 155 Appendix III, Ch.3: Trends in Annual Rainfall 157 Appendix IV, Ch.4: Energy Sector160 Appendix V, Ch.4: Non-energy Sector162 Appendix VI, List of Interviewed Persons and Organisations 165 GAPS AND CONSTRAINTS140 6.1 INTRODUCTION140 6.2 FINANCIAL, TECHNICAL AND CAPACITY NEEDS; GAPS AND CONSTRAINTS140 6.2.1 Self-reflection on Progress and Gaps 140 6.2.2 Constraints within the Energy Sector 142 6.2.3 Constraints within the Agriculture Sector 143 6.2.4 Constraints within the Forestry Sector 143 6.3 FROM FNC TO SNC: THE PROCESS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT144 6.4 PARAGRAPH 50: CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SNC ACTIVITIES 145 6.5 PARAGRAPH 51: CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CLIMATE-CHANGE-RELATED ACTIVITIES145 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 IX List of Figures, Tables and Boxes LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.4: 2008 GHG DISTRIBUTION, ENERGY SECTOR, IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS 48 FIGURE 2.5: 2008 DISTRIBUTION OF GHGS, AGRICULTURE 48 2008 LIVESTOCK EMISSIONS IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS FIGURE 1.1: GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING OF SURINAME 24 FIGURE 2.6: FIGURE 1.2: GEOGRAPHIC REGIONS OF SURINAME 25 (ENTERIC FERMENTATION)49 FIGURE 1.3: TOPOGRAPHICAL MAP OF SURINAME 25 FIGURE 2.7: FIGURE 1.4: AVERAGE ANNUAL RAINFALL IN SURINAME – DIFFERENCES 2008 EMISSIONS FROM LIVESTOCK IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS (MANURE MANAGEMENT)49 ACROSS THE COUNTRY26 FIGURE 2.8: TOTAL FOREST LAND51 FIGURE 1.5: ANNUAL RAINFALL, 1900 TO 2008, FOR PARAMARIBO FIGURE 2.9: GOLD MINING ACTIVITIES THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY 53 FIGURE 1.6: AVERAGE MONTHLY TEMPERATURE FOR THREE (COASTAL) FIGURE 2.10: 2008 EMISSIONS BY LAND-USE TYPE (IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS) 54 LOCATIONS27 FIGURE 2.11: 2008 SINK SOURCES IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS54 FIGURE 1.7: FIGURE 2.12: CH4 EMISSIONS BY SOURCE55 (PARAMARIBO)27 FIGURE 2.13: TOP TEN EMITTERS FOR 2008 56 FIGURE 1.8: LAND-USE PERCENTAGES OF SURINAME’S TOTAL LAND AREA 28 FIGURE 2.14: FUTURE EMISSIONS DEVELOPMENT, 2008-2025, ENERGY SECTOR 57 FIGURE 1.9: ECOSYSTEMS OF SURINAME 29 FIGURE 2.15: CH4 EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURE, 2002-2009 61 FIGURE 1.10: PROTECTED AREAS OF SURINAME 32 FIGURE 2.16: FORECAST OF CH4 EMISSIONS FROM RICE CULTIVATION 61 FIGURE 1.11: SURINAME’S ETHNIC DIVERSITY 32 FIGURE 2.17: FORECAST OF N2O EMISSIONS61 FIGURE 1.12: POPULATION DISTRIBUTION AND DENSITY PER FIGURE 3.1: LOCATION OF METEOROLOGICAL STATIONS 65 ADMINISTRATIVE RESORT33 FIGURE 3.2: HYDROLOGY OF SURINAME 69 FIGURE 1.13: POPULATION OF SURINAME BETWEEN 1981 AND 2010 FIGURE 3.3: RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN RATES OF SALT INTRUSION AND FIGURE 1.14: POPULATION CHARACTERISTICS: GENDER AND AGE 26 MEAN ANNUAL TEMPERATURE AT CULTUURTUIN STATION 33 INCREASED MEAN WATER LEVEL71 DISTRIBUTION33 FIGURE 3.4: LABOURERS INVOLVED IN AGRICULTURE (2009-2010) FIGURE 1.15: AGE DISTRIBUTION34 FIGURE 3.5: EXPORT VALUES (MIL. SRD) AND % OF SOME AGRICULTURAL FIGURE 1.16: GDP AND GDP GROWTH RATE BETWEEN 1990 AND 2010 35 PRODUCTS (2004-2009)72 FIGURE 1.17: NATIONAL INCOME PER CAPITA 35 FIGURE 3.6: OUTLINE OF SURINAME’S MAJOR PHYSIOGRAPHIC REGIONS 74 FIGURE 1.18: RELATIVE CONTRIBUTIONS OF DIFFERENT SECTORS TO GDP, FIGURE 3.7: RELATIVE SHARE OF FORMAL GDP OF EACH SUBSECTOR 80 1990-201036 FIGURE 3.8: AVERAGE HOUSEHOLD MONTHLY CONSUMPTION 80 FIGURE 2.1: OVERVIEW OF INHABITED AREAS, COASTAL REGION 44 FIGURE 3.9: LAND-USE IN SURINAME80 FIGURE 2.2: 2008 EMISSIONS BALANCE.(SINKS INCLUDED) 45 FIGURE 3.10: FIGURE 2.3: OVERVIEW 2008 EMISSIONS DISTRIBUTION (IN CO2 EQUIVALENTS; SINKS NOT EMBEDDED)45 X 72 NUMBER OF REGISTERED MOTOR VEHICLES ON PUBLIC ROADS, 2004-200981 FIGURE 3.11: TOTAL POPULATION PREDICTIONS FOR 2004, 2014 AND 2024 82 List of Figures, Tables and Boxes FIGURE 3.12: FUTURE POPULATION PREDICTIONS BY AGE FOR 2004, FIGURE 4.16: 2014 AND 202482 FIGURE 3.13: POPULATION GROWTH BY AREA FOR 2014, 2019 AND 2014 82 FIGURE 3.14: PEAK ELECTRICITY LOAD IN SURINAME 83 FIGURE 3.15: LEADING CAUSES OF DEATH AS A PERCENTAGE OF ALL DEATHS COMPILED MITIGATION SCENARIOS VS. COMPILED BASELINE SCENARIOS123 LIST OF TABLES IN SURINAME, 2000-2008.85 TABLE 1.1: PROTECTED AREAS OF SURINAME FIGURE 3.16: ENDEMIC AREAS OF MALARIA IN SURINAME TABLE 1.2: AVERAGE SOCIO-ECONOMIC INDICATORS FOR SURINAME, FIGURE 3.17: GRAPH SHOWING THE COURSE OF DENGUE IN SURINAME 86 31 2003-200837 FROM 1978-2009.86 TABLE 1.3: FIGURE 3.18: OF UNFCCC REQUIREMENTS IN SURINAME40 DENGUE OCCURRENCES AT TWENTY-NINE MEDICAL STAKEHOLDERS PARTICIPATING IN THE IMPLEMENTATION CENTRES IN 200687 TABLE 2.1: 2008 OVERVIEW OF CO2 SINKS44 FIGURE 4.1: GHG EMISSIONS BY ECONOMIC SECTOR 103 TABLE 2.2: 2008 GHG CONTRIBUTIONS FROM ENERGY SUBSECTORS FIGURE 4.2: POPULATION GROWTH 1995-2028 104 IN Gg CO2 EQUIVALENTS.46 FIGURE 4.3: REAL GDP DEVELOPMENT (%) 2005-2025 104 TABLE 2.3: 2008 CH4 EMISSIONS54 FIGURE 4.4: GDP GROWTH BY SECTOR 2005-2010 105 TABLE 2.4: 2008 N2O EMISSIONS BY SOURCE.55 FIGURE 4.5: CURRENT ACCOUNT BALANCE (USD M) 2005-2009 105 TABLE 2.5: 2008 TOP EMITTERS55 2008 APPARENT CONSUMPTION AND ACTUAL CO2 EMISSIONS FIGURE 4.6: EMPLOYMENT FORECAST106 TABLE 2.6: FIGURE 4.7: BASELINE FORECAST, ENERGY SECTOR (REFERENCE APPROACH).56 FIGURE 4.8: CO2 EQ REDUCTION FROM MITIGATION OPTIONS IN THE TABLE 2.7: 2008 EMISSIONS FROM INTERNATIONAL BUNKERS IN Gg. 57 ELECTRICITY GENERATION SUBSECTOR113 TABLE 2.8: GHG GASES FROM ENERGY SECTOR, 2005-2008 58 FIGURE 4.9: TABLE 2.9: EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURE SECTOR, 1994 AND 2002-2008 59 ELECTRICITY GENERATION114 TABLE 2.10: CH4 EMISSIONS FROM ENTERIC FERMENTATION (Gg) 60 FIGURE 4.10: TABLE 2.11: CH4 EMISSIONS (IN Gg) FROM MANURE MANAGEMENT, 111 BASELINE SCENARIO VS. MITIGATION SCENARIO FOR BASELINE SCENARIO VS. MITIGATION SCENARIO, MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES & CONSTRUCTION114 1994 AND 2002-2008.60 FIGURE 4.11: BASELINE SCENARIO VS. MITIGATION SCENARIO, TRANSPORT 116 TABLE 3.1: AVERAGE DISCHARGE CHARACTERISTICS OF SURINAME’S RIVERS 68 FIGURE 4.12: COMPILED BASELINE VS. MITIGATION SCENARIO ENERGY 116 TABLE 3.2: ECONOMIC PARTICIPATION DATA 77 FIGURE 4.13: BASELINE FORECAST VS. MITIGATION FOR AGRICULTURE 120 TABLE 3.3: BASELINE ECONOMIC DATA 79 FIGURE 4.14: BASELINE FORECAST VS. MITIGATION FOR FORESTRY 120 TABLE 3.4: SHARE OF FORMAL GDP AND FORMAL EMPLOYMENT FOR FIGURE 4.15: CO2EQ EMISSION PROJECTION FOR BASELINE AND EACH SUBSECTOR79 MITIGATION SCENARIO, NON-ENERGY SECTOR122 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 XI List of Figures, Tables and Boxes TABLE 3.5: LIST OF BOXES OVERVIEW OF THE CONTRIBUTION OF TRAVEL AND TOURISM IN SURINAME84 TABLE 3.6: COMPREHENSIVE OVERVIEW OF VULNERABLE SECTORS, EXPECTED IMPACTS, AND PROPOSED ADAPTATION OPTIONS TABLE 4.1: TOP TEN EMITTERS 2008 IN Gg CO2EQ106 BOX 5.1 DESCRIPTION OF REDD+132 96 TABLE 4.2: SCREENING CRITERIA107 TABLE 4.3: SCREENING OF MITIGATION OPTIONS FOR ENERGY SUPPLY, TRANSPORT AND INDUSTRYSECTOR107 TABLE 4.4: SCREENING OF MITIGATION OPTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY SECTORS108 TABLE 4.5: CO2 EMISSION FROM ALL FUELS FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR (REFERENCE APPROACH)110 TABLE 4.6: ENERGY SECTOR ACCORDING TO 2006 IPCC GUIDELINES (SECTORAL APPROACH)110 TABLE 4.7: EXPECTED HYDROPOWER PROJECTS 112 TABLE 4.8: EXPECTED BIOMASS PROJECTS 113 TABLE 4.9: OTHER POSSIBLE RENEWABLE ENERGY PROJECTS 113 TABLE 4.10: POSSIBLE TRANSPORT PROJECTS115 TABLE 4.11: EXPECTED POPULATION GROWTH AND EXPECTED URBAN EXPANSION117 TABLE 4.12: POTENTIAL AREAS FOR MANGROVE AFFORESTATION TABLE 4.13: CONTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT SECTORS TO OVERALL REDUCTION 122 TABLE 4.14: SUMMARY OF GHG EMISSIONS 123 TABLE 4.15 BARRIERS FOR ENERGY SECTOR 123 TABLE 4.16 BARRIERS FOR AGRICULTURE SECTOR 124 TABLE 4.17 BARRIERS FOR FORESTRY SECTOR 124 TABLE 6.1: CATEGORISATION OF COMMON NEEDS 142 TABLE 6.2: OVERVIEW OF MAIN CLIMATE-CHANGE-RELATED ACTIVITIES 145 TABLE 6.3: TECHNOLOGY NEEDS ACCORDING TO THEME 149 TABLE 6.4: LIST OF INTERVIEWED ORGANISATIONS AND PERSONS 151 XII 122 BOX 5.2 THE GLOBE PROGRAM136 Resource Persons Editors James A. Surges Priscilla Setrowidjojo-Karijodrono Cheryll-Ann Mans Nancy del Prado Project Team Final Editor Nancy del Prado Project Manager Priscilla Setrowidjojo-Karijodrono Project Counterpart Directorate for Environment Cheryll-Ann Mans Project Assistant Second National Communication Project Chapter National Circumstances Rutger de Wolf (Environmental Services and Support) Chapter Greenhouse Gas Inventory Cornelis BeckerTeam Leader Ria JharapEnergy Sector Jimmy NarainEnergy Sector Maureen Playfair Land Use and Forestry Karin SpongIndustry and Waste Lydia OriAgriculture Sector Chapter Mitigation Measures Sheila Bhairo-MarhéTeam Leader Jimmy NarainEnergy Sector Robert Tjien FoohAgriculture Sector Ivan ApapoeEconomy Chapter Other Information Ria Jharap Chapter Gaps and Constraints Gwendolyn Emanuels-Smith Helyanthe Mac-Donald Chapter Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation Dr Siewnath Naipal Team Leader Moekiran Amatali Water Resources Robert Tjien FoohAgriculture Dirk Noordam Ecology and Geomorphology Ravic Nijbroek Socio-Economy Sebastian MeaneySocio-Economy Health and Co-editor of the VA Chapter Christiaan Max Huisden Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 XIII Abbreviations and Acronyms ABS General Bureau for Statistics (Stichting Algemeen Bureau voor de Statistiek) AdeKUS Anton de Kom University of Suriname CDAP Capacity Development Action Plan CDM Clean Development Mechanism CELOS Centre for Agricultural Research in Suriname (Centrum voor Agrarisch Onderzoek in Suriname) CFC Chlorofluorocarbon CHM Clearing-House Mechanism CI Suriname Conservation International Suriname (NGO) CIS Coastal Information System CMIS Caribbean Modelling Initiative COP Conference of Parties CPACC Caribbean Planning for Adaptation to Climate Change BOG Bureau of Public Health Service (Bureau Openbare Gezondheidszorg) CSNR Central Suriname Nature Reserve CZM Coastal Zone Management BUZA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken) DC District Commissioner (District Commissaris) CAREC Caribbean Epidemiology Centre DM Dry Matter CARICOM Caribbean Community DNA Designated National Authority CARIFORUM The Caribbean Forum of African, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) States E(S)IA Environmental (& Social) Impact Assessment CCAC Climate-Change Advisory Committee EBS Energy Company Suriname (NV Energiebedrijven Suriname) CCCCC Caribbean Community Climate-Change Centre ENSO El Niño-Southern Oscillation CCD Convention to Combat Desertification EWS Early Warning System CCDA Climate Compatible Development Agency FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation CD4CDM Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism FDI Foreign Direct Investment ADRON Anne van Dijk Rice Institute Nickerie (Anne van Dijk Rijstonderzoekcentrum Nickerie) AFOLU Agriculture Forestry and Other Land Use ALCOA Aluminium Company of America AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States ATM Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (Ministerie van Arbeid, Technologische Ontwikkeling en Milieu) BCEF Biomass Conversion Factor and Expansion Factor XIV Abbreviations and Acronyms FFF Foods Fats and Fertilizers IGRS FNC Initial National Communication to the UNFCCC IMAC Inter-Ministerial Advice Commission (Interministriele Adviescommissie) GB Government Gazette (Before independence in 1975) (Gouvernementsblad) Institute for Graduate Research and Studies IPCC Inter-Governmental Panel on Climate Change GCCA Global Climate-Change Alliance IPPU Industrial Processes and Product Use GDP Gross Domestic Product ITCZ Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone GEF Global Environment Facility Gg Gigagram KNMI Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Koningklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut) GHG Greenhouse Gas LBA Large-Scale Biosphere Atmosphere GIS Geographical Information System LBB National Forest Service (Dienst Land’s Bos Beheer) GLIS Land Registration and Information System (Grondregistratie en Land Informatie Systeem) LDC Least Developed Country LEAP Long Range Energy Alternatives Planning System GLOBE Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment LULUCF Land Use, Land-Use Change, and Forestry GoS Government of Suriname GPS Global Positioning System LVV Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (Ministerie van Landbouw, Veeteelt en Visserij) GWh Giga watt Hour MA Mitigation Assessment Ha Hectare HFLD High Forest Cover, Low Deforestation HVGO Heavy Vacuum Gas Oil HWP Harvested Wood Products IADB Inter-American Development Bank ICZM Integrated Coastal Zone Management MAS Maritime Authority in Suriname (Maritieme Autoriteit van Suriname) MCA Multi-Criteria Analysis MDG Millennium Development Goal MDS Meteorological Service (Meteorologische Dienst van Suriname) MSL Mean Sea Level MUMA Multiple-Use Management Area Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 XV MW Megawatt MZ Medical Mission for the Interior of Suriname (Medische Zending Suriname) NCAP I / NCAP II Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme, Phase I and II NCCAP National Climate-Change Action Plan NCCR National Coordination Centre for Emergency (Nationaal Coördinatie Centrum voor Rampenbeheersing) NCCSAP Netherlands Climate-Change Studies Assistance Program NCSA National Capacity Self-Assessment NH Ministry of Natural Resources (Ministerie van Natuurlijke hulpbronnen) NIMOS National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (Nationaal Instituut voor Milieu en Ontwikkeling in Suriname) PRECIS Providing Regional Climates for Impact Studies (Regional climate modelling system) REDD+ Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation RGD Regional Health Service (Regionale Gezondheidsdienst) RIL Reduced Impact Logging RO Ministry of Regional Development (Ministerie van Regionale Ontwikkeling) RGB Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management (Ministerie van Ruimtelijke Ordening, Grond- en Bosbeheer) RPP Readiness Preparation Proposal SAP Structural Adjustment Programme (Structureel Aanpassingsprogramma) SB Government Gazette (After independence in 1975) (Staatsblad) SBB Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control NKAP National Climate Action Plan (Nationaal Klimaat Actie Plan) (Stichting voor Bosbeheer en Bostoezicht) NMR National Council for the Environment (Nationale Milieu Raad) SCF Suriname Conservation Foundation OAS Organisation of American States SER State of the Environment Report OP National Development Plan (Nationaal Ontwikkelingsplan) SLR Sea-Level Rise OW Ministry of Public Works (Ministerie van Openbare Werken) SMME Small, Medium or Micro Enterprise PAHO Pan-American Health Organisation SMNR Sustainable Management of Natural Resources PINs Project Idea Notes SNC Second National Communication to the UNFCCC PLOS Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation (Ministerie van Planning en Ontwikkelingssamenwerking) SPS National Planning Office (Stichting Planbureau Suriname) SRD Surinamese Dollar XVI Abbreviations and Acronyms SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios SURALCO Suriname Aluminium Company SWD Solid Waste Disposal SWM Suriname Water Company (Surinaamsche Waterleiding Maatschappij) TOE Ton Oil Equivalent UNCBD United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity UNCCD United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change URC UNEP RISOE Centre VA Vulnerability Assessment VLIR-OI Vlaamse Interuniversitaire Raad- Own Initiative WTO World Trade Organisation Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 XVII Glossary Abatement The reduction of sources of GHG emissions. Afforestation Planting of new forest on lands that historically have not contained forest. Baseline Baseline (or reference) is any datum against which change is measured. In this report it represents a “future baseline” which is a projected future set of conditions excluding the driving factor of interest Biofuel A fuel produced from dry organic matter or combustible oils produced by plants. Biomass The total mass of living organisms in a given area or volume; recently dead plant material is often included as dead biomass. The quantity of biomass is expressed in either terms of dry weight or of energy, carbon or nitrogen content. Bunker fuel Any type of fuel used aboard ships. CO2 Equivalent The concentration of carbon dioxide that would cause the same amount of radiative forcing as a given mixture of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases. Carbon flux The rate of flow of a carbon per unit area, which has the dimensions [quantity]/([time]•[area]. Carbon sink A natural or artificial reservoir that accumulates and stores some carboncontaining chemical compound for an indefinite period. The process by which carbon sinks remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere is known as carbon sequestration. XVIII Climate variability Refers to variations in the mean state and other statistics (such as standard deviations, the occurrence of extremes, etc.) of the climate on all spatial and temporal scales beyond that of individual weather events. Variability may be due to natural internal processes within the climate system (internal variability), or to variations in natural or anthropogenic external forcing (external variability). Emissions The release of GHGs and/or their precursors into the atmosphere over a specified area and period of time. Energy efficiency Ratio of energy output of a conversion process or of a system to its energy inputs. Global-warming potential An index, based upon radiative properties of well-mixed greenhouse gases, measuring the radiative forcing of a unit mass of a given well-mixed greenhouse gas in today’s atmosphere integrated over a chosen time horizon, relative to that of carbon dioxide. The GWP represents the combined effect of the differing times these gases remain in the atmosphere and their relative effectiveness in absorbing outgoing thermal infrared radiation. The Kyoto Protocol is based on GWPs from pulse emissions over a 100-year time frame. Greenhouse gases Gaseous constituents of the atmosphere, both natural and anthropogenic, that absorb and emit radiation at specific wavelengths within the spectrum of infrared radiation emitted by the Earth’s surface, the atmosphere and clouds. This property causes the greenhouse effect. Water vapour (H2O), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), methane (CH4) and ozone (O3) are the primary greenhouse gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Hydro energy Hydropower) The production of electrical power through the use of the gravitational force of falling or flowing water. It is the most widely used form of renewable energy. Glossary Kyoto Protocol Leakage Mitigation Mitigation assessment The Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) was adopted at the Third Session of the Conference of the Parties to the UNFCCC in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan. It contains legally binding commitments, in addition to those included in the UNFCCC. Countries included in Annex B of the Protocol (most countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, and countries with economies in transition) agreed to reduce their anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, and sulphur hexafluoride) by at least 5% below 1990 levels in the commitment period 2008 to 2012. The part of emissions reductions in Annex B countries that may be offset by an increase of the emission in the non-constrained countries above their baseline levels. This can occur through (i) relocation of energy-intensive production in non-constrained regions; (ii) increased consumption of fossil fuels in these regions through decline in the international price of oil and gas triggered by lower demand for these energies; and (iii) changes in incomes (thus in energy demand) because of better terms of trade. Leakage also refers to a situation in which a carbon sequestration activity (e.g., tree planting) on one piece of land inadvertently, directly or indirectly, triggers an activity, which in whole or part, counteracts the carbon effects of the initial activity. Anthropogenic intervention to reduce the sources or enhance the sinks of greenhouse gases. Peat Solid fuel formed from the partial decomposition of dead vegetation under conditions of high humidity and limited air access (initial stage of coalification). Reforestation Planting of forests on lands that have previously contained forests but that have been converted to some other use. Renewable energy Energy sources sustainable within a short time-frame relative to the Earth’s natural cycles. These include non-carbon technologies such as solar energy, hydropower and wind, as well as carbon-neutral technologies such as biomass. Sequestration The process of increasing the carbon content of a carbon reservoir other than the atmosphere. Biological approaches to sequestration include direct removal of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere through land-use change, afforestation, reforestation, and practices that enhance soil carbon in agriculture. Physical approaches include separation and disposal of carbon dioxide from flue gases or from processing fossil fuels to produce hydrogen-rich and carbon dioxiderich fractions, as well as long-term underground storage in depleted oil and gas reservoirs, coal seams, and saline aquifers. Shifting cultivation Agricultural system in which plots of land are cultivated temporarily, then abandoned. This often involves the clearing of a piece of land, followed by several years of wood harvesting or farming until the soil loses fertility. Now inadequate for crop production, the land is reclaimed by natural vegetation. Sink Any process, activity or measure that removes a greenhouse gas, an aerosol, or a precursor of a greenhouse gas or aerosol from the atmosphere. Trend Tendency of certain elemental characteristics of a system to increase or decrease as one progresses along. A national-level analysis of the various technologies and practices that have the capacity to mitigate climate change. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 XIX Executive Summary National Circumstances National GHG Emissions 2008 Suriname is located on the north-eastern coast of South America, between 2° and 6° north latitude and 54° and 58° west longitude. It is bordered to the east by French Guiana, to the south by Brazil, to the west by Guyana and to the north by the Atlantic Ocean. In 2003, Suriname had about 481,000 inhabitants. Population growth is approximately 1% per year. The total area of Suriname is about 165,000 km2. As part of Suriname’s Second National Communication (SNC) to the UNFCCC, a national GHG Inventory with base year 2008 was completed, using IPCC2006 software. This inventory was conducted for the following sectors: Energy; Industry (IPPU); Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Use (AFOLU), as well as Waste. Emission data from international bunkers and marine bunkers were also included. The same 100-year time horizon as that used for the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change’s Fourth Assessment Report on Global Warming Potential (IPCC AR4 GWP) was used for the calculation of CO2 equivalents for Suriname. The climate in Suriname is of a semi-humid type, influenced by the up and down movement of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). Hence, two rainy and two dry seasons are observed annually over the largest part of the country, with a mean annual air temperature of about 27oC, ranging from 26oC in January to 31oC in October. Suriname is home to many unique ecosystems. In the coastal plain complex, mangrove forests are found, and these are important breeding, feeding and nursery grounds for fish, marine invertebrates, sea turtles and enormous numbers of migratory birds. This coastal region is considered to be the principal South American wintering ground for shore birds from boreal and arctic regions. High biological diversity has been inventoried in the tropical rainforests of Suriname. Forest covers about 91% or 15 million ha of the total land area of the country, of which about 2 million ha or 13% has the status of Protected Area (four Multiple-use Management Areas, one nature park and eleven Nature Reserves). Forests comprise one of Suriname’s most important natural resources. Other important natural resources are bauxite, kaolin and hydrocarbons. The main source of CO2 production is the combustion of fossil fuel (49%), followed by Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry (LULUCF) (31%) and Agriculture (19%). The growth of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions sharply decreased in 1999 due to the closure of the country’s aluminium smelter, but emissions have been showing growth again over the past few years. 20 Carbon dioxide accounts for the greatest percentage of emitted GHGs in Suriname. Total GHG emissions for the inventory year 2008 were 5,677.94 CO2equivalents (CO2eq). With 3,788.15 gigagrams of carbon dioxide (Gg CO2), the energy sector is the largest GHG source, contributing over 66% of total GHG emissions. Though the main source of methane emissions is the agriculture sector at 653.80 CO2eq, the entire AFOLU sector nevertheless acts as a sink, with an absorption of -8,243.05 Gg CO2eq. This makes Suriname a net sink for CO2 (-2,570.91 GgCO2 or -1,883.09 Gg CO2eq). Methane emissions from waste are negligible. The majority of methane emissions from the agriculture sector are attributed to rice cultivation and enteric fermentation. Nitrous oxide emissions equal about 0.03Gg (7.48 Gg CO2eq). Most of these emissions come from the AFOLU sector. The Surinamese forest absorbs a significant amount of carbon dioxide, about -1,007 Gg CO2 annually. The regrowth of vegetation on former croplands also provides a sink of about -7,236 Gg CO2. Vulnerability Assessment The vulnerability assessment was conducted with attention primarily to the impacts of climate change on water resources, agriculture, ecology & geomorphology, socioeconomic factors and health. Critical issues have been emphasised in each section of the vulnerability assessment. Water resources in Suriname may experience stress as a result of climate change, since the combined effects evapo-transpiration and prolonged Executive Summary dry periods will exert additional pressure on existing water resources in the country. ministries, provided direction and policy contexts for the mitigation assessment. Water resources in Suriname are mainly used for agriculture (especially for rice cultivation), energy generation (hydropower) and consumption (potable water). Emphasis is placed on urban areas, which are susceptible to flooding as a result of the cumulative impacts of abundant rainfall, poor drainage, and rising sea and river water levels. Additional attention is paid to excessive rainfall in the interior, which caused severe flooding in 2006 and 2008. Emphasis in the agricultural sector is placed on food security and food safety. The coastal and geomorphology section of the vulnerability assessment focuses on coastline changes relative to sea-level rise and climate change. The assessment was conducted on the basis of ad-hoc studies, experience gained in this area, and the expert judgment of consultants. Emphasis in the human health section is placed on monitoring occurrences of dengue and malaria. Finally, the focus of the socio-economic analysis is primarily placed on existing vulnerabilities among certain groups in society, such as women in the country’s interior and farming communities. A low-emission development strategy for Suriname must be driven by the fact that a great part of the population and their economic activities exist at or below sea level. This creates extreme vulnerability in the event of a natural disaster. The high economic value of the nation’s forests is at risk due to deforestation rates, mostly the result of gold mining and infrastructural and agricultural development. A response to the threat of climate change must correspond to the country’s specific needs and resources. The climate-change scenario used for the vulnerability assessment in Suriname can be briefly described as follows: - temperature rise between 2-3 degrees Celsius; - rainfall decrease of 10%; - increase of weather extremes, including wind; and - a sea-level rise of 1m. All projections are made for the year 2100. The projected baseline value for GHG emissions—in which no mitigation activities take place—shows an increase of 94% by 2025 relative to the year 2008, with per capita emissions increasing by 38% for the same period. If executed as described in this report, without hampering national development, mitigation activities will lead to a reduction of GHG emissions of 38% from this baseline value by 2025 and a decrease of 13% in per capita emissions for the same period. Yet certain barriers must be overcome, such as a lack of financing, technological capacity, training and public awareness. Mitigation Assessment Other Information The GHG mitigation assessment for this Communication provides an analysis of various technologies and practices that have the capacity to reduce GHG emissions in the sectors of energy, transport, forestry and agriculture. One of the aims of this SNC is to provide any other information that Suriname, as a non-Annex I Party, considers relevant to the achievement of the objectives of the Convention. Suriname’s development policy uses an integrated approach towards economic, social and environmental sustainability, but it still lacks an integrated climate-change policy. The country aims to combat the effects of climate change The mitigation assessment provides projections of GHG emissions for energy and non-energy sectors for the period 2008 to 2025 and uses historical data in order to establish the bases for projections. National studies and policy plans on energy, forest management and agriculture, together with information from key persons within The majority of the country’s energy needs are met by hydropower and the remainder by diesel generators. The energy sector is the main source of GHG emissions (59%). Mitigation strategies therefore consider options such as renewable energy and clean transportation, and to a lesser extent options in forestry and agriculture. Lack of data prevented the elaboration of mitigation activities through a REDD+ scheme, but this is definitely an option to be considered. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 21 Executive Summary through its Development Plan (OP 2012-2016), in which a clear need for adaptation measures on the low-lying coast is articulated, as well as a need for a cross-sectorial Climate-Compatible Development Strategy. Technology transfer plays a significant role in several adaptation and mitigation activities and programmes, including mangrove forest restoration, building climateresilient infrastructure and the use of high-tech solutions for data management and early warning systems. Mitigation technology centres primarily on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and emerging low-carbon and energy-generating techniques. Suriname places a strong emphasis on capacity building and aims to be actively engaged in climate-change issues. The country’s intention is to generate competence, improve the effectiveness of institutions that work within the context of climate change and promote an enabling environment for dealing with the issue. Therefore, capacity building is embedded in most activities and projects related to climate change. Recent and future climate changes in Suriname have been and continue to be explored using a combination of observations and climate-model projections. Most of these are conducted by the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS), in collaboration with other universities in the Caribbean region. Because of the country’s high vulnerability to the effects of climate change, the government of Suriname has carried out several studies that establish measures to mitigate and facilitate adequate adaptation. Various institutions have been involved in conducting and implementing these studies. Over the past few years, many key governmental and non-governmental stakeholders have acknowledged the fact that education and awareness campaigns are of the utmost importance for addressing climate-change issues. Gaps and Constraints Suriname’s First National Communication (FNC) of 2005 as well as the UNFCCC National Capacity Self-Assessment on the issue of climate change (2008) identified several gaps in meeting the convention’s requirements. A number of these gaps and constraints remain. 22 A recent step taken by the government is the prioritisation of climate-change, through the establishment of a taskforce within the Office of the President. Suriname’s previous and current Development Plans clearly state that, due to the country’s vulnerability, the focus is more on adaptation. Thanks to expertise gained in the FNC process, local experts working on the SNC have been better able to assume tasks and delegate subtasks. Such capacity building on the individual level needs to be accelerated and merged with institutional capacity building and an upgrading of the legal framework. Suriname’s human, technical and financial resources are scarce when compared to the immensity and complexity of the many aspects involved in dealing with climate change. Currently, the country’s basic needs in terms of the issue of climate change are those of: - substantially increasing the pool of climate-change experts and institutionalising processes of assessment, mitigation and adaptation to climate change; - creating data and information networks and initiating continuous dialogue among the public, NGOs and the private sector; - building capacities in project-development, monitoring and evaluation skills for climatechange projects, in order to capitalise effectively on available funding; - increasing awareness in and among the most vulnerable groups in the coastal zone and the interior; - researching the most feasible adaptation scenarios, especially considerin Suriname’s unique challenges with regard to land-tenure and illegal activities on private- and government-owned property; - finding financing for the construction of protection mechanisms and other technologies needed for adaptation to climate change; and - updating and adopting new legislation and resources for effectively monitoring compliance to laws and regulations. Various projects initiated and completed since Suriname’s FNC have clearly established the need for a climate-change agenda. It is too early to determine the sustainable impacts of climate-change interventions, projects and programmes. This SNC makes clear a need for improving interdisciplinary alignment, increasing the number of experts and institutionalising data collection and research related to climate change. 1. National Circumstances Port at the Suriname river | Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 23 11National NationalCircumstances circumstances 1.1 GEOGRAPHICAL SETTING 1.2 GEOLOGY AND GEOGRAPHY1 The Republic of Suriname is located on the north-eastern coast of the South American continent between 2° and 6° north latitude and 54° and 58° west longitude (see Figure 1.1). A 370 km-long coastline on the Atlantic Ocean forms the northern border. Suriname is bordered by the Republic of Guyana to the west, the Federative Republic of Brazil to the south, and French Guiana to the east. These eastern and western borders are formed by the Marowijne and Corantijn rivers respectively, and the southern border is formed by the watershed between the Amazonian basin and the basins of Suriname’s rivers. The land area of Suriname is about 165,000 km2. Geologically, over 80% of Suriname consists of the Precambrian Guiana Shield, the deeply weathered, rainforest-covered hill and mountain lands that stretch east and south to the Amazon River in Brazil and west to the Orinoco River in Venezuela. Eroded material from the Guiana Shield was deposited in the subsiding areas to the north. The oldest outcropping sediments in this coastal area were deposited during three distinct periods, resulting in three different formations: - The Zanderij Formation, consisting of medium to coarse sands to sandy clays, which have been deposited by braided rivers at the foot of the Guiana Shield in the form of alluvial fans; - The Coropina Formation, consisting of fine sandy to clayey marine sediments, which have been deposited north of (and on top of ) the sediments of the Zanderij Formation. The marine clays were deposited as extensive clay flats and the marine sands as ridges, which were later severely eroded. The remaining surface deposits of this formation are found as “islands” surrounded by the sediments of the Mara Formation; and - The Mara and Coronie Formations. The Mara Formation consists of marine clays and peat that were deposited in the eroded areas between the remnants of the Coropina Formation, and in gullies that had been cut into the former Old Coastal Plain. The Coronie Formation on the coastal plain is predominantly of marine origin, but along the main rivers, sediments have been deposited in fluviatile and estuarine environments. The deposits consist of mudflats of marine clays and ridges of sands and shells. The finer sediments (clay, silt and fine sand) originate from the Amazon basin, while coarser sands come from the hinterland2. Dominican Republic Puerto Rico Trinidad & Tabago French The above formations divide Suriname into five main geographic regions which can be identified from north to south as follows (see Figure 1.2): - the Near-coastal zone and the Coastline, formed by extensive mud flats and sandy shell beaches; -the Young Coastal Plain, ranging in breadth from about 20 km in the east to about 100 km in the west, with height variations of 0-4 m above mean sea level (MSL); Figure 1.1: Geographical setting of Suriname. 24 1 2 This section is largely based on Noordam, 2011. In Suriname, the term “hinterland” refers to the large, lowly-populated, mostly forested area of the country south of the coastal zone. 1 National Circumstances -the Old Coastal Plain, formed on remnants of ridges, gullies and mud flats, with height variations of 4-10 m above MSL; -the Cover Landscape (also known as the Savannah Belt), consisting of coarse bleached white sand and yellowish brown sands to clay loams, ranging from 10100 m above MSL; and -the Interior Uplands, which form the Guiana highland region, with highly weathered Precambrian formations and heights of more than 100 m above MSL. Elevation <0m 0 -1m 1 - 4m 4 - 10m 10 - 50m 50 - 100m 100 - 250m 250 - 500m 500 - 750m 750 - 1000m > 1000m Young Coastal Plain Old Coastal Plain Cover Landscape Interior 0 5 100 200km Figure 1.3: Topographical map of Suriname. Figure 1.2: Geographic regions of Suriname. The highest mountain of Suriname has an elevation of about 1,200 meters. The remainder of the country consists of a monotonous landscape type, with heights of 50-500 meters above MSL. The coastal zone is a low-lying flat area with many swamps, some of which contain open waters. All local rivers flow in a general south-to-north direction, ultimately discharging their water into the sea (see Figure 1.3). The coast of Suriname is part of a coastal system that extends from the mouth of the Amazon River in Brazil to the mouth of the Orinoco River in Venezuela. It is a muddy coastline, where mud—including fine sands—from the Amazon Basin is deposited. The coast is subjected to active geomorphological development, determined by a system of cyclic accretion and erosion. Both are linked to the presence of shoreface-attached mudflats and mud banks3, which migrate continuously to the west. Essentially, this migration is the result of deposition of fluid mud on the west side and the simultaneous erosion of the east side. The mudflats are separated by intermediate troughs. Generally speaking, accretion occurs at locations sheltered by the mud banks, whereas coastal retreat occurs between mud banks, when the coast is unprotected from waves. Along the coast, there are large differences in accretion/erosion rates, with considerable accretion, for instance, along the Saramacca coast since 1947 (at least) and on-going retreat around Coronie and North of Paramaribo. 3 Mud banks have been defined as the sub-tidal extension of intertidal mudflats. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 25 All four major rivers and their near-coastal subsidiaries have estuarine characteristics. Large volumes of tidal water and strong tidal currents give these river estuaries more or less funnel shapes and wide mouths. They are characterised by a mix of fresh and muddy saline water and by relatively large tidal variations. In the river estuaries, considerable quantities of marine mud are moved upriver with the intruding tide. Sedimentation of this mud occurs on the riverbed and as flats on the insides of river bends. The opposite outer bends may be eroded by the undercutting of the riverbank. Young Coastal Plain Old Coastal Plain Cover Landscape Interior Very locally, small sand beaches are found along estuaries, especially of the Marowijne and the Suriname Rivers. The large amount of sand supplied by a large “moving” beach from east Suriname has recently formed, and is still forming, a recurved spit that bends from the east into the Suriname River near Braamspunt. 1.3CLIMATE4 1.3.1PRECIPITATION Suriname has a tropical climate with abundant rainfall (see Figure 1.4), uniform temperature, and high humidity. Precipitation amounts vary across the country. On average, Paramaribo receives 2,210 mm of rainfall annually; Coronie and Nieuw Nickerie (north-western coast) receive 1,561 mm/year and 1,808 mm/year respectively; Kwamalasamutu (south Suriname) 2,109 mm/year and Stoelmanseiland (central east Suriname) 2,445 mm/year (see Figures 1.4 and 1.5). Variation in monthly rainfall results in two wet and two dry seasons for the northern part of Suriname. In the south, only one wet and one dry season are distinguished (see Figure 1.6). Figure 1.4: Average annual rainfall in Suriname – differences across the country 4000 3000 2000 1000 4 This section is largely based on Amatali, 2011. 26 Figure 1.5: Annual rainfall, 1900 to 2008, for Paramaribo A moving average is added (10 years; orange line). 2005 1995 1970 1975 1980 1960 1950 1940 1930 1920 1910 1900 0 1 National Circumstances 1.3.2 AIR TEMPERATURE The average daily temperature in the coastal region is 27.4º Celsius (C), with a daily variation of 5°C. The difference between day and night temperatures in the coastal region can differ by an average of 6-7°C. There is relatively little variation in temperature between the seasons. January is the coldest month (average 26.6ºC) and October is the warmest (average 28.5ºC) (see Figure 1.6). Annual variation of the average temperature is 2-3°C (see Figure 1.7). The interior has relatively similar figures, although variation of daily temperatures can be larger (10-12°C). 28.0 27.5 27.0 26.5 2005 2000 1995 1990 1985 1980 1975 1965 28.5 1970 26.0 29.0 Figure 1.7: Mean annual temperature at Cultuurtuin station (Paramaribo) 28.0 ˚C 28.5 Paramaribo 27.5 Nieuw Nickerie Zanderij 27.0 26.5 1.3.3WIND Winds in Suriname generally move in a north-easterly direction, with an average speed of 1.3 Beaufort. Maximum average wind speeds occur during the dry seasons, with up to 1.6 Beaufort in February and a second peak in September and October. Wind speeds are relatively high along the sea shore and decrease as one moves inland. Wind speeds of 3 to 4 Beaufort generally occur during the day and drop dramatically during the evening and night, especially in the interior. 26.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 1.6: Average monthly temperature for three (coastal) locations (Based on data covering at least twenty years.) Although Suriname lies outside of the hurricane belt, the country’s weather is occasionally affected by the tails of hurricanes. Local gales (called sibibusi in Surinamese) occur before storms, generally at the end of the rainy seasons. During such gales, maximum wind speeds of 20-30 meters per second have been recorded. Such gales occur over the entire country and may destroy trees and houses. No information is available on their frequency. 1.3.4 AIR HUMIDITY Daily air humidity is on average 80-90%in the coastal regions. It is lower in the central and southern regions of the country, with an average of 75%. In forested areas, air humidity depends, among other things, on the penetration of sun radiation. Variations of relative air humidity are between 70-100% in forested areas and between 50-100% in open areas. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 27 1.3.5 EL NIÑO The El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO), which occurs once every 2-7 years, also has an impact on the climate of Suriname. Studies indicate that El Niño events may cause rainfall below or above normal. In general during El Niño years, when there is excess rainfall on the west coast of South America, it is dryer in Suriname. 1.4 NATURAL RESOURCES The country is endowed with many natural resources, including soil, water, forests and mineral ores. The fertile soil of the young coastal plain, combined with the large freshwater swamps and rivers in the north are favourable for large-scale agriculture. However, the largest part of the country (almost 88% of total land area, see Figure 1.8) consists of tropical forest, and this is unused or only marginally used by local people for non-timber forest products. Only 8% of the total land area is cultivated, and the remaining 4% consists of other non-forested, natural areas (savannahs, swamps and wetlands). The cultivated area is used for forestry (3.7% of total land area); agriculture (3.2%) and settlements, mining, and the country’s single hydropower lake (1.3%). Given its low deforestation rate historically (between 0.03 and 0.04% per year), Suriname is identified as a High Forest Cover, Low Deforestation (HFLD). wetlands 1.2% grasslands (swamps) 2.0% unmanaged forest 87.7% savannahs 0.8% cultivated area 8,3% wood production forest 3.7% unmanaged agricultural land 1.0% agriculture - crops 0.6% pasture 0.1% Exploitation of crude oil, sand and shells takes place in the northern part of the young coastal zone. Although the interior of the country is mineral-rich, containing a number of important deposits of bauxite, beryl, copper, diamond, gold, platinum, iron ore, manganese, pegmatite and tin, exploitation of minerals is focused primarily on bauxite and gold. Historically, extraction of mineral ores occurred principally in the northern parts of the interior, but over the last decade, mining activities have been moving farther south. shifting cultivation - fallow 1,3 % shifting cultivation - planted 0,2% settlements 0,3% mining areas 0,2% hydropower lake 0,8% Figure 1.8 Land-use percentages of Suriname’s total land area (Based on: Playfair, 2011) 1.4.1 SOIL AND MINERALS The young coastal plain (consisting of marine clays, peat, and sands and shells) is the 28 most fertile zone of Suriname and has been used in the development of large-scale agricultural activities. The soils of the old coastal plain (generally composed of clay, sandy-clay or clayey-sand) offer good opportunities for agricultural development, especially horticulture. The cover landscape consists of non-bleached sands to clay loams and bleached coarse sand, which have high infiltration and percolation rates and are less fertile. Agricultural activities here are therefore limited to the cultivation of some small-scale dry crops. However, this area plays an important role in the maintenance of drinking water reserves because the greatest amount of rainfall percolates into the ground here, replenishing freshwater aquifers. These aquifers are the main source potable water in the coastal areas (mainly near the capital). The interior is more hilly and mountainous, mainly composed of weathered and eroded Precambrian rocks, generally with a moderately thick regolith layer. Agriculture in this area is mainly limited to shifting cultivation practices. Other human activities, such as selective logging and exploitation of other natural resources easily augment the degradation of these relatively poor soils. 1.4.2 WATER RESOURCES Suriname’s main freshwater source is its abundant annual rainfall. Together with the topography, soil types and land cover, this results in many streams and large wetlands. Seven main rivers originate in the interior of the country, annually conveying about 4,800 m3 of fresh water into the Atlantic Ocean—approximately 30% of the annual rainfall. The Marowijne and the Corantijn Rivers contribute 70% of the total discharge. Of the remaining rainfall, the largest part evaporates, and only a small part percolates to the aquifers, replenishing groundwater reserves. 1 National Circumstances The hilly to mountainous interior has a dense network of streams, while the lowlying coastal area has extensive swamps and fewer streams. Some of these swamps have salt or brackish water. Surface water resources (rivers, creeks and swamps) are mainly used for irrigation (e.g. for rice and banana cultivation) and for the generation of hydropower. Groundwater is mainly used for potable purposes. Excessive extraction in some areas results in increased intrusion of saltwater, however. wet areas. Similar forests (known as creek forests) are found along creeks and are enriched by a large number of species from the surrounding high dryland forest. 1.4.3ECOSYSTEMS5 The terrestrial ecosystems of Suriname can be characterised as follows (see Figure 1.9): - Ecosystems of brackish water are influenced by coastal changes and tidal action. This type of area (also known as an estuarine zone) consists of mangrove forests, locally interrupted by salty to brackish lagoons, low succulent salt-plant cover and brackish herbaceous swamps. Mangrove forests protect the coastline and riverbanks from erosion and stimulate accretion. They are breeding grounds for many species of marine fish and shrimp and contain a high degree of biodiversity. The estuarine zone of Suriname is a wetland of international importance, containing the feeding and nesting sites for Caribbean coastal birds and feeding grounds for migratory birds from North America6. Along the coastline, mainly in the eastern part of the country, are found sand and shell beaches. These beaches are nesting places of international importance for four species of sea turtles. - Slightly inland, freshwater swamps or freshwater wetlands dominate the young coastal plain and part of the old coastal plain. These wetlands play an important role in supplying freshwater to the estuarine zone, thus contributing to the maintenance of the brackish condition of these waters. The swampy areas are inundated throughout most of the year, allowing a eat layer to accumulate on top of the mineral soil. - Low swamp forest, also known as swamp wood, includes palm swamp forest. Low swamp forests cover about 3% of Suriname and, if no forest fires occur, they become high swamp forests. - High swamp forests and creek forests are found in the shallow freshwater swamps of the coastal plain, where strong fluctuations in surface water levels occur. This ecosystem comprises the climax vegetation in the ecological succession of 5 6 This section is largely based on Teunissen, 2003. Suriname is party to the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. Figure 1.9: Ecosystems of Suriname Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 29 - High marsh forest (seasonal swamp forest) is found on poorly drained soils. During rainy seasons, the soil may be totally inundated. In dry seasons, the soil does not desiccate. Species diversity is intermediate, falling between that of high swamp forests and high dryland forests. Marsh forests are usually abundant in palms. - The largest part of Suriname, about 80%, is covered by high dryland forest which is found from sea level up to elevations of 400-600 m. General characteristics of this ecosystem are the presence of a high, dense canopy at 25-45 m, with emergent trees of up to 50-60 m. The diversity of tree species here is enormous (between 100-300 species per hectare). High dryland forest is an important habitat for large mammals and at least 500 bird species. - At higher elevations (above 400 m), high dryland forests of the highlands are found. These forests are frequently covered in clouds, limiting the average number of sunshine hours. Furthermore, temperatures are lower, and the average humidity is higher than in high dryland forests of the lowlands. Epiphytes (such as mosses, ferns, orchids and bromeliads) are abundant both in numbers and species. The flora and fauna of these montane forests are quite different from those of lowland forests. - Most savannah forests (xerophytic forests) are found in savannah areas. This type of forest commonly grows on excessively drained soils and on permeable soils resting on impermeable subsoils, hardpans and rock. As a result, there is little water in the soil during dry seasons. This vegetation type can also be found in hilly or mountainous areas of the interior, especially where lateritic caps, conglomerates, dolerite and granite rocks and sandstones are covered with a thin layer of soil. Here they are known as mountain savannah forests. - Open savannahs can be considered as remnants of the extensive Pleistocene climate savannah that once covered nearly all of Suriname. Savannah ecosystems only survived where they were frequently burned been distinguished in Suriname. Most are found scattered over the savannah by indigenous peoples. At present, ten different types of savannahs have belt. In the absence of fire, savannah vegetation eventually develops into forest. Forest exploitation is mainly concentrated in high dryland forest, savannah forest and high marsh forest. Since Suriname’s forests are poor in number of commercial timber 30 species, only selective logging is practiced in the forestry sector. Timber resources are exploited on the old coastal plain and the northern part of the interior, with an annual logging yield of approximately 200,000 m3. The total area of forest that is selectively logged is estimated at 15,000 ha per year. The diversity of biological species in Suriname is high. The number of species which have been identified in Suriname thus far are (ESS 2007): - approximately 5,100 plant species (mosses, ferns and spermatophytes, or seed producing plants); - 318 freshwater fish species; - approximately 360 marine fish species; - 102 amphibian species (mainly frogs and toads); - 175 reptile species (lizards, snakes, turtles and caimans); - 715 bird species, primarily on the coast, in the savannahs and in closed rainforests; - 192 mammal species in the sea (dolphins and whales), in freshwater (manatees, otters), and on land (deer, cats, monkeys, bats, etc.). Suriname has three types of protected area: 1) Multiple-Use Management Areas (MUMAs), in which economic activities are allowed as long as specific protection goals are not threatened; 2) Nature Parks, in which light forms of exploitation (mainly recreation) are allowed; and 3) Nature Reserves, in which specific species or ecosystems are protected and human activities are limited. MUMAs throughout almost the entire coastal area of Suriname protect species such as endangered shore birds and sea turtles. Representative terrestrial and aquatic (freshwater) ecosystems, and endangered species that live in them are further protected in Nature Reserves and Nature Parks across the country. With the establishment of the Central Suriname Nature Reserve, a complete rainforest and freshwater river system with a large population of species (including endangered species) has been preserved. The protected areas cover approximately 13% of the land area of Suriname (see Table 1.1 and Figure 1.10). 1 National Circumstances Table 1.1 Protected Areas of Suriname Site name Marine or terrestrial Total terrestrial area (hectares) Nature Reserve Terrestrial 27,000 Brinckheuvel Nature Reserve Terrestrial 6,000 Central Suriname Nature Reserve Terrestrial 1,592,000 Copi Nature Reserve Terrestrial 28,000 Coppename Monding Nature Reserve Both 12,000 Galibi Nature Reserve Both 4,000 Terrestrial 100 Peruvia Nature Reserve Terrestrial 31,000 Sipaliwini Nature Reserve Terrestrial 100,000 Wane Kreek Nature Reserve Terrestrial 45,000 Both 36,000 Terrestrial 12,200 Wia-Wia Nature Reserve Nature Park Brownsberg Nature Park Wild pineapple at Arapahu eiland Multiple-use Management Area (MUMA) Both 67,900 Noord Coronie Multiple-use Management Area Both 27,200 Noord Saramacca Multiple-use Management Area Both 88,400 North Commewijne-Marowijne Multiple-use Management Area Both 61,500 Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Bigi Pan Multiple-use Management Area Total Sloth in the Suriname river Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Hertenrits Nature Reserve Spyshopping Guyana Dolphines in the Suriname river Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Boven-Coesewijne Nature Reserve 2,138,300 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 31 16 PARAMARIBO 13 2 5 14 4 15 7 WageningenTotness 3 Groningen Lelydorp Moeno 6 Onverwacht Paranam Albina 8 10 Zanderij Apura 9 1 Brownsweg FRENCH GUIANA Nieuw-Nickerie GUYANA 11 Whites 0.6% Nature Park 1 Brownsberg Nature Park ATLANTIC OCEAN Gujaba Dritabiki Nature Reserve 2 Hertenrits Nature Reserve 3 Peruvia Nature Reserve 4 Coppenamemonding Nature Reserve 5 Wia-Wia Nature Reserve 6 Wane Creek Nature Reserve 7 Galibi Nature Reserve 8 Upper Coesewijne Nature Reserve 9 Brinkckheuvel Nature Reserve 10 Copi Nature Reserve 11 Central Suriname Nature Reserve 12 Sipaliwini Nature Reserve Mutiple-Use Management Area (MUMA) 13 Bigi Pan Muma 14 North Coronie M|UMA 15 North Saramacca MUMA 16 North Commewijne / Marowijne MUMA Chinese 1.8% Mixed 12.5% Other 7.0% Amerindians 3.7% Creoles 17.7% Maroons 14.7% Javanese 14.6% LEGEND Kwamalasamutu 12 0 50 BRAZIL 100 km Water Nature Park Lowland Nature Reserve Mountains Multiple-Use Management Area Hindustanis 27.4% Town Road Figure 1.11: Suriname’s ethnic diversity Figure 1.10: Protected Areas of Suriname 1.5POPULATION As of 2008, Suriname had a total population of 517,052, according to the Surinamese General Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The population is largely concentrated in Paramaribo, the capital of the country. Suriname’s colonial history has played a major role in the multi-ethnic composition of its population. Until the abolition of slavery in 1863, Western Europeans imported slaves from the west coast of Africa. Later, labourers were attracted from India, Indonesia and China to work on plantations. Suriname’s population consists of the following ethnic groups: Amerindians (the indigenous people), Maroons (descendants of runaway slaves), Creoles (of African or mixed descent), Hindustanis (from the Indian sub-continent), Javanese (from Indonesia), Chinese, Lebanese, Brazilians, descendants of European settlers and mixes among these ethnic groups (see Figure 1.11). 32 The official language is Dutch. Sranang Tongo, the lingua franca, and English are widely spoken as well. Most of the ethnic groups also use their own languages. All major religions such as Christianity, Hinduism and Islam are practiced, along with traditional religions. As of 2004, about 67% of Suriname‘s total population was concentrated in the capital and 20% in the other coastal districts. The remaining 13% was concentrated in small, mainly tribal communities along rivers of the interior (see Figure 1.12). The overall population density was 3.0 people per km², which makes Suriname a very lowly populated country. The most densely populated districts are Paramaribo and Wanica with a population density of 1,335 and 194 people per km2, respectively. 1 National Circumstances The rate of population growth for Suriname has varied over time (see Figure 1.13). For the last twenty years, however, the growth rate has remained fairly constant between 1.0% and 1.5%. Figure 1.14 shows age and gender distribution of the population as of 2008. There are slightly more men than women below the age of 55, while the age category above 55 is dominated by women. According to 2008 figures, almost 62% of the population was between the ages of 15 and 59 years, while 29% was younger than 15 and 9% was 60 or older (see Figure 1.15). Life expectancy for males is 67.7 years and for females 71.9 years (MDG 2009). > 1000 100 - 1000 10 -100 1 - 10 <1 30000 Male Female 25000 20000 15000 10000 Figure 1.12: Population distribution and density per administrative resort 5000 0.02 0.012 450000 0.01 0.008 400000 0.006 Population growth Population 80+ 75 -79 70 -74 65 -69 60 -64 55 -59 50 -54 45 -49 40 -44 35 -39 30 -34 25 -29 20 -24 0.014 15 -19 0-4 0.016 500000 10 -14 0 0.018 5-9 550000 Figure 1.14: Population characteristics: gender and age distribution 0.004 350000 0.002 0 2009 2007 2005 2003 2001 1999 1997 1995 1993 1991 1989 1987 1985 1983 1981 300000 Figure 1.13: Population of Suriname between 1981 and 2010 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 33 1.7 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT 60 & older 9.2% 0-14 29.1% 15-59 61.7% Figure 1.15: Age distribution 1.6GOVERNMENT7 Suriname has a constitutional democracy with a president who is both the chief of state and the head of the government. The fifty-one members of the national assembly are elected by popular vote for five years. The president and vice president are elected by the assembly by a two-thirds constitutional majority. There are ten administrative districts: Brokopondo, Commewijne, Coronie, Marowijne, Nickerie, Para, Paramaribo, Saramacca, Sipaliwini and Wanica. Local representation in the political structure is generally weak, partly because political representatives outside of Paramaribo lack political power. District council members are elected locally and are required to work with the District Commissioner (DC) in addressing issues of general concern, although they have no operating budget. An on-going decentralisation process, begun in 2002, is supposed to provide an operating budget for DCs and councils, but this has not yet been implemented. 7 This section is largely based on Nijbroek & Meaney, 2011. 34 Since the establishment of Suriname in 1667 as a Dutch colony, it was exploited mainly for sugar and coffee production on plantations. The history of Suriname’s economy is therefore a plantation economy, based on hundreds of plantations established along the rivers of the coastal area. This plantation-based economy declined in the 19th century and came to its end in the first half of the 20th century. The gold rush that occurred in the second half of the 19th century was an important new economic activity, but it soon declined due to disappointing gold finds and high exploitation costs. Efforts to introduce rubber and wood production in the first decades of the 20th century did not achieve expected results. Since World War II, the economy has been largely based on bauxite mining and processing activities, which are carried out by a joint venture of ALCOA and BHP Billiton. From the 1960s onwards, exports of bauxite, alumina, and aluminium have accounted for 70-80% of total export revenues, the bulk of government revenue. Before achieving independence from the Netherlands in November 1975, the Surinamese economy was highly centralised and inwardly oriented, with a dominant and expanding public sector, deriving much of its buoyancy from the foreignowned bauxite mining industry. After independence, the bauxite sector continued to dominate in terms of its contribution to the economy as a whole. To marshal the development of this small and undiversified economy, the government received an enormous grant from the Netherlands at the time of independence. Due to these two mainstays, the economy grew at average rates exceeding 3% per year in the first seven years after independence. During the mid-1980s, the economic situation worsened on account of declining commodity prices on the world market and the suspension of the aid from the Netherlands in 1983, following political developments in Suriname. A civil war in the interior that lasted from 1983 to 1987 destroyed much of the economic infrastructure of eastern Suriname, such as roads and bridges, as well as some rural economic activities, such as palm oil production. 1 National Circumstances 16% Gross Domestic Product (basic prices) 4000 2000 2010 2008 2006 2004 2002 2000 1998 1996 Figure 1.17: National income per capita (Based on ABS 2010; these figures include the informal sector, are presented in Surinamese Dollars (SRD; SRD 1 = Sf 1000), and are inflation corrected: 1990=100). 2010 2008 2006 2004 0% 2002 0 2000 4% 1998 2000 1996 8% 1994 6000 1994 12% 4000 1992 8000 1992 Economic Growth 1990 x 1000 SRD 10000 0 Gross Domestic Product (market prices) 6000 12000 1990 8000 14000 SRD The period from 1992 to1995 was characterised by the implementation of a Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP), designed to revitalise the economy and arrest negative growth rates of GDP and avert impoverishment of the population. As a result, GDP first showed a negative growth but then recovered, showing high positive results in the late nineties. The first ten years of the 21st century have seen stable economic growth. In the nineties, annual GDP growth rates fluctuated between -7% and +6%, but they have reached a more stable rate of slightly more than 4% during the past five years (see Figure 1.16). National income per capita also shows stable growth over the past ten years (see Figure 1.17). -2000 -4% -4000 -8% Figure 1.16: GDP and GDP growth rate between 1990 and 2010 (Based on ABS 2010; figures include the informal sector and are inflation corrected: 1990 = 100). Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 35 moving it away from over-reliance on the export of raw materials (Nijbroek & Meaney, 2011). Figure 1.18 shows the relative contribution of the different sectors to GDP, where it can be seen that tertiary sector contributes most (40%), followed by the informal sector (20%) and secondary sector (18%). It furthermore shows that very little has changed in the past twenty years. The contribution of the tertiary sector has increased slightly, while the government’s contribution has decreased slightly. 1.8 OTHER SOCIO-ECONOMIC FACTORS8 Figure 1.18: Relative contributions of different sectors to GDP, 1990-2010 (Based on ABS, 2010.) Primary sector: agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishery, mining, quarrying Secondary sector: manufacturing, electricity, gas and water supply, construction Tertiary sector: wholesale and retail trade; hotels; restaurants; transport; communication; financial intermediation; real estate; renting and business activities; other community, social and personal activities Government: public administration, education (government), health and social work (government). The economy can be characterised as beyond transitional, with a large tertiary sector that is not yet developed. With a Gini Coefficient of 0.5467, Suriname has relatively too much income inequality when compared with the EU (0.36) or the USA (0.46). Yet compared to Brazil (0.57) or Colombia (0.58), Suriname is doing well (Nijbroek & Meaney, 2011). Although the bauxite sector still plays an important role in the economy of Suriname with regard to foreign exchange earnings and government income, Suriname’s economy is currently less dependent on mining than is often cited. On the other hand, the economy is not well-diversified; a large percentage of bank capital is committed to unproductive sectors (mainly trade). Companies face long bureaucratic procedures; state-owned or partially state-owned companies operate at a loss; the public sector is functioning inefficiently and there is little large-scale manufacturing. In recent years, however, tourism, construction and financial services—as well as the corresponding personal consumption—have played a role in the diversification of the economy, 36 In 2009, the numbers of employed and unemployed individuals were 126,370 and 12,525 respectively, which works out to an unemployment rate of 9%. In reality, however, the unemployment rate is much higher. There is a much higher participation in the economy on the part of men than of women, and total participation ratios are low: only 56% of the working age population claims to be formally employed. Many individuals work in the informal sector. The number of households in 2004 was 123,463. Male heads of households number approximately twice female heads of households. Table 1.2 presents some principal socio-economic indicators for Suriname. Generally, these show a relatively robust development trend since 2003. 8 This section is largely based on Nijbroek & Meaney, 2011. 1 National Circumstances Table 1.2 Average socio-economic indicators for Suriname, 2003-2008 (Based on Nijbroek & Meaney, 2011) Indicator Indicator value Reference period Births per thousand 19.68 mean 2003-2008 Deaths per thousand 6.93 mean 2003-2008 Immigration per thousand 4.38 mean 2003-2008 Emigration per thousand 1.05 mean 2003-2008 Absolute numbers in poverty 38,003 2003 Indigent (onvermogenden) 55,516 2008 Underprivileged (minvermogenden) 87,207 117,541 2003 2008 SRD 697 SRD 1424 2003 2009 Unemployment rate 9.8% mean 2003-2007 Adult literacy 93% 2007 Employment to population ratio 36% 2008 % population cellular subscription 127% 2008 Internet users per 100 population 13 2008 Unemployed 15-24 years of age 22% (males 15%, females 40%) 2008 Urban employed 15-24years 22% (males 13%, females 40%) 2008 Poverty line 1.8.1TRANSPORT Transport is mainly by road in the coastal area and by water in other areas, on the approximately 1,200 kilometres of rivers. There is also an extensive network of airfields, and several small airline companies provide small-aircraft service to the interior. Economic progress during the last decade has led to an increase of ownership of private cars, resulting in a highly congested road system in Paramaribo during peak times. The port system is of tremendous importance for Suriname’s economy. Ports are located at Nieuw-Nickerie, Paramaribo, and Paranam. Since 1988, freight from Paranam has been steady, that at Nieuw-Nickerie has declined, and Paramaribo freight handling has grown significantly. The port of Paramaribo is responsible for only 27% of exports and 75% of imports by weight. There is also an air-freight industry, but recent data on this is not available. 1.8.2WASTE There is a solid waste collection service, but it does not cover all households in urban areas, and many people resort to burning household waste or disposing of it in open spaces or rivers. Existing landfills are unlined and pose a serious threat to groundwater pollution. There is only one operational wastewater treatment plant in Suriname at the Fernandes Softdrinks bottling plant. Wastewater from households is directed to septic tanks in people’s backyards. Wastewater from downtown Paramaribo is released directly into the Suriname River. 1.8.3HEALTH Approximately one-third of the population is currently receiving free health care under a government plan. While there is a strong cadre of health professionals, the supporting network is vulnerable. There is currently one emergency room in Paramaribo and nationally only one new hospital has been built, in Nieuw-Nickerie, over recent decades, despite continued population growth. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 37 1.9 POLICY AND LEGAL FRAMEWORK The Constitution of the Republic of Suriname provides the legal basis for a sustainable environmental policy in its Article 6g, which states that one of the social objectives of the state is focused on the establishment and stimulation of conditions required for the preservation of nature and the safeguarding of ecological balance. Adherence to these principles has been seen through Suriname’s participation in major environmental conventions. Some legislation, policy documents and action programmes have been developed in order to address climate-change issues in general and the UNFCCC commitments specifically. The following existing laws provide a basis for the protection of carbon stocks and regulate land-use planning and sustainable management of natural resources: - the Nature Preservation Act of 1954 establishes arrangements for the protection and maintenance of natural monuments; - the National Planning Act of 1973 provides for national and regional planning on subjects such as land-use policy; - the Forest Management Act of 1992 provides a framework for forest management and sustainable utilisation of forest resources; and - the Governmental Decree on Nature Protection of 1998 established the Central Suriname Nature Reserve. An Environmental Framework Act that will regulate pollution, waste management and environmental impact among other things, is being prepared. The government’s development policy is based on an integrated approach to economic, social and environmental sustainability. A Climate-Change Strategy is also being prepared, as well as a National Climate Action Plan (NKAP), which will focus on mitigation and adaptation measures designed to cope with expected climate-change effects. It stresses the importance of integrated coastal zone management and spatial planning. Climate change issues are increasingly incorporated into Suriname’s development policies. In the latest OP, for instance, the following policy measures are mentioned for the period 2012-2016: - improvement of environmental governance and control and improvement of cooperation between organisations and ministries with mandates and 38 responsibilities pertaining to the environment; - an increased focus on climate-change with regards to international cooperation and diplomacy; - an increase in the ability of the coastal region and its current and potential economic zones—urban areas, agricultural lands, infrastructure—to cope with climate-change effects, by developing and adopting, for example, the adaptation measures necessary to protect this region against a potential sea-level rise. This includes the development of a Climate Compatible Development Strategy, the protection of aquifers and surface waters, the promotion of the sustainable use of water resources and ecosystems, the development of a complete dewatering plan for fertile land, and the construction of sea walls; - support for research into and assessments of surface-water quality and carbon sequestration in forests; an investigation into the economic value of forests, participation in mechanisms for attracting financing from mechanisms such as Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD+), Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) and Public Private Partnership (PPP); and - an increase in the implementation and use of renewable and alternative energy sources—such as through the construction of hydropower plants—in order to respond to the increasing demand for electricity; the improvement of transmission and distribution facilities in order to reduce energy losses; the promotion of alternative energy sources and sustainable energy production; and the support of energy-saving projects. 1 National Circumstances 1.10 ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE The Directorate for Environment of the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) is responsible for the development of an overall environmental policy, as well as the coordination and monitoring of all activities related to these policies. This includes the implementation of recommendations from the major environmental conventions: UNFCCC, UNCBD and UNCCD. This is done in collaboration with governmental and non-governmental bodies and institutions. The National Council for the Environment (NMR) supports the government of Suriname’s national environmental policy and serves as an advisory body for the ATM. The National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) functions as the technical arm of the ATM. NIMOS is responsible for preparing and realising national environmental legislation in the broadest sense, as well as coordinating and controlling the implementation of this legislation. In practice NIMOS is also responsible for the review and monitoring of Environmental (and Social) Impact Assessments (E(S)IAs) and the gathering and dissemination of relevant data on land use and land management. In 2011, the government established the Climate Compatible Development Agency to attract climate change financing in general and carbon financing in particular. Several other ministries and semi-governmental organisations function as key agencies with specific global environmental management mandates relevant to UNFCCC requirements. These are as follows: - the Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management (ROGB) is responsible for the formulation of national policy on land-use planning, sustainable forest use and nature conservation, and has several subdivisions that are responsible for regulation, implementation, monitoring and control; - the Ministry of Finance has a National Planning Office (SPS) in charge of preparing OPs. It has a sub-directorate of Environment and Spatial Planning hat is responsible for the coordination of physical planning with regards to the environment in Suriname. It maintains updated data relating to land and soil, natural resources, existing infrastructure and land allocation. It also maps the structural characteristics of urban and rural areas and maintains geographical data in order to map the environment in terms of ecosystems as well as demographic and physical indicators; - the Ministry of Natural Resources (NH) controls the exploitation and management of minerals, water and energy and regulates domestic, public and commercial energy use; - the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) regulates the agrarian production sector and the proper use of agricultural lands and waters; - the Ministry of Public Works (OW) is responsible for planning and implementation of civil engineering and infrastructural works, water management and drainage, hydrological and meteorological services, and waste management. The ministry developed a master plan on drainage for Paramaribo, incorporating climatechange concerns and issues; and - a National Climate Change Steering Committee was established in 2004, comprised of representatives from various relevant sectors such as energy, industry, agriculture and forestry. The Meteorological Services and the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) were also represented. Through this committee, the government of Suriname aimed to coordinate climate change issues in Suriname effectively, in order to formulate a balanced climate policy that enjoys broad support. The Committee is responsible for guidance, monitoring and evaluation of climate-change-related projects and programmes initiated by the government. Currently, the formal status of the Steering Committee has expired, but a continuation of it or something like it is intended. The various ministries (ATM, RGB, NH, LVV, OW) are responsible for nationwide policies and the promotion of the interests of their respective sectors. At the district level, the District Commissioner (DC), functioning under the Ministry of Regional Development (RO), is the main representative. As the focal point of activities within the district, the DC acts in close cooperation with the elected District Council to coordinate general management, economic promotion and development of the district. Table 1.2 presents an overview of stakeholders, describes their relationship to the Convention and shows how they are carrying out their roles. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 39 Table 1.3 Stakeholders participating in the implementation of UNFCCC requirements in Suriname9 Stakeholder name Stakeholder interests, position and official mandate Relationship to the implementation of Convention requirements (Possible) role in the implementation of Convention requirements Mandated ministries and institutions with a clearly described responsibility for the implementation of Convention requirements Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) Responsible for formulation of environmental policy and implementation of ratified Convention requirements Core stakeholder because of public mandate Delegation, coordination, management and monitoring of activities NIMOS Awareness, technical assistance to ATM Core stakeholder because of specific implementing tasks regarding environmental issues Regulation of environmental impact studies; implementation of specific activities National Council for the Environment (NMR) Advisory body to GoS Public mandate Advising implementing agencies Ministries and institutions with clearly described tasks for the national implementation of Convention requirements 9 Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management (ROGB) Responsible for physical planning, land allocation, forest use and nature conservation Core stakeholder in forest policy and spatial planning Regulating forest use and land allocation Ministry of Public Works (OW) Responsible for collection and management of solid waste, hydrological and meteorological services, and civil technological and infrastructural works Important environmental management agency in public-health-related matters Providing data, improving public awareness and supervising the implementation of measures Ministry of Natural Resources (NH) Responsible for the use of mineral resources and water Public mandate regarding exploitation of energy sources Regulating generation and distribution of energy Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) Responsible for agricultural development Agriculture sector and issues are critical to GHG emissions and mitigation issues, and vulnerable to climate-change effects Providing data; technical advisory and awareness roles Ministry of Transport, Communication and Tourism Responsible for transport development and regulation Public mandate regarding developments in the transport sector Regulating emissions of transport sector; public awareness roles Planning Office (SPS) Responsible for establishing development plans (OPs), district plans; responsible for environmental project planning and management Specific tasks (planning) Coordinating integrated planning; providing related data Meteorological Service (MDS) Responsible for collection, analysis, and distribution of atmospheric information Meteorological information central to all aspects of climate change Providing data; technical advisory and awareness roles Largely based on Van Dijk & De Wolf, 2008. 40 1 National Circumstances Stakeholder name Stakeholder interests, position and official mandate Relationship to the implementation of Convention requirements (Possible) role in the implementation of Convention requirements Maritime Authority in Suriname (MAS) International marine legislation and monitoring Specific tasks regarding marine traffic Providing data Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB) Responsible for sustainable forest management and production control National forestry regulator Protecting and promoting sustainable use of carbon storage in forests Ministries, institutions and organisations affected by the implementation of Convention requirements Ministry of Health Responsible for management and delivery of health services Health policy and management agency Providing data, promoting public awareness and participating in technical roles Energy Company Suriname (EBS) Sole public distributor of electricity; resulting emissions due to fossil fuel use Vital in terms of GHG emissions and mitigation measures Providing data; technical roles (implementing measures) Suriname Water Company (SWM) Public supplier of potable water Water management issues will be impacted by climate change Providing data; technical roles (implementing measures) National Coordination Centre for Emergency (NCCR) Responsible for disaster-response coordination and management Information source for climate risk and vulnerability; implementation role for adaptation Providing data; promoting public awareness and participating in project technical advisory roles General Bureau of Statistics (ABS) Provider of statistical data, archiving centre Important in providing data Providing data STAATSOLIE Crude oil producer Growing potential in fossil fuel products Providing data Mining companies (Suralco10 , Iamgold11 etc.) Large energy users and GHG emitters, and exploiters of the hydropower plant at Afobaka (Suralco) Important users of energy and GHG emitters Providing data; decreasing energy use Oil import companies (Sol, Texaco etc.) Importer of aviation fuels and other petroleum products Distributor of petroleum products Providing data AdeKUS (including its research stations) Research and education Knowledge, expertise, equipment for inventories and (innovative) technological development Providing data; public awareness and technical advisory roles Land Registration and Information System (GLIS) Responsible for land registration Important in providing land data Providing data 10 11 A subsidiary of the United States corporation ALCOA, engaged in exploring and mining bauxite in Suriname. A Canadian mining and exploration company engaged in gold exploration and mining in Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 41 1 National circumstances 1.11REFERENCES Amatali M.A. 2011. Technical Paper Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation, Sector Water Resources. “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Dijk, S. van & R. de Wolf, 2008. National Capacity Self-Assessment in Relation to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; Thematic Assessment. Suriname. ESS, 2007. Nationaal Biodiversiteit Actie Plan (NBAP). voorlopige versie, als resultaat van fase I van de opdracht tot het opstellen van een NBAP voor Suriname. Suriname. p. 88 Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), 2007. Country Environmental Assessment. Suriname. MDG, 2009. MDG Progress Report Government of Suriname. Suriname. Nijbroek, R., S. Meaney, 2011. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic of Suriname, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment for Second National Communication. Suriname. Noordam, D., 2011. Ecology and Geomorphology, Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment for Second National Communication. Suriname. Planatlas Suriname, 1988. Vegetation map and geological map. National Planning Office of Suriname; Organisation of American States; Department of Regional Development. Playfair, M., 2011. Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Second National Communication, Subsector Forestry. Suriname. Teunissen, P.A., 2003. Suriname Forest Sector Environmental Assessment and Policy Design, Annex IV: Characteristics of the Natural Ecosystems in Suriname. Suriname. 42 1 National Circumstances 2. National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Everlasting flame at the refinery | Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 43 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 2.1INTRODUCTION 2.2METHODOLOGY As mentioned in Chapter 1, about 87% of the population of Suriname is concentrated on the northern coastal plain. Consequently, most economic activities, with the exception of bauxite and gold mining, are concentrated in this area, especially in and around Paramaribo. The economic activities here consist primarily of services including importation, banking, insurance, transport, communications and wholesale and retail commerce. The 2006 IPCC guidelines were used to compile Suriname’s emissions estimates for carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). For the Energy sector, two IPCC-based approaches were used to establish the GHG inventory: the reference approach and the sector approach. The reference approach combines emissions data from all sectors, while the sector approach focuses on individual sectors. Data for the inventory were obtained from governmental sources and private companies and processed with the IPCC 2006 software. Due to the lack of country-specific parameters, default IPCC values were used for most of the inventory. When calculating CO2 equivalents, the guidelines of the fourth IPCC Assessment Report (AR4) were used. It should also be noted that estimates for activity data were unavoidable for those sectors or parts of sectors for which data were incomplete or missing. The inventory was compiled for the following sectors: energy, industry, agriculture forestry and other land use (AFOLU), and waste. Emissions data from international bunkers and marine bunkers, reported separately, are given in accordance with IPCC guidelines. Nickerie Coronie Paramaribo Saramacca Commewijne Galibi er riv e river ewijn Comm rie ke Nic Wanica Moengo Albina Suriname river Para r ive er am en pp Co Coppename river Apura Legend Paved road Unpaved road Distinct boundery Built-on area River Brokopondo lake Total built-on area: 53246,71 ha Figure 2.1:Overview of inhabited areas, coastal region The agriculture sector, predominantly active in the north-western part of the country, produces mainly rice and bananas. Indigenous and Maroon tribes of the hinterlands practice shifting cultivation, mainly for subsistence. In the north-central part of Suriname, other agricultural products, such as vegetables and fish, are dominant. Land-use changes occur more frequently in the coastal area than in the interior of the country. Forestry and gold mining are the major economic activities in the hinterland of Suriname and have shown a steady increase in production and occupation of land over the years. Activities that use energy from fossil-fuel combustion and emissions from land use and land-use changes are the two most significant sources of CO2 emission. 44 2.3 EMISSION INVENTORY OVERVIEW Carbon dioxide accounts for the greatest percentage of emitted GHGs in Suriname. Total GHG emissions for the inventory year 2008 equal 6,365.75 CO2 eq. The Energy sector, with an emission of 3,788.15 CO2, is the largest GHG source, contributing over 59% of the total GHG emission. Parts of the Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land-use (AFOLU) sector act as a sink, with an absorption of -8,243.05Gg of CO2 eq, making Suriname a net sink for CO2 (-1,883.09Gg CO2 eq). Table 2.1 presents a breakdown of emissions and sinks within the AFOLU sector. Table 2.1 2008 overview of CO2 sinks Sinks GgCO2 Emissions Forestland Remaining Forestland -1007.071 Grassland Cropland Remaining Cropland -7241.770 Other Land Total sinks -8248.858 Gg CO2 81.054 1740.200 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Figure 2.2 presents the emission balance by sector. Within the industrial processes and product use (IPPU) sector, GHG emissions are released as a result of alumina production. In Suriname, mineral industry GHG emissions are counted for this sector rather than for the industry 2008 sector.Emission balance (sinks included) EMISSION/SINKS IN2 GG EQ CO 8000 6000 Figures 2.2 and 2.3 show that the energy sector is the main source of GHG emissions, with its 59% of total emissions. Emissions from the AFOLU sector are due to the utilisation of tropical forests for logging, including timber for export. Forest clearing for shifting cultivation and deforestation for gold mining also contribute to GHG emissions for this sector. Taking into account that the forest is a sink, the overall contribution of the AFOLU sector is much smaller than that of the Energy sector. 2.4 GHG INVENTORY BY SECTOR 4000 2000 WASTE 0 AFOLU SINKS AFOLU EMISSION -2000 IPPU -4000 ENERGY 2.4.1 EMISSIONS FROM THE ENERGY SECTOR In the Energy sector in Suriname, hydropower, hydrocarbons and biomass are utilised as primary energy sources. The majority of hydro-electric power is generated by the hydropower plant in the district of Brokopondo. Maagdenstraat traffic downtown Paramaribo -6000 -8000 -10000 CATEGORY Figure 2.2: 2008 emissions balance (sinks included) 0% 40% 1 - Energy 59% 2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente 3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use 1% Figure 2.3: Overview 2008 emissions distribution (in CO2 equivalents; sinks not embedded) Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 45 generation and for the bauxite industry. Some export and international bunkering also exists. Since the closure of the aluminium smelter in 1999, most of the energy from this power plant is delivered to the state-owned energy company, EBS. The energy demands of the coastal zone are met by hydropower and thermal power stations. The hinterland has no established continuous energy supply system. Electricity there is provided through the use of diesel generators. The various contributors to the 2008 GHG emissions within the Energy sector are shown in Table 2.2 and Figure 2.4. The Manufacturing, Industry and Construction sector is the largest contributor. The main contributors within this sector are Non-specified Industry (1,451.52 Gg CO2) and Mining and Quarrying (209.28 Gg CO2). Within the Energy sector, road transportation is the main consumer of fossil fuels. Most of the heavy fuel oil supplied by the local oil company Staatsolie is used for electricity Table 2.2 2008 GHG contributions from various Energy subsectors in Gg CO2 equivalents Categories Emissions (Gg) in CO2 Equivalents CO2 CH4 N2O NOx CO Total NMVOCs SO2 Memo Items (3) International Bunkers 102.24 0.02 0.06 NE NE NE NE 102.32 1.A.3.a.i - International Aviation (International Bunkers) (1) 102.23 0.02 0.06 NE NE NE NE 102.31 0.01 NE NE NE NE NE NE 0.01 3788.15 3.36 7.48 3798.99 1.A.1 - Energy Industries 120.54 0.01 0.03 120.94 1.A.1.a.i - Electricity Generation 120.54 0.07 0.00 2912.47 2.83 6.75 1.A.2.c - Chemicals 0.01 NE NE NE NE NE NE 0.01 1.A.2.e - Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco 3.01 NE 0.01 NE NE NE NE 3.02 209.28 0.21 0.50 NE NE NE NE 209.99 0.03 NE NE NE NE NE NE 0.03 1451.52 1.41 3.36 1.A.3.d.i - International water-borne navigation (International bunkers) (1) 1 - Energy 1.A - Fuel Combustion Activities 1.A.2- Manufacturing Industries and Construction 1.A.2.i - Mining (excluding fuels) and Quarrying 1.A.2.k - Construction 1.A.2.m - Non-specified Industry 46 NE NE NE NE 120.94 2922.05 1456.28 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Categories Emissions (Gg) in CO2 Equivalents CO2 CH4 N2O NOx CO Total NMVOCs SO2 622.46 0.01 0.20 116.16 0.02 1.04 NE NE NE NE 117.22 13.93 NE 0.12 NE NE NE NE 14.05 598.49 NE NE NE NE NE NE 598.49 1.A.3.d.ii - Domestic Water-borne Navigation 0.08 NE NE NE NE NE NE 0.08 1.A.3.e.ii - Off-road 5.02 0.01 0.08 NE NE NE NE 5.11 132.68 0.40 0.25 1.A.4.b - Residential 37.99 0.08 0.02 NE NE NE NE 38.09 1.A.4.c.i - Stationary 19.12 0.06 0.05 NE NE NE NE 19.23 1.A.4.c.ii - Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery 10.07 0.03 0.02 NE NE NE NE 10.13 1.A.4.c.iii - Fishing (mobile combustion) 65.50 0.01 0.01 NE NE NE NE 65.88 1.A.3 - Transport 1.A.3.a - Civil Aviation 1.A.3.a.ii - Domestic Aviation 622.67 1.A.3.b - Road Transportation 1.A.3.b.i - Cars 1.A.4 - Other Sectors 133.33 1.A.4.a - Commercial/Institutional Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 47 4% 3% 1.A.1 - Energy Industries 19% 1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction 1.A.3 - Transport 74% 1.A.4 - Other Sectors Figure 2.4: 2008 GHG distribution, Energy sector, in CO2 equivalents 2.4.2 EMISSIONS FROM INDUSTRIAL PROCESSES The Surinamese economy is dominated by three industries: bauxite, oil and gold. These three industries together generated approximately 90% of Suriname’s export revenues for 2008.There is little production of food and beverages; nearly all consumer goods—especially electronics—are imported. This is reflected in the GHG inventory for industry: given that there is very little industrial activity, emissions from this category are low. 2.4.3 GHG EMISSIONS FROM THE AFOLU SECTOR As mentioned before, the AFOLU sector forms the only sink of GHGs for the 2008 inventory. With an absorption figure of -8,243.05 Gg CO2, this sector compensates for all the emissions from other emitters. EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURE The majority of agricultural activities take place in the young coastal zone. The main emission sources in this sector are rice and banana cultivation. Incineration of organic residues in agricultural fields and the processes of enteric fermentation and manure management associated with the livestock sector are also major contributors. These emissions do not include those resulting from energy use in the sector. The agricultural subsector was responsible for 952.57 Gg CO2 eq. The small increase (10 ha annually) of the area of shifting cultivation in the interior has very little effect on the GHG emissions in this subsector. Figure 2.5 offers an overview of the distribution of GHGs from agriculture. 0% Manure Management CH4 10% 42% Direct N2O emissions from soil Indirect N2O emissions from soil 37% One ton of asphalt produces 320 kg NMVOC (Non-methane Volatile Organic Compounds). 48 Indirect N2O emissions from livestock Field burning of Ag. Residues 0% 0% 1% Figure 2.5: 2008 distribution of GHGs agriculture 12 Rice Cultivation Field Burning of Ag. Residues The mineral industry does not produce any emission of significance, and alumina production is the only producer of process-determined emissions from the metal industry, with about 53.20 Gg CO2 being emitted yearly. In 2008, asphalt paving was estimated to be 270.6 tons of asphalt, which is equal to 86,59 kg NMVOC or 86.59 Gg NMVOC12. This number is most likely higher than the amount actually used, but it is used here in order to reflect the maximum possible impact from this industrial activity. Enteric fermentation 10% 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Emissions from Rice Cultivation Emissions from rice cultivation are: methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and nitrogen (NO). Methane released due to anaerobic decomposition of organic material in flooded rice fields produces 474.53 Gg CO2 eq. Carbon dioxide, carbon and nitrogen are released during the processing that takes place as the rice goes from the wet, harvested paddy to the point at which it is ready for shipment. The large amount of husk produced during these activities, a total biomass of 76.01 Gg of dry matter (dm), is burned. During this process, the total carbon released equals 31.5 Gg, with 0.44 Gg nitrogen. Methane Emission from Animals 2% 1% 2% 0% 46% 48% 8% 8% 5% 78% 3.A.2.a.i - Dairy cows 3.A.2.a.ii - Other cattle 3.A.2.b - Buffalo 3.A.2.c - Sheep 3.A.2.d - Goats 3.A.2.h - Swine 3.A.2.i - Poultry Figure 2.7: 2008 emissions from livestock in CO2 equivalents (manure management) The total emission from domestic livestock amounts to 89.33 Gg CO2 eq for cattle. This includes both dairy and non-dairy cattle and comprises 46% and 48% of total emissions from enteric fermentation, respectively. The distribution is different for manure management; the largest contribution comes from dairy cows. This is shown in Figure 2.6 and Figure 2.7. 1% 0% 0% 1% 3.A.1.a.i - Dairy Cows 3.A.1.a.ii - Other Cattle 3.A.1.b - Buffalo 3.A.1.c - Sheep 3.A.1.d - Goats 3.A.1.f - Horses 3.A.1.h - Swine Figure 2.6: 2008 livestock emissions in CO2 equivalents (enteric fermentation) FROM FORESTRY AND OTHER LAND USES The GHG inventory for the AFOLU sector includes data from Agriculture, Forestry and Land Use. It also includes a section for aggregate sources and non-CO2 emission sources on land, and normally one on harvested wood products (HWP). HWP is not included in this particular inventory however, because no long-term data on wood production, export and import are available. Priority gases from the AFOLU sector are CO2 for land use and the non-CO2 trace gas CH4 for the aggregate sources. Land-use activity data was collected by using the sector approach from the IPCC guidelines, since spatially-explicit location data were not available for the changes registered. Suriname’s lack of a national database for land management proves to be a constraint in terms of data collection. In the absence of a central data mechanism, land use data must be collected and presented by sector institutions responsible for monitoring only their specific land use categories. Effective forest production over the last forty years for the managed forest land category is calculated to be a total of 500,000 ha. The long-term average annual production of round wood was 180,000 m3, and the average production per hectare was 12-15 m3 for the period. Re-vegetated sites of mined-out bauxite areas, with trees that have not yet reached maturity, are also included in the calculations for managed forest land: a total of 650 ha in 2008. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 49 Information for the managed cropland category is derived from the statistics of the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV). The amount of permanent cropland in the coastal zone (88,800 ha) was calculated on the basis of the FAO’s long-term statistics for Suriname. Farming practices carried out in the interior can be categorised as shifting cultivation. Through remote sensing, the area under cultivation was estimated at 238,630 ha in 2000. Abandoned palm oil plantations cover an area of 1,900 ha. Data for the managed grassland category was obtained from LVV statistics. These figures show that in 2000, pasture land covered an area of 27,000 ha in the coastal region and 1,300 ha in the interior. The total land area of grass and herbaceous savannahs, which are subject to regular burning by the indigenous population, was estimated to be 124,900 ha through remote sensing. Suriname’s hydropower lake is its only managed wetland. Through remote sensing, the open water area of this lake (excluding islands) was estimated at 125,500 ha. Extraction of peat is thought to occur to a certain extent, but it is scattered and on a minor scale. The area in the land-use category of settlements constitutes both villages and other settlements in the interior and the urban areas of the coastal region. Mining areas fall under the category other land and were calculated to cover 8,600 ha in 2000, using remote sensing. Additional information on land use for bauxite mining in the Mungo area was made available by the Suralco company. Land-use changes for the period 2000-2008 consisted of: 1) the removal of mesophytic forest for the purpose of gold mining (3,100 ha per year) or shifting cultivation (10 ha per year), 2) reforestation of mined-out bauxite areas (50 ha per year), and 3) changes in carbon content of grasslands when converted back into unproductive agricultural land (an average of 1,100 ha per year). Although there were some very small and dispersed increases in both the urban settlements and villages in the interior for the period 2000-2008, these were not 50 clearly detectable on the satellite images used for the inventory (Landsat and Google Earth). Therefore, changes in the land-use categories settlements and wetlands were negligible for this inventory period. In the category forest land remaining forest land, biomass calculations in the wood production area are conducted for losses in biomass as a result of: 1) timber production (with a total quantity of 197,000 m3 of roundwood in 2008); 2) fuel wood removal (450 m3 in 2008); and 3) disturbances of forests. In addition to the commercial extraction of fuel wood in the production forest, some subsistence collection also exists under category forestland converted to cropland (in the shifting cultivation areas). However, no information on the amount collected is available. There is no evidence of loss of carbon through wood and fuel wood removals in the conversion of bauxite mines to Suralco plantations. Losses from disturbances by fire, insects, diseases or other disturbances are only calculated if these are of anthropogenic origin. There is no evidence of significant disturbances in the category forest land for the inventory period. Total biomass losses were calculated for Suriname’s natural forests using the higher range of IPCC default values for biomass conversion and expansion—values for humid tropical natural forest with a growing stock level of more than 200 m3/ha (BCEF = 1.1). To calculate carbon content, a higher wood density than the IPCC default value of 0.6 ton/m3) was used as an average for the commercial wood species in Suriname. The value used was 0.65 ton/m3. A biomass increase in the category forest land remaining forest land occurs in the timber production area (calculated to cover approximately 612,800 ha in 2008), in which new trees will grow after harvesting, as well as in the re-vegetated, minedout bauxite areas of the Suralco company. In 2008, such areas covered 650 ha. To estimate this aboveground biomass growth increment, the CELOS figure (1 ton annual increment/ha) of de Graaf is used. This is due to the country-specific situation of low harvest volumes per hectare and a consequent low rate of re-growth. (IPCC-defined forest areas of Suriname are shown in Figure 2.8.) 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 The default IPCC value for belowground carbon stock change in the category forest land remaining forest land is zero. Annual increase of biomass in plantation forests is calculated using the annual carbon increase figure of twenty tons dry matter per hectare, the IPCC default for plantations. For the category cropland remaining cropland, calculations of changes in aboveground biomass in cropland are only made for perennial woody crops. The aboveground woody biomass is estimated at 50 tons/ha13 for each single crop type. For the shifting cultivation areas, the IPCC default factor for South America Humid tropical (low) agrosilvicultural systems of 70.5 tons/ha is used. The assumption is made that dead wood and litter stocks are absent or at equilibrium, so estimates were made of their carbon stock changes. With regard to the below-ground biomass in the Tier 1 method, the default assumption is that this is not changing for perennial trees in agricultural systems. Carbon fluxes in the land-use category cropland depend on crop type, management practices, and soil and climate variables. Loss of biomass through harvesting of products occurs for crop types such as fruit trees and coconuts. No information is available on the quantities harvested in shifting cultivation. An estimate is made that 5 tons C/ha/year could be extracted from the fields. With a carbon fraction of dry matter for aboveground biomass of 0.47 ton C (ton dm) and an average annual harvest of approximately 10 tons dm per hectare, the biomass carbon loss due to harvest for coconut and fruit tree plantations is also calculated to be 5 tons C/ha/year. There is no harvesting from oil palm and abandoned areas. Biomass carbon loss due to gathering or disturbance in each of the crop types is set at zero. The net annual growth rate in each of the crop types is estimatedat 10 tons C/ha/year. For mature palm-oil plantations, the net annual growth rate is estimated to be zero. To estimate fluxes in soil carbon stocks, IPCC default values for stock change factors of crop types are used, due to the absence of pertinent data in the country. The time dependence of the stock change factors is the IPCC default of twenty years. In addition to productive cropland, an area estimated to be 47,500 ha consists of lands not currently in production and reverting to fallow vegetation. The net annual growth rate is estimated at1 ton C/ha14. Figure 2.8: Total forest land Total Area Forest Land 2008: 14981530 ha 13 14 IPCC default factor for cropping systems containing perennial species in tropical wet climates. IPCC default value for tropical shrub land Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 51 In GHG inventories in which a Tier 1 method is used, it is assumed that upon conversion to cropland, all carbon contained in the biomass which is killed will be emitted directly to the atmosphere and none added to the dead wood and litter pools. It is furthermore assumed that the entire carbon quantity in the dead wood and litter pool are lost during the year of the transition. However, this is not really true in the case of deforestation for shifting cultivation, nor to a certain extent for mining. Nevertheless, there are no national data available that would allow using a higher tier. Grassland For grassland remaining grassland carbon fluxes are the result of changes in management practices of carbon stocks. In Suriname, no significant changes in the type or intensity of management of grassland have occurred during the inventory period. Therefore, the Tier 1 method is used, which assumes that there are no changes in the biomass content. For the current inventory period, cropland converted to grassland is the category applied to unproductive polder land that is replaced by grassland (almost solely herbaceous vegetation). An average of 60 ha of polder land per year were converted to grassland with herbaceous vegetation during the inventory year. Other Land-Use Categories Inventory of the land-use category wetlands was restricted to the managed wetlands. The most important land type under this land-use category in Suriname is the hydropower lake, referred to as Brokondo Lake. No methodologies are provided in the IPCC guidelines for the flooded land remaining flooded land category, and therefore no further calculations were made for emissions from this land type. Peat land, a secondary potential source of carbon fluxes, exists in Suriname under the geomorphologic land unit called “the Mara landscape” in the coastal zone. The total area of the peat land is estimated at approximately 450,000 ha. 52 Extraction of peat however, is rare and this land type is therefore not taken into consideration in this inventory. The land types in the category settlements in Suriname, both urban and rural, are considered to be established on mineral soils. Both the urban and the rural settlements contain in some parts a substantial amount of vegetation with woody and herbaceous components. However, no data is available on the extent of or the changes which occur in the vegetation in this land use category. The Tier 1 method is therefore used, which assumes that the growth and losses of the biomass are in balance. It is furthermore assumed that the dead wood and litter stocks are at equilibrium and that soil C stocks do not change. With regard to the land use category other land, the emissions for this inventory are calculated from the conversion of forest land to other land, the latter being only mining areas for this inventory period. It is assumed that forest vegetation is removed entirely and that no biomass remains on the land after conversion. In December 2010, Suralco reported that approximately 2,418 ha of land has been disturbed for bauxite mining in the Mungo area. Of this land, about 1,150 ha has revegetated. For the inventory year, forest land converted for gold mining is estimated to cover a total area of 27,900 ha. Figure 2.9 shows areas where gold exploitation occurs. To calculate the annual change in carbon biomass for Surinamese tropical forest lands converted to mining, the carbon content before conversion is set at 300 tons dm per ha with a dry matter carbon fraction of 0.5 ton C per ton dm. Since the total amount of biomass is removed and no re-growth takes place, the annual loss of biomass carbon is assumed to be 300 tons dm per ha and the re-growth rate zero. 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Non-CO2 Emissions Non-CO2 emissions are usually associated with the burning of biomass. In the cropland category, this is represented by the burning of agricultural residues, but regular burning only occurs in rice cultivation. (Although sometimes, small-scale farmers with permanent cropping systems of certain—usually mixed—crop types also burn as part of their land preparation.) The total rice cultivation area in which burning occurs is estimated to be 43,700 ha for the inventory year. In the area of shifting cultivation, burning is calculated to have occurred on 16,000 ha for the inventory year. For crop types such as legumes, vegetables and other annual crops, it is assumed that not more than 10% of productive land is burned. In the land-use category grassland, the native savannah is burned on a regular basis in order to maintain a certain vegetational species mix, and it is estimated that 2% of the area was burned for this type of activity in the inventory year. No burning occurs in managed forest land (production forest and Suralco rehabilitated areas) or in the land category other land. In the land category settlements, it is expected that some burning of biomass has occurred but no data on the extent of this practice and the volumes involved are available. The IPCC default values for fuel biomass consumption, as well as the combustion factor and emission factor are used to calculate emissions here. Results Total annual CO2 removals are calculated at 5,409.83 Gg. The major categories for carbon fluxes identified are: 1. Forest land Remaining Forest land (1,007.07 Gg CO2); 2. Cropland Remaining Cropland (7,241.77 Gg CO2) as the two main sinks; and 3. Forest Land converted to Other Land (in Suriname, this means mining areas) is the main emitter at-1,740.2 Gg CO2. Figure 2.9: Gold mining activities throughout the country Emissions from biomass burning are calculated at 3.56 Gg CH4, a major component of this being the burning of biomass on cropland on which forest is converted to shifting cultivation use. The gases N2O, NOx, CO en NMVOCs are not applicable to this GHG inventory subcomponent. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 53 Figure 2.10 and Figure 2.11 show the distribution of the 2008 emissions and sink sources by land-use type. Rice cultivation areas produce the highest emissions of CO2 equivalents, and grasslands remaining grasslands comprise the largest sink. 4% 4% 0% 12% 3.B.1.a - Forest land Remaining Forest land 0% 10% 3.B.1.b.v - Other Land converted to Forest Land 3.B.2.a - Cropland Remaining Cropland 14% 3.C.1.b - Biomass burning in croplands 3.C.4 - Direct N2O Emissions from managed soils (3) 60% 3.C.6 - Indirect N2O Emissions from manure management 3.C.7 - Rice cultivations Figure 2.10: 2008 emissions by land-use type (in CO2 equivalents) -8% -7% 3.B.2.b.i - Forest Land converted to Cropland 3.B.3.a - Grassland Remaining Grassland 2.4.4 EMISSIONS FROM WASTE There is no established waste-management in Suriname. Household waste collection is limited to Paramaribo and some of the other more highly populated areas in the coastal zone. Methane is the main emission from this sector and is produced when solid household waste and waste from small industries undergoes anaerobic bacterial decomposition of the organic matter in open landfills and dumps. Using default values for populated areas, methane (CH4) emission is estimated at less than one Gg. Throughout the rest of the country, including the hinterland, where populations are extremely low, methane emission from solid waste is negligible. To date, wastewater management and/or treatment is not practiced in Suriname, making it impossible to determine possible emissions. 2.5 GHG EMISSIONS BY GAS 2.5.1 EMISSIONS OF CARBON DIOXIDE (CO2) Suriname’s total carbon dioxide emissions in 2008 were 3,783.21 Gg. Known contributors to this number are the energy sector, through combustion of fossil fuels (about 2,442 Gg, using the reference approach); the application of urea and lime in the agriculture and other land use sectors (about 8.59 Gg); and emissions from industrial processes (about 53 Gg). 2.5.2 EMISSIONS OF METHANE (CH4) Methane emissions come primarily from the agriculture sector. CH4 emissions for 2008 have been calculated to be 26.15 Gg. Table 2.3 and Figure 2.12 show that most of these emissions come from aggregate sources and non-CO2 emissions on land. Rice cultivation is the largest contributor within this group, at 18.98 Gg. Emissions from waste are negligible. Table 2.3 2008 CH4 emissions 3.B.3.b.ii - Cropland converted to Grassland -85% Figure 2.11: 2008 sink sources in CO2 equivalents 54 2008 CH4 Emissions by (sub)sector Gg Energy (total) 0.13 Livestock 3.57 Aggregate sources and non-CO2 emission sources on land 22.58 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 2.6 KEY CATEGORIES 1% 13% The top ten emitters are compiled in Table 2.5 and Figure 2.13. The Manufacturing Industries and Construction subsector leads this list with 2,922.05 Gg CO2 eq. Although almost half of the emitters in this list are within the AFOLU sector, there are other notable players here. AFOLU as a whole is a net sink, but the second largest emitter in the country is the Other Land subsector, followed by the Transport sector. Within the sector Manufacturing Industries and Construction, the most important emitter is Nonspecified Industries, followed by Non-Metallic Minerals and Mining and Quarrying. Other sectors produce negligible emissions. 1 - Energy 3.A - Livestock Table 2.5 2008 Top ten emitters Top emitters 2008 86% 3.C - Aggregate sources and non- CO2 emissions sources on land (2) Figure 2.12: CH4 emissions by source 2.5.3 EMISSIONS OF OTHER GASES Although other emissions are potentially powerful in terms of global warming, they occur in relatively small quantities in Suriname. This can be seen in Table 2.4. The country’s N2O emissions come mostly from manure management. Table 2.4 2008 N2O emissions by source Categories N2O emissions in Gg Electricity Generation 0.005 Non-Metallic Minerals 0.010 Mining (excluding fuels) and Quarrying 0.002 Non-specified Industry 0.011 Fishing (mobile combustion) 0.001 Direct N2O Emissions from managed soils 0.063 TOTAL CO2 eq 1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction 2922.05 3.B.6 - Other Land 1740.2 1.A.3 - Transport 622.20 3.C.7 - Rice cultivations 474.53 1.A.4 - Other Sectors 133.33 1.A.1 - Energy Industries 120.94 3.C.1 - Emissions from biomass burning 93.94 3.B.3 - Grassland 81.05 3.A.1 - Enteric Fermentation 71.89 2.A.4 - Other Process Uses of Carbonates 53.20 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 55 3500.00 1.A.2 Manufacturing Industries and Construction 3.B.6 Other Land 3000.00 2500.00 2000.00 1.A.3 Transport 3.C.7 Rice cultivations 1000.00 500.00 0.00 For estimating CO2 emissions, the IPCC default values for the carbon emission factor and combustion efficiency were used. Table 2.6 provides an overview of the fuel types normally used in Suriname, as well as their apparent consumptions (in terajoules) and resulting CO2 emissions for 2008. The calculated number of total emissions using the Reference Approach is 3,249.91 Gg CO2. 1.A.4 Other Sectors 1.A.1 Energy Industries 1500.00 2.8CO2 EMISSIONS (REFERENCE APPROACH) Table 2.6 2008 apparent consumption and actual CO2 emissions (reference approach)15 Apparent Consumption 3.C.1 Emissions from biomass burning 3.B.3 Grassland TJ 3.A.1 Enteric Fermentation Crude Oil 2.A.4 Other Process Uses of Carbonates Motor Gasoline Actual CO2 Emissions Gg CO2 0.000 0.00 72.200 340.30 0.574 1.76 Figure 2.13: Top ten emitters for 2008 Aviation Gasoline 2.7UNCERTAINTIES Jet Gasoline 36.630 113.64 An uncertainty analysis for 2008 was completed for the most significant gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O) for emissions in that year from the Energy sector. The year used as the base year for this analysis is 2005. Generally the activity data uncertainties are within a 5-12% range. The emission factor uncertainties are also in this range, which makes the combined uncertainties between 7% and 17%. The highest uncertainty values are found in Manufacturing Industries for both CO2 and CH4 emissions from the use of liquid fuels. Jet Kerosene 0.842 0.88 Gas/Diesel Oil 127.000 521.89 Residual Fuel Oil 710.320 2177.16 14.000 40.72 Naphtha 4.460 12.21 Lubricants 9.600 35.34 Uncertainty introduced into the trend for total national emissions prove to be very low (less than 0.01%). Only in the Manufacturing Industries subsector is it higher: about 9%. Liquefied Petroleum Gases Total 15 56 In this list, crude oil produced by Staatsolie is embedded within Residual Fuel Oil, per IPCC guidelines. 3249.91 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 In 2008, domestic emissions from energy sources amounted to 3,788.15 Gg CO2. The emissions from international bunkers16 were 101.23 Gg CO2. There is a negative difference of about 548 Gg between these numbers and those of the sector approach. The uncertainties of the different datasets explain this difference. The uncertainties are in line with those from previous years. It should be mentioned here that, despite the relatively stable emissions determined when using the reference approach, energy use has increased over recent years. A shift can be seen in which fewer emissions come from electricity production and more come from other areas. In particular, the Manufacturing Industries and Construction subsector has shown strong growth during this period, as can be seen in Table 2.8. 2.9 INTERNATIONAL BUNKERS Figure 2.14 shows that in the future, the demand for energy for this subsector will increase, rising to as much as 823 MW by 2025. This trend is described in the Mitigation chapter. However, less than 9% of this energy will come from fossil fuel combustion. It is expected that only in the subsectors of Manufacturing Industries and Electricity Generation will important increases of GHG emission occur. According to IPCC guidelines, emissions from international bunkers are excluded from total emissions. CO2 emissions from international bunkers total 101.23 Gg, coming from aviation and maritime fuel combustion, producing 101.22 Gg and 0.007 Gg of CO2 respectively (see Table 1.1). Table 2.7 2008 Emissions from international bunkers, in Gg. Category International Aviation (International Bunkers) International Maritime Navigation (International bunkers) 6000 CO2 CH4 N2O 101.22 0.015 0.062 0.007 0.000 0.000 5000 CO2 emission “Electricity Generation 4000 CO2 emission “Manuf. Industries & Constr.” 3000 2.10 EMISSIONS FORECASTS 2.10.1ENERGY Although the demand for energy has increased over recent years, reliable data have fuel combustion activities displaying very inconsistent behaviour for the past four years. CO2 emissions in particular show a strong increase from 2005 to 2006, and nearly the same increase (about 450 Gg CO2 eq) can be observed from 2007 to 2008. These changes reflect the variation in climatological conditions in the country. Years with abundant precipitation allow increased production of hydropower and lower the amount of hydrocarbon fuels burned. CO2-emission “Transport” 2000 CO2-emission “Others” 1000 0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 Total baseline scenario CO2-emission “Energy sector” Figure 2.14: Future emissions development, 2008-2025, Energy sector 16 Under the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), international bunker fuels are not included in national emission totals, but are to be reported separately based upon location of fuel sale. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 57 Table 2.8: GHG gases from the Energy sector for the period 2005 - 2008 2005 IPCC 2006 Categories Reference approach Fuel Combustion Activities Electricity generation Manufacturing Industries and Construction CO2 2006 CH4 N2O 3003.00 2356.06 CO2 2007 CH4 N2O 2853.00 0.08 0.01 182.00 2795.14 CO2 2008 CH4 N2O 3019.00 0.08 0.01 504.00 2679.78 CO2 CH4 N2O 3018.52 0.08 0.01 453.00 3783.21 0.08 0.01 120.54 1576.99 0.06 0.01 1655.62 0.06 0.01 1637.61 0.06 0.01 2912.47 0.06 0.01 Chemicals 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.07 0.00 0.00 Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco 2.38 0.00 0.00 2.60 0.00 0.00 2.54 0.00 0.00 3.01 0.00 0.00 137.71 0.01 0.00 185.39 0.01 0.00 177.72 0.01 0.00 209.28 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 1436.86 0.06 0.01 1467.61 0.06 0.01 1457.32 0.06 0.01 1451.52 0.06 0.01 0.01 0.00 Mining (excluding fuels) and Quarrying Construction Non-specified Industry Transportation 446.00 Other Sectors 151.08 Residential Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing Stationary Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery Fishing (mobile combustion) 504.00 0.02 0.00 131.52 38.00 0.01 0.00 37.00 136.17 617.52 0.01 0.00 39.00 132.68 37.99 113.08 0.02 0.00 94.52 0.01 0.00 97.17 0.01 0.00 94.69 0.01 0.00 18.74 0.00 0.00 19.00 0.00 0.00 18.36 0.00 0.00 19.12 0.00 0.00 8.20 0.00 0.00 8.36 0.00 0.00 7.95 0.00 0.00 10.07 0.00 0.00 86.14 0.01 0.00 67.15 0.01 0.00 70.86 0.01 0.00 65.50 0.01 0.00 2.10.2MANUFACTURING Within the Industry subsector, emissions are heavily dominated by the Bayer process at Suralco; in which limestone (lime) is used for the production of Alumina. Products that contain fluorinated gases (air-conditioners, refrigerators and aerosols) also undoubtedly play a role. It has not been possible to quantify their effects accurately, however. 58 453.00 Changes in the bauxite industry are not expected in the near future. Due to a specifically defined quality of bauxite, Suralco has a maximum capacity of 2.2 million tons of Alumina per year, and this was nearly reached in 2007 and 2008. Neither the use of white spirits nor fluorinated gases is expected to increase significantly in the near future. On the contrary, heavy fluorinated gases will be slowly phased out because of stricter worldwide regulations. There are some NMVOC emissions associated with asphalt production, as well as the use of products that contain white spirits. 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 Rough calculations indicate that NMVOC emissions from asphalt may increase significantly in the near future, however, since Suriname has begun some ambitious road projects. 2.10.3 EMISSIONS FROM AGRICULTURE, FORESTRY AND OTHER LAND USES The forecast of non-CO2 emissions was made in accordance with IPCC guidelines, resulting in emission figures for CH4 and N2O, shown in Table 2.9. Total livestock CH4 emissions in 2008 were 2.9 Gg. Dairy cows remain one the largest contributors of CH4 emissions from enteric emission, accounting for 46.3% of emissions in 2008, 73.5% in 1994, 71.0% in 2002, and 78.7% in 2003. Emissions of CH4 from other cattle accounted for 48.1% in 2008, 26.0% in 1994, 25.2% in 2002 and 19.4% in 2003. The CH4 emissions from swine, cattle, sheep, goat and buffalo showed little variability from 1994 to 2008.From 1990 to 2008, total emissions from enteric fermentation decreased by 53.6%. Methane emissions generally decreased from 2002 to 2008, despite a very slight increase from 2006 to 2008. This is shown in Table 2.10. This decreasing trend is due mainly to decreasing populations of both beef and dairy cattle as a result of excessive slaughtering of female dairy cows and cattle over the years. Table 2.9: Emissions from Agriculture for the periods 1994, 2002-2008 Gas Source CH4 (Total) 1994 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 33.52 2521 31.83 20.96 22.84 22.57 21.65 26.15 28.93 Enteric Fermentation 6.19 6.27 6.17 2.54 2.23 2.57 2.6 2.87 3.66 Manure Management 2.07 2.23 2.24 0.62 0.22 0.25 0.25 0.69 0.93 24.29 16.22 22.8 17.21 19.81 19.23 18.3 18.98 23.69 0.71 0.48 0.62 0.58 0.54 0.53 0.5 0.52 0.65 1.9 1.99 1.73 1.95 1.95 1.96 2 1.51 2.03 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.02 0.07 0.07 0.08 0.07 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.08 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.01 0 0 Indirect N2O Emissions from Manure 1.85 1.91 1.64 1.85 1.87 1.89 1.91 1.43 1.93 Field Burning of Agricultural Residues 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 60000 40050 52425 49020 45563 44232 42087 43654 54492 24.29 16.22 22.8 17.21 19.81 19.23 18.3 18.98 23.7 49000 49350 48350 50790 50790 50790 50790 50790 50790 Rice Cultivation Field Burning of Agricultural Residues N2O (Total) Manure Management Direct N20 Emissions from Soils Indirect N2O Emissions from Soils Harvested Rice CH4 Rice Available Area Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 59 Table 2.10:CH4 Emissions from Enteric Fermentation (Gg) Livestock Type 1994 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 Dairy cows 4.46 4.46 4.46 1.18 1.04 1.18 1.19 1.33 Cattle 1.58 1.58 1.58 1.22 1.08 1.23 1.23 1.38 Buffalo 0.04 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.06 0.03 Sheep 0.06 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 0.05 0.06 Goats 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 Horses 0.01 0.07 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mules & Asses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Swine 0.00 0.04 0.03 0.04 0.01 0.04 0.04 0.04 Total 6.19 6.27 6.17 2.54 2.23 2.57 2.60 2.87 Estimates of CH4 emissions from manure in 2008 were 0.71 Gg, 66.6% lower than in 1994. Again, this is a result of decreasing dairy cow and cattle populations due to slaughtering. Emissions decreased by an average of 76.9% annually over the period 1994-2008. In 2008, total N2O emission has been calculated at 2.13 Gg. This includes both direct and indirect N2O emissions from manure management. N2O emissions have remained fairly steady since 1994. Small changes in N2O emissions from individual animal groups exhibit the same trends as in the animal group population, with the net effect that N2O emissions showed a 16.4% increase from 1994 to 2008 and a 25.7% decrease from 2007 through 2008. This is reflected in table 2.11. Table 2.11: CH4 Emissions (in Gg) from manure management for the periods 1994 and 2002-2008. Totals may not sum due to independent rounding17. Livestock Type 1994 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 CH4 2.07 2.23 2.24 0.62 0.22 0.25 0.25 0.69 Dairy cows 2.03 2.03 2.03 0.54 0.14 0.16 0.16 0.61 Cattle 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 0.03 Buffalo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Sheep 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Goats 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Horses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Mules & Asses 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Swine 0.01 0.17 0.16 0.05 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.05 Gas/Animal Type Rice cultivation is an important source of CH4 emissions for Suriname. In 2008, emissions from rice cultivation were 8.65 Gg. During the years 1994 and 2008, there was an overall annual decrease of 32.5%. Emission levels decreased by 61.5% and 64.4% 2007 and 2008 respectively due to the fact that considerably less rice was planted. 17 60 Includes CH4 emissions reductions due to anaerobic digestion. 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 140000 120 15 Enteric Fermentation Manure Management Rice Cultivation 120000 100 10 Field burning of Agricultural Residues 100000 5 0 Harvested area (Ha) Emissions (Gg) 20 80 80000 60 60000 40 40000 Emission (Gg) activities. Suriname needs to develop the capacity to establish emissions factors on a local basis, so that uncertainties in the future may be reduced. 25 20 20000 0 0 Figure 2.15: CH4 emissions from Agriculture, 2002-2009 In terms of mitigation efforts, it would be recommendable to aim for 1994 GHG emissions in agriculture. This is in light of the fact that agriculture in Suriname has the ability to adapt based on its resources, technologies, available information, management and infrastructure, and therefore is able to efficiently engage in rice production (73,000 tons are harvested annually on a planted area of 60,000 ha). It is a very realistic projection that all livestock types will increase by 10% annually. It is estimated that by 2015, CH4 projections based on livestock types (cattle and dairy), and a harvested rice area of about 60,000 ha, will reach about 50.76 Gg. If government plans are taken into account, areas used for growing rice will increase to 150,000,000 ha, which would make the emission from rice production increase up to 122.45 Gg CH4 (see Figure 2.16). The national inventory was calculated using rough estimates and applying indirect default emission factors, due to the lack of adequate data from GHG-generating Harvested Rice Source CH4 Rice Avail Area Figure 2.16: Forecast of CH4 emissions from rice cultivation The expected increase of harvested rice means that N2O emissions from biomass burning will increase. N2O may double by the year 2015, to about 50 Gg, as shown in Figure 2.17. Biomass Burning (Gg) Non-CO2 emissions generated in agriculture in 2008 are relatively minor and have decreased considerably when compared to emissions from agriculture in 1994. For example, in 1994, CH4 emissions from rice cultivation and enteric fermentation in livestock and manure and accounted for 32.39 Gg, but only 12.87 Gg in 2008. 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 19 94 200 200 20 2 2 3 04 005 200 20 2 6 07 00 200 20 8 9 1 CH4 N20 NOx CO 1 20 12 201 20 14 201 3 5 Figure 2.17: Forecast of N2O emissions Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 61 2 National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008 2.10.4 WASTE There is no established waste management system in Suriname. Therefore, emissions from waste should be calculated from default values and population numbers. Due to the low population (less than 0.5 million) and the low birth-rate in Suriname, calculations based on population figures cannot produce an emission number. There are also no signs that a waste management system will be established any time in the near future. Until this happens, it will not be possible to produce emissions figures for the waste sector. 2.11REFERENCES ABS, 2008. Statistical Yearbook, 2007. ABS, 2005. Statistical Yearbook 2004. Comvalius, L.B., 2001. Surinamese Timber Species: Characteristics and Utilization: Recent Information with Brief Descriptions of The Main Timber Species of Suriname. Celos. Donselaar van, J., 1965. The Vegetation of Suriname, an Ecological and Phyto-Geographic Study of Northern Surinam Savannahs, Van Eedenfond, Amsterdam. IPCC, 2003. Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. In: Penman J., et al (eds.) IPCC/OECD/IEA/IGES, Hayama, Japan. 94 pp. IPCC, 2000. Good Practices Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National GHG Inventories, Chapter 4-Agriculture. 513 pp. NGGIP Publications. application/ (Accessed May 30, 2012). IPCC, 1997. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, NGGIP Publications, Vol.1-3. 140 pp. http://www.unfcccint/ghg_data/online>help/frequently_asked_questions/items/38626. php (Accessed May 29, 2012). Japing, H.W., 1957. Onderzoek naar de belangrijkst mechanische en fysische eigenschappen van 41 Surinaamse houtsoorten, Koninklijk Instituut van de Tropen. a Jharap R., 2012. SNC TP02 Emissions from Industry and Manufacturing Sector, Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM). 16 pp. Unpublished manuscript. Suriname. Kema Report, 2008. Suriname Power Sector Assessment and Alternatives for its Modernisation. (ATN/ SF-9038-SU). Lindeman J. C., 1953. The Vegetation of Suriname; The Vegetation Of The Coastal Region of Suriname, Van Eedenfond, Amsterdam. LVV, 2010. 5 jarenverslag 2005-2010 Ministerie van Landbouw, Veeteelt en Visserij, Paramaribo. IPCC, 1996. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, vol. 1: Reporting Instructions. Ministry of Agriculture, 2010. Annual Report 2009, Ministry of Agriculture, Paramaribo, Suriname. IPCC, 1996. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories, vol. 2: Workbook. Ministry of Agriculture, 2011. Policy Paper 2010-2015. Paramaribo, Suriname. 97 pp. Suriname. IPCC, 1996. Revised 1996 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories: Reference manual, vol. 3. Ministry of Agriculture, 2011. Statistical Department, Agricultural Statistics from 1994-2009. 20 pp. Suriname. IPCC Report, 2007. IPCC WG1-AR4, 2007. Substances and their Greenhouse Warming Potential (GWP). Narain J., 2012. SNC TP01 emissions from Energy sector. IPCC, 2006. Emissions from Livestock and Management. 2006 IPCC Guidelines from National Gas Inventories: Volume 4: Chapter 10. 87 pp. (Accessed May 3, 2012). NIMOS, 2005. First National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Suriname. IPCC, 2006. N2O Emissions from Managed Soils, and CO2 Emissions from Lime and Urea applications. 2006 IPCC Guidelines from National Gas Inventories: Volume 4: Chapter 11.54 http://www.ipcc-nggip.iges. (Accessed May 29, 2012) IPCC, 2006. CH4 Emissions from Rice Agriculture. Good Practice Guidance and Uncertainty Management in National Greenhouse Gas Inventory. 38 pp. Rice_Agriculture.pdf (Accessed May 30, 2012). IPCC, 2006. Guidelines for National Greenhouse Inventories., Volume 4: Agriculture, Forestry and other Land Use, Chapter 5: Cropland. 54 pp. (Accessed May 27, 2012). 62 Ori L., 2012. SNC TP03 Emissions from Agriculture Sector, Ministry of Labour Technology and Environment. 42 pp. Unpublished manuscript. Suriname. Playfair M., 2012. SNC TP04 emissions from Forestry and Other Land Use subsector. Poels, R.L.H., 1987. Soils, Water and Nutrients in a Forest Ecosystem in Suriname, Agricultural University Wageningen, the Netherlands. Spong K., 2012. SNC TP05 emissions from IPPU and Waste subsectors. Tractebel, 2002. Technical Assistance to the Formulation of a Master Energy Plan Study, Government of Republic of Suriname and Energie Bedrijven Suriname.129 pp. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy 3. Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy New Beach between Braamspunt and Matapica | Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 63 3.1INTRODUCTION To date, several national assessments of climate-change vulnerability have been conducted in Suriname. The Netherlands Climate Assistance Program (NCAP1) began in 1996. This programme focused specifically on vulnerability assessment of the coastal zone with regard to sea-level rise. NCAP1 findings were subsequently used to write Suriname’s First National Communication to the UNFCCC in 2005. A second phase of the programme (NCAP2), which was focused on the urban areas Paramaribo and Wanica, was completed in 2008. The FNC chapter on vulnerability and adaptation focused on the following areas: - coastal erosion and land loss; - vulnerability of water resources; - freshwater zone ecosystems, - vulnerability of the agriculture sector; - socio-economic Vulnerability; and - vulnerability to human health. This SNC concentrates on the same areas. That of coastal erosion and land loss is adressed in the remaining section on water resources, agriculture, ecology and geomorphology. Final evaluation of the adaptation measures has been ranked through a multi-criteria analysis (MCA) tool. The MCA comprises a set of indices used to evaluate the identified adaptation measures and to rank them. Ranking has been done considering all sectors together as well as sector by sector. Critical issues are emphasised in each section of the vulnerability assessment. Water resources in Suriname are mainly used for agriculture (rice cultivation in particular) energy generation in the form of hydro-electricity and consumption (potable water). Emphasis is placed on urban areas, which are susceptible to flooding as a result of the combination of factors of abundant rainfall, poor drainage, and rising sea and river levels. Additional attention is paid to excessive rainfall in the interior, which caused severe flooding in 2006 and 2008. For the agriculture sector, emphasis is placed on food security and food safety. Possibilities to increase the production and export of 64 agricultural goods are evaluated as potential adaptation measures. The coastal and geomorphology section focuses on changes of the coastline with respect to sealevel rise and climate change. In the sector of human health, emphasis is placed on monitoring occurrences of dengue and malaria. The socio-economic analysis focuses primarily on existing vulnerabilities among certain groups in society, such as farming communities and women in the interior. The assessment was conducted using ad-hoc studies, experiences gained in this field, and the expert judgment of consultants. 3.2 BASELINE CLIMATE CONDITIONS Suriname, in the north-eastern part of South America just north of the Amazon delta, between 2-6 degrees north latitude and 54-58 degrees west longitude, has a climate characterised as tropical wet and hot. The climate is generally controlled by the biannual passage of the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ). The first passage occurs during the period from December to February (known as the short wet season), and the second during the period from May to mid-August (the long wet season). The periods between these are the short dry season (February to the end of April) and the long dry season (mid-August to early December). According to the Köppen classification, Suriname has three climate types: monsoon climate, tropical rainforest climate and humid and dry climate. Another major condition that determines the country’s climate is that of its surface conditions. Characteristics such as an abundance of rivers and swamps and the presence of a well-developed vegetation cover produce large amounts of water vapour. Along with local convection and orographic lifting along the hills and mountainous regions, these contribute to the relatively high precipitation in the country18. For decades, general climatic conditions have remained nearly the same throughout the year19. Urritia R.O., 2008. Assessment of 21st Century Climate-Change Projections in Tropical South America and the Tropical Andes, Master’s Thesis. Amatali M.A., 2011a. Technical Paper Present Profile, Sector Water Resources. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 18 19 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy The variation of annual temperature is only 2-3 degrees Celsius, and there is insignificant change in rainfall as well, excluding unusually dry or wet years. This leads to the conclusion that the climate of Suriname is relatively stable. An example of an exceptionally wet year was 2006, when large amounts of rainfall caused significant areas along rivers upstream to be inundated. However, it has been noted that this type of event seems to reoccur every 25-75 years20. Nieuw Nickerie Coronie Cultuurtuin Zanderij The current climate is best described as in the following sub-sections. Stoelmanseiland A.Temperature In the coastal zone of Suriname, temperature observations over the past forty-seven years (at the Cultuurtuin meteorological station) have shown an average increase of approximately 0.016 degrees per year. In the hinterland, no significant trends in temperature change have been observed (at the Zanderij meteorological station). It should be noted, however, that temperature observations in the coastal zone as well as in the interior may be affected by local conditions. In the coastal zone, such conditions would increase due to urbanisation. In the interior, the type of land cover (savannah or forest, for example) would be a factor. = Meteorological Station Kwamalasamoetoe B.Precipitation One of the principal parameters of climatology is rainfall. For Suriname, this is essential, since rainfall is the basis for the distribution of the four seasons. Data on precipitation comes from six meteorological stations, namely Cultuurtuin (Paramaribo), Zanderij, Coronie, Nieuw Nickerie, Stoelmanseiland and Kwamalasamutu (See Figure 3.1). Due to incomplete data, rainfall trend analyses could not be performed for all datasets. Trend analyses for stations located in the young coastal zone show no significant negative trend over approximately the past 100 years (see Appendix III, figures 3c, 3e, 3g). At the same stations, however, trends are found to be slightly positive for the period 1971-2008 (see Appendix III, Figures 3b, 3d, 3f ). At present, there is no clear explanation for such a rainfall trend. 20 Figure 3.1 Location of meteorological stations Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile, Sector Water Resources Rainfall trends at stations located in the hinterland are shown in Appendix III, Figures 3i through 3n. Compared to stations in the coastal zone, hinterland stations show a slight decrease in rainfall over the period 1971-2008, except for Kwamalasamutu station, which shows an increase. Brinke, W. and Botterweg, J., (2006). “Overstromingen Suriname 2006 Oorzaken, herhalingskansen en preventiemaatregelen”. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 65 Based on the available data, it can be stated that the highest amount of rainfall (about 3,000 mm/yr.) is observed in the centre, and the lowest amount in the north-western part of the country (less than 1,750 mm). In Paramaribo and Wanica, rainfall varies widely, from 1,400mm/yr. in the north to 2,100 mm/yr. in the south. To the south of this zone (except for the central part of the country) yearly rainfall varies on average from 2,000 to 2,350 mm/yr. C.Wind Winds are generally light, with annual averages of about 1.3-1.6 on the scale of Beaufort (or 1-5 m/s). The daily wind-speed variation is higher, up to 3-4 Beaufort (3-8 m/s). High winds in Suriname correspond with the occurrence of local gales, called sibibusi in Surinamese, reaching speeds of up to 20-30 m/s near the end of the rainy seasons. D. Extreme weather conditions Extreme weather conditions often occur related to El Niño and La Niña events. A connection has been postulated between extremely dry conditions in Suriname and strong El Niño events, as well as between extremely wet conditions in the country with strong La Niña events. Extreme weather conditions are also observed during sibibusi events, when wind speeds of up to 30m/s occur (over 100 km/hour; 67 mph; 58 knots). Such winds can cause significant damage in urban areas. To date, it is unclear how global climatic circulations affect extreme weather patterns in Suriname. Moreover, according to predictions, the Walker current is weakening21 and may drop by 1% in force by the year 2100. This will impact the hydrological cycle and hence rainfall and other climatologic conditions. A clear description of the current climate is unavailable due to a lack of data and poor observation networks. Events such as sibibusis and strong variations in rainfall have not been consistently observed, and therefore no analyses have been produced. 21 Urritia R.O., 2008. 66 3.3 EXPECTED CLIMATE-CHANGE AND SEA-LEVEL-RISE PROJECTIONS Climate-Change Scenarios For the FNC’s Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment, the following assumptions were made: - sea-level rise of 1m; - rainfall decrease of 10%; - temperature increase (unknown value); and - possible changes in wind speeds. IPCC has developed a set of scenarios to describe how future conditions may develop, based on a coherent and internally consistent set of assumptions about driving forces and key relationships22. The projected sea-level rise in Suriname has been calculated according to the A2 and B2 IPCC scenarios. Elements from both of these scenarios have been used, since one specific scenario is difficult to apply to the national circumstances of Suriname. The adapted IPCC scenario includes country-specific data for expected rise of the average temperature and sea-level and possible changes in total rainfall. Other data, such as occurrences of extreme events and variations in the amounts of seasonal rain, including periods between dry and wet seasons, are also considered in the adapted scenarios. According to these scenarios, economic growth will vary from low to intermediate. Suriname has a number of natural resources that could be utilised to contribute to intermediate economic growth. However, if these natural resources were to be depleted, a drop in economic growth would be expected. Scenarios A2 and B2 show technological change as fragmented and relatively slow-paced, undoubtedly depending on the level of education in the country. Suriname is currently investing in the improvement of education at various levels, so that more Surinamese people can receive a quality education, have better access to higher education and thereby become more involved in the various sectors of the country’s economy. 22 UNFCCC, 2010. Handbook on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment. Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on National Communications from Parties not Included in ANNEX I to the Convention. UNDP, 3,1-16. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy Taking into consideration the intermediate economic growth within these scenarios, the Surinamese population is expected to undergo some growth as well. Current demographic diversity will be largely maintained, and this will remain reflected in the social, cultural, and political structure of Suriname. Simultaneous cultural integration will continue to take place. Suriname’s membership to both the Caribbean Common Market (CARICOM) and the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) demonstrates the country’s continuing efforts to maintain and be open to the process of regional integration. These efforts are in line with the adapted scenarios, according to which the ambient temperature is expected to rise approximately 2-3 degrees Celsius by 2100. Changes in severity and frequency of extreme weather events could therefore have great impacts on many sectors in Suriname. Projections resulting from these scenarios also reveal that the sea level is expected to rise by 20–51 cm by 2100. The main factors contributing to this rise are expansion of sea water and melting/sliding of land-based ice sheets and glaciers. Yet there are many uncertainties regarding carbon cycle feedbacks, ice-flow processes, the amount of heat uptake by the oceans and recently observed ice-discharge rates. Since such factors are insufficiently understood, their contributions to sea-level rise are oftentimes neglected23. Researchers such as Rahmstorf, Horton, Rohling, Koppen, Pfeffer, and Sidall 24,25,26,27,28 have shown that when certain of these uncertainties are taken into account, a higher maximum sea-level rise results. 23 Nicholls, R.J. et al, 2007. Coastal Systems and Low-Lying Areas. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change, M.L. Parry et al Eds., pp. 315-356. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. Siddall et al, 2009. “Constraints on Future Sea-Level Rise from Past Sea-Level Change,” Nature Geosciences Nature Geoscience 2, 571 – 575. Published online: 26 July 2009 February 2010 |doi:10.1038/ngeo587. Accessed Apr. 16, 2010 at: 24 These range from the IPCC projection of 59 cm to Rahmstorf’s projection of 190 cm. An average of sea-level projections from these five studies exceeds 100 cm. Further analyses of these studies reveal that the lowest value of the maximum projected sealevel rise is +80 cm25. The highest value among the researchers, +180 cm, was that of Vermeer & Rahmstorf29. According to Simpson et al30, these high projection values are based on complex, on-going processes and the vulnerability of the Greenland and West Antarctic ice sheets. Depletion there could result in a continuation of sea-level rise, regardless of predicted changes in global temperatures. According to the same studies, sea-level rise in the Caribbean could be more pronounced than in some other regions. A 1 m sea level rise projection has been adopted for Suriname. This is based on: - analysis of five major projections of sea-level rise; - exclusion of the IPCC projection (AR4) sea level rise project is because new evidence is available that results in higher predictions than those found there; and - a lack of reliable data on sea-level rise in Suriname In addition, local factors such as storm surge and subsidence should also be considered as important contributors to sea-level rise in Suriname. In conclusion, the expected climate-change scenario used for the vulnerability assessment in Suriname can be described as follows (all projections are made for 2100): - temperature rise between 2-3 degrees Celsius; - rainfall decrease of 10%; - increased frequency of extreme weather events, including high winds; and - 1 m rise in sea level. 25 Pfeffer et al, 2008. Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise. Science, 5 September 2008, Vol. 321 no. 5894, pp. 1340-1343 DOI: 10.1126/science.1159099. Accessed Apr. 16, 2012 at: Rohling et al, 2007. “Rates of Sea-Level Rise During the Last Interglacial,” Nature Geoscience,” 1, 38-42 (2008). Published online: 16 December 2007 | DOI:10.1038/ ngeo.2007.28. Accessed at: 26 29 27 Vermeer M and Rahmstorf S., 2009. Global Sea Level Linked to Global Temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 106(51), 21527–21532. Kopp et al, Dec., 2009. Probabilistic Assessment of Sea Level During the Last Interglacial Stage. Nature, Vol. 462, pp. 863-867, doi:10.1038/nature08686. Simpson, M.C. et al, 2010.Quantification and Magnitude of Losses and Damages Resulting from the Impacts of Climate Change: Modelling the Transformational Impacts and Costs of Sea-Level Rise in the Caribbean (Summary Document), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), Barbados, West Indies. 30 28 Horton et al, 2008. Sea-Level Rise Projections for Current Generation CGCMs Based on the Semi-Empirical Method. Geophysical Research Letters, Vol. 35, L02715, doi:10.1029/2007GL032486. Accessed at: Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 67 3.4 VULNERABILITY ASSESSMENT A vulnerability assessment has been conducted with respect to the impacts of climate change on water resources, agriculture, ecology & geomorphology, socio-economy and health. 3.4.1 WATER RESOURCES Rainfall is the only source of water in Suriname. The many rivers originating in the hinterland, groundwater aquifers and swamps found in the coastal area are all fed by rainfall, with annual averages varying from 1,750 mm/yr. in the north to about 3,000 mm/yr. in the centre of the country. With the exception of the Suriname River, the seven main rivers and their numerous tributaries discharge excessive rainfall from the mainland directly into the Atlantic Ocean (see Table 3.1). The discharge of the Suriname River is regulated by the Afobaka hydropower dam. Table 3.1 Average discharge characteristics of Suriname’s rivers No. Main river 1 Marowijne 2 Commewijne 3 Area of the basin in km2 Discharge in m3/s Specific discharge (l/s/km2) 68,700 1,780 25.9 6,600 120 18.2 Suriname 16,500 426 25.8 4 Saramacca 9,000 225 25.0 5 Coppename 21,700 500 23.0 6 Nickerie 10,100 178 17.6 7 Corantijn 67,600 1,570 23.2 68 Variations in freshwater discharge are encountered due to variations in rainfall and the resulting decrease in availability of freshwater. During the rainy seasons, fresh water is abundant, while during the dry seasons, it may become temporarily limited. Freshwater reserves may experience further pressure when drought coincides with a strong El Niño. During a strong La Niña, abundant rainfall is expected. If accompanied by other conditions, such as high soil moisture content, limited water storage capacity and relatively steady rainfall, inundation may result. Changes in rainfall in the upper basins of the Surinamese rivers are followed by saltwater intrusion in their lower courses, since these lower river courses are controlled by the hydrological influence of the Atlantic Ocean. A decrease of the upstream flow promotes saltwater intrusion, while an increase in river discharge pushes the salt limit back to near the estuarine zone of the river. Figure 3.2 illustrates the approximate location of the current saltwater wedge. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy In the north-western part of Suriname, where wetland rice is cultivated, large volumes of fresh water per unit of time and area are required. This fresh water is obtained from local water resources such as freshwater swamps and rivers found in these areas. In the case of pronounced penetration of the salt wedge in the rivers due to low freshwater discharge and low water levels in the neighbouring swamps, pumps must be utilised to provide additional irrigation water. These pumps are located approximately 66 km upstream in the rivers. AND WETLANDS Numerous wetlands and swamps are found in the coastal zone. The total area covered by these wetlands and swamps (excluding the manmade lake) is approximately 12,000 km2 one-third of which is permanently inundated and the remaining area seasonally inundated during rainy seasons. A man-made hydropower lake named Brokopondo Lake, formed in the early 1960s, covers an area of about 1,600 km2. Originally, the main objective of the Lake was to generate electricity for the aluminium smelter at Paranam. Since the closure of this smelter in 1996, a significant part of the hydroelectricity produced by waters of the lake is transported to Paramaribo. However, alternating water levels in the lake due to varying rainfall has resulted in inconsistent hydropower output. During periods of excessive rainfall, generated power may exceed 120 MW, but in periods of drought, electricity generated at the same power plant may drop to 80 MW. Rainfall variation is therefore having an immediate impact on the country’s economy. After being used for hydropower generation, fresh water from Brokopondo Lake is discharged via the Suriname River into the sea. Figure 3.2 Hydrology of Suriname Significant freshwater input for the swamps and rivers bordering the Zanderij formation and the higher old coastal plain in the south, particularly during the dry seasons, comes from groundwater inflow. In the districts of Nickerie and Coronie, water-retaining dams have been constructed to protect agricultural land from flooding during the wet seasons. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 69 AQUIFERS The retained water is also used for irrigation for rice cultivation in the same area during the dry seasons, as well as for conserving mangrove wetlands on the coast. There are four major freshwater swamps. From east to west, these are named Surnau Swamp, Coesewijne Swamp, Coronie Swamp and Nani Swamp. Nani Swamp is used intensively for agricultural purposes. High water-levels in the swamps from intensive rainfall in conjunction with water-retaining dams of poor construction and maintenance have often resulted in dam breaches and inundation of adjacent agricultural lands and urban areas. Potable water is extracted from groundwater resources found in the coastal area at depths varying from tens to hundreds of meters. The Zanderij aquifer is the only outcropping aquifer and the only aquifer receiving modern replenishment. Intensive use of deeper aquifers has resulted in an annual water level decrease of about 0.5 m. One present-day problem is an increase in salinity of these freshwater aquifers, particularly in the northern part of the country. This is an indication of groundwater depletion. Increase in population and urbanisation will further exacerbate this condition. At present, 93.5% of the population in Paramaribo has access to potable water, while this percentage is lower (75%) for the Wanica District, the second most populated area of Suriname. Water supply in the hinterland is poor. During dry seasons, inhabitants of the interior mainly use surface water from the rivers, and during wet seasons, they use rainwater directly for consumption. ON WATER RESOURCES UNDP Bigi Pan Wetland Water resources in Suriname may experience stress as a result of climate change through the combined effects of reduced annual rainfall, increased evapo-transpiration, and prolonged dry periods. Reduced rainfall and the resulting reduced discharge will lead to saltwater intrusion in the rivers, creeks and streams that flow directly into the Atlantic Ocean. An example of the relationship between sea level and saltwater intrusion for the Suriname River can be seen in Figure 3.3. A linear projection of this relationship with respect to a one-meter sea-level rise causes a displacement of the saltwater wedge by approximately twenty kilometres upstream This depends on local conditions, such as the tidal effect of the Atlantic Ocean on the water system and the freshwater discharge from upstream. It is certain that under such conditions, water resources of all rivers and significant parts of the wetlands in the coastal zone will decline rapidly. Without proper adaptation measures, saltwater intrusion will have a significant impact and even jeopardise the agricultural sector, while other sectors will be strongly affected as well. High water sea levels will also promote changes in river morphology, estuarine zones, and the lower courses of the rivers. River processes such as riverbank erosion and 70 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy deposition, changes to the navigable channel, and the movement of bars and mud banks in the lower courses near the river mouths may cause to develop an array of risks to the environment, as well as to present and future infrastructure along these rivers. The wetlands may become highly susceptible to drought and consequently to natural Increase Saltagricultural Intrusion lands Suriname River (km) fires during prolonged dry periods,in while will experience increased threats from inundation due to dam failure and/or intensified wet seasons. Increase Salt Intrusion (Km) Increase in Salt Intrusion Suriname River (km) 10 8 6 higher water levels and hyper-salinisation in the case of stagnant water. In addition, industries are increasingly using freshwater resources for production purposes (water bottling, beverages, mining and agriculture) which add to the pressure on these resources. Negative impacts on water resources in the hinterland could stem from two causes: increased economic activity (logging, gold-mining) and increased variations in temperature and rainfall. 3.4.2AGRICULTURE Agricultural activities are found in both the young and old coastal areas and consist of the following: crop production (rice, vegetables, and bananas); animal production (beef cattle, sheep, goats, poultry and pigs); fisheries (including aquaculture); and cultivation of fruits, flowers and ornamental plants. This last subsector (flowers and ornamentals) is rather new and shows promising growth potential. 4 The Agriculture subsector is key to the economy of the country, not only because of its contribution to the GDP, but also because of the high number of people employed in it. An overview of the percentage of labourers working in agriculture can be seen in Figure 3.4. 2 0 -2 -4 -6 y = 0.255x - 2.833 -8 -10 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Increase Mean Water level Nw.Amsterdam (cm) Approximately half of the labourers involved in the agriculture are engaged in animal production and fisheries; the other half are mainly active in crop production. Locally produced animal products do not fully meet national demands. Other agricultural products are used locally and exported. An overview of the average export values (in %) for the period 2004-2009 is presented in Figure 3.5. Figure 3.3 Relationship between rates of salt intrusion and increased mean water level Source: Amatali, 2011b; Technical Paper Future Profile. Sector Water Resources Saltwater intrusion into aquifers will also increase with continued extraction from groundwater sources and pollution. If the sea level continues to rise, replenishment rates into the Zanderij aquifer may decrease. It should be noted that depletion of freshwater resources will further impact natural and manmade systems. Seawater penetration in the coastal area will trigger a number of changes, such as the decline of water quality, the dislocation of freshwater fish species, Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 71 - 1% 9% 25% Rice 10% 26% 29% Bananas Vegetables 25% 32% Bananas Vegetables, Roots, Tubers Fisheries Fruit excl. Bananas Rice Processed vegetables, fruit Flowers Animal Production 17% Others 24% Fish and fish products Shrimp 0% 0% 0% 2% Figure 3.4 Labourers involved in agriculture (2009-2010) Source: Tjien Fooh, 2011a; Vulnerability and Adaptation of the agriculture sector in Suriname – Current profile Figure 3.5 Export values (mil. SRD) and % of some agricultural products (2004-2009) Source: Tjien Fooh, 2011a; Vulnerability and Adaptation of the agriculture sector in Suriname – Current profile Significant decreases in the export values of shrimp have been observed during recent years. Over the past few decades, production in almost all subsectors has declined. The bananas subsector is one of the few exceptions. This subsector has shown moderate growth, due primarily to extensive recent investments, particularly in the irrigation and transport infrastructures. Decrease of agricultural production is due to two main factors: 1) socio-economic aspects (including lagging infrastructural maintenance, population growth, shift of production fields to newer locations, lack of new investment and lack of innovation) and 2) climatic variations (varying rainfall intensities over time and space, and high winds). The main threats to agricultural production are: - reduction of agricultural land. A shift of the old production areas to new locations is required in view of current socio-economic development, since former production areas have now been designated to housing; - lack of appropriate irrigation and drainage facilities, which increases the vulnerability of this sector; 72 rising prices of agricultural commodities; although enough land and fresh water are available, Suriname is still largely dependent on imported agricultural products. This dependence increases the country’s vulnerability in terms of food security; - questionable food security and food supply in the hinterland. For indigenous and Maroon villages in particular, this depends largely on climatic conditions. According to Amatali31, strong variations in rainfall are expected in the future, and since agricultural practices in this area are climate-based, these variations may adversely affect livelihoods. It should be noted that irrigation infrastructure in the hinterland is lacking, in contrast to the coastal zone, where it exists. Therefore, early or late season-starts have an immediate impact on these communities. ON AGRICULTURE As mentioned in Section 3.3, projections pertaining to agriculture are not optimistic in light of expected climate-change and sea-level rise scenarios. Although Suriname has enough land and freshwater, future agricultural development will be negatively affected by climate change and sea-level rise. According to Nijbroek (2011b), a projected mid-term population growth of about 44% by 2024 will exert permanent pressure on agricultural production. Urbanisation may also contribute to the weakening of the agricultural sector because people migrating from rural areas and the interior to urban areas will no longer produce their own staple crops and have to depend on purchased products. A significant number of threats may affect crops that are heavily dependent on the availability of fresh water. Agricultural subsectors that may be affected include: A. Rice production Rice is the main staple food in Suriname and shows growth potential, if factors such as available fertile land, global population growth and favourable world market prices are taken into account. This subsector would, however, be significantly threatened by seawater intrusion, strong and unpredictable variations in rainfall patterns or the combined effects of these two32. Rice production may also be 31 Amatali M.A. 2011b. Technical Paper Future Profile. Sector Water Resources. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 32 Tjien Fooh R. 2011b. Vulnerability and Adaptation of the Agriculture Sector in Suriname – Future Profile, Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy hampered by frequent occurrences of crop diseases and pest infestations in the coming years. Inland flooding and sea-level rise, may become more evident and seriously hamper food security. In addition, investments into maintenance of machines and equipment, infrastructure and facilities are currently sorely needed in the rice subsector. B. Bananas This subsector will also experience stress, since it is located on the young coastal plain. Recent important investments and the introduction of new technologies in irrigation and drainage systems have improved this subsector’s resilience, however. The future of the banana sector is strongly dependent on world market prizes and the capacity of the banana company to compete under challenging circumstances. C. Vegetable Crops By 2025, about 25% of vegetable production is expected to be undertaken in protective farming techniques such as greenhouses and hydroponic systems. These modern systems can only be effective if accompanied by large-scale investments, some of which would have to be dedicated to capacity-building and awareness campaigns. Changing climatic and hydrological conditions add to the need for such investment. Using existing farming systems, farmers who produce in areas susceptible to flooding and salinisation may no longer be able to produce their crops and have to move to other, lower-risk areas or to adapt their livelihoods to the changed conditions. Under such circumstances, the number of farmers involved in vegetable production could decline, making produce more expensive. necessary imports. F. Fisheries/Aquaculture This subsector is in decline, a situation expected to worsen in the near future. Intensive research is required to understand whether this decline is due to trawlers having a negative impact on the breeding grounds of fish and shrimp near the coast, or whether climate-related processes and forces or some other factors are involved. Under conditions of climate change, productivity in this subsector will depend on sustainable fisheries management and on the recovery of the estuarine zone, among other things. In general its vulnerability level is determined by uncertain future climatic conditions and large investments made on the part of competitors. 3.4.3 ECOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY As indicated in Chapter 1, large parts of Suriname’s geomorphology are part of the Guiana Shield. This shield is a sizable area that stretches from north of the Amazonian lowlands in south-east Columbia through Venezuela, Guyana and northern Brazil to the Atlantic coast of Guyana, Suriname, and French Guiana. The Guiana Shield formation is billions of years old, deeply weathered, and covered by rainforest. Topographically, this shield is hilly to mountainous, and this type of terrain makes up the geomorphology of Suriname’s hinterland. In the north at the foot of this shield, an area with terrestrial sediments has been formed. Further northward to the coastal lowlands, marine sediments are found that stretch to the Atlantic Ocean. This creates four major geographical zones in Suriname, with their corresponding ecosystems (see Figure 3.6). D. Fruit This subsector has the potential to grow rapidly in the coming years. Necessary conditions exist for growing perennial fruit, or raising exotic fruit species rich in antioxidants, such as acai (Euterpe oleraceae), which is more resilient to extreme weather patterns. It is therefore expected that the low number of specialised farmers in this subsector will grow if the necessary incentives are provided. E. Livestock This subsector is under pressure due to several factors: competition from imported meat and meat products, agronomical constraints (rainfall, soil fertility and texture, temperature) and scarcity of good breeding stocks. Without strong support for adaptation to new production conditions, stagnation or decline in livestock production will remain of great concern, and local production markets will be further harmed by Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 73 Legend 1. Precambrian Guiana Shield area, popularly also known as the interior, the interior uplands, or the hill and mountain land 2. Cover landscape; also known as Zanderij or the Savannah Belt (late Tertiary) 3. The old coastal plain: a. Old ridges and sea-clay flats (Pleistocene) b. Old swamps (Early Holocene) 4. Young coastal plain (late Holocene) Figure 3.6 Outline of Suriname’s major physiographic regions Source: Noordam, 2011; Ecology and Geomorphology The Precambrian Guiana Shield area, also known as the interior upland, has regular elevations of up to 750 m and occasionally higher, the highest being 1,230 m. The rivers and creeks in the interior upland are, in general, characterised by the presence of rapids, except for those parts of river basins in which the valleys are filled with alluvium. In the lowland zone (up to 500 m elevation) the dominant type of vegetation cover is high dryland forest, also known as “tropical mesophytic forest” or “tropical lowland forest.” In zones with adverse soil conditions, savannah vegetation types can be found. These comprise high and low xerophytic forest patches among the tropical mesophytic and other types of forests in this area. At elevations above 500 m above mean sea level (MSL), mountain forests are found. Species composition here differs from that of the surrounding lowlands. Tafelberg Mountain, at approximately 1,000 m above MSL, has different ecosystems, being an isolated plateau with very steep, often cliff-like slopes, very poor sandy soils and exposed sandstone. Along the rivers and creeks, seasonally flooded forests occur, in which marsh and swamp species may be found near dryland species. The Cover landscape, occurring at the foot of the Precambrian Guiana Shield and 74 also known as Zanderij or the Savannah Belt, is a gently rolling plateau landscape sloping to the north with elevations that are predominantly between 10-50 m. On well-drained sandy to loamy soils that cover approximately 60% of this landscape, high dryland forest is found, while high and low xerophytic forests and savannahs occur where there are bleached, sandy soils. Species composition differs from the forests in the interior uplands, and many forests in the Cover landscape are subject to selective logging. The Old Coastal Plain is a discontinuous belt of erosion remnants of a former continuous coastal plain. It is intersected by gullies and swamps filled with younger sediments, from during the early Holocene. The landscape is undulating, with elevations in the lower parts of 4-7 m and 5-11 m in the higher parts. Poor drainage of this zone has led to the formation of extensive swamps or depressions between the ridges, as well as marsh flats, with swamp water levels increasing 2 meters in depth. In the deeper swamps (3-6 m) extensive peat formations have formed, with thicknesses of several meters. Swamps with such thick and often floating peat layers have open ombrogenous herbaceous swamp vegetation. These include the southern Nani Swamp, the central Coronie Swamp, and the swamp upstream of Buku Creek in the Cottica drainage basin. These swamps are poor in species and often covered with low herbaceous vegetation, dominated by a single species. On periodically flooded areas, high marsh forest dominates, and high dryland forest is found on the old ridges. The most northern land, known as the estuarine zone, covers an area of about 2,000 km2 and encompasses mangrove forests, lagoons and brackish herbaceous swamps as well as a strip with freshwater swamps directly south of it. This estuarine zone is very dynamic, with its ever moving mud banks and beaches and the associated erosion and accretion. When mudflats are silted up due to the presence of mobile mud banks to elevations above the mean high water level, often a monospecific Black Mangrove or “Parwa” (Avicennia germinans) develops as an uninterrupted belt along the coast. This is uprooted during periods of erosion, subsequently partially thrown up on shore and partially transported westwards by the sea, where it drifts ashore elsewhere along the coast. Other reasons for the Parwa forests to die are the drowning of the respiratory roots and changes in the salt content caused in 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy general by on-going “natural changes.” This often finally results in the formation of lagoons. Following the consecutive naturally-induced processes of rainfall and changes in salinity and vegetation, these lagoons may be finally transformed into fresh water herbaceous swamps, where peat formation might begin. The presence of saline to brackish clay soils and waters, ranging from (hyper) saline to (nearly) fresh, are essential conditions for preserving life in the estuarine zone. A “red line” is often marked on maps to delineate these zones, which coincide approximately with the line of the ocean watershed in the south. Along the brackish and muddy lower courses of the Surinamese rivers, intertidal flats are covered with red mangrove forests (Rhizophora sp.), characterised by their high prop roots. Finally, the Young Coastal Plain, is characterised by flat and low-lying formations of heavy marine clays usually overlain by a peat layer, with elevations around 1 (± 0.5) meter above MSL and therefore very sensitive to inundation during rainy seasons, especially when there are poor drainage conditions. The clay flats are locally interspersed by ridges that strike roughly from east to west, and form usually narrow bodies, often comprised of sand and occasionally mixed with shells. These ridges may be found at elevations of 1-3 m above the surrounding clay flats and may occur individually or in bundles varying in width between 10 and 400 m. Another feature of this coastal plain is the Polder landscape, comprised of old plantation areas and—in the Young Coastal Plain—recently established polders. Water levels in these areas are controlled by dikes, canals, ditches, sluices and pumps, but the areas are often inundated during heavy rainfall. The eastern part of the Surinamese coast line, occupying about 10% of the total Surinamese coast, is covered by beaches that provide suitable conditions for sea turtles to nest. The beaches of eastern Suriname are of international importance, not only as a nesting site for green and leatherback turtles, but also as the only place in the Atlantic where historical olive Ridley turtles nest in massive numbers. These beaches, prominent around Galibi and Commewijne, are subject to erosion, and they “move” in a western direction under the influence of the Guyana current and the prevailing north-east trade winds. An exception is formed by the most eastern beaches which are more or less in a steady state, as erosion is compensated by deposition of sand originating from the rivers east of this location (mainly those of French Guiana). When mudflats are formed in front of these beaches, they become a stable feature in the landscape, the so-called “ridges.” Threats to the above described ecosystems, in particular those of the Young Coastal Plain, currently exist, and consist of: - grass and peat fires; - land reclamation and clearing; - civil engineering works (construction of large canals, dams and roads); and - poaching and collecting of wild life. Grass and peat fires. Grassfires are annual events that normally only occur in herbaceous swamps. The grassfire normally destroys only the vegetation, not the peat layer. Peat fires, on the other hand, destroy high and low swamp forests and temporarily create open water areas that are soon covered with newly established floating or rooting herbaceous vegetation. During such events, peat layers that take many years to establish are significantly damaged. The last documented peat fire is dated 1963 to 196433.Small-scale vegetation fires in the swamps are reported annually, however, in particular during the long dry season. To date, all documented grass and peat fires have been related to human activities. Land reclamation and clearing. Since the 17th century, about 2,000 km2 of land on the Young Coastal Plain has been turned into plantations and polders. Most of these areas were originally wetlands. In the cover landscape and interior uplands, land is used for shifting cultivation. The total area of this is unknown, but currently, it is not expanding significantly. In these same areas, land is currently being requested for large-scale oil palm and sugarcane cultivation and for cattle grazing. Large tracts of forest will be cleared for these land-use activities. In the coastal zones, new areas have been designated for agricultural purposes. Noordam D., 2011. Ecology and Geomorphology. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 33 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 75 Civil Engineering works (construction of large canals, dams and roads). Such works are observed at several locations in the coastal areas. Large civil engineering works are inevitable during economic development, and where they occur there are considerable hydrological changes and changes in biodiversity that reach across large areas. Examples from the past are the east-west Burnside-Wageningen road, a waterretaining and drainage diversion dam south of the Nickerie rice area, the Corantijn Canal, and the water-retaining dam south of the Coronie rice polders. Poaching and collecting of wild life. These seem to be common practices in Suriname, and some animal species have become locally rare or even extinct. Illegal collection of sea-turtle eggs on beaches in eastern Suriname is already affecting turtle populations. Further development of the network of polders, dams and roads will improve access to previously inaccessible areas, leading to an increase in such illegal activities. In the interior uplands, the construction of new roads provides access for people to hunt, fish, log, collect, and conduct shifting cultivation in previously inaccessible areas, affecting ecosystems over vast tracts. See Table 1.1 and Figure 1.9 for ecosystems in Suriname ON ECOSYSTEMS AND COASTAL ZONES Ecosystems have always responded to climate change, but on different scales and at different rates of change, depending on climatic circumstances. These responses may include shifts in the timing of biological events, in populations and reproductive biology, and in the species found in geographical zones. This may include the extinction of certain species. Data at the species level are lacking for Suriname. Therefore, emphasis will be placed on climate-change impacts at a broader ecosystem level. With respect to projections of climate change in the future, a number of changes are expected to happen in the estuarine zone. Although sea-level rise is the main driver of these changes, this single force is not expected to create large problems for the existing healthy mangrove-mud coasts. The on-going alternation of accretion and erosion along these coasts will be maintained, with possible increases in the erosion and deposition rate. Under these circumstances, it is expected that the ecosystems involved will not change dramatically, although some shifts will occur, especially where hard manmade structures are found34. Depending on the strength of these structures, the coastline will be fixed, but there is a high cost involved in this. Lack of maintenance to a dam may, for example, lead to its deterioration and eventually to a breach, possibly resulting in tremendous losses. Other structures such as clay dams will only enhance erosion rather than deposition. At these locations and at those free of natural and manmade structures, seawater penetration will occur in the estuarine zone, with negative effects for wildlife, forcing certain animals to either move to higher ground or adapt to the new conditions. Along the lower courses of the rivers, the riverine mangroves are not expected to be affected by increasing sea level, but they may extend some kilometres further upstream with the movement of the salt wedge. Adjacent to the coastal mangrove forest a brackish zone may develop where, depending on the mangrove-mudbank interaction and climatic conditions (such as decreased rainfall and increased evapo-transpiration), hyper-saline conditions may develop. Under such conditions, the number of species could be drastically reduced. Changes in the numbers of turtles nesting on beaches in eastern Suriname are linked with geomorphologic changes that are dependent on the rate of the sea-level rise and sediment balance. A negative balance may erode beaches, thereby negatively affecting the number of nesting turtles. On the other hand, a positive balance could increase the number of nesting turtles in this part of Suriname. The freshwater zone. This zone, if not interfered with by human development, will suffer the least from future climate change, except in the case in which a dramatic rise of swamp water occurs. In the case of rising swamp water, freshwater zones often become covered by intense vegetative growth and peat cover. This negatively affects flows from the zone and causes water levels to increase at the same rate as the rise of sea level and of the river. Increased swamp-water levels have impacts on the vegetation of the low swamp forests and promote carbon sequestration through conservation of peat. It is estimated that on every 1.1 million hectares of swamp, approximately 5.5x108 ton of carbon will be fixed. 34 Noordam D., 2011. Ecology and Geomorphology. Technical document: “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 76 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy However, varying climatic conditions, such as prolonged dry periods, reduced rainfall, and increased evapo-transpiration, will increase the susceptibility of these areas to swamp fires. Future large-scale peat fires would be dramatic in terms of CO2 release. A dramatic rise in swamp-water levels might also damage the adjoining swamp woods and swamp forests, which would subsequently be replaced by other types of vegetation. The bordering high dryland forests would be replaced by the seasonally flooding marsh forests. All land beyond the young coastal zone is for the most part covered with high dryland forests. Due to their relatively high soil moisture content, these areas are less sensitive to extensive degradation. Degradation only occurs when these fireresistant native forests are converted into fire prone vegetation through repeated forest damage from drought, logging and/or fire. Such extensive forest degradation has not regularly occurred in Suriname, with the exception of a few, generally very small sites. Future climatic conditions combined with large-scale developments, such as road construction through forests, shifting cultivation, logging, and other possible socio-economic developments could increase the sensitivity of the forest to further degradation, but a general die-off is not expected. For certain areas, in particular southwest Suriname, such developments could lead to the “ecological tipping point.” Therefore it is worthwhile to evaluate the risks of forest die-off for Surinamese forests. 3.4.4SOCIO-ECONOMY The total population of Suriname in 2009 was 524,143, with a gender ratio of 101.96, indicating that there is a marginally larger total number of males than of females. The working-age population (15-59) is 61.7% of the total, while the young (0-14) and elderly (60+) make up 28.8% and 9.3% respectively. The growth rate is 1.3%. The Surinamese population is ethnically diverse, and according to the 2004 census, its composition is: 27.4% Hindustani, 17.7% Creole, 14.7% Maroon, 14.6% Javanese, 12.5% Mixed, 3.7% Amerindian, 1.8% Chinese and 0.6% White. See Table 1.2 for information on the average socio-economic indicators over the period 2003-2008 for Suriname. Table 3.2 shows that only 56% of the working-age population claims to be formally employed and that male participation in the economy is higher than that for females. Table 3.2 Economic participation data Source: Nijbroek, 2011a; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic of Suriname Working-age population Economically active (15-60) (2004 census) (incl. jobseekers) (2004 census) Participation ratios Men Women Total Men Paramaribo/ Wanica 105,634 107,005 212,639 74,551 47,869 122,420 70.6 44.7 57.6 Suriname 154,836 154,179 309,015 109,627 63,485 173,112 70.8 41.2 56.0 Men Women Total Women Total Free health care service in Suriname is enjoyed by approximately 34% of all households. These include households with an annual income less than the government-calculated poverty line. The majority of households are headed by men, whose numbers approximately double those of female heads of households. The only exception to these data is in maroon communities, where all households are effectively female headed. The official number of employed individuals in 2009 was 126,370, and unemployed individuals numbered 12,525. This works out to an unemployment rate of 9%. It is thought, however, that many people work in the informal sector, and this is not reflected in these numbers. Suriname has a constitutional democracy with a president who is both the chief of state and the head of the government. The fifty-one members of Parliament, the National Assembly, are elected by popular vote for five years. The president and vicepresident are elected by the assembly by a two-thirds constitutional majority, or by a common majority of votes in the United People’s Assembly. The vice-president of the republic also chairs the Council of Ministers, which consists of seventeen ministers representing an equal number of ministries. Ministers are appointed by the president. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 77 A State Advisory Council consisting of fourteen members advises the president on policies. Justice is exercised by an independent Court of Justice, to which the members are appointed for life by the president, in consultation with the National Assembly, the State Advisory Council, and the National Order of Private Attorneys. There are ten administrative districts in Suriname: Brokopondo, Commewijne, Coronie, Marowijne, Nickerie, Para, Paramaribo, Saramacca, Sipaliwini and Wanica. Political control of the entire country is carried out centrally from Paramaribo. Of the seventeen existing ministries, those with duties most pertinent to vulnerability and adaptation to climate change are: - the Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management (RGB); - the Ministry of Natural Resources (NH); - the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV); - the Ministry of Public Works (OW); - the Ministry of Regional Development (RO); - a one-time Ministry of Planning and Development Cooperation (PLOS) no longer exists; currently, its former tasks are partially carried out by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (BUZA); and - the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM), which is responsible for representing Suriname at international meetings and creating strategic alliances with countries that face climate-change risks similar to those of Suriname. Local representation is generally weak, partly because political representatives outside of Paramaribo lack political power. District Council members are elected locally and are required to work with the District Commissioner (DC) in addressing issues of local concern. While the posts of Council members and that of the DC are paid, they have a limited operating budget. An on-going decentralisation process begun in 2002 is aimed at providing an operating budget for the DC and council, which is to be used primarily for local infrastructural projects, but this has not yet been fully implemented. Groups exposed to environmental risks tend to request assistance from the leadership of affiliated political parties, but this is only effective if the group is politically homogeneous. Vulnerable groups can also request assistance from someone in government with a 78 high public profile, usually a minister, the speaker of the house, or even the president. This is usually done through the media, which is not the most effective form of participation in decision making. Local Council members are therefore marginalised, people have little political representation, and adaptation measures tend to be increasingly autonomous at the household or community level. Participation in planned national adaptation to climate change will continue to be minimal if local governance is not changed. For many reasons, Suriname’s economy is not well-diversified. It once depended heavily on mining, but this is no longer the case. When compared to other sectors, the mining industry is no longer a large employer. The economy of the country can be characterised as beyond transitional, with a large, as yet undeveloped, tertiary sector. There is a relatively high level of income inequality compared to the EU (0.36) or USA (0.46), with a Gini Coefficient of 0.5467 (0 = total equality, 1 = inequality). This coefficient is much closer to those of Brazil (0.57) or Colombia (0.58). Nevertheless, Suriname has some distinct economic advantages, including: an effective tax income stream from personal income, imports and consumption, which annually covers about 80% of budget expenses; a small but professional banking and insurance sector; and energy independence due to oil production and export as well as hydropower. Income from exports of oil, bauxite, gold and agricultural products (such as rice and bananas) and fisheries, as well as ample land and freshwater reserves for expansion, also contribute to these economic advantages. What prevents Suriname from fully benefiting from these advantages is the lack of trained workers and financial capital. Government planning is done in five-year cycles, and given its importance, the development of the private sector needs an integrated strategy. Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) is needed in order to develop long-term strategic projects, since Suriname does not have sufficient internal capital resources (for the banking system and government) to support investment. Sufficient in-country capacities do not exist to allow Suriname to obtain necessary financing, and there is a resistance to using the services of outside consultants. Furthermore, Parliament does not have the capacity to pass an investment law that would provide oversight to 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy executives in the implementation of FDI deals. Inferior skills in English, as well as regionally important Spanish and Portuguese, compound the problems of acquiring needed investment. For the moment however, despite poor economic governance and the global recession of 2007-2009, the Surinamese economy continues to expand. Table 3.3 provides some baseline economic data. 3.4 and Figure 3.7 show the relative share of formal GDP of each subsector and formal employment in it. Table 3.4 Share of formal GDP and formal employment for each subsector Source: Nijbroek, 2011a; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic of Suriname Subsector Table 3.3 Baseline economic data Source: Nijbroek, 2011a; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic of Suriname Sectors Percentage (%) % GDP Number of formal jobs Trade, Restaurants & Hotels 19.71 16,260 Financial Institutions & Commercial Services 17.40 3,151 GDP growth - mean 2000 to 2009 4.52 Industry & Manufacturing 11.70 7,173 Per capita income growth (SRD) - % change 2000 to 2009 716 Transport, Storage and Communication 11.38 2,152 Export growth (SRD) - % change 2004 to 2008 215 Mining 7.82 3,040 Import growth (SRD) - % change 2004 to 2008 176 Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 7.48 11,552 Monetary reserves (USD) - % change 2004 to 2008 353 Utilities (Gas, Water, Electricity) 6.10 1,798 Construction 5.98 9,826 15.1 Government and the Public Sector 5.74 26,637 10.52 Education (Public School Teachers) 4.49 13,427 Social and Community Services 1.62 3,956 Health 0.57 Unknown 99.99 98,972 Monetary reserves import coverage (months) - % change 2004 to 2008 Debit interest rate – mean 2004 to 2008 Average annual inflation – mean 2004 to 2008 Foreign debt (USD) - % change 2004 to 2008 Total debt % GDP, 2000, 2010 (Q3) 63 -17 73.9%, 23.4% Total Commerce; the hospitality industry; agriculture, forestry and fisheries; and construction are important subsectors in terms of livelihoods. These provide a total of 37,638 formal jobs, of which 11,552 (31%) are in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries subsector, a far greater share of the formal employment market than the same subsector’s relative share of GDP (7%). The agriculture, forestry and fisheries subsector is very likely to be affected by climate change, and it is very important to note that, given its estimated 20% share of the informal sector, it is of key importance in terms of socioeconomic vulnerability. Also, considering the problems the subsector already faces, its prominence is evidence of the strong coping capability of Surinamese society. Table Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 79 2% 6% Trade, Restaurants & Hotels 1% Financial Institutions & Commercial Services Industry & Manufacturing 4% 20% Transport, Storage & Communication 6% Mining 6% Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries 17% 7% Utilities (Gas, Water, Electricity) Construction 8% Government and the Public Sector 11% 12% Education Social and Community Services Health Beverages (38%), Housing and Utilities (15%), Transportation (13%), and Miscellaneous Goods and Services (10%). These four groups account for 76% of the household budget. Currently, monthly incomes remain fairly constant, while expenses continually rise, a situation that negatively affects the adaptive capacity of the people. The total area of Suriname is 16,327,000 ha, of which 61,000 ha (less than 0.5% of the total land area) is in production (see Figure 3.9). The largest portion of productive land is found in the fertile young coastal zone. Data on spatial distribution and land ownership is lacking. In the interior upland, Maroon and indigenous communities engage in shifting cultivation on an estimated land area of 247,000 ha, based on a fifteen-year rotational cycle of 16,500 ha. Agriculture in this part of the country is mainly for subsistence and agricultural products are cultivated and processed mainly by female heads of the household after the forest has been cleared by males. Figure 3.7 Relative share of formal GDP of each subsector Afobaka hydroelectric dam 1% Figure 3.8 shows average disposable income as a percentage of household budgets in four important regions. 17% Food and Non-Alcoholic Beverages 1% 10% Alcoholic Beverages/Tobacco Clothing and Footwear 4% 4% 38% Housing and Utilities Health Care Transportation 1% 0% 0% 10% Shifting agriculture Production area Pasture Household Furnishings 13% Land availability for timber concessions 71% Central Suriname Nature Reserve Communication 3% Recreation, Culture and Education 5% 3% 15% 4% Food away from Home (Restaurants and Hotels) Miscellaneaous Goods and Services Figure 3.8 Average household monthly consumption expenditures as a percentage for Paramaribo, Wanica, Nickerie, Coronie, Saramacca and Commewijne. The four largest average household expenditures are: Food and non-Alcoholic 80 Remaining area Figure 3.9 Land-use in Suriname Source: Nijbroek, 2011a; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic Suriname Figure 3.9 also shows that more than 90% of the land area in Suriname is green and largely covered by forests. Given this fact and taking into account its historically low deforestation rate, Suriname is identified as a HFLD (High Forest Cover, Low 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy Deforestation) country. A number of factors jeopardise the country’s ability to retain this classification, however. One is the lack of land-use planning. Necessary legislation on the issue has indeed been discussed, but it has never been implemented. This deficiency is certain to exacerbate the negative effects of climate change in terms of changing rainfall patterns and sea-level rise, especially in the coastal area. An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Plan was completed in 2010 specifically for this part of the country, but its implementation has not yet begun. Towing a boat over rapids in the Palumeu Rivier towards the Grensgebergte from the village Palumeu Suriname has three international ports: Paramaribo, Paranam (of the Suralco company) and Nickerie. The first two are situated along the Suriname River. The Nickerie River port is located in the western part of the country, where rice and banana production is concentrated. The largest port, however, is Paramaribo with import-export ratios of 75% and 27%. In terms of freight transport, the port in Paramaribo has grown significantly, while the one at Nickerie it has declined and that at Paranam has remained steady since 1988. Figure 3.10 Number of registered motor vehicles on public roads, 2004-2009 Source: Nijbroek, 2011a; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic of Suriname Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 81 Photo courtesy of Conservation International Suriname In the coastal area, transport is mainly by road. Figure 3.10 shows that the number of passenger cars is increasing rapidly. In the interior, transport takes place by road, water and air. Here there is an extensive network of rivers and airfields, but a poorly developed road system, and the majority of people use river transport. During the last decade, economic growth has meant improvements in national transport in general, but not in the hinterland. SUPPLY 800 700 Thousands 600 500 2004 400 2014 300 2024 200 100 0 LOW Thousands The government-owned N.V. Energie Bedrijven Suriname (EBS) is the only legal supplier of energy in Suriname, and it operates primarily in the coastal zone and part of the interior. Electricity is produced by the Afobaka hydropower plant and diesel generators. About 79% of the population has access to electricity supplied by EBS. In the hinterland, electricity provision is poor for reasons of difficult accessibility, poor fuel supply, and high transportation costs. The total number of people affected by these poor conditions is approximately 30,000, or about 15% of the population. Demand for electricity is growing at about 5.3% per year. Peak demand is projected to rise from 130MW/ 795 GWh in 2007 to 354MW/2160 GWh in 2023. For the next fifteen years, the expected level of investment in new generation and network capacity is estimated to be in the order of USD 1 billion. Efforts made to bridge the gap include the implementation of renewable energy sources such as hydropower and solar, wind energy and bio-energy. MEDIUM HIGH Figure 3.12 Future population predictions by age for 2004, 2014 and 2024 Source: Nijbroek, 2011b children (0-14) working age (15-64) 2014 ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMY CONSTANT 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 2019 pension (65+) 2024 Figure 3.13 Population growth by area for 2014, 2019 and 2014 (source: ABS)35. Source: Nijbroek, 2011b 500 450 400 350 Thousands Solid and liquid waste production grows as the economy grows. Since collection of solid waste does not cover all households in urban areas, many people choose to burn it or dispose of it in open spaces or rivers. Wastewater from Paramaribo and other urban areas is released directly into the rivers, while other household wastewater is directed to septic tanks in people’s backyards. This situation poses risks to human health and the environment. Figure 3.11 Total Population predictions for 2004, 2014 and 2024 Source: Nijbroek, 2011b; Assessment of the Socio-Economic Future Profile of the Republic of Suriname 300 2014 250 200 2019 150 2024 100 50 0 In determining the future profile of the socio-economy, two key factors are expected to play a significant role: demographic predictions and energy demand. In Figures 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13, demographic trends are shown for three points in a period ending in 2024. Population projections for this period vary from a low of 559,324 to a high of 711,399, an increase of 13% or 44% respectively over the population reported in the 2004 census (492,829). Interior Rural Urban Population predictions indicate that the growing population will exert an increasing demand on resources. This population growth will largely take place in the urban areas, since populations remain relatively stable. The growth of the number of school 35 In light of these projections, land-use planning will play an important role in mitigating climate-change vulnerability, especially when we take into account the possible impacts of climate change, including sea-level rise, more frequent extreme events including heavy rains and drought, and the currently unsustainable practice of building on low-lying, clayey land surrounding existing urban areas. 82 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy Energy demand at the domestic level is expected to grow by roughly 5%, which has been the long-term historical mean. Such an increase in demand will require investments of approximately $1 billion over the period 2008 to 2023. The peak demand will have grown from 130 MW in 2007 to 354 MW by 2023 and will have to be supported by sizeable investment36. Figure 3.14 shows an overall forecast of peak electrical energy load in Suriname. In light of this, the following facts are worth mentioning: - an energy availability of 12 MW by the year 2012 is needed just for the expansion of the refinery Staatsolie Oil Company is planning to build; - another 30 MW is required for a number of new gold mining activities foreseen for the coming years in the Nassau Gebergte mountain area; 600 500 400 MW children by 12% and of the working-age population by 19% by 2014 will create a demand for new jobs in teaching, construction, health care and other areas36. Also, the number of elderly receiving pensions will grow, exerting further pressure on the national budget. Unexpected and unsustainable growth may occur among immigrants from Brazil, China and, more recently, from the Netherlands as well. It should be noted that since all urban centres in Suriname are located on the low-lying coastal zone, unsustainable growth without proper planning and management of available resources will rapidly exhaust or deplete these resources, thus increasing the vulnerability of the area to extreme climatic events and other conditions. 300 200 100 0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Others 30 30 Refinery 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 Iamgold 13. 14 17 19 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 Suralco 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 14 14 15 16 17 18 20 21 22 24 25 27 29 30 32 34 37 Districts EPAR 130 139 148 157 167 178 189 201 214 228 243 259 275 293 312 332 354 Figure 3.14 Overall forecast, peak electricity load in Suriname (MW). Forecast by EBS for the baseline. Source: Nijbroek, 2011b 3.4.5TOURISM Suriname was one of the first countries in the Americas to develop eco-tourism. This was in the early 1970s, when the country became famous for its bird-watching tourism (Inter-American Development Bank 2005). Its contribution to the global tourism industry has been marginal up to now, however (Texel 2005). In the past decade, tourism has become more important for Suriname, earning foreign exchange and providing labour opportunities (ABS, Milieu statistieken). The total number of visitors to Suriname increased from 138,043 in 2004 to 150,695 in 2009 (ABS, Milieu Statistieken). The World Travel and Tourism Council provided some key facts on the tourism industry in Suriname. These are shown in Table 3.5. 36 Nijbroek R., S. Meaney 2011b. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Future Profile of the Republic of Suriname. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 83 Table 3.5 Overview of the contribution of travel and tourism in Suriname Source: Travel and Tourism, Economic Impact Suriname 2012, Travel &Tourism 2011 2012 2012-2022 2022 and onward Direct contribution SRD 207.6m - 2.1% of GDP + 3.2% of GDP SRD 277.3m Total contribution SRD 514.7m - 0.9% of GDP + 3.4% of GDP SRD 711.3m SRD 3,000 + 1.6% of GDP 0% of GDP + 1.4% of total employment Visitor exports generated SRD 247.9m - 3.8% of GDP + 2.4% of GDP SRD 302.8m Investment SRD104.2m + 3.9% of GDP + 4.1% of GDP SRD 16 1.1m Employment Suriname is endowed with an abundance of rainforest, freshwater and a tremendous diversity of cultures living in the hinterland, all of which offer opportunities for naturebased tourism. Tourism promoted in Suriname is entirely dependent on the integrity of the environment of the country. On the other hand, tourism could have a negative effect on the environment, both in the crowded coastal zone and in the interior, where the indigenous and Maroon communities live along the upper flows of rivers. Access to the rainforest of the hinterland is provided mainly by these rivers. Tourism could cause an increase in waste, emissions from transport, and water and energy consumption (ABS, 2010). Another important attraction for tourism in Suriname is the large number of nature reserves, multi-use-management areas (MUMAs), and the one Nature Park. These provide great opportunities for bird watchers and observers of various other species, such as turtles, dolphins, and other wildlife. Suriname’s biodiversity, then, is supportive of tourism through rainforest treks, wildlife and bird watching, adventure tours on rivers which would provide the opportunities to see endangered river dolphins, and community-based tourism in Amerindian and Maroon villages. Due to its low-lying coast, coastal communities and its open, vulnerable economy, Suriname is considered a Small Island Developing State (SIDS). In a 2009 paper, the World Trade Organisation (WTO)37 summarises the effect of climate variability on tourism destinations as follows: - climate defines the length and quality of tourism seasons (e.g. winter sports) in different regions. Some tourism destinations are climate dependent, since climate is the principal resource upon which the tourism industry is based (e.g. many tropical small island developing states); - climate directly affects various facets of tourism operations (e.g. water supply and quality, heating-cooling costs, snowmaking requirements, irrigation needs, pest management, evacuations and temporary closures) that affect profitability; - moreover, a wide range of environmental resources that are critical attractions for tourism in many destinations are sensitive to climate variability, such as wildlife and biodiversity, water levels and quality among others; - climate also influences environmental conditions that can deter tourists, including infectious diseases, wildfires, algal blooms, insect or waterborne pests (e.g. jellyfish), and extreme events such as hurricanes, floods or heat waves; - climate is also a crucial determinant for tourists in their decision-making plans. Seasonal climate fluctuations at tourist destinations and at major outbound markets are key drivers of tourism demand at global and regional scales. Weather is an intrinsic component of the travel experience and also influences tourist spending and holiday satisfaction. The tourism and travel sectors are characterised by considerable diversity and therefore extensive differences exist in the nature of climate sensitivities and adaptive capacities of tourism and travel operators and destinations. According to the WTO paper, “The implications of climate change for any tourism business or destination will also partially depend on the impacts on its competitors, with a negative impact in one part of the tourism system constituting an opportunity elsewhere. Assessments by different groups of international experts have consistently identified developing nations in the Caribbean, Small Island Developing States (SIDS), Southeast Asia and Africa as the most at-risk tourism destinations. The main arguments supporting this outlook are the high exposure level of the multiple climate-change impacts on the key tourism products, the distance to major markets (long-haul 37 84 WTO, 2009. From Davos to Copenhagen and Beyond: Advancing Tourism’s Response to Climate Change, p. 5. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy travel greater than five hours) and consequent exposure to increasingly stringent emissions policies on aviation, lower overall adaptive capacity, limited domestic markets and a high economic dependency on international tourism and travel.” 38 ON THE TOURISM SECTOR The tourism sector in Suriname is only a small contributor to GDP, yet it is one of a few sectors that have achieved continuous growth over the past decade39. The tourism sector is also an important source of revenue for Maroon and Amerindian communities who host visitors in their villages and sell crafts. However, these groups also have some characteristics that make them vulnerable to climate change, such as their high dependence on raw natural resources for survival and their high vulnerability to the effects of prolonged drought and flooding. Any increase in the level of eco-tourism in Suriname will mean more vulnerability to climate change. Projected changes in temperature and precipitation involve corresponding changes to vegetated areas, including displacement and/or loss of habitats and other adverse changes to plant and animal species. Forest and bush fires, augmented by reduced moisture levels, will have profound negative impacts on Suriname’s biodiversity, rural communities and hence eco-tourism. Flooding and prolonged drought will also negatively affect the hinterland, its inhabitants, and the means of transport necessary to bring tourists in and out of the area. the most likely changes in climate characteristics and the effects of these changes on socio-economic sectors. According to these findings, adverse climate-change impacts are being experienced by all sectors, particularly housing, agriculture and transportation. Additionally, international climate policy combined with rising energy prices threatens the tourism industry, since international travel is likely to become increasingly expensive. 3.4.6 HUMAN HEALTH The primary cause of death in Suriname is by non-communicable diseases, with roughly 29% of all deaths having cardiovascular causes. Malignancies and external causes each account for 11% of deaths, and diabetes mellitus for 5%.40 Figure 3.15 shows the ten leading causes of death in Suriname. 1 Cardiovascular diseases 28.7 2 External causes 11.1 3 Cancers 10.7 4 Conditions originating in perinatal period 8.3 5 Diabetes Mellitus 5.3 6 HIV/AIDS 4.9 7 Gastro -intestinal diseases 3.5 8 Acute respiratory diseases 2.6 9 Diseases of the urinary tract A one-meter sea-level rise by the year 2100 will change existing ecosystems, almost surely in negative fashion, primarily in the coastal zone, and result in degradation of nature reserves, wildlife habitats and the overall biodiversity. Tourism activities in the coastal area, which mainly consist of bird, dolphin and turtle watching, will be severely affected. 2.2 10 Chronic liver diseases, including cirrhosis 1.5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 % total deaths Figure 3.15 Leading causes of death as a percentage of all deaths in Suriname, 2000-2008. Source: Huisden, 2011a; Report on the “Current Health Profile,” Suriname 2011 At the regional level, the CARIBSAVE Climate-Change Risk Atlas (CCRA) explored recent and future climate-change scenarios using a number of combined observations and climate-model projections. Despite the limitations that currently exist with regards to climate modelling, information from this Atlas provides very helpful indications of 38 39 Ibid. CARIBSAVE Partnership, March, 2012. Climate-Change Risk Profile for Suriname. 40 Huisden M., 2011a. Report on the “Current Health Profile, Technical document: “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 85 2500 2000 aantal gevallen Communicable diseases in Suriname are characterised by respiratory infections and a few vector-borne diseases. Regarding the latter, all four types of the dengue virus have been confirmed on the coastal plains. Occurrences of malaria are currently negligible in the coastal areas and well under control in the interior; there are a few areas, however, where malaria has been endemic in the past (see Figure 3.16). 1500 1000 500 ATLANTIC OCEAN WEST SURINAME 19 78 19 79 19 80 19 81 19 82 19 83 19 84 19 85 19 86 19 87 19 88 19 89 19 90 19 91 19 92 19 93 19 94 19 95 19 96 19 97 19 98 19 99 20 00 20 01 20 02 20 03 20 04 20 05 20 06 20 07 20 08 20 09 0 BROKOPONDO UPPER SARAMACCA UPPER SURINAME RIVER EAST SURINAME MAROWIJNE/LAWA EAST SURINAME TAPANAHONY EAST SURINAME TAPANAHONY Figure 3.16 Endemic areas of malaria in Suriname Source: Huisden, 2011a 86 Figure 3.17 Graph showing the course of dengue in Suriname from 1978-2009. Source: Huisden, 2011a Figure 3.17 reveals an increase in the number of dengue cases since 1980. As mentioned in Section 3.4.1, Water Resources, the effects of climate change include increased variation in rainfall factors, such as increased rainfall overall, an increase in the amount of rain that falls during a single rain and the length of time between rainfall events. The number of dengue casualties drops during the unusually dry or unusually wet periods that often coincide with a strong El Niño (unusually dry periods in Suriname) or a strong La Niña (unusually wet periods in Suriname). An analysis of the ENSO and dengue occurrences in Suriname reveals: - an increase of dengue occurrences with alternating ENSO events, except for the strong events, since climatic conditions are unfavourable for dengue mosquitos to develop; - strong El Niño associates with extreme temperatures and less rainfall and hence drought (fewer mosquitos), while La Niña, associate with frequent and abundant rainfall, means more flowing water over large areas (fewer mosquitos). Further monitoring and investigation is required to better understand this possible correlation. Figure 3.18 is another example of how rainfall relates with dengue occurrences in Suriname. During the first quarter of the year, when rainfall is not consistent and the length of the duration between the rainfalls allows water to stand for days in pools, depressions, open pits and waste, such as cups, tires and bottles, etc., dengue occurrence 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy increases. With more consistent rainfall, as seen in the wet months, water starts flowing and dengue occurrence decreases. The time frame of February to April, characterised by alternating rainfall, promotes conditions for Dengue to develop. 75 69 60 CURRENT HEALTH CARE INFRASTRUCTURE OF SURINAME 42 32 22 January February with observed HIV/AIDS co-infection. HIV/AIDS affects the immune system, which makes patients more susceptible to infectious diseases such as tuberculosis. As a result of certain environmental changes, infectious microorganisms may thrive, leading to an increase in the number of cases of diseases that they cause. Conditions affecting the respiratory system in particular may be more prevalent under certain climatic conditions. In general, acute and chronic diarrhoea, malnutrition, respiratory illness, dermatological ailments and eye conditions are of particular concern in Suriname. March April May June Figure 3.18 Dengue occurrences at twenty-nine medical centres in 2006 Source: Huisden, 2011a Malaria occurrences also seem to be affected by strong alternations in weather and climatic patterns, but in a different way from dengue. As is true for dengue, during periods of abundant rainfall, creek, river and swamp waters often flow, lowering the number of malaria occurrences by disrupting the completion of the life cycle of the malaria vector, the Anopheles darlingi mosquito. But malaria is different from dengue in that dry conditions cause an increase rather than a decrease in the number of malaria cases, since the resulting standing water in creeks, swamps and rivers provides ideal conditions for the malaria vector to develop. With respect to Lymphatic Filariasis, Suriname has reached a stage at which it can be certified for the successful elimination of this disease. Eligibility for such certification is based on its low occurrence rate of less than one case per 100,000 people. On the other hand, there is an increase in the number of tuberculosis cases in combination The Ministry of Health is the ultimate responsible institution for the health care system in Suriname. It has three core institutions: the Ministry of Health’s Central Office, the Inspectorate (Office of Health Inspection) and the Bureau of Public Health. Due to the uneven distribution of the population, health care services are more readily available in the coastal area. These services are operated by the Regional Health Services (RGD) and the Bureau of Public Health (BOG). The BOG is the most important institution having to do with health promotion in Suriname. It plays an important role in public health policy design and offers a great variety of services including the Central Laboratory Services, the Division of Epidemiology and the Environmental Inspection Agency. The RGD is comprised of forty-three general clinical centres, including eight large ones spread out across the coastal area of Suriname and handling eight divisions or districts. The medical staff at the forty-three clinical centres is comprised of a total of sixty-three medical doctors and 200 nurse practitioners, including twelve midwives, twenty-four diabetes nurses, ten HIV counsellors, nineteen laboratory technicians, two pharmacists, thirty-nine pharmacist’s assistants and eleven ambulances. In the less densely populated areas of the hinterland, medical services are offered through Stichting Medische Zending (Primary Health Care), or MZ. MZ was formed as an initiative of several religious organisations in Suriname and consists of fifty-six public health centres that operate in various areas of the interior of the country. This operating area has been divided into six general regions and nine specific areas, each with its own health centre. All health centres are staffed by trained health assistants, technicians and clinical aids responsible for the daily availability of health care services. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 87 This staff is supervised and guided by regional clinical supervisors and regional managers who are general practitioners. These services include consultations, diagnoses, vaccinations and health education. According to the same source, dermatological infections were increased by 1,500 from 2005 to 2006. At the time of this flood an increase in the number of cases of dengue fever was also observed, but this has not been further studied. Suriname has seven relatively large hospitals. All but two are located in Paramaribo. The remaining two are located in Albina, in the east and Nieuw Nickerie in the west. A total of 1,500 beds are available (three beds per every 1,000 inhabitants).The occupancy rate is about 85% and the average stay is eight days41. Since 2001, a steady decline in malaria cases treated has been observed at St. Vincentius Ziekenhuis, one of the largest hospitals in Paramaribo. However, after the floods of 2006, the number of cases, which had been moderate, doubled in 2008 and 2009. One possible explanation for this is that more pools of standing water in the hinterland enabled mosquito breeding, leading to the higher number of malaria causalities. DISEASES OF CONCERN As a result of natural disasters that occurred in 2006 and 2008, causing populated areas in the interior to flood for several weeks at a time, a disease-monitoring system was introduced by MZ and the BOG. This system includes a hospital surveillance system, a telecommunications surveillance system and reporting services. All data are processed and reported to the division of Epidemiology, the Director of the BOG, the Ministry of Health, PAHO and CAREC. The division of Epidemiology publishes these data in a yearly report and disseminates this publication to relevant data-collecting organisations. The system also keeps records of malaria cases and several key medical conditions for two age groups: from birth to age five and five years and older. Medical conditions for which records are kept include fever and respiratory symptoms caused by upper or lower airway infections, various types of diarrhoea and gastro enteritis. This system was put into operation in areas affected by flooding in 2006. Data from this area showed an increase in airway infections among the indigenous populations. These observations were consistent with a report of the Ministry of Health (20052007). In addition, there was an increase in the number of cases of diarrhoea among all inhabitants of these areas. According to RGD data, the total number of patients with airway infections was 25,266 in 2006 and 25,685 in 2007, an increase of approximately 3,000 cases over 2005. 41 Huisden M., 2011a. 88 Transmission of infectious disease agents is affected by environmental and climatic factors. Disease vectors that spend their life cycle outside the human body and pathogens that are carried by insects are responsive to ambient weather conditions. Such vectors often display seasonal patterns in which the roles of precipitation and temperature are significant. ON HUMAN HEALTH Human health in Suriname is vulnerable to the effects of climate change, such as increased temperature, alternating rainfalls leading to excessive stagnant water, floods, droughts, and rising seawater levels that cause flooding and intrusion of saltwater further inland. These effects, occurring either separately or in combinations, have impacts on: - population concentrations located in the low coastal area; - population concentrations located in isolated and remote areas in the hinterlands; - low-income members of the population, many of whom lack insurance; and - members of the population who are in poor health, infants, and the elderly. Temperature and Health Rising temperatures will affect health in various ways, including: - an increase in numbers of existing microorganisms including pathogens, disease vectors and diseases that will potentially thrive and cause a significant threat; 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy - development of new pathogens as a result of conditions more hospitable to mutant species, which could significantly challenge the country’s disease-control ability; and - an increase in mortalities due to high temperatures, particularly during heat waves, especially among the elderly and those with specific cardiovascular, cerebrovascular and respiratory diseases. Precipitation and Health Changes in precipitation may have the following impacts on Human Health: - increases in cases of vector-borne diseases, such as malaria in the interior and dengue in the coastal area; - increases in cases of upper (nasal area and throat) and lower (respiratory tract and lungs) respiratory illnesses; and - increases in incidents of diarrhoea and in the likelihood of cholera outbreaks. Besides giving rise to vector diseases such as malaria, standing water can also increase the risk of contamination of drinking water reservoirs, which would lead to a rapid increase of outbreaks of disease. Flooding may also increase the mobilisation of toxic chemicals and dangerous heavy metals and pesticides from manmade storage or stable environmental pools. When excessive water enters such places it causes disturbances and possible leaching. This could potentially contaminate agricultural land, aqua-cultural installations, and fishing areas and drinking water reservoirs. Contrarily, periods with less rainfall can help control diseases transmitted by mosquitos and other insects, such as malaria, filaria, dengue, leishmaniasis and yellow fever. However, extended drought decreases aquifer replenishment and thereby takes its toll on fresh water supplies, causing scarcity of clean drinking water. Swamps and wetlands may also be affected by droughts, which may consequently reduce the availability of freshwater fish, an important source of protein in the diet of many Surinamese people. An increased risk of forest and other natural fires may affect air quality, causing occasional but severe respiratory illness in nearby populations. A combination of these factors could also lead to an increase in the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, diarrhoea and skin disorders. Sea-level Rise and Health Some projections foresee a rise in sea-level of one meter along the coast of Suriname by the year 2100. This would have a significant impact on the health infrastructure of Suriname, since most of its inhabitants live on the low coastal plains. In some rivers, specifically the ones without sufficiently buffering rapids, sea-level rise will cause the tidal limit to move farther upstream by the year 2100. Saltwater intrusion, linked to this change of the tidal limit, will have a negative impact on existing and potential new agricultural grounds and food production areas found along the river banks. The supply of freshwater fish could also diminish due to changed water quality. Degradation of water quality in the lower courses of rivers and creeks will also have negative impacts on crop and animal production which could lead to increased malnutrition and decreased immunity from disease, resulting in an overall decline in health. 3.5 ADAPTATION ASSESSMENT 3.5.1 DESCRIPTION OF MCA Adaptation responses in this SNC are presented first in integrated fashion for all sectors and the country in general, and secondly by sector. The following methodology has been applied for the formulation of the adaptation measures: - at the sectorial level, the experts assigned for this study have identified adaptation measures based on their expertise and expert judgment; - at the national level, adaptation measures are identified using Multi-CriteriaAnalysis (MCA). This was accomplished during a two-day workshop attended by the entire group of experts. The multiple criteria that were assessed during the MCA were based on various impacts on different sectors and regions. The list of impacts included forty-four potential issues, which were grouped into three categories: sea level rise, extreme weather conditions and temperature rise. These impacts were given a score from -5 to 5 (where negative numbers indicate positive effects) for urban, rural and natural areas and under three sectors: economy, health and ecology. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 89 The sectors were weighted to indicate their relative importance, with that of economy receiving the highest weight factor, followed by health and lastly ecology. The last step of the process was to select the most critical issues that had come from the MCA and rank them for the purpose of determining appropriate adaptation strategies. The six most important issues for Suriname are: 1. Breaching of dams and dikes / damage to the water defence infrastructure 2. Increase in frequency of flooding 3. Decrease of fresh water availability 4. Decrease of the drainage potential of urban areas 5. Decrease of productive land 6. Increase of sibibusis (heavy rain events with bursts of strong, localised, rotating wind) 3.5.2 PROPOSED ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR WATER RESOURCES Water resources in the coastal area as well as in the hinterland are ranked as vulnerable to highly vulnerable. To mitigate this vulnerability, appropriate adaptation strategies have been identified which, depending on site-specific characteristics and implementation needs and urgencies, may need to be further modified. General adaptation strategies for water resources include: - drafting of necessary legislation for the protection of water resources and the promotion of their sustainable use; - drafting of necessary legislation on water quality standards and wastewater discharge; - establishment of necessary institutional organisation for the enhancement of water management, among other issues (water boards; water authority); - establishment of physical infrastructure such as wastewater treatment plants; - undertaking of in-depth studies, including water-balance and aquifer replenishment studies, and the establishment of a needed observation network and monitoring system; and - implementation of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management plan. Specific adaptation strategies for water resources include: 90 - increasing the efficiency of drinking water supply mechanisms and water use. For rural areas, increasing the efficiency of irrigation practices through improvements to infrastructure, capacity building and awareness raising; - decreasing demand and increasing the supply of fresh water through technological improvements; - encouraging the use of alternative freshwater resources, including rainwater and surface water; - conducting monitoring activities and in-depth studies in order to enhance water management and sustainable use of water resources; - upgrading infrastructures for water supply, irrigation, drainage and flood protection; - transferral of fresh water from the southern region of the country, where it is more available. 3.5.3 PROPOSED ADAPTATION STRATEGIES RELATED TO GEOMORPHOLOGY AND ECOLOGY With respect to Suriname’s geomorphology and ecological issues, these tend to fall into the category of low vulnerability, except for locations at which the coastline is exposed to the violence of the sea. At those locations, immediate adaptation responses are necessary. The Coastal Zone Adaptation responses for the coastal zone are divided into two groups: general strategies and specific measures. - implementation of legal, administrative and organisational structures for effective land-use planning and management and spatial planning; and - inclusion of environmental impact assessments when developing long-term projects. Specific measures for the coastline are as follows: - Suriname must establish mechanisms and necessary regulations for the proper management and control of its existing MUMAs, particularly for the mangrove forests. Well-managed MUMAs must be of sufficient resilience to protect the coast in the long term. Exceptions are parts of Nickerie, Coronie, and the Paramaribo -Wanica coastline; 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy - - - dikes and dams along the coast must be properly maintained and regularly and frequently inspected; engineering measures must be established to increase sedimentation rates along severely encroached coastal stretches in order to support mangrove growth; and policy and regulatory measures must be created for the prohibition of activities such as sand and shell mining and issuance of land rights in the estuarine zones. Germinated mangrove plants Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 91 Photo courtesy of Conservation International Suriname Photo courtesy of Conservation International Suriname Young mangroves in front of the coast of Coronie Specific measures for estuaries are as follows: - inhabited estuaries, such as Paramaribo, Wanica, Nickerie and Coronie, must be fully protected; - existing river defences must be reinforced and new ones established; - studies and research activities on the dynamics of the rivers must be promoted; and - additional human developments along vulnerable sections of estuaries and rivers must be prohibited or discouraged. 3.5.4 PROPOSED ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR ECOSYSTEMS The following adaptation strategies have been identified for the coastal plain: - development of a full coastal plain strategy that includes protection of all mangroves, implementation of existing and proposed MUMAs, the cessation of issuance of permits for building and other developments, the preservation of unused and abandoned lands on the plain, the provision of incentives for the protection of remaining mangrove forests and the implementation of a monitoring system for ecological resources; - incorporation of forest-fire measures into the national disaster plan; and - implementation of conservation strategies designed to protect marine turtles in the face of climate change. 3.5.5 PROPOSED ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR AGRICULTURE The agriculture sector is ranked as vulnerable to highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The vulnerability assessment has identified appropriate adaptation strategies and measures and divided them into two groups: general strategies and specific measures. The proposed general adaptation strategy for agriculture is the development and implementation of appropriate research programmes and capacity-building activities focused on animal husbandry (raising water buffalo), crops (the introduction of new, resistant varieties, including salt-tolerant and upland rice; integrated pest management) and fisheries (improving competitiveness). Specific measures for the agriculture subsectors are: Rice - construction of dikes in low-lying areas; - establishment of necessary infrastructure for improved rice irrigation; - creation of agro-ecological research programmes focused on integrated pest management and disease control; - establishment of an insurance fund to compensate farmers whose crop production suffers damage from erratic weather events; and - research on crop rotation to investigate alternatives for rotating in droughtresistant crops during periods of water constraint such as the long dry season. 92 Bananas - planting of arboreal hedgerows to protect crops from strong winds; Fruits and vegetables - implementation of alternative growing systems such as greenhouses and hydroponic gardens in order to cope with changing climatic conditions; - improvement of drainage systems to guarantee efficient production and quality products; and - implementation of crop diversification to guarantee food security under changing climate conditions. Livestock (poultry, dairy production, sheep, goats and pigs) - rehabilitation of abandoned farms in order to guarantee food security (for example, moving cattle from vulnerable coastal areas to higher ground); - establishment of measures that prevent further decline in the numbers of productive animals (for example, regulating the slaughter of female animals and the import of beef cattle for a certain period; and - introduction/improvement of climate-control systems on livestock farms. Aquaculture and fisheries - creation of measures to improve sustainable aquaculture and fisheries management; - protection of fish breeding waters (salt pans, mangrove vegetation, coastal wetlands); and - establishment of funding that provides incentives for fishermen to engage in aquaculture. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy 3.5.6 PROPOSED SOCIO-ECONOMIC ADAPTATION STRATEGIES Suriname’s socio-economic sector is ranked as vulnerable to highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. The vulnerability assessment has identified appropriate adaptation strategies and measures designed to decrease this vulnerability. These have been divided into three categories: infrastructure/settlements, transport and energy 42. Infrastructure/settlements A general strategy for Surinamese infrastructure and settlements, particularly in the coastal zone, is to improve their resilience to sea-level rise. The following specific measures have been identified for this purpose: - establishment of a minimum set of conditions under which vulnerability of key assets to flooding from sea-level rise will be decreased(for example, means of protecting mangrove forests and the prohibition of coastal sand and shell ridge removal); - implementation of land-use planning in the coastal zone, such as through the creation of a single land-use authority that considers vulnerability, land availability and location, and the suitability of land to industrial, agricultural or human settlement purposes; - establishment of flexible and appropriate land tenure systems that allow for longterm decision making on the part of land owners, tenants or other users; - implementation of spatial planning and zoning by a central authority in order to promote appropriate urban growth; - development of feasible insurance schemes that provide protection for both businesses and personal property and encourage adherence to minimum standards and building codes (for example, excluding a structure from coverage if it is not climate proofed); and - establishment of building codes that incorporate new appropriate and affordable technologies to improve the resilience of the physical infrastructure to climate change and to promote climate-change mitigation through improved energy efficiency. With respect to the interior, a community-based adaptation strategy is recommended, which includes the following elements: - enhancement of the adaptive capacity of communities in the interior to extreme climatic conditions by fostering the incorporation of climate-change considerations into tribal and community decision making; - implementation of research projects on the topics of community and tribal landtenure systems and how the adoption of formal land rights would affect the adaptive capacity of these communities; and - incorporation of interior community gender issues and political decision-making practices into adaptation measures in order to avoid the phenomenon of elite capture. Transport in the coastal zone Specific adaptation measures for the transport sector in the coastal zone: - relocation and resulting adjustments to the overall coordination of the main transport infrastructure, currently located in the vulnerable coastal zone; redesign transport systems as necessary to accommodate climate-change projections; - construction of appropriate and hydrologically sensitive transport routes in the coastal zone; transport routes are currently built along sand dunes and shell ridges in the coastal area, possibly hampering hydrological processes essential for the preservation of natural ecosystems such as mangrove swamps; and - research into natural ecosystems as well as proper maintenance of and possible modifications to the transport infrastructure that relies on the natural protection these ecosystems provide from extreme weather events. 42 Nijbroek R., Meaney, S., 2011c. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Vulnerability and Adaptation for the Republic of Suriname. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 93 Transport in the interior The following adaptation measures are recommended for the transport sector in the interior: - incorporation of interior transport elements into decision-making processes on national transport planning, in light of possible impacts from climate change; to date, the interior has not been considered when making decisions that involve transport; - adaptation of boat transport in the interior, so that it can better accommodate the prolonged dry periods that are likely to occur as a result of climate change; current boat transport in the interior needs to be modified to accommodate lower water levels; - research into the means and possibilities for supplementary maintenance and improvement of the navigational channels of the most-used rivers; and - promotion and solicitation of investments in research into alternative and improved transport solutions for the interior. Energy in the coastal zone Adaptation measures recommended for the energy sector in the coastal zone are: - removal of all subsidies for the energy sector; - promotion and awareness raising on the issue of energy conservation on the part of domestic users; and - fostering of greater energy efficiency through improved technologies and building designs. Energy in the interior Adaptation measures for the energy sector in the interior are: - incorporation of the energy concerns of the interior directly into national energy policy, rather than considering them a side issue; provision of electricity can provide security during food shortages and allow for important storage of perishable agricultural goods; - application of appropriate technologies that take advantage of local natural resources for providing sustainable energy solutions; and - implementation of renewable energy projects, such as the construction of miniand micro-hydropower stations and solar energy accommodations where feasible. 94 3.5.7 PROPOSED ADAPTATION MEASURES FOR TOURISM The previously-mentioned WTO43 paper states, “the impacts of climate change on the tourism sector will steadily intensify,” and this is particularly true under higher emission scenarios. Besides posing a risk to ecosystems, global climate change will make geographical and seasonal redistribution of tourism assets necessary. The most vulnerable regions are found in developing countries, where there is poor adaptive capacity and many challenges for the survival of tourist destinations and host communities. Moreover, climate-change impacts on the tourism sector could influence other economic sectors, such as agriculture and local private-sector networks that supply tourism services. Conversely, the tourism sector must be aware of climatechange adaptation in other economic sectors that might have an impact on tourism. According to the same paper, there will undoubtedly be costs associated with climatechange adaptation. Given that, globally, the capacity of the tourism sector to adapt to climate change is relatively high, such costs that affect countries and organisations with fewer resources, such as LDCs, SIDS or local tourism SMMEs, ideally should not have to be absorbed solely by those countries or organisations, but rather spread out in order to reduce the vulnerability of the tourism sector overall. Adaptation measures for the tourism sector in Suriname are: - improvement of tourism-related infrastructure, such as roads and other transport elements; - creation of a roadside drainage system to deter water pooling and stagnation; strengthening of riverbanks, especially in areas where a road runs immediately parallel to the river, or where communities have built near the bank; - conservation, protection and monitoring of ecotourism; - improvement of the adaptive capacity of communities in the interior, especially those Maroon and Amerindian communities heavily dependent on tourism; - incorporation of climate-change considerations into tribal and community decision making; - capacity building and awareness raising on the issue of conservation of biodiversity; - establishment of a response system during floods; and 43 WTO, 2009. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy - creation of appropriate insurance schemes to cover losses and damages from flooding. 3.5.8 PROPOSED ADAPTATION STRATEGIES FOR HUMAN HEALTH Steady increases in ambient temperature, rising sea-levels, and erratic precipitation are expected to affect human health in Suriname both directly and indirectly. Overall, climate-change impacts are expected to be a threat to the general health of the Surinamese people. Overall, human health in Suriname is ranked as being highly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. In order to minimise this vulnerability, the following adaptation measures have been recommended: Research into - management of weather-driven pests; - use of weather-resistant crop varieties; - effective means of relocation of agricultural production activities to less weathervulnerable areas; - tracking of international research on newly emerging pathogens relevant to Suriname’s future. A group of local biomedical researchers should regularly advise the Ministry of Health on preventative and other public health measures such as new vaccination protocols, new antibiotics and health related precautions. Public Health Policy - establishment of insurance coverage for extreme weather conditions; - establishment of a disaster relief fund; - designation of institution(s) responsible for testing water quality after a natural disaster; possibilities include a governmental agency, a disaster relief organisation, or water supply companies. - expansion and better equipment of the existing NCCR infrastructure; - construction of freshwater and drinking water storage mechanisms for use in times of drought; possibilities include artificial controlled ground reservoirs, water towers, or bottled water reserves in strategic locations throughout the country; - construction of an emergency network of agricultural irrigation pipes and pumps connected to reliable water sources, such as nearby larger fresh water rivers or controlled reservoirs; - fortification of the nation’s current medical support staff as well as its medical infrastructure; - establishment of medical centres near potential risk zones and hospitals in areas that are not vulnerable to climate-change impacts. Public Health Education - a public-awareness campaign on the dangers of prolonged, unprotected exposure to increasingly harmful sunlight; encouragement of the Surinamese people to wear protective clothing and sunglasses, keep to the shade, and use sun-block lotions. Disaster Response - development of printed materials or other means of imparting clear instructions to disaster victims on how to handle potentially contaminated water sources in order to prevent illness; - provision of psychological guidance and physical relief measures to victims; and - improvement of preparation for awareness-raising activities regarding operating procedures for an emergency response plan that is activated before a natural disaster strikes Suriname. Table 3.6 presents an overview of the proposed adaptation measures for all sectors mentioned above. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 95 Table 3.6 Comprehensive overview of vulnerable sectors, expected impacts, and proposed adaptation44 ,45 ,46, 47,48 Vulnerable sector Expected impacts Proposed adaptation measures Water Resources Decrease of fresh water availability in aquifers and surface bodies of water. - - - - - Increase the capacity of existing water resources through technological improvements and institutional strengthening Encourage the use of alternative fresh water resources such as the utilisation of rainwater and surface water when possible Increase efficient water use through water management and recycling Increase public awareness on the need for water conservation Transfer freshwater from the southern region of the country where it is available Saltwater intrusion in rivers and aquifers - - - Improve management, monitoring and research Establish appropriate structures to prevent saltwater intrusion in rivers Enhance replenishment capacity of aquifers Increased frequency of flooding and drought - - - - - Upgrade, modernise and expand existing climatologic observation networks Establish new water boards, improve existing ones, set up a water authority Update existing draft of water law, approval by Parliament and implementation by the government Improve inter-institutional collaboration of authorities concerned with water resources Improve capacities for utilising present and future water resources Pollution of surface water resources - - Improve wastewater and drainage infrastructure Protect available water resources against pollution through the establishment, implementation and enforcement of rules and regulations Coastal retreat - - - Incorporate engineering measures to increase the sedimentation rates along severely encroached coastal stretches Conservation, protection and expansion of mangrove forests Enhance monitoring of the coastline Damages to coastal infrastructure - - Stop the issuance of land in the estuarine zone Use of sea protection and mudbank nourishment techniques The development of hyper-saline conditions in areas along the coast - - Research, monitoring and mapping of species vulnerable to climate-change impacts Provide incentives to protect existing mangrove forests Decrease in turtle-nesting sites - Implement conservation strategies to protect marine turtles Alteration in vegetation due to dramatic rise in swamp-water levels - - Implement existing and proposed MUMAs Implement a monitoring system Increased sensitivity of forests due to drought, logging and/or fire - - Improve management of forest resources Incorporate measures into the national disaster plan with regard to forest fires Coastal Zone Ecosystems 44 Amatali M.A., 2011c. Technical Paper Vulnerability Assessment and Adaptation, Sector Water Resources. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment.Suriname. 45 Huisden M., 2011b. 46 Noordam D., 2011. Nijbroek R., Meaney S., 2011c. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Vulnerability and adaptation for the Republic Suriname. Technical document, “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. 47 48 96 Tjien Fooh R., 2011b. 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy Vulnerable sector Expected impacts Proposed adaptation measures Agriculture Reduced productivity - - - - Develop and implement appropriate research programmes and capacity-building sessions Technological improvements in cultivation methods Implement cultivation methods that prevent soil loss, such as the “no till” method Re-cultivate abandoned agricultural land Damage to crops due to possible strong winds, extreme rainfall, severe drought and/or sea-level rise - - - - Establish an insurance fund to cover damages and losses to crops from weather events Establish and/or maintain efficient irrigation and drainage systems Plant hedgerow trees to protect crops from strong winds Establish early warning systems Changes in crop growing seasons - - - Change farming systems, construct greenhouses and/or hydroponic systems Increase existing uses of alternative crop varieties Introduce other new, more resilient crop varieties Salinisation of fertile land due to sea-level rise - Construct dikes in low-lying areas Reduced livestock productivity - - - - Introduce/improve climate control-systems in livestock farming Adapt pasture lands to changing climatic conditions Establish funding to promote aquaculture Protect fish breeding waters Increased pressure on natural resources - - Implement spatial planning and zoning by a central authority to encourage appropriate urban growth Increase incorporation of factors concerning communities in the interior into national decision-making processes Damage to structures such as houses, water defence structures, etc. - - Modify building regulations to accommodate changing climatic conditions Develop feasible insurance schemes that provide protection to both business and personal property and encourage adherence to minimum standards and building codes - - - Relocate and adjust elements of the transport structure Build hydrologically sensitive transport routes and protection of natural coastal structures that protect these routes from climate events Incorporate transport concerns in the interior into national transport planning procedures - - - - Implement renewable energy projects Encourage energy efficiency Improve energy-conscious building technologies and designs Incorporate the energy concerns of the interior into national energy planning Socio-Economy Increased energy demand Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 97 Vulnerable sector Expected impacts Proposed adaptation measures Tourism Reduced revenue due to decreased tourist arrivals - - Conserve, protect and monitor ecotourism Improve tourism-related infrastructure, such as roads Dependence of Maroon and Amerindian communities on tourism - - Improve the adaptive capacity of the communities in the interior to climate change Incorporate climate-change considerations into tribal and community decision making Degradation and/or loss of biodiversity - Capacity building and awareness raising regarding conservation of biodiversity Loss and damage due to extreme flooding - - - Reinforce riverbanks Establish early-warning and response systems Establish appropriate insurance schemes Increased incidence of parasitic and infectious diseases - - - - Research on newly emerging pathogens Improve training of health experts Improve and adapt health care systems to climate-change risks Improve health-orientated public education Human Health 98 Increased mortality under extremely high tem- - peratures - Promote awareness of the dangers of prolonged exposure to the sun Ensure water availability to all groups and sectors Increased risk of damage from extreme weather - events - - Establish an early flood warning and monitoring system Improve urban planning Establish insurance coverage for damages from extreme weather events Possible increase of vector diseases such as malar- - ia in the interior and dengue in the coastal zone - Establish medical centres near potential risk zones and hospitals in less vulnerable areas Increase awareness on preventative measures Increase of diarrhoea and risk of cholera outbreaks from contaminated water Create one or more institutions responsible for testing water quality, especially after natural disasters Construct fresh water storage mechanisms for use in times of shortages - - 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy 3.6REFERENCES Amatali M.A., 2011a. 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Hanson, Eds., Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 315-356. Nijbroek R., S. Meaney, 2011a. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Current Profile of the Republic Suriname. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Nijbroek R., S. Meaney, 2011b. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Future Profile of the Republic of Suriname. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC”. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Nijbroek R., S. Meaney, 2011c. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Vulnerability and adaptation for the Republic Suriname. Technical document, “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. NOAA. National Weather Service, National Centres for Environmental Prediction, Climate Prediction Centre, 2011. La Niña Episodes (1950-present). Changes to the Oceanic Niño Index (ONI). Accessed at: Noordam D., 2011. Ecology and Geomorphology. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Pfeffer et al, 2008. Kinematic Constraints on Glacier Contributions to 21st-Century Sea-Level Rise. Science Vol. 321, no. 5894, pp. 1340-1343 DOI: 10.1126/science.1159099. Accessed at: http://www. Rohling et al, 2007. “Rates of Sea-Level Rise During the Last Interglacial,” Nature Geoscience,”1, 38-42 (2008) Published online: 16 December 2007 | doi:10.1038/ngeo.2007.28. Accessed at: http://www.nature. com/ngeo/journal/v1/n1/full/ngeo.2007.28.html Siddall et al, 2009. “Constraints on Future Sea-Level Rise from Past Sea-Level Change,” Nature geoscience 2, 571 – 575. Published online: 26 July 2009 February 2010 |doi:10.1038/ngeo587. Accessed Apr. 16, 2010 at: Stabroek Editor, 2012. Over 158,000 tourists to Suriname in 2011. Accessed at: http://www. Tjien Fooh R., 2011a. Vulnerability and Adaptation of the Agriculture Sector in Suriname – Current Profile. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 99 3 Vulnerability Assessment And Adaptation Strategy Tjien Fooh R., 2011b. Vulnerability and Adaptation of the Agriculture sector in Suriname – Future profile. Technical document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. UNFCCC, 2010. Handbook on Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment. Consultative Group of Experts (CGE) on National Communications from parties not included in Annex I to the Convention. UNDP, 3, 1-16. Urritia R.O., 2008. Assessment of 21st-century climate-change projections in tropical South America and the tropical Andes, Master’s Thesis. 100 4 Mitigation Measures 4. Mitigation Measures Brokopondo Stuwmeer | Harvey Lisse Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 101 4 Mitigation Measures 4.1INTRODUCTION Suriname has signed and ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). By doing so, Suriname acknowledges its role in the worldwide effort to prepare for the effects of climate change and mitigate GHG emissions, while striving for sustainable development. As a developing country, Suriname has no emission reduction obligations under the UNFCCC, but can contribute to mitigation on a voluntary basis. In the past, the government has implemented several activities to mitigate GHG emissions, such as provision of compact fluorescent lamps to households for free (this was a once-only initiative); improvement of the electricity distribution network, resulting in decreased leakages of electricity; and installation of solar panels in Kwamalasemutu, a remote village in the southernmost part of Suriname. The Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM) has signed an agreement with the United Nations Environmental Programme/RISOE Centre for capacity building regarding formulation and implementation of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects. A Designated National Authority was established, but to date no CDM projects have been approved in Suriname. The UNFCCC urges developing countries to consider climate change on their road to national development. An important commitment under the UNFCCC is conducting a GHG mitigation assessment, which is an analysis of the country’s programmes and measures geared toward the reduction of CO2 emissions. This chapter presents the GHG mitigation assessment of Suriname. It provides the results of the evaluation of mitigation options in the energy sector and non-energy sector. The mitigation assessment covers a forecast of GHG emissions for the period 2008 to 2025 and examines abatement potentials for that period. The assessment was conducted by analysing how Suriname’s energy and nonenergy sectors might evolve between now and 2025 under two different scenarios: a baseline scenario that assumes the continuation of historical trends, policies and a corresponding rise in GHG emissions, and a mitigation scenario that evaluates the results of mitigation options. 102 The scenarios are constructed carefully, since considerable economic and social change is to be expected over the next decade when we take into account the planned activities of the government of Suriname. Some of the plans of the government can be considered mitigation options. The government’s strategies and projects, whether already approved and adopted or not, resulting in a reduction of GHG emissions, are considered as part of the mitigation scenario. This material should not be read as an exclusive endorsement of this particular way of doing things. While it shows that a decrease of GHG emissions is possible in conjunction with economic development, such a decrease might equally be achieved in other ways, some of which may well be socially, economically and technologically preferable to those identified here. Whatever route is chosen, one point is absolutely clear: it will not happen spontaneously. It will require brave political leadership on a grand scale and a major mobilisation of effort. 4.2METHODOLOGY The mitigation assessment was conducted by a team of specialists, who considered the areas of energy, agricultural, forestry and the economy. The year 2008 was chosen as the base year for the mitigation assessment, since required data was available from the GHG inventory carried out for that year. The required data for the projection of the activities that produce GHG emissions were collected from sources that were identified in a literature review phase. Data sources include ministries, mining companies such as Staatsolie, Suralco and IAMGOLD; the General Bureau of Statistics (ABS); and several other institutions and key persons. Mitigation options were selected for key categories based on results of the GHG Inventory. These options were screened using six screening criteria and scoring points. From this, nine mitigation options emerged for further scenario analysis. The calculation of GHG emissions for the base year 2008 and the forecast for the following years up to 2025 were based on 1996 IPCC guidelines. The mitigation scenarios were compiled and developed as a low-emission route for Suriname’s development. 4 Mitigation Measures 4.3 STRUCTURE OF GHG EMISSIONS ACCORDING TO GHG INVENTORY Figure 4.1 shows the breakdown of Suriname’s total emissions by economic sector in from theinGHG Gg CO2 eq derived from numbers Emissions Gg Inventory. CO2eq 6000 4000 2000 3799 53 0 -2000 Energy IPPU -4000 -6000 0 AFOLU Waste -1877 Total -5729 -8000 Figure 4.1: GHG emissions by economic sector Source: Becker et al, 2012 The uncertainty analysis for 2008 data places values within the 7-17% range. Domestic emissions from energy sources in 2008 were 3,799 Gg CO2 eq. International bunker fuels were not included in the national emission totals, as stipulated by IPCC guidelines (Becker et al., 2012). According to the calculated data of the 2008 GHG Inventory, the energy sector is the major GHG emitter in Suriname: the sector’s emissions amount to approximately 60% of all GHG emissions in the country. The major emitter within this sector is Manufacturing Industries and Construction, with 2,922 Gg CO2 eq, or 77% of total GHG emissions within the Energy sector. The second most important emission source within the energy sector is transport, with about 623 Gg CO2eq or 16% of total GHG emissions within the energy sector. Emissions from electricity generation comprise approximately 3% of total GHG emissions. 4.4 MACRO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF SURINAME A lack of reliable, detailed data makes it difficult to perform the kind of analysis needed to project long-term economic growth and energy demand. Trends based on historical data provide limited information about Suriname’s future, since the country’s economy is at the verge of a dramatic change. The current government envisions national development based on an approach that is different from those considered and attempted in the past. The general development of the economy from 2011 to 2015 (and perhaps onwards) will be based on a new industrial system focused on resource-saving technologies. The government foresees booming small and medium businesses in the sectors of forestry, agriculture and tourism. The related growing energy demand will be provided by conventional energy generation but also increasing use of renewable resources which were not considered as feasible alternatives for electricity generation in the past. These renewable resources include wood waste, rice husk and bagasse. Options for increased hydropower generation are being worked out as well, such as the expansion of the capacity of the Afobaka dam and the construction of a second hydropower facility in the eastern part of the country, at Grankriki49. Projections in socio-demographic status, GDP growth, and export—the main indicators of the development of Suriname for the period 2011 to 2025—have been estimated in order to calculate scenarios, and are presented below. Population growth is a central factor in estimating future GHG emissions, since it eventually leads to increased energy and food demand from various sectors, as well as increased production and an increase in kilometres travelled. Suriname’s population grew steady at an average rate of 1.2% yearly from 2005 to 2009. The long-term projection is of a 7% growth average per interval of four years until 2028 (ABS, 2010). This translates to a cumulative increase from a population of 492,829 in 2004 to one of approximately 760,877 in 2028, the equivalent of 54% growth. Figure 4.2 shows the population projection. increase from a population of 492,829 in 2004 to one of More information on the development strategy of the government of Suriname can be found in the Development Plan 2012-2016. This Plan, however, was not available at the time of this report. 49 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 103 Real GDP Growth (market price)% approximately 760,877 in 2028, the equivalent of 54% growth. Figure 4.2 shows the population projection. 6.0% 800,000 14% 4.0% 12% 3.0% 10% 2.0% 8% 1.0% 6% 0.0% 0% 2004 2008 2012 Total Population 2016 2020 2024 2028 Population growth % Figure 4.2: Population growth 1995-2028 Source: General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname, 2010. Population projection 2004-2024, volume 2 Development of GDP at market prices in real terms formally and informally from 2005-2010 can be classified as positive. The average growth rate of the economy on an annual basis was 4.2% over this period. The expectation is that the economy of Suriname will grow steadily by an average of 4.4% from 2011 to 2025. Figure 4.3 shows the course of real growth of GDP for the period 2005-2025. Contributions to GDP as of 2010 are as follows: primary sector 16%, secondary sector 28%, tertiary sector 38% and the informal sector 18%. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2% 2008 200,000 2007 4% 2006 400,000 2005 600,000 5.0% Figure 4.3: Real GDP development (%) 2005-2025 Source: Stichting Planbureau - Suriname Year Plan 2011, March 2011 Some of the main tendencies of the future GDP structure of Suriname are: - that increases of shares in GDP are expected in the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors. It is expected that the informal sector will shrink during the period 20112025; - the expectation that the primary sector will grow significantly during the period 2015-2025. Suriname wants to become a major player in agriculture, mainly providing the CARICOM market with products. Also, mining will be developed significantly in future years. There are plans to develop the energy sector faster in the near future. As a result of this economic development, the demand for energy will grow; therefore Suriname needs to invest in this sector; and - Suriname’s intention to develop the tertiary sector in the future; financial services, communications and tourism are the main areas to be developed. Figure 4.4 provides an overview of the contribution of the sectors to the GDP and the development of these sectors during the period 2005-2010. 104 4 Mitigation Measures 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 2005 2006 2007 2008 BBP mp (1990) formal and informal Primaire sector (agriculture and mining) 2009 2010 Secondaire sector (industry, energy,construction) Tertiare sector (services) Figure 4.4: GDP growth (%) by sector 2005-2010 Source: Stichting Planbureau - Suriname Year Plan 2011, March 2011 Total exports and imports showed an upward trend, and statistics show that since 2004, the trade balance is positive on a transaction basis. The increase in exports and the trade surplus is attributable to the mining industry (mainly gold, alumina and oil). Imports on a cash basis increased by 57% in 2009 compared to 2005 and decreased by about 11% compared to 2008. Exports rose 76% in 2009 compared to 2005 and decreased by 16.5% compared to 2008. In 2005, the current account balance showed a deficit of about USD 242 million. The following years, however, showed a positive balance. The current account balance was about a positive USD 182 million in 2006. In Figure 4.5, the development of the current account balance is shown. 2000 1500 1000 500 0 -500 -1000 -1500 -2000 2005 2006 Export 2007 Import 2008 2009 balance Figure 4.5: Current account balance (USD M) 2005-2009 Source: Stichting Planbureau - Suriname Year Plan 2011, March 2011 One of the key features of the economy of Suriname is the very large share that mining (oil, gold, and bauxite) assumes in the overall economy. In 2008, the greatest share of employment, apart from the government and the hotel & catering industry, was from the agriculture and the forestry sector (12%). The mining sector share of employment in 2008 was about 3%. Formal employment in the private sector showed very moderate average growth of about 1.2% for the period 2005-2009. The construction sector grew the fastest of all sectors, with approximately 4% average growth over this period. Remaining sectors hovered around an average of 1% growth. The 2004 census of the General Bureau of Statistics (ABS) shows that about 42% of workers are in the informal sector. Based on projected economic growth, it is assumed that employment will increase by 32% by 2025, from 93,255 employees in 2005 to 123,202 in 2025 (see Figure 4.6). Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 105 140000 3.00% 120000 2.50% 100000 2.00% 80000 1.50% 60000 1.00% 40000 Employment # 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 0.00% 2007 0 2006 0.50% 2005 20000 Growth in % Figure 4.6: Employment forecast Source: Stichting Planbureau- Suriname Year Plan 2011, March 2011 The government’s intention is to double employment in the agriculture and mining sectors. Both the government and the private sector plan to develop the service sector (financial services, tourism, information and communication technology). The results obtained from the analysis in terms of GDP growth and structure, and employment and population growth, serve to evaluate final energy-demand projections. According to this approach, energy demand depends on economic activities and social needs. Energy demand will be influenced by socio-economic development patterns (economic growth, lifestyle, general behaviour of society), technological influences on all sectors of the economy, and increases in the price of energy. 4.5 SCREENING OF MITIGATION OPTIONS For targeted mitigation, it is most important to recognise the highest emitters within the main categories. Table 4.1 shows the top ten emitters for the year 2008, in descending order, according to the GHG inventory. 106 Table 4.1: Top ten emitters, 2008 in Gg CO2 eq Source: Becker et al, 2012 Sector subcategories and codes used by IPCC Specific category Emissions AFOLU-3B6b Forest Land Forest land converted to Other Land 1,740 Energy-1A2m Manufacturing Industries & Construction Non-specified Industry 1,456 Energy-1A2f Manufacturing Industries & Construction Non-Metallic Minerals 1,253 Energy-1A3b Transport Cars 599 AFOLU-3C7 Rice Cultivation Rice Cultivation 475 Energy-1A2i Manufacturing Industries & Construction Mining (excluding fuels) and Quarrying 210 Energy-1A1a Energy Industries Electricity Generation 121 AFOLU-3C1 Emissions from Biomass Burning Biomass Burning on Croplands 94 AFOLU-3B3a Grassland Grassland Remaining Grassland 77 AFOLU-3A1 Enteric Fermentation 72 It is within these sector subcategories that mitigation actions will have the most impact in terms of reducing GHG emissions. The Mitigation Team considered a total of twenty-nine GHG mitigation options in the following sectors: - Energy Supply -Transport -Industry -Agriculture -Forestry 4 Mitigation Measures Some of these GHG mitigation options were formulated in collaboration with national stakeholders during the kick off workshop for this SNC. The options do not comprise a comprehensive list, but are considered to be the most promising options, given the circumstances in Suriname. The mitigation options considered were related to national development policies, environmental policy goals and other national circumstances, such as population density and availability of natural resources. A qualitative screening was performed, which enabled a rough assessment of GHG mitigation options before performing a more detailed mitigation scenario analysis. The Mitigation Team then established screening criteria and assigned scores to the options according to the importance of these criteria. The total scores of the screening criteria are listed in Table 4.2. Table 4.2: Screening criteria considerations refers to institutional capacities needed for data collection, monitoring, and enforcement. The mitigation options were rated (low/medium/high) against each of the criteria. The Team decided to use the following scoring system: - Low = 1x total score of the criterion - Medium = 2x total score of the criterion - High = 3x total score of the criterion Once options per sector were rated in this way, those with the highest scores were selected for a more in-depth analysis during the mitigation assessment. The result was a list of nine mitigation options. Table 4.3 shows the results of mitigation options with the highest scores for the Energy Supply, Transport and Industry sector. Table 4.3: Screening of mitigation options for the Energy Supply, Transport and Industry sector No. Screening criteria Total score 1 Potential for significant reduction of GHGs 14 2 Consistency with national development goals (incl. environmental goals) 14 3 Data availability 11 4 Feasibility (technical, social, economic) 13 5 Direct and indirect economic impact (on GDP, employment, trade) 9 6 Institutional considerations 6 The two criteria Potential for significant reduction of GHGs and Consistency with national development goals were both given the highest score. The criterion Data availability refers to accessibility of specific data and appropriateness for Surinamese conditions. The criterion Feasibility includes cost-effectiveness (capital and operating costs, opportunity costs and incremental costs) and replicability (the measure’s acceptability given various geographical, socio-economic, cultural, legal and regulatory factors). The criterion Direct and indirect economic impact includes macro-economic considerations, such as implications for long-term development, foreign exchange and trade, and other economic benefits or drawbacks. The criterion Institutional Criteria Solar power Hydro power Wind power Biomass dPollution device Potential for significant reduction of GHGs H H H H H Consistency with national development goals H H H H H Data availability H H M H H Feasibility Technical Economical H M H M H M H M H M Direct & indirect economic impact H H H H M Institutional considerations M M M M L 221 207 210 221 231 Total score The preliminary estimate of GHG mitigation potential was based on reduced fuel use for electricity generation. Development of the more traditional methods of the energy sector, namely the expansion of hydropower capacity (large and small scale) and the Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 107 use of solar and wind power, score highly. For the transport sector, new technologies score high. natural defences of the coastline against sea-level rise. Table 4.4 shows the results for the screening of mitigation options for the sectors of agriculture and forestry. All options score high for the criterion Consistency with national development goals. With respect to the criterion Direct and indirect economic impact, we see that the options considered will not affect the employment of the population. In terms of Feasibility, installation of dPollution devices scores high. Table 4.4: Screening of mitigation options for agriculture and forestry sectors In terms of level of support within the country, hydropower comes out as the most attractive option because it is already one of the most common and established methods, both technologically and economically, for generating energy in Suriname. The options of nuclear power, efficient electricity generation and distribution, hybrid vehicles, improved public transport, and combined heat and power were also considered. These options scored relatively high for most of the criteria but, except for the nuclear power option, the lack of data made calculations extremely difficult. These mitigation options were therefore not considered further. They could nevertheless be considered in future mitigation analyses. Despite indications of large deposits of uranium in Suriname, further analysis of the nuclear power option was excluded, due to concerns about its safety and the ability to dispose of and store nuclear waste safely. Criteria Improved rice-cultivation techniques Re-use ofabandoned agricultural land for energy crops Using wood waste as biofuel Mangrove reforestation Potential for significant reduction of GHGs H H H M Consistency with national development goals H H M H Data availability H H H H Feasibility Technical Economical M M H L H M M L Direct and indirect economic impact L H M H Institutional considerations M L M L 190 214 198 200 Total score As for agriculture, given the fact that rice cultivation is a large contributor to GHG emissions in Suriname, it was clear that mitigation in this subsector would make more of a difference than reclaiming unused agricultural lands. Both options scored high for Consistency with national development goals. Other options for agriculture, such as improved nitrogen fertiliser application techniques, agro-forestry pilots and zero tillage pilots were considered but did not score high. 4.6 TECHNICAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SCENARIOS For the forestry sector, the options of using wood waste as biofuel and restoring mangrove forests had the highest scores. They scored medium to high for Consistency with national development goals and Direct and indirect economic impact, since they do not contribute directly to an economic sector. But using wood waste as biofuel for electricity generation will lead to less electricity production from the burning of hydrocarbons, and mangrove restoration will have positive effects on fisheries and the The baseline scenario represents a future in which there are no policies or programmes designed to encourage or require actions that reduce GHG emissions or enhance carbon sinks. The baseline scenario examines how Suriname’s energy system might evolve if policies continue largely unchanged. The projections are extrapolated to 2025 using standard assumptions about population and economic growth and shifts in economic structure. 108 This section provides a technical description of the baseline and mitigation scenarios for Suriname, starting with a description of the primary data and assumptions underlying the GHG projections in the energy and non-energy sectors. 4 Mitigation Measures The baseline for Suriname is based upon historical energy statistics published by ABS, which have been extrapolated into the future by using a variety of information sources: historical trends, reports such as the KEMA report (KEMA, 2008) and expert judgment. Information from these sources has been further augmented and adjusted to include projections for GHG emissions from non-energy GHG sources and sinks (forestry, LULUCF and agriculture). The mitigation scenario examines the mitigation potentials of the most important future sources of GHGs and sinks. In this mitigation scenario, a conservative approach was taken. It examines only technical options that are already commercially available, while taking into account the availability of natural resources and existing scientific and technical studies. Potentially major options such as hydrogen fuel cells and nuclear energy, which appear to be many decades away from the Surinamese reality, were excluded, while options such as solar and wind energy are included, but only in the later years of the scenario. It is necessary to state that a mitigation scenario is not a fixed roadmap but rather a guide that evolves as time goes on. Undoubtedly, there will be changes to policies and advances in technology by 2025. Ideally, the cost of any mitigation option should be considered, but estimating costs in the future is very difficult; there are many uncertainties, including fossil fuel prices and the costs of technologies, rendering calculations of costs highly unreliable. Such estimates would only yield a skewed image and are therefore not elaborated upon here. 4.6.1 ENERGY SECTOR RESOURCES AND TECHNOLOGIES remaining demand is met by combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Hydropower. Suriname has the potential for approximately 4,000 MW of hydropower (Plan Atlas Suriname, 1988). Considering the limited accessibility to the interior and the possibility for construction of dams, this potential can be realistically scaled down to 2,500 MW (Adama, 1983).Even this smaller estimate of hydropower potential could abundantly meet the electricity demands in the country. Solar Energy. Studies (for example, Facet 1980)estimate that approximately 1,800 kWh/m2 of solar energy reach the Surinamese surface per year. This corresponds to approximately 7.3 x 10 GWh spread evenly over the country’s surface. However, methods of transforming solar energy to electricity—solar-panels, heliostats and photo-voltaic cells—are still very expensive. Another solar option is that of solar water heaters, which seem to perform very well, especially in cold countries. Biomass. As is true for solar energy, Suriname theoretically possesses a large potential source of energy in biomass, since more than 80% of the country is covered by forest. In 1980, the amount of biomass that was directly available for energy generation equalled 98,635 Ton Oil Equivalents (TOE). Such biomass amounts in Suriname consist primarily of waste products from, among other things, agricultural plants and lumber mills (Marienburg, Victoria, SML, Bruynzeel, etc.). Producing biofuel from certain crops is tried and true technology, and Suriname has abundant fertile soil in which such crops could be grown. Crude Oil. The state-owned enterprise N.V. Staatsolie Maatschappij began producing crude oil in 1980 at Tambaredjo in the district Saramacca. The Tambaredjo oil field covers a surface area of 35 km2 and is estimated to contain 216 million barrels of crude oil, with a recovery factor of 30%. Currently the production of crude oil is at 16,000 barrels per day. There are strong indications that there are much larger oil reserves offshore (containing more than ten times the amount in the Tambaredjo field). This section gives a brief overview of Suriname’s actual and potential energy resources. It is a country richly endowed with raw materials and natural resources. Current energy demand in the country is met primarily by hydropower (approximately 53%); the Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 109 Peat. Peat is the only solid fossil fuel in Suriname (Adama, 1983). Studies show that the peat present in the Corantijn area is estimated to contain 1.5 million m3 (equal to 350,000 TOE). Uranium. Findings of radiometric, magnetic and electromagnetic measurements done in the Tafelberg area in 1960 and 1966 by “Canadian Aero Mineral” (a Canadian Mining Consultancy), in collaboration with the governmental department “Dienst Bodem- en Luchtkartering”50 and the Canadian engineering company “N. Tribe & Associates Ltd,” indicated that there is a high probability that this area possesses a large amount of uranium, an element commonly used for the generation of nuclear power. Since these activities, no subsequent surveys or exploration have been undertaken. Table 4.5: CO2 emission from all fuels for the Energy sector (reference approach) (Becker et al, 2012) Year 2003 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Emission Gg CO2eq 2,442 3,003 2,853 3,019 3,250 3,327 Suriname’s Energy sector pertains only to category 1A of the 2006 IPCC guidelines. The subsectors which play an important role are shown in Table 4.6. Table 4.6: Energy sector according to 2006 IPCC guidelines (sectorial approach) 1A Fuel Combustion Activities Wind energy. The wind energy potential in Suriname comes from the trade-winds that blow throughout the year with average velocities of approximately 5 m/s. However, there are locations such as Galibi and Coronie, where wind velocities can reach up to 10 to 15 m/s (Facet, 1980). 1A1 Energy Industries: Electricity and Heat production – Electricity Generation 1A2 - - - Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Nonferrous metals (gold sector) Non-metallic mineral (bauxite sector, alumina production) Construction and others GHG PROJECTIONS 1A3 - - - - Transport: Civil aviation Road transport Water transport Off-road transport As mentioned earlier, the most significant contributor to GHG emissions in Suriname is the Energy sector. The main focus in the mitigation analysis is therefore on this sector. The Energy sector is very broad, since it meets the energy demands of all economic activities in the country—mining, agriculture, transport, industry, fisheries, household uses, etc. The projected increase of economic activities in Suriname is expected to be accompanied by a higher demand for energy. Assuming that this increased energy demand will most likely be met by hydrocarbon fuels (given the current state of affairs), the Energy sector’s contribution to the country’s overall GHG emissions will also grow at an increased rate. Data from the 2011 GHG inventory show that the country’s GHG emissions have already increased by 36% in 2009 compared to 2003 (see Table 4.5). 50 A land and aerial-mapping service. 110 1A4 Other sectors: -Residential -Stationary - Off-road vehicles and other machinery - Fishing (mobile combustion) Applied growth figures for the Energy sector are based on the combination of the following assumptions: - forecast calculations of Suriname’s GDP until 2025: the economy of Suriname will grow by an average of 4.4%/year between 2012 and 2025 (Apapoe, 2012); - average annual growth of 4.4% for the subsectors (including the informal gold sector) between 2008 and 2025 (Apapoe, 2012); - development in the transport sector parallels annual economic (GDP) growth of 4.4% based on the continued use of hydrocarbon fuels; 4 Mitigation Measures The baseline forecast for the energy sector is shown in Figure 4.7. Calculations were made by using growth figures as input in an excel template derived from the LEAP-model. The results show the projected GHG emissions for each subsector. The calculated figures for baseline emissions from the Energy sector are given in Appendix A. According to the 2008 GHG inventory, the sum of the calculated emissions from the energy sector totals 3,799 Gg CO2eq. The baseline forecast shows an increase of GHG emissions from 3,799 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to 8,470 Gg CO2 eq in 2025, an increase of 223%. CO2emission “Electricity Generation 7000 6000 Gg CO2 eq - the energy-demand projection is based on governmental expectations. The Ministry of Natural Resources has calculated that electricity demand will reach up to 710 MW by 2020; - limited additional renewable energy contribution to the energy mix. This assumption is based on the history of renewable energy in Suriname; this contribution has remained constant at around 53% of the total energy mix. - limited energy conservation and energy efficiency activities. This is also based on the prevailing historical trend in Suriname. The reasons for a lack of energyefficiency programmes promoted by the government are unknown; - the bauxite industry will remain the largest contributor to GHG emissions, since it is expected that the government will not require Suralco to take measures to reduce GHG emissions. Suralco itself has been mandated by Alcoa to reduce the GHG emissions of their combustion processes by 20% by 2020 compared to their 2005 baseline. Each Alcoa plant is to make its own local plan to reach this global Alcoa goal. However, detailed plans on how Suralco expects to meet this goal and apply mitigation options to reduce GHG emissions could not be obtained. Therefore, input from Suralco has not been considered in the formulation of the baseline and mitigation scenarios; - considering typical delays in their mining activities, it is unlikely that the Suralco plant will reach its maximum production level before 2015. It is expected that the Suralco alumina plant will gradually increase its production again from 3,750 tons/day in 2010 to its rated production capacity of 6,200 tons/day in 2015. This development is based on an average production growth of 490 tons/day annually (8% of the rated capacity). During the period 2015 to 2025, the growth is projected to be 4.4% annually. 5000 CO2emission “Manuf. Industries & Constr.” 4000 CO2emission “Transport” 3000 CO2emission “Others” 2000 1000 0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 YEAR Total baseline scenario CO2-emission “Energy sector” Figure 4.7: Baseline forecast, energy sector For the electricity generation subsector, the final electricity demand projection for the baseline scenario shows a linear growth. As the demand for electricity increases, so does electricity generation. The results show that by 2025, electricity demand will be twelve times greater compared to 2008. The government’s 2012-2016 Development Plan calculates electricity demand at 710 MW by the year 2020 (Ministry of Natural Resources, personal communication, 2011). Extrapolating this figure to 2025, it is estimated that the demand for electricity may reach 862 MW. The 80 MW of energy generated by hydropower is excluded from the baseline scenario. Emissions from the electricity generation subsector will increase from 121 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to 1,478 CO2 eq in 2025. Significant growth is expected in fossil fuel power plants. Gradual efficiency improvements are assumed for fossil fuel generation. However, no major shifts in feedstock fuels are assumed and no major new technologies are considered. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 111 For the same period, emissions from the subsector Manufacturing Industries and Construction will increase from 2,922 Gg CO2 eq to 5,420 Gg CO2 eq, a growth of approximately 85%. The Transport subsector is one of the major emitters of GHGs in Suriname, responsible for 20% of total GHG emissions from the Energy sector in 2008. All forms of transport in the country burn fossil fuels. The only public transport systems are bus and boat. Increases in road traffic and distances travelled are expected to accelerate the use of fossil fuel in the sector, thereby contributing to an overall increase in GHG emissions. The baseline forecast indicates that if historical trends continue, transportation emissions will grow from 623 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to 1,295 Gg CO2 eq in 2025, a growth of 208%. Emissions from the subsector Other Sectors will increase from 133 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to 277 Gg CO2 eq in 2025 a 108% rise. MITIGATION OPTIONS FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR Electricity generation Suriname is endowed with several energy resources through whose use the country’s energy demands could be adequately met. Interest in the area of renewable energy has increased considerably in the past few years due to climate-change concerns. Possible projects in the area of renewable energy are considered as part of the mitigation scenario; indeed, it relies heavily on water, wind, solar and biomass sources of electricity generation. Given the lack of requirements for developing wind and solar energy, only a small fraction of the estimated economic potential for these two types of energy is likely to be developed over the next decade (Adama, 1983). For hydropower, the mitigation scenario is based on the 2020 energy plan of the Ministry of Natural Resources and consists of the projects listed in Table 4.7. 112 Table 4.7: Expected hydropower projects Hydropower projects Year expected to be operational Capacity Grankriki hydropower plant51 2015/ 2016 15 MW Tapa-Jai hydropower plant52 2018/ 2019 302 MW 2020 116 MW 2012/ 2014/ 2016/ 2020 1.2 MW Additional capacity at Afobaka dam Micro hydropower plants53 The West Suriname Hydro Project is not considered for the baseline scenario. Howev er, if obstacles associated with this project (lack of financing, technical knowledge and training) could be overcome, the total electricity demand of the country would be more than 100% met. A very important factor with regards to GHG emissions when considering the hydropower option is the deforestation of significant areas for the construction of water reservoirs, roads and transmission lines. The initial effect of this deforestation is an increase of GHG emissions caused by deterioration of carbon sinks. This increase in emissions is reflected in Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9 as the two peaks for the periods 2013-2014 and 2017-2018. The biomass mitigation scenario is shown in Table 4.8. Table 4.9 presents some other renewable energy possibilities. 51 The Grankriki project is located approximately180 km southeast of Paramaribo in the forest. The Grankriki River flows into the Marowijne River, the border river with French Guyana. This will be a small scale hydropower project (15 MW). 52 The Tapa-Jai project is designed to divert water from Jai-kreek, a tributary of the Tapanahony River, through Marowijne-kreek, into the van Blommenstein Hydro-lake, enabling the generation of 305 MW and an additional 116 MW at the Afobaka hydro-plant. Small hydro-electric plants are those like that in Granolo sula. This is a pilot project with a 300-KW potential, now under construction. The university is currently doing research on micro-sized water turbines, to see how these might be utilised in the country’s interior to generate electricity for small river villages. 53 4 Mitigation Measures Table 4.8: Expected biomass projects Year expected to be operational Capacity Power plant (electricity generation) based on the gasification of rice husk 2016 60 MW Additional plant capacity for rice husk based on positive developments in the rice industries 2025 25 MW 3500 3000 2012 2000 YEAR -1000 -1500 Figure 4.8: CO2 eq reduction from mitigation options in the Electricity Generation subsector However, there are still high expectations for the utilisation of solar collectors and solar-cells (photo-voltaic conversion) for electricity generation. Wind energy: Wind energy for electricity generation could be supplied successfully in locations with relatively high wind velocities. Large scale application remains a possibility for the distant future. A conservative prediction is that wind generators capable of producing approximately 1 MW will be installed and operational by 2016 and by 2025 this will have increased to approximately 3 MW. Total CO2-emission (Gg) 0 -500 Solar energy: Although this energy source has a high potential for reducing GHG emissions, its use as a substitute for hydrocarbon fuels is not yet feasible. A conservative prediction is that solar energy installations capable of producing roughly 2 MW will be installed and operational by 2018.By 2025 the operational capacity is projected to be 5 MW. 500 2025 Capacity CO2-emission due to bio mass fuel plant(s) (Gg) 2020 Year expected to be operational 1000 2015 27 MW CO2-emission due to Hydroprojects (Gg) 1500 2012 2025 Table 4.9: Other possible renewable-energy projects Other renewable energy projects 2500 12.5 MW 2008 Wood has a caloric value of approximately 15 MJ/kg (equivalent to 4.3 kWh). Combustion installations that use wood as fuel have a conversion efficiency of 30 %, which means that currently, approximately 4.5 MJ/kg of energy output (equivalent to 1.29 kWh) can be produced by such combustion installations. Therefore, wood waste produced in Suriname has the potential to replace 110,000 MWh from other sources by 2012 and 240,000 MWh by 2025. Gg CO2 eq Biomass projects These combined mitigation scenarios resulted in an overall mitigation scenario for the subsector of electricity generation, which is shown in Figure 4.8 and Figure 4.9. Since the contributions of solar and wind energy are considered to be negligible, these two options are not included in the final results of the mitigation assessment. These mitigation scenarios reflect a combination of a gradual transition away from fossil-fuel power plants, radical improvements in energy efficiency, and a dramatic shift toward various types of renewable energy. 2025 5 MW 2025 3 MW Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 113 Figure 4.9 shows the baseline scenario versus the compiled mitigation scenario for the electricity generation subsector. The calculated results in Gg CO2 eq are presented in Appendix IV. 4500 4000 The mitigation option that could be applied to the informal gold mining sector is the use of biofuel in machinery, thereby eliminating the need for hydrocarbon fuel, which currently consists primarily of diesel. The results of implementing this measure will not be evident until Staatsolie’s biofuel plant becomes operational in 2015. Once this plant is in place, it is projected that there will be an annual GHG emission reduction of 7-8% from 2015 to 2025 (see Figure 4.10). 6000 3000 CO2-em. baseline scenario “Electr. Gen.” (Gg) 2500 2000 Total CO2-em. Mitigation scenario vs baseline scenario “Elect. Gen.” Gg) 1500 1000 500 0 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 YEAR 5000 Gg CO2eq Gg CO 2 eq 3500 Total CO2-emission Manuf. Ind. & Constr. mitigation scenario (Gg) 4000 Total CO2-emission Manuf. Ind. & Constr. Baseline scenario (Gg) 3000 2000 CO2 emission reduction by use of bio-fuels (excl. bauxite ind.) 1000 0 Figure 4.9: Baseline scenario vs. mitigation scenario for Electricity Generation Manufacturing Industries and Construction Although the bauxite industry is the largest contributor to the country’s overall GHG emissions, no detailed plans have been made or are known of regarding the application of mitigation options in this industry. There are no national regulations requiring Suralco to reduce GHG emissions from their combustion processes, nor is it likely that Suralco will attempt to reduce GHG emissions on their own, considering the large investments involved. Therefore no mitigation option has been formulated for this industry. The mitigation scenario for the Manufacturing Industry and Construction subsector therefore focuses solely on the application of measures in other sectors, such as the informal gold mining sector, the second-largest emitter. 114 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 YEAR Figure 4.10: Baseline scenario vs. mitigation scenario, Manufacturing Industries & Construction Transport Subsector The mitigation scenario for the Transport subsector is focused on passenger transport, the sector’s largest emitter. A key factor in beginning a transition towards a sustainable transport system with lower GHG emissions is the implementation of short-term measures that enable the use of renewable energy in road transport (IEARETD RETRANS, 2010). For the short and medium term, use of biofuels and dPollution devices are considered to be the most feasible means of achieving intermediate GHG reductions. A shift from automobiles to public and non-motorised transportation will possibly be implemented after 2025. Table 4.10 lists possible mitigation projects for the Transport subsector. 4 Mitigation Measures Table 4.10: Possible transport projects Projects in transport subsector Use of biofuels Staatsolie is preparing an ethanol production plant, with a capacity of 100 million litres/year. Since this energy resource looks very promising, it is thought that by the end of 2025, an additional biofuel plant will be built with a capacity of 50 million litres/year. Application of dPollution devices in internal combustion engines Estimates are that fuel consumption of engines can be reduced by 12% with this device. Assuming that time is needed for awareness of this device to spread in Suriname, the most optimistic expectation is that results will become noticeable by 2015. Year expected to be operational 2014/2015 2025 2015 Based on the information in Table 4.10, it is estimated that over the period 2015 to 2025, use of biofuels will come to replace 30% of the fuels consumed in the Transport subsector (diesel and gasoline). Devices referred to as dPollution devices are already considered to be the next generation of fuel-saver and pollution reducer with respect to internal combustion engines. The working principle of this device is that an electric current, applied at a certain frequency and wavelength, breaks longer chains of hydrocarbon molecules into shorter chains—lighter and more volatile molecules—which burn more readily and completely in the combustion chamber. This enables the engine to consume less fuel (dPollution International, Inc.). Estimates are of reductions in fuel consumption of 12%. A conservative estimate for Suriname is that this option could result in a 5% annual reduction of the total GHG emission by 2025. Sugarcane plantation Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 115 Photo courtesy of Staatsolie The mitigation scenario shown in Figure 4.11 is a combination of the scenarios mentioned above for the Transport subsector, for GHG emissions over the period 2008-2025. 1400 1200 CO2-emission reduction mitigation scenario "Transport" (Gg) Total CO2-emission Mitigation scenario "Transport" (Gg) CO2-emission baseline scenario "Transport" (Gg) Gg CO2eq 1000 800 600 400 200 CO2-emission reduction by dPollution (Gg) 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 0 YEAR Figure 4.11: Baseline scenario vs. mitigation scenario, Transport PROJECTIONS FOR THE ENERGY SECTOR The baseline scenario and mitigation scenario for the Energy sector are compared in Figure 4.12. 9000 8000 31% reduction Gg CO2eq 7000 6000 Total mitigation scenario CO2-emission “Energy sector” (Gg) 5000 4000 Total baseline scenario CO2-emission “Energy sector” (Gg) 3000 2000 1000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 Figure 4.12: Compiled baseline vs. mitigation scenario Energy 116 YEAR Based on this comparison, the following conclusions can be drawn: If no mitigation measures are taken and the energy demand continues to be met by the use of hydrocarbon fuels, GHG emissions will more than double over the period 20082025, increasing from 3,799 Gg CO2eq in 2008 to 8,470 Gg CO2eq in 2025. By applying the aforementioned mitigation scenarios and implementing their mitigation options, total GHG emissions are calculated to reach 5,870 Gg CO2eq in 2025, a reduction of 31%. EFFECTS OF HYDRO-ENERGY The use of hydropower instead of fossil fuels has obvious positive effects. Yet there is a serious disadvantage to this energy source in Suriname. In general, the potential to generate hydro-electric power is dependent on the height of the fall of water and the flow velocities of the rivers. Although flow velocities in Suriname are high, the height differences in its rivers are relatively small. For this reason, deforestation of fairly large areas would have to take place in order to construct water reservoirs for hydro-electric plants. In addition, roads and transmission lines would have to be constructed, resulting in more deforestation. It has been calculated that the establishment of the TapaJai hydro-power plant(s) will result in the total deforestation of an area larger than 247 km2 (235 km2 of inundated area and 12 km2 of roads). This deforestation will ultimately lead to the release of CO2 and potentially even CH4, which was previously stored in biomass, into the atmosphere. It would be ideal to use the downed wood from this deforestation for the generation of electricity in a combustion installation, instead of just letting it decompose. But since Suriname has plans for building combustion installations, it is assumed that this biomass will be transformed to CO2 at once during the years in which the deforestation takes place. Consequently, during the periods 2013-2014 and 2017-2018, an increase of CO2 emissions is projected in the mitigation scenario. 4.6.2 NON-ENERGY SECTOR The AFOLU sector in Suriname is currently a sink for CO2 emissions (it actively sequesters CO2). The net removal (sequestration) of emissions from the atmosphere by 4 Mitigation Measures AFOLU is primarily through the growth of trees, sequestration of carbon in wetlands, and forest, agricultural and grassland soils. More than 80% of Suriname’s territory is covered by forests and other virtually undisturbed natural areas, such as swamps and savannahs). Since the year 1650, Suriname’s deforestation rate has been limited to 3% of original forest lands, an average of less than 0.1% per year. Deforestation has been due to logging, the creation of relatively small agricultural lands, the clearing of bauxite, gold, granite and sand mining and quarrying areas, the creation or rehabilitation of roads, and for housing primarily in the coastal region. The GHG inventory concluded that the major removal of forest in the time period 2000-2008 was for gold and bauxite mining, and that carbon sequestration was induced by reforestation of mined out bauxite areas and changes in the carbon content of grassland which was reverted into unproductive agricultural land. - - - a haul road from Paranam to Nassau (110 km long, 50 m wide), slated to be built in 2012 or 2013; and - a road from Nickerie (Southdrain) to Apura, mainly along an existing path (60 km long, approx. 20 m wide); it is unclear when this road will be built; very little deforestation is expected from the upgrading of roads (e.g. the roads from Paramaribo to Albina and from Brownsweg to Pokigron), although these might result in increased deforestation as a side-effect, due to improved access to new agricultural and mining sites; expansion of urban areas will correspond with population growth. It is assumed that this expansion will result in additional deforestation to replace agricultural land that is converted to urban areas. These figures are presented in Table 4.11; Table 4.11: Expected population growth and expected urban expansion Source: Based in part on General Bureau of Statistics, Suriname – Population projection, October 2010 The agriculture and forestry sectors are significant sources of the highly potent GHG methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O). In Suriname, agriculture is the most important source of GHG emissions in the Non-energy sector. Population PROJECTIONS Population The projections for scenarios rely on historical agricultural and forestry activities, as well as planned land-use changes induced by activities such as infrastructure construction and agriculture. The applied growth figures for the Non-energy sector are based on a combination of the following assumptions: - an average annual growth of 4.4% for the subsectors from 2008 to 2025, according to foreseen socio-economic development; - several rates are derived from the GHG inventory, such as the deforestation rate from informal gold mining and the re-growth rates in sustainable, managed forests; - several new roads are projected in the interior, for which forests will be cut. The main new roads are: Urban area (ha) Urban area (ha) Population Urban area (ha) - - 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 517,052 524,143 542,022 559,902 577,781 588,816 57,200 57,984 59,962 61,940 63,918 65,139 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 599,851 610,885 621,920 633,158 644,395 655,633 66,360 67,581 68,801 70,044 71,288 72,531 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 666,870 678,214 689,559 700,903 712,247 723,591 73,774 75,029 76,284 77,539 78,794 80,049 at least 2,000 ha of agricultural land (mainly grassland) will be transformed into housing projects; the total land area used for sugarcane production under a Staatsolie project will be about 12,500 ha. Part of the land allocated for the project (5,000 ha) was previously used for rice production. The remaining area (7,500 ha), which was previously uncultivated, mainly consists of grass swamps and marsh forests. According to plans, the establishment of this sugarcane plantation will begin in 2014; Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 117 - Suriname Green Energy54 plans to establish a large-scale sugarcane plantation (30,000-35,000 ha) between the Corantijn river and the Multi-Purpose Corantijn Channel. Ethanol will be produced primarily for the foreign market as a biofuel; - China Zhong Heng Tai Investment Suriname55 plans to re-cultivate the abandoned Patamacca palm-oil plantation, currently overgrown with secondary vegetation. An area of 2,000 ha will most likely be re-cultivated. No primary or old secondary forest will be cut. It is expected that this area will be cleared in 2011 and that the first palms will be planted in 2013. In the future, this area might be expanded to the south, into an area with primary forest; - the company Foods Fats and Fertilisers (FFF)56 plans the re-cultivation of abandoned palm-oil plantations at Phedra, Victoria and other former plantation sites, including old pine plantations. They have requested an area of 40,000 ha, but will likely obtain a total net area of slightly more than 35,000 ha. The abandoned palm-oil plantations are currently overgrown with secondary vegetation. The other areas are mainly a mixed forest type consisting of plantation trees and secondary forest. It is likely that FFF will start its activities in 2012; - the cultivation of palm oil will also result in carbon fixation in palm oil trees, which is estimated at an accumulated 75 tCO2eq/ha after the first 15 years; - the government of Suriname intends to increase rice cultivation by up to 150,000 ha by 2020. This means that land currently in use for rice production (about 27,000 ha in 2010 producing two crops a year) will be tripled within ten years. It is expected that cultivation will expand into the Nani swamp (an area of 30,000 ha, currently mainly swamp forest), and other forested areas and/or polder land not in production; - the area currently used for banana production is not expected to increase; - the current area in the interior which is being used for small-scale agriculture (mainly shifting cultivation) is estimated at a total of 150,000 ha and will remain more or less the same, although there is a slight tendency from shifting cultivation towards permanent agriculture; - the national beef, sheep and goat livestock industry is expected to expand within five to ten years. At least 10,000 ha of forest in the interior will be used for the establishment of grassland for this purpose; Suriname Green Energy is a newly established private company in Suriname. 55 China Zhong Heng Tai Investment Suriname is a Chinese investor. 56 Foods Fats and Fertilizers is a palm-oil company from India. 54 118 - Suralco is planning bauxite mining activities at Nassau that may result in the deforestation of an approximate total of 750 ha, to be cleared in 2013 and in 2014; - the deforestation rate caused by informal gold mining is estimated at 2,621 ha per year (current historic rate of 3,100 ha/yr. minus historic deforestation of IAMGOLD) (Playfair, 2011). This rate will most likely remain the same, as the price for gold is expected to remain high; - IAMGOLD intends to clear an additional 813 ha over the period 2011-2015; -Surgold57 is planning a new gold mine in the Merian area, which will likely result in the deforestation of approximately 1,500 ha, starting in 2012/2013; - Staatsolie is currently exploring onshore and offshore sites along many parts of the coast. It is not yet clear where and when exploitation sites will be established and how much forest will be cut and/or swamps will be drained; - the Foundation for Forest Management and Production Control (SBB) will continue to promote sustainable forest practices and improvement of policies and regulations for sustainable forest management. Sustainability of the forestry sector will indeed increase, and GHG emissions will decrease because damage to the remaining forest will decrease. Although there is no information as to how much this decrease will be, it is expected to be relatively small; - the turnover percentage in sawmills will increase by 1% per year, starting with 30% in 2009 and eventually reaching a turnover of 46% in 2025; - logging remains at a rate of 12 m3/ha and a harvested forest will recover in forty years, at 1 m3/ha/yr.; - the effect of forest and swamp protection on carbon emissions will be zero due to leakage; - reforestation plantations accumulate 34 tCO2eq/ha/yr. (IPCC default value);58 - a young plantation of mangrove forest will accumulate approximately 7 tCO2eq/ ha/yr. (based on figures of Crooks et al, 2011)59. - it is expected that the area of abandoned agricultural lands will be 0 ha by 2020, since these areas are likely to be re-used for agricultural purposes or for urban expansion; total forest re-growth on abandoned (agricultural) lands will be zero in 2025; 57 Surgold is a joint venture between Newmont and ALCOA (both from the USA) engaged in gold exploration and mining in Suriname. 58 IPCC default value for tropical broadleaf plantations in South America: 20 (5-35) t dry biomass / ha. IPCC default value for similar plantations is not available. Since mangrove forest differs greatly from default values of other tropical forests, we have used figures from Crooks et al, 2011. 59 4 Mitigation Measures - ROGB and SBB plan to increase timber production in keeping with the sector’s goals. While current production per year is approximately 200,000 m3, SBB projects that this will increase to 500,000 m3 by 2019. If this timber is cut in a sustainable way, GHG emissions for this area will increase during the first years, due to decomposition of remnants of cut trees (crowns and roots), but it will decrease in later years because of an increase in growth of trees in and around gaps created by forest exploitation. The average net carbon uptake over a period of twenty-five years will be somewhat similar to that of an undisturbed forest. ROGB will improve the management and governance of protected areas in the coming years, but this will not result in a change of the deforestation rate. Protecting forest and swamps might reduce emissions from a specific area, but will likely result in leakage within the country, meaning that activities will move from these areas to others that are not protected; - mangrove afforestation along the coast near the Weg naar zee area is included in the baseline; other significant afforestation projects are not yet planned; - with respect to the cultivation of herbaceous swamps, it is assumed that 75 tCO2eq/ha will be released; and - no specific policies are foreseen to be developed that protect natural areas with high carbon stocks. PROJECTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE Agriculture is one of the most important sectors of the Surinamese economy, accounting for 6.8% of GDP in 2009. Agriculture provides significant opportunities for growth, investment and jobs. It provides food for the nation and produces feed for livestock and bio-energy. Rice cultivation was the most important source of methane emission and accounted for 26% of total GHG emissions within the AFOLU sector in 2008. Most emissions from agriculture are released from fertilised fields, which emit N2O. Livestock farming, which emits CH4 associated with enteric fermentation and manure, also contributes to these emissions. Land used for rice production in 2009 was about 54,000 ha. The government intends to increase this area to 150,000 2028 through a phased expansion beginning in 2015.The baseline scenario, shown in Figure 4.13, indicates that if historical trends continue and activities take place as planned, emissions from agriculture will increase from 953 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to 3,788 Gg CO2 eq in 2025, an increase of 400%. MITIGATION OPTIONS FOR AGRICULTURE One of the most important mitigation options in agriculture is the introduction of farming systems and farming techniques for rice production with a GHG-reducing effect. Research on rice cultivation has shown that emissions mainly occur during months when the ground is fully waterlogged (FAO, 2010). Studies show that regular drainage may be the most efficient method to minimise emissions (Sass et al., 1992; Yagi et al., 1996). The proposed mitigation option consists of a single draining of rice fields during the planting cycle. Scientists have found that this can lead to a 50% reduction of methane emission. Taking the costs of the supply of irrigation water and logistics into account this is preferable to frequent draining. At least two years will be needed before the implementation of this technique can begin, in about 2014. Staatsolie’s Wageningen Sugarcane Project is designed to use sugarcane cultivation for ethanol processing and production. The total area used for sugarcane cultivation will be approximately 12,500 ha, of which roughly 5,000 ha was previously used for rice cultivation but is currently fallow. The remaining 7,500 ha is uncultivated and mainly consists of herbaceous swamps (80%) with some marsh forests (20%). Some, perhaps all, of the forests will be cleared and the swamps drained. Drainage is expected to lead to some decomposition of peat, although it is yet unclear as to what extent. Carbon emissions caused by forest clearings associated with these projects are also calculated into the mitigation scenario. The scenario also includes a calculation for the part of the sugarcane plantation that will be established on abandoned agricultural land. The total avoided emissions (carbon sequestration) of 1 ha of sugarcane used for ethanol production are 13,830 kg CO2 eq. The total sequestration over 5,000 ha sugarcane is 69.15 Mt CO2. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 119 Figure 4.13 shows the baseline forecast versus total mitigation forecast for Agriculture. (The calculated emissions for Agriculture appear in Appendix V.) During the period 2012-2015, deforestation for sugarcane cultivation results in an initial increase of GHG emissions. Other mitigation options, such as the increasing use of zero- or low-till practices, which sequester carbon in agricultural soils, are not included. Although the effects of such practices could be significant, there is uncertainty concerning the permanence of carbon sequestered in soil through these practices. Figure 4.14 shows a projection of the baseline scenario against the mitigation scenario in the forestry subsector. (The calculations for the baseline and mitigation are provided in Appendix V.) If emissions are negative, more carbon is sequestered than emitted. Since little information is available on the carbon content of the various Surinamese forest types, the IPCC default value for tropical rainforest in South America is used in the calculations. This has mature forests containing 517 tCO2 eq/ha (IPCC, 2006)60. For secondary forest, the value used is two-thirds of the IPCC default value: 345 tCO2 eq/ha. 4000 10,000 3500 8,000 2500 6,000 2000 Baseline 1500 Gg CO2eq Total mitigation 1000 500 Forest sector baseline scenario 2,000 Forest sector mitigation scenario 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 -2,000 YEAR Figure 4.13: Baseline forecast vs. mitigation for Agriculture PROJECTIONS FOR FORESTRY With respect to the Forestry subsector, the primary planned and expected activities that result in carbon emissions can be divided roughly into four categories: deforestation for construction of infrastructure, increased forest exploitation, wood processing, and forest and swamp protection. The primary planned and expected activities that result in carbon sequestration can roughly be divided into three categories: reforestation of mined out areas, afforestation of mangroves, and natural forest re-growth in abandoned agricultural areas. 120 4,000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Gg CO2eq 3000 -4,000 Figure 4.14: Total baseline vs. mitigation for Forestry The calculated emissions for the Forestry subsector in 2008 differ from the GHG inventory. The inventory’s calculations are based on land use. For mitigation, GHG emissions related to logging and deteriorating wood waste are calculated on top of the numbers of the GHG inventory. This calculation has GHG emissions for 2008 resulting in 832 Gg CO2 eq. 60 The IPCC default value for tropical rain forest in South America: 0.30 (0.12-0.40) Gg dry biomass/ha; 47% of biomass is carbon and 1 C = 3.67 CO2 eq. 4 Mitigation Measures The baseline projection shows that emissions in the Forestry subsector will decrease from 832 Gg CO2 eq in 2008 to -1,433 Gg CO2 eq (net sequestration) in 2025. However, large agricultural projects and a corresponding increased rate of deforestation may result in periodical high carbon emissions. Reforestation efforts with the aim of carbon sequestration will contribute very little to a decrease in net carbon emissions before 2025. MITIGATION OPTIONS FOR FORESTRY REDD+ opportunities Over the past few years, the government has investigated the possibilities and opportunities involved in participating in a REDD+ scheme. REDD+ focuses on retaining sequestered carbon in forests, and might create promising opportunities for Suriname as a HFLD country. This being the case, the government has started several projects and activities to calculate national carbon stocks. These include developing a forest-cover map and distinguishing among different types of vegetation. Based on this map, so-called carbon plots are created, in which the total amount of carbon is measured, and these measurements will be used to formulate an amount of national carbon stock. These results will provide the opportunity to calculate and designate locations at which the highest carbon stocks are found. The government will be able to use these results as a spatial planning tool, which will help in development plans for areas with a relatively low carbon stock and the avoidance of developing areas with a high carbon stock. Specific mitigation options can then be developed to move human activities out of high carbon-stock areas to low carbon-stock areas. Other mitigation options can be formulated to promote new development projects in low carbon-stock areas, and protect areas with high carbon stocks. Adequate spatial planning will be the crucial factor through which these mitigation options avoid large emissions from deforestation. Such a strategy is still in the measuring and calculation phase, and there are as yet no plans for spatial planning within a REDD+ scheme. This mitigation option is therefore not considered in the calculations here. Mitigation measures considered for the Non-energy sector related to forestry are use of wood waste as biofuel and additional afforestation of mangroves. Use of wood waste as biofuel has already been incorporated into calculations for the Energy sector. As for afforestation of mangroves, coastal ecosystems such as mangrove forests, tidal marshes and sea grasses remove carbon from the atmosphere and ocean, storing it in other benefits for climate-change adaptation: they provide ecosystem services for local livelihoods, serve as touristic attractions, protect the coast from storms, prevent shoreline erosion, regulate coastal water quality and provide habitats for many important fish species and other fauna61. International studies have shown that additional afforestation of mangrove forests may contribute to the sequestration of 1.5 to 2.5 tons C/ha/yr. (which is 5.5 to 9.2 tCO2 eq/ha/yr.)62. For calculations for Suriname, an average of 2.0 tons C/ha/yr. is used, although this figure is very rough and to be further investigated for local conditions. There is no information available on potential sites for additional mangrove afforestation, and success factors have not yet been thoroughly investigated. Mangrove afforestation mentioned here should be considered as a pilot serving to investigate the possibilities. Some rough estimates for potential areas are given, however. Table 4.12 presents a rough estimate of potential areas for mangrove afforestation along the coast. Although a large extent of the coastal area consists of mud, only growing mud banks create favourable conditions for mangrove afforestation. Assuming that mangrove afforestation can be done on an average of up to 300 m out into the water, a total area of approximately 4,050 ha might be afforested. It is recommended that afforestation take place with rows curving in a north-westerly direction into the sea. This will support natural growth on the sheltered side. Overall, approximately 75,000 tons C (275.25 Gg CO2 eq) will be sequestered by 2025 if a total of 4,050 ha are planted during the period 2012 to 2019 at a rate of approximately 200 ha per year. 61 62 Crooks et al, 2011. Crooks et al, 2011; Gong and Ong, 1990. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 121 4.7RESULTS Table 4.12: Potential areas for mangrove afforestation Total length In % along the coast Suitable for mangrove afforestation? Dikes, harbours, river-mouths ~ 40 km ~ 10 % No / hardly Ridges, sand / shelf beaches ~ 65 km ~ 20 % No Mud banks ~ 270 km ~ 70 % Depends on the presence of growing mud banks: approximately 50% Total ~ 375 km 100 % Baseline in 2008 in Gg CO2eq Baseline forecast in 2025 in Gg CO2eq 3,799 8,470 5,870 2,600 Agriculture subsector 953 3,788 2,616 1,172 Forestry subsector 832 -1,433 -1,708 275 5,584 10,825 6,778 4,047 Energy sector The baseline scenario and mitigation scenario for the Non-energy sector are compared in Figure 4.15. Based on this comparison, the following conclusions can be made: If no mitigation measures are taken and activities in the Agriculture and Forestry subsectors continue as planned, GHG emissions will increase from 1,785 Gg CO2 eq to 2,355 Gg CO2 eq in the period 2008-2025, due primarily to large agricultural projects. Implementation of the mitigation options discussed here will result in a decrease of GHG emissions, which will reach only 908 Gg CO2 eq by 2025. 12000 10000 Gg CO2eq Table 4.13: Contribution of different sectors to overall reduction Approximately 35 % = 135 km PROJECTIONS FOR THE NON-ENERGY SECTOR Total baseline Non energy sector Total mitigation Non energy sector 8000 6000 4000 2000 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 0 61% reduction YEAR Figure 4.15: CO2 eq emission projection for baseline and mitigation scenario, Non-energy sector 122 The comparison of emission levels for the baseline and mitigation scenarios shows that potentials for CO2 reduction differ considerably among different subsectors. Table 4.13 shows the contribution of different sectors and subsectors to this overall reduction, with the largest decreases coming from the Energy sector. Total Mitigation Net mitigation forecast in 2025 result in Gg in Gg CO2eq CO2eq As can be seen, by the year 2025 according to the baseline scenario, total expected emissions reach 10,825 Gg CO2 eq, whereas potential mitigation measures will reduce this by 4,047 Gg CO2 eq, resulting in a mitigation forecast of 6,778 Gg CO2 eq. According to the baseline scenario, an increase of 94% in GHG emission is expected over the period 2008 to 2025. Implementation of the proposed mitigation measures will result in an increase of only approximately 21% in GHG emissions for the same period. Table 4.14 summarises expected emissions until the year 2025. We see that without any mitigation action, emissions per capita are expected to grow by 38% over the period 2008-2025. With mitigation, there is an expected per capita reduction of 13% for the same period. 4 Mitigation Measures Table 4.14: Summary of GHG emissions Business as Business as Business as Business as Business as Mitigation usual scenario usual scenario usual scenario usual scenario usual scenario scenario 2008 2010 2015 2020 2025 2025 Total emission CO2 eq (Gg) 5,584 6,625 9,146 14,179 10,825 6,778 517 542 611 667 724 724 10.80 12.22 14.97 21.26 14.95 9.36 Population (x 1000) Emissions per capita IPCC, a barrier is any obstacle that hinders an objective but that can be overcome through policy changes, programmes or other means. Table 4.15 Barriers for Energy sector Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Lack of adequate financial support GoS demonstrates priorities by setting targets for renewable energy use in electricity production and negotiates for these targets. Make use of local knowledge base (or experts) during negotiations. If local knowledge base is lacking, hire foreign consultants. Banks and development agencies do not offer soft credit or support programmes aimed specifically at energy technologies. Figure 4.16 shows that implementing all proposed mitigation options would result in a very large decrease (38%) in overall GHG emissions by 2025 compared to the baseline value. The periods 2012-2015 and 2017-2018, in which emissions in the mitigation scenarios are higher than those of the baseline, correspond to the deforestation involved with hydropower generation and biofuel projects. This would cause deterioration of carbon sinks and result in a temporary increase of GHG emissions. 20000 Total baseline 18000 16000 Total mitigation 14000 12000 Gg CO2 eq International investors often require borrowing nations to fulfil certain requirements before being eligible for large loans. 10000 38% reduction 8000 Legal and regulatory framework Uncertainty with regard to tariffs for renewable energy. 6000 4000 2000 EBS is the nation’s only electricity provider. Mitigation depends on the willingness of EBS to accept other players in the energy market. Energy supply is subsidised, without incentives for increasing efficiency or evaluation of energy costs. Pass or change legislation to support the use of renewable energy sources. GoS stimulates introduction of biofuel into the energy mix of Suriname by creating economic incentive measures for the sale of renewable energy to EBS and by creating related feed-in tariff and licensing arrangements for renewable energy generation. Renewable energy projects often fail because of poor maintenance. Proper training programmes for maintenance workers as well as operators conducted during the commissioning phase of the project, and yearly refreshment trainings. Training costs and maintenance costs should be calculated in yearly budget. 2025 2024 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 0 YEAR Figure 4.16: Compiled mitigation scenarios vs. compiled baseline scenarios 4.8 BARRIERS AND CORRESPONDING POLICIES This section describes possible barriers to the mitigation measures described in sections 4.6 and 4.7 and proposes some means for dealing with these barriers. Per the Poor maintenance and operations. At the national level: Ministry of Natural Resources and Energy (NH) encourages production of electricity from renewable energy sources, especially solar, wind, and biomass, for following reasons: - Reduction of fossil-fuel imports - Reduction of air pollution - Promotion of modern technologies Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 123 Table 4.16 Barriers for Agriculture subsector Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Slow adaptation rate. It often takes time people to accustom themselves to a new system. The adaptation problem often occurs during the implementation phase of the new technology. Adequate support through (governmental) regulations and awareness campaigns. Lack of awareness and reluctance of farmers to adopt the proposed measures. Farmers are often hesitant to adopt new measures, especially if they are not aware of the possible disastrous effects of climate change on their crops. An awareness programme focused on the rice farmers. This programme must be coordinated by ATM in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture. Lack of data and capacity to develop sustainable renewable energy projects. The lack of data on various aspects of renewable energy sources and lack of technical knowledge regarding the application of new systems often results in the slow implementation of these systems. Encourage training of new professionals in this field through enrolment in technical and university education that focuses on the use of new technologies and research into innovative alternatives. Limited availability of knowhow for the implementation of mitigation measures. National research institutions lack access to information, and are not aware of technologies that suit local conditions. The National Rice Research Institution in collaboration with the AdeKUS University of Suriname launches a pilot project focused on the effects of water drainage on crop development, rice yield and GHG emissions. Lack of capacity to implement the research activities. There is not enough capacity available to engage in substantial research on GHG emissions and other climate-change factors. Capacity building (train the trainers programmes) on agriculture and climate-change issues (mitigation, adaptation) are conducted through AdeKUS. Complexity of planning and implementation of public transportation projects, which require substantial land and financial resources. Impose a differential tax on vehicles based on a qualification of vehicle pollution. Give preference to tenders for service vehicles in government agencies to fuel-efficient environment-friendly vehicles. Grant economic incentives for promoting alternative fuels. Lacking or poor environmental regulations for industrial companies with regard to their waste streams 124 Since environmental regulations on waste reduction and elimination are either lacking or weak, industrial companies are not required to reduce their waste streams (e.g. CO2 emission) Establish a group of experts (lawyers, environment specialists and energy experts) to formulate these regulations for ratification by the government. Table 4.17 Barriers for Forestry subsector Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Lack of funding and technical capacities. Lack of funding and technical capacities limit generation of information required for planning and implementation of forestry mitigation projects. Capacity building for monitoring carbon stocks has only recently been addressed. Since local capacity is limited, attract foreign expertise and support regional cooperation and evaluation of forestry mitigation options. Limited and irregular availability of wood chips at single sawmills/wood processing companies. Smaller sawmills and wood factories cannot provide continuous availability of large amounts of wood chips, limiting the feasibility of generating electricity from wood waste. Logistical and infrastructural arrangements to support collection of wood waste; electricity generation through burning of wood waste concentrated at a limited number of electricity generating units. 4 Mitigation Measures Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Barriers for Energy sector Description of barriers Solutions Fire risks (safety). Sawmills and wood processing factories with a high risk of fire. Extra attention should be given to safety when placing a combustion installation at such a location. Safety policies should be in place to prevent unsafe situations. Unclear land tenure or use rights for newly available land. Reluctance of timber companies to re-use their wood waste. Wood waste is rarely seen as a resource for other products, and thus treated as waste and burned or dumped in openair piles or burned. Awareness-raising on the benefits of using wood waste as fuel is needed. Introduction of financial rewards for using wood waste for electricity generation, together with the introduction of financial penalties for burning wood waste in the open air. Such a penalty system will generate financial resources that can be used for the reward system and to promote and encourage the introduction of combustion installations, or even provide subsidies to import and/or install such installations. Land-use rights should be clearly defined and controlled. Who is permitted to use the resources from the new mangrove forests and to what extent is cutting trees permitted? Who will be responsible for control and how will control take place? Also, financial incentives should be created for increasing forest area, reducing deforestation and maintaining and managing forests. Lack of financial resources for mangrove afforestation. Obstructed inflow of fresh water for mangrove afforestation. Mangrove forests have a great economic value for local fishermen, since they provide coastal protection and are important fishing waters. It is however unlikely that local fishermen will be willing or even able to invest in planting mangrove forests for future financial benefits. Additional external financial resources must be found. Attract external financial sources. For example, explore the potential for a wetland NAMA, encompassing management of all relevant national wetland types. Funding for readiness activities and implementation of NAMAs for coastal ecosystem management could be accessed through multilateral and bilateral initiatives that provide fast-start financing. Attract financing from the Green Climate Fund. Mangrove forests need fresh water to survive and expand. Diversion channels and/or outlets in dikes should be constructed to improve the circulation of fresh water along the coast. For other locations, great attention should be given to the possibilities for improved inflow of fresh water. Local fishermen might only be interested in planting mangrove trees when land tenure or use rights for the newly available land are clearly defined, allowing them to profit from their investments. 4.9REFERENCES Adama, A.W.D., 1983. Energie-studie Suriname. Algemeen Bureau Statistiek Suriname, 2010. Bevolkingsprojecties 2004 – 2024, vol. 2. Apapoe, I., 2012. Mitigation Assessment - Socio-Economic Development. Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. Suriname. Association of Energy Engineers, 1981. Energy Management, a Sourcebook of Current Practices. USA. Becker, C. et al, 2012. GHG Inventory, year 2008. Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. Suriname. Becker, C., S. Naipal, S., Birner, 1999. First National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. ATM/NIMOS, Suriname. Biograce. Harmonised Calculations of Biofuel Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Europe. Accessed at: http:// Boddey R., Brazilian Bio-Ethanol and Other Biofuels. Their Impact on the Mitigation of Greenhouse Gas Emission. Embrapa. Accessed at: Boksteen, L., 2005. De noodzaak van de ontwikkeling van ons potentieel aan Hydro energie. CIFOR, 1998. Annual Report 1998. Accessed at: html. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 125 4 Mitigation Measures Crooks, S., D. Herr, J., Tamelander, D., Laffoley, J. and Vandever, 2011. Mitigating Climate Change through Restoration and Management of Coastal Wetlands and Near-shore Marine Ecosystems: Challenges and Opportunities. Environment Department Paper 121, World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. de Wolf, R. 2012. Mitigation Assessment – Forest Sector. Second National Communication to the UNFCCC.Final draft report, Feb 2012. Suriname. Facet, 1980. Technisch tijdschrift, Faculteit Technologische Wetenschappen, Anton de Kom Universiteit. Suriname. Gong, W.K. and Ong, J.E., 1990. Plant Biomass and Nutrient Flux in a Managed Mangrove Forest in Malaysia. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 31: 519-530. Herr, D., E., Pidgeon E., and D. Laffoley, 2011. Blue Carbon Policy Framework. Based on the First Workshop of the International Blue Carbon Policy Working Group, IUCN. Accessed at: dbtw-wpd/edocs/2011-058.pdf Hydro Consulting Inc., July 1981. Feasibility Studies Jai Creek Diversion into Brokopondo HydroElectric Project and the Phedra Hydro-Electric Project. IEA-RETD RETRANS, 2010. Opportunities for the Use of Renewable Energy in Road Transport. Policy Makers Report. TNO. RWTH. ECN. IPCC, 2006. Good Practice Guidance for Land Use, Land-Use Change and Forestry. IPCC National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, IGES. IPCC, 1996. Technologies, policies and measures for mitigating climate change. Accessed at: http://www. IPCC, 2001. Technical Paper I Agriculture Sector.mht, IPCC Third Assessment Report, Annex B, Glossary of Terms. Accessed at: KEMA, 2008. Suriname Power Sector Assessment and Alternatives for its Modernisation (ATN/SF-9038SU). Ministry of Natural Resources of the Republic of Suriname. Latzko, D.G.H, 1987. Energie in de Samenleving. TU-Delft. Narain, J., 2012. Mitigation Assessment – Energy Sector. Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. Final draft report, May 2012. Peterson, G.D. and M. Heemskerk, 2001. Deforestation and Forest Regeneration Following SmallScale Gold Mining in the Suriname Amazon. Environmental Conservation 28(2): 117-126. Playfair, M., 2011. Greenhouse Gas Inventory for Second National Communication to the UNFCCC, Subcomponent Forestry, Suriname. Sass, R.L. et al, 1992. Methane Emission from Rice Fields: The Effect of Flood Water Management. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 6: 249-262. 126 Stichting Plan bureau Suriname, 2011. Regering van de Republiek Suriname, Jaarplan 2011, herziene versie. Stichting Plan bureau Suriname, 1983. Suriname op weg naar een nationale energievoorziening. Stichting Planbureau Suriname, 1988. Suriname Planatlas Yagi, K., Tsuruta, K.K,; Minami, K., 1996. Automated Monitoring of Methane Emission from a Rice Paddy Field: The Effect of Water Management. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 10: 255-267. Tjien Fooh, R. 2012. Mitigation – Agriculture Sector. Second National Communication to the UNFCCC. Final draft report, May 2012. Suriname. UNFCCC, 1995. GHG Mitigation Assessment Guidebook (US Country Studies Program). Accessed at: Assessment_Guidebook_1995/chap01.pdf UNFCCC, 2006. Consultative Group of Experts on National Communications from Parties not included in Annex I to the Convention (CGE), 2006. Training Handbook on Mitigation Assessment for NonAnnex I Parties, 2006. Accessed at: MitigationHandbook_11May2006.pdf Van der Hout, P., 2007. Interim Strategic Action Plan for the Forest Sector in Suriname 2008-2012. Fourth and Final Draft for Discussion. SBB, Suriname. 5. Other Information 5 Other Information Anton de Kom University main entrance | Hedwig – PLU – de la Fuente Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 127 5.1INTRODUCTION This chapter provides other information considered relevant to the achievement of Convention objectives and implementation of recommendations. Within the context of addressing climate change at the national level in Suriname, this report includes information on activities that have been and currently are being implemented in the country concerning the following63: - steps taken to integrate climate change into relevant social, economic and environmental policies; - activities related to technology transfer; - climate-change research and systematic observations; - research into adapting to and mitigating climate change; - information on education, training and public awareness; - information on capacity building at the national, regional and local levels; and - efforts to promote information sharing and networking. Information regarding these topics has been obtained through desk research and interviews. In this chapter, only projects and programmes of principal importance related to the above topics are discussed. 5.2 STEPS TAKEN TO INTEGRATE CLIMATE CHANGE 5.2.1BACKGROUND According to the vulnerability analyses conducted for both National Communications, climate change will have serious impacts mainly on the coastal zone of Suriname and the sectors present and active there. These impacts will affect coastal areas in which most agricultural activities and over ninety per cent of the population are concentrated, compromising the livelihoods of communities in this area and the food security of the entire country. Flooding due to climate change may also occur in the interior of the country. 63 UNFCCC, 2003. REPORTING ON CLIMATE CHANGE: User Manual for the Guidelines on National Communications From Non-Annex I Parties. 128 Chapter 2 of this document, “National Greenhouse Gas Emissions 2008,” concludes that Suriname is a net-sink country. As a Non-Annex I country, Suriname has no immediate requirements with regards to reducing to GHG emissions. Therefore, climate-changerelated plans and actions in Suriname are focused primarily on adaptation and less so on emissions reduction, since climate change and sea-level rise will initially negatively affect wildlife habitats, agriculture, fisheries and vital socio-economic conditions such as human health64. 5.2.2 NATIONAL POLICY AND INSTITUTIONAL ORGANISATION During the preparation of Suriname’s FNC, the environmental management structure consisted of the following three entities: - the Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM), responsible for the integration of environmental policy in the national development policy; - the National Council for the Environment (NMR, a government advisory body. Their responsibility was to advise government officials on the preparation of reports and the monitoring of environmental policy; and - the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS), the technical working arm of ATM. At the end of 2004, a Climate-Change Steering Committee was appointed by the ATM Minister to oversee and give advice on issues regarding climate change in general and more specifically on the execution of project-related activities, with a balanced representation from the key government ministries, academic institutions and private-sector representatives. The Government Declaration for the period 2006-2011 emphasised that responsible management of environmental problems requires an efficient and effective approach. In this declaration, the government of Suriname (GoS) defined the overall goal of the national environmental policy as: protection, conservation, improvement and rehabilitation of environmental quality. During the period 2006-2011, the GoS has undertaken several initiatives and engaged in plans and programmes to assess and respond toclimate-change adaptation challenges. The main plans and programmes are discussed in the following sections. 64 UNFCCC, August 22, 2008. Suriname National Capacity Self-Assessment-Thematic Assessment. Suriname. 5 Other Information While progress has been made, particularly in biodiversity conservation, the GoS faces challenges in the planning and management of sustainable natural resources and the implementation of recommendations from international conventions and treaties65. 5.2.3 CURRENT SITUATION After the elections in 2010, the structure of bodies involved with environmental issues changed. The Climate-Change Steering Committee has been disbanded, but the ATM still has the lead responsibility for the preparation and coordination of Environmental policy in Suriname, with NIMOS as its technical working arm. The main tasks of the ministry are the formulation of policies and legislative proposals and the coordination and monitoring of both national environmental policy and international agreements. ATM is thus responsible for the coordination of the activities of other ministries regarding the use of natural resources, biodiversity conservation, health, and regional development66. Although the government’s development policy is based on an integrated approach towards economic, social and environmental sustainability, an integrated climatechange policy is still missing. There are no laws that specifically address climate-change issues and commitments to the UNFCCC. The institutional environmental framework is currently unable to address implementation problems in an efficient way or to reduce climate-change risk. For example, there are no laws or regulations that support the protection of mangrove forests outside of established protected areas or to establish protected forests; there is no zoning of coastal areas and there are few restrictions in place on coastal development. Also, restrictions on resource use, such as dredging of sand/shell ridges, are very limited and not well-enforced. Other challenges in addressing climate-change issues are a lack of staff and knowledge within specialised ministries67 and frequent political changes, which result in caseby-case decisions without inter-institutional articulation. Existing institutions and agencies need to be strengthened and cooperation among them needs to be intensiUNDP, 2008-2011. Country Programme Document for the Republic of Suriname. The Caribsave Partnership, 2012.Climate Change Risk Profile for Suriname. 67 Such as the Ministry of Physical Planning, Land and Forest Management Agriculture (with its foundation for Forest Management and Production Control Agency (SBB), the Ministry of Natural Resources (ROGB, NH), the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries (LVV) and the ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment (ATM). fied and improved68. Despite the above mentioned constraints within the institutional framework and the lack of policies concerning climate change, Suriname aims to combat the effects of climate change through its Development Plan (OP 2012-2016). In the OP, a clear need for adaptation measures along Suriname’s low-lying coast is articulated, as well as a need for a cross-sectorial Climate Compatible Development Strategy. The OP also identifies the need to prioritise integrated management of the coastal zone. A Climate Change Strategy , as well as a National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP) are being prepared. Both focus on the expected impacts and vulnerabilities resulting from climate change. The NCCAP stresses the importance of integrated coastal-zone management and spatial planning. The OP states that the GoS has the intention to reorient policy away from the traditional towards a development-oriented and economic policy with greater focus on issues such as poverty reduction, food security and safety; the protection of emerging businesses and industries; and the effects of climate change. As such, the development policy aims to achieve cooperation agreements with funding organisations and investors for the implementation of projects and programmes and identify educational, training and transfer of knowledge needs in order to be able to ensure appropriate levels of expertise and technology. Within the next five years, the GoS will focus its policy on increasing its capacities for carrying out operational activities through training and education related to the environment and development. Priority will also be given to conducting environmentally pertinent research and studies. Activities related to research activities and education and training are described in sections 4 and 5 of this chapter. In 2011, the government established the Climate Compatible Development Agency to attract climate change financing in general and carbon financing in particular. 65 66 68 Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment, 2009. National Capacity Self-Assessment Report(NCSA). Suriname. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 129 At present, an Environmental Framework Act is being prepared. Among other things, this Act will address regulation of pollution and waste management, require companies to perform an environmental impact assessment and promote the use of clean technologies. Legislation on reducing exhaust emissions is already in place. The Environmental Framework Act has been prepared since 2001 but has still not been approved. It is not possible to give a reliable time frame for its final approval, since it is the subject of on-going political decision-making. 5.3 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER AND CAPACITY BUILDING Technology transfer and capacity building play an important role in attempts to mitigate climate change and adapt to its impacts. The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) defines technology transfer as: “….a broad set of processes covering the flows of know-how, experience and equipment for mitigating and adapting to climate change amongst different stakeholders such as governments, private sector entities, financial institutions, non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and research/education institutions… … the broad and inclusive term “transfer” encompasses diffusion of technologies and technology cooperation across and within countries. It covers technology transfer processes between developed countries, developing countries, and countries with economies in transition. It comprises the process of learning to understand, utilise and replicate the technology, including the capacity to choose and adapt to local conditions and integrate it with indigenous technologies69.” Developing countries like Suriname can better address the global climate-change challenge with the transfer of technology, including know-how, goods and services, equipment and organisational and managerial procedures. Access to innovative technologies is mostly possible through foreign financial mechanisms such as grants or funds for technical feasibility studies or measuring equipment. The outcome of studies and measurements can demonstrate the benefits of investing in environmentally sound technologies. 69 IPCC 2000. Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer. 130 The private sector—in Suriname, mining companies are an important component of it—can play an important role in direct technology transfer, since ownership of environmentally sound technologies generally lies within the private sector, rather than within governmental or multilateral organisations. Transfer of technology takes place with regard to the exploitation of the renewable resources and the upgrading of the existing energy infrastructure, including that of energy generation. Technology transfer plays a significant role in adaptation projects such as mangrove reforestation, building climate-resilient infrastructure and the use of innovative solutions for data management and early warning systems. In Suriname, technology transfer has been incorporated into several adaptation and mitigation projects and programmes, which tend to be focused on energy efficiency, renewable energy, and emerging low-carbon and energy-generating technologies. In the forestry sector the Reduced-Impact Logging (RIL) system is responsible for a decrease in emissions from timber exploitation. Reduced-Impact Logging techniques also lessen damage to trees in the residual stand and the amount of land disturbed by machinery. The economic and ecological benefits of logged forests are greater where RIL techniques are used. In 2011, a GEF-based climate-change project called The Development of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Electrification of Suriname was proposed and is currently being implemented70. The main objective of this project is to promote the use and development of Renewable Energy and Energy-efficient systems in Suriname. This project will demonstrate the use of hydropower and solar technologies as an option for the electrification of the hinterland. It will also assist with reducing energy consumption and demonstrate energy-efficient practices in Suriname mainly through the use of energy-efficient lighting and solar water heaters. As the IPCC definition of technology transfer states, Suriname can play an active role in climate-change issues when it has the capacity to understand, utilise and replicate 70 International Development Bank, 2012. Project Description: The Development of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Electrification of Suriname. Accessed at:,1303.html?id=SU-G1001 5 Other Information technology. Capacity building is therefore very important for successful technology transfer. Capacity building generates competence, improves the effectiveness of the institutions that work within the context of climate change and promotes an enabling environment for implementing climate-change projects as well as other kinds. After submitting its FNC to the UNFCCC, Suriname made efforts in building the capacities necessary for addressing climate-change issues in both the public and the private sector. Some of the more important of these capacity-building projects are described briefly here. In 2006, a Summer Research School71 was held as part of a larger EU-Star project. This was a joint effort of research groups from Europe, Suriname and Japan to establish a shared atmospheric observatory in Paramaribo. Some of the key topics discussed during this capacity-building session were dynamic processes of the tropical atmosphere, the atmospheric chemistry of the tropics and satellite observations of the chemical composition of the tropical atmosphere. This summer school was intended for advanced students interested in environmental science or related fields, as well as researchers involved in tropical atmospheric research. A number of government officials also attended the session. Suriname focuses on increasing its knowledge of how to cope with threatening situations along the coast. The “VLIR-OI Capacity Building Project” focuses on capacity building at the Anton de Kom University of Suriname (AdeKUS) for conducting research and teaching in engineering on technological and other aspects of coastal zone management. Following disastrous flooding in 2006 and 2008, a project was executed by the National Coordination Centre For Disaster Management (NCCR) to install five waterlevel measurement devices in the Tapanahony River basin as part of the establishment of an Early Flood Warning System in Suriname72. One of the objectives of this project is to enhance the capacity of the communities to understand and respond appropriately to climatic event warnings. All of the water-level reading devices are installed in the Verver, G.H.I. et al, 2005. Project Description: STAR – An EU Program for Support of Tropical Atmospheric Research. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, 08537. Accessed at: 72 UNDP, 2009. Description of Early Flood Warning System available at: 71 Upper Suriname and Tapanahony area. Daily readings of water levels of these areas are gathered by AdeKUS and NCCR and are available to the public at the Meteorological Services website. Staff from NCCR, AdeKUS and other institutions are trained in the use of this system and interpretation of the data. In 2008 the project “Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism” (CD4CDM) was implemented in Suriname. It is an initiative funded by the Netherlands Government and implemented by UNEP RISOE CENTRE (URC) in Denmark. The collaboration of ATM and UNEP RISOE contributed to awareness raising and capacity building with regards to Clean Development Mechanisms (CDM). Various workshops, capacity-building sessions and information events for ministries, institutes, organisations and the private sector were organised, and information brochures, an investor’s guide, a CDM portfolio and a CDM website were developed. The Designated National Authority (DNA) was also established within the ATM. In order to evaluate the submitted Project Idea Notes (PINs), the DNA was assisted by a CDM Commission consisting of representatives of key ministries. After a change in government, this commission was disbanded. Currently the ATM is carrying out a project called “Capacity building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Suriname” in order to achieve sustainable land management. An important part of this project is to provide a Geographic Information System and land-use training to ministries and other organisations that are involved in land management in Suriname. The aim of the project is to provide these key stakeholders with some insight into methods for proper storage and efficient management of data. Since Suriname can be categorised as a HFLD country, the REDD+ mechanism is likely to create promising opportunities for the country’s forests. REDD+ focuses on retaining sequestered carbon in forests. The GoS has begun several projects and activities to enhance awareness and capacity building on this topic. Although Suriname has not finalised its Readiness Preparation Proposal for REDD+, it is actively involved in the programme and advocates the notions of compensation for conserving forests, increasing carbon stock and applying sustainable forest management strategies. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 131 REDD+ The Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD) initiative is a set of steps designed to use market/financial incentives to reduce the emissions of greenhouse gases from deforestation and forest degradation, with “co-benefits” such as biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation. REDD+ supports activities that enable CO2 reductions caused by deforestation and forest degradation. It also aims to strengthen and expand the role of forests as carbon pools by conservation of forests, the sustainable management of forests and the enhancement of forest carbon stocks. Box 5.1 Description of REDD+ Other activities that the Ministry of ATM conducts are yearly environmental days. On these theme-based days (World Environment Day, International Day for Biodiversity, etc.), awareness activities are carried out. Every year since 2009, the ATM, in collaboration with the UNDP, has organised a walk in which a particular environmental theme is promoted. The NIMOS and other NGOs also organise activities in the style of environmental days. The UNFCCC encourages Non-Annex I parties to submit their priority technology needs assessments for mitigation and adaptation. Although Suriname has not yet conducted this assessment, it would be highly advisable to do so, since such an assessment would provide decision-makers with vital information on necessary technologies for mitigating GHG emissions. 5.4 SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH/STUDIES TO ADAPT TO AND MITIGATE CLIMATE CHANGE Recent and future changes in climate in Suriname have been explored using a combination of observations and climate model projections, mostly conducted by AdeKUS. This information can provide Suriname with some very useful indications as to what we might expect regionally in terms of climate behaviour, in relation to a generally warmer global climate. 5.4.1 SYSTEMATIC OBSERVATION OF CLIMATE CHANGE The Meteorological Service of Suriname (MDS) is part of the Ministry of Public Works and the leading governmental authority in providing the nation with climate-based data derived from systematic, accurate monitoring and data collection and analysis. The Service maintains and manages all meteorological data for the country and is responsible for all weather forecasts and meteorological data for Suriname. The MDS keeps records on temperature and rainfall going back to the year 1900. Currently, the service has a network of about sixty posts, down from 180 posts of the early 1980s. At present, observations are made at twenty-one stations, five synoptic stations, eleven climate stations and two automatic stations (NIMOS, 2005). The observed data are published and key climate data are sent to World Meteorological Organisation Centres as part of the global network. Data are also exchanged with the Regional Organisation for South America, of which Suriname is a member. Currently, MDS cooperates on a modest scale with institutes such as Suriname’s own AdeKUS, The Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (KNMI Netherlands), and the University of Bremen, the Alfred Wegener Institute, Bremerhaven, and the University of Heidelberg, all in Germany. Most of the meteorological stations do not have records going back further than thirty years. This data gap is due in part to the civil war (1986-1992), which caused the closure of all stations in the hinterland for that entire period. Climate data from suitable stations are used to make climate projections on temperature and rainfall. This information is used to conduct vulnerability assessments in areas such as Agriculture, the Coastal Zone, Fisheries, Health and Water Resources, as well as to design adaptation strategies73. Most MDS instrumentation is obsolete and in urgent need of calibration or replacement. At present, most of the staff consists of government representatives who are approaching retirement age. Therefore there will soon be a need to recruit new staff. 73 132 The Caribsave Partnership, 2012. 5 Other Information The greatest obstacle to improvement in the MDS is a lack of funds, but also, other more urgent political priorities lower that of systematic climatic observation. Thus, the maintenance and monitoring of MDS systematic observing systems have suffered. Although the requirement to provide meteorological services and data has been accepted in certain international conventions and ratified by Suriname, such service is as yet not being delivered on the national level. The enactment of the Law on Meteorological Service is therefore necessary. This Law has been prepared for nearly ten years, but has not yet been enacted. An expansion of the MDS organisation and its physical points of operation and must take place, given global climate-change developments and the changing environmental factors in Suriname. The result of such an expansion would be better monitoring and guidance in terms of climate and weather events. Sectors such as agriculture and aviation, which depend on weather data would be better provided with much-need qualitative and quantitative data. In March of 2011, Suriname participated in the Caribbean Regional test of a tsunami early warning system, demonstrating the country’s awareness of the high vulnerability of its coastal zone. The test highlighted the need to prepare and to improve communication, evacuation plans and the role of the private sector in the event of such an emergency74. 5.4.2 CLIMATE-CHANGE RESEARCH AND STUDIES Suriname has considerable cause for concern, as the threats posed to the development prospects of the country by a changing climate are severe (IPCC, 2007). The entire Caribbean region is currently dealing with climatic variability and extreme events, and is projected to be confronted with considerable impacts associated with a changing climate. In the past years several research activities have been conducted, most of them in collaboration with universities from the Caribbean. The knowledge gained from these research activities can assist decision makers in the public and private sectors in understanding the predicted changes in climate and their physical and socioeconomic effects in the Caribbean region. Currently Suriname is participating in a research project called Climate Modelling, and Impact and Economic Modelling Implementation Plan (2011-2021)75. This Caribbean Climate Modelling Initiative is being conducted with the participation of several universities and institutions from the Caribbean. Some expected main outputs and benefits of this project are: increased technical, human and physical capacity; increased resilience to climate change; strengthened basis for adaptation and mitigation support and sustainable socio-economic development. As part of the Caribbean Climate Modelling Initiative, a modelling project called “Future Change of the Climate in Suriname” is currently being conducted by the Department of Infrastructure at AdeKUS. The project is derived from the PRECIS regional climate modelling system (phase 2). The main objective of this project is to model climate change in Suriname using PRECIS76 for the period 1979-1983 and 1961-2100 under the SRES A1, A2, B1 and B2 conditions. In 2009, AdeKUS began a project called “Management of Water Resources in NorthWest Suriname under Climate-Change Conditions (2009-2011/2013)” in collaboration with Waternet-Nederlands. This project aims to develop water resources management strategies for sufficient drinking water supply in urban and rural areas and irrigation water supply in the agricultural areas in the Nickerie district by 2050. All necessary data have been collected and the next step is to analyse and prepare modelling strategies. In January 2010, AdeKUS, in collaboration with the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) started a mangrove planting project designed to help protect the coast of Suriname. The project is called “Enhancing Resilience of the Coastline through Removing Stress, Rehabilitation and Mangrove Planting.” Its main objective is to protect and strengthen the coastline through the planting of mangrove plants, initially on the bare mud bank/mudflat found in the Coronie district at Moy. A later phase will see planting in the Wanica district at Weg naar Zee. This project will demonstrate the technical feasibility of afforestation of the mud banks/mudflats with the species Avicennia germinans L. The University of Suriname is responsible for the execution of the project. It is still underway, and so far progress can be considered positive. Caribbean Regional Research Diagnostic, 2012. Information available from the Caribbean Climate Development Network at: uploads/2010/12/Caribbean-Research-Diagnostic-FINAL.pdf Providing Regional Climates for Impacts Studies: a regional climate modelling system. 75 Information about the Caribbean Regional Tsunami exercise can be found at a variety of websites such as that of UNESCO at: en/media-services/single-view/news/caribbean_test_highlights_need_to_improve_tsunami_warning_system/ 74 76 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 133 Since 2010, a project called “Support for Improving Disaster Risk Management for Climate-Resilient Development” has been underway through the NCCR. The aim is to design development strategies that are more resilient to climate-related disasters, especially floods; more specifically to reduce the loss of life and lessen socio-economic losses from climate-related events in Suriname77. Suriname is highly vulnerable to climate- induced sea-level rise, due to its extensive low-lying coast, where the vast majority of the population lives. The GoS has therefore undertaken studies focusing on the promotion of sustainable livelihoods in the coastal zone and carried out several studies containing measures to mitigate climate change, as well as measures to facilitate adequate adaptation to it. Various institutions have been involved in conducting and implementing these studies. One such study, in 1996, was the programme Netherlands Climate Assistance Programme (NCAP). Phase I was implemented is Suriname, with the assistance of the Dutch ministry of foreign affairs. The objective of Phase I (NCAP I) of the programme was to determine and map the vulnerability of Groot-Paramaribo. The 2nd phase (NCAP II) began in 2005 and was based on the results of NCAP I and Suriname’s FNC. The aim of this phase was to develop methods and capacities for improving resilience to the effects of climate change. It also focused on raising climate-change awareness, increasing the involvement of policymakers, scientists and the general public in climate-change-related activities and the developing legislation and regulation. The main outcome of the project is a set of detailed recommendations and suggestions that can be integrated into a climate-change strategy and action plan for Paramaribo and Wanica78. Suriname’s FNC has identified the low-lying coastal zone as a priority area within which a number of sectors are at risk from sea-level rise. These are: water resources, ecosystems ecosystems and geomorphology, agriculture, socio-economic elements and human health79. Many of the adaptation and mitigation measures recommended in the FNC relate to the vulnerability this coastal zone. The impact of rising global sea Inter-American Development Bank, 2010. Information about the project can be found at: Information about the programme can be found at: 79 Republic of Suriname First National Communication to the UNFCCC, 2005. levels is a growing element of uncertainty in coastal zone management. Rising sea levels will significantly impact all human populations and economic activities on the coastal plain80. In addition, a draft National Climate Change Action Plan (NCCAP, 2008) was developed in order to create a framework for better guidance, coordination and implementation of adaptation and mitigation measures. Its aim is also to establish synergies between other environment-related development programmes. The NCCAP considerations concern coastal areas and river banks, water resources, health, agriculture, energy, education and awareness, capacity development, scientific research and financing of adaptation and mitigation measures. Suriname’s FNC lists several adaptation and mitigation measures for various sectors. However, due to insufficiencies, both qualitative and quantitative, in the knowledge base, the country cannot fully act on these recommendations. In order to identify its needs, Suriname conducted a National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA) in 2009. Among other things, the NCSA has served to increase people’s awareness of climate change and the issue’s links to other on-going sectorial programmes. The NCSA Report was guided by three conventions, the Convention on Biological Diversity (UNCBD), the Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), and the Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD).The NCSA report highlights the need for the rehabilitation, conservation and sustainable management of land and water resources. In addition, a Capacity Development Action Plan (CDAP) was formulated but has not yet been implemented. The Case Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Housing on Indigenous Communities in Suriname was conducted in 2009 by the UNDP. Its aim was to increase awareness of the impacts of the 2006 floods on men and women in selected indigenous communities and, more specifically, to assess how agriculture and housing were affected81. 77 78 134 IADB, 2007. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan, Plan of Operations. UNDP, 2009. Case Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Housing on Indigenous Communities in Suriname. Available at: http://www. 80 81 5 Other Information In order to maintain the environmental and ecological integrity of its coastal zone, the GoS has decided to integrate the results of all previous work into the Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZM). This Plan will help the GoS move ahead to achieve sustainable development of the coastal zone in a coordinated way. The ICZM consists of a coordinated approach to manage on-going and planned economic activities for the coastal zone, and promotes sustainable use and conservation of natural resources. In 2011, the ATM, in collaboration with the UNDP, conducted consultation sessions for the formulation of an Ecosystem Based Adaptation Project. This project has been budgeted for USD8 million and has been submitted to the Special Climate-Change Fund of the GEF. The overall goal of the project is to enhance Suriname’s capacity to mitigate and adapt to the impacts of climate change. It will attempt to incorporate ecosystem-based adaptation approaches into the country’s climate-change risk management strategies, with a specific focus on reducing the impacts of coastal flooding, erosion and saltwater intrusion on the sustainable development and wellbeing of Suriname’s population. 5.5 INFORMATION ON EDUCATION, TRAINING AND PUBLIC AWARENESS The vast majority of the population living and working in the coastal zone of Suriname is not fully aware of the possible effects of climate change, including sealevel rise. This was confirmed by a survey that was conducted in 2003 to determine the environmental awareness of school-aged children (Van der Kooye, 2003). One of the outcomes of this survey was that youngsters between the age of 16 and 30 were unaware of international environmental treaties and had no idea of the national institutions involved in environmental management. The survey can be seen as a first step that needs to be elaborated upon via further study on efficient and effective awareness raising. companies, have developed successful awareness campaigns for maintaining a clean environment and conducted activities associated with waste collection. Unfortunately, there is no system in place to record and monitor the outcome of these activities. One reason for this is the cost and time involved in sustaining campaigns. 5.5.1 EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES The most promising group to start with in terms of awareness and education on environmental issues are young people between the age of 6 and 18. If imparted to these children, information on climate change and its risks will quickly be transferred to adults. In this way, basic knowledge about threats and proper response can help improve community-level resilience. One means of education is that the Ministry of Education and ATM/NIMOS develop curricula including educational demonstration projects that include the dissemination of environmental information. Youngsters learn to work collectively on an environmental awareness projects for school. Such initiatives, have already been undertaken at various primary schools in Paramaribo and the districts. Issues that can be considered for such school projects are awareness of waste management, biodiversity, climate change, and pesticides. To successfully develop such an initiative, it is recommended that training courses be provided for teachers and schools be encouraged with a yearly award for the best project. In 2010, the GLOBE Program was reactivated in Suriname through the Ministry of Education. The GLOBE Program is an international hands-on, primary and secondary school-based science and education programme with 111 member countries. Suriname joined in 1997, but had not been active since 1999. Box 5.2 below explains more about the GLOBE Program. After submission of Suriname’s FNC to the UNFCCC, several public awareness and capacity-building activities related to climate change have been conducted in Suriname. In recent years many government organisations NGO’s and other institutions have become involved in education and public awareness on issues regarding climate change. For instance several environmental NGOs, in collaboration with large Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 135 GLOBE Program Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) is a hands-on international environmental science and education program. GLOBE links students, teachers, and the scientific research community in an effort to learn more about our environment through student data collection and observation. The goals of GLOBE are: 1. to improve student achievement across the curriculum with a focus on student research in environmental and Earth system science; 2. to enhance awareness and support activities of individuals throughout the world for the benefit of the environment; 3. to contribute to scientific understanding of Earth as a system; and 4. to connect and inspire the next generation of global scientists. Students from the ages of approximately five through eighteen years in schools throughout the world conduct a continuing programme of scientifically meaningful environmental measurements Box 5.2 The GLOBE Program 5.5.2 UNIVERSITY STUDIES AND COURSES The understanding and management of the impacts of climate change in Suriname require academically trained scientists and engineers, and advanced research capacity. AdeKUS, in collaboration with the Flemish universities of Flanders (Belgium), has developed a two-year Master of Science programme in Sustainable Management of Natural Resources (SMNR). This programme has helped strengthen the research capacity (standards of research, knowledge, skills, equipment) at AdeKUS in the areas of sustainable land and water management, renewable energy resources, mineral resources, biodiversity, sustainable forestry, sustainable agriculture and natural products82. provide them with interdisciplinary understanding. 5.5.3 PUBLIC AWARENESS After completing the FNC, the National Institute for Environment and Development in Suriname (NIMOS) implemented an awareness plan for three months. The objective of the “Climate Change Awareness Programme” was to increase the public awareness (especially schools and the media)on global climate change and its impact on Suriname. A media campaign was set up for implementing the programme, and the campaign concluded with a climate change exhibition. To promote awareness on climate change, several conferences have been organised. In 2007 a Water conference was held in Paramaribo with the aim of sharing information on the “Water and the Future Development of Suriname.” In 2009 a National Conference on Climate was held in Paramaribo. The objective of this conference was to increase the awareness of citizens on climate-change issues. Presentations covered topics such as climate modelling, coastal zone management, REDD and vulnerability and adaptation assessments of the coastal zone with respect to agriculture, health, water resources, socio-economics, ecology and geomorphology. 5.6 INFORMATION AND NETWORKING Suriname participates in several international climate-change initiatives and in organisations whose aim is to enhance knowledge on climate change and to take action on issues related to it. Suriname participates in the Peace Corps Energy and Climate Partnership of the Americas (ECPA) initiative, with the aim of increasing the awareness and knowledge of municipalities, schools and communities of the issue of climate change and supporting community-led projects, including adaptation projects. The Peace Corps Suriname’s ECPA initiative focuses on energy, poverty and climate-change efforts83. Within the SMNR, three courses regarding climate change are provided. These courses are “Water resources management,” “Climatology and Hydrology,” and “Geohydrology and modelling.” Aside from educating students in these areas, the course aims to The U.S. State Department supports this programme, and it is run jointly by Peace Corps volunteers and the Anton de Kom University of Suriname. R. Nurmohamed, et al, 2008.Course Description: “Master Education and Research Program on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Suriname,” AdeKUS. 83 82 136 More information on ECPA can be found at: 5 Other Information Suriname is a member of the Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC), and for a period of three years beginning in 2012 serves on the organisation’s Board of Directors. In April 2012, Suriname signed an agreement with the CCCCC to participate in the Global Climate-Change Alliance (GCCA) Caribbean Support Project. With a duration of forty-two months, this project aims at strengthening capacities within the CARIFORUM countries through the implementation of pilot projects, capacity-building seminars and workshops. The project activities can be divided into six technical components, namely: capacity building in the use of climate models, improving climate monitoring and data collection, assistance in the implementation of a pilot Risk Assessment project, assisting in the implementation of a pilot adaptation project and building of regional and national capacities in the areas of carbon financing and project Management. In May 2012, Suriname signed a Memory of Understanding (MOU) with Austria for cooperation in the field of sustainable forest management, renewable energy and environmental sciences focused mainly on waste, water and climate change. The objective of this MOU is to establish a framework for cooperation with regards to the establishment of the SURINAME-AUSTRIA Rural Development and Climate Change Partnership (RUDECCP). 5.7 CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS Suriname is vulnerable to the negative impacts of climate change, due in particular to its low-lying coastal zone. The GHG inventories completed for the country’s FNC and SNC show that its contributions to GHG emissions are relatively low, primarily because of the small size of the industry sector. Yet sea-level rise may inundate large parts of the coastal zone, which would be a major catastrophe for the country. Suriname’s highest concern, therefore, is the vulnerability of this zone. In this context, Suriname has put in place several measures and strategies to deal with the adverse effects of extreme climatic events. Both the country’s Development Plan and its cross-sectorial Climate Compatible Development Strategy express a clear need for adaptation measures for the coastal zone. Yet, although the government’s development policy is based on an integrated approach towards economic, social and environmental sustainability, an integrated climate-change policy is still missing, and there is also a lack of cooperation among the various stakeholders. In order to mitigate and adapt to the adverse effects of climate change, this report recommends the following: - Approve the Environmental Framework Act; - incorporate climate-change adaptation measures into long-term planning and development programmes; - improve the institutional framework by establishing a coordinating body; - raise critical consciousness of the government and other key stakeholders with regards to climate change and vulnerability through awareness- and capacitybuilding campaigns; - invest government time and resources in establishing a strategic awareness programme in order to avoid disjointed, ad-hoc awareness campaigns; - conduct a technology-needs assessment, that will among other things provide information on the technology the country needs to mitigate GHG emissions and move forward with climate-change adaptation measures; - allocate more government funds for research and development of appropriate climate-change technology; and - improve the overall organisation of the MDS and upgrade its equipment. As required by the UNFCCC, Suriname must take climate-change considerations into account to the extent feasible, incorporating them into the country’s relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions, and implementing appropriate methods, projects and/or measures for mitigating the effects of and adapting to climate change. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 137 5 Other Information 5.8REFERENCES Caribbean Regional Research Diagnostic, 2012. Information available from the Caribbean Climate Development Network at: IPCC 2000. Methodological and Technological Issues in Technology Transfer. Inter-American Development Bank, 2010. Information about the project can be found at: International Development Bank, 2012. Project Description: The Development of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency and Electrification of Suriname. Accessed at: http://www.,1303.html?id=SU-G1001 IADB, 2007. Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan, Plan of Operations. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment, 2009. National Capacity Self-Assessment Report (NCSA). Suriname. Nurmohamed, R. et al, 2008. Course Description: “Master Education and Research Program on Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Suriname,” AdeKUS. Republic of Suriname First National Communication to the UNFCCC, 2005. The Caribsave Partnership, 2012. Climate Change Risk Profile for Suriname. UNDP, 2008-2011. Country Programme Document for the Republic of Suriname. UNDP, 2008-2011. Country Programme Document for the Republic of Suriname. UNDP, 2009. Description of Early Flood Warning System available at: http://undpsuriname. org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=7%3Aundp-tables&id=47%3Aearlyflood-warning-system&Itemid=19 UNDP, 2009. Case Study on the Impact of Climate Change on Agriculture and Housing on Indigenous Communities in Suriname. Available at: pdfs/crisis/GTTF%20documents/SURINAME%20CASE%20STUDY.pdf UNFCCC, 2003. REPORTING ON CLIMATE CHANGE: User Manual for the Guidelines on National Communications From Non-Annex I Parties. UNFCCC, August 22, 2008. Suriname National Capacity Self-Assessment-Thematic Assessment. Suriname. Verver, G.H.I. et al, 2005. Project Description: STAR – An EU Program for Support of Tropical Atmospheric Research. Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 7, 08537. Accessed at: http:// 138 6. Gaps And Constraints 6 Gaps And Constraints Presentation of certificates for the Long range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP) Public Relations Department, Ministry of ATM Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 139 6.1INTRODUCTION Suriname faced a number of challenges during the preparation of its FNC. Some of these challenges have been dealt with, while others remain. The inability to resolve these challenges may be because NCs are considered a project-based activity rather than an on-going process. A number of recommendations from the FNC have been integrated into the country’s Development Plans. However, implementation of them needs to be more aggressive. Implementation of such measures depends on political will and availability of funding from donor agencies. The launch of this SNC project was delayed. Although the project document was signed in July 2009, the project manager was not contracted until May 2010, and the consultants did not actually begin working until after the inception workshop in November 2010. Indeed, most of the work of the GHG consultants did not get underway until the outset of 2011. Due to government administrative procedures, there have also been delays in contracting and obtaining official signatures during the first phase of the SNC project. Training of government staff and the Project Manager in UNDP procedures has contributed to the improvement of the administrative process. Most current delays stem from late submissions and approvals of necessary reports. Some hurdles remain, but it should be recognised that NC preparation is an on-going process in which financial, institutional and capacity challenges, as well as other problems, may arise. 6.2 FINANCIAL, TECHNICAL AND CAPACITY NEEDS; GAPS AND CONSTRAINTS 6.2.1 SELF-REFLECTION ON PROGRESS AND GAPS Since the submission of Suriname’s FNC in 2005, some progress has been made in addressing the gaps and constraints related to financing, technology and capacities. Improvements have been made at the policy level, in the upgrading of the legislative and institutional framework, in the analysis of scientific data and in the areas of education, capacity building and awareness. A concise overview of the progress made between the FNC and the SNC appears as an introduction to the needs listed later in this chapter. 140 Policy Framework The FNC was the first effort of the Republic of Suriname to report on climate change to the UNFCCC. Specific policies on climate change were drafted after the FNC, and in the Development Plan 2012-2016, climate change has received higher priority. A special agency, the Climate Compatible Development Agency (CCDA), was established in 2011 under the Office of the President with specific climate-change tasks, including developing carbon credit to diversify the economy, generating income from natural capital, increasing economic resilience to climate change and participating in the green economy. The CCDA functions as Suriname’s national focal point before the UNFCCC. Institutional Framework In 1998, the National Institute for Environment and Development (NIMOS) was established with the statutory responsibilities of: - preparing and implementing national environmental legislation in the broadest sense; - preparing and implementing regulations on environmental protection; and - coordinating and monitoring compliance. At that time, NIMOS operated as the executive agency of the National Environmental Board. The FNC was finalised by NIMOS in cooperation with two climate-change experts. Currently, NIMOS is incorporated within the structure of the ATM. The ATM itself was established in 2002 (S.B. No. 2002.16) and was ascribed the following responsibilities related to the management and conservation of the natural environment: a. to coordinate the preparation of environmental policies and monitor their im plementation, in cooperation with the relevant ministries, organisations and institutions in the private sector; b. to promote—in cooperation with other relevant ministries, organisations and institutions—the establishment of national environmental legislation; c. to develop cooperation mechanisms and networks (partnerships) for the completion of national and international environmental tasks in an efficient and effective manner; 6 Gaps And Constraints d. to identify, prepare and implement educational, training and other programmes to strengthen environmental institutions and organisations; e. to promote the implementation of conventions on the environment that the Surinamese government has signed and ratified, adapting them to local circumstances; f. to collaborate with other ministries, organisations and institutions in the con trol of businesses and other entities with regards to the use of environmental ly sensitive materials and technologies, in order to maintain compliance with environmental legislation; g. to involve the community at large in activities aimed at effectively countering pollution; h. to encourage the use of environmentally friendly technologies; and i. to promote and maintain contacts with relevant national and international organisations. In 2011, a new body within the Office of the President, the Climate Compatible Development Agency (CCDA), joined other entities dealing with the environment and climate change. The coordinating tasks of the CCDA sometimes overlap the climaterelated efforts of ATM and NIMOS, and this can sometimes create tension between these entities. During the interviews and the reviewing of the draft version of this document, a need was expressed for more clarity with regards to the roles, responsibilities and mandates of NIMOS, ATM and the CCDA, in order to prevent any counterproductive duplication. A clear division of tasks and responsibilities at the macro, medium and micro levels among these bodies is desirable, but it would have to be preceded by an in-depth institutional assessment. Legislative Framework A law creating a framework for dealing with environmental issues has been drafted and revised several times, and it is currently awaiting enactment. An environmental law will facilitate the collection of certain data (such as amounts of waste produced) from institutions and corporations. Current statistics laws were not designed to provide a mandate for requiring technical climate-change data from the private or other sectors. Institutionalising the monitoring of climate change requires an inter-institutional approach. Although most technical institutions operate on a sector-specific level, collaboration between them has been improved, especially regarding REDD+ efforts. Existing legislation for the sectors that are influenced by climate change has not been significantly changed since the FNC. This legislation includes the Nature Protection Act (GB 1954 no. 20, amended by SB 1992 no. 80), the Fish Protection Law (GB 1961 no. 44), the Law on Forest Management (SB 1992 no. 80), the Bigi Pan MUMA Ministerial Order (1987 no. 4423/0880), the Noord Coronie MUMA Ministerial Order (SB. 2002 no. 87), the Noord Saramacca MUMA Ministerial Order (SB. 2002 no. 88), the Noord Commewijne/ Marowijne MUMA Ministerial Order (SB. 2002 no. 94), and the Ministerial Order on Guidelines for Land Allocation in Estuarine Management Areas (SB. 2005 no. 16). Scientific Analysis The most notable gap mentioned in the FNC is the availability of data and scientific analysis on topics such as topography, erosion, sedimentation rates, biodiversity, forestry, energy use, meteorology and the socio-economy of groups, especially those in rural areas. The data-gathering process was hampered by the absence of technology and/or manpower to operate remote public-sector measuring stations. In most cases, the scientific technology for observation was not available. The FNC’s scientific analysis of the specific sectors—human health, energy and transportation, forestry, agriculture—was limited because topic-specific studies were not available. Although there has been no significant improvement in the availability of data since the FNC, this SNC does indeed provide a higher level of analysis of the impacts of climate change on the human populations and on the selection of mitigation options. It also provides a deeper overall analysis of characteristics of the interior of Suriname. This improvement is the result of capacity building on the part of scientists since the FNC. The majority of the lead experts and some of the sub-consultants involved in this SNC were also involved in the FNC. Processes of collecting, analysing and presenting data have been executed with greater rigour for the SNC as a result of the experience gained during the FNC process. For this SNC however, consultants were either not able to obtain GHG inventory data in the format required (with the use of standard forms), the data were not accurate when cross-referenced among different institutions, or data were simply not available for requested time periods. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 141 Both the FNC and the SNC mention little about current and projected patterns of human adaptation to climate change. Such an analysis requires a higher level of detail of socio-economic data which was not readily available at the time of the preparation of this SNC. and awareness campaigns were undertaken using the local media. Smaller campaigns were held by local and international NGOs. Limited funds prevent a larger campaign across the country, one that might reach communities in the interior of Suriname, where special attention is required due to differences in language and world-views. Education, Training and Awareness A lack of education and training on the topic of climate change was evident from the FNC. During and shortly after the launch of the FNC process, some awareness and education activities were undertaken. A documentary film was developed and disseminated, while at the same time a climate-change information kit and hand-outs were distributed to schools. For the purpose of reaching larger audiences, the media were also instructed on how to communicate on climate-change developments. On a generic level, basic needs can be categorised as they are in Table 6.1. In 2009, the ATM conducted a national capacity self-assessment on climate change which concluded that there is a need for improving research, technical, management and social/cultural skills across institutions in civil society and government. During the preparation of this SNC, training sessions were conducted on the Long-range Energy Alternatives Planning System (LEAP). Participants in these sessions came from the public sector, foundations, businesses and as individual consultants. Currently, due to the inclusion of the issue of climate change at the undergraduate level of studies in Environmental Science at the Anton de Kom University, as well as graduatelevel studies in Urban Planning and Sustainable Natural Resource Management at the Institute for Graduate Research and Studies (IGRS), students and educators are becoming more sensitive to topics related to climate change. In addition, occasional training sessions for lecturers, researchers and students are being held at AdeKUS. Two doctoral-level experts in climate change hydrology and waste management have been added to the nationwide body of experts, which previously consisted of two people, since the drafting of the FNC. Yet the pool of experts is obviously still too small to create multi-disciplinary teams who are able to dedicate their time to long-term research efforts. Raising the awareness of the general public was addressed as a priority need in the FNC. Between the FNC and this SNC, the lead on this issue was taken by the ATM 142 Table 6.1 Categorisation of common needs Resources Need Human Climate experts with in-depth knowledge on climate change Technical Modern, reliable technology to assess and monitor components of climate change Financial Financing for capacity-building activities and scientific observation and data collection technology across the country Other Awareness within the public, private and NGO sectors of the urgent need for GHG data and other climate-change indicators; A stronger inter-sectorial approach and synergies among subsectors vulnerable to climate change (e.g. through research groups) Remaining sector-related gaps and constraints are discussed in the following sections. The choice of sectors treated here is based on those that were discussed in the GHG inventory, mitigation and adaptation chapters. 6.2.2 CONSTRAINTS WITHIN THE ENERGY SECTOR The main issue with regard to the GHG assessment was data availability, and this was true for the Energy sector. Some delay in data collection was experienced due to a lack of readily available information necessary for the GHG inventory. Those who work in organisations that would be likely sources of the data needed do not recognise the necessity of generating, gathering or submitting data; it is not considered part of their core business. In addition, people, primarily in the private sector, need to be convinced that the data will not be used for purposes other than the GHG inventory. The ATM therefore provided SNC consultants who were soliciting data with letters of support to show to the people working in organisations that are data sources. 6 Gaps And Constraints In general, emissions of each greenhouse gas are calculated by multiplying fuel consumption by the corresponding emission factor. The type of data to be collected would thus only be concerned with fuel consumption in the source category. The tier method, as described in the 2006 IPCC guidelines, was applied. The focus, when questioning the sources, was therefore primarily on their quantities of fuel consumption. During the data-gathering phase, it was noticed that the majority of the respondents have poor filing systems and did not feel the need to look for the solicited data, due to their lack of awareness of the importance of such information. This caused delays. Moreover, the data received were not always complete. Not all the fuel types used were mentioned, for example, and this also led to delays. Another problem was the inconsistency in the data provided; which came out when cross-checking the data against those from other sources. For example, figures from the Bureau of Statistics and the Central Bank differ on the importation of fuel. Another example of data inconsistency is the amount of fuel used to produce gold. Two sources were consulted on this, and they gave two different numbers. Another problem is that data were not available for the requested time period. The first constraint in terms of adaptation within the energy sector is the lack of data on the new and proposed mega-projects for power generation, such as the Nassau largescale gold mining project. This prevents experts from making an accurate projection on energy use involved, and subsequently to come up with a comprehensive plan for adaptation. A potential barrier is the lack of available, new, energy-efficient technologies that will contribute to the reduction of energy consumption. These technologies should be user-friendly and will potentially reduce total energy costs for the country. Another barrier is the granting of land tenure and rights to the tribal communities, who currently use more than 40% of the country’s land area. Only by securing these rights can the energy sector proceed with plans of expansion to the hinterland, and area long inhabited by nature-dependent communities. 6.2.3 CONSTRAINTS WITHIN THE AGRICULTURE SECTOR The national GHG inventory with regards to Agriculture was calculated using some rough estimates on fertilizer data, with a lack of activity data and an absence of country specific emission factors. Therefore, Suriname needs to develop the capacity to institutionalise the gathering of data in order to realistically calculate GHG emissions, so that estimating may be avoided in the future. The Statistics Department of the Ministry of Agriculture should include the Tier 1 and Tier 2 methods of data collection in its annual statistics report. This will improve the reliability of the activity data, and thus the precision of emissions calculations. Barriers with respect to adaptation in the agriculture sector tend to focus on problems associated with changing production systems, such as choosing new breeds/varieties of crops, introducing climate protective structures, using alternative kinds of energy and using environmentally friendly, biological pesticides. Introducing such ideas is particularly difficult in a sector based on traditional knowledge transfer. The transition process to new production systems should be accompanied by extensive research by academia and sufficient funds to provide incentives and promote real behavioural change. 6.2.4 CONSTRAINTS WITHIN THE FORESTRY SECTOR A major constraint in data gathering is that Suriname lacks a national data base for land management. Land-use data is collected and presented by the various institutions responsible for monitoring specific land-use categories. The 2006 IPCC software for data entry and calculation of GHG emissions was used rather than other available options, due to the lack of available parameters. One problem was the difficulty encountered in entering data for the category Wetland. Even though the emissions of wetlands are not counted in the inventory, data for this category is required in order to total up the land area of Suriname. It is also necessary to include the land area of wetlands in the Land Matrix. In the category Grassland the team opted to use the Tier 1 method, but the software programme seems to be programmed for higher tiers. Thus, data handling of the final results became problematic. In terms of adaptation in Forestry, the process was hampered by the lack of detail in the data available for land-use analysis and projections. Research results on potential dieoff of the forest in the interior are unavailable. To evaluate the risk of climate change on these forests, human resources accompanied by the appropriate technology is needed to gather data in nearly inaccessible forest areas. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 143 By so doing, the necessary information could be obtained for forest modelling, in addition to satellite imaginary and radar analysis. An important note is that data should be available over longer periods of time for analysis and monitoring purposes, in order to establish proactive policies that are based on solid data. 6.3 FROM FNC TO SNC: THE PROCESS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR IMPROVEMENT The SNC preparation process began at the end of 2010. Start-up was somewhat slow, with some delays experienced by the project manager in the recruitment and selection of the SNC team. The project was guided by the ATM in their capacity as the point of contact with the UNFCCC. The Ministry hired a project manager to guide a total of fifteen local consultants in their efforts to create the GHG inventory (five people), the mitigation assessment (five people), the vulnerability assessment for adaptation (seven people), and other issues (three people). As can be seen, some consultants worked on more than one part of the SNC. Each of these three studies was guided by a team leader, two of whom had also participated in the FNC process. The decision was made to rely on expertise available within the country. The output of the national consultants was peer reviewed by an international expert. The selected sub-consultants all had their expertise within their field and obtained more specific climate-change-related skills during the process. The VA and GHG team leaders work full-time in the area of climate change. All other consultants have another field of expertise, and these overlap with the theme of climate change. As a result, valuable tools and techniques gained during the SNC process may be lost if these consultants are not involved in other climate-change related activities in Suriname. It is important for the process of monitoring climate change to have an established core group that works continuously on the mitigation and adaptation aspects of climate change in the country. Knowledge about climate change, which is dynamic, can then be updated and integrated regularly into the process. Such a core group is especially important for the scientific decision-making process, especially the choice of methods, such as the creation of scenarios, and assumptions in the studies. This needs to be aligned with the direction given in national policy documents. 144 Although each team of consultants was assigned the preparation of a specific segment of the SNC, communication and information sharing was required between teams. Results from the GHG inventory, for example, were needed for the mitigation assessment. Hence, difficulties experienced by the GHG team in data gathering from the stakeholders also resulted in a delay for the Mitigation Analysis team. Several data revisions and subsequent re-analyses of mitigation options were carried out to ensure accuracy and consistency throughout the report. An improvement would be to have the majority of the consultants work on both the inventory and mitigation analysis teams. In this way, problems could be communicated across teams, improving the synergy between consultants in their quest for finding solutions. Another improvement for the consultants would be to have a process in which they are able to provide technical information based on a vision for climate change produced by the government. Because there are overlapping areas of interest among the different studies, the process would benefit from better coordination between team members. In this way, the outcome would be the result of discussion that includes input from a multidisciplinary expert team. As stated previously data collection for preparation of this SNC was difficult. As Suriname upgrades its climate-change related activities and pertinent communication among entities within the country, it is imperative to institutionalise the related processes. This includes having full-time personnel who are engaged in data collection, operating under a mandate to request data from institutions and corporations. Such a mandate can be only temporarily and partially obtained through the statistics law (Law on Statistics; SB 2002 no. 97). The environmental framework law that would be more helpful remains tied up in the legislative process. The SNC process would benefit from requesting data on a yearly basis, in order to avoid having a data gap of several years at the time preparation of the country’s next NC begins. Organisations need to be sensitised to the need of making data available, not only for the purpose of national reports, but also as valuable input for the formulation and implementation of national policies on sustainable development and the environment. 6 Gaps And Constraints Reflecting on the process of compiling this SNC, the recommendations for improvement are: - a long-term vision on climate change from the government, as it relates to scientific decision-making; - finalisation of the GHG inventory, or at least having it in an advanced stage of development, by the time mitigation activities for the NC begin. This will minimise re-workings of the various chapter of the report; - better synergies between the teams associated with the GHG inventory, the mitigation assessment and the vulnerability assessment; - establishment of clear structures to enable multidisciplinary decision-making, including the rules of decision-making, the authority of consultants, and the handling of potential conflict situations; - full utilisation of scarce human resources by allocating experts to climate-changerelated activities for the long term, beyond NC preparation, in all sector-specific areas; - creation of legal and technical infrastructures for effective and efficient collection, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of climate-change-related indicators between reports; and - creation of research groups with dedicated budgets for thematic and specific indepth analyses of climate-change-related data. 6.4 PARAGRAPH 50: CONTRIBUTIONS FOR SNC ACTIVITIES The funds received through UNDP/GEF facility (USD 405,000) were used to prepare the SNC. The ATM contributed by allocating personnel and materials for coordinating and facilitating activities. No additional resources were received from multilateral institutions or Annex II parties that were earmarked as contributions for the preparation the SNC. 6.5 PARAGRAPH 51: CONTRIBUTIONS FOR CLIMATE-CHANGE-RELATED ACTIVITIES For activities related to climate change between the publication of the FNC and this SNC, various initiatives were funded. An overview of the main climate-change-related activities that were funded during those years is listed in table 6.2. Table 6.2 Overview of main climate-change-related activities Donor – period Short Project Description UNDP – 2006-2008 Various studies on the impact of the 2006 en 2008 flooding and establishment of an early flood warning system for the Upper Suriname and Tapanahony Rivers. Promoting of resilience and sustaining livelihood of disaster-affected communities: action plan, hazard mapping and early recovery strategic framework. UNDP/GEF – 2009 National Capacity Self-Assessment (NCSA). Aimed at identifying priority issues for action within the thematic areas of biodiversity, climate change and desertification/land degradation. Find synergies across the thematic areas and catalyse targeted and coordinated actions and requests for external assistance. Finally, link country actions to protect the global environment to the broader national environmental management and sustainable development framework. IDB 2010 Support for Improving Integrated Disaster Risk Management for Climate-resilient Development. GEF/UNDP 2011 Coastal Protected Area Management project to promote the conservation of biodiversity along Suriname’s western coast Dutch Government Dutch Climate Change Assistance Program 2, Promotion of Sustainable livelihood in the coastal zone of Suriname with emphasis on greater Paramaribo and the immediate region. GEF-2008 -2012 (LDC/SIDS Portfolio) Capacity Building in and Mainstreaming of Sustainable Land Management in Suriname CD4CDM project 2008-2009 Capacity Building for Clean Development Mechanism ACP/EUForestry Research Network 2010-2012 (first phase) Climate change and local communities: Impact of climate change on the practices and livelihoods of local people. Analysis of adaptive capacity of local peoples’ livelihoods in Suriname and Guyana. IDB 2008/2009 Integrated Coastal Zone Management Plan (ICZM) and legislation Projects funded and executed between the FNC and this SNC established part of the necessary basis for making Suriname more aware of and ready to combat the challenges that come with climate change. It is in many ways too early to clearly define the impact of many of these projects. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 145 Lead consultants for the SNC, project managers and key resource persons within funding organisations all agreed, however, on the very great challenges facing Suriname considering the country’s limited technical, financial and human resources. On an individual level, the local pool of senior experts was strengthened and somewhat empowered. This pool of experts is not nearly large enough to cover effectively all aspects of coping with climate change. On the institutional and systemic levels, the most basic and urgent needs are: - creation of data and information networks and the initiation of continuous dialogue among the public sector, NGOs and the private sector; - capacity building in the areas of project-development, monitoring and evaluation skills, in order to draw effectively on available funding for climate-change-related areas and subsectors; - raising of awareness within and among the most vulnerable groups in the coastal zones and in the interior; - research on the most viable adaptation scenarios, given the unique challenges Suriname faces with regard to land-tenure and illegal activities on private and government-owned property; - financing for construction of protective mechanisms and other technologies needed for adaptation to climate change; and - updating and adoption of legislation and the availability of resources to effectively monitor compliance to laws and regulations. 6.6 PROPOSED PROJECTS FOR FINANCING 6.6.1 PARAGRAPH 52: PROPOSED FINANCING PROJECTS The following climate-change-related projects were recently proposed for financing. REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal The Climate Compatible Development Agency (CCDA) will be finalising the REDD+ Readiness Preparation Proposal under the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility of the World Bank in the first quarter of 2013. In this project, the focus will be on the participation of stakeholders, in particular the involvement of indigenous and Maroon communities that are dependent on the forest for their livelihoods. There is also interest to submit project proposals to the UNFCCC adaptation fund. 146 The UNDP Small Grants Program (SGP) The UNDP has initiated a small grants programme designed for communities to obtain funds for adaptation to protect or restore the environment while creating sustainable livelihoods. SGP finances projects on biodiversity, persistent organic pollutants, climate, international waters and land. This environmental project will be active from 2011-2016 and is primarily funded by the Australian Government as a way to support small island developing states in the Caribbean region. The project invites requests from community-based organisations on adaptation, especially energy supply and biodiversity protection, with a maximum of USD50,000 with an equal contribution from the community itself or from a third party. One out of two projected pilot projects is now being prepared for wetland and mangrove forest protection in Johanna Margaretha in the district of Commewijne. Fishing and tourism are livelihood strategies that need to be incorporated into the adaptation process. The major constraint is the limited support from technical institutions in the preparation phase and the lack of capacity of communities to write up project proposals. To avoid insufficient use of funds, as was experienced with the implementation of the development programme in Suriname, the UNDP will also provide opportunities to strengthen capacities via training in project proposal-writing, in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund. Ecosystem-based Adaptation Project (EBA) ATM/UNDP The ATM and the UNDP have compiled a project on ecosystem-based adaptation to submit to the Special Climate-Change Fund. The objective of the project is to incorporate ecosystem-based adaptation approaches into the country’s climate-change risk management system, with a specific focus on reducing the impacts of coastal flooding, erosion and saltwater intrusion on the sustainable development and well-being of Suriname’s population. The strategy of the project to achieve this objective is to build on baseline investments in coastal protection through additional investment in the restoration and protection of ecosystems whose services enhance the resilience of the coastal zone to climate-change impacts, through the regulation of water flows and the prevention of floods, erosion and saltwater intrusion. In doing so, the project will introduce the EBA as a new component in the country’s approach to climate-change adaptation, thereby strengthening recognition of the importance of natural ecosystems 6 Gaps And Constraints for climate-change risk management, as well as maintenance of socio-economic benefits and conservation of biodiversity. The project will develop and implement field-based activities to preserve and enhance ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests and wetlands, including building on and up-scaling the results of an existing Pilot Mangrove Afforestation Project. The project also will undertake activities to implement landscape level planning in selected areas of the coastal zone; to mainstream EBA approaches into national development policies, laws, and institutional functions; and to strengthen the capacities and knowledge required for effective and participatory EBA approaches. framework for cooperation with regard to the establishment of the Suriname-Austrian rural Development and Climate-Change Partnership (RUDECCP). The framework for cooperation will be based on various projects of the RUDECCP, upon which an understanding will be reached between Suriname and Austria. The areas of cooperation mentioned in the MOU are the elaboration of: - sustainable forest management; - renewable energy and low-carbon strategies; and - environmental technologies with regard to waste and waste water treatments as well as incineration. The project will be executed in the coastal ecosystems of Weg naar Zee, Coronie and Commewijne by active afforestation initiatives, regulation of water resources and vulnerability assessments of communities. The project is planned to be implemented in 2012-2018, with a budget of USD 5 million. Worth mentioning is that cooperation has already started with the establishment of a forest inventory process for Suriname. The output of the project will provide a baseline for designing a strategic risk management system. Begun in 2011, the project is expected to be completed in 2013, and is an integral part of the IADB’s country strategy for Suriname. No specific projects on climate change are expected for the future, since the IADB defines climate change as a cross-cutting issue to be included in all environmental projects. CDM In 2008, the Capacity Development for Clean Development Mechanism (CD4CDM) project was implemented with the assistance of UNEP RISOE, with the aim of building capacities within Suriname with regards to the CDM. A permanent CDM commission, consisting of the ATM and NIMOS is responsible for evaluating project proposals in light of national policies and sustainable development criteria for CDM, while NIMOS guides the project initiators in assessing feasibility and environmental and social impacts. Until now, three project identification notes (PINs) have been approved by the CDM Commission. These are: 1) electricity generation through gasification of rice husk, 2) ethanol production from sugar cane as a substitution for fossil fuel for the transport sector, and 3) combined heat-power generation from bagasse. The major constraint in advancing the CDM initiative is the lack of awareness about it and the lack of capacities for writing the project proposal. The project proposal requires a significant financial investment for assessing technical feasibility. Lack of interest by the private sector may also be due to the heretofore small scale of projects in Suriname, which in the end may yield a profit too small to be worthwhile on the global carbon credit market. Suriname-Austrian Rural Development and Climate-Change Partnership (RUDECCP) A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was established between the governments of Suriname and Austria in May 2012. The main objective of the MOU is to establish a Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) Caribbean Support Project The CCCCC project aims to deepen dialogue, cooperation and enhance support on climate change between the European and poor developing countries, in particular LDCs and SIDs. To improve climate monitoring and data retrieval in Suriname, the placement and Support for improving integrated disaster risk management for climate resilient development The Inter-American Development Bank initiated a project by this name with the National Coordination Centre for Disaster Management (NCCR). This project aims to provide technical cooperation in the efforts of: - assessing the presence of risk indicators for disaster preparedness; - designing an early flood warning system in areas in the interior of Suriname; and - incorporating local governance into disaster risk management. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 147 installation of eight hydrology stations and six meteorological stations is planned for 2012. A second activity aims to enhance the predictive powers of regional climate models and the region’s ability to design and implement cost-effective adaptation activities. This includes climate modelling and risk analysis, and the results will be incorporated into the National Climate Action Plan(NKAP). Other planned activities are: - training of national experts from AdeKUS in the application of regional climate models; - assistance in the collection and management of climate data; - assistance in conducting sector-specific vulnerability studies that are expected to provide information for the national Climate Action Plan; and - assistance for a national risk analysis on climate change. It is expected that the project will contribute to an increased capacity for modelling climate-change phenomena for Suriname, especially sea-level rise. In addition, the project will contribute to assessment of vulnerability of sectors, and the establishment of a national early warning system. It also envisions results in better coordination and management of data related to climate change. 6.6.2 PARAGRAPH 53: ADAPTATION MEASURES – OPPORTUNITIES AND BARRIERS Improved coordination between government organisations, NGOs and the private sector are necessary to adapt successfully to climate change. In particular, the government should take the lead in designing cross-sectorial systems to ensure climate observation, ecosystem management, water management and risk and disaster management. The GoS should also start a process of integrated land-use planning. The continuation of efforts in designation of protected areas, the management of land allocation and the proper management of MUMAs and mangrove-rich areas are important measures for safeguarding the coast. Other measures that are needed for successful adaptation are: awareness raising on efficient use of freshwater resources, initiation of incentives for renewable energy programmes, changing standards in the transport and construction sector, establishment of an insurance fund to compensate for disasters and strengthen disaster risk management, and improvement of the medical infrastructure for monitoring 148 disease outbreaks. Such activities will not be successful without a nationwide awareness and education process. With support of the UNDP and the Suriname Conservation Foundation (SCF), AdeKUS has initiated the planting of mangroves to protect the coast of the district of Coronie against erosion. The pilot project focuses on researching mangrove planting and growing methodologies, as part of the larger scale observation of the coastline erosion process. The project has the potential to expand to a multi-disciplinary model for managing coastal erosion and natural adaptation against sea-level rise. The project would benefit from additional expertise on aspects of agriculture, biodiversity and climate observation. The project has high importance. It is a quick, inexpensive adaptation measure for coastal protection, and it has the potential to be replicated in the Guyana Shield region. A follow-up project is proposed with the Ecosystem Based Adaptation project discussed earlier. Another important adaptation project to undertake is the assessing of alternative crops and breeds for the agricultural sector. Given the projected salt intrusion into rice cultivation areas and the high sensitivity of bananas and livestock to global warming, it is essential to begin researching and selecting new crops and breeds that are less susceptible to climate change. Introducing new crops and breeds can only be successful in the presence of a fully equipped agricultural extension service consisting of sufficient human resources and infrastructure. From such a service, research results are then transferred to farmers, so that changes can be initiated at the field level. 6.7 COUNTRY-SPECIFIC TECHNOLOGY AND CAPACITY-BUILDING NEEDS; ASSISTANCE RECEIVED 6.7.1 PARAGRAPH 54: TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER The Suriname National Capacity Self-Assessment provides an overview of the needs for capacity building and technology for a system of climate-change monitoring and management. The current overview of needs is based on this SNC, including the three technical studies (GHG inventory, MA and VA), and meetings with the consultants. A more in-depth assessment should be conducted in the future (see Table 6.3). 6 Gaps And Constraints Table 6.3 Technology needs according to theme Theme Country-specific technology needs Constraint Coastal zone management - Equipment for sea-level-rise measurement Analysis of sea currents and streams Construction of sea protection and mud bank nourishment techniques Establishment of a system for water and sediment monitoring at sea Instrumentation and skilled manpower not available. Funds unavailable for construction of sea protection Establishment of a network of remote meteorology stations in Suriname (total 180) Climate-change modelling Funds for the purchase and installation of technology not available. Scarce human resources to maintain a large network of stations Development of new building codes for houses and roads Construction of dykes and other protection structures Limited technical expertise available. Funds for the construction of dykes limited Limited instrumentation and skilled manpower available Funds for construction unavailable - Establishment of a system for water-level and sediment monitoring in rivers Improve wastewater and drainage structure Construction of artificial reservoirs Agricultural production - Introduction of new production systems Limited technical expertise available and finances for the purchase of new systems and transfer of technology limited Renewable energy - Introduction of renewable energy sources as opposed to fossil fuels in households and industry Limited technical expertise available. Funds for the purchase and installation of technology limited Forest management - Funds for cross-country inventories and baseline studies limited Limited technical expertise and demonstration activities available - - - Climate observation - - Urban infrastructure - - Water management - - - - Technology for obtaining species data for ecosystem management Technology for modelling and prioritising areas of importance Technology transfer for sustainable practices in forest management, including carbon stocks and Payment for Ecosystems An important aspect to consider is that Suriname can only cope with climate change when there is an installed countrywide system of monitoring and management. Because more than 80% of the country consists of virtually inaccessible forest, it is mandatory to work side by side with the communities who make the forest their home. This means that they should be trained in conducting assessments and obtaining data for research and monitoring. Forest communities can also play a vital role in the maintenance of equipment. Several organisations have experience in involving local communities in research, especially AdeKUS, the MDS and conservation NGO’s such as WWF, Conservation International, Tropenbos and the Amazon Conservation Team. 6.7.2 PARAGRAPH 55: OTHER RELEVANT NEEDS AND AREAS FOR CAPACITY BUILDING Data-collection and Analysis. The General Bureau For Statistics (ABS) has collected and published biennial environmental statistical information since 2002; this activity is now funded by Conservation International. The main needs experienced by ABS are: - solid data, without them, estimates must be used (UNDP, OLADE); - full time people employed for environmental statistics within ABS; and - an amendment to current law that would require parties to submit data. An amendment to the Statistics law was requested by the General Bureau of Statistics (ABS) more than two years ago. This request still has to be processed by legislative authorities. The latest environmental publication from ABS is from 2010 and includes data on climate (rainfall, relative humidity, and wind velocities), biodiversity, energy, waste and demographics. The bureau initiated the establishment of an inter-disciplinary steering committee to accelerate the process of creating a permanent “data collection mind-set.” A representative of ABS participates in a UN workgroup on environmental statistics. This enables Suriname to actively participate in policy-making and be up to date with the latest developments within this area. The needs with regard to data collection are in the allocation of resources for: - creating a specialised environmental statistics unit within ABS; - prioritising an update on the legal framework that enables the unit to demand specific data from various sectors; Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 149 - - developing standards for data formats; increasing awareness within the private sector of the need to comply and submit required info. Research Needs and Curriculum Addition, Environmental Sciences, AdeKUS The Environmental Sciences department of the Faculty of Technology of the university acknowledges the need to identify areas critically vulnerable to climate change. Through the establishment of baseline studies and the continuous monitoring of critical measurements, changes can be effectively determined. A linkage with the university is possible through research on the following areas, among others: 1. research-driven education, for example bio-organic chemistry; 2. reconstructive techniques; 3. measurement of the increase or decrease in vulnerability or extreme changes due to human interference or climate change; 4. the monitoring of microorganisms that thrive in rising temperatures and damp conditions; 5. identification of disease-causing pathogens that will increase due to climate change; 6. early warning systems; 7. quantification, sorting and determination of scales of ecosystem services (ecological economic assessment); and 8. determination of missing links in time periods. Curriculum additions to the faculty of Environmental Services that would be highly welcomed are courses in the fields of marine biology and marine environment. 150 6 Gaps And Constraints 6.8REFERENCES Law on Statistics 2002 SB 2002 no. 97. Suriname. McGann J. 2011. Work Plan support to the Global Climate-Change Alliance (GCCA Caribbean Project July 2011-December 2012.) Apapoe I, 2012. Final report on Mitigation and Socio-economic Development. Technical Document “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Naipal, S., 2012. Report on Vulnerability and Adaptation. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Amatali, M.A, 2012. Technical Paper Present Profile-Water Resources. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. AusAID/GEF/SGP/UNDP,2012. Community-based Adaptation Project, Country Programme Strategy, Suriname 2011-2016. Bhairo S, et al, 2008. Report on the National Capacity Self-Assessment in Relation to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCBD). Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Bhairo S, et al, 2009. Rapid Assessment of Existing Financial Mechanisms for Sustainable Forest Management in Suriname. Development Plan Suriname 2012 -2016. Narain J., 2012. Final Draft Report Mitigation Assessment – Energy Sector. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Nijbroek, R., Meaney, S., 2011. Assessment of the Socio-Economic Profile of the Republic of Suriname. Ministry Of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Noordam, D. 2011. “Project-Enabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC, – Ecology and Geomorphology.” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Orie L., 2012. Final Report on the GHG Inventory – Agriculture. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. De Wolf R, et al, 2009. National Capacity Self-Assessment. Capacity Development Action Plan. Playfair M. 2012. Final Report on the GHG Inventory – Forestry. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname De Wolf R, 2012. Final Draft Report Mitigation Assessment-Forest Sector. Technical Document “ProjectEnabling Activities for the Preparation of Suriname’s Second National Communication to the UNFCCC,” Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Tjien Fooh R., 2012. Final Draft Report Mitigation Agriculture. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. First National Communication under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2005. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Tjien Fooh, R. 2012. Vulnerability and Adaptation of the Agriculture Sector in Suriname. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Foundation for Energy and Sustainable development of Suriname, 2011. Start to the reporting of energy indicators for sustainable development of Suriname. vol. 6. United Nations Development Framework. Suriname 2012-2016. Huisden, M. 2012. Future Health Profile and Adaptations. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. IADB, 2010. Support for the Sustainable Development of the Interior (SSDI). Land Use, Tenure and Rights of Indigenous and Maroon Communities in the Interior of Suriname. Amazon Conservation Team. UNFCCC, 2002. Reporting on Climate Change: User Manual for the Guidelines on National Communications from Non-Annex 1 Parties. Van Kijck, 2012. Work Plan for the Climate Compatible Development Agency in Suriname. Aiden environment/World Wildlife Fund. IADB Country Strategy with Suriname 2011-2015 Jharap R. 2012. Report on the GHG Inventory for the Energy Sector. Ministry of Labour, Technological Development and Environment. Suriname. Kuijk van M. 2012. Work Plan for the Climate Compatible Development Agency in Suriname. Commissioned by WWF, project number 2278. Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 151 Appendix I APPENDIX I CH. 2: EMISSIONS 2008 (IN Gg CO2 EQUIVALENTS) Emissions CO2 equivalent (Gg) Categories CO2 Emissions CO2 equivalent (Gg) CH4 N2O Total 30.66 6365.75 Categories TOTAL 5677.94 657.16 1 - Energy 3788.15 3.36 7.48 3798.99 3788.15 3.36 7.48 3798.99 120.54 0.12 0.28 120.94 120.54 0.12 0.28 120.94 2912.47 2.83 6.75 2922.05 1.A.2.c - Chemicals 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 1.A.2.e - Food Processing, Beverages and Tobacco 3.01 NE 0.01 3.02 1248.63 1.21 2.88 1252.72 209.28 0.21 0.50 209.99 0.03 NE NE 0.03 1451.52 1.41 3.36 1456.28 622.46 0.01 0.20 622.67 13.93 NE 0.12 14.05 2.A.4.d - Other (please specify) (3) 13.93 NE 0.12 14.05 3 - Agriculture, Forestry, and Other Land Use 598.49 NE NE 598.49 598.49 NE NE 598.49 598.49 NE NE 598.49 5.02 NE NE 5.02 1.A - Fuel Combustion Activities 1.A.1.a - Main Activity Electricity and Heat Production 1.A.1.a.i - Electricity Generation 1.A.2 - Manufacturing Industries and Construction 1.A.2.f - Non-Metallic Minerals 1.A.2.i - Mining (excluding fuels) and Quarrying 1.A.2.k - Construction 1.A.2.m - Non-specified Industry 1.A.3 - Transport 1.A.3.a - Civil Aviation 1.A.3.a.ii - Domestic Aviation 1.A.3.b - Road Transport 1.A.3.b.i - Cars 1.A.3.b.i.2 - Passenger cars without 3-way catalysts 1.A.3.d - Water Transport 152 TOTAL CO2 CH4 N2O Total 5677.94 657.16 30.66 6365.75 5.02 NE NE 5.02 5.02 0.01 0.08 5.10 5.02 0.01 0.08 5.10 1.A.4 - Other Sectors 132.68 0.40 0.25 133.33 1.A.4.b - Residential 37.99 0.08 0.02 38.09 1.A.4.c - Agriculture/Forestry/Fishing/Fish Farms 94.69 0.32 0.23 95.24 1.A.4.c.i - Stationary 19.12 0.06 0.05 19.23 1.A.4.c.ii - Off-road Vehicles and Other Machinery 10.07 0.03 0.02 10.13 1.A.4.c.iii - Fishing (mobile combustion) 65.50 0.22 0.16 65.88 53.20 NE NE 53.20 53.20 NE NE 53.20 53.20 NE NE 53.20 53.20 NE NE 53.20 1836.59 653.80 23.18 2513.57 NE 89.33 NE 89.33 NE 71.89 NE 71.89 NE 67.91 NE 67.91 NE 33.34 NE 33.34 1.A.3.d.ii - Domestic Water Transport 1.A.3.e - Other Transport 1.A.3.e.ii - Off-road 2 - Industrial Processes and Product Use 2.A - Mineral Industry 2.A.4 - Other Process Uses of Carbonates 3.A - Livestock 3.A.1 - Enteric Fermentation 3.A.1.a - Cattle 3.A.1.a.i - Dairy Cows Appendix I Emissions CO2 equivalent (Gg) Categories TOTAL CO2 CH4 N2O Emissions CO2 equivalent (Gg) Total Categories TOTAL 5677.94 657.16 30.66 6365.75 NE 34.57 NE 34.57 3.A.1.b - Buffalo NE 0.81 NE 0.81 3.A.1.c - Sheep NE 1.38 NE 1.38 3.A.1.d - Goats NE 0.70 NE 0.70 3.B.3.a - Grassland Remaining Grassland 3.A.1.f - Horses NE 0.07 NE 0.07 3.B.3.b - Land Converted to Grassland 3.A.1.h - Swine NE 1.02 NE 1.02 NE 17.43 NE 17.43 NE 15.94 NE 15.94 3.B.6.a - Other Land Remaining Other Land 3.A.2.a.i - Dairy cows NE 15.20 NE 15.20 3.B.6.b - Land Converted to Other Land 3.A.2.a.ii - Other cattle NE 0.74 NE 0.74 3.A.2.b - Buffalo NE 0.03 NE 0.03 3.A.2.c - Sheep NE 0.06 NE 0.06 3.A.2.d - Goats NE 0.04 NE 0.04 3.A.2.e - Camels NE NE NE NE 3.A.2.f - Horses NE 0.01 NE 0.01 3.A.2.h - Swine NE 1.36 NE 1.36 1827.05 NE NE 1827.05 5.79 NE NE 5.79 3.A.1.a.ii - Other Cattle 3.A.2 - Manure Management (1) 3.A.2.a - Cattle 3.B - Land 3.B.2 - Cropland CO2 CH4 N2O Total 5677.94 657.16 30.66 6365.75 5.79 NE NE 5.79 5.79 NE NE 5.79 81.05 NE NE 81.05 77.39 NE NE 77.39 3.66 NE NE 3.66 3.66 NE NE 3.66 1740.20 NE NE 1740.20 NE NE NE NE 1740.20 NE NE 1740.20 1740.20 NE NE 1740.20 9.54 564.47 23.18 597.19 NE 89.94 4.01 93.94 3.C.1.b - Biomass Burning on Croplands NE 89.07 4.01 93.08 3.C.1.c - Biomass Burning on Grasslands NE 0.87 NE 0.87 3.C.2 - Liming 0.95 NE NE 0.95 3.C.3 - Urea Application 8.59 NE NE 8.59 3.C.4 - Direct N2O Emissions from Managed Soils (3) NE NE 18.66 18.66 3.C.5 - Indirect N2O Emissions from Managed Soils NE NE 0.51 0.51 3.B.2.b - Land Converted to Cropland 3.B.2.b.i - Forest Land Converted to Cropland 3.B.3 - Grassland 3.B.3.b.ii - Cropland Converted to Grassland 3.B.6 - Other Land 3.B.6.b.i - Forest Land Converted to Other Land 3.C - Aggregate Sources and Non-CO2 Emissions Sources on Land (2) 3.C.1 - Emissions from Biomass Burning Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 153 Appendix I APPENDIX I CH. 2: EMISSIONS 2008 (IN Gg CO2 EQUIVALENTS) Emissions CO2 equivalent (Gg) Categories TOTAL CH4 CO2 N2O Total 5677.94 657.16 30.66 6365.75 3.C.7 - Rice Cultivation NE 474.53 NE 474.53 3.D - Other NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE NE CO2 CH4 N2O Memo Items (3) NE NE NE NE International Bunkers NE NE NE NE 101.22 NE NE 101.22 0.01 NE NE 0.01 NE NE NE NE Information Items NE NE NE NE CO2 from Biomass Combustion for Energy Production NE NE NE NE -1004.03 NE NE -1004.03 -3.04 NE NE -3.04 3.B.2.a - Cropland Remaining Cropland -7241.77 NE NE -7241.77 TOTAL -8248.84 NE NE -8248.84 Emissions (Gg) Categories 1.A.3.a.i - International Aviation (International Bunkers) (1) 1.A.3.d.i - International Water Transport (International Bunkers) (1) 1.A.5.c - Multilateral Operations (1)(2) 3.B.1.a - Forest Land Remaining Forest Land 3.B.1.b.v - Other Land Converted to Forest Land 154 Appendix II APPENDIX II, CH. 2: 2008 GHG ENERGY REFERENCE APPROACH Fuel Types Unit Production Imports Exports International Bunkers Stock Change Apparent Consumption Conversion Factor Apparent Consumption Carbon Content Total Carbon Excluded Carbon Net Carbon Emisions Gg C Gg C TJ/Unit TJ t C/TJ tC Gg C Fraction of Carbon Oixidised Actual CO2 emissions Actual CO2 emissions Gg C Gg 002 Crude Oil Gg 0.00 42.30 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 Orimulsion Gg 0.00 27.50 0.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.99 0.00 0.00 Natural Gas Liquids Gg 0.00 44.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 Motor Gasoline Gg 113.94 113.94 44.30 5047.54 18.90 95.40 95.40 0.99 94.44 346.30 Aviation Gasoline Gg 0.57 0.57 44.30 25.43 19.10 0.49 0.49 0.99 0.48 1.76 Jet Gasoline Gg 37.00 37.00 44.30 1639.10 19.10 31.31 31.31 0.99 30.99 113.64 Jet Kerosene Gg 0.28 0.28 44.10 12.48 19.50 0.24 0.24 0.99 0.24 0.88 Other Kerosene Gg 0.00 43.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Shale Oil Gg 0.00 38.10 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Gas/Diesel Oil Gg 165.52 165.52 43.00 7117.36 20.20 143.77 Residual Fuel Oil Gg 703.59 703.59 40.40 28425.04 21.10 599.77 Liquefied Petroleum Gases Gg 13.79 13.79 47.30 652.27 17.20 11.22 Ethane Gg 0.00 46.40 0.00 Naphtha Gg 3.78 44.50 168.21 Bitumen Gg 0.00 40.20 0.00 Lubricants Gg 12.11 40.20 486.82 3.78 12.11 0.00 20.00 20.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 143.77 0.99 142.33 521.89 599.77 0.99 593.77 2177.16 0.00 11.22 0.99 11.11 40.72 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3.36 0.00 3.36 3.33 12.21 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.74 0.00 9.74 9.64 35.34 0.99 0.99 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 155 Appendix II Fuel Types Unit Production Imports Exports International Bunkers Stock Change Apparent Consumption Conversion Factor Apparent Consumption Carbon Content Total Carbon Excluded Carbon Net Carbon Emisions tC Gg C Gg C Gg C Gg C Gg 002 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 TJ/Unit TJ t C/TJ Fraction of Carbon Oixidised Actual CO2 emissions Actual CO2 emissions Petroleum Coke Gg 0.00 32.50 0.00 0.00 Refinery Feedstocks Gg 0.00 43.00 0.00 0.00 Refinery Gas Gg 0.00 49.50 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Paraffin Waxes Gg 0.00 40.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 White Spirit and SBP Gg 0.00 40.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Other Petroleum Products Gg 0.00 40.20 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 156 Appendix III APPENDIX III, CH. 3:TRENDS IN ANNUAL RAINFALL Figure 3a. Trend Annual Rainfall Cultuurtuin Figure 3b. Trend Annual Rainfall Cultuurtuin Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources Figure 3c. Trend Annual Rainfall Nw. Nickerie Figure 3d. Trend Annual Rainfall Nw. Nickerie Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 157 APPENDIX III, CH. 3:TRENDS IN ANNUAL RAINFALL Figure 3e. Trend Annual Rainfall Coronie Figure 3g. Trend Annual Rainfall Stoelmanseiland Figure 3f. Trend Annual Rainfall Coronie Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources Figure 3h. Trend Annual Rainfall Stoelmanseiland Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources 158 Appendix III Figure 3i. Trend Annual Rainfall Zanderij Figure 3k. Trend Annual Rainfall Kwamalasumtu Figure 3j. Trend Annual Rainfall Zanderij Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources Figure 3l. Trend Annual Rainfall Kwamalasamutu Source: Amatali, 2011a; Technical Paper Present Profile. Sector Water Resources Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 159 Appendix IV APPENDIX IV, CH.4: ENERGY SECTOR Table 2: Contributions of solar and wind energy to the CO2 emission reduction Table 1: Total baseline forecast for CO2 emission for Energy Sector Year Electricity Generation (Gg CO2 eq) Manuf. Industries & Constr. (Gg CO2 eq) Transport (Gg CO2 eq) Others (Gg CO2 eq) Total baseline scenario ‘Energy sector’ (Gg CO2 eq) Mitigation Option CO2 reduction 2008 CO2 reduction 2015 CO2 reduction 2018 CO2 reduction 2020 CO2 reduction 2025 Wind power: windmills replacing diesel generators in coastal villages 0 Gg - 1.7 Gg - 1.7 Gg - 1.7 Gg - 5.1 Gg Solar power: application of solar panels and solar collectors replacing diesel generators in hinterland villages 0 Gg Table 3: Mitigation scenario vs. baseline scenario for Electricity Generation subsector Year Baseline scenario (Gg CO2 eq) Mitigation scenario (Gg CO2 eq) Total Mitigation scenario vs. Baseline scenario (Gg CO2 eq) 2008 121 0 121 2009 200 0 200 2010 280 0 280 2011 360 0 360 2012 440 -85 355 2013 519 3085 3604 2014 599 3071 3670 2008 121 2922 623 133 3799 2009 200 2647 650 139 3636 2010 280 2630 679 145 3734 2011 360 2758 709 151 3978 2012 440 2941 740 158 4279 2013 519 3127 773 165 4584 2014 599 3316 807 172 4894 2015 679 -272 407 2015 679 3524 842 180 5225 2016 759 -285 474 2016 759 3679 879 188 5505 2017 834 3073 3907 2017 834 3841 918 196 5789 2018 919 953 1872 2018 919 4010 958 205 6092 2019 999 -792 207 2019 999 4186 1000 214 6399 2020 1079 -1003 76 2020 1079 4370 1044 223 6716 2021 1159 -1016 143 2021 1159 4563 1090 233 7045 2022 1238 -1028 210 2022 1238 4763 1138 243 7382 2023 1318 -1040 278 2023 1318 4973 1188 254 7733 2024 1398 -1052 346 2024 1398 5191 1241 265 8095 2025 1478 -1107 371 2025 1478 5420 1295 277 8470 160 - 1.2 Gg - 3.4 Gg - 3.4 Gg - 8.5 Gg Appendix IV Table 4: Baseline scenario vs. mitigation scenario, Manufacturing Industries & Construction subsector Year Baseline scenario (Gg CO2 eq ) Reduction from mitigation options (Gg CO2 eq) Table 5: Baseline scenario vs. Mitigation scenario, Transport subsector Total Mitigation scenario (Gg CO2 eq) Year Baseline scenario Transport (Gg CO2 eq) Mitigation scenario Transport (Gg CO2 eq) Table 6: Total mitigation scenario, Energy sector Total Mitigation scenario Transport (Gg CO2 eq) Year Electricity Generation (Gg CO2 eq) Manuf. Industries & Constr. (Gg CO2 eq) Transport Others (Gg CO2 (Gg CO2 eq) eq) Total Mitigation scenario, Energy sector (Gg CO2 eq) 2008 2922 0 2922 2008 623 0 623 2008 121 2922 623 133 3799 2009 2647 0 2647 2009 650 0 650 2009 200 2647 650 139 3636 2010 2630 0 2630 2010 679 0 679 2010 280 2630 679 145 3734 2011 2758 0 2758 2011 709 0 709 2011 360 2758 709 151 3978 2012 2941 0 2941 2012 740 0 740 2012 440 2941 740 158 4279 2013 3127 0 3127 2013 773 0 773 2013 3604 3127 773 165 7669 2014 3316 0 3316 2014 807 0 807 2014 3670 3316 807 172 7965 2015 3524 0 3524 2015 842 292 550 2015 407 3524 550 180 4661 2016 3679 709 2970 2016 879 305 574 2016 474 2970 574 188 4206 2017 3841 740 3101 2017 918 318 600 2017 3907 3101 600 196 7804 2018 4010 773 3237 2018 958 332 626 2018 1872 3237 626 205 5940 2019 4186 806 3380 2019 1000 347 653 2019 207 3380 653 214 4454 2020 4370 842 3528 2020 1044 362 682 2020 76 3528 682 223 4509 2021 4563 879 3684 2021 1090 378 712 2021 143 3684 712 233 4772 2022 4763 918 3845 2022 1138 395 743 2022 210 3845 743 243 5041 2023 4973 958 4015 2023 1188 412 776 2023 278 4015 776 254 5323 2024 5191 1000 4191 2024 1241 430 811 2024 346 4191 811 265 5613 2025 5420 1044 4376 2025 1295 449 846 2025 371 4376 846 277 5870 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 161 Appendix V APPENDIX V, CH.4: NON-ENERGY SECTOR Table 1: Baseline and Mitigation forecast for CO2 emission,Agriculture Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Rice Area/yr. (ha) GHG emission 50790 50790 50790 50790 50790 50790 50790 57246 64746 Dairy cattle # 19614 21444 23944 26444 28944 31444 33944 36444 38944 Other cattle # 29421 32166 33166 34166 35166 36166 37166 38166 39166 CH4 (rice) (Gg) 19.0 23.7 23.7 23.7 29.5 35.3 41.1 46.9 52.7 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4.1 4.3 4.5 Field burning (Gg) .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .6 .7 Manure management (Gg) .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .7 .8 .8 .8 23 28 28.2 34.4 34.4 40.4 46.6 52.6 58.7 Total emission agriculture in CO2 eq 952.57 1171.9 1180.6 1189.4 1457.1 1345.5 1547.9 1754.8 1952.8 Total GHG emission with rice project (G g CO2 eq) 952.57 1171.9 1180.6 1189.4 1457.1 1345.5 1116.4 1260.4 1399.5 Emission sugarcane, state oil company 0 0 0 0 0 -13.8 -27.7 -41.5 -55.3 Emission deforestation for sugarcane project 0 0 0 0 1015 1181 1181 1015 0 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 72246 79746 87246 94746 102246 109746 117246 124746 132246 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Enteric fermentation (Gg) Total emission CH4 agriculture (Gg) Year Rice Area/yr. (ha) Year GHG emission 162 Appendix V Year 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Dairy cattle # 41444 43944 46444 48944 51444 53944 56444 58944 61444 Other cattle # 40166 41166 42166 43166 44166 45166 46166 47166 48166 58.6 64.4 70.2 76.0 81.8 87.6 93.4 99.2 105.0 2.8 3 3.2 3.3 3.5 3.7 3.8 4.0 4.1 Field burning .8 .9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 Manure management .9 .9 .9 1.0 1.0 1.1 1.1 1.2 1.2 65 71.1 77.2 83.4 89.5 95.7 101.8 108 114.1 Total emission agriculture (Gg CO2 eq) 2162.9 2365.4 2572.2 2770.3 2977.1 3179.5 3382 3584.4 3787.5 Total GHG emission agriculture with rice project (Gg CO2 eq ) 1547.6 1750.1 1835.2 1972.3 2118.1 2257.5 2401.5 2542.9 2685 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 -69.2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 CH4 rice (Gg) Enteric fermentation Total emission CH4 agriculture (Gg) Emission sugarcane state oil company (Gg) Emission deforestation for sugarcane project (Gg) Table 2: Expected growth of mangrove forests and carbon sequestration 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total area planted (ha) 0 50 150 350 550 750 950 1,150 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 1,350 Total area natural growth 0 0 100 300 700 1,100 1,500 1,900 2,300 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 Gg CO2 eq sequestered per year 0 0 2 5 9 14 18 22 27 30 30 30 30 30 30 Gg CO2 eq sequestered (cumulative) 0 0 2 7 16 30 48 70 97 127 156 186 216 246 275 Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 163 Appendix V Table 3: Expected wood and wood waste production and reduction potential 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Total production (m3) 244,250 276,219 308,188 340,157 372,125 404,094 436,063 468,031 500,000 531,969 563,937 595,906 627,875 659,843 Available waste (ton) 85,097 94,798 104,167 113,204 121,908 130,280 138,319 146,026 153,400 160,442 167,151 173,528 179,572 185,284 109,775 122,290 134,376 146,033 157,262 168,061 178,432 188,373 197,886 206,970 215,625 223,851 231,648 239,016 2 5 7 10 13 15 18 21 24 27 30 34 37 40 83 94 106 117 128 139 149 159 169 179 189 198 206 215 GHG reduction potential (MWh) Avoided CH4 emissions (Gg CO2 eq) GHG reduction potential (Gg CO2 eq)84 Table 4: Summary of forest sector Baseline and Mitigation scenarios (emissions in Gg CO2 eq) 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Baseline scenario 832 1,182 1,710 1,833 7,096 7,757 6,366 2,166 6,426 5,196 5,007 4,796 4,693 -161 -470 -763 -1,119 -1,433 Forest mitigation options85 0 0 0 0 -83 -96 -113 -133 -158 -186 -219 -256 -296 -335 -375 -413 -452 -490 Deforestation because of other sector mitigation options 0 0 0 0 3,726 7,518 7,518 3,787 3,787 1,394 3,125 1,741 10 10 10 10 10 10 832 1,182 1,710 1,833 10,739 15,178 13,772 5,820 10,056 6,404 7,913 6,281 4,406 -487 -834 -1,166 -1,561 -1,913 Total mitigation scenario: 84 The sum of GHG reduction potential and avoided CH4 emissions. The calculation for energy replacement is based on an EF grid, Paramaribo of 0.000733 Gg CO2 eq/MWh. 85 Forest mitigation options are use of wood waste as biofuel and additional afforestation of mangrove forests. For the report, the use of wood waste is incorporated as biofuel in the section on the Energy sector. 164 Appendix VI APPENDIX VI, List of Interviewed Persons and Organisations (Interviews were conducted either in person, by telephone or by e-mail.) Organisation Interview ABS Mr A. Talea AdeKUS University Ms S. Carilho / Mr M. Huisden / Mr S. Naipal Mr R. Nurmohamed ATM Ms H. Uiterloo / Mrs P. Setrowidjojo Ms Ch. Mans / Ms M. Riedewald / Ms N. Plet Ms V. Sabajo CCDA Mr J. Goedschalk IADB Mr S. Hofwijks Lead Consultants UNFCC,SNC Project Mrs Sh. Bhairo / Mr C. Becker / Mr S. Naipal Ministry of Finance Mrs S. Jaggan NIMOS Mrs F. Hausil UNDP Mr B. Drakenstein / Ms T. Lieuw Suriname Second National Communication to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change February 2013 165