we are JVS and this is our promise


we are JVS and this is our promise
Jewish Vocational Service Annual Report
we are JVS
for 125 years our promise
to the people we serve
has been to improve life through
employment and productivity
and to support the lifetime endeavor
of personal development
and this
is our
1884-2009: Celebrating 125 Years of Promise
Over the past century Jewish Vocational Service (JVS) has stood witness
to economic upheavals, shifting political landscapes, world conflicts,
amazing technological innovations and triumphs of the human spirit.
No matter how time has changed our surroundings, JVS has remained a
symbol of strength and hope in the community.
Founded as the Employment Bureau in 1884 by the United
Hebrew Relief Association, JVS has maintained our 125-year mission
with an abiding commitment to helping the most vulnerable and at-risk
members of our community. What began as a singular effort to integrate
new immigrants into the workforce has evolved into a nonsectarian
agency that provides comprehensive employment, educational and
vocational services to more than 10,000 individuals a year.
Everywhere you go, people tell a story about how they, a loved
one, or someone they know have been touched by JVS. The core values
that have defined the agency for 125 years are present today—adapted
to fit the current marketplace realities. What once began as a small
Sewing and carpentry classes helped
immigrants find jobs at the turn of
the century. Today clients receive a
wide array of skills training and career
counseling, job search strategies and
support to be competitive in
the marketplace.
entity to help the newly arrived find jobs has evolved into a multi-faceted
agency with boundless energy and a vision for the future. As we honor
our traditions, we integrate the best from our heritage with today’s
cutting-edge training and career strategies to give the unemployed
and underemployed a competitive edge. We are committed to making
a difference by helping them succeed, find hope, and become selfsufficient. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow.
A Message to the Community
Dear Friends and Supporters,
2008-2009 was an interesting and
challenging year for the entire world; JVS
was not immune. As JVS celebrated its
125-year anniversary, it also experienced
the endless opportunity that can come
from change.
Our new Executive Director charted a
course that will allow the agency to face
the changing economy and marketplace
realities. Internal and external forces
made an impact on the agency, requiring
immediate action to restructure
operations, develop fresh income
streams and reduce deficit spending.
The JVS Board worked with staff,
along with Executive Service Corps
volunteers, to develop a Strategic Plan
that put the agency on track to evolve our
commitment to the Chicago community.
Through this process, Board and staff
Adrienne Meisel
forged a stronger understanding of each
other’s roles.
The churning global economy
produced urgent need in the community.
Responding to the crisis, JVS joined our
sister agencies and received a special
allocation from the Jewish Federation’s
J-HELP Initiative which enabled our
agency to offer expanded avenues
of assistance to the unemployed
and underemployed in the Chicago
metropolitan area. Some highlights of
this effort include:
. The agency saw a 100% increase in the
number of professional job
seekers served;
. The Senior AIDES program served 261
low-income seniors and received ARRA
money for an additional 40 workers;
. JVS was awarded a three year
CARF accreditation for vocational
rehabilitation and skills training
. JVS tripled its capacity to serve atrisk youth, receiving stimulus dollars
for a summer jobs program for
disadvantaged youth;
. The Duman Loan Fund distributed or
provided access to over $1 million in
micro-loans to entrepreneurs and small
business owners;
. JVS received increased funding under
the DCEO Digital Divide Program to
expand our Rogers Park Computer
Technology Center into Skokie;
. The inaugural Strictly Business
Networking Luncheon honoring
Walgreens was attended by over 270
business leaders, sponsors, government
officials and professionals from across
all industries.
This year, we have learned that
out of crisis comes opportunity. The
seamless transition to a new direction,
the restructuring and repositioning of
the agency, the expansion of current
programs and new offerings, the synergy
of our Board of Directors and staff,
coupled with the infusion of volunteer
assistance have produced an exciting
new paradigm. A special thank you goes
to our long supporting Board members
for their efforts in fundraising and their
diligent service to the mission of JVS.
As we look to the future with the
support of our stakeholders and the
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan
Chicago, JVS looks forward to delivering
the best of employment and training
services to benefit our clients.
Gail Luxenberg Gruen
Executive Director
our promise: to improve life through employment and productivity
Employment and career development services
This year, JVS saw first-hand the effects of rampant downsizing; job
seekers from all economic and professional levels requested service in
record numbers. Counseling and Placement staff worked at capacity
Ask a Career Expert Job seekers can
benefit from half-hour sessions with a JVS
Career Counselor. These sessions are held
at ten suburban and city libraries, or in our
5 offices and are in addition to support
groups and topical workshops.
to serve displaced job seekers. Counselors increased outreach,
provided online social networking opportunities and developed
niche workshops and seminars to help them through a tough market.
Bridging the Digital Divide Individuals
receive computer skills instruction and
job readiness training at JVS Computer
Technology Centers to become more
competitive in their job search.
This supplemented the individual career counseling and job search
assistance providing the tools and strategies for job seeking essentials
such as resume writing, interviewing, and networking.
Career Connections for Professionals
Transitioning professionals can seek
advice from experts who present practical
tools and the latest strategies at bimonthly roundtables.
After receiving a special allocation from the Jewish Federation
of Metropolitan Chicago’s J-HELP Initiative, JVS spearheaded the
Spring JUF Job Fair for beginning and mid-level business professionals
and launched ParnossahWorksChicago, an online job board
CareerTracks Young Jewish adults, who
are having difficulty making the transition
from high school to work or sustaining a
college education, receive assistance to
clarify an appropriate career direction, job
readiness training and access to resources
and employment networks.
connecting job seekers and employers.
Illinois SBDC/Duman Microenterprise
Center Business education, one-onone counseling, technical assistance
and micro-loans are provided to small
business owners dealing with a start-up or
business expansion.
Jewish Employment Network Upper
to middle level professionals, who have
been adversely affected by downsizing in
the Jewish community, receive job search
strategies, counseling, and mentoring as
well as networking opportunities as they
strike out on a job-seeking campaign.
(left) Mixing a brighter future and
expanding a small business were
made possible with operations and
educational assistance and networking
opportunities provided by the
Duman Center.
Senior AIDES Low-income seniors gain
marketable skills working part-time at
local non-profit agencies.
JVS success story: giving seniors new hope and second chances
The Senior AIDES program, a Title V program administered by JVS
in conjunction with Senior Service America, offers low-income seniors
age 55+ a part-time minimum wage position in a local community
non-profit agency with the goal of building skills so they may re-enter
the job market. It’s a win-win situation for both communities and senior
citizens: non-profit groups gain essential human resources and seniors
learn valuable job skills that help them reach their employment goals.
To enhance their job search, participants also attend a five-week Job
Club that offers them guidance on developing a resume, cover letter
and interviewing. This program is funded by the Older Americans Act
through the U.S. Department of Labor.
When L.G. came to JVS, she was
unemployed and depressed. She had just
turned 58 and was forced to leave her
retail job due to an inability to stand. L.G.
was isolated to the point where she had
trouble articulating her skills or interests
to her counselor.
Still, her JVS counselor was able to
work with her and refer L.G. to the Senior
AIDES Program. There, L.G. was able to
receive different job opportunities and
began working quickly. She was excited
about one organization that worked with
individuals who had HIV/AIDS and was
placed in a position to help clients find
housing and nutrition services. After
six months, L.G. was offered a full-time
position as a housing specialist. She knew
the work ahead would be difficult, but
with the help of her JVS counselor, L.G.
now had the renewed confidence in her
ability to make a difference.
JVS by the numbers
We served 10,193 clients in 2008-2009 | We placed 1,139 clients throughout the agency in employment |
Our Training Division served 830 persons with disabilities and the disadvantaged | 630 received skills
training through the Training Division | 290 at-risk youth benefited from CareerTracks, e-Learning,
youthAbility, Career Connectors and Ready4Work | Our Employment Division provided career counseling
and job placement assistance for 4,692 | 418 professionals entered the Jewish Employment Network
Program | 868 refugees and immigrants were enrolled in Vocational English and computer skills training
classes | 115 students received Federation Academic Scholarships to continue their college or graduate
studies | 2,848 professionals participated in groups or workshops to build job seeking skills | 816
entrepreneurs attended Duman Center business education classes | 243 entrepreneurs received business
counseling through the Duman Center | 67 volunteers donated their talents and provided 3,088 hours of
valuable service
Training and disability services at JVS
For disabled workers and anyone struggling with a barrier to
employment, finding work in even a robust economy can be a
challenge. Given the recent instability in the job marketplace, the
obstacles have been even greater. The Training Division at JVS was
ready to help; it responded to the unique needs of disadvantaged
populations by restructuring its operations to become more efficient
and provided more enhanced skills training and job placement.
Clients who were served through the Training Division
received specialized support throughout their personal journeys:
from the newly installed training modules to practical experiences, to
(right) Developing new skills through the
integrated curriculum and onsite practice
offered by the Home Health Care Aide
program helps individuals quickly find
jobs and becomes the cornerstone for a
future career.
customized placement with guaranteed follow-up, clients received the
best available service that fit their needs. For many, JVS services and
competitive employment became the bridge to independence and
renewed self-esteem.
(below) Training in the Retail Services
program includes skill building in a mock
Walgreens store to prepare for work in
the retail field. Job readiness classes,
customized placement and follow-up
coaching help ensure success.
our promise: to recognize that personal development is
a lifetime endeavor
Employment/Supported Employment
Participants receive job readiness
training, job search assistance including
resumes and application assistance, job
placement, and coaching and support.
Homemaker Health Care Aide Training
This seven-week course, including
classroom instruction and practicum, holds
a job fair for low-income graduates seeking
placement as health care aides, homemakers or companions for the elderly.
Community Based Services Participants
receive on-the-job skills training in copy
operations; mailroom services; warehouse
operations; and janitorial training while
working at a state or federal
government site.
e-Learning Young people work with a
counselor to improve their knowledge of
basic math and reading skills in order to
gain a GED, or advance to vocational or
educational programs.
Mental Health Services The new
Behavioral Health Center, serving
people with mental illness, provides
individualized recovery-based health
services and facilitates referrals to
vocational programs.
Ready4Work A program for at-risk youth
to provide subsidized summer internships
and educational assistance to prepare for
the world of work.
Retail Services Training Students gain
practical retail knowledge at a mock
Walgreens store in skills such as cash
management, customer service and
stock work.
JVS success story: hands-on learning brings goals within reach
JVS partners with the Veterans
Administration’s Service and Distribution
Center to provide warehouse services.
During the staffing process, a young man
called J.D. was brought into the Hines
Warehouse Program to train on various
jobs, including Pick and Pack, shipping
and receiving, and fork lift operations.
J.D. had communication and hearing
issues, but he met the challenges of
the training program. He became very
accomplished in the various functions of
the warehouse, including how to use the
government provided computers and
software. JVS management, along with
State counselors, assisted in upgrading
J.D.’s hearing aids so he could better
communicate over the phone. His
customer service skills improved vastly to
earn him well-deserved accolades. After
two years of honing his skills, J.D. was
hired as a Vocational Job Trainer to assist
others who have disabilities. He is a very
valuable asset to both his employer and
the new employees who benefit from his
unique insight.
Community Based Services at JVS provide a wide range of skills
training for individuals to realize a career in the janitorial or warehouse
fields. Participants work on site and receive the training, support and
guidance they need in the context of a real work environment. This
enables them to easily move to a position in a variety of operations.
Participants are paid while learning in a classroom setting, at work
centers or at various state and federal government sites. Best of all,
this hard work pays off for participants: job placement follows the
successful completion of this training course.
Enrolling in the JVS Community Based
Services program gives trainees much
needed wages while gaining essential
skills, onsite experience and the
confidence to work in a mailroom.
JVS is grateful for the generous donations of individuals and companies raised through the Sustaining Fund and inaugural Strictly
Business Luncheon, and through our foundation support, endowments and legacy commitments. These funds, generated over
the past five years, have been used to supplement resources for programs and services that meet our core mission.
Anonymous (2)
Citi Foundation
Alan and Lori Crane
Lester Crown
Louis Duman
Fel-Pro Mecklenburger Supporting Fund
Harry and Jeanette Weinberg
Janet and Michael Jablon
Jewish Women’s Foundation
JP Morgan Chase Foundation
Thomas Kully
McCormick Tribune Foundation/Chicago Adrienne Meisel
The Northern Trust Charitable
David L. Blumberg
Seth A. Eisner
Alan and Elaine Fox
Midtown Athletic Clubs
Harvey Miller Family Foundation
Ovation Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Seyfarth Shaw, LLP
James H.Stone
Sherwin J. Stone
Richard Bendix, Jr.
Ruth Crane
John Daniels
Gary Elden
Bruce S. Elder
Stephen Elkins
Paul L. Epner
Sidney Epstein
Gerald Farby
Jennifer P. Goodale
Daniel Greenman
Brent D. Hanfling
William B. Keroff
Kate T. Kestnbaum
Suzanne Koenig
Jonathan Kovler
Robert Lipsig
Alice and Samuel Meisels
JoAnn and Steven Potashnick
Samuel Press
Charles Rosenberg
David Y. Schwartz
Jack D. Tovin
Howard Arvey
Robert Bachrach
Michael Balkin
William Barrows
Jack R. Bierig
Igor Boguslavsky
Michael E. Braude
Cole Taylor Bank
Chicago Sinai
Barbara and Jordan Daniels
Burton Ditkowsky
Jerry Dreyfuss
Marian Edelstein
Thomas S. Eisner
Robert Feitler
James S.Frank
Sari Gluckin and Lance Friedman
Frost, Ruttenberg & Rothblatt, PC
Dorothy Gans
William Gofen
Joan Golder
Alan Goldstein*
Scott Goss
Richard Gottfred
Gail and Mark Gruen
Stuart and Shelley Hanfling
Joel D. Honigberg
Thomas Horwich
Marc Jacobs
JMB Insurance
JP Morgan
Jerome Kahn
Hersch M. Klaff
Sherwin Konik
Peter B. Kupferberg
Paul Lapping
Carol Le Roy
Ken Luccioni
Aaron and Hilary Malina
Steven Miller
Neal, Gerber & Eisenberg, LLP
Northern Trust Company
Thomas Philipsborn
Sandy Pierantoni
Gordon Prussian
Ben Randall
Edye Agron and Burt Reiter
Marshall Samuels
Gary P. Segal
Ronald Silver
Alan Stone
Michael R. Treister
Sarita Warshawsky
WaterSaver Faucet, Inc.
Thomas Wechsler
Lorraine Weinzimmer
Hava Weissberg
Marc Wilkow
William Blair & Co.
Maury Aaron
Howard Alper
Anonymous (2)
Robert D. Appelbaum
Dennis and Jacquelyn Aron
Donald Bachrach
Ted Banks
Ira Becker
William Belkov
Katherine Bendix
Mary H. Bendix
Jay S. Berlinsky
H. Bruce Bernstein
Peter Bernstein
Leonard Bezark, Jr.
Henry J. Bierig
Arthur Billings
Beryl A. Birndorf
Stacy Kruger and Robert Birndorf
Steven A. Bloomberg
Norman Bobins
Francis J. Bomher
James Borovsky
Peter Borzak
William Branda
David Braun
Stanton Brody
Michael Brottman
Michael Brown
Robert Brown
Roger O.Brown
Janet Buckstein
George Burdell
Robert Burnstine
Al and Bobby Busch
Cary Buxbaum
Fred Carman
CDW Corporation
Allen and Edith Chernoff
Michael Cohen
Patrick J.Collins
Crain’s Chicago Business
Michael A. Crane
Jeffrey and Karen Davis
Scott Davis
Greg Diamond
Stuart and Shari Diamond
Marvin Dickman
Elyse Dumach
Daniel Edelman
Charles L. Edwards
Ron Emanuel
Marc Epner
Edward T. Ettlinger
Jerry Feldman
Michael Feldman
Kenneth Fenchel
Scott Fishman
Marc Fixler
Shayle P.Fox
Jill Franklin
Joel Frazien
Paul Freehling
Jeffrey L.Fried
Lee R. Friedberg
Ronald M. Friedman
Norman Friedmann
Gary Garrett
Paul and Audrey Gaynor
Larry Gerber
Howard Gilbert
Robert Dunn Glick
Beverly J. Goldberg
Melvin A. Goldberg
Goldman Sachs
Peter Gottlieb
Robert Gottlieb
Martin Gradman
David Grossberg
Mark Grusin
Jack Guilbeau
Peter Gutheim
Richard H. Gutstadt
Jim Hanig
Jeffrey B.Hecktman
Harvey Herman
Barry E. Hershman
Sidney Hess, Jr.
Joel S. Hirsch
Neal Hirsch
Richard B. Hirsch
Renee Hochberg
Ed and Kandy Hutman
Gregory and Richard Jacobson
Joel Jastromb
Joseph and Bessie Feinberg
Alan Kadet
Louis Kahnweiler
Dr. Marian Macsai and Jack Kaplan
Joel A. and Roberta Kaplan
Morris A.Kaplan
Ernest A.Karmin
Jack Karp
Floyd Keene
Meredith Keroff
Mark Kinsella
Charles M. Kiven
Phillip and Maryjane Klein
George A. Kline
Marlene Konik
Jeffrey Kopin
Howard Korenthal
Colman Kraff
Manus C. Kraff
Jill Weinberg and Bernard Kramer
Michael S. Kramer
Seth Pines and Fran Krasnow
Ron and Karen Krefman
Leon Krzetowski
Lloyd S. Kupferberg
Mark Landau
Eli Lawrence
Monte Lazarus
Howard and Karen Levy
Michael Ley
Myron Lieberman
Robert Lifton
Michael and Susie Lorge
Lawrence L. Lubin
Robert S.Lubin
Paul M. Lurie
Edward Mann
Bernard Maram
Harvey N. Medvin
Paul T. Metzger
David M.Milberg
Stanton Miller
Michael D. Miselman
Michael Morgan
John Myers
Robert D. Nachman
Walter Nathan
Nancy Newberger
Murray Newman
James Newmark
Amy Kleinman and Mark Ohringer
James Pelts
Jerrold M. Peven
Maxine Philipsborn*
Cliff Prussian-Weber
Ramrod Distributors, Inc.
Ronald Rashkow
Eric S. Rein
Stanley Reinisch
Sidney Retsky
Regina Rogers
Michael Rosenbaum
Adam Rosenberg
Benjamin Rosenberg
Jeffrey Rosenberg
Leona Z. Rosenberg
Warner A. Rosenthal
Edith Rosskam
H. Nelson Rowley, III
Gregory Rubin
Myron E.Rubnitz
David J. Rudis
Earl J. Rusnak, Jr.
Lowell Sachnoff
Nathaniel Sack
Martin W. Salzman
Arnie Sandler
Mitch and Linda Saranow
Erwin S. Schless
Paul E. Schneider
Herbert Schwartz
Robert I. Schwartz
Joy Segal
Max Segel
Harry Seigle
Alvin and Gloria Shapiro
Gerald Sherman
Marcy Shorr
Sidley Austin, LLP
Thomas A. Silberman
Michael Silverman
William Silverman
Shirley Smith
Yale Smith
M. Smolen
Paula Sneed
John Sonnenberg
William Spatz
Steven Spiegel
Robert Steinberg
David Stix
Errol Stone
Ira N. Stone
Jack D. Stone
Jerome H. Stone
Susan A. Stone
Robert J.Stracks
Ivan Strauss
Ronald Strauss
Emannuel Tabachnik
Kenneth Tucker
Selwyn Unell
Tim Wanger
Andrew L. Weil
Joseph Wein
Michael Weinberg
David L. Weiner
Marshall Weinstein
Bernard Wetchler
Winnetka-Northfield Rotary
Charitable Foundation
Jane Woldenberg
Ed Yalowitz
Jeff Zaluda
Lolli Zarlin
Howard Zuker
Martin W. Abrams
Leeaman and Patricia Ames
Susan and Terry Applebaum
Tom and Shelley Aries
Mark D. Blitstein, M.D.
Michael Blum
Donald Borzak
Genevieve B. Burns
Edward R. Burr
Richard Cohn
Robert G. Davidson
Michael and Lori Dulberg
Jacob Elster
Emalfarb Swan & Bain
Carola Fagman
Jon Schneider and Wendy Fox
Robert and Lee Ann Galowich
Theodore Golin
Lois Lourie and Michael Gurtman
Martin Hauselman
Glenn Heyman
Charles Holleb
Jeanne Jacobs
Sherwin Jerol
Tamar Kelber
Howard C. Kiss
Theodore Koenig
Raphael Lavin
Ronald and Marda Lebeau
Carl Levitt
Tom Mandler
Iris Marreck
Thomas S. Marx
Elizabeth McGuire
Robert Mednick
Sheldon Migdal
Barry Moss
Lawrence J. Moss
Mark Myers
Herbert Nechin
Thomas S. O’Donoghue
Avner Porat
Neil Posner
Ellen Romberg and Heather
David Rotholz
Bettye Schonthal
Charles P. Schwartz
Ernest Schwartz
Everett Schwartz
Franklin S. Schwerin
Arthur Shapiro
Clifford Shapiro
David Sherman
Marc Shuman
Robert Smoller
Arthur Sussman
Ross Bricker and Nina Vinik
Ellen Diamond and Sherwin Waldman
David Zimberoff
Lois Zoller
City of Chicago/Department
of Community Development
Illinois Community College Board
Illinois Department of Central
Management Services
Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic
Illinois Department of Human
Division of Developmental
Division of Mental Health
Division of Rehabilitation
Illinois Department of Public Aid
Illinois Secretary of State
Illinois State Police
National Association of Nutri
tion and Aging Services U.S. Army Reserve Corps
U.S. Department of Energy
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
U.S. Department of Labor
U.S. Department of Transportation
U.S. Department of the Treasury
U.S. Department of Veterans
U.S. Environmental Protection
Workforce Board of Northern
Cook County
Richard M. Bendix, Jr.
Burton Ditkowsky
Louis Duman
Seth A. Eisner
Alan Goldstein*
Paul H. Leffman Estate
Albert Paul*
Sylvia and Joseph Radov
Phyllis Tabachnick
Lorraine Weinzimmer
Crain’s Chicago Business
The JVS Endowment Foundation was created through a partnership with the Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago to assure
that necessary resources are available to serve community needs.
JVS leadership
Board of Directors
Honorary Directors
Executive Staff
Richard M. Bendix, Jr.*
Jack R. Bierig
David L. Blumberg
Seth A. Eisner
Ellard Pfaelzer, Jr.
James M. Schultz
Alan Stone
Jack D. Tovin
Michael R. Treister, M.D*
Lorraine Weinzimmer
Gail Luxenberg Gruen
Executive Director
Adrienne Meisel
Paul L. Epner
Vice President
Elaine Saphier Fox
Alan S. Crane
Assistant Secretary
Jo Ann R. Potashnick
Daniel Greenman
Assistant Treasurer
Janet Jablon
Past President
Igor Bogoslavsky
David A. Bronner
Cary C. Buxbaum
John Daniels
Scott I. Goss
Brent Hanfling
Marc Jacobs
William B. Keroff
Thomas Kully
David Macknin
Alice Meisels
Neil B. Posner
Charles I. Rosenberg
David M. Rubin
Jack A. Saltzman
Steven Spiegel
James H. Stone
*Honorary Director/Board Member
Martin R. Kaplan
Assistant Executive Director
Richard L. Kurtz, Jr.
Chief Operating Officer
Harold Hothan
Sheila Harris
Assistant Controller
Harriet Fram
Director, Human Resources
Susan Sheffey
Director, Research
Janice Kaufman
Director, Development
Francine Becker
Executive Assistant/Office Manager
Annual Report Creative Team
Deborah Schneider,
The Kineo Group
Concept and Design
Tom Maday
Jacqueline C. Kohn
Arlene Shafton
Coordinator, Marketing and
Financial Summary
Fiscal Year Ended 6/30/09 Excluding Investment Activity
(in thousands)
INCOME 2008-2009
Community-Based Services
Illinois Department of Human Services
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Other Government Funded Programs
Individuals and Foundations
Production Services
Other Income
Other Sources
Illinois Department of Human Services
$ 3,385
Community-Based Services
Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Other Government Funded Programs
Individuals and Foundations
Production Services
Other Income
Other Sources
24.7% IL Department
of Human Services
25.2% Community
Based Services
18.9% Jewish
Federation Chicago
14.2% Other Govt.
Funded Programs
4.2% Individuals,
3.9% Scholarships
1.8% Production Serv.
2.6% Other Income
4.5% Other Sources
Client Compensation and Benefits
Supplies for Production Operations and O
Other Operating Expenses
Personnel $
Client Compensation and Benefits
Supplies for Production Operations and Office
Other Operating Expenses
Preliminary and Subject to Audit
50.9% Personnel
26.5% Client Comp.,
6.5% Occupancy
3.9% Scholarships
2.3% Supplies for Prod.
Operations and Office
9.9% Other Oper.
JVS Locations
Chicago Locations
Suburban Locations
Main Office
216 West Jackson Boulevard
Suite 700
Chicago, Illinois 60606
V 312.673.3400
TTY 312.444.2877
F 312.553.5544
E jvs@jvschicago.org
Career Planning Center
300 Revere Drive
Northbrook, Illinois 60062
V 847.412.4300
TTY 847.412.4316
F 312.553.5526
E jvsnb@jvschicago.org
City of Chicago-Community Service
4740 North Sheridan Road
Chicago, Illinois 60640
V 312.744.2580
F 312.744.3192
ESL/Anshe Motele Congregation
6526 North California Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60645
V 773.743.5638
F 312.553.5524
E jvselt@jvschicago.org
909 West Wilson
Chicago, Illinois 60645
F 773.275.0866
Sampson-Katz Center
2020 West Devon Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60659
V 773.761.9000
TTY 773.761.6672
F 312.553.5323
E jvsskc@jvschicago.org
Sinai Community Institute
2653 West Ogden Avenue
Chicago, Illinois 60608
V 773.257.2350
F 773.257.2065
Lombard Office
10 East 22nd Street, Suite 215
Lombard, Illinois 60148
V 630.889.0548
TTY 630.925.1001
F 312.553.5522
E jvswest@jvschicago.org
Northwest Suburban Office
1156 West Shure Drive, Suite 181
Arlington Heights, IL 60004
V 847.392.8205
TTY 847.392.7916
F 312.553.5527
E jvsah@jvschicago.org
Skokie Office
Goldie Bachmann Luftig Building
5150 Golf Road
Skokie, Illinois 60077
V 847.568.5150
TTY 847.568.5185
F 312.553.5525
E jvsskokie@jvschicago.org
Accredited by CARF, The Rehabilitation
Accreditation Commission
Jewish Vocational Service, a partner in serving
our community, receives support from the
Jewish United Fund/Jewish Federation