to Build Endless Pipeline


to Build Endless Pipeline
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Using Aerospace Materials
to Build Endless Pipeline
A Good Thrust:
The Pumps’ Market
Bahrain Water Sector:
Risky yet Promising
Advanced Water Meter Shipments
Continue to Grow Strongly
December 2012
Arab Water World
Serving the Water, Wastewater, Desalination & Energy Sectors in MENA - Since 1977
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Issue Content..........................................................................01 Opening Letter & CPH Team........................................02
Wastewater Treatment
Water Treatment Chemicals
Water Treatment Market:
Chemically Mature
Effluent Treatment
Shale Gas Waste Water Treatment:
A Fracture Well Treated
A Good Thrust: The Pumps’ Market
Corporate Happenings.................................................... 52
Products & Services...........................................................56
Event Review.............................................................................62
Coming Events........................................................................64
Buyers’ Guide...................................................................65
Advertisers’ Index...........................................................67
Closing Letter...........................................................................70
Published by CPH World Media s.a.r.l.
‫سي بي أتش ورلد ميديا‬
‫تصدر عن‬
Charity, They Say, Begins at Home
But not always
Bahrain Water Sector: Risky yet Promising
USD1 Billion Desalination Project Takes Off
Events Preview.........................................................................61
Singapore’s Water Sector Echoes Global Growth 39
Pipes, Valves & Controls
Using Aerospace Materials
to Build Endless Pipeline
Water Storage
Use of Geosynthetics
in Water Harvesting Ponds
Interviews & Profiles......................................................55
Projects & Developments...............................................57
Membrane Desalination
Craving for Salty Water:
A Desalination Thirst
Computer Modeling, GIS & Telemetry
Advanced Water Meter Shipments
Continue to Grow Strongly
MENA Water Digest.............................................................04
General Information............................................................69
Helping Advance MENA & Beyond! Since 1977
1977 ‫نساعد بتطوير الشرق األوسط ومشال أفريقيا وأبعد! منذ‬
Cover Story
Mo Ehsani, Professor
Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University
of Arizona, has designed
a new, lightweight underground pipe he says
could transform the pipeline construction industry.
Ehsani's new pipe consists
of a central layer of lightweight plastic honeycomb, similar to that used
in the aerospace industry.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Using Aerospace Materials
to Build Endless Pipeline
A Good Thrust:
The Pumps’ Market
Bahrain Water Sector:
Risky yet Promising
Advanced Water Meter Shipments
Continue to Grow Strongly
Cover Photo Courtesy of:
A.A Bin Hindi
Opening Letter
Water Resources
Reality in
the Arab Countries
Imagine a ship that crosses brutally the sea, led by a navigator and a crew
that had never sailed, what could be the fate of passengers that assumed
being in good hands to cross to the safe side?
The above situation describes exactly the bitter reality that faces water
resources in the Arab World. The technical persons in charge of water
provision for people were hired based on political influence and support
regardless of acquired scientific competencies and technical capabilities.
Therefore, it is a foregone conclusion that the projects studied & realized
by these persons don’t meet the required conditions and specifications
and will consequently open the floodgates to the waste of public funds.
However, reporting all the abuses in the water sector in many Arab countries needs many volumes whereas I am going to address what I have
seen in my own eyes: studies and projects based on allegations and assumptions and not on science that led to the waste of hundreds of millions of dollars; exclusion and marginalization of competent employees
and driving them to resign; assigning incompetent employees in main
positions to pass fishy projects; modifying studies and reports to confront
each person that dare to stand against them and question about their
validity; threatening, insulting and suppressing people who try to adjust
the mistakes committed by these organizations; awarding water projects
to companies that offered expensive prices instead of awarding it to international companies that presented low prices, etc.
Water resources in many Arab countries are under the mercy of a group of
employees having only one interest: implementing water projects to get
commissions for their own. This issue will present an obstacle for securing
people water needs due to the rise of costs of these projects. Furthermore,
the channel of wasting public funds will remain widely opened if relevant
parties in these countries didn’t take bold decisions such as requesting
from international institutions related to water sector or from the countries with developed technology such as Germany, France or Japan to arrange studies that reveal corruption centers. Once these studies are available, Arab countries will be able to take the adequate procedures that will
permit them to improve the performance of water institutions and to save
hundreds of millions of dollars wasted without any control or supervision.
‫الرسالة اإلفتتاحية‬
‫واقع الثروة‬
‫املائية يف‬
‫البلدان العربية‬
.‫ يقودها ربان وطاقم مل يسبق هلما أن ركبا البحر‬،‫ختيلوا سفينة متخر عباب اليم‬
‫فماذا سيكون مصري الركاب الذين اعتقدوا أنهم بني أيد أمينة تنقلهم إىل شاطىء‬
.‫إن ما أتيت على ذكره يعكس واقع احلقيقة املرة للثروة املائية يف الوطن العربي‬
‫ ُزرعت يف مناصبها‬،‫فالكوادر الفنية املسؤولة عن تأمني احتياجات السكان من املياه‬
‫ بل بسبب الدعم‬،‫ليس بسبب الكفاءات العلمية واملقدرات الفنية اليت تتمتع بها‬
‫ ومن الطبيعي أن تكون املشاريع اليت قامت هذه‬.‫والنفوذ السياسي الذي حتظى به‬
‫األجهزة بدراستها وأشرفت على تنفيذها غري مستوفية للشروط واملواصفات املطلوبة‬
‫ إن احلديث عما جيري من مساوئ يف حقل‬.‫وستشكل باباً واسعاً هلدر األموال العامة‬
‫ غري أنين سأتطرق إىل‬،‫املياه يف العديد من البلدان العربية حيتاج إىل جملدات عديدة‬
‫ دراسات ومشاريع استندت إىل مزاعم وافرتاضات‬:‫بعض ما ملسته وشاهدته بأم عيين‬
‫ أدت اىل هدر مئات املاليني من الدوالرات؛ استبعاد وتهميش‬،‫وليس إىل واقع علمي‬
‫املوظفني الكفوئني ودفعهم لإلستقالة من مناصبهم؛ تعيني موظفني غري كفوئني يف‬
‫مناصب رئيسية لتمرير مشاريع مشبوهة؛ حتوير دراسات وتقارير جملابهة من تس ّول‬
‫له نفسه التصدي إليها والتشكيك بصحتها؛ تهديد وحتقري وك ّم أفواه الذين يسعوا‬
‫إىل تصحيح األخطاء اليت وقعت بها هذه املؤسسات؛ تلزيم مشاريع مائية لشركات‬
‫قدمت أسعاراً باهظة ملشاريع بدالً من تلزميها لشركات عاملية قدمت أسعاراً متدنية‬
‫إن الثروة املائية يف العديد من البلدان العربية رهين ٌة بأيدي فئة من املوظفني ه ّمهم‬
‫ وهذا من‬.‫الوحيد تنفيذ مشاريع مائية للحصول على عموالت تذهب إىل جيوبهم‬
‫شأنه أن يشكل عائقاً أمام تأمني احتياجات املواطنني من املياه بسبب ارتفاع أكالف‬
‫هذه املشاريع وسيبقى مزراب هدر األموال العامة مفتوحاً على مصراعيْه أن مل تقم‬
‫ أه ّمها الطلب من مؤسسات‬،‫اجلهات املسؤولة يف هذه البلدان باختاذ قرارات جريئة‬
‫ فرنسا أو اليابان‬،‫عاملية تعنى حبقل املياه أو من الدول املتقدمة تكنولوجياً كأملانيا‬
‫ يصبح بإمكان الدول‬،‫ وفور توفر هذه الدراسات‬.‫وضع دراسات تكشف مواقع الفساد‬
‫العربية إختاذ اإلجراءات املناسبة اليت من شأنها حتسني أداء املؤسسات املائية‬
.‫وتوفري مئات املاليني من الدوالرات اليت كانت تهدر دون حسيب أو رقيب‬
‫فتحي شاتيال‬
‫رئيس التحرير‬
Fathi Chatila
CPH Team
(Email domain is
Founders • Mr. Fathi Chatila • Mrs. Mona Chatila (1944 - 2006)
Management • President Fathi Chatila / f.chatila@ • General Manager Mohamad Rabih Chatila (B.Arch) / r.chatila@ • Administrative Manager Abdul Rahman Hallak / ar.hallak@ • Administrative Officer Ali Zaraket / a.zaraket@ • Administrative Assistant Dania Itani
Editorial & Research • Editor-in-Chief Fathi Chatila / f.chatila.chatila@ • Senior Editor & Research
Dina Fawaz / d.fawaz@ • Assistant Editor & Researcher Rawand Fakih/ r.fakih@
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Honorary Content Consultants (HCC)
• Dr. Bakenaz A. Zeydan - Head of Water Engineering Department, Tanta University, Egypt
• Dr. Eng. Darwish Ibrahim Yousef - Prof. of Yousef Office for Science & Engineering, Syria
• Dr. Jalal Halwani - The Lebanese University, Lebanon
• Eng. Mohamad Amin Saad - President Masar Technologies, USA
• Dr. Mritunjay Chaubey - Pentair Water, India
• Euro Ing. Prof. Nidal Hilal - Director of The Centre for Clean Water Technologies, Multidisciplinary Nanotechnology Centre, School of Engineering, Swansea University, Swansea
SA2 8PP, UK.
• Dr. Riyad Abou Maizar - Associated Consultants Engineers (ACE), Bahrain
• Dr. Walid Saleh - Int’l Network on water, Environmental & Health (INWEH), The
United Nations University, Jordan
• Dr. Yousef Al. Rumikhani - Assistant Professor - King Abdul Aziz City for Science &
Technology (KACST), Saudi Arabia
• Prof. Adel Sharif - University of Surrey, UK
• Dr. Ing. Aiman Eid Al-Rawajfeh - Tafila Technical University Dep. Chemical
Engineering - Jordan
• Dr. Sajid Mahmood (Azeemi) - Assistant Professor in Water Resources Management, COE
in Water Resources Engineering, Lahore, Pakistan
• Dr. Adil AL Tamimi - Associate Professor of civil enginering and Director of the institute of
Materials Systems “IMS” School of Engineering, Anerican University of Sharjah UAE
MENA Water Digest
Water Upgrades
with USD 16 Million
In its way to upgrade its water policy, Bahrain is planning to spend USD 16 million
on a water project as part of its strategic
vision for sustainable agricultural development. The plan will include changes
to the ways of monitoring underground
water levels and quality, as well as drilling and maintenance of wells and water meters. The Municipalities and Urban
Planning Affairs Ministry is drawing up a
plan to monitor 68 wells for water levels
and 113 for quality. Licensing procedures
for drilling of new wells and maintenance
upgrades will be reviewed. The ministry
has also drawn up a three-year plan to reduce consumption of underground water,
which was 67m cubic meters in 2010, to 9
million cubic meters.
to pre-treatment as the seawater in the
area is highly saline, rich in organic components and known for occasional red
tides, which can last for 10 days. This resulted in a combination of DAF and Pentair X-Flow’s Seaguard 40 UF membrane
modules and skids. Together, DAF and
UF efficiently remove high concentrations of suspended solids and small-sized
colloidal particulates. The produced RO
feed water has a consistent silt density
Financing the
Marrakech Project
A loan of USD 157 million has been approved by the African Development Bank
(AfDB) to help finance the Marrakech Region Water Supply Project in Morocco. The
Successful During
Red Tides
The Shuwaikh Seawater Reverse Osmosis
(SWRO) Desalination Plant, the world’s
largest SWRO plant using dissolved air
flotation (DAF) and pressurized insideout ultrafiltration (UF) as pre-treatment
steps, has proven to efficiently treat seawater with high turbidity and reliably operate during red tides. Located near Shuwaikh port, the plant was built in 2010
for the Kuwaiti Ministry of Electricity and
Water in order to provide additional potable water for its communities. Doosan
Heavy Industries and Construction designed and built the plant. With a UF permeate capacity of 350 MLD (92.5 MGD)
and RO output of 94.7 MLD (30 MGD), the
plant supplies drinking water for more
than 450,000 residents in Kuwait City.
The plant design gave special attention
Arab Water World (AWW)
index value of less than 3.0 at all times.
Even during a red tide event, the combined DAF and UF pre-treatment proved
successful in removing the increased
number of particles caused by the abnormal algae growth with turbidity levels
of up to 31 NTU. Only small operational
adjustments were needed to be taken
to guarantee optimum pre-treatment
for the RO system. This helps prevent reduced production or plant shutdown and
helps ensure a reliable supply of potable
water to the city of Kuwait.
project, which will be carried out within the
framework of inclusive development and
integrated management of water resources
by the bank, will cater to domestic, tourist
and industrial (mining) water needs. AfDB
will provide the loan for the project in two
batches, USD 120 million and USD 37 million, which will be used to enable Morocco
to improve water quality and cut down the
spread of waterborne diseases affecting children in the region. Aimed at meeting the
water demand for about 3 million people
by 2030, the project is designed to meet the
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫ملخص املياه يف الشرق األوسط ومشال أفريقيا‬
requirements of the country's phosphate industry (Office Chérifien des Phosphates, or
OCP). Under the project, several drying beds
will be created to allow the storage of sludge
for a few years. To be implemented over a
period of five years, the project will also receive funding from the French Development
Agency (AFD), the National Electricity and
Drinking Water Authority (ONEE) and OCP.
power projects commenced the construction of a water expansion project in Barka,
Oman. The project is expected to produce
10 million gallons per day of potable water, to meet the growing demand of drinkable water and ease the burden on existing water infrastructures. ACWA will construct the plant on a build, own and operate basis and will set it near the existing 20
Reducing Power
& Water Use
Qatar seems to be determined to reduce water and electricity consumption. The Qatar
General Electricity and Water Corporation
(Kahramaa) announced its plan to reduce
electricity consumption in the country by
20% and water consumption by 35% in the
next five years. “The plan will significantly
contribute to Qatar's efforts to reduce its carbon footprint,” Kahramaa chairman Engineer
Isa Al Kuwari said. He said the target will be
achieved through a variety of means ranging
from public awareness campaigns to laws
and regulations to rationalize consumption
of water and electricity. The targeted 35%
reduction in water consumption will help
save 110 million cubic feet of water and reduce carbon emission by 300 million kg.
Starting of December 1, new standards and
specifications will come into force for water
pipes and electric cables used in buildings, to
make them energy-efficient. Buildings that
fail to comply with these standards will not
be licensed, according to Al Kuwari.
Saudi Arabia
Yanbu III on the go
Water Project in Barka
ACWA Power Barka Saudi Arabia-based
developer of independent water and
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
million gallons per day desalination plant.
Together, the two plants will produce 30
million gallons per day of treated water.
Featuring energy recovery and variable
frequency drive technologies, the plant
will reduce the power usage, use thin film
composite seawater membranes in three
reverse osmosis trains and employ modern ultra-filtration membrane technology
to produce water as per the required quality. ACWA expects to implement the project in about 13.5 months’ time from contract execution and provide plant availability of 95% throughout its life.
Saline Water Conversion Corp. (SWCC)
awarded the Yanbu III plant deal, worth
USD 3 billion, to Samsung Engineering
and Shanghai Electric as well as to Saudi
Al-Toukhi Co. for Industry, Trading and
Contracting. The plant will have a capacity of 550,000 cubic meters per day of desalinated water and a power capacity of
2,500 MW. SWCC has said it plans to nearly
double energy-intensive desalinated water production to almost 6 million cubic
meters per day by the end of 2015. Water
consumption in the Kingdom is already almost double the per capita global average
and increasing at an ever faster rate with
the rapid expansion of population and industrial development.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Water Treatment
Water Treatment Chemicals
Water Treatment Market: Chemically Mature..............................................P.07
Wastewater Treatment
Effluent Treatment
Shale Gas WasteWater Treatment: A Fracture Well Treated.....................P.08
GE’s Technology at Utah.......................................................................................P.09
Saving 31% Energy with Atlas Copco..............................................................P.09
Chemineer’s Mixers for Saudi Desalination...................................................P.10
Making Way for Innovation.................................................................................P.10
A Team of Experts...................................................................................................P.12
Electronic Noses to Optimize Odor Control..................................................P.12
Desalination Technology
Membrane Desalination
Craving for Salty Water: A Desalination Thirst..............................................P.13
New System Lowers Costs of Desalination....................................................P.14
KMS Introduces New UF Solution.....................................................................P.14
A Successful Mark...................................................................................................P.15
Toray Succeeds Again...........................................................................................P.15
Pentair Contributes to Plant Success...............................................................P.15
Photo Courtesy of GE
‫ُمعاجلة املياه‬
‫املواد الكيميائية ملعاجلة املياه‬
Water Treatment Market:
Chemically Mature
he chronic global shortage of freshwater, expected to intensify in the coming years, will help drive growth in the global water treatment
market. The significant rise in demand for potable/fresh water in turn contributes to the rise in demand for a wide array of water treatment products. This has and will continue to spur demand for desalination of seawater, as an alternative to fresh water reserves. Developing countries are forecast to drive the growth of the water treatment market, displaying robust demand potential for water treatment equipment, services and supplies including chemicals.
Intensifying environmental awareness as well as stricter
regulations related to discharge processes and disposal are driving growth in the Western Europe industrial
sludge treatment chemicals market. New analysis from
Frost & Sullivan, Analysis of the Industrial Sludge Treatment Chemicals Market in Western Europe, finds that the
market was valued at USD 811 million in 2011 and estimates this to reach USD 1.03 billion in 2018. This research
covers chemicals utilized in four of the most important
market segments that include conditioning and stabilization treatment processes, digestion treatment processes,
thickening treatment processes as well as dewatering
and drying treatment processes.
“To successfully compete, market participants will need
to continuously deliver innovative and highly effective
products,” noted Frost & Sullivan Industry Analyst Anna
Jarosik. “They will also need to focus on technological
improvements that will minimize the overall volumes
of wastewater and sludge, thereby making the environment safer and less polluted.” Improvements in product
performance and formulation in order to meet the highest environmental standards will become critical competitive factors. Such enhancements will be in line with
heightened quality and healthcare requirements. “Industrial sludge treatment chemicals manufacturers are expected to continuously improve their chemical solutions
and as a result the industrial sludge treatment processes.
There is a growing industrial need for more cost-effective
and energy-saving processes and solutions,” stated Jarosik. “Such demands will stem from pressures exerted
by environment-friendly legislation.” Market participants
should consider strategic partnerships with industry participants and/or established equipment manufacturers
and engineering procurement and construction (EPC)
companies to consolidate their position and explore
growth opportunities in main as well as more specific
niche markets.
are expected to
improve their
A trend towards specialty
Future growth in the water industry will stem from demand for specialized products capable of meeting the
requirements of a rapidly changing global environment.
In this regard, a new report from Global Industry Analysts suggests that specialized chemicals are forecast to
witness the maximum growth. Specialty chemicals have
superior performance and lower toxicity levels and environmental impact. Demand for water reuse and ultrapure
water for industrial applications will emerge into a key
factor driving demand for specialty industrial water treatment chemicals. Water reuse, especially presents challenges in producing water with acceptable quality, thus
providing a business case for high-performance specialty
chemicals capable of addressing these challenges.
The trend towards specialty chemicals illustrates the ongoing shift in the market away from high-volume commodity chemicals such as soda ash and aluminum sulfate
towards specialty chemicals such as industrial biocides,
organic esters, corrosion inhibitors, coagulants, among
others. The encouraging performance of the electronics and semiconductor industry has additionally helped
prop up orders in the ultrapure water supply business.
Against a backdrop of a creaking water infrastructure
that calls for dire upgrading measures, municipal water
and wastewater budgets are not expected to change significantly, despite financial crisis.
Prepared by:
Rawand Fakih
Assistant Editor & Researcher
‫ يساهم اإلرتفاع الكبير في الطلب على مياه‬،‫ وبدوره‬.‫ يحف ّز النمو في السوق العالمية لمعالجة المياه‬،‫ الذي من المتوقع أن يزداد في السنوات المقبلة‬،‫شك أن النقص المزمن في كمية المياه العذبة‬
ّ ‫ال‬
‫ من المتوقع‬.‫ وذلك كبديل عن احتياطي المياه العذبة‬،‫ هذا سيواصل تحفيز الطلب على تقنيات تحلية مياه البحر‬.‫الشرب والمياه العذبة في زيادة الطلب على مجموعة واسعة من منتجات معالجة المياه‬
.‫ بما في ذلك المواد الكيميائية‬،‫ مُظهرةً طلباً قوياً على خدمات وتجهيزات ومعدات معالجة المياه‬،‫أن تدفع البلدان النامية عجلة النمو القوي لسوق معالجة المياه‬
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Wastewater Treatment Effluent Treatment
Shale Gas WasteWater Treatment:
A Fracture Well Treated
he market-changing growth of shale gas production in recent years has resulted in the emergence of pressing environmental and water
management challenges. Treating large quantities of water used in the hydraulic fracturing process is a major concern for operators.
Fracking, or hydraulic fracturing, is the process of drilling sideways into subterranean shale and blasting it open with millions of gallons
of water to release natural gas. The technology innovation targeted toward waste water treatment from shale gas operations has escalated
rapidly, where the industry is expected to grow to USD 9 billion by 2020.
Over the past several decades, the U.S. industries alone
have injected more than 30 trillion gallons of toxic liquid deep into the earth, using broad expanses of the
nation's geology as an invisible dumping ground. Records from disparate corners of the United States show
that wells drilled to bury this waste deep beneath the
ground have repeatedly leaked, sending dangerous
chemicals and waste gurgling to the surface or, on occasion, seeping into shallow aquifers that store a significant portion of the nation's drinking water. Geologists
recognize that the boom in oil and natural gas drilling is
deepening the uncertainties. Drilling produces copious
amounts of waste, burdening regulators and demanding hundreds of additional disposal wells. Those wells
— more holes punched in the ground — are changing
the earth's geology, adding man-made fractures that
allow water and waste to flow more freely.
Lux Research recently reported that the frack water
treatment industry is expected to grow 28% annually by 2020 to USD 9 billion. The report also says that
fracking requires between 25,000 and 140,000 barrels
of water per well and produces toxin‐laced brine that
can be more than six times as salty as the sea. The storage and disposal of this salty solution has attracted the
attention of politicians, environmentalists and citizen
Patenting water treatment trends
A new report from energy and water industry research
firm Bloomberg New Energy Finance finds that technology innovation targeted toward waste water treatment from shale gas operations has escalated rapidly,
with more than 300 patents filed in 2011 alone. The report, based largely on data collected by patent landscape research firm CambridgeIP, examined the evolution of shale gas water treatment technologies, and
investigated the important players in this rapidly evolving field. “Water treatment for shale gas is a dynamic
and increasingly valuable technology space, yet still
at a relatively early stage of development. In common
with other young technology markets, we observe
treatment for
shale gas is a
dynamic and
transfer and adaptation of technologies from other
industries - in this case from utilities water treatment
and the desalination space. As the market matures,
we expect increased development of water treatment
technologies specific to shale gas extraction. As the advantages of the different technology solutions become
apparent, we would expect increased venture capital
and M&A activity.” said Ilian Iliev, CEO of CambridgeIP.
CambridgeIP identified 632 patent filings dealing with
shale gas water treatment of the produced water, preparation of the fracking fluid and recycling of the produced water. “The water treatment technology related
to shale gas extraction spans a unique combination
of technology requirements relating to the recycling
of the fracking fluid and moving of the recycled water
between wells. There are many exciting technology developments which we are tracking in this space, such as
mobile water treatment solutions and the application
of new desalination technologies”, said Helena van der
Vegt, CambridgeIP's water technology research.
Prepared by:
Rawand Fakih
Assistant Editor & Researcher
‫ يعتبر عالج كميات كبيرة من المياه المستخدمة في عملية التكسير‬.‫أدى النمو المتغير لسوق إنتاج الغاز الصخري في السنوات األخيرة إلى ظهور تحديات ضاغطة في مجال إدارة البيئة والمياه‬
‫ هو عملية الحفر الجانبي للوصول إلى الصخور الموجودة تحت األرض لتفجيرها واستعمال الماليين من‬،‫ التكسير أو التكسير الهيدروليكي‬.‫الهيدروليكي مصدر قلق كبير للعاملين في هذا المجال‬
9 ‫ حيث من المتوقع أن تنمو هذه السوق إلى‬،‫ تتصاعد التقنيات المبتكرة التي تهدف إلى معالجة مياه الصرف الصحي من عمليات الغاز الصخري بسرعة‬.‫غالونات المياه إلطالق الغاز الطبيعي‬
.2020 ‫مليارات بحلول العام‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
ّ ‫ُمعاجلة مياه الصرف‬
‫معاجلة مياه الصرف الصحي‬
GE’s Technology at Utah
GE announced that its advanced wastewater treatment technology is now in use at the largest membrane bioreactor (MBR) facility in the state of Utah,
providing reliable treatment of wastewater that
exceeds current regulatory effluent discharge requirements. The Jordan Basin Water Reclamation Facility
(JBWRF), a state-of-the-art MBR wastewater treatment
facility in the South Valley Sewer District, was recently
commissioned and is operating using GE’s ZeeWeed*
500 ultrafiltration membranes in its process building. As part of the wastewater treatment process, GE’s
membrane filtration system separates the clean water
from the solids in the wastewater. There are various
pumping systems also located in the process building
that are associated with the treatment and filtration
processes as well as high-speed turbo-blowers that
provide the air required to operate the membrane filtration system. Using MBR technology from GE, the JBWRF was able to significantly reduce its site footprint,
compared to conventional wastewater treatment
technologies, by eliminating the need for secondary
clarifiers. Additionally, the ZeeWeed membranes from
GE will help the facility meet future nutrient removal
Courtesy of Mike Brown
GE’s membrane filtration system separates the clean water from the solids in the
and water reuse standards. The JBWRF, owned and operated by the South Valley Sewer District, has a current
treatment capacity of 15 million gallons a day (mgd)
and is designed to be expanded in the future to an
ultimate capacity of 30 mgd in order to meet the community’s growth demands.
Saving 31% Energy with Atlas Copco
With a savings goal set at 25% for the Danish waste
water industry, optimizing all parts of the operation is
of the highest importance. The Waste Water Treatment
Plant in Skanderborg, Denmark, recently replaced
one of its 75 kW lobe blowers with a new 55 kW Atlas
Copco ZS screw blower and were able to reduce their
energy consumption by 31%. Up to 70% of the energy
consumed by a Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP)
consists of low pressure aeration of the waste water,
why savings in this part of the process is of paramount
importance. Atlas Copco’s ZS screw blowers are on
average 30% more energy efficient than lobe blowers.
This has been proven by independent tests by TÜV
and by WWTP’s in Scandinavia. “Skanderborg WWTP
had problems with their aeration using lobe blowers
so we suggested that they should try the Atlas Copco
ZS blow­ers”, says Flemming Brokso, Sales Engineer
at Atlas Copco Compressor Technique Scandinavia.
Atlas Copco delivered a new 55 kW variable speed
drive blower, operating at 0.7 bar(e), to Skanderborg
WWTP, replacing a 75 kW lobe blower in one of the
aeration process lines. “The Atlas Copco ZS screw
blower is working really well, better than expected. It
runs smooth and has lowered the amount of time that
the fixed speed lobe blower has to support the VSD
blower in its aeration process line”, says Ivan Andersen
at Skanderborg WWTP.
The new 55 kW variable speed drive blower operates at 0.7 bar(e)
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Wastewater Treatment Effluent Treatment
Chemineer’s Mixers for Saudi Desalination
Specially-coated mixers from Chemineer are set to
play a key role in the major expansion of a wastewater treatment plant in the GCC. The near 100,000m3/
day plant (post-expansion) will utilize 11 GT Chemineer mixers that have been coated in Derakane. This
corrosion-resistant epoxy vinyl ester resin withstands
the aggressive nature of the application which sees
wastewater first acidified, alkalized and then dosed
with hydrogen peroxide to remove all organic compounds. Featuring a new, high-efficiency gearbox
designed specifically for agitator service, Chemineer’s
GT mixers were selected for their proven reliability in
tough activated sludge and tertiary treatment processes where the highest international environmental
standards for disposal and reuse have to be met. Made
for ultra-reliable performance and long lifespan due to
cast gearboxes with heavy duty output shaft and bearings, the GT mixers from Chemineer include a fully
comprehensive Derakane coating for the shafts of the
agitators, which were wrapped with a glass fiber blanket, then sealed with the high quality resin. The choice
of material also allowed for any potential damage
during transit or installation as Derakane is readily fill-
The mixers were selected for their proven reliability in tough activated sludge and
tertiary treatment
patchable. Chemineer is a supplier of mixing solutions
and products to customers worldwide. Since 1952, the
Chemineer name has come to be well known in the
chemical & petrochemical, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, polymers and food & grain processing industries.
Making Way for Innovation
The real waste in wastewater is the cost of noncompliance, the fines and surcharges that can really
add up. Buckman has a comprehensive wastewater
treatment program of advanced chemical solutions
and on-site technical expertise that can help custom-
ers meet discharge limits at the lowest possible cost.
As customers face increased pressure to improve their
effluent treatment program, Buckman provides the
technologies and application expertise to make it
easier. Inorganic and organic coagulants, oil separation polymers, sludge dewatering aids and organic
flocculants can all be found at Buckman. The company
is keen to help meet government mandates and local
effluent discharge requirements. Regardless of the
kind of unit that is being utilized or the impurities that
should be removed, Buckman has the solutions for effective separation of liquids and solids. Customers can
rely on the company for: Oil and grease removal; Metal
precipitation; BOD/COD reduction; Emulsion breaking;
Odor control; Foam control and Bioaugmentation. For
solid waste treatment in plate and frame, centrifuge
and belt press systems, Buckman has the technology
and know-how to minimize sludge moisture content
while producing clean water. The company also has
the expertise to help develop a water reuse program
for plant processes so resources can be conserved and
money can be saved. A chemical by itself doesn’t solve
problems. But in the hands of a Buckman professional
it becomes a solution. The difference is commitment; a
commitment to finding new and better ways to apply
A comprehensive wastewater treatment program of advanced
chemical solutions
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Wastewater Treatment Effluent Treatment
Electronic Noses
to Optimize
Odor Control
The OdoWatch can translate odors into clear, empirical measurements
A Team of Experts
GETCO is one of the most reputed water, waste water and sewage treatment
companies in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and is well known for its expertise in
providing complete solution on turnkey basis for any problem. The Engineering
department has an expert team comprised of process, civil, electrical, instrumentation, control and planning engineers, with a rich experience of around one decade. GETCO “Projects department” has an experienced engineering staff capable
of executing projects up to the size of 100,000 m3/d RO water treatment plant
and up to the size of 15,000-m3/d sewage treatment plant. The engineers use latest soft wares and modern techniques for planning, project scheduling, designing
and detailed engineering for water treatment, sewage treatment and waste-water
treatment plants.
Arab Water World (AWW)
Designed to provide real-time, continuous measurements of odor emissions, the OdoWatch
smart odor monitoring system gives sanitation
workers the ability to see how much odor emissions their facility is producing, track what direction the wind is carrying them and how far the
odors extend, all in a simple, automatically generated live webpage. The Virginia Beach WWTP
use this tool to evaluate new chemical treatment
processes, giving them a clearer picture of how
much chemical to apply and when, thus tailoring
their treatments in a way they never could before. After the first test of the PRI-SC technique,
the HRSD introduced Odotech's monitoring
system to measure the odors escaping from the
aeration tanks and confirm the new chemicals'
effectiveness. The odor abatement solution they
are using is the Peroxide-Regenerated Iron-Sulfide Control process (PRI-SC), a new technique
using a mixture of peroxide and iron to minimize
odors from the plant. But while testing showed
that this approach could reduce gaseous mercaptan emissions by up to 72%, the levels of
sulfide in the tanks would vary greatly based on
the time of day. Because the OdoWatch solution uses sensors that continuously react to the
airborne chemicals released from each order
source, it can translate odors into clear, empirical measurements that are updated in real time.
Married to a weather station collecting meteorological data, the results plotted onto a map
of the facility and show a dispersion plume of
the odor. With OdoWatch providing real-time
data on odor emissions in the plant and a clear,
accurate map of the minute-to-minute shifts
in the odor plume, it allowed the plant to tailor
the chemical mixture more accurately, reducing chemical use by up to 10% while producing
even less odor than in the initial trial.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقنية حتلية املياه‬
‫التحلية بواسطة األغشية‬
Craving for Salty Water:
A Desalination Thirst
he water crisis facing the human race over the next century will ultimately have a greater impact on human activity than energy scarcity
around the world. Desalination is becoming the new trend of obtaining potable water, as it is the more affordable way to make people
benefit from an almost unlimited resource: seawater. Depleting water supplies, coupled with increasing water demand, are driving the
global market of desalination technology, with membrane technologies leading this growth. The Middle East region’s desalination growth is
expected to be stronger in the future, and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will continue to drive the membrane technology market to maintain
an alternative to freshwater resources.
Potable water is increasingly becoming more expensive to treat and with human population growth continuing to reach and exceed new highs every year for
the foreseeable future, water scarcity is one of the most
challenging issues facing governments and industries around the world. The gap between the supply of
freshwater and demand for water for industrial, agricultural and domestic use is growing at an alarming pace.
The global desalination market is expected to reach
USD 52.4 billion by 2020, up 320.3% from USD 12.5 billion in 2010. According to a recent report from energy
research publisher SBI Energy, membrane technology
reverse osmosis will see the largest growth, reaching
USD 39.46 billion by 2020. Among the many desalination technologies, there are two types which are much
adopted: thermal which relies on heat, and membrane
which utilizes semi-permeable membranes to separate
salt from seawater and brackish water. According to
the report, the cost of desalination is highly influenced
by the amount of energy consumed, causing energy
efficient membrane technologies, specifically reverse
osmosis, to be the most viable option. “Economic and
population growth are the largest drivers for desalination technology," said Shelly Carr, publisher of SBI Energy. "The explosive growth of this market is due to a
solution-based alternative to the diminishing supply of
the world's most important resource. The lower operating costs of membrane technologies, which include reverse osmosis, microfiltration, ultrafiltration and nanofiltration, make them a more attractive option," notes
Carr. "This segment will grow significantly more than its
thermal counterpart."
osmosis will
see the largest
The heart of desalination
As a result, the total market for membrane-based water
treatment is expected to grow from USD 1.5 billion in
2009 to USD 2.8 billion in 2020, according to a recent
report from Lux Research titled “Filtering out Growth
Prospects in the USD 1.5 Billion Membrane Market”. Al-
ready the dominant technology for desalination, membranes are expanding into markets that were once the
exclusive domain of chemical, biological and basic filtration technologies. The Middle East is certainly no
exception as it the largest desalination market in the
world with Saudi Arabia leading the worldwide production of desalinated water. Experts estimate that the
Kingdom obtains 70% of its drinking water supply from
seawater desalination from over 30 operating desalination plants. Desalinated water is supplied to major urban and industrial centers through a network of water
pipes that run for more than 4,000 km. In the long run,
the largest market will continue to be the GCC market,
where the combination of rapidly growing populations, depleted ground water resources and the retirement of capacity built during the oil boom years of the
1970s and early 1980s will require a near doubling of
Prepared by:
Rawand Fakih
Assistant Editor & Researcher
‫ أصبحت تقنيات تحلية المياه اإلتجاه‬.‫من المؤكد أن أزمة المياه التي ستواجه الجنس البشري خالل القرن القادم سيكون لها تأثير على النشاط البشري أكبر من تأثير ندرة الطاقة في جميع أنحاء العالم‬
،‫ إلى جانب زيادة الطلب على المياه‬،‫ تقود استنزاف إمدادات المياه‬.‫ مياه البحر‬:‫ باعتبارها الطريقة المعقولة ليستفيد الناس من المورد غير المحدود نوعاً ما‬،‫الجديد للحصول على المياه الصالحة للشرب‬
‫ وستستمر المملكة‬،‫ من المتوقع أن يكون نمو منطقة الشرق األوسط لتحلية المياه أقوى في المستقبل‬.‫ باعتبار التحلية بواسطة األغشية التقنيات الرائدة في هذه السوق‬،‫السوق العالمية لتقنيات تحلية المياه‬
.‫العربية السعودية في دفع السوق قُدماً نحو تقنيات األغشية للحفاظ على بديل موارد المياه العذبة‬
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Desalination TechnologyMembrane Desalination
New System Lowers Costs of Desalination
In early 2013, the Frankenthal-based pump and valve
manufacturer KSB will launch its new compact unit
for reverse osmosis seawater desalination. The SALINO Pressure Center consists of an axial piston pump
and an axial piston motor, arranged on a common
shaft. Driven by the diaphragm return flow, the axial
piston motor transfers its power directly to the pump
shaft. Three functions are fulfilled by one and the
same unit: creating high pressure, compensating pressure losses and recovering energy. There is no need for
a separate booster pump. The entire system runs on a
single electric motor and frequency inverter. Compared to conventional energy recovery systems with
pressure exchangers or Pelton turbines, this design
saves up to 50% in energy costs. The SALINO Pressure Center is designed for reverse osmosis systems
with a capacity of up to 480 cubic meters per day. The
electric drive has a rating of 29 kW. All components
are resistant to seawater and dimensioned with low
life cycle costs in mind. Fluctuating salt contents in
the seawater to be processed can be responded to
by means of the integrated control system. In recent
tests, the new compact unit desalinated one cubic meter of seawater with a salt content of 35,000 ppm at a
A new system for use in reverse osmosis desalination
power input of approximately two kilowatts per hour.
RO systems have become well established in seawater
desalination and will continue to grow in popularity.
KMS Introduces New UF Solution
Koch Membrane Systems (KMS) introduces the latest
evolution of PURON® submerged hollow fiber modules into the Middle East region. Based on the same
The PURON HF submerged hollow fiber module features 44% more membrane area
Arab Water World (AWW)
single-header, central aeration design as PURON MBR
modules, the new PURON HF (High Flow) is ideal for
tertiary treatment, high solids water applications,
RO pretreatment and surface water treatment. The
PURON HF submerged hollow fiber module features
44% more membrane area than the current PURON
MBR module within the same product dimensions.
“We simply took our existing PURON MBR module
and packed more membrane fibers and membrane
rows into it”, said Deepak Raina, KMS’ Regional Sales
Manager Middle East and India. “The result is a high
throughput, compact solution for high solids water
applications. “The demand for membrane technology in the Middle East region continues to increase
steadily. We have executed numerous projects which
use our PURON MBR modules in municipal and industrial wastewater treatment plants. The new PURON HF
module will also allow us to offer our customer a costeffective UF solution for SWRO pre-treatment, surface
water, and tertiary treatment applications.” The new
PURON HF module is available in three different sizes –
small, medium, and large to fit any flow rate. It will be
showcased at the upcoming Water Arabia Conference
& Exhibition, taking place in Khobar, Saudi Arabia,
from 4th to 6th Feb. 2013.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقنية حتلية املياه‬
‫التحلية بواسطة األغشية‬
A Successful Mark
After successfully installing and commissioning RO
Plants at Nestle Springs Water Factory in Dammam
and Darriyyah and Abu Kamal farms in Riyadh, Abdulaziz and Faisal Sons of Abdullah Al-Rashed - Water
& Environmental Company is making its mark in
the construction of medium sized Sewage Treatment
Plants (STP). The company has just finished installing
its first STP at Haditha (border between Saudi Arabia and Jordan) of peak capacity 3,000 m3/day. The
project is located in a hard area and posed numerous
challenges to logistics and projects department for a
timely execution of all electromechanical equipment.
The project consisted of concentric arrangements
of aeration and settling tanks with fixed bridges on
top to support central drive scrapers, air lifts, air piping and other equipment. All tanks are made of GLS
material and carbon steel bridges, sand filter pressure
vessels and manual screens were manufactured in the
company’s local workshop. Currently, the project is in
the commissioning phase. Concurrently the company
is working on its first mega project – installation of
All tanks are made of GLS material and carbon steel bridges
15 RO plants of different capacities in Qassim region
for Ministry of Water & Electricity. After all equipment
over Qassim region. A highly dynamic organization,
approvals, the project is in the installation phase.
A&F has the technical expertise and the financial reThe main challenge is to coordinate operations of all
sources to undertake projects of almost any size, both
plants simultaneously with locations spread out all
within Saudi Arabia and beyond.
Toray Succeeds Again
Contributes to
Plant Success
Toray Industries, Inc. has succeeded in the development of highly durable RO Membrane Element, stabilizing subnanometer-sized fine pore structure with
Toray’s proprietary molecular design and interfacial
polymerization technology. The durability of reverse
osmosis (RO) membrane has been enhanced with high
water permeability and high capability for removal of
ions and organic compounds by leveraging the Company’s original nano-technologies, making it stronger
against acids, alkalis and chlorine used during cleaning. This new advanced membrane technology that
imparts both high durability against chemical cleaning and outstanding separation properties is expected
to expand the membrane’s use in brackish water and
wastewater treatment in which chemical cleaning is
required even more frequently because of low quality
of raw water. It could also replace the former TM700
Series, enhancing the performance of the water treatment plant. The company will continue to seek for better water treatment solutions, to meet the customer’s
demands through the “Innovation by Chemistry”.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
The Shuwaikh Seawater Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Desalination Plant, the world’s largest SWRO plant using
dissolved air flotation (DAF) and pressurized inside-out
ultrafiltration (UF) as pre-treatment steps has proven to
efficiently treat seawater with high turbidity and reliably
operate during red tides. With a UF permeate capacity of 350 MLD (92.5 MGD) and RO output of 94.7 MLD
(30 MGD), the plant supplies drinking water for more
than 450,000 residents in Kuwait City. The plant design
gave special attention to pre-treatment as the seawater
in the area is highly saline, rich in organic components
and known for occasional red tides, which can last for 10
days. This resulted in a combination of DAF and Pentair
X-Flow’s Seaguard 40 UF membrane modules and skids.
Together, DAF and UF efficiently remove high concentrations of suspended solids and small-sized colloidal
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Computer Modeling, GIS & Telemetry
Advanced Water Meter Shipments Continue to Grow Strongly......................P.17
Real-time Integrated System to Accurately Predict Sewer Overflows...........P.18
Saudi Arabia’s Water Challenges Solved by Schneider.......................................P.19
Siemens to Focus on Automation Technology......................................................P.20
OTT Launches Portable Mag-Flow Current Meter................................................P.20
A Sustainable Water Management.............................................................................P.21
CitySprint Presents ScanTrak........................................................................................P.21
New Chlorine Sensors.....................................................................................................P.21
Wireless Measurement for Flood Warning Systems.............................................P.22
FCI Launches the FS10A.................................................................................................P.22
Photo Courtesy of Schneider Electric
‫موضوع خاص‬
‫النماذج وأنظمة املعلوماتية اجلغرافية والتشغيل‬
Advanced Water Meter Shipments
Continue to Grow Strongly
he advanced water meter market in Europe is growing at a rapid rate. In the last complete year of research, 2011, advanced water
meter shipments grew over 30 percent from 2010, to an estimated 2.6 million units in the whole of EMEA (Europe, the Middle East and
Africa). Strong growth is expected to continue, with anticipated double-digit advanced meter unit growth each year through 2014.
EMEA is the second strongest advanced metering market globally. By 2016, advanced water meter solutions are anticipated to account for
almost a third of the revenue of all water meter sales to these regions, since continuous needs of infrastructure related improvements are
expected to provide more reasons to adopt water metering technologies.
These findings come from the recently published IMS
Research (recently acquired by IHS Inc. (NYSE:IHS))
report, titled The World Market for Water Meters 2012
Edition. A continued shift towards investing in higher
value products, such as communicating meters and
static measurement technology, is resulting in revenue growth for water meter and communication
module suppliers. While unit shipment growth was
estimated at roughly 5 percent for EMEA from 2010 to
2011, revenues grew almost 7 percent over the same
time period. Nicole Juarez, the author of the study and analyst at
IMS Research, comments, “In 2011, EMEA had the
highest water meter market revenues in the world,
at over USD 1 billion, with advanced meters accounting for more than 20 percent of this. This spending
increase, observed on high-value meters, continues
to highlight a change in attitude by water utilities in
EMEA. More and more, utilities are trusting new technologies to ensure accurate billing while reducing labor costs. Additional needs, such as leak detection for
consumers, are providing even more reasons for utilities to modernize their metering infrastructure.”
The communicating meter product share increased
to almost 12 percent of total water meters shipped to
EMEA in 2011. EMEA is the second strongest advanced
metering market globally, accounting for almost 40
percent of global advanced meter shipments in 2011.
This is in large part due to advanced metering projects
and increased advanced meter penetration in regions
such as the U.K., Poland and France resulting in strong
unit growth for those sub-regions. By 2016, advanced
water meter solutions are anticipated to account for
almost a third of the revenue of all water meter sales
to EMEA. Juarez adds, “Shipments of advanced water
meters are not uniform throughout EMEA and are not
always contingent on a country’s economic strength.
Various regulations, potential labor cost savings, and
the presence of additional needs such as leak detec-
providing even
more reasons
for utilities to
their metering
tion, are all important when reviewing the marketplace in EMEA by each country or sub-region.”
This report is the 2012 update of the global water
meter market. Detailed analysis by seven measurement types advanced metering, meter read topology
and communication modules is presented in this report. IMS Research, recently acquired by IHS (NYSE:
IHS), has dedicated analyst teams focused on the factory automation, automotive, communications, computer, consumer, display, financial & ID, LED & lighting,
medical, power & energy, solar PV, smart grid and security markets. IHS (NYSE: IHS) is an accurate source of
information known globally. IHS has been in business
since 1959 and became a publicly traded company on
the New York Stock Exchange in 2005.
IMS Research
2.6 ‫ إلى ما يُقارب‬،2010 ‫ في العام‬%30 ‫ إلى نمو شحنات عدّادات المياه المتقدمة من أكثر من‬2011 ‫ يشير بحث العام األخير الكامل‬.‫تنمو سوق عدادات المياه المتقدمة في أوروبا بمعدل سريع‬
‫ تعتبر سوق أوروبا والشرق األوسط وأفريقيا ثاني أقوى سوق ألنظمة عدّادات‬.2014 ‫ ومن المتوقع أن يستمر هذا النمو القوي سنوياً حتى العام‬.‫مليون وحدة في كل من أوروبا والشرق األوسط وأفريقيا‬
‫ من المتوقع أن تكون قيمة الحلول المُقدّمة من هذه األنظمة المتقدّمة نحو ثلث إيرادات مبيعات جميع عدادات المياه في المناطق المذكورة‬،2016 ‫ بحلول العام‬.‫المياه المتقدمة على المستوى العالمي‬
.‫ حيث أن الحاجات المستمرة لتحسين البنى التحتية تعمل على توفير المزيد من األسباب لتبنّي تقنيات عدّادات المياه‬،‫أعاله‬
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Computer Modeling, GIS & Telemetry
Real-time Integrated System
to Accurately Predict Sewer Overflows
Lisbon Portugal’s sewerage network, which is managed by Saneamento Integrado dos Municípios
do Tejo e Trancão (SimTejo), comprises separate
sanitary sewers and combined wastewater systems,
as well as partially separate systems. As is typical in
the Mediterranean region, Lisbon experiences short,
intense periods of heavy rainfall that often lead to
flash floods, which when combined with high tides
often cause the network to fail. Although SimTejo
had access to large amounts of infrastructure and
operational data from their water network, they
needed a way to consolidate and integrate the huge
amount of information into useful, actionable data.
To provide real-time data for modeling emergency
and planning scenarios, and real-time operations,
SimTejo chose Bentley developer partner Hidromod
to help create a tool that enabled management of
drainage and wastewater treatment.
The sewerage systems managed by SimTejo were
all constructed using different materials and components such as inverted siphons and pumping stations. These components were installed at different
time periods, and consequently parts of the system
are in better condition than others. The network
flooded regularly at sewers, pumping stations and
wastewater treatment plants, as uncontrolled stormwater and huge quantities of grit and coarse solids
entered the sewerage systems.
SimTejo worked with Hidromod, a member of Bentley’s developer network, creating AQUASAFE according to SimTejo’s needs and requirements, to integrate
the management of drainage, wastewater treatment,
and disposal information. Using AQUASAFE provides
SimTejo with integrated models and real-time data,
enabling proactive management, including forecasting and short-term planning, while simplifying the
presentation of results for non-specialist and operations staff.
Wastewater flows calculated by SewerGEMS are automated by AQUASAFE
model (MM5 is provided by Instituto Superior Técnico). This allows SewerGEMS to provide a 24-hour
forecast of flows, velocity, water levels and pump behavior in the drainage network, land overflows, and
incoming flows to the wastewater treatment plant.
Lastly, the discharges calculated from SewerGEMS
are used as boundary conditions by MOHID, an estuary currents and level model, provided by the Instituto Superior Técnico.
Making Models Available to Operators
Implementing AQUASAFE enabled SimTejo to provide hydraulic and wastewater treatment models
typically used by engineers to the operators, extending the use of these models from a planning application to a decision-making tool, integrated into dayto-day operations. Ultimately, AQUASAFE will help
SimTejo personnel prevent, detect and respond to a
wide range of situations, including normal operation,
emergencies and customer complaints. Implementing the new system reduced pumping station failure
by 61%, saving USD 129,610 in annual maintenance
costs and USD 38,883 in penalties per year. Additionally, improving the efficiency of 90 pumping stations is expected to earn a 2% reduction in energy
consumption. Considering that in 2011 the cost of
energy for pumping was close to USD 10 million, this
represents an annual savings of approximately USD
207,376. SimTejo anticipates a further USD 233,208
annual energy savings related to the wastewater
treatment plant.
Real-time Information
AQUASAFE automated the execution of Bentley’s
SewerGEMS and connected it to real-time data and
weather forecasts. SewerGEMS – used for the analysis of the sewer system, including the catchment
area, and for offline studies to improve operations
and energy efficiency on the pumping system – was
seamlessly integrated using Bentley’s WaterObjects.
NET customization technology.
The sewer model automatically runs every 15 minutes with updated measured rainfall and rainfall forecasts from an operational meteorological forecast
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫موضوع خاص‬
‫النماذج وأنظمة املعلوماتية اجلغرافية والتشغيل‬
Saudi Arabia’s Water
Challenges Solved
by Schneider
Solutions for integrated electrical and control systems for
desalination plant projects
Consistent investment in desalination and domestic agriculture has allowed the Saudi govern­ment to provide sufficient water to service public infrastructure and industrial requirements. However, with the rapid population
growth impacting an escalating demand on water use,
the need to secure plen­tiful water for all future requirements poses an inevitable challenge. A global specialist in energy management, Schneider Electric offers
proven solutions that contribute to enhancing water
production, distribution, and re-use. The company has
grown its footprint to over 100 countries. Within Saudi
Arabia itself, its manufacturing unit that was installed
30 years ago continues to be an important production
base for the Middle East region. Offering a portfolio of
industry-relevant solutions, the company is regarded as
one of the global providers of electric power equipment
for infrastructure projects in several sectors including
water. In collaboration with local and global contracting
companies in the water segment, Schneider Electric provides solutions for integrated electrical and control systems for desalination plant projects, sewage treatment
plants, water transmission systems for pipeline projects,
distribution networks and pumping stations, as well as a
number of agricultural and industrial water projects. Recently, Schneider Electric also inked an agreement with
UK-based Anglian Water Services Limited for the installation of Telvent systems to manage Anglian’s large water distribution and sanitation network in England and
Wales. As a focal part of the project, Anglian will monitor
system, pressure and leakage. Towards this end, the utilities provider will use ‘smart water network tools’ that improve operational efficiency and reduce water wastage
and downtime through accessing real-time information
from the network. This facility will enable Anglian Water
Services to report and respond with speed and the highest accuracy, regardless of the geographical location.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Computer Modeling, GIS & Telemetry
Siemens to Focus on Automation Technology
Siemens has decided to reorganize its activities in
the water business. The company intends to focus in
the future on automation and drive solutions for the
control of water applications for municipalities and
industry. The Business Unit known as Siemens Water
Technologies, which offers solutions for municipal and
industrial water purification and wastewater treatment,
is to be sold along with the corresponding service activities. “This business shows only minor synergies with
our industrial portfolio, as the skills for water treatment
are primarily based on chemical expertise. Instead of
investing into that business, we want to gear our resources toward our core portfolio,” said Siegfried Russwurm, member of the Siemens AG Managing Board
and CEO of the Industry Sector. Siemens Water Tech-
nologies is active predominantly in the North American market and recently underwent a comprehensive
restructuring. Strengthening Siemens’ core activities
is one of the five main action fields in the corporate
program “Siemens 2014”. “In the future, we will concentrate our water business on solutions along our core
areas of expertise in electrical engineering. These are in
the automation and drive technology used to operate
waterworks and sewage plants as well as sea water desalination plants,” said Anton S. Huber, CEO of the Industry Automation Division at Siemens. “For the business,
which is organized in the Water Technologies Business
Unit, we are looking for the right buyer with a sustainable growth perspective who is willing to invest in this
business and generate more synergies.”
OTT Launches Portable Mag-Flow Current Meter
OTT Hydrometry has launched a new portable current meter for fast accurate flow measurements in
open channels. The OTT MF Pro is robust, simple to
use and able to provide accurate measurements in
shallow or low flow conditions, even in turbulent, high
sediment or at sites where weed growth is an issue.
As an electromagnetic current meter with no moving
parts, the OTT MF Pro requires almost no maintenance
and never requires recalibration. The instrument’s display guides users through the cross-section measurements and velocity data are graphed in real-time, allowing trends to be visualized quickly. Users can enter
depth information manually during the measurement
work or an optional depth sensor is available. At the
end of the measurement, the instrument automatically calculates discharge employing recognized international standards for flow monitoring. All data is
logged and can be transferred to PC at a later time.
OTT’s Robin Guy, a flow monitoring specialist, says “The
MF Pro will be extremely popular with hydrologists
because measurements often need to be taken quickly and many rivers and streams are difficult to access,
so a lightweight, robust, fast instrument is ideal.” OTT
Hydrometry manufactures products that enable water
professionals to monitor the planet's most precious resource. Through the delivery of accurate reliable data,
OTT's instruments and services provide essential tools
to help protect the environment. The company’s measurement and communication technologies provide a
complete picture of the water cycle.
The OTT MF Pro never requires recalibration
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫موضوع خاص‬
‫النماذج وأنظمة املعلوماتية اجلغرافية والتشغيل‬
A Sustainable Water Management
Regular and precise monitoring of water supply facilities is highly important for maintaining a wellbalanced water supply. Adcon Telemetry offers the
easiest and most cost-effective solution for collecting all data required for efficient water management,
easy, comfortably and effortlessly. The company’s solar powered low-power radio (430-470 MHz) or GSM/
GPRS technology continuously transmits the data directly to the office allowing for quick and precise management decisions. Large control and section meters
are usually read every 2 to 4 weeks. This costs time and
money, not only when reading the meters, but also
when entering the values into the computer system.
Monitoring water level is one of the major tasks of all
drinking water providers, hydrographical institutions,
dam operators, sewer managers, flood protection
agencies, and of many others. Current water level is an
important indicator that triggers imminent action. In
addition, agriculture has the major share in water consumption. But unfortunately this precious resource is
far from being used wisely. For all above applications,
An Adcon radio system delivers data 24/7, at any time,
any season and any location. Data is available in near
real time; any alarming shifts in water levels can immediately trigger the required action. All Adcon Remote
The A753 addWAVE GPRS, a multipurpose data logger
Telemetry Units can be used with these sensors. The
savings in time, man power and traveling cost are considerable. Intervals between visits of the monitoring
sites can be largely extended.
CitySprint Presents
New Chlorine
CitySprint, UK’s largest
same day distribution company will be presenting its
ScanTrak delivery solution
to key members of the water industry at the Water,
Wastewater and Environmental Monitoring ConferScanTrak eliminates the
ence 2012. CitySprint’s Scanchances of mis-delivery
Trak technology uses a live
GPS track and trace system to ensure a secure chain of
custody for specialist samples, documents and packages. Using uniquely coded location barcode scanning, ScanTrak also eliminates the chances of mis-delivery, helping to reduce costs. Those using the ScanTrak service have access to an online dashboard, where
they will have a full electronic audit trail available to
view, and the capability to track the progress of their
deliveries via a real-time GPS location. The company’s
extensive UK network handles over 5 million critical
deliveries per year.
Prominent UK has partnered with
Weschem to launch the new cost effective Prominent Dulcometer Compact Controller and Dulcotest CLB2
and CLB3 chlorine sensors. The NEW
compact Dulcotest® sensors CLB2
and CLB3 are used for the online
measurement of the free chlorine in maintenance-free
relatively pure water such as drinking and swimming
pool water. They are extremely inexpensive and almost
maintenance-free. The open amperometric sensor is
simply replaced after a service life of approximately 1-2
years without any need to simultaneously change the
electrolyte. CLB2 is temperature- compensated using
the integral temperature sensor and can be used where
there are varying process temperatures. By contrast, the
somewhat cheaper CLB3 (without temperature compensation) is used at constant temperatures. The sensors are operated in the bypass to the main line up to
a maximum back pressure of 3 bar and are compatible
with all standard valves for pH sensors.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Computer Modeling, GIS & Telemetry
Wireless Measurement for Flood Warning Systems
Flooding, both predicted and sudden, has become an
increasingly common phenomenon in recent years.
The SonicSens 2 battery-powered ultrasonic level and
flow sensor, from specialist manufacturer HWM, offers
non-contact, accurate, remote and wireless monitoring of water levels and flow rates. The ultrasonic sensor precisely measures the distance to (and therefore
level of ) the water surface, and can automatically
send alerts to up to 16 phone numbers when the level
reaches specified thresholds. When an alarm condition activates, it can also provide accelerated dial-in
functionality, allowing users to quickly access detailed,
relevant and timely new information when they have
to. For early flood warning systems, the device’s versatile telemetry options, robust construction and long
battery life make SonicSens 2 particularly well-suited:
not requiring any ongoing maintenance or supporting infrastructure, it is perfect for “fit and forget” operations in hard to access locations. Once installed, it
will continue to function as programmed without the
need for local access, upkeep or interaction. The system is supplied with user-friendly PC-based software
that significantly speeds and eases the installation and
setup process. The intelligent sensor features adjust-
Sending alerts to up to 16 phone numbers when the level
reaches specified thresholds
able range settings, a variable dead band or blanking
distance, self-diagnostics and an alarm condition in
the event of echo loss. Intrinsically safe and ATEX versions are available for use in potentially hazardous
environments, and a second channel capability (digital
or analogue) allows for additional temperature, pressure (depth) or flow logging via an external device.
FCI Launches the FS10A
Water and wastewater operations and plant engineers
in search of a flow switch/monitor to ensure flow to
their water or gas sampling systems or analyzers will
The FS10A features a choice of electronic outputs
Arab Water World (AWW)
find their solution in the Model FS10A Analyzer Flow
Switch/Monitor from Fluid Components International (FCI). No matter how sophisticated a fluid analyzer
system may be, it will be ineffective if a sample flow
fails to reach the analyzer sensor. The most advanced
systems in the world cannot provide accurate results
without a valid fluid sample. That’s why FCI developed
the advanced FS10 Analyzer Flow/Switch Monitor. The
new technology is designed for use with tubing from
1/8 inch to 1/2 inch and the electronics may be either
integrally mounted or remote mounted from the sensor element. It is extremely sensitive to low flow rate
detection, there are no moving parts to foul or clog,
and there are no cavities, orifices or dead-legs to trap
or contaminate samples. FS10A is suitable for application in liquid or gas analyzer sampling systems. It is
small, lightweight and features a choice of electronic
outputs including open collector, relay and 4-20mA
outputs. Limit alarms are also user programmable for
time delay and/or hysteresis. An on-board 10-LED array provides at-a-glance visual indication to the user
of flow rate and whether the alarm limit has been
tripped. All FS10A set-up parameters can be performed via its two front panel push buttons or via a PC
over its RS232C I/O.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Industry Spotlights
Pipes, Valves & Controls
Using Aerospace Materials to Build Endless Pipeline..........................................P.25
Honeywell’s New Smartline Pressure Transmitters..............................................P.27
Unique Line of Pipes by FPI..........................................................................................P.28
Metso Valves for Sappi's Ngodwana Fiberline Expansion.................................P.28
A Good Thrust: The Pumps’ Market............................................................................P.30
High Efficiency Desalination Pump Solutions........................................................P.31
Seepex’s Technology at Ringsend WWTP.................................................................P.31
Constant Development of High Efficiency Pumps...............................................P.32
C.R.I.’s New Solar Submersible Pumps.......................................................................P.32
Water Storage
Use of Geosynthetics in Water Harvesting Ponds.................................................P.33
Safeguarding Water with Kryton’s Waterproofing System................................P.34
Technical Solutions for Coastal Groundwater Resource Management.........P.35
Bandab Fights Water Challenges.................................................................................P.35
Photo Courtesy of Bandab Consulting Engineers
‫أخبار صناعية‬
‫األنابيب والص ّمامات واحملابس‬
Using Aerospace Materials
to Build Endless Pipeline
o Ehsani, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering at the University of Arizona, has designed a new, lightweight underground pipe he says
could transform the pipeline construction industry. Instead of conventional concrete or steel, Ehsani's new pipe consists of a central layer
of lightweight plastic honeycomb, similar to that used in the aerospace industry, sandwiched between layers of resin-saturated carbon
fiber fabric. In combination, these materials are as strong, or stronger, than conventional steel and concrete pipes, which are time-consuming and
expensive to manufacture and transport. The following paper sheds the light on this new pipline technology, named InfinitePipe.
Concrete and steel pipes are built in short sections
to fit on standard 18-wheel trucks, but Ehsani's new
pipe can be built onsite as a single section of virtually infinite length, hence the product name InfinitPipe.
The heavy industrial manufacturing processes, longdistance trucking, and leak-prone joints used in steel
and concrete pipe construction exact a heavy toll on
the environment, not to mention bottom line, which is
why Ehsani's company, QuakeWrap, is marketing InfinitPipe as the world's first "green" pipe. "There are really two aspects to this invention," Ehsani said. "One is
this new type of lightweight honeycomb pipe. Second
is our ability to give clients an endless or infinite pipe,
without a joint. That is a big, big breakthrough in the
pipeline industry that has implications for natural gas,
oil, water and sewer pipes."
Long sections of joint-free pipe
A literally infinite pipe is, of course, not feasible, but
Ehsani's method of manufacturing could create extremely long sections of joint-free pipe. "We could
make a section a mile long," he said. "Of course, every
thousand feet or so, you'd need an expansion joint so
the pipe can breathe, but this would certainly not be
the same concern we have today, where we have to put
a joint every 20 feet." The secret of producing virtually
endless pipe sections lies in the manufacturing methodology. Ehsani wraps the various layers of carbon fabric and honeycomb around a mandrel, a kind of tubular mold with a cross-sectional shape that matches the
pipe's internal cross-section, which is typically, but not
always, circular.
"We basically start with a tube and wrap the materials
on the outside," Ehsani said. "A couple of layers of carbon fabric, then we put on the honeycomb and then a
couple of layers of carbon or glass fiber on the outside.
This becomes the pipe." After testing this manufacturing method, Ehsani had a "eureka" moment when he
realized that the finished pipe could be partially slid off
the mandrel, and more pipe could be added to the section of pipe remaining on the mandrel. "I thought, why
don't we just slip this off of the mandrel and continue
making this pipe?" Ehsani said. "Never stop."
Carbon fiber, resin and aerospace honeycomb are all
very light materials that can be transported at a frac-
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
Photo Courtesy of A.A Bin Hindi
method of
manufacturing could
create extremely long
sections of
tion of the cost of conventional prefabricated steel and
concrete pipe, and Ehsani said he is looking for partners to develop an automated mobile unit to make the
pipes onsite. "Imagine having a truck with a mandrel
in the back," Ehsani said. "You start making the pipe
on, say, a 20-foot mandrel, and pull off 18 feet so you
have two feet left on the mandrel," he said. "Then you
just move the truck forward and drop the pipe in the
ground, and keep adding pipe."
Boosting local economies
As if virtually eliminating transportation costs, slashing
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
industry spotlights
Pipes, Valves & Controls
Photo Courtesy: University of Arizona College of Engineering
Conception of how Ehsani's mobile pipe-laying truck could create a pipeline of
virtually infinite length Graphic illustration by Reynard Perrin and Joerg Schmit
manufacturing costs, and reducing environmental impact weren't enough, Ehsani sees this pipe technology
creating jobs and boosting local economies. "Suppose
you have a pipeline project in a developing nation,"
Ehsani said. "You could ship the raw materials to the
workers there and they could make this pipe in their
own village. No matter what size or shape they want, all
they need to do is build a mandrel and make the pipe
on the spot. We would be making it with local people
under our supervision."
Closer to home, Ehsani cites the recently awarded USD
10.7 million contract to build the first four miles of
pipe for the billion dollar Navajo-Gallup water supply
project, which involves building a 280-mile pipeline to
supply water to more than 40 Navajo communities in
New Mexico and Arizona. "The contractor is making a
42-inch diameter pipe for four miles, which works out
to USD 507 a foot," Ehsani said. "Really, we could have
that pipe built faster with the help of local labor and
put it in place sooner, without having to wait to order
it and ship it, and all of that expense." Ehsani said he
didn't really set out to turn pipeline construction on its
head, but the project took on a life of its own. "We developed this originally with the intention of fixing existing pipes," he said. "Then as we started getting into
this thing, I realized it could be a real game-changing
breakthrough technology." The breakthrough did not
happen overnight. In the late 1980s, Ehsani and Hamid Saadatmanesh, both of the UA department of civil
engineering and engineering mechanics, pioneered
research into repairing and retrofitting bridges and
buildings using fiber-reinforced polymers, so the technology is well established. "There's a lot of history on
these materials," Ehsani said, which has enabled him to
refine the pipe manufacturing process to use smaller
amounts of better quality materials. "Because we're using our materials in a smart manner, we can afford to
use the higher end material," Ehsani said. "So instead of
cheaper glass fabric, we use carbon. Instead of polyester resin, we use epoxy. Because we don't have a solid
core, we can afford to put the expensive material on
the skin."
If Ehsani's concept for mobile pipe manufacture using lightweight components takes off, he envisions an
industry freed from the shackles of heavy industrial
plant. "As a business model, a company that wants to
get into pipeline manufacturing with one of these mobile trucks could have a factory anywhere in the world,"
he said. "You could be doing a job in Hawaii today and
next week be working in Panama. You're no longer limited by where your factory is."
Photo courtesy of University of Arizona College of Engineering
“Ehsani sees
this pipe
creating jobs
and boosting local
QuakeWrap president Mo Ehsani, professor emeritus of
civil engineering at the University of Arizona, easily lifts a
section of StifPipe built at his facility in Tucson, Ariz
Mo Ehsani
Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering
University of Arizona
‫ بدالً من استعمال‬.‫ يقول أنه يمكن أن يغيّر صناعة وتشييد خطوط األنابيب‬،‫ أنبوب جديد وخفيف يُستعمل تحت األرض‬،‫ األستاذ في الهندسة المدنية في جامعة أريزونا‬،‫صمّم مو إحساني‬
،‫ مماثلة لتلك المستخدمة في صناعة الطيران‬،‫ تتكون أنابيب إحساني الجديدة من طبقة وسطى من البالستيك الخفيف الوزن التي تأتي على شكل أقراص العسل‬،‫الخرسانة أو الفوالذ التقليديْن‬
‫ تع ّد هذه المواد بقوة أو أقوى من األنابيب المصنوعة من األسمنت أو الفوالذ التقليدية والتي تستغرق وقتاً طويالً وكلف ًة‬،‫ عند جمعها‬.‫وتقع بين طبقات من نسيج ألياف الكربون المشبع بالراتنج‬
."‫ والتي تدعى "األنبوب غير المحدود‬،‫ يلقي هذا المقال الضوء على تقنية خطوط األنابيب الجديدة‬.‫أكبر للتصنيع والنقل‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫أخبار صناعية‬
‫األنابيب والص ّمامات واحملابس‬
Honeywell’s New
Smartline Pressure
SmartLine transmitters feature modular components to
simplify field repairs
Honeywell launched its new range of SmartLine™
industrial pressure transmitters, which will enhance
communication abilities, improve operational efficiency and reduce lifecycle costs for process manufacturers. In industrial process plants, field devices that measure pressure, flow and level are used throughout the
manufacturing process to support safe and efficient
production. Large industrial complexes, such as those
for refining crude oil, can have thousands of these devices to support their manufacturing processes. Honeywell SmartLine pressure transmitters make it easier
to support field devices and promote plant reliability
with their unique efficiency-enhancing features, such
as a graphic display capable of showing process data
in graphical formats and communicating messages
from the control room. SmartLine transmitters also
feature modular components to simplify field repairs
and reduce inventory required to make those repairs.
“SmartLine is designed to provide the lowest total cost
of ownership at every point in the project lifecycle to
help customers’ operations be more efficient, their
process more accurate and their plant more reliable,”
said Don Maness, VP Field Products, Honeywell Process
Solutions. The new display supports graphical process
data in easy-to-read trend lines and bar graphs while
also providing a unique platform for operator messages, comprehensive diagnostic warnings, and loop
status for maintenance. These capabilities allow control room operators to send messages to the display to
make it easier and faster for field operators to identify
the correct transmitter and determine required maintenance tasks.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
industry spotlights
Pipes, Valves & Controls
Unique Line of Pipes by FPI
Established in 1984, Future Pipe Industries Group
(FPI) is the global specialist in the large diameter fiberglass pipe industry, designing, manufacturing and
supplying fiberglass pipe systems (Fiberstrong™ and
Wavistrong™) for customers in over 50 countries. FPI’s
operations include nine factories and a global network
of sales offices across four continents serving customers and end users in a wide variety of sectors including
Oil & Gas, Desalination & Power, Municipal & Infrastructure, Water Distribution, Industrial, Petrochemical
and Marine. The Fiberstrong™ pipes can be used in a
wide range of applications for both underground and
aboveground installations, including seawater intake
and outfall lines, chlorination systems, seawater cooling systems, water transmission lines, district cooling
pipe systems, potable water trunk lines and irrigation
pipe systems and various sewer or drainage pipe systems. These pipes are ideal for use in coastal areas.
The diameter range of Fiberstrong™ pipes and fittings
ranges from 80 mm to 4000 mm. Pressure classes are
available up to 25 barg. and the maximum design
temperature is 50ºC for polyester resin and 82°C for
vinylester resin. The Wavistrong™ pipes and fittings
are used for a wide range of applications for both un-
Ideal for use in coastal areas
derground and aboveground installations, including
potable water lines, seawater cooling systems, industrial waste and marine and offshore applications. Over
1,000 miles of Wavistrong™ pipe systems have been
successfully installed throughout the world under the
most corrosive and demanding conditions in refineries
and power plants.
Metso Valves
for Sappi's Ngodwana Fiberline Expansion
The long-term relationship between Sappi Ngodwana
and Metso is strengthened by a new contract for automated valves and services to increase the mill's efficiency. Metso will deliver all the automated process
valves required for Sappi's fiberline expansion in the
Ngodwana mill in South Africa. In this project, called
Go-Cell, the existing fiberline is being expanded to
produce chemical (specialized) cellulose, also known
as dissolving pulp. In total, over 700 automated valves
will be delivered during the final quarter of 2012, and
the mill start-up is scheduled for early 2013. Metso
was chosen as a supplier because of the proven quality and reliability of its solutions in similar applications
worldwide. The existing, large installed valve base in
the mill makes it beneficial for Sappi to select Neles
products once again, as this will facilitate the successful management of shutdowns, inventories and
spare parts. The decision to choose Metso was further
reinforced by the long relationship between the organizations and the excellent service support provided
to the mill. Metso will supply all the automated on-off
and control valves with intelligent Profibus positioners
for the new fiberline, and for upgraded process areas
in evaporation and ash leaching. The delivery includes
valves in stainless steel, duplex stainless steel, titanium, SMO and ceramic material in sizes from DN25
to DN500. All valves are equipped with pneumatic
cylinder actuators and intelligent positioners or limit
The existing fiberline is being expanded to produce chemical cellulose
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
industry spotlights
A Good Thrust:
The Pumps’ Market
he scarce availability of clean drinking water, coupled with the growing need for power across the world, is expected to drive further
demands for pumps. The increasing global population and urbanization are also expected to enhance growth in the global pumps
market and attract investments to improve the availability of drinking water and sanitation. These Investments are expected to enhance
the growth prospects of various pump types; improving infrastructures of many countries in the Middle East region, among other regions, is
pushing forward the pump market.
Pumps: a big business
The range of countries which are seeing strong demand for pumps and valves is wide. Different companies are reporting success in different areas. The
variation of projects on offer in a number of different
countries in the MENA region is part of what makes
this such a vibrant and profitable industry. Experts say
that the Middle East market for pumps remains stronger than several other regions of the world within
those countries which have stability. Qatar is investing
billions on projects to improve Doha's infrastructure,
and power and energy is one of the areas it is focusing
on. Other countries such as the UAE and Saudi Arabia
are also seeing a large number of infrastructure projects being planned or coming online.
A recent report titled “Pumps: World Markets” by the
McIlvaine Company estimates that the world market for pumps used by industry, municipalities and
for irrigation will total an estimated USD 45 billion by
2017. That's USD 7 billion more than the current annual sales. McIlvaine predicts Middle East expenditures
will rise as the region increasingly becomes a supplier
of refined rather than raw products. Pump sales in this
region are also expected to be boosted by desalination plant investments. There are not only pumps to
overcome the high resistance of the reverse-osmosis
membranes, but additional pumps to recover the energy in the rejected cross-flowing seawater. New regulations for ballast water treatment and scrubbing of
vessel stack emissions are also expected to help boost
pump sales, while expanded production of oil and gas
from subsea sources will also require many large and
expensive pumps.
McIlvaine predicts East Asia will account for more than
33 percent of the market in 2017, with growth in this
region driven mostly by new infrastructure and heavy
industrial spending. More power plants will be built
in this region in the next five years than in the rest of
the world combined, according to McIlvaine. Investment in municipal wastewater treatment and drinking water facilities is also expected to outstrip other
“The Middle
East market
for pumps
stronger than
several other
regions. Because of aridity in much of the region, investment in irrigation pumps is also figured to be substantial.
Growth in NAFTA will be led by the non-conventional
oil and gas sector, according to McIlvaine. Pennsylvania, Texas and other states in the West are expected
to continue to expand their production of gas and
oil from shale, generating substantial investments in
pumps. In fact, McIlvaine says pumps to deliver the
fracturing water at high pressure to locations 12,000
feet below the surface are already in short supply,
as manufacturers struggle to meet a USD 1 billion
per year demand. Western Europe is expected to be
a slow growth market characterized by a large percentage of replacement pumps and parts for existing
plants as compared to pumps for new plants. Eastern
Europe will reflect growth in expenditures to meet environmental regulations required for European Union
Prepared by:
Rawand Fakih
Assistant Editor & Researcher
‫ بات معروفاً أنه من المتوقع أن يساهم التوسع العمراني وزيادة‬.‫تساهم ندرة المياه النظيفة والحاجة المتزايدة إلى الطاقة في جميع أنحاء العالم في اإلرتفاع المتزايد للطلب على المضخات‬
‫ من المتوقع أن تعزّز هذه اإلستثمارات آفاق النمو في سوق أنواع المضخات‬.‫السكان في تعزيز النمو في سوق المضخات العالمية وجذب اإلستثمارات لتحسين توافر مياه الشرب والصرف الصحي‬
.ً‫ يدفع بسوق المضخات قُدما‬،‫ بين مناطق آخرى‬،‫المختلفة؛ فتحسين البنى التحتية في العديد من البلدان في منطقة الشرق األوسط‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫أخبار صناعية‬
High Efficiency Desalination Pump Solutions
The need to produce drinking water from saline water is growing around the globe. As a full line supplier
to Reverse Osmo­sis (RO) and Multi Effect Distillation
(MED) desalina­tion plants, Sulzer Pumps has developed two new high pressure pumps for RO desalination applications. These are namely based on proven
successes in other industries' applications such as Oil
and Gas, Power Generation, Water and Pulp and Paper.
MSD-RO, derived from the renowned MSD range is the
newest axially split, multistage, double volute high
pressure pump for membrane feed in RO desalination
plants. It meets the needs of high pressure pump for
desalination market in large Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO) Plants, covering train capacities from
20,000-30,000 m3/d. MSD-RO is the result of Sulzer's
experience in supplying high pressure pumps for large
SWRO plants worldwide totaling 2.5 million m3/d installed capacity. MBN-RO, developed from the famous
MBN range is the latest ring section multistage high
pressure pump for membrane feed in RO desalination
plants. It has been designed specifically for high pressure membrane feed services in SWRO applications.
In addition to its top class efficiency, it provides the
advantage of easy maintenance with quick and easy
access to main wear parts such as mechanical seals
or bearings without disassembling the suction and
The MBN-RO covers capacities up to 1,000 m3/h
discharge nozzle. Manufactured in Duplex or Superduplex, it fulfills the most stringent needs of a high pressure pump for desalination market, covering capacities up to 1,000 m3/h.
Seepex’s Technology at Ringsend WWTP
Seepex GmbH, headquartered in Bottrop, Germany,
develops, manufactures and globally markets progressive cavity pumps, macerators and control systems
for delivering low to highly-viscous, aggressive and
abrasive media. One of its latest innovations is the
“Smart Conveying Technology” (SCT). The development of this Technology has effected a fundamental
improvement in progressive pump technology by dividing the stator into two halves. The inclusion of this
technology will dramatically reduce the maintenance
time and also allow pump blockages to be cleared
easily in a fraction of the time. One customer who got
an impression of the benefits of SCT is Celtic Anglian
Water who operates and maintains the Ringsend
Wastewater Treatment Plant for Dublin City Council, which is amongst the largest and most advanced
wastewater treatment plants in Europe. Ringsend is
an inner suburb of Dublin, the capital of the Republic
of Ireland. Dublin's Ringsend WWTP was designed to
serve a population of approximately 1.2 million p.e.
with a sludge production of 37,000 dry tonnes per
year. The chosen solutions have been a combination
of sequencing batch reactor (SBR) technology and
anaerobic digestion with thermal hydrolysis pre-treatment (THP). Seepex has provided approximately 90
progressive cavity pumps of range BN from their conventional design of BN pumps to this site for various
applications including the sludge handling in the THP
process. Both the Operations Manager and Maintenance Manager are completely satisfied with the performance of the Smart Conveying Technology.
The new technology allows pump blockages to be cleared easily
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
industry spotlights
Constant Development of High Efficiency Pumps
During EIMA 2012 Exhibition in Bologna (Italy), in addition to the consolidated production, Rovatti Pompe
had the pleasure of presenting the following new
productions which extend the already wide range of
high-efficiency pumps:
The SNF series: wide range of horizontal single-stage
bareshaft pumps able to ensure efficiency at the top
of the market next to an incredible ease of maintenance thanks to the exclusive Twinner System® (supplied with the packed gland version). With the laterally
rotating outlet up to 90° on both sides and performance compliant with EN 733 standards, this product
line represents the best solution to meet every pumping need which requires high performance, low running cost and minimized maintenance operation.
The FNF series: wide range of horizontal centrifugal
flanged pumps for thermic engines also able to guarantee the same high efficiency next to an incredible
ease of maintenance thanks to the exclusive Twinner
System®. This product line is characterized by the maximum ease of installation in order to quickly fit any
pumping need.
The SKD150 series: range of high pressure horizontal
multistage pumps with double support which extends
The SKD150 is able to achieve impressive heads with adequate flow rates
the well-known SKD range able to achieve impressive
heads with adequate flow rates. All the executions are
available with grease lubricated bearings or oil lubricated bearings. The oil lubricated bearings version is
available with external liquid cooling system with heat
exchanger in order to ensure the maximum troublefree operation.
C.R.I.’s New Solar Submersible Pumps
C.R.I. Pumps with 5 decades of engineering expertise
in the pump industry and dedicated to keep up with
its innovative spirit, presents a complete Solar Pump-
ing system to ensure that even in areas where there
is little or no power distribution, the need for water
is met. It is also part of the Company’s initiatives to
promote Green Energy. The company’s Solar Pumps
are developed with different materials of construction. Both Screw and Centrifugal type Solar Pumps
are available with different head and flow range to
meet customer requirements. Lower capacity pumps
of these systems are supplied with C.R.I. Oil filled permanent magnet, brushless DC motors. Higher capacity
pumps are supplied with C.R.I. Water filled rewindable A.C motors. High quality polycrystalline solar
panel ensures optimum efficiency of the system. The
new solar pumps have many features, which mainly
are: Eco Friendly / Centrifugal & Helical Rotor Design /
Silicon Crystalline PV Technology / High Module Efficiency / Pumps Available in 3 Different Constructions /
Dry Run Protector / NEMA Mounting Standard / Water
Level Sensor / Powered by C.R.I. Brand D.C / A.C Motors. These pumps can be used in various applications,
such as: Residential / Irrigation / Live Stock Farms /
Remote Areas / Public Water Supply / Small Farms /
De-Watering / Industries / Golf Courses. C.R.I Pumps
always keeps pace with the changing scenario and its
unerring teamwork has brought in impeccable recognition for its products.
Both Screw and Centrifugal type Solar Pumps are available
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫أخبار صناعية‬
‫ختزين املياه‬
Use of Geosynthetics
in Water Harvesting Ponds
By Mazen Zureikat*
ainwater harvesting is the accumulation and storage of rainwater. The harvested water is used for many purposes including potable
water, livestock needs, irrigation and groundwater recharge. Rain water harvesting is essential when surface water is inadequate to
meet demand (especially in the summer season) and when ground water is not a feasible alternative (recourse wise, technical and/or
financial). The following article sheds the light on the objectives of rainwater harvesting in Jordan and the importance of using water proofing
systems in such processes.
Over 2,200 years ago, the Nabateans constructed water-harvesting structures such as dams, canals and
reservoirs in the southern part of Jordan. In addition,
water harvesting techniques were used during ancient Roman and Islamic eras. Inhabiting arid regions
forced the ancients to develop many water collection and storage techniques. Thus, over the course of
human history, techniques and structures were developed to collect, store and preserve the harvested
rain water in accessible water bodies as underground
tanks, ponds, check dams, weirs etc.
Jordan is one of the fourth driest countries in the
World. Water supply from surface sources has declined substantially over the past ten years. Over the
past 50 years, Jordan has come to depend primarily
on groundwater for its municipal, industrial and highlands agricultural sectors. During the past 20 years,
Jordan’s public and private sectors have engaged in
extensive well-drilling and over-pumping of groundwater that is far beyond natural recharge capacity. Demand for water exceeds Jordan's available water resources. Water for irrigation utilizes 71% of the water
demand and 64% of water supply. As municipal, industrial and tourism water use increases, irrigated agriculture in the highlands will need to be capped and
regulated and the by-laws will need to be reinforced.
Because of water limited resources in Jordan, drought
years and population growth, experts developed
many means of rain water harvesting at all levels to
reach the point of best water resources management.
Jordanians are well aware of water scarcity and the
importance of conserving and protecting limited water resources. To increase area of cultivated lands and
yet farm’s production, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation and Ministry of Agriculture encouraged farmers
to adopt water harvesting techniques at high lands.
There are two main objectives of rain water harvestings; the first one is to collect and store rainwater on
the surface for future uses, and the second is to collect
rainwater for groundwater recharge.
Water harvesting methods can be applied at small
scale (farm level) and large scale (catchment level).
Water harvesting at farm level is simple and low cost
such as contour ridges, earth bunds, small pits, runoff basins, terraces and many others. Water harvest-
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
“Seepage and
to the loss of
40 - 50% of
stored water
ing at large farm’s catchment level is more costly but
can store good amount of rain water to be used in
drought periods and can be used for many years with
little maintenance, methods are ranging from dams
or ponds, rock walls, underground reservoirs, dug pits
and others.
The water bodies/ponds shall be located in the lower
part of the farm catchment area to maximize the water quantity and fasten pond’s filling. The size of water
bodies/ponds should be worked out considering annual rainfall probable runoff, catchment area and topography. The water bodies/ponds may be of different shapes; circular, squared, rectangular, or irregular
shaped where steep topography and hard rock strata
encountered. The main challenge pertaining to the
preservation of the collected water has and contin-
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
industry spotlights
Water Storage
“It is
to construct
water velocity
reducers and
settling basins
from concrete”
able strata where total losses may reach 70%, out of
which 80% would be due to seepage losses alone. To
eliminate seepage, hence optimizing the storage process, it is the recommended that the bed of the water
body/pond be supplied with lining and water proofing using adequate proven system and materials.
An efficient lining and water proofing system consists
of lining the soil surface (bed) with water proof membranes such as high density polyethylene (HDPE) with
minimum thickness of 1.0 mm and a nonwoven protection Geotextile under layer of 250 g/m2. Both materials mentioned above are manufactured, supplied
and tested in full compliance with the international
standards of the Geosynthetic Research Institute
(GRI). To reduce the quantity of soil particles entering the pond, it is recommended to construct water
velocity reducers and settling basins from concrete,
which will prolong the life of pond and liners within.
ues to be the reduction of seepage and evaporation
losses. Seepage and evaporation may contribute to
the loss of 40 - 50% of stored water quantity. This percentage may increase drastically in the case of perme-
Eng. Mazen Zureikat
Arabian Environmental Construction Co.
‫ يعتبر تجميع‬.‫ يتم استخدام هذه المياه المحصودة ألغراض كثيرة منها مياه الشرب واحتياجات الثروة الحيوانية والري وتغذية المياه الجوفية‬.‫حصاد مياه األمطار هو تراكم وتخزين مياه األمطار‬
.)‫أو المالية‬/‫ التقنية و‬،‫مياه األمطار أمر ضروري عندما تكون المياه السطحية غير كافية لتلبية الطلب (خاصة في فصل الصيف) وعندما ال تكون المياه الجوفية بديالً مجدياً (اللجوء إلى الحكمة‬
.‫تسلط المقالة التالية الضوء على أهداف حصاد مياه األمطار في األردن وأهمية استخدام أنظمة التصميد المائي في هذه عمليات‬
Safeguarding Water
with Kryton’s Waterproofing System
Traditionally, concrete water tanks have not incorporated a waterproofing system until a problem has
surfaced. If they were waterproofed, it was by using an external membrane, which was vulnerable to
punctures, tearing and breakdown over time. Cracks
have been filled with Oakum to stop water flow, epoxy
Lasting environmental problems can result if a wastewater treatment plant
leaks, contaminating surrounding soil
Arab Water World (AWW)
coatings have been applied or polyurethane plastic
liners have been welded together inside the tank to
block water leakage. While these methods may have
provided temporary relief, none have been proven as
effective as integral crystalline waterproofing. Cracks
and defects repaired with crystalline systems such as
Kryton’s Krystol Crack Repair System will outlast traditional epoxy or urethane repairs. When Kryton’s Krystol Internal Membrane (KIM), a crystalline admixture,
is added directly to the concrete, a permanent waterproof shield is created. Crystals will form upon contact
with water or moisture, filling the voids and capillaries
in the concrete to block the ingress of water and contaminants. Krystol Internal Membrane will only grow
stronger over time, and will not need to be replaced,
saving future expense. By eliminating the time and
costs associated with installing conventional membranes, KIM has enabled builders to meet tight timeframe and financial obligations. Investing the time to
research, compare and select the best waterproofing
system for water tanks provides peace-of-mind to the
community by knowing their water supply is safe and
healthy for many years to come.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫أخبار صناعية‬
‫ختزين املياه‬
Technical Solutions for Coastal Groundwater
Resource Management
Managing groundwater resources is challenging in
water-scarce regions, particularly in saline coastal areas.
This is due to the pumping of groundwater, which pulls
saline water into freshwater aquifers and deteriorates
the quality and volume of the resource. The challenge
is even greater in peninsular and island settings where
fresh groundwater occurs as a lens on top of more saline
groundwater like the situation in Bahrain and Qatar. Solutions are available to improve groundwater resources
management. Schlumberger Water Services states
some of these solutions, for example:
Upstream aquifer recharge can push saline water seawards.
Wadi dams can increase local aquifer recharge.
Freshwater and highly treated wastewater can be injected seawards of the saline-water interface to create a
hydraulic barrier against saline-water intrusion. Several
large salinity barriers have been constructed in California (USA) and a salinity barrier using treated wastewater
has been constructed in Salalah, Oman.
Extractive salinity barriers can be used to pull the salinewater interface seawards. The recovered water can be
pumped to tide or used as raw water for desalination.
Desalination is an option to reduce demands on
groundwater resources, but is not economically viable
for agricultural water uses.
Brackish aquifers can be used to strategically store potable water, such as being investigated in Qatar.
Pumping pulls saline water into freshwater aquifers and deteriorates the quality
and volume of the resource
How is the process optimized? Using a combination
of well and surface geophysical data, the position of
the saline-water interface can be accurately mapped.
Borehole geophysics is invaluable at providing detailed
aquifer characterization data to identify the location of
preferred groundwater flow zones. Groundwater modeling is necessary to predict the aquifer response to various management options. Density-dependent solutetransport modeling allows for the prediction of salinity
changes over time. Freshwater is precious—obtaining
maximum value from coastal groundwater resources
is increasingly important in arid lands that are facing
increasing water scarcity. Schlumberger Water Services
operates globally and provides expert consulting services and technologies for the exploration, development,
management, and environmental protection of water
Bandab Fights Water Challenges
The Middle East region, with all valuable resources, is
suffering from limitations in water resources, which
can clearly picture the importance of water storage
projects for nations/governments. This makes management of water resources a real challenge, that’s
why Bandab Consulting Engineers, as a privately
owned joint stock, has been dealing with the whole
process of storage, transmission and distribution of
water for last 30 years, through the design of Dams or
water storage facilities, water transmission pipelines
(including the 200km pipeline in south of Iran with
highest total pumping head in whole middle east,
1560m), and distribution networks (agriculture/urban
use). In the field of water storage, Bandab has designed and supervised building of more than 15 large
dams, as well as concrete water storage facilities (buried/unburied). Thanks to the experience gained over
the years, Bandab has been granted the agreements
to prepare the national codes on “Design criteria and
guidelines for concrete reservoirs” (which is now the
national reference), and “Design, supervision and operation of Tailings Dams”, which is a multi-discipline
standard, mixing industrial needs with environmental
requirements and regulations, (which is in preparation
phase at the moment).
Bandab has designed the building of more than 15 large dams
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Since 1977
Serving the Water, Wastewater, Desalination & Energy Sectors in MENA
In early 2013, the Frankenthal-based pump and valve manufacturer KSB will launch its new compact unit for
reverse osmosis seawater desalination. The SALINO Pressure Center consists of an axial piston pump and an
axial piston motor, arranged on a common shaft. Driven by the diaphragm return flow, the axial piston motor
transfers its power directly to the pump shaft. Three functions are fulfilled by one and the same unit: creating
high pressure, compensating pressure losses and recovering energy.
Country / Regional Reports
Singapore’s Water Sector Echoes Global Growth..................................P.39
DNV’s SUNdy Floating Solar Field Concept.............................................P.40
Sembcorp: A Mark in the Middle East.......................................................P.40
Vacon Establishes Regional Center in Singapore..................................p.41
United Kingdom
Charity, They Say, Begins at Home But not always...............................P.42
Cambi Awarded Sewage Project................................................................P.44
HERA SpA Visits London.................................................................................P.44
Bahrain Water Sector: Risky yet Promising..............................................P.45
Shining Beyond Bahrain................................................................................P.46
USD1 Billion Desalination Project Takes Off...........................................P.48
A-Z Water Services by Jyane.........................................................................P.49
Photo Courtesy of HERA SpA
‫تقارير البلدان واملناطق‬
Singapore’s Water Sector
Echoes Global Growth
ince being identified as a strategic growth industry in 2006, Singapore’s water sector has experienced rapid growth, with the total number
of companies doubling from 50 to about 100. In the same period, Singapore-based water companies also secured over 100 international
projects worth close to USD 7.3 billion. With technology as the key driver, the strong growth in Singapore’s water sector is expected to
carry on in the coming years, with the addition of USD 106 million in annual value-add and 460 jobs. Singapore’s status as a global hydrohub
is cemented in the development of a strong ecosystem of local and international companies.
The Hydrohub
The Environment and Water Industry Programme Office (EWI), an inter-agency effort led by PUB, the National Water Agency, the Economic Development Board
(EDB) and International Enterprise (IE) Singapore, will
continue to build on the strengths of Singapore’s water
industry to achieve its target contribution of USD 1.3
billion to Singapore’s GDP and 11,000 jobs by 2015.
“The growth of the water industry over the last five
years is backed by a strong foundation in water management that has propelled Singapore from a waterchallenged nation to an internationally-recognized
name in the global water community,” said Chew Men
Leong, chief executive of national water agency PUB
and the EWI’s executive director. “With an integrated
approach to water management, sound water policies
and investments in water technologies, Singapore has
turned its vulnerability into a valuable asset today. R&D
and technology is a key driver of this vibrant eco-system that spans the entire water value chain from consultancy to O&M, to equipment suppliers,” he stated.
Singapore’s status as a global hydrohub is cemented in
the development of a strong ecosystem of local and international companies, conducting a range of activities
including research and development (R&D), testbedding, engineering, manufacturing and headquarters
Besides attracting investments into Singapore, the industry has also seen the export of water expertise to
key overseas markets such as China and the Middle
East by Singapore-based water companies. Today, water treatment technologies developed in Singapore are
increasingly being applied in markets overseas. For example, leading global players such as Black & Veatch
and CDM from the US are employing expertise gained
in Singapore to their other projects around the world.
Last year, Singapore-based Moya Asia clinched a USD
118 million 25-year Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) project on a fresh water treatment complex in Tangerang
City, West Java, Indonesia. The BOT project will be
developed in
Singapore are
being applied
in markets
rolled out in three zones, with a combined capacity of
168,480 m3/day when fully completed in 2016.
The EWI has focused strongly on providing a complete
value chain of innovation opportunities in Singapore,
starting from R&D to testbedding and finally commercialization and export from Singapore. With a research
funding of USD 269 million from the National Research
Foundation, EWI has attracted private sector companies and institutes to undertake R&D activities in Singapore. Through PUB and other government agencies
like JTC Corporation and the Housing & Development
Board, Singapore is positioning itself as a “living laboratory” where companies can develop, testbed and commercialize new-generation water solutions in a real-life
environment. In addition, many companies are now
using Singapore to commercialize and export their
knowhow and solutions globally. Through the funding of graduate scholarships and specialized courses,
the EWI will continue to groom specialist manpower to
meet the sector’s growing needs for talent.
Prepared by:
Rawand Fakih
Assistant Editor & Researcher
‫ مع مضاعفة إجمالي عدد شركات العاملين في قطاع المياه من خمسين إلى نحو‬،ً‫ شهد قطاع المياه في سنغافورة نمواً سريعا‬،2006 ‫منذ أن تم تحديده على أنه سوق نمو استراتيجي في العام‬
‫ من المتوقع أن‬،‫ باعتبار التكنولوجيا المحرك الرئيسي‬.‫ مليار دوالر‬7.3 ‫ حصلت شركات المياه السنغافورية أيضاً على أكثر من مئة مشروع دولي بقيمة ما يقارب‬،‫ وفي الفترة نفسها‬.‫مئة شركة‬
‫ تعزّز مكانة سنغافورة باعتبارها محور‬.‫ وظيفة‬460 ‫ مليون دوالر وزيادة‬106 ‫ مع زيادة في القيمة السنوية اإلضافية بحوالي‬،‫يواصل قطاع المياه في سنغافورة نموه القوي في السنوات المقبلة‬
.‫المياه العالمي في تطوير بيئة قوية من الشركات المحلية والدولية‬
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
country / RegionAL reports
DNV’s SUNdy Floating Solar Field Concept
Many countries are turning to solar technology and
renewable energy, that’s why DNV has developed
SUNdy, a large-scale offshore solar field concept which
launched at Singapore International Energy Week.
Researchers at DNV have developed a dynamic floating offshore solar field concept. Dubbed SUNdy, the
core feature of the concept is a hexagonal array which
floats on the sea surface. A collection of these arrays,
totaling 4,200 solar panels, forms a solar island the
size of a large football stadium, capable of generating
2 MW of power. Multiple islands connected together
make up a solar field of 50 MW or more, producing
enough electricity for 30,000 people. “The renewable
energy market is rapidly changing due in main part to
climate change, soaring global demand for electricity,
and diminishing fossil fuels. For DNV, technological
innovation is a key element in our strategy to help address these concerns and SUNdy, as an example of our
research work, can help illustrate future applications
for solar as a truly sustainable resource,” says Bjørn Tore
Markussen, Chief Operations Officer for DNV KEMA
Energy & Sustainability in Asia. The SUNdy concept
is made possible using thin-film 560 W solar panels
which are flexible and lighter than the traditional rigid
The core feature of the concept is a hexagonal array which floats on the sea
glass-based modules, allowing them to undulate with
the ocean’s surface explains Sanjay Kuttan, Managing
Director of the DNV Clean Technology Centre in Singapore.
Sembcorp: A Mark in the Middle East
Sembcorp Industries is a global energy, water and
marine group with operations across six continents
worldwide. With facilities with over 5,800 megawatts
of gross power capacity and over seven million cubic
meters of water per day in operation and under development, the company is a trusted provider of essential energy and water solutions to both industrial and
municipal customers. In the Middle East, Sembcorp
has been operating since 2006, where it has provided
power and large scale desalination to water-stressed
areas. In May 2012, the company successfully completed a USD 1 billion Salalah Independent Water and
Power Plant, which is the largest and most energyefficient power and water plant in Dhofar, southern
Oman. It consists of a 490-megawatt gas-fired power
plant and a seawater desalination plant which will
employ reverse osmosis technology to produce 15
million imperial gallons per day of water. Sembcorp
also owns, operates and maintains the USD 1.7 billion
Fujairah 1 Independent Power and Water Plant in the
UAE. It has a capacity of 893 megawatts of gross power and 100 million imperial gallons per day of desalinated water. Employing a combination of multi-stage
flash and reverse osmosis technologies, the desalination plant is one of the largest operating hybrid desalination plants in the world. There are also plans to
expand the plant’s desalination capacity by another 30
million imperial gallons per day to meet the region’s
rising demand.
Sembcorp’s Fujairah Independent Water and Power Plant
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقارير البلدان واملناطق‬
Vacon Establishes Regional Center in Singapore
Global AC drives manufacturer Vacon has established a regional center in Singapore. The new center
started operations in August 2012. This regional center ensures that Vacon’s entire product portfolio and
service network offering are available to customers
in the region. The center is also in charge of effective
sharing of best practices, know-how and the professional personnel that the company already has in the
Middle East, India, South East Asia and Pacific region.
This will open up new opportunities for Vacon to gain
market share and increase volumes in this region with
its huge population and great market potential. “As a
major world trade node with a business-friendly economy, Singapore was a logical location for Vacon to
establish a regional center. We are at the heart of the
region which is one of Vacon’s major growth areas,”
says Olli Tevä, Vacon’s Vice President for Middle East,
India, SEA, Pacific. “Singapore has also a rich supply of
skilled and experienced workers, which will help us to
continuously improve our customer service in the region. As many of Vacon’s global customers have their
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
regional offices in Singapore, it will help us in building seamless cooperation with them. This also reflects
Vacon’s values: keeping customers and partners at the
heart of Vacon’s operations,” concludes Tevä. Vacon is
driven by a passion to develop, manufacture and sell
the best AC drives and inverters in the world - and
provide customers with efficient product lifecycle services. Its AC drives offer optimum process control and
energy efficiency for electric motors. Vacon inverters
play a key role when energy is produced from renewable sources.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
country / RegionAL reports
United kingdom
Charity, They Say, Begins at Home
But not always
n the competitive world of utility contracting and equipment sales/supply, altruism is something that might seem something of a rarity,
particularly in the difficult economic conditions currently being experienced across the UK, and globally. So, why would anyone expect
a renowned equipment provider to undertake a pipe bursting project free of charge? This was a questioned asked of U Mole (part of the
Groundforce division of Vp plc) following works on recently completed on such a basis at the Stretham Engine Trust site on the Waterbeach
Level near Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK.
The Stretham Engine was built in the 17th century
as one of a series of engines that were designed to
drain water from Fenlands to create quality farmland. It is now the only remaining example of these
machines that, whilst not now fully operational due
to land shrinkage around the site which has occurred
due to the draining process, shows the ingenuity that
was brought to bear to effectively manage the land
drainage scheme and provide the required and highly
prized farmland. The machinery is also the only example left in the area with not only the beam engine
that drove the bucket/scoop wheel water lift apparatus but also the boilers and valve arrangements and
gauges that controlled the engine and its operation.
Run as a charitable trust, and as with many charity organizations in these difficult times, the Trust relies on
members, donations and visitors fees to fund its continuation and when unexpected and potentially huge
bills arise the question of survival is always there.
This was the case recently at the Stretham Engine
where a connecting duct passing from inside one of
the buildings on the site to the nearby river was in
need of replacement because it was not operating effectively due to heavy silting. The duct formed part of
the river level monitoring system.
Stretham Engine
The Engine was designed to work so that water from
a well at the site which drained the surrounding peat
soils was lifted using a scooped wheel. This water was
deposited into the adjacent river, called Old West River. Without going into too much detail, as part of the
drainage operation, water level monitoring of the difference in level between the well and river had to be
continuous to effectively operate the drainage system
correctly. Within this set up there was a cable, linked
to a float mechanism in the river that runs to a gauge
inside the Mill that indicates the river level at all times.
The duct within which the cable for this system ran
was the one that was silt filled.
Having looked at the problem, the Trust management
approached U Mole in the hope that the company
might be able to provide information on how to effectively replace the damaged duct without damage
to these historic buildings and their contents. Russell
Arab Water World (AWW)
“U Mole not
only provided the machinery necessary for
the project,
but also the
and new
Fairhurst, managing director of U Mole, visited the site
to see what was possible and found that a pipe bursting option would be applicable to the replacement
required. Also, given the financial constraints on such
an important historic site to the area, he agreed that
the cost of the works was something that the U Mole
company would take on itself and so agreed to complete the work free of charge. U Mole not only provided the machinery necessary for the project but also
the workforce and new pipe.
During the site visit Russell agreed that the job to replace the damaged 3 in diameter cast iron pipe could
be done using one of the company’s PB30 cable based
pipe bursting units. It was decided that a 63 mm diDecember 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقارير البلدان واملناطق‬
‫اململكة املتحدة‬
ameter duct would be used as the replacement pipe.
Whilst the choice of pipe was not the preferred one for
any trenchless works, being a charitable work it was
the lowest priced option available and as the duct was
only to act as a cable pathway it did not need to meet
any particularly heavy duty requirements. Ultimately
the job continued to a conclusion and final success.
The difficulties
The main difficulty of the project, it was thought,
was the fact that the old pipe was blocked with silt
and other detritus. This meant that the usual simple
method of passing the pipe burst cable through the
old pipe was not possible. After careful application
and experience of the operators, a rod was eventually pushed through the blocked old pipe so that it
was subsequently possible to pass the burster rope
This in itself proved difficult due to the rope being of
a larger diameter than the placement rod. It appeared
that the rope was catching on something immediately outside the building. A quick investigation using
a small pit proved that the old duct had completely
collapsed at this point literally just below the surface
slab. After clearing this collapse the job went ahead
smoothly to completion of the installation of the new
pipe. Works to reconnect the link through the new
duct are expected shortly and everyone involved in
the project from the Trust team to the U Mole and its
operators are all are looking forward to seeing the river level gauge re-commissioned and working as it has
for over 100 years.
Subsequent to the duct replacement works K.S.G.
Hinde, Chairman of the Stretham Engine Trust commented in a letter to U Mole saying: “We are very
grateful indeed for the sterling work carried out by
you and your men in laying the duct under the roadway at the Engine to serve the river level gauge. This
proved to be a considerable exercise and your work is
much appreciated.”
PB30 PipeBurster
The PB30 compact pipe bursting system has been specifically designed for the replacement of small diameter sewer laterals and ducts with minimum surface
disruption and disturbance to the client. Producing
up to 28 tons of pull back on a special compact cable
the PB30 can be broken into several easily manageable components to ease transport/assembly in difficult access locations and even man-holes. The use of
the compact cable together with the compact bursting heads with integral pipe towing head enable the
“It was
decided that
a 63 mm
duct would
be used
as the
PB30 to burst in-line bends up to and including 45o
with no problem. Hydraulic power can be provided
by an independent power pack or even from the hydraulics on a mini excavator. U Mole, a part of Vp plc’s
Groundforce division, is the direct factory UK and Ireland distributor for Earth Tool equipment offering the
company’s full range of products for trenchless installation and pipeline replacement. This range includes
impact moles (earth piercing tools), pipe ramming
hammers, twin capstan winches, static rod pipe bursting systems and the portable cable-based, hydraulic
pipe burster range.
U Mole (part pf Vp Plc)
‫ فلماذا قد يعتقد أي شخص أن يقوم مزوّد معدات معروف‬.‫ ال سيما في الظروف اإلقتصادية الصعبة التي تشهدها المملكة المتحدة والعالم‬،‫ يبدو أن اإليثار ناد ٌر نوعاً ما‬،‫في عالم المقاوالت التنافسي‬
Stretham Engine ‫ عقب انتهائها من مشروع خيري مؤخراً في موقع‬U Mole ‫بإجراء مشروع تبديل أنابيب موجودة تحت األرض من دون أي مقابل مادي؟ كان هذا سؤال ُسئل لشركة‬
‫ من خالل عجلة كبيرة تعمل‬،‫ التي أضعفت التربة الخصبة المحيطة بها‬،‫ تم تصميم المحرك في هذا الموقع في الماضي كي يعمل على رفع مياه البئر‬.‫ المملكة المتحدة‬،‫التاريخي في كامبردجشير‬
.‫ الخيري لتبديل األنابيب التالفة في هذا الموقع التاريخي دون أن تتضرر موجوداته‬U Mole ‫ يناقش المقال التالي مشروع‬.‫بواسطة المحرّك‬
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
country / RegionAL reports
United kingdom
Cambi Awarded Sewage Project
Tamesis (joint venture between Imtech and Langs)
let a subcontract to Cambi recently in July 2012 for
the turnkey supply of 2 separate 2x3 reactor B12 Cambi plants, one for Beckton and one for Crossness sewage treatment works. Both plants are expandable to
larger capacities in the future. The works will be completed in 2014. Other THP projects with Cambi and
Imtech working together are in operation in Cardiff,
Swansea (Afan) and Newcastle (Howdon). Located on
the north bank of the river Thames just east of Docklands, Beckton sewage treatment works (STW) serves
a population of 3.5 million people and is one of the
largest treatment works in the UK. Crossness Sewage
Treatment Works (STW) serves two million people and
the two plants serve the majority of the central and
eastern half of London. Cambi’s THP process has been
demonstrated on plants for up to 15 years to be an effective process for the pre-treatment of secondary
sludge. The process uses medium pressure steam to
cook and solubilize the sludge so that is digests better and that all known disease organisms are killed.
It also reduces viscosity, which together with faster
digestion, allows for up to three times higher digester
The process uses medium pressure steam to cook and solubilize the sludge
throughput, and much better dewaterability. It is now
used and selected for over 30 projects worldwide for
a population of nearly 30 million equivalents and has
become a very popular process in the UK.
HERA SpA Visits London
Three key representatives from HERA SpA, Italy’s second largest multi-utility company, accompanied by
Syrinix CEO James Dunning and Director of Business
TrunkMinder has been selected to provide surveillance of these important pipelines
Arab Water World (AWW)
Development, Chris Hegley, visited a number of installations in London on the 28th of September 2012,
where the system is being installed on critical water
mains for the Crossrail project. In the Italian water
sector, HERA is the second largest multi-utility group
which manages the entire water cycle. The Crossrail
project will drive a new rail link from the west of London, underground and through central London to the
east and is one of the largest engineering projects in
Europe. TrunkMinder has been selected to provide surveillance of these important pipelines that cross the
intended route of the new rail tunnels and sites of new
stations. TrunkMinder will map the current condition
of the mains, and notify the Utility of any changes that
result from the tunneling/construction activity and
also the effects of long term consolidation settlement
arising from the new structures. The HERA representatives were able to see real-time data of the very sites
that they had seen earlier in London through a dedicated web portal. This illustrated the impressive granularity and accuracy of the Syrinix TrunkMinder system
with burst or leak alerts from installed TrunkMinder
units capable of being transmitted automatically and
virtually instantly to the continuously-manned Operations Management Centre (OMC) of Thames Water in
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقارير البلدان واملناطق‬
Bahrain Water Sector:
Risky yet Promising
ith weaker economic growth registered in the past year, demand for water will be weaker than before and consumption is expected
to resume its recent historical trend in 2013 and beyond. Nevertheless, there are downside risks to this forecast with the political
situation in the kingdom still a concern. Moreover, the positive development for the country’s water sector is heavily dependent
on international developers with regard to desalination and wastewater. Yet, the renewed momentum on the country’s public private
partnerships (PPPs) is another source of comfort for investors.
Developments in Bahrain’s water sector
Bahrain has reason to feel more confident about its
economy than it did at the equivalent same in.2011
Despite continued worries about renewed political
unrest ,which could afflict the investment climate,
the government has made some serious efforts to improve conditions for foreign investors ,with the first
PPP project getting underway in the low-cost housing sector .Business Monitor International( BMI’)s
Q3 forecast finds that a sense of slow in Bahrain’s water sector remains but steady progress in its investment climate. The government’s decision to move for
a US-dollar denominated bond issue, as part of efforts
to provide more funding for social issues, is a positive
sign and the ratings agencies have maintained the
sovereign’s previous foreign currency issuer ratings.
Though no major new water projects have been announced in Q2 of 2012, there is no sign of change in
the government’s commitment to the water sector
and for private developers to play a major part in rolling out new capacity in terms of both desalinated water and treated wastewater.
The decision on April 30 2012 for Malaysia’s Malakoff Corporation to buy a 40 percent stake in the
Hidd Independent Water and Power Projects (IWPP)
is evidence of strict imposition of regulatory requirements. The UK’s International Power (IP) was forced
to divest its stake in the Hidd Power Company (HPC)
project company set up in 2006 with Sumitomo and
GdF Suez. IP was forced to sale part of its holding in
HPC after the business combination between International Power and GdF Suez Energy’s international
holdings left it with a combined 70 percent stake in
the project company, contravening stipulations on
the amount of power generation capacity that can be
owned by a single private entity, added BMI in its report.
Moreover, Bahrain’s main oil company, Bahrain Petroleum Company (Bapco) has lately chosen GE to
design and supply a membrane bioreactor (MBR) system for the wastewater treatment plant in Sitra, near
Manama. The project and the GE-supplied advanced
water treatment technology will support BAPCO’s environmental leadership efforts to achieve the strin-
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
“…a sense
of slow in
water sector
but steady
progress in its
gent wastewater quality levels specified by Bahrain’s
General Directorate of Environment and Wildlife Protection regulation for wastewater discharge into the
Gulf. Wastewater from refineries is complex and requires extensive treatment. The BAPCO refinery, one
of the largest in the Middle East and the oldest in the
Gulf Cooperation Council union, refines more than
250,000 barrels of crude daily. GE’s ZeeWeed technology will handle a flow of 24 million liters a day,
roughly the amount of water required to fill an Olympic-sized swimming pool, from the refinery and Sitra
tank farm.
Uncertain future
Bahrain is planning to spend USD16 million to upgrade its water policy as part of its strategic vision for
sustainable agricultural development. It will include
changes to the ways of monitoring underground water levels and quality, as well as drilling and mainte-
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
country / RegionAL reports
nance of wells and water meters, sources said. The
Municipalities and Urban Planning Affairs Ministry is
drawing up a plan to monitor 68 wells for water levels
and 113 for quality. Licensing procedures for drilling
of new wells and maintenance upgrades will be re-
“The ministry
has also
drawn up a
plan to reduce
viewed. The ministry has also drawn up a three-year
plan to reduce consumption of underground water,
which was 67 million cubic meters in 2010, to 9 million cubic meters.
However, Bahrain is confronting a situation of lower
than expected consumption in the next five years,
with groundwater and desalinated use declining
compared to previous years. BMI sees groundwater demand reaching 7,081 million gallons in 2016,
down from a previous estimate of 7,233 million gallons. Likewise, RO desalination consumption will also
be reduced compared to our previous forecast, from
28,099 million gallons to 27,631 million gallons. MSF
throughput will be 34,715 million gallons compared
to 35,310 million gallons in BMI’s Q2 forecast. The
overriding driver here is lower than anticipated economic growth, which will underpin a more modest increase in water use over the next five years.
Prepared by
Dina Fawaz
Senior Editor & Researcher
.‫ وما بعده‬2013 ‫ سيكون الطلب على المياه أضعف من قبل مع توقّعات بأن يستعيد االستهالك اتجاهه التاريخي الحديث في العام‬،‫في ظ ّل النمو االقتصادي الضعيف الذي ُس ّجل في العام الماضي‬
‫ يعتمد النمو اإليجابي لقطاع المياه في البالد بشكل كبير على المتعهّدين‬،‫ من ناحية أخرى‬.ً‫ ترافق هذه التوقّعات مخاطر سلبية تتمثّل بالوضع السياسي في المملكة الذي ما زال يشكّل قلقا‬،‫ومع ذلك‬
.‫ كما يشكّل تجدّد حركة الشراكة بين القطاعين العام والخاص في البالد سبباً آخراً لتشجيع المستثمرين‬.‫المتخصصين بتحلية المياه والصرف الصحي‬
Shining Beyond Bahrain
A.A Bin Hindi, Special Projects Division in Bahrain
is a global supplier of Electrical & Mechanical Mate-
A.A Bin Hindi successfully completed a USD 45 million worth project for EWA
Arab Water World (AWW)
rial/Equipment/Instruments and associated service
of various equipment such as ductile iron pipes, pipe
fittings & accessories, high voltage/current testing,
transformer oil regeneration, filtration, testing, Measuring & calibration equipment (TMC), electronic energy meters, NDT, power cables, transformer oil, power
quality management(PQM) solutions (Power Quality
Site study & supply of Air Core Series Reactors up to
400kV, Harmonic Filters/Capacitor banks up to 132KV),
insulating oil management(IOM). The company also
provides services such as repair & calibration, NDT,
maintenance of HV transformer along with oil filtration and cable condition assessment & repair services.
A.A Bin Hindi’s Partners are from countries locate in
the USA, UK, Europe & Asia Pacific and it represents
most of its Principals/Manufacturers in KSA, Bahrain,
Oman & Qatar and other countries from the MENA region. The company has a very wide network of Value
Added Resellers (VAR) in the MENA region with whom
it works very closely with to render prompt service to
its valued customer. Recently, A.A Bin Hindi successfully completed the execution of a USD 45 million worth
project for EWA, Bahrain, to supply ductile iron pipes
and fittings. Today, A.A. Bin Hindi Group maintains its
position among the specialists of Bahrain in trade and
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
country / RegionAL reports
USD1 Billion Desalination Project
Takes Off
ue to inadequate, untimely and inappropriately distributed precipitation, Iran is considered arid and semi-arid country. Therefore, the
Iranian government is working on implementing new water projects and restoring the old ones in order to control the desert’s growth
and consequently preserve the activities of its cities located in the dry central highlands. Earlier this year, the government announced
the initiation of a major new water project valued at USD1 billion to bring water from the Caspian Sea to the city of Semnan.
The first phase, officially launched, involves the creation of desalination plant and the laying of the pipeline length of 150 kilometers over the next two years
to the desert city of Semnan, according to Energy
Minister Majid Namjou. The city, with a population of
approximately 200,000 inhabitants, has faced increasing drought as a result of ongoing desertification. He
added that the plant will have a capacity of 200 million
cubic meters per year, or 548 million liters a day. Iranian
President, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, explained that the
decision to proceed with the project was underpinned
by a desire to contain and control the proportion of
arid territory in Iran, as well as resulting water shortages. Because the phenomenon of desertification was increasing, it was necessary for Iran to “to control growth”
by preserving the activities of its cities located in the
dry central highlands.
As previously reported Namjou, the project for the
construction of desalination plants and provision of
cities in the desert with water for industrial and agricultural purposes has been developed based on the idea
of ​​connecting the Caspian Sea to the Gulf. To do this,
Iran plans to build a transcontinental shipping channel
length of about 600 kilometers.
The Khatam-ol-Anbia Headquarters of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps engaged in construction took responsibility for the project implementation. “More than USD1 billion will be allocated for
the project implementation. The project will be implemented within two years,” Safi Commander MozafariShams said. He added that modern technology will be
used in the desalination. After the process is over, the
population will get drinking water. The provinces of
Qom and Siman will receive desalinated water. This will
help solve the drinking water problem, he said.
Iran has operated several other desalination plants for
decades for other regions. Such seawater treatment facilities are also in use in other wealthy and arid Middle
East countries, including the United Arab Emirates and
Saudi Arabia, to augment scarce water supplies.
According to government consultant Moshanir, Iran
needs an additional 1.27 million m3/d of desalination
“… the plant
will have a
capacity of
200 million
cubic meters
per year, or
548 million
liters a day.”
capacity by 2015; a figure that will whet the appetite of
many in the desalination industry. Moreover, Iran has
at its disposal 11 percent of global oil reserves and 15
percent of the world’s gas reserves. It shares the world’s
largest gas field with Qatar in the South Pars. Moshanir
states that until 2015, Iran needs USD170 billion of investment in the oil and gas industry alone. To meet this
expansion, it is estimated that oil and gas projects will
need an extra 255,320 m3/d of desalination capacity.
This is made up of 54,000m3/d to serve the new phase
of gas refineries in South Pars, 35,000 m3/d for Mobin
Petrochemical (South Pars) and 166,320 m3/d for Fajr
Phase II.
Prepared by:
Dina Fawaz
Senior Editor & Researcher
‫ وتعمل الحكومة اإليرانية على إنشاء مشاريع مياه جديدة وتجديد القديمة‬.‫تُعتبر إيران من البالد القاحلة وشبه القاحلة وذلك بسبب قلة األمطار المتساقطة وهطولها بشكل غير متوازن وفي غير أوانها‬
‫ وأعلنت الحكومة مؤخراً هذا العام عن البدء بالعمل بمشروع ضخم جديد‬.‫من أجل مكافحة توسّع األراضي القاحلة وبالتالي المحافظة على نشاطات المدن الموجودة في المرتفعات الرئيسية الجافة‬
.‫لتحلية المياه تُقدّر قيمته بمليار دوالر أمريكي ويهدف إلى جرّ المياه من بحر قزوين إلى مدينة سمنان‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫تقارير البلدان واملناطق‬
A-Z Water Services by Jyane
Jyane Construction Company, a general contractor,
was established in 1959. During the past 50 years, the
company has completed over 100 large infrastructure
projects, 40 of which has been in the past 15 years,
demonstrating its rapid expansion in the past decade
and a half. As a result of this successful performance,
the company has achieved top grades in four disciplines: Water Structures, Industrial and Residential
Buildings, Transportation Engineering & Industrial
Structures. In addition, Jyane Construction Company
has been certified as EPC contractor for Irrigation and
Drainage Network, as well as Dams and Marine Structures. Enjoying a competent and professional technical team, a large fleet of heavy equipment, applying
up-to-date management skills and software, and paying keen attention to QA/QC, the company is capable
of executing A-Z of infrastructure projects. In recent
years, it has been financing some projects through
its international network of financing agencies and
banks, and is moving toward expanding its activities
outside Iran. Through its endeavors and innovations,
the company has received some decorations, such as:
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
Executing all kinds of infrastructure projects
Rapid Concrete Transfer from Geneva Innovation Center and Superior Concrete for the year 2008 for both
Marine Structures and Dams from Concrete Association of Iran. The company’s fields of activity includes:
Dams; Harbors, Jetties & Ports; Power plants; Highway
& Rail Roads; Pipe Lines; Bridges; Water & Sewage
treatment plants; Town Infrastructures; Airports; Buildings; Irrigation & Drainage channels; Geotechnical
Works; Tunnels & Underground works and Oil & gas.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
New Website for Fluid Metering Inc................................................................P.51
Corporate Happenings
Senninger Celebrates 50 Years of Innovation..............................................P.52
Bentley & Siemens Initiate Strategic Collaboration...................................P.52
ITT to Acquire Bornemann Pumps..................................................................P.53
Stone Prize Awarded to Dispensers for Safe Water...................................P.53
IDA Supports International Water Summit..................................................P.54
AIS Swims in the Middle East............................................................................P.54
Interviews & Profiles
Metito: The Journey to Water and Beyond...................................................P.55
Products & Services
DropSpan™: Irrigating Additional Acres........................................................P.56
A Flexible Solution................................................................................................P.56
Projects & Developments
A Master Plan for Jordan River..........................................................................P.57
A Valve Assessment Program by Wachs........................................................P.57
Passavant-Roediger Awarded Project in Vietnam.....................................P.58
First BallastMaster ultraV for jack-up barge Vidar......................................P.58
Xylem Supports Water Education Program.................................................P.59
New Houses Equipped with Solar Water Heaters......................................P.59
Empower Completes Fiber Optic Network in Dubai................................P.60
Smart Solution to Improve Productivity.......................................................P.60
Events Preview
SNC-Lavalin Present at the SWPF 2012..........................................................P.61
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort Set to Be a Huge Success.....................P.61
Events Review
Events’ Expansion Fuelled by Market Confidence.....................................P.62
Photo Courtesy of The Stone Family Foundation
‫أخبار إلكرتونية‬
New Website for Fluid Metering Inc.
The dispensers and metering pumps are utilized in a broad range of Medical,
Laboratory, Analytical, Industrial Process, Environmental and OEM applications
requiring precision fluid control. The company is committed to protecting the
environment and is dedicated to full compliance with all regulations that seek
to protect the environment and its natural resources including the RoHS and
WEEE directives issued by the European Union. Fluid Metering Inc. is located
about 30 miles from New York City in Syosset, Long Island, New York.
The New website includes animations and
videos of CeramPump®
Fluid Metering, Inc. (FMI) of Syosset, NY
USA has rolled-out its NEW Expanded Website. FMI is a major manufacturer of Precision Valveless Dispensers and Metering
Pumps for Laboratory, Process and Production applications, as well as applications for
OEM medical and analytical instrumentation. The New website includes detailed descriptions, animations and videos of Fluid
Metering’s unique CeramPump® valveless
piston pump design. Also featured is an
expanded list of news releases, typical applications, current catalogs and technical
manuals, all available for easy download
Online tools including “Select-a-Pump”,
“ROI Payback Calculator”, and “Live Chat”
provide a simple, user friendly experience
for selecting the best pump for new applications. The website also includes links
to additional Fluid Metering information
and video content hosted on popular social
media sites (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube),
as well as a link to “Google Translate” for
instant language translation of FMI’s entire
website. For over 50 years, Fluid Metering, Inc. has provided precision metering
solutions from 2 uL per dispense up to 4
L/min. continuous metering, and is certified as compliant with ISO 9001 quality
standards. FMI pioneered the first valveless
rotating and reciprocating piston pump
concept over 50 years ago and continues to
provide innovative fluid control solutions.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Corporate Happenings
Senninger Celebrates 50 Years of Innovation
Senninger Irrigation Inc. is pleased to announce its
celebration of 50 years in the agricultural irrigation
industry. Senninger has grown to employ over 200
team members and works with more than 2,000 dealers worldwide. Joe Senninger - a retired engineer from
Park Ridge, Illinois, who moved to Central Florida during the early 1960’s to grow citrus - started the company after solving a bothersome problem for all farmers
alike: He created an “insect-proof” sprinkler. Before his
invention, mud dauber wasps nested in nozzle orifices
of overhead sprinklers when the irrigation system was
not in operation, impeding water flow. Soon after, Senninger recruited his nephews, Mark and Andy Healy,
bringing their extensive marketing and engineering
backgrounds to help the business grow. In 1970, the
company faced the untimely death of its founder, Joe
Senninger, and mourned the great loss. Honoring Joe’s
commitment to the business, company leaders—Mark
and Andy Healy—kept focused, propelling the business forward and continuing to produce innovative
products which have exceeded customer expectations. For 50 years, Senninger has pioneered numerous irrigation products such as: the first high quality
in-line pressure regulator in 1966; color-coded nozzles
The insect-proof sprinkler
for easy size identification in 1970; Wobbler Technology in 1978; Super Spray with interchangeable deflector pads in 1980; a four-mode LEPA Quad Spray in
1986; the integral weight concept in 1999; the double
gooseneck and truss rod hose slings in 2002.
Bentley & Siemens Initiate Strategic Collaboration
in each deploying technology offerings developed
by the other. In the longer term, the companies will
explore opportunities for jointly developed technology to expand industry-centric solutions and further
collaboration interoperability between Siemens’
Teamcenter and Bentley’s ProjectWise software.
Teamcenter product lifecycle management software
helps companies deliver increasingly complex products while maximizing productivity and streamlining
global operations. It provides the right information
for people to make the right product decisions –
from planning and development through manufacturing and support. The ProjectWise system of
collaboration servers and services empowers work
sharing, facilitating the use of virtual talent, dynamic
review for improved project quality, and content reuse for extended value.
Bentley Systems and Siemens announced a strategic collaboration to advance the integration of
digital product design and manufacturing processes
design with information modeling for facilities lifecycle design. According to the Memorandum of Understanding, the collaboration will enable the two
companies to deliver intelligent and sustainable digital factory infrastructure. Initially the companies will
focus on the digital factory for automotive and discrete manufacturing. The Siemens Division Industry
Automation and Bentley Systems will initially, based
on their longstanding commitment to openness in
information technology, collaborate on common
file formats and content, integrated workflows for
factory layout, and the convergence of process and
layout. This work is an extension of earlier collaborations between the two organizations that resulted
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫أخبار الشركات‬
ITT to Acquire Bornemann Pumps
ITT Corporation announced it has signed an agreement to acquire Joh. Heinr. Bornemann GmbH
(Bornemann Pumps), a global provider of highly engineered pumps and systems for the oil and gas industry that is known for its well-known technologies. “The
acquisition of Bornemann Pumps would unlock powerful new opportunities for ITT to expand into new
markets within the global oil and gas industry,” said
Denise Ramos, chief executive officer and president.
“The addition of Bornemann’s positive displacement
technology would broaden our capabilities while further positioning ITT as a leader in this key end market
and enhancing our ability to serve customers through
expanded global operational and service platforms.”
Robert J. Pagano Jr., president of ITT’s Industrial Process business, said, “Bornemann’s twin-screw technology and multiphase applications experience would
align strategically with the Industrial Process business,
complement our Goulds Pumps brand and expand
ITT’s presence in upstream oil and gas production.”
Headquartered in Germany, Bornemann Pumps is a
global market specialist with a strong international
installed base of multiphase pumping systems for
the oil and gas market. The company also serves the
industrial, food and pharmaceutical sectors. Founded
in 1853, Bornemann has a solid record of growth with
estimated fiscal 2012 revenue of USD 149 million and
employs more than 550 employees globally. The transaction, valued at USD 267 million, would be funded
from the company’s cash and is expected to close in
the fourth quarter of 2012, subject to customary closing conditions, including appropriate regulatory approvals.
Stone Prize Awarded to Dispensers for Safe Water
The Stone Family Foundation Prize for Innovation and
Entrepreneurship in Water has been awarded to Dis-
The project has developed a low cost way to dispense chlorine at water points
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
pensers for Safe Water in Kenya (DSW). The project
provides free access to chlorine at communal water
points. It has already reached approximately 424,000
people across over 800 villages. The prize will support DSW’s efforts to produce and deploy 3,000 new
chlorine dispensers, enough to provide safe drinking water to over 600,000 people. Over 170 projects
from 37 different countries applied for the £100,000
prize, which is administered by NPC, the charity think
tank and consultancy dedicated to maximizing impact. An expert panel selected a shortlist of projects,
which were then visited by John Stone, Founder of
the Stone Family Foundation, who chose Dispensers for Safe Water as the winner. Unsafe drinking
water is a leading cause of waterborne diseases such
as diarrhea and typhoid, which are responsible for
1.9 million child deaths each year. Treating drinking
water with a dilute chlorine solution can help to cut
child diarrhea by an average of 41%, which has allowed DSW to avert over 61,000 diarrhea episodes in
young children since October 2009. The project has
developed a low cost way to dispense chlorine at water points such as boreholes and wells—at scale, it is
estimated it will cost just USD 0.50 per person to use
the dispenser for an entire year.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Corporate Happenings
IDA Supports International Water Summit
International Desalination Association (IDA) announces its support of the 2013 International Water
Summit as a Knowledge Partner for the event, which
provides a new and unique global platform for promoting water sustainability in arid regions. Scheduled
for January 15-17, 2013 and co-located with the World
Future Energy Summit in Abu Dhabi, the International
Water Summit will bring together policymakers, scientists and business leaders to tackle the urgent water
and wastewater challenges facing arid regions. The
global hub of information for the world’s desalination
and water reuse communities, IDA will organize two
sessions on the water-energy nexus. The Association
will also convene its global Energy Task Force to develop strategies to further reduce energy consumption in desalination as part of the Task Force’s challenge to the industry to lower energy requirements
by 20% by 2015. In addition, the IDA Desalination
Academy will conduct day-long intensive courses on
January 14, offering two parallel tracks on desalination
technologies as well as an advanced course covering
membrane pretreatment. “IDA is very pleased to support the International Water Summit, which provides
Corrado Sommariva, President of IDA
a new and unique global platform for promoting water sustainability in arid regions. The International Water Summit has particular relevance to IDA’s mission
and follows exactly the message that IDA has spread
strongly in the last five years about the need for sustainability and increased environmental responsibility
in water solutions,” said Corrado Sommariva, President
of the International Desalination Association.
AIS Swims in the Middle East
Brisbane based company Australian Innovative Systems (AIS) is continuing to grow its export business
designing and manufacturing chlorine generators for
water disinfection to one of the world’s most environmental challenged and water starved regions, the
Middle East. The company which celebrates its 20th
year in business in 2012, now exports to 53 countries
as well as operating its successful Australian business.
AIS’s technology has been employed in two high profile Middle Eastern projects, namely the Grand Hyatt
Hotel in Dubai and Al Forsan International Sports Resort Lakes in Abu Dhabi. AIS is in further discussion
regarding a number of other projects for the 2012-13
Financial Year. On the 6th of November 2012, as part
of the Queensland Government’s Export Week, Abu
Dhabi based Queensland Trade and Investment Commissioner for the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Susan
Rae and Ray Matta, Queensland’s Trade and Investment Business Manager, Middle East visited one of
AIS’s three manufacturing facilities at Tingalpa. Rae is
already familiar with the company’s innovative water
treatment technology and manufacturing practices.
AIS Directors, Kerry and Elena Gosse have been visiting
UAE and Saudi Arabia for several years on business,
most recently in April 2012 as part of a trade mission
led by Rae and Matta. The mission coincided with AIS
attending the Project Qatar construction and environmental technology exhibition. Rae said that innovative, environmental sustainable technology companies such as AIS were well poised to take advantage of
business opportunities in the Middle East.
Well poised to serve the Middle East
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫مقابالت وملفات الشركات‬
Metito: The Journey to Water and Beyond
eing inherently committed to a cleaner environment, Metito is continuously applying state-of-the art technologies in its projects, most
importantly the energy recovery devices which can save up to 35% of the energy used in the desalination process. Furthermore, Metito
was the first to introduce reverse osmosis to the MENA region, being the first outside USA in 1972. After years of proposing solutions to
the water field, Bassem Halabi, Director of Group Business Development - Metito Overseas Ltd offers a unique perspective on the trends and
challenges facing the water industry.
Q. What are the key challenges facing water management in the Middle East and North Africa and
how do you think companies are faring?
Bassem Halabi: The Gulf and the MENA regions at
large are two of the regions of the world with the largest scarcities of water. The ratio of renewable water
to people is very low as we have no rivers and the
groundwater is mostly not renewable. The region has
to rely on nonconventional options to supply its water requirements, namely the sea. Other challenges
include; convincing people to conserve water, implementing an equitable fee that reflects the true value of
the water, increasing reliance on recycled waste water,
and further utilizing the PPP model. Creating awareness and executing educational campaigns are both
very vital in reducing water consumption of the still
costly water produced by desalination. To change people’s habits, we must make them aware of the problem
and help them become part of the solution. Stricter
regulations on the efficiency of everyday fixtures—including faucets, showerheads and toilets—would also
underscore the importance of conservation.
Q. What is your analysis of the current desalination
market in the Middle East & North Africa?
Halabi: Desalination already plays a critical role in MENA’s water supply, particularly for countries in the Gulf
region. This role is expected to extend to most countries in the region by 2050. Greater reliance on desalination will cause a regional shift in the proportion of
MENA‘s energy devoted to water supply. Increased
desalination also will demand greater attention to the
adverse environmental impacts associated with desalination: greenhouse gas emission from fossil fuels and
management of the brine and other chemicals produced as a result.
Bassem Halabi, Director of Group Business Development - Metito Overseas Ltd
• Using equitable fee system. Unfortunately the fees
implemented in some countries do not reflect the true
cost of the water hence encourage people to consume
Q. How is Metito helping the desalination industry’s
evolution process? What recent projects have you
undertaken in the MENA region?
Halabi: Metito is an active member of the International Desalination Association (IDA), which is anonprofit organization that aims to promote desalination
and support all new developments in the industry. We
actively take place in and support conferences that introduce new technologies to enhance the desalination
processes, and make use of such technologies in the
systems that we offer. An example of this is the Pearl
Qatar desalination plant that serves the district cooling, irrigation and potable needs on the Pearl Island in
Q. Is the high cost of desalination technologies helping to increase the water consumption awareness?
Halabi: Actually the cost of desalination is continuously falling due to improvements in technologies and
the use of energy saving devices. Water consumption
awareness should come from two things:
• Water conservation campaigns; it is not enough to
tell the people to use water more rationally, but it is as
important to inform them of how to do it and of the
technologies available to achieve it.
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Products & Services
DropSpan™: Irrigating Additional Acres
Valley® Irrigation, the specialist in Precision Irrigation,
continues to give growers more choices by introducing the new Valley DropSpan™ for center pivots. The
DropSpan allows growers to irrigate additional acres
with a center pivot by “dropping” spans upon arriving
at a large obstruction in a field, allowing the center
pivot to continue irrigating. Scott Ford, a grower from
Bertrand, Neb., began farming a field this year that
has a grain bin and wind break that obstruct a center pivot from irrigating the entire field. The field was
previously irrigated using less efficient, more labor
intensive flood irrigation. To conserve resources and
still maximize irrigated acres, Ford had a Valley center
pivot with a DropSpan installed to reach the area behind the obstructions. “The DropSpan allowed us to irrigate an additional 23 acres with a center pivot,” Ford
said. “We like it because in a matter of 15 minutes, we
are able to irrigate more efficiently with minimal labor
requirements.” When Ford’s 14-span, 8000 series Valley center pivot reaches the obstructions, four spans
are dropped off and his machine continues irrigating,
ensuring his soybeans get the water they need. Valley
Irrigation is focused on engineering new products that
allow growers to expand their operations. “The Valley
Irrigating more efficiently with minimal labor requirements
DropSpan allows growers to get the most out of the
land they already have,” states John Kastl, Equipment
Product Manager. “The spans can easily be dropped or
re-attached by one person without the use of tools.”
A Flexible Solution
All Metals Engineering Ltd. started its manufacturing
operations in 1995 as the only manufacturer of Flexible Hoses and Personal Showers in the United Arab
Emirates. The factory’s premises cover an area of over
50,000 square feet. The current production comprises
of aluminum, stainless steel wire braided flexible and
PVC flexible with braiding of nylon threads for reinforcement. All Metals Engineering has also diversified
into the production of personal hand sprays, shattafs
and sliding rail shower sets. These products are manufactured under the most stringent quality standards.
These products are economically priced and extreme
care is taken to ensure that there is no compromise on
quality. The company’s markets its product-mix under
the brand name ALLFLEX. The factory also manufactures products for other companies on an OEM basis.
ALLFLEX products have a prominent presence in the
U.A.E market and internationally, particularly in the
Middle East and North Africa (MENA). “We’re flexible to
your needs” is the baseline of the company. The company believes in continuously upgrading its operations and catering to the ever changing requirements
of the Global markets. All Metals Engineering’s dedicated on-going research and development, adoption
and application of modern technologies has gone a
long way in churning out ‘Value for Money’ products, and at the same time establishing brand identification
and customer loyalty. The company will be introducing more products with its new water saving features
over the next few months.
New water saving features
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫مشاريع وتطويرات‬
A Master Plan for Jordan River
going to produce a master plan for the Lower Jordan,
the historical river between the Sea of Galilee and the
Dead Sea. The purpose of the cross-border master
plan is to integrate separate Palestinian and Jordanian plans and thus produce a healthy ecosystem,
distribute water fairly and provide open public access
to the river. The Jordan River is a World Heritage List
nominee. The downstream part of the river (Lower
Jordan River) springs in the Sea of Galilee and winds
200 kilometers through the Jordan Valley to the Dead
Sea. At present most of the water is drained off for
agriculture and for the supply of drinking water. The
river is seriously polluted due to the discharge of effluent and other contaminants. Friends of the Earth
Middle East (FoEME) awarded this contract to Royal
HaskoningDHV together with the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and the Global Nature
Fund (GNF). Jeroen Kool, project manager for Royal
HaskoningDHV, said: “The master plan will be used to
encourage the Palestinians and Jordanians jointly to
rehabilitate the river and to restore the river’s ecology
and its hydrological functions. Important matters are
the creation of free access, good security conditions
and a healthy economic basis.”
Fair distribution of water for everybody along the Lower Jordan
Dutch project management, consultancy and engineering services provider Royal HaskoningDHV is
A Valve Assessment Program by Wachs
The City of Fort Lauderdale’s Public Works Department has selected Wachs Water Services to perform
an integrated asset management program in its water
distribution system. This program is designed as a tool
to assist the City in its ability to manage and control
its water system by locating and assessing the operational condition of water valves throughout its service
area. It also serves as a method to comply with the
Florida Administrative Codes. Information collected
by Wachs Water Services during the project will be integrated into both the City’s geographic information
system (GIS) database and its computerized maintenance and management system (CMMS). In addition
to the valve assessments, Wachs Water Services will
provide pipeline condition assessment services in selected areas of the City. The City of Fort Lauderdale
truly understands the value of system control and
takes a proactive results oriented asset management
approach to continued preventative maintenance and
data improvement in their water distribution system.
Wachs Water Services is the provider of water distribution system solutions that significantly improve
efficiency and network control. Its specialized asset
management based approach combines condition assessment and rehabilitation services with the capture
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
and integration of critical water distribution system
GIS information. The company provides the expertise,
equipment and personnel to locate, assess, operate
and document any water asset. The Wachs Water Services’ experience is results-driven, allowing utilities to
“do more” with limited budgets. It sets the standard for
accurate operational intelligence, bringing an uncompromising commitment to delivering on our fastrack2renewal™ brand promise.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Projects & Developments
Passavant-Roediger Awarded Project
in Vietnam
Passavant-Roediger GmbH, a wholly owned German subsidiary of Drake & Scull International (DSI)
PJSC, has been awarded a contract for the expansion
of the Thu Duc Water Treatment Plant in Vietnam. The
contract is worth USD 46 million and is the first project
for Passavant-Roediger in Vietnam. Under the terms of
the contract, Passavant-Roediger will be responsible
for the engineering, procurement and construction
(EPC) of a 300,000 m3/day Water Treatment Plant,
treating river water to provide high purity drinking
water to the region’s inhabitants, using its high-end
patented Turbo-LME Technology. This will be the third
phase of the water delivery program at Thu Doc, Vietnam. Aside from expanding the total capacity of the
water treatment facility, Passavant-Roediger will also
be responsible for the construction of the river water
intake pumping station and pressure mains pipes delivering the feed water to the plant. Commenting on
the award, Dr. Mazen Bachir, Managing Director of Passavant-Roediger, said: “This key project demonstrates
the reputation of Passavant-Roediger as the leading
global EPC specialist of turnkey water, wastewater and
Dr. Mazen Bachir, Managing Director of Passavant-Roediger
industrial process water treatment plants. Our global
experience and patented technology have again
played a very important role in winning this project.
Leveraging our core expertise in high-rate water purification technology using our patented Turbo-LME
process, we are therefore looking forward to ensure
the optimal performance of the water treatment facility and to satisfy the specific requirements of this
high-stakes project.”
First BallastMaster ultraV for jack-up barge Vidar
Hochtief Solutions is strengthening its global position in the market for offshore wind power installa-
The low-pressure UV lamps (LPUV) in the BallastMaster ultraV emit monochromatic
light in order to specifically utilize the effect of inactivating undesired microorganisms
Arab Water World (AWW)
tions with the expansion of its fleet of special vessels.
The German construction group has engaged the
Polish Crist shipyard to build a further jack-up barge,
the Vidar, for establishing offshore wind power installations. On board for the first time: A BallastMaster
ultraV ballast water treatment installation of GEA
Westfalia Separator Group, which uses filtration and
UVC treatment to guarantee a high degree of disinfection safety. The BallastMaster ultraV operates with
low energy and operating costs, does not require any
chemicals and is thus suitable for being installed in
new vessels and also retrofitted in existing vessels. The
ballast water system used on the Vidar has a capacity
of 500 cubic meters per hour. The system has BSH type
approval according to IMO MEPC. 174(58). GEA Westfalia Separator Group has already received further orders for the BallastMaster ultraV. In advance, Hochtief
had already placed orders for a total of five Compact
Units with five separators of the type OSE 10 for treating diesel oil and lubricating oil for the Vidar. Based on
the experience gained with more than 3000 process
applications and a procedure for rapidly translating
innovations into marketable processes, GEA Westfalia
Separator Group provides profitable answers to some
of the most urgent questions of this time.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫مشاريع وتطويرات‬
Xylem Supports Water Education Program
Xylem Inc., a global water technology company announced its support of a water education program
that reflects the company’s commitment to solve water worldwide. Part of Xylem’s mission to think globally
and act locally, the initiative will focus on educating
young people about the economic, environmental,
recreational and cultural importance of the nation’s
water resources. The program seeks to encourage and
enable tomorrow’s decision makers to participate in
sustaining water sources and respond to continuing
threats facing the world’s water supplies. As part of
the company’s latest initiative, YSI, a Xylem brand that
develops and manufactures sensors, instruments, software and data collection platforms for environmental
and coastal water quality monitoring and testing, has
collaborated with the University of Dayton in Ohio to
fund the development of the ‘Rivermobile’, a mobile
classroom with interactive, museum-quality exhibits
about the Dayton region’s rivers and the importance
of water quality. The initiative reflects Xylem’s dedication to ‘solve water’ and will provide young people
with the necessary knowledge, skills, network and
commitment to become involved in water protection from local to global levels. “The initiative reflects
The initiative reflects Xylem’s dedication to ‘solve water’
Xylem’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and
water quality worldwide by helping to educate young
people on the need to act now to secure a sustainable
future”, said Ron Geis, vice president for Xylem Analytics and general manager of YSI.
New Houses Equipped with Solar Water Heaters
On the first year of that deadly earthquake in the city
of Van, Turkish government launched the distribution
New houses equipped with individual 120 lt Thermosiphon Solar Water Heaters
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
of 15.323 new houses in the city. A total of 644 people
lost their lives and thousands were made homeless in
wake of a 7.2 magnitude earthquake that rocked the
city of Van on October 23th 2011. The earthquake was
a destructive magnitude in such a way that around
30.000 homes were whether collapsed or severely
damaged in the city just after the earthquake. The new
houses are all equipped with individual 120 lt Thermosiphon Solar Water Heaters corresponding to the total
collector area of 30.646 sqm. Each individual apartment has its own closed-loop enameled storage tank
of 120 lt and solar collectors contain full plate blue
selective absorbers produced at Ezinc production facilities. The majority of the Solar Water Heaters were
designed, supplied, installed and commissioned by
Ezinc, Turkish producer of Solar Thermal systems since
1983. “However we are deeply saddened at this grave
tragedy, we were very much concerned to improve
the quality of life of survivors in the shortest possible
time and to contribute to the normalization of the life
in the city”, said A. Hakan ALAS, General Manager of
Ezinc. “Thanks to our production capability and skilled
workforce we really feel pride for having succeeded to
finish all the work within just 4 months.”
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Projects & Developments
Empower Completes Fiber Optic Network
in Dubai
Emirates Central Cooling Corporation (Empower),
one of the biggest district cooling service providers
in the region, has completed the fiber optic network
at three of its major district cooling plants in Dubai
to minimize consumption of chilling water. The new
system is designed to conserve water resources used
in cooling as well as enhancing the efficacy and quality of service to customers. Ahmad Bin Shafar, CEO of
Empower said: “This new system is part of Empower’s
series of green initiatives driven by the directive of
Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and Ruler of Dubai
to protect the environment. We are implementing
this world class control system project across three of
our district cooling networks in Mirdif area, JISA and
Tecom C area.” Three control systems are installed in
the building ETS (Energy Transfer Stations). Fiber optic
cable has been laid and plant SCADA System is implemented interconnecting the ETS with all the plants. In
this project, the control systems across the buildings
are connected on a fiber optic network which is connected to the District Cooling Plants in that area. This
The Campaign contributes to saving 336 million gallons of
water in the first half of 2012
Ahmad Bin Shafar, CEO of Empower
helps the control system in the District Cooling Plants
to serve the chilled water requirements more closely
and in an efficient manner. Various operational parameters of the building Energy Transfer Stations (ETS)
are continuously monitored and stored in the plant
Smart Solution to Improve Productivity
Hitachi Power Europe has selected SmartPlant®
3D for its future design and construction projects to
further strengthen its position in the global market
through improved productivity and intelligent collab-
oration. The first projects to be delivered with the new
solution are planned for autumn this year. As a market
and technology specialist in the energy sector, Hitachi Power Europe relies on innovative and integrated
software to support its projects around the globe.
After a thorough benchmark period, Hitachi Power Europe chose SmartPlant 3D as its design tool for future
projects, which will start with a planned implementation of the integration platform SmartPlant Foundation. The company chose SmartPlant 3D to ensure
enhanced collaboration, to increase productivity and
have a consistent impact through the whole plant life
cycle. The improved collaboration with other Hitachi
sites (like Babcock-Hitachi K.K.) was one of the key reasons for the company’s decision. “After a preliminary
selection process, two finalists for a pilot installation
were selected and tested under identical conditions.
In the long term, we expect to have a positive experience with Intergraph as a reliable partner,” said Christoph Kastl, head of technical information technology
at Hitachi Power Europe. “The increasing number of
customers who rely on Intergraph’s design tools and
information management solutions encourage us to
keep working hard on delivering integrated solutions,”
says Gerhard Sallinger, Intergraph Process, Power &
Marine president.
SmartPlant 3D to ensure enhanced collaboration
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫معارض ومؤمترات‬
‫عرض مسبق ملعارض ومؤمترات‬
SNC-Lavalin Present at the SWPF 2012
Industry expert Dr. Willy Kotiuga, Senior Director,
Hydro Division, SNC-Lavalin, has confirmed to present at the SWPF Product & Innovation Theatre, on the
Pre-feasibility Study of a 1000 MW Seawater Pumped
Storage Plant in Saudi Arabia, which has been coauthored by Dr. Saleh Al-Awaji, Deputy Minister for
Water, Ministry of Water & Electricity; Dr. Luai Muhammad Al-Hadhrami, King Fahd University of Petroleum
& Minerals, Saudi Arabia; Mohammed Arif, King Fahd
University of Petroleum and Minerals, Saudi Arabia;
Khaled Y Al-Soufi, King Fahd University of Petroleum
and Minerals, Saudi Arabia. Complementing the prestigious Forum, the theatre, a new feature for the SWPF
Exhibition 2012, taking place 3-4 December 2012, Jeddah Hilton, Saudi Arabia, will be host to case studies
from water and power professionals active in Saudi
Arabia. The Product Theatre, will address the challenges and solutions with water treatment in Saudi Arabia
and the current opportunities with solar power usage,
in ten 30-minute sessions. These content based presentations will provide exhibition visitors with insights
into the dynamics of the industry and opportunities
to network with peers. The SWPF Exhibition will bring
together industry professionals, manufacturers, sup-
Addressing water challenges
pliers and contractors- giving them direct access to
project directors, GCC ministries, government bodies
and high-level decision makers. Organized by industry
experts CWC Group in partnership with the Bushnak
Academy, and on behalf of the Saudi Ministry of Water
& Electricity, SWPF is the foremost platform for business in the water and power sectors in the Kingdom.
Mostra Convegno Expocomfort
Set to Be a Huge Success
The exhibitor recruitment campaign for the next edition of MCE – MOSTRA CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT
scheduled for 18 - 21 March 2014 at Fiera Milano Rho
is going ahead briskly, more than 40% of the display
area has already been booked, for an exhibition that
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
once every two years occupies the whole exhibition
center in Rho. Against the backdrop of an economic
climate marked by contrasting signs of recovery, MCE
is reaffirming its leadership as an international benchmark event for the reference sectors: heating, cooling
water and energy. The strength of MCE – MOSTRA
CONVEGNO EXPOCOMFORT is in its consolidated international outlook supported by the outstanding
results achieved at MCE 2012: 2,122 exhibiting companies, 900 of whom were from abroad, 155,301 trade
visitors, 35,342 of who made their way to the show
from136 countries. As from now, MCE 2014 promises
to be a huge success. Its position has also been confirmed by the following figures: more than 500 exhibiting companies have so far confirmed their participation, over 30% of rebooking by foreign exhibitors,
including all the market leaders. In particular, the display area dedicated to the following sectors: heating,
sanitary technology, hardware and water treatment is
almost sold out. Excellent numbers also recorded by
the exhibiting surface occupied by air-conditioning,
ventilation, refrigeration, as well as renewable energy
sectors. And the numbers are rising every day.
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
Events’ Expansion Fuelled by
Market Confidence
2,371 exhibitors, from 60 countries showcased the latest products and technologies at The Big 5
The confidence in the building and construction
market demonstrated at The Big 5 2012, which took
place earlier this month, has further propelled the
event’s expansion across the Middle East and India. As a total of 2,371 exhibitors, from 60 countries
showcased the latest products and technologies
from across the building and construction industry, millions of dollars worth of deals were reported
from the exhibition floor. The four-day event saw
exhibitors, significantly from the UK, Qatar and the
USA, announce big bill deals inked onsite.
The positive outlook for the market has been reflected in the increased demand by suppliers to exhibit at The Big 5 Saudi, taking place in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, in March 2013. “The Big 5 2012 appears to
have set a precedent for the market, and generated
a significant amount of optimism and enthusiasm
for the year ahead,” says Andy White, event director,
The Big 5. “Having such a well established reputation, with more than 30 years in the region, The Big
5 will see substantial expansion in 2013 with the
launch of two new events and further growth of the
Saudi event (9-12 March), which has doubled in size
year-on-year since 2011.”
The Big 5 Construct India and The Big 5 Kuwait will
both launch in September 2013, taking place from
2-4 in Mumbai and 16-18 in Kuwait City respectiveArab Water World (AWW)
ly. “Two thousand and thirteen will very much be a
milestone year for The Big 5, with two new events
and phenomenal growth in Saudi,” concluded
White. The Big 5 2013 will take place from 25-28 November at the Dubai World Trade Centre.
The Big 5 is the largest event for the building and
construction industry in the Middle East. It attracts
more than 2,500 exhibitors from 70 countries, taking place at the Dubai World Trade Centre. For more
than 30 years The Big 5 has provided a business and
networking platform for the construction industry.
It is an opportunity for buyers and sellers of construction products and services from around the
world to source an astounding array of the very latest technologies, innovations and techniques. More
than an exhibition, the event provides attendees
with unrivalled access to information, intelligence,
contacts and hands on experience. Experts from
around the world engage in the industry’s most
topical discussions, finding solutions, facing challenges and seizing opportunities. It is the gateway
to the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) providing both exhibitors and visitors with the opportunity to conduct serious business with like-minded
professionals. The Big 5 2012 is supported by Gold
Sponsors Massbetter and Rajhi Steel and Free Zone
partner JAFZA.
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Coming Events
Saudi Arabia
SWPF (Saudi Water & Power Forum)
The Gateway to Saudi Arabia’s Water & Power
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Esha Sofat
Tel: +44 20 7978 0020
Saudi Arabia
Future Makkah 2012
International Urban & Infrastructure Development Event
Jeddah – Saudi Arabia
Jeddah Hilton Hotel
IIR Middle East
Tel: +971 4 3367334
Fax: +971 4 4072485
Building & Construction Exhibition 2012
Trade Show on Construction and Water System
Mishref - Kuwait
KIF (Kuwait International Fair)
Tel: +965 538 7100
Fax: +965 5393872
Middle East Power Generation Industry
Doha – Qatar
PennWell Conferences & Exhibitions
Tel: +1 (918) 835-3161
Fax: +1 (918) 831-9497
Egypt Pool - Aquatherm 2013
Trade Exhibition for Water Technology and
Building Services Engineering
11 – 12
Cairo – Egypt
Cairo International Convention & Exhibition
ein Trading & International Fairs
Tel: 20 (2) 383 19 02
Fax: +20 (2)2 384 20 40
Wetex 2013
Water, Energy Technology and Environment
Exhibition. WETEX will focus on the advanced
Technologies in the areas of Energy such as
Fossil Fuel, Nuclear, Renewable, Power Generation, Smart Grids, Efficiency and Conservation
15 – 17
Dubai International Exhibition Centre
Dubai – UAE
DEWA (Dubai Electricity and Water Authority)
Tel: +971 4 3072462
Fax: +971 4 3248111
Power-Gen Middle East 2013
Abu Dhabi Conference and Exhibition for the
PaWex 2013
Pumps, Valves, Water Treatment Systems, Pipes
and Fittings Exhibition
Istanbul - Turkey
Istanbul Expo Center / HALL 9 – 10
Hannover-Messe Sodeks Fuarcılık A.Ş.
Tel: +90 (212) 290 33 33
Fax: +90 (212) 290 33 31-32
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Water Technology 2013
International Water Technology Conference &
26 – 29
Riyadh – Saudi Arabia
Riyadh International Exhibition Centre
Riyadh Exhibitions Co. Ltd
Tel: +966 1 454 1448
Fax: +966 1 454 4846
SIEE - Pollutec 2013
International Exhibition of Equipment and Services of Water
27 – 30
Oran – Algeria
Palais des Expositions d’Oran
Reed Expositions France
Tel: +33 (0)1 47 56 50 00
Fax: +33 (0)1 47 56 51 00
Ecorient 2013
International Trade Exhibition & Conference
for Environmental Technologies, Sustainability,
Alternative Energy, Water Technology and
Clean Energy
Beirut – Lebanon
BIEL - Beirut International Exhibition & Leisure
International Fairs and Promotion (IFP)
Tel: +961 5 959 111
Fax: +961 5 959 888
If you’d like to run your event in this space, kindly send all necessary details to
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
‫دليل املشرتين‬
‫كانون األول (ديسمرب) ‪ / 2012‬جملّد ‪ - 36‬عدد ‪12‬‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
Buyers’ Guide
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫فهرس املعلنني‬
Page #
Caprari SpA
Danfoss A/S
Fraste SpA
Invent AG
Jiangmeng Ruirong Pump Industry Co., Ltd
OBC/ 65
Bio-Microbics, Inc.
Blue-White Industries
Buckman Laboratories Pty Ltd.
Fluid Equipment Development Co., LLC (FEDCO)
The Gorman-Rupp Company
Hydrotech by WaterGroup
Layne Bowler Pump Company
Lindsay Corporation
Microfilter Co. Ltd.
Pure Aqua, Inc.
Schlumberger Water Services
Severn Trent Services
12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
‫معلومات عامة‬
Subscription & Membership
‫اإلشرتاك والعضوية‬
25$ ‫ تبلغ قيمة اإلشرتاك السنوي‬.‫ م ّرة يف السنة عرب اإلشرتاك‬12 ”‫ميكن احلصول على جملة “عامل املياه العربي‬
95$ ‫ و‬،‫ لرتكيا وأفريقيا وأوروبا‬70$ ‫ للمشرتكني من البلدان العربية وايران وقربص و‬40$ ‫للمشرتكني من لبنان و‬
‫ أو حول املنافع‬،‫ للحصول على املزيد من املعلومات حول اإلشرتاك لعدة سنوات يف اجمللة‬.‫للمشرتكني من البلدان األخرى‬
‫ أما الطالب الذين يرغبون يف احلصول على‬.‫ الرجاء مراجعة بطاقة اإلشرتاك والعضوية‬،‫اليت يستفيد منها املشرتكون‬
‫ فالرجاء األتصال بالسيد جاد أبو احلسن مدير التسويق والتوزيع على‬،‫حسومات خاصة على بدالت اإلشرتاك يف اجمللة‬‫عنوان الربيد اإللكرتوني التالي‬
Arab Water World (AWW) magazine can be received 12 times per year by subscription.
The yearly subscription rate to AWW is: Lebanon $25, Arab Countries, Iran, Cyprus $40,
Turkey, Africa & Europe $70 and other countries $95. Further information on multi-year
subscription rates and membership privileges can be found on the inserted subscription
& membership card. For special student and group/bulk subsription rates, please send
your request to Mr. Jad Aboulhosn (Circulation & Marketing Manager) at:
‫شروط نشر املقاالت‬
Editorial Regulations
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‫ نوضح يف ما يلي شروط نشر املقاالت يف جملة‬،‫الّذي يربط بلدان الشرق األوسط ومشالي أفريقيا بالبلدان الرائدة يف حقل املياه يف العامل‬
:‫ األخبار الصحفية واملقاالت اليت تركز على إحدى خصائص املياه‬،‫ املقاالت‬:‫“عامل املياه العربي” اىل ثالثة أقسام‬
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‫ مرة سنويا عن سي بي اتش ورلد ميديا‬12 ‫) تصدر‬ISSN 1015-8332( ‫عامل املياه العربي‬
:‫ العنوان الربيدي‬- ‫ الطابق الثاني‬،)‫ بناية شاتيال (فوق مصبغة الكومودور‬،‫ شارع الباروك‬،‫ الكومودور‬،‫ احلمرا‬:‫عنوان الربيد السريع‬
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Arab Water World (AWW) (ISSN 1015-8332) is published 12 times a year by
CPH World Media s.a.r.l
Courier Address: Hamra, Commodore, Barouk St., Chatila Bldg (Above Commodore
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‫تمت الطباعة عند شمص للطباعة والنشر‬
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12 ‫ عدد‬- 36 ‫ جملّد‬/ 2012 )‫كانون األول (ديسمرب‬
‫ ال يسمح بإعادة نشر معلومات اإللكرتونية أو املطبوعة يف جملة “عامل املياه‬،‫مجيع حقوق النشر حمفوظة لـسي بي اتش ورلد ميديا‬
.‫العربي” إال بإذن مسبق من سي بي اتش ورلد ميديا‬
‫عامل املياه العربي‬
‫الكلمة اخلتامية‬
Closing Letter
‫حتديث املخططات‬
‫العشر املقبلة‬
Updating Plans
for the Next
Ten Years
‫تقوم هيئة كهرباء ومياه دبي باستمرار تحديث مخططاتها العامة للسنوات‬
‫العشر المقبلة وفق أفضل المواصفات والممارسات العالمية في مجال التخطيط‬
‫( وذلك لضمان وجود قدرة إنتاجية كافية من‬Forward Planning) ‫المستقبلي‬
‫الكهرباء والمياه وتعزيز شبكات النقل والتوزيع والقيام بكافة الدراسات الالزمة‬
‫والمتخصصة باستعمال أحدث البرمجيات وفق أفضل الممارسات العالمية في هذا‬
‫ تتمتع هيئة كهرباء ومياه دبي بنظام كهربائي ومائي بمستوى‬،‫نتيجة لذلك‬
‫ ميجاواط‬9646 ً‫عالمي من اإلعتمادية والكفاءة مع توفر قدرة انتاجية تبلغ حاليا‬
‫ وقال سعيد محمد الطاير – عضو‬.‫ مليون غالون من المياه‬470‫من الكهرباء و‬
‫ «انسجاماً مع‬:‫مجلس اإلدارة المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي لهيئة كهرباء ومياه دبي‬
‫ نائب رئيس‬- ‫توجيهات سيدي صاحب السمو الشيخ محمد بن راشد آل مكتوم‬
‫ التي تهدف إلى ترسيخ‬،‫ رعاه اهلل‬،‫ رئيس مجلس الوزراء حاكم دبي‬،‫الدولة‬
‫مكانة دبي الرائدة في المنطقة وتعزيز دورها كقطب إقتصادي ومالي عالمي داعم‬
‫ تعمل الهيئة على تلبية احتياجات اإلمارة للسنوات‬،‫إلقتصاد اإلمارات ودورها‬
‫المقبلة ومواكبة النمو المطرد الناجم عن النشاط اإلقتصادي المتزايد في اإلمارة‬
».‫باإلضافة إلى تعزيز قدراتها اإلنتاجية‬
DEWA has unveiled its strategies for the next 10 years by drawing
on international best practices in forward planning to ensure
efficient generation of electricity and water and enhancing
transmission networks and distribution, and conducting
specialized studies by adopting the latest technologies in this
field. This enables Dubai to have a world-class, efficient and
reliable system for water and electricity.
DEWA has a production capacity of 9646 megawatts of
electricity and 470 million gallons of water. “To achieve the
directives of His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al
Maktoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the UAE and
Ruler of Dubai, to reinforce the position of the Emirate of Dubai,
and promote Dubai as an international hub for business, DEWA
is working to increase its production capacity to fulfill the
needs of the Emirate for the upcoming years and meet an evergrowing demand for electricity and water, especially with the
rapidly-increasing number of new businesses in Dubai,” said
Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, MD & CEO of DEWA.
“We are committed to maintain our position as a leading
utility through futuristic forward planning, as it is one of main
priorities for the top management of DEWA, which continuously
reviews the plans and updates them to achieve our objectives
and implement our strategy successfully,” added Al Tayer. “To
become a sustainable world-class utility, DEWA continuously
focuses on sustainable development and strengthening
environmental education as main platforms for implementing
the concept of sustainability, which is regarded as one of the
main drivers for social and economic growth in the long run.
DEWA highlights policies and programs that aim to promote
sustainable development, and we are committed to reducing
consumption through demand-management and conservation
programs to achieve the goal of Dubai’s Integrated Energy
Strategy 2030 to reduce electricity consumption by 30% and
preserve our natural resources and protect our environment for
generations to come,” Al Tayer added.
‫ «تحرص الهيئة على الحفاظ على الريادة في مجال التخطيط‬:‫وأضاف‬
‫ حيث يعتبر هذا التخطيط أحد أهم أولويات اإلدارة‬،‫اإلستراتيجي المستقبلي‬
‫العليا التي تحرص على مراجعة الخطط وتحديثها بانتظام لتحقيق أهدافها‬
‫ «كونها‬:‫» وأوضح الطاير‬.‫المرجوة وصوالً إلى التطبيق الناجح إلستراتيجية الهيئة‬
‫ تنتهج الهيئة استراتيجية بيئية تهدف‬،‫مؤسسة مستدامة على مستوى عالمي‬
‫ من خالل‬،‫إلى ترسيخ مبدأ التنمية المستدامة ورفع مستوى التوعية البيئية‬
‫تطبيق مفهوم «اإلستدامة» الذي يعد قوة دافعة رئيسة لتطور المجتمعات على‬
‫ تسلط الضوء على‬ ‫ حيث‬،‫الصعيدين اإلجتماعي واإلقتصادي على المدى الطويل‬
‫ كما‬.‫البرامج والسياسات المستدامة التي تسهم في دفع عجلة التنمية المستدامة‬
‫تقوم الهيئة بنشاط مكثف لتخفيض اإلستهالك من خالل برامج الترشيد وإدارة‬
‫ بتخفيض‬2030 ‫ وذلك من أجل تحقيق إستراتيجية دبي المتكاملة للطاقة‬،‫الطلب‬
‫ والحفاظ على مواردنا الطبيعية‬2030 ‫ بحلول العام‬%30 ‫استهالك الكهرباء بنسبة‬
.»‫من الهدر وبيئتنا من التلوث ألجيالنا القادمة‬
‫سعيد محمد الطاير‬
Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer
‫عضو مجلس اإلدارة المنتدب والرئيس التنفيذي‬
‫هيئة كهرباء ومياه دبي‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
‫فوائد اإلشرتاك‬
Arab Water World (AWW)
”‫يف جملة “عامل املياه العربي‬
Subscription Benefits
Renowned the world over as the premier
B2B magazine in the MENA region to
serve the Water, Wastewater, Desalination, & Energy sectors, Arab Water World
(AWW) has been published by CPH World
Media s.a.r.l since 1977.
October 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 10
MENA: The Hub of
Wastewater Projects
‫تُعرف جملة “عامل املياه العربي” حول العامل بكونها اجمللّة‬
‫املتخصصة األوىل يف جمال األعمال يف منطقة الشرق األوسط‬
‫ومشال أفريقيا خلدمة قطاعات املياه والصرف الصحي وحتلية‬
‫ يت ّم نشر اجمللّة من قبل سي بي اتش ورلد‬.‫املياه والطاقة‬
.1977 ‫ميديا منذ العام‬
Media Center
By subscribing to AWW, you will
have access to the following:
The Water Solution
Lies in the Fusion
A Shortcut to Growth:
The Shade of the Red Sea
Drilling for Geothermal
Storage across MENA
November 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 11
”‫فمن خالل إشرتاككم يف جمّلة “عامل املياه العربي‬
:‫ستستفيدون من األقسام التالية‬
1. Feature: Discussing in details water-related
topics such as management, technologies, and
services, supplemented by charts, tables, and
Advanced Water Solutions
for the Global Mining Industry
2. Industry Spotlights: This section is meant
to shed light on innovations being made in water
equipment, machines, products, and services.
3. Country/Regional Reports: This section
deals with a specific country, portraying its latest
developments and news. A broad perspective
towards the country is taken, aimed at covering
the related industry as much as possible.
Media Center
A Sterilized Room
for Growth
Saudi Arabia:
All about Water & Energy
The Water Scenario:
Demand Beats Supply
December 2012 / Vol. XXXVI Issue 12
Using Aerospace Materials
‫ يهدف هذا القسم اىل إلقاء الضوء على أهم اإلبتاكارات يف‬:‫ أخبار صناعية‬-2
...‫حقل املياه أي يف ما يتعلّق بالتجهيزات واآلالت واملنتجات يف هذا القطاع‬
‫ يتناول هذا القسم بلداناً معاجلاً آخر التطورات‬:‫ املناطق‬/ ‫ تقارير البلدان‬-3
‫مفصلة عن البلد املعين من‬
ّ ‫ يتض ّمن هذا القسم حملة‬.‫فيها يف احلقول املذكورة‬
.‫ث ّم ينتقل اىل تغطية الصناعة املعنيّة قدر اإلمكان‬
to Build Endless Pipeline
:‫ اخلدمات‬-4
4. Services:
‫ مراقبة املشاريع‬،‫ معارض ومؤمترات قادمة‬،‫مركز املهن‬، ‫مرجع الصناعات‬‫و محالت اعالنية الكرتونية‬
Business Links, Career Center, Coming Events,
Project Monitor, Promo Shots...
A Good Thrust:
The Pumps’ Market
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