2013 The more often people see your message – the more they will remember you. Watermark is the official magazine of the British Columbia Water and Waste Association, committed to projecting a strong and informative voice connecting the water/wastewater industry throughout British Columbia and the Yukon. With a guaranteed circulation of 5100, Watermark reaches consulting engineers, town/city plant and equipment operators, mechanical and general contractors, scientists and environmentalists, government officials and municipal leaders, as well manufacturers, distributors, and suppliers. Watermark will reach the qualified decision makers in this multi-billion dollar industry throughout British Columbia and the Yukon four times per year. 2013 SCHEDULE: SPRING: MARCH IN EVERY ISSUE: •In depth features on current issues in the water/wastewater industry •Education – certification programs and operator courses •Conservation Corner •Cross Connection Control •People on the move and profiles •Messages from the CEO, President, and Editor •Reports from the AWWA and CWWA Previous issues available online: www.bcwwa.org ADVERTISING RATES: Space Closing: February 1 • Official Show Guide to BCWWA’s annual Conference & Trade Show 2013 April 20-24, Kelowna, BC SUMMER: JUNE BONUS DISTRIBUTION AT SHOW Space Closing: May 10 FALL: SEPTEMBER Space Closing: August 2 WINTER: DECEMBER Space Closing: October 25 FULL COLOUR 1X4X Full page $2000 $1875 2/3 page $1750 $1625 1/2 page island $1600 $1525 1/2 page $1550 $1475 1/3 page $1050 $975 1/4 page $900 $850 1/6 page $525 $475 1/8 page $400 $350 Outside Back Cover $2350 $2125 Inside Front or Back Cover $2150 $2025 Black and white rates are 10% less than full colour Bleeds & Special Positions 15% over space RATES ARE NET OF AGENCY COMMISSION. Rates quoted are for space (and colour) only. Publishedby: For more information contact: ARAN LINDSAY 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Ave • Winnipeg, MB • R3J 0K4 (866) 985-9789 • FAX (866) 985-9799 • E-mail: aran@kelman.ca SPRING 2013 ISSUE ANNUAL CONFERENCE & TRADE SHOW The SPRING 2013 issue of WATERMARK is the official SHOW GUIDE to the Association’s Annual Conference and Trade Show. Being held in Kelowna, British Columbia on April 20-24. Over 1,300 attendees will be attending to check out the latest technologies for the water and wastewater industry manufactured and distributed by over 140 exhibitors! The 2013 Spring SHOW GUIDE issue of WATERMARK will be distributed to all members and associate members throughout British Columbia and the Yukon one month prior to the show, as well to delegates and exhibitors at the show. Increase your company’s visibility to the buyers in British Columbia and the Yukon by advertising in WATERMARK. Reserve advertising space TODAY for your company’s position in the 2013 Conference & Trade Show Guide issue of WATERMARK! Publishedby: For more information contact: ARAN LINDSAY 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Ave • Winnipeg, MB • R3J 0K4 (866) 985-9789 • FAX (866) 985-9799 • E-mail: aran@kelman.ca AD DIMENSIONS (inches): Size Width Depth 7 9 1/ 2 Trim 8 / 4 3 Bleed Full page 2/3 horizontal Width Depth 1/3 banner 7 3 1/ 4 10 /4 1/4 vertical 3 3 / 8 4 5/ 8 8 / 2 11 1/4 banner 7 2 1/ 2 7 6 /8 1/6 horizontal 4 /821/8 1 1 1 Size 5 2/3 vertical 45/891/2 1/6 vertical 2 1/ 8 4 5/ 8 1/2 island 45/87 1/6 banner 7 1 5/ 8 1/2 horizontal 7 4 /8 1/8 horizontal 3 /82 /8 1/3 square 4 5/ 8 4 5/ 8 1/8 vertical 21/833/8 1/3 vertical 21/891/2 Full page 2/3 Horizontal 5 2/3 Vertical 3 1/2 Island 1 PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Adobe InDesign CS5 Adobe Photoshop CS5 Adobe Illustrator CS5 (earlier versions of the above programs are also acceptable.) We accept tifs, jpegs, eps and pdf files at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Ads must be prepared to the correct dimensions and shape, or be subject to production charges ALL FONTS used must be included ALL LINKS / IMAGES used must be included 1/2 Horizontal 1/3 Square 1/3 Vertical 1/3 Banner All pantone/spot colours MUST be converted to CMYK Include a hard copy (colour or black proof) or e-mail a pdf for proofing purposes. We can support CDs and DVDs 1/4 Vertical 1/4 Banner 1/6 Horizontal 1/6 Vertical All above requirements for sending electronic files apply to sending by e-mail Use STUFFIT or WINZIP to compress large files Attach all related files (fonts, links, graphics) DO NOT embed files in your e-mail or Word document 1/6 Banner 1/8 Horizontal 1/8 Vertical Contact us for ftp site information for files that are too large to e-mail Include a pdf for proofing purposes, or fax a hard copy to 866-985-9799 Costs incurred for publication-produced ads or non-compatible electronic files will be charged to advertiser. Minimum charge $50.00 Publishedby: For more information contact: ARAN LINDSAY 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Ave • Winnipeg, MB • R3J 0K4 (866) 985-9789 • FAX (866) 985-9799 • E-mail: aran@kelman.ca BUYERS’ GUIDE, PRODUC T SOURCE & MEMBERSHIP DIREC TORY The Buyers’ Guide and Membership Directory is an official publication of the British Columbia Water and Waste Association. It is published in December and distributed to all 5100 members of the association throughout British Columbia and the Yukon. This targeted group of industry decision-makers is comprised of consulting engineers, town/city plant and equipment operators, mechanical and general contractors, scientists and environmentalists, government officials and municipal leaders, and industry manufacturers, distributors and suppliers. The Product Source and Buyers’ Guide Section of the publication is also available on line at the Association’s website - www.bcwwa.org. ADVERTISING RATES: FULL COLOUR 2012 MeMbership & buyers’ Guide The people behind The waTer 81/2” x 11”, coated cover, spiral bound, glossy stock. SPACE DEADLINE: OCTOBER 11/13 Publishedby: Inside front cover $2200 Inside back cover $2200 Outside back cover $2300 Full page $2000 1/2 page $1500 1/3 page $1200 1/4 page $800 1/6 page $650 1/8 page $375 RATES ARE NET OF AGENCY COMMISSION. Black and white rates are 10% less than full colour For more information contact: ARAN LINDSAY 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Ave • Winnipeg, MB • R3J 0K4 (866) 985-9789 • FAX (866) 985-9799 • E-mail: aran@kelman.ca BUYERS’ GUIDE, PRODUC T SOURCE & MEMBERSHIP DIREC TORY AD DIMENSIONS (inches): Size PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS: Width Depth 7 9 1/ 2 Trim 8 / 2 11 Bleed 8 / 4 11 /4 1/6 horizontal 4 /821/8 Adobe InDesign CS5 7 5 4 /8 1/6 vertical 2 1/ 8 4 5/ 8 1/3 square 4 5/ 8 4 5/ 8 1/6 banner 7 1 5/ 8 Adobe Photoshop CS5 1/3 vertical 21/891/2 Full page 1/2 horizontal 1/3 banner Full page 1 3 7 1 3 /4 1 1/2 Horizontal Size Width Depth 1/4 vertical 3 3/ 8 4 5/ 8 1/4 banner 7 2 1/ 2 5 1/8 horizontal 33/821/8 1/8 vertical 2 /83 /8 1/3 Square 1 1/3 Vertical 3 Adobe Illustrator CS5 (earlier versions of the above programs are also acceptable.) We accept tifs, jpegs, eps and pdf files at a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Ads must be prepared to the correct dimensions and shape, or be subject to production charges ALL FONTS used must be included ALL LINKS / IMAGES used must be included 1/3 Banner 1/4 Vertical 1/4 Banner 1/6 Horizontal All pantone/spot colours MUST be converted to CMYK Include a hard copy (colour or black proof) or e-mail a pdf for proofing purposes. We can support CDs and DVDs 1/6 Vertical 1/6 Banner 1/8 Horizontal 1/8 Vertical All above requirements for sending electronic files apply to sending by e-mail Use STUFFIT or WINZIP to compress large files Attach all related files (fonts, links, graphics) DO NOT embed files in your e-mail or Word document Contact us for ftp site information for files that are too large to e-mail • Spiral Bound • Coated Cover • Glossy Stock Publishedby: Include a pdf for proofing purposes, or fax a hard copy to 866-985-9799 Costs incurred for publication-produced ads or non-compatible electronic files will be charged to advertiser. Minimum charge $50.00 For more information contact: ARAN LINDSAY 3rd Floor - 2020 Portage Ave • Winnipeg, MB • R3J 0K4 (866) 985-9789 • FAX (866) 985-9799 • E-mail: aran@kelman.ca