ENGLISH PROJECT SUPERHEROES Jessica B. 4C (3) Ariane Grace 4C (4) Yatindra 4C (28) Bi r ph Biography Kal-El was born to JorKalJor-El and Lara of the planet Krypton. Fearing yp g for the safety y of their son,, the two loving parents sent KalKal-El into space to Earth, where he would be safe and so he could later use his abilities gained from the yellow sun to aid innocent life. life Crash landing outside the town of Smallville, Smallville, KS, the child was found and taken in by y a farming g couple. p Jonathan and Martha Kent would become Kal's foster parents and raise him to the best of their ability. They named him Clark and that name would become not only the link to his humanity, but an alter ego that would help keep his As Clark grew into his teens,, loved ones from danger. g g he found out more and more about his abilities and as a young man, he officially took on the guise of Superman thanks to a costume made by Martha from his swaddling clothes sent with him from Krypton. POWERS Flight Invulnerability y Superhuman Strength Superhuman Speed X-Ray Vision Telescopic/Microscopic Vision H Heat V Vision Super Senses Super-Senses POWERS Super Breath/Freeze Breath Eidetic memory Regeneration Longevity Superhuman Olfaction h Olf i Superman Comic Strip WEAKNESS yp g p yp Kryptonite: Radioactive fragments of the planet Krypton created by fusion during the explosion that destroyed it When Superman is exposed to kryptonite , its high-band radiation rapidly interferes with this process, process causing severe physical pain and the loss of his powers Red R d sun radiation di ti : Natural N t l iin K Krypton's t ' planetary l t system, t red solar radiation replaces the higher-yield yellow solar energy in Superman Superman'ss cells cells, robbing him of the fuel for his powers. Magic : It varies from writer to writer. writer While not so much an actual weakness, Superman's invulnerability offers no protection against p g magic. g As a result, spells p cast on Superman p affect him the same as they would anyone else WEAKNESS Lead : While Superman's X-Ray Vision enables him to see through solid objects, objects Lead prevents him from being able to see it items or objects bj t th thatt are either ith encased d or surrounded in the material. NEMESIS Brainiac sometimes also known as Milton Fine or as the Brain Brainiac, Inter Active Construct to Kryptonians, Kryptonians, is a robotic/computerized super villain who is one of Superman's villain, Superman s main nemeses aside from Lex Luthor. His most wellwell-known crime was the shrinking of the city of Kandor p prior to Krypton's yp destruction,, and p preserving g it amongst g a host of other cities from various planets aboard his spaceship. His original name, on Colu, was Vril Dox. Brainiac is usually depicted as a green humanoid, coming from the planet of Colu where all native inhabitants have green skin. In his original appearance, Brainiac was in fact a coluan man, however his origin and nature were soon retconned and changed, making him an android hailing from Colu. Colu His origin is frequently reimagined for various Superman stories; but they almost always begin on the planet Colu. Many recent versions of his story, however, have given him an origin i i on K Krypton. t REFLECTIONS Yatindra: A very fun superhero. Almost everyone should know this Man Man. THE GREAT SUPERMAN. Superman was part of my growing i up age. I LOVE HIM! Doing g this project p j was kind of easy y for me, because I read comics and I watch superheroes a lot and I can give points and details to make this project better. REFLECTIONS Grace: First of all, this project was somewhat difficult for me. me I do not like fictitious type of things. Realistic types of movies i is i what h t I prefer, f b butt th then I need d tto do this project. j Also, by doing this project, j I learned how superman works, though I’m not that interested, nterested, what h hiss strengths and weaknesses are, and a lot more. REFLECTIONS Jessica: This guy is just the best Superhero. It reminded me of my childhood life. life I used to watch his movies, shows in TV, I even thought th ht he h was real! l! This Thi project j t was fun as well. It reminds us what we may have forgotten. All those times that we spent on these people, admiring adm r ng them. But superheroes shouldn’t be all very fictional, I remember my first superhero was my dad. He’s just awesome!