NORTH CAROLINA WAYNE COUNTY The Wayne County Board of Commissioners met in special session on Monday, February 9, 2016 at 8:30a.m. at Lane Tree Conference Center, 2317 Salem Church Road, Goldsboro, North Carolina, after due notice thereof had been given. Members present: William H. Pate, Vice-Chairman; George Wayne Aycock, Jr.; John M. Bell; Edward E. Cromartie; A. Joe Gurley, III and E. Ray Mayo. Members absent: Joe Daughtery, Chairman. Call to Order Vice-Chairman William H. Pate called the meeting to order. Invocation Commissioner John M. Bell gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance Commissioner E. Ray Mayo led the Board of Commissioners in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America. Approval of Agenda Upon motion of Commissioner John M. Bell, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved the agenda as presented. Review of Ground Rules Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reviewed the method in which the Board of Commissioners would determine its goals for calendar year 2016. Update on the Goals for Calendar Year 2015 County Manager George A. Wood reviewed the calendar year 2015 goals, attached hereto as Attachment A. Recess At 11:50 a.m., Vice-Chairman William H. Pate recessed the meeting for lunch. At 12:50 p.m., Vice-Chairman William H. Pate reconvened the meeting. Approval of Goals for Calendar Year 2016 Each County Commissioner was given the opportunity to add goals for 2016 to the remaining goals for 2015. The Commissioners then voted on their top ten goals for calendar year 2016. The top goals for calendar year 2016 are attached hereto as Attachment B. Closed Session At 12:51 p.m., upon motion of Commissioner A. Joe Gurley, III, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in closed session to consult with an attorney employed or retained by the public body in order to preserve the attorney-client privilege between the attorney and the public body, which privilege is hereby acknowledged. At 12:58 p.m., upon motion of Commissioner E. Ray Mayo, the Board of Commissioners unanimously declared itself in open session. Adjournment There being no further business, Vice-Chairman William H. Pate adjourned the meeting at 12:59 p.m. . . 'lvt~r<_ .~ Mar8i'R. Wilson, Clerk to the Board Wayne County Board of Commissioners Attachment A Page 1 WAYNE COUNTY GOVERNMENT GOALS FOR CALENDAR 2015 ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ELECTIONS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AND SOIL & WATER DISTRICT • finish the 35% design of the Agriculture Center, aRd hold the fundraising eveRts for major donors. • Seek federal and state graRts and loans for this project. URdef'>YO:)'. • Finish the funding for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center • Decide OR how and when to proceed '>vith fiRal desigR: desigR, bid, build, or desigR, bid. County Manager will develop a spreadsheet vrith the pros and CORS of each method to present to the Board of Commissi0flef57 • N egotiate rental amount with Farm Service Agency for Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. • Hire director for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Discuss hire date with architect at appropriate time and recommend hire date to the full Board of Commissioners. • Develop policies and procedures for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center . • Select furnishings for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. • Levy the 1% coootyvride room occupancy tax. • Create the WO:)ne County Tourism DevelopmeRt Authority, matching the City of Goldsboro 's Travel and Tourism Council as closely as possible for easy decisioR makiRg OR marketiRg. Need to determiRe how vre \Nill market WO:)·ne County. N eed to determiRe terms and represernatioR. Discuss membership with City of Goldsboro. COURTS (SUPERIOR AND DISTRICT) • finish installing the acoustical paaels in Courtroom #1. • DetermiRe appropriate level of security personnel for the courtrooms. • fiRish reRovatioRs to court facilities as discussed '.vith Judge Arnold 0 . JoRes, II. URderway. DAY REPORTING CENTER • Hire new director. • N eed to increase program participants. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES • Continue implementing State required electronic recordkeeping, aRd upgrade our e>cisting softvt'are. Northwoods software purchased, and will be implemeRted by February 20 16. • Determine office space needs, and work with the Facilities Committee to include it in a Major Facilities Plan. This should include three of the six floors of the Borden Building Attachment A Page 2 currentl y leased by Eastpointe. That lease will e>cpire in June 2016. If Eastpointe leaves Borden Building early, determine \Vhat units the Department of Social Services can move to Borden Building. (Borden Building will not hold all Social Services employees.) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT • • SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE SUPPORT Continue support for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base by hiring state and national lobbyists to monitor proposed legislation or administrative decisions that could impact the missions at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Continue to voice our opposition to North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources regarding their upcoming decision on the Pantego Wind Project, and other wind tUTbine projects that conflict '.vith military training routes, particularly as they relate to the Dare County Bombing Range. HIGHWAY 70 CORRIDOR COMMISSION • • • • • WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, INC. Continue to develop potential properties for industrial parks. Look at the Old Cherry Hospital site after the nevr hospital opens. Assist Wayne Community College in renovating the proposed Advanced Manufacturing Center for occupancy in the fall. Budget for the additional e>cpenses to operate the t'\ dvancing Manufacturing Center. After Facility Services staff revie'>v, the \Vayne County Facilities Committee '.Vill reviev; phase by phase itemi:ced list of e>cact needs and costs to get Advanced Manufacturing Center operational and submit to Board of Commissioners for consideration A:pprove incentives policy after recommendation from Wayne County Development '\lliance Negotiate agreements on splitting costs of any industrial park infrastructure with City, and have Wayne County Development Alliance reimburse for the infrastructure from profits on land sale. Concept has been presented. Need to finali:ce nego'..iations. Decide whether to join the Southeast NC Alliance in addition to the current Northeast Alliance. Wayne County Development Alliance to make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners. FACILITY SERVICES/MAINTENANCE • Formally organi;;o;e fleet management as an internal service fund, and begin securing additional equipment for servicing more of our fleet internally, rather than using private vendors • Provide construction day to day inspection services for the satellite jail project. • Continue to participate on the Jail Advisory Group and the Agriculture Center Advisory Group. • Continue to identify and complete major maintenance projects. • Develop a Major Facilities Plan to address office space needs in several departments, particularly in Department of Social Services, Public Health, the E-911 Center, Emergency Medical Services stations, and the Adult Probation Office. Attachment A Page 3 • = ct airflm~' in HVAC at Steele Memorial Library. Mechanical engineer has been FINANCE DEPARTMENT • Prepare the fiscal year 20 16 budget using the nev,' budget format that ga'>'e more detailed information on the various funds, matched revenues to e>cpenditures in each fund, and provided more information on the major issues to be addressed. • Update detailed debt service schedules for school and county general long term debt, including the new satellite jail. • Complete the 2015 Comprehensive A..~.nual Financial Report with another clean audit, and keep e>cpenditl:H'es 'Nell below budgeted amounts. • Prepare a bond issuance package for the satellite jail, and obtain Local Government Commission approval. • Participate in selection of a medical insurance broker to help design our self insl:H'ed medical insl:H'ance program, and negotiate the fees for the third party administrator and the reinsl:H'ance policy. Selection will take place in January 2015. • Assist Human Resol:H'ces and Information Technology in a detailed review of dependent health insurance coverages and premium deductions. • Assist Human Resources and Information Technology in a detailed review of the 2% matching 401-K contributions policy and implementation. • Refine the existing investment policy to improve our interest income, while keeping safety of principal as the first priority. • Have department managers examine ways to reduce costs 'Nhen feasible. HEALTH DEPARTMENT • Work with the Facilities Committee on determining office/lab space needs, and how best to address them in the Major Facilities Plan. (See Facilities Management above .) • If Department of Social Services moves employees to Borden Building earlier due to Eastpointe moving out prior to June 2016, hire an architect to determine needs of Health Department in County Office Building. HUMAN RESOURCES • Assl:H'e continued compliance with the North Carolina Local Government Employees Retirement System regulation that any employee working 1,000 or more hol:H's in a year must be ellfolled in tfie S)'Stem. • Assure continued compliance witfi tfie Affordable Care Act's requirement tfiat anyone working 30 hours or more must be offered medical insurance. • Assure continued compliance with the North Carolina Local Governmental Employee' Retirement System regulation for anyone who has retired from the system and goes back to ·work for Wayne County car.not ·.vork more than 1,000 hours per year, and cannot earn pay e>weeding 50% of his/her final 12 months' compensation before retirement, \\'hichever is oreater • Conduct quarterly reviews of all open workers compensation cases '<'>'ith the claims administrator Attachment A Page4 • • • • • • • • • • • Conduct periodic reviews ""'ith the new medical insurance broker to determine the causes of medical claims, and possible ways to decrease them. Offer Gate'Nay the opportunit)• to participate in our Workers Compensation Program in order to cut their annual costs by at least $20,000. Complete a detailed review of employees ' dependent health insurance enrollments and billing to assure the billing is correct. Review and update the Position C lassification and Pay Plan, and present to the BOG for formal adoption. Continue the new policy of weekly, instead of monthly, new hire orientations. Review and confirm that each position classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act is correct, and denote which exemption applies. Have th is listing approved by resolution of the Board of Commissioners. Review and confirm the use of fluctuating overtime in the Emergency Medical Services and E 911 departments. Conduct more safety and other workforce training. Develop a certification promotion policy. Develop bonus/pay plan Address 4 day ',vork week where needed. Underway. Should complete in September ~ • De··elo 1 • P and ·tmp.ement an employee evaluation , . . Evaluations are undenvay. S) stem. Forms and trammg eompleted. • Re"• ie"' ·· w of all emp 1oyee posttwns to deliver services efficiency and effectively. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT • Continue to implement the server \'irtualization project. • Complete work on a VOIP phone system . • Assist Human ResoU:Fces and Finance in both the 2% 401 K and the dependent medical insurance detailed reviews. • Emu: Install. ne\v air cond.ttloning . o· . for the D ata Center. mme need fo r m · lme . coolino ' eIectncal wiri ng, and back up oenerator a WAYNE EXECUTIVE JETPORT • Implement full after hours use of the terminal building and automated self fueling. • Make a decision on allowing a sky-diving school, making sure it does not conflict in any way with the operations or missions of Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Applicant has tabled application. • Complete the engineering plans for the drainage improvement project, and pursue any state or federal funding to complete the work. Plans \Yill be complete in about 2 months. Work will be done in house. . ·no~ services. the \Vayne E>cecuf "e Jetport. . tions for engmeen Re~~est ·"'fort~~abfi::sed rules ..,a reg>~lat•e':.'tfo.:... self sef\·iee fueliag e P"' . li I) aew t a : :::~:::~:~:~ae!S • • Sefl<l eat ~ h . IS n (aYiatiea aa<ljet ;,e I d Tl'aflspeltatiea lffiprevemellt Plafl operatwna 1. · 11 rove ment Plan, w h!C · h ·,""·111 me u e · Update Cap!tamp Reoion memes. and North Carolina's Eastern e Attachment A Page 5 • • Increase marketing opportunities at Wayne Executive Jetport Airport minimum standards LIBRARY SYSTEM LITERACY PROGRAM MUSEUM PARKS AND RECREATION CONTRIBUTION MENTAL HEALTH • Monitor the full implementation of the individHal and employer maRdates (Affordable Care i\ct) aRd the possible eJtpaRsion of Medicaid by the North Carolina General Assembly to determine insHrability for mental health services. • The coHnty vt'ill be throHgh with the Eastpointe lease of the Borden BHilding at the end of JHne, 2016. ConseqHently, the collflt)' can plan on freeing Hp three ofthe si>c floors for Hse by either the Department of Social Services or Health Department in approximately 18 months. The bHilding is in eJccellent shape. • Continue to monitor the possible merger with other MCOs (managed care organizations) in eastern North Carolina. • Invite Eastpointe CEO Ken Jones to Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss Mental Health funding OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES • Implement administrative policies for the Emergency Services Cost Recovery Ordinance, which allows the affected departments to bill responsible parties for large clean-up and other unusual responses. These events can have a huge impact on smaller agencies' budgets. Wayne County Firefighters Association to review forms. E-911 SYSTEM • Reviev• the staffing level s recommended in the E 911 study and develop a plan to address any needed changes. • InclHde the facility space needs from the stHdy in the Major Facilities Plan, and apply for State E 911 Board fimding to offset the major portion of this cost. • Develop a backup public safety answering point (PSAP) plan to comply w ith SB 797 (2014). In progress. PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM • Complete the performance and acceptance testing of this system and place in opeFation by early April at the latest. FIRE MARSHAL • Work with the Purchasing Agent to condHct a live aHction restricted to the YOlllflteer fire departments in, or serving Wayne CoHnty, of the smplHs eqHipment at Pinewood Volunteer Fire Department RO'N owned by the county. Proceeds ·.vill help repay the outstanding debt. The county will continue to use the station as an Emergency Medical SerYices station EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES • Complete an Emergency Medical Services station location study for the entire county, which will guide future station locations as funding permits. There are some areas that still have a longer than desired response time. Work with the Wayne County Facilities Attachment A Page 6 • • • • • • Committee to include this in the Major Facilities Plan. Study completed. Need to work with Wayne County Facilities Committee on recommendation. Remolffit additional ambulances on nev~· chassis as required, which is considerably cheaper than new ambulances. Continue to 'Nork with Wayne Memorial Hospital, Emergency Management, Wayne County Sheriff's Office, fire departments, and other emergency responders to refine protocols, secure training, and obtain equipment for possible Ebola patient care. Review the staffing levels of the Emergency Medical Services in terms of number of Emergency Medical Technician Paramedics versus Emergency Medical Tech..'lician Basics and Emergency Medical Technician Intermediates and develop a plan to address any needed changes. Study feasibility of community paramedic program NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT FACILITIES SECURITY Continue to work ""'ith the jail architect on the security system. Det~rmine usage of former Pine\vood Fire Department facility for non emergency med1cal transport facility PLANNING, GIS, AND INSPECTIONS • Continue to review petitions as received, for street lighting special assessments in remaining de>Eed subdivisions. Three have been received thus far. • Receive and discuss next steps in the Dewberry Associates study of the utility system providers in and arolffid the new intersections created by the new US 70 construction. The report will be received in February, 20 15. • Finish the update to the AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone) plan around Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Should be ready for discussion in early spring 2016. Appointments were delayed by federal government. Study now underway. • Continue participation in the federal government' s Joint Land Use Study for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and the Dare Bombing Range, including the military training routes connecting them. • Develop policy on creating special tax districts on getting subdivision roads eligible to be a state maintained road. Obtain written assurance from North Carolina Depa::r'".ment of Transportation subdivision roads will be taken over as state maintained roads. Amend the Subdivision Ordinance to insert on subdivision plat a statement signed by the subdivision developer that he agrees to maintain the roads lffitil accepted into the NC DOT Secondary Highway System. • Completion of amending Wayne County Outdoor Advertising Ordinance • Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation on marketing Wayne County at entryways into county. Signage was budgeted and application filed. • Address minimum housing code. Adopt state minimum housing code. • Address noise ordinance . • Address junk car ordinance. • Hire new Plarming Director. • Address mobile home park ordinance. Attachment A Page 7 • • • Address Special Events Ordinance. Determine if money is available to get rid of abandoned mobile homes in county. After new Planning Director is hired, form a committee to decide on the issues which need to be addressed. PUBLIC EDUCATION: COUNTY K-12 SYSTEM • Continue to vlork with the Wayne County Board of Education on their construction of two new middle schools, and over $12,300,000 of other school renovations and exnans10ns • Finish construction of the two middle schools and the wastewater systems. • Review Capital Improvement Plan with Wayne County Board of Education Chairman and Superintendent to determine needs using proposed upcoming state bonds funds . J. lV J. VJ.&V o PUBLIC EDUCATION: WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Continue to work with Wayne Community College and the Wayne County Development Alliance to renovate and occupy the Advanced Manufacturing Center. The Wayne County Development Alliance will owfl the property, and lease it to WayRe Community College for a dollar a year. Most of the equipment is already purchased, and is spread out in several buildings on campus. Once it is centrali£ed in the new facility, over 22,000 square feet of classroom space at the WayRe Community College campus will be available for other programs. The additional operatiflg costs for this facility (about $270,000) will be a significant new e~cpense for the County in fiscal year 2015 2016. • Address training for the over 18 year olds with Workforce Development. • Establish Capital Improvemeflt Plan needs for proposed upcomiflg state boftd issue • Get a second opinion on the need for a power plant PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE • Work with Information Technology on a proposal to upgrade the county' s website. • Hire a tech..'lician to assist WayRe Alley. • Form a workjng group on how best to market Wayne County. • Standardize schedule OR 'NGTV. PUBLIC SAFETY • Complete full desigfl, specifications, contract documents and permitting on the ne'>>t' Satellite Jail by the spring, and then bid it out for construction. We arnicipate that with the $5,000,000 in fund balance set aside for this project, and over $1,100,000 ar.Jlually in debt service being fully repaid in four years, this capital cost can be handled without a tax increase by financing it over 20 years. Operating costs will be handled by the $900,000 annually budgeted now for housing inmates in other jails, and by our then charging other counties to house some oftheir inmates in our new facility. For example, if we charged $40 per day, for an average of 100 inmates, for 365 days, that would generate $1,460,000. • Continue to upgrade the Sheriff's Office vehicle fleet on a replacement schedule. • The Sheriff started using inmate labor to clean the road rights of '>vay. He has plans to e~(pand that program in FY 2016. Attachment A Page 8 • Develop a special crime task force to focus on property crimes MEDICAL EXAMINER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (GWTAlGATEWA Y) • Monitor the sufficiency of the e>dsting rate structure and adjust rates and/or a General Fund subsidy as needed to keep our Department of gocial gervices and gervices on Aging transportation programs in compliance with both Medicaid and Area Agency on Aging. Both are satisfied with the current rates. • Continue to work with GATEWAY/GV/TA using the agreed upon procedures to streamline the billing and reconciliation process, using software that allows Department of gocial ger.'ices and gervices on Aging to pre approve the trips electronically. • Working on a policy to use the county' s Workers Compensation Program, which '<¥ill c::nvP. M - • • - - -- _ _ _ ~?0 , oJ ... ...,._ _ 000 ...,...,..., . The City of Goldsboro is constructing the Transfer gtation for new offices, and possible overnight parking of vehicles. Need to determine our participation in this project. County Attorney has drafted the lease agreement between GATEWAY/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro, which includes the county's payments. Needs GATEWAY/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro's approval, then send to the county to approve. The county's annual payment is in the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. Examine the feasibility of a northern and southern fixed route . REGISTER OF DEEDS • u f ("LUC .. a· h has the to Tosa·ba o mo ney . . plat ama!~siderable (for · h ,.,, 'ill save c j contractamount "'i.d e path pnnter j ,subdivision ,auc Change~~ res t of the count)·' s business '~· SERVICES ON AGING • gee impact of transportation rates in Public Transportation above. • Continue to increase utilization of tae new Peggy geegars genior Center. • Hire replacement director for gervices on A.ging. SEWER SYSTEM • Need to replace the e>(isting piping from U£ Highway 117 to our sewer pump station, as the line is 10 feet deep in soupy soils that will not allow for a stable rock bed. The Wayne County Facilities Committee vrill be discussing tais at its January meeting, and •.vi!l have a recommendation shortly for the Board of Commissioners. After using sewer camera, the \Vayne County Facilities Committee has voted not to replace this line. • Have identified eight connection points to our sewer system by City of Goldsboro, Southern Wayne Sanitary District and the Southeastern Wayne Sanitary District based upon mapping from all three compiled by our GIS Division. Need to install sewer meters to determine location of inflow and infiltration so we can repair. Have started the process to apply for a State Revolving Fund loan for this work, as the deadline is soon. SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL • purchasing. contmue . to replace heavy equipment as need ed · Compare purchasing vs. lease Attachment A Page 9 • Will provide dirt and its transportation from the landfill to the new satellite jail site once construction beoins TAX DEPARTMENT • Implement the budgeted soft'vvare upgrade in the fall, after deciding to bill using the old softv;are to minimize any problems. V l .l '-'"-'fSA&.I.Vo VETERANS SERVICES OFFICE • Improve customer service levels through five day office hours and improved communications. OUTSIDE AGENCIES • Continue to work opportunistically with other agencies in a cooperative, constructive mar.ner to enhance the community. Be open to possibilities to help. • Develop a policy for a fair way of handling funding for non profits. • Work out a solution to Busco Beach with the City of Goldsboro on land, and the owner. Make Busco Beach a destination site. OTHER GOALS DISCUSSION • Address and focus on improving the quality of life in Wayne County. • Utilizing technology to make Wayne County financial information more understandable for citizens on-line. • Utilization of video conferencing for on-line employee medical visits. • Utilization of Health Department clinics and pharmacy for employees. • Check Wayne County Animal Control Ordinances with North Carolina General Statutes to make sure Wayne County ordinances protect animals as much as possible. • Investigate improving emergency room care opportunities in areas of the county outside of Goldsboro. • Review vehicle model schedule and assigned employees in an effort to downsize vehicle fleet. • Plan to reduce the number of mental health patients in jail. Attachment B Page I WAYNE COUNTY GOVERNMENT GOALS FOR CALENDAR 2016 APPROVED FEBRUARY 9, 2016 The red numbers in brackets denote the number of votes each item received out of a possible 6 votes. Chairman Daughtery was absent due to medical reasons. They are listed in order from highest votes to lowest votes. There are 33 of these goals. • • • • • • • Develop a Major Facilities Plan to address office space needs in several departments, particularly in Department of Social Services, Public Health, the E-911 Center, Emergency Medical Services stations, and the Adult and Juvenile Probation Offices. (4) plus 3 more that were voted for the EMS stations alone. Form a working group on how best to market Wayne County. Hire a marketing director or contract with an outside source to market all of Wayne County. Invite local governments/counties with good marketing and communications programs to present their programs to a working group. (4) Continue the solid working relationship with Wayne County Public Schools. Look at covering state raises for employees not covered by the State's funding formula. Address technology in Wayne County Public Schools with a new appropriation in the budget that is earmarked for technology. Indicate support of performing arts program at Goldsboro High School. (4) Hire staff attorney and paralegal (clerical) to work under the supervision of the County Attorney. (3) Finish the funding for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Negotiate rental amount with Farm Service Agency for Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Hire director for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Discuss hire date with architect at appropriate time and recommend hire date to the full Board of Commissioners. Develop policies and procedures for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. Select furnishings for the Wayne Regional Agricultural and Convention Center. (3) Review organizational structure in Office of Emergency Services, Finance and Human Resources. (3) Develop a backup public safety answering point (PSAP) plan to comply with SB 797 (2014). In progress. (3) • Discussion/study of a replacement library to serve northern Wayne County . (2) • Lobby for legislation to change NCDOT policies on subdivision street acceptance into the State Secondary Highway System. Request NCACC to add this as a legislative goal. (2) • • • • Finish construction of the wastewater system at Grantham MS. (2) Examine the feasibility of a Gateway northern and southern fixed route. (2) Have identified eight connection points to our sewer system by City of Goldsboro, Southern Wayne Sanitary District and the Southeastern Wayne Sanitary District based upon mapping from all three compiled by our GIS Division. Need to install sewer meters to determine location of inflow and infiltration so we can repair. Have received an $820,000 loan for renovations from the State Revolving Fund. (2) Work out a solution to Busco Beach with the City of Goldsboro on land, and the owner. Attachment B Page 2 • Make Busco Beach a destination site. (2) Develop community based apprenticeship program for unemployed and underemployed. Local, state, federal and grant funding needed. Non-traditional approach to training with skilled role models. Check with Wayne Community College, Employment Security Commission and other agencies for training opportunities to cover this population. (2) DAY REPORTING CENTER • Need to increase program participants. ( 1) • SEYMOUR JOHNSON AIR FORCE BASE SUPPORT (1) • • Continue to develop potential properties for industrial parks. Underway. (1) Schedule two separate work sessions for the budget - one for internal departments and one for outside agencies, schools, and the community college. (I) Analysis of financial and human resources software (GEMS upgrade or another software) in calendar 20 17. (I) Continue to examine pay plan- merit increase and/or separate pool of money for reclassification of some positions. (1) Continue to implement the server virtualization project. (1) Increase marketing opportunities at the Wayne Executive Jetport. (1) • • • • • LITERACY PROGRAM (1) • Continue to monitor the possible merger with other MCOs (managed care organizations) in eastern North Carolina. (I ) Study feasibility of community paramedic program. (1) Address minimum housing code. Adopt state minimum housing code. Address noise ordinance. Address junk car ordinance. Address mobile home park ordinance. Address Special Events Ordinance. Determine if money is available to get rid of abandoned mobile homes in county. (1) Survey interest in wireless Internet service throughout the entire county for countywide Internet service. ( 1) Develop a security assessment at the Veterans Affairs Office. ( 1) Offer assistance to municipalities. (1) Continuation of WATCH services and van concern by citizens. ( 1) Continue to work with Wayne Community College and the Wayne County Development Alliance to renovate and occupy the Advanced Manufacturing Center. (1) Legislation to remove felony notation on job applications if a previous felony conviction was 10 years prior. Promote the existing tax credit for hiring ex-offenders. (1) Review vehicle model schedule and assigned employees in an effort to downsize vehicle fleet. (1) • • • • • • • • • In addition to the goals receiving votes, some potential goals received no votes, but are already being worked on. We will continue these goals to completion as well in calendar 2016. There are 11 of these goals. • Negotiate agreements on splitting costs of any industrial park infrastructure with City, and have Wayne County Development Alliance reimburse for the infrastructure from profits on land sale. Concept has been presented. Need to finalize negotiations. Attachment B Page 3 • • • • • • • • • • Assist Human Resources and Information Technology in a detailed review of the 2% matching 401-K contributions policy and implementation. Refine the existing investment policy to improve our interest income, while keeping safety of principal as the first priority. Review and confirm that each position classified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act is correct, and denote which exemption applies. Have this listing approved by resolution of the Board of Commissioners. Conduct more safety and other workforce training. Develop a certification promotion policy. Implement administrative policies for the Emergency Services Cost Recovery Ordinance, which allows the affected departments to bill responsible parties for large clean-up and other unusual responses. These events can have a huge impact on smaller agencies' budgets. Wayne County Firefighters Association to review forms. Finish the update to the AICUZ (Air Installation Compatible Use Zone) plan around Seymour Johnson Air Force Base. Should be ready for discussion in early spring 2016. Appointments were delayed by federal government. Study now underway. Continue participation in the federal government's Joint Land Use Study for Seymour Johnson Air Force Base and the Dare Bombing Range, including the military training routes connecting them. Work with North Carolina Department of Transportation on marketing Wayne County at entryways into county. Signage was budgeted and application filed. County Attorney has drafted the lease agreement between GATEWA Y/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro, which includes the county's payments. Needs GATEWA Y/GWTA and the City of Goldsboro's approval, then send to the county to approve. The county's armual payment is in the fiscal year 2015-2016 budget. The following items received no votes, and therefore will not be considered in calendar 2016. They remain on the list as future possible goals for your consideration. ANIMAL CONTROL SERVICES BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOARD OF ELECTIONS COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE AND SOIL & WATER DISTRICT COURTS (SUPERIOR AND DISTRICT) DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT HIGHWAY 70 CORRIDOR COMMISSION Attachment B Page 4 WAYNE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT ALLIANCE, INC. FACILITY SERVICES/MAINTENANCE • Continue to identify and complete major maintenance projects. FINANCE DEPARTMENT HEALTH DEPARTMENT HUMAN RESOURCES INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT WAYNE EXECUTIVE JETPORT • Airport minimum standards LIBRARY SYSTEM MUSEUM PARKS AND RECREATION CONTRIBUTION MENTAL HEALTH • Invite Eastpointe CEO to Board of Commissioners meeting to discuss Mental Health funding. OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES E-911 SYSTEM PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM FIRE MARSHAL EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES NON-EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORT FACILITIES SECURITY PLANNING, GIS, AND INSPECTIONS PUBLIC EDUCATION: COUNTY K-12 SYSTEM • Review Capital Improvement Plan with Wayne County Board of Education Chairman and Superintendent to determine needs. PUBLIC EDUCATION: WAYNE COMMUNITY COLLEGE • Get a second opinion on the need for a power plant. PUBLIC AFFAIRS OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY Attachment B Page 5 MEDICAL EXAMINER PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM (GWTA/GATEWAY) REGISTER OF DEEDS SERVICES ON AGING SEWER SYSTEM SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL TAX DEPARTMENT VETERANS SERVICES OFFICE OUTSIDE AGENCIES OTHER POSSIBLE GOALS • Address and focus on improving the quality oflife in Wayne County. • Utilizing technology to make Wayne County financial information more understandable for citizens on-line. • Utilization of video conferencing for on-line employee medical visits. • Utilization of Health Department clinics and pharmacy for employees. • Check Wayne County Animal Control Ordinances with North Carolina General Statutes to make sure Wayne County ordinances protect animals as much as possible. • Investigate improving emergency room care opportunities in areas of the county outside of Goldsboro. • Plan to reduce the number of mental health patients in jail. • Resolution to legislators to protect raises to state employees. Request NCACC assistance. • State of Wayne County quarterly meetings with other elected officials to discuss issues. • Four-lane Wayne Memorial Drive to new Goldsboro Bypass.