April - Scale Squadron of Southern California


April - Scale Squadron of Southern California
scale dimension
The Official Newsletter of the Scale Squadron of Southern California
AMA Charter 1520 - Est 1977 - Website: www.scalesquadron.com
The Founding Home of the United States Scale Masters Championships - Est 1978
USSMA President, Curtis Kitteringham did a great job of explaining scale competition and the
process for first timers.
Curtis showed several samples of
scale documentation and articles
on competition. In the end many
were much more at ease as to
how easy it is to enter a Scale
Masters Qualifier with an scale
Mike Greenshields did a great job
of putting the event together and
of course feeding everyone a free
lunch too.
April? Where did January February and March go? It is amazing
that this great sport of ours eats
up time with building, flying and
just enjoying the commandery of
the others that share our passion
for scale aircraft.
Like many of you that are your
own bosses, I have been challenged with work projects, but that
helps pay for the cool stuff we fly,
so no complaints there. Just not
enough hours in the day or days
in a month.
For those that attended our Scale
UN-Contest, the turn out was
excellent and several pilots participated in the sample scale judging
while flying for the judges.
Gordon Truax and Larry Wolfe,
both qualified scale judges guided pilots through the required
Overall, it was a great day, great
weather, and great participation.
As you read the newsletter, you
can’t help to notice the events that
surround us and a lot of reasons
APRIL 2015
to get out and fly. We live in sunny
California and there is no lack of
activity wherever or whatever you
do. We indeed are fortunate to
have the availability to enjoy other
locations and the company of fellow modellers.
Our program this month is a continuation of our plans to enhance
our meetings with useful information that helps us as scale modellers. This months program is no
exception with artist Scot Carter.
I am sure once you view his work
in this newsletter, you will quickly
want to know more to enhance
your latest scale project or make
an ARF not look like an ARF.
The big Cessna T50 Bobcat,
needs no introduction. A good shot
of Tim Carden dialing in for his
first trip to Top Gun. It is a great
thrill to have 4 Scale Squadron
members going this year with Tim,
Frank Magliaco, Shaun Roblee,
and David Morales.
The Scale Squadron 2015 Board of Directors
Executive VP
Safety Officer
Sam Wright
Mike Greenshields mikegreenshields@gmail.com
Ed Woodson
Tim Cardin
Larry Wolfe
Ed McCormick
Scott Whyte
Sam Wright (Temporary) Ha!
APRIL 2015
ARF Navy
Dive Bomber
46-91 GP/EP Power
All Wood Airframe
l R/E/A/T/F/Optional retracts
All Wood Airframe
l Two-Piece Wing
ARF Twin Mustang
l 63in Span
Twin 46 GP/EP Power
ARF Tri-Motor
Three 2814 BL Motors & 40-Amp
BL-ESCs (Required)
Easy access hatch
63in Span
All Wood
World Record Holding Plane
R/E/A/T/F/Optional retracts
ARF Mustang
46 GP/EP D-day
Invasion Stripes
Easy access hatch
All Wood
Local Club Member
Appreciation Coupon
18 Hobby People Stores To Serve You In
Southern California and Nevada!
At New
Digital Timer
Counts Up Or Down, Minutes
And Seconds, w/Alarm
$ 99 With this
Offer Valid Through April 2015 Only
Price, specs, and availability may change without notice.
March Club Newsletter Ad from Hobby People.
Any type/size is welcome as long as it is a WAR BIRD IN WAR BIRD COLORS!!! War Bird trainers/cargo aircra7 must be purposely built for the military and in military colors/scheme. – Sponsored by the Tucson Radio Control Club $20 Landing Fee. Prizes and Raffle. Camping On-­‐Site (No Hook-­‐Ups) RV Park 1 mile South. RegistraSon: 8 AM both days. CD Bob Snook
7754 S Fast Horse Rd Tucson AZ 85xxx
520-­‐955-­‐3831 Email marshallrlee@aol.com "Sanc2oned by the Academy of Model Aeronau2cs” Sanc2on # TRCC
“BIG” Swap Meet! Bring your model stuff.
Scale Squadron Coffee Cups - Microwave Safe
We are sold out of Coffee Cups. If you would like one, please let us know. We are ordering a
new batch. Price is $15.00 plus shipping or you can pick them up at the meeting.
Frank Migliaco’s Great Planes FW-190 on approach at OCMA
Photo by Tim Johnson
Brian Young doing what he does, flying his favorite warbirds every Sunday,.
This LA7 was enlarged and all scrtach built by Brian.
Photo by Tim Johnson.
Scale Squadron April 2015 Meeting Photos
Our members and their scale activities...this is what we do.....
Kevin Gribben was the March program with the Wings West epoxy resins for fiberglassing. Kevin showed how little is
required to glass a wing panel. Basically a $3.00 packet will cover a 30” wing panel with no mess to clean up.
Kevin applies the thin resin to the B25 outer wing panel.
The resin is then blotted with 2 layers of bathroom tissue.
The process only takes minutes and was impressive. The
B25 belongs to Commander Sam in photo smiling a lot!
Kevin Gribben on the left with his back to us, shows the
easy Wings West method of fiberglassing a wing panel.
Mike Greenshields VP of Hobby People shows the new
line of precision metal case high torque metal servos.
Larry Wolfe shows the corrected scale outline of the F9F
Panther plug. Soon to be the master for the glass fuselage.
Steve Penn shows his progress on a stick and tissue scale
model. Probably for the squadron rubber powered event.
Tom McNichols finished Top Flite P51. This one was in the Tom discusses the power, finish and challenges getting his
bones or ARC (Almost Ready to Cover) This is Tom’s first first scale model ready for the taxi test. Tom is a past pattern champion, so no stranger to precision flying,.
try at scale and possibly competition in the future.
Randy Wilbur showing progress on his big Ziroli T6.
Randy has made a lot of good modifications to the wing
platform and gear mounts.
A Dehaviland DH6 Beaver, a new ARFG project for Randy
as a birthday gift fro his Fiancee Joni. How do you do that?
Larry Klingberg showing more progress on his Fairchild
FC-2. All scratch built and no laser cut parts.
Here is a better view of the Larrys dummy engine for the
Fairchild FC-2. That is real aluminum sheet metal behind
the engine.
Thge scale seminar and getting into scale competition at
the squadron’s recent Un-Contest. The turnout was great.
Curtis Kitteringham, USSMA President, gave the presentation with samples of scale documentation.
VVRCF 1st Chance Qualifer
November 6 - 8, 2015
Victor Valley RC Flyers Club & Scale Squadron Club - 7000 Arrowhead Lake Road, Hesperia, CA
Scale Contest and USSMA Qualifier, Hosted by the VVRCF
The 1st Chance Qualifier is a Scale Model Aircraft contest. 1st place finishes and top 1/3 scores qualify pilots
to compete in the Scale Masters National Championships held in Sept/Oct 2016 (TBA). Scale Masters has
competition categories for Scale Modelers of all skill/experience levels. If you’re interested in competing with
an R/C scale airplane, this Qualifer has a category for you!
1st time competitors and ARF’s welcome!
Entry Fee$30 1st class entered
$20 2nd class entered
Lloyd’s World-Famous
Saturday Night Banquet
$15 per person
Entry INCLUDES Sat Lunch
Expert - Top-Level - This category is for the builder-pilot and is the only category from which the Grand Champion is determined at the Championship Event. Full Documentation Required.
Team: Pilot/Builder work as a team. Full Documentation Required.
Advanced: This category is available for top-level pilots using aircraft that are not governed by the Builder of Model
(BOM) rule. Full Documentation Required.
ProAm/Pro: ProAm/Pro: Fly any scale plane - includes purchased, modeler-built or factory-built scale models including
ARF/ARC, Documentation:only a picture of a real plane that is the same model/type as your RC model.
ProAm/Sportsman: For the true beginner. Same basic outline as the ProAm-Pro
Scale Masters Rules: http://www.usscalemasters.org/forumsmf2/index.php?action=tpmod;dl=item111
Questions? Contact: Ronnie Espolt (310-344-3140), email: airseamach@aol.com
Food Available on-site. (Lunch included for Contestants & Judges.) Free Camping (dry, onsite Fri/Sat/Sun Night). NO TURBINES. Field: Paved 500’ Runway w/Covered Pit Area.
Schedule of Events (subject to change)
9am - Open Practice
& Early Registration
11am - Static Begins
7am - Registration
8am - Pilots Meeting
8:15 - Static Comp
9am - Flying Comp
6pm - Lloyd’s World
Famous Banquet
8am - Pilots Meeting
8:15 - Static Begins
9am - Flying Begins
Awards - 2pm
Presented by:
Hosted by:
Mystery Plane of the Month
I have been scratching my head on a mystery plane and Tim Johnson dug this one up for us. Somehow it
came through Photoshop and lost it’s country of origin markings! Shame......
Remember to pout the ballot in the box and you must have the following:
Complete Name?
Date first flown?
Country of Origin?
We will have a prize reward for the winner.
I am always looking for mystery planes, and if you have one, send it to me for insertion in the newsletter.
We are fortunate to have artist, Illustrator, Scott Carter as our guest presentation this month. Scott is an
in depth model railroader in several gauges, and plastic model artist. He also has winning creations in the
1/6th scale field with WWII Armour, tanks, Jeeps, Kettenkrads, and soldiers.
Scott is now venturing into RC and we will see him training at OCMA shortly.
The techniques Scott uses apply to our large scale aircraft and I am sure you will be fascinated by his
creativity and detail methods. The P47 in the photo is a scale plastic model and only a small representation of Scott’s work.
Our new artwork for Warbirds & Classics scale event was designed by Scott. That alone should give you an
idea of the immense talent Scott brings tot he Scale Squadron.
More samples of Scott’s artistry in 1/6th giant scale. These are commissioned projects that Scott creates for
clients. Can you imagine what he can do with a scale aircraft?
I certainly hope you will join us for another exciting program enhanced with Cookies and coffee.
Scale Squadron Special Events as of Feb 1, 2015:
2015 is filled with a few great Squadron events! And many of our local clubs and friends are hosting other scale events
that are certainly worth your consideration! We hope to see all of you at the Squadron events! Get involved! -Mike
March 14, 2015
Un-Contest Scale Competition Workshop - CONFIRMED
Location: OCMA
The Scale Squadron presents a stree-free workshop with presentations, opportunity for one-on-one coaching, and actual
judged flying and flight maneuver advice.
Cost: FREE
See flier in this newsletter for details Signup at RCFlightdeck.com
May 16/17, 2015
Battle of the Builders – CONFIRMED
Location: OC Fairgrounds
RCX has renewed interest and we are tentatively confirmed. So, get a plane ready for show, we’ll talk about special
activities at RCX, and save the date! Signup at RCFlightdeck.com
June 5-7, 2015
Warbirds and Classics at Black Starr – CONFIRMED
Location: OCMA
We are working out the final details as we write this schedule for the newsletter. Please keep this weekend open, plan to
help and attend. This will be a low-stress, fun, exciting event that will be fun for EVERYONE!
Added news: Camping and a Saturday Night banquet/event are confirmed and in the planning stages!
Signup at RCFlightdeck.com
August 10, 2015
Free Flight Indoor Club Contest – CONFIRMED
Location: Hobby People warehouse
There will be food, there will be fun, there will be a fun rubber powered free flight airplane contest. Look for details on
our website and upcoming newsletters. Cost: FREE New details: Larry has confirmed the 1-design plane! More news at
the meeting!
November 6 to 8, 2015
Victor Valley/Scale Squadron
1st-Chance USSMA Qualifier – CONFIRMED
Location: VVRCF Airfield, Hesperia CA
We team up with the VVRCF up in the High-Desert and help run this FUN qualifier. Never competed? You’ll get the
help you need at this event to get comfortable with scale competition. Serious competitor? This is a great 500 foot+
paved runway with pit-shade, engine running/starting tables, on-sight power with plug-ins well-appointed flying field
with a GREAT group of people. Flier in the Newsletter
December 14, 2015
Club Christmas Party
More to come as we get closer, but KEEP this date OPEN! You don’t want to miss it!!!!
Up-Coming Scale Aircraft-Related Events!
Mar 28-29, 2015
1/8th Air Force Spring Fly-In 2015 - CONFIRMED
Low-stress, lots of fun, the Annual Spring Fly-In. Fly scale with our friends in AZ!
More Info: oeaf.org
Apr 10-12, 2015 - Tentative
Hemet USSMA Scale Competition Qualifier
Fly and compete with our friends in Hemet!
We’re waiting on final info from Curtis Kitteringham, but we expect these are the correct dates.
More Info: hemetmodelmasters.com
May 2-3, 2015
Planes of Fame Air Show
Chino Airport
May 21-24, 2015
CASTLE 2015 1st Annual Giant Scale Fun Fly - CONFIRMED
Location: Castle Air Force Base
IMAA may have closed up shop, but they’re still going-big at Castle for 2015
rogue-eagles.org for more info
Flier: http://rogue-eagles.org/Events/CastleIMAA2015Flyer.pdf
Stay Connected with the Squadron
-Sign Up for Website Announcements: Scale Squadron Home Page www.scalesquadron.com
-Follow Us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ScaleSquadronofSouthernCalifornia
-Make Sure Ed Woodson has your correct email and address so you don’t miss special Scale Squadron
emails and announcements! Just click on either link above.
Schedule Subject to Change without notice. For reference only. For official dates and event information,
contact the managing club of each event directly.
Local Wrench at OCMA!
Do you know him?
Works for parts......
APRIL 13, 2015
7:00 PM
See Map and address on page 2
Show & Tell is for our members to show
their scale aircraft project in any stage from
plans, or framed up to a completed model.
Scale ARFs or full bore scale models are
 18TH ANNUAL 
1 Annual Castle 2015 ~
Giant Scale Fly-In
Castle Airport, Central California, off Highway 99
May 21st to 24th 2015
Landing Fee - $35.00
R.V. Camping for the Event - $40.00 or for Front Row - $60.00
Pilot Automobile Parking – $5.00 for the entire event
No Charge for Airplane Trailers, Tow Vehicles or Dinghys
Vendors * Raffle * Food
“IMAA” Legal Turbines Welcome
Scotty Malta, (Event Director & Registration) -scottmalta@comcast.net (209) 617-5789
Rick Maida, (CD) – mrcorsair@usa.net (408) 460-1526