Corpus Christi CVB


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Corpus Christi CVB
Editing Business Listing Information in the Tourism Manager
Last updated: March 25, 2016
©Corpus Christi CVB
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Overview ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Tourism Manager Website Addresses and System Requirements..................................................................................... 3
Edit Business Listing screen ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Maximum Character Counts and Information Formatting ....................................................................................................... 5
Listing Name Display ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Content Entry Field Grouping .............................................................................................................................................. 6
Primary Fields Area ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Name................................................................................................................................................................................ 7
Description ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Summary Shown in Search Results ................................................................................................................................ 7
Image ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Reviews (currently not in use) ......................................................................................................................................... 8
Amenities Fields Group ....................................................................................................................................................... 8
What are amenities? ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
Types of amenity content entry fields .............................................................................................................................. 8
Street Address & Public Contact Information Fields Group .............................................................................................. 10
For Paid Listings Only ....................................................................................................................................................... 11
Web address (URL) formatting ...................................................................................................................................... 11
Working with the YouTube fields ................................................................................................................................... 11
How the fields appear if they are not editable................................................................................................................ 12
Advanced Fields ................................................................................................................................................................ 13
Saving your changes ......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Advertising Screen ................................................................................................................................................................ 17
Statistics Screen ................................................................................................................................................................... 18
Contacts Screen .................................................................................................................................................................... 19
How do I get help if I’m having trouble using the Tourism Manager? ................................................................................... 20
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This document provides information on managing your business/organization listing in the Tourism Manager. The
information for your business/organization listing is organized into five separate screens:
1. Edit Listing/Event - This screen is used to edit the information for your listing, such as its name and
2. Advertising - This screen provides the information on the advertising level of your
business/organization. The information on this screen cannot be edited.
3. Statistics - This screen provides statistics on the number of times the public website page for your
business/organization listing has been viewed.
4. Contacts - This screen is used to edit the information for the users who can log in to the Tourism
Manager to make edits to your business/organization listing and where you can change the user
assigned to be the primary contact for your business/organization.
5. Actions - This column appears on the right side of the screen and provides the actions that you can
take on your listing, such as assigning classifications and accepting reviews.
The types of information that you can edit on each screen is covered in detail, including the maximum
character limits for certain fields, what the fields are used for, and how to format the content that you enter into the
Within this document, the following terms are used:
Public website
This term refers to the public Visit Corpus Christi website found at:
This term refers to the Corpus Christi Convention and Visitors Bureau that administers the public website and the
Tourism Manager.
Business listing
This term is used to describe any entity eligible to be included in the CCCVB site. Examples include Tourism
Organizations and individual business owners.
Tourism Manager Website Addresses and System Requirements
The Tourism Manager is located at the following web address:
Your computer needs to meet certain requirements access and correctly use the Tourism Manager.
For all computers:
At least 1024x768 screen resolution.
Cookies and JavaScript enabled.
(these are browser defaults)
Any pop-up blocking software
If your computer is a PC:
The operating system must be
Windows XP or newer.
If your computer is a Mac:
The operating system must be at
least Mac OSX.
Your web browser should be Internet
Explorer 8 or newer, Firefox 14 or
newer, Chrome 20 or newer, or Safari
5 or newer.
Your web browser should be Chrome
20 or newer, Safari 5 or newer, or
Firefox 14 or newer.
You can access the Tourism Manager from any computer and browser that meets these requirements. A special
Internet connection is not needed, so you can access it from any location (your home, office, coffee shop, etc.) where
you can connect to the Internet. The CCCVB recommends that you bookmark the Tourism Manager login page in your
browser for easier access. When you bookmark it, it will appear in your bookmarks list as: Corpus Tourism : Login
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Edit Business Listing screen
After clicking on the name of a business listing, it is opened for editing. The screen used to edit a business listing has four
main areas. IMPORTANT: All required fields (i.e. fields that have to be filled in) are marked with a red asterisk (*).
1. Navigation Columns – These are the column containing links to open the types of items you can edit and
create business listings, events, and deals
2. Sub-navigation - These links enable you to switch between the different screens to edit specific information
for the listing.
3. Information editing area - This area contains the form fields that you use to edit the information for the listing or
event. The amount of form fields varies based on the screen you have open.
4. Actions column - This column includes buttons and fields for the actions that you can take on the listing or
event, such as indicating whether or not to accept reviews and to assign classifications.
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Maximum Character Counts and Information Formatting
When a field includes a specified maximum character count, this count includes not only the characters (letters and
numbers) but also includes spaces between words and any punctuation.
Carriage returns (hitting the ENTER key on your keyboard to create separate paragraphs) are also counted as
characters. These will count as two characters.
The system also trims any extra empty spaces from the beginning and end of the name of your listing in the Name field.
When inputting text into text area (these are the larger input fields, such as the Description and Search Results
Text) you cannot use HTML markup for formatting.
For example, you cannot use the <strong> tag to try to make a word bold. If you enter the following into a text field in the
Tourism Manager:
the <strong> and <strong> tags will be discarded and only the text will be saved:
Listing Name Display
The type of listing (free or enhanced) is displayed after the listing title. This links to the Advertising screen that displays
detailed information regarding the listing type.
For free listings, This is a Free Basic Listing is
displayed following the listing name.
For enhanced listings, This is an Enhanced
Listing is displayed following the listing name.
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Content Entry Field Grouping
The fields have been grouped to help with information entry and workflow. The fields used most often are at the top of the
screen to help you add and edit information more quickly and easily.
The groupings are:
Primary Fields - The most often used fields at the top of the screen.
Amenities – Desirable or useful features of your business listing.
Street Address and Public Contact information – Information for site visitors to find and contact you.
For Paid Listings Only – Social media, booking, video, and additional image fields available when you have
“Enhanced” status.
5. Advanced – Fields for classifying your business listing and setting its geo-location.
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Primary Fields Area
The Primary Fields area consists of following content fields positioned at the top of the screen. These fields remain visible
on the screen at all times.
This field holds the name of your business/organization listing. The maximum character limit is 50. The character limit
includes all punctuation and spaces between words.
This field is used to describe your business/organization listing and is displayed on your listing’s page on the public
website. There is no limit to the amount of text that you can enter into this field.
Summary Shown in Search Results
This field is used as a description for your listing when it appears on search results pages on the public
website. If this field is left empty, your listing will not include a description when it appears in search results pages. The
maximum character count for this field is 600. The character limit includes all punctuation and spaces between words.
You can upload an image for your business listing. You can upload images in the following file types: .jpg, .png, and .gif.
The maximum file size for an image is 10 megabytes. The suggested pixel dimensions are 400 pixels wide by 300 pixels
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Change - This button enables you to change the title and description for the image or swap out the image for another
Delete - This link permanently deletes the image from your listing. After you click this link, the system will display a
confirmation dialog, asking you to confirm that you wish to delete the image. If you click the OK button in the dialog, the
image will be deleted. If you click the Cancel button in the dialog, this aborts the process and the image will not be
deleted. You do not need to client the Save button for the image clear to be permanent (which is why the system
prompts you to confirm your choice).
Important: Changing an image is an action that permanently deletes the original image (i.e. the image you are replacing).
If you change an image and then decide that you want to go back to the original image, you will need to re-upload the
original image.
Reviews (currently not in use)
This field enables TripAdvisor reviews to be displayed on the details page for your business listing on the public website.
This feature is currently not being used so this field can be ignored. If this field is utilized in the future, you will be notified
by the CCCVB.
Amenities Fields Group
The content entry fields in this group are housed in an input dialog that is accessed by clicking the Add/Edit Amenities
What are amenities?
Amenities are desirable or useful features of your business listing. Each type of business (accommodation,
restaurant, attraction) has its own set of attributes specific to it. For example, accommodations will have
attributes for room rates while restaurants will have attributes for the type(s) of food served. The number and
types of amenities that pertain to your business listing depends upon how it is classified. For example, a golf
course will not have the same types of amenities as a restaurant.
Types of amenity content entry fields
There are several types of amenity fields:
Selections that indicate whether or not your listing offers or includes a particular amenity, such as free parking or WIFI
access are represented as checkboxes.
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Descriptive amenities require you to input information specific to your business listing, such as driving directions or
specific rate information.
Numeric attributes require a number to be entered. The description of the attribute will indicate that you need to
enter a number. The Tourism Manager will also check what you enter, and if it is not a number, displays a
message indicating that you need to enter a number (and you won’t be able to save any changes until you do).
The amenities that are
selected for your listing are
displayed on screen below
the Add/Edit Amenities
The name of the amenity
group is in bold, with the
specific amenities in that
group that you selected, and
the information you entered
for them, displayed below it.
IMPORTANT: Make sure
that you select and enter
content into all of the
amenities that your business
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Street Address & Public Contact Information Fields Group
The content entry fields in this group hold the street/postal address and contact information for your business.
The phone number entered into the Phone 1 field must be formatted as (xxx) xxx-xxxx.
If the phone number is not in this format, the Tourism Manager will flag the format as invalid and will prevent you from
saving changes until you correct the format
Your business’s web address entered into the URL field must begin with http://. If http:// is omitted, the Tourism Manager
will flag the format as invalid and will prevent you from saving changes until you include http://.
Correct format:
Incorrect format:
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For Paid Listings Only
If you have enhanced status, you can enter in the web addresses of your social media sites and booking sites into the
fields in this area and add up to 10 additional images. If you do not have enhanced status, these fields are not editable
and will appear to be “grayed out.”
Web address (URL) formatting
All web addresses (URLs) entered into the social media and book now fields must begin with http:// or https://. The system
will flag improperly formatted web addresses and display an error message below the field. The web address format must
be corrected before any changes to the listing can be saved.
Working with the YouTube fields
Note that there are two fields for YouTube. The YouTube Channel field is where you enter the URL of your YouTube
channel. The YouTube Video field is where you enter the URL for a single video.
If you have only uploaded a single video to YouTube, you would enter the URL for it into the YouTube Video field. If you
have uploaded a number of videos and organized them into a channel, you would enter the URL of the channel into the
YouTube Channel field.
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How the fields appear if they are not editable
If your business has only free listing status, the fields are not editable and will appear to be “grayed out.” You will not be
able to enter content into any of the fields.
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Advanced Fields
The advanced fields enable you to classify your listing, provide common misspellings or alternate spellings of your
business name, specify if your business is year-round or seasonal, and set the geo-location (map point) for your business.
A. Classifications – This enables you to put your business listing into classifications that pertain to it. You’ll be able to
put the business listing in up to 5 different classifications. Classifying your business listing will help make it easier for
site visitors to find and will help provide maximum exposure for your business on the public website.
To put your business listing into a classification, click the Edit Classifications link. This opens a dialog that lists the
available classifications and the maximum number of classifications you can put your business listing into. To put your
business listing into a classification, simply check the checkbox next to the classification name. To remove it from a
classification, simply uncheck the checkbox. When you’re done, click the Save button at the bottom of the dialog.
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After you’ve made your selections, they will be listed under the Classify Your Event link.
B. Link to Another Listing – If you manage multiple business listings in the Tourism Manager, this field enables you to
connect it to another listing and use that listing’s address, contact information, and geo-location (map point). You
select the listing from a menu including the business listings you manage. If you manage a single listing, this menu is
C. Alternate Spelling – Enter one alternate spelling/misspelling per line. You can enter up to 150 characters (note that
each time you use the ENTER key to create a new line, this counts as one character).
D. Dates – This field specifies if your business is open year-round or seasonally. You can enter dates of operation for
your listing if it is open seasonally or only during certain times of the year. The default setting for a listing is “Open
Year Round”. This radio button remains selected until the "Seasonal" radio button is selected.
If your business is open seasonally, select the Seasonal option and then setting the specific date ranges when your
listing is open for business. When a date range or multiple date ranges are input, the “Open Year Round” radio
button is de-selected automatically by the system. You can edit a date range or delete it at any time.
You can change this by setting specific date ranges corresponding to when your listing is open for business. When a
date range or multiple date ranges are input, the “Open Year Round” radio button is de-selected automatically by the
system. You can edit a date range or delete it at any time.
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a. You can add as many date ranges as needed. Use the "Add Another Date Range" button to add date ranges.
b. If the “Reoccurs Annually” checkbox for a date range is checked, the system will automatically update the date
range each year. For example, a date range of 5/1/2015 - 8/31/2015 has this checkbox checked; the system will
update the date range to 5/1/2016 - 08/31/2016 for 2016.
To change your listing from having date ranges to “Open Year Round” remove all of the date ranges. This will reactivate the "Open Year Round" radio button.
d. Map
The map specifies the geolocation for the listing. This is
done by placing a "pin" on
the map to mark the listing's
location. The "pin" can also
be set using the listing's
To set the pin using the
address information entered
in the Street Address &
Public Contact Information
area, click the Set Pin
button below the map.
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Saving your changes
Use the Save button at the top and bottom of the screen to save your changes. Always click the Save button prior to
leaving the editing screen to make sure all of your changes have been saved.
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Advertising Screen
This screen displays the advertising information for the listing. The advertising information is used to enable listings to
have special placement on the public website. The exact usage of advertising will vary from site to site.
This screen displays the advertising information for the listing. The advertising information is used to enable listings to
have special placement on the public website. The exact usage of advertising will vary from site to site.
1. Membership Level - The "Free Listing" level is used as a general level that all listing may have. The "Enhanced
Listing" level is used to enable a listing to include more content (such as multiple images) than listings in the
"Free" status.
2. Featured in Search Results - This is used to place the listing in a more prominent position when it is returned in
searches on the public website.
3. Enhanced Deals - This is used to enable a listing to more prominently feature its deals on the public website,
such as including a special icon with the listing when it appears in search results. This is currently not in use.
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Statistics Screen
This screen shows the number of times that the details page for your listing has been viewed on the public website.
The default view shows the statistics for the past 12 months.
Click the Past 24 Months button to see the monthly statistics for the preceding 24 months up to, and including, the
current month.
Click the All Data button to see the statistics for all months (prior to the preceding 24 months to the current month).
The statistics shown are “real time” statistics. This means that they are compiled when you click on the Statistics subnavigation link to open this screen. To illustrate this, if a visitor on the public website views the page for your listing at 1:00
p.m. and you access the Statistics tab at 1:01 p.m., this visitor’s page view will be included in the statistics that you see.
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Contacts Screen
This screen enables you to
manage the information of the
contacts for the listing.
Contacts are individuals who
have a Tourism Manager user
account and log in to the
system to update the listing
information. Contacts do not
have privileges to add new
listings to the system.
You can assign a primary
contact for the listing. The
primary contact is seen by the
Tourism Manager and the
CCCVB as the point-of-contact
for the business listing.
Each listing may have only one
primary contact. Selecting the
“Primary Contact” radio button
next to a contact’s name sets
the contact as the primary
contact. You can change
primary contacts as often as
IMPORTANT: Although a
listing may have only one
primary contact, the listing can
be configured to enable more
than one business owner user
to edit the listing's information.
You’ll need to contact the
CCCVB if you require more
than one user account to
manage your business listing in
the Tourism Manager.
You can also update the
information for each primary
contact by clicking the
“View/edit Contact information”
heading next to each contact’s
When you change a contact’s
email address or change the
contact designated as the
primary contact, that person will
receive an auto-generated
email from the system
indicating the change.
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How do I get help if I’m having trouble using the Tourism Manager?
Send an email to with the subject line “Tourism Manager Help Request”. Include as
much detail as possible in your message and also please include your phone number. A member of the CCCVB staff will
respond as soon as possible.
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