Summer 2016 newsletter.indd - Crooms Academy of Information
Summer 2016 newsletter.indd - Crooms Academy of Information
Summer 2016 From the Principal Dear Crooms Academy Families, I am excited to welcome many of you back and to greet others to our school community for the first time. This year marks the 90th Anniversary of Crooms Academy and I am enthusiastic about the opportunity to continue the focused instructional direction at our school and to lead our team to utilize best practices to improve teaching and learning so that we can continue the legacy of academic excellence. Crooms AOIT is an A-rated high school for 2016, and we are the highest performing high school in Seminole County on almost every performance metric! The school-wide focus on monitoring students’ progress towards meeting high standards and the individualized instruction and remediation structures that we have in place played a key role in our school exceeding our school improvement goals. Each year, our school’s instructional and leadership teams worked hard to establish systems of support through extensive tutorial opportunities and interventions during the school day, monitored our students’ progress towards meeting high standards, and provided individualized instruction and remediation to help them improve their performance. Our goal is to continue to focus on our vision of building a “culture of excellence and success for every student”. I believe that all students will graduate college, career, and workplace ready. Our families are equal partners with us and it is my hope that you will help us achieve this goal by keeping abreast of your child’s assignments utilizing Family Access on Skyward, working with the team as we monitor our students’ progress throughout the school year, and serving as a supportive member of the School Advisory Council, PTSA, or as a Dividend. Parental involvement is a key component in students’ success and we hope to strengthen our schoolfamily partnership. From the first day of school through the last day of school, I want our students to know that we want to provide each of them with the best educational experience possible and to maximize their potential. I am looking forward to greeting each of you at orientation! Respectfully, Demetria Hayes Faison, Ed. S., Principal Crooms Academy of Information Technology Table of Contents Principal’s Letter ................................... 1 Orientation Meetings ........................... 2 Parking Permits .................................... 2 School Uniforms ................................... 2 Address Change .................................... 2 Reading Counts .................................... 4 Attendance Office News ................... 4 Earn Dollars for Crooms .................. 4 Business and Community ................ 5 Mentor Program ............................... 5 Crooms BAC ..................................... 5 School Advisory Council.................. 5 TechFest XI ........................................ 5 Teach-In ............................................. 5 Uniform Policy .................................. 6 PTSA.................................................. 6 Sports News ....................................... 6 Coaches Contact Information.......... 7 5th Annual Riverwalk 5K ................. 7 Senior Portraits ................................. 7 Save the Date ..................................... 8 Orientation Meetings Sophomore – Senior Freshmen Online Parent Laptop Training for Parents of Returning Students - Accessible Now Principal’s Meeting and Schedule Pickup The mandatory parent laptop training can be completed online before Laptop Checkout on Tuesday, July 26. Please use the QR Code below or visit to complete the training. The parent or guardian who completes the laptop training should be the same person who checks out the laptop. A confirmation e-mail is sent once training is completed. Please show a copy of this e-mail at laptop checkout on the 26th. Crooms staff will also have a list of everyone completing the training prior to July 26th for reference. This is not training in use of a computer, but is an orientation to technology use at Crooms. Information includes the Acceptable Use Policy, Discipline Policy, school e-mail, Skyward Parent Access, eCampus, laptop insurance and internet safety. Laptop Training Ninth grade students should report to the gym on Wednesday, July 27 at 9:00 a.m. for orientation and schedule pick-up. Students can then attend Pre-School Processing in the Cafetorium to register for lunch accounts and to order PE and school uniforms. If you are unable to attend the 9:00 meeting, schedules will be available for pickup in the Cafetorium until 1:00 p.m. Laptop Orientation and Checkout for Parents of 9th Grade Students and Students New to Crooms All sessions last approximately two hours and are held on the following dates and times: Saturday, August 6, 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. or from 12:00 p.m. until 2:00 p.m. Thursday, August 11 from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Please arrive by the start times. Laptop Orientation and Checkout Parent Portal - Skyward Family Access 10th-12th Grade Students who attended Crooms last year is Tuesday, July 26 – With confirmation of completing the on-line laptop training, laptop numbers will be assigned in the following rooms after payment is processed and the laptop insurance and technology use forms are signed. 113 A–D 113A E – K 114 L–Q 115 R–Z Make Up Dates: Saturday, August 6 at 9:00 a.m. or Thursday, August 11 at 6:00 p.m. Emergency card information and Free and Reduced Lunch applications are now updated in Skyward Family Access. To access the Parent Portal: 1. Log into Skyward Family Access 2. Go to View Family Access 3. Click on Go to 2016-2017 Parent Wizard Please login to update emergency contact information, phone numbers, e-mail address, student health conditions and/or medications and adults approved for child pick-up. The home address should be updated in Skyward; however, proof of address must be submitted to Guidance. Bring a utility bill, lease or updated driver’s license to the Guidance Department. July 26th – Principal’s Meeting, Schedule Pickup and Laptop Checkout The Orientation meeting with Mrs. Faison, principal, will start at 9:00 a.. in the gym. Here, students will be able to pick up their schedules for 2016-17. Following the meeting, students attend Pre-School Processing in the Cafetorium to register for lunch accounts and order PE and school uniforms. With confirmation of the online laptop training, parents can sign the Crooms Technology Use form and the Laptop Insurance and Technology Fee form, pay the laptop insurance and technology fees, and check out the laptop. The online training will also be available in Rooms 124 and 126. Laptops are checked out only to parents or guardians. Laptop fees may be paid online using PaySchools on the Crooms website before you attend or may be paid at orientation. PaySchools will take credit cards, but only check or cash can be accepted at school. Laptop Insurance Fees 2016–2017 Parents are asked to purchase laptop insurance for $20 to protect against full replacement costs should the laptop become stolen or lost. We also ask parents to provide a $30 technology user fee to help fund toner, battery chargers and other unfunded technology needs. Textbooks Textbooks will be distributed during the first week of school. 2 If you need to create a Skyward account or need help logging in see Mrs. Benton or Mrs. Fry during Laptop Checkout. If you are creating an account, you will need to present a picture id. Parking Permits Parking permits are $70 a year. Please see Ms. Vega, bookkeeper, to pick up an application. A notarized parent consent is required to get a permit. School Uniforms Representatives from Risse Brothers School Uniforms will be on site during schedule pickup with merchandise for purchase and to accept uniform orders. Families may also create an account on their website at and shop online or visit their store at 100 Candace Drive, Suite 120, Maitland, FL 32751. If you have any questions, you may reach them at 407-339-1486. Address Change If you have moved, please submit one of the following forms of documentation with your new address: drivers license, utility bill (electric, water, phone or gas) or current lease or mortgage You may have your student bring the document with him/her to Schedule Pick-up Day or Laptop Orientation. If you need further assistance, please call Samantha McMullen 407-320-5736. Guidance Welcome to Crooms — part of your success team in high school is your School Certified Counselor. Mrs. Carolina DeGarmo is the school counselor for students with the last names beginning with A-K. She is available this summer from July 18 – 21. E-mail: Mrs. Donna Wood is the school counselor for students with the last names beginning with L-Z. She is available this summer from July 18 – 21 and July 27. E-mail: Adriana Teague is the school counselor for AA Pathways. E-mail: Grade 11 • • • • Our offices are located upstairs in the Guidance Department. Please visit the Guidance website at for further information. Take the PSAT for National Merit consideration Focus your attention on improving your GPA by spending at least two hours each night on homework. Begin searching for colleges through Campus Tours, www., online or in person to further narrow your list of colleges to match your personality, GPA, and test scores. Register for at least one SAT and ACT by the end of this school year. If you are on free or reduced lunch, you qualify for a waiver for the SAT and the ACT. Please see your school counselor. Grade 9 Grade 12 Parents • • • • • • • Check eCampus and Skyward 2-3 times a week. Secure a quiet place, free from distractions for your child to study at least one hour per night. E-mail is the most effective way to contact your child’s teachers. Teachers have 24 hours to respond to your questions or concerns. You are in charge of your child’s laptop. If you feel they are not using the laptop appropriately, you have the authority to limit or remove the privilege of its use. • • Take the SAT in the fall. Compose your college entrance essay. Choose the three universities or colleges you are most interested in attending. Record the requirements and deadlines of each of your choices. Give recommendation forms to the appropriate teachers or counselors and include stamped, college-addressed envelopes. Make sure your portion of the forms are filled out completely and accurately. Students Bright Futures Scholarship • The Bright Futures Scholarship Program is the umbrella program for Florida’s three state-funded scholarships based on academic achievement of high school student–the Florida Academic Scholars Award, the Florida Merit Scholars Award, and the Florida Gold Seal Vocational Scholars Award. The criteria for the three scholarship awards within the Bright Futures Scholarship program has increased. This information is available at the following website: Parents, please talk with your students about the grades and community service they need in order to be eligible for Bright Futures. • • • • • • Important information is frequently sent to your 365 e-mail account (school e-mail). Please be sure to check this account daily. Your GPA (Grade Point Average) begins the first day of school. BEST ADVICE: complete all assignments and submit them on time. Take advantage of staying after school to meet with your teacher, available tutoring, and retaking tests whenever possible. Attend school daily. Do not misuse your laptop in any manner. Your parents paid the user and insurance fees for your laptop. They have the authority to determine how much time you spend on your laptop. Grade 10 • • • Continue preparing for college this year by focusing on your GPA. College admission officers will pay the closest attention to your GPA, class rank, college credit, AP courses and scores on the SAT or ACT. Participate in activities that require time and effort outside of class. Schedule Changes Registration for classes is a serious process for all students. Once students sign up for classes, they are committed. Based on spring registration, some classes are not offered, others expanded, and teachers appointed. Schedule changes are often impossible to make. If a change is absolutely necessary, students may pick up a form in guidance. Schedule changes are made only for the following reasons: 1. Seniors must add a course required for graduation. 2. Student already has credit for the course. 3. Student does not meet course prerequisites. The only students who should visit guidance during schedule pickup on July 26 or July 27 are students who are missing a period on their schedules. 3 Reading Counts One Book One School The Reading Counts Challenge Our One Book One School (OBOS) events this year were a blast! We faced our fears in challenges inspired by FEAR FACTOR to see if we had what it takes to compete at the PANIC party. And worked as a team to complete a schoolwide scavenger hunt to experience Mickey’s struggle to find answers about the missing in Shelter. At Crooms, all students have Scholastic Reading Counts access and are encouraged to read any book and take the corresponding quiz in the Reading Counts program. The goal for every student is to reach the 100 point level by the second semester. There are prizes and awards for our top scorers given each nine weeks. Don’t be left out next year- Read the books, take the quizzes, join the party! Didn’t have time to read these two great novels this year? Summer is a great time to catch up on reading for pleasure! Create a list of must read books, sit back in a comfy chair, hammock or on the beach, grab a nice cold glass of water and read away! And, while you’re at it, add the OBOS fall novel to your list to get a head start on it now! Coming Fall 2016 — One Book - One School presents Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard Red Queen lets us peek inside Mare Barrow’s world. A world divided by blood--those with common, Red blood serve the Silver- blooded elite, who are gifted with superhuman abilities. Mare is a Red, scraping by as a thief in a poor, rural village, until a twist of fate throws her in front of the Silver court. The king forces her to play the role of a lost Silver princess and betroths her to one of his own sons. As Mare is drawn further into the Silver world, she risks everything and uses her new position to help the Scarlet Guard--a growing Red rebellion--even as her heart tugs her in an impossible direction. One wrong move can lead to her death, but in the dangerous game she plays, the only certainty is betrayal. Read and find out. Summer Reading Assignments Every Crooms student is expected to complete a summer reading assignment for English- due at the beginning of school. Check out our website for the book selections and assignments at http://www.cait. Let’s Read Seminole! Learn more about Seminole County’s summer reading at aspx. Students have access to digital eBooks. Visit the SCPS library Overdrive site at http://seminole. or the public library site at http:// Use your student ID or public library card to “borrow” books and add to your bookshelf. Happy Reading! Attendance Office News Welcome Jamelia Jarrells, our new attendance secretary. Medications If your student needs to have either prescribed or over-thecounter medication given by school personnel during the school day, state law and school board policy require that you and your physician provide written authorization for administration of both prescription and over-the-counter medication. These required forms can be obtained from the Attendance Office. Bus Transportation Make sure the address in Skyward is correct so that the SCPS Transportation office uses the most recent address. Bus stops for Crooms are not placed at the same location as stops for in-zone students but are placed to be central to all the students in an area. Students may also experience longer bus rides due to the greater distances involved. Crooms does not create the bus routes nor do we have the authority to make changes in assigned bus stops. To request the change of a school bus stop, you must complete the Transportation Request Form which can be found on the Crooms website and return it to the front office. The request will then be reviewed by a member of the SCPS Transportation Routing Department and you will be contacted by them as to its approval. 4 Your Dollars Earn Dollars for Crooms Help your school earn money just by shopping! Simon Scholars School Reward Program is allowing you to do just that. From July 31 to November 30, when you shop at Seminole Towne Center Mall, every dollar spent will give your school points. The school with the most points will win $1,500. To redeem points, go to the Simon Guest Services Desk with your receipts and tell them to put the points towards Crooms Academy of Information Technology. Business and Community Mentor Program Each year there are students who request additional support and sign up for the Mentor Program. Mentors come from the business community. We are recruiting mentors for next year. Who are we looking for? A person who enjoys working one-on-one either a young man or young lady for the year. So what’s involved and how do you sign up? Mentors participate in a training session, complete fingerprinting, which the district pays for, and meet with the student throughout the year. If you are interested, please contact Cathy Alper Thank you in advance for considering this request. We need you, and the students need you. Volunteers Needed What are some of the other activities that we recruit for next year? If you enjoy interviewing people for the workplace or talking about finance then we have an event for you. The Senior Portfolio Project and the JA Personal Finance Program need you. Sign up to be a dividend for next year and get engaged with our amazing students. Crooms Business Advisory Council TechFest XI – March 16, 2017 The Fundraising Committee of the Crooms Business Advisory Council had a great TechFest X on March 17th raising over $28,000 for career programs and scholarships. The BAC is already planning for TechFest XI. We are searching for 45 workshop presenters and an exhibit hall full of sponsors. This is a great networking session for all stakeholders: students, teachers, administration, district personnel, and the business community. We need everyone’s support throughout the year. Contact Cathy Alper to get involved Teach In Day 2017 is set for November 15th What a great day to connect with our classroom instructors and their students! We have over 45 speakers sharing information about their careers, hobbies, travels, and the wow in technology. Thanks to PDQ in Sanford for hosting the Teach In Day Luncheon for this event. We love working with Marcia and Adam Harrison. Don’t miss out reserving your spot in the classroom. We eagerly await to meet you. Contact Cathy Alper to get involved Thank you TechFest X sponsors. Money raised from this event funded twenty-one scholarships for Crooms graduating seniors. School Advisory Council The School Advisory Council (SAC) is a council of teachers, educational support personnel, parents, students and other members of the community who serve as a resource to the principal, advise the principal in matters related to the school, and make recommendations for school improvement. The Crooms AOIT SAC: • • • • • Maintains focus on school-wide issues Helps to develop the SAC budget Provides input on the School Improvement Plan (SIP) Collaborates in the expenditure of SIP funds Assists in the development of the Joint A+ Spending Plan We invite you to join us at first meeting which will take place on Monday, August 1, 2016 at 6:30 p.m. in Conference Room 1-201. Principal Demetria Faison will share student performance data, curriculum updates, school climate data, and district and school initiatives. Comng Soon! Come join an integral part of our Crooms family: a strong and dedicated business team with a business plan that supports our academy. The collaborative effort of this council provides support to the career programs and to TechFest. The BAC meets quarterly on the 4th Fridays of August, October, January, April and May from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. in Conference Room 101J. We welcome your support on the following committees: Job Shadowing/Internship, Marketing, Fundraising, Curriculum Support and Scholarship. Feel free to contact Cathy Alper 407320-5749. Join us for the BAC Summer Retreat on July 29th from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. at CFE Credit Union, 1000 Primera Blvd., Lake Mary. Sign up at This meeting is a kickoff for new members and new ideas. Each committee will be working on their goals for the year. Come join us! A special thank you to the executive team for leading the council this year: RT Hillery – S.P.E.C.S, Angeline Gores – Around the World Web Designs, Brad Frey – Veritas, Ed Ghiglieri – Lockheed Martin, Kevin Jackson – AISG, Chris Caffera – Forerunner Technologies, Jacquie Bickford, and Helene Beeler. 5 Athletics Paperwork A huge shout out to Dr. Perry and Mr. Perry for providing the opportunity for our athletes to get their physicals completed before the new school year. The $25 fee was donated back to Crooms to support our athletes and the Athletic Department. Remember all athletes must have an updated physical in order to participate in sports. The fall season begins August 1, 2016. Every student who is trying out for a sport MUST HAVE a physical and all necessary paperwork on file. The sports that begin in the Fall are bowling, golf, cross country, swimming and girls volleyball. P.E. Supply List All students registered for Personal Fitness and P.E. classes must purchase a Crooms P.E. uniform. The P.E. uniform requirements are solid black shorts that meet the SCPS dress code, black sweat pants and/ or black capris and the NEW Crooms P.E. t-shirt. The cost of the P.E. t-shirt is $12.00. Uniforms can be ordered or purchased on July 26th and 27th or during the first two weeks of school. All students in Personal Fitness and P.E. will need a lock for their lockers and personal hygiene supplies. For the Personal Fitness classes, students will also need paper, pens, and pencils. Athletic Information elcome to all incoming freshman and welcome back to the upperclassmen and their families. The new PTSA board members are: Kathy Graves -President; Sharon Thetford -Vice President; Julie McCrystal -Treasurer; Dawn Martorell-Recording Secretary; Amelia Sosa -Corresponding Secretary. W We will be selling gently used Crooms shirts on the schedule pick up days for those interested and also PTSA memberships for families and students. We can be reached via email at or on Facebook at We look forward to meeting all the new and returning students andfamilies and look forward to serving as your board for the upcoming year. 6 If you are interested in participating in any of Crooms’ athletic programs, please contact the head coach for specific information. Per FHSAA regulations, all fall sports may begin practice on August 1st. If you are interested in participating in a fall sport, you are highly encouraged to contact the head coach prior to August 1st. FHSAA requires that all athletes have a current physical and all required paperwork on file, at the school, prior to participating in any open gyms, conditioning, tryouts, or practices. Forms can be found on the Crooms website under Athletics. Any questions regarding forms may be sent to Athletic Contact Information Athletic Director, Dr. Angela Miller or 407-320-5723. Fall Sports Swimming – Boys & Girls Head Coach: Elaine Wiedemer, or 407-320-5763 Bowling – Girls Head Coach: Cathy Alper or 407-320-5749 Boys Head Coach: Walter Sessions Tryouts are from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. on August 4th and 5th at Airport Lanes in Sanford. Boys & Girls Cross Country Head Coach: Mr. Perkins 407-320-5750. Golf – Girls Golf: Head Coach: Vincent Vidola or 407-320-5724 Boys Golf: Head Coach: Richard Backel or 407-320-5763 Volleyball – Girls Volleyball: Head Coach: Morgan Henson 5th Annual Riverwalk 5K October 15, 2016 Get into the competition and take home the trophy! Which company will recruit the most runners to the event? Consider promoting this event as a “health and wellness” event and support a great cause. We look forward to seeing you there. For more information contact Dr. Angela Miller, Check out last year’s event and register at riverwalk5K. Deadline to get your sponsorship in for this event is September 23, 2016. Proceeds from the 5K provide a scholarship to a Crooms student athlete and help with purchase of new equipment. Become a partner in this exciting and growing event. Do you have a medical background? Well, we are looking for you! We need a medical support personnel to volunteer be available at this event. Can you help us? Thanks in advance. Supporting Sponsor – $200.00 • Name on t-shirts • Ad in race packets* • Vendor tent.* Bronze Sponsor – $500.00 • • • • • Small logo on t-shirt Ad in race packets* Vendor tent* Sponsor recognition throughout race Small sponsor sign with name along race course • Small logo on race website • 24”x33” poster in gym for 1 year • Registration fees for two (2) runners. Silver Sponsor – $1,000.00 • • • • • Logo on t-shirts Ad in race packets* Vendor tent.* Sponsor recognition throughout race Small sponsor sign with name along race course • Business card color ad in the yearbook • Logo on race website and school newsletter • Registration fees for five (5) runners. Winter Sports Basketball – Girls Basketball Head Coach: Eric Orr Boys Basketball Head Coach: Fayetta Robinson Soccer – Boys Soccer: Head Coach: Drew Fischer Girls Soccer: Head Coach: TBD Gold Sponsor – $1,500.00 • • • • • Spring Sports Volleyball – Boys Volleyball: Head Coach: Cheryl Bowlus Boys & Girls Track & Field: Head Coach: Mr. Perkins 407-320-5750 Be a 5K Race Sponsor Thank You 2015 5K Sponsors Logo on t-shirts Ad in race packets* Vendor tent.* Sponsor recognition throughout race Large sponsor sign with name/logo along the race course • 1/2 page color ad in the yearbook • Logo on race website and school newsletter • Registration fees for ten (10) runners. Platinum & Bib Sponsor – $3,000.00 • • • • • Seniors - summer is the time to get your senior portraits. Seniors should schedule time this summer at Leonards to get their senior portraits taken. The studio is located at 114 Wilshire Blvd. in Casselberry. Visit their website to schedule appointments and view and order portraits or contact them at 1-800-215-4852. • • • • Logo on t-shirt Ad in race packets* Vendor tent.* Sponsor recognition throughout race 3’x7’ vinyl banner located at race course and on campus for 1 year following event. Full page color ad in the yearbook Logo on race website and school newsletter Registration fees for twenty (20) runners Name on every bib. 7 Crooms Academy of Information Technology 2200 Historic Goldsboro Blvd. Sanford, FL 32771 (407)320-5750 Time July 26 July 26 July 27 August 6 August 6 August 10 August 11 August 25 August 30 September 5 October 12 October 17 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 12:00 p.m. US POSTAGE PAID PERMIT # 10002 Mid-FL, FL Save the Date Date NonProfit Organization Event Upperclassmen schedule pickup Upperclassmen Parent Laptop Pickup Freshmen schedule pickup Freshmen/New Student Parent Laptop Training Freshmen/New Student Parent Laptop Training First day of school 6:00 p.m. Laptop Training/Pickup Makeup 7:30 a.m. Underclassmen photos taken 7:30 a.m. Senior photos (if not taken at Leonards) Labor Day - School Closed End of first quarter Start of second quarter Follow us on Twitter and Facebook: Crooms-Academy-of-InformationTechnology/105578492925321
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