A Systematic Review - Circulation: Heart Failure
A Systematic Review - Circulation: Heart Failure
Clinical Outcomes Following Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device: A Systematic Review McIlvennan et al: Continuous-Flow LVAD Outcomes Colleen K. McIlvennan, DNP, ANP1,5; Kate H. Magid2,4; Amrut V. Ambardekar, MD1; Jocelyn S. Thompson, MA5; Daniel D. Matlock, MD, MPH3,5; Larry A. Allen, MD, MHS1,5 Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 1 Division of Cardiology, 2Colorado Health Outcomes, and 3Division of General Internal Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine, Aurora, CO; CO; 4Br Brown Brow ownn Un ow Uni University, i lorado Cardiovascular Outcomes Research Consortium, C ti ti Denver, D Den CO Providence, RI; 5Colorado Correspondence to Colleen K. McIlvennan, n , DNP,, ANP nan, School of Medicine,, Division Divisiion of of Cardiology C rd Ca rdio iolo io logy lo gy th 12631 East 17 Avenue, Room 7208, Mailstop B130, Aurora, CO, 80045 Phone: 303-724-8361 Fax: 303-724-2094 Email: colleen.mcilvennan@ucdenver.edu DOI: 10.1161/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.114.001391 Journal Subject Codes: congestive heart failure [110]; CV surgery: ventricular assistance [37] Abstract Background—Conveying the complex trade-offs of continuous-flow left ventricular assist devices (CF LVAD) is challenging, and made more difficult by absence of an evidence summary for the full range of possible outcomes. We aimed to summarize the current evidence on outcomes of CF LVAD. Methods and Results—PubMed and Cochrane Library were searched from January 2007– December 2013, supplemented with manual review. Three reviewers independently assessed Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 each study for saliency regarding patient-centered outcomes. Data were summarized in tabular form. Overall study characteristics encouraged inclusion of all indications (destination therapy ndications (dest stiin st and bridge to transplant) and prevented meta-analysis. The electronic 465 roniic search seearrch identified ide den abstracts, of which 50 met inclusion criteria; manual review 50 m et inc ncclus u io ionn cr crit iter it eria er ia;; ma ia manu n al al rev evie ev iew ie w added add ded e 2 aarticles rtic rt i le ic less in n ppress. The articles included 10 industry-funded multi-center ind ndus nd ustr us trry fu tryfund nded nd ed trials tri rial ri a s and al nd registries, reg egis isstrriees, 110 0 mu mult l ilt i-ce ceent nter er rreports, epor ep orrts orts ts,, and the remainder single-center observational CF LVAD nte terr ob obse serv se rvat rv atiion at onal al eexperiences. xpper erie ienc ie nces nc es. Estimated es Esti Es tima ti mate ma tedd actuarial te actu ac tuar tu aria ar iall survival ia surv su rviv rv ival iv al after a ranged from 56-87% at 1-year, 43-84% at 2-years, and 47% at 4-years. Improvements in functional class and quality of life were reported, but missing data complicated interpretation. Adverse events were experienced by the majority of patients, but estimates for bleeding, stroke, infection, right heart failure, arrhythmias, and rehospitalizations varied greatly. Conclusions—The totality of data for CF LVADs show consistent improvements in survival and quality of life counterbalanced by a range of common complications. While this summary should provide a practical resource for health care provider-led discussions with patients, it highlights the critical need for high-quality patient-centered data collected with standard definitions. Key Words: heart-assist device, heart failure, left ventricular assist device, health outcomes 2 Left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) are becoming an increasingly viable treatment option for patients with end-stage heart failure. Newer generation continuous-flow (CF) LVADs have taken the place of the first generation pulsatile-flow (PF) LVADs due to their smaller size and greater durability. Ideal informed consent and shared decision making for LVADs should be grounded in a thorough review of expected risks and benefits.1 This process should compare and contrast LVAD therapy to alternative approaches, and include not only estimates of survival but also Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 major adverse events, health-related quality of life (HRQoL), symptom burden, functional limitations, and obligations for caregivers.2 Although a variety of trial and registry data are available to co complement omp mple leme le ment me n individual nt clinician experience and and patient pattie ient nt testimonials, tes esti timo ti moni mo nial ni a s, al s th there her e e iss ccurrently urre ur rent re ntly nt l nno ly o co comprehensive omp mpre rehe re hens he nsiv ns iv systematic review of CF LVADs D tthat Ds hatt at ha atte attempts teemp m ts ts tto o su ssummarize umm mmaari rize ze aand nd oorganize rgan rg aniz an izee av iz avai available aila ai ila labl blee in bl information nfo f rm rmaa into a practical format. Existing i ti isti is ting ng guidelines gui uide deli de line li ness and ne and standard stan st anda an dard da rd consent con onse sent se nt forms for orms ms do do not not provide p ov pr ovid idee such summary id data with any degree of detail.3 This absence of accurate and easily accessible information from which to anchor risk-benefit communication leads to a potentially non-standardized and variable informed consent and decision-making process around LVADs that may be incomplete, confusing, or biased.4-5 Therefore, we aimed to summarize the current evidence on risks and benefits of CF LVADs. Our objectives were to: 1) capture contemporary clinical data regarding outcomes for patients offered CF LVADs; 2) describe the nature and quality of this evidence; 3) organize the data in a way that conveys the full range of expected outcomes for CF LVADs, with direct comparisons to outcomes without implantation; and 4) identify critical gaps in the scientific data that should be a priority of future research. Our primary goal was to provide a practical 3 document that could guide a more standardized informed consent process and future development of decision aids for CF LVADs. Methods Search Strategy Our methods directly adhered to the guidelines set forth in the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses: The PRISMA Statement.6 We searched PubMed Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 (MEDLINE) and the Cochrane Library full text databases for English-language studies nd Decemberr 13, 13 2013 related concerning human subjects published between January 1, 2007 and he time tim imee wh when en data da on to CF LVAD outcomes. The year 2007 was chosen, as this was the VAD A s started sttarrte tedd to become bec ecom omee available. om av vai a labl ab e.. The The h search sea e rc rchh algorithm, algo al gori go rith ri hm, developed dev v contemporary CF LVADs and then a y by ffour acy oouur members mem me mber erss of o the the study stud st uddy team udy team (CKM, (CK CKM, M K HM, JS HM JST, T L replicated for accuracy KHM, LAA), included a dic ical al Subject Sub ubje j ct Headings je Hea eadi ding di nggs and and free-text fre reee-te etext te xt terms ter erms ms related rel elaate tedd to LVAD, LVA VAD D, CF, and combination of Medical associated outcomes such as survival, HRQoL, bleeding, stroke, or infection (see Supplemental Material: Figure 1). The original intent was to summarize data for LVAD used as destination therapy (DT); however, due to the complexities around indication reporting and because many aspects of LVAD therapy are applicable across indications, studies including both bridge to transplant (BTT) and DT were included. Where possible, care was taken to clearly identify and separate BTT-only and DT-only data within the review. We included all forms of research, such as meta-analyses, trials, retrospective and prospective studies and expert opinion papers without restriction by journal. The reference lists of selected studies were manually reviewed to identify any relevant studies that were potentially missed in the database search. 4 Study Selection Eligible articles were presented in English and provided primary data about outcomes of CF LVADs. Two study team members independently reviewed all titles and abstracts for initial selection for inclusion (AVA, LAA). When the title and abstract provided insufficient information to determine study relevance, a full text copy of the article was retrieved and reviewed. For final selection, full text copies of all initially selected articles were examined for study eligibility. Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 The following exclusion criteria were applied: studies that included less than 50 patients with CF devices, reviews or editorials on CF LVADs, studies that non-human at were non huum or focused on imagine with CF LVADs, studies that focused on surgical techniques, studies hniqu ques qu es,, st es stud udie ud ies restricted to ie pediatric populations, temporary devices support, ss,, studies studies e that es thatt reported rep epor orte or tedd ou te ooutcomes tccom o es es oon n te temp mpor mp orrar ary de devi vice vi cess or ppartial ce a studies with a transplant PF device, p an plan nt focus, focu fo c s, cu s studies stu udi d ess that tha hatt did did not not separate seepa para rate ra te data dat ataa based bbaaseed on o CF CF versus verr ve studies reporting on oother intra-aortic data on ther th er ddevices evic ev ices ic es such such aass in intr tratr a-ao aaort ao rtic rt ic bballoon allo al loon lo on ppumps, ump ps, sstudies tudi tu dies di es rreporting ep p risk modeling and CF LVADs, studies that were updated by newer publications, and subanalyses of previously reported results. Additionally, for serial publications updating longitudinal registry findings, we included only the most recent publication that addressed a specific outcome. We also excluded papers focused on risk modeling for which the overall outcome frequency for the same population was published elsewhere. Exceptions were made for evidence sources that were frequently referenced by more contemporary publications. See Figure 1 for a summary of evidence search and selection. For each article excluded, a single most obvious exclusion criterion was chosen, even though many articles met multiple exclusion criteria. 5 Data Extraction and Quality Assessment From each study, two independent reviewers (KHM, JST) extracted total patients, total CF patients, type of device (CF, PF), specific model of device (e.g. Thoratec HeartMate II (HMII), HeartWare HVAD), duration of follow-up or defined time at risk, population characteristics (BTT, DT), and outcome measures (survival, functional status, HRQoL, bleeding, neurological events, infection, device malfunction, right heart failure, arrhythmia, aortic insufficiency, renal failure, and rehospitalizaion). These outcomes were chosen by a group of clinicians, patients, and Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 families as most important to CF LVAD therapy. Definitions for each outcome are included in Supplemental Material: Figure 2. A third reviewer (CKM) independently reviewed endently revie ew and confirmed all data abstracted. Disagreements were resolved through discussion ughh di disc scus sc ussi us sion si on bby the entire study team. We aimed ed to include ed incl c ud ude all alll relevant rellev evan antt studies an sttud u iees that th hat reported rep epor o teed outcomes or out utco ut come co mess for me for CF C devices that met our stated inclusion s on and sion andd exclusion excl c us usio i n criteria. io c it cr iterria ia. Assessment A se As s ss ssme ment me nt of of quality qual qu aallitty was waas ba w bbased s d on study design. se The studies were categorized rigor: teg egor oriz or ized iz ed iin n tthe he oorder rder rd er ooff ri rigo g r: 1) go 1) industry-funded indu in dusstr du tryy fu yfund nded nd ed trials tri rial alss and al and related r prospective registries, which included all controlled trials related to CF devices; 2) multicenter registries; and 3) single center reports and case series. Data Synthesis Data was summarized in tabular form. The resulting tables were organized according to the prospectively identified key patient-centered outcome domains of interest: survival, HRQoL and functional status, and adverse events. Where necessary, we manually calculated cumulative numbers when data was only reported separately for subgroups. When relevant data was only presented in graphic form, quantitative estimates were extracted and reported. Narrative syntheses of data were added to supplement the tables, incorporate nuanced information about 6 data generation and quality, and provide a holistic summary. In order to create a clinically useful synopsis that may help facilitate communication with patients and families, we performed a crude analytic summary of the existing data. After reviewing the literature for all reported outcomes, we solicited feedback from physicians, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, nurses, a social worker, patients, and their families about which outcomes should be included in a summary figure. We consolidated hospitalization, bleeding, stroke, and infections, where appropriate, for ease of understanding. Event rates at 1-year were chosen as many studies did not Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 report events past 1-year. Final outcomes are reported in Figure 2. We first collated the data from all studies for each outcome and subsequently removed redundant studies that nt data. We excluded ex xcl cu did not report percentage data. Second, we applied the weighted avera average method r ge m ra etho et hodd based on total ho study sample and percentage reported. weighted method provides erce er centagee re repo port po rted rt ed. Th ed Thee we w ig ght h ed ed aaverage vera ve rage ra ge m ethood pr et prov ovid ov ides id es a summary treatment effect that more with morree heavily hea eavi vily vi ly emphasizes emp pha h si sizees data data reported rep epor orte or tedd from te from a registry reg egis istrry wi is w th a large number of patients than a small LVAD m ll single mall ma sin ingl g e center gl cent ce nter nt er study. stu tudy dy y. It assumes ass ssum umes um es fixed fix ixed ed eeffects ffec ff fec ects ts ooff CF L VAD VA D across studies. The resultant weighted average included all trial, registry, and single-center studies and is reported as an estimated mean for all data. Finally, we applied the weighted average method to calculate the time period reported for each outcome. We were unable to calculate the summary effect sizes due to a variety of barriers, including the clinically diverse nature of the studies and lack of reporting standards. Results The electronic search identified 465 titles and abstracts. An additional 2 studies related to pump thrombosis that were currently in press7-8 and not identified in the search were added. After 7 inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied, a total of 52 full-text articles were included and reviewed (see Supplemental Material: Table 1). The majority of studies were non-randomized, observational, small power, or single center. The studies included 10 industry-funded trials, 10 multi-center reports (many were different analyses of the same ongoing registry), and the remainder single-center observational experiences. A number of the multi-center registry publications that highlighted particular outcomes of interest were sub-analyses or post-hoc analyses of existing databases. Similarly, Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 ongoing registries tended to be used for serial publications regarding individual outcomes. Based on the data extracted, we identified 10 relevant patient-centered for ient centered ooutcomes u which data was reported: survival, HRQoL, functional status, bleeding, neurological events, eediing ng,, ne eur urol olog ol o infection, device malfunction, arrhythmias, rehospitalizations. All singlealfu alf lffunction, n,, right rig ghtt heart heaart ffailure, aiilure lu ure re, ar rrh hyt ythm hmiaas,, an hm andd re eho hosp s it sp ital aliz al izaat iz center studies and those CF summarized h se wi hos with th lless esss th es than a 1100 an 00 0C F LV LVAD AD ppatients atie at ient ie ntss are nt arre su umm mmar arrizzed d iin n Supplemental Material: Tables 2-4. summary one-year using weighted 4. A su summ mmar mm aryy of ssimplified ar impl im p if pl ifie iedd on ie onee-ye ey ar ooutcomes ye utco ut come co mess us me usin ingg we in weig ight ig htee averages, ht including all data is provided in Figure 2. A pictograph was developed according to accepted patient communication methods9 and feedback from clinicians, nurses and patients was provided on content and readability. Survival (6 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14; 6 Multicenter Registries7,15-19; 9 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) Survival is the outcome of dominant importance to the majority of patients.20 Extending life is a primary goal of LVADs, and therefore communicating statistics around mortality is critical. Although survival is an objective measure, characterizing long-term survival after LVAD 8 implantation is complicated by a number of factors, including finite study time periods, patient loss to follow-up, and censoring of patients at the time of transplantation. Even in the DT population, a significant minority of patients will later become transplant eligible (approximately 10% in DT trial populations).12 Therefore, estimated actuarial survival is most often reported. Most studies reported survival rates at times post-implantation ranging from 1 to 24 months, with less data beyond 2 years (Table 1). The pivotal HMII DT Trial showed estimated actuarial survival at 2 years of 58%.12 The Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Circulatory Support (INTERMACS) Fifth Annual Report showed 1, 12, 24, 36, and 48-month repressen e some of the survival at 95%, 80%, 70%, 59% and 47%, respectively.19 These values represent most recent data as well as some of the highest rates of survival for CF LVAD LVA VAD D patients. p pa The ADVANCE: HVAD Protocol D BTT B T Trial BT T iaal Continued Tr Cont Co ntin nt inue in uedd Access ue A ce Ac cess s P ro oto toco col (C co ((CAP) CAP AP) al AP also so iillustrated lllus ustr trat tr a e improved survival 6 months and nd 1 ye nd year a aafter fte terr de ddevice vice vi cee iimplantation mpla mp lant la ntat nt attio atio on compared comp co mpar mp ared ar ed with wit ithh trials tria tr iaals performed perrf in earlier years.14 However, to ow what hatt ex ha exte extent tent te nt pprogressive rogr ro g es gr essi sive si ve im impr improvements prov pr ovem ov emen em ents en ts iin n su surv survival rviv rv ival iv al rrepresent ep pre rese sent se ntt true improvements in the use of the device versus patient selection into less sick populations is unclear. HRQoL and Functional Status (6 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14,21; 1 Multicenter Registry19) One of the main goals of LVAD implantation is to improve the HRQoL and functional capacity for patients with symptomatic heart failure. Improvements in New York Heart Association functional class are common after LVAD implantation. Approximately 80% of patients improved from New York Heart Association class IIIB or IV at baseline to New York Heart Association class I or II symptoms after LVAD in the HMII BTT and DT trials.10,12 In addition, 9 instruments commonly used to assess HRQoL in heart failure patients that are often prospectively collected in LVAD studies include heart failure disease-specific measures such as the Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire22, the Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire23, as well as general measures such as the European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions.24 In addition to subscales of HRQoL questionnaires, functional status is most commonly assessed through 6-minute walk distance. Among patients who survive with LVADs, HRQoL measures improve markedly from baseline (Table 2). The collective HMII studies Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 demonstrated significant improvements in Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire minute wa alk distance from and Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire scores, as well as 66-minute walk 10-12,21 100 12 12,21 on.10 Additionally, Add ddiit i ti the most before surgery to all time points assessed after device implantation. recent INTERMACS S Annual Annuaal Report Repo Re port po rt demonstrated dem emon onst on stra st raate tedd overall oveera rall ll improvements imp m ro rove v me ment nts in the nt the European E Quality of Life-5 Dimensions imensions meens nsio io onnss visual vis i ua uall analog an nallog scale, sca cale le, an le andd fewer fewe fe werr pa we pati patients t en ti e ts identified ide dent nttiffieed th tthemselves h as having “extreme problems” o le oble ob lems ms” with ms with self-care self se lf-c lf -car -c aree and ar and usual usua us uall ac ua acti activities. tivi ti viti vi ties ti es.19 es It should be noted that HRQoL and functional status data has typically censored patients at the time of death, which can progressively enrich for a “healthier” population. Additionally, missing data for HRQoL and functional status measures are more common than for an outcome like survival, with 13-38% of patients unable to complete health status or functional assessments at a given time point.10,12 However this failure to complete health status assessments can itself be informative, with worse outcomes commonly seen in these patients.10,12 Finally, the HRQoL measures developed in patients with chronic heart failure may not perform as intended when applied to the LVAD population, given that many heart failure-related symptoms are traded for other unique symptoms and burdens.25 10 Common Adverse Events Although LVADs offer patients the potential for improved survival, HRQoL, and functional status, there are also several risks associated with LVAD therapy. Some of the most commonly studied and reported major adverse events following LVAD implantation are bleeding, neurological events, and infection. Definitions for all adverse events are included in Supplemental Material: Figure 2. Bleeding. (7 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14; 3 Multicenter Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Registries16,18-19; 14 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all ients.) Bleeding ng is the most single-center studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) commonly recorded adverse event of CF LVADS11-12,19, with thee majority maj ajor aj orit or i y of patients it pat a in all published cohorts experiencing xpe xpe perienci ciing som some omee ty om type pe ooff bl bleeding. lee e diing.. Wh When en ppossible, ossibl os ble, bl e bbleeding e, leeed edin ingg rates are in reported by <30 days y (early) ys (ea earl rly) rl y) and and >30 >30 da days ys (la (late) late la te)) in oorder te rd derr tto o he help lp ddifferentiate ifffe iffe fere rent re ntia i te t ppost-operative o bleeding from non-surgical surg su rgic ical ic al bleeding. ble leed edin ed ing. in g. A recent rec ecen entt study en stud st udyy of 139 ud 139 HMII HMI MIII patients p ti pa tien ents en ts showed sho howe wee the greatest risk of bleeding was within the first 2 weeks post-operatively and early bleeding was associated with decreased survival.26 Later gastrointestinal bleeding is reported with rates as high as 13% in the ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP.14 A single-center study of 86 HMII patients reported gastrointestinal bleeding as a frequent source of morbidity for patients but not a factor that significantly impacts survival.27 Neurological Events. (7 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14; 4 Multicenter Registries15-16,18,19; 9 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) Neurological events, including ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, and transient ischemic attack, are relatively common and often severe complications following LVAD placement. In the INTERMACS 11 Annual Report, there was a 3% risk of stroke at 1 month, 5% at 3 months, 7% at 6 months, 11% at 12 months, 17% at 24 months, and 19% at 36 months post-implant.19 Similarly, the HMII DT Trial showed rates of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke as high as 8% and 11%, respectively, in the first 2 years after LVAD placement, with hemorrhagic stroke being the leading cause of death among patients with a CF LVAD.12 The reported rates of stroke from other reports is quite variable and likely reflects differences in study follow-up time and the patient population studied; however, the overall annual risk of stroke in CF LVAD patients appears to be Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 substantial. es10-14; 4 Mult Multicenter tic ice Infection. (7 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries Registries16,18-19,28; 9 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supp Supplemental pleeme ment ntal nt al M Material for all single-center studiess an and thos those o e wi os with th lless esss th es than an 1100 0 C 00 CF F LV LVAD AD ppatients.) atie at i ntts. ie s.)) Pa Pati Patients tien ti ents en ts are a at increased risk of bacterial infections ctions ct tio ions ns ffollowing ns o lowi ol lo owi wing ng L LVAD VAD VA D im impl implantation, plan pl an nta tati tion ti on n, oc occu occurring curr cu r in rr ingg at tthe he ddrivel driveline, riive vel pump pocket, or systemically. all llyy. Driveline Dri rive veli ve line li ne infections inf nfec ecti ec tion ti onss in the on the International Int nter erna er nati na tion ti onal on al HVAD HVA VAD D Trial Tria Tr iall are ia are reported at 18% at 1-year29, while the HMII BTT trial and trial registry report rates as high as 14% at 6 months.10-11 Developing any type of infection is associated with decreased survival and quality of life;28 in one cohort, 2-year cumulative survival rate was 67% for patients with infections and 81% in those without.30 A summary of these outcomes, including all trial and registry data with greater than 100 CF LVAD patients, is provided in Table 3. 12 Other Adverse Events Although bleeding, neurological events, and infection are dominant in adverse events reporting, there are additional complications with CF LVAD therapy that can be equally devastating or have an impact on HRQoL (Table 4). Device Malfunction. (7 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14; 7 Multicenter Registries7-8,12,16,18,31-32; 4 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) Device malfunction is Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 a serious adverse event of LVADs, as treatment usually requires reoperation and its attendant mat a risks. There are several causes of device malfunction, including thrombus form formation with fract ctur ct ures ur es wi w th eelectrical failure. hemolysis, mechanical failure of the impeller, and driveline lead fractures with highestt rate hi rate of of thrombosis thro th romb ro mbos mb o iss rrequiring os eq quiriing ppump umpp ex um eexchange chan ch han ange ge w as inn the In earlier reports, thee highest was 2 DT riaal at 88% ri % aatt 2 yyears. e rs ea r .29 However, H owev ow ever ev err, a re rece recent cent ce nntt sstudy tudy tu dy ffrom rroom th three hreee high volume International HVAD Trial centers, including 837 3 H 37 HMII MIII pa MI ppatients, tien ti ents en ts, sh ts show shows owss an in ow incr increase crea cr ease ea se iin n th thee ra rate te ooff co conf confirmed nfir nf irme ir medd pump me thrombosis at 3 months post-implant from 2.2% before March 2011 to 8.4% by January 2013.32 Analysis of the multicenter INTERMACS registry also confirmed a temporal increase in the rates of HMII thrombosis.7 Temporal changes in thrombosis rates were not seen in a recent analysis of the HeartWare HVAD.8 These recent studies illustrate the dynamic potential for rates of adverse events over time, possibly reflecting changes in device technology, patient selection, surgical technique, and post-implantation management. Right Heart Failure. (8 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-14,33; 3 Multicenter Registries16,18-19; 7 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) Right heart failure following LVAD implantation contributes to increased post-operative morbidity and mortality. 13 Outcomes of LVAD patients are dependent on right heart function due to the necessity of adequate flow through the pulmonary circuit to the left heart. In the HMII DT Trial, 20% of patients received extended inotropic therapy for persistent right heart failure and 4% required placement of a right ventricular assist device.12 In the ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP, 25% of patients became dependent on inotropic therapy and 3% required a right ventricular assist device.14 The HMII BTT Trial-Registry and an analysis of 484 patients enrolled in the HMII BTT Trial reported right heart failure post-LVAD implantation is associated with a marked Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 reduction in rates of survival and longer hospital length of stay.10,33 Cardiac Arrhythmias. (6 Industry Funded Trials and Related ated Registriess10-14; 3 Multicenter Registries16,18-19; 5 Single Center Reports or Case Series. ries.. Se Seee Su Supp Supplemental pple pp l Material for all single-center studies s udies and st an nd those th hos osee with with lless e s th es tthan an n 100 00 C CF F LV LVAD A ppatients.) atie at ient ie nts. nt s.)) Ca s. C Cardiac a arrhythmias, both ventricular enttri ent ricu c la cu lar and and supraventricular, suupr prav aven av entrric icul ular ul a , can ar cann develop ca deve de velo ve lopp after lo affte ter er LVAD LVAD implantation. imp mp A study of 184 HMII de ddevices devi vice vi cess sh ce show showed owed ow ed aan n in inci incidence cide ci denc de ncee of vventricular nc entr en tric tr icul ic ular ul ar aarrhythmias rrhy rr hyyth thmi mias mi as uup p to o 32% postLVAD.16 Studies have reported conflicting associations of ventricular arrhythmias with survival. A study of 61 patients reported patients with post-LVAD ventricular arrhythmias had a significantly increased risk of mortality.34 In contrast, another cohort of 61 patients showed postLVAD ventricular arrhythmias had no association with survival but did have greater morbidity, as patients with post-LVAD ventricular arrhythmias had greater rehospitalizaion rates.35 In addition, patients with post-LVAD ventricular arrhythmias had higher rates of appropriate (31%) and inappropriate (15%) defibrillator shocks.35 Rehospitalizations. (4 Industry Funded Trials and Related Registries10-12; 1 Multicenter Registries18; 7 Single Center Reports or Case Series. See Supplemental Material for all singlecenter studies and those with less than 100 CF LVAD patients.) Recurrent hospital admissions 14 are a common occurrence in LVAD patients. One trial reported readmission rates as high as 94%12, and another reports up to 1.2 admissions per patient year.29 One study of 71 CF LVAD patients found that patients are most often readmitted within 6 months of discharge, with gastrointestinal bleeding as the most common cause.36 Additional Adverse Events. Renal function, neurocognitive function, and aortic insufficiency are additional patient-centered outcomes identified in our electronic search. There are limited studies that report this data; therefore, the outcomes were not included in the tables. Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Remaining patient-centered outcomes included the following: 1) one study of 107 HMII patients y post LVAD im found that 15% required some form of renal replacement therapy post-LVAD implantation;37 2) one study of 96 HMII patients showed no change or improvement nt inn ne neur neurocognitive uroc ur ocog oc ognni og ni testing post3 LVAD implantation; n 38 n; and 33)) on onee st stud study udyy of 558 ud 8 HM H HMII II pat patients atie at ient ie n s sshowed hoowe w d that th ha aaortic orti or ticc iinsufficiency of ti g es gres esse ssees wi w th tthe he dur urat ur atio at ionn of L io VAD VA D su supp ppor pp ort. or t 3399 the native valve progresses with duration LVAD support. A summary of o tthese hese he se ooutcomes, utco ut come co mes, me s,, iincluding ncl clud udin ud ingg al in alll tr tria trial iall an ia andd re regi registry g st gi stry ry y ddata ataa wi at with th greater g than 100 CF LVAD patients, is provided in Table 4. Discussion Permanent mechanical circulatory support in the form of a CF LVAD offers the potential to fundamentally change the clinical course of severe heart failure. Existing evidence shows that, for populations of carefully selected patients, LVADs improve survival, HRQoL, and functional status. Because outcomes in these domains are so dismal without an LVAD, the absolute benefit is marked, with number needed to treat that dwarfs most existing medical therapies. However, despite these dramatic improvements in survival and heart failure symptoms, LVAD therapy remains associated with a significant residual risk of mortality after implantation and the 15 potential for major adverse events in a significant percentage of patients. Thus, for eligible patients, whether to pursue these therapies should involve a careful assessment of the totality of expected risks and benefits over time and how these may relate to a patient’s values, goals, and preferences. Given the complex tradeoffs of LVAD therapy, necessary components for shared decision making around CF LVAD must include optimal patient selection, extensive informed consent, and adequate time to review expected risks, benefits, and burdens. To ensure this, Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 LVAD programs are required by the Joint Commission to have a process around education, decision making, and informed consent. While the ethical mandate ate surrounding ng informed consent is clear,2 achieving true informed consent in this setting g is ch chal challenging. a leng al leeng ngin ing. in g 1 Additionally, providing accurate information n ormati nfo nf tiion too patients pati pa t en ents ts in in ann understandable und derst stan st anda an dabl da b e fo bl fformat rm mat tto o fa faci facilitate cili ci litaa sharedli decision making is com ccomplicated. mplic pliccat pl a ed ed. There have been bee eenn other othe ot herr re he revi reviews view vi ewss re ew rega regarding g rd ga rdin ingg LV in LVAD AD ooutcomes utco ut come co mess40; however, me howe ho weve we verr, there has been ve no major attempt at systematically reviewing this data according to accepted scientific standards in a patient-focused manner. Several studies have found that graphical presentation of risks and benefits enhances understanding of statistics for patients and families of varying numeracy and literacy skills.41 The pictograph developed from this systematic review (Figure 2) provides patients, their families, and clinicians an estimate of the full range of CF LVAD outcomes based on weighted averages of all trial, registry, and single-center data published to date. Research has shown that patients differ in their decision-making processes, with some patients viewing survival and quality of life as paramount while others weigh risks and burdens more heavily.20, 42 In response to this, the pictograph provides both benefits and risks; therefore, patients can weigh those outcomes they feel are most important to them. This pictograph could 16 be easily incorporated into existing educational materials and informed consent documents. While the pictograph does not provide tailored risk estimates and does not show measures of uncertainty for individual patients, we feel it is a significant improvement over existing educational materials.43 The importance of considering tradeoffs for LVAD therapy is particularly salient to the subgroup of patients with a DT indication, who should expect to live the remainder of their life dependent on an LVAD and for whom the reasons making them transplant ineligible will usually Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 persist (advanced age, comorbidity, and frailty). As such, the initial goal of this systematic erapy. Howeve veer, r the overall review was to summarize the risks and benefits of DT LVAD therapy. However, ntedd with with a DT DT indication—and i paucity of studies reporting outcomes confined to patients implanted DT and BTT BTT patients pati pa tien ti en ents nts in in some s me reporting—led so rep porrti ting ng—l ng —led —l ed d to to the th he inclusion incl in cllus usio ionn of data from io the intermixing of DT ell. el l. T l. h s allowed hi a lo al owed for for a wi wide derr ra de ang ngee of eevidence; vide vi denc de n e; hhowever, owev ow e er ev e , tthe data for BTT BTT populations as wel well. This wider range d ta for da for informed inf nfor orme or medd decision me deci de cisi ci sion si on making mak akin ingg around in arou ar ound ou nd D T LV LVAD AD. Th AD Thee tw w indications patients is not ideal data DT LVAD. two yield different populations and different outcomes for a variety of reasons, including the temporary nature of BTT and the younger age and lower comorbidity of the BTT-eligible population. This limitation is not peculiar to the systematic review, but rather to the state of LVAD research and reporting. Where reported, we have recognized the DT versus BTT indication to help refine interpretation. As only one device is currently approved in the United States for the DT indication, and only one large high-quality trial (HMII DT Trial) was conducted to describe outcomes in this setting, clinicians and patient educational materials for DT often default to the event rates reported from this study.12 This approach is reasonable given possible threats to scientific validity from lower quality observational data. However, the HMII DT Trial has a number of 17 limitations that encourage supplementation from other sources. Although a randomized controlled trial, the study compared CF DT LVAD to the older PF LVAD, not to a control group of optimal medical therapy patients (OMT). Additionally, this comparison was un-blinded. The trial included only 133 patients in the HMII CF device arm, such that estimates of rare events are potentially unstable. Further, the randomized controlled trial setting, with highly selected patients treated at a limited number of participating centers, may not be particularly generalizable to the usual care setting. Recent reports of higher than expected pump thrombosis rates illustrate these Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 potential concerns.7,32 Therefore, systematically reviewing all of the published literature for bular form hopefully hope pef pe individual outcomes and then summarizing those estimates in tabular offers a more complete picture of the expected range of risks and benefitss th that hat a cclinicians l ni li nici cian ci anss can convey to an patients considering L LVAD. VAD. In addition to o ssummarizing umma um mari ma rizi ri izi zing ngg eexisting xiist stin in ng da data data, ta, the ta th he co conduct ond nduc uctt of tthis uc hhiis sy syst systemic stem st mic i rreview ev also clarifies deficienciess iin n th thee su sum m of eexisting xist xi stin st ingg da in data data. ta. Da ta Data ta rregarding eg gar ardi ding di ng g ssurvival urvi ur viva vi vall fo va forr DT eligible patients who decline LVAD and continue with OMT are relatively sparse and dated. All studies showed a higher survival rate at every increment of time for patients who received an LVAD as compared to patients who were treated with OMT.44-46 Further, the COSI trial showed a dismal 6% survival at one year for patients with end-stage heart failure managed with continuous inotropic support.46 With ranges in 2-year survival of 60-70% for CF DT LVAD12 and 6-8% for OMT44, the number needed to treat to save one life over a 2-year span is less than 2 patients. Although survival is significantly improved with LVAD implantation, the absolute rates of death remain relatively high with less than half of patients still alive 4 years after implantation.19 With improvements in technology, surgical technique, peri-operative care, and patient selection,47 summary data suggest that for the near term, CF DT LVAD patients should expect actuarial survival rates in the 18 2-years after implantation on the order of 65-75%. BTT survival rates are better, with 2-year survival reported as high as 79-84%.14,29 In a perfect world, studies would randomly compare DT LVADs to OMT. While randomizing patients to this comparison is essentially unfeasible in most contexts, obtaining additional data on outcomes among OMT populations is possible. The recently launched Medical Arm of INTERMACS (MEDAMACS)48 and Randomized Evaluation of VAD InterVEntion before Inotropic Therapy (REVIVE-IT)49 studies should provide additional data regarding the outcomes of OMT in a group of non-inotrope dependent advanced Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 heart failure patients. Additionally, due to variation in outcomes by indication, future studies ased on BTT vversus e er should aim to separate data collection and outcomes reporting based DT ovid de im impo port po rtan rt a t comparator an implantation status. Patients who decline DT LVAD may also provide important information. ackk of rrigorous ac ig igor gor orou ous st ou stan an nda d rd methodology met e ho hodo dolo do logy lo gy decreases dec ecre reas re asses es th thee ut uutility illitty of study Furthermore,, llack standard n-u -uni nifo ni form fo rm reporting rep por orti ting ti ng g of of event even ev entt rates en rate ra tess limits te limi li mits mi ts the the ability abi bili lity li ty y to to pool pool data d across information. The non-uniform studies. While events per patient time may be statistically sound, it complicates interpretation for patients with lower numeracy. Similarly, there is no standardized or patient-centered method for accounting for loss to follow up (e.g. death during longitudinal measures of quality of life) or alternative end points (e.g. transplantation when calculating survival in DT). Additionally, with standardized reporting, summarizing data for longitudinal outcomes reporting would be less problematic. Finally, due to the rapid evolution of mechanical circulatory support, flexible and efficient systems must be developed to help patients and their health care providers stay updated on contemporary rates of outcomes. Ultimately, not only is there a desperate need for additional high-quality data, but this data must be collected using standard event definitions, such as the set used by the INTERMACS registry, and reported in units that are mostly clinically meaningful. 19 Limitations In addition to the above issues with mixing of BTT and DT, data quality, and non-standardized reporting, there are several additional limitations that deserve recognition. First, the vast amount of data was difficult to present in a complete and simultaneously understandable format, such that some detail was sacrificed for ease of interpretation, both in terms of excluding smaller studies and in simplifying the studies that were included. Second, we included all data on outcomes of CF LVADs without a rigorous exclusion process based on the quality of the study; Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 therefore, interpretation of the data should be guided by the categorized rigor of the study. In depth review of individual studies may ultimately be required by individual hea health eaal care providers to better answer nuanced clinical questions. Conclusion The totality of data ffor CF LVADs or C F LV LVAD ADss sh AD show ow cconsistent onsi on sist si steent iimprovements st mp pro rove veme ve ment me ntss in ssurvival nt urvi ur viva vi vall and va an n quality of life counterbalanced by a range of common complications. While this summary of outcomes data for CF LVAD should help frame consent, education, and decision making around durable mechanical circulatory support, future action is required to remedy the lack of high quality data for CF LVAD, particularly in the DT setting. Additional randomized controlled trials with larger patient populations are needed to further examine survival, HRQoL and frequency of complications. Supplementary trials that report outcomes for a timeline that mirrors the lifespan of DT patients are also necessary. Further, registries for patients on OMT who decline LVAD therapy are critical. An exponential expansion in LVAD use without such information is likely to diminish the overall value that patients and society can derive from this remarkable therapy. 20 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank Molly Magid for providing comments and revisions on the manuscript. Sources of Funding x Dr. Ambardekar is supported by a Scientist Development Grant from the American Heart Association and by the Boettcher Foundation’s Webb-Waring Biomedical Research Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Program. x Dr. Matlock is supported by a career development award from the Nat National tio ionn Institutes on Aging (K23AG040696). Dr. Matlock is also supported byy thee University Uni nive verrsi ve sity t of Colorado ty Department ooff M Medicine Early Career edici cine ci ne E arl rlyy Ca Care reer re e Scholars er Sch cholaarss Program. Prog Pr ogra og raam. x Dr. Allen is sup National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute supported ppo p rtted bby y th thee Na N ati tiional al H eeaart rt, Lu Lung ng, aan ng nd Bl nd Bloo oo ood od In Inst sttittut ute te oof the National Institutes of He H Heal Health alth al th uunder nder nd er A Award ward wa rd N Number um mbe b rK K23HL105896. 23HL 23 HL10 HL 10 058 896 96. Th Thee co cont content n en nt entt is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Allen is also supported by the University of Colorado Department of Medicine Early Career Scholars Program. Disclosures None. References 1. Allen LA, Stevenson LW, Grady KL, Goldstein NE, Matlock DD, Arnold RM, Cook NR, Felker GM, Francis GS, Hauptman PJ, Havranek EP, Krumholz HM, Mancini D, Riegel B, Spertus JA. Decision making in advanced heart failure: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. 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J C Ca Card ard r Fai Fail. aill. 2003;9:180-187. ai 2003 20 033;9 9:180 :1 180 80-187. 47. Miller LW, Guglin Gug ugli linn M. li M. Patient Pat atie ient ie nt selection sel elec ecti ec tion ti on ffor or ve vent ventricular ntri nt ricu ri cula cu larr as la assi assist sist si st ddevices: evi vice ces: ce s: a m moving target. J Am Coll Cardiol. rdiol rdio rd ioll 2013;61:1209-1221. 2013;61:1209 20 013 13;6 ;6 61: 1 12 1209 0 -1 09 11221 2211 22 48. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Medical arm of the Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support (MedaMACS). In: ClinicalTrials.gov [Internet]. Bethedsa (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). 2013 – [cited 2014 Apr 20] Available from: https://clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01932294 49. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, University of Michigan. The evaluation of VAD intervention before inotrope therapy (REVIVE-IT). In: ClinicalTrials.gov [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US). 2013 – [cited 2013 Dec 10]. Available from: http://clinicaltrials.gov/show/NCT01369407 NLM Identifier: NCT01369407. 25 Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Table 1. Estimated Actuarial Survival of CF LVAD - All Trial and Registry Data with Greater Than 100 CF Patients Study First Author Year Total CF BTT DT 1 Mo 6 Mo 12 Mo Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries HMII BTT Trial10 Miller 2007 133 133 0 89% 75% 68% HMII BTT Trial Registry11 Pagani 2009 281 281 0 92% 82% 73% HMII DT Trial12 Slaughter 2009 133 0 133 68% ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial13 Aaronson 2012 140 140 0 99% 94% 86% Slaughter 2013 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP14 332 332 0 97% 91% Mutlicenter Registries INCOR Analysis15 Schmid 2008 216 56% 64 European Institutions16* Lahpor 2010 411 300 86 74% 72% U of Minnesota, Pittsburgh, & Boyle 2011 101 86 15 77% Columbia17 John INTERMACS18 John 2011 1496 496 6 14 1496 96 0 89% 85 85% INTERMACS 201319 Kirklin 2013 5436 436 36 3742 374 7442 1694 742 1694 95% 95% 80% 80% INTERMACS Thrombosis7 Kirklin 2014 6910 910 10 995% 95 % 87 887% % 80% 800% * See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies or those with t less th less than 10 1100 0 co ccontinuous ntinuous flow flo low patients p ti pa tientts † Study includes alternative indications for implant (e.g. bridge to decision, cision, bridg bridge ge to o ccandidacy) andi an dida di dacy da c ) cy 24 Mo 36 Mo 48 Mo 58% 84% - - 43% - - - 70% 70% 669% 69 % 559% 558% 47% 46% BTT=bridge to transplant; CAP=continued access protocol; CF=continuous-flow; ttinuous-flow; ti nuou nu ouss-fl flow fl ow;; DT=destination DT=d DT =d ddestination esti es tina ti nati tion ti on therapy; thera herapy he py;; HMII= HMII HM II= II = HeartMate HeartMat H He artM ar tMat tM at II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INCOR=INCOR left ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; mo=month; LVAD=left ventricular assist device Table 2. HRQoL and Functional Status of CF Devices Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 KCCQ - Scores range from 0 to 100. A higher score illustrates a better health status. First # Study Year Baseline* Author CF HMII BTT Trial10 33±19 Miller 2007 113 HMII BTT Trial Registry11 36±21 Pagani 2009 90 HMII DT Trial12 27±16 Slaughter 2009 115 HMII BTT DT Trial Registry21 Rogers 2010 BTT 226 26(m) DT 318 24(m) 35±19 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial13 Aaronson 2012 128 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP14 Slaughter 2013 169 37±22 MLHFQ - Scores range from 0 to 105. A lower score illustrates a better quality of life. First # Study Year Baseline Author CF 10 73±25 HMII BTT Trial Miller 2007 114 69±23 HMII BTT Trial Registry11 Pagani 2009 92 75±18 HMII DT Trial12 Slaughter 2009 116 HMII BTT DT Trial Registry21 Rogers 2010 BTT 224 2 4 22 75(m) DT 3323 23 3 75(m) 75( 5(m) m # CF 77 89 57±20 63±19 # CF 90 - 58(m) 68(m) - 119 240 70 169 3 Mo* 167 262 - # CF 77 89 45±25 37±22 7±22 7± 22 164 258 258 42(m) 42 34(m) 34((m) m 3 Mo 63±23 - # CF 76 60(m) 72(m) 67±21 68±19 203 - 6 Mo* # CF 92 9 41±25 11 115 1 23 234 23 38(m) 32(m) EQ-5D VAS - Scores ranges from 0 to 100, 0 representing the worst possib possible ss ble health hea ealt lth lt th state s atte and st and 100 100 re representing esenti the best. First # # # Study Yearr Baseline Base Ba seli se eli line ne 3 Mo Author CF C CF CF C ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial13 40±24 72 Aaronson 2012 130 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP14 Slaughter 2013 178 44±25 178 INTERMACS 201319 41(m) 528 69(m) 466 Kirklin 2013 852 6 Mo 6 Mo 70±20 72±19 73(m) # CF 76 197 # CF 281 6MWD - Evaluates an individual’s functional exercise capacity by measuring the distance, in meters, he or she can walk in six minutes. First # # # # Study Year Baseline 3 Mo 6 Mo Author CF CF CF CF 42±97 56 292±212 HMII BTT Trial10 Miller 2007 25 201±140 109 347±179 HMII BTT Trial Registry11 Pagani 2009 14 182±140 77 319±191 61 HMII DT Trial12 Slaughter 2009 50 HMII BTT DT Trial Registry21 Rogers 2010 BTT 38 214±215 97 372±199 DT 129 204±150 199 350±198 - 66±20 # CF 47 70(m) - 97 - 12 Mo* 34±22 # CF 44 32(m) 90 12 Mo 12 Mo 72(m) # CF - 24 Mo* 70±19 74(m) - 24 Mo 30±22 34(m) 24 Mo - 318±164 # CF 36 372±191 - 75 360±210 12 Mo 24 Mo * Time was reported variably among studies: mean/SD (x ± y), mean (x(m)) 27 #=number; 6MWD=6 minute walk distance; BTT=bridge to transplant; CAP=continued access protocol; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; EQ-5D=European Quality of Life-5 Dimensions; HRQoL=health-related quality of life; HMII=HeartMate II; HVAD= HeartWare ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; KCCQ=Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire; MLHFQ=Minnesota Living with Heart Failure Questionnaire; mo=month; VAS=Visual Analogue Scale. Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 28 Schmid Lahpor John Goldstein 2008 2010 2011 2012 216 16 8 84 184 1496 2006 1496 830 0 291 Kirklin 2013 5358 - - Other 0 Sepsis 332 Pocket 332 32 Driveline 2013 Local Slaughter Other 6 mo 6 mo 24 mo 6 mo TIA 0 0 133 0 Hemorrhagic Defined Time at Riskll 133 281 0 1140 4 40 Infection Ischemic DT 133 281 133 40 40 140 Neurological Event GI BTT 2007 2009 2009 2012 Late > 30 days Total CF Miller Pagani Slaughter Aaronson Early 30 days Year Bleeding First Author Study Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Table 3. Common Adverse Events of CF LVAD - All Trial and Registry Data with Greater Than 100 CF Patients* 75% 8% % 69% 23% % 111% 26% 11% % 11% 6% 55% % 88% % 7% % 2% 3% 11% 6% 4% 2% 4% 6% 5% 22% - 28% 30% 49% - 14% 14% 12% 0% 2% - 20% 17% 36% 11% 35% - 3-36 3 m 36 mo o 15 15% 5% 14% % 13% % 8% 8% 8% 5% - - 17% - 17% - 48 m mo o 8±7 8± 7 mo 9±7 mo 12 mo - - 10% - 18% 18 % 8% 4% 4 % 2% 4% 2% 1.8/100 ptmo 4% - 4% - 20% 23% 22% 13% 19% 5% 2% - 30% 3% 20% 26% - - - Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries HMII BTT Trial10† HMII BTT Trial Registry11† HMII DT Trial12† ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial13‡ ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP14‡ Mutlicenter Registries INCOR Analysis15 64 European Institutions16§ John INTERMACS18‡ Goldstein INTERMACS28‡§ 19 INTERMACS 2013 ‡ 12 mo 52% 5 2% 36% - - 9.5/100 pt-mo 8.0/100 pt-mo Adverse events definitions in Supplemental Material: Figure 2. * See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies or those with less than 100 continuous flow patients † Study uses HeartMate II definitions for adverse events. ‡ Study uses INTERMACS definitions for adverse events. § Study includes alternative indications for implant (i.e. bridge to decision, bridge to candidacy). ll Time at risk was variable among studies: truncated time point (x mo), mean/SD (x ± mo), range (x-y mo). BTT=bridge to transplant; CAP=continued access protocol; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; GI=gastrointestinal; HMII= HeartMate II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INCOR=INCOR left ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; mo=month; TIA=transient ischemic attack 29 Table 4. Other Adverse Events of CF LVAD - All Trial and Registry Data with Greater Than 100 CF Patients* Other Requiring Exchange Inotropic Support RVAD 133 281 0 484 140 332 0 0 133 0 0 0 6 mo 18 mo 24 mo o 12 mo o 6 mo 3-36 6 mo mo 2% 2% 2% 22% % 4% 2% 3% 88% 55% 55% 13% 13% 20% 14% 16% 25% 4% 6% 4% 6% 3% 3% 2010 20 010 2011 2013 201 13 184 184 8 14996 1496 2816 2816 1496 1496 - 0 - 8±77 mo 8± 9±77 mo 9± m 36 mo mo 22% % 2013 2014 2014 5358 6910 382 382 - 12 mo 10% 00.9% .9% 9% 0.8% 0. 11.6/100 6/100 6/10 6/ 1000 ppt10 mo 5% 5% - 20% 12% 1% 1.8/100 ptmo - Rehospitalization Thrombosis Requiring Exchange 133 281 133 484 140 332 Other Defined Time at Riskll 2007 2009 2009 2010 2012 22013 0133 01 Arrhythmia VA DT Kirklin Kirklin Najjar BTT INTERMACS 201319‡ Total CF Pts Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries HMII BTT Trial10† Miller HMII BTT Trial Registry11† Pagani HMII DT Trial12† Slaughter HMII BTT Trial Registry-RVF33† Kormos ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial13‡ Aaronson ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP14‡ Slaughterr Multicenter Registries 64 European Institutions16§ Lahpor John INTERMACS18‡ John Holman INTERMACS31‡ Holman Right Heart Failure Year First Author Device Malfunction Study Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 24% 20% 56% 21% 20% 21% 21% 41% 68% 94% - 32% 28% 4.7/100 ptmo - 50% - INTERMACS Thrombosis7‡ 12 mo Najjar ADVANCE BTT & CAP8‡ 12 mo Cleveland Clinic, Barnes-Jewish, & Starling 2014 837 8-11 mo 4% Duke32 Adverse events definitions in Supplemental Material: Figure 2. * See Supplemental Material for all single-center studies or those with less than 100 continuous flow patients † Study uses HeartMate II definitions for adverse events. ‡ Study uses INTERMACS definitions for adverse events. § Study includes alternative indications for implant (i.e. bridge to decision, bridge to candidacy) ll Time at risk was variable among studies: truncated time point (x mo), mean/SD (x ± y mo), range (x-y mo), mean (x mo(m)) BTT=bridge to transplant; CAP=continued access protocol; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; HMII= HeartMate II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; mo=month; pt=patient; RVAD=right ventricular assist device; RVF=right ventricular failure; VA=ventricular arrhythmia; yr=year. 30 Figure Legends Figure 1. Search Flow Diagram Figure 2. Simplified One-Year Outcomes Using Weighted Averages for Left Ventricular Assist Device (Combined Bridge-to-Transplant and Destination Therapy) Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Identification Screening 2 articles identified through other sources 467 records screened Eligibility Included Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 465 articles identified through MEDLINE search 52 articles included in systematic review Industry-funded trials and related registries = 10 Multicenter registries = 10 Single center reports and case series = 32 415 records excluded <50 continuous-flow = 102 Review/editorial = 103 Technical, imaging or non-human = 35 Surgical technique = 29 Pediatric = 29 Temporary device/partial support = 28 Transplant focus = 21 Pulsatile flow = 18 Other devices = 15 Risk model = 13 Updated by newer publication = 12 Sub-analysis reported results = 10 Figure 2. Simplified One-Year Outcomes Using Weighted Averages for Left Ventricular Assist Device (Combined Bridge-to-Transplant and Destination Therapy) Survival 1 year Benefits 80% Quality of Life* Before LVAD = 28 1 year after LVAD = 70 100 Best Rehospitalized for Any Cause 55% Major Maj jor Bleeding† Blee eding g† 0-1 month h after after LVAD LV VAD D (typically (ty typica ty ally surgical) surg rg giccal al)) 30% 1-12 1--12 2 months m after LVAD 20% 1 year Stroke‡ St S t k ‡ Risks Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 0 Worst 10% Serious Device-Related Infection§ 20% Device Malfunction Due to Clotting 5% Ongoing Heart Failure¶ 18% Shaded=Affected; White=Not affected. All timeframes are time since LVAD implant. LVAD=left ventricular assist device. *Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire score; †Requiring transfusion or urgent medical attention; ‡Ischemic=5%±5, Hemorrhagic=5%±4; §Driveline=18%±2, Pump Pocket=2%±2; Typically requiring surgery to replace the device; ¶Requiring inotropes >2 weeks after implant=15%±7, Requiring right ventricular assist device=3%±2. Standard Deviations (not reported above): Survival=80%±10; Quality of Life baseline=28±27, 1 year=70±0; Rehospitalization=55%±2; Bleeding 0-1 month=30%±5, 1-12 months=20%±6; Device Malfunction=5%±2. For more information, go to www.patientdecisionaid.org Clinical Outcomes Following Continuous-Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device: A Systematic Review Colleen K. McIlvennan, Kate H. Magid, Amrut V. Ambardekar, Jocelyn S. Thompson, Daniel D. Matlock and Larry A. Allen Downloaded from http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/ by guest on November 20, 2016 Circ Heart Fail. published online October 7, 2014; Circulation: Heart Failure is published by the American Heart Association, 7272 Greenville Avenue, Dallas, TX 75231 Copyright © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Print ISSN: 1941-3289. Online ISSN: 1941-3297 The online version of this article, along with updated information and services, is located on the World Wide Web at: http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/content/early/2014/10/07/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.114.001391 Data Supplement (unedited) at: http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org/content/suppl/2014/10/07/CIRCHEARTFAILURE.114.001391.DC1.html Permissions: Requests for permissions to reproduce figures, tables, or portions of articles originally published in Circulation: Heart Failure can be obtained via RightsLink, a service of the Copyright Clearance Center, not the Editorial Office. Once the online version of the published article for which permission is being requested is located, click Request Permissions in the middle column of the Web page under Services. Further information about this process is available in the Permissions and Rights Question and Answer document. Reprints: Information about reprints can be found online at: http://www.lww.com/reprints Subscriptions: Information about subscribing to Circulation: Heart Failure is online at: http://circheartfailure.ahajournals.org//subscriptions/ SUPPLMENTAL MATERIAL Figure 1. Search Algorithm PubMed / MEDLINE Search Algorithm: ((heart-assist devices* OR left ventricular assist device[tiab] OR lvad[tiab] OR mechanical circulatory support[tiab]) AND (destination therapy[tiab] OR continuous flow[tiab] OR nonpulsatile[tiab] OR axial flow[tiab] OR heartmate ii[tiab] OR thoratec[tiab] OR heartware[tiab] OR hvad[tiab]) AND (clinical trial[tiab] OR benefit[tiab] OR risk[tiab] OR survival[tiab] OR death[tiab] OR quality of life[tiab] OR complication[tiab] OR bleeding[tiab] OR stroke[tiab] OR infection[tiab] OR sepsis[tiab] OR renal failure[tiab] OR right ventricular assist device[tiab] OR hospitalization[tiab] OR readmission[tiab] OR device malfunction[tiab] OR pump replacement[tiab] OR reoperation[tiab] OR cardiac arrhythmia[tiab] OR arrhythmia[tiab] OR defibrillator shock[tiab])) AND "humans"[Filter] AND "english"[Filter] AND (2007[pdat] OR 2008[pdat] OR 2009[pdat] OR 2010[pdat] OR 2011[pdat] OR 2012[pdat] OR 2013[pdat] OR 2014[pdat]) Figure 2. Adverse Event Definitions Term HeartMate II Trial1-3 Definition Infection localized to any organ system or region without evidence of systemic involvement which requires treatment or is ascertained by standard clinical Localized Non-Device methods and either associated with evidence or bacterial, viral, fungal, and Infection protozoal infection, by standard clinical pathologic/laboratory methods. This definition includes positive blood cultures that are not considered to be septic in etiology. Infection of the percutaneous drive line site evidenced by the need to treat with Percutaneous Site antimicrobial therapy, when there is clinical evidence of infection such as pain, Infection fever, drainage, and or leukocytosis. This definition includes any positive cultures identified at the time of pump explant. Infection of the pump pocket area evidence by the need to treat with antimicrobial therapy, when there is clinical evidence of infection such as pain, Pump Pocket Infection fever, drainage, and or leukocytosis. This definition includes any positive cultures identified at the times of pump explant. A systematic response to a serious infection, usually manifested by fever, tachycardia, tachypnea, leukocytosis and vasodilation requiring use of IV antimicrobial therapy. It may or may or may not be associated with a localized site of infection. It may of or may not be accompanied by a positive Sepsis microbiological culture from the blood, the localized site of infection, or other evidence of bacterial, viral, fungal, or protozoal infection using standard clinical pathologic/ laboratory methods. This definition excludes routine prophylactic treatment with IV antimicrobial therapy. An episode of internal of external bleeding that causes death, re-operation, Bleeding permanent injury, or necessitates transfusion of > 2 units of red blood cells within 24 hours. Any new, temporary or permanent, focal or global, neurological deficit Neurologic Event including TIA, metabolic encephalopathy, seizure, etc. The event must be subcatagorized to document the type of neurologic event. A neurologic deficit lasting more than 24 hours, or lasting 24 hours or less with a brain imaging study showing new infarction. A TIA is a neurological deficit Stroke lasing 24 hours and if an imaging study is performed, shows no evidence of new infarction. Each stroke must be subcategorized as either ischemic or hemorrhagic. Symptoms of RHF (e.g. drop in right ventricular ejection associated with right sided congestion including hepatic congestion, peripheral edema, jugular RHF venous distension, etc. requiring either RVAD implantation at any time, or inotropic therapy > 14 days following implant. Any symptomatic or asymptomatic arrhythmia that requires intervention. The Cardiac Arrhythmias investigator should distinguish four types of events: 1) cardiac arrest, 2) VA, 3) supraventricular arrhythmia, 4) atrial arrhythmia. Abnormal kidney function requiring dialysis in patients who did not require this Renal Failure procedure prior to the implant. Impairment of respiratory function requiring reintubation and/or tracheostomy Respiratory Failure at any time or the inability to discontinue ventilator support after six days (144 hours) of device support. Suspected Device Malfunction/Failure INTERMACS4 An instance when any component of the system fails to perform its intended function. Losses of the display, inability to operate on batteries, or pump stoppage are examples. Event consequences can be captured on the case report form and will include: hemodynamic compromise, re-operation, death, urgent transplant or initiation of inotropes. Infection localized to any organ system or region (e.g. mediastinitis) without Localized Non-Device evidence of systemic involvement (see sepsis definition), ascertained by Infection standard clinical methods and either associated with evidence of bacterial, viral, fungal or protozoal infection, and/or requiring empirical treatment. A positive culture from the skin and/or tissue surrounding the drive line or from Percutaneous Site and/or the tissue surrounding the external housing of a pump implanted within the Pocket Infection body, coupled with the need to treat with antimicrobial therapy, when there is clinical evidence of infection such as pain, fever, drainage, or leukocytosis. Internal Pump Infection of blood-contacting surfaces of the LVAD documented by positive site Component or Outflow culture. Tract Infection Evidence of systemic involvement by infection, manifested by positive blood Sepsis cultures and/or hypotension. An episode of suspectived internal or external bleeding that results in one or more of the following: death, re-operation, hospitalization, transfusion of Major Bleeding PRBCs as follows: 1) during first 7 days post implant = ≥ 4 units PRBC within any 24 hour period or 2) after 7 days post implant any transfusion of PRBCs Any new, temporary or permanent, focal or global neurologic deficit, including Neurological TIA that resolves within 24 hours, and ischemic or hemorrhagic intracranial Dysfunction CVA that persists beyond 24 hours or less than 24 hours with infarction on an image study. Symptoms and signs of persistent right ventricular dysfunction [central venous pressure > 18 mmHg with a cardiac index <2.3 L/min/m2 in the absence of elevated left atrial/pulmonary capillary wedge pressure (greater than 18 mmhg), Right Heart Failure tamponade, ventricular arrhythmias or pneumothorax] requiring RVAD; implantation; or requiring inhaled nitric oxide or inotropic therapy for a duration of more than 1 week at any time after LVAD implantation. Denotes a failure of one or more of the components of the device system which Device Malfunction either directly causes or could potentially induce a state of inadequate circulatory support (low cardiac output state) or death. Any documented arrhythmia that results in clinical compromise (e.g., Cardiac Arrhythmia diminished LVAD flow, oliguria, pre-syncope or syncope) that requires hospitalization or occurs during a hospital stay. American College of Chest Physicians and Society of Critical Care Medicine (ACCP/SCCM)5 Defined as a systemic inflammatory response syndrome (two or more of: 1) temperature 38°C or 36°C; 2) heart rate 90 beats/min; 3) respiratory rate 20 Sepsis breaths/min or PaCO2 32 mm Hg; or 4) white blood cell count 12,000 cells/mm3, 4,000 cells/mm3 or 10% immature bands) resulting from a confirmed infectious process. 6 Schmid et al., 2008 Stroke was a clinical diagnosis, defined as cerebral ischemia with consecutive Stroke neurologic symptoms persisting for 24 hours, irrespective of findings in cranial CT. Cerebral bleeding, caused either by spontaneous rupture of a blood vessel Cerebral Bleeding within the head or after stroke, mandated confirmation by CT scan, regardless of present symptoms. 7 Lahpor et al., 2009 RHF Starling et al., 20138 Confirmed Pump Thrombosis Suspected Pump Thrombosis Crow et al., 20099 GI Bleeding Martin et al., 201010 Infection Topkara et al., 201011 The post-operative need for temporary right ventricular mechanical support or inotropic support for more than 14 days following the implantation. Confirmed pump thrombosis was defined as a thrombus found on the bloodcontacting surfaces of the HeartMate II, its inflow cannula, or its outflow conduit at pump replacement, urgent transplantation, or autopsy. Suspected pump thrombosis was defined as a clinical diagnosis of pump-related malfunction in which the clinical or device variables suggested a thrombus on the blood-contacting surfaces of the pump, cannulae, or grafts. Defined as a guaiac-positive stool and a hemoglobin drop requiring transfusion of at least 2 units of PRBCs. Defined as 1) a positive bacterial or fungal culture taken from the bloodstream attributable to the device, andyor from the driveline site, andyor the operative bed, that was treated with antimicrobial agents by the clinicians caring for the patient, or 2) a clinically suspected infection of the device that was surgically debrided and treated with antimicrobial therapy regardless of culture data. Defined as those that required treatment with antimicrobial therapy, when there Driveline/Pump Pocket Infection is clinical evidence of infection such as pain, fever, drainage, and or leukocytosis. Defined as those limited to any organ system or region without evidence of Local Infections systemic involvement that requires treatment or is ascertained by standard clinical method. Uriel et al., 201012 Minor Bleeding Defined as observable blood loss without the need for transfusion. Major Bleeding Defined as need for blood transfusion 7 days after device insertion. Defined as any neurologic event lasting 24 hours and categorized as having a Stroke hemorrhagic or thromboembolic etiology according to the results of intracrantial imaging. Pump thrombosis was defined as any thrombus within the device or its conduits Pump Thrombosis associated with clinical signs of impaired pump performance Demirozu et al., 201113 Patients were considered to have GI bleeding if they had 1 or more of the following symptoms: guaiac-positive stool; hematemesis; melena; active bleeding at the time of endoscopy or colonoscopy; and blood within the GI Bleeding stomach at endoscopy or colonoscopy. The symptom(s) had to be accompanied by a decrease of 1 g/dl in the patient’s hemoglobin level, which was considered to necessitate the transfusion of 2 units PRBCs. 14 Schaffer et al., 2011 Defined as either: 1) purulent drainage from the drive-line exit site (or device pocket); 2) organisms isolated from an aseptically obtained culture of fluid or Driveline/Pump Pocket tissue from the driveline exit site (or device pocket); or 3) an abscess or other Infection evidence of infection involving the drive-line tract (or device pocket) found on direct examination, during re operation or by histopathologic or radiologic examination. Schaffer et al., 201115 Defined as bleeding with an identifiable GI source by GI Bleeding esophagogastroduodenoscopy, colonoscopy, or tagged red blood cell scan. Aggarwal et al., 201216 Defined as bleeding above the ligament of Treitz and bleeding from the GI tract GI Bleeding distal to the ligament of Treitz, respectively. Aggarwal et al., 201217 Defined as a culture-positive specimen obtained from any part of the device, including driveline or pocket infections. Must meet at least 1 of the following criteria: 1) a recognized pathogen cultured from 1 or more blood cultures and organism cultured from blood is not related to an infection at another site, 2) at least 1 of the following signs or symptoms: Bloodstream Infection fever (>38°C), chills, or hypotension and signs and symptoms and positive laboratory results are not related to an infection at another site and common skin contaminant is cultured from 2 or more blood cultures drawn on separate occasions Brenyo et al., 201218 VA Defined as the first ICD therapy for VA after the start of follow-up. 19 Morgan et al., 2012 Defined as melena, hematochezia or hematemesis along with a drop in GI Bleeding hemoglobin requiring transfusion. Raasch et al., 201220 Device Infection Sustained VA Event Yuan et al., 201221 RHF Device Failure Borgi et al., 201322 RHF Deo et al., 201323 RVF Garan et al., 201324 VA Morgan et al., 201325 RVF Mulloy et al., 201326 VA Sarosiek et al., 201327 Defined as a single episode of ventricular tachycardia lasting at least 30 seconds or a VA necessitating termination via antitachycardia pacing or defibrillation. Symptoms of RHF requiring RVAD implantation at any time or inotropic support ≥14 days following LVAD implantation All types of device malfunction, including mechanical failure, electrical failure, and device thrombosis Defined as the need for inotropic support for more than 1 week or the need for RVAD support Defined as the need for IV inotropes for more than 168 hours after the intial surgery Defined as ventricular tachyarrhythmia (ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation) that received appropriate therapy (antitachycardia pacing or shock) from an ICD or was sustained for >30 s in the absence of effective treatment. Defined as the need for IV inotropes for >14 days post-operatively or an RVAD Defined as more than 30 seconds of documented ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation as seen on a rhythm strip, electrocardiographic tracing, or implantable cardiac defibrillator readout. Defined as heme-positive stool or hematemesis and a decrease in hemoglobin >1 g/dl. Wever-Pinzon et al., 201328 Defined by clinical evidence of bleeding (guaiac-positive stool, melena, GI Bleeding hematochezia, hematemesis, or the presence of blood in the GI tract on endoscopic evaluation) and a decrease in hemoglobin ≥2g/dL. Defined as an episode of suspected internal or external bleeding resulting in 1 of Major Bleeding the following: death, surgical intervention, hospitalization, or transfusion of PRBCs as well as a documented decrease in hemoglobin ≥2g/dL. GI Bleeding Table 1. Summary of Evidence Sources Device Type Total Pts Total CF Pts BTT DT Other* Unreported HMII HVAD VentrAssist MicroMed DeBakey DuraHeart Jarvik 2000 INCOR HM-XVE IVAD EXCOR NOVACOR ABIOMED LionHeart CardioWest Unreported Pulsatile Flow Year Continuous Flow First Author Abbreviation Indication Miller Pagani Slaughter Kormos Rogers Strueber Aaronson Petrucci Moazami Slaughter 2007 2009 2009 2010 2010 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 133 281 200 484 655 50 140 126 1128 332 133 281 134 484 655 50 140 96 1128 332 133 281 0 484 281 50 140 0 490 332 200 374 126 638 - - - 133 281 134 484 655 96 1128 - 50 140 332 - - - - - 66 30 - - - - - - - - Schmid Lahpor Boyle John Goldstein Holman Kirklin Kirklin Najjar Starling 2008 2009 2011 2011 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 216 411 101 1496 2006 3302 6561 6910 382 837 216 411 101 1496 2006 2816 5515 6910 382 837 0 300 86 1496 830 3742 382 - 86 15 291 1694 - 25 854 - 216 31 3302 79 6910 837 411 74 1496 6910 837 382 - 27 - - - - 216 - - - - - - - - 2006 3302 6561 - Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries HMII BTT Trial 1 HMII BTT Trial Registry2 HMII DT Trial 3 HMII BTT Trial Registry RVF 29 HMII BTT DT Trial Registry 30 International HVAD Trial 31 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial 32 HMII DT Trial NC 33 † HMII BTT DT Trial Replacement34 ADVANCE: HVAD BTT Trial CAP 35 Multicenter Registries INCOR Analysis 6 64 European Institutions7 U of Minnesota, Pittsburgh, & Columbia 36 John INTERMACS 37 Goldstein INTERMACS 38 Holman INTERMACS 39 INTERMACS 2013 4 INTERMACS Thrombosis 40 Najjar ADVANCE BTT & CAP 41 Cleveland Clinic, Barnes-Jewish, & Duke8 Single Center Reports and Case Series University of Minnesota 9 Crow 2009 101 55 84 17 38 9 8 46 Medical University of Vienna 42 Sandner 2009 86 86 86 0 6 75 5 University of Michigan 43 † Cowger 2010 78 53 69 9 53 25 10 The Ohio State University Martin 2010 145 64 64 52 10 2 64 13 4 11 Washington University Topkara 2010 81 81 57 24 64 17 12 Columbia University Uriel 2010 79 79 64 15 79 Texas Heart Institute13 Demirozu 2011 172 172 172 172 Texas Heart Institute44 † Demirozu 2011 107 107 107 107 German Heart Institute Berlin 45 Drews 2011 198 111 111 33 1 2 7 8 60 1 49 23 2 12 University of Minnesota 46 John 2011 130 130 102 17 11 130 14 Johns Hopkins Schaffer 2011 133 86 93 40 86 47 15 Johns Hopkins Schaffer 2011 86 86 57 29 86 16 Advocate Christ Medical Center Aggarwal 2012 101 101 7 94 101 Advocate Christ Medical Center 17 Aggarwal 2012 87 87 87 87 University of Rochester 18 Brenyo 2012 61 61 44 17 58 3 Columbia University47 Kato 2012 307 140 307 140 167 19 Henry Ford Morgan 2012 86 86 54 32 86 20 University of North Carolina Raasch 2012 61 61 27 34 47 14 48 University of Minnesota Sharma 2012 143 143 56 87 143 Johns Hopkins21 Yuan 2012 182 133 98 46 38 133 49 Henry Ford 22 Borgi 2013 100 100 68 32 100 Cleveland Clinic 49 Bunte 2013 139 139 55 31 53 139 University of Münster 50 Dell’ Aquila 2013 50 50 50 50 23 University of Minnesota Deo 2013 126 126 55 71 126 51 Montefiore Medical Center Forest 2013 71 71 19 27 25 58 9 4 Columbia University24 Garan 2013 94 94 46 48 94 University of Minnesota 52 Hasin 2013 115 115 42 73 115 Henry Ford 25 Morgan 2013 130 130 76 54 122 8 26 University of Virginia Mulloy 2013 50 50 50 50 53 German Heart Institute Berlin Potapov 2013 225 225 225 225 27 Thomas Jefferson University Sarosiek 2013 84 59 54 30 Utah Transplant Affiliated Hospitals 28 Wever-Pinzon 2013 134 134 68 52 14 134 * includes bridge to recovery, bridge to decision, and bridge to candidacy †Study not included in Tables. BTT=bridge to transplant; CAP=continued access protocol; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; GI=gastrointestinal; HM-XVE=HeartMate XVE ventricular assist device; HMII= HeartMate II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; IVAD=implantable ventricular assist device; LVAD=left ventricular assist device; mo=month; NC=neurocognition; PVAD=Paracorporeal ventricular assist device; RRT=renal replacement therapy; RVF=right ventricular failure Table 2. Estimated Actuarial Survival of CF Devices - Single Center Studies or Those with Less Than 100 Continuous Flow Patients Study First Author Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries International HVAD Trial31 Strueber Single Center Reports and Case Series Medical University of Vienna42 Sandner German Heart Institute Berlin45 Drews 46 University of Minnesota John Johns Hopkins15 Schaffer Henry Ford19 Morgan University of North Carolina20 Raasch University of Münster50 Dell'Aquila University of Minnesota23 Deo Mulloy University of Virginia26 Year Total CF BTT DT 1 Mo 6 Mo 12 Mo 24 Mo 36 Mo 48 Mo 2011 50 50 0 - 90% 84% 79% - - 2009 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 86 111 102 86 86 61 50 126 50 86 0 102 57 54 27 55 - 0 111 0 29 32 34 71 - 92% 95% 82% 98% 61% 84% 87% 88% - 71% 79% 72% 87% 78% - 70% 83% 76% - 49% - - BTT=bridge to transplant; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; mo=month Crow Sandner Martin Topkara Uriel Demirozu John Schaffer Schaffer Aggarwal Aggarwal Brenyo Kato Morgan Sharma Borgi Bunte Dell'Aquila Mulloy Sarosiek Wever-Pinzon 2009 2009 2010 2010 2010 2011 2011 2011 2011 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2012 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 2013 55 86 64 81 79 172 102 86 46 86 57 64 102 57 9 0 24 15 0 29 36 mo 6 mo 18 mo 9±9 mo 12±16 mo 2±2 mo 11±10 mo - - 86 101 87 61 140 86 143 100 139 50 50 59 134 57 7 44 54 56 68 55 68 29 94 17 32 87 32 31 52 22% 30% 19% 18% 28% 23% - Other - Sepsis 12% - Pocket GI 20% 9% Driveline Late > 30 days 24 mo 19±18 mo Local Early ≤30 days 0 - Other Defined Time at Risk# 50 - Infection TIA DT 50 72 Hemorrhagic BTT 2011 2013 4% - - 14% - 18% - - 10% 3% - 10% 12% 3% 10% 9% 11% 11% 10% 4% 9% 9% 26% 4% 8% - - - - - - 37% 10% - 17% 22% 26% 12% 6% 14% - 22% 5% 0% 9% 6% 1% 2% - 19% 64% 14% - - Ischemic Total CF Neurological Event Year Bleeding Strueber Moazami First Author Study Table 3. Common Adverse Events of CF LVAD – Single Center Studies or Those with Less Than 100 CF Patients Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries International HVAD Trial31* HMII BTT DT Trial Replacement34† 4% 8% 6% Single Center Reports and Case Series University of Minnesota9 Medical University of Vienna42 The Ohio State University10 Washington University11§ Columbia University12 Texas Heart Institute13 University of Minnesota46 Johns Hopkins14§ Johns Hopkins15 Advocate Christ Medical Center16 Advocate Christ Medical Center17 University of Rochester18 Columbia University47* Henry Ford19 University of Minnesota48‡ Henry Ford22 Cleveland Clinic49*ll University of Münster50* University of Virginia26 Thomas Jefferson University27 Utah Transplant Affiliated Hospitals28*ll 12 mo 12 mo 0-70 mo 19±14 mo 21 mo (m) 9±11 mo 0-15 mo 11±11 mo 0-12 mo 16 mo(m) 9 mo(m) 5-13 mo 34±19 mo 3 mo 26% - 44% 17% 23% - 18% 8% 58% 36% 20% 25% 22% 22% 26% 24% 17% - 34% 10% 28% - Adverse events definitions in Appendix 2. * Study uses INTERMACS definitions for adverse events. † Study uses HeartMate II definitions for adverse events. ‡ Study uses ISHLT consensus statement definitions for adverse events. § Study uses ACCP/SCCM consensus definition of sepsis. ll Study includes alternative indications for implant (i.e. bridge to decision, bridge to candidacy). # Time at risk was variable among studies: truncated time point (x mo), mean/SD (x ± mo), range (x-y mo). ACCP/SCCM=American College of Chest Physicians and Society of Critical Care Medicine; BTT=bridge to transplant; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; GI=gastrointestinal; HMII= HeartMate II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; ISHLT=International Society of Heart and Lung Transplant; mo=month; TIA=transient ischemic attack. Table 4. Other Adverse Events of CF Devices - Single Center Studies or Those with Less Than 100 Continuous Flow Patients Rehospitalization Other Arrhythmia VA RVAD Right Heart Failure Inotropic Support Other Requiring Exchange Thrombosis Requiring Exchange Defined Time at Risk§ DT BTT Total CF Year First Author Device Malfunction Study Industry-Funded Trials and Related Registries International HVAD Trial31* 24 mo 8% 6% 6% 6% 4% Strueber 2011 50 50 0 1.2 adm/pt-yr HMII BTT DT Trial Replacement34† 2013 72 19±18 mo 2% 4% 9% 2% Moazami Single Center Reports and Case Series Sandner 2009 86 86 0 Medical University of Vienna42 6 mo 6% Drews 2011 111 0 111 23±8 mo German Heart Institute Berlin45 6% 2.8 adm/pt-yr John 2011 102 102 0 11±10 mo University of Minnesota46 1% 2% 5% Brenyo 2012 61 44 17 University of Rochester18 21 mo(m) 11% 31% 2012 61 27 34 University of North Carolina20 Raasch 0-12 mo 43% 20% Yuan 2012 133 68 40 13±13 mo Johns Hopkins21‡ 12% 22% 22 Borgi 2013 100 68 32 0-12 mo Henry Ford 11% 5% 24% Dell'Aquila 2013 50 24% 4% 1.8 adm/pt-year University of Münster50* 9 mo(m) University of Minnesota23 Deo 2013 126 55 71 15 mo(m) 25% 3% Forest 2013 71 19 27 2±4 mo Montefiore Medical Center51‡ 79% Garan 2013 94 46 48 Columbia University24 4 mo(m) 23% Hasin 2013 115 42 73 13±11 mo University of Minnesota52 1.6 adm/pt-yr Morgan 2013 130 76 54 13 mo(m) Henry Ford25 5% 4% 26 Mulloy 2013 50 University of Virginia 5-13 mo 32% 20% Potapov 2013 225 German Heart Institute Berlin53 8 mo(m) 5% 1% Adverse events definitions in Supplemental Methods: Figure 2. * Study uses INTERMACS definitions for adverse events. † Study uses HeartMate II definitions for adverse events. ‡ Study includes alternative indications for implant (i.e. bridge to decision, bridge to candidacy) § Time at risk was variable among studies: truncated time point (x mo), mean/SD (x ± y mo), range (x-y mo), mean (x mo(m)) adm=admission; BTT=bridge to transplant; CF=continuous-flow; DT=destination therapy; HMII= HeartMate II; HVAD=HeartWare ventricular assist device; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; mo=month; pt=patient; RVAD=right ventricular assist device; RVF=right ventricular failure; VA=ventricular arrhythmia; yr=year. SUPPLEMENTAL FIGURE LEGENDS Figure 1. Search Algorithm Figure 2. Adverse Event Definitions Abbreviations: ACCP/SCCM=American College of Chest Physicians and Society of Critical Care Medicine; CT=computed tomography; CVA=cerebrovascular accident; GI=gastrointestinal; ICD=internal cardioverter defibrillator; INTERMACS=Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; IV=intravenous; LVAD=left ventricular assist device; PRBC=packed red blood cell; RHF=right heart failure; RVAD=right ventricular assist device; TIA=transient ischemic attack; VA=ventricular arrhythmia SUPPLMENTAL REFERENCES 1. Miller LW, Pagani FD, Russell SD, John R, Boyle AJ, Aaronson KD, Conte JV, Naka Y, Mancini D, Delgado RM, MacGillvray TE, Farrar DJ, Frazier OH. Use of a continuous-flow device in patients awaiting heart transplantation. N Engl J Med. 2007;357:885-896. 2. 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