
PIfE Newsletter 2015
In this Newsletter you will find:
Preface to the Newsletter 2015 ............................................................................................................................................ 2
PIfE will be changed. Evaldas Karmaza ................................................................................................................................. 3
For Ildikó Mävers................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Psychodrama Institute for Europe as a part of Civil Societies. Eva Serafin ........................................................................... 5
Das Psychodramainstitut für Europa als Teil der Zivilgesellschaften. Eva Serafin ................................................................. 8
Playing, Relations and Inspiration – Cornerstones of Inspirational Pedagogy. Reijo Kauppila ............................................ 11
PIfE General Assembly. Cluj-Napoca / September 17th, 2015. Julia Pischetsrieder ........................................................... 13
Actualized Financial Report at the General Assembly in Romania, Sep. 17 th, 2015. Fred Dorn.......................................... 15
Norwegian Moreno Institute. Report of activities 2015 ..................................................................................................... 19
Overview of Activities of Lithuanian Psychodrama Association 2015 ................................................................................ 22
Report of Association of Psychodrama, Ukraine, for 2015 ................................................................................................. 26
«Ассоциация Психодрамы» в Украине, 2015 .................................................................................................................. 28
The psychodrama association „J.L.Moreno Psychodrama Society” in 2015. Ilona Görög .................................................. 30
Societatea de Psihodrama „J.L. Moreno” (SPJLM) in 2015. Ilona Görög ............................................................................. 32
Report of Polish Psychodrama Institute - 2015 ................................................................................................................... 34
Calendar of Psychodrama events in 2016 ........................................................................................................................... 35
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Preface to the Newsletter 2015
Dear PIfE member,
this is the last Newsletter. In the Meeting of Directors on 7th of January, 2016 we decided to stop producing these
newsletters. You may feel the reason. But let me put it in simple words - this is already 3rd time when Executive board
tries to produce the Newsletter for the Christmas, but it happens to issues only after two months with usual “please
please please…”. As well we even do not know any reaction how it was accepted by members.
But this is not the main reason that we decided decision to stop producing the Newsletter. It is about this time, when
News become old when they are already announced next day. Social media, internet development and the electronic life
itself made current life really swift. And we have to adapt ourselves. So we thought let us find another way how we may
stay connected and share things we want to say. And these will be the short news’ announcement through mailing lists
and articles on Internet site. In case we see Newsletter is missed we will recover in those of board meetings.
The year 2015 was really solid for PIfE. 7 elected members of the Board became partly some sort of skype family. Besides
there were even two life meetings of the board, what made our auditors to state that there is too much of expenses done
for the administrative costs like the board. But we hope you will accept and even enjoy the changes PIfE Board has reached
by these expenses.
Thanks to Romanian partners we had a great PIfE conference this year in Cluj-Napoca. Both the General Assembly and
the conference itself went smooth and helped us to make our professional steps forward. And still what amazes me is
that all what is organized is only by free will of our PIfE members. All!!
This year we also suffered a loss that is really heavy to bear and will be felt for years to come. Ildikó Maevers has left us,
but she has left for us PIfE. The news are still being fresh, keeps us silent and mourning. It is about us to take her heritage
and to handle it responsibly.
In this newsletter you will find short description on how our 26+ years old PIfE might live further and what reforms we
propose to make. From one side there are just minor adjustments to new situation. From the other - it may feel like
something completely new before the birth. Please find as well other related articles and think for yourself, how for you
this year 2015 has been.
Your chairperson,
Evaldas Karmaza
PIfE Newsletter 2015
PIfE will be changed. Evaldas Karmaza
Please note first the date of this year. 4th of June in June 2016 you are invited to come to extraordinary PIfE General
Assembly in Berlin and make your input in creating next PIfE.
THe initiative for changes started in the period of 2010 to 2013 with coming proposals that PIfE community has to revise
their statute and to update with few things. One of these - more clearance on organizations’ memberships, other - update
with new challenges that Europe currently has. Besides some minor correction (like moving out some issues with
convertible currencies etc.). In addition, one that already became like stuck problem - to change PIfE registration address.
When we started to look at these issues more attentively, question came after question. Should we maybe also change
names of member organisations? Maybe also to write exactly the whole list of membership fees for all countries? And
next after next one. Then at the beginning of 2014 we thought it should be decided by all members. We started asking
even more general questions through our questionnaires like what PIfE you would like to have. Process just kept going…
Here we are now: after Großburschla meeting 2015 Board of Directors proposed whole strategy of organization
development that was confirmed in PIfE General Assembly in Cluj-Napoca. Then extra-General Assembly was appointed
for 2016. Here is the date you should remember and plan to come: 4th of June in June 2016 in Berlin. We will vote for
new module of PIfE.
Still in Summer 2015 you got our description of proposed changes. It was presented and discussed during the General
Assembly in Romania, later talked about at the end of the conference. PIfE Board of Directors will have a 3 days meeting
of Statute change in Oslo at the beginning of this March (2016).
We also formed so called Statute Change group in 2014 that consist of Eva Serafin, Fred Dorn and Evaldas Karmaza. This
group will work until extra-General Assembly. You may join this group by sending your personal proposals to any of these
members mentioned above.
But what is the essence of the changes? Please find it in this short description:
PIfE from training development and psychodrama implementation in new countries will now focus more on networking of
existing and working professionals. Therefore the Association will be new more often used word than Institute. The name
PIfE might be only the name of section of our organization responsible for trainings, certification and supervisions.
Members will be invited to join the groups according to the fields of interests (like psychodrama in therapy, in education,
in business, in social projects etc.). The proposed name might be Association of European Psychodramatists (with abbr.
AEP). Every subgroup of interests will be invited to hold yearly meetings in forms of discussion groups, seminars, maybe
even conferences. Each group will elect group leader who also will be member of a council. This organization still will carry
the conferences and General meetings every two years. We will try to invite already many trained psychodramatists across
Europe who were trained not only in PIfE system. But we will hold important goals on European level.
This proposal we will develop further in Oslo meeting this March and will present for you in already new form of Statute.
Dear PIfE member, this is also your chance to edit and make organization to the interests and values of yours.
PIfE Chair,
Evaldas Karmaza
PIfE Newsletter 2015
For Ildikó Mävers
“There are things that we don't want to happen but
have to accept, things we don't want to know but
have to learn, and people we can't live without but
have to let go.”
We honor your lifework and carry it on with your
inspiration - farewell, dear Ildikó.
On behalf of the members of PsychodramaInstitute for Europe - the Board of Directors
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Psychodrama Institute for Europe as a part of Civil Societies. Eva
Thinking of Europe, PIfE future and the values that Psychodrama provides
Last GA the members of PIfE decided to face an active development process of their organization. While we are about to
develop the cooperation between us as psychodramatists all over Europe we cannot deny that Europe itself is part of a
worldwide change process. We are confronted by economical, political and social crises with maldevelopment up to
Building on positive phenomenon to get ahead
But there are also people who organize themselves in cooperation networks. They get involved in solidarity projects on
non-profit basis or establish own projects/initiatives. Nowadays an amazing amount of volunteers works for the benefit
of refugees arriving in Germany. Donations, personal commitment and voluntary work is given. When you ask one of
those active people, they talk about experience of meaningful activity and real encounters. The commitment is a special
phenomenon. Sociologically considered it belongs to the sector of civil society, the section of society that is neither
national state nor economic market and it is beyond family.
Civil society ranges over networks of friendship, neighbourhood and associations. The commitment refers to activities
from sport and leisure to culture and to social topics. People come together and pursue a common goal. Ideally they
develop shared values and an understanding communication culture and they create a form of community where each of
them act to the benefit of the group or even beyond. Acting in a sense of civil society is not very new, but isn’t spread
everywhere, of course. Yet there are so-called classical movements with their roots in the 19th century. There are also
social movements that partly act cross-border for example groups of cultural exchange between German and Polish, Fair
Trade or Wikipedia as a modern social cooperative.
I know it’s not always easy considering different traditions and political history in Europe, but we as PIfE can also - despite
of some more complicated "peak experiences" - look back on successes here.
Looking at PIfE's future don’t let us lose the idea of civil society but, quite the contrary, we should raise the awareness of
this aspect and deepen it.
We need to increase awareness about our psychodramatic creativity to influence (civil) society
We as psychodramatists work in different formats (seminars, supervision, organization development…) and in different
fields (health care, youth work). Our work might belong to state institutions, to economic market or is part of a nonprofit
organization. We might have an identity as psychodramatist who works with patients, with managers or with children.
But as an association of psychodramatists in Europe we are in a non-profit organization and we definitely belong to the
sector of civil society. Facing the different histories, traditions and structures of European countries we need more
awareness in- and outside of our organization to continue this work.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
PIfE already provides national examples of projects in civic matters. Let me exemplarily just mention the Cluj-project to
include disadvantaged Roma. Also many topics in the program of PIfE-Germany for 2016 relate to the civil society.
At European level we as PIfE are an example ourselves. As a part of civil society, we are people organizing themselves as
humans within society. When we consider ourselves as part of a common humanity, we may see our need of a common
sociality – sociality here is something like an end in itself – we can form a convincing community. That’s quite a challenge.
If our community illustrates a high quality of "How do we want to live together" and we are developing a broad perception,
then we are also able to spread sociality by this example.
Transposing Moreno’s values to our network of psychodramatist in Europe
As psychodramatists we are able to let groups feel as a community. The group members help each other’s to solve
problems. They feel solidarity and find new steps for happiness in live. We know people around happy people also feel
happy (N.A.Christakis/J.H.Fowler). We also know that experiences made within a psychodramatic setting can be brought
into everyday life and can be spread as well. Looking at our Psychodrama network as a part of civil society in Europe we
can take a lot out of Morenos psychodrama and his ideas.
Also the current discussion about "Convivialism", which was initiated by fifty international scientists, point out the idea
of a civil society, where convivial living is increasing. To illustrate “convivial” the picture of a lively dinner party is of use.
One initially might feel as stranger to others, but during the evening a community is established.
Convivialism understands itself as a future-oriented answer to the current crises in societies and aims at expanding civil
societies. It is an idea of coexistence of people where the quality of the community represents a value in itself.
Convivialism is actually lived in familiar and friendly context, but also in many associative projects of civil society around
the world. (A.Adloff S.24f)
Elements of a futures’ vision for PIfE
Solely the form of Community is a quality, a value in itself.
"Conviviality continues many sociopolitical ideas of Moreno. On the other hand, the psychodrama is a (corrective)
supplement of Convivialism. The psychodrama activities in many formats set educational processes that stimulate the
personal skills to conviviality. Without this kind of processes, a joyous, peaceful coexistence is not possible "(Ferdinand
Buer in oral conversation)
The Gift: We are a non-profit network with formative values to "The Gift", the gift that is not economical but also not
altruistically- morally. The gift begins with ones own thoughts, what someone may need or may please. It can be time,
volunteer work, attention and even more. Thinking in terms of the gift a community makes us strong and helps to heal
social inequality. Gift and respect belong together.
PIfE for the strengthening of civil societies across Europe: We are aware of the importance of civil society. We recognize
and appreciate civic related projects.
In our identity as psychodramatists we also consider Moreno’s socio-political ideas of healing. We organize civil society
projects, and attempt to acquire scholarships and external funding when concrete implementable project ideas exist/are
PIfE Newsletter 2015
We organize ourselves as PIfE in a form that can serve as an example and shows itself high quality of a democratic,
participatory community.
Further reference:
“Das konvivialistische Manifest”, 2014; Therein: A.Adloff:“Es gibt schon ein richtiges Leben im Falschen“ S.7-32
Anyone who is interested may follow the debate about „Konvivialismus“on the internet.
Interview. Frank Adloff about “Konvivialismus”, 14 min
” Les convivialists” if you may follow debate about konvivialisme on the internet
N.A.Christakis/J.H.Fowler, “Connected. The surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape our Lives”.
N.A.Christakis/J.H.Fowler, Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke. Wer uns wirklich beeinflusst und warum Glück ansteckend ist;
Fischer TB
St.Möbius/Ch. Papilloud (Hrsg.) Gift – Marcel Mauss’ Kulturtheorie der Gabe; VS Verlag
Ferdinand Buer, Sinngebende Beratung für sinnvolles Arbeiten. Zehn Orientierungswerte; In:OSC Band 21, Juni 2014,
Ausgabe 2, Seite 227-24; The article discusses ten values to be used by professionals. Orientating yourself to these values
you can rate your work as sensible. The values are: Responsibility, happiness, beauty, art of living, creativity, power,
spirituality, calmness, serenity, and leisure.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Das Psychodramainstitut für Europa als Teil der Zivilgesellschaften.
Eva Serafin
Nachdenken über Europa, die Zukunft von PIfE und die Werte, die uns das Psychodrama anbietet
In der letzten PIfE- Mitgliederversammlung haben wir beschlossen, uns einem aktiven Entwicklungsprozess zu stellen.
Während wir die Zusammenarbeit von uns als PsychodramatikerInnen in Europa weiterentwickeln wollen, können wir
nicht leugnen, dass Europa selbst Teil eines weltweiten Veränderungsprozess ist. Wir sind mit wirtschaftlichen, politischen
und sozialen Krisen konfrontiert, mit Fehlentwicklungen bis zur Gewalt.
Auf positive Phänomene aufbauen, um weiterzukommen
Es gibt aber auch die Menschen die sich in Netzwerken organisieren. Sie engagieren sich in Projekten der Solidarität auf
Non-Profit-Basis oder gründen selbst Initiativen. In den letzten Monaten haben sich unglaublich viele Freiwillige
eingesetzt, um in Deutschland ankommende Flüchtlinge willkommen zu heißen und sie zu unterstützen. Sachspenden
und persönliches Engagement in Form von Zeit und unbezahlten Diensten werden geleistet. Wenn wir AktivistInnen
fragen, dann können wir auch etwas erfahren über das gute Gefühl durch sinnvolle Tätigkeit und wir hören Erzählungen
über Kontakt und reale Begegnungen. Dieses Engagement ist ein besonderes Phänomen. Soziologisch betrachtet gehört
es in den Bereich der Zivilgesellschaft, den Teil der Gesellschaft, der nicht Staat, Wirtschaft oder Familie ist.
Die Zivilgesellschaft reicht über Netzwerke der Freundschaft, Nachbarschaft und Verbände. Das Engagement kann sich
auf Sport und Freizeit über Kultur und soziale Themen beziehen. Menschen kommen zusammen und haben ein
gemeinsames Anliegen. Im Idealfall finden sie gemeinsame Werte und eine Verständigungskultur und sie schaffen eine
Form von Gemeinschaft in der die Beiträge eines jeden zum Wohl der Gruppe oder sogar darüber hinaus wirken.
Zivilgesellschaftliches Handeln ist nicht ganz neu, aber natürlich auch nicht überall verbreitet. Dennoch gibt es neben den
sogenannte klassische soziale Bewegungen wie die Genossenschaften, die ihre Wurzeln im 19.Jahrhundert haben, auch
soziale Bewegungen die zumindest partiell grenzüberschreitend agieren, beispielsweise Gruppen des deutsch-polnischen
Kulturaustausch, Fair Trade oder Wikipedia als moderne soziale Zusammenarbeit.
Ich weiß, dass das angesichts der unterschiedlichen Traditionen und der politische Geschichte Europas nicht immer
einfach ist. Aber wir als PIfE können auch hier – trotz einzelner komplizierter „Grenzerfahrungen“ - auf Erfolge
Wenn wir also auf PIfE’s Zukunft blicken, dann lasst uns den Gedanken der Zivilgesellschaft nicht vergessen, sondern ganz
im Gegenteil, wir sollten diesen Aspekt mehr ins Bewusstsein rücken und vertiefen.
Wir brauchen mehr Bewusstsein für unsere psychodramatische Kreativität und ihren Einfluss auf die (Zivil-)Gesellschaft
Als PsychodramatikerInnen arbeiten wir in unterschiedlichen Formaten (Seminare, Supervision, Organisationsentwicklung
etc.) und in verschiedenen Arbeitsfeldern (Gesundheitswesen, Jugendarbeit etc.). Unsere Arbeit kann in staatlichen
Einrichtungen, in der Wirtschaft oder im Rahmen von Non-Profit-Organisationen stattfinden. Wir haben also eine Identität
als jemand, der mit PatientInnen arbeitet, mit Führungskräften, mit Kindern etc... Als eine Vereinigung von
PsychodramatikerInnen in Europa sind wir jedoch eine Non-Profit-Organisation und gehören definitiv zum Sektor der
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Zivilgesellschaft. Angesichts der verschiedenen Historien, Traditionen und Strukturen der europäischen Länder benötigen
wir darüber innerhalb und außerhalb unserer Organisation ein breiteres Bewusstsein um diese Arbeit fortzusetzen.
PIfE bietet bereits nationale Projektbeispiele im zivilgesellschaftlichen Bereich. Exemplarisch sei hier das Cluj-Projekt zur
Integration benachteiligter Roma zu nennen. Auch viele Themen aus dem PIfE-Deutschland Programm 2016 deuten auf
die Zivilgesellschaft hin.
Auf der gesamteuropäischen Ebene sind wir als PIfE selbst ein Beispiel. Als Teil einer zivilgesellschaftlichen Vereinigung in
Europa sind wir Leute, die sich selbst organisieren als Menschen in der Gesellschaft. Wenn wir uns dabei als Teil einer
gemeinsamen Menschheit im Sinne Morenos verstehen und anerkennen, dass wir als Menschen eine gemeinsame
Sozialität haben und brauchen – Sozialität ist dabei so etwas wie ein Selbstzweck - dann können wir eine überzeugende
Gemeinschaft bilden. Das ist durchaus eine Herausforderung. Wenn unsere Community eine gute Qualität von "Wie
wollen wir miteinander leben" veranschaulicht und wir dafür eine breite Wahrnehmung entwickeln, dann können wir
auch durch dieses Beispiel Sozialität verbreiten.
Morenos Werte auf unser Netzwerk von PsychodramatikerInnen in Europa anwenden
Als PsychodramatikerInnen können wir Gruppen dazu verhelfen, sich als Gemeinschaft zu erfahren. Die
Gruppenmitglieder leisten Beiträge und unterstützen sich damit gegenseitig um Probleme zu lösen. Sie entwickeln
Solidarität und Wege zum glücklichen Leben. Wir wissen, dass Menschen im Umfeld von glücklichen Menschen auch
glücklich sind. (N.A.Christakis / J.H.Fowler). Wir wissen außerdem, dass Erfahrungen, die in einem psychodramatischen
Setting gemacht werden, in den Alltag übernommen und sich damit ausbreiten können. Wenn wir also unser
Psychodrama-Netzwerk als Teil der Zivilgesellschaft in Europa betrachten, dann können wir für die Weiterentwicklung
vieles aus Morenos Psychodrama und seinen Ideen entnehmen.
Auch aus der aktuellen Diskussion um "Konvivialismus", die von fünfzig internationalen Wissenschaftlern angestoßen
wurde, erfahren wir von der Idee einer Zivilgesellschaft, in der verstärkt „konvivial“ gelebt wird. Zur Veranschaulichung
dient das Bild einer munteren Tischgesellschaft. Man ist sich anfangs vielleicht noch fremd, aber im Laufe des Abends
kommt eine Gemeinschaft zustande.
Konvivialismus versteht sich als zukunftsweisende Antwort auf die aktuellen Krisen in Gesellschaften und erstrebt den
Ausbau der Zivilgesellschaften durch weitere NPOs und zivilen Netzwerke. Es geht um die Idee eines Miteinanders von
Menschen. Statt ökonomischen Wachstum und Gewinnstreben zu verfolgen, soll die Qualität der Gemeinschaft ein Wert
in sich selbst darstellen. Konvivialismus wird faktisch bereits gelebt im familiären und freundschaftlichen Rahmen, aber
auch in vielen assoziativen Projekten der Zivilgesellschaft weltweit (A.Adloff S.24f)
Bestandteile einer Zukunftsvision für PIfE
Allein die Form der Gemeinschaft ist eine Qualität, ein Wert an sich.
„Konvivialität führt viele gesellschaftspolitische Ideen von Moreno weiter. Andererseits stellt das Psychodrama eine
(korrigierende)Ergänzung von Konvivialismus dar. Die Psychodrama-Aktivitäten in vielen Formaten setzen
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Bildungsprozesse in Gang, die die persönliche Kompetenz zu Konvivialität stimulieren. Ohne diese Art von Prozessen ist
ein freudiges, friedliches Zusammenleben nicht möglich“ (Ferdinand Buer im mündlichen Gespräch)
Das Geschenk: Wir sind ein Non-Profit-Netzwerk mit prägenden Werten um „Die Gabe“, das Geschenk, das nicht
ökonomisch aber auch nicht altruistisch-moralisch ist. Das Geschenk beginnt bei den eigenen Gedanken, was jemand
benötigen kann oder was erfreut. Es kann in Zeit, ehrenamtlicher Arbeit, Aufmerksamkeit und vielem mehr bestehen. Das
Denken in Kategorien der Gabe macht eine Gemeinschaft stark und hilft, soziale Ungleichheit zu heilen. Geschenk und
Respekt gehören zusammen.
PIfE für die Stärkung der Zivilgesellschaften in ganz Europa: Wir sind uns bewusst über die Bedeutung der Zivilgesellschaft.
Wir erkennen und schätzen zivilgesellschaftliche Projekte.
In unserer Identität als Psychodramatiker berücksichtigen wir auch Morenos sozialpolitische Ideen der Heilung. Wir
organisieren zivilgesellschaftliche Projekte, und versuchen Stipendien und Drittmittel zu akquirieren, wenn konkret
umsetzbaren Projektideen vorliegen.
Wir organisieren uns als PIfE in einer Form, die selbst als Beispiel gelten kann und eine hohe Qualität einer
demokratischen, partizipativen Gemeinschaft aufzeigt.
Weiterführende Literatur:
• "Das konvivialistische Manifest" 2014; Darin: A.Adloff:“Es gibt schon ein richtiges Leben im Falschen“ S.7-32
Interessierte können die Debatte über Konvivialismus im Internet zu verfolgen.
Interview. Frank Adloff über "Konvivialismus", 14 min
• "Les Convivialists", Interessierte können Debatte über Konvivialismus im Internet folgen
• N.A.Christakis / J.H.Fowler, „Connected. The surprising Power of Our Social Networks and How They Shape our Lives”
• N.A.Christakis / J.H.Fowler, Die Macht sozialer Netzwerke. Wer uns Wirklich beeinflusst und warum Glück ansteckend
ist; Fischer TB
• St.Möbius / Ch. Papilloud (Hrsg.) Gift - Marcel Mauss 'Kulturtheorie der Gabe; VS Verlag
• Ferdinand Buer,“ Sinngebende Beratung für sinnvolles Arbeiten. Zehn Orientierungswerte“; In: OSC Band 21, Juni 2014,
Ausgabe 2, Seite 227-24; Der Artikel beschreibt, an welchen zehn Werten sich das Arbeiten von Professionellen orientieren
könnte um als sinnvoll erlebt zu werden. Die Werte sind: Verantwortung, Glück, Schönheit, Lebenskunst, Kreativität,
Macht, Spiritualität, Gelassenheit, Heiterkeit und Muße.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Playing, Relations and Inspiration – Cornerstones of Inspirational
Pedagogy. Reijo Kauppila
Psychodrama is always about learning. In psychodrama trainings we support learning of both individuals and groups. In
our network we named this Inspirational Pedagogy.
We wanted to explore teaching and pedagogy in psychodrama training in theory and practice, and to describe and develop
our and our institutes’ competencies in inspirational pedagogy. So we decided to form a network for this purpose, and to
get funding for it.
Birth of Network
The idea of cooperation started in FEPTO AM in Oslo, May 2012. Helsinki Psychodrama Institute contacted people from
Moreno Institute Norway and Tallinn Psychodrama Institute, Estonia. All three institutes were very inspired by the thought
of together developing psychodrama training in practice. Planning started by Skype and emails, and a face-to-face
planning meeting was organized in Helsinki, Finland, in January, 2013.
Inspirational Pedagogy –network started in July, 2013, and ended in December, 2014. It was partly funded by The Nordic
Council of Ministers (Nordplus Adult).
Process of Exploring
There were three network meetings, where trainers from all participating institutes develop the chosen there in a seminar.
In Oslo August 2013 the theme was "Playing, playfulness and theatre in psychodrama: How do we train it?". In Tallinn
March 2014 we explored "How to teach relations, sociometry and making conscious, healthy choices?“ And in Helsinki
October 2014 in the last network meeting the theme was "Inspiration and spirituality - how to teach their theory in
training programs?"
Between network meetings there were local trainer meetings in participating institutes, where tools and ideas of network
meetings were studied and taken in use. These meetings were also a warm up and evaluation for the next network
Why These Themes in Network Meetings?
Themes were defined and selected in the very first planning meeting in Helsinki in January 2013. We were 6 trainers from
three institutes, and in an inspiring process we defined according to our competencies and experience, what are the
specifics in psychodrama. And we named psychodrama pedagogy to be Inspirational Pedagogy. Participants found the
themes of network meetings inspiring.
Getting Concrete Methods and New Insights to Teach Theory
In all three network meetings participants gained powerful experiences of different methods and made processing, who
to use these in teaching theory, too. In Oslo playing and playfulness were in focus. The concepts of parallel and serious
play were found extremely useful, and the dialogue of Stanislavski and Meyerhold (feeling-doing, doing-feeling) gave a
PIfE Newsletter 2015
good basis for understanding of some theory in theatre. Bodily positions connected to extreme roles gave a valuable
method to be used in psychodrama trainings.
In Tallinn the focus was on relations, sociometry and more conscious choices. Ways of teaching and learning sociometry
were collected. In sociometry especially using criterias defined by the group was very useful to take in use in trainings,
Inspiration and spirituality were the theme in Helsinki network meeting. We got an example of teaching spirituality in
family training, and experienced spirituality as an existential question. A very useful application of Diamond of Opposites
was developed and experienced.
Outcomes and Results of Network
Altogether about 20 psychodrama trainers participated in this network. We made a survey of experiences of this network:
Participating trainers achieved a more conscious and structured knowledge of their pedagogical practices and ideas, and
their training practices were updated.
Participating institutes got more structured and conceptual understanding of inspirational pedagogy, and they got
practical tools and model for developing training programs.
The general interest of pedagogy in institutes increased, too.
Inspired to Continue
As a whole, this was a very inspiring, fruitful process, and it created new professional connections between countries,
too. All the three institutes were inspired of working together in Inspirational Pedagogy-network, which strengthened
their cooperation. They decided to continue, and a new project is already under planning.
Reijo Kauppila
Psychodramatrainer TEP, MA (Adult Education), Certified Coach and Supervisor
Helsinki Psychodrama Institute
PIfE Newsletter 2015
PIfE General Assembly. Cluj-Napoca / September 17th, 2015. Julia
Following the longtime tradition and formal obligation the General Assembly (GA) took place prior to the conference in
Cluj. It started with a delay: For a quorum the statutes define that at least a quarter of the members in total (which are
currently 124) plus one need to be present – that would be 31 + 1 = 32 in total. At time of the official beginning only 29
members were present. Therefore the GA had no quorum. According to the statutes, the GA needed to be postponed by
one hour and then started officially with the members present by then with a total of 36 participants (35 members, 1
Horatiu Albini consistently facilitated the vibrant meeting, all reports were prepared and presented following the Agenda
and so the GA could be closed on time according to the planned end without baiting despite the delayed beginning.
The minutes have been already sent out – in case needed, these are available via this link:
As shown and presented by Evaldas Karmaza’s report, the new Board has put a lot of effort in building up a frequent
meeting structure an online archive where all Board members have constant access, also during Skype-conferences, as
well as creating a platform and procedures regarding regularly communication towards and between PIfE-members. For
the PIfE-Trainer’s and Supervisor’s specific online-desks have been set up, too – all relevant information, formal aspects
etc. are organized, provided and will be consistently actualized. The intention is to offer short ways of communication and
a wide range of as well as access to the groups’ information and meet the needs of a exchange platform.
The tight financial situation of the Institute and the differentiated as well as detailed report of the Cash Auditors call for
a need of discussion, which is taken into account. Questions may be submitted, suggestions and demands will be taken
into further consideration. For the functioning of the Institute one essential aspect for the benefit and even survival is
that membership fees are paid reliably and consistently as agreed on.
Another very important aspect for the Institutes’ survival and future success is to re-organize the purpose, strategy and
statute of the Psychodrama-Institute for Europe.
The Board has already started to think in the direction of a necessary organization development process and created a
draft with first ideas. In order to proceed in the direction of the proposals for PIfE’s future the Board needs an approval
in terms of a „Go“-signal from the members (GA). Therefore a vote is necessary – the result: unanimously approved.
So, the Board will continue the strategy and development process as started and will present results in the extraordinary
General Assembly planned for the first half of next year – therefore:
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Please save the date
Extraordinary General Assembly
June 4th, 2016
Your attendance is important and needed.
The GA ends with the information regarding the next conference of PIfE, which is planned to take place September 22 nd
– 24th, 2017 in Vilnius/Lithuania. It will be, other than in the years before, organized by members instead of institutional
Eduardo Verdú (Oslo/Norway)
Julia Pischetsrieder (Hamburg/Germany)
Margarita Karmazé (Vilnius/Lithuania)
Please save the date
14th PIfE Conference
Diamonds are forever
September 22nd – 24th, 2017
Vilnius / Lithuania
First announcements and information are in preparation and will follow soon.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Actualized Financial Report at the General Assembly in Romania,
Sep. 17th, 2015. Fred Dorn
The overview about the financial management of our institute during the period from 2013 to June 2015 shows
the development of our income and expenses. The report makes evident, how the resources were dealt with, which
efforts were taken, which risks we had to run, as well which possible development has shown up - and with which
obstacles and dangers we have to cope with. Thus it is the reflection of financial acting, policy, and its possible
development for the future - desirable or to be feared.
First, I ask you to have a look on the operating income in 2013. You see there are considerable sums funding programs and donations, together almost 18.000 Euro. The money out of the funding program we got from the
German so called Aktion Mensch, providing and supporting social projects in Eastern European countries. Thus it had
been possible to start and to finance a new education group beginning in 2011 on first level in Belarus, which finished
successfully in June 2013 -, trained by several PIfE trainers from different countries. We had to spend all the money out
of the funding program and we had to add a so called own contribution of about 40% of the total project costs and to
share these 40% with our Belarusian partner - the catholic organization Caritas. So we had to cover the costs not paid for
by Aktion Mensch with the donations we got and the membership fees.
I must say that the collaboration with the Aktion Mensch and Caritas Minsk was really very difficult. The Belarusian bookkeeping system is in no way compatible with our German system - not only, why all is written in Russian, but there are a
lot of papers, a lot of figures and it is indeed a very hard work to find the figures which are really of interest. On the other
hand has the Aktion Mensch very strict rules concerning the documents they accept and the system they use to make
their calculations. All of that had to be learnt and to be dealt with properly - at the end in this aspect not totally
successfully - since there arose a quarrel with Aktion Mensch about costs in the height of roughly 4.000 Euro for seminar
expenses in Belarus they were not ready to accept and we had to reimburse.
But nevertheless, this was an investment that was worth wile - it was a cooperation managed by several
institutes of PIfE of different member countries and still is, since the members of this education group continue their
education organized by themselves, under the leadership of the PIfE trainers Eduardo Verdù and Evaldas Karmaza.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Einnahme- Überschuss
Profit-Loss-Survey 2013 - 2015
01. 01. - 31. 12.
01. 01. - 31. 12.
01.01. - 30. 06.
A. Betriebsausgaben / Operating income
Income from membership fees
participation fee conferecnes
Spenden, Fördergelder und
Donations, grants and interest
Spenden / Donations
Fördergelder / Funding programs
Zinseinnahmen / interest income
Sum A Total operating revenue
B. Betriebsausgaben / Operating Expenses
Büroarbeiten / office work
Miete Konferenzraum / Conference Room
Beitrag FEPTO u.a. / Membership fee FEPTO a.
Werbe- und Reisekosten / Advertising and
Travel costs
Honorare / Fees
Konferenzen / conferences
Zuwendungen / donations Fördergelder /
Funding programs
Summe Betriebsausgaben / Sum expenditure
Operating profit / loss
PIfE Newsletter 2015
In 2014 things look different. We had to finish another funding program in Belarus which I managed as
well with the Caritas Minsk by the help of the German Organization IBB - International works for education and
encounter (Internationales Bildungs- und Begegnungswerk) which has been engaged for more than 20 years in Belarus.
This project was part of a program, funded by the German Government. Out of the money we had got from them I had
to spend 6.234,50 Euro for the realization of that project, in which the trainees in Belarus who had finished their second
level on psychodrama -education could work on their own and make new experiences. For PIfE I could save 1.555,23
Euro, but unfortunately neither the trainees of second level nor the Caritas were ready to continue this work within
another possible project,
So we had a little gain - but no further development.
There was still a third project that Hilde Gött had already started in 2013 to perform an International
Children’s and Youth conference in Berlin in September 2014 in cooperation with two other German institutes - The
Szenen institute at Bonn and the Moreno-Institute at Stuttgart. We had agreed to share all the costs - as well the loss
and the profit. Unfortunately it came out, that we had a considerable loss to share -about 9.000 Euro due to the fact
that too many participants than we had expected had booked rather early thus only to pay the “early bird” - fee, which
did not cover the real costs at all. We were lucky that we could minimize the PIfE- deficit by a donation our institute had
got, so that at the end the real loss of this conference were only about 375,31 Euro.
Nevertheless it has been a success of common work between different institutes in Germany on a topic,
several European countries were interested and involved in.
But nevertheless in 2014 we had to accept once more a loss of about almost 3.800 Euro, since
advertising and travelling costs were still rather high, the donations and funding were not as high as in the year before
and the income of membership fees decreased once more.
Regarding the operating income you see 2015, that in the middle of the year we got only 7.300 Euro
membership fee plus a donation of 1.060 Euro and had on the other hand expenses in the height of almost 8.500 Euro.
With the help of Margarita Karmaze we wrote in May several reminding letters to more than 40 persons
who hadn’t paid their membership for several years, of whom 10 have answered by now and paid. This helped - by the
end of the year 2015 we have got almost 10.000 Euro membership fees and some are still expected.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Membership fees paid in 2012 to 2015
Furthermore, our institute has got in the last year five new members: two from Estonia, one from the
Netherlands, one from Switzerland and one from Germany
So our institute is developing and I am in a good hope that our Extraodinary Assembly going to take
place in June this year in Berlin will provoke new actions, encourage to prepare and to run new projects, so that we can
show we are really able to act on a European level as a psychodrama- association.
So I think we really can hopefully start into the new year!
Fred Dorn,
Fuldatal, 22. 01. 2016
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Norwegian Moreno Institute. Report of activities 2015
During 2015…
• We have had 25 students on different levels
• 16 students were examined
• The second education for Morenian Business consultants was finished.
• 6 On-site seminars were organized
• 2 pre workshops were organized
Co-operating countries
PIfE Newsletter 2015
We have worked in and with:
• Norway – Educational groups
• Poland – Supervision and workshop
• Denmark – Workshops
• Spain – Sociometry week
• Belarus -2nd level training
• Ukraine – Supervision and workshop
• Romania – Psychodrama and Dementia
Pictures of some activities
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Ukraine… encountering soldiers
In 2016... Focus on new educations started based on new research and understanding of how and
why our method works
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Overview of Activities of Lithuanian Psychodrama Association
2015 kovo 18 d. Vilniaus universiteto Filosofijos fakultete vyko LiPSA (Lietuvos psichologijos studentų asociacija)
organizuojamas "Psichologų pavasaris". Psichodramos draugjijos prezidentė Daiva Rudokaitė studentams pristatė
On March 15, 2015 Vilnius University held students of psychology event “Spring of psychologists”. Psychodrama method
was presented there by Daiva Rudokaitė, President of Lithuanian Psychodrama Association.
Š.m. gegužės 3 - 7 d.d. vyko kasmetinis FEPTO 23-sis narių susitikimas "Promoting the Psychodrama – Who Shall
Survive", Bonoje (Vokietija).
Annual meeting of FEPTO on May 3-7 "Promoting the Psychodrama – Who Shall Survive", Bonn (Germany) was
attended by D.Rudokaitė and A.Rašktytė.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
2015 gegužės 17 d. pagal Pife programą, 9 žmonės baigė bazinį psichodramos mokymų lygį ir tapo psichodramos
asistentais. Mokytojos: doc. dr. Albina Kepalaitė ir Daiva Rudokaitė. Mokymai vyko 2013 - 2015 m.
On May 17 the group of 9 psychodrama assistants graduated their basic studies. The studies were held according PIFE
programme. The teachers dr.Albina Kepalaitė and Daiva Rudokaitė. The studies were held during 2013-2015.
PLAYBACK THEATER (J.FOX) SEMINAR “Playback – the skillful balance”.
2015 birželio 16-20 dienomis Estijoje vyko Playback Teatro įkūrėjo Jonathan'o Fox'o Playback seminaras "Playback - the
skillful balance", kuriame dalyvavo psichodramos draugijos narė Adelina Liaudanskaitė.
On June 16-20 the Playback seminar “Playback – the skillful balance” was held by the founder Johnatan Fox in Tallin,
Estonia. Member of Lithuanian Psychodrama Association Adelina Liaudanskaite has attended the event.
2015 rugpjūčio 21-23 d. įvyko jungiškosios psichodramos seminaras. Jungiškoji psichodrama yra analitiškai orientuota
grupės psichoterapija, besiriamanti J. L. Moreno psichodramine pažinimo teorija ir C.G. Jungo sapnų, kolektyvinės
pasamonės ir individuacijos samprata.
On August 21-23 the Jungian psychodrama seminar was held in Vilnius by L.Perrotta. The seminar combined the
features of classical Moreno theory and the concept of Jungian collective unconscious and individuation.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
2015 rugsėjo 17 dieną vyko Pife Generalinė Asamblėja Cluj Napokoj (Rumunija).
LPdD atstovavo ir LPdD veiklą pristatė, LPdD prezidentė Daiva Rudokaitė ir Aurelija Rakštytė kaip Pife personalinė narė.
On September 17 the important event of Pife, General Assembly was held in Cluj Napoca (Romania). Lithuanian
Psychodrama Association was represented by D.Rudokaitė, President, and A.Rakstyte, personal member of Pife.
2015 Spalio 8 d. įvyko 4 pažintiniai psichodramos seminarai „Atvira scena“! Šie seminarai yra tarptautinio psichodramos
renginio “Open stage” dalis, kurio idėja yra pristatyti psichodramą, jos naudą ir taikymo galimybes įvairių sričių
specialistams, tuo pačiu metu (18.00 - 21.00 val.)
On October 8 four simultaneous Open Stage - an international initiative of psychodrama - event was held in the cities of
Vilnius, Kaunas and Šiauliai. The value of psychodrama method and possibilities of its application were presented to the
specialists of various fields.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Tęstines studijas psichodramos asistento kvalifikacijai gauti pradėjo nauja studijų grupė. Mokymai vyksta Kaune,
vadovaujant A.Kepalaitei ir D.Rudokaitei
New studies of basic psychodrama assistant qualification started in October in Kaunas. Teachers are A.Kepalaitė and
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Report of Association of Psychodrama, Ukraine, for 2015
Dear colleagues and friends!
2015 is gone away. How will it be remembered? Each of us will have own symbolic memories…
Our «Association of Psychodrama» (AP), our experts - we all could not remain indifferent to the traumatic events that our
country and the people are living through today. But despite the difficulties of the economic crisis and the war, we
continued our development.
Now the AP comprises 139 members, about 90 people of which already have PIfE certificates of different skill levels.
Eleven members from AP are individual PIfE members.
Currently, the AP conducts 13 training groups under the leadership of our trainers. In 2015 the first level group has
graduated under the leadership of Larysa Piddubna and Nataliya Koval. Four new training group have started, one – of
the second level of training, under the leadership of Liudmyla Lytvynenko, and three groups – of the first level of training.
Let us note the most important events in 2015 related to the work of our organization:
Association of Psychodrama by the initiative of its president Viktor Mozgovyj is one of the first non-governmental
organizations, which signed a cooperation agreement with the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. This enabled
us to carry out two important projects:
• «The introduction of professional psychological selection system in military commissariats in the country" with the
elements of group work;
• «Psychological Rehabilitation of ATO participants and their families" at the "Ostrech" sanatorium in Mena, Chernihiv
region, with use of psychodrama techniques. In November one group of ATO participants was beautiful conducted by
Eduardo Verdu.
February, 2 AP entered into an agreement with the regional branch of the “Association of Psychiatrists” of Ukraine in
Chernihiv region. On the basis of the Chernihiv Regional Mental Hospital the rehabilitation work for soldiers of the ATO
was carried out by our specialists.
February 28 - March 1 in the framework of "Overcoming: from injury to the resource" we, supported by our colleagues
from Europe prof. Maurizio Gasseau and Leandra Perrotta, members of the FEPTO’s "Task Force for the construction of
the world and Conflict Transformation", organized and conducted the seminar "Jungian psychodrama, transgenerational
and collective trauma".
April 3-5 after a nine-year break, we conducted the Fifth All-Ukrainian Conference of the Association of Psychodrama
"Lace of the life: road from the past, the power of the present and the creation of the future", and continued the good
tradition of meetings of psychodramatists of different generations, and of the exchange of professional experience.
In August, we have applied to join the Association of Psychodrama in FEPTO.
In September, in Cluj (Romania) our AP participated in the XIII International PIfE Conference, which adopted the decision
on the PIfE reorganization, raising the standards of education, developed with the participation of Ukrainian specialists.
October 9-11, traditionally together with our colleagues from USP, we organized and conducted IV All-Ukrainian
Psychodrama Festival - one of the few non-profit projects in the country, aimed at the development and spreading of
psychodrama, and at the support of young psychodrama talents.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
October 16-18, together with the organization "Personal Growth" (chairwoman Larysa Piddubna), the sociometry
specialist Jacomien Ilbrink (Netherlands) was for the first time invited to Ukraine. She conducted beautiful seminar
"Sociometry" for the members of the Association. Jacomien generously shared her knowledge and practical skills of
sociometry, which she received while studying in the USA.
October 29-30 in Kyiv, in cooperation with the Institute of Psychology named by G.S.Kostyuk of NAPS
Ukraine, the Crisis Center for Medical and Psychological Assistance (chairwoman Liudmyla Lytvynenko) and other
organizations, an International scientific-practical conference "Psychological help to the individual in crisis socio-cultural
conditions" was held.
December 24-25 in Cherkassy on the basis of Cherkassy National University, III All-Ukrainian scientific-practical round
table "Psychological assistance by the method of psychodrama in case of psychological trauma" was organized and held
(organizer Iryna Serhiienko) .
Association df Psychodrama has significant scientific potential:
• Two members with the doctor of psychological sciences degree – Pavlo Gornostay and Galyna Bevz;
• Seven members with the PHD degree - Victor Mozgovyj, Anna Yurchinska, Iryna Serhiienko, Liliya Sosis, Alina Korsak,
Vitaly Klymchuk and Iryna Lysenko.
In September our psychodrama practitioner Vitaly Klymchuk has successfully presented his doctoral thesis on
"Motivational discourse of personality in the interaction space". Congratulations to him!
Association of Psychodrama continues to grow, to change, and we are optimistic about the future development of
psychodrama in Ukraine.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
«Ассоциация Психодрамы» в Украине, 2015
Дорогие коллеги, друзья!
Завершился 2015 год. Как он запомнился? У каждого из нас останутся свои знаковые воспоминания…
Наша «Ассоциация Психодрамы» (АП), наши специалисты — все мы не смогли остаться равнодушными к тем
травмирующим событиям, которые переживает сегодня наша страна и народ. Но, невзирая на тяготы
экономического кризиса и войны, мы продолжали свое развитие.
Сейчас в АП 139 членов, из которых около 90 человек уже имеют сертификаты PIfE разного уровня квалификации.
Одиннадцать членов АП являются индивидуальными членами PIfE.
В настоящее время в АП проводятся 13 групп обучения под руководством наших тренеров.
В 2015 году окончила обучение группа первого уровня под руководством Ларисы Поддубной и Наталии Коваль.
Стартовали 4 новые группы обучения, одна - второго уровня обучения под руководством Людмилы Литвиненко, и
три группы – первого уровня обучения.
Отметим самые важные события в 2015 году, связанные с работой нашей организации:
Ассоциация Психодрамы по инициативе Президента Виктора Мозгового - одна из первых общественных
организаций, которая заключила Договор о сотрудничестве с Генеральным Штабом Вооруженных Сил Украины.
Это позволило нам осуществить два важных проекта:
«Внедрение системы профессионально-психологического отбора в военных комиссариатах страны» с элементами
групповой работы;
«Психологическая реабилитации участников АТО и членов их семей» на базе санатория «Остреч» г.
Мена Черниговской области с применением психодраматических техник. Одну из групп провел один из лучших
психодраматистов Европы Эдуардо Верду.
2 февраля АП заключила договор с областным отделением Ассоциации Психиатров Украины в Черниговской
области. На базе областной психоневрологической больницы
силами наших специалистов проводилась
реабилитационная работа для воинов АТО.
28 февраля – 1 марта в рамках проекта «Преодоление: от травмы к ресурсу» мы организовали и провели семинар
«Юнгианская психодрама, трансгенерационная и коллективная травма» благодаря нашим коллегам из Европы
prof. Maurizio Gasseau и LeandraPerrotta, являющимися членами «Оперативной группы для построения мира и
трансформации конфликтов» ФЕПТО.
3-5 апреля после девятилетнего перерыва мы провели V Всеукраинскую Конференцию Ассоциации
Психодрамы «Мереживо життя: шлях з минулого, сила сьогодення, та створення майбутнього » и продолжили
добрую традицию встреч разных поколений психодраматистов, обмена профессиональным опытом.
В августе мы подали заявку на вступление Ассоциации Психодрамы в FEPTO.
В сентябре в Клуже (Румыния) наша АП приняла участие в XIII Международной Конференции PIfE, на которой
были приняты решения о реорганизации PIfE, повышении стандартов обучения, разработанных при участии
украинских специалистов.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
9 - 11 октября совместно с коллегами из УСП по традиции мы организовали и провели IV Всеукраинский
Фестиваль Психодрамы — один из немногих некоммерческих проектов в нашей стране, направленный на
развитие и распространение психодрамы, поддержку молодых психодраматических талантов.
16-18 октября совместно с организацией «Персонал Рост» впервые в Украину была приглашена специалист по
социометрии Jacomien Ilbrink (Нидерланды). Она провела для членов Ассоциации прекрасный семинар
«Социометрия». Jacomien щедро поделилась знаниями и навыками практической социометрии, которые она
получила при обучении в США.
29-30 октября в Киеве совместно с Институтом Психологии имени Г.С.Костюка НАПН Украины, Кризисным центром
медико-психологической помощи и другими организациями была проведена Международная научнопрактическая конференция “Психологічна допомога особистості в кризових соціокультурних умовах”.
24-25 декабря в Черкассах на базе Черкасского Национального Университета был организован и проведен III
Всеукраинский научно-практический круглый стол «Психологическая помощь методом психодрамы при
Ассоциация Психодрамы имеет большой научный потенциал:
три доктора психологических наук – Павел Горностай,
Виталий Климчук и Галина Бевз;
шесть человек имеют кандидатский уровень – Виктор Мозговой, Анна Юрчинская, Ирина Сергиенко, Лилия Сосис,
Алина Корсак, Ирина Лысенко.
В сентябре наш психодрама-практик Виталий Климчук успешно защитил докторскую диссертацию на тему
«Мотиваційний дискурс особистості в інтеракційному просторі». Поздравляем его!
Ассоциация Психодрамы продолжает расти, изменяться, и мы с оптимизмом смотрим в будущее развитие
психодрамы в Украине.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
The psychodrama association „J.L.Moreno Psychodrama Society”
in 2015. Ilona Görög
vicepresident SPJLM
As one of the associations accredited for training in psychodrama in Romania, member of PIfE and FEPTO, SPJLM follows
the national and international standards governing the field. The reelected board of SPJLM continues the efforts to
improve the structure and functioning of SPJLM. Changes made in 2015 in the ByLaws, after consulting the members,
include giving up the „associate” membership. We have today 52 full members. 20 are registered as PIfE members, as
well, but some of them are planning to step back from individual membership, and to support only the organizational
membership of SPJLM.
At the 20th Anniversary of SPJLM celebrated at the Conference from last year, the number of honorary members of our
association has grown to 10. Besides the first ones, Ildiko Maevers, Hilde Goett, Tudor Eugen, and Vargha Jenő László,
became honorary members Kamilla Sarkady, Klára Gallus (postumus), Sylvia Frenkl, Olga Kónya, Bernd Fichtenhofer, Eva
Fahlstroem-Borg, trainers and supervisors of the first psychodrama generation of SPJLM.
Regarding the psychodrama training led during the history of our association:
SPJLM has 19 trainer members spread out in different towns from Romania (unfortunately, not all of them got training
groups at this time)
Basic level groups: from 45 groups organized by our trainers, 2 ended this year, and 4 are ongoing.
Advanced level groups: from 13 goups led by our trainers, 3 concluded in 2015, and 1 is ongoing.
3 of SPJLM trainers, had been accepted as full PIfE supervisors: Éva Varró (2009), Enikő Albert-Lőrincz (2011) and Ilona
Görög (2015).
We got 6 delegated PIfE supervisors. One has been nominated this year, and some of them in 2006, 2008.
The most important event of 2015 for us has been the organization of PIfE Conference, the meetings of its board and of
various committees in Cluj-Napoca. Although it was an intense involvement from our whole management, the actual
weight of the preparation and of multiple tasks during the Conference, remained on the shoulders of our colleagues,
Sorina Birle and Izabella Kasza. It worth to express our appreciation to them. The workshops and the participation of
psychodramatists from different countries occasioned precious encounters, enriching both professionally and personally.
The end of year brought the sad news of the loss of Ildiko Maevers, brilliant mentor and psihodramatician, with an
essential contribution to the creation of PIfE, to the vision of its growth and its future development. At the meeting of
SPJLM’s trainers from 3rd December, we held a solemn moment, and we remembered Ildiko’s significant merits from our
first contact with psychodrama in 1991, the opportunity to begin our qualification so soon after the political changes from
PIfE Newsletter 2015
our country, we expressed gratitude for the valuable support received over the years as psychodramatists, and also in the
development of our own psychodrama organization.
Our future goals include more effective psychodrama work in various social fields, finding ways to expand cooperation
with psychodramatists from the The Romanian Association of Classical Psychodrama (ARPsiC), initiated by G. Boria in early
’90s, and with PIfE members, participation in joint projects. Our thoughts are linked to the prospects of the PIfE future
we debated at the General Assembly held in Cluj-Napoca, and the hope that they will bring changes that promote
psychodrama in the society and will foster a larger cooperation between psychodramatists.
We are looking forward to see you in Romania for visit, and for different ways of collaboration – workshops, intervision
groups and joint projects!
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Societatea de Psihodrama „J.L. Moreno” (SPJLM) in 2015. Ilona
vicepresedinte SPJLM
SPJLM fiind una din asociatiile de formare in psihodrama acreditata in Romania, membra a PIfE si FEPTO, board-ul reales
in 2014, a continuat eforturile pentru a imbunatati structura si functionarea organizationala in conformitate cu cerintele
nationale si standardele internationale care reglementeaza domeniul. Printre modificarile de Statut din 2015 realizate
dupa consultarea membrilor, pentru a face mai functionala activitatea institutionala, se numara si renuntarea la a avea
printre categoriile de membri, calitatea de membru asociat. Azi avem 52 de membri cu drepturi depline. 20 dintre ei sunt
si membri PIfE, dintre care unii ar dori să renunţe la calitatea de membru individual, dar sprijina SPJLM ca membru
instituțional al PIfE.
La Conferinta Aniversara din 2014, la 20 de ani de la inregistrarea SPJLM, numarul membrilor de onoare ai asociației
noastre a crescut la 10. Pe langa primii membri de onoare Ildiko Maevers, Hildegard Goett, Tudor Eugen si Vargha Jeno
Laszlo, au devenit membri de onoare Kamilla Sarkady, Klara Gallus (postumus), Sylvia Frenkl, Olga Konya, Bernd
Fichtenhofer si Eva Fahlstroem-Borg, formatorii si supervizorii primei generatii de psihodramaticieni din cadrul SPJLM.
Cateva date actualizate privind activitatea de formare în psihodramă prin SPJLM de la inceputuri :
- SPJLM are 19 membri formatori in diferite orase din Romania (din păcate, nu toti dintre ei au grupuri în acest moment).
- din 45 de grupuri de bază organizate de formatorii nostri, 2 s-au încheiat in acest an și 4 sunt în curs de desfășurare.
- din 13 grupuri de nivel avansat organizate de formatori SPJLM pe parcursul anilor, 3 s-au încheiat în 2015 și 1 este în
- 3 formatori SPJLM au fost numiti supervizori plin PIfE: Éva Varró (2009), Enikő Albert-Lőrincz (2011) și Ilona Görög (2015).
- 6 formatori au calitatea de supervizor delegat PIfE, din care o persoana a fost numita in acest an si mai multi in 2006,
Evenimentul cel mai important al anului 2015 pentru noi a fost organizarea conferintei, al reuniunilor board-ului,
membrilor si ale diferitelor comisii PIfE la Cluj-Napoca. Desi a fost o implicare intensa din partea conducerii SPJLM,
greutatea propriu-zisa a pregatirilor si a multiplelor sarcini din timpul derularii, a ramas pe umerii colegilor nostri, Sorina
Birle si Izabella Kasza. Merita sa ne exprimam aprecierea fata de ele si cu aceasta ocazie. Prezenta psihodramaticienilor
membri ai PIfE din diferite tari a prilejuit intaliniri pretioase, o imbogatire atat pe plan profesional cat si personal.
Finalul anului ne-a adus vestea trista a incetarii din viata a lui Ildiko Maevers, mentor si psihodramatician stralucit, cu o
contributie esentiala la crearea PIfE, la dezvoltarea sa, cat si la viziunea privind directiile sale viitoare. La intalnirea
formatorilor SPJLM din 3 decembrie, am tinut un moment solemn, ne-am adus aminte de calea parcursa de la primul
contact cu psihodrama in 1991, și ne-am exprimat recunoștința pentru sprijinul valoros primit de-a lungul anilor, de la
oportunitatea calificarii noastre ca psihodramaticieni imediat dupa schimbarile politice din tara noastra, și pe parcursul
dezvoltarii propriei noastre organizații de psihodramă.
Acum gandurile noastre sunt legate de perspectivele viitoare ale PIfE, dezbatute la adunarea generala a membrilor tinuta
la Cluj-Napoca, cu speranta ca vor aduce schimbari ce vor favoriza cooperarea dintre psihodramaticieni si promovarea
psihodramei in societate.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Printre obiectivele noastre viitoare se numara o deschidere mai mare pentru aplicarea psihodramei in diferite domenii
sociale, o mai activa participare la solutionarea problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea actuala, extinderea
colaborarii cu psihodramaticieni din Asociatia de Psihodrama Clasica (initiata de G. Boria in Romania tot la inceputul
anilor ’90) si cu cei din tari membre PIfE, participarea la proiecte comune.
Va asteptam in Romania in vizita, dar si pentru diverse moduri de conlucrare – ateliere, grupuri de intervizare si proiecte
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Report of Polish Psychodrama Institute - 2015
1/ First level training groups were in Cracow, Gliwice, Lublin, Warsaw – together was 16 training groups
2/ Upper level group – one group is run in Cracow by Agnieszka Bartkowska – Kurek and Wiesława Piątek- Janicka,
second is run in Gliwice by Jarosław Gliszczyński
3/ Group supervision for upper level group was run by Eduardo Verdu. That group was trained by Anna Bielańska and
colloquium was 15-16.01. 2016. Everybody passed it.
4/ Individual supervision is run by Anna Bielańska (Cracow), Jarosław Gliszyński (Gliwice), Wiesław Piątek- Janicka
(Warsaw) as the full PIfE supervisors and Agnieszka Bartkowska- Kurek (Cracow) as delegated supervisor.
5/ Seminars was run by Polish trainers ; Anna Bielańska, Janina Ceglarek, Bernadetta Izydorczyk, Jarosław Gliszczyński,
Agnieszka Bratkowska- Kurek and Wiesława Piątek Janicka, and trainers from abroad: Eduardo Verdu, Hilde Gött, Yaacov
Naor, Maurizio Gasseu, Leandra Perrota, Christoph Hutter, Judith Maschke.
6/ Once a year Polish trainers have supervision for trainers, in 2015 it was Hilde Gött.
7/ Plans: Every two years we organized Festival of Polish Psychodrama; next will be in November 2016.
PIfE Newsletter 2015
Calendar of Psychodrama events in 2016
PIfE Events:
March. 1st-3rd – Meeting of Board of Directors for preparing Statute Change
June 4th – PifE Extra General Assembly, Berlin (link)
Other interesting events this year:
13th to 15th of May – FEPTO conference (link), Greece
15th to 19th of May - FEPTO Annual meeting (link), Greece
19th to 21st of August – Baltic Moreno days (link), Lithuania
23rd to 25th of September - Child psychodrama conference (link), Switzerland
And many more interesting events. Updated list you will find in our internet site
Please save the date
14th PIfE Conference
Diamonds are forever
September 22nd – 24th, 2017
Vilnius / Lithuania
First announcements and information are in preparation and will follow soon.