1882 - Cumnock History Group
1882 - Cumnock History Group
Cumnock Register 1882 UlVINOCK REGISTER, 1882. DRAPERY DRESSMAl{lNG· t AND F A 1"J C Y GOO D S. I l I • 'J.' HAT E S ,"'/lim' if1.agist1·ate, ----~.~.--+---- I, 1/1'" MII!liHV(ttC.~, Dm:lBtS. Gl:' CUM NO CK, STREET, TOWER (jUI:J!),; ______________________ Thomas Hunter. William Kay. Cledc, A. Brakenridge. I, PH1NT1R \ j I , I I ,tI 1I1'1'('ilg-l'ove, Mauchli.ne. 1llIlIda\u Ilouse, :Muirkirk. ! SHERIFF COURT, in the lDonthso(February,:May, August, and Noveml> 1', for the same parishes as J. P. Court. "II Uu111'IllOUn Campbell. SlwrW:Substitute, W. O. Paterson. It;. .A. Hunter, W. S. Slwri.ff:Olerk·Dcpute, J as. Grange. , l,illlllill~llIIll:lJly, i J flill 11'1 ",d, 1\1 (mclay of every month, for the l"at'ishes of Cumnock, New I , Iii Ii dld'I'O, iVln.uchline, SOl'll,Muil'kirk, an<l Auchillieck. The followir:g H'IJILloIIlCn are Justices of the Peace lor the district: Dalgliesh, 'V111., Holmsic1e, Cumnock. Howatsoll, Ohas., of Dornel & Glenbuck. f 1\, ,I I,' f Ii!H;llIJidc, New Cumnock. Lawrence, ,Tames, .i\i.D.. Cumnuck. "II, 1',11. I I., I)f lhl'allan, Cumnock. Picken,.J Ohll, :Mansfield Mains, New , 1.\IIItI, A' I 1IItI'Hkimming,l\fauchline Cumnock. . "1'" II, II I., t: l;~i:'lI1ock, Cumnock. Samson, Geo. T., Droomhill, Cumnock. tllllll i II 111~llIi\LoJl,W.S., ~umnock. So~nervell, Js. yr. of SOl:n Castle; Sorn. 1III,dl II ,". W.J\. of Logan, Cumnock. WllsOll, J. P., Polquhmrn, Oclnltree. I /' '/(/'k'/)(j!utc, Jas. GralJge. P7·oc.·Piscal, Arch. Brakenridge. I , SE'Ll IL'7i t,' II I I ANU BOUK~ Illlt'I'1I CO U H 'L' S. I MACHINE 11\ It 1111' IIf I JUS'l'ICE OF l'EACID ()OUH'l'. ;t,ad l~l'u<':Jes, DtTNCAN B \oVID. M'Geachin, jun. J as. M'G. Nicol. Pl'oc.·Fiscal, J as. Grange. Itllll'liS, MAmtIAGES, AND DEATHS, David L. Scott. III11Ht be given to the Registrar within Twenty-one Days after 1I11 11111 Il; PI' ~ JV1 IWIAGB within Three <lays after its celebration; and of a II 111111 II:i~:ilL Ihys after the event. " II _ _ _ _ ... _ _~,r _ _ \ '1' H E ,Com'rnissionc7's of Police. In t!w'llking tho Public for LllC libcml p:ttl'()]!:l,go which has boe.n besto\ved on her since cornmcllclng busilll;SS, begs to draw LhOlr attention to her varied Stock of rhill and l~';U1CY UULHls, consisting of :-La~ies' and Children's Ul::;ter , Hen.dy In;ule; .J It 'koLs, Mantles, ;LlHl Ulstei'smade to orcler j :Lal1ies' rmd Child,' It'S l!lldurclothing; :B~d)y IJillen, Christening ~\'ncl Carrying I) rCl, 'S 'H, Ilo()lls, JIa,ts .. and every oLher reqlli, ite (Ol: Children's \VI\;I,I'; J{.ilJII\)IIS F'Jowm's, Ji'e;d~hcl's j Frilling :l.11l1 Lil,cc 8(;ts j 11 !jru:d, \'i\,l'iI'Ly j !'",d io," 'ln~vls) Skids, :'tays, ColLws, Cnlls, S(::1.I'I's, (il()\'{~,') 1"111',', II()si(~I'Y, Best 1. ,l1oa, Yr\'rn~, etc., etc. Gent.'s :I,n I YOliLIt." ,'llirl.:l, ~(~;lrl':', Uoilars, ell;h J LI,ndkel'clllcf:;. Ui,)VUS, n":H,:CS, de:. ! I.. l. il ~~\'II'd :-'tock of HnNcbes, };;1.l'rings. Neeld Ls, Br:lc(;lt;ls, Sllld,', Trn.vdliug Cases, ·Le., cLeo BUR G H. Geo. T. Samson. James Gray and \Vm. M'Letchie. 0 F !. ,i (Ill I\lNOUl{, pos'r OFFICE-Post'1Tl.<Mtcr, Geo. Stoddart. nESPATonEB. flox Closes at I, I ,I! 11\"" 'rll, Ull\Hgow, Kilmarnock, U'O A.bf. 1\, 1,1':11.1'\ C, • 7'45 A.M. III II \11l1'('I,MW, J';nglish, Irish, Foreign, - 5'24 P.M. 1\ 11m" III , I iJn\;~rnock, North of Scotland, 5'55 P.M. I • lfillll 011, (llt~f( 'ow, English, Irish, l!'oreign, .' • 9'15 P.M. Sunday DejpatcheIJ. "1,1111[,1 U I,) ilmarnock, ti·OA.H. I EdiIl., Glasg., Eng., Ir., For'n., 9'35 P.X. l,~ nCSj1c~tfully intimates that llis \\T ol'.ki ng Ph neis ~\,:' pre'3C 11 LVCI'.\' (~l)nl !)letc, " ;\,Ild that he is in a pc :-;itioll to l'xccutc (Irckl'!1 lor every lle, \.;npt~utl of JOB PHJ..W l'[NG, ipclLHlill~- PRICE LISTS, CATALOGUES, TESTIWIONIALS, SOCIETY RULES, PAMPHLETS, BILLS, FUNERAL LETTERS, INTIMATIONS, MEMORIAL CARDS, CIRCULARS, INVOICJ'CS, ACCOUNT FORMS, &c., &c., On the 8h01·tcSt Not,:cc and on 111o(lcmtc 'f'C7·1I1.S. A Selection of Music for the Pianoforte always on ha,nd. DBLIVEHIRR. HIII,I/III, Il'i,.dl. FOl'oign, Edinburgh, t~la~gow, 7'~5 A.M. .11\'1 I: IIIHI{" I,oml,· tj·-i[. r.M. I J';llgliAh, ll'ol'cign (called (or), 7'0 r.M:. II lit, Y !Jrli,vcry. -At t.ho Olliee, betwllen U'1l0 amI 10'30 A.M. only. CUMNOCK ItEGISTEll: 1882. LIsrrr OF PERSON,S II Illiller, 'l'ownhead V 1111,111, joiner, Auchinleck 11I1!I'II'KII ([, 'SCHOOL BOARD ELECTION. Banl1;l,tyne, J01111, draper, Gbisnoek st. ]3[1,1'1', ;rohn, miner, G[l,l'r:L1htTl :./\ ird, 1'l,0111:t8, g:tnlen '1', G:1,rJ';l,lhn Barr, ,Tolin, miner, lVr:\.Ilsc lane :./\ Ibn, ltobert, grain mCl'cht., Bankcnd Jbn, ,Tolm, :ml'fl'Lcell1:l.Tl, 'V:1.terside pI. ,1\ lb11 1 H,nhcrt: jew,llm', Cl.l1,isnoek st. Thl'rowntall, J\frs. J\L, B:l.1Tllill ,/\ Ib'l"Al(;x., Jeweller, G Ilmalock st. Darrowrn:m, H,ohert, innkeeper, Square l\f\d':I'S\lII, A II:x., millo:r, Kill1bolm I'ln,cc negg, Mrs..T. M'G" groccr, TO'Nnhcad. lId"PH)ll. Coo" ], 11'01', ,VaL<:I'Hide lllace n!I'L<:k, l)/wid, P,)illtsnlan, Hanhil1 ,\ /1111"""'", ,IIIH.. I'n<rilll'1I111,11, (:kngyrul\ n1:1.(;k, 'fllisH L:Lcll('l, M:wcbestcr 1\ IIdl'l'M"ll, ,1,,1111. IIlilll'!'. lb.lIl( 1/1,11(: 'I\];t,:k, l\ohcI'L, 1I':L!,ehill/1,k,'I'. ~(plare 1\ 11111'1'1.011. )\1 I'H, 1·~lizll,I,/,t". (: 1/liHIW,:k "t,. HhckwlIOd, ;\ I' ·It., 111i1lCI', "'O\VllbeaI1 1\ II' I"I'/H'", 1\ 11'11, ,I,. I"'l'l;"!,OIl, I'l'vi II<: I :1;Ll:kw(lo,l, Illlg'b, l'l.illCr, '1'/'I.l1Y/Lnllane /\nrl'I1'HlIlI, MI'H, 1'1/1,1'1;(." 'l'tllI'l'l' ;;(.I','I:!, Hll1,ckwolld, 'I'bo:-i., miliCI', vVaLcrside pI. ,\ II r] 1'1'110 II , H,. IHwi,'Ly /1~1'IIL, yl' "oa,l l\l:wl< 11'11,),1. I fllgll. ,;plliel', C Icngyl'on 1\1'11'"111',1\" hhckHIi,il.l" (;I/~iHlt,j(;l( HI.. nla'I<;, Thvid, 1l1illt~I', lhrrllilJ ./\1'1'1:1I,1'I'11~, MI'H, 1., Sll'alld I~b,n(" .101111, Illiller, 'j'owlIlwl1,(1 1\ I'n'Hl,l'l'n~, SII,nuII}I, liIi 11 'I', (; 1"11 'yl'01l HO/l" S('q..;<::lIlL .ram .s, :Ihrrhill J\ rL], III', I )ILvid, ong-i liCeI', Ihidg"':Jl(l .I~tl:l" Thoma,s, (11':1.we1', IGlhow lane .l\.rLll III', n" minor, "'ownllul1,d l~oswcll, 1Vlrs. :hlle, HalThjJ1 ./\ I'tl!! II', 1111gb, 13orh1l11 ~11I ithy ·l)uflwcll. P. C. n" (}ILITI1,l!:1.Il Arthul', ·fIts.. la))()ul'el', \:hislll)ck Htrcct J30)'11, 'Villia1tl, inlllll'J()Jl:i,;r, ;\:yr ro:td ..'\.rtll1u', ,ViHiam, CmiL;'ellllH Boy}'" .r/Wl(,~, 'lnGidy l1,gt'nt, H:1lTllill' A.rthur, \Vm., miner, .Ayi' rOl1d 1',o5'es, 'l'!:nl1l::l,S, hln.c:k8H1iL11, j~;'tlTJJ;I.l.' Auld, ])avid,~armer, Ga,rlef¥:1:n :I3rccken rid!.;!), (lmper, (:·I/l:iflllOCk lit. }~re~kllcy, J)/wid, "'::1,l'Lcr, 'l'O\H~r Rtl'cd Baillie, ,Villi am, miner, 13:11'1'hil1 1'(1),<1 131'0:1(1[001,,11., blJOllrer, 1\llln1och's lane Rn,in, ,Tohn, llointsman, 'vVoodhel),<1 Broadfoot, .Tames, 1ll iller, G Icngyrnl1 Jhin, i\-farr.us, Mauchline • Broadfoot, .T., cngine-kcepnr, C.lcllgyron Baill, Robert, innkeeper, GJaisnock st. Broggml, J\1iGhael, hho 1 1l'er, Town lteau Tbird, 'Alex:, miner, i)alrnellington Brown"At18.tll, miller, '.I':wyil,I.'(1 bll...: 'Jhird,'Clnl,r1es, ininel', Towel' ::;treet Brown, Ch:tl'Jes, engineel', Ayr rOILd T~aircl, .Tames, joiner, Gl:1isnock strect Brown, George.. collier, liJcllg''yrn 1 .lhird, John, cOl),l:dealet, Dank lane . Brown, George, ellg-incman, H/1,rrhill 'Ihird"Tohn, architect, B~,inl's place Brown, <..iCOl·g , miller, 'I'nwnhe,t<1 ));1,in.1, ,J'Jlm, Sicerrington i\1.ilL Brown, Hugh, OchiJtree J\1:1illS Baird, J,)lm, surIaCemfl,l1, Ba.irc1'::; placc Brown, ,Tames, wal'pCl', 'Yaf;0./'fiide row' 13aird, :;'Ill's. A., Ghisnock street Brown, .Tohn, HoJchollse, Ki1m:.l,rflock l~aird, Mrs. 111., Lugar street Brown, ,John, collier, Slmrei:l tBl1,ircl, :I\Iurray, weaver, Towl11wa<1 Brown, ,Tohn, t::t.ilor, Kilnholm place I 'naird, Robert, miner, J!:lbow lane. Brown, Hobert, teael1cr, ]3:trrhill I ~3ail;d, Samuel,. tailor, Townhe/"d Brownlie. Mrs. 1\1., 'l'ownllead. :Sl.lA(l; Thom:l,s, min'er, Barrhill BrugcFl, Edward Ch~1,rlcs, Dl1,lgig '1 lihird, Thomas, miner, 'l'ownhead ]3ryal1, .T I1,meR, miner, Ban-hill t ~~itird, 'rhos., residenter, GlaiSl10ck st. Bryal1, Mrs. R, Townhead )~:t.;:rd; VTil1iRlrt1,' em'ter, Cilailil10ek Rtreet Bryan, 1t,)1)(ll't, minor, T:l.llyarcl bno \ )hlbntill,/, J,.". phlJtogr:1pllOr, Ayr.l'oll,d BrysoIl,'VVIlI., COlli. tmvellur, J3:~:~~i~__, .r., ! l_~.l I K.'1'. I,dlllll'd, I'ollier, Sl~ares 1111, I til Marion, Ochiltrea II lilli, l\dILln, Illillor, Glengyron lilli, ,\ 111111, lIlinor, Barrhill road II lilli, I Ii III ell,1I , llliller, Ghisnock Rt, 'lllllll, 'lilli" Ie 1"1:., Auchlllannoch I pill II, I IlIli,·I, innkeeper, S'lultre IllJdu II, ":dwILrd, g'l'U(;cr, Townfoot • Ij III II, IllIgil, lI1illf~r, Towel' street 111111" 11, Illlll"rl., lllcn:h:Lllt, Lug'a.J.' st. ''',plll'li, 'l'I,C/III/Mi, 'l'llOlIlerstun lI'lilll II, \\'111., l:/~rI,cr, ,VaterRic1e I'l. 11111" II, \Villil~lIl, llf Skerringtl1ll 1111111'1, 11avid, lIIiller, Banllill II 1'11"1111'",. 'l.i1,il'hill j 1'1,,111111,1. 1,1111111>01', Waterside pI. 'II, 11'\" l/d)onrer, Gbislloek st. II Illltlf'!1, Ilw'He tra,iner, To\\'('l' st. II \\ ill 'UII, L:1,iJor, BmThillroa,1 I I III , II, 1II''y, ol'ganist, Gla.isnock st. IIIf Iii. \\ III., I:,:dt/mn, Jldcnslml'.L;'h 'dl, I I II/Iii, IIn;II('!', Towel' strcet; Illdlllllll, ,\., <;I",;k c]cn.llcr, ~\l;ralH1 Inl.1l, \ II'ldl,:dd, collier, Sk:i,n~>l III II, I':" II "I'd 1;L!1l1Urel'., 'l~ll)l)w bne III II, ,'111111)8, I':tilltol', '1'nwllhe:l,(1 I. II, .J"lill, oll~;ineel', Tower street 1111'111, ,'"11", g:LK ung-illeer, Ayl' rU[Hl Ullt II, If 11, .J" drc>lsmaker, Tower st. 11111 II, Il'd'l", '111/l,ITYIl1:l.n, Refuge cot. l'It II, 'VI'I., ('ng-illcmall, Refuge cotto I, 11111'1fll'; innkeeper, Craigltcau I /111/11'", mil/el', ',i'owlIhea(1 f I'" f 1 Ii II II il.,', I), };., dmpt.:r, SCpla,l'll fll, 11"111')', 1l1IlH'lTlaker, PoJ'Illh:tp ",I,IIIIn;, r:f,ilway porter, ]3 [trrhiUI , ,1111111' , (,lItt '1', Ayr road I "Ir""01, Prlviek J\1ill, 'l'arboltol1 "I"ltf', rll, 1'1 l"'\or, Guelt I Ill', \\'111" IlIi,ler, Elhow In.ne I", d, IItll'I'W, .I1e;:;lwl', 'l'ow-nlw;t,l 1",.1, (:t\(lrgl', JIIinel', 'J'owllhca<1 1111 ii, {It'I/I'g,:, weaver, 'l'OWll!tU:l.<l 1",tI, .11 fll(1i SL'wIl,1'4, \Vroxlmlll 1111 ". (I 'I I!JlIllLIi, Hesher, 'l'ownhol1,d 1111 d, M "1'1, Agnci', draper, SlllU1,1'C If'I.I, \Villi,tIll, farmer, :E':trden llllld, WillilLlII, tailor, HO:1,C.lRille 'II II II.. III~Wl1bl'Okul', Sqnn.l'c , ,1111111, \ 'liHrl I'l, '\Vatcrsitle 'pJa.c'J . _ _ _. I , Adamson, Rev, Alex" F, C., Ayr road , Ai:'d, ,Tohn, collier, SJ~ares I .IIIlO, Pluck. 1'111111 11(, ENTITLED TO VOTE AITH('FDRTRtOMING I"' Crichton, Hew II., \V.S., Edinburgh Crichton, Hew, SS.C., Hillsi(1e Cottage Crichton, J as. Arthur, Sheriff of Fife Crichton, MrH. Elir.abeth, Liverpool C;ricllton, Mrs. ,)(;ssid, GbiHllock stred Crichton; ,Villiam, mason, Glaisnock st. Cross, Alex., green grocer, Tower st. Cumming, vVm., mason, 1.'1.yr roal1 Cunnillg]lam, Cn.pt. \V. Allison, Logan CutlJbertson, Ifugh, miller, Elbow lane Cnthbertson, ,T:tmes, miner, 'l'owllhea<1 Cuthbertson, \'Ylll" miner, BarrhilJ D:l.Jgliesh, ,Tas" millwright, Townhea.d D:l.lgliesh, l\.ohert, 13oyleston Dl),l o 'liesh, vVllJ., lllanllfr., Greenholm Dalg'liesh, vVlJI., 1\'[oik1e Anchingibbert D:widsou, ,Tollll, joiner, Uoadside lhvi,hwll, ,Tohn, 1:t1Io~1l'(,r, J~lhow hue Ihvids(>ll, ,fohn, 8:Lddler, R1lllILI"j Dickson, Joll1l, paintcr, Barrhill Dickson, James, miner, Ayl' r()ad Dickson, 1\IisR, milliner, Crfl,ighead h,se Donachan, B'3rnn.rd. miner, 'l'ownhea.d DOll,ddson, ,Tames, miner, 'l'ownhcad Dorrance, NielI01n,s, hawker, '.I.'nwnhead Dong/1,ll, ,:Inscplt, hbnlll'or, Townhen.d Dl'illlln.n, n., hbeksn"iLIt, (;In.iRlIO(dc ent. '1 )rIlIlI1l1011l1,l\ll'fl. :I~11t:1I, UlaiRllo('lc Rt. Drunllllollll, 'Vi. 13., l1rapel', UJn.iSll'k i:lt. Dnnllar, ,Villi[LnJ, coll.iec, Glcllg,yro:'l. Duneall, J~.mes, hnker, Glaisnl)ckstreet ])unc~l,n, ,Tn.>; .. bhl.ckslllith, rranyan1lane D\lnc~ul, \Vi]ij;~m, grocer, GJaisllock st. Dunlt'l', \V. n., Ayr. J)ullf:lJJOre, .A., jun., weaver, 'l'ownhead Dun moro, ,J;1,lIles, weaver, 1'owuhead nUIlSH10rO, i\-[l'H. S" GI1,rl'l1,lIn,l1 DlIllslXlpre, 'Vm., wo[t\'er, 'l'ownhcau ])llllSllll1il', ~JI:l.rlefl, collier, GarraHan Dunsmuir, 'l'horuas, miner, Tower st, Eadie, vVilliam, baker, Elbow lane' Jbrl, 1.'1.nl1w" collier, Skitres '. }i;l1,rl, \Villiam, joiner, Towcr street ]c;:l.glCAh:1.ln, ,r., cOltlm:l.ster, Ki1m,Ll'llock E~lilltoll 11'011 Company, vi;>;. ':"rm:lV'''ir, Crookedhv}m !lol1se, 'Kilmarnock:' .JI~~. BiLird "'!ton;cycn,fl., 'l"veechill'. Ktlsyth· ,Joh n Aloxander. (1f1rts!lerrlo, CoatlJridge,.!': !tolJertAngns"Lugar, ""'i'i' Alex. Fleming, 10 ROylLI terrace, Glasgow. :' "rm. L!drd, 7 Kew termce; Glasgow .' I ' . ' Andw. K. l\1'Cosh, 'Gll.rtsherrie,· Coatbridgll" ,', . \ . I ,;,,' , Jt,lllOt, ellgll1Cer, yr ruM ' Il]~willgS, Samuel, hawker, Elbow lano ' rltllllllMl, --C j _ CVMNOCK REGISTEH" 1882. Ferguson, :F'erguson, Ferguson, Ii"'el'guscll, }"ergnsoll, le'ergusol1; Ohas., miner, Kilnholm place John, Auchinbay, Ochiltree .Joseph, drawer, Elbow lane Robert, miner, J~11ow lane 'rhos., tailor, Kiln)Jolm pbce -,Valter, m:tson, Town.hea,d ]3'~1'gnson; v\'n.lter, tailor, Ro"Jslde ll'('r~·t:sr:;on) J':1,IIlc3, miner, Ayr r~ad }i'e1'gussolJ, ill1's. :Nbrgt., 'VatcrsHlo pI. Findlay, Andrew, cal'tl:;r, Ayr 1'oau Findlay, David, joincr, Ro:td"irle JTindby, Georgc, joiner, Bitnk litno I'incllaYJ Geo., labourer, New 13ridge st. Fill t1 !.;:I,y, VVn.1., mason, Ayr road :Fisher, John" miner, Glengyron Flinn, :Mrs. Isabella, Ayr roa~l Toggo, .) olm, mason, Glaisnock street 'T"oggo, }\{iRS Elizabeth, Townhead ]~()jey, John, labourer, Townheacl Frecbncl, James, hbeksmith, lbrrhill Jerew, Mrs. J., 'V::tterside place }'ulton, D:.-.vid, joiner, Square Golelie, TlJOmn.s, clIgineer, TOI\'nhead Goldie, Willi,tm, platelayel', Ihnk lane Good, A('hm, joiner, Ghisllock street Gordon, Jhvid, miller, Glcngyrou Grange, .T ::tines, solicitor, StlU~tre Gr",,)' , .T:tmes, coa.lm:tstcr, LU~'ar stroet Gray, Miss ,hne, milliner, J3::trrhill rd. Gray, MnL 'iVbry, Polcpl1t:tp Gray, '1'. A., lluot m:"lIl1fr., 1hybolo Green, J\hs..J., Kilnhollfl phcc Green, P~I,tl'iek, hawkcr, Ayr r0:td Guthrie, J 01111, mincr, Towuhea<1 Ha.lldow, 'William, brmer, Ca,irn Halley, .James, miner, GlaislIock st. Hamilton, GillieI't, miner, Killlholm pl. Hamilton, n., qnarryman, 'l'ownhc<\d I-lDJmilton, .J:\,s., mill malInger, Gl'cellrnill I-hmilton, :!I Irs. Lilias, 'Ihrrllill Hamilton, ';\1 U3, 1\1., 'rOwlJ!Jca,1 Hamilton, 'N., betury man:1,ger, Cfu'lisle H:tncodc, J'[l,111eS, miner, (';'lcllg'yrou Hannah, j\![l'S. G., }~lhow 1::l,IlC GaUn.ey, P., s,)cidy agent, Gl:t:snock st. :Hardie, .1'.. willcr's ag,:nt, \\TaJeri'i'le pI. ] (are, .Jolm ::-imBue], (1rill iJl!'trudol' G:lI.bj';,,l~h, Miss ;hnet, Ochiltree G·; lbr",i t1.J, ~:1,lllUCl, groc.er, Tov,'er street Ilarrisoll, Jolin, hb'JUl'er, Ayr rua.ll (~'.)nIlJleE, .tHox., b:tnker, Keighley Harris, collior, Sk~.re~ Har\,ey, Hur.;h, carter, 13:tllk .bne Gemmell, ,Tamt'f', sculptor, J3cl£ast :Henderson, :h,mes, g'l'occr, Squ::lrl) GemHlclJ. Mrs. Eliz[l,beth, 'l'ownheall Henderson, J ohu, Borland l\'liH Gihu, Henry, cooper, Square Gibb, Henry, tinsmith, Glaisllock street Hendrie, A., c:1,rl;or, Glaisnuek street I{enry, '[,hos., ganlener, \V:tl;er~il1c row Gibu, Ja.mes, joiner, Townhcad Higgin:;, .T:tllWS, collier, G::trralla.n r: ibb, .T ~,mes, thatcher, Ayr road Highet, Jas. 0., s1:1ter, Ayr Gibb, .T o11n, eooper, New Cumnock Hight)!;, 'NiJJi;tll1, sJn.ter, Ay1' (iibll, j'y(iss .Te:.111, Gibb's dose Hill, Mrs. J., :Elbow hne. Gibb, Miss N[[l,ry, Gibl/s c]o~e Hill, Sa.muel, m.iner, Glai.slloek street Gihb, I.I ftrgaret, New Cumnock Hill, '1'., sl;f1,tioll-master, New 8bti(lll Gihb, l\hs, J., 'Vest Elm cottagc JEllllollf;e, C., rncrch:lnt, ]\:nrJli1l1'o,'),<.J. n;hb, l\'obcrt, C00pcr, Squa.re Hoc;go, And., f;!wcmaker, Ibrrhill. n':'.<.1 (~ibson, A., hnner, N c'v:1eld Hnc1,,;c, Hngh, hbcksJllith, PJallta.insioo (~lb~l()n, ,r., fanner, Ncwfi.clfl Hodge, J·a.mos, cngi neer, Ay r rOfl.ll eilA;on. l\InJ. A, D" Glaisllock stroet :Elodge, James, joiner, Ayl' 1'0:1 ,<1 Gi1)S011, Ik.l:ert, baker, Ayr ro,kl Hood, Areliibald, con,]master, Cardiir (':"j1 ch·,·i~t, J ~!.IneB, rniner, rl'OVV 1l head Houston, H. ,B., grocer, Square Giltilla,ll, ~vlrs, H. M., Oobiltroc Howat, .Tames, joiner, Townhcfl.d Giilill:l.n, Mrs. J., or. Cowan, Coylton I-Iowat, ~T aIm, coope 1', Stewarton Gii,lespic, J',unes, miner, To'w11hoa<'1 l[owrot, J'ohn, 'V1litehill GiE?;mic, il'lrs. 1',,1.. 'rowllhean Howat, Mrs. Mary, M3.llfH~ lane Gillespie, Will., b,{ker, Watersidc pl. Howat, ~{ungo, ["'ITDer, Longmora Gilmo.:r, i~oi;ert, miner, Ayr road Howat, Rohert, Cairn road Gihnvur, James, Orchardton . Howat, Robert, collier, Slcn.rcR (}-;;rvll;n, ~Nm., 'storcman, ,\Yaterilide pl. Howat, H.obert, cooper, Townhen.d Or;lJie, George, millwright, Ayr rOflll Howatson, :Mrs, ]~., dmper, Cbi>in'k Rt. (-~chlie, J olm, draper, Lugar street Howatson, :M1's. M., G-lai8noek Cotll\J.:O {~()lc'lie, ~~,tf". Mary, Ayr road ' ' m., : \ i f { I I I • I t 9 CUMNOCK REGISTER, 1882. 1" 1" '1':1. 1\1., '1'ower street. lilll. '1'!I"1I1:LS, collier, Slcares 111,1, .1 ,/1ccclmercht., vVaterside pi. I lit. I. 'I' , sporl mel'cht., 'Yaterside pI. 11,,,1. I, \\'t1li;Lm, ir0nmonger, Square t II "tI. '. ·I'IIIIII\;\.S, joi.ner, Barrhill road II "', ,I "''''1''1, miner, Glellgyron II tI, !tlli"", t\., joiner, Bridgend II til 11111(111, ,J ., c:tl'pen tel', Logan bridge lill', I\ln•.. J" 'I';wyanl 111,1111111. '('IWIIIIl.H, miner, Lug:t]' st. d"I', (:"(1" pitheadman, Ayr rOfLd "'I', ,111'1., llIiner, New Bridge st. 'I tltl', li,d,t., engineman, Ayr roa,d II II II IJ III 1'1 1\ I i'lll (I.elen, Ayr road II Jill, 1\ 1"'lld" contractor, Glaisnock st. 1 "''', Ilnvid, grocer, Squ:tre confectioner, Gbisn'Jc st. !\lIllw., labourer, N.J3ridgest. I ,,,d, 14'", 1\" I "", I'll, II,,,,. ,\ IIlh'ew, merchant, Towllhead I I , 1111', I I" ':o:teh-pa,inter, Gla,isn'k st. Ii" I "Ill', I\lrs. J can, Kilnholm place I )Il' I II I oI"t,,·, ItolIL, Tuiner, 'l'ownhe:.Lu .1"111,, minoral borer, Slcares WilL, miller, 1'ownhe:td ' ) ' . 'I'ltolllaH, miner, Bank lane , I"""'H, draper, Gla.isno~kst. , 1"1'''''', IllCl'clmnt, 13arrhill road I"ltll, \Val'Ll 1111 I jtl, \V;ml 1,,1111, JOill<.'l', l\lanse lane '''!III, II,iller, 'rower t:itreet \\' IIlill.lll, clruggist, Gla.islJoek st. \ tlltHIII, lDt;rchaut, Tower st. II , I,dll', r:"J1i':r, Glengyrou 11\, 11l11:t(;!, Mt.lciety agent, Ayrro:J,d I f 1', 11",1 id, lOw.;on, GlaiSllock street tOP "I', ;\., cOllfectioner, Glaitillock st. 'II till, I\ollghs, g:udener, B:1.l'rhill 1l'.. ·iI, IIIIL;'!I, bootmaker, t:}((uarc Illltll, ,llIIIlI'H, miller, 'V:tter.~idepl. 1', ' : .I I1l'1'1., III ilwr, lhrrhill Il.",,'rt Crichton, Glasgow li"I" , 11Ii1ler, vVaterfliele place 1111"",1, III;Ll1u[acturer, Lugar st. 11I 1I1I''',I,ugarmill li"I.,'rl., tIl;tSOll, Ba.rrhill roa.d \\ 'II. ,J" draper, Stewart villa I, I \,' II" 1000ryl1lan, llarrhill rond .1 1111,1, I' \1!~It, !)cnnyf:1I1zeuch .01 ""Ill' It, \Villi:t1Il, G·lniH1H)('k Rtrup,t II ,I . II IIkltlll:d,or, '1'"wl'1' s[.rl'(.'L Lafferty, Duncan, de::tler,- TanyaI'd lane Laidlaw, Hugh, pitheadman, Townhea.8. Laidlaw, T., factory foreman, Townhead Lammie, Miss Agnes, Prestwiek Lammie, Miss Ma.rgt., Prestwick Lamont, John, Hollowsholm Lamont, :l\1iss Susan, te::tcher, Ayr road La.mont, ,Villiam, farmer, Longhouse Lamont, "Vm., jun., farmer, Holmhead Lang, .Mrl'l. J essio, G laisnock street Lang, ,Villiam, Ininor, 'l'anyanlla.no Lattlt, .John, son., fltrUler, Kyle Latta, John, jun., farmer, Kyle Latta, ]\lifSS Jean, Ayr road Latta, Ii-obert, farmer, Kyle Latta, vVilliam, fanner, ])armulloch Lawrence, James, JYI.D., Square y V Law, Mrs. Jane, Gbisnock street I ' ,f\ Lawrie, John, mil. porter, Old station Lawrie, Mrs. Mary, New Bridge s1;reet Lennox, Geo., cabinetuHtker, Lug:tr st. Lennox, :Mrs. 1\fargaret, Townhead , Livingstone, Duncan, collier, Skares Livingstone, J., grocer, Lugar street. Livingstone, "Vm., engineman, 13a.r1'1n11 Logal.l, J olllJ, Little Auchingibbert , Lorimer, Henry, miner, .Elbow lane , Lorimer, Hugh, mincr, \Vaterside pl:tce Lvrimer, J ::tilles, miner, It.iderstone . J~oriiLIer, .John, minE'r, Tower street Lorimer, Mrs. •Tn.net, Ayr road Lucas, JVlartin, miner, 'l'owllheall l'\ibckie, Allu,m, sen., farmor, l~owton Mackie, ,101111, f:trmer, A v j "yar l ] :l\1ackie, John, farmer, Bowton J\['Allister, .JoItn, UH>uhlcl', Strand M'Arthur, .raInes, miner, Townhc!l,d ]\'1'J3eth, Davi('l, engineman, Bn.rrhill j\:['Callulll, J'ohn, nmson, Ayr road I 1-J'\Jn.rlie, .J. G., ironfollluler, Barrhill M'Caw, \Ym., smith, Garmllan smithy M'Clnre, C., tohaceoniflt, Sqlw,re J\r'Ci\ll'o) 'l'lJOIII:\.R, e01hol', ~iG"l'e8 J\l'Clnskic, .Jalueii, e,ollicr, Slutres .l\J'Cunnick, p" shoemaker, Gbisll'k st. M'Ool'mick, 1\lichael, miner, Towllhen.u ]\I'Cowan, John, auctioneer, Ayr road MCCowan, Miss J(., New Bridge st. MCCowan, Robert, Glasgow MCCowan, "Villia.m, W'hitehn.ven :NlcCrae, James, engi.ueer, Glaisnock st. ]\['Cl'ce, Hugh, gn.llIe -herd, Gla.isnock 1\1 '( ~\'illlllo, l)nvi,l, lll.illl'r, i "f1l'mIIiUl I\I'i!rilltik.. I,,!tll, 1l!iIIOI', i: iLI'l':dln.n CUMNOOK REGIS'rEH" 1882. J'vI'Cririck, G., J'vItlirdy-l-{e-& M~ssl~u-s-·e--J'vI:I-.J-eo-ci:-;~l-n-, -.io-i-n-cl-.,-(-jb,i~~o-;l;~t-r-ee-ot M'Cririck, W., blacksmith, Gbisn'k st. M'Lctchie, ivrrs. .T., Tower sl. M'Cl1bbin, \Vm., grocer, 13:l.rrhill 1\I'Lctchic, ,\T m ., bllilelel', (;In,isnoek st. lVt'Culloch, Alex., miner, Elbow In,ne :y'[' Lcb-h ie, 'IV., .il'., j,)incl', \V~ttersidc 1;1. M'Cl1tclJeon, .James, miner, Strand :J'.J'j\Ll,stcr, Mrs. 0:1,1':1h, Ayr ron.c! ~ J\I'Ewan, A., trGtveIling rlmpcr, 'i'ownh'd 1\I':VI:ie-!l;l,cl, .r., cngineer, 'J\nvnheacl l\'['Ewan, John, resiclenter, Barrhill rd. .l\f'M:ichn.el, H,obt., I ,lrl,cksmith, '.l.'ownh'd. :M'Ewan, ';\Tm., miner, Townhead M'1V[jJhJl, Alex.., cartel', Ditrrhi11 M'Ewen, Ge~., confectioner, 'rower st. 1VI'J\Tilbn, Alcx., CO:1eJ I lllrl,lI , Gnrmlbn ]\{'Gf1,vin, ,Tohn, baker, Glaisnock st. M'Milhn, Geo., puhlisher, C:1aisnock st. M'Glwin, Mrs., "Ve"t Elm Cottage NI']'\,liJhn, ,hmes, collier G IClwyrnn .l\t'Milbll, James, jJoints;na.n, B;'trrhil1 .!'.l·G-e:1chin, D., shoemaker, 'l'ownhen.cl .1',{'Geaehin, 'Wm., ironmcmger, Square J\l',Mjlbn, ,Tohn, ,lminer, Uarr:dhn I 'M'Geachin, Wm" jun., Ayr road M'Milbn, Mrs. A., Wa.isnock street I M'Glashin, Mrs. J'., Ba.rrhil1 M'Milbll, l{,obert, ]J):~i-5on, Townhead M'Gowan, Jo"eph, collier, Glengyron ~{'Quhae, J';WlCs, I,tilourur, l~lbow lane NI'Grarly, J., shoemaker, Tal1'yard lane 1\-1']\ory, .lohn, colliN, 8b,res l'<['Gregor, :Malcolm, c'lllier, SkareH J\'I'Vickcrs, ,In]1ll collicr U lenQ'yron .l\fain, Tho,;., hb~llrer, 'ltllY:\l'~I' hne :NI'Ilwl'ath, John, plumber, Ayr l\1:'1nalty, John, mineral borer, SlG1.res M·a.ir, Alex. toll-keepcr, Ghisllock st. 1I1'1nnes, .J ames, New Bridge :::treet l\l[:),rrs, l\1rs. l\1m'y, Stranll 1\1'1 nroy, Peter, builder, Ghtisnock st.' N[arrs, Thorn;)"" minor, '.['ownllC:1.d J\1'Intosh,'''John, g:1.rdener, Ayr road Martin, J~dward) miner, 'l'ownllca.d l\![a,rtin, J :1mes, millor, Ayr road l\1'Ivcr, l\1ichael, miner. Elbow lane .l\1'Kay, .John, collier, Glengyron Mn,rtin, ;rohll, dealer, New Bridg'e st. M'Keehnie, Jas., baker, Glaisnock st. j\~f<trtin, J\btthew, joiner, Ayr r~all MCKendrick, David, miner, Elbow hne N[:-tthicson, ,fohn, :4!lo('m:tkc~', Jhnk bile :M'Kenn[l" .Tames, dyer, TowlJhcad Nla,thie"on, :i\in;. A., 'l'oll'l~r FlLrcej, 1\1 'Kenzie, IV[rs. li'Jom, New Cumnock J Jerr,)', Alex., L:llt;illeCr, '\V;l.ter".i\!" p1. ~r:KcD7je, 1"1., sup. of police, Glaisn'kst ]\1'crry, ILenry, bbd'i:'lliith, TowLlle;hi ;'1':Kert:'ow, l-L, den,ler. J3arrhill ivJillcr, J)~l,vicl, mi)l(~J', '!'p·.'o'pr :itrcet M'Kerrow, G., Greenside ]\{ilJel', Hnc;"h, m:,,,nl\, J~lIJ<JW b,lJp Miller, Hl1ilLer, miller. Towllhead i Ivl'Xcrrow, W., Greenside ~.f'Kerrow, George, Liverpool 1\:filler, .T., ;ninernJ b0re,', GJ;I"isnocj; st. l\l'Kerrow, ,Tames, Borland jViillig;w, JOllll, mi110l', r,lurdoch'r; c1')se i Ivl'l{er:row, 1\1. S., Borland Southwick, l\l:illigan, J\Irs. S~tra.h, Ayl' ro~";l Durnfriefl Mitchell, ,T:tJ11es, f:1l"1l!er, BUJ'w-·j:Je !vr'l{errow, '\Vm" dealer, Cn.pol1ftcre l\-litcllcll, ,bll.lCS, millCl', TowE!wad M'Kervail, G., confectioner, Ayr roau Mitchell, John, Lbck~;lllith, Ayr l'o:1,d 'M<Kervn.:il, E., shoemaker, Gh,,is!1oek 'It, Mitchell, Mrs. R, lClnl!f.lm pbce ]\{'Kinnell, 'Nm" dmper, (j.J;1,isiLOck st. Mitdlcll, \Vm., miner, j\'lunloch'}; clns':J 'wI'lGanon, Chas., weaver, KilnhoJ.l1l jJl. 'Moodie, Alll"lrew, '\vea,vel', 1'<.l\vnhead I ~f}~~nn(,lll, .James, ,,:eaver, ,~:;n' 1'oacl ;\:;:o\)fliu, J)a,vid, wo;1,'o'c1', 'J'ownllcad II:> J\mnon, Sohn, pamter, r[I'wn11en,,1 ~Io0die, ,f,l,l1ICS, grocer, c;.bi~mock st, M_' Lachb,n, 1\'1a.1'k, miner, Townhcad lVfoodic, ,JoJlll,1 ,a,]t1~er. n;tlifax ~rLanp.dla,n, 1\1'1'", l\1~m·gt., ;;'Yl' ro~"l :ilJoodi", 1\'1 i~}l M:tl',Y, 'I\l\\'llhcil,d :\l ,Lann,1,e]utn, ,Tn,A., b,nner, l;nllolton M,uodie, '\V'illi:l.lll, \\'CfWe1", 'J.'OWll!tc)ftd i\f'LaUll:l..chu,ll, Vvm., farmer, Log:1nhiH 1\foore, NIl'S..T:1ne, SCjIl:1l'e H']~a,uchJan, .John, borer, ri-laisnock st, NIol'r:l.n, John, bbourcr, Jloa.dside l\1:'Leall, n., draper, lhrrhill J\lorrisun, .J:tlllCS, surgeon, 8qnaJ'e JH'Lean, Robt., pitheadm<tll, Glfmgyrou M.nir, Alex., grocer, 'l'ownhead M'Lean, ThOlllaB, joiner, AyT. rmtd ~{uir, eLl, III CR, eugineer, J3urnsi(le M'Lclln,nd, Roo dlUrch-officer, Str:t.nd M:uir, .Tohn, Cha,pcl 'Muir, .To!lu, miner, Harrhil1 1\{,Celhn, JIW., '.varehonsem:1.n, Gb,sg. M'Lw)d . .Il.ht'vid,! builder, Ayr road M:uir.lJl~ad, James, miner, 'J\)inlh"~L\l -------.----i--~~-----------'---------- ! i 'I' I I,' I I I ! I 11. 'I'11I>llmH, barber, Lugar street IlIlrew, mn.son, A)'1' road I II ,It" II, I J:lvid, collier, GJ.el1gyron 11I"1,,, I" 1111,:11, Anstmlia 1111 1"1 I" ,/,>1'11, O\'E;rsmall, Glaisnock st. lit! ,I", I" I:I,ry, dressmaker, Ayr road I ,,,t"lll, 1\11'I~. K, Glaisnock st. ~'",d'l' II, I\II'K. Margt., Crossriggs cott, hllll,,, Ii, ~I J'~. S" Glasgow I,".t " I., 1\ In!. S~rah K., Ethel cottage 1'11,1",1'1 Hohert, joiner, 'L'ownhead I ""I", II, William, mason, 't'ownhead 111"/1\, 1l:t.l'i(l, residenter, 'l,<l,nyard la, IllIli1\" 1';'\we1., labourer, 'rownhead 111111. v, IllIgh, compositor, Glaisnock st 1'"1" y, .1,'I,llles, innkeeper, Glaisnock st. 1111111 v, ,I ;\])lOS, Little Muir I"" 'I', .Iatnes, v~tnman, Elbow lane I," III \" ,I iI,mes, Skerrington I,,, I \" ,Iohn, Grimgrew 1111 I II \', 1\ IiRH Annie, Dl1mfri€'s Arms IIIIIIIY, Thomas, joiner, Woodhead II, I i I ' I - ,----'"1CUMNOCK REGISTER, 1882. ,lid ... Ii, Purdie, Vim., pioneer, Crichton row Queenan, Patrick, collier, Skares ! Rainy, Alex., agent, Tower st. R<tmage, N{rs. J'e<tn, Glaisnock street Rankin, Archibald, miner, Tower street Hawlinson, James, miner, Glengyron H.awlinson, Manuel, miner, Glengyron llawlinson, Matthew, collier, SkarcB Reid, David, plasterer, Townhead Reid, David, brmer, ~'!:illzeoch ReiLI. David. labourer, 1\'lanse lano lleid; Cieorge, farmer, Millzeoch :Reicl, Geo., mason, 'rownhead. J1eid, Mrs. E., Roadside Heid, Robert, Madras Reid, Robert, plasterer, Tanyard lane R.eid, Mrs. S., 'Townhead 11.ichardson, J oilli, miner, TanyaI'd lane llichmoncl, And., oversman, Ban-hill Richmond, D., bur. officer, KilnhoJ.m pI. HichmOllLl, David, shoemaker, Glasgow. Hichmond, J'., engineer, Barrhill Richmond, James, Gbisnock street I" ,", (:') nigh Langsic1e, Craigie H.,ichmon(l, ,Tames, mason, Squaro ,,1'1'. \villi:tIn. Clockc1ownie l~ichmond, JameR, entter, Ayr road" I II, 1"·111')', el;gincI<eeper, Townhead Riclm,ond, .T., wenNer, New l\ridge st. III \11.1. ,Iohn, collier, Glengyron l~jch}llolHl, J olm, mason, 'l'ownhen.d , .. I, 1\ 1<-x., potter, CfLirn road ll.icll1l1oncl, Hobert, weaver, Kilnholm pI. I If ,,I, ,I. 1\1 'G" potkr, IIerc1ston Cotto ll,ielnnoncl, "V., shoem:lker, Glaisn'k st. 11,"1, 'I'. K, accoullta,nt., 'l'nnyaru bne llidclell, Miss Jean, laundress, Ayr 1'O<1d I 111111>'1, ,):unes, farmer, Dumbrochall lliggans, Matthew, flesher, J3ank lfiDQ 'I r 11'1111", ,John, sen" Barmickhill Jlitehie, James, nailer, Elbow bnG f 11"1"", John, jun., Barmickhill R,obb, Daniel, Mossback Robl" .Tames, HilJJsw:1rd I (III, ,I :'llIes, miner, TOWllhell.d Hobb, 1\1rs. G., Kilnholm phco Robb, Peter, miner, Garrall:11\ "1111",1', Ho1Jt., miner, Elbow In.ne Robel'tf4ol1, DUllC3.n, Crosshill 1'11,1\, I hl,~h, miner, 'l'r,wer street H,obcrt:;on, Hugh, innkeeper, Srluarc J '1111\, .1 :1,JllCS, 01lgillCm,tn, B:trrhill H0bertsoll, J\htthew, fanner, T:1iglem , )'",1" l\obt"IaL"urcr, Squaw 1'111, 1111)11, John, banker, New Cumnock H.obel'tf5on, llev. J. S., MltuSe 1',,1, 11'(111, .l\i[iRS M., milliwT, J3arrllillrd, Robertf5on, 'rhos., 1[1.l)onn~r, Townhc:1d' ,I HolJertson, "v. G., engineer, Ba,rrhill 1'111/111, Andrew, clogmaker, Lugar st. llogerr;on, John, joiner, G-bisllock stroet 1',,1"11, \Villiam, taihr, lhnhill road 1',,1, 11'1" Alex., shoemn,kel', Kilnholm pI. Rogersnll, :rv.hs. S., Gla.iiillock street Hoss, Alex., cngineman, 'l'nnyard l.ttne 1'/11, ;"1" \Vm., carter, l-i-Jn,isTiock Bt. HosH, ,101m, miller, 1>:11'111111 1"11111/111, .Ialll(~S, tn,ilnl', :lhn!,ill HORN, \YilJi:l.1Il, llIiller, IJugrtr street I', "I It'll. J\II'K.A.,8111111yflie!e,Allcbinlock ]{mseJl. Alex" engillelllrUl, Glengyron l'IIIIII,(,t"t, Ihvid, lniner, Townhead Russell, J'mrles, collier, Glellgyron ""II, ... ", John, miner,'GJaisnock street n,nsse11, .J., Longbriclgemuil', Annan I '""I,'.\', .hmos, collier, Glellgyron 1\usse11, \V., LOllgbritlgellluir, Annan I'll' '., .for-eph, jun., collier, C;lengyron l'II"li,', David, miner, 'rownheacl Samson, Alex., ]1ointsrnan, Bnrrhill 1'lIll1il', .Jas., sad Iller, Barrhi11 road S~UllSOlL Gco. '1'" mercM., Ghisllock P.t; l'III,li,', .Jolm, stuneul'eaker, 'rower st. I I I II I I CUMNOCK REGIS'rER, 1882. CUMNOCK REGISTER, 1882. Samson, Hugh, ~l1iner, Barrhill Samson, John, labourer, Ayr rO~tJ Samson, J olm, merchant, Glaisnock st. Samson, John, cabdriver, Barrhill Samson, Robert, miner, \Vatcrside pI. Scott, D. L., schoolmaster, Ba.rrhill rd. Scott, F., gas manag-er, Glaisnock st. Scott, Miss A. C., New Cnmnock Scott, Samuel, collier, Gleng-yron Shankland, John, farmer, Bowes Shankland, John, farmer, Crosshtr Sharp, lVfrs. A., :J3nrnwcUtrccs Shaw, Ch:Lrles G., solicitor, Ayr Shields, Thomas, engineman, 'l'ownhead Shields, Thomas, Hudson, America Shirky, J\i(atthew, collier, Skares Shirky. Michael, collier, Skares Sime, J aIm, plumber, Ayr ron.cl Simpson, Alex., farmer, Horsecleurrh Simpson, Alex., oversmn.n, Knoektirra Simpson, John, mn.son, 'Townheacl Skilling, W'iIHam, tailor, Barrhill SJimmond, J as., rail. porter, Ban'hill rd. Sloan, Peter, Knocktirra Smeaton, Andw., grocer, Ayr road Smith, Alex., carter, :Manse lane Smith, D., inspee. of poor, "Waterside pI. Smith, D. C., sn.lesman, GlaisnoGk st. Smith, David, surfacem::m, llottdside Smith, Henry, !:Ihoemaker, Barrbill , ;Smith, ~rames, gardener, Barrhill road I Smith, J o11n, eng-ineman, Ayr r0:1c1 , Smith, .T0seph, gminrlea.ler. Banitill rd. Smith, Matthew, janitor, D:crrhill Sm~Lh, 1I1iss .M. L" baker, ~qllaJ'e Smlth, Mrs. Agnes, vVatmsl(le phce , Smith, Robert, shoemaker. 'Tuwer skeet : Smith, Hobert, miner, 'l'o~nhead . : Smith, 'William, mason, Ayr road Sneddon, Charles, miner, 'rower street Ste vell8on, A., farmer, :Borland Mains Stevenson, James, spinner, ]:"ug-ar street Stevenson, John, farmer, Clmnguo StevemlOn, '!.'homa,s, minor, :MitllSe lane Stewart, J., milhvright, 1, ow Bridge st. Stil1ie, Hn,miHon, miner, Townheau Stillie, J <:tmes, miner, 'j'owuheau Stilli.e, Mrs. M., Elbow Ltne Stodchrt, Geo., postmaster, Ayr road Stoddart, John, tailor, Townhcac1 Stodl1art, Mrs. A., Townheacl Stoddart, Mrs. •T., ~l'ownheac1 StoJelart, '1'., bedding housc, Ban-hill I I Tm1Un.hill, vVrn., Chnngnc CoLLngo Tanner, .Tohn, rni ncr, \Vntel'siclc place Tallllock, .TaIm, ](noe1n\rtih T:tylor, .Tn,mes, In'leklaycr. Harrhill 'l'crtl', .Tames, jllltl(ecl'c~" ·t'lllgar st. Thompson, A., m:tS()ll, D,nlgbstoll Cotto '1'hOtnSOll, \iVilliam, 1Jivcl'poo1 Thomson, C., mamlf;\!~turcr, Ayr road Thomsoll, Jlugh, joincr, Glai"ll'oek st. Thomson, J'I'll's. :1<:. D" Ayr road 'I'homson, :MrR. l~., Chj"lIock stroet 'rodel, A. nceonnl.:l,lIt, Glrti8no(:k Ht. 'l'ullllinson, .faR" poinl.slll:ul,Ncw0bttion Torr:tllec, G. L., GlaRg"ow TOlTanee, ~'[rH. ,rll,ne, 'il'ownhead TunIc)" l'cLcr, miner, J3arrhillroacl n., Urquhart, A., labour r, J3arrhill Vallance, ])nvi,1, JJif;t;]e Ch:Lngllo Vall[1,uee, .J;tInCH, srn.iLIJ, GJniHlIock Ht. ValJancc, vVillia.m, clLrricr, ],ug:u' ~t. Vallancc, Hobcrt, (":Ll'l'ic:l', Tdl"ar street Vass, Andrew, 'ulJlls, Auchil~loek \V;H1dcl1, S:1omucl, millcr, n~'rrllill 'Nalkcr, Alex., i:iociety :.L[~ellt, Tower st. \Valker, David, p!a.f>L(;rcr, Hank ]Mte \V;tlker, Hcctor, fHllit.h, JJ1nckfauld \V:tlla.ce, 1):, miner, \iVatel'fiillc plaGc Wa.llace, Mrs, .J:LJle, ]hrrhill \Vall:tce, I:.obel'f;, In.h0 1l1'C1', Ban-hill \V nrc] rop, (;., Crufthc:t\l \Va.rtlrn}l, ''1'., ('j'(JfLhnsu[ \V::tl'llrop, j'fl,Lridc, C:Ll'hIT \Va.rrlrup, HC'bert, Ci al'brr \Vat~wlJ, George, miller, .l3n.rrhilJ \V at" \'11 , J:t:TICH, fnn11cr, J.\tre~l,dow \Vn.tson, .Tn.mcR, mill t ,)" .i\yr road \V:1otROJl, ;\,11'8, K, T\;H rhil.l \V:tt;';OI1, \Vw., c;ollrc,·f.ion,'r, Elbow lane \YaLSOll, \Villialll, il'lIkl'C1H,r, i::j'lllfLfe '\Veir, ,rO}lIl, mOlllder, Stram1 vVeir, J\h~, A.., llarrhill vVcir, ·l\frH. ,r 8:1011, CbH,I!OW 'Neil', Miss Vlora, H:l.I:rJlilt ro:t(1 \Veir, l{.cv .. JOIIII, Gla~gow \Vcir, ]~obcrt, miller, Tower street \Vchb, \Villiam, collicr, Sk:tI'CR \VeLih, Thus" hln.ekitllith, Glai;;noek st. \Vell'h, ]\Irs. Ma.ry, f:hisnock street \Vhitc, David, painLcr, Townhca.cl \YhiLe, :r, Lums.]c'll, Glasgow ~vVhitc, j\TrR. A., 'J'ownhca.d 'WhiLe, MrH.•J anet, Darrhill ",VhiLe, :]aIIH~H, forr:fil.er, l\":tl]Kidn hll". ~II'H. Hobina, Ayr road till" \\' III , letter-canier, Ayr road hd'. \\'illialTl, tailor, 1\y1' ro[1,cl I, I., \\,illifl,m, joiner, Townhead 1"1,, \\'illi:tlll, warper, Glasgow', \\ hill, II. I ':,Ll'ic:k, pcnsioner, J~]bow lane I 101. ,I(lhll, f~Ll'Jner, Nctherthinl \' iI "'I, /\ IIdrew, Allchingilsic \ Ii "11, 1\ IIdn~w, cng-ilIClllfl,l\, Glcllgynl1\ \\ II "'I, 1:,,j)(~lt, fltJ'lI1cr, J\uchinc1oigh \\ ,I, "", 1111gb, joiner, 'l'ownheac1 \\ Ii "" .. 1:UIIC8, grocer. Ayr road \\ d "II, .1:ll11es, Over-Glai~nock \\ d "II, ,I"hn, auctioneer, Glaisnock st \\ 11 "", .Iolm E., teacher, Garrallan \\,h"", .1 "ltn, 69 Great Clyde street, c ~ III'l:~ U\V Wilson,. Mrs. 1., Townheacl \iVilson, Mrs. J., Glaisnock ro~d vVilson, \Vm., weaver, \Vaterslde row \Vilson, \Vm., irinkeeper, Glaisnock st. \Vi1son, Wm" joiner, AUGhl1lil1an, 80rn \Visllart, Alldw., hbourer, Ayr road Wyllie, Clms., ilef;1Jel', Gln.il'UlOck street \Vyllie, ,Tohn, flesher, Gln.isnoek street vV.yllie, .T., 1IlftWlgCl', GlltiHlloek stre?t \\Tyllie, ,Tn.mcs, mn.llfl.ger, ])unfenllllllo \Vyllio, ,Ta.JlleH, miner, Gbisnock st. Wyllie, lVII's. M., hoaclsicle Yates, Abraham, miner, Glengyron. Yates, J-oseph, miner, Glengyron Young, David, miller, Tower street Young, Miss J., dressmaker, TanyaI'd la.. Bllrgll of Cumnock and Holmhead. tll.l'I" VAI,UATION O.F BlJRGlJ-YR. 1879-80, £7,021; YR. I· 1880-81, £7,174. . u,:.1 /'(wu of Trecusurcl" s Accounts, frmn 15th hIay, 1880, to 15th JlIIay, 1881. . ':' 0- CH l\RGE. WATElt. 'I'" ('a:-;\l £2MJ 11 from Collector, 9 Collcctor, ... . .. ( ""lversion .MUllOY Collectcu in tho Burgh, ( ';I!'Ih f1'0m 1\1:1.11\11'0 ~u1<l, ,j ('WiI.Olrl D u e s , . . . . . . . . " (',qlll'ibucec.l by Proprietors towards Cost of DrallllJ1 Tower I I' POLICE. ~t,reot, £122 0 0 40 1;) 10 7 G 0 2 lG 0 18 ]8 G 4 1'7 3 POLICE COURT. )'I'(lcocds of li'illcs and Forfcitmes, less Paymont of \V itncsscs, SLAUGHTER HOUSE. 2G 0 0 -----,£·172 7 ~~ I ! CUMNOCK REGISTER, 1882. PRINCIPAL FAIRS IN THE WEST OF SCOTLAND. DISCHARGE. WATER. By " " " " Rent of Reservoir, Iutcrest all Bonds, '" Poor H,ates for Reservoir, '" S~nd for Filters, Ca.rting, 'Wages, ctc., PIpe:;, Repairs, 'Wages, etc. in the Burg]J, £(i 0 0 ~o (j G o 1 11 87 0 3 4U S Ii POLICE. " " " " " " " " " Scavenger's Wages, . '" Assistant at various times, Gas for Street Lamps, ... Lighting Lamps, New Lamps, Pipes, Repairing, alJd Storing, Cutting Drains, Pipes, etc" Breakillg amI Carting Metal, Rent of Courthouse, '" Rent of Fire-hose House :L!l(l Sundries, £57 4: o 7 l!J o 18 7 7 ] 2 G 10 \) 13 2] ltJ: 1~~ 17 ~ cit 3 o :3 G 13 6 J>OUCE co un.1'. " Aliment to and Conveyance of PrisowOlrs, 2 1 9~ 2 17 G~ SLAUGIITER nOUSE. " Ground Rcnt and Repairs, l\L\NAGEMEN~'. l' '" " " " " " " ,. Snln.ry to Clerk, Collcctor, and Clcrk of Coud Fiscal's Sabry, '" ' Treasurer's Salary, . Sanitary Inspector's Salary, Inspp-ctor of Watcr arks Salary, '" Assessor for llIakulg-up Roll of Votcrs, Expenses of Uncontestcd Election, '" ... Stationery Account, Rent of Office for :Mc:ctings, cic., Excess of Income ovcr Expenditurc, '" '" 'V :1[, 11 0 f, 4 0 H 8 o o 0 0 " .> 0 -1 4 4 4- 2 0 G ]0 14 11 Jo 31 1:3 IrEBRUARY. HI "'''. I Irriday 0 8 [Mon. aft. I "'HI,I" f) uglas, 11 if Mo., if not ',,","oel(. Thur. aft. Canl. At 15th Mar, 1880. .C1890 0 0 I!H G I(j 0 S ,I, l"llIllIngton, lnst Thursday s k ev. \Ved. III HI 1l1V, hor. ev. \Ved. excp. 3 11/1111 /ton, 2 Thursdny [Mo. af. 1\ llwtlllling, 1 day, if Sa. or Sn. I,f 1111111, I/\!;t Tuesday fllllill hllne, Thursday nfter 4 /111111 II 1rk, Tuesday after 18 I, IIljlllilLr, 1 Friday 08 111ll1'llhlU, 2 Tuesday 0 8 IllillI( 108,1 Tu. 0 MARCEL f' ~ III 1)(l'lIglas,23 or Mon. aft. "tIIlIIlIlClk. Thursdny after 6 I'", ". s, every Wednesday 1'1111 t I" J Thursday til ~III IV overy Wed. except 3 .,••ul,nrh{o, 2 Thursday 0 8 APRIL. " I, I '1'IIo~(lay nnd Ja.,t J<'ri(lny t I, I hI I lOIII{IrLS, Mo. wk. bol. 24 1111111" I( II, JlLst Wednosrlay Iii 1'1< , I TIL alldTh. boI. a Fr. IIltl IIII,:J Thursday III II, I 1Ifonday t II It) £1\ , 'l'hursday be!. Ea.ter 'hul' 11,011.:1 Friday t 1ft III :! Wednesday I,lt' III (II , Thursday before 19 II )rllh , II Thursday II hilr, II Friday H'~I\l1 () • l.lli'rlday MAY. I ,I ""JIlII1, .I. Monday o~ 1'''''1 I" I I "'rid. aft. Whits. 0 S 'lltlllrtl. , \ odnesday bef. 26 I 8 Thursday 0 8 ,. hl,U'I'hursday I, 1111\, l'I"Il/l(!.IIY , III lilli, II Wed. after 11 'I "' 'If .\I""'''IIII/. STATEMENT OF CAPITAL ACCOUNT. Borrowed on Bonds nt 1.~ per' cent. Bnlance at Crodit of :U:mk ACCOUllt, JANUARY. 1I,'I'hllr. nnd Fr. bel. 2Wed. "'tiday 0 S I fl",lInule, every Thursday I h ",III 8. every Wednesday 11,1111 ,I, Inst Thursday It 1'11111 1 Wednesday hololl~I'(ln ,1 Friday 1.," 11 nroio, 2 Thursday 0 S ~',\\'hlll'l, :.I Thursday rev. Mo. N '1I"~lIn·Htowart, 2 Frillny of IlIIlWiLI·LolI. 'fhm, beLL Fri. 0 S H r'lLnfILUr, Monday beL 1 Wed. Illil~h. I Kilmarnock, 2 Tuesday lvIa.uehline, Wed. after 18 Ochiltree, 2 Wednesday Saltcoats, last Thursday Sanquhar, 1 Friday 0 8 Stewarton, Mon. bef. 1 Thur. Stranrner, 1 ILnd 3 Friday l'arlJulton, 1 .Monday JUNE. Brodick, 1 Tnesday after 20 O'stle-])ougln.s, MOll. beL JeelCnmnock, \\Tefl. aft. () [tonhill Douglas, 2 \Vednesday 0 8 Dumfries, "Ted. after 17 0 S Enst Kilbride, 1 Friday aft. 10 Falkirk, last Tuesday Galston, 1 Thursday [Tues. af. Kcltonhill, 17 () s if Tu., if not Lanark, Monday beL last Tu. Lockerbie, 3 Thursday 0 S Mauohline, 4 \Yeclnesuay Muirkirk, 2 Friday S:\nf[uhar, Frifl. bef. Tarbolton StrnllTaer, Thll. ber. Keltonhill Tarbolton,1 Tu. aft. 11 [& aFro JULY. Arclrossan, Tuesday bef. Ayr Ayr, Th. & Fr. b. 2 Mo. & 3 Tu. Cumnock, Weu. after 13 Falkirk, 2 Thurs. and last Tu. Glasgow,l \Vednesday Kilmarnock, last Thursday Loekerbie, :3 Thurs. 0 S [after Sanquhar, 17 if Fri., if not Fri. AUGUST. Auchillleek, JlLst, Tu('sflay Harrhill,4 l'·ri. nnd Thnrs. her, fLockcrlJle Heith, :IOth dny Cnstle-])ougl:\~, Monday before Colmonell, 1. Monuay 0 S Dalmellingtoll, Sat. bi. Loebie. Eaglcsham, 3 Thursday 0 S Falkirk, 2 Tues. and day after Irvine, 3 Monday Lanark, Mo., Tu.,and We'~. bf. 12 and 2 TueClclny nft~r Lockerbie, 13 or Tuesday after MauchHne,1 \Vednesrlny Monill.ivc, Fri. bf. Lockerbie NewlIliIns, 4 Thursuay Sanquhnr, 1 Friday os Stranraer, 3 Friday Thornhill (Dumfrsh.) 2 Tues. SEPTEMBER. .Ardross:m, 'I'll. before Falkirk Castle-Douglas, I Mon. aft. 22 Dumfries, 1 Tu. &; Wed. aft. 23 Falkirk, 2 Tu. and Mon. berore KirkmichaeJ, Fr. bf. last Wed. Loekerbie, Thursday before 30 Mauchline, 26 or Thurs. after Newmilns, \Yed. after 1 Tues. Stranraer, 3 Friuay Thornhill (Dumfrsh.), 3 Tues. OCTOBER Ardrossan, Tues. bf. Falkirk Arf, 2 Tlmr. and 2 and 3 Fri. Castle-Douglas, lll.st Monday Cumnock, \'fednesday after 27 Douglas, 3 Friday Dumfries, generally 3 'Ved. Falkirk, 2 Tuesday and Wed. Girvan, 1 Monday Kilmarnock, last Thursday Lanark, Thursday after Falklrk Loekerbie,2 Thur. af. Falkirk Maybole, 3 Thursday Newmilns,1 Wednesday Snnquhar, Fri. before Falkirk Stewnrton, 'Ved. bf. last Th. Strnnmer, Mon. bf. 2 Thurs. Tarbolton, 2 Tuesday 0 s NOVEMBER. Ardrossan, 9 day Beith, 1 Friday 0 S Castle-Douglas. Mo. b. Dumfrs Colmonell, 1 Monday 0 S Crcsshill-on-Girvall, Mon. ber. Cumnock, ev. Th. [l\fauehllne Douglas, 1 Fri. af. l\1ichaelmas Dumfries, Wed. before 22 Dunlop, 12 day Englesham, 1 Tuesuay 0 8 FILlklrk,11'u('Aclay Oalston, lnst Wodnesdny Glasgow, ''fed. aft. Martlnmas and Wednesday after 23 Kilmaurs, II-Kilsyth, 3 Fri. Kilwinning, 1 Monday Lanark, 1 \Vednesday 0 S Littlemill, dny bf. Mauchline Lockerbie, Th. in weekaf. 1 W. Mauchline, Thursday after 4 Oehiltree, 1 Tuesday Sanquhar, 1 Fri. 0 sand Fri. bf. Strn.nrn.er,1I Fridny [Mnuehlino Tnrbolton, 1 \'fednosday Thornhill (Dumfrsh.) 2 Tu. o. DECEMBER. Cumnock, every Thursday Dumfries, every Wednesday Lanark, last Tuesday Lockerbie, Th. bf. Chrisms. 0 • ~Vl.l1chline, 4 'Wednesday Muirkirk, Thursday after 18 FAST DAYS IN CUMNOCK AND NEIGHBOURING PARISHES, At loth MIlY. 18S1. Borrowed on Bonds at 4 per cent., Balanco at Creuit of Bnnk Account, Decrease of Debt during Year, - £18!lO 0 0 213 '1 10 ----- -'l'hllrs<1ny before 4 Sab. of June, and \Vednesday before 2 Sab. of December. k-'J.'hursrlay bcCore 2 S:\b. of .T1111e, and Wednesday before J: Sab. of November. • III ItlllI .'I'hllfsrlny before 4 Sabbath of June. 1I.'dl'" 'k 'I'hufstlay before 4 Sabbath of June. , ItllI, ," W(Ill 11 ORd'LY bofore 1 Sabhnth of .Tuly. I tI II" I, 'l'hllrB!lI\Y beforo 4 Rnhbnth of ,July. llill' '1'/IlIl/llI/IY !Juroro 2 Sl\blJatlJ. or Juno. i1111 £lG7G 15 18 8 2 4 j j ,".111