Tulpehocken Times Summer 2015 - Tulpehocken Area School District
Tulpehocken Times Summer 2015 - Tulpehocken Area School District
TULPEHOCKEN TIMES Congratulations To Our Retirees! It Only Takes a Moment to Left to right: JoAnn Stockholm, JSHS Phys Ed & Health; Bonnie Benfer, Penn Bernville Elementary Principal; Dr. Edward J. Albert, Superintendent; Janet Gernsheimer, Penn Bernville 6th Grade Teacher; Joyce Keller, Penn Bernville 5th Grade Teacher. Absent: Donald Jones, JSHS Principal; Ilene Batz, JSHS Guidance Administrative Assistant, and Sally Emerich, Bethel Elementary Cafeteria Say Thank You, But Your Years of Dedication Will Be Remembered For A Life Time! “CELEBRATING SUCCESSES” Again this year the Tulpehocken Area School District conducted a program entitled “Celebrating Successes.” The program recognized the retirees and those individuals who had 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 years of experience in our district. Additionally we recognized teachers of the year for elementary and secondary as well as a support person of the year. We are very proud of all of our staff for their hard work, efforts, and dedication. Our 2014-2015 teachers of the year and support person of the year are respectfully: Cara Kramer - First Grade Teacher at Penn-Bernville Robert Neiswender - Math Teacher at Junior-Senior High School Dawn Weiss - Accounts Payable and Cafeteria Fiscal Director WELCOME ANDREW NETZNIK I am very excited to be joining the Tulpy Family. I cannot think of a better school district to be joining than Tulpehocken. As the new Junior-Senior High School Principal, I know it will be take some time to get to know everyone and learn all about the district but I am certainly ready and excited to be apart of a such a dynamic district. As you get to know me you will find that I think family is so important. My wife and I, along with our 2-year-old daughter and “baby on the way”, are thrilled to be a part of the Tulpy Family as well as have everyone become part of ours. I believe that family, friends, and neighbors play such an integral part of a child’s education, and so working together, I know we will be able to continue the legacy of excellence at Tulpehocken and build even greater opportunities for our students. I have spent some time in the district prior to my official start date with my initiation being Tractor Day. What a great event! It was nice to see students and community members taking pride in their roots and foundation of the Tulpy community. Such pride along with the district initiatives have impressed me immensely. Tulpehocken Area is ready to take things to the next level and I am excited to be a part of it! I will be entering my 13th year in education. The past 7 years have been spent as a principal in Schuylkill Haven Area and most recently Hamburg Area. I began my career at Tamaqua Area High School teaching social studies. And now I am ready to write a new chapter at Tulpehocken. Lastly, I want to thank everyone for the warm welcomes so far and look forward to working with each one of you. My door is always open and I encourage everyone to engage in open dialogue so we can build a better future for all of our students. SUMMER ORIENTATION PROGRAM FOR NEW JUNIOR HIGH STUDENTS For many students the transition from the elementary school to the junior high school, is difficult. Many students are overwhelmed by the various tasks and responsibilities and become quite anxious. Some of their concerns include: getting to class on time, finding their lockers and remembering the combination, finding the cafeteria and bathrooms, remembering which class to go to next, fear of getting lost in the building, keeping up with the class work for multiple subjects, and social issues, including peer pressure, cliques, and bullying. In an effort to help students make a positive transition to the Junior High School, we have developed a Summer Orientation Program. The Junior High Orientation is voluntary and parents are welcome to attend. During the orientation, students will spend time in the Junior High building, learn the location of their homeroom, preview their class schedule, meet teachers, locate their locker and practice the combination. Students will be given a sample agenda sheet and will write down assignments posted in the various Junior High classrooms, to help prepare them for the increased demands of 7th grade. Students will also have a chance to meet their new classmates and engage in fun activities as they learn about the Junior High. The Summer Orientation Program will be held on Tuesday, August 18, 2015 starting at 9:00 A.M. to 11:30 A.M. in the Junior High Building. We will assemble in the Junior-Senior High Auditorium at 9:00 and proceed to the Junior High for the program. Refreshments and a brief orientation to the Junior/Senior High Cafeteria will be held from 11:00 to 11:30 A.M. We look forward to seeing the new 7th grade students and anyone new to the district 8th grade student body on Tuesday, August 18, 2015! Sincerely, Michael LeisterSusan A. Burns, M.S.W. Junior High House PrincipalJunior High Counselor NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY TEACHER APPRECIATION LUNCHEON On May 6 , 2015 NHS hosted its annual teacher appreciation luncheon at the High School. This year’s theme was “The Beach” and featured kabobs and ice cream and an assortment of “beachy” decorations. The luncheon takes place during Teacher Appreciation week and allows NHS students to pamper teachers and show how much they are appreciated. Not only do students prepare lunch and serve the teachers, they also make sure junior and senior high teachers get any additional help they need throughout the day with their classroom planning. The luncheon has become one of the favorite service activities of NHS students. Back row left to right: Tim Groff, Matt Kerber, Kevin Berry, Aaron Riegel, Grant Baver Middle row left to right: Audrey Jonas, Darian Gordon, Taylor Boyer, Erica Kegerreis, Sarah Lore Front row left to right : Annamarie Burns, Rebekah Brossman, Rachel and Rebecca Bross, Alexis Yenser th 6TH GRADE STUDENTS PARTICIPATE IN THE BERKS COUNTY READING OLYMPICS On May 21, 2015, a team of Bethel Elementary sixth grade students attended the Berks County Reading Olympics competition at Twin Valley Middle school. This is an annual event involving students in grades six through eight from several school districts in the county. Each team needed to read from a list of 45 books. At the competition, two competing teams met in a classroom and answered questions about the books in a quiz-show like format with teams taking turns answering questions and getting points for correct answers. The team of 8 Bethel Elementary students included Alek Brown, Malachi Christ, Connor Davis, Sabrina Heck, Abigail Hulse, Tiana Martin, Kody Yeakley, and Kyle Yenser. They scored in the third place level. Everyone had a wonderful time at this celebration of books and reading. Way to go team! 2 STUDENTS OF THE MONTH Students of the Month are Tulpehocken 2014-2015 seniors selected by the faculty and administration for special recognition. Each month, one male and one female student are chosen based on academic performance, school involvement, and community service. MARCH 2015 Congratulations to Our Students of the Month! APRIL 2015 Julia Mohn & Alexander Matias Alexi Kissling & Hunter Harris MAY 2015 Heidi Walleigh & Isaiah Bewley BETHEL STUDENT WINS LAW DAY CONTEST On April 30, 2015, the Berks County Bar Association held their annual Law Day Luncheon at the Crowne Plaza in Wyomissing. The celebration theme this year was “Magna Carta: Symbol of Freedom Under Law.” As part of the celebration, students in 5th and 6th grade across Berks County were invited to participate in an essay contest. The topic was, “What is the most important right set forth in the Bill of Rights and why?” Connor Davis, a Bethel 6th Grade student, won third place in Berks County for his essay on the First Amendment. The essay was submitted by Jeff Strayer, Bethel 6th Grade teacher. Connor participated in the Law Day Luncheon and received a medal, certificate, and monetary award. BCTC STUDENTS OF THE QUARTER Each quarter, BCTC instructors select a student from their program whose attitude, skills, and knowledge gained during that particular quarter is above and beyond the standard. The student shows initiative and integrity in performing their tasks and is, overall, the best student for that quarter. The students receive a certificate of recognition and are honored as a group at a breakfast reception for the morning students, and the afternoon students are honored at a luncheon reception. The students are also photographed and their portrait is displayed prominently throughout the school. BCTC West Campus 3rd Quarter Timothy J. Kramer Automotive Technology II Tate Bouffard Photo Imaging Technology James Lochman Recreational & Power Equipment Tech. Tulpy BCTC BCTC East Campus 3rd Quarter Students Dawson Gehman Plumbing Make Us Proud!! th BCTC West Campus 4 Quarter Keep up the Christopher Rohrbach Automotive Technology Nathan Berg Automotive Technology II Great Work!!! Andrew Risser Engineering Technology I Alexis Yenser Medical Health Professions Cody DeLong Protective Services Cody Himmelberger Recreational and Power Equipment Technology 3 6TH ANNUAL “UNITED WE STAND” BAND CONCERT! “TO THE STARS AND BEYOND” Explore the musical landscape of Jupiter, from Gustav Holst’s orchestral suite, The Planets. Experience a musical Cloudburst by Eric Whitacre. Travel far, far away with John William’s themes from STAR WARS TRILOGY! Combined concert by the Keystone Band & Tulpehocken High School Band Sunday, September 27, 2015 – 4:00 to 5:30 pm Tulpehocken Area H.S. Auditorium Fundraiser Event for the Keystone & Tulpehocken High School Bands. All volunteer concert. Concessions will be available by TPMA. Please support the future of our bands! Tickets at Door: Adults $5, Students Free For more information, visit www.keystoneband.com SPECIAL EDUCATION SERVICES AND SECTION 504/CHAPTER 15 ELIGIBILITY INFORMATION In compliance with state and federal law, notice is hereby given that the Tulpehocken Area School District will provide special education and related services to students with special needs. Ongoing identification activities are used to find students who require these services. If children are identified specially designed instruction is available to meet the following conditions: AutismDeaf-Blindness Emotional Disturbance Hearing Impairment including Deafness Intellectual DisabilityMultiple Disabilities Orthopedic Impairment Speech or Language Impairment Specific Learning Disability Visual Impairment including Blindness Traumatic Brain InjuryMentally Gifted Other Health Impairment Screening and evaluation processes to assess a child’s needs and eligibility are available at no cost. Early intervention services are also available for children from age 3 to school age through the Berks Co. Intermediate Unit. Also, in compliance with state and federal law, the Tulpehocken Area School District does provide “protected handicapped students” with specific services under Section 504/Chapter 15. The services, related aids, or accommodations are given without discrimination or cost to the family or student. The intent of this assistance is to permit students to obtain the maximum benefit from school programs and activities as are appropriate to their individual abilities. To qualify as a “protected handicapped student”, a child must be of school age with a physical or mental disability that substantially limits or prohibits participation in or access to an aspect of the school program. These services are distinct from those applicable to students with disabilities enrolled or seeking enrollment in special education program. All information gathered about students is subject to confidentiality provisions contained in federal and state law. In addition, the District has policies and procedures that govern collection, maintenance, destruction, and disclosure to third parties of this information. Requests for screening and evaluation should be made in writing. Written details about services and confidentiality provisions are available by writing to Lisa M. Kiss, Director of Special Education, Tulpehocken Area School District, 27 Rehrersburg Road, Bethel, PA 19507 For information about services and programs, visit the Tulpehocken Area School District’s web site www.tulpehocken.org and click on Special Education. 4 TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM EXPANSION TAKES SHAPE We are pleased to offer more technology options at Tulpehocken during the 2015-2016 school year. Beginning this upcoming school year, both students and teachers in grades K-8 will be able to take advantage of a wider range of technology devices for their lessons that require student technology access. Students in grades 2, 3, 7, and 8 were assigned iPads as part of a pilot program for the 2014-2015 school year. After much consultation with classroom teachers at these grade levels, as well as teachers at other grade levels K-8, the Dell Inspiron 11 3000 was selected for use in grades 5-8, and the iPad was selected for use in grades K-4. The Inspiron was selected for its flexibility as a hybrid device. It allows students to angle the device to be a touch screen tablet or a keyboard/mouse driven notebook. When we look ahead at some of the exciting options that this new technology affords our students, we must acknowledge that our curriculum is becoming increasingly digital. Textbook developers have replaced textbooks and supplemental workbooks with interactive websites and apps. Our students first acquire 21st century skills beginning in their elementary level computer lab classes. Once thought of as “keyboarding class”, elementary computer lab classes today allow students to focus on writing, research, and collaboration skills in a world that is becoming flat. As curriculum continues to inform technology program decisions, it is important to note that our professional development programs continue to be evaluated and refined to equip our faculty with the tools they need to continue to help students focus on essential skills to be successful both inside and outside of the school environment. This commitment has not changed. We look forward to continuing down the path of offering best-in-class resources to every student at Tulpehocken. INTEGRATED PEST MANAGEMENT (IPM) Dear Parents or Guardians: The Tulpehocken Area School District uses an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach for managing insects, rodents, and weeds. Our goal is to protect every student from pesticide exposure by using an IPM approach to pest management. Our IPM approach focuses on making the school buildings and grounds an unfavorable habitat for these pests by removing food and water sources and eliminating their hiding and breeding places. We accomplish this through routine cleaning and maintenance. We routinely monitor the school buildings and grounds to detect any pests that are present. The pest monitoring team consists of our school personnel. Pest sightings are reported to our IPM coordinator who evaluates the “pest problem” and determines the appropriate pest management techniques to address the problem. The techniques can include increased sanitation, modifying storage practices, sealing entry points, physically removing the pest, etc. From time to time, it may be necessary to use chemicals to manage a pest problem. Chemicals will be used only when necessary, and will not be routinely applied. When chemicals are used, the school will try to use the least toxic product when possible. (Applications will be made only after school hours.) Notices will be posted in these areas 72 hours prior to application and for two days following the application. Parents or guardians of students enrolled in the school may request prior notification of specific pesticide applications made at the school. To receive notification, you must be placed in the school notification registry. If you would like to be placed on the registry, please notify the district in writing. Please include your e-mail address if you would like to be notified electronically. Please send requests to: Tulpehocken Area School District, 27 Rehrersburg Rd., Bethel, PA 19507, Attention: Rick Triest. If a chemical application must be made to control an emergency pest problem (ex: stinging insects), notice will be provided by telephone to any parent or guardian who has requested such notification in writing. Exemptions to this notification include disinfectants and anti-microbial products: self-containerized baits placed in areas not accessible to students and gel type baits placed in cracks, crevices or voids. Each year the District will prepare a new notification registry. If you have any questions, please contact Rick Triest, IPM Coordinator at 717-933-4611 ext. 2122. Rick Triest Director of Buildings and Grounds 5 NEW ACT 153 VOLUNTEER REQUIREMENTS Former Governor Thomas Corbett signed into law Act 153 of 2014, which amended Pennsylvania’s Child Protective Services Law and the Public School Code to impose more extensive criminal background check requirements on school employees and volunteers having direct contact with children. The definition of volunteer as provided is any “person having direct contact and interaction with students.” In an attempt to comply with Act 153, Tulpehocken Area School District will view the following as volunteers due to the potential of having direct contact with students: PTO members, booster organization members, chaperones, persons assisting with athletic or music events, persons working in concession stands, school security personnel, and classroom volunteers. Effective July 1, 2015, the following clearances must be obtained and must be renewed every three years: • Act 151 Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance; • Act 34 Pennsylvania Criminal History Record Check; and • One of the following two options: * 1) Federal Criminal History Record (includes fingerprinting), or * 2) An “Act 153 Volunteer Affidavit” sworn and executed by the potential volunteer in the presence of, and witnessed by, a District Administrator or Human Resources officer. This form is available on the TASD website and at the District Office upon request. This option is only available to volunteers who: a) Have been a resident of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania continuously for the previous ten (10) year period of time, and b) Have never been convicted of a disqualifying crime in Pennsylvania or another jurisdiction. The District will supply “approved” volunteers with a photo ID badge and lanyard. The badge will say “Approved Volunteer” and include the expiration date of each individual’s clearances. District employees may volunteer at any time with the building principal’s permission. Once clearances have been provided to the School District and the volunteer has been issued an “Approved Volunteer” badge, a volunteer may transfer to or provide services to another TASD department, program, service, or activity without obtaining additional certifications for so long as the volunteer’s certification is current. Volunteers arrested for or convicted of a criminal offense enumerated under 23 Pa.C.S. § 6344(c), or named as perpetrators in a founded or indicated report of such an offense, must notify the School District in writing within 72 hours of arrest, conviction, or notification that they have been listed as a perpetrator in the Statewide database. Contact a building administrative assistant for a volunteer packet and more information. BERNVILLE AREA COMMUNITY LIBRARY NEWS 4th Street at Fox Alley, 2nd floor of Redner’s Quick Shop, Bernville. Phone: 610-488-1302 E-mail: bernvilleacl@berks.lib.pa.us Website: http://www.berks.lib.pa.us/bernvilleacl/ Hours: Mon-Thurs. 11 a.m.-7 p.m. | Closed on Friday | Saturday 10 a.m.-2 p.m. | Sunday 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Monday Summer Reading Programs include: August 3rd, Matt Dodd: Songs and Stories of American Heroes August 10th, Silly Joe Sings The very last day to turn in tickets for both the Children’s and Adult’s Summer Reading Program is August 15th! Please check the library for more programming involving Teens and Adults. In August: The Crochet Club, Wednesday August 5th @ 5:30pm The Lego Club – Theme – Community Helpers - August 10th, @ 5:30pm Our Make and Take, Monday August 17th, @ 5:30pm Sunday Matinee, August 30th, starting promptly @ 2:15pm In September: The Crochet Club, Wednesday September 2nd @ 5:30pm The Lego Club, Monday September 14th @ 5:30pm Our make and Take, Monday September 21st @ 5:30pm Sunday Matinee, September 27th, starting promptly @ 2:15pm 6 ASBESTOS HAZARD EMERGENCY RESPONSE ACT In accordance with the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA), The Tulpehocken Area School District has conducted inspections of all the School District buildings for the presence of Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM). An asbestos management plan for each building was developed detailing the location and condition of all ACBM along with the short-term actions to be taken to protect building occupants. These management plans are available for review by any interested person in either the District Administration Office or at the individual school during normal working hours. AHERA regulations require a re-inspections every three years by an accredited building inspector. This triennial inspection was conducted during 2015. Ricky G. Triest Asbestos Coordinator COMMUNITY SERVICE CLUB ACTIVE As the 2015 school year wound down the Community Service Club wrapped up three endeavors. Senior Matt Kerber did a fine job orchestrating our annual penny wars campaign. Basically all the high school classes have huge containers into which money is placed. Pennies are a positive and other coins count as a negative. When it was all said and done the juniors edged the sophomores and came away with the victory and the accompanying ice cream party. Thanks to Giant Foods for donating the ice cream. Sophomore Vance Gradwell organized our club’s second annual 5 on 5 co-ed soccer tourney. Six teams participated in the Friday afternoon event. Trojan alumni and Millersville standout Jamie Vasquez was the MVP as his team won their second straight title. All proceeds from the penny wars and soccer tourney went to the Wounded Warrior Foundation. Approximately $250 was raised. Tori Stump, Taylor Schies, Alondra Velazquez, and Josseline Sarceno organized the 10th annual Trojan Idol competition held in the THS auditorium. The event was hosted by Tulpy’s version of Ryan Seacrest -Mr. Dave Fake. Rising from a talented field of 16 contestants senior Christina Koenig edged freshman sensation Melinee Wilson in the finals. Koenig’s rousing rendition of “Think of Me” from Phantom of the Opera brought down the house as did Wilson’s “King of Anything” by Sarah Bereillis. Thanks to judges Mr. Reid (Simon Cowell) Mosley, rookie Mr. Chris Stoy, and veteran Ms. Sue Behm. Dave Voigt A HUGE “THANK YOU” TO ALL IN OUR DISTRICT AND COMMUNITY!! The blood drive was a big success! The event in February brought in 71 units of blood! The grand total of units of blood given for this year is 162!!! THIS TRANSLATES TO 486 LIVES SAVED by the students, staff, administration, and community!!! Please extend congratulations to our Blood Drive Committee! Chairs: Josseline Sarceno, Kristen Ziegler Committee: Lauryn Yoder, Alondra Velazquez, Allyson Yoder, and Alivia Klopp Many thanks to our administration for allowing us to pursue this drive year after year! Next school year’s drive will be November 11th, 2015 and March 3rd, 2016. Please note the change from 2 days to 1 day for each drive. The times will be from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. at the JSHS. Many thanks to all for your donations, support, time, and encouragement!! WAY TO GO TULPY!!!!!! 7 TULPEHOCKEN JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL 3rd QUARTER 2014-2015 HONOR ROLL Principal’s Honor Roll Students who have earned 80% or higher in all subjects for the marking period. *Students who have earned 90% or higher in each core subject, and 80% or higher in each special 7TH GRADE area subject for the marking period. Bazan, Andres Cox, Stephen 7TH GRADE 10TH GRADE Derr, Bradley Ahner, Ava Arciniegas, Stacy Elicker, Jack Beck, Kyleigh Bashore, Shayna Emerick, Korey Bobo, Alexander Bednarczyk, Joseph Evans, Aubrey Boyer, Jordan Farrisi, Sophia Fair, Bailey Brossman, Bethany Huey, Ryder Folk, Andrew Claman, Autumn Miller, Madison Gettis, Alex Eberly, Megan Paulson, Kayla Grumbine, Natalie Faust, Angelina Pierson, Rebecca Henne, Logan Kaur, Mehtab Risser, Andrew Horne, Carmella Kintzer, John Rodig, Leslea Howe, Rachel Linke, Joshua Ross, ZenaRae Johnson, Sarah Linke, Kevin Scheider, Tori Jonas, Natalie Luckenbill, Courtney Seltzer, Mikaela Keeney, Joshua Montilla, Keen Stephan, Olivia Kieffer, Mason Philippe, Jenna Stupp, Emma Kutsor, Ariel Russell, Cheyanne Trochez, Mario Lesher, Emily Shepley, Trinity Ulrich, Justin Maciejewski, Orion Straw, Joshua TH Massaro, Chloe 11 GRADE Stupp, Lydia McQuillen, Jacob Brossman, Rebekah VanTiggelen, Alan Paulson, Luke Farrisi, Gabriella Walker, Abigail Phillips, Jocelynn Kemmerling, Jacqueline TH Pierson, Nathan LaFollette, Jonathan 8 GRADE Sanchez, Yaquelin Loeb, Marissa Bednarczyk, Lydia Seigfried, Axel Schultz, Carly Boltz, Brandie Strahan, Ravyn Stull, Isabelle Boyer, Matthew Thomas, Jack Ziegler, Kristen Dougherty, Caroline Torres, Jessie Elinsky, Amber TH 12 GRADE Travis, Katherine Mathias, Jonah Baver, Grant Walsh, Gerald Rentschler, Julia Boyer, Taylor Wojciechowsky, Kaila TH Bross, Rachel Younker, Stephanie 9 GRADE Bross, Rebecca Andrews, Marissa Jonas, Audrey 8TH GRADE Bazan, Jennifer Pierson, Melissa Ackerman, Christopher Burns, Rebecca Stricker, Tyler Angstadt, Kathryn Hartranft, Brittany Yenser, Alexis Aparicio, Jennifer Koch, Logan Avila, Andrea Loose, Rachel Baransky, Abigale Sutherland, Aidan Blatt, Alex Vogel, Abigail 8 Brown, Gabrielle DeAcosta, Tyler Elicker, Leighan Ferraro, Cassandra Grosko, Jenna Haws, Caitlin Hernandez, Isabella Hill, Dasani Hinkley, Luke Hulse, Tyler Kiebach, Riley Mace, Austin McGinity, Dylan Pacilio, Sean Peiffer, Ashley Quillman, Kaitlynn Quillman, Kristen Rank, Derek Risser, Zachary Strahan Jr., Patrick Stricker, Justin Walsh, Michael Wyse, Noah 9TH GRADE Barker, Brydon Blankenbiller, Michaela Burgos, Serena Carles, Jacob DeAcosta, Timothy Emerich, Coty Eshbach, Tristan Etchberger, Cody Fils, Kessie Gorman, Abigail Harris, Parker Huey, Kaitlyn Jurasinski, Priya Keegan-Smith, Courtney Klopp, Alivia Kramer, Victoria Ludwig, Jonathan Miller, Dixie Mohn, Charles Moser, Karissa Ruffner, Luke Sanchez, Giselle Scheider, Brooke Sealer, Hannah Sensenig, Daryl Torres, Dominic Troutman, Leshane Wanner, Emily Wernicki, Caitlin Wilson, Melinee 10TH GRADE Achenbach, Shelby Bachman, Olivia Barber, Stasja Beck, Brandin Blankenbiller, Cassidy Burkholder, Carena Crawford, Alicia Dougherty, Morgan Evans, Allyson Griffin, Naomi Judy, Heather Kellenberger, Alexander Koczot, Robert Linke, Patrick Marez, John Martin, Stacy Massaro, Paige Mathias, Jaeden Mathias, Orion Mendez Mazariegos, Francisco Schlater, Tanner Sembello, Brianna Snyder, Kyle Walker, Jacob Walsh, Catherine Wormser, Wesley 11TH GRADE Berry, Jillian Berry, Kevin Burns, Annamarie Chmielewski, Michelle Clemens, Erin Emerick, Megan Grosko, Darren Johns, Julianna Johnson, Allen Jurasinski, Maya Kegerreis, Erica Kiebach, Joshua Klopp, Mason Kraemer, Cassandra Lore, Sarah Mays, Ian McAlister, Bryttany Naftzinger, Skylyn Navedo, Dejanae Plato, Clarissa Rissmiller, Katelynn Savage, Megan Wanner, Benjamin Wenger, Kirsten Wenrich, Ravyn Whitman, Brianna Wyse, Kyle Yeingst, Alisha 12TH GRADE Allamong, Steven Berube, Tyler Blackburn, Christina Froebel, Amber Gordon, Darian Graham, Vanessa Himmelberger, Cody Kissling, Alexi Koenig, Christina Kramer, Shelby Matias, Alexander McDuffie, Matthew McQuillen, Jessi Mohn, Julia Moser, Kaitlyn Riegel, Aaron Rivera, Abraham Schies, Taylor Trate, Gabrielle Walleigh, Heidi Yoder, Lauryn Tulpy Students Make Outstanding Accomplishments !! Keep up the Great work !!! CORRECTION Ava Ahner, 7th grade, should have been listed on the Principal’s Honor Roll for the second quarter. She was mistakenly put on the Regular Honor Roll. Congratulations!! TULPY FBLA STUDENT ADVANCES TO NATIONALS! Six Tulpehocken Future Business Leaders of America students traveled to Hershey, PA in April to compete in the State Leadership Conference. They spent two days competing in various events, participating in workshops, networking with students from across PA, and attending the evening sessions. Isabelle Stull placed 2nd out of 54 competitors, which allows her to advance to the National Conference in Chicago this summer. Isabelle is the first Tulpy student in history to make it to the national competition! Our chapter is very proud and wishes her the best of luck! FBLA Student State Conference Event Priya Jurasinski Emerging Business Issues Hannah Sealer Emerging Business Issues Alexandra Ricketts Impromptu Speaking Isabelle Stull Computer Applications Matthew Kerber Economics Erica KegerreisHealth Care Administration 9 TULPEHOCKEN JR/SR HIGH SCHOOL 4th QUARTER 2014-2015 HONOR ROLL Principal’s Honor Roll Students who have earned 80% or higher *Students who have earned 90% or higher in each core subject, and 80% or higher in each special area subject for the marking period. 7TH GRADE Ahner, Ava Beck, Kyleigh Bobo, Alexander Boyer, Jordan Brossman, Bethany Claman, Autumn Eberly, Megan Johnson, Sarah Jonas, Natalie Kaur, Mehtab Linke, Joshua Linke, Kevin Montilla, Keen Philippe, Jenna Shepley, Trinity Straw, Joshua Travis, Katherine VanTiggelen, Alan Walker, Abigail Wojciechowsky, Kaila 8TH GRADE Avila, Andrea Bednarczyk, Lydia Boltz, Brandie Boyer, Matthew Dougherty, Caroline Elicker, Leighan Mathias, Jonah Pacilio, Sean Rentschler, Julia 9TH GRADE Burns, Rebecca Carles, Jacob Hartranft, Brittany Loose, Rachel Sutherland, Aidan Torres, Dominic Vogel, Abigail 10 10TH GRADE Achenbach, Shelby Arciniegas, Stacy Bashore, Shayna Bednarczyk, Joseph Crawford, Alicia Farrisi, Sophia Huey, Ryder Miller, Madison Paulson, Kayla Pierson, Rebecca Rodig, Leslea Scheider, Tori Stephan, Olivia Stupp, Emma Trochez, Mario 11TH GRADE Brossman, Rebekah Groff, Timothy Hare, Jacob Kemmerling, Jacqueline Loeb, Marissa Mays, Ian Rohrbach, Naline Wenrich, Ravyn Yeingst, Alisha Ziegler, Kristen 12TH GRADE Baver, Grant Boyer, Taylor Bross, Rachel Bross, Rebecca Gordon, Darian Jonas, Audrey Moser, Kaitlyn Pierson, Melissa Trate, Gabrielle Yenser, Alexis in all subjects for the marking period. 7TH GRADE Bazan, Andres Cox, Stephen Derr, Bradley Elicker, Jack Faust, Angeline Folk, Andrew Grumbine, Natalie Henne, Logan Himmelberger, Tyler Kintzer, John Kutsor, Ariel Luckenbill, Courtney Massaro, Chloe Paulson, Luke Pierson, Nathan Russell, Cheyanne Schermerhorn, Kyle Strahan, Ravyn Stump, Hunter Stupp, Lydia Vogel, Hannah Walsh, Gerald Wood, Jasmine 8TH GRADE Angstadt, Kathryn Baransky, Abigale Blatt, Alex Brown, Gabrielle Collins, Raelee Elinsky, Amber Fair, Austin Grosko, Jenna Haws, Caitlin Hill, Dasani Hulse, Tyler Kiebach, Riley Klopp, Devon McGinity, Dylan Peiffer, Ashley Phillippe, Jeremy Quillman, Kristen Risser, Zachary Rodig, Phillip Shirey, Savannah Strahan Jr., Patrick Stricker, Justin Thomas, Kristen Walsh, Michael Wyse, Noah 9TH GRADE Althouse, Shanon Andrews, Marissa Barker, Brydon Bazan, Jennifer Blankenbiller, Michaela DeAcosta, Timothy Emerich, Coty Eshbach, Tristan Etchberger, Cody Fils, Kessie Hamm, Dylan Huey, Kaitlyn Jurasinski, Priya Keegan-Smith, Courtney Klopp, Alivia Koch, Logan Ludwig, Jonathan Miller, Chase Miller, Dixie Mohn, Charles Moser, Karissa Ruffner, Luke Sanchez, Giselle Sealer, Hannah Sensenig, Daryl Troupe, Autumn Troutman, Leshane Wanner, Emily Wenger, Sarah Wesner, Holly Wilson, Melinee 10TH GRADE Bachman, Olivia Barber, Stasja Benzel, Kendra Blankenbiller, Cassidy Burkholder, Carena Dougherty, Morgan Feick, Aaron Griffin, Naomi Harris, Madison Judy, Heather Kellenberger, Alexander Koczot, Robert Linke, Patrick Marez, John Martin, Stacy Massaro, Paige Mathias, Jaeden Mathias, Orion Mazariegos, Francisco Rhoads, Lindsey Risser, Andrew Ross, ZenaRae Seltzer, Mikaela Snyder, Kyle Ulrich, Justin Vollrath, Lauren Walker, Jacob Wormser, Wesley Yenser, Derek 11TH GRADE Berry, Jillian Bressler, Danielle Brungart, William Burns, Annamarie Chmielewski, Michelle Clemens, Erin Dubbs, Jessica Dye, Martha Emerick, Megan Evans, Austin Farrisi, Gabriella Grosko, Darren Heckman, Allison Johns, Julianna Johnson, Allen Jurasinski, Maya Kegerreis, Erica Kiebach, Joshua Klopp, Mason Kraemer, Cassandra Lorah, Derek Plato, Clarissa Rissmiller, Katelynn Savage, Megan Schultz, Carly Stull, Isabelle Wenger, Kirsten Whitman, Brianna Wyse, Kyle 12TH GRADE Allamong, Steven Berube, Tyler Blackburn, Christina Doherty, Shannon Kissling, Alexi Kramer, Shelby McQuillen, Jesse Mohn, Julia Rhoads, Wyatt Riegel, Aaron Rivera, Abraham Strangarity, Andrew Stricker, Tyler Timmins, Kaitlyn Tulpy Students Make Outstanding Accomplishments !! Keep up the Great work !!! POETRY CONTEST The Reading Public Library recently held its twenty-fifth “Young Poets Contest.” All libraries and schools in Berks County were invited to participate in the contest. Mrs. Michelle Snyder encouraged her students to write a poem. Three winners from each grade level, one through twelve, were given awards at a ceremony on April 30th, at the Reading Area Community College in the Miller Center of the Arts. Placing third for fifth grade was Abigail Becker with her poem entitled “Softball.” She attends Bethel Elementary School in Mrs. Polyak’s class. She is the daughter of Steve and Jennifer Becker. Along with the third place ribbon, Abigail received a certificate, a cash award and her poem was published in the poetry booklet. COME VISIT THE BETHEL-TULPEHOCKEN PUBLIC LIBRARY 8601 Lancaster Avenue, Bethel, PA 19507 Exit 13 off I-78 Phone: 717-933-4060 Website: http//www.berks.lib.pa.us/bethelpl/ 2015 Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 10-8; Friday 10-6; Saturday 10-2 Come to the library’s summer carnival on Saturday, August 15, beginning at 11 am. All are welcome. You can trade in your reading tickets for games and treats. We will also have our library director and Mr. Kerry Lehman, 7th grade math teacher and coach at Tulpehocken, in a dunk tank! The library is now publishing its own newsletter. Sign up at the library to receive it automatically each month. Join us this fall for our brand new Hands-On Science class. We are also again offering free art classes for adults and children. Enjoy popcorn and snacks while watching a family movie in surround sound at our monthly movie nights. Teen club is the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Bring your little ones for baby lapsit and preschool storytime. Learn new skills at our free computer classes. Our library can lend you virtually any movie, book or CD, free of charge. Check our online catalog or stop in for more information. We are offering new classes and services all the time. Like us on Facebook for more info and updates. 11 JEAN ROBERTS MEMORIAL FUND DEDICATED TO GIFTED EDUCATION The family of former Tulpehocken gifted support teacher Jean Roberts, who died in May, 2014 after one year of retirement, has established a $50,000 memorial fund to benefit gifted students and gifted educational programming. There are currently 78 elementary and secondary gifted students enrolled in the district, many of whom studied with Jean while in grade school. William F. Roberts, Jean’s husband, created the Jean G. Roberts Memorial Fund for Gifted Education in concert with the Berks County Community Foundation in January of 2015. This is an endowment fund that will generate annual income beginning with the 2015-16 school year. A small group of students from the Class of 2015 received an additional gift from Mr. Roberts last spring—nearly a year after Jean’s death-- to defray expenses for a two-day trip to New York City in late May. At school and inside her own home Jean was known as a crusader for regional travel and educational field trips. She meticulously researched each outing and overnight excursion and escorted students to destinations ranging from the memorials in Washington D.C. to museums in Philadelphia and New York. In fact, her family stipulated that the first purpose of the memorial fund is to finance at least one field trip per academic year for qualified gifted students. The Fund will also underwrite the cost of educational materials and stipends for guest speakers. “She (Jean) felt very strongly that field trips were important,” said Mr. Roberts. “And her students didn’t go on a field trip without advance preparation. She approached these trips as study experiences and learning experiences. She saw them as a way to generate student excitement and motivation for learning. “Jean struggled to put these trips together and then sometimes students didn’t have the money to go,” Mr. Roberts added. She worked hard collecting money and doing the administrative tasks, so I know field trips were important but something that schools often can’t fund in this current environment.” For Taylor Boyer, Class of 2015, Mrs. Roberts’ field trips were as legendary as her compassion and dedication. “The main thing that sticks in my mind about her is the way she treated others,” says Taylor Boyer, who will be a preveterinary medicine major at Delaware Valley College in the fall. “She was always patient and considerate and made time for anyone who needed it.” “I remember going to Ellis Island and the King Tut exhibit at the Franklin Institute. I believe that field trips allowed us to be exposed to other cultures and to learn about history or people in whole new ways. We explored the world outside our tiny school and saw what there is to offer.” “To me, field trips mean that I am being given more opportunities, and I gratefully take each one.” For current gifted education teacher Connie Tworkoski, the New York trip this spring made a bigger impact with students than she expected. “Visiting the 9/11 Memorial and Museum and seeing The Phantom of the Opera were highlights for students, but some of their questions and comments made me aware how meaningful it was to them to visit a large city.” “Navigating the subway, taking bus rides and walking along the bustling streets were eye-opening experiences for our students. The exposure presented them with the idea that although they may not choose to live in the city they can visit one without being afraid to try new things.” Jean Roberts retired after a 42-year teaching career; she served in the Tulpehocken Area School District 21 years and will be remembered for her devotion to her students. “The foundation of her teaching was love every student,” explains Roberts, “And you know it took her three years to retire,” he adds, “ but she didn’t want to leave the kids.” Taylor Boyer felt that connection as a fourth-grader, her first year with Jean, as well as years later while she was standing in the middle of Manhattan. “I did think of her when I admired the crazy bright lights and big signs on Times Square. Mrs. Roberts would have loved to be there with us, and we were there on behalf of her---and all thanks to Mr. Roberts.” He demurs, however, when the spotlight of gratitude shines too brightly on him. “Trust me and be assured that the gift received by me doing this is greater than the gift given.” Gifted students from the Class of 2015 enjoy a graduation field trip to New York City. From left to right: Melissa Pierson, Alexis Yenser, Taylor Boyer, Tyler Stricker, Audrey Jonas, Christina Koenig, and Heidi Walleigh. 12 NURSING DEPARTMENT UPDATES 2015-2016 Website: www.tulpehocken.org Nursing information as well as physical, dental, and medication forms can be accessed by clicking on the “Parents” link. Medical forms can be found at the bottom right hand corner, under “documents” right beneath “Student Safety.” There are also helpful links on various health topics for your information. Immunization Requirements: All 7th grade students are required to have: Tdap=Tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis and MCV=Menigiococcal Vaccine *If not received prior to the 1st day of school, student will be placed on provisional status and will be excluded on April 22, 2016 if no documentation is received.* All students through grade 11 will need the Tdap and MCV. This has been a requirement since August 2011. Medication Reminders All medication orders must be completed annually. No medication will be administered without a doctor’s order and written parent permission. Remember to Update your Emergency Contact Information throughout the School Year!!! Please add at least one other person with their telephone number to your emergency contact list in the event of a true emergency. We hope everyone has a healthy school year! Please contact the nurse at your child’s building with any questions or concerns. ATTENTION PARENTS DON’T WAIT—UPDATE VACCINES NOW FOR ATTENDANCE IN ALL GRADES STUDENTS NEED THE FOLLOWING: * 4 doses of tetanus* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday) * 4 doses of diphtheria* (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday) * 3 doses of polio * 2 doses of measles** * 2 doses of mumps** * 1 dose of rubella (German measles)** * 3 doses of hepatitis B * 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) vaccine or history of disease * Usually given as DTP or DTaP or DT or Td ** Usually given as MMR Students ATTENDING (7th grade through 11th grade) need the following: 1 dose of tetanus, diphtheria, acellular pertussis (Tdap) (if 5 years has elapsed since last tetanus immunization) 1 dose of meningococcal conjugate vaccine (MCV) These requirements allow for medical reasons and religious beliefs. If your child is exempt from immunizations, He/she may be removed from school during an outbreak. Please provide documentation of your child’s immunization record with any updated vaccines to the school nurse. Pennsylvania’s school immunization requirements can be found in 28 PA.CODE CH.23 (School Immunization) Contact your health care provider or 1-877 PA HEALTH for more information 13 CONCUSSIONS AND SCHOOL Each year hundreds of thousands of K-12 students sustain concussions as a result of falls, motor vehicle crashes, sports injuries, or playground injuries. Concussions may be caused by any bump, blow, or jolt to the head. Even something that seems minor may be serious if not properly managed. You cannot see a concussion and the signs and symptoms may not appear until days after the initial injury. It is important to be on the lookout for any of the following symptoms: Physical Sensitivity to Light Sensitivity to Noise Thinking Feeling Mentally Foggy Problems Concentrating Emotional Irritability Sadness Fatigue Visual Problems Numbness/Tingling Vomiting Problems Remembering Feeling More Slowed Down Feeling More Emotional Nervousness Balance Problems Dizziness Headaches Nausea Sleep Drowsiness Sleeping More Than Usual Sleeping Less Than Usual Trouble Falling Asleep If your child reports any of the above symptoms or if you notice any changes, here are some steps to take in order to ensure the best possible recovery outcome for your child: 1) Notify your child’s school nurse or certified athletic trainer about the possible injury. They can help with referrals to physicians and specialists. 2) Seek medical attention from a physician or specialist trained in concussion management. 3) Notify your child’s guidance counselor and teachers about the injury. Sometimes temporary academic modifications may need to be put in place to better help your child return to school. Your physician may recommend the following: No academic testing Extra time for homework / assignments Limited/No computer use Rest breaks in the nursing office *** Please provide your child’s school with written notice of any needed accommodations.*** 4) Notify your child’s PE Teacher and coaches about the injury. Physical activities such as gym class, recess, and sports should be avoided while your child is recovering from their injury. 5) Follow a gradual return back to full activity. Once given the OK by the treating physician your child should follow a gradual progression back to full activity. This progression should be supervised by their school nurse, athletic trainer, coach, or physical education instructor. 2014-2015 JUMP ROPE FOR HEART 2014-2015 Jump Rope for Heart to benefit the American Heart Association was great success. Penn-Bernville students raised $2,099. The top fundraiser was Peter Jackson. Bethel students raised $3,706. The top fundraiser was Mason Wessner. Thank you for your continued support of this worthy cause. 2015 TULPEHOCKEN HIGH SCHOOL ALUMNI SOCCER GAME This fall the boys and girls soccer team will be having a coed alumni soccer game. The date for the game is September 12th with a kickoff of 12 noon out on the stadium turf. After the alumni game there will be a high school soccer double header with the girls playing at 2pm and the boys playing at 4pm. Come out and enjoy a full day of soccer. If you have any questions contact the athletic office. VARSITY BASEBALL The 2015 Trojan Varsity Baseball team finished the regular season with a record of 5-5 in the league (4th place in Division III) and 9-11 overall. The Trojans qualified for the District AA tourney where they lost a heartbreaker on a walk off walk to Division III rival Brandywine 11-10. Highlights of the year included Matt Martin’s pitching masterpiece against Annville-Cleona on senior night as the Trojans hammered the playoff bound Dutchmen 9-2 and Martin’s dominating 3-1 win over division champion Oley. Martin finished 3-3 on the mound and struck out 56 in 43 innings pitched. The offense was led by junior shortstop Kevin Berry who hit .406 and made several dazzling plays on defense. Martin and Berry were named to the Division III all-division team. Senior Matt Kerber led the team in stolen bases (19) and homers (1) and was the team’s closer. Kerber and Martin represent Tulpehocken in the annual BerksPAC 10 All-star game. Rookie centerfielder Jake Carles (.397) and sophomore second baseman Vance Gradwell (.382)along with Kerber were named All-Division honorable mention. Seniors Martin, Kerber, catcher-outfielder-DH Grant Baver, first baseman Tom Ulrich, and outfielder Abe Rivera will be missed. Coach Voigt 14 K DID YOU KNOW... ristin A. Kissling, 2006 Salutatorian of Tulpehocken High School and daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Barry Kissling, Rehrersburg, graduated from Penn State University in 2009 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology. She continued her education at Lebanon Valley College and graduated in 2010 with a Bachelor of Health Science Degree. In 2013, she achieved her Doctorate of Physical Therapy Degree from Lebanon Valley College, and is currently managing an out-patient orthopedic clinic in Lancaster County. P lease congratulate Amber Elinsky, Lydia Bednarczyk, Noah Wyse, and Nathan Pierson for placing 4th out of 18 teams on May 12, 2015 at the Jr. High Envirothon Competition! They were only six points away from the 1st place team. They also placed in the top three for all five areas of competition. P lease congratulate Lisa Kiss when you see her!!! The Delta Kappa Gamma Society recently announced its 2015 recipient for the Society’s Woman of Distinction award in Pennsylvania. The recipient is Lisa M. Kiss, M. Ed. The award is presented to a member who has made significant contributions not only to the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, but also to the field of education overall. The 2015 honoree, Lisa M. Kiss, taught in Special Education and Gifted Education throughout her 20 years of teaching and then became the Director of Special Education for the Tulpehocken School District in Berks County, PA. Mrs. Kiss has been a member in good standing with Delta Kappa Gamma International for 10 years, during which time she served as Nu Chapter Historian, President, state communications committee member, and Creative Arts Retreat committee member. Mrs. Kiss was a top nominee for this award because of her publication this year of the third edition of Teaching Kids with Learning Difficulties in today’s classroom co-authored with Susan Winebrenner, National Gifted Consultant. Z ena Ross, 2016, competed in archery tournaments this past April 2015 and ended up making a clean sweep winning all events she competed in; 4 exhausting competitions! If you see her give her a shout out, nice job, high five, or something to let her know how great she did! (embarrass her if you want too!) Tulpy is full of talented individuals and students, what a great place to be! ZenaRae Orion Ross Archery Highlights PSAA 2008-2009 BHFS Cadet Record holder & Aggregate State Champion 2010-2011 BHUL Cadet Record holder & Aggregate State Champion 2012-2014 BHUL Junior Record holder & Aggregate State Champion 2015 BHUL Intermediate State Indoor Champion PSAA Southeast Region Record holder BHFS & BHUL Keystone Indoor 3-D Challenge Harrisburg Sportsman Show 2009, 10, 12, 14 & 15 Single Day Champion & Finals Winner PFATA – 2013, 14 & 15 Indoor 300 Championship YFBHFS & YAFFS Champion 2009-2012 Southeast Indoor 3-D Shootout -Top Gun & Best of the Best Competitor 2014 Curt Peterson Southeast Indoor 3-D Shoot Out 2013 & 2014 Miss Lehigh Valley Junior Sportswomen FITA Archers of Pennsylvania Indoor Champion Female Cadet Compound 2015 2015 PA JOAD Cadet Compound Indoor State Champion and Olympic Round Champion JOAD Indoor Bronze Olympic Pin Host and Star of “The Zena Show” (2013) Season 1 CD (5 episodes + Blooper) Aggie Invite 2014 Texas A&M Cadet JOAD & FITA winner Hamburg Game Association Archery Staff Volunteer 2005-2006 15 TULPEHOCKEN AREA SCHOOL DISTRICT District Administration Building 27 Rehrersburg Road Bethel, PA 19507 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Reading, PA PERMIT NO. 34 Dr. Robert K. Schultz- Superintendent Board of School Directors Scott W. Klopp - President William T. Palmer, Jr. - Vice President April Klopp - Secretary Evelyn F. Fox - Treasurer Beverly Blatt Oscar Manbeck Chris Heck Dennis Baver Daniel Steinhauer ECRWSS TRACTOR DAY MAY 22, 2015 WANTED The Tulpehocken Area School District is looking for individuals who wish to serve as substitutes for teachers, nurses, building aides, secretaries, cafeteria, and custodial workers. Interested individuals should contact Dory Triest at 717-933-4611 ext. 2116 for information. Applications can either be downloaded from the Tulpehocken website (www.tulpehocken.org) or picked up in the district office. SPEAK TO THE BOARD The Board of Directors welcomes comments from the community! Board members’ e-mail addresses as well as dates and locations of meetings are posted on our web-site www.tulpehocken.org under “School Board”. Additionally, correspondence may be sent to the Board at: Tulpehocken District Administration Office, 27 Rehrersburg Road, Bethel, PA 19507. Please include your name, address, and phone number on all communication so that your remarks and questions may be answered. 16
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