List of Landlords and Housing - Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority
List of Landlords and Housing - Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority
& %tnu*F Metropatritan Hbusing Autthority i w t0 HO*E DRIVE, "ATH'F{S, OF{I* TDD: Ohio Relay Service (800) 750-0760 45?01 740-692*.81 FAX: 740'59+24'l'0 that participating on the Section 8 Program' Be reminded This is a list of landlords which have or who are currently A landlord who has a unit to rent tlnoing unii, o"rti"r, huu" b.en on ti" p*giu- in the past' you are not limited Housing Quality Standards inspection' i, u"""piuUft ii 1il.- ,i1tt passes tie and is willing to participate in the program bulletin boards in as newspapef' such please also use other resoo,ces uuuilutl" to Vor, *[.n tearching foihousing, malls, stores or Laundromats, etc' * EFFICIENCY UNIT STEVENBUCK PEARLHENRY (MRS) JOHNRINALDI CHAUNCEY CHAUNCEY Q40) 4L6-7280 797-2462 THEPLAINS 592-4542 ONEBEDROOM WLLIAM SANDERS BLACKBURN RENTALS JOHN SAYRE STEVENBUCK JERRY CUNNINGHAM KEVIN JOHNSON ANITAWOLFE COOLVILLE 6673417 FRANKLINWASHBURN jgt-zzos MILLFIELD , NELSONVILLE 153-3525 448-3419 Q40i) 416-1280 592-2497 753-1979 GLOUSTER CHAUNCEY ATHENS , NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE SHIRLEY MCMILLIAN 153-399L 767-3438 PEARLHENRY 191-2462 CHARLENE CLIFFORD SHANE MONTGOMERY GREGBEHA MALLETT RENTALS 767-271.8 GLOUSTER 76'7-3080 BUCHTEL GLOUSTER CHAUNCEY GLOUSTER 76'.1-4243 ATHBNS Q40) 373-0033 RON MCDADE 594-2886 592-4323 anHnNs THEPLAINS RITA IRWIN 767-3945 JACKSONVILLE RUSSELL CREMEANS JAMES BOLIN 590-1388 448-2023 592-5L60 ATHENS GLOUSTER J&LRENTALSERVICES ALBANY Page 1 of 1 -#&. -Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority r0 HOPE DRIVE, ATHENS, OHIO TDD: Ohio Relay Service (800) 750'0750 45701 ?40-5924481 FAX:740-5942410 amha@, This is a list of landlords which have or who are currently participating on the Section 8 Program. Be reminded that you are not limited to finding unit which have been on the program in the past. A landlord who has a unit to rent and is willing to participate in the program is acceptable if the unit passes the Housing Quality Standards inspection' Please also use other resourc"r uuiilubl" to you when searching for housing, such as newspaper, bulletin boards in malls, stores or Laundromats, etc. TWO BEDROOM FRANCES HENDERSON MARY SPARKS SHIRLEY MCMILLAN JOHN KEIRNS JIM GIROSKI DAN NEASON 667-3080 COOLVILLE 153-3960 761-3438 191-2286 NESLO].N/ILLE TRiMBLE THE PLAINS GLOUSTER (2L6) 6s7-2821. NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE 592-2823 KEVIN JOHNSON PAULINE ERVIN VC CRABTREE MIKE L'HEREUREX 753-1919 ED LEMASTER BLACKBURN RENTALS 698-5042 753-3525 753-3094 VIRGILKITTLE SANDY AILEN BETTY CLINE FRANKLIN WASHBURN G & GTRAILERPARKS FRED GAMBILL WILLIAM SANDERS JAY MOHLER GARY VERMILLION JOHN HARTLEY CAROLYN WIISON 593-3553 ATHENS 698-7200 ALBANY NEW MARSHFIELD 592-50361421.s ALBANY NELSONVILLE NEISONVILLE 698-5034 ALBANY 797-2869 667-3077 797-4085 698-8034 797-2205 ATHENS COOLVILLE THE PLAINS ATBANY MILLFIELD DOANVILLE 153-1,485 ATHENS 594-2928 753-1066 7s3-1120 NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE 107-6"/06 JACOB BROOKS WILLIAM MARTIN MARK ABDELLA CAROLE STEVENS MARIA SOMMERS PEARLHENRY SHANE MONTGOMERY CHARLENE CLIFFORD KATE SANDERS DEBBIE HITE PAULINE COCHRAN JERRY CUNNINGHAM 614-893-L372 593-3750 797-2025 797-9536 591-4160 197-2462 NEISONVILLE 1ffi4480 NEISONVILLE NELSONVILLE CHAUNCEY 767-2718 after 6:00 707-2109 (740)3e4-2697 593-5505 797-2425 RITA IRWIN 767-3945 590-1388 591-1"602 448-4284 Page 1 GLOUSTER ATHENS NELSONVILLE NEW MARSHFIELD ATHENS CHAUNCEY THE PLA]NS & NELS CHAUNCEY GLOUSTER AT,BANY 592-2497 MAICOLM BERRY JERRY MCKEE BEVERLY LUCAS RUSSELL CREMEANS ATHENS THE PLAINS THE PLAINS of2 2 BEDROOM CONT. BOLIN J & L RENTAI SERVICES WILLIAM JOHNSON III JAMES 448-2023 ATHENS 592-5T60 GLOUSTER 591-5395 THE PLAINS Page 2 of 2 -Atfrens Metropolitan Housing Authority -*t\ m r0 HopE DRwE, ATHENs, TDD: Ohio Relay Service (800) 750-0750 oHIo 4i70t r4a-rgz448l FAX: 740-59*2410 amha@) This is a list of landlords which have or who are curently participating on the Section 8 Program. Be rerninded that you are not limited to finding units which have been on the program in the past. A landlord who has a unit to rent and is willing to parlicipate in the program is acceptable if the unit passes the Housing Quality Standards inspection. Please also use other resources available to you when searching for housing, such as newspaper, bulletin boards in malls, stores or Laundromats, etc' THREE BEDROOM 797 -2205 MILLFIELD SHIRLEY MCMILLIAN 167 -3438 HOLLISTER MIKE L'HEUREUX AUDRABURKE 592-4215 698-'.7244(PM) 753-3120 698-5042 753-3525 667-3080 593-8214 ATHENS MLLIAM SANDERS RALPH DAVIS ED LEMASTER BLACKBURN RENTALS FRANCES HENDERSON DAVE STURBOIS CAROLYN MLSON ALBANY NELSONVILLE ALBANY NELSONVILLE COOLVILLE NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE 7s3-1120 707 -6706 VIRGIL KITTLE JEFF CRABTREE LARRY BUCK NELSONVILLE CHAUNCEY 753-3094 791-3058 667-0244Gn$) STEWART 661-6s62(WK) DANE MCCARTHY FRANKLIN WASHBURN WALTER DORSEY MARK ABDELLA JACOB BROOKS SHANE MONTGOMERY GREG BEHA zuCHARD DUBOE FOUR LEAF HOUSING, LLC. MICHA & CINDY JONES JIM ABDELLA JERRY CUNNINGHAM JERRY MCKEE BARB HOWARD DAVID LOGE JIM AULT CYNTHTA DICKEN SHERRY DARST BRYONGRAF, RUSSELL CREMEANS JAMES BOLIN J&LRENTALSERVICES WILLIAM JOHNSON III NEW MARSHFIELD COOLVILLE 197 -1105 661 -3077 '767 -9593 797 -2025 GLOUSTER THE PLAINS NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE 614-893-1372 7 67 -3080 7 61 -4243 (614) 837-21 t8 GLOUSTER GLOUSTER 594-1191 NELSONVILLE 698-3 530 ALBANY 541-5172 592-2491 CHAUNCEY ATTIENS THE PLAINS 59t-t602 698-3218 53-3316 591-7262 664-3006 698-6498 ALBANY '753-957 5 590- 1 3 88 NELSONVILLE 448-2023 592-s160 ATHENS NELSONVILLE 7 ATFiENS NEW MARSHFIELD ALBANY ALBANY GLOUSTER THE PLAINS 59 1-53 95 Page 1 of 1 ,A* -Athens Metropolitan Housing Authority r0 HopE DRlvE, ATHENs, TDD: Ohio Relay Service (800) 750'0750 -- oHIo 4bz0l ?4l-sgz+u,ll FAX:740-59+2410 This is a list of landlords which have or who are currently participating in the Section 8 Program. Be reminded that you are not limited to finding units which have been on the program in the past. A landlord who has a unit to rent and is willing to participate in the program is acceptable if the unit passes the Housing Quality Standards Inspection. Please use other resources available to you when searching for housing, such as newspaper, bulletin boards in malls, stores or Laundromats, etc. FOUR BEDROOM MALONE-HENDERSON SHIRLEY MCMILLIAN BLACKBURN RENTALS ED LEMASTER JIM AULT MARK ROBINET'|E DANE MCCARTY TED STARRETT SHANE MONTGOMERY BRIAN GRAF JEREMIAI{ GILLETTE J&LRENTALSERVICES WII,LIAM JOHNSON III COOLVILLE 667-3080 767-3438 153-253s TRIMBLE NELSONVILLE ALBANY 698-5042 592-6011 197-2941 797-7705 ATHENS 707-4922 161-3080 153-3575 740-982-3229 592-5160 NELSONVILLE NELSONVILLE s91--5395 THE PLAINS Page 1 of GLOUSTER GLOUSTER GLOUSTER NELSONVILLE GLOUSTER 1 -ft -Atnens Metropolitan F{ousing Authority ffi t0 HopE DRrvE, ATHEN', TDD: Ohio Relay service (800) ?50-0?50 oHIo 457M 74a-igz44'l FAX: 740-59+24L0 and screening process. Some may offer subsidy (based on your income). You must contact each apartment complex All below listed apartment complexes have their own application individually. Albany Arms Andover Court (740) 695-6242 AlbanY Farnily Apartments (740) 593-7250 Athens Family Apartments Athens Apartments (740) 593-7783 Athens Family Aparlments Athens Gardens (740) 593-8321 Athens Family Apadments LLC (740) 593-7177 Athens Elderly Apartments Management (614) 942-2.020 Beaumont Greene Beasley Mills Carpenter Hall (140) 592-4025 Athens Elderly Apafiments ('740) 593-5109 Athens Elderly Apartments Carriage Hill (740) 594-2236 Athens Farnily/Elderly Apts Heritage Commons (140) 593-5464 Athens Elderly Apadrnents (AMHA*) (740) 592-6178 Athens Family Apaftments Q40) 592-5427 Athens Elderly Apartments (/40) 592-1009 Athens Family Apartments The Plains Family Apartments The Plains Elderly Apartments Nelsonville Farnily Apartments Chauncey Family Apaftments Hope Drive Sheltering West Arms View Plaza (740)197-4281 First Street Village (7 40) 797 -2301 The Plains Nelsonville Meadows (740) 753-4585 (740)791-7629 Creekside Apafments Kirnberly Meadows (740)753-1'116 Nelsonville Elderly Aparlments (740)753-4455 Nelsonville Family Apartments Nelsonville Elderly Apartments Glouster Family/Elderly Apts PineGroveApartments Dew House (AMHA*) (740) 592-4481 Glouster Glen Apts (740)167-2942