MRS Submissions (Volume 5 of 6) - Part A
MRS Submissions (Volume 5 of 6) - Part A
April 2016 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Submissions 410 – 462 Volume 5 of 6 City of Fremantle, City of Nedlands, Town of Claremont, Town of Cottesloe, Town of Mosman Park and the Shire of Peppermint Grove Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Submissions 410 - 462 Volume 5 of 6 City of Fremantle, City of Nedlands, Town of Claremont, Town of Cottesloe, Town of Mosman Park and the Shire of Peppermint Grove April 2016 Disclaimer This document has been published by the Western Australian Planning Commission. Any representation, statement, opinion or advice expressed or implied in this publication is made in good faith and on the basis that the government, its employees and agents are not liable for any damage or loss whatsoever which may occur as a result of action taken or not taken, as the case may be, in respect of any representation, statement, opinion or advice referred to herein. Professional advice should be obtained before applying the information contained in this document to particular circumstances. © State of Western Australia Internet: Published by the Western Australian Planning Commission, 140 William Street, Perth WA 6000 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 MRS Amendment 1210/41 - Submissions 410 – 462 Volume 5 of 6 File 809-2-1-91 Pt 2 Published April 2016 Internet: Email: Phone: Fax: National Infoline: (08) 655 19000 (08) 655 19001 Relay Service: 13 36 77 1800 626 477 This document is available in alternative formats on application to Communications Services. Introduction to Metropolitan Region Scheme major amendments The Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) is responsible for keeping the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) under review and initiating changes where they are seen as necessary. The MRS sets out the broad pattern of land use for the whole Perth metropolitan region. The MRS is constantly under review to best reflect regional planning and development needs. A proposal to change land use reservations and zones in the MRS is regulated by the Planning and Development Act 2005. That legislation provides for public submissions to be made on proposed amendments. For a substantial amendment, often referred to as a major amendment (made under section 41 of the Act), the WAPC considers all the submissions lodged, and publishes its recommendations in a report on submissions. This report is presented to the Minister for Planning and to the Governor for approval. Both Houses of Parliament must then scrutinise the amendment before it can take legal effect. In the process of making a substantial amendment to the MRS, information is published as a public record under the following titles: Amendment report This document is available from the start of the public advertising period of the proposed amendment. It sets out the purpose and scope of the proposal, explains why the amendment is considered necessary, and informs people how they can comment through the submission process. Environmental review report The Environmental Protection Authority must consider the environmental impact of an amendment to the MRS before it can be advertised. Should it require formal assessment, an environmental review is undertaken and made available for information and comment at the same time as the amendment report. Report on submissions The planning rationale, determination of submissions and the recommendations of the WAPC for final approval of the amendment, with or without modification, is documented in this report. Submissions This document contains a reproduction of all written submissions received by the WAPC on the proposed amendment. Transcript of hearings A person who has made a written submission may also choose to appear before a hearings committee to express their views. The hearings proceedings are recorded and transcribed, and the transcripts of all hearings are reproduced in this volume. Alphabetical Listing of Submissions MRS Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Submission Number 48 137 308 309 128 189 447 446 398 120 355 337 44 138 587 184 365 145 433 175 30 132 468 119 440 441 17 228 419 211 385 32 124 47 576 75 63 62 165 13 282 Submitter Name Abzalov, Aygul Albrecht, Marina Aldrovandi, Jill Aldrovandi, Riccardo Allan, Ken & Dot Allan, Sarah Allerding and Associates (act on behalf of landowners Harman Nominees Pty Ltd) Allerding and Associates (act on behalf of landowners Two Twenty Investments Pty Ltd & Dion Nominees Pty Ltd) Anglican Church, Diocese of Perth Annear O.A.M., Anne Armstrong, Patrick H Art Deco Society of WA (Vyonne Geneve) Artelaris, Spiro & Penelope Artelaris, Steve (Steve Artelaris Architects) Ashford, Max Asphar, Florence E Asphar, Ian Auer, John Australian Urban Design Research Centre Auto Management Pty Ltd Backhouse, Lisa M Bagshaw, Anthony & Ann Bailey, Carolyn Bailey, Mark Balfe, Michael Banfield, Tim & Gemma Barker, David Barron, Steve Barrymore, Geoffrey Bartel, Matt Basson, E J & R M Beamish, Marjorie (Flamenco Holdings Pty Ltd) Bellson Pty Ltd ATF Brady Property Trust Bennett, Pamela Bennett, Pia Bennett, Samuel Bentley, Marjorie R Berden, Matthew Bishop, Luke Blackburne Property Group (on behalf of The Owners of St Quentins Apartments) Blackwell & Associates Pty Ltd (Tony Blackwell) 470 416 459 294 114 361 92 190 520 50 195 202 384 68 109 484 59 399 323 201 327 31 270 322 580 329 91 378 219 430 49 390 163 452 45 522 262 429 523 12 153 155 453 574 110 310 223 77 180 103 203 Blackwell, Emmet Blackwood, Beth (on hehalf of the Presbyterians Ladies' College) Blair, Alison Blanchard, Serverine (Co-Manager of Allegro Pizza) Blight, Nicole Blumann, Siobhan Boehm, Peggy R Bogue, Kevin & Marion Bond, I L Bowra & O'Dea - Funeral Directors Boyd, A G Boyd, L Boyland, Father Peter (Parish Priest, Anglican Parish of Christ Church Claremont) Boyle, Peter & Celia Boyle, Rafeena Brake, Anne Bremner, Mark Brescacin, Danny (on behalf of his parents) Brooker, Jacinta Brooks, Y Brown, Carolyn Brown, Russell & Sally (Belregis Pty Ltd) Brown, Sherri Bruns, Maurits Burns, William Burrows, Amanda Butcher, Luke Butler, David & White, Justine Calcutt, Julie Cant, Ryan Cardno (WA) Pty Ltd (on behalf of BP Australia Ltd) Carles MLA, Adele (Member of Fremantle) Carr, Emma Carter, Jacqui Carton, Romilly Caslleden Family Catelli, Anna & Maria Challen, Michael B Charlecraft, Henry Charlesworth, Kate Chartres, Margot (owner Violet Pilot) Cheffers, Freya (owner Violet Pilot) Cheffins, Jane & Pete Cheffins, Peter Cheung, Carol Christy, Julie-Anne Churack, Danielle Churley, Julie Clancy, Robyn L Claremont Baptist Church (Ian Simms) Claremont, Town of 95 Clark, Donald (on behalf of the Landowners of Seaview Lane Strata Lot 52/100 Stirling Hwy, North Fremantle) 579 Clune, Anna 212 Cmielewski, Cecelia 581 Cock, Daniel 369 Connor, Tony 100 Cook, Bruce 568 Cooper, Katey 284 Cooper, S P & G R 273 Cotton, Sandra J 577 Courtney, Liam 341 Cowell, Wendy 89 Craig, Daniel 391 Cranfield, Richard L J 332 Cromag Pty Ltd 498 Cropley, Cecily 491 Cropley, Peter 386 Croudace, Michael 387 Croudace, Susan 487 Crugnale, Gianpaolo (Gage Roads Construction) 415 Cullity, Dr Marguerite 93 Cunningham, Lesley 111 Cunningham, Tom & Bryant, Peri 115 Currie, Rachel 121 Curtis, Jackie 280 Dagg, Alan & Jennifer 72 D'Angelo, Marissa 388 D'arcy, John L 346 Date, Russel 141 Davidson, David K 232 Davidson, Ron & Dianne 6 Davies, Denise 3 Davies, Xian-Li 253 Davis, Christopher 382 Davis, Dr Neville J 252 Davis, Mary 373 Daw, Ian T 396 Daw, Trevor A (Chairman of the Forrest Grove Villas Body Corporate on behalf of the Forrest Villa owners) 420 Day, Brenna 485 Day, Robert 191 D'Cress, Brian G 288 de Caux, Christian 104 Dean, Allan & William 28 Deejay Nominees Pty Ltd (Durack & Zilko Lawyers on behalf of) 272 Deighan, Dorothy H 566 Demissie, Bayoush 331 Department of Transport, Main Roads WA & Public Transport Authority 286 Desforges, Jonah & Danielle 519 D'Esterre Family 81 Dobra, Wendy & Max 277 Dodd, Marilyn 423 Donovan, Kim S & Payne, Carl D (Twine Court Pty Ltd) 55 237 254 313 139 394 358 436 502 255 267 23 474 207 351 178 583 210 431 181 596 489 243 4 135 136 345 404 87 257 438 244 98 19 8 84 307 242 336 25 595 269 206 584 401 353 479 35 226 570 214 506 Douglass, Tony (on behalf of Empire City Superannuation Fund) Drayton, Roslyn Dreyfus, Michele D'Souza, Father James (Parish Priest Cottesloe/Mosman Park) Dutry, Danicia Dwyer, Bryan & Nyree Eastwood, David Eidsvold. Jaimie Eldon, Lisa Eldred, Sara Elsey, Richard Elton, Sophie Evans, Glenn Farnsworth, Kate Faye, Bridget Fearis, Neil Ferguson-Thomas, Susan Ferrari, Robert Ferrell, Margaret Ferrell, Walter J Findlater, Kate & Brendon Finn, Kirsty Fiocco, Suzanne & John Fire & Emergency Services Authority of WA Flack, Ian Flack, Jacqueline Fleming, Hamish Fletcher, Paul F Flynn, Amber Forarty, Cain Ford, Patrick Forma, Ann Forrest, David & Nedela, Janis Freind Investments Pty Ltd (Clayton Friend, Director on behalf of) Fremantle Ports Fremantle, City of Galan-Dwyer, Bianca Gamblin, Paul Gardiner, Leigh Gare, Robert C & Kathleen L Gay, Marlene M Gerard McCann Architect (on behalf of the owners Lot 51 Stirling Hwy, North Fremantle) Gilchrist, Sylvia Glass, Stuart Glassby, Cathie Glegg, Trevor Godden, Alison & Andrew Godlonton, Heath Sanderson & Sasha Goodlich, Mary-Ann Goodridge, Phillipa Goodwin, Clare Grant, Barbara 505 260 261 558 559 389 427 445 458 82 67 43 409 76 9 362 54 408 134 186 162 172 371 71 333 412 301 421 381 350 147 340 483 572 74 511 503 57 276 357 10 321 379 196 197 342 225 20 64 Grant, Randall Green, David Green, Janet Green, Russell Green, Shirley Greenway, Claire Greg Rowe and Associates (act on behalf of owners Ortona P/L & Don Russell Holdings) Greg Rowe and Associates (act on behalf of owners Yat-Wing Liu & Precious Holdings Pty Ltd) Griffin, Scot & Clare Groves, Norman John Hall, John D & Penuel K Hall, Lorraine & Geoff Hamersley, Vicki & Simon (property held in the name of LF Rural Nominees Pty Ltd) Hammond, L Hams, Simon D D Harper-Meredith, Karri Harriott, John F Harris, Daphne Harvey, Clare Hasluck, Sally A Hatton, Damien Hawkes, E Hay, Cameron Hayes, Bruce Heagney, Karen Health, Department of Heard, Kent Herbert, Serina Hewitt, Maxwell E (on behalf of the North Fremantle Community Association) Hill, Richard & Schell, Fleur Hills, Lisa J Hills, Neville F History Council of Western Australia (Dr Lise Summers, president) Hopkins, Alexandra Hopkins, Philip & Mary Hos, Joanna Hoskings, Janet Hotchkin Hanly Lawyers (on behalf of Euro Form Constructions Pty Ltd) House, Kate Howe, Jim Howe, Peter M Howieson, Jill Hume, B Hunter, J M Hunter, W Hutchison, June Hyndman, Trish Imani, Dr Pedram Independent Cinemas Pty Ltd 11 113 1 463 131 377 39 241 300 235 231 424 289 383 518 216 338 170 393 352 108 168 274 204 205 125 209 158 221 493 591 339 588 169 348 349 293 188 33 215 375 14 466 271 83 46 496 38 599 586 578 302 Indigenous Affairs, Department of Ioppolo, Gary Ioppolo, James Jackson, Andrew (on behalf of all owners of Greenough Home Units) Jeffree, Marjorie G V Jelovsek, Francesco Jeta Pty Ltd Johnson, Jill Johnson, Josephine Johnstone, Graeme Johnstone, Klara Jones, Alex Jones, Bryn Jones, Peter F Jordan, Ray Joyce, Fletcher J Kaesehagen, David Kain, Anthony Keely, Dr Nicholas Keen, Michelle Kelly, Simon Kennedy, Dorothy Kenny, Judith Kent, Jack Kent, Louis Kidd, Paul King, Natasha Kleinig, Richard Knutson, Barry Kohan, Kimberley Kotsoglo, Imogen Kowald, Brian Kruit, Michael La Fontaine, Monique Lane, Glendon Lane, Jennifer Lane, Richard Langmead, Rex A (representing Langmead Investments P/L in trust for the Langmead Familty Trust) Leach, Jeffery & Helen Leah, Ann Leahy-Kane, Jane Lee, Shirley C L Leighton, Chris Leondro Mika Leslie, Benjamin & Oliver, Nicole Lim, Tanya Fong Line, Wendy Ling, Kendrick Litis, Desi Llewellin, Michael Loe, Louise Lopresti, Frank (on behalf of the owners of 176 Stirling Hwy, Nedlands) 482 27 562 126 367 557 60 258 85 291 504 151 112 299 359 356 585 217 573 246 142 65 171 368 130 249 179 592 571 575 594 473 461 230 229 354 56 501 517 192 563 316 315 24 140 450 360 53 303 41 500 70 Lorenz, Anita Lund, Wayne Lushey, Robert A Lyndon, Angie Lyons, Christopher Lyons, Emma MacDougall, Sonya Lee MacGill, Gerard (on behalf of the North Fremantle Community Association) MacGowan, John & Charmaine MacKay, Sharon MacKie, Maggie MacLeay, Shayne MacLeay, Travis MacNeill, Ron Maher, Ingrid Mair Property Securities Ltd (on behalf of all the owners of 525 Stirling Hwy, Cottesloe) Malacari, Luke S Maley, Kirsten Maloney, Bruce Mannolini, Amanda; Gerrish, Laurence & Connolly, Anne-Maire Mansell, Vanya Martinick, Dirk Martino, Bianca Marwick, Susan May, Sarah McCormick, Jonathon R McGechie, David & Ada McGowan, Claire McGown, Michael (on behalf of Kirsten Maley) McKean, Andrew McKenzie, Ian McNab, Sandy C Meehan, Pamela Mellor, Edward Mellor, Thomas Meredith, David Merks, Kristy Metcalfe, Chris Mian, C Mignot, Belinda A Miller, Todd Milliner, Andrew Milliner, Jessica Mines and Petroleum, Department of Monk, Anthony & Shirley Monro, Caroline Monro, Victoria Morgan, Sue Moriarty, Bruce Morris, Dr Christina (Appollonia Nominees, Cottesloe Dental) Morton, Keith Mosman Park, Town of 582 457 600 476 495 413 494 101 372 486 26 292 29 183 123 462 347 182 434 222 567 437 52 298 236 99 516 314 187 256 296 418 213 512 513 90 34 561 560 467 263 233 428 320 319 278 247 295 564 480 266 364 156 Moulden, Deanne Muir, Gregory Mullen, Kate Mulvena-Trinder, Brendan Murray, David Murray, John (Creation Landscape Supplies) Murray, Lisa Mussared, Helen A Musto, Ken & Lyn Nairn, Pam Nardone, Rocco A (for Conpec Pty Ltd) National Trust of Australia (WA) Naughton, Paul Nedlands Electors Association (Inc) Nedlands, City of Neil, Anne & Tepper, Steve Newson, Alan & Barlow, Johanna Nguyen, Thai Duy Niblett, Dylan Nichol, Colin Nicholls, Scott Nicholson, Charlie Nikakhtar, Loghman Nikolich, Amanda & Goran Nixon, Bruce & Handcock, Karen Nomet Pty Ltd Nottage, J O'Connor, David O'Dea, John Officer, Meg O'Keefe, Joe O'Loughlin, Edmond (on behalf of Geraldine O'Loughlin) Orchard, Stuart O'Reilly, Alexandra Oria, Conrad Orly, Tammy Ou, Zhiliang Owenell, Ben Owenell, John Owners of Brookwood, 396 Stirling Hwy (Andrew Bremner) Owners of Terrara (Strata Plan 1275) Palmer, Narayani Palmer, Richard D Paparone, Jack Paparone, Romaine Parmentier, Brice Paterniti, Robert & Sue Paterson, Alistair Paterson, Eleanor Paterson, Jennifer A Paton, Mary-Anne Pattison, Cate & Giles Paulik-White, Dr Georgie 335 265 88 149 425 66 218 118 51 220 410 200 597 185 465 403 426 227 166 287 590 208 328 312 251 106 78 161 159 370 451 569 167 144 297 18 37 477 58 598 593 129 157 454 443 407 193 411 435 133 514 5 238 Pauling, Glenn Paxton, James F Pearce, Cameron Pedro, Zamia Peppermint Grove, Shire of Petrides, Peter Phillips, Dodie Phillips, Jenny Philpott, Martin & Mary Pickles, Carol Pieniazek, Jan & Cecilia Pinkster, Lauren Pinto, E Pisano, Ngarie & Giglieto Pittaway, Janine & Brown, Stewart Planning Solutions (on behalf of Amana Living) Poland, Greg Pollard, Helena Porter, Clare Pratt, Brian & Gillian Prindiville, T Pritchard, Georgina Ptolomey, Brendon (AAPI Certified Practising Valuer) Pyvis, Sally Quayle, Monica Rae-Frae, Ama Ramdas Tampi & Pamela Hendry Ramsay, Rob Randall, Brooke Rattigan, Annabel Rattigan, Graeme Redgrave, Sian Reed, Sandra Rees, John (Mosman Park Veterinary Hospital) Reeve, Thomas & Valerie Reid, Sarah M Remmerswaal, N Revell, Kerry Richardson, Gavin Ridley, Ben & Dietrich, Jessica Ridley, Cate Rigg, Jeremy Riley, Jim Rippingale, Kelly Rivalland, Virginia & Daniel Roberts, Giles Roberts, Lynn Roberts, Peter; Strauss, Caroline; Wood, Anne & Lankester, Keith Roberts, Tom Robinson, John Rogers, Joanna Rogers, John Rogers, Steve 515 127 173 160 400 326 565 79 510 40 488 432 290 380 22 275 490 259 250 281 344 343 448 21 107 234 69 414 442 248 116 366 509 80 481 279 224 97 330 456 499 469 15 283 285 240 334 94 102 154 521 148 174 Rogers, Steve Rosenstein, Jennifer Runco, Mario & Mary Russell, Glenn Ryan, Gary Sambrailo, Christian Savill, Julie Savoy Management Pty Ltd Scott, Elizabeth Seng, James Cheah Kit (Duomark on behalf of the owners) Shaw, Jeni Shepherd, Melissa Shepherd, Pip Showell, John A Simpson, John & Marie-Louise Skipworth, Ric & Tish Sluga, Lena Smith, Deonne Smith, Keith & Elizabeth Smith, Roland Smith, Sophie Smith, Stewart Socha, Pauline M South West Aboriginal Land & Sea Council (SWALSC) Spencer, David Stansfield, Judith State Heritage Office Staude, Anita Steffen, Thomas & Franscesca Stirling, Kim Stokes, Amy Stone, Noel T Stoner, B Subiaco, City of Sullivan, Andrew Sullivan, Jane Suttar, Craig Swan River People Native Title Holders Sweetman, Lorraine Swift, Omega Swiney, Tracey Tambasco, Serena Tan, John Tiang Tong Tapp, Aimee Taylor, Annie Thayne, Nell The Fremantle Society The Landowners of Stirling Heights - SP5036 The Roman Catholic Archbishop of Perth Thomas, Jacinta (Manager Violet Pilot) Thompson, M O Thompson, Stephen Thorpe, John 122 Thorpe, Susan 444 TPG (on behalf of Rhys Edwards, owner Nedlands Post Office) 397 TPG (on behalf of the landowners Amhurst Enterprises Pty Ltd and John Fountain as trusteee for the John Fountain Family Trust) 439 TPG (on behalf of the owners CITI Fiedlity Nominee Co Pty Ltd) 497 Tregonning, Anne 492 Trishs' Place (Antiques) 245 Truscott, Kate 449 Tucak, Layla 478 Tucak, Michael 146 Tulloch, Alastair (Councillor) 376 Turner, Stacey 96 University of Western Australia (Professor Paul Johnson) 471 Unknown 524 Unknown 525 Unknown 526 Unknown 527 Unknown 528 Unknown 529 Unknown 530 Unknown 531 Unknown 532 Unknown 533 Unknown 534 Unknown 535 Unknown 536 Unknown 537 Unknown 538 Unknown 539 Unknown 540 Unknown 541 Unknown 542 Unknown 543 Unknown 544 Unknown 545 Unknown 546 Unknown 547 Unknown 548 Unknown 549 Unknown 550 Unknown 551 Unknown 552 Unknown 553 Unknown 554 Unknown 555 Unknown 556 Unknown 601 Unknown 602 Unknown 61 Vasudavan, Dr Sivabalan (Sole Director of Lola Management Pty Ltd) 16 Victoria Creek Pty Ltd 198 Vidulich, K M 199 Vidulich, M 86 152 164 507 472 239 143 317 318 402 422 306 2 363 177 264 460 455 105 176 268 508 374 417 589 395 325 475 73 117 150 464 405 305 304 36 311 392 406 42 7 194 324 Late Submissions 623 612 620 622 608 626 Vigano, Anthony J Vujic, Tara Vujic, Tijana Wall, Jon Wallbridge, Philip Walsh, Aiden Walsh, Brett Walsh, Jane Walsh, John Walter, Peta (on behalf of the North Fremantle Community Association) Walton, Haylee Warrall, Ian Water (Swan Avon Region), Department of Water Corporation Watson, Nevin J Weber, David West, Carly West, Michael Wheeldon, Chris Whelans WA Pty Ltd (on behalf of owners Gull Properties) Whelans WA Pty Ltd (on behalf of owners WA Flour Mills Pty Ltd) White, Rolf Whitley, John Wickenden, Kyele J Wilkinson, Kate Williams, Simon & Jill Willis, Jane Willson, Hayley E Wilson, Kerri Wilson, Stacey Wilson, Tracey Woods, Trent Woollett, Sara Worrall, Charlotte Worrall, Karen Yau, Bonnie Yeaton, Jeff Yeo, Veronica J Yu, Lawrence Yuen, Julie (for Weng Hoong Nominees Pty Ltd) YWB Pty Ltd Zevis, M A & A C Zuvela, Peter Name Adams, Pete Bekkevold, Sacha Bell, James Berrovic, L Caddy, Stephen M Cottesloe, Town of 627 606 624 625 621 610 614 613 611 609 607 618 604 615 628 603 605 616 617 619 Crandell, J D Evans, George M Evans, Susan Gow, Peter Graeme Robertson Group Hood, Libby Lane, Gary MacRae, Jenna Merride, Christopher Nolan, Clint O'Driscoll, Nanette Owenell, Helen; Willing, Suzanne & Bennett, Christine (Busatti) Page, Jane & Gilmore, Mike, Jane, Tom & Elea Rowe, Jacqui Shell Company of Australia, The Silove, Dr Kym State Development, Department of Unknown Unknown Wright, Timothy (Wrightfeldhusen Architects) Submissions DEPARTME T OP P ANNING Planning and Development Act 2005 2 JUL 2012 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 file -S jojjsi Submission IVletro olitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY ~ "1 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission) 41® Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 »..¦¦¦ . • • - Name: Jan A Cecilia Pieni zek (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address: 2, nstey Street, Cl remeont Postcode: W 6010 Contact phone number: (00) 930S 6097 Email address: Tips for com leting a submission: ® Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ® include roperty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ° Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission As joint owners of No 2 Anstey Street we wish to advise the Western Australian Planning Commission that we currently do not support the amended road reservation under the Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment No. 1210/41 as shown on the Land Requirements and Changes Plan as we object to the provision of dedicated bicycle lanes and the impact this has on the width of the reservation required with the resulting effect on properties along the highway listed and unlisted. The section of the Highway between Cottesloe and Claremont in particular has a gradient which will create additional hazards for road users, especially those travelling in the direction of Perth. We believe that cyclists, children especially, will find this section a challenge to negotiate and will result in the weaving action witnessed when cyclists climb a hill - a hazard in itself. The prospect of motorists having to take evasive action due to unstable cyclists especially at bus stops and the intersection of Eric Street Osborne Parade is one which should be avoided at all costs - especially as alternati es are available. We believe that completing the proposed high quality Principle Shared Path (PSP) alongside the railway reserve from Freemantle to Perth, as has already been proposed should be the preferred option as it much better caters for the needs of the cyclist and motorist alike. Furthermore, being a much safer, gentler route with fewer busy intersections this also has the potential to encourage current motor vehicle users to switch to cycling as a means of transport potentially reducing traffic volumes on the highway. Removing the requirement for cycle lanes along the highway and the larger reservation currently proposed will enable a reduction in the reserve required. This will further minimise the potential impact on properties on both sides of the highway both listed and unlisted. At our location specifically, the amendment as proposed will impact on the boundary wall of our property along the highway. If passed, this will require a section of the existing wall, a number of established trees and plantings together with our car-port to be demolished. These are actions which we, as residents, rate & vehicle licence payers are strongly opposed to. Any reduction in our plot size will have a negative impact on the value of our home especially with the removal of the carport and the affect this will have on our potential of a secure retirement which we are both working hard to achieve. SUMMARY - removal of the provision for cycle lanes will: ° Be a safer option for all highway users including cyclists. o Allow the verge reserve along the entire highway to be reduced minimising impact. ° At our location allow the reservation boundary to be re-aligned to contain the existing structures, including trees and verge plantings. ° as the existing kerb line will be maintained allow the current intersection geometry at Anstey Street and Stirling Highway to remain without modification. Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on he amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: S So, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Q Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be epresented by: C Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hea ing to be conducted in: C Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR C Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by personfs) making the submission Note: Submissions MUST be received by the ad ertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) 2 7 JUL 2012 Form 41 Su mission file Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission 41i Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name L ......... 1 O.frfc.R .STllA S .. AhJM . (PLEASE PRI T CLEARLY) / ' Address .\h.a/xd..1 /.A.CA?..b li L?!I' .tx.hiW.X..C&..T7rA§A .T? Postcode . J&. .ll a/iJ 1. , , , Contact phone number A..Z-. Email address (&) £(.< .< U Tips for completing a submission: » Use headings or numbers to se arate different topics and iss es a Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant « Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission ... . £?.£.& &TTACH& turn ove to co plete your submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: M Wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR O Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be epresented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: d] Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR E Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: 9 The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission EHrYomc Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions ill NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - http://ww .planning.wa.go .au 1. The plan to reduce the width of the reserve at the above addresses is welcomed. 2. However, we do have issues with the concept plans for the changes to Stirling Highway. 2a. The implementation of a 5 metre wide footpath in the present plan will mean that the footpath will pass within centimetres of the front doors of units 15 and 16. This will adversely affect the quality of life of the present (and future) residents, which could already be considered stressful due to the close proximity of pedestrian traffic. Pedestrian noise, which at present is acceptable as there is low pedestrian throughput, will be further increased, affecting lifestyle and noise pollution. Large trees which at present shield the residences from some of this noise will also need to be removed as part of the concept plan. It will also affect vehicular entry and exit to all properties mentioned above, increasing the already present danger upon entry (one resident has already been involved in a motor vehicle accident in the present safer form, while entering the residence). 2b. The implementation of a 1.5 metre cycle lane as part of the concept seems to be a duplication of a project that is being undertaken some 500 metres to the west. Approval has been given to extend the cycle path which parallels the railway line. The extension will run from Grant street railway station through to and past Cottesloe town. Although it could be argued that a cycle lane is needed on Stirling Highway too, it is well known that cyclists heading toward Fremantle prefer to use the more scenic route that runs parallel to Stirling Highway, along Bindaring Parade through Peppermint Grove and Mosman Park. 2c. The development of the above, referred to in 2a and 2b will mean that the vehicular traffic will also be moved closer to the residences. People who live in the units have already attempted to develop some means of reducing this vehicular pollution (noise, visual, emissions) such as the installation of high walls, plants and double glazing, however at present this just makes this pollution tolerable. By moving the traffic even closer it will increase these levels to an intolerable point. The question must be asked why not utilise land alongside the railway line to develop a more acceptable means of highway transportation?" This land is already vacant? 3. Overall, the movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic closer to the residences, as well as reducing the area of land comprising the residences, will also have a major impact on the value and ability to resell the residences. 4. The individuals and families who live in the residences listed above are there because it is their homes and they would just like to be able to enjoy the same without having to worry about major disruptions to their lives and lifestyles. Therefore we do not agree with the proposed amendments and object most strongly to them. Submission 412 Government of Western Australia Department of Health igI i departme nt of planning! Your Ref: 809-2-1-91 Pt 2 (RLS/0248) Our Ref: EHB-01445 EHB12/645 2 7 JUL 2012 Contact: Vic Andrich Phone: 9388 4978 FILE Mr Neil Thomson Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 PERTH WA 6001 Dear Mr Thomson MRS PROPOSED AMENDMENT 1210/41 - RATIO ALIS TION OF STIRLING HIGHWAY RESERVATION Thank you for your letter dated 20 March 2012 requesting comment from the Department of Health (DOH) on the above proposal. Although DOH does not have specific comment in relation to this amendment, you may wish to consider incorporating Health Impact Assessment (HIA) and/or Public Health Assessment (PHA) principles in your decision making process related to transport infrastructure. This may be particularly pertinent in regards to potential safety, noise, light or exhaust impacts in sections where traffic lanes are located closer to residential housing or parks. For your information and guidance, you may access the relevant information at the following sites: HIA - 2/1400/2/health risk PHA - 2/1399/2/public health Should you have queries or require further information please contact Vic Andrich on 9388 4978 or Yours sincerely V7 Jim Dodds /DIRECTOR ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIRECTORATE ENVIRONM 24 July 2012 Environmental Health All Correspondence: PO Box 8172 Perth Business Centre Western Australia 6849 Grace Vaughan House 227 Stubbs Terrace Shenton Park WA 6008 Telephone (08) 9388 4999 Fax (08) 9388 4955 ABN 28 684 750 332 Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 mendment (Substantial) DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING Form 41 2 7 JUL 2012 Submission o Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Submission 413 Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name zv. S .V...:cc. , , ( (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) / Address J. /.. Contact phone number. ....Jmp.JM , Postcode !.... .. Email address Tips for completing a submission: ° Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ° Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ° Attach additional numbered ages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission // I A/Yv y' . C/ Ot / , !/ tr?y . A/ AzAAI//. .. : A/AAay-.A/. . . .. .#/&.... ... y ..rtkZZ..<A*. ftyy. 7 A.. . y??. 2. ~7. . c.. a™. -g rz */....& r. SyA . ...J:<k 7. s XrA :. A-fy-yzX A' .. Ay / AxAA1. ?:....tyrify ?.yyr& A.....C iXf x T A y../....cry.. . yrrx .x.1.. (AArXi. , AA 6A!7r.f:£:.... .. .<>?... u.. Ab/s . .<<1.... /Xly:.....yAfy?/yigz.r A. ?A.... yAX . i.XA. X .. ...A. y/yA ...?Pr X. . fxA /P.y s g. .-i&A &y . .A./xAri.xcy.... Ay ... ./yyy.... vdyAyyAA. A.... . £ A.C.... six.X zXr yi P/yy xAA rii..... A. I.. X'ut/. a/. . Ax A., cyyy. /yy/. .. yyxyyxSA.y. A ../y/AA . (/. yyf? y/sffay. t... . yJrZ .rXAy. .... /.. yAr?y<rAA... Q/k. ..A /A&A.Arn O ... .yy.e/...... yxy?Ayf.. Ah tx ?/ A.Ady. :£?.....i y r-.A n turn over to complete your submission u, yG tA. /A/y , CREATION LANDSCAPE SUPPLIES . oT Xst t- / z gf s .£? Z £?y, s -t Z { *7 / L '-d s b&y r cJ/' i y , t > c /Vy . y./&- t ehy-it t / Z iyi f ./ t -t ->- ?/ ,/yc- yi-/-/lyyfy) y)/yfyi y? fyydff/ j4?yy p fAy? y Pyyyyyy/ ify , A'l- / i / d? t-*f & //lAfy-i lW J. ' 7 y A / A yyb:/ 1 ypp X2 s t-LS PL sLePt/ p y?fy_/ yl4& ypyt f 44 / /7 i£?d/~y .- y? P //i ityyi. Py, Zf/Zy c 4y? < y/o<r*xS A s<psty- :L 4y ycff / xyA) /si- jxfpA d i /y? pp y/ y yp yip /-y/ l t d y P-yp PP . Lyi ff V? o/tu ) ec/pJ .4 / / f c fi y? yA r p/d /yj ypy? y y. sy,'ypt/y„ 7 A/d .aCc: /s ) A&// ye's/ .<&>;{}/ «/ L ' y - ?y pAl y -A / f , dp y c- ' P Pc? iydefy. /A / dZysidf* £ij/ ~f L y?-? yfr i i / f '-(S i to yA/ y le yAe a py/ si 4t ) .p yt - tpy f t L<7U4pj P-d dpc.yfs-yf Creation Landscape Supplies 139 Stirling Hwy North Fremantle Western Australia 6159 T: (08| 9335 7383 F: (08) 9431 7029 ABN 38 609 27 239 Heading of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: m"' Mo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be ep esented by: E Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would p efer my hea ing to be conducted in: EH Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR EH Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: a The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will OT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - ' J ¦-• f H - ') ? v > % f~<j y - - . i x/lo J 3 s xjo_ c/ p /- I Cgd "hj ) W~f.a . X s -. / n/ px V.5 yP - -J l V P ip p? v/' V y 5c? )dJ T~X~P> pj 1 j P ~X ~ Yp -) - xP' IX y? 5 oZ j c Y? J- o i ol . s lJo J oS)V SjV O) jX ) l -Y-> Jo ' ' ) J P A P .; A ? ) )<? i/1A I Y aJ A y o P X) hj r y a-y ~ <?S )a P J y- c?X y. py .yy 'A X f AXl py p _> c5> y j ' < j >Yic\-v?S 5 > 1-h 47 < >-/1c)/ p>-PcP } /j c -A a !/ p/> y PP-P/-5 S 4 '1 5 W l ? P rx i R k / , PS n? pop pxPo/y xi X ZP j 7 \pl±. J T' y cl\ ] \ ? Oj_ p ¦ KP > ))>p \ C?X / 0 > u 11 J s AL , y\AiP 5P> G A P 2 " p-y •/•' 1P' .-. p/Vop ppl X P- p m y ykP y ?:-y /PPro PPCl 'X Xj- 4 lA P & J? P _ , ) ¦¦ opc zlo2 inr QNINNVld J0iN3I i Vd3G £ P 5 S j -xzMS I X kX .7-51 y -t b - y, 5 A-1 ' i ll- °__/. X /C Z-f,L (L.AA / 9 y. Z-X X -XO -z.o zs Zy L l s 0) V a j fxs 7 ;.xx x y-X P'V XS s y-/J 4S A! it? uoissiiuqng Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 mendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY --1 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission 415 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 E 1 Name . .Qi\ f. 6\ LI. . rCr.... C.< \,I .'jriA. cj (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address . .1. L\>. .1.2-. . $ . 1 d?. .. S . . f fi !i.kl Postcode . j .G\ . Contact phone number IJ.bC ... .0.0..{ Email address ALl>>.CuLIi.tzj.eo. .t£.cm* J Czti Tips for completing a submission: ® Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ® Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ® Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission S.uhmiss.Lo.rf... turn over to complete your submission Mea ing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Piease choose one of the following: r No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: E Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: EH Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR EH Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. e In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Note: Submissions IVIUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone-(08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - Submission to the State Planning Commission: Commission s Proposal to shift 1963 reserve boundary line by Dr Marguerite Cullity (PhD Melb) (Owner of Unit 14, Forrest Grove Villas) As the owner occupier of Unit 14, Forrest Grove Villas located at No. 444 [lot 38] Stirling Highway, Peppermint Grove, I hereby submit comment and argument against the proposed change to the road reserve boundary for Stirling Highway. I concur with all of the points made by the Forrest Grove Villas Body Corporate that the road should not be widened at Lot 38. In addition to the Body Corporate comments I would like to add the following arguments and suggestions. 1. Significant Det imental Effects to Forrest Grove Villas and Residents. As noted in the submission from the Villa Grove Body Corporate if the proposed reserve boundary is made one villa (# 23) will need to be demolished and seven owners/occupiers will lose ready and safe access to their garages. The loss of ready and safe access to car parking has the potential to affect the safety of pedestrians walking on the east side of the Stirling Highway footpath, especially as cars will be required to exit a garage with reduced distance between the said car, pedestrians and traffic using Stirling Highway. A World Health Organisation report (June, 2012) cites exhaust from diesel fuel as a 'known carcinogen especially for humans exposed to diesel exhaust on a regular basis. With the proposed reduced distance between Stirling Highway and Forrest Grove Villas there is an increased potential to affect negatively the lives and health of residents from ongoing exposure to diesel and other fuel exhaust. Submission 1: "the proposed zone line adjacent to Lot 38 be moved to the current boundary of Stirling Highway due to the significant detrimental effects to residents [and pedestrians] if the highway is widened (Forrest Grove Villas Body Corporate). 2. Enhancing Traffic Flow on Stirling Highway Limit the number of right hand turns that can made when exiting Stirling Highway. The Road Planning Authority has successfully addressed this matter in creating a designated right hand turning bays at Methodist Ladies College, Claremont and Bruce St, Nedlands. I concur with the Body Corporate when it states: It is essential that the number of right turns off the highway needs to be reduced and for the State Planning Commission to consider a flyover bridge to cater for the south bound vehicles in Leura Ave wanting to turn right [to entre] the highway . The Body Corporate submits; Submission 2: every effort should be made to stop otorists making ight turns off Stirling Highway unless there are specific turn-right, designated lanes in operation [and that flyovers similar to that crossing West Coast Highway, Swanbourne, be considered] . 3. Bicycle Lanes Upgrade the existing bicycle and walk paths that run alongside the Fremantle to Perth railway line for the reasons outlined in the Body Corporate s submission 3C and my suggestions below. Roof/cover for existing cycle and pathway: I suggest that the existing cycle and pedestrian pathway on Marine Pde and Railway St, Cottesloe and Gugeri St Claremont be provided with a roof/cover so cyclists and pedestrians are shaded from sun and rain. Renovating the pathways in this way provides sustainable transport by giving users the opportunity to regularly ride or walk in comfort with the possibility of making these modes of transport more attractive to others; for example, school children, workers, guardians pushing prams. See the Bath-Bristol, UK, covered bike path: Cyclist friends tell me that slab-based cycle paths are uncomfortable and sometimes unsafe to ride on, especially as bikes respond to the uneven ground. Bitumen or some other smooth surface aids comfort and safety for them. Upgrading the existing cycle/pedestrian pathway also has the potential to increase the safety and well being of users as their route is distanced from heavy traffic (e.g., Stirling Highway) yet can be observed by train passengers and local traffic. In contrast, creating a cycle way along Stirling Highway exposes cyclist to a large number of traffic and the exhaust that emanates from the traffic. The proposed bicycle lane on Stirling Highway ignores ways of advancing a combined approach to improving cyclist and pedestrian pathways. Submission 3. The bicycle lanes currently planned for inclusion on the future designs for Stirling Highway be deleted and that the Marine Pde and Railway St, Cottesloe and Gugeri St Claremont cycle ways be provided with a roof/cover. 4. Dedicated School pick-up and Drop-off buses I agree with Submission 3D (below) to improve the traffic flow in the Claremont area [including Cottesloe] by providing dedicated school buses to pick-up and drop-off children to and from school. The train stops at North Fremantle, Victoria St, Mosman Park, Cottesloe and Claremont train stations, and also the gate areas at Claremont show grounds all provide suitable and safe places for guardians to drop-off students so that they can catch a dedicated bus service. I would also like to suggest that schools that are in close proximity to each other could share this service (e.g., St Hilda s, Iona, Cottesloe and Mosman Park primary). Submission 4a: In order to improve the traffic flow in the Claremont area we [Forrest grove Villas Body Corpo ate] suggest that the seven schools, MLC, Christ Church Grammar, PLC, Saint Hilda s, Cottesloe Primary School, Scotch College and Iona Presentation College be strongly encouraged to pick up, drop off an bus their students to and from school at suitable sites away from Stirling Highway. Parents should also be encouraged to car-pool to minimize the traffic problems in the Claremont area. Submission 4b: For the State and/or local government to reward schools which encourage students to utilize transport that limits traffic congestion (e.g., house points for students who car-pool; bus, train, walk or ride to school). 5. Effective Use of Vacant Land owned by the Fremantle Po t Authority and the WA Government Railways. "To solve the traffic problems associated with Stirling Highway, attention should be focused on using the vacant land owned by [one of] the above organizations instead of forcing people from their homes at tremendous cost to the taxpayer and the disruption to the homeowners affected (Forrest Grove Villas Body Corporate, submission). Submission 5: For grassed areas parallel to the railway line (Railway St and Curtin Ave, Cottesloe) be used to enhance existing walk and cycle paths, and create pick-up and drop-off areas for school and community buses. Closing comment As a long term resident of the Peppermint Grove and Cottesloe area I appreciate the need to improve the flow of traffic along Stirling Highway. I believe, however, that this will not be achieved in a sustainable and resourceful manner by enlarging the existing road boundary to accommodate suggested increase and experienced traffic flow. Alternate proposals such as those submitted above consider the current and ongoing social, environmental, and personal well being for all residents and non-residents who travel within the Cottesloe to Claremont precinct, with the aim of them using alternative modes and/or uses of transport to that of one person or one child passenger per car. 27/07/2012 11:39 P GE 01 A PLC PERTH 0894246466 0894246466 DEPARTME T OF PLANNING 2 7 JUL 2012 Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 ¦ s | c>c)jj2 FILE Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Ration lisation of Stirling Highway Reservation O FICE USE ONLY Submission 416 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name S£fH iL QvP. {PLE SE PRINT C EARLY) J Address .\ .. .'. .5.17,. Postcode .b.P. .! CwtactphonenumberD.?....TA.5.« l1....Enlailaddr6sskb £A ($ ]A, C Tips for completing a submission: «> U e headings or numbers to separate different to ics and issues Include ro erty addresses and sp cific lo ation descri tions where relev nt Attach additional numb r d pages if you require mor pac to complete your submi ion Submission on/ bokcUJ Qj ,\ {.i\ f... .. I k kw.&y...M..oj. 6. ,.... a x . .. .dt mk Jp tfM... ....., .. , .e/.... h .tk Jho.. ./ v&iL.fe... mQ -. .. ; ij. .i .. y r /'i - ....... i.. cJ v p.L......Am \j 'w" . !M»oi£....&..A. $*aLMi?... .I MfMWP.Qt.t.. . MfVM i.c P.U. 'jM ..J U Aj-/ iA .QrM.KM.. 7 y;/vTj ;; M.MjA'Pi . .&.M /n )v c < Mi rer o complete your submission turn over/ 27/07/2012 11:39 089424G466 PLC PERTH PAGE 02 0894246466 Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personall present the basis of their sub ission to a sub-co mittee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in etermining the recomm ndation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to spea at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendi E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: 3o, i do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to he bottom of the form an sign) OR Yes, wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) l will be represented by: Myself ~ My telephone number (business hours):. J., f or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I woul refer my hearing to be conducte in: IZf Public (members from the general pu lic may attend your presentation) OR Pri ate (only the people nomina e by you or the earings committee will be permitte to attend) You shoul be aware that: a The WAPC i$ subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 an as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the cours of the WAPC assessing submissions, or ma ing its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be isclosed to third parties, o All hearings re recorded and transcrib d, Th t anscripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records shoul the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are imilarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed bv person l making the su mission Contacts: Telephone - (OS) 65G1 900; Fax - (08) 6561 9001; Email - mre®plannlng.wa,; Website ¦ 0001/00 ¦07 2012 FRI 12:03 FAX 1300 798 093 Frem BusirAjss Bank Cnt anDi K 1300 798 093 ih Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantia!) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 ationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Weste Australian Planning Commission Submission 417 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name 4 I (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address .. .,A:l-6 Contact phone number. . Postcode Email address j.;.L x Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different to ics and issues * Include property addresses and s ecific location descriptions where relevant a Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submissi tu n over to complete your submission (21002/004 V 07 2012 FRI 2:03 FAX 1300 798 093 Frem BusirAjss Bank Cnt 1300 798 093 Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not com ulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: OR Y@S, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be re esented by: IZ] Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or C A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be a are that: a The WAPC is subject o the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of our submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. 0 All hearings are recorded and transcribe . The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similariy ublished in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Signature Date Vc/Zj Npte: Submissions R/iUST be recei ed by the ad ertised closing date, being close of usiness (5 m) on 27 JULY 2012. Late su missions will MOT be consi ered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - http:// ww.pla 27/07 2012 FRI 12:04 FAX 1300 798 093 Frem BusirAjss Bank Cnt 1300 798 093 Mr Kyele Wickenden 6 Alfred Road North Fremantle WA 6159 The Secretary Weste Australian Planning Commission 140 William Street Perth WA 6000 Submission MRS Amendment 1210/41 Stirlin Highway As a long term resident of Alfred Road, North Fremantle, I wish to voice my st ong opposition to the planned changes for Stirling Highway and Queen Victoria Street. These types of changes are always proposed to allow for a smoother traffic flow; however, in effect they divide, destroy and alienate the communities they score tlirough. Whilst the majority of my comments relate in p rticular to the North Fremantle zone, the effects are felt at every point along Stirling Highway. The proposed amendments do very little to promote t e use of Public Transport and are indicative of the Government s and Department’s plan to promote and encou age the Car Society that Perth is rapidly becoming. The residents of North Fremantle fight to retain a close sense of community. The proposed road amendments can be seen to destroy many of the businesses that are vital to the area. The resumption of land will imp ct adversely on the very d y to day operations of the businesses ho’s Lots are directly affected. A person with average business acumen would be able to work out that one of the major impacts to these businesses wi l be the lack of parking amenities available if these amendments go ahead. This will create a domino affect and most certainly result in the closure of many businesses or at best the re-location to other areas. The fact that strip shopping exists all along Stirling Highway helps create the sense of community. The vast majority of the properties that will be affected do not have the cap city to replace these lost parking services. As is historically shown these actions result in downtu in passing clientele and in reality economically disastrous for any business. Being involved in the finance industry I have had clients who have e perienced first hand the ruinous ef ect of such development plans. 0003/004 27/07 2012 FRI 12:04 FAX 1300 798 093 Frem BusirAjss Bank Cnt 1300 798 093 A prime example of this will be the two galleries at 92 & 94 Stirling Highway North Fre antle and the Liquor Store at the comer of Alfred Road and Stirling Highway, North Fremantle. This then leads to the disturbing fact th t the realigmnent of the ro d closer to many historical building will have a detri ental affect on their foundations and structure. The other disheartening result will be those that are destroyed completely. As a city, we have unnecessarily lost so much of our historical buildings to make way for roads. It seems we are so bent on erasing all that is our past and I believe that the P oposed Amendments under the Plan follows unacceptable precedents. There re many other cities in the world that have traffic problems far in e cess to what we experience here in Perth, and they do not simply cut a swathe through suburbs to allow more traffic to flow through. I have spent a lot of time in many European cities. They all encourage and promote an efficient Public Tr nsport syste to reduce vehicular movement and I believe it is a far better option to what is proposed. In Conclusion I can only comment that the pro osed widening must be a precursor to the creation of six lane highway, the likes of Leach Highway! It is obvious to anyone the affects the cancer of this type of development would have on tire communities along Stirling Highway! With all the supposed wealth the State of Weste Australia has, I find it unbelievable and unacceptable that we cannot expend more to improve and promote a more efficient and expansive public transport system. The decisions we make today on these issues have a vita impact on the lifestyle and liveliness of our co munities. I do not for one minute believe that building wider roads and demolishing the buildings that are our history are decisions th t re looked on in a favourable or sensible manner by future generations. One need only look around our city to see the consequences of such decisions made in the p st and I a afraid that this Amendment ill indeed be one that is judged to be in the same light. Incrementally the pro osed hugely widened highway is inimical to the history, communities and the architectural landscape through which it runs and I would hope that the Proposed Development does not proceed. Yours faithfully 0004/004 / nna27/07/2012 12:28 0833855113 A SWANBOURNE LPO PAGE 01/03 / 0893855113 Planning and Development Act 2005 Sec ion 41 Amendment (Substantial) DEPARTME T OF PLANNING Form 41 2 7 JUL 2012 Submissio Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Ratio alisation of Stirling Highway Reservatio OFFICE USE ONLY Submissio 418 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name s (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address ... . ... Postcode .t0 Contact phone number .. t .?.?. Email address f! r/ps for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues 9 Include ro erty addre s s and s ecific lo ation descri tions wh re relevant a Atta h additional number page if you require more space to complete your submission Submission A / O s 7' - f / / r TS.... AAg.~G> & /(* A/p..: . Z ~A& C-efx f A~A A * :( r Aa / 1/ A/-t p, 'A Ao AA-js l~ Z - c Z<Z £? ~ Ay P'rpZ-/® <S . „ ttZsi AZf1 < L 'S'iS A' AA r . .fT/....ft.a.ifZ'frf. / ,A dr..Afp. AZ AAr, gA c> Si < Z -cAs >A> Ae.. S >/e/ f' Ao t> tx" -e. - AAe. s? i Z:Z 13 A AA . . An e-t. r /' A A .s csA AAp f, t ... A~. AA/pAzazA Ap . ArA/K C-... ..fiZAAAr. .A f> . .Arr ys' < A frP7' '- r rC AAt ... AA A /rp e _. tu o rr T t AryJ. .. . ?. R A .C. over to com lete your submission AAf-pp 27/07/2012 12:23 0893855113 A SWANBOURNE LPO PAGE 02/03 0893855113 'r l c.J s-. |/ ) L f/Cf f . -P Aj z. - O/ f (ffisf -rx> Ijrnr C. - !: - 2-. s /M J r 6s cs yS r< tszs ?/\ (d y rcy s r z L j> y? A d ir a?///yy /''r- /-/y / f/ . A ' ~- fs . < < v / - s &sxgS* S' s <Z2>A K r Cr 7 c r e ' -/ <£> >- _ ypf S s < £- y / AS* A t / ~~0 f? ASs'7 * y. Sf SS/ A- aAC G ~ SS ~a>a- A S ™ At o A~ SSW id A~ 4z,a- - 7 /2£ a/o <e-r- S 5>1,~ A s 4> -CC / jA -Z o r _ "j J /r -C?_, M* ~ 4£ z&<S' f yx y 27/07/2012 12:28 A 0893855113 PAGE 03/03 SWANBOURNE LPO 0893855113 ' -5 i $ Hearing of submissions Anyone w o has made a written submission on the amendment may personally p esent the basis of heir submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to spea at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions a d hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following Mo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR e Yes, I wis to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) 0 OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You shoul be aware that: « The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act f 992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. a In t e course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may e disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The tra scripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve t e propose amendment. The WAPC r commendations are similarly publishe in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by personfs) maki Signature the submission Date SnW nii ( ri/R.' | J': ,ih; : !|'|i-'-.-ir •'|l|,.:,-y1 •; h .H -,HAjl- . .'¦.ihRtoH ii dtliii Contacts: Telephone. -(08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001; Email - mrs@plamiing.wa,; Website - http://www.plannlng.wa.go .au Planning and Development Act 2005 S I ( SeciJen 41 men ment (Substantial) Form 41 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Submission 2 7 JUL 2012 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 EILE Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation Oh-FICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submissio 419 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Nam©.. ....9 t» $\.. . ' ( LEASE (PLEAS6PF PRINT CLEARLY) Address I ..... LVlfli Jl/postcode Contact phone number... .9 .9. .3.7.99 Email address . 9*9 . M. l .'.E .! 9 4 Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to se arate di ferent topics and Issues ° Include pro erty addresses and s ecific location descri tion where rel vant u Attach a ditional n mber d ages If you require more space to complete your submission Is si i Submission mt -.A TX.. . r.9T9 9,. 7.. .0 ... .T. 59.. >.9.9 .... .?.... .9:9.9 hi .<4 rtvst .. S . rL 99779 9. . STS s. .«9. .. $>xy=tfr. ..... .9.,.. 9.fvg>c... ... >9.. .4 Wc*7SrA.Q.... . . XtT.S .. .Y . .I s.a v.< T . A.Q. . 7 .vtjS, (. , .... 9 T. 7*9,.,v4a,tS.7. ... s3G v 'C>. .. .' Sr '.TSS SX.. LAS.. Vr V.c ... . AM f2.... 9. 9 9|.. AA... .vA.SS.SD.... . .r f. ...2,. s- 9I9?Br .... ... Lw ?... . ... .(fr. .. H.(.< _t .. .-. . lfN s x.. ,\ta x. taa, . . W. .|ory©.i7 sv's a \ c q .. . 'X , 7 AAAA.. .7x9... AST . Tv\ .( .7 9.9TXr ..9 A...f ) ). 77s.. Vvt .AA.Alrrti.(DC,......vS.hj A.H.,. ....o'?:.. y opw- ..... so,.. , 7\& AS( .. . s TC . . lJ.b .LSSr.. eo .i. fe. .o i C urt,7. .,:T" s. i9.. 71 .. .ti.. .. \/ s fVATJ. . .. ftoA\ TT..,. >.9... . .C eIS, . f. turn o er to complete your submission 09 8SSX680 se.yMiuCJJ'sg 09 8SCC680 V'4 TO T Z10Z L Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC If the below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be conside ed in determining the recommendation for t e proposed a endment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not Further information on submissions and hearings Is included in Appendix E of t e amendment report. Pfeas© choose o e of the following: Ho, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form an sign) OR M Yes, I wish to s eak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) 1 will be represented by: C Myself My telephone number (business hours):... Q r? ©r [D A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be con ucted in: Public (members from the general public ay attend you presentation) OR 1ST Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearing committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. a In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or ma ing Its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that s bmission, may be disclosed to third parties. e All hearings are recorded and transcribe . The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament an ublished as public records should t e Governor approve the proposed amen ment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed bv personfs) making the submission Signature Date Note: submissions MUST be received b the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts; Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001; Emall-mrs@plannlng.wago .au; Website - http://www.planning.wa.go .au 09t8 680 200® se.ymutjjeg 09T82CC680 XV'd T0:TT 2102 LO/LZ SUBMISSION 419 IABIED AT THE HEARINGS 29/10/13 • ,• . £ i' r*, . <r* y. s j : *' r ' i. .i vX ' ' -' - •1: r tL departmeni OF PLANNING Planning, and Development Act 2005 2 7 JUL 2012 Seetion 41 Amendmen fSwfeat n aS) Form 41 FILE i to o2hl.. ¦Sutaissi@ii MetrspoSica i Region Scheme mendment 1210/41 RatJonaJisa lon of StidSng Highway Reaes-vafion ¦ 0FFIC6 USE ONLY Submission 420 To; . Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2508 Perth WA 0001 B Name T C. i CV c 3 (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address .... ... >. )tPostcode ...A Contact SS......... hone number ... 3 >-1...33.k.A..- Email address . Tips for completing s submission: © Use headings or numbers to sepamte different topics and issues ' o Include property addresses and spaciflc location descriptions where re/e anf 9 Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submissio Submission ;ht _ h£- s-_ ...lo.O . _ . A.....A?7-. Ak...? -A ±3..... , . ... .y.' ; y _\j . _ .... lb.. _ .k.... 1 j.0 , . A... :..-Clip.Q . A.4_.i 4.... ,i 9. >..... P A.... .QsA.&fyn.... Sf r. . e , ..... _; ...••¦¦ . i .c . ta A ir ....\/ r.... f.! ... j.!..... ...... 4 . iQ ki A'a.... .iaxA to..'. .th-J Ah ,WA<?.SpKt . - tofc;. it e;.. ;&?$& . i.. . kA .. .toPto.A.... CA'O.oh.. -. . s. h. t;.. .\a3.o_W . tk. ...toy.Alcre- •.¦ i V < \ .c to-A .V.... .f ... . to cs.fvA,pijr. ?k -. . .c> \ k. fe....' ¦¦;. . v.•v.jto-Jt; ,Q . A.. .-t Kb.. to ;... kr. ...A?.o.s . vto ;. . rfhto .7 to.', k . toto-. . .\: .. .7.. . ?. Ptolto... -QtoA. -.-.. . to-toto... Pto . j.... .Itoto..:. \.k.... ... to.. to to ..... .... )k.,. . 43 .th. • ! ;. .... to... toto... i to. k.. -tk ..... .k.'.l. r S t to )to . 7 A.. to A toto.... .bc ito.tototo. . .tototofr. ..kto. 777. oto. to.... .toto.toDn . .f rto .o.;. toto.... sAto h to toto totoktoA . ... A... to tok .to. ..ftotoA.. .TAtoBto. .. t .S to.... loto . to to? to... to.... k .to.-c.... .1 x.toc....Q tototo .. Aktoto.. .ktototo turn ©ver t© e@mpS©te your sufemlssl®} Hearing of submissions nyone who as made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their subm ssion to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the beiow 'Yes' box is ticked. T is is compulsory Your written submission will be considered in det rmining the recommendation for the pro osed amendment whether you nominate to s eak at the hearings or not. Furth r information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please hoose one of the following: . I I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to t e bottom of the form and sign) OR Y@@, I wish to speak at t e hearings. (Please complete the following details) .8 will be represeratei by" M self - My telephone number (business hours): or El] A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: . Contact telep one number (business hours): Postal address: 3 would prefer my hearing to be conducted n: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) . OR ' • D Private (only the eople nominated by you or the hearing committee will be per itted to attend) You should be aware that ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to t e WAPC may be subject to applications for access und r the act «> In the course of toe WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on th se submissions, copi s of your ¦' sub iss on or the substance of that submission, may be disclose to third arties. o All hearings are recor ed and transcribe . The transcripts of alt hearings, along ith all ritten, submissions, are tabled in Parliament an pu lished as public records should toe Gove or ap rove the ro osed amend ent. T e WAPC recommendations are si ilarl published in a re ort on submissions an tabled in Parliament T® be sig ed bv TOmonlsi maikSna the aub fealisn Signature Date 2. /. Mo e: Subtntetons MUST b© reoef od by the a ertised closing afes being oss of business (Spm) ©n 27 JULY 201Late submission® will MOT te ©©msidered,, Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(OS) 6551 9001;; Website - htip:/Aiww/.p! PQI of t Planning and Development ct 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 I departme of planning Submission n V'l 27 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 ationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation inu fc ! OFFICE USE ONLY Submission 421 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locke Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 (PLEASE PR\m CLEARLY Address (. .!... Ol T _ HAJ' e Postcode Contact phone number.. Q& Tips for completing s sotm/sston: Email address . . . dOKffl fWVtf TtIWK C(r o Use headings or numbers to eparate different topics and issues a Include property addresses and specific location description where relevant o Attach addition l numbered pages if you require more spac to complete your submission ission t . Su / //{/e Gu& d m (n. St.../n ' A nc ... v'. di/t... f... h/orfh.. Fv &wtfe-A. c dfyf. tVierdiS Swl'L rcwertt. . RrtS.. of n.. RR nm. l. li f&.J... fe.. ofi r. (f .hte.. Qrt. M.. .&.. M .n.YJM).. .S Mtf/Rihf... .p/QM... kP.tRf:. .p&pok..CM)-.. CQWtcf q(( xR.. Q;..,. Maun fit. /. fy&fteRp . ettin ... v.d.P.h.... teti hYn.... m fi h erf: ,IA... dffi. ff. ffluch. ftet.. sRfkf.. C tfdl cffirm ui. .J.Qbste {hr....9. t n Mch. SfidrPitr .. . .W/.Rl'MO. fa .fas i. c turn over to complete your submission TOO© XVd CC:FT ZT0Z LO/ a Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission ill be consi ered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominat to speak at the hearings or not. Furt er information on ub ssion and he rings is included in Appendix E of the amendm nt report. PSease choose one of the following: 0 , I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to th bottom of the form and sig ) OR Y@S, I is to speak at the hearings. (Please comple e the following details) I will be represented b : O Myself - My telephone number (business hours): OF E A s okesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (bu iness hours): Postal dress; I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: E Public (me bers from the general public ma attend your presentation) 85. OR EH Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be per itted to attend) You should be a are that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Infor ation Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WA C may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing su missions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the sub tance of that submission, may be disclose to third parties. ® ll hearings ar r cord d an transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public recor s sho ld the Gover or approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and ta led in Parliament. Note: Submissions UST be receive by the advertised closing date, being close o business (Spun) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; F x *(08)6551 9001; Email - mi s@,au; ebsite * http: / 300® T ITT 3T03 10/LZ 27/07/2012 16:15 93315277 A HAMILTON HILL POST PAGE 01/02 93315277 Planning and Development Act 2005 [SSSiwo AN*® Section 1 Amendment (Substantiallj) Form 41 I 7 JUL 2012 Submission Metropolitan Region ScSieme Amendment 1210/41 ll-E. Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY Su miss o 422 To: Secretary Weste Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth m 6001 Ma (PL6ASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address. j .C. 6 e L-T . . postcode ,... .1 Contact phone number Email a dress Tips for compl ting a submission: o use headings or numbers to separate di erent topics and issu s a include property addre ses and spacifc location descri tions wh re r l vant s Attach additional numbered ages if you require mote s ace to complete your submission Submission turn over to complete our submission 27/07/2012 16:15 93315277 A HAMILTON HILL POST PAGE 02/02 93315277 Heari g of submiss ons Anyone who lias made a written sub ission on the amendment may personally present t e basis of their sub mission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the belo 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the reco men ation for the propose amen ment w ether you nominate to speak at t e hearings or not. Furth r information on submissions an hearings is included in Ap en i E of the amen ment report. Please choose one of the followi g: m NO, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR S3 Y®S, I wish to speak at t hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: CJ Myself ~ My telephone nu ber (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of s okesperson: Contact telephone number ( usiness hours): Postal address: I would prefer my he ring to be conducted in: LJ Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR [. J Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitte to attend)1 You should be aware that: T e WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Infor ation Act 1992 and as such, submissions mad© to the WAPC ay be subject to applications for access under the act. * In the course of t e WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or th substance of that submission, ma be disclosed to third part es. ° All earings are recorded an transcribe . The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament an published as public records shoul the Gove or approve the propose amendment. The WAPC recommen at ons ar similarly publis e in a r port on submissions an tabled in Parliament. To be signe bv pereonfsf making t e submission Signature IT. Contacts; Tcslophone - (08) 6551 SOO; Fax-(08)6551 S001; Email-mrs@plsnnlng.w; Website - htt ://www. lannlng.wa, Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Submission - 1 AUG 2012 Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Sti ling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission 423 Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name m G- . lr© -TAjI ts .' lT (PLEASB PRINT CLEARLY) Address . f2 . .P ... M... Postcode .. Contact |phone number.6. ....... Email address . l CAKn-. Tips for completing a submission: Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ® Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission ?>...HP « Pt u> T (?7 ) TO OGt KJL? A £> / y , . r.. , TlV-& I HfclUT W/LL- o \be4, - rfA F/fe jta J sy |T/( .m (SVVZ jh£ h? fy [ m. AW; |T<2 f/ y, MM TH/ . j y.. .P6y' . .mwa hy. Le 1 . ypti . 0 .D5WA). p. / rM. .7 /AL feS. MIGUyr Ajt . f q7.T:K APf/l.tTbT& fP. A /. Pf!A. !] . . A . ,.... P ABIP. ,7;H6:r.T P. P.®.. .M/X fr (p. L Uf . ) N&zpG P g f j) . turn ove to complete your submission . Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: Mo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Ef Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be ep esented b : ulZJ Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your sub ission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. med by person(s) making the submission )Z-.< Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001; Email -; Website - http:// Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highw y Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY SUBMISSION NUMBER To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name !<! I (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address Postcode.. Contact phone number .. Email address ..hcAt n..P~rP<tTips for com leting a submission: • Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ® Include pro erty addr sses and specific location descriptions where relevant ® Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission f A S> i , - o r y tr- l? / I (VtS P- i TH <9 Bu/LP(a Ove ly/ 0dJj[\& j [EPr]7 E V'eCilS\Pry\ <) iajh( h( vuvu Be pe B' Y . 0 . 'TH | PE- HEpHTusK Ar i; CHnru E p BE M5£ yH(H>Tl c A > J THI K)i9<j\ 5? m 4et EuaHH A R\HKY (jA 0tY pMH|/ Y TiWE KJOUU /VL5>0 Be Ad tf dd-feVdteC) A-/ D PVtL os,p.i ftt©A) I'D W p © juy Td FFd- B( p IklAO lU-0f IHS Sos)dfc?5eS Ardp RrapSV/rJtP, <f- 8 Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway eservation OFFICE USE ONLY SUBMISSION NU BER To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name . W.. . J (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address . .. Postcode .. Contact phone number Email address Tips for completing a submission: » Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues » Include pro erty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant • Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission \S( tdn i lAj&oxjp 0 y m jP iajoolp evBT? o f m A m? tHfese T ifp<e Ev KAy S &ui& ? /WO J-F kh p d 2jv} i e i htye Fu/WOl 0 ? . VJhVO flvP 3e y -. 907 TPC l//V9f 0< pA7 5 o eiep / &&( v i Aj-cr /W £AXt! A E Wl AT/y O/A i ? S t/GWLp Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 ationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY SUBMISSION NUMBER To: Secretary Weste Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name .' ?.*. . . 1 (PLEASE PRINT CLE RL ) Address ..P.k''..... Postcode .. A&. . -. Contact phone number Email address Tips for completing a submission: ® Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission 0 - Q V dA) PA\\jAsA% L ajD. MJ 6 COM tjpE ? O -fu ex tAiJjxsejj -p 1/ 6 JFKt Pfrr& > (XJOlT k) . Rj Tt-i A A/0 <R 4 / AJp W2- f I RWUtfeD. A m) L .e WWP iw BCfiOkfcAJ rp c& c k q&ZrU Be J o/cxjt -pU MC,, A L >i//ty4 fete. rw- tHC r - § fi UNIT 3 592 STIRLI G HIGHWAY MOSMAN P RK \m 6012 27 July 2012 Secretary WA Planning Commission Perth WA 6001 Re: Submission Met opolitan Region Planning Scheme Amendmen 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation As the owner / occupiers of a property affected by the proposed changes to the planning scheme for the Stirling Hwy Reservation we write to enclose our submission, detailing our concerns about these changes have been considered as being necessary and about the de-stabilising effect that the manner in which these changes are mooted is having and will continue to have on land values and security of tenure for our property, our Body Corporate and the many hundreds of other properties along the Stirling Highway which will be adversely affected. We are extremely disturbed that the WA Government and the WAPC are only now presenting us with this scheme and as ing for comments from the public. It seems that this public consultation process is a token gesture, being made in order to "tick another public relations and bureaucratic box. Judging by all the design work which has been done to date, as presented, this "scheme" is well advanced in the Planning Department and given the commitment to date, it is probably considered as a fait accomplii, where far too much time, money and effort has been spent to consider any retreat from the proposals as made. We consider that the Departmental directions given to complete the work to this advanced stage have been ill-considered and extremely wasteful of state money and resources, involving as they obviously have, the prolonged services of private sector engineering consultants and extensive internal bureaucratic expenses. If the Government and WAPC were sincere in seeking and taking regard of public comment, the schemes presented need not have been nearly as advanced and detailed. The reality is that this scheme is hardly likely to be implemented in the near or even distant future because of the extreme difficulties, costs, inconvenience and the fact that the entire streetscape would be destroyed in the process of the many demolitions required, including a large number of buildings of important heritage significance. UNIT 3 592 STIRLING HIGHWAY MOSM N PARK A 6012 We are of the opinion that this scheme is unrealistic, unimaginative, undesireable and in 15 years (or whenever) time, most likely it will also be unnecessary, given the projected changes to be lifestyle and transportation brought on by a looming fuel crisis and responsible efforts to mitigate global warming,. It would seem that the basic justification for all this rationalization ie road widening with central island waste land and wanton destruction of the streetscape, is to provide easier passage for buses, ipso facto ta ing pressure off the traffic flow. We are no longer living in 1955, this requires 21st C thinking. We ask that an equal amount of money and time be spent on providing an alternative solution based on the premise that Stirling Hwy should in fact be either downgraded or left intact, in its current form. There are many other options to take the perceived pressure off Stirling Hwy. Eg rationalization of parents dropping children at the western suburbs private schools, banning 4WDs or utilizing the vast corridor of railway land. The latter of course would require the State Government to insist on cooperation between different State Depts. Although this concept of mutual cooperation is seemingly anathema to Govt Depts., it would be bound to be more productive, more economical and simpler than the destruction of Stirling Highway. The resolution of the traffic issues along Stirling Hwy requires better than just an engineering solution. It is more complex and more important than to allow engineers to bludgeon a line along the map of Stirling Highway and consider it to be the only solution. Yours sincerely Kim S Donovan Carl D Payne Owners: Twine Court Pty Ltd 3/592 Stirling Highway, Mosman Park WA 6012 CcThe Premier- Colin Barnett « .5 *•*3 10 C o co O O ¦§ CM U) < =I 2: c C CD -* E c 9- o c CD ~ > TJ : Qs1 -< 11 I IIU 0) C o c _o 03 £ 0 (/) £ © nm m nc=3 o ¦¦o £ ¦a o a5 8 3 CO a. c: c E ? ) ¦o s n. m 2 , (/) 0) t_ ~3 < 6-2 1\ >% <D ? c C o u <r. ,5 o <: ir C3 C C c o *cu c o 0 £ £ Z O) C £ o < <0 C/) i- o J2 C =5 c o CO *0) c CC 03 •+-» O o Ct 2S5 CD C 'c c ro Q_ c . D CD c 111 § CM CD co CD O) < 00 < 0 CD j- 2E a > O CD CD > _J Q_ c V: o- : ¦o ¦a ro LU rJ Q p | CO -Q -§ L/sehadingsornumberstoepartdiferntopicsandisue Includero tyadres andspecif loatindescritonswher lvant Atachditonalumberdpagesifyorquiemorspaceto mletyoursbmi on C .2 c/) s, -c g- £ o .B. 2 5 § o g 0 3 -Q o O 1 ¦¦ A D x7 J J 4 j J J .A -D r j > c J 4 4 j Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendi E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: zT Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR D Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: • The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. • In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or ma ing its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. • All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along w th all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and publishe as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Note: Submissions MUST be received by the ad ertised closing date, being close of b siness (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001; Email-mrs@planning.vva.go .au; Website -http://w w.planning.wa.go .au My interest in the Highway My family lives 50 metres from the Stirling Highway in Clifton Street My mother lives bordering the Stirling Highway in Claremont We have property bordering the Stirling Highway in Claremont I am a regular user of the Stirling Highway and have been for 30 years My family have been regular users of public transport along Stirling Highway for 30 years Tabledat heHearings SUBMIS ION 424 Concept design for Stirling Highway doesn't address the top 10 crash s tes T btePi. §mJN! HSGRmYIN'EP SKTft FilQyilSCY WM m Sc.irra &m M . . . & . In B4R!fi:13 Jiua l+rtrsi ! rai=q. m iSi ¦ sa S -S ! 55? 'n Fa fl h? fiC y' bu KiiiiflL mCP!. JS I S IIhSS iC MrtF?' 0 Lci . Ra < ii m A rase? "ira TTZm- t : " m ~' . i a 3Wf ;ir . .ssfr TH RE1 .' aT' NB mm Hv v L isr n-a£F«»T»::«.T s - mm ? ¦ E? : I SiE Is KL IHHYI faiginS * f T ifiFfe- I'i DUi f Hirlv iV aEnia yusweh P*3 ~ s J.31S: SnS li OH WEWls -t r _ j r-ETrg-gTTr iti r r l&Zti -23 * --' * T: ' 3 TT-TTTr? zn zjp m rM '" .-.J3 • ilte tt | lFIT r 'ii mStfYKSSf PD6- 5 :r cr|. -- - .-, ' i n. Er it s i lai i Right turns by local traffic (e,g„ Clifton St) will likely increase crash rates - ,* ¦i-feJ r sjww wpi/Wiiltrrt. aatulli Mwill l Ikuwam STIRLING HIGHWAY - oute 9 CA 3IA0CWAY PATTERN tJ« >»>-»<*»; li Ml V< «r»«r A1 1.7237 Concept design for Stirling Highway does not address traffic flow Traffic lights and right turn traffic are the main causes of delay to through traffic A significant contributor to delay in Claremont is local traffic to and from schools. Main Roads and Claremont Council have ignored for many years the risk and congestion from U- turn traffic at Grange St. to school traffic Other means of separating through traffic from local traffic are not addressed by the Concept Design ( A Concept Design would normally compare alternatives) Widening Stirling Highway destroys local amenity Amenity of shade trees for pedestrians will not be preserved; no guarantee of green buffer zones Inadequate vehicle and pedestrian separation e.g. - Students playing chicken to cross the road and - slower moving pedestrians will be at greater risk Amenity of pedestrian access to public transport, local shops and restaurants will further deteriorate WaNobility of precincts divided by the Highway will greatly deteriorate. Slower moving pedestrians have problems with fast flowing traffic The Concept Design Plans are misleading Traffic will still bank up at traffic lights Increased right turns on to and off the Highway will increase the risk of accidents e.g Clifton St The proposal does not facilitate improvements to amenity; landscaping and streetscape, as well as better access to public transport. ... Safer pedestrian movements and cycling infrastructure The report concedes that Criteria may not be met due to existing development or constraints e.g. Claremont & 5m median with trees The Concept Report should be rejected This Report jumps to conclusions and then white washes the loss of amenity to residents with misleading representations A Concept Design Report should define the problem and the issues A Concept Design Report should address alternative solutions to the issues A Concept Design Report should provide the costs, benefits and risks of the alternatives to allow selection of the best option Planning must retain space to: Maintain green buffers, mature trees (beautiful paperbarks) and shade trees for the amenity of pedestrians and local residents Separate vehicles and pedestrians with overpasses / underpasses at frequent intervals (every 200 metres) - a wider reserve is required for landings Separate local and through traffic at high risk intersections and eliminate traffic lights at the worst intersections e.g. tunnels or flyovers require a wider reserve Separate local and through traffic by reducing the number of local traffic access points to the Highway (rather than increasing them as proposed) And preserve our sense of place, heritage buildings and significant trees departme t of planning Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendmen (Substa tial) 2 7 JUL 2012 Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Sti ling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Submissio 425 Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name ...11 } ....P ... f.PS.SPS.IY.T...k'.P.SS. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address ..,V.T... .P. ff.'k PP.\ Y.TT.. Postcode ... .FA. Contact phone number .( PP).. flPP.h.PP.P.?..... Email address T A! Y.Ol.Sf/. :YLPAWP. P. Tips for completing a submission: e Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues a Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission (P.P.P.P .\p Af ;l. ? lg- \ uX . turn over o compl te your submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: E Ho, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) 1 will be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefe my hearing to be conducted in: E Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. a In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. a All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Signature Date Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will OT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - ttp:// Council Chambers 1 Leake Street Peppermint Grove WA 6011 Ref: TPL11 27 July 2012 Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 PERTH WA 6001 DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING; 2 7 JUL 2012 Dear Sir Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway, Submission on behalf of the Shire of Pe ermint rove. The Council of the Shire of Peppermint Grove has resolved at its ordinary Council meeting held on 24 July 2012 to provide the following comments on Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway. Council sup orts in principle the roposed amen ment to the primary oad reservation for Stirling High ay (MRS amendment 1210/41) as it will provide for mo e certainty for adjoining landowners and provide a safer traffic outcome, subject to the following comments. a) E isting heritage listed properties (both state and local) should be reserved and alternative road design solutions be developed to ensure the adequate protection of these pro erties. b) Reservation zonings to be modified to rese ve the above mention d heritage listed pro erties. c) That staff rovide the W PC ith a list of affected heritage ro e ties and suggested alignment changes to preserve the buildings (see list below). ) That the Shire encourages the WAPC to consider alternative traffic solutions to reduce the impact on the streetsca e and amenity of the area adjacent to Stirling Highway. Listed on the Shire of Peppermint Grove Municipal Heritage Inventory (MHI) Star of the Sea Roman Catholic Church, Lots 1 & 2 Stirling Hwy, Category 1 and, Church Hall, Lots 3 & 4 Stirling Hwy, Category 1 Address all correspondence to The Chief E ecutive Officer P0 Box 221 Cottesloe W 6911 Telephone: (08) 9286 8600 Facsimile: (08) 9286 8610 Email: a min@pep Website: There will be minimal impact on the built structures. The main impact will be reduced onsite parking for both the church and hall. No changes to preserve the buildings are recommended for these properties. Highway drycleaners, 488 Stirling H y, Catego y 1 and, Shops, 490-494 Stirling Hwy, Catego y 1 The existing buildings have a nil setback from the existing front boundary. The proposed road infrastructure will result in demolition of the front portions of these buildings. It is recommended that the road design be amended to preserve these buildings. Art deco (old roads board), 496 Stirling Hwy, Category 1 The proposed road infrastructure will result in demolition of the front portion of this building. It is recommended that the road design be amended to preserve this building. John Co ins, S02 Stirling Highway, Category 1 The existing building has a nil setback from the existing front boundary. The proposed road infrastructure will result in demolition of the front portion and awnings of this building. It is recommended that the road design be amended to preserve this building. Listed on both the State Heritage and the Shire s MHI Cottesloe State School, 530 Stirling Hwy, Category 1 There will be minimal impact on the built structures. No changes to preserve the buildings are recommended for these properties. Former Police Station, 548-550 Stirling Hwy, Category 1 The proposed road infrastructure will result in demolition of the front portion of this building. It is recommended that the road design be amended to preserve this building. This can in part be achieved by removing the bus priority lane at this intersection. Where possible, the Council supports moving the highway closer to the railway line in order to achieve some of the above recommendations. If you require any further information regarding this issue, please do not hesitate to contact the Manager of Development Services Mr David Chidlow on 9286 8600. Yours faithf lly Mrs Anne Banks-McAllister CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER DEPAR: «. ¦ (¦ NNING 2 '/ .IUI 21)12 Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) nu. kJ M Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY Submissio 42S To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 , I Name. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address .. ... Contact phone number Postcode Email address ... n/Pfi iy).4v Tips for com leting a submission: o Use headings or numbers to se arate different topics and issues f Include property addresses and s ecific lo ation descri tions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission o4 o\( A . turn over to complete your submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following; No, i do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR O Yes, 1 wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) 1 will be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours); or A spokesperson Name of spokespe son: .. X.. .1) Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address:. .P.9. XlPYu .b?.C. .M kX.9 , 1 would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) Q OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that; ® The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. Note: Submissions MUS i be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will MOT be considered. Contacts: Telephons - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - http:/ Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substan ial) Form 41 Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendmen 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Rese vation Submission The Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendement 1210/41 (Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation), appropriately reduces the regional reserve over the properties Lots 281 (No. 83), 282 (No. 85) and 0 (No. 87) Stirling Highway Nedlands. Further, the Concept Design Reports and Plans (reference 1.7237), depicts a carriageway plan that does not cause major intrusion to the current building line or reduce the parking facilities of these properties. However, it is in our belief that the reservation boundary should be reduced further. In our belief the reservation boundary should in itself follow the existing property line and work around the pre¬ existing structures. The explanation for this belief is as follows: 1. The buildings on these properties are situated very close to the front property line; 2. If the proposed boundary were allowed to remain, and in the future this reservation was utilized in future road redevelopments, there would be great expense in demolishing and then rebuilding the front facades of these properties; 3. The property owner would experience considerable loss of income from the overall decrease in rental area of the propoerties; and 4. There would be a decrease in vital parking facilities that these properties provide. Further, as we are aware that there may be developments happening across the road, currently proposed or possibly even approved, the more appropriate option would be to allow for the growth of Stirling Hwy with the new developments being set back an appropriate measure from the existing roads to allow for any need for an increased carriageway. Planning and Development Act 2005 WjBv Section 41 mendment (Substantial) Form 41 ijJOjZMS Submissi©n Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/1 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation DEPARTMENT OF PLA NING 2 ? JUL 20.12 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name .. OFFICE USE ONLY Submissio 427 / FILE ... . .. Ar/.O....AA±. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address ...A.Ty* .T.rf. .OlA.T J m.) AJPAjPosicode .. Contact phone number ... ?r2<lr..l.a A.l Email address ..i?A<a( .rtrt.i rt . ptW..Q,.. Tips for com leting a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues » Include ro erty addresses and s ecific location descriptions where relevant 0 Attach additional numbered ages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission .... Tf... . ATIAAH. -&. ...0Q ... . . . bJfi UM Es>j. A. TJ. Q.h . N.Q . .&?>) ./A Aw.A.Vy. ... a TTE.-&L q.E..-. turn over to complete your submission GREG ROWE [& associates FOCUSED ON ACHIEVEMENT Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 - Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation - Public Submission Lot 100 (No. 501) Stirling Highway, Cottesloe Gre Rowe and Associates acts on behalf of Ortona Pty Ltd and Don Russell Holdings, the owners of Lot 100 (No. 501) Stirling Highway, Cottesloe (the subject site ). We have been instructed by our Client to prepare and lodge a submission with respect to Amendment 1210/41 - Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation (‘Amendment ) to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (‘MRS ) currently being advertised for public submissions. Our Client supports aspects of the Amendment whilst opposes other aspects of the Amendment for the following reasons: Support » It is understood the intent of the Amendment is to rationalise the amount of land actually required for the widening of Stirling Hi hway and, as such, the Amendment proposes to reduce the 'Primary Regional Roads' Reser ation at the subject site (and its surrounds). » The Amendment will enable our Client to pursue long term land use planning approvals given the majority of the subject site will no longer be reserved for 'Primary Regional Roads'. Oppose » As the Amendment proposes to retain approximately I 16sqm of the subject site (fronting Stirling Highway) for ‘Primary Regional Roads Reseivation purposes, our Client opposes the retention of the Reservation on any portion of the subject site that contains part/s of the existing building. » The Amendment should be modified to ensure none of the building is imp cted upon by the revised ‘Primar Regional Roads Reservation and that the setbacks (between the building at the subject site and the Reser ation) conform to all requirements of the Town of Cottesloe. TOWNPLA INGMASTERPLANIGURBANDESIGNPROJECTMANGEMNT 7589J 2jul01 L_pc Level 3. 369 Newcastle Street Northbridge, Western Australia 6003 tel +618 9221 1991 perth fax +618 9221 1919 email -I- peel / south west in r _ O mandurah@greg-ro tp: 'q mid west - j geral ton@greg-rowe.corn c .q pilbara f L karratha@greg-ro'. w GREG RO E & associates F O C U S E D ON ACHIEVEMENT Each of the above points, relating to our opposition of the Amendment, is discussed in further det il below. The Amendment Retains the Primary Regional Roads Reservation on a Portion of the Subject Site Site-specific characteristics, taking into consideration the existing constraint of part of the building at the subject site bein loc ted in the revised 'Primary Regional Roads' Reser ation, ought to have resulted in a modified verge width (on the corner of Stirling Hi hway nd Vera Street). The Amendment Report, which refers to the various Concept Design Plans (also called Carriageway Plans), states the following (underlining for emphasis): » verges of 5.1 metres width on both sides of Stirling Highway, reduced to 4.5 me res in constrained areas and to an absolute minimum of 4.1 metres in severely constrained isola ed locations... Given the location of the building (in proximity to the Stirling Highway/Vera Street intersection and in proximity to the revised Primary Re ional Roads Reservation) it is considered that the subject site is severely constrained and a modified verge and truncation ought to be designed for this locality. Furthermore, it is apparent that the verge width of the land north of the subject site (i.e. the street block between Vera Street and Albion Street along Stirling Highway) has a reduced verge width when compared to the subject site - possibl due to m nner in which the building/s on Lot 50 Stirling Hi hway (corner Albion Street) are cited. To illustrate our position, we attach a copy of the relevant Concept Design Plan showing the proposed 'Primary Regional Roads Reser ation in the context of the subject site. It is clear that a portion of the buildin (at the subject site) will be in conflict with the revised Reser ation and may require demolition or modification. We believe it is mutually beneficial (to both the WAPC and our Client) for the Reservation to be modified (minor amendments to the truncation) as opposed to demolition of the portion of the building that will still be located in the proposed Reserv tion. The Amendment Should Be Modified to Ensure Setback Compliance In addition to the conflict of the proposed 'Primary Regional Roads' Reservation on the building located at the subject site, and taking into consideration that the existing building should be regarded as a severe constraint'', the proposed 'Primary egional oad' Reservation should be amended to ensure setback compliance is attained. The Town of Cottesloe Local Planning Scheme No. 3 ('LPS 3 ) has been approved by the WAPC and we understand its gazettal is imminent. We also understand that the portion of the subject site that is proposed to be removed from the Prim ry Regional Roads Reservation will likely be rezoned to ' esidential Office Zone under the provisions of LPS 3. The revised Reservation should ensure the existing buildin at the subject site complies with the setback requirements of the 'Residential Office’ TOWNPLAIG'MSTERPLANIGURBANDESIGPROJECTMANGE T Zone. In summar , further modifications to the 'Primary Regional oads' Reservation in proximity to the subject site are requested to ensure the (revised) Reservation does not result in the demolition/modification of the existing building at the subject site and that the existing building conforms to all setbacks requirements (as per the Town of Cottesloe LPS 3 and any other local setback policies that may be applicable). 7589_l2julOIL_pc -2- GREG ROWE | & associates FOCUSED ON ACHIEVEMENT As outlined above, we welcome the progression of the proposed Amendment in a modified form taking into consideration the content of the above. Should you require any further information or clarification in rel tion to this m tter, ple se contact Paul Cunnin ham on 9221 1991. Yours faithfully GREG ROWE AND ASSOCIATES PAUL CU lNINeiHAM Perth Office End Form 1 TOWNPLAIGMSERUBDJCNT 7589_l2julOI L_pc -3- Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not com ulsory. You written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: Wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR E3 Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be epresented by: Myself-My telephone number (business hours): or C A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: d] Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ® All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of ail hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be si ned by person(s) making the submission Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will OT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - d itio to Su mission 42 - e ' SGE ASY?ORK,S?oW ' -SUBJECT SITE REGIONAL ROAD BOUNDARY DESIGN CYCLE LA E SSaKbounda I PROPOSED KERB LINE DESIG I I F MAR ING Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) DEPARTMFi'.'T C:: PLANNING: Form 41 2 7 JUL 2012 Submission [ etropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/lffi Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY u To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submissio Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name p .. Address .. /. Contact phone number - 28 j . 7. (PLEASE PRINT CL ARLY) - S stcode. 6o.%S.. )address > yT/; p. . Qct.:k W Tips for com leting a submission: ® Use headings or numbers to se arate different topics and issues o Include property addresses and s ecific location descriptions where relevant ® Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission turn ove to complete you submission cm ' Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: Wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: E Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I woul prefer my hearing to be conducted in: EH Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR EH Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - Planning and De elopment Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission IVleti-opoliian Region Scheme Ame dment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Submission 42© Locked Bag 2506 Perth A 6001 Name ..M.J.Cr-.Lci.e J (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address . /A. '..\l . . St.CTTFt bijavT-hV .. Postcode Contact phone number Email address qu Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues » Include roperty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more s ace to complete your submission Submission .IM®-.. X'ff C'f . . <?.T . 1. ftk >.. ,V\ TAA,, . .A A. .t'FF , .Lj,, .y. f.'-r.Fr F f ..t a .1. .\:4 .* . Sj.. tv& .. .L.t.'.ci .Otj . f.i.nC.l/ .C. .<&¥?{&<>&.*/? . ..Vor r jifT.. AY!.. YcrU' if t > Tp. . M &. . J.M g )l. . yr.. . Ti ivl- ¦ b uh fccz ki f j. sa. .-Hy . . v)). .O. '.I. . . s &Lut'xu rrj- TO. , j s hcaS. «?£. Lavs . /H,\« . thtf . .k. rj k . <r .). h.A., ,p Irtfti dJ- •,<W . t.l. .'.?.. Apt. AH i S--- • . n. fi'T'YF-; . C. rViCr. .vS&ll..C. (C- r'.-eh. ChuiFjA .hu.d -.orj. .tS.pD tijrkji. iLA. . . . ?.. . t .O.Srh'ip .. . . O. . .l,Vv*... - 5jj»T¥. . rtO.tSislvFakL'S-YY -Fi-j. . k.r i <i evnf.ncj... !.*•>.Vu.V? f.Ls . .-i.F.A., Aft /il:V»Y;t.l.. £>.O.Pn.<rt s.. .*«t;. . r.L<ftre*wovjt' (.13 a IJ. t/l&W Y( jmojcL . .l.o. .ItrYie, . . Nruto.ulf/.. .ixi.-F r-CstJ. ;l:|)r<i. . ia i.. f ).,. . S/ir). ¦ W.'Fjct v..Ev O.O sf A' s. .-ht. .to-?-, .e*... . a a )w-.b p.M.. .<-.A. .-bmAfrf-. ,s Y>#iJA%Yt<&3b.. tkA . f5v iHM<ay»fc| . .ilr. . zk .&r. .neAr.aUfvxV. ; ® . Mu *. ..j. .s. j. . .hvie Cm.. .c LlriESc.kv tilr / c .. hcL.. .. .13 F:'.., .yt«\( .. \? , A f.Yr v:*?.. i -L?,kw;i. r. fcrTf'Xt.. . r'rC.'Cij: A F. b!<\1. . .k-YrA. ,<£sf ,.S.. .h . _ AC.. . k. tF?.T .F.Fi5\< 1 hi. •k A . .Y isI U <5<ftej(.. ,b. .S)... A-.. .A-ATAA.k S.. f.S .tS .r.AeF.... cC joA rftl. #5>Vt.. i t- S i- .t f-wmi i'C/-*- b <iaAF« " J turn over to complete your sub ission ¦ !; r?. f 'r v'P Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulso y. Your written submission will be considere in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: H Wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR D Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: E Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or E A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: EH Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR EH Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. a All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarl published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parlia ent. To be signed by person(s) making the submission Signature .. Date .. HY. - . idHE?/ Note: Submissions MUST be received by the ad ertised closing date, being ciose of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will OT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - htlp:// Submission 430 t Ar - '/ C . No;r. ; _ ( A IM _.... pptei) c j n caugifj i 'Hnj t I MS I i i -A - lA J £> l blN/fvfe v/igr Hg-iA . r f p . . PAt J -, l-HfiJ " KJpui (2h\~\ ~ I S 2 . iD i'- " d afesifo-/ " -i - tjeerr e - eai t)' . lKJ__ Qg 7 i - Qaa A ....S t G- C j V . & aim - (.Af ; iI a T oiaJ : ii, y.;! A .- to- • /' rasip |DEPARTME T Of PLANNING 2 7 JUL 2012 Planning and D velopment Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 ICli, I Gol FILE Submission Me ropolitan Region Schema mendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reser ation OFFICE USE ONLY Submission 431 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2508 Perth W 8001 Name Wi . M . ftfr.g. .... P6.G fe 9o.MP.o g., i1l.6..... .C.LA«St4 aitfr...fe /(P EASE PRINT CLEARLY) , _ » __ C nlac.pho anumber.. .3?.5.0fr.?TL... Em il addr ss rr !.ab .< .£« 7/ps for completing a submission: e Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and iss es » Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ® Attach additional numbered ages If you require more space to com lete your submission Submission t1 vr ol'Cs,. Tr T. ..f-Q. ...l ojlk L, . .g. r T . LPT (J) v ( T 1.5.... QQ.'s g,, £.... k-.tyP j ' S... !tV T .1 . f r ./. y.i.!. 1 9... it?... .. .. . r h£ t?s... . I £. .. .te... •)¦ ( 1( , i ) a?. ,. (Xv-S 5 E I <i rfe -. f o-Gi .b P.... ... 6': -j, . 111 .LfTPif! Q \J i c e LuS o£ ¦ -b A .L r rf?.......1 dr t rS}' «SS S'./ Ao ( a H j I 0 .... <r. ... .. t • Lv2_t rn over to com leto your submission p &(. tr t- Qf ui 5 Si-tVtt'r (~in ( < j pr c a fe a d . I - (D LO t t cL o ~ p 6u s 9 \ l S' q ca'vJ C - V dLl1 ( -5 .'f: i „ !a i v.o Ic l-'vj i} ' :P n. -A-o > c (? Cy€c t, . \ <6 f _ -S -Q_ 2T l In Q 4 rf de fl £Atj , Son9- Wj ' J sdf j s tA,j- i( a U S Ji 2Q.£X 17 1 s Ar-j t .O I,d -ti l | to <>3 A_j? /V Aa {, A, ?X A\a Q p-fj A-O-au i fiO L P u ( i'- iL(/v i ,'5 lP. to - G tdUL jl to „ »eu l c 1tlU , S4 _a- ' \J tA (C 6u Sj h ' -Qo I t (jtgi\ i4 (g 'pc &v A\ ()~ gk_G A- x<7\ „ ct O feat &Jljc, e ix -c -U ~ -.t i5 - ? >a io i A ,. 4 b jL4f S u sl 0S€&VI '< cr- Z&pJ &l -5-i'' ui€_tiL o v Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC ifthe below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulso . Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is include in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: m/ iMO l do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR O J- is h-to-speatrat-the-hearirrgs. (Please complete the following details) I will be rep esented b : E Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or C A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would p efer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR d] Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) makin the submission Signature Date Ndte: Submissions IVIUST be receive by the advertised closing ate, being cipse of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001; Email-mrs@planning.wa.go .au; Website ~ http:/ www.planning. DEPARIMEWT rp f PANNING Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substasitsai) 2 7 JUL 21.112 Form 41 Submission! FILE Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Ra ionalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Loc ed Bag 2506 Submission 432 Perth WA 6001 Name ., b L tf A. P P. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address Postcode ... &.{. Contact phone number : E ail address AL 1 ( tfob . / ns,/.; Af ( / 1 11 CP Tips for completing a submission: 1 / o L/se headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ° Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ° Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to com lete your submission Submission 1 .. rj ?.. p. . 7/Ppp . rribJ... .i c. . (.. wi-. '1/ .. i W . j U PwSlAL . k ¦ f 7 TA hJ rJ. Uyv. to L toto . 6V . .. e/, to. dto . . . . Le.. Lf L i Afi T o ' v -d .. .. .Cp m v .i : i kM£ . f/iMM/i/.. . 4X .4 4. . .. . I 4b.. jiife?. .44.. .itAk. .'.i .S ib to.- f: %. .&K. . 4 ¦ • - .b-¦. & ... • Ia . &i'X&fiAt.-4 A fcto .to i .i Utovt.. . to .i/Luk..(.C v.( b/. .k. Uaj . . to ¦ to Vi /t to. ¦I'M y ? .to. 4{.( . . i ., to ; cto .to totok .toto . M.. .tot.. itoi ... . .to - .to.&v . to. tototoi... tt&i.. .mdtA..: ....J i to • . .4 .. to t. . . . I I i. u ove to complete j..... to. • j ( \/V V tto 1'V'-C * ; r nto.. .. . our sub ission OUlt /7TN l/l/W Uk lcr V i = J},, _ , Uk UUAt JL h to T TO f c He ring of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is ot compuisory . Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Fleas® choose ome off the following: M©, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OK Y@S, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) J wiifi be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): ©r A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: 8 woul prefer my hearing to ® conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that e The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarl published in a report on submissions and tabled in arliament. To be signed by maE einigi the s b lsslog Signature Note Su mis tons MUST be rece ve by the a ve tise eiosing ate, being close of business (S m) on 27 JULY 2812. Late submission wii! NOT be consi ered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - http://www. lanning. EPARTMENT OF PLANNING Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) 2 7 JUL 2012 Form 41 FILE fits/0 1% Submissiosi Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY To: Secretary Submission 433 Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 L Name ... WlS.iGM. . .MFStMCU... CBmog ..( (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address . I7 ... lO Z. M' .. .Si T . Contact phone nu ber TR. .?.QP. Postcode .9P.Q. Email address @ eplv.nv Tips for com leting a submission: ° Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues ® Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant a Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission PpeAsE . .SEE ATf/VQ turn over to complete your submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: n wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR E3 Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be epresented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): .. .1? or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: 0 Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: a The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 an as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. Signature Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - AUD C AUSTRALIAN UR A DESIGN RESE RCH CENTRE METROPOLITAN REGION SCHEME MAJOR AMENDMENT 1210/41 STIRLING HIGHWAY RESERVATION Dear Sir/Madam studio Level 2, 1002 Hay Street Perth 6000 Western Australia rosi GPO BOX 2729 CLOISTERS SQ PO WA 6850 phone +61 (0)8 9226 0777 a The following comments are offered in relation to the MRS Amendment 1210/41 and the Stirling Highway Activity Corridor Study. The Stirling Highway Activity Corridor could clearly be an exemplar of sustainable and affordable transit oriented development given its unique, advantageous and historic location in the Perth Metropolitan area. Such a project should act as a catalyst for similar projects engendering a pattern of urban intensification which is supported in much national and state policy and discourse (Department of Infrastructure and Transport (Cwlth), 2011, Western Australian Planning Commission, 2010, Adams, 2009, Newman and Kenworthy, 1999). In order to make the most of this opportunity a pattern of redevelopment (including the roadway) is required which is integrated with the splendid street based public transport opportunities that such a corridor presents and optimises the extent and use of the land in close proximity to this service. T n University or V / Western australia As the study description acknowledges it is now well established that the key to delivering such sustainable transit oriented patterns of urban development are examining and promoting interrelationships between transport (both public & private), urban form and land use (Gehl, 2010, Newton, 2008, Newman and Kenworthy, 1999, Cervero, 1998, Rogers, 1997). Currently it is unclear whether Department of Planning this integrated approach has been applied to the study, and the proposed amendment is driven by a road transport focussed solution. GOVEJWMOJT OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA For example the impact of the proposed road design, which introduces lengthier crossings and wider carriageways, especially around intersections, would markedly increase pedestrian severance between either side of the roadway thereby reducing the accessibility of public transport. Such a measure erodes both the extent and capacity of adjacent land to support desirable transit focussed development and the positive urban outcomes this entails. The urban consequences of the proposed and other alternative transporl/land use scenarios needs to be assessed prior to a decision on the location of the future road reserve. These scenarios should be evaluated in terms of their overall economic performance, including impacts on redevelopment potential. Whilst it is appreciated that there is pressure to give certainty to the current development process the current scheme lacks the conviction that a significant opportunity to demonstrate and achieve urban infill, productivity gains and increased affordability has been sufficiently capitalised upon. The Centre recommends that an integrated land use and transport study method be developed, which considers the urban planning and design opportunities alongside and not subsequent to the transport planning process. Such a study could revisit key assumptions about the roles of other significant transport systems and management opportunities in and alongside the corridor with a view to optimising the urban outcomes for this part of the metropolitan area into the future. This method could engage the community through scenario development and envisioning and ameliorate the opposition resulting from traditional methods and approaches. The Centre would be happy to contribute to the formulation of such a method and has specific research expertise in this area. The Stirling Highway Activity Corridor study is a positive undertaking, aligned with current policy, however the study method risks overlooking significant urban opportunities inherent in this type of project in this location. Given the long-term nature of these decisions it would appear that an approach which explores these opportunities in a more strategic fashion could realise substantial dividends and garner community support. Yours faithfully Dr Anthony Duckworth-Smith (BE) (BArch) PhD (UWA) REFERENCES CITED ADAMS, R. 2009. Transforming Australian Cities for a More Financially Viable and Sustainable Future: Transportation & Urban Design. Australian Economic Review, 42,209-216. CERVERO, R. 1998. The transit metropolis: a global inquiry, Washington, DC, Islan Press. DEPARTMENT OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND TRANSPORT (CWLTH) 2011. Our Cities, Our Future: A national urban policy for a productive sustainable and liveable future. Canberra. GEHL, J. 2010. Cities for People, Washington DC, Island Press. NEWMAN, P. & KENWORTHY, J. 1999. Sustainability and Cities. Overcoming Automobile Dependence, Washington DC, Island Press. NEWTON, P. W. (ed.) 2008. Transitions: pathways towards sustainable urban development in Australi, Collingwood VIC: Springer. ROGERS, R. G. 1997. Cities for a small planet, London, Faber. WESTERN AUSTRALIAN PLA NING COM ISSION 2010. Directions 2031 and beyond. Perth: Western Australian planning Commission. UDRC AUSTR LIAN URBAN DESIGN RESEARCH GENTR to engage with the big issues facing the city, the state and the nation in terms of urban development and through research, education and advocacy lead debates on urban design and have a practical impact upon the ay in which Australian cities are designed and developed H C/D >C CD oo m 0 /D > HO HZ 1 4 m d i w m > 73 THE UNIVERSITY OF Western Australia J hi bit ryi tiona! Excellence Gove ment of Western Australia Department of Planning nnn Iei a 1,1 sm Sgffliasosf /! | S !!!sS8!SHijSjE: RESEARCH - INTENSIFICATION OF CTIVITY CORRIDORS provide logical sites for urban intensification and to meet infill dwelling targets = > high density living and working in places that are well connected by public transport, walking and cycling to employment and cultural destinations, reduce automobile dependence, = make more efficient use of infrastructure, = give residents options to age in their neighbourhoods. A.U f a ratUKi mss BtscsfSH tan RESEARCH - INTENSIFICATION OF ACTIVITY CORRIDORS AU \ \J imJ f U3f C ann a*':; t-iev.: Ka sn cw Stirling Hwy as part of an urban system - TRANSPORT LIVING I I commercial and N G PLAYING MFFTIMn Report a roblem Report a problem what is the integrated vision and how does the road design support this? VISION SCENARIO A-A RIBBON OF LIVI G & WORKING • ' > : • ' TRANSFORMING PERTH REGENERATING TRA SPORT CORRIDORS AS A NETWORK OF HIGH STREET PRECINCTS building typologies for a Perth FEBRUARY 2013 context current actions & objectives: > Refinements to typologies for inclusion in MAX planning framework (on-corridor development) > Development feasibility ' ¦. Msnvsti r .2 rj wj car. design,modelingandtesting o 0 G o a: o VISION SCENARIO A A RIBBON OF LIVI G & WORKING 1 spirasuc - t- rr;.-*;. r: t.:pi cu £3 O N S3 o ¦4-> -Q s_ 33 3 3 ) </3 >~ ro cu 03 o ) c ro u F3 io X-29 Inter-Qty Roadway north block expanded redevelopment stage sectional study • greatest intensity of development is possible closest to the carriageway • greatest opportunity for provision of affordable dwellings is in these areas of greatest intensity »»> maximise the developable land supply which can yield greatest intensity, and therefore Iicom ercial ndeucationalcentres VISION SCENARIO B - A SERIES OF LI KED PLACES Link and Place: A Guide to Street Planning and Design Prof. Peter Jones, Centre for Transport Studies, UCL, London, Engineers Australia, 6th October 2009 S;' ¦ 41 S ;•» • -7 •iv -."n . ¦t'usr iUv.'j m 'ii bese m rgs Does the current highway road widening approach support an integrated land use and transport VISION? 5 K s'3' \ | (Hi »»«« *_ _ n U M M »»• i U l»« l*»l kMiM ntLitw 8a av lii TYPICAL CROSS SECTION 11.14 V. DE AILS. S OWN ON THIS PLAN ARE PRELIMINARY ONLY. STAGE CONSTRUCTION AND ULTIMATE DEVELOPMENT MAY DIFFER FROM DETAILS SHO N Proposed Stirling Highway Concept Road Design, Department of Planning (WA), Perth, 2012 IR'JNG HIGHWAY ROAD & PUBLIC TRANSPORT NETWORKS .»• t 0 »i ! S JMp ' isnjraaiw ssk-s cssa cctT.r!i« ¦ j SUBIACO AN INTEGRATED TRANSPORT STRATEGY 7 WIDWOI WTL F E ANTLEWEST COAST , , HIGHWAY KINGS « PARK t Jill Rod lu U S PERTH if WOTWEW '( TD5UWCO[-2«ib] CLAREMONT ¦ \ SUBIACO ; '.wrn la Re.-ttl ouItk (k' consider the movement system Pre o-i i To»n siolioi C'CHURCH look at specific movements •COMMUTER CYCLING KEPT 0\ STIRU G HIGHWAY FO Sflg (origin - destination) FRESHW TER OTTESLOE BEACH look at capacity of alternative INDIAN OCEAN routes ff. rautwiBUTE make efficient use of rail for people movement CANNING HWY 'Sr* investigate local bus services and travel management for schools NO TH F EMAf PROPOSED MRS E-ALIGNMENT ERm LEACH HIGHWAY FRE ANTLE accommodate commuter cyclists on veloway and local streets : - «r 5raiB:i vrr tiaaB kx .s tan OUTCOME possible reduction in carriageway cross section ~8m > supports development of integrated land use vision - Activity Corridor : Resumption/land value: $3,000/m2 10km x 8m = $240IV! Service Relocation: up to 30% 10km 100 - ZOOM + infill development benefits $ rates $ land tax $ infrastructure efficiencies $ health & wellbeing infill 50% cost of greenfields Trubka, R Newman, P. & Bilsborough, D. 2008 to support an integrated VISION for this part of the city a COMPREHENSIVE TRANSPORT STRATEGY building on the opportunities and capacity of the existing movement networks is required without this decisions could quash opportunities to develop this unique location which could contribute much to the liveability, sustainability and productivity of the city. Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission MetropoSitan Region Scheme Amendmen 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirli g Highway Reser ation DEPARTM NT OF PLANNING 2 7 JUL 2012 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name. OFFICE USE ONLY Submission 434 FILE P '11 /% _ _ ,Aj (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address .. . .... :.. ..P. P tPP Postcode 9. .. . 6 Email ;] Emailaddress __i l Contact phone number address / >.v Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues © Include pro erty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant © Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission T or hm , \ & - turn over to complete your submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: C Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would refer my hearing to be conducted in: C Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR C Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be si ned by person(s) makin the submission Signature oa»... ..-;.;.:.T:.::7: Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone-(08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - Submission MRS Amendment 1210/41 Contact - Dylan Niblett 27th July 2012 The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission 140 William Street Perth, Western Australia 6000 Attention: The Secretary SUBMISSION OPPOSING THE METROPOLITAN REGION SCHE E MAJOR END ENT 1210/41 - R TIONALISATION OF STIRLING HIGHW Y RESERVATION The Major Amendment 1210/41 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme ( the Amendment") - Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation - is strongly opposed due to the detrimental impact it will ha e on the North Fremantle Town Centre. It is important to note that whilst the Amendment may result in some benefits to certain sections of Stirling Highway and adjacent land uses, due to the deleterious impacts of the proposed road widening of Queen Victoria Street and Stirling Highway in North Fremantle, the Amendment cannot be supported and is opposed on this basis. The proposed road widening as depicted in Plan 1.7221, spanning from Queen Victoria Street in North Fremantle, further north until where Staples Street intersects with Stirling Highway, would unequivocally be of severe detriment to the local residents, businesses and the North Fremantle Town Centre ( Town Centre ) as a whole. Any potential benefits which may be realised by idening the aforementioned portion of road, which may or may not pro ide for a dedicated bus lane, would be marginal relative to the negative impacts the Amendment would have on the North Fremantle Town Centre. It is understood that pervious planning of Queen Victoria Street in North Fremantle has sought to downgrade the road to a two lane road in order to calm traffic an pro ide for a more pedestrian friendly environment. This has had a positive effect on the revitalisation of the Town Centre which is now one of Perth s most vibrant, eclectic, activated, iconic and appealing cultural destinations. The proposed road widening would significantly impact on the amenity of the Town Centre as it would pro ide for a localised increase of traffic, which would diminish pedestrian permeability and accessibility of the area, in turn detrimentally impacting on local residents and adjacent businesses. As such, the Amendment proposes poor planning outcomes which would contradict the positive place making outcomes which have been realised to date. The Amendment poses unacceptable risk to the vibrancy and viabilit of the Town Centre. Gi en that a number of local businesses would be directly affected by the construction of the proposed road widening (i.e. demolition, alteration and amendment to the building structures of affected businesses) their viability would be significantly impacted. Given the uncertainty for existing and future local businesses due to the Amen ment, the viability of the Town Centre would be servery threatened should the proposed road widening proceed. As such, the social fabric and vibrancy of the Town Centre is threatened by the Amendment. At a time when Perth City as a whole is seeking to promote cultural revitalisation and activation of numerous spaces throughout the metropolitan area (e.g. Peth City Link, Perth Cultural Centre, William Street, Subiaco Town Centre), the proposed road widening is completely unacceptable and is not reflective of contemporary planning and place making considerations which are operating elsewhere in Perth. Furthermore, the North Fremantle Town Centre represents a successful cultural hub and activity destination which has been largely achieved though organic growth. The success of the Town Centre is something which revitalisation projects such as the Perth Cultural Centre and William Street strive towards - this is something which is valued throughout the larger community and must be protected. In summary, the Amendment is opposed on the grounds that the proposed road widening would result in a poor planning outcome for the North Fremantle Town Centre, effectively rendering the Town Centre unviable and imposing eleterious impacts upon local residents, businesses and the vibrancy of the area as a whole. Yours faithfully Dylan Niblett 0427 057 997 Enc: Form 41 DEPARTMENT Of PUNNING? Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) 2 7 JUL 2012 Form 41 Submission I ietro olitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY Submission] 435 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name l (V\ '(PLEASE PRI T CLEARLY) Address . I.?rr. Contact phone number . i... r . Postcode Email address Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues o Include roperty addresses and s ecific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered ages if you require more space to complete your submission Sub ission ¦ .Ar A \o . ©F.. A. ©.. ':1M.. . {M . . A|:;] ) .A .. v ; . dt ..0a ' ~ ~ p ....! *A ..~ QP.. . , | . . p ... .-CT . , t |2 aAp..... .( .. .. . .T pAA ( l2 / A p. .i....(.A1.. A . -RfO n. .;;(t ....F jg A .. ..fh'AAA...... K-f. . < CfelAh\.. . trAj' 1 ... \fir v... ...( .,"p . .P .. sAb..pyiAJAAP .. fi-eiePv/eA. ... .pl fe. .. / cATA. . O. E si. ,v.. ... .. /A. . f fev.... AAp\teP-- .Pp.pitp. .. Ppp. c ... M iK). .A-AX k >V p ; /AQ.ppVr. .v . .. (pA.. A .A... 11.1 cfT.. .. .PpAMpp. .. . pP .Be. . .. L.'P5K ... ipi A BvfeA .. . p.. Kr .rc '-Pp pA. ,f. , , PP.,. BPPPtt1 . (.. . turn over to complete your submission IAP B cV f- to l cV f .;r 3C-A bPl'' • fo A: bs>eAC Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not com ulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR n" Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) / I will be represented by: C Myself - My telephone number (business hours): er C] A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I ould prefe my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. e In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by person(s) makin the submission Signature Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - : r&A HbAM m* - ©aspj (J f <U>fpl sp Ajo , zPix w S)&*»&> TKAfF tWfc cct£'XX>' P3K& i l.f fcS -iHft tV F j J M ffeJ/J A ? \ r f 'Ai Jl P01 'ryg - 6 / -Itisw |(cUSB-l!j ilAt* ftsstyg? E.V& jl.i p ffy. i i-; -- .;r ;o> j F&sW?'\HEf5_CF* =ni Wt' H W\V [uj UHi -C tA , , F'ct M CT'V-WfJff J'vk -e NcR + p'< J-V.K] SUBMISSION 244 & 435 TABLED AT THE HE RINGS 29/10/13 A case for rejection of the amendme t The reservation lifted in 1996 is the correct way to proceed for North Fremantle. It allows North Fremantle s culture and highly important herita e to remain intact. This amendment applies a simplistic blanket approach to road design, uninformed by any of the critical background issues of Curtin Avenue extension, Port Options Study, Perth to Fremantle Cycleway, new bridges and significant Heritage issues such as the North Fremantle Town Centre Lack of integration of this Amendment ith critical planning and transport issues 1. Curtin Avenue extension The Fremantle Regional Strategy 1994 proposed a road west of the rail line in North Fremantle referred to as the Curtin Avenue extension. The local community accepted the Curtin Avenue extension as a two lane road and only because of the logic that it was a way of saving the built fabric along Stirling Highway from the damage of a Stirling Highway expansion to 6 lanes. It is a betrayal of community trust to now plan a four lane Curtin Avenue extension as well as propose this Amendment which results in so much damage to buildings along Stirling Highway and in the Town Centre of North Fremantle, thereby destroying its character. The lack of integration of this proposal with the Curtin Avenue proposal, which together feed a total of 8 lanes into North Fremantle at the northern end of the Town Centre is unacceptable. This Town centre is one of the most important Heritage P ecincts in Western Australia. There has been no consultation with local community to provide information for a planning context to this Amendment. 2. Port Options Study Successive governments have ignored the major Port Options Study completed in 1990. The figures in this report showed a new container Port would be needed by 2015 to 2020 -when Fremantle would be at capacity. Most other historic ports in the world have made provision to relocate container operations to a new port with excellent road and rail links to save the historic fabric of the old port and streamline movement of containers. We witness daily the results of this inaction, with over¬ use of the Stirling Bridge by container trucks, and the tortuous path of container trains through the historic west end of Fremantle. 3. Perth to Fremantle Cycleway Surprisingly there is no mention of this cycleway in the Amendment. It is currentlywill be constructed to Mosman Park. Why is the planning not in place for the extension to Fremantle, via North Fremantle? Bicycle paths should not be on Stirling Highway, but alongside the rail and continue into Fremantle with a dedicated lane over the rail bridge. Access from the suburb could be at Alfred Rd or further north. 4. Bridges A new traffic bridge into Fremantle is planned. There may be a need for a new rail bridge. Planning is required to plan for cycle access preferably via the rail bridge into Fremantle. 5. Heritage issues and Town Centre There is a continued attitude that North Fremantle and the histo ic Town Centre does not exist and can continue to be arbitrarily blighted and demolished despite the great importance of this historic gem and it’s recent revival as a destination for music, food, shops and services. Recently a new building on the south end has put back the corner . This is the thrust of all Policy, to maintain the integrity of the centre by preserving it’s edges. Demolishing a group nj r of shops for a bus stop and cutting a sweeping corner off the North end at the church is not acceptable. Important documents: Refer to: Community Map and graphic by Craig Burton in Mapping Report Fremantle City Council Town Centre Policy North Fremantle Town Centre Traffic Study by Voran consultants 1999for Main Roads. This led to the Traffic Calming of the North Fremantle Town Centre. All along the highway this widening affects scores of properties by just slicing the front off them. The building fabric of North Fremantle is rendered worthless by all the historic cottages losing their front fafade. Not to mention walls and other elements, some of them very old and possibly convict built. The comment in the report that the land required is a small amount disguises the fact that the impact of this small amount is huge. Removing the front of the building is as damaging as demolishing the whole building. Is this a ploy to devalue all these properties to the extent the owners are willing to sell to those wishing to amalgamate lots and build high rise. As well as buildings on the Council s heritage list, the curtilage of State listed Heritage buildings is also severely affected. If Main Roads owned properties on Stirling Highway were sold there would be a rapid renaissance and redevelopment could happen. This money could go into much'needed public transport options like buying back the rail line from Kenwick to South Fremantle. Traffic flows Stirling Highway is adequate. Two things should be done, before destruction of property and heritage: Firstly, synchronise the traffic lights all the way from McCabe St to the T- junction at High St Fremantle and from North Fremantle to Perth. Secondly introduce split grades for 2 lanes at critical major intersections. These solutions are widely used in European cities, and are far cheaper than the expense of acquiring more land for ever wider roads. Pedestrians The plan claims to improves pedestrian safety with median islands. The most dan erous place for pedestrians is at Harvest Rd and Stirling Highway, where a massive median exists. It fails to protect pedestrians from the 1960’s wide open road design that allows 2 lanes of speeding traffic to descend on pedestrians around a blind corner. A fatality there a couple of months ago shows that road designs that slow traffic rather than facilitate it are safer for pedestrians. (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address . rlf ... Contact phone number Postco e J. Email address ..<J.:. f . Tips for completing a submission: o Use headings or nu bers to separate different topics and issues o Include ro erty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission ft&t SCJL i b / >k2 L j!g hnM turn over to complete your su mission i e? Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendmen may personall present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the belo 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amen ment whether you no inate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amen ment report. Please choose one of the follo ing; I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) 1 will represente by: Cl Myself - y telephone number (business hours): o A spo esperson Name of spo esperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be con ucte in: d Public (mem ers from the genera! public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the eople nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: 9 The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ® All hearings are recorded an transcr bed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written sub issions, are table in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor appro e the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommen ations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be si ned bv personfs) makin tSie submission Date. Note: Submissions MUST be receive b the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late sub issions will NOT be considere . Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - 27th of July 2012 The Secretary Western Australia Planning Commission 140 William Street PERTH WA 6000 Attention: 1 he Secretary SUBMISSION OPPOSING T E METRO OLITA REGION SCHEME M JOR END E T 1210/41 ¦ R TIO LISATION OF STIRLI G HIGHW Y RESERVATIO The Major Amendment 1210/41 to the Metropolitan Region Scheme (the Amendment) - Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation - is strongly opposed due to the serious consequences it poses to the amenity, sense of place and community, local businesses and heritage of the North Premantle Town Centre (Town Centre) and wider Fremantle area. The proposed road widening depicted in Plan 1.7221, from Queen Victoria Street to the intersection of Stirling Highway and Staple Street, will have a detrimental impact on the Town Centre. The City of Fremantle has recently implemented street calming techniques, such as road crossing islands and on street parking, which has improved pedestrian accessibility and safety within the Town Centre. This has greatly transformed the street and it has fostered the growth of a number of diverse local businesses such as small bars, restaurants and boutique shops creating a vibrant and successful cultural hub. The Amendment will directly impact on a number of the local businesses and in turn have a negative impact on the vibrancy and vitality of the Town Centre as a whole. In addition the increased traffic through the area would contradict the efforts that have been made to create a pedestrian friendly area as higher volumes of traffic would reduce pedestrian permeability and accessibility. It has been extremely disheartening to hear of the Amendments impact on a number of locally Heritage Listed properties. North Fremantle Town centre is a fantastic example of the revitalisation and use of heritage buildings and demonstrates how the preservation of heritage and commercial growth can thrive together. North Fremantle s mix of heritage buildings; residential, commercial and industrial, create an environment with strong sense of place and a unique atmosphere different from anywhere else in the Perth Metropolitan Area. 2 The Amendment proposes to impact a number of locally listed heritage properties including the demolition of 18 of them, this would have a drastic impact on the local heritage of North Fremantle and the wider Fremantle area. This includes the total demolition of the double storey, heritage listed shops from 261 to 267 Queen Victoria Street, which house a number of extremely successful small bars, boutique shops and restaurants with people coming from all over the Metropolitan Area to visit. It would result in a totally unacceptable planning outcome as these businesses and building facades are an integral part of the North Fremantle Town Centre. In addition it is hard to understand why this Amendment would be proposed when the Perth Metropolitan area has been moving towards fostering and promoting the cultural revitalisation of a number of areas throughout the Metropolitan area such as; William Street (Northbridge), Burswood, Subiaco Town Centre and the Perth Northbridge link. The proposed road widening is therefore not reflective of current planning practises which are functioning elsewhere in Perth. North Fremantle is a current example of an exciting and unique cultural hub which is valued by not just North Fremantle residents but those living throughout the metropolitan area. To conclude, the Amendment is strongly opposed on the basis that it will have a detrimental impact on the North Fremantle s local businesses and commercial growth, vibrancy, vitality and heritage, sense of place and pedestrian access of the North Fremantle Town Centre. Yours faithfully JAIMIE EIDSVOLD 0421 463 541 Planning and Development Act 2005 Section 41 mendment (Substantial) Form 41 Submission ( etropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING To: Secretary Weste Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 2 7 JUL 2012 Submission 43? FILE 0 3 i i Name ... .Cffat&. .C... M (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address ../ ff. J f>. (. Contact phone number stcode .... .A A Email address . 1 .1 . i ). . VAA [ Tips for completing a submission: / / o Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues t t o Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission turn ove to complete your submission x Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is tic ed. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: Wo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR " Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented b : . _ Myself- My telephone number (business hours): e/ o CvL j Jl . A s okesperson ' Name of spokesperson:. ft. fr...( Contact telephone number (businessjiours):... Postal address: A-b ../Uffl JfI would efe m hearing to be conducted in: fr tEnbUfaSTLtF...V/A ; fosq Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: 0 The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. e In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. « All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. Note: Submissions MUST be received y the advertised closing date, being close of business (6pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late sub issions will NOT be consi ered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - ttp:/ The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 PERTH WA 6001 Re: Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of StMing Highway Reservation - North Fremantle The proposed amendment through North Fremantle s ould be dropped. The proposal to bulldoze a swathe down Queen Victoria St to create a highway is an appalling idea not worthy of being called planning . I trust the maps were prepared to demonstrate just how crazy it is to knock out a town centre which has thrived sine Fremantle closed off lanes to slow the traffic and create street parking. The planning documentation justifies widening Stirling Highway to create bus lanes and cycle lanes. We already have a bus lane, it s called Queen Victoria Street. Buses stopping on this two lane road are an effective form of traffic calming. Anyone who wants to drive freely and fast through the North Fremantle centre can forget it. Heading into Fremantle, use Stirling Highway and High Street, or Tydeman Road. Unfortunately inept road planning o erlooked the need for a slip lane to turn left off Tydeman into Queen Victoria Street to cross the Traffic Bridge, but this can be retro-fitted to avoid having to queue up behind container trucks. While on that subject, get those trucks off the road, get the containers onto rail, thereby eli in ting the congestion on Stirling Bridge. For traffic leaving Fremantle, use Tydeman Road and Port Beach Road, or use Canning Highway then tu left onto Stirling Bridge. Why sacrifice human values and quality of life for the motor vehicle? Road transport exists to serve us; we citizens don t exist to be subservient to traffic flows. Perhaps I have misunderstood the complicated mapping and the poorly explained need to demolish the Queen Victoria St buildings. Is this amendment furtively slipping in the provision for a left turn slip lane into the much conjectured re-routing of Port Beach Rd/Curtin Ave along the railway to connect into Stirling Hwy at the Queen Victoria St intersection? But your plans showing the red dotted line for that project clearly state that this is not part of the current amendment, and nor should it be, because Fremantle has opposed this plan which came out of the Fremantle to Cottesloe Transport Plan 2001. There is ample underutilised industrial land west of the railway for continuing Curtin Ave to Tydeman Rd. So just forget it, you are not going to take our town centre from us. Of course one way to reduce traffic is to get people, especially commuters, onto bicycles. I appreciate the intention to create bicycle lanes, but there are better ways to provide them than demolishing functional and historic buildings which are the heart of our community. When the Liberal Government shut down the Fremantle railway, I took to my bike and cycled into Perth daily. There were several routes fo avoiding Stirling Highway, some of these have subsequently been made much safer with dual use paths or cycle lanes. When the subsequent Labor Government announced it was re-opening the railway and electrifying it, I rote to the Minister for Transport proposing the construction of a Fremantle to Perth commuter cycle way along the railway reserve. The Minister graciously undertook to examine the proposal, and lo and behold we now have a well used cycleway along the railway line from Perth as far as Grant St (excepting some on-road sections through Shenton Park which I understand have 1/3 recently been funded for relocation on the rail reserve). But for some reason the southern end of the Premier s electorate has missed out again. Your plans clearly show a PSP (Principle Shared Path) along the railway reserve, so hy duplicate it along Stirling Hwy between Fremantle and Claremont? There might be a case for a highway bike path from Claremont to Nedlands, to UWA across to the Mounts Bay Rd cycle path, with a short link from the railway to the highway at Claremont. Nobody really wants to ride along the side of a busy highway sucking in car fumes and being knocked over by ignorant drivers tu ing across the bike lane, as happened to my son-in-law on Port Beach Road. The idea of riding alongside Sti ling Highway is mad. So, simply finish the railway bike path from Grant St to Fremantle to cater for commuter cyclists. For us local cyclists, the existing Stirling Highway footpaths cany few pedestrians (except for the peak hour train commuters between Alfred Road and North Fremantle Station). Just renovate the footpaths as dual use paths from Wellington St, and find a way to wend through the North Fremantle town cent e. Be aware of the distinction between local recreational or shopping cycling (riding into Freo to the picture show and the supermarket, down to the beach for the daily winter swim, to Vanya s for a coffee and so on) and work-commuter cycling. The former can use more complicated paths; the latter need a fast, uncomplicated run, otherwise they will opt for the car to get to work. They need the railway bike path. Then there are the nuances of school bicycle traffic. Mosman Park have recently done a thorough review of inte al bilce traffic, much of it serving schools. Isn’t the WAPC capable of likewise finessing its planni g, rather than calling in the bulldozers? The astonishing thing about this proposed amendment to rationalise Stirling Highway is its brutal lack of consideration of alternatives and of local community amenity, and the an iety it causes among locals and businesses, to solve some kind of undefined problem . Smart planners would come down to North Fremantle, talk to the locals and the Council and see for themselves how a perceived traffic problem is perhaps not such a problem, and how there could be many ways to improve rather than demolish. Simply rolling out standards and “design criteria which were developed for greenfields urban development is totally inappropriate in well established and heritage-rich communities. “Consistency in decision making across six Stirling Highway LGAs (Stirling HwyAmendment Report) is not a reason for reducing our old and valued buildings and the activities theysupport to rubble. Lazy, lowest common denominator planning! Much t lk about “activity corridors , and here you want to turn our local rich activity corridor in Queen Victoria St to another bitumen wilderness in order to meet irrelevant design criteria. I note that the solution proposed for the traffic jam i Claremont is to reduce the speed limit to 50kmh, rather than knock down buildings. Veiy lateral, very elegant, very cheap. Note that we have already done this in Queen Victoria St, so there is no need to take out our old buildings and new enterprises, even for a slip road to a junction that might never materialise. Please apply that kind of problem solving to the rest of the highway. Phasing traffic lights for instance. We have already had several studies of Curtain Avenue, Port Beach Road and Tydeman Road, all calling for an alignment along the railway. Widening Stirling Highway through North Fremantle was never part of the debate; why throw it up now as a fait accompli? 2/3 If Stirling Highway is such a problem, perhaps its time to go back to the Stock Road Dalkeith proposal. Shouldn t be a problem now Dalkeith no longer houses the Premie . I trust you will treat this submission seriously and engage in the necessary dialogue with North Fremantle to solve whateve your problem is without creating one for us. 12 Herbert St North Fremantle WA 6159 cha lienic@westnet. com. au 9335 3214 3/3 Planning and Development Act 2005 t ' i-ii ' . V A is \ Section 41 Amendment (Substantial) Form 41 received Su mission 2 / JUl. Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendm nt 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING 2 7 JUL 2012 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Loc ed Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Name SybmissSosi 438 FILE pA 17\C Address Contact phone number.0. Email address 7/ps for completing a submission: o Use headings or numbers to se arate different topics and issues ® Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission 5 .P. t / e turn over to complete your submission T5 Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: No, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: Myself - My telephone number (business hours): ..Q. i r.. ....?. ?.??..f ? or A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would pref r my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ° The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To e signed by person(s) makin the submission Signature Date . O rz- Note: Submissions MUST be received by the advertise closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone-(08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 PERTH WA 6001 Re: Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisa ion of Stirling Highway Reservation - North Fremantle Thankyou for the opportunity to provide comments. My comments below refer primarily to how the proposed amendments impact on my local neighbourhood of North Fremantle. The proposed amendment as it applies to North Fremantle should be refused. Comments regarding rationale and sco e of amendments The scope of the proposed amendment is overwhelmingly disappointing, at times idiotic and without a sound rationale. It reveals a failure of process of good decision making on behalf of the Department or Transport and demonstrates a total lack of understanding of the North Fremantle community and our needs. The rationale for this amendment is not made clear in the amendment report. The statement that the existing Stirling Highway Primary Regional Roads reservation, south of Jarrad Street, Cottesloe, is ineffectual is as much justification as the report provides for the amendment, however, there is no further detail to explain what was analysed or assumed to develop the proposed amendment and how in fact the measures shown in the amendment address this apparent problem. The amendment proposes fundamental changes to the North Fremantle area without being clear as to what is actually being proposed. Securing of a road reserve for a future link with Curtin Avenue as part of this amendment is not made clear or explained in the amendment report and only shown within a single attached concept plan. This is sneaky and underhanded given the impact of such an amendment. A future link with Curtin Avenue at this point would comprehensively increase the number of vehicles on Queen Victoria Street as well as adversely impact on the quality of the North Fremantle environment in a significant way. It would seem to contradict the albeit thinly argued environmental, social and economic benefits outlined in the amendment report. The Department of Transport and WAPC would know full well that the local community is vehemently against the link with Curtin Avenue at this point on Stirling Highway and the attempt to grant this link legitimacy by stealth through the proposed amendment is appalling. Our city has broader issues to do with traffic congestion, environmental quality (e.g. air) and rapid population growth to name but a few on which transport planning has a distinct impact. However, these must be tackled in holistic way which takes into account the existing structure, character and functioning of communities. The SHAGS project and the proposed amendment takes a purely technical approach to solving apparent problems rather than looking for more flexible solutions. It has chosen ‘Standardised’ planning and design criteria Stirling Highway Reservation Comments Patrick Ford Page 1 and run rough-shod over any adjacent land use or owner which falls within these parameters. In doing so it is proposing to create a whole new suite of problems, including but not limited to: © Destruction of viable businesses and homes; © Dislocation of residents from their community; © Intensification of traffic; © Undermining the civic character and cohesiveness of North Fremantle; Other jurisdictions nationally take a more holistic approach to transport planning than what this proposal, and the process by which it has been developed, has indicated. Read for instance the New South Wales Government s Beyond the Pavement developed by Transport, Marine and Maritime Services (Formerly the RTA - equivalent of our PTA) which provides obligatory urban design guidance for road and transport infrastructure projects. The principles are quoted below: Beyond the Pavement urban design principles The planning and design of road infrastructure should be governed by the principles of: 1. Contributing to urban structure and revitalisation. 2. Fitting with the built fabric. 3. Connecting modes and communities. 4. Fitting with the landform. 5. Responding to natural pattern. 6. Incorporating heritage and cultural contexts. 7. Designing roads as an experience in movement. 8. Creating self-explaining road environments. 9. Achieving integrat d and minimal maintenance design. Had these or a similar set of principles been incorporated into this process there would be no way that such an abject proposal would have eventuated. The community would have had more faith in the process and a more integrated solution to our transport needs could have been delivered. The lack of consideration for these kinds of principles within the proposed amendment is clear. This is a major blindspot within government’s planning apparatus which tends to treat issues of transport planning in total isolation of the needs of people and their communities. Stirling Highway Reservation Comments Patrick Ford Page 2 Comments regard ng practical alternati es to the proposed amendments Some practical alternatives that may deal with some issues for which the proposed amendment is apparently intended, include: o Extending the PSP from Grant Street to Fremantle along the railway line instead of placing a cycle lane on Stirling Highway. ® Extending Curtin Ave to Tydeman Road instead of diverting it to Stirling Highway at the intersection with Queen Victoria Street which would prove a disaster for North Fremantle s community. o Retain Queen Victoria Street as it currently is (single lanes in two directions with parking and street landscaping) so that it continues to grow as a functional, viable and attractive town centre. This includes not pursing a dedicated bus lane travelling north on Queen Victoria Street at the intersection with Stirling Highway. This is unnecessary as the single northbound lane of Queen Victoria street becomes two lanes at this point anyway, so there is already an effective bus priority lane. (Just this alone would spare North Fremantle of some of the most blatantly destructive consequences of the proposed amendment) o Create a generous bus siding on Stirling Highway travelling north at the location of the bus stop adjacent to North Fremantle station (where there is currently plenty of room and no impact on existing buildings and residents) instead of the proposed priority bus lane only 100 metre further south at the intersection with Alfred Road which would force the removal of buildings and residents. o Consider the location of the North Fremantle train station in the context of the long¬ term strategic development of North Fremantle o Consider the strategic future of the port and how it is accessed. Look to minimise the amount of container trucks accessing the port terminal through improving rail infrastructure or the moving of the port to Henderson/Kwinana. Stirling Highway Reservation Comments Patrick Ford Page 3 Comments regarding 8. Sustainability Appraisal The proposed amendment, even assuming easier movement for buses, will only further encourage car usage and undermine its environmental rationale. The expansion of the road reserve as it applies to North Fremantle will reduce amenity and undermine the quality of the current streetscape and recent efforts to landscape the road/public environment around Queen Victoria Street. Contrary to the claim that the proposed amendments provide certainty to land owners the proposal removes certainty by inconsiderately displacing existing businesses and residents and by extending the road reserve boundary over other existing properties and buildings. So-called containment is already happening in North Fremantle, adjacent to Queen Victoria Street for example, because of efforts to pedestrianise the environment, calm traffic and encourage public transport. Queen Victoria Street, and further north towards the intersection with Alfred road are seeing the slow but steady development of residential, commercial, retail and civic infrastructure and a growing sense of a town centre. This proposal (especially the amendment of the road reserve to secure future land fora bridge to Curtin Ave from Queen Victoria Street/Stirling Highway) casts uncertainty over this progress and will undermine the sense of community in North Fremantle. The community asset’ of the highway is defined by the existing businesses and residents who operate, live and interact on its edges - not the highway itself as outlined in the amendment report. This assumption frankly gives a startling insight into the myopia of transport planners and says spades about their lack of consideration for the needs of our community and their lack of regard for the impact that their narrow and technical view of road planning has on the way these communities actually function. The claim that the amendment will encourage new residents, businesses and economic development is idiotic and shameful. The proposal lobotomises an important stretch of businesses on Queen Victoria Street - businesses which have worked very hard over the last few years to become viable. The council and local rate payers, recognising the important contribution they make to the local community in providing vitality, amenity and local commerce, have supported these businesses with efforts to pedestrianise Queen Victoria Street, calm traffic and provide more generous landscaping. This amendment totally undermines these efforts and in doing so is totally at odds with the concerns of the local community. At best this proposal sets back the economic and social development of the North Fremantle town centre by a decade, but this of course assumes that further road widening and new construction (link to Curtin Ave) won t totally destroy the possibility of an amenable, attractive, welcoming and pedestrianised town centre in the future. In general, these paragraphs on the ‘’Environmental’, Social’ and ‘Economic benefits of the amendment are nothing more than a cruel joke which only further shrouds the proposal in distrust and ignominy. One gets the sense that the people who devised these proposals haven’t walked the site or are not skilled in understanding its qualities and the impact of their decisions on these qualities. Stirling Highway Reservation Comm nts Patrick Ford Page 4 I trust that these comments will be treated seriously and will be of benefit to the WAPC. I look forward to a more holistic and appropriate proposal being developed in the future which is based on genuine consultation and understanding of relevant issues. Yours Sincerely, Patrick Ford 24/38 John Street North Fremantle WA 6159 0423 283 194 Stirling Hi hway Reservation Comments Patrick Ford Page 5 SUBMISSION 438 TABLED AT THE HEARINGS 8/11/13 Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Key problems • Rationale is faulty • Concept road design is poor • Will create impacts and outcomes that are overwhelmingly negative ° Process Perth s rapid rate of growth is providing very real challenges to the fabric of the City and to the current planning apparatus. We are facing the threat of: significant traffic congestion, environmental quality (e.g. Air and water) and resilient communities. I support good planning that tackles these challenges However, these must be tackled in holistic way which takes into account the existing structure, character and functioning of communities. The SHAGS project and the proposed amendment takes a purely technical approach to solving apparent problems rather than looking for more flexible solutions. It has chosen Standardised' planning and design criteria and not accounted for any adjacent land uses or built form. In doing so it is proposing to create a whole new suite of problems, including but not limited to: Destruction of viable businesses and homes; Dislocation of residents from their community; Intensification of traffic; Undermining the civic character and cohesiveness of North Fremantle; Poor process is a common theme throughout. 1 Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Rationale: What problem does it solve? Congestion? Clarity and Certainty? Density? Sustainability Appraisal? Clarity and Certainty For whom? On one level, yes the proposal achieves clarity and certainty But while there has been no integration of land-use planning and urban design with the transport planning there is no certainty Density We are told that Directions 2031 is an important driver of this proposal and that the proposal will enable approximately 1500 new residences along the corridor. Sustainability??? Congestion Research and experiences from around the world continually reinforce that road development, of the nature proposed here, leads inexorably to greater volumes of new vehicles and further congestion. Simply, roads beget traffic and more roads will mean more traffic. It is important to ask how this proposal sits in the broader context of the City s traffic movement. What are the strategic centres and destinations beyond the Stirling Highway corridor? Will they welcome more traffic? Particularly while measures to restrict/reduce car trips are being actively promoted in nearly all adjacent local government areas and strategic centres. Claremont is rightly identified as the section of the Stirling Highway which has the most acute peak traffic congestion. The proposal concedes that the road design would include reduced width and speeds - 50km/hr - due to spatial constraints and State heritage listed properties in this section. We are told that features of the road design elsewhere along the highway (width and bus prioritisation for example) will improve traffic flow and mobility. If this is true then it follows that the strategy in Claremont will create congestion rather than relieve it. On the other hand, if it is good enough to respond to the built form parameters of Claremont - the pinch point along the Stirling highway - why is it not good enough for the rest of the highway? Pi Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Concept Road Design - How does it compare to best practice? 5.1 m . . j LSm | t 3.5_m j. 3.5m. 3.5 j. 3.5m 2.Oft j, 3.5m 3.5m I.Sntj 5m l 5.1m Verge Bi e Pnoriry Vehicle Lnne Vehicle Lane Right T rning Median Vehicle Lane ehicle Lane Bike Priorit Bui Lane erge Lane B s Lane Pocket 39 7m Lane Leli Turn Pocket Road Reserve Cross Section C (29.5m Pedestrian C o ing) Bus prio it lane inte ection fo a main T juction inter ecti n Allow me to quickly define what I believe are best-practice principles of transport planning that would be relevant in this case. Good transport planning would: Separate modes and users where possible - such as providing a Principal Shared Path for cyclists and pedestrians rather than a cycle lane. While improving integration with existing and future modal networks. (Pedestrian, bike, vehicle, bus, train, light-rail, freight etc) (See AustRoads guidelines) It would also consider: Downstream congestion impacts Traffic impacts on non-motorized/pedestrian movement and mobility Strategic land use impacts Impacts on physical activity and public health Direct and Indirect environmental impacts - including contributions to the urban heat island effect, acoustic impacts, and air and water quality. Separate modes Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Inconsistent with: • AustRoads • DoP s guidance on integrated transport planning • Context sensitive road design • Global and national research and experience Applying the same road design condition full the length of the highway (with the exception of Claremont) is inconsistent with best practice transport planning. Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Key issues: • Responsiveness to context • Verge and median width • Bus Priority • Cycle lane In general the scale of the road design width will be an imposing barrier to the communities that interact with and must cross the highway. The highway passes through what are fine grained areas, both in terms of existing built form and street networks. The verge and median widths both have an adverse impact in this respect, but so does the Cycle lane would be dangerous and inferior to creating a dedicated PSP along the rail line. Bus priority - is this necessary the full length of the highway? Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway DoF s guidance on Integrated Transport Planning Traffic volumes and choices of mode of travel are influenced by the location, density and mixture of land uses. Pg 75, Department of Plannin Guidelines for the Preparation of Integrated Transport Plans Context sensitive solutions for road network planning seek a deeper understanding of context, particularly in urban places by considering the urban form as a factor that can influence community objectives such as a reduction in auto trips and preservation of open space. Context sensitive solutions analyse land use within a design and activity framework more complex than typical density measures. For example, similar land use developments located in different urban settings will have different trip generation characteristics and will make different contributions to the street context that in turn call for different responses by the road design. AustRoads Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway What impacts would it create? • Destruction of viable businesses and homes • Dislocation of residents from their town centres • Intensification of Traffic • Undermine the civic character and cohesiveness of urban environments Essentially this proposal is destructive. Of residential areas and homes. Of community identity and neighbourhood connectivity. Of pedestrian amenity and comfort. The principal aim of the proposal is to provide clarity and certainty for future road planning and orderly land use planning along the urban corridor. Without land-use planning there is no certainty... Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway So what are the alternatives... Sustainability can be improved, Density increased and Traffic Congestion eased through a more integrated approach to transport planning and land use planning. What is needed is to look at the effectiveness of our modal networks, in particular: Heavy rail Buses Cycling networks Pedestrian networks Separate modes where we can: Invest in a PSP against the railway line rather than cycle lanes, and connect it with a more Good transport planning would: Separate modes and users where possible - such as providing a Principal Shared Path for cyclists and pedestrians rather than a cycle lane. While improving integration with existing and future modal networks. (Pedestrian, bike, ehicle, bus, train, light-rail, freight etc) It would also consider: Downstream congestion impacts Traffic impacts on non-motorized/pedestrian movement and mobility Strategic land use i pacts Impacts on physical activity and public health Direct and Indirect environmental impacts - including contributions to the urban Fremantle line is running well below capacity both in terms of number of trips number of trains and number of carriages. 12 Fremantle line is running well below capacity both in terms of number of trips, number of trains and number of carriages. 13 Fremantle line is running well below capacity both in terms of number of trips number of trains and number of carriages. 14 Fremantle line is running well below capacity both in ter s of number of trips number of trains and number of carriages. Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Good planning needs a good process: • No evidence of land-use planning • No evidence of urban design considerations • No qualitative assessment of affected communities or their environments Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Proposal, by stealth, makes a committment to future amendments such as: • to make Queen Victoria Street 2 lanes of traffic in both directions (otherwise why need the bus prioritisation lane?) • To connect Curtin Avenue with the Queen Victoria Street/Stirling Highway intersection Proposal, by stealth, makes a commitment to future amendments such as: • to ma e Queen Victoria Street 2 lanes of traffic in both directions (otherwise why need the bus prioritisation lane?) • To connect Curtin Avenue with the Queen Victoria Street/Stirling Highway intersection Both of which would destroy the North Fremantle Town Centre and any pretense that the proposal is motivated by Directions 2031. Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Why it should be withdrawn: • rationale is faulty • road design is poor • Impacts to the community would be extraordinary, deleterious and costly The scheme amendment should be withdrawn 20 Proposed MRS Amendment - Stirling Highway Approval would reward: • poor planning • farcical process • poor outcomes for the urban environment and the community In conclusion, approval would send the message that the WAPC is content with not following best-practice in transport planning, is content with poor outcomes in the urban environment and content with a process that is dis-engaged with land-use planning and the community. I understand the importance of the MRS, the difficulty in amending it and the very real impact it has. But there is a cognitive dissonance between how government perceives the benefits of this proposal and how it is perceived by the community. For example where government sees value in clarity the community, more or less, see chaos. In my opinion, the way of overcoming this juncture is through improving processes. By improving the integration between statutory and strategic planning, by improving the integration of transport and land-use planning; and by engaging with the community earlier and more readily. It seems to me that there is excellent guidance on all of these matters available to government - particularly from its own planning department. It is therefore disappointing that it seems to have had no effect on the current proposal. A Planning and Development Act 2005 RECEIVED Section 41 mendment (Substantial) 27 JU ' >2 Form 41 Su mission [ etropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of-Stirli g Higtiway Reservation DEPARTMENT 0T PLAIWING| OFFICE USE ONLY 2 7 JUL 7012 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 Submissio 439 FILE Name TPG Town Planning Urban Design and Heritage (PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address P .B°.X 7375 Cloisters Square, Perth Postcode ...6850 Contact phone number..08.9289 8.300 Email address . Reter:simPson@tP9wa:com:au Tips for completing a submission: ° Use headings or numbers to se arate different to ics and issues ° Include roperty addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant ° Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to complete your submission Submission Submission prepared on behalf of the owners of Lot 20 (No. 168) Stirling Highway, Nedlands. turn over to complete our submission Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: m Mo, I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: dl Myself - My telephone number (business hours): or C A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR C Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: a The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be si ned by person(s) making the submission Signature /T. Date .2.7. .7 J Note: Submissions WlJdST be received by the advertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions will NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - PERTH SYDNEY Our Ref: 712-322 Your Ref: 1210/41 26 July 2012 The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 TOWN PLANNING AND URBAN DESIGN PERTH WA 6001 Dear Sir RATIONALISATION OF STIRLING HIGHWAY RESERVATION (MRS 1210/41) - LOT 20 (NO. 168) STIRLING HIGHWAY, NEDLANDS TPG Town Planning, Urban Design and Heritage (TPG) has been appointed by the landowners of No. 168 Stirling Highway, Nedlands to prepare an objection to the proposed MRS Scheme Amendment 11210/411 - Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation. PROPERTY DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION The subject property at Lot 20 (No. 168) Stirling Highway, Nedlands is located in the City of Nedlands and is currently subject to the statutory provisions of Town Planning Scheme No. 2 (TPS 2). The subject pro erty is 1181m2 in size and located on the southern side of Stirling Highway at the Waroonga Road intersection. The legal description and details of the subject site are summarised in the following table. A copy of the certificate of title is contained in Attachment A of this document. The land is not encumbered by any easements. m lan Address Vol/Folio Proprietor ml 1590 168 Stirling Highway, Nedlands 2099/886 | CITI Fidelity Nominee Co Pty Ltd | The site is currently developed with a recently constructed office building comprising of two levels of office space, basement tenant car parking and visitor car parking at the ground level. The majority of the ground floor has a 16.94 metre front setback to Stirling Highway and the majority of the upper floor has a front setback of 14.87 metres. A portion, comprising an internal emergency stairwell is setback 11. 4 metres from Stirling Highway. The basement level comprising of 32 tenant car bays, stores, plant rooms and a change room is setback approximately 5.3 metres from Stirling Highway. When the subject site was developed, the development was based on the 5 metre setback policy the WAPC applied at the time. PERTH OFFICE Level?, 182 St Georges T e PO Box 7375 Cloisters Square Telephone+61 8 9289 8300 The Planning Group WA Pty Ltd Perth Western Australia 6000 Perth Western Australia 6850 Facsimile +61 8 9321 4786 ABN 36 097 273 222 vvw . tpg wa The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission RATIONALISATION OF STIRLING HIGHWAY RESERVATION (MRS 1210/411 LOT 20 [NO. 168] STIRLING HIGHWAY, NEDLANDS, CURRENT MRS ZONING Under the provisions of the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) almost the entire property falls within the 'Primary Regional Road' reservation (PRR), approximately 1062.9 square metres (90%). Specifically the current reservation boundary intersects the site along the western boundary 45 metres from Stirling Highway and again along the eastern boundary 44 metres from Stirling Highway. The remainder of the subject site, approximately 118.1 square metres (10%) is zoned 'Urban'. PROPOSED MRS ZONING The proposed Stirling Highway Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment will substantially reduce the existing PRR reser ation of the subject site from approximately 1062.9 square metres to approximately 327 square metres of land. Specifically the proposed reservation boundary would intersect the property 13.3 metres from Stirling Highway along both side boundaries. Adjoining properties along Stirling Highway in this location are similarly affected by the proposed scheme amendment. This alignment cuts straight through the basement level parking and a portion of the emergency stairwell on site. Refer to Attachment B - Proposed MRS Amendment on Subject Site Refer to Attachment C - Impact of Proposal on Existing Development OBJECTION TO PROPOSED AMENDMENT Our client supports the initiative of the WAPC to rationalise the PRR reservation in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) that presently exists over the subject property. However, the landowner has serious concerns and objects to the PRR reservation as currently proposed under MRS Amendment 1210/41. The primary reason for the object are as follows: Visitor Parking The proposed scheme amendment would have a serious impact on the availability of visitor parking onsite. The proposed reservation would require the removal of all eight-visitor bays at the front of the property. These bays are crucial to the tenant, are well utilised and located immediately adjacent to the entrance. Limited formal parking opportunities exist within the locality and street parking on Waroonga Road is already relied upon. The closure of these visitor bays will result in additional vehicles parking along Waroonga Road, raising both safety and amenity concerns for residents and motorists. Basement The proposed PRR boundary intersects the basement level and would remove at least seven tenant car bays, two storerooms and the fan motor room and exhaust riser. This would require the basement to be redesigned and reconstructed at significant cost. Including both the ground floor and basement car bays, the total number of bays onsite would be reduced from 40 to approximately 25. This not only compromises the commercial viability of the site but severely impacts the car parking compliance of the development. 2 The Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission RATIONALISATION OF STIRLING HIGHWAY RESERVATION [MRS 1210/ 11 LOT 20 [NO. 168] STIRLING HIGHWAY, NEDLANDS. The City of Nedlands Town Planning Scheme No. 2 (TPS 2] requires that an 'Office' use have 4.75 car bays per 100m2 of gross leasable floor area. Based on a gross leasable floor area of 957.22m2 the development has a car-parking requirement of 46 bays. The reduction in parking as a result of the resumption of the proposed PRR reservation would result in a shortfall of 21 bays. This reduction would not be supported and is considered excessive. Emergency Stairwell The proposed PRR boundary intersects the emergency stairwell to the northwest of the building. The stairwell is a safety requirement and cannot be removed without an alternative being constructed. In relation to the subject site the PRR reservation has been aligned to accommodate a verge of 5.1 metres wide. It is noted that in the WAPC Amendment Report, dated March 2012, the Road Design Requirements for Stirling Highway makes provisions for verges to be '4.5 metres in constrained areas'and '4. / metres in severely constrained isolated locations'. Given that these provisions can be made the removal of the emergency stairwell is not warranted. PREFERRED MODIFIED AMENDMENT AND CONCLUSION In light of the above, we believe that the impact of the PRR boundary in relation to the subject property is unacceptable given that in its current form the scheme amendment would have a catastrophic impact on the property and the availability of parking onsite. The current proposal severely reduces parking availability for both tenants and visitors and has serious implications on the structural fabric of the building, notably the basement level and emergency stairwell. Accordingly, we respectfully request that the Commission extend the 'Urban' zone northward to include the basement parking area. This realignment would provide for the retention of tenant and visitor parking, emergency stairwell, storerooms and exhaust riser. Should you have any queries in relation to the above, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned Yours sincerely TPG Town Planning And Urban Design 3 ATTACHMENT A Certificate of Title REGISTER NUMBER 20/P1590 AUSTRALIA DUPLICATE EDITION DATE DUPLICATE I UED N/A N/A RECORD OF CERTIFICATE OF TITLE VOLUME FOLIO 2099 886 UNDER THE TRANSFER OF LAND ACT 1893 The person described in the first schedule is the registered proprietor of an estate in fee simple in the land describe below subject to the reservations, conditions and depth limit contained in the original grant (if a grant issued) and to the limitations, interests, encumbrances and notifications shown in the second schedule. REGISTRAR OF TITLES LAND DESCRIPTION: LOT 20 ON PLAN 1590 REGISTERED PROPRIETOR: (FIRST SCHEDULE) CITI FIDELITY NOMINEE CO PTY LTD OF 117 STIRLING HIGHWAY, NEDLANDS (T G774044 ) REGISTERED 24 APRIL 1998 LIMITATIONS, INTERESTS, ENCUMBRANCES AND NOTIFICATIONS: (SECOND SCHEDULE) 1. G774045 MORTGAGE TO BANK OF WESTER AUSTRALIA LTD REGISTERED 24.4.1998. Warning: A current search of the sketch of the land should be obtained where detail of position, dimensions or area of the lot is required. * Any entries preceded by an asterisk may not appear on the current edition of the duplicate certificate of title. Lot as described in the land description may be a lot or location. E D OF CERTIFICATE OF TITLESTATEMENTS: The statements set out below are not intended to be nor should they be relied on s substitutes for inspection of the land and the relevant documents or for local gove ment, legal, surveying or other professional advice. SKETCH OF LAND: PREVIOUS TITLE: PROPERTY STREET ADDRESS: LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA: 2099-886 (20/P1590). 1674-85, 1655-795. 168 STIRLING HWY, NEDLANDS. CITY OF NEDLANDS. LANDGATE COPY OF ORIGINAL NOT TO SCALE Mon Apr 16 14:16:02 2012 JOB 38952058 ATTACHMENT B Proposed MRS Amendment on Subject Site Proposed Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) Amendment Reduction in land required for road purposes No. 168 (Lot 20) Stirling Highway, Nedlands Proposed area required 327 m2 subject to survey extract of proposed changes: plan number 1.7145 ( 95-b) J Existing reserve boundary Western i Australian Planning Propose reserve boundary Scale 1: 00 Commission nedSS.dgn 10 Aug 2011 Produced by MappVig & GooSpa al Dala Branch. Oepartmenl of Planning, Perth V/A On be 3II ol lha Western Au-.l a'ian lan irg Commission. Base information suppKrd b estern ustralian Lend Ir ormation utho ity LI 430-2009-1 Property boundary GDA Proposed area required E3 0 8 I I metres Note: All dimensions are i etres. ATTACHMENT C Impact of Proposal on Existing Development D AWING NOTES Proposed Primary Regional Roads Reservation M' II ¦ 1 SS S fiSirllrDfg Hwy BASEMENT PLAN - RC H 1 T E C T 3 117 STIRLING HIGHV AY. NEDLAND5 A 6009 telephone (09)336 8840 fax (09)386 62 3 IWS riMr |.n.l;.|,vli •JOB j DWC-. | REV. 9803.031 \ | l! mi "/xA) - V'' ' uojssjiuqns jnoA e a|diuoo oj jsao ujrq ' - ' ';''' ..... p.|"y i j j "y "'w' j j ' l| "" pl '\j j v 0 v ' . o. '''' f j o ,c...l. ''X- r'] , .' c "" 3 ' K !o '' rjp' '" ' w » ' (.. v ¦.••.• -X • o > . . v- i c1 ' p r •v?: |' 1 - j? 'j ' r- > V o>" ' v py'' '(p n' i fV ¦ ri ~i x xr ™ ::X' 7T'?:y V \ 7 0 "p ' 0 X rv,-',7 Vj 5 J oS' Ae la b h /CJ VlV.' xA'iU ' Yj-P iY/ [vj ..../....J.. '' •"• ""c jp'"" &"''iK.:ur)'c7 o '' ' vo ~)if j ij i. AA-op' p-j p , X>' pj p px y? 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This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: , I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR / E Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be epresented by: .... , Q Myself - My telephone number (business hours): ... . . . . ... . or C A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): ;.. Postal address: I would p efer my hearing to be conducted in: E Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR E Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: o The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ° In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ° All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by erson(s) making the submission Signature Note: Submissions MUST be received by the a vertised closing date, being close of business (5pm) on 27 JULY 2012. Late submissions ill NOT be considered. Contacts: Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax - (08) 6551 9001;; Website - i < ¦ f ir\ vt if Jj i 12 t I r-t i / _ _ A a J- . « - (o( t'ti > \ kv\~ito-\£ Cc77£ V- '\ c . ( /\ ri 7 f li 1 5 C / h>c idi i.(A S e>A 7i<C d )1 7 ? 1 k a 7 *r f/ " DOO Lt l-te i -A ' C- oi Q -J < -\ D .>* l CA. f c . 'c/L A o\ 1G2Aa v c Ilisi . lai v ot < .7 7 Co m i/ .n 1 k -t? S Cl/ 4 - rt/ - i-y j 1 tt/ fY A A - f Lt .'li t c\r ~ sI x n/yk c i -o I l 37 i f 1 . " - ' 'l L % i v_ oljoO. i't i Q suSi cis xlL >' C -i. I C' -Jt I V v 'y / - si -Q J C -LX - lQACi [0 - ( 1 OCc-a// \jhAnr o(m o - / << 0l CCOJAti v.S. ,; ¦ o , sj_Jg v, -- •«-1 diol _) (ri- /, TS l \ _ L g y 0/ - g TO A 3 U- C )ycy 3 il/ I , , . ksi »" cA '5- ~ g, J; j - wV J. <- .\ , /;'7 1 v // .a tCoc c . , /9\ (V etinl jy/VtV'- ( r tv\G-eltt ~s c 7 iZ ' 7 7 1 ) O 'l,77,l i ClX (-;,o \ , A . ) O jLM onC-eZ ( / 1 / 'bjpVuj ydijf 'f ' j PS uojss iqns jmo 9j0|ciujoa o? jsao tun} 'SMo i'oj' SD'' 'udISSUa)qn' '' '.yy na i// dli fjif '(m) ¦o' 'Xij'\iy/ ' &rtY)' (r ixii' itii.y'jc)' 'diAfy yC(/y?'Mj''pjoAl'bj''.'fnct'af ' .jYf pjiioM f'''AA/ /hji c ' fxja/ij '- ddiS W u VOi/'J/j$ "J-jo' W j' Guiotjni' p bCj '' y ( u' // jo' i // y/'y -)'' )i// ' 'udijoJ 'jpi Ay A j' pj Mjb j t) aj' ji/' 'j/w ''' YCio YsPuYCf YP ' iY upA / i7/' / WXpjii) jmrjCj jcjju' ij'j i/ "j XIXfG' yA/j 'Puofb' ftoh'su' PdwtjO' ' fjAit/ ' ypAoj' 'V/// ?' 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Qnd l/v, d nger af mno Irqff c cl tsk o l\h//<Y s hale I is a vccyj re ell da yc. or he d cem es hu /he, qufe/y off'/n che/eje'em cm/lie. lri&h The ficnhcjO Prtc/Acf oh Chromrnh needs h be p/orcc rcl ivlw eertr pos ible s rr fuh/m (jon&raho S of Clq e/no l rf /d h can Cnja/ i sun foun s qn m Ho/ qrjC dryras of M area. Wo of fires f has txony Syruf/Ccml Pla e shjlc ol rCS/d pcyx, These resrden as and Vvl> sh .ed need !o he profthrxf ayi g mere. rn fc, dire/tod to vJdlor SfreeJ wW Cjmlab f tur l)ioy thro gh V/bna/uois s foliation h the edrrmmt of this edreof, m addi ion to/kfunthf o/so thrf /// he cop r ib lod do a a is a su bur hem, local s/me./r f /o turn night out of Wot key Sinead cm to 5 //biyg rghifg (S' 01 readn d uxjnfous and t /s dan C/ is f r he/ emhanctei uf/ncj prat traf ic peneds ff righ hand urning lane wi / o/lg erve to furthxb/ h s dagger , The tes sofu trn in this case i to not allow ci right laon turn o to Sind mg H h Way fo nut/ffg the C/hanU of a scm/rus a ca nt Th/s weald q/so 6 cxmd sknf tmth of hem drt.eds 5/ 1/ i/ d mate, rjnd sense, tv allow tra-Pfup to flow +hroVh be Loch Sfrt l art* Lew Ccocme SaffLc hpt vxto s, and mmmvec disivrba ce to Walk/ Slrmt an /Is residents. Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submissio to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not com ulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amen ent whether you nominate to speak at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of t e amendment report. Please choose one of the following: , I do not wish to speak at the hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to s eak at the earings. (Piease complete the follo ing details) I will be represented b : Myself - My telephone number ( usiness hours):. ff&Q or A spokes erson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: I wo ld refer my hearing to be conducted In: Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR rivate (only the people nominated y you or the hearings committee will be permitted to atten ) You should be aware that: a The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to t e WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. • In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, may be disclosed to third parties. ® All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of all earings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public recor s should the Governor approve t e proposed amendment. T e WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signe bv personfs) making the subm ssion Signature.... . Date .. Jy./ M. Note: Submissions MUST be recei ed by the ad ertise closing date, being close of business (5p ) on 27 JULY 2012. L te submissions will NOT be consi ere . Contacls: Telephone - (08) 6551 000; Fax-(08)6551 9001;; Websilo - http://www.plannIng.wa.go .au DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING Planning an Development Act 2005 2 7 JUL 2012 Sec ion 41 mendment (Substantial) Form 41 FILE S jv l h . Su mission IVletropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1210/41 Rationalisation of Stirling Highway Reservation OFFICE USE ONLY Submission 442 To: Secretary Western Australian Planning Commission Locked Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 i_~ ™ « Name.. hlOM AS>... AtriP.... PKAt4.C£acA ..Smf . sl , nr(PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY) Address Postcode f... Email address . r'iClFfL' ;,A! rt ° Contact phone number Tips for completing a submission: \ Use headings or numbers to separate different topics and issues o Include property addresses and specific location descriptions where relevant o Attach additional numbered pages if you require more space to com lete your sub ission Submission % ¦* :* *••*** * •»* * ¦ .*:« * * * t W. > tu o e to complete your submiss on &§« /A Hearing of submissions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment ma personall present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below 'Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. Your written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you nominate to spea at the hearings or not. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose one of the following: No, I do not wish to speak at t e hearings. (Please go to the bottom of the form and sign) OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) I will be represented by: C Myself - My telephone number (business hours): I or A spokesperson % Name of spokes erson: Contact telep one number (business hours): Postal address: I would prefer my hearing to be conducted in: iz Public (members from the general public may attend your presentation) OR Private (only the people nominated by you or the hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: ® The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC may be subject to applications for access under the act. ® In the course of the WAPC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of our submission or the substance of that submission, ay be disclose to third parties. ® All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The transcripts of ail hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should the Go e or approve the proposed amendment. The WAPC recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To be signed by personfs) making the submission Signature Y.ggj Contacts:' Telephone - (08) 6551 900; Fax-(08) 6551 9001;; Website - hitp;/ 1 (o Thomas and Francesca Steffen (9 alter Street Claremont 6010; 0408932501) r Introduction: We purchased our home at 9 Walter Street 12 years ago and live there with our two children. We were and still are attracted to Walter Street by its heritage homes and consistent streetscape; an important part of which is the tree lined nature of the street. T is heritage precinct of Claremont is an important part of Perth history and valued by its residents and we elieve the broader community. Im act of the proposed modifications on the residents: We believe the proposed modifications will have the following ne ati e impacts: Greater traffic flow t rough Walter Street making t e street less suitable for families with small children. Currently Walter Street an the surrounding streets are family oriented and populated, which will be compromised. Greater traffic flow leading to St Thomas Primary School, (at the north end of Walter Street) posing a safety risk to the children currently getting to school by foot or bike from the surrounding streets. \ The likely need to widen Walter Street which will mean remo ing at least one ro of trees an a erge thus destroying the streetscape. We believe it is contradictor to on one hand heritage list the homes in the street due to their street appeal, and then destroy this app al by remo ing the trees and verges. Duplication of the thoroughfare already in place via Loch Street, thereby further dissecting the heritage area and destroying the value of the area and its heritage im ortance; via the introduction of increased traffic. Turning right from Stirling Highway already presents a major hazard for cars turning towards Fremantle from Walter Street. Given the adjacent bus stop and businesses on the other side of the Stirling Highway, traffic is regularly constricted to one lane, resulting in turning into Walter Street from the city taking a long time. This makes a right turn out of Walter Street ery hazardous. We belie e it is already a major issue which should be addressed ia blocking off Walter Street. Traffic flo observations: While we are not aware of the logic behind the proposed modifications, we speculate that it is to allo enhanced access for Gugeri street for traffic coming from the city on Stirlin Highway. Currently this traffic flows via och street onto Gugeri directly, an also via Melville and Chancellor. We believe the better solution to allowing flo of traffic in the area is to enhance traffic flow through t ese existing paths, instead of creating another. Durin peak times, traffic on Gugeri street ban s bac from Claremont often to and beyond the Gugeri/Melvilie T-junction (please refer sketch (a) attached). This means that there is often a queue of traffic on Melville turning left onto Gugeri. Increasing traffic flow through Walter will exacerbate this, potentially to the point where turning right from Walter onto Melville is blocked at peak times. This sit ation is worst around school start/finish and a ound 5-6pm. This coincides with the time when St Thomas students are dropped off an icked up and will further hinder this due to the increased congestion. Again, guiding the traffic in those heavy periods via Chancellor an Loch Streets is more effecti e as left turns onto Gugeri are not obstructe by the queue of traffic from Claremont f We believe this could be achie ed by lengthening the turning lane at Loch Street lights on Stirling Highway, and also by blocking off the right turn from Stirling Highway onto alter Street. Similarly, increasing the length of the turning lane at Leura Avenue lights to allow traffic flow to Gugeri Street ia this route would be very useful as during pea times this is not over-utilised, allowing an easy right-turn onto Gugeri from Leura and onto the Shenton Roa underpass; or left into Claremont (please refer to sketch (b) attached). A safer, more sustainable an better solution for Claremont: We belie e lengthening the turning lane at Loch Street and possibly Laura Street lights and also blocking off the right turn fro Stirling Highway onto Walter Street will: sustain the streetscape and heritage importance of the locale, result in a safer outcome for the students of St Thomas result in a safer outcome for cars turning right from Walter onto Stirling, sustain the value of the area, im rove safety for families li ing in the area; and represent a more sustainable solution as the tree-lining of the street can be maintained. We believe the tra fic flow can be managed via Lock and Leura Streets which are already furnished with traffic lights and round-abouts to facilitate flow of traffic bet een Stirling High ay and Gugeri Street. We appreciate your consideration of our concerns and welcome the opportunity to present our views. \Ce. -oU ( ) MofflinAve SI reel S © 5>H eCucoicM Pd S / Loch gj offlin Ave si fee, Sin I; c P3 Judge Ave Se i ¦ |9 61 d jwgro nd q e iian Ccnlfft Cert Showgro nds f r O E 5 W 2 5 (7 o Mel ille Sr I 0) 3 § n> •t. w (A Rowe Park (/) Stevens Si Smith St ¦amont to Corner Store S' 30XMQ|MKtt sW* ¦ Ctaremon! jaapS b.©' [.a. Medical Oilnhe De nings jKllp tia LL • 0 i B |j & c: € -> CP g 7) o 0 1 . i Jenkins Avo R) *< nnimontl Rd cx y, I ( ( 4 U e. C C .o f k ( \ C < /l t c tv. e g? ¦r C? c l - i V I i k. Ic, C / rA rC Pcv e,. > / @001 1/10 2012 14:49 FAX 93846669 93846669 ¦s- Planning and Development Act 2005 DEPART 1' '1 P NNING Section 41 Ame dment (Substantial) Form 41 - 2 OCT 2012 o § Submission Metropolitan Region Scheme Amen ment 1210/41Rationalisation of Stirling Highway eservatio OFFICE USE ONLY SU MISSION NUMBER To: Secretary 443 Western Australian Planning Commission Locke Bag 2506 Perth WA 6001 ]/i Q r_ (Hi . .R. W. Name A, . (PliEASE PRINT CLEARLY) . Address .(....g .!4-.. .. ...WTr A o Contact phone number . Postcode ....<?« / Email address T/ps for completing a submission: ® t/se headings or numbers to separate different to ics and issu s Includ property addresses and s ecific location descri tions wh re r levant o Attach additional numbered pages if yo requi e more space to complet our submission Submission .a Idm. - . b&teUXl. at M/GfitM St t/M A J6&. P VcMr/k/. tfjy. Ml- £. tUJt/MA fVXJ&y. ... psfkks. w.m. Wp k .11. ... fi.Kb.. i. 4. .¦Sr .... k&l:... Affd .. SmM t&l. i /m upi. r ..Mkfls...Jk.Ml kkk .k ...r. PPF.~.:.i . &e...f fr ....Ai....M ....... .PApf.r.rd....Am.fiK&f&eff.. .... ... ..Au ...y u oi>.. IMp.. ..Me.?.- over to compiefe your s bmission .. 1 1001 a_"/10 2012 14:51 FAX 93846669 nnD 93846669 DDn Heari g of su missions Anyone who has made a written submission on the amendment may personally present the basis of their submission to a sub-committee of the WAPC if the below Yes' box is ticked. This is not compulsory. You written submission will be considered in determining the recommendation for the proposed amendment whether you no inate to speak at the hearings or et. Further information on submissions and hearings is included in Appendix E of the amendment report. Please choose on© of the following; Mo, I do not wish to speak at t e hearings. (Please go to he bottom of the form and sign) w OR Yes, I wish to speak at the hearings. (Please complete the following details) i will b® represente by: Cki Myself - My telephone number (business hours): 3 or FI A spokesperson Name of spokesperson: Contact telephone number (business hours): Postal address: II would prefer m hearing to b© conducted in: [S Public (members from the general public may a tend your presenta ion) OR I I Private (only the people nominated by you or the'hearings committee will be permitted to attend) You should be aware that: The WAPC is subject to the Freedom of Information Act 1992 and as such, submissions made to the WAPC maybe subject to applications for access under the act. o In the course of the W PC assessing submissions, or making its report on these submissions, copies of your submission or the substance of that submission, ay be disclosed to third parties. o All hearings are recorded and transcribed. The tra scripts of all hearings, along with all written submissions, are tabled in Parliament and published as public records should t e Governor approve the proposed amendment. The WA C recommendations are similarly published in a report on submissions and tabled in Parliament. To Foe maki g the submission Contacts: Telephone - (Q8) 5551 900; Fax-(08) 6361 9001;; Website - hllpV/vAW/